Research and Development of Maglev and Application of Related
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PERSPECTIVE RResearchecent A andctiv Developmentities in Veh ofic Maglevle Tech andno lApplicationogy Resea ofrc Relatedh and DTechnologiesevelopme ntot Conventional Railways Makoto ISHIGE Ken NAGASHIMAVehicle Structure Technology DTakashiivision SASAKAWA Maglev Systems Technology Division Maglev Systems Technology Division (Former) RTRI is conducting R & D with the aim of improving railway safety, reducing main- tenanceThis papercosts, presents and improving recent findings rail servicesfrom RTRI by regarding introducing the development higher running of fundamental speeds. technologies Approxi- formately maglev half (magnetic of all R levitation) & D for and vehicles the application is concentrated of maglev on technology safety, mainly to the conventional focusing on railway research sys- tem.on running This paper safety also introducesevaluation the methods latest developments such as flange regarding climb the derailment future use of andmaglev, crashworthiness information re- portedevaluation. at WCRR2019, To improve and relatedthe quality news fromof railway and outside services Japan. for passengers, other research and de- velopment aims to improve ride comfort by reducing vibration, developing tilting technology Keyand words: noise reduction. maglev, conventional This paper railway, gives high-temperature an overview of superconducting current research magnet, and grounddevelopment coil, condition being conducted monitoring,in the Vehicle rail brakeStructure Technology Division, the status of crashworthiness evalu- ation, and of work to improve ride comfort. Keywords: vehicle, crashworthiness, ride comfort 1. Introduction two speakers from Japan to overview the current state of Japanese maglev-related work, a speaker from Germany also made a presen- 1. InThetro developmentduction of superconducting maglev technology has 2tation.1 C tool ldescribeision a thena lapplicationysis of high-temperature superconduc- been promoted based on a Master-plan for Superconductive Maglev tors to maglevs, and a speaker from Spain described the Hyperloop, TechnologicalThe Rail wDevelopment,ay Technic ajointlyl Res edraftedarch Ibyns ttheitu Centralte has Japanbeen whichCa hasr b orecentlydy stru becomectures ac amajorpable topic of r eofdu discussion.cing pass eHyperloopnger and pRailwayursuin gCompany researc h(“JR and Central”) develop andme nRTRI,t to a inch responseieve a h itogh ae circur lev-- cisr eaw high-speed injuries i ntransportation collisions a systemt level conceptcrossin gthats a startedre an iwithmpo ra- elarl o issuedf railw ina 1990y sa fbyet ythe, h thenighe Ministerr qualit yof oTransport.f service RTRI’sby inc r“Mastereasing tproposalant com bypo thenen Americant of railw businessmanay safety. I Elonn an Musk,y desi ingn which proce as strain for rplanunn –in Researchg speed sand am Developmentongst other Creatinggoals, a thend Futureto low ofer Railwaysmainte- crunsar b inod ay vacuum struct uorr edecompressions that offer htubeigh inle ordervels otof reducesafety running in col- n–a nRESEARCHce costs. A p2025prox i[1],”mat ewhichly hal fstarted of all inve hFY2020,icle res estatesarch athatnd lresistance,isions, it aimingis not rforea lai smaximumtic to con speedduct cofol l1,200ision km/h.tests rSeveralepeat- d“R&Develo pofm esuperconductingnt relates to vmaglevehicle willrun nbein conductedg safety easva researchluation ecompaniesdly using are ac developingtual vehic lthises. system.A more practical approach is to mactivitiesethods whileaime dfocusing for exa mainlymple aont fthelan ongoingge clim bapplication derailme ofnt tech and- evaluAta tthee c beginningrashwort ofhi nthees ssession, using Professornumeric Osakial an ofal ythesis Univer. In an- cnologiesrashwo rsuchthin ases superconductorss evaluation. T ando im linearprov motorse the qtou conventionalality of rail asitytte ofm pTokyot to v gaveerify a alecturend im entitledprove “Linearthe acc Motoruracy Powered of a co lUrbanlision srailways.ervices fAtor thepa ssameseng time,ers, RR&DTRI forha maintainings been wor knecessarying to im technoprove- aTransportationnalysis meth inod Japan.”, a coll iProfessorsion tes tOsaki was creviewedonducte thed [ 1technology]. In this rlogicalide co mcapabilitiesfort thro willugh beth conductede mitigat asio nfundamental of car bod research.”y elastic vi- tandest ,results an ac tofu athel-s icommercialze, stainle soperations steel, pofa rthetia lLinimo car bo d(Japanesey struc- bratiTheon, followingthe deve lsectionsopment describe of car btrendsody t inilt researching and andoth developer tech-- tmedium-lowure of a le aspeedding vmaglevehicle onwa Aichis cra sRapidhed o nTransitto a r iEasterngid wa lHilll to nmentolog irelatedes, an dto t hmaglevse inves tworldwide,.igation of m Ine athens tsecondo abat ehalf, noi swee. will gLine)athe andr fu thend aLinearment aMetrol dat subwaya inclu (adi nnon-maglevg the car systembody’s that im pusesact mainlyOf introducethe rece RTRI'snt res ebasicarch research and d eonve maglevlopme nandt p itsro japplicaects in- dae linearform amotor).tion b eAccordinghavior (F toig Prof.. 1). AOsaki,long thesewith linearthis, motor-drivenFEM simu- vtionehi ctole the st conventionalructure tec hrailway.nology, this paper reports on those lurbanation transportation of the colli ssystemsion tes havet (F itheg. advantage2) was c oofn dofferingucted, wsmoothhich related to crashworthiness evaluation and ride comfort en- soperationhowed t hwhilste FE Mbeing sim economical,ulation ov eenvironmentallyrall capable o ffriendly, accura tandely hancement. providing good ride comfort. He added that considering the declin- 2. Recent trends in maglev-related research ing birthrates/aging population issues and global environmental is- sues in the future, it is important54 km/h to improve these systems and en- 54 km/h 22.1. C Presentationsrashworthi nate thess eWorldvalua Congresstion on Railway Research courage the spread of their use worldwide [4]. (WCRR) In a lecture entitled “Progress of the Superconducting Maglev The design standards for railway vehicle car body Chuo Shinkansen,” Dr. Kitano of JR CentralRunning gave updates regarding strucRTRIture s heldin J theapa 12thn w eWorldre for mCongressulated wonit hRailwayout cra sResearchhing in the technology, including on progress in the construction of the Running mWCRRind. A 2019s su atch the, th Tokyoey do International not provid Forume guid overance five on cdaysolli sfromion Chuo ShinkansenRigid wall project by the Superconductingcarriage Maglev (SC- carriage sOctobercenario 20,s a n2019d ot h[2].er Themea WCRRsures t waso ev aestablishedluate veh toic loverviewe crashw theor- MAGLEV), long-term durability of high-temperature supercon- tstatehine ofss .railway Europ etechnologicalan countrie sdevelopment and the Un worldwideites State ands ho discusswever, ducting magnets, wireless power supply systems for on-board htheav efuture desi gdirectionn stand aofr dwork.s for vIte ish ictheles world’s which largestencom internationalpass crash- power supply, research on passenger comfort, and new vehicle wconferenceorthiness on. E railwayach of tresearch.hese sta nThisdar time,ds, h oitw waseve heldr, di finfe rJapan as th forey models [5]. wtheer efirst dra timefted in o n20 t hyearse ba sandis owelcomedf each c o424unt rparticipantsy’s own r afromilw a37y Fig.In a1 lecture Collision entitled test “Maglev using an Ground actual-size Transportation car body with sdifferentystem, a ccountriescident e xandpe r569ien cparticipantse and othe fromr loc aJapan.l spec ifDetailsicatio nofs .the High-Temperature Super-conductors (HTS),” Dr. Werfel of ATZ in Fig.2 Fig.1 conferenceWhile rwereefer rpublisheding to th ine pRTRI’sroven bulletinstan54da rAscentkm/hds of t[3].hes Ine caddioun-- Germany began a technical54 km/h discussion on two types of maglev tech- ttion,ries thecan maglev-related be helpful in presentations facilitating werethe smadetudy inof theve h“Maglevicle de- nology: normal conducting maglev “Transrapid” which was devel- sandign Otherstan dFixedards Guidewayfor crash wTransport”orthines sessions in Ja outpan of, ithet is eight also orga nec-- oped in Germany and put to practical use in Shanghai, and the su- enizedssar ysessions to cons andider in J athepa n“Maglev’s own candha rRollingacteris tStock”ics wh interactiveilst doing perconducting maglev “SCMAGLEV,” developed in Japan. Dr. spostero. On esession. of the The cra contentssh accid ofen theset typ eeventss wit hare h ibrieflygh priRunning odescribedrity for Werfel also talked about the advantagesRunning and development challeng- cbelow.onsid eration in the process iRigid wall s unexpected collisiocarriagens with es of replacing low-temperature superconductingcarriage magnets with automobiles at level crossings. high-temperature ones in maglev, high-temperature superconduct- 2.1.1W Organizedith this in session,mind, R“MaglevTRI ha sand bee Othern dev eFixedlopin gGuideway collision ing magnets using Bi2223 high-temperature superconducting wire analysTransport”es and studies on a crashworthiness evaluation in- developed by JR Central, and high-temperature superconducting dex to evaluate the safety of passengers in level crossing magnets using REBCO (rare-earth-based) high-temperature super- accidOneent sof. the authors of this paper chaired this session. We invited conducting wire, beingFig. developed 2 FEM simulationby RTRI. Finally, Dr. Werfel in- Fig.2 Fig.1 QQRR ooff RRTRI,TRI, VVol.ol. 662,2, NNo.o. 13,, Aug.Feb. 22021021 1631 163_CW6_A4258D12.indd 163 2021/07/16 15:39:01 troduced