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Redalyc.Joseph Achille Le Bel. His Life and Works Revista CENIC. Ciencias Químicas ISSN: 1015-8553 Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas Cuba Wisniak, Jaime Joseph Achille Le Bel. His Life and Works Revista CENIC. Ciencias Químicas, vol. 33, núm. 1, enero-abril, 2002, pp. 35-43 Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas La Habana, Cuba Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Revista CENIC Ciencias Químicas, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2002. RESEÑA BIOGRAFICA Joseph Achille Le Bel. His Life and Works Jaime Wisniak Department of Chemical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel 84105. Recibido: 26 de abril del 2001. Aceptado: 22 de mayo del 2001. Palabras clave: Le Bel, Química, estereoquímica, actividad óptica, cosmogonia Key words: Le Bel, Chemistry, stereoquímica, optical activity, cosmogony. RESUMEN. Joseph Achille Le Bel es un ejemplo de científicos como Réaumur The same year his father passed que investigaron muchÍsimos temas, pero solo son recordados por uno. Le Bel away and his two sisters, Marie and es un nombre bien conocido por los estudiantes de Química en general, y Emma, took charge of the family in- estereoquímica en particular. El nos dejo los principios básicos que determinan dustry and in this way allowed Le las condiciones geométricas que un compuesto de carbón debe satisfacer para Bel to continue chemical studies. He que presente actividad óptica. Aparte de esto, desarrolló una teoría curiosa res- was appointed préparateur (respon- pecto al origen del Universo. sible for preparing the apparatus needed in lecture demonstrations) to ABSTRACT. Joseph Achille Le Bel is an example of scientists like Réaumur the General Chemistry chair held by who researched in many subjects but is remembered by only one. Le Bel is a Liés Bodart at the University of well-known name to students of Chemistry in general, and stereochemistry in Strasbourg but after a short time he particular. He left us with basic principles that determine the geometrical con- ditions that must be satisfied by a carbon compound in order to have optical left to take a similar position with activity. In addition, he developed an unusual theory regarding the origin of the Antoine-Jérôme Balard (1802-1876, Universe. the discoverer of bromine) at the Collège de France, with an annual remuneration of 1 500 francs. In 1873 he moved to Paris to work in the INTRODUCTION his scientific achievements, and, in laboratory of Charles-Adolphe Würtz Joseph Achille Le Bel is an ex- particular, how his concepts about (1817-1884), at the École de Médecine ample of scientists, like Réaumur, stereochemistry set the basis to this in Paris. After Würtz death, his suc- who did research in many subjects important branch of organic chem- cessor Armand Gautier (1837-1920) but is remembered by only one. Le istry. continued to employ Le Bel as an Bel is a well-known name to stu- assistant. 1-3 dents of chemistry in general, and LIFE AND CAREER Simultaneously to his work with stereochemistry in particular. He Joseph Achille Le Bel was born Würtz he took an active role in the left us with basic principles that de- on January 21, 1847, at Péchelbronn, management of the family business, termine the geometrical conditions Alsace, the youngest of the four chil- doing research in the area of petro- that must be satisfied by a carbon dren of Louis-Frédéric-Achille Le leum and its chemistry. His results compound in order to have optical Bel. From the side of his father he led him to adopt Dimitri Mende- activity. In addition, he developed an was a nephew of Jean-Baptiste leevs (1834-1907) view that petro- unusual theory regarding the origin Dieudonné Boussingault (1802-1887) leum deposits resulted from the ac- of the Universe. an experimental agricultural chem- tion of steam on metallic carbides at Chemists and chemical engi- ist who also managed the Lobsann volcanic temperatures. In 1879 he neers are familiar with Le Bel petroleum field. Le Bel came from a introduced in Péchelbronn the through the theory that carries his wealthy family that controlled a bi- Fauvelle well-perforation method name, a theory related to asymmet- tuminous sand and asphalt process- that led to the production of new ric carbon and optical rotary power. ing plant at Péchelbronn and he per- subproducts and the discovery of They are generally unaware that he sonally managed it between 1882 fields of light oil and gas. In 1885 Le also contributed to other scientific and 1889. Le Bel started his high Bel installed vertical stills that al- areas such as the chemistry of pe- school studies at the Collège dHa- lowed him to quadruplicate the pro- troleum, stereochemistry of nitro- guenau and completed them in duction of the factory and to obtain gen, crystallography, fermentation, Paris. In 1865, at the age of eighteen, head products of distillation lamp cosmogony and prehistory. Here we he entered the École Polytechnique oil. In addition he installed dewaxing describe his personal life and career, from where he graduated in 1867. units for separating the liquid oil 35 Revista CENIC Ciencias Químicas, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2002. from the materials that solidified at also appointed honorary President expected celebrated French dishes room temperature. All these im- of the Societé Préhistorique Fran- Le Bel drew out of his pocket a small provements should be considered çaise. paper package, out of which he ex- against the background that at that According to Pope2 Le Bel did erted pieces of cold meat he had time Alsace was under German not publish a great amount of experi- brought with him from Paris. This domination and France had no pe- mental work probably because he was the Spartan way of life of a man, troleum sources of her own. held no academic post and found so who was known as possessing many In 1889 the Le Bel family trans- few collaborators. His writings cover millions, but whose pleasant manner ferred the Péchelbronn factory to a wide range of subjects and are per- made one forget the insufficient group of Alsacien investors, and meated by quite uncommon philo- material pleasures offered in his moved Paris. The Péchelbronn sophic spirit. He was an individual- house. works were severely damaged dur- ist and mixed little with his scien- Le Bel was a complete ing the Second World War; on August tific colleagues; he was intolerant of autodidact, and hardly ever made 4, 1944, a total of 1 350 bombs was officialdom in any of its aspects, and any attempts to join the academy, dropped on it, destroying it almost was wont to express his contempt of being a stranger to any form of van- completely.1 bureaucracy with some vigor. His ity. Even though he published Le Bel was appointed member of originality of thought, his outspo- little, it would be a mistake to sup- the Societé Chimique in 1869. He kenness, and his unconventionality, pose that after his significant suc- became its Vice President in 1890 indeed bohemianism, made his cess in stereochemistry −he was and President in 1892. Afterwards, somewhat difficult of access, but in hardly 30 years old then− he stopped he served in different committees of congenial society he was a delight- his scientific work. During ten years the same and made many cash con- ful companion, full of knowledge of he tried to establish a connection be- tributions to it. In April 1930, he of- the world and sparkling with anec- tween the crystal forms of chemical fered a money prize of 50 000 francs dote and caustic wit. compounds, but he rejected all at- for the rediscovery of a microscopic Wedekind3 gives another view of tempts of his friends to publish the green alga, found and lost by him, Le Bels personality: My stay in results of his work, saying that his which had the power of converting Paris, where I was studying and observations were of no significance atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia. working in the laboratory of Henri and fell short of the goals he had Le Bel passed away in Paris on Moissan, led to our personal meet- envisioned for himself. He had a 45 m August 6, 1930, and was buried at the ing, which gave me an opportunity deep shaft constructed, so that he Bagneux cemetery. Although in his to get to know this very special, lov- would be able to perform certain ex- testament he donated all his fortune able person closer. We would often periments under constant tempera- (about 4 million francs) to the Societé meet in the café Pantheon on Bou- ture. Chimique. Delépine1 comments that levard St. Michel. Our conversations He treated his plants and flow- this generous gift was reduced to revolved almost exclusively around ers with great love. These grew first nothing by the economic and social questions related to stereochemis- in the garden of his laboratory in measures of the French govern- try, while we would construct ex- Rue Amyot, but as he moved to an- ments that followed Le Bels death. planatory models from toothpicks. other house, they had to be brought Le Bel never held an academic Le Bel, who was known as being ex- to a terrace, which soon became appointment nor he ever had any traordinarily rich since he inherited reminiscent of a hanging botanical students. In 1881, when Le Bel was the Péchelbronner petroleum garden.
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