At the foot of Izalco Volcano, you’ll find a city of the same name, whose rich history and age-old, mystical traditions will captivate you. Historically, Izalco represents the largest indigenous community of the region where the people used to farm cacao and balsam for international export. From 1880 to 1930, this region produced more than 50% of the country’s total production of coffee. Nowadays, the higher elevations are still favorable for growing coffee and the lower elevations grow sugar cane, grains, fruit and cacao. The founding of Izalco is actually the history of two towns becoming one. During colonization, Asuncion (Lower Izalco) and Dolores (Upper Izalco) were bridged together, which is why Izalco now has two colonial churches and two central parks. In the Dolores Church, built in 1716, you can find many colonial images, paintings and embossed silver tabernacles. The Asuncion Church was built in 1576 in Baroque style, but all that can be seen are the ruins left by the Santa Marta earthquake of 1773. Izalco also has a mystical allure. The town has retained its indigenous healing traditions and rituals that the Spanish conquerors once referred to as witchcraft. The indigenous healers refer to themselves “curanderos” or naturopaths with specialties in spiritual healing. Many people prefer to visit the naturopaths instead of Westernized clinics because the plants they are prescribed are readily available and the treatment is more affordable.

IZALCO, CITY WITH INDIGENOUS ROOTS Izalco belongs to the department of Sonsonate. Izalco is located on the road CA 8 from San Salvador to Sonsonate, at a distance of 58 km. The capital of the municipality of Izalco is located at 430 m ASL on the southwest skirts of the volcano Izalco. According to the monk Juan de Torquemada "Tecpan Izalco" was founded in 1054 by Topiltzin-Acxil. Since the colony, Izalco was part of the municipality of Sonsonate. In 1770 it was divided into the churches of Asuncion Izalco and Dolores Izalco, where the divisions between Indians and Spaniards was remarkable; the latter ones were forbidden to interact with the people from conquered towns. Spaniards had to live near the cocoa plantations since they knew Indians were not going to cultivate it unless forced to, because they knew they were not going to make any profit out of it. This situation caused many Spaniards to move from Sonsonate to Izalco, which later led to the mestizoes (union between Spaniards and Indians). After the Independence was gained from Spain, Izalco became part of the state of Guatemala. Among the many famous people born here we can recall: General Francisco Malespin (Founder of the National University), Writers: Calixto Velado, Oscar Escobar Velado, etc. The word "Itzalco" means "place of the houses of obsidian". Izalco was one of the towns defeated during the 1932 rebellion, just like the town of Juayua. Some people say more than 20,000 people were killed including Feliciano Ama - indigenous leader/cacique. Many people believe the 1932 rebellion is the cause why not many people in speak the dialect "Nahuatl" or wear traditional indigenous clothes (chal, refajo, caites); since people were afraid of being recognized as participants of the rebellion.

EXPLORING IZALCO Izalco which name could mean “obsidian’s house”. This is also given to the volcano that in ancient times was a lighthouse for the navigators, it also refers to the warlocks that lived there, Izalco is a town that keeps a rich history of the past, like the pre-Hispanic and colonial time, and also the tragic murder of thousands of indigenous in 1932.

Also Izalco is a place where you can find a lot touristic attractions, in fact, some of the companies are offering touristic packages and the City Hall has an office that promote the tourism and provide information for the tourists, also contact the tour operators or the travel agencies when tourists require any other service, it also promote sightseeing to famous places like the volcano, churches or other interesting places.


Izalco, is a village with so many histories and one of the most representative is the insurrection of 1932 that took place in the western departments of El Salvador; also known as “the Massacre” The insurrection was a result of poverty and lack of land by indigenous that also by the high depression in 1929 the western part of the country was affective by low rate of coffee exportation so the wealthy as a consequence lowed the salary of the workers. But the uprising was quickly suppressed by the government led by Maximiliano Hernández Martinez, whose army was vastly superior in terms of soldiers and proceeded to execute anyone who stood again it.

The rebellion was a mixture of protest and insurrection and ended in ethnocide, claiming the lives of anywhere between 10,000 and 40,000 peasants and other civilians many of them indigenous people.

The fighting broke out on January 22, 1932. Rebels led by the communist party and Agustin Farabundo Marti, Mario Zapata and Alfonso Luna, attacked government forces with support that was largely from Pipil Indians.

Peasants rose against the new, corrupt government of Martinez, but this was crushed by the Army. Martinez started genocide against his own population. Since most of the people that participated in the uprising were of indigenous origin, anyone that looked or dressed like a native or spoke Nahuatl was killed by the army. The number massacred is estimated at 30,000. However, the political ideology of the Martinez administration was fascism. He admired Hitler and did not allow any Jews, Palestine or black people to enter the country The towns of Nahuizalco, Juayua, Apaneca and Izalco were assaulted by the army. Feliciano Ama an Indian leader was hanged and this event was shown on postage stamps of the time. Following the Matanza from 1932–1979, military officers held the presidency, with some presidents using more repression than others. El Salvador's problems included unfair minimum wages, repression against student and general demonstrations, and election fraud.

In the aftermath, accounts of the uprising and massacre were purged from libraries and replaced by the myth of Martínez as the savior of Salvadorans from vicious communists and barbaric Indians. To avoid further violence, members of the Pipil indigenous group generally severed their ties to their culture and Pipil language, adopting Western dress and the Spanish language as well as intermarrying with members of non-indigenous groups. In modern-day El Salvador, it is estimated that 1% or less of the population is of exclusively indigenous descent.


José Feliciano Ama (1881 – February 28, 1932) was an indigenous peasant leader, a Pipil from Izalco in El Salvador, who participated and died in the 1932 Salvadoran peasant uprising.

Ama had his lands taken by the wealthy coffee planting family, the Regalados, during which he was hung by his thumbs and beaten. This was in the context of liberal reforms which stripped the indigenous population of access to their communal lands, which were appropriated by private landowners.

Ama was a day laborer in Izalco. He married Josefa Shupan, who came from an influential Pipil family in Izalco. 1917 he became member of the catholic brotherhood Cofradía Del Corpus Christi.

His father-in-law Patricio Shupan was majordomo of the brotherhood, who died in 1917 after participating at a dinner with President Carlos Meléndez. After Shupan's death Feliciano Ama became head of the brotherhood, which consisted exclusively of Pipil.

In the early morning of January 22, 1932 Feliciano Ama lead the Pipil peasants of Izalco into the uprising against the landlords. With several hundred supporters he marched to the capital of the department Sonsonate. There the mayor was killed by insurgents from Juayúa, but landlords accused Ama, who fled into the hills of Izalco. There he was found by soldiers from the garrison of Izalco under commander Cabrera, captured and hanged in the center of Izalco.


Since the beginning of the times wherever you go we’ll find old stories from ancient times, or the stories, not always true, that people tell about a famous event or person, or animal that is the case to our country mainly in IZALCO we must mention as follow:

 LA HISTORIA DEL CADEJO. (Un espíritu protector)














In overall terms all of those are the most common, but if we emphasize the principle believes to Izalco’legend here you are:


"El cadejo" is represented by a dog of great size and penetrating gaze. There are two cadejos, white and black. White cadejo symbolizes the good and black cadejo symbolizes the evil. Some people say that the black cadejo represents an evil spirit which appears to people who wander late at night, persecutes and hypnotize its victims with its huge red eyes, similar to burning coals. According to the legend, if black cadejo hypnotize you, it can steal your soul.


When the drivers asked where she was headed, she just answered to went a few kilometers from the place, then she mounted the car and began to seduce the driver. When the men began to touch and kiss her something dreadful happened, the skin of women dropped from her body and she was converted into a human skeleton. Minutes after the victims were found in a total confusion state and only recalled the moments in which the gloomy scene occurred.


This legend has become very popular among fishermen, residents and visitors of Coatepeque Lake.

One day, a rich man and owner of a beautiful mansion located on the shores of Coatepeque Lake went to take a ride in a canoe; when he was near of the island, a groundwater flow dragged him and took him to the goddess of freshwater domain.


Originally called "Sihuehuet" (beautiful woman), she had a romance with the son of god Tlaloc, the god "Lucero de la Mañana" (Bright Star); and ended pregnant, betraying the sun god. Sihuehuet was a bad mother; she left her son to satisfy her lover. When Tlaloc discovered what was happening, cursed Sihuehuet calling her "Sihuanaba" (ugly woman). From that moment, she would be beautiful at first sight, but when men approach to her,, she would become a horrifying woman.


Son of the Sihuanaba, "El Cipitío" is a very popular character among salvadoran legends. He is a small and big-bellied kid that never grew up.

El Cipitío eats bananas and the remaining ashes from wood rural kitchens, using a very large hat that moves with the measure of his walk. Appears at night as a scoffer spirit, making jokes, laughing and dancing around his victim.


Years ago there was a man without faith called "Pedro el Malo"

On May 15th, the "San Isidro Labrador" festival, many people came to the town for the carts blessing. Pedro also took his cart, but had bad intentions, stopping his wagon very close to the door of the church, far from the other carts.


This story happens in the municipality of Izalco, Department of Sonsonate where lives a large mythological animal, half snake and half pork. Visiting the tourist center Atecozol in Sonsonate you can find a stone image of this animal.



In El Salvador, the religious traditions of Easter are experienced with greater intensity and devotion in the cities of Sonsonate and Izalco, located in the west of the country and just 10 kilometers from each another. The most special day is certainly on Good Friday, which commemorates the passion and death of Jesus Christ.

Both, at Sonsonate and Izalco, the first activity is the Via Crucis, a procession that starts at 7 am and passes through the town main streets. At Izalco, the march starts at the colonial church of Our Lady of Sorrows, while in Sonsonate it departs from Our Lady of El Pilar and ends at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. The procession ends at noon.

At both processions the main focus are the beautiful religious images, known as Nazarenes.

At Izalco, the image is from middle of the eighteenth century and shows a strong racial syncretism, it is not white, but brown, and it has Native American features with a long hair. Is it accompanied by the Virgin of Solitude (second half XVIII century), San Juan (late eighteenth century), the Magdalene and La Verónica (dating to early last century).

Almost the same characteristics are presented in the Nazarene from Sonsonate. This beautiful image from the first half of the eighteenth century is life-size (about 1.80 m in height). His “Anda” or moving altar is also impressive, and is led by a group of 40 carriers.

The Way of the Cross commemorates the act of the Crucifixion of Jesus. Only members of the Brotherhood can touch the image of Christ and elements such as the crown of thorns and nails. It is an ancient tradition, and only the older members of the Brotherhood that have shown high morals and great respect to the community can achieve this honor. The vast majority of “Pious”, as they are known, are over 60 years old and many of them over 80 years old.

At Izalco, the image is known as “Descending Christ”. It is first mentioned in 1885 but there are no records of the date it was made. Historians such as Carlos Leiva, believe that the image was created by Juan Ganuza or one of his students in the city of Guatemala. The Descending Christ wears a beautiful crown of thorns made by Miguel Cabrera, the most famous jeweler at that time.

In Sonsonate, the image is known as “The Crucified” and it was first used for this purpose in 1940, although the image is over 200 years old. This image of Christ is flanked by two realistic images of thieves: Gestas and Dimas, created in the early years of the last century. Both events are accompanied by hundreds of people who show great devotion. Izalco, also celebrates one Crucifixion at the ruins of the old Church of Our Lady of the Assumption.

When is descended from the cross, the image of Christ is treated with reverence as if it were a real corpse, and again, only members of the Brotherhood of the Holy Burial can touch the sacred image. In Sonsonate, the image of the Crucified is shrouded as it happened two thousand years ago.

Finally, the Holy Burial Procession leaves at 5 pm in both cities. Thousands of people gather at the funeral, since both processions are beautiful and filled with devotion. The “Anda” weighs about 2 tons and is carried on the shoulders of 44 porters. In total, more than 600 porters take turns to carry the image until daybreak, when they return back to the Church. The urn in Sonsonate was manufactured 75 years ago with Melon wood, a tree extinct in the country nowadays.

The most beautiful images are the lying Christ of Sonsonate that is almost 450 years old, also displaying indigenous features.


Volcán de Izalco is a small volcano on the flanks of the much larger Volcán Santa Ana in western El Salvador. Continuously active between 1770 and 1957 it produced explosive eruptions and lava flows up to 7 km long. Its persistent activity leant it the name 'lighthouse of the Pacific'. A brief revival occurred in 1966 and is still steaming away today. Easy to get to and climb this is a worthwhile visit if you're in the area. Nearby to these volcanoes is Lago de Coatepeque, 6 km wide and 120 m deep where there are some hotels and restaurants.

A good base for reaching Volcán de Izalco is from the city of Santa Ana, El Salvador's second largest. From there take the 8 AM bus to Cerro Verde which is a national park, about 2 hours to the south-west. The bus drops you at the entrance to the park where it is $1 to enter. Walk up the road for a few hundred meters to the car park where the non-optional tour group assembles and leaves for Volcán de Izalco at some time from 10:45 AM to 11:00 AM. The guides/tourist police cost an additional $3 per person. While this might seem like a drag the system was introduced to and has dramatically cut assaults. There is a small eatery at the back of the car park as well as nearby toilets.


The route begins just near where you are dropped off by the bus and descends 400m through the forested slopes of Volcán Cerro Verde along a well maintained switch-backing trail. Once out of the forest Volcán de Izalco rears up straight in front of you. There is another well maintained trail amongst the lava and ash to the summit, which is 320 m above you at this juncture.

At the summit you can enter a shallow crater and walk around the rim. The return route is the same as the entry route. The trip takes 3 - 4 hours including sitting around and having lunch. Be warned though; as the last bus leaving back towards Santa Ana / San Salvador is 3 PM so don't cut it too close.

HOTELS IN IZALCO La Casona de Los Vega Datos de La Casona de Los Vega Nivel de precio: intermedio Link Externo: www.lacasonadelosvega.com.sv Dirección: 2da avenida norte numero 24, en el centro de izalco Teléfono: 2453-5951

El Chele Hotel Datos de El Chele Nivel de precio: intermedio Link Externo: www.izalcoelchelerestaurant.com Dirección:final avenida Roberto carillas, calle la violeta caserio Teléfono: 7798-8079

RESTAURANTS IN IZALCO Restaurante Campomar Dirección: Bo Otra Banda Cl Hacia Atecozol No 50 Teléfono: 24136781 Restaurante El Chele Dirección: Bo Dolores 3 Cl Ote No 7 Teléfono: 24536740

Restaurante Río Nuevo Dirección: Carrt San Salvador A Atecosol Km 58 1/2 Teléfono: 24833204 Restaurante Vía Roca Dirección: Carrt A Sonsonate Lotif Huiscoyolate Y Fnl Cl La Mica Huiscoyolate Teléfono: 24833450 Resturante El Alba Dirección: Bo Dolores 4 Av Nte No 40 Teléfono: 24156118

Group team. Jose Guillermo Hernandez Hillary Aymeth Moran Lorena Guadalupe Diaz Roberto Calona Saul Heriberto Mezquita