
BEATRIX http://www.watsky.net/ en remastering af . Nyeste version i feb 2007 var ver 2005-IF. 183 MB Bruger GNOME 2.6 windows manager. Finder windows partitioner, floppy drillede Parametre ved opstart: linux26 toram eller linux24 toram

Programmer: , Evolution, Open Office, Gaim, Gnome -viewer, Eye of Gnome

..vil ikke køre på Ediths computer, men hvis man option sætter "failsafe" ved opstart, så går det!

BeaFanatIX http://bea.cabaret.com/ en remastering af og Knoppix. Nyeste version februar 2007 var 2006.2. 115 MB? Bruger GNOME 2.6 windows manager. Finder windows partitioner, floppy drillede Parametre ved opstart: linux26 toram? eller linux24 toram?

Programmer: Firefox, Abi-word,

..vil ikke køre på Ediths computer, men hvis man option sætter "failsafe" ved opstart, så går det!

DAMN SMALL http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/

Også en remastering af Knoppix. Nyeste version februar 2007 er ver. 3.2 50 MB Bruger windows manager, går på nettet, finder USB-stift og windows på harddisken

Parametre ved opstart: knoppix toram lang=da

Programmer: tcc (tiny C-compiler), SQLite, o.m.a.

FEATHER LINUX http://featherlinux.berlios.de

Nyeste version februar 2007 var 0.7.5. Fylder 128 MB Bruger blackbox windows manager, går på nettet, finder floppy, USB-stift og windows på harddisken. Minder gevaldigt meget om DSL, eller rettere en DSL med betydelige udvidelser.

Parametre ved opstart: knoppix toram xdef lang=da

xdef skulle giver 1024x768 16 bit svarende til "knoppix vga=791" 24 bit skulle komme med vga=792

Under opstart, skal man væge Xvesa eller Xfbdev, USB-mus Y/N, IMPS/2 mouse wheel, keymap og skærmopløsning. Det sidste synes ikke rigtigt at virke. En 1024 fladskærm blev alligevel til et 800x600 skærmbillede.

1. Beatrix-DSL-Puppy.odt side 1 - 4. mar 2007 KIVILCIM Himdista: " is a Swiss army knife .."

Programmer: ABI Word, , e3, Scite, , Firefox 2.2.1, 0.8.3, Gaim, AxY ftp 0.5.1, VNC-viewer, Monkey HTML-server, Rox-filer, mc, emelfm, Siag 3.5.7 regneark, XMMS 1.2.10, MPlayer, SQLite 2.8.13, Nmap network mapper og meget, meget mere

PC Linux OS www..com

Nyeste version 0.96 Fylder 300 MB Bruger KDE windows manager Kan boote til RAM

Ved opstart er vises et antal valgmuligheder. Man logger på som root (passwd root) eller guest (passwd guest) Når startet op, kan man ændre tastatur til dansk og ligeledes sætte danske normer ind.

GeeXBox geexbox.org

Nyeste version fra 22. juni 2006 er ver 1.0. Fylder 6,8 MB Release candidate 1.1-rc1 var klar 3. feb 2007. Starter lynhurtigt op og 'spytter' dernæst CD'en ud. Herefter er Geexbox klar til at være en mediemaskine, d.v.s. afspille film, fremvise billeder, afspille musik og TV

PUPPY LINUX http://www.goosee.com/puppy/

Nyeste version februar 2007 var ver 2.02 med . og version 2,13 SeaMonkey Fylder 60,4 MB? Envidere findes Grafpup version 1.02 Bruger FVWM95 windows manager Booter altid det hele til RAM

Parametre ved opstart er vist ikke muligt. Når PUPPY starter forventer den en floppy, en USB-stift eller en tilgængelig harddisk, hvor den kan gemme personlige filer til næste gang. Smartest er nok en USB-stift. Der spørges efter tastatur, man skal angive musetype (ps/2) og om det er en wheel mous. Så starter Xwindows, og man kan vælge opløsning (beklageligtvis er det bedste jeg kan vælge til min 1024x768 skær) 800x600x24. Den går ikke uden videre på nettet, men et besøg på ”Setop” hvor man finder ethernetkort og vælger DHCP auto, klarer sagen. Problem med lyden?

Programmer: AbiWord 2.4.1 Beaver 0.2.7 (ej æøå) Leafpad 0.8.1 editor Gnumeric 1.4.2 mtPaint 2.03 (PNG,GIF,BMP) Ical 2.3 kalender gaby 1.0.6 adresser gxine 0.4.6 Uxplor 0.26 MToolsFM 1.9-3 News Ticker Rox-filer

Fra http://www.desktoplinux.com/articles/AT6545156120.html : - - - - - For a distribution that provides (1) the typical tools that a user might need to do their work, is the superior small . Puppy Linux has two other very strong points that make it the small Linux distribution of choice. (2)The first is the ease with which Puppy Linux can generate a bootable USB thumb drive version of itself. Both and Feather Linux can do this, but you need to download SYSLINUX and create your own boot partition on the USB thumb drive.

1. Beatrix-DSL-Puppy.odt side 2 - 4. mar 2007 Puppy Linux loads everything into a RAM disk. The boot time from the CDROM is slow, but once Puppy Linux loads, everything works at blazing speeds.

The fact that everything loads into RAM offers another advantage. It is possible to use Puppy Linux to play CDs and DVDs, even on a computer with a single DVD ROM.

Despite Puppy's compact size, it is well appointed with full-fledged applications. The version that I am using to type this article comes with the Mozilla Suite. The Mozilla Suite features the integrated calendar, email, and web page , as well as Mozilla's very sophisticated email client.

Two other versions of Puppy are available. One comes with Mozilla, while the other comes with Firefox.

Puppy Linux is amazingly well integrated. Macromedia Flash is preinstalled. What is even more impressive is that the integrated gxine is also very well integrated into the browser. Many audio and video streams will automatically load and run in gxine.

AbiWord kan læse og skrive Word-dokumenter, men faktisk gemme i mange formater: AbiWord .abw MX Word .doc HTML .html Rich Text .rtf text .txt pdf .pdf og XSL-FO .fo

XSL-FO er en W3C standard, der kombinerer XML-data med layout information til flerside dokumenter med tekst, grafik og billeder. Lær mere på www.w3schools.com.

Puppy Linux provides the free version of SoftMaker's PlanMaker. PlanMaker promotes itself as 100 percent compatible with Microsoft Excel. The free version is fully featured, but offers a limited number of rows and columns which is enough for most uses.

The latest version of Puppy Linux has another new trick. Puppy Linux allows you to save your data on a CDROM version of itself. That means that you can create a live Puppy Linux CD that has all the documents you need to carry with you and so long as you have access to a CD Burner, you can work with and update those applications on the CDROM that you carry. You can set up your mail application and save all your bookmarks.

In Puppy Linux, at the top of the is a menu selection for Setup. This is the place to start to get everything working. One of the options is Wizard Wizard. The Wizard Wizard is a good place to start to set up all your hardware configurations for Puppy Linux.

To create a Puppy Linux boot thumb drive, you simply choose the option "Install Puppy USB card" under Setup on the Start Menu. The script will give you the instructions for creating the thumb drive.

Puppy Linux works by using the UMSDOS . This is a virtual Linux file system on a VFAT file system. Therefore, all of the files you create using Puppy Linux are compatible with your existing Windows system. So if you use AbiWord to create a word processing file and save it as a Microsoft Word-compatible file, you can then access that file on your Microsoft Windows system. These files are also accessible on a Linux system.

Puppy Linux has a utility that will mount hard disks, CD/DVD ROMs, floppies and other devices. It is possible to access your system's hard disk without knowing the Linux naming convention. The user can access their hard disk files by accessing the /mnt/home directory.


1. Beatrix-DSL-Puppy.odt side 3 - 4. mar 2007 http://luitlinux.sarovar.org/

Nyeste version 14. juni 2005 var 0.4 Size : ( luitlinux-0.4 iso image ) - 50 MB ( llcd2-0.4 ) -50 MB ( llcd3-0.4 ) -74 MB Main features of this new distro is it's modularity. Additional CD's can be mounted to get additional packages at any time when needed from the desktop menu or through a command prompt. All can be combined to make a Mini CD version also. llcd2-0.4 contains : Firefox, Gaim, Epic IRC Client, Xmule, Scribus Desktop Publishing for Linux, Sqlite and Sqlitebrowser, GIMP, Printing utilities with CUPS, Games like Doom Legacy and X-board ( Chess ), FTP, IRC servers and others. llcd3-0.4 contains OpenOffice.

Finder fint ud af det med internettet, men vil ikke bruge dansk tastatur

Bruger -4.0 windows manager. Programmer: Abiword, ABS, Gnotepad+, emelfm, ROX, nVi, Gaby Address Book, dillo, Sylpheed, Gftp

Online håndbog til Xfce findes på www.loculus.nl/xfce/documentation

Floppydrevet skal først mountes: mount /dev/fd0 og kan derefter læses

CD-drevet monteres således mount /dev/cdrom eller på den lange måde: mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom og afmonteres således umount /mnt/auto/cdrom

LS120-drev skulle kunne monteres med mount -t msdos /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 .. men det skal lige prøves

Parametre ved opstart: knoppix toram xdef lang=da : finder ikke dansk! ; xdef skulle give standardskærm 1024x768 ; hvis framebuffer sættes til rette opløsning og man vælger Xfbdev skulle det virke

Beatrix DSL Feather LUIT Puppy Version 2006.2 3.2 7,4 0,4 2.13 Mbytes 115 MB 50 MB 115 MB 50 + 50 + 60,4 MB 74 MB Windows- Gnome 2,6 Blackbox xfce-4.0 FVWM95 manager evilwm Dansk ja dsl knoppix finder ikke ja tastatur? lang=da lang=da dansk! Bemærk: floppy nil kan brænde driller videre på 2 2 CD 2 2 2 2 2 2

1. Beatrix-DSL-Puppy.odt side 4 - 4. mar 2007 - slut -

1. Beatrix-DSL-Puppy.odt side 5 - 4. mar 2007