download iso file for dsl Damn Small . One of the smallest, ootable Live CD Linux operating systems in the whole wide world. (DSL) is a tiny which borrows features from the GNU/Linux and distributions, the latter being based on Debian too. Distributed as a dual-arch Live CD that supports mainstream architectures. The project is distributed as a single Live CD ISO image of around 50MB in size, designed to support only the 32-bit instruction set architectures. It offers a minimal boot prompt in the style of , from where users can only add particular boot parameters. Comes with two lightweight window managers. It uses both and JWM (Joe’s ) desktop environments, but it default to the latter when running directly from the Live CD. The system can be easily installed to a from the boot prompt. Key features include generic and -based printer support, a web server, system monitoring applications, USB support, wireless support, PCMCIA support, several command-line tools, as well as support for NFS (Network ). The JWM window manager is comprised of a system monitoring widget, a workspace switcher, a device manager, and a bottom panel for interacting with running applications. The main menu can be accessed by right clicking anywhere on the desktop. Includes a plethora of applications for a small distro. Default applications include the and Mozilla web browsers, email client, VNCviewer remote desktop client, XMMS music player, PDF viewer, image viewer, document viewer, Beaver , axyFTP file transfer client, and mtPaint digital painting software. In addition, it comes with Siag editor, Microsoft Word viewer, PostScript viewer, ICQ and AIM instant messengers, as well as IRC client via , FLwriter word processor, emelFM , RDP () client, SSH and SCP server and client, DHCP client, and a PPPoE (ADSL) client. Download iso file for dsl. Please include the full distribution name and ensure that that the distribution is not already listed before making a suggestion. A quick search doesn't take long and is always appreciated. Suggest general updates. Please use this form to let us know about any general updates that need done. Perhaps we have not credited a distribution for an architecture that it supports or we have missed a group of ISOs. If using this form then please give us the full name of the distribution and links to any relevant supporting evidence regarding supported architectures etc. A Small Virtual Machine for a Test Lab. While I’m traveling, I use my laptop as a mobile test lab. To do anything of significance, I like to run two VMware ESXi 5 hosts, vCenter Server 5, a domain controller (both on x64 Windows Server 2008 R2) and for my recent study , a NetApp DataONTAP 8.1 simulator, all on VMware Workstation 8. All these things are great, but with “only” 8 GB RAM to pull from, my resources are limited and I’m pushing RAM utilization to the before I even start running VMs, as you can see below. The only thing saving me is an Intel 320 Series SSD. What I’ve been looking for is a VM that would use as few resources as possible. I also wanted something I could clone and from which to create a template. I also wanted to be able to practice using PowerCLI against these VMs – nothing in particular, but perhaps start with a script to deploy a certain number of VMs from a template automatically. I haven’t gotten around to the PowerCLI part yet, but I have found an excellent start. It’s Damn Small Linux and I’ve created the smallest OVA I could. For the purposes of my test lab, the least possible RAM utilization was the most important feature I was looking for. Hard disk space consumed by the running VM wasn’t necessarily important, but while making the VM as small as possible, I decided not to include a swap partition. The installation uses about 123 MB thinly provisioned on a 128 MB .vmdk because SSD space is valuable. It also runs on 64 MB of RAM, using a fraction of that when idle and only bit more while executing a continuous ping. In this blog post, I’d like to walk through installing Damn Small Linux (DSL) 4.4.10 to hard disk and then creating an OVA. You can also download my OVA from here. This blog is hosted by WordPress and because WordPress only allows certain file types to be uploaded, the OVA is saved with a .doc file extension. Please rename the .doc to .ova before attempting to use it. Create a DSL Virtual Machine. I won’t walk you through creating the whole VM. Instead, I’ll hit the high points that are unique to DSL. As a note, I’m creating this inside ESXi 5. Feel free to keep the defaults for everything not mentioned here. 1. Choose a custom installation 2. Guest Operating System – choose “Other 2.4.x Linux (32-bit)” 3. Memory – 64 MB, was way too slow with only 32 MB 4. Create a 128 MB thin provisioned disk 5. Disk type must be IDE, not SCSI. In this example, I’m using the latest DSL build, 4.4.10. I didn’t test other builds. Boot the VM to this ISO. Close the that opens automatically and left-click the desktop, choosing XShells > Root Access > Transparent. You’ll have to prepare the .vmdk to accept the OS install. To do this, you’ll use cfdisk and create an ext2 partition. At the prompt, type cfdisk /dev/hda. The system will see a clean disk. Type ‘y.’ Using the arrow keys, select ‘New.’ The system sees the 134 MB for some reason. This is fine, just hit enter. At the next screen, highlight ‘Bootable’ and you’ll see the flag entered above next to hda1. Highlight, ‘Type,’ and hit enter. Press enter at the next screen… …and type in 83, then enter. Highlight, ‘Write,’ then enter. Follow the prompts and type, ‘yes.’ That’s it. You’ve finished preparing the disk. Highlight, ‘Quit,’ and press enter. At the prompt, type, ‘reboot.’ Boot once more from the ISO. Once you’ve booted back into the DSL ISO, open another root and type, ‘dsl-hdinstall.’ The prompts are as follows: Enter the target partition: hda1 Do you wish to support multi-user logins: no Use journalized file system: no Continue: yes. Proceed to install a boot loader? Yes Use Grub or Lilo: Either is fine, I use Grub Reboot now: yes. After this last reboot, you’ll be prompted to set the root and normal user (dsl) passwords. Do this, then boot to the desktop. The VM sees RAM utilization as less than 17 MB and full, 128 MB disk usage. Not bad for a test VM. What I like to do with the DSL VM is start a continuous ping from a root shell while I perform vMotions and Storage vMotions. Of course, running inside VMware Workstation 8, the host-only network can deploy DHCP so your DSL VMs will automatically pull IP addresses. Creating an OVA or OVF from here is easy. Issue the ‘halt’ command to shut down your DSL VM. Make sure it’s powered down before continuing. Create an OVA. Highlight your DSL VM in the left hand pane. Choose File > Export > Export OVF Template… Fill out the appropriate information. Remember that an OVF file will export the .vmdk’s that make up the VM, along with descriptor files for deploying the OVF. I like the OVA format because it’s a single file to manage. You can see that our VM takes up about 57 MB as an OVA. An OVF is about the same, although you may want to zip up the OVF package for ease of portability. Conclusion. One thing that would make this VM more useful is getting VMware Tools installed. If anyone has a good walkthrough of that I’d love to see it. In the end, with six virtual machines running, Windows registers about an 80 MB increase in memory utilization compared to no VMs running inside ESXi. Looking at my disk performance with Resource Monitor inside my Windows 7 Ultimate host, my Active Time % is hovering above 50%. Again, this is on a solid-state drive. The only other application I’m running is Microsoft Word, but all systems still seem responsive. In fact, according to Resource Monitor, my Response Time is zero or one millisecond for every process and Disk Queue Length is averaging 0.50. Not too shabby. After several minutes of letting the system settle, Active Time is less than 20% and Disk Queue Length is less than 0.20 with response times staying the same. If I quit Microsoft Word, I’m sure I’d see an improvement. I used this ArsGeek article as a reference when installing DSL. And the other Scott Lowe’s (Twitter @otherScottLowe) article on Windows Resource Monitor was useful, too. Booting DSL (Damn Small Linux) from a Multi-boot USB Drive. If you are having trouble getting DSL (Damn Small Linux) to boot on a multi-boot USB with SYSLINUX, then this guide may help. After experiencing the same problem and seeing other online complaints about it, I decided to create this guide. This tutorial describes how to get DSL (Damn Small Linux) to boot from the boot partition of a working bootable USB flash drive currently using SYSLINUX as the boot loader. Although many related guides on the web describe how to create multi-boot USB drives, many are lacking when it comes to DSL because: (1) a different boot loader such as GRUB is used (2) the instructions are for creating dedicated boot using a single app or Linux distro, or (3) not enough details specific to DSL are provided. Rather than create a comprehensive how-to for multi-boot flash drives, this guide limits itself to this particular distro, since other guides, including Create a Mulitboot Multipartion USB with Syslinux and Grub4Dos, provide instructions for successfully creating multi-boot USBs using other Linux distros and applications. This tutorial applies if the following conditions are met: 1. You can successfully boot at least one other distro or application on the USB drive with SYSLINUX (Ver 3.81 was used for this guide) 2. You want to add DSL to create a multi-boot USB drive or you are unable to boot DSL on a USB drive with at least one other distro or application that currently boots with SYSLINUX. OK. Now for the instructions: Download the Embedded Distribution of DSL : Why use the embedded version? It’s provided in a zip file, so there is no need to extract and manipulate files from an ISO. The embedded version also comes with QEMU, which allows DSL to run within Windows and in Linux. So even if you can’t boot DSL from SYSLINUX, you can check the integrity of the DSL installation using QEMU by clicking dsl-base.bat in the DSL folder (see next step). The downside of running DSL with QEMU is that it will be extremely slow, about 5-6 times slower, than when it’s running natively. The DSL embedded version used for this guide was version 4.4.10. You can get the embedded version of DSL from here. The direct download link for the embedded version of DSL used for this guide is Create a Folder for DSL Embedded in the Root of the USB Drive’s Boot Partition and Unzip DSL Embedded to that Folder: Pick any name you like. In my case, I made a folder named “DSLEmbedded” on my USB’s root. The reason for a separate folder is to avoid conflicting files that may already exist on the root for other distros or applications such as syslinux.cfg, knoppix folders, boot.msg, readme.txt and others. In fact, it’s preferable to put every distro in its own folder when you can, but that’s not always possible without complex folder organization schemes and/or file coding mods. Because of this, some distros should be in the root by themselves or installed to their own partition since they often use complex boot menus, they’re coded to work from root, and/or they have multiple files and folders (making upgrading and troubleshooting more complex when everything is installed to a single partition). However, DSL in a separate folder can coexist with many other distros using SYSLINUX as the boot-loader – you just need to edit the root’s syslinux.cfg file and experiment to see what can coexist with the least amount of work and conflict. Currently, I have DSL co-existing in the same partition with SuperGrubDisk, two versions of Puppy Linux, and several Windows apps in ISO format, all booting from the same syslinux menu and almost all of them in separate folders. Note: When you unzip DSL embedded, it will place all its files in a folder named “dsl-4.4.10-embedded” by default. Take everything out of this default folder and put it in your folder (see screen-shot of my folder to the left). The reason for this is to refer to a basic folder name in the syslinux.cfg file, preferably one that without dashes, periods, or spaces. Below are some thumbnail screen-shots showing the organization of the main partition, the Puppy400 folder, and the syslinux.cfg file. As with all of the screen-shots in this guide, click to enlarge them. Although outside of the scope of this guide, you can see Grub4Dos (grub.exe and menu.lst) are used to boot ISOs and other apps in multiple partitions which also have SYSLINUX installed in the boot sector. For a more detailed view of the syslinux.cfg file, either click the link in this sentence to open in your browser or right click the link to save it. Edit the Current syslinux.cfg in the Root drive to Create a Menu Entry for DSL and Save It: This guide assumes a syslinux.cfg file already exits in the root and is used to boot at least one other distro or application. Important: Pay particular attention to use of “/”, spaces, and capitalization in file paths! Below is a copy of my entry: Note: (1) Unless you used the same name, use the name of your folder in place of “DSLEmbedded” everywhere in the menu label above. (2) Depending on your needs and/or your system, you may want to change the DSL cheat codes in the APPEND line. See the DSL Cheat Codes Wiki for more information. That’s all there is to it. Reboot your PC or laptop and you should now be able to boot DSL from the SYSLINUX boot menu! If Nothing is Working: If DSL still doesn’t boot, on another bootable USB drive (with SYSLINUX as the boot-loader), try installing Embedded DSL by itself to the root and not in a separate folder (move everything out of the folder and place it in root). In other words, and this is important – what was in the default folder (e.g., dsl-4.4.10-embedded or DSLEmbedded) should now be in the root of the partition. DSL should now boot with the default syslinux.cfg file. If that works, you are getting close; it’s just a matter of getting the file paths correct for the DSL folder you are going to use. Next, place DSL in a folder and move the syslinux.cfg file to root and then edit it using the instructions above to get it to boot. If successful, you can then duplicate those changes to the syslinux.cfg on the other USB drive. Also, you could just use the 2nd USB drive and add other apps and distros to it. Add one app or distro at a time then test to see if both boot, then add another distro and test again. Because there are unlimited combination’s of distros and apps possible, differences in hardware, many multi-booting techniques and other factors, there is no way around some experimentation/trial and error testing to determine what works and what doesn’t. If you are having trouble making a working multi-boot USB with SYSLINUX or just want to learn how, below are links to get started. If you still can’t get DSL to boot after that, then come back and recheck the suggestions again. Usually, most problems are minor such as using incorrect file paths or file names in the syslinux.cfg file . Good luck and have fun. Additional help is available at the following: If you have found a spelling error, please, notify us by selecting that text and pressing Ctrl+Enter . 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