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5th NATIONAL PATIENT SAFETY CONFERENCE Aviva Stadium, Dublin 4 Thursday, 12th November 2015 PROGRA MME 8.30 – 9.15 S E S S I O N 2 REGISTRATION (tea/coffee) 11.20 – 12.30 Good practice presentations 9.15 – 9.35 Opening address BREAK-OUT SESSION A (Main Auditorium – Level 2) Mr Leo Varadkar, TD, Minister for Health Chair: Ms Triona Fortune, Deputy CEO, International Society for Quality in Health Care S E S S I O N 1 Plenary Chair: Presentation 1 Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer Benzodiazepines and hypnotics use in an acute mental health service Presenter: Ms Ailish Young, Pharmacist, St Patrick’s Mental Health Services, and 9.35 – 10.05 Dr Adam Kavanagh, Nurse Practice Development Coordinator, St Patrick’s Mental The future of patient safety and how to Health Services broaden from the current emphasis on the Presentation 2 study of past harms to reliability and NOCA National ICU Audit first steps – The Mater journey preparedness Presenters: Ms Mary Baggot, National Office of Clinical Audit and Ms Elaine Ms Helen Crisp, Assistant Director of Langan, Critical Care Audit Nurse, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Research, The Health Foundation, London Presentation 3 Improving patient safety by early recognition and intervention for urinary 10.05 – 10.35 retention in the Rotunda Hospital re-audit from January 2014 to July 2014 Learning from the evidence about what Presenters: Ms Cinny Cusack, Physiotherapy Manager and Ms Mary O’Reilly, works in improving quality and safety in Practice Development Coordinator, Rotunda Hospital, Dublin 1 healthcare Presentation 4 Professor Mary Dixon-Woods, Professor of The Shocking Stocking Audit…. an audit on the use of thrombo embolic Medical Sociology at the Department of deterrent stockings for patients having surgery at Sligo Regional Hospital Health Sciences, University of Leicester Presenter: Ms Teresa Donnelly, CNM 2 General Theatre, Sligo Regional Hospital 10.35 – 10.45 BREAK-OUT SESSION B (Havelock – Level 4) Question and answer session Chair: Dr Sarah Condell, Clinical Effectiveness Unit, Department of Health 10.45 – 11.20 Presentation 5 TEA/COFFEE (poster viewing) What can people with intellectual disabilities tell us about the medication use process? Presenter: Ms Bernadette Flood, Pharmacist, St Joseph’s Centre, Daughters of Charity Disability Support Services, Clonsilla, Dublin 15 PROGRA MME Presentation 6 TPOT’s co design of a perioperative patient experience tool S E S S I O N 3 Presenter: Ms Lorraine Murphy, RCSI Surgery and TPOT programmes 13.30 – 13.50 Presentation 7 Launch of the NCEC Standards for Clinical Preparedness of hospitals in the Republic of Ireland for an influenza pandemic, Practice Guidance an infection control perspective Presenter: Ms Mary Reidy, Infection Prevention and Control Clinical Nurse Specialist, Introduction: Bon Secours Hospital, Strand Street, Tralee, Co Kerry Dr Kathleen Mac Lellan, Director of Patient Presentation 8 Safety and Clinical Effectiveness, Department Developing a serious game ‘Play Decide’ for supporting junior hospital doctors to of Health speak up about safety concerns Launch: Presenters: Dr Marie Ward, Prof. Eilish McAuliffe, Health Systems, School of Nursing Professor Hilary Humphreys, Chair NCEC & Dr Midwifery & Health Systems, UCD Belfield and Ms Karen Egan, Patient & Public Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer, Involvement in Healthcare at HSE Department of Health BREAK-OUT SESSION C (Vavasour – Level 2) S E S S I O N 4 Chair: Ms Rosemary Smyth, Director of Training & Development, Mental Health 13.50 – 14.00 Commission Chair: Dr Philip Crowley, National Director, Quality Improvement Division, HSE Presentation 9 Introduction of a urinary catheter care bundle in the National Rehabilitation 14.00 – 14.20 Hospital – expected and unexpected benefits From the patient’s perspective Presenter: Dr Sinead McNicholas, Consultant Microbiologist, National Rehabilitation Ms Linda Dillon Hospital, Dun Laoghaire 14.20 – 14.40 Presentation 10 Developments in Portlaoise maternity Improving patient outcomes for both nosocomial and community-acquired cases of services since the CMO’s February 2014 Clostridium Difficile Infection (CDI) in Tallaght Hospital Report on Neo-natal Deaths and the Presenter: Ms Niamh Fitzgerald, Senior Medical Scientist, Microbiology Laboratory, subsequent HIQA report Tallaght Hospital. Ms Angela Dunne, Director of Nursing & Presentation 11 Midwifery, Midland Regional Hospital, Plan for Every Patient (PfEP): Introducing a mechanism for visually planning patient Portlaoise care in Beaumont Hospital 14.40 – 15.00 Presenter: Ms Amy Anslow, Project Lead, Plan for Every Patient, Beaumont Hospital, Clinical leaders – learning safety first Dublin 9 Dr Colm Henry, National Clinical Advisor and Presentation 12 Group Lead for Acute Hospitals in the HSE “Start Smart” Improving the quality of empiric antimicrobial prescribing 15.00 – 15.20 at Temple Street Putting the care into health care Presenter: Ms Michelle Kirrane, Senior Clinical Pharmacist, Antimicrobial & Mr Patrick Lynch, National Director, Quality, Paediatrics, Temple Street Children’s University Hospital Assurance & Verification Division, HSE 12.30 – 13.30 - LUNCH (poster viewing) 15.20 – 15.40 Panel discussion 15.40 – 15.45 Closing remarks Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer B I O G R A P H I E S 4th National PATIENT SAFETY CONFERENCE LocalMs Helen CrispGood is Assistant Practice Director of Research Oral at Presentationsthe Health Foundation, an independent c o n t i n ucharity e d 12.30 – 13.30 LUNCH (poster viewing) (11.20committed – 12.30) to improving health and health care. Helen coordinates the Foundation’s Croke Park Conference Centre improvement science programme, building research capacity to deliver well-defined, methodologically sound, tested and evaluated improvement interventions. The programme th Presentation 6 S E SFriday, S I O N 37 November 2014 includes original research into theory and methods for improvement, together with personal Plenary Chair: Methotrexate:research awards including A novel post approach-doctoral Improvementto safer use scienceof a toxic fellowships, medication PhD funding and Presenter:professorial fellows Dr Paul in improvementRyan, Woodview science. Family Helen previouDoctors,sly workedGlanmire, in quality Cork improvement, Dr Philip Crowley, National Director of developing quality standards for healthcare accreditation programmes, service review and Quality and Patient Safety, HSE Ms Helen Crisp Presentationbenchmarking studies. She7 is an experienced consultant who has worked on a wide range of P R O G R A M M E Dr Helen Bevan healthcare quality improvement programmes in the UK and internationally, including QOF 13.30 – 14.30 Materassessment Board in primary on Board care, Qualitydevelopment Improvement of implementation Project support for NICE guidance and the Presenter:development Prof. of the Mary Danish Day, Quality Mater Model. Misericordiae University Hospital National Issues The patient Perspective (Ann Bridge) PresentationDr Philip Crowley is National 8 Director of Quality Improvement with the HSE since January 2011. Open Disclosure (Angela Tysall, National ImplementationPhilip is a doctor who of trained Care inBundles General HospitalPractice and Wide then inworked Our forLady’s five years Children’s in Nicaragua, Hospital, Lead for Open Disclosure, HSE and Dr Central America in health development. He then worked in the NHS in Newcastle upon Tyne to John Tiernan, Executive Director, Crumlintackle health – Not inequalities. without He its has challenges!!! trained in public health medicine and has worked with the Presenters:Institute of Public Paula Health McGrath in Ireland, and with Tracey the Irish Wall, College Our of Lady’sGeneral Children’s Practitioners Hospital, on refugee Crumlin and Member Engagement Division, Medical asylum seeker health and as a general practitioner in the North inner city of Dublin. Philip worked Protection Society) Presentationfor 6 years as Deputy Chief 9 Medical Officer with the Department of Health and Children until taking National Clinical Effectiveness up his current post. Philip continues to work as a GP part-time in an inner city Dublin practice. Improving influenza vaccine uptake in Health Care Workers in the Department of CommitteeDr (Dr Philip Kathleen Crowley MacLellan, Department of Health) GenitourinaryMs Linda Dillon is Medicine a founding memberand Infectious and former Diseases Chairperson (GUIDE), of the New Crumlin Hospital StParents James’s Group Hospital, which successfully Dublin lobbied government to build a new paediatric hospital. She is Presenteralso a founding: TBC member of the HSE Sepsis Steering Group. In 2007 she was appointed by the 14.30 – 14.50 Minister for Health to the New Paediatric Hospital Development Board as the patient and parent What does ‘care’ mean in and for health representative. She is currently a member of the HSE’s National Quality Improvement Steering Presentation 10 care? Addressing the compassion and Group; and is a member of the National Clinical Effectiveness Committee. She is Founding Director safety deficit Theof the development Alice’s Wonderland of an Foundation Integrated which Quality is a charity and that Patient endeavours Safety to Frameworkimprove the quality of Dr Justin Brophy, Executive Clinical Director, tolife supportof seriously a illmulti children-sited and Hospital their families. Group Linda is a regular presenter and facilitator on the Presenter:Diploma in Leadership John McElhinney, and Quality