At-Turost: Journal of Islamic Studies, Vol.06 No.02, Agustus 2019 P-ISSN: 2086-3179 Website: E-ISSN: 2581-1622 Hermeneutika Tubuh (Studi Kritis Atas Tayangan Kecantikan Putri Indonesia) Achmad Nur1, Muahammad Taufiq2 1,2STAI Nurul Huda Kapongan Situbondo
[email protected] Abstract The purpose of this article is to describe the body image of women in Indonesian women's beauty contest shows. The method used is the phenomenological hermeneutic analysis of Paul Ricoer which emphasizes the search for unspeakable traces behind the surface structure attached to the appearance of the Indonesian women's beauty contest. There were three authors who were analyzed, namely, the executive committee, owner of garment garments, cosmetics and producers of television programs. The results obtained include; First, the image of the State and the Indonesian nation through intelligence (brain); Second, imaging through beauty (beauty); Third, imaging through attitudes or behavior (behavior); Fourth, the body as a medium for commodity or there has been commodification in the body; Fifth, television as a dual commodity medium that facilitates various commodification practices to be managed and become public consumption. With this practice, television is also as popular as beauty contestants. Body image is shown as a representation of the State of Indonesia. This means that the selected Indonesian princess is part of Indonesia, because she has held the title of best Indonesian woman Kata Kunci: Hermeneutics, Putri Indonesia, Body Commodication. Abstrak Tujuan artikel ini untuk menggambarkan citra tubuh perempuang yang ada dalam tayangan kontes kecantikan putri Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan analisis hermeneutika fenomenologis Paul Ricoer yang menekankan pada pencarian jejak tidak terkata dibalik surface structure yang melekat pada tampilan kontes kecantikan putri Indonesia.