A Systematics for Interpreting Past Structures with Possible Cosmic References in Sub-Saharan Africa
A SYSTEMATICS FOR INTERPRETING PAST STRUCTURES WITH POSSIBLE COSMIC REFERENCES IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA Richard Peter Wade MASTERS THESIS MSc:: Applliied Sciiences Uniiversiity of Pretoriia © University of Pretoria 2 MASTER OF SCIENCE THESIS Submiitted as part of the requiirements for the degree of Masters of Sciience in Applliied Sciiences.. Facullty of Engiineeriing,, Buiillt Enviironment and Informatiion Technollogy – In the Department Archiitecture at Uniiversiity of Pretoriia Supervisors – Prof Gwen Theron (Superviisor) Prof Roger Fiisher (Co-Superviisor) Prof Karll Bakker (Head of Department) External – Prof Clliive Rugglles (UK) Prof Chriis van Vuuren (SA) Richard Peter Wade Uniiversiity of Pretoriia January 2009 3 Acknowledgements I am grateful to all my acquain tances, and family for their kind assistance throughout the many yea rs of researching the impossible. Many years were spen t in rural and urban settings with meager resources to achieve a better understanding of how the universe works. Perhaps this contribution can be applied to a better purpose for a beneficial future by resurrec ting tested lifestyles and emulating the past successes. To the follow ing, a special heartfelt thank you for so much: - Professors Gwen Theron, Roger Fisher, Ora Joubert, Chris van Vuuren, Hann es Eloff, Stanley Liftschitz, Aeneas Chigwedere, Felix Chami, Hannes Rautenbach, Karel Bakker, Victor Ralushai, Dave Laney, Alex Duffey, Andre De Villiers, M. E. R. Mathivha, Jean-Pierre Delaporte, Mathole Motshekga, Bradley Schaefer, Anthony Aveni, E C
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