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.KY 1967 V7 H. R. Parfitt, Acting Governor Robert D. Kerr, Press Officer Publications Editors Frank A. Baldwin Morgan E. Goodwin and Tomas A. Cupas Panama Canal Information Officer Editorial Assistants Official Panama Canal Publication Eunice Richard, Tobi Bittel, P. Published quarterly at Balboa Heights, C.Z Hernandez, and Jose T. Tunon Printed at the Printing Plant, La Boca, C.Z. Review articles may be reprinted in full or part without further clearar ce. Credit to the Review will be appreciated. Distributed free of charge to all . . Panama Canal Employees Subscriptions, $1 a year; airmail $2 a year; mail and back copies (regular mail), 25 cents each cAoout Our Ctover 3ndex THE FACE OF the man on the cover is familiar to Governor Fleming's Legacy 3 thousands of residents of the Isthmus. Bullfighting 5 Canal Zone Gov. Robert Fleming, has just closed J. Jr., Panama Canal Pilots q out his career as chief executive for the Panama Canal Canal History q organization after a 5-year stay, longer than that of any Battle of the Bugs iq predecessor. Before departing Panama to take a highly Ports of the World 12 responsible position in Florida, Governor Fleming also Skindiving rang 24 down the curtain on his outstanding military career. Shipping Statistics i§ Governor and Mrs. Fleming, both of whom were deco- Shipping Trends ig rated with Panama's Order of Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Anniversaries of) will be missed by their friends and acquaintances. Shipping Notes £3

Douglas Bomford of Panama City.

February 1967 It was early in Governor Fleming's term when he made this inspection trip of the Canal, which was changing in appearance at the Pacific terminal with the construction of the $20 million Thatcher Ferry Bridge, seen near its completion in the background.

Governor Leaves Job Well Done To Take Up New Challenge

FIVE YEARS of action and accom- kept people hopping to get things done, he left, his knowledge of the country plishment—that describes in a phrase to clean up, improve, innovate, plan, matched that of scholars who had the administration of Canal Zone explain, and change. studied it for years. And he could carry Governor Robert Fleming, who Governor Fleming was supposed to on a conversation in Spanish. J. Jr., on January 19 left behind him an out- retire from the U.S. Army as a Major The esteem in which he was held bv standing record as Governor of the General on the 28th of February, 1966. Panama was demonstrated when he Canal Zone. With the lowest serial number in the was decorated with Grand Cross of the The Governor goes on to another line of active Army at that , he had Order of Vasco Nunez de Balboa. Pres- challenge, this one in Miami, Fla., given a lifetime of service to his coun- ident Marco A. Robles made the award where he will take a $30,000 a try. But when President Lyndon B. at the Presidential Palace. At the same year post with Interama, the Inter- Johnson requested him to continue as ceremony the First Lady, Mrs. Petita American Cultural and Commercial Governor, he stayed an additional year. Saa de Robles, decorated Mrs. Fleming Center being built in Miami. He was He was awarded the Distinguished with the Order of Vasco Nunez de appointed bv Florida Governor Claude Service Medal, the nation's highest mil- Balboa in the Grade of Grand Officer. Kirk on January 12 and will direct itary award for meritorious service, dur- He wanted better understanding, and construction, operations, and mainte- ing a joint honor and retirement ceremo- this theme was carried out in his un- nance of the enterprise. ny at AJbrook AFB. Maj. Gen. Fleming counted trips into Panama City and The 14th man to hold the governor- was presented the award by Gen. Rob- towns in the Interior. He went to fairs, ship of the Canal Zone was a man who ert W. Porter, Jr., Commander-in-Chief, special events, conferences, and carni- promised first to learn—thoroughly, United States Southern Command. val functions. He spoke to numerous quickly, and firsthand—what was going "When you serve your country groups and unless duty interfered, he on in the organization. He kept that abroad, you should know the people was always available to the press. promise and soon things were in high and the language of the country in Panama Canal employees, a major gear. His office was the only one in the which you work," Governor Fleming responsibilitv of the Governor, were tropics where "snow-flakes" could be had said. His interest in Panama and always close to his thoughts. He was seen—these were the many memos that Panamanians was intense, and when (See p. 4)

The Panama Canal Review cAccomplidhment

3d J^eyacy of (governor Fleming,

(Continued from p. 3)

insistent that they should not suffer because of political relations between the two nations—matters over which they have no direction. To insure continued Canal operation, the Governor said, "requires the loyal work of dedicated people who now operate the Canal. These people will be needed for many years to come." He particularly emphasized this to all officials involved in negotiations with the Republic of Panama, and as a result guarantees were issued in a joint state- ment by the President of the United States and the President of Panama on September 24, 1965. Governor Fleming spelled out his theme early. There would be changes, he said. A wide viewpoint and an open mind, he counseled, are important. He discussed the duty of every American to raise his sights and mind to meet the future, and laid the emphasis on human values. "They are the important ones," he said.

Within 2 years of taking office, he was faced with a major crisis in the January 1964 events. He maintained Canal operations, and when calm was restored he spared no effort in stim- ulating cooperation in official life, social events, and community events where progress could be made. He thanked both Panamanian and U.S. employees for their restraint and forbearance. Governor Fleming helped direct A will organization of the sea-level canal good embrace. Panama's President Marco A. Robles congratulates Governor Fleming after decorating him with the Order studies. He also brought to a conclu- of Vasco Nunez de Balboa during a ceremony at the Presidential Palace. At the right is Panama's First Lady, sion several programs already Sra. Petita Saa de Robles, who in prog- decorated Mrs. Fleming. ress, including the $20 million That- cher Ferry Bridge over the Canal at emergency dams, and other technical trainee program operates for high Balboa, construction of Gorgas Hospital improvements. school and business school students Annex, and placing into operation new Deep draft experiments continued, in Panama. Students from the Univer- towing locomotives and a new traffic and recently the San Juan Merchant sity of Panama are gaining work expe- control system. One of his last official broke a record when it moved through rience in their professions in acts another was the awarding of the contract the locks at 40 feet, the deepest draft program which allows them to con- for widening from 300 to 500 feet the on record in the Canal. Fiscal year tinue at the University. The Panama- last 3 miles of Gaillard Cut. 1962 saw 12,106 ships use the Canal; nian Student Assistant program was He initiated many projects and nearly by 1966 that had risen to 13,304, launched, and has been expanded. every area of Canal operation was with the increased traffic handled by Civic Councils were supported by affected. By 1966 the average ship was fewer employees. Governor Fleming, who met with them spending 13.8 hours in Canal waters, The Personnel Bureau was reorga- regularly. He also appointed a Com- compared to 15.5 in 1962. This saves nized. Employment and promotion op- munity Relations Assistant shipping from the interests money, and they portunities for qualified Panamanians Latin American communities to serve saved much more when draft was were increased. The Learnership and on his staff. increased by 2 feet by removal of bat- expanded Apprentice programs are A social worker program was launch- ters from locks, removal of unused proving very successful, and an office (See p. 17)

February 1967 JSullring, LxaltA cArty Valor, Qlory,

SOME CALL bullfighting a sport, others compare it with

the ballet and many consider it a compelling spectacle which, at its best, combines stirring music, almost hyp- notic grace, brilliant costumes and undeniable courage and daring.

It is not simply an armed man, with superior intelli- gence, pitted against a hapless beast, aficionados (fans) contend; rather it is the torero (bullfighter) matched against himself, testing just how close he will work to the bull's horns to please the crowd.

In all probability, bullfighting is not the exclusive claim

of Spain but in the Spanish speaking countries it has received those embellishments and support that make it

the attraction it is today. The history of bullfighting can be traced as far back as prehistoric Crete, and imperial Rome, where Julius Caesar imported men from the Iberian peninsula. Today

the bullfight, or corrida, is found not only in Madrid, and With the sword in his right hand, torero uses muleta to lead the other major cities of Spain but also the capitals of Spanish charging bull inches past his body during the execution of a "natural." . During patron saint days one can see primitive—frequently hilarious- bullfights in remote villages of Panama and nations to the north and south.

Southern France and parts of Italy have bullfights. Portugal also is famous •sr for the corrida but law prohibits killing the bull in the Portuguese rings. In southern California and Texas sizable audiences have turned out to watch bloodless bullfighting.

Six bulls are dispatched bv three toreros during a corrida which officially begins with the colorful grand entrance of the procession of participants. The torero, picadores, peons and others, each with his own appropiate uniform, is called the paseillo.

The torero, or matador,

is the most striking with short jacket, waistcoat, knee length, skin tight trou- sers of silk and satin elaborately embroi- dered with gold and silver, dress cape also beautifullv embroidered, coral pink stockings, black, kneeless slippers and black, semispherical hat, the montera. The banderilleros wear similar uniforms but without the gold embroidery.

The procession goes across the arena Grimacing, Spanish torero Victoriano Valencia appears to have his eyes on the horns of his (See p. 21) adversary during a corrida in Panama City.

The Panama Canal Review Panama Canal

Pilots: They

Take Command

•• " If ^m 7

THERE'S NOTHING provincial about a Panama Canal . He is able to give steering orders in Greek, French, Spanish, and Italian, and some can give these instructions in 10 languages. He meets Masters and crews of thousands of foreign-flag vessels which transit the Panama Canal annually, and Panama Canal pilots take in their stride compliments on their diplomacy, tact, and skill. Ten pilots were on the Panama Canal roster in August 1914 and the Captain of the Port, Balboa, said he believed "it will not be practicable to put more than three ships through daily, north- Going up ... or down ship a s ladder is all part of a day's work for Panama Canal pilot. bound. if it he Panama And takes a pilot 48 hours 1 Canal is the only place in the world where, in accordance with applicable regulations, the pilot to complete this duty, it would require who boards a vessel in Canal waters assumes full responsibility for the movement and navigation of six pilots as a minimum to perform this the vessel. work." boards a vessel in Panama Canal waters up a small United A thousand ships a month broke Nations. Four of the assumes full responsibility for the move- pilots brought transit records the past year. Today's Japanese wives to the ment and navigation of the vessel. Zone and many, in his or pilot roster lists 138, the peak figure in her own With the increase in size of vessels since way, make a significant contribution pilot force in Canal history. Transits to World War II, the work of the Panama community life. of vessels of sizes unheard of a decade Canal pilot has become an even more ago have more than doubled, and con- Nearly all the Panama Canal pilots demanding art. tinued efficient operation in the Canal are family men. One of the advantages requires constant efforts to develop bet- Panama Canal pilots have a tremend- of holding a pilot position in the Canal ter means and more effective procedures ous sense of pride in their job, know Zone is that they are able to live for they transiting vessels expeditiously from have to perform at peak, and have ashore with their families and see their deep water to deep water. Transit a deep interest in the Canal operation. children reared. time in fiscal year 1966 has been cut One of the proud possessions of the Schooling, although thousands of to about 10 hours, and the Canal now Panama Canal is a scroll dated 1943, miles from continental United States, is in operation 'round the clock. The at a prisoner of war camp at Marlag is no problem. The Canal Zone has pilot force, besides providing enough and Milag Nord, Germany, which states an excellent school system, from kinder- pilots to handle current traffic, must that the Master Mariners who affixed garten through Canal Zone College. allow, too, for anticipated retirements their signatures to the scroll have, "dur- and take care Pilots mav live in Panama City if they of traffic increases fore- ing enforced leisure in Germany, held wish, and seen in the future. The Panama Canal there they may choose from many discussions on the subject of the is now planning to increase any number of attractive single homes its staff to world's greatest engineering achieve- 156 pilots. or apartments. In the Canal Zone newly ments and unanimously agree that the The Panama arriving employees may expect to start Canal pilot shares a Panama Canal ... is one of the great- time-honored their residence in the older type houses, heritage with pilots of est." In addition, the scroll says, the because assignment to housing other maritime nations, is made and fills a role Master Mariners agreed that this is the on the basis of seniority of service with unparalleled in the world. The pilot's most efficient organization of its kind the Canal role in organization. New employees world shipping, and the neces- and they placed on record their appre- generally are assigned off-the-gro'und sity for pilot services, are recognized ciation and gratitude to the Panama frame houses and appreciated built between 1935 and by all who know the Canal pilots for their efficiency, cour- 1943. Some of these contain four apart- hazards of navigating ships in tesy, and confined reliability in providing a safe ments waters. The and others 12 apartments. pilot has responsibility for and swift passage through this strategic insuring the safety of the vessel. waterway. Most Panama Canal pilots are pro- fessional sea-going men. Some attended The Panama Canal is the only place Panama Canal pilots represent many academies directly after completing in the world where, in accordance with areas of the United States and their high school, and then went to sea. applicable regulations, the pilot who wives, one pilot pointed out, could make Others went to sea, in the fo'c'sle, as

February 1967 seamen and progressed to deck officer parently, that if a man could operate Canal Pilots Association was organized in purpose ranks. a ship, he certainly could drive a car. 50 years ago 1916. The of association is the improvement of The Canal Zone is particularly con- Pilots on a busman's holiday build the ducive to developing hobbies, or to boats. They may be seen on the beauti- economic status of members, and eleva- carrying out a pet hobby. Usually when ful golf courses of the Isthmus, when tion of their professional standing. The all measures that a pilot takes up a hobby he excels in it. their work schedules permit, and they association supports Panama Canal pilots hold trophies as are expert at refinishing furniture and have for their objective the upbuilding champion marksmen. There are pilots helping add the special touches that of the profession, promotes advanta- who have studied art and are engrav- make their living quarters more attrac- geous legislation and work rules and ers; pilots who are qualified as divers; tive. A number of pilots are authorities regulations favorable to the pilots. pilots who were salvage masters before as collectors, from antique guns to coins, The Canal pilots have their own they came to work as apprentice pilots; and are active in fraternal and com- blood bank, own legal assistance for the pilots who have distinguished them- munity life. For 9 years the Panama association, and their consideration ex- selves for community service as ham Canal pilots sponsored two Sea Scout tends even to having a portable tele- radio operators; and pilots who have ships but for lack of time, when the vision set at each terminal of the Isth- piloted planes, and still do. Of the lat- Panama Canal transit operation went mus for use of the pilot or member of ter, Capt. Irving G. Hay treasures his on a 24-hour day, turned ships and his family who may be hospitalized. plane pilot license as signed by Orville treasury over to the Navy. The Panama Canal pilots, highly Wright. Captain Hay was a commercial The Panama Canal pilots have their skilled, well-trained intensely profes- pilot in the pioneering days and at one own Canal Zone Pilots Association, sional men, have a record of safety un- time was with an airline in Peru. Pilots Local 30 of the International Organiza- surpassed anywhere in the maritime this in the early Canal days even gave auto tion of Masters, Mates and Pilots, char- world. The basic reasons for are drivers' tests. The theory then was, ap- tered in 1920. The original Panama (See p. 8)

A Panama Canal pilot at home: Capt. Theodore F. Jablonski (center) holds Kathleen, who was 2 years of age on September 18. At left is Mrs. Jablonski and at right is Mary Lou, 5. Seated, in front, from left: Stephen Douglas, 6; Michael, 4; and Brian who was 3 on July 22. Stephen is enrolled in the second grade at St. Mary's Parochial School and Mary Lou started classes there when school opened in September.

The Panama Canal Review Qualifications Are High for PC Pilots

(Continued from p. 7) Many years of training and tradition the high qualifications and excellent are behind the Panama Canal pilots. caliber of In men selected for pilots-in- four families in the Canal Zone a training. son followed in his pilot father's foot- Qualifications for the job of Panama steps. The Panama Canal's second Canal pilot always have been high. generation pilots are Capt. Sidney W. From the day the Panama Canal was Peterson, son of Capt. W. Z. H. Peter- opened in 1914, qualifications were son; Capt. T. C. Makibbin, son of Capt. rigidly set. H. S. Makibbin; Capt. A pilot candidate was re- J. L. McDaniel, quired to hold a U.S. Coast Guard son of Capt. A. R. McDaniel; and Capt' master's license as "Master John J. Connard, Jr., son of Capt. of any John J. ship, any^ tonnage, on any ocean," have Connard. In the latter family, an uncle, 7% years' deck officer dutv prior to his Thomas Connard, also was a Panama 35th birthday and experience aboard Canal pilot. a maritime ship for 1 year as master. Besides the father-son pilot combina- CAPT. R. J. WESLEY In recent years the Panama Canal orga- tions, the Canal roster also has identical twin President of the nization amended these qualifications. pilots, Capt. Albert L. Wilder and International Organization of Masters, Today Capt. Arthur T. Mates, and Pilots, Local 30. a U.S. Coast Guard master's li- Wilder. cense is required, but only 1 year of service on ship as chief mate and no experience as master, although master's experience is still desirable. The min- imum requirements for a Panama Canal pilot today are that he will not have reached his 40th birthday at the time of employment as pilot-in-training by the Canal organization. He must hold a license issued by the U.S. Coast Guard as master of steam or motor vessels, any gross tons, any ocean, and have served at least 6 months as chief mate (or master) of ocean, steam or motor vessels of 1,000 gross tons or over. Prior to receiving his license as pilot, he must pass prescribed examinations. Upon successful comple- tion of a 19-month formal training pe- riod and examinations, he is presented an unrestricted license as pilot, Panama Canal, and promotion to the pay grade of Pilot, Qualified, Step 1. The most significant change is the establishment of two limited license levels of experi- ence between pilot-in-training and pilot- qualified.

A pilot-in-training is paid approxi- mately $12,000 annually for a minimum of 4 months.

A pilot is paid $15,617. After 3 years' service, through periodic step increases he receives $17,915.70. Top salary is $20,980.60. For piloting in excess of 40 hours a week, they receive time and one-half as overtime and additional compensa- CAPT. IRVING C. HAY tion for work at night, on Sundavs and Whose holidays. license as plane pilot was signed by Orville Wright, was a commercial pilot in the pioneer days of aviation.

S February 1967 CANAL HISTORY

places. The Superintendent of Store- first major powerplant units to be com- 50 yearJ cAao house and Oil Handling Plants issued pleted under the Panama Canal power for passage through NEW RECORDS instructions to discontinue the sale of conversion project, were placed in were set in December, 1916, the Canal tire casings and tubes for private regular operation at the Gatun Hydro- the when the steamship Balboa made automobiles. electric Station early in October 1956. transit in a total of 6 hours and 25 By December 13, the Governor of A third and fourth were to follow in entered from the minutes. The vessel the Canal Zone, Glen E. Edgerton, said 3 months. The completion of these a.m. Sunday, Decem- Pacific at 11:35 that there was no good reason to fear first generating units under three sep- Cristobal at 6 p.m. ber 3, and reached an immediate attack on the Canal Zone. arate contracts, in addition to work vessel Cauca made On the same day the The opportunitv for a surprise attack by the Panama Canal forces, was an- minutes and the transit in 7 hours and 9 on the Panama Ganal was gone, he said. other milestone in the extensive power the San Juan in 8 hours and 5 minutes. conversion program then in progress. The Panama Canal Record remarked, tO yearJ c4go however, that all these ships were cAao and traffic through the One IJear relatively small and were the only BOTH TOLLS Panama Canal during November 1956 WEATHER WAS being discussed as vessels going northbound on that day. were lower than for the previous usual 1 vear ago in the Canal Zone. The largest motorship to use the month but higher than the correspond- For the first time in 13 months of un- Panama Canal made the transit south- ing month a year ago. The total of 654 precedented drv weather, the Mete- bound December 22, 1916. She was oceangoing ships was 45 less than the orological and Hydrographic Branch the George of the Norway- previous month and the decline was issued a warning on November 12, that Pacific Line, operated by Fred Olsen. blamed on the shipping strike which spillway operations at Gatun and Mad- which was under charter to the paralvzed east coast and gulf ports den Lakes might become necessary at U.S. Government to carry coal from in the United States. any time. Heavy rains during the first Norfolk to Tiburon. With a length of The billionth ton of cargo rode part of November brought the eleva- 445 feet and a 55-foot beam, she was through the Panama Canal December tions of Gatun and Madden Lake to a the largest motorship to use the Canal 12, 1956, stowed in the holds of the point where it might become necessary up to that time. She was carrying, on U.S. flag steamship Edward Lucken- to open the spillway gates. her first trip, 9,121 tons of coal. hach. The milestone was marked by As late as October 22, 1965, the As a result of the improved condi- one of the most festive transits in the level of the two lakes was a matter of tion of the channel in the Cut, dredg- history of Canal operations. During concern to Panama Canal engineers. ing on Sundavs and holidays was dis- the 9 hours and 2 minutes the ship was Gatun Lake hovered around the 84.50 continued beginning December 3. 1916, in Canal waters, the "billionth ton" foot mark, approximately 2 feet according to the Panama Canal Record. vessel received official tribute, salutes, below its level at the same time the Continuous work. Sundays and holi- and cheers. It was one of the few occa- vear before and nearly 3 feet below days included, three shifts a day, had sions in the waterway's history in which maximum. Madden Lake stood at been carried on steadily since June 1, all ships in Canal waters were invited 232 feet, or more than 11 feet below 1915, when trouble with the east and to dress ship. the previous year and 20 feet below west Culebra slides became imminent. Two 60-cvcle generating units, the maximum. 25 y[earJ c4ao FOLLOWING THE attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese Navy on December 7 and the U.S. declaration of war, the Canal Zone went on a war footing 25 years ago. In one of his first press conferences, Lt. Gen. Frank M Andrews said that immediate evacua- tion from the Canal Zone of women, children and non-essential males was not being contemplated at present,

since it was felt generally that the war

situation did not warrant it. The following day there was a report that a Japanese fleet was sailing for the Panama area and the first genuine air raid warning was sounded. This proved to be a case of mistaken identity. Zone and Panama blackouts were pronounc- ed a partial success. Citizens in the Canal Zone began a series of civil de- fense meetings to discuss air raids, blackouts, volunteer work, and air raid latest thing in economics. It may look old fashi"ned now, but in 1936 it was the home shelters. The U.S. Armv issued rules here were students at It went by the title of "Foods Laboratory" and the girls pictured for censorship affecting letters, tele- Balboa High School, learning the domestic arts that they are practicing today as mothers, phone calls and conversation in public cr maybe even as grandmothers.

The Panama Canal Review Mosquito Hunters Stalk Disease on the Wing

"HUNTERS" ARMED with weapons inside thev can't find their way out. Canal Zone, particularly the Atlantic resembling a Buck Rogers ray gun Information derived from the various side, was invaded by Aedes taenior- recently began making twilight trips to collections is correlated with the time hynchus, a pest insect sometimes refer- a rural Canal Zone area where game is of the year, temperature, humidity, red to as the 25-mile mosquito because abundant and there's no bag limit. rainfall and other factors. This data is of its flight range. Most mosquitoes are plotted on mosquito indice graphs so not nearly as mobile and usually travel The "hunters" are associated with that corrective action, such as stepped less than a mile. what is called the Club 22-14, taken up spraying or issuing alerts, may be from the serial number of the railroad The Canal Zone's vast mosquito taken promptly. utility pole marking the area, about eradication program was originated by 22 miles south of Colon near Darien. The most striking pattern illustrated Dr. William C. Gorgas whose first hand by these graphs is that a greater mos- experience with yellow fever and ma- Actually, they are not sportsmen quito density is noted during the rainy laria in Cuba prepared him for his term but serious-minded scientists collecting season, May to December, when more of duty during Canal construction days. specimens of mosquitoes, both the watery breeding grounds are available. The ravages of these two diseases had disease vectors and the less harmful For example, the Northern Sanitation cost thousands of lives to the French in but annoying pest varieties. Area, using light traps four nights their unsuccessful attempt to build the the James P. MacLaren, chief of weekly reported catching a record high Canal and later to the Americans. Until organizes the trips Sanitation Division, of 23,601 mosquitoes in April 1963. Gorgas had absolute authority to launch personnel, military asso- to orient new Normally a weekly catch is about 100. his all-out war against mosquitoes, the individuals. They ciates and interested This record was set at a time when the death rate continued to mount. arrive at the chosen site about dusk carrying vacuum suction guns that collect mosquitoes as efficiently as a vacuum cleaner picks lint from a carpet. Some use the old mouth-held mosqui- to aspirators, glass tubes with rubber pipes for snapping up the mosquitoes. A screen protects the collector from in- haling the mosquitoes into his mouth. MacLaren explains that these trips allow him and his companions to ob- serve and evaluate the jungle surround- ings, especially the mosquito situation by studying the density and species of mosquitoes present. "At 6:30 there are no mosquitoes," MacLaren says. "But in 5 or 10 minutes they seem to rise out of the jungle" in great quantities. "Any individual who remains in a mosquito-free townsite inside the Canal Zone can't really know the mosquito situation or be able to combat them unless he goes outside, into the jungle," MacLaren contends. Club "members" wear heavy clothing and use insect repellent to protect them- selves against bites. Because of these precautions, MacLaren discounts the danger of contracting malaria as a result of these field trips.

Mosquitoes are collected by the Sani- tation Division also by means of light traps and horse traps set in townsite locations throughout the Canal Zone. Melvin Boreham, Division of Sanitation medical entomologist, picks off mosquitoes with his The insects are attracted the traps to gun, from the arm of Claude Allen, Division of Sanitation Inspector, during Club 22-14 by the light or by a live horse, but once meeting.

10 February 1967 disease vectors and such pests as mos- The results of his tremendous cam- measures, in and around Canal Zone the jungle populations would quitoes, cockroaches, bats, snakes and paign to wipe out the insects and their townsites, creatures from the move in. other unwanted breeding places stand as testimony to These populations would include nearby tropical environment. his skill and determination. In 1906 there were 821 cases of malaria per 1,000 employees; in 1913, thanks to Gorgas, there were only 76 per 1,000.

The scope of the Sanitation Division

program is broad and the cost is high ($450,000 in 1966), almost 90 percent of which goes for personnel. The Canal Zone's remarkably low level of mosquito and general insect population despite the ideal natural conditions has earned recognition from afar.

Citv managers and other officials of local governments in the United States frequently request the Division of Sani- tation to send informational help to solve their mosquito problems. The concise, factual replies do not include broad information covering what must be done continuously here to inhibit the growth of the insect population.

Drainage ditches must be maintained, swamps sprayed with larvicide, DDT and keresone, harboring places cleared of underbrush, insecticidal fogging and insecticidal residual applications carried out. Blood smears are taken regularly

from all land licensees in the Canal Zone. Countless other tasks must be repeated. Medical entomologist Melvin Boreham of the Division of Sanitation demonstrates the highly Richard C. If these were neglected or curtailed, efficient mosquito gun used to collect specimens. Developed in California by Vector Control, California Department of Public the menace of yellow fever and malaria Husbands and Jim Holten of the Bureau of insects into a detachable tube. Health, the gun is a portable vacuum device that sucks the would again sweep the Canal Zone. pieces of lint Using this method, the scientist can pick mosquitoes off himself as he would Without the appropriate maintenance from his clothing.


the Northern Sanitation Two simplified versions of mosquito indices charted by the Sanitation Division. The graph on the left covering record high influx ot Area on the Atlantic side of the Isthmus shows a sharp rise in the total mosquito count in April 1963 when there was a shows the Southern Aedes taeniorhvnchus, a pest insect nicknamed the 25-mile mosquito because of its flight range. The graph to the right the weekly count rose to Sanitation Area, on the Pacific side, during the same year. The high in the Southern District was in June when Division include such 1,000 compared with the Northern District's April high of 23,601. The more comprehensive charts of the Sanitation items as humidity, temperature and disease vectors as well as total mosquito count.

The Panama Canal Review 11 Tokyo's Port



WITH A burgeoning national merchant fleet that is already one of the world's largest, it follows that Japan must provide vast, up-to-date port facilities to accommodate the vessels and their accompanving needs. Tokyo, having a population of 10 million and a multitude of growing industries, is the country's leading pro- ducing and consuming center. And as an "import excess" port handles more than 25 million tons of cargo each year, the larger part of which is consumer goods.

To meet the challenge of the future, the Port of Tokyo is in the midst of an immense, 10-year construction plan that began in 1961 and will cost approx- imately a third of a billion dollars. Financed chiefly from bond issues, the Revised Port of Tokyo has two major objectives: to create 22,400,000 square meters of land reclaimed from the sea in order to construct an international port pro- vided with facilities capable of func- tions three times those of the present ones; and to realize a "redevelopment" of the city in order to eliminate a traffic A view of just one part jam and various other obstacles arising of the Port of Tokyo. Note procession of ships at top of photograph. from the city. The steamer lane runs for more than The Port of Tokyo will handle up to The wharf is divided into public 3.75 miles with a waterway 665 feet 47.5 million tons of cargo annually after sundries and exclusive purpose special wide and 32 feet deep, extending into the ambitious plan is completed. goods. The sundry goods berth boasts the port from the Tokyo light boat sta- eight 5-ton Overall responsibility traveling cranes, sheds and of the Port of tioned some 12 nautical miles off the warehouses while the exclusive Tokyo is that of the Tokyo Metropolitan purpose Port of Yokohama. Shore facilities con- berth is used for unloading Government but the Bureau of Port wheat, sist of 6 wharves equipped to accom- marine and Harbor is products and cement. Behind the organization that modate two 20,000-GT class passenger the berths are administers these affairs through its modern factories where ships and 10,000 DWT-class ships with 1,100-member staff serving 5 divisions, wheat is made into flour and processed modern stevedoring facilities, port sheds, 2 branches and 22 separate sections. marine products are frozen and stored. port railway freight lines, roads, timber Some of the functions of the admin- The Toyosu Wharf, diagonally oppo- basins and shipyards. Towing, water istrators of the port are: designation of site the Harumi Wharf, handles the supply, piloting, ship passage and com- berths; provision of tugboats and water landing of coal, iron-steel products, munication services are carried on by supply; cleaning the port area; admin- heavy oil, liquefied gas and similar the Port istration of Tokyo. and management of mooring materials. Here there are modern steve- facilities, cranes, public sheds, stevedor- Five minutes by car from the doring facilities, including four bridge ing offices and stevedoring Ginza, equipment Tokyo's leading shopping center, type cranes for landing coal, four other installations and of welfare facilities. is Harumi Wharf, a foreign trade cranes exclusively for landing iron and The port is located at the farthest wharf capable of handling two 20,000- steel and special cranes and movable end of Tokyo Bay in class about the central GT cargo-passenger ships, eight conveyors for the gas and power plants. part of the Japanese archipelago at the 10,000-DWT class ships and one 2,000- The nucleous of domestic trade eastern in tip of the Pacific belt zone. DWT class vessel. sundry goods is formed by Takeshiba,

12 February 1967 Hinode and Shibaura, the first wharves built in the Port of Tokyo. Takeshiba Wharf is used also as a berth for steam- ers plying between Tokyo, Oshima, Mivake and Hachijo Island. These wharves can accommodate 15 3.000- 6,000 ton ships simultaneously for stevedoring operations. More than 40 percent of Japan's imports of timber and lumber-from the Philippines, North Borneo, the United States and other countries- passes through the Port of Tokyo and

is the fourth largest of all goods handled here. At the Shinagawa Wharf a foreign trade pier is being built following the construction of a domestic trade quay. The plans call for 3 berths of 6,000 tons of domestic trade goods and 6 berths for 15,000 tons of foreign trade goods. Japan's oldest shipyard, also at the Port of Tokyo, has a capacity for repair- ing more than a million GT of ships and for building 130,000 GT of ships a year. Japan leads the world both in the registrv and building of the new giant ships-those of 100,000-DWT and above. One of these is the Tokyo Maru, 150,000-DWT which a huge tanker of The wheat wharf where stevedoring operations are being carried out. Wheat is sucked up is so highly automated that she needs by pipe and sent into the silo at the extreme left. a crew of only 29 men. Another new giant to slide down the ways recently was the Idemitsu Maru, an even larger tanker of 205,000 deadweight tons.

being carried out on the construction of a ship. The Central Wholesale Market and the shipyard where work is

The Panama Canal Review 13 CANAL ZONE residents are joining In 1956, the YMCA was selected the international migration to the as the group to teach the sport and all dreamy, dazzling world of underwater. Balboa the YMCA safety precautions. The "Y," Skin diving, the passport to exploring with its pools and lake dotted camps, the deep, has come a long way from teaches hundreds of persons a year the days when the only equipment con- to enjoy diving with the utmost pleasure sisted of poorly fitting goggles. Aided but Offers Key to with a minimum of hazards. by fins, face mask and snorkel or air YMCA SCUBA certificates are issued tank, the diver can safely explore the to those who attend classes and ocean in search of fish to spear, shells complete courses set up by the organization. to collect or just to sightsee in one of Silent World man's beautiful last frontiers. Because skindiving is popular year Documentary films and books, par- round here, both teenagers and adults ticularly those by French underwater can earn SCUBA certificates at Balboa, expert Y. Cousteau, unlike the usual J. and newly- living in the tropics, all water sports practice of restricting acquired technical knowledge have are immensely popular. this to the adults while admitting the touched off an explosion young set of underwater Innumerable accidents, some of them only to free diving classes. interest. Periodicals dealing exclusively fatal, Instruction marred the earlv emergence of at the Balboa YMCA is with skindiving are read widely and skindiving as a sport. Imprudent begin- giving by Abelardo "Chico" de la Las- vast new industries are busy develop- ners cast caution aside and reached out tra, a nationally qualified instructor and ing better paraphernalia for a growing for every exhilaration the sport could himself an alumnus of the "Y." The market. offer, regardless of the risk. 25-hour course costs $30 and includes In the United States alone, there are A mounting accident toll pointed provision of all needed equipment, a an estimated 8 million skin divers. trip up the need for a responsible group to to open water at the conclusion of South and Central America, Asia, Africa the take over teaching SCUBA (self con- course and cost of certification. and Europe all have their great flocks tained underwater breathing apparatus) This of faithful. program is a sport diving course diving and free diving, which involves and does not include salvage work, Here in Panama, with its two inviting use of fins and face mask with, or with- underwater welding coastlines, skindiving has and similar com- logically out, a snorkel attachment for breathing "caught mercial type activities. The novice on." In the Canal Zone, where while the swimmer many is just inches under diver is taught diving physiology, chem- residents are for the first time the surface. istry of oxygen and how to avoid oxygen

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14 February 1967 and carbon dioxide poisoning and nitrogen narcosis.

The latter, also known as "rapture of the deep," is highly dangerous because it gives the diver a drunken, lightheaded feeling that may prompt him to discard his face mask and be on the brink of drowning without knowing or, in his condition, even caring.

A trained diver free from acute sinus, respiratory, ear or heart problems and who complies with established safety standards is unlikely to encounter diffi- culties he can't handle. New students must get physical check-ups before enrolling in the course. "They also have to know how to swim ... not like an expert but well enough to be able to handle themselves in deep water without SCUBA equip- ment," Chico points out.

Much of the SCUBA training is devoted to learning the characteristics of underwater pressure. Some physi- cians recommend a depth limit of 30 feet for beginning skin divers, 100 feet for SCUBA divers after adequate train- ing and a maximum of 130 feet for ex- pert SCUBA divers. The duration of submersion and the speed of ascent as well as depth are factors that must be taken into consideration. Pressure in- creases by one atmosphere every 33 feet of descent. Buddy breathing-two persons using only one air tank-hand signals, recov- Underwater photographer Tony Mann, chief of the Panama Canal's Civil Engineering Branch, ery work, search patterns and consider- looks at the birdie while another SCUBA diver snaps his picture. able theory are covered in this safety- emphasized course. Use of various types of spear guns, masks and other equip- also ment is explained. Chico says he teaches his charges "what to avoid when diving; fire coral, for example, can give you a painful sting if you should brush against it." Mobile marine life-sharks, barracuda and moray eels-is of a great, perhaps undue, concern to novice divers. In his book, "Basic SCUBA," Fred M. Roberts savs: "All potentially dangerous marine life should be kept under surveillance when vou find vourself with them. Look for trouble and you may find it."' Many experienced SCUBA divers contend that most marine life is not dangerous unless provoked.

The course entails considerable swim- ming to acquaint the student with prop- er kick techniques using fins. De la Lastra throws in self-devised drills to develop well qualified SCUBA divers.

For example, to instill confidence in themselves, he sends them to the bot- tom of the training pool and has them extensive collection. (See p. 16) Mrs. Anna Mann reaches down for a brain coral to add to her

The Panama Canal Review 15 Club Outings Part Of Local Diving Fun

(Continued from p. 15) zine and Universal-International Skin Divers Association. take off their fins, air tank, face mask Members of the club carry on more and air hose. Thev surface for a gulp advanced phases of open water diving of air and return to the bottom to don from the Sea Scout ship Argonaut, the equipment underwater. a 56-footer that club use for In a "black water diving" exercise, members about three trips a month, two for local he gives them face masks with black diving excursions within 25 miles of painted, opaque glass to discourage div- Balboa. Once a month they go further ing in murky waters which can create out to such places as the Las Perlas dangers not present when visibility Islands for overnight trips, returning is good. with baskets Some students are slower than others of fish and lobster. adapting to breathing underwater. The The past April, the Balboa Diving regulator, the heart of any SCUBA out- Club and the Club de Pesca Submarina fit, provides air onlv on demand, when of Panama City co-sponsored a spear the user inhales through the rubber fishing tournament that attracted a large mouthpiece. An occasional beginner turnout. Participants landed some out- Down and under. diver goes below with must pinch his nose to force himself to standing gamesters but the competitors A his face mask, air tank strapped to his back breathe through the mouth until he were limited to free diving. Another and fins on his feet. It looks like he left his becomes acclimated to the svstem. tournev is scheduled for this year. spear gun behind . . . but maybe this time Upon successful completion of the The basic equipment for the SCUBA he just wanted to explore. course, the newly-qualified SCUBA diver including face mask, regulator, diver can join the Balboa Diving Club air tank, fins and knife can be purchased water cameras can run into several which is registered with the National for about $115. Wet suits, more elab- hundreds of dollars for the diver with Council of YMCA's, Skin Diver Maga- orate gear and such accessories as under- the funds and inclination.

Between dives, spearfishermen ready their gear for the next A satisfied SCUBA diver emerges from the water after spearing plunge below. himself a fair sized catch.

16 February 1967 He Opened Canal to Visitors

(Continued from p. 4) ed and old age assistance increased. There were 4,000 non-U. S. citizens who left Canal service before there were laws to give them retirement benefits. In 1962, CARE food allot- ments were started for this group. The Governor set up a recreation council and appointed a special services officer to manage new boat ramps and picnic areas, and he brought Summit Gardens into its own as a Canal Zone attraction. Out of concern for workers' health, the Industrial Health Program was started under the Division of Preven- tive Medicine and Quarantine. It works through inspections, tests, con- ferences, and meetings with em- ployees. The Governor also established the Division of Mental Health under the Health Bureau, bringing together for maximum use the services and resources of both Gorgas and Corozal Hospitals. Under Governor Fleming, the Police Force was expanded, gained in mobil- ity, and improved communications. Panamanian policemen were hired under a new program and there are many now on the force. Fire protec- tion increased, too, as more companies were formed and nearly all the old equipment replaced. To meet the increase in school enrollment, new teachers were hired and a school plant expansion program Mrs. Fleming accepts a bouquet of roses from a member of the Canal Zone Girl Scouts President. The Canal Zone's First Lady took an active part in carried out to provide more classrooms. of which she was Honorary various projects and gave her patronage to several others during her 5 years here. "When I got here the Canal discour- aged visitors," Governor Fleming had said. His imprint is strong here—he lion was struck to mark the historic date. to everyone's thoughts, were put on a initiated the Guide Service and the Oldtimers were invited, and honor- base that ties Canal Zone prices to those pavilions for visitors at Miraflores and ed with the dedication of a plaque charged in New Orleans supermarkets. Gatun, and he introduced the popular imbedded in a rock monument unveiled Under this arrangement, the housewife cruise boats Las Cruces and Reina Ma- in front of the Administration Building. was assured of some price stability. nuelito. Mancha and Gato, the burritos Governor Fleming cast the mold for And over the years, Governor that small fry love to ride, were the present Information Office organi- Fleming welcomed hundreds of offi- given to the children of the Isthmus by zation. He guided establishment of the cials, diplomats, journalists, and VIPs the Governor and former Ambassador weekly Sptiltvay, and news output was from a hundred countries. He partic- Joseph Farland. accelerated. Public relations functions ipated in numerous ceremonies, gave When the Panama Canal observed were expanded and to aid visitors there coundess talks and speeches, and the States its 50th Anniversary in 1964, Governor are even points of interest signs posted traveled to and from many Fleming hosted a luncheon for former throughout the Canal Zone, another of times. Still, he kept pace with a heavy governors, Panama and Canal Zone his ideas. schedule of official functions. has been both officials. He canceled the first stamps During his 5-year administration, the Governor Fleming of a special issue commemorating the payroll jumped from $60 to $83 million. inquisitive and well informed. He look- event and presented to dignitaries Labor cost increases pushed up the bill ed problems in the eye and was most copies of the 50th Anniversary book for housing maintenance but much of pleased when, he was getting them published to coincide with the occa- this was absorbed, causing only mod- solved, because most of all, he was a action. sion. A silver 50th Anniversary medal- erate rent increases. Food prices, close man who got results, a man of

The Panama Canal Review 17 CANAL COMMERCIAL TRAFFIC BY NATIONALITY OF VESSELS No price has been quoted for the PRINCIPAL COMMODITIES SHIPPED THROUGH THE CANAL Panamax, according to the Fairplay (All cargo figures in long tons) Shipping Journal. But bulk carriers of Pacific to Atlantic about the same deadweight tonnage have been ordered in Japan in the past Second quarter, fiscal year— year at about $6 million. Commodity 5-Yr. Avg. 1967 1966 No ship officially of the Panamax 1961-65 class has used the Panama Canal so Ores, various 1,422,663 1,896,804 1,827,470 far but a number of vessels this size Lumber 792,459 1,169,405 917,257 and larger have passed through the Petroleum and products (excludes asphalt). _ 208,968 432,585 533,748 waterway in the past few years. The Molasses 203,347 91,737 47,702 Sugar 463,471 573,956 541,267 largest was the Japanese-built Melodic, Canned food products 217,819 226,980 263,845 which made her first transit in Novem- Nitrate of soda 120,673 182,822 157,654 ber 1966. Her length of 845.8 feet and Coffee 90,694 99,213 103,149 beam of 105.85 feet made her one of Bananas 300,527 326,770 291,123 Metals, various 311,987 292,927 291,740 the largest customers, although the old Food products in refrigeration (except fresh passenger vessel Bremen, with German fruit) 232,633 230,002 198,438 a length of 936.8 feet, still holds the Pulpwood 151,303 127,661 119,233 record for the longest ship to transit Chemicals, unclassified 81,860 64,950 44,617 manufactures 781,087 the Canal. Iron and steel 856,162 257,627 Fishmeal 290,632 111,535 N.A. During the calendar year 1966, AH others 1,695,922 2,311,693 1,944,968 58 transits were made by ships with Total 7,441,120 8,920,127 7,539,838 beams measuring 104 feet or more, compared with 15 for the previous year. There were 131 transits by ships with Atlantic to Pacific beams measuring from 100 to 103.9 feet, an increase of 16 over the previous year. All transits by ships in 1966 with Second quarter, fiscal year- beams of more than 80 feet totaled Commodity 1967 1,130, compared with only 958 in 1965.

Despite the increase in traffic from Petroleum and products (excludes asphalt) Coal and coke 33.6 to 35.1 ships per day and the Phosphates steady increase in the size of ships, Soybeans official figures show that the time spent Iron and steel manufactures Corn by vessels in Canal waters during calen- Ores, various dar year reduced to 13.8 1966 was Metal (scrap) hours, from the 15.6 hours of 1965. Paper and paper products Chemicals, unclassified The Panama Canal reported recently Wheat that the transit average is expected to Sugar Sulphur increase by another ship a day or to 36 Machinery during the present calendar year, while Automobiles and accessories time spent in Canal Zone waters will All others be reduced to about 13 hours. Large Total ship transits can be expected to con- tinue increasing at the same rate since there are many more 104- and 106-foot beam ships coming off the ways this year and the number of transits in this category may well reach two a week.

Meanwhile, another broad-beam type of cargo vessel being designed for the U.S. gulf ports and European trade- one which will be able to use the

Panama Canal— is being planned by Lykes Brothers Steamship Co. Inc. of New Orleans.

It is a giant oceangoing barge carrier, 875 feet long and with a beam of 106 feet. This type of vessel could revolu- tionize commercial freighter transpor- tation and at the same time provide the United States with an adaptable cargo carrier for instant military use. ANNIVERSARIES (On the basis of total Federal Service)

ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR Jose M. Hernandez DIVISION Floyd R. Johnson Truck Driver Analysis Raymond D. Parker Talbert S. Spence Management Officer Accounting Clerk Bindery and Finish Worker OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Kenneth E. Sealey Dudley Farrell Sydney D. Lovell School Bus Driver E. A. Operator Lithographic Pressman, 22 x 29 and M. Sidney G. Smith larger PERSONNEL BUREAU Shipment Clerk MARINE BUREAU Gordon M. Frick Abelino Diaz Deputy Personnel Director (Operations) Railroad Trackman Adolphus M. Ricketts MARINE BUREAU Sydney O. Smith Teletypist Helper General Basanio Darkin Edward V. Robinson Painter Shipwright-Maintenance SUPPLY AND COMMUNITY Huntley F. Mignott SERVICE Akon E. Jones Signalman BUREAU Sydney O. Cook Chief Engineer—Towboat Howard L. Clarke, Jr. General Foreman Rigger Waiter TRANSPORTATION AND TERMINALS Cardinal A. Powlett Alfred L. Grimes JREAU^ Helper Lock Operatoi aintenance Equipment Walter G. Joseph A. Sargeant Seaman, Launch Chief Jjdrjalflaril-Fue, Fitz R. Spooner Manager Ramon Motor Launch Captain I.eafcerTTTe'Re'Eaid George Hinds Helper Lock Operator Granville Hunte Carpenter—Marine Anita A. Burke George J. Krcdell Clerk Lock Operator—Machinist ENGTNEERING AND CONSTRUCTION Luciano C. D. Sablo Pascual Perez BUREAU Helper Lock Operator Clerk Bernard Brown TRANSPORTATION AND TERMINALS J. ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION Supervisory Civil Engineer BUREAU Franklin H. Donickle BUREAU Ezekiel Barker Electronics Mechanic Stevedore Walter A. Amantine Ralph J. Flemming Leopold V. Dutton Oiler-Floating Plant Carpenter Stevedore Thomas B. Idol Reginald Lovell Herbert C. McKesey Dispatcher— Floating Carpenter Equipment Truck Driver Mortimer H. Jordan Percival G. Piggott Samuel A. Palmer Supervisory Procurement Clerk-Typing Maintenanceman Cuard Scott J. McKay HEALTH BUREAU Raymond M. Schneider Chief Engineer—Towboat Electrician Isidro Nogueira Judith Dalmage Ezekiah Bradiel Electrical Equipment Repairman Physical Therapy Assistant Stevedore Clarence E. Holder Painter Whitfield E. Riley Clerk Pedro Estrada Maintenanceman—Distribution Systems Jasper H. Failey Seaman Frank A. Mcintosh Carpenter Rex M. Sealey Procurement Clerk Masai! Speid Oiler— Floating Plant Alfred Tulle Electroplater CIVIL AFFAIRS BUREAU Sidney Hayes Police Private A. H. Boxswill Detention Guard Thomas Morrell Detention Guard David C. Rose Postmaster— First Class Office Paul D. Richmond Detective HEALTH BUREAU Paul W. Morgan Supervisory Medical Radiology Technician—Diagnosis Wilbert O. Gittens Sugar cane, a product that gives the economy of the Republic of Panama a lift, is getting a Leader Exterminator lift into a grinder in one of the many areas where the product is processed. It is turned into Harold W. Griffin sugar for tables over the Republic and in the United States, and it is also made into rum. File Supervisor

20 February 1967 Splendor Ignites Corrida

(Continued from p. 5) ular moves. Swinging his cape slowly ability with the capote, the large red to the box of the municipal president awav from the bull while he keeps his work cape. This color is used because to whom thev pav their respects. He feet in one position, the matador calls it adds to the splendor of the occasion. serves as a representative of the mayor to him and bv graceful hand move- All cattle are color blind. ments, he draws the bull into the and because he acts as a judge or referee The second tercio is the Tercio de position he wants. usually is a person well versed in bull- Banderilla, when banderilleros, assist- fighting. The participants then take Entrance into the next is made ants on foot, plant three pairs of color- their respective positions and prepare bv the picadores, wearing broad-rim- fully decorated and barbed staves— for the start of action. med, low crowned beige hats, simple banderillas— into the bull's shoulders A loud roar from the crowd can be jackets and waistcoats. Also, they have near the neck. The purpose is to correct steel right defects of the or heard as the first bull, with ribbons of hip to ankle armor of on the charge to observe the his farm colors pinned to his back, bolts side and knee length on the left leg. bull's charging style. through the door into the arena. The Their mounts are padded heavilv on Placing the banderillas requires both spectators assav his size and ferocity. the right side to protect them from dexterity and courage. The banderille- bull. ros attract the bull's attention with The bullfight is on. The moment he charges bv the Using long piked enters the ring, the torero's assistants poles the picadores fend off the attack- gestures and shouts from about 20 yards cape the bull with one hand so ing toro which mav upend the horse and awav. As the animal charges, the bande- the matador can observe charging unseat the rider. By placing the pikes rillero sprints toward him but slightly staves style, tendencies to hook in any one into the bull's back, thev weaken the to one side, planting the and direction and other immensely impor- neck and shoulder muscles and put the deftlv spinning clear of the horns. tant characteristics. bull into position for the matador. Next, the piercing sound of the cornet signals the final tercio, the Tercio de This is all included in the first The three matadores vie in the Muerte, the most important part of the of three parts, tercios. In this first "quites" or passes, taking turns accord- program and the time when the matador part—Tercio de Varas— the torero per- ing to seniority to draw the bull away proves himself. First, though, he ap- forms the initial passes, usually the from the horses. These quites give the basic veronicas which are the most pop- matador an opportunity to display his (See p. 22)

This is the start of the "Tercio de Varas" during a corrida in la Plaza La Macarena in Panama City. Using his work cape, a torero approaches the bull while a picador, mounted on his padded horse, approaches from the left of the photo.

The Panama Canal Review 21 \^s (Continued from p. 21)

pears before the president's box with montera held aloft in his right hand and muleta and sword in the left, ask- ing for permission to dedicate the bull to a , sweetheart or dignitary in the audience.

He performs several close passes with the red muleta, a heart-shaped cloth folded lengthwise over a staff: the "derechazo," done with the muleta ex- tended bv the sword; the "natural," the matador thrusting the muleta with the left hand and holding the sword in the right. Some of the passes are graceful and dangerous while others are for show only and used sparingly to liven up what may be a lackluster corrida.

When the "hour of truth" arrives, the

torero tries to make it swift. Urging the muleta forward with the left hand, causing the bull to lower his head, the matador plunges the sword between the shoulder blades.

If he has done well, the matador is given wild applause and showered with flowers as he circles the arena. He may be awarded an ear for a good perform- ance, two ears for an outstanding one

and if he has been magnificient, he may be presented with the ultimate prize, both ears and the tail, and sometimes even a leg for his trophy room. Cesar Cir6n, the famous Venezuelan matador, executes a "pase de pecho" in la Plaza La Mat-arena. What happens to the bull's carcass? It's usuallv given away to the poor or sold. Bulls never are used for a second corrida. Their memories are keen and should one be used for a later corrida he would not respond to the cloth but ""AT1AS would go directly to the man. , SUAVE -DELIC108A

A disappointed crowd will berate the matador without mercv. Cushions, fruit, bottles and other litter mav rain down on him, particularly in cities where aficionados are notoriously intolerant of a mediocre or poor showing. Every mat- ador, including the great Manolete and Belmonte, must accept this burden of the trade.

But this is a minor irritant compared with the danger of the horns which virtually everv matador feels during his career. Belmonte, for example, was gored more than 50 times during his long span in the bullring.

Top flight matadores can retire young with vast sums of monev to raise fight- ing bulls or to enter another business. But frequently they are drawn back into the ling, to recapture the spotlight or Gir6n lifts his cape as the bull charges past during the third and final portion of a bullfight tor other nebulous reasons. in Panama City.

22 February 1967 SHIPPING PANAMA CANAL TRAFFIC to the Shipping Digest article, they New Express Service STATISTICS FOR SECOND QUARTER are the first of 49 locomotives to be A NEW express service between the FISCAL YEAR 1967 supplied by Alco to the Korean (Oceangoing Vessels) U.S. east coast ports to the Far TRANSITS 1967 1966 National Bailroad under a $6.5 East via the Panama Canal was Commercial 2,977 2,973 million contract financed by AID. started last November by the Amer- U.S. Government 209 139 ican Export Isbrandtsen Lines, one Free 21 28 Split steamship companies Johnson Line of the largest Total 3,207 3,140 in the United States. These vessels, TOLLS" Service in addition to the line's regular Commercial — $18,278,318 $17,572,569 THE SWEDISH flag Johnson Line, round-the-world cargo ships, pass U.S. Commercial 1,300,912 843,480 which has been in service between through the Canal eastbound on an Total. ___ $19,579,230 $18,416,049 Europe and the west coast of the average of once each month. They CARGO" United States and South America Commercial 20,258,955 20,602,539 are the line's most modern, high- for nearly as long as the Panama U.S. Government 1,612,369 813,383 speed freighters and offer deep Canal has been open to the traffic, Free 166,894 113,182 tanks, refrigerated and heavy recently split its Pacific Coast-Euro- Total 22,038,218 21,529,104 lift facilities. Scheduled transit time pean service into two operations. ° Includes tolls on all vessels, oceangoing and from the last east coast port to the became a North Pacific service small. One first Japanese port is 3 weeks. 00 Cargo figures are in long tons. between the Pacific coast and Europe The Export Ambassador, which and the other a West Indies, Cen- service, inaugurated the passenger Products, Inc., were deck cargo tral America service from the west sailed from November aboard the Central Gulf Lines cargo coast of Central America and the 27, and will be in monthly service vessel Green Harbor. Officials of West Indies to Europe, with some with her sistership Export Adven- the Alco Company said they thought stops at northern South American turer. Both are modern, completely the 18 locomotives composed the ports. The Central American service built in 1960. air-conditioned vessels largest such shipment ever exported will include calls at such Central provide superior accommoda- Thev aboard a single U.S. flag vessel. American west coast ports as Pun- tions for 12 passengers in outside Valued at approximately $2.5 tares, San Juan del Sur, La Union, single and double cabins with pri- million, the engines were protected Acajutla, and Champerico. It ex- vate baths. during their journey against salt tends no further north than Mexico C. B. Fenton, local agent for water corrosion by a sprayed-on and is designed to provide faster Export Isbrandtsen, says American cocoon of vinyl material. According service to Europe. that the ports of call on the east coast in addition to New York in- 1 100 clude Baltimore, Norfolk, Philadel- phia, Charleston, Savannah, and Boston. In the Far East the prin- cipal ports are Yokohama, Kobe, Pusan, Inchon, Manila, Hong Kong, and Keelung. Ships return from the Far East via the Panama Canal direct to U.S. east coast ports.

Record Locomotive Shipment EIGHTEEN 70-TON diesel electric locomotives en route from Newark to Pusan, Korea, made up one of the unusual cargoes carried through the Panama Canal during recent months. The engines, produced at the Schenectady, N.Y., plant of Alco


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