Pre-Late-Wisconsin Glacial History, Coastal Ahklun Mountains, Southwestern Alaska } New Amino Acid, Thermoluminescence, and Ar/Ar Results Darrell S

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Pre-Late-Wisconsin Glacial History, Coastal Ahklun Mountains, Southwestern Alaska } New Amino Acid, Thermoluminescence, and Ar/Ar Results Darrell S Quaternary Science Reviews 20 (2001) 337}352 Pre-Late-Wisconsin glacial history, coastal Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska } new amino acid, thermoluminescence, and Ar/Ar results Darrell S. Kaufman! *, William F. Manley", Steve L. Forman#, Paul W. Layer$ !Departments of Geology and Environmental Sciences, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaw, AZ 86011-4099, USA "Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0450, USA #Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL 60607-7059, USA $Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99775-0780, USA Abstract New stratigraphic and geochronologic data from the Togiak Bay area of southwestern Alaska indicate that glaciers advanced from the southern Ahklun Mountains at least three and as many as six times prior to the late Wisconsin. The oldest glaciations are represented by glacial}marine sediment in coastal exposures on Hagemeister Island. The extent of amino acid (isoleucine) epimeriz- ation in fossil molluscs indicates that at least one, and possibly four, older middle Pleistocene glacial intervals are represented, with age estimates spanning &500}280 ka and averaging &400$100 ka. The youngest glacial-marine drift on Hagemeister Island may correlate with the eruption of the Togiak tuya. A new Ar/Ar age on basalt that overlies pillow lava indicates that the volcano erupted through glacial ice at least 300 m thick 263$22 ka. The youngest drift in the region overlies the Old Crow tephra (140$10 ka) and a 70$10 ka basaltic lava #ow dated by thermoluminescence analysis of underlying baked sediment. The drift delimits #at piedmont lobes that spread out onto the continental shelf and terminated '100 km from their source areas during the early Wisconsin (sensu lato). The glacial-geologic evidence suggests that major expansions of glaciers were out of phase with global ice volume. ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction high coastal blu!s expose thick sequences of Quaternary deposits. The deposits have a high potential for obtaining Although no continental ice sheet ever covered western numerical ages because they contain fossiliferous marine Alaska, pre-late-Wisconsin mountain glaciers there were deposits and tephras erupted from the Aleutian vol- much more extensive than during the most recent global canoes, and because they are interstrati"ed with basaltic glacial maximum (e.g., Hamilton, 1994). The advance of lava from local sources. late Wisconsin ice was restricted to mountainous areas, The purpose of this study is to apply a suite of thereby preserving an extensive record of older gla- geochronological methods, including amino acid, thermo- ciations. The few coastal regions of the state that expose luminescence, tephrochronology, and Ar/Ar tech- interstrati"ed glacial and marine deposits are parti- niques, to determine the timing of pre-late-Wisconsin cularly important; they a!ord an opportunity to inte- glacier advances in the southwestern Ahklun Mountains, grate the local record of glacial #uctuations with the particularly the lower Togiak River valley and islands global record of eustatic sea-level changes. The Ahklun o!shore (Fig. 2). The geochronological data are necessary Mountains (Fig. 1) are the only glaciated terrain in west- to correlate the local stratigraphic record of paleoen- ern Alaska between the Alaska and Seward peninsulas. vironmental changes with the Pleistocene chronostrati- They are truncated on the south by the Bering Sea where graphic framework developing across Beringia (e.g., Kaufman and Brigham-Grette, 1993; Brigham-Grette and Hopkins, 1995) and with other regional and global records of climate change. These comparisons will facilit- * Corresponding author. Tel.: 1-520-523-7192; fax: 1-520-523-9220. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D.S. Kaufman), will- ate an improved understanding of the paleoclimatologi- [email protected] (W.F. Manley), [email protected] (S.L. Forman), cal controls on glaciation in western Alaska and their [email protected] (P.W. Layer). relation to the global climate system. 0277-3791/01/$- see front matter ( 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 2 7 7 - 3 7 9 1 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 1 2 - 8 338 D.S. Kaufman et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 20 (2001) 337}352 Fig. 1. Southern Ahklun Mountains region showing the maximum extent of late Pleistocene glaciers (bold line where well-de"ned by terminal moraine or outermost position of hummocky drift; narrow line where inferred). Ice-free areas within glacial limit are not shown. Stars indicate newly discovered localities of the Old Crow tephra. Light shading depicts mountainous area '200 m; darker shading are elevations '600 m; darkest shading are modern lakes. 1.1. Study area many kilometers of unconsolidated Quaternary sedi- ment. The Ahklun Mountains form the highest range in The "rst descriptions of Quaternary features along the Alaska west of the Alaska Range and north of the Alaska coastal segment of the Ahklun Mountains were made Peninsula (Fig. 1). They trend about 250 km northeast to during reconnaissance studies beginning in 1898 (Spurr, southwest and are #anked by the Kuskokwim River and 1900; Hamilton, 1921; Mertie, 1938). These workers Nushagak lowlands on the west and east, respectively. interpreted much of the sur"cial deposits between the The range reaches its highest elevations in the northeast, villages of Quinagak and Togiak as glacial and glacial- where summits exceed 1500 m and shelter dozens of mod- marine drift deposited by glaciers that originated in the ern-day glaciers. Repeated glaciations during the Pleis- Ahklun Mountains and spread out along the coast as tocene have excavated an extensive network of valley piedmont lobes. Hoare and Coonrad (1961a, b) delin- troughs, most of which are controlled by underlying eated undi!erentiated drift units in their reconnaissance bedrock structure. Along the steep eastern range front, bedrock mapping of the Hagemeister Island and Good- the troughs are "lled by an interconnected system of news Bay 1 : 250,000-scale quadrangles. Their maps, to- elongate, glacially over-deepened lakes dammed by ter- gether with the contributions of Muller (1953), were later minal moraines. The southern (coastal) and western incorporated into the state-wide compilation of glacial #anks are dissected by broad, fault-bounded valleys, deposits in Alaska (Coulter et al., 1965). forming a more di!use mountain front of rolling uplands More recent work focused on the record of pre-late- punctuated by small, rugged massifs. Beyond the moun- Wisconsin glaciations. Porter (1967) conducted a de- tains, at the limits of glacier advances, moraines and tailed glacial-geologic study of the placer-rich area south ice-thrust ridges form the principal topographic features of Goodnews Bay. He described evidence for glaciers that in the lowlands. Erosion by storm waves has exposed repeatedly advanced from the Ahklun Mountains and D.S. Kaufman et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 20 (2001) 337}352 339 Fig. 2. Location of geochronological sample sites discussed in text. (a) Togiak Bay region; map location shown in Fig. 1. Light shading depicts mountainous area '100 m; darker shading are elevations '250 m. (b) Shaded relief map of Togiak tuya. Contour interval"40 m with lowest contour at 40 m above sea level. spread westward as piedmont lobes over the coastal comprising the southwestern extension of the Denali lowlands of Chagvan Bay. Lea (1990) described the inter- fault system. They mapped the Quaternary lava that we nal stratigraphy of a laterally continuous arcuate ridge dated in this study; they described the Togiak tuya exposed in cross section in coastal blu!s at Ekuk. The (Hoare and Coonrad, 1978b), and reported late Cenozoic thrust (composite) ridge was formed by piedmont glaciers marine molluscs on the east coast of Hagemeister Island fed from the southeastern #ank of the range. It is com- (Hoare and Coonrad, 1978a). posed of glacial and glacial}estuarine drift deposited by glaciers that entered a macrotidal estuary similar to the present bay: the Nushagak Formation. Its age is between 2. Methods 75 and 90 ka, based on a variety of geochronological evidence including thermo- and optical-luminescence 2.1. Amino acid geochronology ages on associated tide-#at mud (Kaufman et al., 1996). Lea (1989) also described evidence for an older advance The utility of amino acids as a geochronological tool recorded by subsurface drift (Nichols Hill drift) on the for Quaternary biominerals is now well established (see Nushagak Peninsula beyond the limits of Wisconsin gla- recent review of principles and applications by Wehmil- ciation. ler, 1993; Rutter and Blackwell, 1995). Proteins and their The results reported in this study are based mainly on constituent amino acids bound within the carbonate exposures in the lower Togiak River valley, around matrix of fossil molluscan shells are degraded in propor- Togiak Bay, and Hagemeister Island located &20 km tion to their age and temperature history. For geo- o!shore (Fig. 2). The area was studied previously in chronological purposes, the most reliable of the complex reconnaissance geologic mapping by Hoare and Coon- network of reactions comprising protein diagenesis is the rad (1961a, b; 1978a). They interpret the Togiak River racemization reaction (or epimerization, in the case of the valley as a graben formed in highly deformed rocks of amino acid isoleucine). This reaction involves the inver- Mesozoic age and bounded by northeast-trending faults sion of amino acids from their protein L-con"guration to 340 D.S. Kaufman et al. / Quaternary Science Reviews 20 (2001) 337}352 their nonprotein D-con"guration. The ratio of the amino Prior to measurement of the natural and additive dose acid D-alloisoleucine to its diasteriomer L-isoleucine TL signals, the sediment was preheated at 1243C for 2}3 (aIle/Ile) measures the extent of epimerization in the days to obviate potential short-term instability in the amino acid isoleucine and has been used previously for laboratory applied dose, called anomalous fading, which geochronological purposes in the Arctic, and elsewhere.
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