CPWG/27 WP/10 22/10/2019

Twenty-Seventh Meeting of the Cross Polar Trans East Air Traffic Management Providers’ Work Group (CPWG/27) (Singapore, 22 – 24 October 2019)

Agenda Item 4: Summary of Pertinent Issues from the ANSPs Meeting and other relevant meetings Summary of Discussions Route Development Group – East (Presented by the United States)


This working paper presents information on the thirty-first meeting of the Route Development Group – Eastern Part of the ICAO EUR Region (RDGE/31) was held in the ICAO EUR/NAT Office in Paris, France, from

9 to 13 September 2019

1. Introduction 1.1. The Route Development Group (RDGE) works on matters related to ATS route planning and implementation, as well as airspace improvement projects in the Eastern part of the ICAO European Region. 1.2. The RDGE-E meets bi-annually and consists of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, , Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Sweden, , Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, EUROCONTROL, IAC, IBAC and IATA. For specific coordination matters, any other State within the ICAO EUR Region may also be invited to participate at the RDGE. Other relevant stakeholders may also be invited to participate as observers.

1.3 With regard to specific regional coordination matters the following adjacent States will also be invited: Afghanistan, Canada, China, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Syrian Arab Republic and the United States. Note: The Cross Polar Working Group (CPWG) could also be invited to participate on specific issues related to ATS route planning and implementation in the Far East Area of the ICAO EUR Region.

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1.4 The RDGE has four subgroups:

a) Baltic area and its interface;

b) Black Sea and South Caucasus area and its interface;

c) Middle area and its interface; and

d) Far East area and its interface.

These subgroups meet concurrently to discuss previously proposed and new ATS route proposals and agree on actions and deadlines for their execution to enable the States to continue coordination on a bilateral or multilateral basis between the meetings. The actions and deadlines agreed are reflected in the RDGE ATS Route Catalogue.

1.5 The CPWG, as part of an agreement with the ICAO EURNAT Office in 2012, provides papers at each RDGE meeting on recent activities and one on the latest State ATM ATS Route Catalogue presented at each CPWG meeting to increase communication and coordination between the two groups.

2. Discussion

2.1. Attached are the draft Summary of Discussion for your information. 2.2 The ICAO EURNAT Office would like to note paragraph 5.24 in the report where Jeppesen raised a point that there would be considerable benefits that could be envisaged if the new ATS Route P170 NETRI-SUBEK could be connected to the Fukuoka FIR boundary.

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2.3 The connection of P170 (SUBEK) to the Fukuoka FIR boundary NIPPI (R220) and OMOTO (R580) would create more options for westbound trans-Pacific flights. The Anchorage ARTCC (ZAN) currently allows operators to plan user-preferred/random routings to these points if the flights can reach FL380 or above by 180E and the connection to the NOPAC routes would be highly interesting for airspace users. It was agreed to present this proposal to the next CPWG meeting and to coordinate with JCAB the implementation possibilities.

3. Action by the Meeting 3.1. The Meeting is invited to: a. review the route proposal from the RDGE/31 meeting; and b. provide response to ICAO EURNAT Regional Office.






(Paris, France, 9 to 13 September 2019)

1. Introduction

1.1 The thirty-first meeting of the Route Development Group – Eastern Part of the ICAO EUR Region (RDGE/31) was held in the ICAO EUR/NAT Office in Paris, France, from 9 to 13 September 2019.

1.2 Mr. Evgeni Tavadze of Georgia presided over the meeting and Mr. Sven Halle, from the ICAO Europe and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) Office, served as Secretary. He was supported by Mr. Abbas Niknejad, Ms. Isabelle Hofstetter and Ms. Patricia Cuff, from the ICAO Europe and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) Office. The language support to this meeting and during the working group sessions was provided by several delegates.

1.3 68 participants attended the meeting from 27 States, 2 international organizations and 2 Computer Flight Plan Software Providers (CFSP). The RDGE was attended by delegations from P.R. China, Cyprus, Greece, Iraq, Israel and the United States. The delegation from I. R. Iran registered for the event but eventually could not participate. The list of participants is at Appendix A. The full contacts list is available separately on the RDGE site on the ICAO Secure Portal.

1.4 The opportunity of the meeting was also taken to hold specific side-meetings on contingency matters and airspace improvements in the “Eastern Mediterranean EUR/MID interface area” (which was attended by Cyprus, Greece, Israel, EUROCONTROL and IATA) and on the interface area between Turkey, Iraq and I.R. Iran (which was attended by Turkey, Iraq, Bulgaria, EUROCONTROL and IATA).

1.5 The Summary of Discussions (SoD) from the RDGE/30 meeting, which was sent out for comments on 24 June 2019, was reviewed in detail and updated. The RDGE/31 approved the commented version including all the Appendices in the plenary session. The endorsed version of the RDGE/30 SoD was afterwards posted on the ICAO EUR/NAT RDGE portal.

2. Adoption of the Agenda

2.1 At its opening session, the RDGE adopted the following agenda:

Agenda Item 1: Report on activities since RDGE/30 and follow-up actions; Under this Agenda Item, the Group will consider issues of interest for its work, inter alia: a) review and approval of the RDGE/30 Summary of Discussions; b) report from the Secretariat on significant international aviation developments; c) report from EUROCONTROL on related activities (e.g. RNDSG); d) presentation of the Cross Polar Working Group (CPWG) activities; e) report on current or planned implementations of airspace projects (i.e. Free Route Airspace, major airspace changes);

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f) report from States; highlighting ATS route developments and activities (including the measuring and reporting of environmental benefits from these operational improvements), as well as needs and problems which need to be addressed by the Group. Agenda Item 2: Report on Actions taken on RDGE Action Plan; Under this Agenda Item, the Secretariat, States and International Organisations concerned will provide updates on actions taken based on the RDGE Action Plan.

Agenda Item 3: Proposals for improvements of ATS route network in the Eastern Part of the Region; Under this Agenda Item, the Group will: a) be presented with evaluations of existing and new proposals from the Subgroups: - Baltic Sea Area and Interface - Black Sea and Caucasus Area and Interface - Middle Asia Area and Interface - Far East Area and Interface

Under this Agenda Item, the RDGE working groups will: b) review and update existing proposals in RDGE ATS Route Catalogue; and c) incorporate new proposals into the RDGE ATS Route Catalogue.

Agenda Item 4: Any other business. Under this Agenda Item, the RDGE will discuss AOBs and preparations for the future meetings.

2.2 The list of documentation reviewed by the Meeting is in Appendix B.

3. Report on activities since RDGE/30 and follow-up actions

Report from Secretariat on significant international aviation developments

3.1 For reference purposes, the RDGE was presented with the Terms of Reference, Composition, Structure, Task List and Working Procedures that was approved by the EANPG59 RASG-EUR06 meeting in November 2017.

3.2 The RDGE was informed about recent significant international aviation developments and took note of the amendments to the ICAO Annexes and PANS that had been adopted since the last RDGE as well as the proposed amendments to ICAO Annexes. The meeting also noted the considerable number of circular/individual State Letters and Electronic Bulletins which were issued since the last meeting.

Report from EUROCONTROL on activities from RNDSG

3.3 The RDGE was provided with detailed information concerning the activities of the Route Network Development Subgroup (RNDSG) which, based on an EANPG invitation (EANPG conclusions 35/2 and 36/2), organises and carries out the necessary coordination of planning and implementation activities for improving the ATS route network in the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) area of the ICAO EUR Region. As result of the above invitation and in the execution of the EU Regulation No 677/2011 of 7 July 2011, which amended EU Regulation No 691/2010, Annex I - The European Route Network Design (ERND) Function, Part A-Objective 1(c), the Route Network Development Subgroup (RNDSG) of the Network Operations Team (NETOPS) has developed a number of activities aimed at improving the ECAC ATS route network and airspace structure as well as ensuring regional interconnectivity and interoperability of the European route network within the ICAO EUR Region and with adjacent ICAO Regions.

3.4 The RDGE was informed on activities related to the European Route Network Improvement Plan (ERNIP) Part 2, ARN Version. The objective of the ARN Version as part of the ERNIP is the

RDGE31_SoD_Draft_v190930.docx DraftSeptember 2019 3 RDGE/31 – Summary of Discussions 3 enhancement of European ATM capacity, flight efficiency and environmental performance through the development and implementation of an improved ATS route network, Free Route Airspace and TMA system structures supported by corresponding improvements to the airspace structure and the optimal utilisation rules of both in the ECAC area. It was noted that the structure and content of the ARN Version 2020-2024, which contained more than 250 (two hundred fifty) airspace projects for implementation in summer 2020 and over the period autumn 2020 until end of 2024, would be presented for discussion and refinement by RNDSG/98 (September 2019). The content would be further refined by RNDSG/99 (4-6 February 2020) and finally reviewed and approved by RNDSG/100 in spring 2020.

3.5 The status of the Free Route Airspace (FRA) concept implementation within the ECAC area of the ICAO EUR Region was presented. The map below represents the status of all FRA projects (H24 or time limited or level limited or on seasonal basis) that are currently implemented and will be implemented till the end of 2019.

3.6 The following FRA projects are planned for implementation before the end of 2019: a) SEE FRA - South East Europe Free Route Airspace - Extension of existing cross-border FRA operations (FL175 / FL105 / 9500 FT - FL660) from Night to H24 within Sofia FIR, Bucuresti FIR and Budapest FIR: 07 NOV 2019; b) FRASC - Free Route Airspace South Caucasus - Merging of existing H24 FIR based FRA operations into cross-border FRA operations (FL195 - FL660) within Yerevan FIR and Tbilisi FIR : 07 NOV 2019; and c) FRAM Phase 3 - Free Route Airspace Maastricht UAC - Expansion of existing Night and Weekend FRA (FL245 - FL660) to H24 within the AoR of Maastricht UAC: 05 DEC 2019.

3.7 The FRA Design Guidelines document was approved on 27 June 2019 by the Network Management Board (NMB) meeting and Version 1.0 was distributed to the Operational Stakeholders and RDGE members. Whilst guidance on FRA is provided in the ERNIP Part 1 (Airspace Design Methodology), the FRA Design Guidelines document provides additional guidelines related to AIP publication of specific information associated with aerodrome connectivity and assigned vertical limits/flight levels on FRA significant points and airspace organisational aspects in FRA implementation to ensure a harmonized Network approach. The FRA Design Guidelines document, version 1.0, can be found on the ICAO Secure Portal at the RDGE/31 site as an attachment to RDGE/31- IP/06.

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3.8 As from 23 May 2019, an Excel table containing the FRA significant points definition in accordance with State AIPs was made available to operational stakeholders. The FRA points Excel file included all AIP published data for FRA significant points in terms of relevance, airports reference, vertical flight level (FL) availability, FLOS and all other available FRA information. It was noted that the FRA points Excel file, maintained and updated by EUROCONTROL, was compatible and usable by EUROCONTROL charting and readily usable for possible future FRA points map presentation and display purposes. The data for each AIRAC cycle is available via the following website https://www.eurocontrol.int/publications/free-route-airspace-fra-points-list.

3.9 The RNDSG work to harmonise the rules for identification of Control Sectors was noted. The aim was to have the same rules for identification of Control Sectors published in AIP as provided to the Network Manager in order to maintain interoperability of different systems, including the Network Manager Operations Systems and data that need to be made available to the Network Manager. The Identification Guidelines was agreed by RNDSG/96 (February 2019) and the amendment of ERNIP Part 1 would be presented for approval at RNDSG/98 (September 2019).

3.10 Regarding the designation of significant points not marked by the site of a radio navigation aid and used for VFR purposes which was finalised at RDGE/29 and presented at RNDSG/97 (April 2019), Action Item RNDSG/97-07 (APR 2019) tasked the RNDSG Secretariat to identify all significant points not marked by the site of a radio navigation aid and used for VFR purposes in airspace classes B, C and D. The relevant summary and possible actions for replacement would be presented at RNDSG/99 (February 2020). RDGE/32 would be informed for the actions requested to be performed by the States concerned.

3.11 The RDGE noted the EUROCONTROL Sub-Regional Group activities and its participation at the ICAO Special Coordination Meeting on the Implementation of ATM Contingency Arrangements (SCM ACA, Muscat, Oman, 16 - 18 July 2019) and the Seventh Meeting of the APANPIRG ATM Sub- Group (ATM/SG/7) and ICAO EUR / MID / APAC Regions - Fourth Meeting of the Advanced Inter- Regional ATS Route Development Task Force (AIRARD/TF/4) (Bangkok, Thailand, 05 - 09 August 2019).

3.12 The RDGE concurred that it was important to continue the coordination of ATS route network development between the ECAC and RDGE member States in order to ensure overall planning coherency, especially at the interface areas. The Chairman thanked EUROCONTROL for the detailed presentation, the continuous support and valuable contributions and stressed again the importance of this coordination during the RNDSG and/or RDGE meetings

Report from the Cross Polar Trans-East Air Traffic Management Providers Working Group (CPWG)

3.13 No update was available from the Cross Polar Working Group (CPWG) which was currently reviewing its tasks in order to re-organise its activities.

3.14 The RDGE noted that all information regarding the CPWG is available at: http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ato/service_units/systemops/ato_intl/cross_polar/

3.15 It was noted that the stalling of inter-regional coordination activities was also seen in the Advanced Inter-Regional Air Traffic Services Route Development Task Force (AIRARD/TF) which would not continue to meet in the current format due to the lack of engagement from key trans-regional States and airspace users. IATA highlighted that work was on-going to find a suitable inter-regional platform to address inter-regional coordination of cross-regional traffic flows.

Report from States; highlighting, inter alia, ATS route developments and activities and needs and problems to be addressed by the Group

3.16 During the RDGE/31 a total of 23 State reports were presented, namely by Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Hungary, I.R. Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Sweden, Tajikistan,

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Turkey, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. No State Report was received from Turkmenistan. Kyrgyzstan and I.R. Iran submitted State reports, but were unable to attend the meeting.

3.17 State reports on traffic figures for the time period from April 2019 to August 2019 showed another very volatile picture in traffic figures (between a decrease of 25% (Tajikistan had 70% loss in overflights) and a maximum increase of 11.1%, but with an average traffic decrease of 0.62% for the total traffic figures) when compared with the traffic figures for the same time period in the previous year, mainly due to the closure of the airspace of Pakistan and the events in Syria and the Gulf Region. The traffic figures presented per State are reflected in Appendix C.

3.18 A total of 46 new ATS routes had been implemented since the last meeting and 9 airspace projects were completed. The full details of the ATS route developments and ATS route-related activities are shown in Appendix D.

3.19 The impact on traffic flows due to the closure of the Pakistan airspace, the high workload on adjacent FIRs in view of measures put in place to shift traffic out of congested FIRs in the core area of Europe and the removal of ATS routes in relation to FRA implementation were discussed.

3.20 With respect to the measures implemented in summer 2019 by EUROCONTROL NM to re- route traffic out of the FIRs in the core European area that had capacity shortfalls, several States in the adjacent FIRs that were impacted with extremely high workload reported that nine months advance notice of such measures was insufficient for their internal planning. It was requested that this issue be brought to the attention of the EANPG.

3.21 The meeting discussed the challenges, benefits and technical aspects of the removal of ATS routes in light of FRA implementation, in particular, the impact on airspace users’ flight plans. It was noted that close coordination with airspace users and computer flight plan service providers was necessary in order for flight planning software to be updated to enable continued coherent flight plans. IATA and ICAO were requested to address the flight planning issues related to FRA implementation and removal of ATS routes (such as the CFSP software to be updated so that they do not choose automatically the underlying ATS Route Network but rather plan for FRA) so that the full benefits of FRA could be provided to airspace users (RDGE Action Plan # 31/03 refers). It was noted that this would be raised at the next IATA RCG meeting and brought to the attention of the next ICAO COG/RCOG meeting.

3.22 In the State reports, many ATS route proposals in the RDGE ATS Route Catalogue were highlighted as high priority items for further discussions/studies at the RDGE/31 meeting. The outcome of these discussions is shown in the Subgroup reports in paragraph 5.

3.23 The following reflects additional information reported by States: Armenia - Armenia/Georgia/EUROCONTROL NM FRASC Coordination Meeting took place on 13-14 May 2019 in Yerevan, Armenia. - Cross-border FRA operation within the ATS airspaces of Armenia and Georgia (Free Route Airspace in South Caucasus Area) - FRASC is planned on 07 NOV 2019. Azerbaijan - Thanks to I.R. Iran and Turkey was expressed for cooperation on implementation of N374. - Letter of Agreement (LoA) between Baku ACC and Tehran ACC was signed on 31 July 2019. - LoA between Baku ACC (Sector South ACC/Nakhchivan) and Ankara ACC was signed on 5 August 2019. - Two-way satellite communication between Baku ACC (Sector South ACC/Nakhchivan) and Ankara ACC was established. - Two-way communication line between Baku ACC (Sector South ACC/Nakhchivan) and Tehran ACC was established. Belarus - Bi-directional instead of uni-directional flows were implemented on the following route segments: Z494 KOMAP – OKNOD and N743 DELON – KOMAP.

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- DFL between middle and upper sectors from FL375 to FL365 was changed in Minsk FIR. - Horizontal limits of Minsk, Homiel and Mahiliou TMAs were changed. - 38 new 5LNCs were implemented on new SID/STAR of the above mentioned TMAs. - 7 not used 5LNCs were released from national AIP as well as from ICARD database. - All above mentioned improvements were implemented on AIRAC 25 APR 2019. - The equipment installation procedures and step-by-step transition of the personnel to the new ATC center are being currently under way. - On the basis of a thorough FRA utilization in Minsk FIR analysis, the altitudes and time periods of FRA utilization are being expanded. Following the coordination procedures, it is planned to provide FRA operations in the altitude range of FL275-FL660 on a 24- hour basis. The planned date of implementation would be provided when available. - Meeting with State ATM Corporation regarding the new Moscow area airspace structure (Moscow, 29-30 August 2019). Bulgaria - Implementation of SEE FRA project between Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary WEF 7 NOV 2019; - Transfer of the operations from LTBA to LTFM WEF April 2019 – Traffic volatility to LTFM; - Implementation of NM measures for the summer season 2019; - RAD actualization and implementation of new restrictions aiming in the reduction og the traffic complexity in 24/7 FRA environment; - New interface between BULGARIA and GREECE – new WPT ATFIR; - Traffic volatility due to regulated neighbouring airspaces - high impact of measures put in place to shift traffic out of congested FIRs in the core area of Europe. Estonia - Unexpected drop in traffic figures was noted. - Work on re-designation of route designators related to removal of ATS routes in parts of Tallinn FIR to be addressed at the Baltic Subgroup. Finland - CPDLC EFES, will be changed to EFIN depending on EUROCONTROL and ICAO actions. - Work on re-designation of route designators due to removal of ATS routes in parts of Helsinki FIR would be coordinated at the Baltic Subgroup. Georgia - new ACC sectorization project was implemented in Tbilisi FIR on 23 May 2019, where existing CTAs were divided horizontally up to 4 additional sectors with one of the previously chosen DFLs. - Enhanced Mode S operations were implemented on 23 May 2019 based on the capabilities of the new INDRA system. - The Abastumani Astrophysical Observation Center which was built in 1932 has been rehabilitated. Trial observations will begin on 16 September 2019. For proper working process, the Observation Center requires a no-Flying Zone over it of at least 5 NM radius. The appropriate NOTAM will be issued by Georgian CAA when the ATS route structure has been reconfigured. Tactical rerouting will be applied by Tbilisi ACC to avoid that area. New proposals would be coordinated at the Black Sea Subgroup. Hungary - Though, the traffic demand is still increasing in overflight relationship, the number of controlled movements has started to decrease. The main reason behind is the stable staff shortage which was foreseen and announced on the appropriate forums and has led to the continuous and massive flow restriction measures. As a result of which some of the airspace users have chosen to avoid Hungarian airspace. (The sum of accumulated delays in this year for LHCC is 1 144 455 min.) - The Step 2 of SEEFRA (joining of Slovakia the SEEFRA) is foreseen after summer season in 2020. - The 4 geographical sectors have been introduced in May this year, but the benefit of it cannot be utilised due to the staff shortage. - The new Budapest TMA is under construction, which embraces a bunch of new SID/ STAR tracks, new entry/exit and intermediate points. The project aims at making the TMA structure more responsive to the needs of the airspace users as well as the ATC,

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with implementation date of 30 January 2020. - The ATCO shortage is still the main issue in Budapest ACC. Recovery of the staff backbone is planned in 2023. I. R. Iran - Current reduction of longitudinal separation with Pakistan. Iraq - Military operations at the interface between Turkey and Iraq. - Restriction below FL 320(LTAA NOTAM A4373/19 and A4374/19). Kazakhstan - A working meeting was held between representatives from ATM of Kazakhstan and ATM China in Urumqi, from 24-25 June 2019. - A new LoA was signed between ACC of Urumqi and Almaty on 25 June 2019. - It is planned to sign LoAs with ACCs of Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan with the effective date of 7 November 2019. - The first phase of implementation of performance-based navigation (PBN) was completed in the airspace structure and the ATS procedures on 7 November 2019 as follows: - transition altitude within all FIR 10 000 feet; - altitude measurement system below the transition level in feet; - horizontal separation minimums on ATS routes and TMA; - measuring distances in nautical miles; - new SID RNAV 1, STAR RNAV 1 and RNP APCH APV Baro for Nur-Sultan aerodrome. - Work was on-going for the second phase of PBN implementation. - A new aerodrome primary radar and a monopulse secondary radar with S mode and ADS-B equipment is planned to put on at the Almaty and Petropavlovsk in December 2019. - New ILS were planned to put on at the Aktau and Taraz in October 2019. - 36th meeting of the “Eurasia” Coordination Council took place from 23 to 26 April 2019 in , Tajikistan. The next meeting of the Coordination Council of “Eurasia” will be held in Almaty, Kazakhstan in September 2019. Kyrgyzstan - New LoA was signed between and Urumqi ATC Centres in August 2019. Latvia - CPDLC Functionality will be implemented by the end of 2019; - Upper limit of controlled airspace will be raised to FL660 as from 30 of January 2020. Lithuania - New Vilnius ACC/APP premises and installation of a new Indra ATM system iTEC 2.1 for Vilnius ACC completed. Site acceptance tests were successfully performed. Technical connectivity and OLDI tests with all neighboring ATC centres accomplished. Training of operational and technical staff in progress. Shadow and transition periods planned to start in October. Operational date of a new ATM system planned from December 2019. - Remote TWR project started. Norway - There has been no progress in the long-standing issue of the unallocated airspace (NO- FIR area) between Murmansk FIR and BODØ/NORWAY FIR and BODØ OFIR since RDGE/30. The Russian Federation and Norway have agreed on coordinates for the FIR border. Once formal letters confirming the agreed FIR border are available, the States will approach ICAO with a request to update the Air Navigation Plan and relevant documents related to alignment of FIR borders. (ref. RDGE Action 26/03). - No progress in the harmonisation/realignment of the FIR border between NORWAY FIR and BODØ OCEANIC FIR (proposal 91.035 /26.032) - For many years, there has been a discrepancy between international documents and Norwegian publications relating to the number of FIRs over Norwegian territory and names of such FIRs. In an effort to solve this issue, Norway has informed ICAO of their intention to merge the flight information regions of Bodo, Trondheim, Stavanger and Oslo into one new FIR to be named “FIR Polaris”. - Work on removal of ATS routes above FL135 is in progress. Poland - Work on removal of ATS routes since implementation on POL FRA in February 2019 is in progress.

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Republic of - ATM system planned to be upgraded during 2019-2020 according to the operational Moldova requirements. - New Automated Weather Observing System - “IMS4 AWOS” was put into operation in April 2019. - ATM alternate (Contingency centre) was put into operation in June 2019. - Integrated ATC Simulator (Inclusive 3D Tower) was put into operation in July 2019. Romania - New ROMATSA ATM system was implemented and working well. - SEEFRA H24 will start on 07 November 2019. Russian - A meeting has been held with Belaeronavigation State Enterprise to discuss the Federation procedure for the utilization of coordination points in Moscow and Minsk ACC interface as part of the new Moscow area airspace structure (Moscow, 29 – 30 August 2019). - ACC consolidation is ongoing. Eight consolidated ACCs have been established to date: Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Magadan, Khabarovsk, and Tyumen. - Preparations for the implementation of Yakutsk (December 2019) and consolidated ACCs are under way as part of the ACC consolidation programme. - Preparations to implement the new airspace structure project for Moscow area and adjacent ACCs are under way in accordance with the schedule for the transition to the new Moscow area airspace structure approved by Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation. - With the view of implementing the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan and the Aviation System Block Upgrade (ASBU) programme, the Russian Federation is amending the structure and contents of the Russian AIP in accordance with PANS AIM (Doc 10066) requirements, as well as implementing AIXM 5.1 model for the exchange of aeronautical information to enable a further transition to eAIP and D-NOTAM. Sweden - NUAC HB (Nordic Unified Air traffic Control), the joint Swedish/Danish en-route ANSP, was liquidated on 1 September 2019. Tajikistan - A meeting was held between Afghanistan China, Pakistan, Tajikistan, IFALPA and ICAO during the AIRARD/TF/4 meeting (Bangkok, Thailand, 05-09 August 2019) and a number of trans-regional ATS route proposals were discussed and agreed for implementation by Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan. Turkey - Due to the capacity shortfalls of some ANSPs at the core area of Europe, measures to reroute / shift the traffic out of these airspaces have created very high workload on neighbouring ANSPs. The 9 months advance notice of such measures is not sufficient for planning of very large capacity changes. - Request that States that anticipate capacity shortfalls in the near future to closely cooperate with ICAO and Eurocontrol to prevent such unwanted situations. - Request ICAO and Eurocontrol not only to advertise that some measures are required but also to put pressure or even sanction the ANSPs concerned so that they do whatever is required (airspace design, investment, ATCO recruitment etc.) in advance to address the lack of capacity. - Opening of third runway at Istanbul Airport (Phase 1b) is planned before 2020 summer season. Airspace/procedure design studies are about to be finalised. A Real Time Simulation has been planned at Eurocontrol Experimental Center from 27 January 2020 and will last 9 weeks. No regulation or capacity reduction is planned for the transition period. - New Route Segment between UDROS and ABSAX Points, to be coordinated at the Black Sea Subgroup, is required to have better connection for ARR to LT** Airports and to separate traffic flows towards to Yerevan / Tehran FIRs and others via UDROS. Turkmenistan - No State Report was submitted. Ukraine - In accordance with the ERNIP and EUROCONTROL Transition Plan for a Single CDR Category, the H24 Single CDR Category is planned to be implemented on 07 NOV 2019 in all FIRs and UIR of Ukraine. - On 07 NOV 2019, vertical limits of restricted, danger and training areas to appropriate

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VFR levels will be implemented in order to harmonise the publication in AIP of Ukraine with ERNIP provisions. - Following the results of H24 post-implementation monitoring of the Special Procedures for the gradual availability for flight planning and use of four ATS routes over the High Seas in Simferopol FIR, where the responsibility for ATS is delegated to Ukraine by international agreements, no operational consequences were identified. - Available ATS airspace over the High Seas is in regular use by aircraft operators. Since 27 AUG 2015 till 31 JULY 2019 there were provided air navigation services for 78 744 flights (including 13 180 flights in 2019). Uzbekistan - NIL

3.24 The RDGE was reminded that State Reports are an important source of information for ATS route and airspace development-related activities, on the implementation of operational improvements and on interface issues which are essential for the RDGE discussions. States were again invited to submit their reports, even in the unfortunate case that they could not directly participate at the RDGE meeting, for the benefit of all RDGE States.

3.25 Only a small number of States reported on the savings in terms of mileage, time, fuel and CO2 emissions from ATS route changes. All States were requested to insert at least an indication of the route length difference together with the number of aircraft affected of this/these new proposals when compared to the initial route length into the State reports, so that this information could be extracted for further analysis.

4. Report on Actions taken on RDGE Action Plan

4.1 The RDGE reviewed progress reports on specific actions in the Action Plan which are elaborated below. The updated RDGE Action Plan based on the RDGE’s review and an update is provided in Appendix E.


4.2 With the introduction of thousands of new codes into the ICARD EUR/NAT database 2018, it was gradually noted that 5LNC considered homophonous (Similar Pronunciation but Different Spelling) were available for selection in the ICARD EUR/NAT database, such as: . KUWUS – KUVUS . ADASA – ADAZA . PADCA – PADKA - PADQA . INBAC – INBAK . ECMAN – EKMAN . ABOCA – ABOKA – ABOQA . ABOVO – ABOWO

4.3 The category of 5LNC listed above is different from 5LNC that may sound-alike such as: . EXTRA - ARTRA . CORBA - COTSA . LILTO - LIRTU . RESUP - RERUS.

4.4 For 5LNC that may sound-alike, there is currently a 300NM safety distance to be observed.

4.5 The ICAO Secretariat informed the Group that it would be desirable to have some guidance as to how homophonous 5LNC (similar pronunciation but different spelling) could be implemented and which criteria were to be considered. The RDGE proposed the following:

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. Homophonous Code (similar pronunciation but different spelling) shall be separated by a minimum of 1000 NM distance.

4.6 The RDGE noted that the above position would be presented for further discussion at the RNDSG/98 meeting (24-26 September 2019) and the outcomes would be reported to the COG/RCOG meeting (Paris, 23-25 October 2019) for approval and guidance to be provided to ICARD Users (RDGE Action Plan #31/04 refers).

RNDSG Actions related to RDGE Action Plan

4.7 A separate Information Paper (IP/04) was prepared by EUROCONTROL on RDGE Action Plan activities performed by RNDSG since RDGE/30 with the aim to ensure regional interconnectivity and interoperability of the European route network within the ICAO EUR Region and with adjacent ICAO Regions. It covered the following issues:  Rationalise use of route designators including rationalisation process and RDs collocation resolution;  Airspace developments and related updates of ERNIP Database;  Required RDGE SAAM Evaluations;  ERNIP Database;  Removal of 5LNC duplicates and like-sounding 5LNCs;  Harmonization of national Airspace AIP publications;  Sharing the Guidelines on FRA Design document with RDGE members.

4.8 The representative from EUROCONTROL reported that several SAAM evaluations had been provided to the ICAO Contingency Coordination Team (CCT) related to unavailability of the airspace of Pakistan with an updated assessment covering the impact of traffic flows mainly for the European Network and to IATA and ICAO MID Region at the Special Coordination Meeting on the Implementation of ATM Contingency Arrangements (Muscat, Oman, 16 - 18 July 2019) related to the SAAM/NEST impact assessment due to possible closure of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman areas.

Updates to RDGE Action List

4.9 During the review of the RDGE Action Item List, the following Action Items were reported as completed: RDGE Action 29/02 and RDGE Action 30/04. 4.10 The meeting agreed to include 5 new action items (RDGE 31/01 to 31/05) into the list (Appendix E refers) and a report on the status of these action items is expected for the RDGE/31 meeting as follows: • 31/01 Initiate High Seas Coordination Procedure for UDROS-ABSAX on behalf of Turkey; • 31/02 Initiate High Seas Coordination Procedure for GOBLI-DIGAM on behalf of Ukraine; • 31/03 Address flight planning issues related to FRA implementation and removal of ATS routes in order for CFSP software to be updated so that the full benefits of FRA can be provided to airspace users; • 31/04 Clarify guidance on minimum distance for proximity check of homophonous 5LNC; and • 31/05 Provide objectives for proposals proposed by Uzbekistan.

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5. Proposals for improvements of ATS route network in the Eastern Part of the Region

Baltic Sea area and its interface Subgroup

5.1 Experts from the following States and international organisations participated in the work of the Baltic Sea Area and its Interface Subgroup: Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Russian Federation, Sweden, Ukraine and IATA.

5.2 Mr Tarmo Pihlak from Estonia was the Rapporteur of the Subgroup. Mr Sergei Männik from Estonia provided language assistance.

5.3 In accordance with the agenda, the Baltic Sea Area and its Interface Subgroup considered Working Papers WP/03 and WP/27.

5.4 A total of 43 existing proposals were reviewed and 29 changes were agreed for incorporation into the Baltic ATS Route Catalogue. The following table reflects the outcome of the Subgroup’s deliberations. Only proposals which were updated or changed are reflected below. All other route proposals in the Baltic RDGE ATS Route Catalogue (WP/03) which are not shown remain unchanged. Proposal number Changes to be made 94.061b / 28.023b Implemented, can be deleted 94.004 / 28.017 94.006 / 28.019 94.064 / 29.017 95.027 / 29.019 93.018 / 27.015 94.003 / 28.016 19.025 Implemented 28.03.2019, can be deleted 26.033 a. b. c. Implemented, b. implemented as ARZIM GOWDA BABUN 29.018 Implemented, can be deleted 28.005 Updated Description: To re-align the following existing ATS route segments: a. T561 LEDUN - NUKOL as LEDUN - SL (Solodniki); b. P989 MEGAS - KERIS as MEGAS - OGUMA - SEVIK; c. T635 PIRUS - NASBI as PIRUS – SADER. To re-designate and re-align the following existing ATS route segments: a. L168 AGAMO – IGROD as N866 AGAMO – ARKAT and L168 BEBDA – IGROD; b. L169 OPOKA - US - PT - ST as M869 OPOKA - SUNUN (extension of RD from Latvia; release of L169); c. N740 OGUTA - FI - AVGOK as N858 VEKIS – TEGBO (extension of RD from Belarus; release of N740); d. L159 FORMA - SUGIR as P29 FORMA - BERUN (extension of RD from Ukraine; release of L159); e. L157 NALEG - IN as M853 NALEG - TUMIT (extension of RD from Ukraine; release of L157). Implementation date 7 NOV 2019 Delete Remarks. 97.035 / 30.024 Will be implemented 7 NOV 2019 as a. DAHRU PENAL b. HOFTI KIZIR 97.041 / 30.023 Implementation date 30 JAN 2020 96.019 / 30.001 Implementation date 7 NOV 2019 96.021 / 29.030 FIN: add text to c. Some other routes will also remain. 19.026 Implementation date: autumn 2020 96.027 / 29.015 Implementation date spring 2021 76.022 / 16.017 Implementation date spring 2021 80.032 / 19.003 Implementation date spring 2021 87.018 / 23.012 Implementation date spring 2021 69.238b / 12.001b RUS proposed LATLA- UBANO only for ULLI arrivals. Implementation date spring 2020. 01.012c RUS proposes to remove from catalogue 63.051 / 08.006 UKR: implementation date spring 2021

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Proposal number Changes to be made 63.052 / 08.007 UKR: implementation date spring 2021 06.006a BLR: implementation date spring 2021 23.002 RUS: proposal frozen until spring 2021 81.084 / 15.001 RUS: propose as PEMIL TOGRU AGAMO 28.003 RUS: propose as UHT KOKAT 11.013b Implementation date autumn 2020 Modify 3rd bullet point in Comment to read: G375 GATRI-KUGON-LKN as alternative proposed by RUS. 79.032 / 18.015 Change Finland FIR to Helsinki FIR 79.028 / 18.011 RUS: proposal frozen until autumn 2020 08.016 78.052 / 18.010 06.003 RUS: propose to delete the proposal 79.027 / 18.017 LAT, LTU: proposed to delete as FRA options are available East of ADAXA. 15.002 RUS: Cannot be implemented as proposal is crossing military area. Proposed to delete the proposal as alternative route ANDAT ALUTI DEGER already exists. 25.005 RUS: SONIB RATLA cannot be implemented. IATA: propose G908 from DIPLU or G713 from BLZ implementation as bi-directional AWY.

Black Sea and South Caucasus area and its interface Subgroup 5.5 Experts from the following States and international organisations attended the Subgroup meeting: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine, EUROCONTROL, IATA, Jeppesen and Aistech Space.

5.6 Mr Aleksandr Estrov from Azerbaijan was the Rapporteur of the Subgroup and technical support was provided by Mr Evgeni Tavadze from Georgia.

5.7 The work of the Subgroup was based mainly on the following documents: WP/04, WP/10, WP/30, WP/33 and WP/34. The Subgroup reviewed 35 route proposals, 8 proposals were implemented and 8 new proposals were inserted.

5.8 During the specific side-meeting on “Re-opening of KABAN” in the interface between Turkey, Iraq and I.R. Iran (which was attended by Turkey, Iraq, Bulgaria, EUROCONTROL and IATA), EUROCONTROL provided SAAM evaluations on the possible EUR and MID airspace interface improvements with Tehran FIR and with Baghdad FIR / Kuwait FIR / Bahrain FIR.

5.9 The results of Subgroup and side-meeting are reflected in the following table. Only proposals which were updated or changed are reflected below: Proposal Comments 4 – 71.040d/16.026d Proposed date changed to “autumn 2020” 9 – 87.018/23.012 Proposed date changed to “spring 2021” 27 – 96.028/30.002 Comment from TUR was modified as “The implementation requires sector reconfiguration which can be done after TUR-IRQ interface is resolved” 26 – 96.029/30.003 Comments to be updated: • The ATS route over KABAN will be available for flights above FL260 in respect to the currently existing FAA SFAR 77. For the EASA SIB, the Iraqi delegation is in negotiations with EASA to include the new ATS Route in an updated version of the SIB.IRQ: Route network re-organisation proposal of Iraq is as shown in map below. Possible implementation date until end of 2019. • TUR: further coordination for implementation needed. • TUR: Based on the initial proposal from Iraq, the use of westbound points KABAN will be as follows: KABAN - ARR LT. . and overflights from 3 Iraqi aerodromes via MAKOL, IBLAL, TUDBU, VADEN, GOLDO, RIKSO, VESAR, REDRA, SOTIV, BANRO, PIROX, TOMBI and VESAR.

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Proposal Comments

5.10 New proposal by Georgia: Proposal ID : New Proposal BLK.01 Impl. Status: State(s) & Org. Comments: Description: Planned AZE AZE: The implementation of

To change the lower limit of the DISKA - VERCA 07 NOV 2019 Originator(s): the FL55 on the route M737 segment of the M737 route from FL140 to FL055 or segment DISKA - VERCA GEO 5500 feet. Project Group: planned for 07 NOV 2019. Objective: SG BLACK SEA To optimize the a/c climbing profile for departures from Tbilisi (UGTB) airport. Project Category: AT S R o u t e s

5.11 In view of requirement of a No-Fly Zone of at least 5 NM radius over the Abastumani Astrophysical Observation Center in Georgia, the following proposals were agreed for inclusion in the Black Sea Catalogue:

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Proposal ID : New Proposal BLK.02 Impl. Status: State(s) & Org. Comments: Description: Planned GEO TUR: Need to be

N77: OGEVI – CCCCC (413514N0430032E) – BBBBB 27 FEB 2020 Originator(s): coordinated with other (41 38 24N042 28 12E) – IBERI – ALIKA – BANUT stakeholders in Turkey. GEO Where CCCCC and BBBBB are new waypoints. Project Group: Flight Level Band: 195 – 660 SG BLACK SEA Objective: Abastumani Astrophysical Observation Center requires Project Category: no Flying Area over it with at least 5NM radius. AT S R o u t e s

Proposal ID : New Proposal BLK.03 Impl. Status: State(s) & Org. Comments: Description: Planned GEO TUR: Need to be

N644: ROLIN – AAAAA (41 41 16N041 57 34E) – 27 FEB 2020 Originator(s): coordinated with other BBBBB (41 38 24N 042 28 12E)– CCCCC stakeholders in Turkey. GEO (413514N0430032E) – DDDDD (41 34 53N 043 36 Project Group: 18E)– LAGAS – BADIR - ADEKI SG BLACK SEA Where AAAAA, BBBBB, CCCCC and DDDDD are new waypoints Project Category: Flight Level Band: 195 - 660 AT S R o u t e s Note: ROLIN – AAAAA segment is over the High Seas. Appropriate PfA letter will be sent to ICAO EUR/NAT Office from GCAA. Objective: Abastumani Astrophysical Observation Center requires no Flying Area over it with at least 5NM radius.

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Proposal ID : New Proposal BLK.04 Impl. Status: State(s) & Org. Comments: Description: Planned GEO TUR: Need to be

M10: SARPI - BBBBB (41 38 24N 042 28 12E)- 27 FEB 2020 Originator(s): coordinated with other CCCCC (413514N0430032E) - BARAD stakeholders in Turkey. GEO Where BBBBB and CCCCC are the new waypoints. Project Group: Route segment between SARPI–BBBBB is westbound, SG BLACK SEA segment between BBBBB and CCCCC is bi-directional, segment between CCCCC –BARAD is eastbound only. Project Category: Flight Level Band: 195 – 660 AT S R o u t e s Objective: Abastumani Astrophysical Observation Center requires no Flying Area over it with at least 5NM radius.

Proposal ID : New Proposal BLK.05 Impl. Status: State(s) & Org. Comments: Description: Planned GEO TUR: Need to be

N37: LURIS – BT – BARUS - AAAAA (41 41 16N 041 27 FEB 2020 Originator(s): coordinated with other 57 34E) – LU – SARPI stakeholders in Turkey. GEO Where AAAAA is a new waypoint Project Group: Flight Level Band: 195 - 660 SG BLACK SEA Objective: Abastumani Astrophysical Observation Center requires Project Category: no Flying Area over it with at least 5NM radius. AT S R o u t e s

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Proposal ID : New Proposal BLK.06 Impl. Status: State(s) & Org. Comments: Description: Planned GEO TUR: Need to be

P567: BANUT – BARUS – DDDDD (41 34 53N 043 36 27 FEB 2020 Originator(s): coordinated with other 18E) – TAV R O stakeholders in Turkey. GEO Where DDDDD is a new waypoint Project Group: Flight Level Band: 195 - 660 SG BLACK SEA Objective: Abastumani Astrophysical Observation Center requires Project Category: no Flying Area over it with at least 5NM radius. AT S R o u t e s

5.12 New proposal by Turkey: Proposal ID : New Proposal BLK.07 Impl. Status: State(s) & Org. Comments: Description: Proposed TUR ICAO Secretariat requested UDROS-ABSAX Route Segment to be implemented to circulate High Seas Originator(s): WEF 07 NOV 2019 for traffic towards Yerevan and Project Group: TUR Coordination Letter as Tehran FIRs and ARRs to LT** Airports. SG BLACK SEA outcome of RDGE/31. Objective: RDGE Action Plan #31/01 New Route Segment between UDROS and ABSAX Project Category: refers. Points is required to have better connection for ARR to AT S R o u t e s LT** Airports and to separate traffic flows towards to Yerevan / Tehran FIRs and others via UDROS.

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5.13 New proposal by Ukraine: Proposal ID : New Proposal BLK.08 Impl. Status: State(s) & Org. Comments: Description: Planned UKR Ukraine to coordinate new

Establishment of new unidirectional (ODD levels) 23 APR 2020 Originator(s): route designator with ATS route from GOBLI to DIGAM FL275 – FL660. reserve date UKR EUROCONTROL and ICAO Objective: 21 MAY 2020 Secretariat requested to

To further improve ATS route network in Kyiv Project Group: circulate High Seas UIR/Odesa FIR. SG BLACK SEA Coordination Letter as outcome of RDGE/31 Project Category: (RDGE Action Plan #31/02 AT S R o u t e s refers).

Middle Asia area and its interface Subgroup

5.14 Experts from the following States and international organisations participated in the work of the Middle Asia area and its interface Subgroup: Armenia, Azerbaijan, P. R. China, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, IATA, Jeppesen, Aistech Space and ICAO.

5.15 Mr Sergali Parmanov from Kazakhstan was the Rapporteur of the subgroup, assisted by Ms Patricia Cuff from the ICAO EUR/NAT Office. Language assistance to the subgroup was kindly provided by Mr Maksim Suleymanov from Uzbekistan.

5.16 In accordance with the agenda, the Middle Asia and its Interface Subgroup considered Working Papers: WP/05, WP/07, WP/09 and WP/16.

5.17 The Subgroup noted that 10 proposals had been implemented since the RDGE/30 meeting. 11 out of 62 existing proposals could not be reviewed and updated due to the absence of delegations from Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan and Turkmenistan. Additionally, 3 new proposals were agreed for inclusion in the Middle Asia ATS Route Catalogue.

5.18 The following table reflects the outcome of the Group’s deliberations. Only proposals which were updated or changed are reflected herebelow. All other route proposals in the Middle Asia RDGE ATS Route Catalogue (WP/05) which are not shown remain unchanged.

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Proposal # Changes to be made 1. 18.025 Implementation: Proposed end 2020 Comments: Route to be taken into account in PBN implementation and airspace restructurisation package. Target date of implementation end-2020. Route designators to be coordinated with ICAO and adjacent States. 2. 18.024 Description: To implement extension of bidirectional ATS route N993 LANOR – MONEG – GEDNO – AGINU – AGZ (SARIN). Comments: Route to be taken into account in PBN implementation and airspace restructurisation package. To be implemented on 7 NOV 2019. 3. 29.001 Description: To implement bidirectional ATS routes: a. N993: ANDAT - SONAT – DIKIN - IMANA – LANOR – AGZ; and b. M166: AGZ - SARIN. 4. 95.031 / Description: 28.006 To implement bidirectional ATS routes: a. L88: RASAM – METKA; and b. B476: METKA – BEGLI – NEBIT – DARVA – OGOLI. Comments: • AZE: Ready to implement RASAM – METKA in AIRAC 07 NOV 2019. • TKM: Ready to implement. Currently in final approval phase. May be implemented by end 2019. • UZB: Implemented DARVA-OGOLI on 28 FEB 2019. 5. 23.013 Implementation: Planned 07 NOV 19 6. 02.004 Implementation: Planned Spring 2020 Comments: • KAZ: Route to be taken into account in PBN implementation and airspace restructurisation package. To be implemented on 7 NOV 2019. • RUS: continuation as conventional route currently and plan to implement as RNAV route L993 in March 2020. 7. 21.011 Implementation: Proposed end 2020 Comments: KAZ: Route to be taken into account in PBN implementation and airspace restructurisation package. Target date of implementation end-2020. Route designators to be coordinated with ICAO and adjacent States. UZB: Ready to implement on same date as KAZ. ICAO to coordinate with TKM on date of implementation. 8. 26.022 Description: To implement bidirectional ATS route M875 AMDAR – TIGTA – BEKAS. Implementation: Proposed end 2020 KAZ: Route to be taken into account in PBN implementation and airspace restructurisation package. Target date of implementation end-2020. Route designators to be coordinated with ICAO and adjacent States. UZB: Ready to implement on same date as KAZ. 9. 26.023 Implementation: Proposed end 2020 Comments: KAZ: Route to be taken into account in PBN implementation and airspace restructurisation package. Target date of implementation end-2020. Route designators to be coordinated with ICAO and adjacent States. UZB: Ready to implement on same date as KAZ. 11. 29.005 Description: To implement bidirectional ATS route B904 NABOX - BUDBO - KHOLM –IRTAJ – JD. Implemented: 07 July 2019 16. 27.009 Description: To implement bi-directional ATS route Peshawar (PS) – SURVI. Comments: At ATMSG/7: Pakistan counter-proposed for this route via SURVI – Peshawar (PS). Pakistan informed the meeting the proposed route between SURVI and PS had been submitted to the relevant authority in Pakistan for approval.

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Proposal # Changes to be made 17. 29.011 Comments: • UZB: Further studies required. • TJK: Ready to implement PINAX – MOSOM in 2020. 21. 27.008 Comments: • TJK: A107-L154 RAMAN-PEPEL implemented. • UZB: Ready to implement after implementation of Lahore-RAMAN in PAK. • AFG: Ready to implement RAMAN-DUGIN but waiting for agreement from PAK. • ICAO Bangkok to be contacted. 23. 29.013 To be deleted as same as #21. Proposal 27.008 24. 17.005 Description: To implement bi-directional ATS route POMIR – waypoint south from POMIR in TJK – XXXXX (new FIR Bdry pt btn CHN/TJK) - DSC (Yarkant). Comments: • TJK: Ready to implement. • CHN: Studies currently being made for FIR border point and progress report will be provided at RDGE/32. 25. 22.044 Comments: • KGZ: Ready to implement. • CHN: Ready to coordinate bi-laterally with KGZ in order for further studies to be made. Progress report will be provided at RDGE/32. • IATA: proposal is beneficial for operators. 26. 28.009 Objective: UZB to provide information. 28. 28.010 Objective: UZB to provide information. Description: To implement bidirectional ATS route KZO – ADAZA – ODIVA – AGNAN – Mashhad (MSD). Comments: • IRN: Further studies required. Progress report expected at RDGE/32. At present, additional bdry point with TKM not possible. • TKM: Further studies required. Progress report expected at RDGE/32. ICAO to request update. • UZB: Will implement N990 ODIVA-AGNAN on 07 NOV 19. • KAZ: Will implement N990 ODIVA-ADAZA-KZO on 7 NOV 19. 29. 21.012 Implementation: Proposed MAR 2020 Objective: To further improve ATS route network between Kazakhstan and Russian Federation. Comments • RUS and KAZ to define crossing point on FIR boundary. • RUS: Considering implementing as conditional route (CDR) KST – DITLI in MAR 2020 and in the new airspace structure, implement in NOV 2020 as a permanent RNAV route. 31. 28.007 Objective: UZB to provide information. Comments: • KAZ: Further studies required. Progress report expected at RDGE/32. • UZB: Ready to implement on same date as KAZ. 32. 29.002 Comments: • KAZ: Further studies required. Progress report expected at RDGE/32. • UZB: Ready to implement on same date as KAZ. 33. 06.010 Description: To implement bidirectional ATS route ARBOL - NEPLA - AGPIN - GORBO - LAGMO. Implementation: Proposed 2020 Comments: KAZ: Further studies required. Target date of implementation end-2020. Route description may be slightly modified. 34. 29.007 Comments: • TJK: Ready to implement. • KAZ: Further studies required. • KGZ: Ready to implement. • UZB: Further studies required. • Afghanistan commented that waypoint TAPIS is a converging point for two congested routes, and would review this.

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Proposal # Changes to be made 35. 28.012 Objective: UZB to provide information. Comments: KAZ: Further studies required. Progress report expected at RDGE/32. Planned for 2020 implementation. 36. 26.020 Comments: • KAZ: Depends on agreement between UZB and TKM. Further studies required. • UZB: Ready to implement but require coordination with TKM to agree on FIR boundary point. • TKM: Not acceptable at present. 37. 20.001 Comments: • TJK: Environmental issue indicated related to glaciers which are the natural water reserves of Tajikistan. Further studies required to identify the obstacle clearance for operations. Progress expected at RDGE/32. • KGZ: Further studies required. Progress expected at RDGE/32. 39. 19.033 Comments: ICAO to request update. 40. 22.013 Comments: ICAO to request update. 41. 23.016 Description: To implement bidirectional ATS route POMIR – NMA – DEMAS. Comments: • KGZ & TJK: Ready to implement. • UZB: Further studies required. 42. 29.014 Comments: • KAZ: Further studies required in order for coordination with UZB on delegated airspace. • TJK: Ready to implement. 43. 26.013 Comments: • KGZ: Implemented VADER-TADOT on AIRAC FEB 2018. • TJK : Ready to implement IBKIT-VADER. • UZB: Not acceptable at present. • TKM: Ready to implement. Alternative route at present NAZAR-NINOP-DERKI-INDUD. Operators are invited to request DCT NAZAR-DERKI. 45. 29.003 Comments: TKM: Ready to implement. Currently in final approval phase. May be implemented by end 2019. 46. 26.019 Comments: • UZB: Ready to implement. • TKM: Not acceptable at present. • IATA: Interesting route for cross-polar operations especially from Gulf area with destination North America. 48. 29.006 Description: To implement bidirectional ATS route NAZAR–DERKI-EDOSU–OMANO–PF–ABLAG-NMA Implementation: Planned 2020 Comments: • TJK: G79 OMANO-PF-ABLAG implemented. • TKM: A847/B713 NAZAR-NINOP-DERKI implemented. • UZB: A247/A230 DERKI–EDOSU–OMANO implemented. ABLAG–NMA will be implemented in 2020 (3 NM longer). 49. 29.010 Comments: • UZB: Not acceptable at present. • TKM: Not acceptable at present. • TJK: Ready to implement. 51. 28.011 Objective: UZB to provide this information Comments: • UZB: Ready to implement. • KAZ: Further studies required. Progress report expected at RDGE/32. • KGZ: Implemented as L728 (RNAV 5) OGTOL – LARSI – KAMUD on 28 FEB 2019.

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Proposal # Changes to be made 52. 30.006 Comments: • Note: This route is an extension of proposal 28.011 in Catalogue TIGTA – GENDI – OGTOL – KAMUD. • KAZ: Further studies required. Progress report expected at RDGE/32. • RUS: Further studies required. Progress report expected at RDGE/32. 53. 29.008 Description: To implement bidirectional ATS route SKD-RONVU-OMANO-ABLAG–ENOVO-OGODA– KAMUD. 54. 28.014 Comments: • TKM: Further studies required. Progress report expected at RDGE/32. • UZB: Ready to implement. 55. 26.018 Implementation: Planned 2020 Comments: • UZB: Ready to implement ADOBI – KURAB in 2020. • TKM: Implemented DSH - ADOBI on 16 AUG 2018. 56. 26.036 Implementation: Planned 2020 Comments: • L135 implemented in KGZ & TJK. • L138 implemented in KGZ. • IATA requests that adjacent States consider extending RDs for further implementation of PBN routes. • TJK: ready to implement as L138 in 2020 57. 30.007 Comments: • KAZ: Ready to implement in 2020. Progress report expected at RDGE/32. • KGZ: Further studies required. Progress report expected at RDGE/32. 58. 30.008 Comments: • KAZ: Further studies required. Progress report expected at RDGE/32. • UZB: Ready to implement. 59. 30.009 Comments: • KAZ: Further studies required. Progress report expected at RDGE/32. • KGZ: Ready to implement. • UZB: Ready to implement. 59. 30.010 Comments: IRN: Q19 was established between MESPO-NAGES on AIRAC 28 Feb 2019. Update to be requested. 62. 30.021 Description: To implement bidirectional ATS route B905: EDOSU-DILRO 402450N 0691660E–NULMO 405050N 704070E–DIPAX. Comments: • UZB: Further studies required. Progress to be provided at RDGE/32. • TJK: DILRO – NULMO already implemented.

5.19 The following reflects new proposals which were agreed for inclusion in the Middle Asia RDGE ATS Route Catalogue: Proposal ID : New Proposal MID.01 Impl. Status: State(s) & Org. Comments: Description: Proposed KAZ KAZ: Further studies To implement bidirectional ATS route SMK – IBMOB – UZB required. Progress to be

EVROB – LBA. provided at RDGE/32. Project Group: Originator(s): Objective: SG MIDASIA UZB UZB: Ready to implement.

Savings of 3 to 11 NM, To further improve ATS route Project Category: network between KAZ, UZB, TKM. AT S R o u t e s

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Proposal ID : New Proposal MID.02 Impl. Status: State(s) & Org. Comments: Description: Proposed AFG AFG: Bypass route for To implement bidirectional ATS route Leh (LLH) IND Afghanistan – India carriers

340504N 0773438E – Hotan (HTN) 370212N 0795206E Project CHN bypassing Pakistan airspace (if – Yarkant (DSC) 381318N 0770418E – NIPIR TJK required). Group: 370530.12N 0703000E – ALKIB 355939.84N SG Originator(s): TJK: would coordinate with China 0695415.84E – ALMOL 353947.16N 0694529.88E – MIDASIA AFG for opening new exit/entry point at TAPIS 343100.12N 0690900E. the FIR boundary.

Project At ATMSG/7: China commented Objective: Category: this route proposal would not be To improve route network. AT S R o u t e s viable at the time being, however, China would provide its assistance and support for any contingency route when necessary, in the event of abrupt closure of Pakistan airspace.

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Proposal ID : New Proposal MID.03 Impl. Status: State(s) & Org. Comments: Description: Proposed AZE UZB: Route will start from To implement bidirectional ATS route SUBUT – LESGI - TKM OTBOR with existing route OTBOR in upper airspace above FL245. UZB network. Project Objective: Group: Originator(s): AZE: Further coordination with Optimization of the traffic flow east-west and vice versa SG AZE TKM required. MIDASIA

Project Category: AT S R o u t e s

Far East area and its interface Subgroup

5.20 Experts from the following States and international organisations participated in the work of the Far East Area and its Interface Sub-Group: P. R. China, Russian Federation, IATA, Jeppesen and ICAO.

5.21 Mr Konstantin Starostin from the Russian Federation chaired the meeting of the Sub-Group, assisted by Mr Sven Halle from ICAO EUR/NAT Office. Language assistance to the Sub-Group was provided by Mr Dmitry Kosolapov from IATA.

5.22 In accordance with the agenda, the Far East Area and its Interface Sub-Group considered Working Paper WP/06. A total of 39 existing proposals in the Far East Area ATS Route Catalogue were reviewed and 1 new route proposals was discussed and included into the ATS Route Catalogue.

5.23 The following table reflects the outcome of the Sub-Group’s discussions and decisions. A huge amount of route proposals in the Far East RDGE ATS Route Catalogue (WP/06) could not be progressed further due to the lack of information from China and/or lack of responses from Japan and South Korea (ROK): Proposal # Changes to be made 1. - FE0013 Update Comments: - 13.034 Unfortunately the bilateral meeting between China and the Russian Federation, which was scheduled for Summer 2019 in St Petersburg, did not take place and no new meeting date/venue was agreed so far. If the bilateral meeting would take place before April 2020, then an update could be expected at RDGE/32. 2. - FE0017 Update Comments: - 15.035 Unfortunately the bilateral meeting between China and the Russian Federation, which was scheduled for Summer 2019 in St Petersburg, did not take place and no new meeting date/venue was agreed so far. If the bilateral meeting would take place before April 2020, then an update could be expected at the RDGE/32. 3. - FE0031 Update Comments: - 16.005 Unfortunately the bilateral meeting between China and the Russian Federation, which was scheduled for Summer 2019 in St Petersburg, did not take place and no new meeting date/venue was agreed so far. If the bilateral meeting would take place before April 2020, then an update could be expected at the RDGE/32.

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Proposal # Changes to be made 4. - FE0035 Update Comments: - 18.030 Unfortunately the bilateral meeting between China and the Russian Federation, which was scheduled for Summer 2019 in St Petersburg, did not take place and no new meeting date/venue was agreed so far. If the bilateral meeting would take place before April 2020, then an update could be expected at the RDGE/32. 5. - FE0029 Update Comments: - 18.031 Unfortunately the bilateral meeting between China and the Russian Federation, which was scheduled for Summer 2019 in St Petersburg, did not take place and no new meeting date/venue was agreed so far. If the bilateral meeting would take place before April 2020, then an update could be expected at the RDGE/32. 6. - FE0041 Update Comments: - 19.018 Unfortunately the bilateral meeting between China and the Russian Federation, which was scheduled for Summer 2019 in St Petersburg, did not take place and no new meeting date/venue was agreed so far. If the bilateral meeting would take place before April 2020, then an update could be expected at the RDGE/32. 7. - FE0058 Update Comments: - 24.010 Implementation could not be progressed due to the lack of information from China on the results from the AKARA Technical Working Group (TWG) which is addressing the ATS routes and airspace enhancements with China, Japan and Republic of Korea (ROK). 8. - FE0059 Update Comments: - 24.011 Implementation could not be progressed due to the lack of information from China on the results from the AKARA Technical Working Group (TWG) which is addressing the ATS routes and airspace enhancements with China, Japan and Republic of Korea (ROK). 9. - FE0061 Update Comments: - 25.010 Implementation could not be progressed due to the lack of information from China on the results from the AKARA Technical Working Group (TWG) which is addressing the ATS routes and airspace enhancements with China, Japan and Republic of Korea (ROK). 10. - FE0063 Update Comments: - 25.011 Unfortunately the bilateral meeting between China and the Russian Federation, which was scheduled for Summer 2019 in St Petersburg, did not take place and no new meeting date/venue was agreed so far. If the bilateral meeting would take place before April 2020, then an update could be expected at the RDGE/32. 11. - FE0064 Update Comments: - 25.012 Unfortunately the bilateral meeting between China and the Russian Federation, which was scheduled for Summer 2019 in St Petersburg, did not take place and no new meeting date/venue was agreed so far. If the bilateral meeting would take place before April 2020, then an update could be expected at the RDGE/32. 12. - FE0065 Update Comments: - 25.013 Unfortunately the bilateral meeting between China and the Russian Federation, which was scheduled for Summer 2019 in St Petersburg, did not take place and no new meeting date/venue was agreed so far. If the bilateral meeting would take place before April 2020, then an update could be expected at the RDGE/32. 13. - FE0066 Update Comments: - 25.014 Unfortunately the bilateral meeting between China and the Russian Federation, which was scheduled for Summer 2019 in St Petersburg, did not take place and no new meeting date/venue was agreed so far. If the bilateral meeting would take place before April 2020, then an update could be expected at the RDGE/32. 14. - Update Comments: - 27.012 Unfortunately the bilateral meeting between China and the Russian Federation, which was scheduled for Summer 2019 in St Petersburg, did not take place and no new meeting date/venue was agreed so far. If the bilateral meeting would take place before April 2020, then an update could be expected at the RDGE/32. 15. - Update Comments: - 27.013 Unfortunately the bilateral meeting between China and the Russian Federation, which was scheduled for Summer 2019 in St Petersburg, did not take place and no new meeting date/venue was agreed so far. If the bilateral meeting would take place before April 2020, then an update could be expected at the RDGE/32. 16. - 27.014 Update Comments: Unfortunately the bilateral meeting between China and the Russian Federation, which was scheduled for Summer 2019 in St Petersburg, did not take place and no new meeting date/venue was agreed so far. If the bilateral meeting would take place before April 2020, then an update could be expected at the RDGE/32. 17. - FE0021 Update Comments: - 13.028 Implementation could not be progressed due to the lack of information from Japan. However the Russian Federation confirmed that no airspace changes will be accepted for the Fukuoka FIR from the Japanese side before the end of 2020. 18. - FE0022 Update Comments: - 13.033 Implementation could not be progressed due to the lack of information from Japan. However the Russian Federation confirmed that no airspace changes will be accepted for the Fukuoka FIR from the Japanese side before the end of 2020. 19. - FE0008 Update Comments: - 15.033 Implementation could not be progressed due to the lack of information from Japan. However the Russian Federation confirmed that no airspace changes will be accepted for the Fukuoka FIR from the Japanese side before the end of 2020.

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Proposal # Changes to be made 20. - FE0039 Update Comments: - 19.016 Implementation could not be progressed due to the lack of information from Republic of Korea (ROK) on the connecting routes to MESOV for RDGE/31. 21. - FE0051 Update Comments: - 20.012 Implementation could not be progressed due to the lack of information from Republic of Korea (ROK) on the connecting routes to MESOV for RDGE/31. 22. - FE0052 Update Comments: - 20.013 Implementation could not be progressed due to the lack of information from Republic of Korea (ROK) on the connecting routes to MESOV for RDGE/31. 23. - FE0056 Update Comments: - 20.017 Implementation could not be progressed due to the lack of information from Republic of Korea (ROK) for RDGE/31. 24. - FE0034 Update Comments: - 16.027 Implementation could not be progressed due to the lack of information from Republic of Korea (ROK) for RDGE/31. 25. - FE0030 Update Comments: - 18.020 Unfortunately the bilateral meeting between China and the Russian Federation, which was scheduled for Summer 2019 in St Petersburg, did not take place and no new meeting date/venue was agreed so far. If the bilateral meeting would take place before April 2020, then an update could be expected at the RDGE/32. 26. - FE0038 Update Comments: - 19.015 Implementation could not be progressed due to the lack of information from Republic of Korea (ROK) on the connecting routes to MESOV for RDGE/31. 27. - FE0078 Update Comments: - 29.023 Implementation of new RNAV5 ATS Route within the Russian Federation at AIRAC 7 NOV 2019. 28. - FE0079 Update Comments: - 29.024 Implementation of new RNAV5/RNAV10 ATS Routes (R968) within the Russian Federation at AIRAC 7 NOV 2019. 29. - FE0080 Update Comments: - 29.025 Implementation of new RNAV5/RNAV10 ATS Routes (B915) within the Russian Federation at AIRAC 7 NOV 2019. 30. - FE0081 Update Comments: - 29.026 Implementation of new RNAV5/RNAV10 ATS Routes (B237) within the Russian Federation at AIRAC 7 NOV 2019. 31. - FE0082 Update Comments: - 29.027 Implementation of new RNAV10 ATS Route within the Russian Federation at AIRAC 7 NOV 2019. 32. - FE0083 Update Comments: - 29.028 Further coordination between Russian Federation and Kazakhstan needed. An update can be expected at RDGE/32. RUS: Delete this proposal from Far East Catalogue and move to MIDASIA Catalogue. 33. - FE0084 Update Comments: - 29.029 Further coordination between Russian Federation and Kazakhstan needed. An update can be expected at RDGE/32. RUS: Delete this proposal from Far East Catalogue and move to MIDASIA Catalogue. 34. - FE0085 Update Comments: - 30.014 Additional studies required by Russian Federation, the proposal could be included into an ATS Route change package for March/April 2020. An update can be expected at RDGE/32 35. - FE0086 Update Comments: - 30.015 Implementation of new RNAV5 ATS Route (P172) within the Russian Federation at AIRAC 7 NOV 2019 36. - FE0087 Update Comments: - 30.016 Implementation of new RNAV5 ATS Route (P170) within the Russian Federation at AIRAC 7 NOV 2019 37. - FE0088 Update Comments: - 30.017 Implementation of new RNAV5 ATS Route (A841) within the Russian Federation at AIRAC 7 NOV 2019 38. - FE0089 Update Comments: - 30.018 Implementation of new RNAV5 ATS Route (A842) within the Russian Federation at AIRAC 7 NOV 2019 39. - FE0090 Update Comments: - 30.019 Implementation of new RNAV5 ATS Route (B802) within the Russian Federation at AIRAC 7 NOV 2019

5.24 During the presentation of the new ATS routes that will be implemented within the Russian Federation, Jeppesen raised a point on the considerable benefits that could be envisaged if the new ATS Route P170 NETRI - SUBEK could be connected to the Fukuoka FIR boundary:

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5.25 The connection of P170 (SUBEK) to the Fukuoka FIR boundary NIPPI (R220) and OMOTO (R580) would create more options for westbound trans-Pacific flights. The Anchorage ARTCC (ZAN) currently allows operators to plan user-preferred/random routings to these points if the flights can reach FL380 or above by 180E and the connection to the NOPAC routes would be highly interesting for airspace users. It was agreed to present this proposal to the next CPWG meeting and to coordinate with JCAB the implementation possibilities:

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5.26 The following new proposal was presented from the Russian Federation and the Sub Group agreed to include them into the FE Route Catalogue. The envisaged implementation dates will be around March/April 2020: Proposal ID : New Proposal FE.0091 Impl. Status: State(s) & Org. Comments:

Description: Proposed RUS RUS: Further studies required.

To establish the new bi-directional RNAV 10 route Spring 2020 Originator(s): PEMID – new waypoint XXXXX (683436N 1774141E) I ATA – new waypoint XXXXX (683155N 1772658E) – Project FRENK between FL150-400. Group: Objective: SG FAR Request from IATA to further improve ATS route network EAST

within Magadan FIR. Project Category: AT S R o u t e s

5.27 The Sub-Group members noted with concerns, that the initially planned bilateral meeting (where the implementation of the SIMLI project was expected to be discussed) between Russian Federation and China did not take place in St Petersburg in summer 2019. The Sub Group stressed again the importance to address these necessary airspace improvements and agree to an implementation date, so that the implementation of the SIMLI dualisation project can be finalised before airspace changes and increased traffic complexity will negatively impact the traffic flows. The latest version of the SIMLI proposal (all ATS Route changes in red are prepared for implementation by the Russian Federation) is as follows:

5.28 As there had been no information on a new date/venue for this bilateral meeting, it cannot be expected that new information would be available for discussions at the RDGE/32 meeting.

5.29 The ICAO Secretariat was invited to update the Far East area and its interface part of the RDGE Catalogue to include the above proposals/changes.

5.30 The representatives from IATA expressed their appreciation for the work of the Sub-group and thanked especially the delegation from the Russian Federation for their continuous enhancement of the ATS-Route infrastructure in this part of the ICAO EUR Region. The Sub-group members thanked the delegation from P.R. China for their participation in the meeting. All Sub-group members expressed their

RDGE31_SoD_Draft_v190930.docx DraftSeptember 2019 28 RDGE/31 – Summary of Discussions 28 disappointment in the stagnation of the ATS-Route development process due to the lack of information from China, as well as the lack of responses from Japan and South Korea (ROK).

6. Any other business

6.1 The Chairman, together with the IATA delegation, expressed their appreciation on the high number of States, who participated actively in this RDGE meeting. The excellent level of discussions resulted in a significant amount of ATS route improvements and updates to the RDGE ATS route catalogues in the Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Middle Asia and Far East Subgroups.

Future meetings

6.2 The thirty-second meeting of the Route Development Group – Eastern Part of the ICAO EUR Region (RDGE/32) will take place, at the kind invitation of Georgia, in Tbilisi from 18 to 22 May 2020.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A—List of Participants Contacts List Appendix B—Meeting Documentation Appendix C—Traffic Figures (2019 compared with 2018) from State Reports Appendix D—Routes Implemented Since RDGE/30 And To Be Implemented [State Reports] Appendix E—RDGE Action Plan (Status 13 SEPTEMBER 2019) ______

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(Paragraph 1.3 refers)


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(Note: full contact details can be found on the RDGE site on the ICAO Secure Portal)


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(paragraph 2.2 refers)

WP/IP/ AI Title Presented by PPT/FL - 1a Draft RDGE/30 SoD Secretariat WP01 Provisional Agenda Secretariat WP02 2 RDGE Action Plan Secretariat RDGE Route Catalogue – Part 1 – Baltic area and its WP03 3 Secretariat interface RDGE Route Catalogue – Part 2 – Black Sea and South WP04 3 Secretariat Caucasus area and its interface RDGE Route Catalogue – Part 3 – Middle Asia area and WP05 3 Secretariat its interface RDGE Route Catalogue – Part 4 – Far East area and its WP06 3 Secretariat interface WP07 1f State Report Uzbekistan WP08 1f State Report Armenia ATS route proposals for inclusion in RDGE Middle Asia Secretariat on behalf of WP09 3 ATS Route Catalogue Afghanistan and Tajikistan WP10 1f State Report Georgia WP11 1f State Report Sweden WP12 1f State Report Norway WP13 1f State Report Republic of Moldova WP14 1f State Report Latvia WP15 1f State Report Ukraine WP16 1f State Report Republic of Tajikistan WP17 1f State Report Russian Federation WP18 1f State Report Estonia WP19 1f State Report Finland WP20 2 ICARD 5LNC issues Secretariat Rev1 WP21 1f State Report Belarus WP22 1f State Report Lithuania WP23 1f State Report Romania WP24 1f State Report Kazakhstan WP25 1f State Report Azerbaijan WP26 1f State Report Bulgaria Baltic Catalogue update: Proposal 28.005 related to re- Secretariat WP27 3 designation of routes by RUS in follow-up to removal of EUROCONTROL ATS routes by EST and FIN WP28 1f State Report Iraq WP29 1f State Report Poland

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WP/IP/ AI Title Presented by PPT/FL WP30 1f State Report Turkey WP31 1f State Report Kyrgyzstan WP32 1f State Report Hungary WP33 1f State Report I.R. Iran ATS route proposals for inclusion in RDGE Black Sea WP34 3 Georgia ATS Route Catalogue IP01 - Work Schedule Secretariat IP02 - Meeting Documentation Secretariat RDGE Terms of Reference (as approved in November IP03 1b Secretariat 2017 by EANPG/59) IP04 1c Report on activities of RNDSG EUROCONTROL IP05 2 Report on RNDSG actions on RDGE action plan EUROCONTROL IP06 REV 1c FRA Design Guidelines v1.0 EUROCONTROL PP01 1b ICAO Update Secretariat EUR and MID airspace interface improvements with PP02 3 Tehran FIR and with Baghdad FIR / Kuwait FIR / Bahrain EUROCONTROL FIR


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(paragraph 3.17 refers)

International/Domestic Traffic Overflight Overall Traffic State Period of comparison Arrival/Departures Traffic growth Traffic April 2019 – July 2019 compared Armenia Arr/Dep Traffic: +7.3% -26.7% -19.4% to same period in 2018 March 2019 – July 2019 Azerbaijan -0.1% -24.8% -15.4% compared to same period in 2018 April 2019 – August 2019 Belarus - - +1.58% compared to same period in 2018 April 2019 – July 2019 compared Bulgaria - - -0.7% to same period in 2018 April 2019 – August 2019 Estonia -3.9% -0.5% -1.2% compared to same period in 2018 International: +3.0% January 2019 – July 2019 Finland Domestic: -0.6% +0.7% +1.6% compared to same period in 2018 Arr/Dep Traffic: +3.0% April 2019 – July 2019 compared Georgia 2% -29% -19% to same period in 2018 KFOR: +23.4% International: -3.4% April 2019 – August 2019 Total Hungary Domestic: +3.4% +0.02% compared to same period in 2018 LHCC+KFOR: Arr/Dep Traffic: +6% -0.2% Domestic traffic: -4% April 2019 – August 2019 I.R. Iran International departure & -11% -9% compared to same period in 2018 arrival: -20% April 2019 – August 2019 Iraq +59% +41% +50% compared to same period in 2018 April 2019 – August 2019 Kazakhstan +5.8% -3.9% +1.2% compared to same period in 2018 April 2019 – August 2019 International: -7.79% Kyrgyzstan - -4.14% compared to same period in 2018 Domestic: -2.51% April 2019 – August 2019 Latvia Arr/Dep Traffic: +6% +3% +4% compared to same period in 2018 April 2019 – August 2019 Arrivals: +0.57% Lithuania +0.81% +0.54% compared to same period in 2018 Departures: +0.25% April 2019 – July 2019 compared Norway -1.33% -4.54% -1.77% to same period in 2018 January 2019 – July 2019 Arr/Dep Traffic: +4.0%, Poland +4.1%, +4.7% compared to same period in 2018 Domestic: +8.6%. Republic of April 2019 – August 2019 -0.6% +0.1% -0.6% Moldova compared to same period in 2018 March 2019 – July 2019 Domestic: -5.76% Romania -1.66% -0.77% compared to same period in 2018 International: +3.22% Total: +9.9 % Russian April 2019 – July 2019 (inclusive) International: +0% -0.5% +2.2% Federation compared to same period in 2018 Domestic: +20.9 Arr/Dep Traffic: +4.9% International DEP/ARR SWE -3.4% ESMM +1.44% SWE +6.6% January 2019 – June 2019 DK-SE FAB -1.6% ESOS -4.22% Sweden DK-SE FAB compared to same period in 2018 Internal DK-SE FAB +5.0% SWE -9.1% -0.22% DK-SE FAB -5.0%

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International/Domestic Traffic Overflight Overall Traffic State Period of comparison Arrival/Departures Traffic growth Traffic April 2019 – August 2019 Tajikistan +5% -70% -25% compared to same period in 2018 April 2019 – August 2019 Turkey -0.9 -0.5% -0.8% compared to same period in 2018 Turkmenistan NA NA NA NA International Traffic April 2019 – July 2019 compared +12.7% Ukraine +10.5 % +11.1% to same period in 2018 Domestic Traffic +6.2% January 2019 – June 2019 Uzbekistan +24% -16% -2% compared to same period in 2018


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(paragraph 3.18 refers)

1. List of routes implemented since RDGE/30 or to be implemented in near future Estimated Mileage Estimated Estimated Date of Savings Fuel Emissions Designator Route Description implementation State(s) concerned when Savings savings DD/MM/YYYY compared per flight per flight to current in kg CO2 in kg routing BUDBO-GULSO-BURTA-KADVI-PAGMA-URGER-KHOLM(AFG)-IRTAJ- 10/10/2019 (AFG) B904 Afghanistan/Tajikistan NA NA NA OKTAB-JD(TJK) 12/09/2019 (TJK) N374 NAX-NAXSI-MUQAM-TUXAZ 18/07/2019 Azerbaijan NA NA NA T919 PEMAN-TELLI 18/07/2019 Azerbaijan NA NA NA P171 LENOK - DUBIN 25/04/2019 Belarus NA NA NA Y130 KUBIN - PODIL 25/04/2019 Belarus NA NA NA Z736 BABUN – GOWDA - ARZIM 25/04/2019 Belarus NA NA NA L715 GIBUX _ LOVEK April 2019 Iraq NA NA NA M703 GADSI - PASIP April 2019 Iraq NA NA NA L145 DEMAS-TRZ-MIRGA-DZG-BULOG-KST- LANOR 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA L147 RODAM-TOMGO-PABRI-TIROK-GEDSA- AKB 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA L162 URUSU-ERUTA-NIRAN-NKZ- DIDOP - ODIVA 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA L163 BEKAS-SIVKO-RUGUS-ADUMI-NKZ-RILOK-MIKNO-DODUR-RODRO 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA L165 NELTI-KST-GEMBO-GEDSA-RESBA-NKZ-AKALI 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA T531 GUTAN -URL-GERLI-ARKER-MILSO-BOLNA-ODIVA 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA GASBI-BODSI-DIVNO-IDROS-ARKAM-DZG-AGAKO-MADEV-BURID- N161 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA GILAK- SARIN ARISA-URL-SIVKO-AKB-ABIRA-ARK-VAMRI-KRG-GORBO-AGZ- M166 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA TOLKI- AGUSA-SARIN L985 AKALI – LATNU – SANUR – ADLIK –RAVNI – LANOR 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA L988 OBATA – ALABA – BEKOR – LAMGI –TUSEP – AST – LAGMO 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA N985 TITUR – BAVAG - LAGMO 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA N126 KST – TUSEP – AGADI – ABREK - TDK – BARUR – RULAD 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA

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Estimated Mileage Estimated Estimated Date of Savings Fuel Emissions Designator Route Description implementation State(s) concerned when Savings savings DD/MM/YYYY compared per flight per flight to current in kg CO2 in kg routing L993 LENTA – TUSEP - KRG 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA L998 LANOR – RUDAL – ASTIK - AGADI 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA M610 AZABI–ANIGA–DIVNO–MILSO–KZO–LIMTO– ARBOL– BERVI–RULAD 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA N170 BEBLU–AST-BANOS–LUKUS–BLH–MAROR–RISAD– ADABA - ATA 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA N993 LANOR–MONEG–GEDNO–AGINU-AGZ 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA M618 AGUNA – LIPSI – GOMIR 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA M199 MULTA – RESDO – AVLAK – NKZ 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA L143 SULET – AGUNA – GENGA – AGNAT–SOMIP - ELSUT 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA BALUN – TITIL – OGANU – ARKER –BEKOR – GEMBO – ATNON - N55 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA DAKIN L192 BABUR – KORAG 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA M741 LANOR – LAMGI – LUGER – GEKSO –RITAL - ASLOK 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA N990 ODIVA – ADAZA – KZO – GORVA – DZG – KUGUN – MIMKA – DAKIN 07/11/2019 Kazakhstan NA NA NA M996 Realignment M996 as KEMIV – IPNIK – ISVIG 28/05/2019 Norway NA NA NA L130 BINOM-TAVRU-BADKA. To change from westbound to bi-directional 25/04/2019 Republic of Moldova NA NA NA Konstantinovsk NDB (KA) – Bagaevskiy NDB (BA) (domestic route converted A914 Russian Federation NA NA NA into an international route) B912 VADAS – ABRER – Mirny VOR/DME (DEМ) (new route segment) Russian Federation NA NA NA Salekhard VOR/DME(SH) – TEKRI – REFRI – NOROT – NIREL – NURGI (domestic route segment converted into an international route; and B927 Russian Federation NA NA NA NURGI – BUGOS – BASEB – BETKA – Norilsk (Alykel) VOR/DME (NOR) (new route segment). G244 Morozovsk VOR/DME (MOR) – GIMIS – AMEPU (new route segment) Russian Federation NA NA NA N171 RUMOL – OTRIP – LUMIT Russian Federation NA NA NA T411 LABAR – MORUT – NEBOL Russian Federation NA NA NA B905 DILRO-NULMO 12/09/2019 Tajikistan NA NA NA N/UN374 GDR VOR – GEZSO-TUXAZ (FIR BDRY) 18/07/2019 Turkey 20 NM NA NA Implemented new bidirectional ATS route DIGAM – ETNIL - KESAM (FL135 M614 25/04/2019 Ukraine NA NA NA FL660).

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Estimated Mileage Estimated Estimated Date of Savings Fuel Emissions Designator Route Description implementation State(s) concerned when Savings savings DD/MM/YYYY compared per flight per flight to current in kg CO2 in kg routing Changed from westbound to bidirectional the existing ATS route segment M435 25/04/2019 Ukraine NA NA NA RASIL - ETNIL 2. Other airspace changes (including future plans) Date of State(s) Airspace change Implementation concerned 71.040c / 16.026c Free Route Airspace Ukraine, Step 1 (Sc 1b) - Phase 2 Implemented cross-border H24 Free Route Airspace within ACC Kyiv and 23 MAY 2019 Ukraine ACC Dnipro (FRA KIDRO) from FL275 to FL660. Renamed Finland FIR as Helsinki FIR and renamed Tampere ACC as Helsinki ACC. 25 APR 2019 Finland Change of Tampere radar call sign to Helsinki Control and change of location indicator EFES to EFIN. 25 APR 2019 Finland Extended Free Route Airspace procedures into EFHK TMA between F095 – F285. 25 APR 2019 Finland Single CDR category implemented. Bi-directional instead of uni-directional flows were implemented on the following route segments: 25 APR 2019 Belarus Z494 KOMAP – OKNOD and N743 DELON – KOMAP.  Implementation of new significant points ADRIN, ALMER, ATFIR, BIZUK, ZAPRE and ZODIK.  Change in RNAV routes L602, L605, L606, L622, L742, L744, L852, L863, L867, M19, M987, N127, N181, N133, N605, N618, N739, Q6, Q24, Q27, T214, T226, T228, T343, T516, T517, T777, Y505 and Y553.  Implementation of new RNAV Route Y94.  Implementation of new VFR Routes - V434 and V435.  Implementation of CTA Sofia Sectors. Update of information.  Update of En-route charts.  Burgas aerodrome - update of information for operations in low visibility conditions. 25 APR 2019 Bulgaria  Gorna Oryahovitsa aerodrome - change in coordinates of DVOR/DME GRN. Update of Aerodrome Chart (ADC), Visual Approach Chart and Area Chart.  Sofia aerodrome - update of the information for transit flights. Change in Instrument Approach Charts (IAC) ILS RWY 27  Update of information for frequencies in FIR, UIR and TMA.  Update of En-route charts.  Gorna Oryahovitsa aerodrome - change in frequency and cnannel of DVOR/DME GRN.  Update of information for frequencies of Blagoevo, Bohot, Daskal Atanasovo, Dolna Banya, Kazanlak, Erden, Ruse, Sofia West airfields and Marina Dinevi heliport • Insertion of point USEGI in route T425: BALBA – USEGI – MONOV (BALBA – USEGI bidirectional) 25 APR 2019 Poland • Insertion of point OGVET in route T267: BALBA – OGVET – NATEV (BALBA – OGVET bidirectional)

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Date of State(s) Airspace change Implementation concerned

07 NOV 2019 Armenia, Georgia Cross-border FRA operation (Free Route Airspace in South Caucasus Area) - FRASC 07 NOV 2019 Hungary SEEFRA STEP 1 - H24 X-Border FRA area through Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary

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Date of State(s) Airspace change Implementation concerned • L867: PEKOT – REGLI, bidirectional, FL95-FL660 (AIRAC 02.01.2020); • Y218: ABSAG – ALUKA, odd, FL95-FL660 (AIRAC 05.12.2019); • Deletion of point AMTEK (AIRAC 02.01.2020).

05 DEC 2019 Poland 02 JAN 2020


RDGE31_SoD_Draft_v190930.docx DraftSeptember 2019 E-1 RDGE/31 – Summary of Discussions – Appendix E E-1


(paragraph 4.1 refers)

RESPONSIBLE Ref # TASKS TARGET DATE PROGRESS/REMARKS BODIES Identify already agreed route alignments which Every 2/18. need full implementation and seek to achieve States, Operators On-going. RDGE this aim. States, Every 2/20. Rationalise use of route designators EUROCONTROL, On-going. RDGE ICAO On-going. IATA requested to carry out internal coordination Provide operators' requirements for routes Every when developing route and airspace proposals so 3/8. Operators proposed in ATS Route Catalogue RDGE as to ensure that requests were consolidated prior to being submitted and present WP at RDGE meetings on their findings and proposals. Provide information regarding status of States, Operators, Before every 3/12. implementation of ATS routes for update of the EUROCONTROL, On-going. RDGE ATS route catalogue ICAO States, 3/15. Provide feedback on ICARD to ICAO EUROCONTROL, Every RDGE On-going. ICAO Provide SAAM evaluations of proposals, using traffic figures of the busiest day in January and 4/5. August, affecting the Baltic Sea area and Black EUROCONTROL Every RDGE As and when required. Sea area and if relevant, MID Asia and interface area Progress implementation of Flexible Use of 5/14. States, ICAO When required On-going. Airspace (FUA) 6/14. Regular update of ICARD Database States Next RDGE On-going. Progress implementation on RNAV ATS route 6/15. States Next RDGE On-going. designators' compatibility

RDGE31_SoD_Draft_v190930.docx DraftSeptember 2019 E-2 RDGE/31 – Summary of Discussions – Appendix E E-2

RESPONSIBLE Ref # TASKS TARGET DATE PROGRESS/REMARKS BODIES States Improve user interface of the European Route 10/01 ICAO Paris Every RDGE On-going. Network Improvement Plan/ ERNIP Database EUROCONTROL States Release of 5LNCs reserved in ICARD and not Coordination taking place between ICAO and 10/03 ICAO Every RDGE published in AIPs States concerned. Ongoing. EUROCONTROL ICAO Paris Rationalisation of use of existing like-sounding EUROCONTROL 12/02 Every RDGE On-going. 5LNCs in close geographical location Operators States Provide State Reports, including the information States to provide their reports in order to progress on the environmental benefits from the States Every RDGE the ATS route development indicating the system 16/01 implementation of operational improvements, for ICAO Paris meeting (mileage, time) and environmental (fuel, CO2) the RDGE meetings savings – to be addressed at RDGE/31 ICAO and EUROCONTROL to coordinate follow-up actions to identify discrepancies together with States. At RDGE/32 list of Deleted: 1 Harmonization of National AIP publications of discrepancies will be presented for review. 18/01 lower and upper vertical limits for ATS routes to States RDGE/32 Deleted: 1 Following these meetings, information on ensure compliance with Annex 15 discrepancies will be submitted to EANPG for possible insertion into the Air Navigation Deficiencies List.

Removal of 5LNC duplicates in ICAO ICAO ICARD Data Nearly completed in the ICAO EUR/NAT Region. 19/01 RDGE/30+ EUR/NAT Region Manager On-going.

Resolve outstanding issues related to significant Belarus Regular progress report expected at RDGE 19/02 airspace changes planned to take place in Russian Federation During 2020 meetings. Moscow FIR Ukraine

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RESPONSIBLE Ref # TASKS TARGET DATE PROGRESS/REMARKS BODIES On-going. ICAO & EUROCONTROL to coordinate on future contributions. At RDGE/32 Deleted: 1 Harmonization of national Airspace AIP list of discrepancies will be presented for review. publications issues to ensure full compliance States 20/01 RDGE/32 Following these meetings, information on Deleted: 1 with ICAO provisions, in particular, Annex 15, ICAO Paris discrepancies will be submitted to EANPG for Doc 10066 and ICAO Doc 8126 possible insertion into the Air Navigation Deficiencies List. Clarification on the status of non-standard charts (differences in the publication of States On-going, ICAO & EUROCONTROL to 20/02 coordinates/information which had been taken RDGE/32 Deleted: 1 ICAO Paris coordinate on future contributions. out of national AIPs but are re-published by companies using their own standards) ICAO Paris P173 uni-directionally implemented. Consider the implementation of the ATS route ICAO Bangkok Further results on the assessments/studies from 20/04 RDGE/32 Deleted: 1 P173 bi-directional. Afghanistan Afghanistan requested to make this route segment Turkmenistan also bi-directional.

Removal of duplicated or non-EUR/NAT route ICAO ICARD RD Coordination is ongoing with ICAO Headquarters 20/06 RDGE/32+ Deleted: 30 designators in ICAO EUR/NAT Region Data Managers and other Regional Offices.

ICAO Paris, Coordinate between Japan, Russian Federation ICAO to address this issue at a higher level as per ICAO Bangkok 21/01 and ICAO to resolve FIR coordinates of RDGE/32 report from Far East Subgroup report at RDGE/26. Deleted: 1 Japan AVGOK. EANPG59-RASG-EUR06 Conclusion/16 refers. Russian Federation Deleted: Progress to be reported at RDGE/30. Resolve the long-standing issue of the ANSPs have forwarded proposals to CAA. unallocated airspace (NO-FIR area) between Norway 26/03 RDGE/32 Discussions are ongoing at the ministerial level Deleted: 1 Murmansk FIR and Bodø FIR/OFIR/ Norway Russian Federation and progress will be reported at RDGE/32. FIR. Deleted: 1 Indicate implementation priorities (Short, All Stakeholders concerned requested to indicate RDGE States medium and long-term) in route proposals priority timelines of proposals impacting the 27/04 ICAO Paris Every RDGE requiring inter-regional coordination with APAC interface with States in APAC Region and update ICAO Bangkok Region RDGE Catalogues accordingly. ON-GOING

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RESPONSIBLE Ref # TASKS TARGET DATE PROGRESS/REMARKS BODIES ICAO Paris ICAO Bangkok ICAO Cairo Provide feedback on proposals impacting Afghanistan ICAO Paris requested to coordinate with ICAO Afghanistan, China, I.R. Iran, Iraq, Japan, China 29/01 Post RDGE/32 Regional Offices Bangkok and Cairo in order to Deleted: 1 Pakistan and South Korea in Middle Asia and I. R. Iran receive feedback from States concerned. Far East Subgroups’ ATS Route Catalogues. Iraq Japan Pakistan South Korea

COMPLETED Deleted: 29/02 Deleted: Share the Guidelines on FRA Design document with RDGE members. Provide feedback on benefits gained on routes EUROCONTROL 29/03 that have been implemented by Russian IATA RDGE/32 To be addressed at RDGE/32. Deleted: Federation. Deleted: RDGE/31 1. ICAO HQ withdrawal of SL. Deleted: EUROCONTROL NM will provide copies at RDGE/31. ICAO HQ 2. ICAO Cairo to share information on meeting Deleted: 1 ICAO Cairo 30/01 Traffic normalisation in Damascus FIR RDGE/32 that was organized. Deleted: 1 ICAO Paris 3. Review of impact on States and overall EUR EUROCONTROL NM Deleted: 1 network. ICAO Cairo 1. Developments need to be addressed in MID ICAO Paris Region (Iraq, I. R. Iran). EUROCONTROL NM 2. Enhancement of interface between MID and Traffic normalisation in Baghdad FIR (re- 30/02 Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, RDGE/32 EUR Regions for traffic flows to/from Gulf Deleted: 1 opening of KABAN westbound) I. R. Iran, area. Deleted: Syria Bulgaria, Romania, 3. Coordination with States in EUR Region Turkey required. Share information on outcome of bilateral China Provide information on outcome once the meeting Deleted: of bilateral meeting 30/03 meeting between China and Russian Federation RDGE/32 Russian Federation has taken place. with RDGE Deleted: (in summer 2019) Deleted: 1

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Deleted: 30/04 Deleted: Review RDs for planned RNAV implementation in Kazakhstan and Russian Federation Coordinate on RDs allocation process for RNAV ICAO Paris ICAO Paris¶ 30/05 RDGE/31+ On-going Deleted: implementations IAC EUROCONTROL NM Deleted: RDGE/31 Initiate High Seas Coordination Procedure for High Seas Coordination Procedure to be initiated Deleted: Provide chart of all planned routes.¶ 31/01 ICAO Paris Post-RDGE/31 COMPLETED. UDROS-ABSAX on behalf of Turkey as a direct outcome of RDGE/31. Deleted: Further progress to be reported at RDGE/31.

Initiate High Seas Coordination Procedure for High Seas Coordination Procedure to be initiated 31/02 ICAO Paris Post-RDGE/31 GOBLI-DIGAM on behalf of Ukraine as a direct outcome of RDGE/31.

Address flight planning issues related to FRA implementation and removal of ATS routes in IATA IATA to raise this issue at IATA RCG. 31/03 order for CFSP software to be updated so that RDGE/32 ICAO Paris ICAO Paris to inform EASPG of this issue. the full benefits of FRA can be provided to airspace users To present at RNDSG/98 and report progress at Clarify guidance on minimum distance for next RDGE. 31/04 ICAO Paris RDGE/32 proximity check of homophonous 5LNC Agreed guidance will be provided to ICAO Headquarters to update ICARD 5LNC Handbook.

Provide objectives for proposals proposed by Uzbekistan to provide information by email for 31/05 Uzbekistan Post-RDGE/31 Uzbekistan Secretariat update of ERNIP database.

— END —

RDGE31_SoD_Draft_v190930.docx DraftSeptember 2019