[user@MAIN-PROD ~]$ sudo pacman -S cyoa [sudo] password for user: resolving dependencies... looking for inter-conflicts...

Targets (1): cyoa-1.0

Total Download Size: 13.44 MB Total Installed Size: 71.23 MB

Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y (1/1) checking package integrity [########################] 100% (1/1) checking for file conflicts [########################] 100% (1/1) installing cyoa [########################] 100% [user@MAIN-PROD ~]$ cyoa

Tux, the patron saint of the kernel, has smiled upon you. He will imbue you with the innate power of a . Choose one option from the list below: : Arguably the most well known Linux distribution, Ubuntu prides itself on being user-friendly, as well as being relatively safe and stable. [POWER:] You are imbued with Ubuntu's popularity. You now possess an innate charisma, and can easily charm, inspire, or intimidate your friends and foes. : Mint's main defining feature is its decision to include closed-source software by default, including third-party multimedia codecs and out- of-the-box support for Adobe Flash. [POWER:] You now can harness Mint's media capabilities. You possess the skills to become a master-class musician, actor, and writer. : Debian is comprised of one-hundred percent free and open source software, and is a popular choice for servers. [POWER:] Debian bestows the power of freedom. No laws will apply to you - go nuts! In addition, you cannot be trapped, ensnared, or restrained unwillingly in any way. Fedora: Fedora, formerly , is one of the most prominent for-profit Linux distributions. It is mainly used within the enterprise sector. [POWER:] You now have a service contract with Fedora's support team. Submit a ticket for your issue (from computer troubleshooting to murder, you name it), and "technicians" will resolve it within 24 hours. : Arch Linux is a fast, lightweight distribution which values simplicity and pragmatism over all else. Very customizable - a true "hacker" , in the original sense of the word. [POWER:] Just like Arch Linux, you can reconfigure yourself easily. You now have the ability to shapeshift into any humanoid form. : One of the oldest distributions which is still being actively used, Slackware focuses on sticking to Linux's Unix roots. [POWER:] Some of Slackware's longevity has rubbed off on you. You are guaranteed to live for at least 500 years from now, while still retaining all physical and mental faculties. Gentoo: One of the primary aspects of Gentoo is the fact that it must be built manually before installation. Not for the faint of heart. [POWER:] It is rumored that any computer problem can be easily resolved by simply "installing Gentoo". Well, they were right. You now possess the ability of technopathy - interfacing with machines via your mind. Puppy Linux: Puppy Linux can run on almost any system, which means that it is often used as a "recovery" operating system after system damage. [POWER:] The universiality of Puppy Linux is now yours. You are now able to read, write, speak, and understand any foreign language after listening to as little as two sentences of it.