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Continued from Front Page oracles of G-d. What he has inherited as a Christian came from the Jewish people. Pastor Lee, expounds, “This insight has spurred me on to know G-d’s heart towards the Jewish people. It is paramount to me to understand this truth.” Such respect and love for the Jewish people propelled Pastor Lee to want to participate in Ohev Yisrael’s Seder and also impelled many of his congregants who expressed their enthusiasm of their participation in the Seder as well. A number people who attended the first Seder returned again for their second one and the yearly Biblical festival has become an anticipated event in the life cycle of their church. The congregation speaks unashamedly of its love for Israel and participating in the Seder fuels their passion. Another Pastor, Brian Burdett from Lake Ridge Baptist Church in Woodbridge, Virginia also had a desire to experience a Seder at his church and reached out as well to Ohev Yisrael in the hopes that they could also present a Seder to his community. Pastor Burdett expressed his desire, “I wanted something different from the normal way of celebrating Easter. I desired something that would bring the congregation into a more meaningful Easter, to enable them to experience a deeper appreciation of what took place on the cross. He asserted, “While most churches teach only from the New Testament, I wanted the congregation to understand G-d’s whole redemptive work, from the Old Testament, from the

Aaron Allsbrook narrates and introduces the Passover traditions to attentive, beginning of history, not just the New Testament. Knowing that Yeshua is referred to first-time as the Passover Lamb, I wanted to experience everything that Passover is.” experiencers Through experiencing the Seder the congregational increased their appreciation of a Seder. and understanding of Passion Week. Similar to Pastor Lee, Pastor Burdett valued the power of gathering together as a community to celebrate the way the Jewish people have been observing Passover for thousands of years. He recognized that participating in a Seder is a profound way of fostering connections with one’s larger community outside the church walls as well and is also a way to build relationships with others. For many congregants, this was their first Seder experience and the congregants expressed how they saw Yeshua as the fulfillment of the Passover lamb. Experiencing a Seder not only enriches the lives of followers of Yeshua it is also a means of outreach into the Jewish community in which some of the congregants invited their Jewish neighbors. Curiously, one country where such collaborative Seders do not often occur is in Israel. Most followers of Yeshua in the land are Jewish, and therefore they either celebrate the Passover festival with family or a local congregation. Nearly every Jewish person in Israel commemorates the holiday, from the least religious to the most observant, as stated earlier. Conversely, there are regularly a multitude of Christians in Jerusalem around the time of Passover who are passionate about visiting the Holy Land during the time of Yeshua’s death and resurrection. One congregation, King of Kings in Jerusalem, desired to host these passionate tourists for a Seder dinner so they as well could experience what Yeshua experienced with His disciples the night before He laid down His life. Similar to Lake Ridge Baptist Church, King of Kings was able to invite not only Christian tourists, but those people who live in Israel for an extended period of time, as well as Jewish people who do not have family living in Israel. King of Kings Congregation was able to serve a variety of people through opening their doors to their Passover celebration. The congregation had not presented a Passover Seder to the community for several years but they were certainly glad they did so that year. There is perhaps no greater event in which Christians can participate in the Jewish festivals than the Passover Seder. The Seder is not only foundational to the Jewish people as a nation, it is also foundational to the ushering in of the New Covenant through Yeshua’s death, burial and resurrection at this season. The Jewish people were freed from physical slavery on Passover. Yeshua accomplished His victory over sin and death for Jew and Gentile, who choose to follow Him. Passover is a Jewish national holiday, but its meaning extends to all those who love Yeshua and have been freed by His death and resurrection. And of course, who doesn’t love matzoh ball soup?

March / April 2020 The Messianic Times 3 GuestEditorial—The G-d Who Moves in History by Paul Liberman eviticus 23 enumerates seven Biblical holidays to be commemorated by the Jewish People, throughout our generations. The first of these is Passover and the closely associated Feast of Unleavened Bread. Such celebration was to be expected, given the Lsomewhat recent deliverance from Egypt of the Hebrews.But what of the other commanded holidays? Surely the prophetic nature of these Scriptures was a hidden mystery, during the time of Moses. Nevertheless, the instructions of this chapter have been upheld over many centuries. What a miracle G-d has performed to provide a firm recollection of events and also a foretelling of events yet to come. In addition, there are two peoplehood festivals i.e. Purim and Hanukkah. In the Book of Esther, it is said that those Jews who do not mark these occasions will be cut off from their people. The canonization of the Tanakh (“Old Testament”) does not include the telling of the events celebrated as the Feast of Dedication. However, this eight-day holiday is authenticated by Yeshua in John 10:22. In the year 325 C.E., the Council of Nicaea prohibited all of the above, as well as the retaining of any other Jewish practices, including Saturday worship. The penalty was excommunication to anyone not in compliance. No Jewish people were in attendance at this gathering. It remained Christian law for many centuries. Paul Liberman Of course the G-d of Israel had no intention of obliterating any recollection of the People of the Book. Memory of this prohibition eventually faded and was largely forgotten. So it was a crowd of rebellious Jewish hippies who did not know of this ancient Christian determination and were only loyal to what was in the Bible. These young Jewish believers began to explain the prophetic nature of this holiday. In time, a demand developed for Seder demonstrations. In only a few decades, ancient church law was overturned by popular demand. Let us consider, if non-celebration by Jewish people can result in separation from our heritage, could it not be that Gentile voluntary observance is a way of expressing a desire to be more closely grafted into the Jewish Olive Tree? Zechariah 8:23 predicts that “ten men shall take hold of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of a Jew saying, we will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.” Has that day not arrived in our generation? It is the genius of G-d to create a natural bridge between and Christianity. The eventual restoration of Israel on both a physical and spiritual plane has always been on the heart of G-d throughout the Scriptures. Over the years, Jewish leaders have pursued a bootstrap effort towards this objective. This has always proven unsuccessful. Christian leaders have tried to coerce this result. This repeatedly failed. Not by might , nor by power was this accomplished. It remained for the small group of Jewish believers to gain in strength and numbers and become a noticeable phenomenon. Later this became a movement, attracting a measure of public attention. Yes, there has been a partial blindness over Jewish eyes. However, there have also been some Gentile scales being removed about the Jewishness of the faith. The public celebration and explanations of the Biblical holidays are diminishing the insular practice of these Jewish special occasions. In time, the entire world will realize the profound and predictive nature of events, yet to unfold. When all is made clear and historical perspective has been achieved, the world will fully appreciate the preservation of the holidays in Leviticus, as a treasure and glory to our Biblical Author. It seems already clear that the restoration of Israel, physically and spiritually always awaited a time when Jews and Gentiles could jointly put our shoulders to the wheel to fulfil this holy purpose. Close bonds of friendship are achieved by working together toward common goals. What greater purpose could there be than participating in G-d's plan for world peace? Joel 2:27,28 says that there will be a great repentance by Jewish people and afterwards G-d will pour out his Spirit on all flesh. There is an order to these events that cannot be skipped over or changed. The full salvation of the Jewish People must first occur before the solution for all the nations. It might be said we constitute a spiritual peace corp.

Paul Liberman became a believer in the Messiah in 1971. He was instrumental in founding Messianic congregations in Washington, D.C. and in San Diego and co-led a congregation in Israel. He presently is the Messianic Rabbi of Ohav Shalom in Palm Springs, California. He has served as the Executive Director of The Messianic Times; International Messianic Jewish Alliance; Messianic Action Committee (Israel) and was for many years a board member of MAOZ, Inc. He currently is the Treasurer of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America and has previously served that organization as President, as well as Executive Director of The Joseph Project and the Alliance for Israel Advocacy. Paul is also an author of two books: The Fig Tree Blossoms and Don't Call Me Christian.

United States: 50 Alberta Drive Amherst, NY 14226 Publisher Canada: 905.685.4072 • Toll-free: 866.612.7770 • Fax: +1.905.685.7371 The Messianic Times, Inc. Operations Coordinator The Messianic Times® Newspaper is published six times per year by The Messianic Times, Inc., a 501 (C)3 non-profit ministry. Joan Davidson 50 Alberta Drive Amherst, NY 14226 Editorial Coordinator • Views and opinions expressed in the Letters to the Editor, articles, reviews and advertisements do not necessarily reflect those Sheila Fisher of The Messianic Times. Advertising Director • W riters are directly responsible for the accuracy of their facts and information. The Messianic Times reserves the right to Madelaine Fisher publish or not publish submissions, as well as to edit for clarity and space. Design/Layout • Printed in the USA. For a one-time complimentary copy of The Messianic Times, call 866.612.7770 or email us at: office@ Oz Graphics Advertisers: Email: [email protected] Editorial Advisor • Annual subscriptions for the U.S. and Canada are $29.99 or $49.99 for two years. Overseas annual subscriptions are $38.99 or Susan Perlman $74.99 for two years, which includes postage and handling. For new subscriptions, call 866-612-7770 or visit: www. Board of Directors USA Board Canada Board • F or address change notification, [email protected] . Additional or bulk orders are available upon request. Call Paul Liberman Paul Liberman 866.612.7770 for pricing. BOARD CHAIRMAN BOARD CHAIRMAN Stephen Babkow Jeff Forman The Messianic Times Statement of Faith Larry Feldman Cal Goldberg We believe… Joel Liberman Frank Lowinger Frank Lowinger …the Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures) and the B’rit Hadashah (New Covenant) are the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of G-d. Susan Perlman …that there is one G-d (echad), who exists eternally in the “Trinity” of G-d the Father, Yeshua the Messiah and Ruach HaKodesh Postmaster (Holy Spirit). Send address changes to: …in the deity of our L-rd Yeshua the Messiah, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His 50 Alberta Drive, Amherst, NY 14226 bodily resurrection after three days, His ascension to the right hand of G-d the Father and His personal return in power and Send undeliverable Canadian addresses to: glory. Yeshua was Mashiach ben Yosef (Suffering Servant) and His second coming will be Mashiach ben David (ruling King) The Messianic Times when He returns. 600 Ontario St., PO Box 27010 …regeneration by the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) is essential for salvation and the indwelling of the Ruach is necessary to St. Catharines, ON L2N 7P8 live a G-dly life. Publications Mail Agreement No. 40043958 …in the resurrection of the saved and the lost. Those who receive salvation through Yeshua will live forever with G-d; those who reject Him will know eternal separation from G-d, as the Scriptures describe.

4 The Messianic Times March / April 2020 close to his chest. As he rounded a corner close to his school, he could see the flames of the synagogue lighting the faces of the firemen. He watched, horrified, as storm troopers broke the windows of Jewish stores to let hordes of looters in. He knew that this was no place for him, and ran back to the children’s home. That night, the children huddled together as they heard the storm troopers marching down the streets. Ernest was the oldest boy at the home, and they knew he was in grave danger as all the other Jewish males fourteen and older had been rounded up the night before. The next morning, he was called to the office and asked if he would like to travel to England. “Ask your mother,” he was told by the office The Story of Holocaust Survivor Ernest Winter workers, so, Ernest began a trek across a very dangerous city to where his mother worked and lived. Cili knew that this move would save her son’s life, so she readily Da niel Winter and Betty Wa lch gave her permission. Sadly, Ernest needed permission as well from the police to leave Germany. Years later he realized that G-d was certainly watching over him as he walked up the steps, a solitary teenager, to the s he witnessed his father’s ordinary wooden casket being Berlin Police Station. He asked for approval to leave Germany lowered into its grave, young Ernest Winter’s little heart cried on the kinder transport and remarkably he was given the out in protest, “Surely my father is not dead like an old stone! assent to leave. Ernest’s mother said goodbye at the station, There must be more to life than this!” On the way home providing him with a half-chicken wrapped in a handkerchief. from the funeral he saw a glass-sided hearse drawn by horses. When Ernest believed he was the only one to leave from Berlin, he glimpsed at the hearse and the coffin inside, his heart cried out however, children from other German towns also crowded “Where, Ernest, will you be when you are inside a coffin like that?” the train. At the Dutch-German border two brown-booted For twelve-year-old Ernest, the world was now a fearful place SS guards entered the train compartment and searched the in 1936 Berlin. His mother, Cili, had acquired work as a nanny for a children’s luggage. As they examined the papers of each Jewish diamond merchant and young Ernest was not allowed to live child, they scowled as if these children were not fit to live. there anymore. Instead, he was placed into Jewish Children’s Home. At In fact, it had been rumored that if anyone were found school he was separated from the other students and the teacher said smuggling valuables, the whole train would be sent back. terrible things about the Jews. They were Christ killers, ritual murderers, Ernest gave a sigh of relief as the train slowly started to move hoarders of the world’s money and plotters of Germany’s overthrow. He Ernest’s Mother, Cili Winter across the border into Holland. At every train station, the was not allowed to swim in the pool in case he contaminated it. Then Dutch people met the train with food to eat for the children. suddenly all Jewish children were refused by the public schools and At the Hook of Holland, the children disembarked for Ernest was sent to a private Jewish school. the steamer that would take them across the English Channel. It was evening and During this time period, whenever Ernest saw Hitler’s cavalcade coming, he would the waves were high. Most of the children had never been on an ocean-going boat disappear into a store and pretend he needed to purchase something. On every corner before and they had eaten more than they had in weeks. Nearly all of the children there were giant kiosks with horrible pictures of the Jews doing vile things. were dreadfully sea-sick. Upon arrival in England, the Kinder transport children On November 9, 1938, as fourteen-year-old Ernest walked to school, a bitter were taken to Dover court Holiday Camp. At one point in time Ernest discovered his cold wind was blowing smoke through the streets of Berlin. He held his thin coat picture in a store window with these words over his picture, “He has no hope. If you

Continued on Page 6 Baruch HaShem DISCOVERING THE JEWISH JESUS Broadcasting to nearly 200 countries including Israel

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What Jewish Viewers Are Saying “Born Jewish, I love watching Rabbi. I am learning that Jesus is Jewish and not just for gentiles. Rabbi taught me that Jesus came for the Jewish people to be saved. Thank you Rabbi, I received Jesus! I will continue to watch and learn from you.” –Brenda

“I am seventy-eight years young. I was born, raised and will always be Jewish. At age seventy-five I started to read the entire Bible and putting the puzzle Host Rabbi Schneider together, that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. Rabbi, your teaching was the key to Shaliach- putting everything in order for me.” –Barry A Jewish Messenger of Jesus The Messianic Times 5 Continued from Page 5 want to help, give to the Jewish Refugee Fund.” Ernest however, could not read the headline. He only knew four words of English, yes, no, hello, goodbye. When the children first arrived in England they were placed together in the south and gradually sent to various homes. One day two ladies came to the holiday center looking for a boy to adopt. They brought their lorgnette over to Ernest’s hair and looked at him approvingly but he scowled in their direction. “Goodbye,” he said in his best English. Ernest did not want to be adopted by these ladies or anyone else. He just wanted a job to earn money and join his older brother Avner in Israel. Avner had a troubled relationship with their father, left Germany and went with a Jewish Youth to Israel. In Israel, Avner worked for the British Army under the renowned General, Moshe Dyan. For five years Ernest learned English and moved around the British countryside working various jobs. Eventually he moved to a place near Farleton and found a farm, a home and a family where he was happy and stayed until 1948, when the war ended. Ernest’s brother, Avner returned to Germany to look for his mother who had once sent both of her son’s letters from Auschwitz asking for money to be able to escape. At the time Ernest had no money and no way of getting any and Avner was with the British Army in Basra. To their grief, Avner discovered that Cili died in Auschwitz just six months before the war’s end. At this time, the widow of a Protestant missionary to Africa named Mrs. Peterson met Ernest, and said to him “You are a very privileged person, Mr. Winter, to have come from the Jewish race. My Savior came from the Jewish race.” No one had ever considered being Jewish an asset and as for “Jesus the Savior,” he knew nothing about Him. Mrs. Peterson invited Ernest to enjoy many hearty meals with her family. She invited him to join their Christmas festivities as well. Ernest enjoyed being included and his heart softened towards their faith. An elderly man visiting the family one day instructed Ernest how to place his trust in Yeshua. One day Mrs. Peterson told Ernest that nearby an old castle opened up as a holiday center for European young people who had been through the war. “You should visit Ernest, you might meet some other German speaking young people.” Ernest would never forget that Sunday afternoon, August 17th, 1947. He biked over to the castle through curiosity and arrived just in time for the evening service. Boisterous singing began such as he had never heard before. He knew none of the songs and they seemed much too lively. Then a missionary from India began speaking and Ernest was riveted to his seat. The missionary told three stories about Yeshua, but Ernest only remembered one which was the story of the woman taken in adultery. When no one could stone her because they had been convicted of their own sin, Yeshua gently told her she was forgiven and to go and sin no more. As Ernest listened, he thought, “How different this Yeshua is.” As he was leaving the meeting, he told a gentleman by the name of Major Ian Thomas, “I’m Jewish but what I’ve heard tonight, I’ve been looking for.” Ernest was the first German speaking young person to set foot on the grounds, and the first young person who asked to be introduced to Yeshua, his Messiah. The Major spoke with Ernest and revealed to him Isaiah 53. He explained that the Jewish Messiah had come in the person of Yeshua and had suffered just as Isaiah had predicted. He died for the sins of the whole world but rose again. Major Thomas explained to Ernest that if he trusted him as his Savior then he would be forgiven and given eternal life. To Ernest this was all too good to be true and nodded eagerly, “Yes I would like to trust Yeshua as my Messiah. Ernest was so exhilarated he cycled around the circular drive over and over again. Later Ernest went out into the field and suddenly the presence of Yeshua became so real to him that he felt that if he reached out his hand, he could have touched Him. At that moment his whole life flashed before him and he saw all the sins he thought were so small. Ernest repented and felt complete release as though Yeshua was lifting him up to a higher plane. The presence and glory of Yeshua kept Ernest the rest of his life. He spent the rest of his days serving his Messiah, attending a Bible College in Switzerland, travelling Europe and North America as a missionary, eventually immigrating to Canada where he became a pastor. As Ernest lay on his deathbed in Canada in 1998, he had peace knowing he would soon be with his Messiah. At his funeral, the caption over Ernest Winter’s life was, “looking back I have no regrets.” Arrival in England

revealing that one day, Frydland’s wife went searching for food and was captured. Frydland never saw her again. He spent the war years hiding and survived with Freedom in Messiah the help of Christian families. He often slept in open cemetery graves and in empty coffins. He scrounged for food, and not only managed to survive, but also —The Life and Legacy of maintained his faith. Rachmiel Frydland and Another colleague of Frydland and Executive Director of MLO, Rabbi Elliott Klayman, recalls that following the war, Frydland went to England and studied at the Journey from Bondage a Bible college. Afterwards, he was called to Toronto, Canada, and was hired to work for a Jewish outreach organization that eventually became Chosen People by Suzy Linett Ministries. After his time there, he went to Cincinnati, , and worked for Beth s we enter into this Passover season Messiah Messianic Jewish Synagogue, founded by Marty Chernoff. Eventually, Aand are reminded of our ancestors’ Frydland went to the other side of town and established a second messianic departure from Egypt, their 40-year synagogue, Kehilat Mashiach. Adler served as the assistant rabbi there until wandering in the wilderness, and their Frydland left that congregation for New York. In “retirement,” Frydland worked eventual entrance into the Promised with Mike Evans, Congregation B’nei Yeshua, and with Jews for Jesus while Adler Land, we can see amazing parallels in went on to hold offices in the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA) and the life of Rachmiel Frydland (1919– the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations (UMJC), teaching at congregations 1985) and his quest for survival, freedom and biblical truth. The modern Messianic all across America, as well as in England, and even taught courses for the Jewish movement owes much to this man, and his legacy continues through the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues (IAMCS). Messianic Literature Outreach (MLO), an organization he founded in 1977. Over their years of friendship, Klayman’s relationship with Frydland grew as Frydland was born in Europe and as a young man he attended a prestigious well, as Elliot served as president of the UMJC, director of the Messianic Jewish yeshiva in Poland to prepare for life as a rabbi and scholar. While reading Daniel Theological School of Jewish Studies (and presently teaches in that institute), and a chapter 9, he was startled and curious to learn that the promised Messiah must number of other messianic schools and forums. He also sits on Jewish Voice Ministry come before the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. According to longtime International’s Board of Directors, among others. Frydland eventually married his friend and contemporary, Rabbi Jeffrey Adler, Frydland went to the Rosh Yeshiva second wife, Estelle, and had two sons and two daughters who continue in the faith (head of the yeshiva), with his questions, and was told that “perhaps he didn’t and the work of their father. belong there and was then kicked out of the school.” Frydland continued his quest Both Adler and Klayman describe Frydland as a “brilliant man,” and Klayman for truth and eventually became a believer in his Messiah, Yeshua. states that, "He never wanted to let on how brilliant he was.” He was a multi- Frydland married his first wife in Poland, but after a very short time, they linguist, fluent in ten languages including Polish, English, Hebrew, and Greek. Adler were separated as the Nazi invasion took over Europe. Adler continued the story, Continued on Page 8

6 The Messianic Times March / April 2020 Continued from Front Page The world’s most recent fallen manifestation of evil incarnate, Qasem Soleimani, was born in the little village of Qanat-e Malek in Kerman Province, Iran, 720 miles east of the remains of the royal Persian palace at Shushan. From ancient Shushan, only three generations after Nebuchadnezzar had completely destroyed Jerusalem and carried off Mordecai’s great grandfather, Kish, now infamous “letters were sent by couriers into all the king’s provinces… …to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate all the Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day, on the thirteenth day © YouTube of the twelfth month…and to plunder their possessions. (Esther 3:13) “An Ever-dying People that Never Died” © Cliff Keller Along with the abundant levity with which we annually celebrate Esther and Mordecai’s heroics on our behalf, it may also serve Jews well to pause and reflect upon the regrettably unexceptional nature of King Ahasuerus’s charge. Persia’s failed genocide followed the horrors of the Babylonian Captivity by 110 years, which followed the Assyrian annihilation of the Northern Kingdom of Israel by less than 200. In antiquity alone, many more existential assaults against Jews followed the events related in Esther, initiated by names and at places that, sadly, one easily recognizes. Antiochus IV, Pompey, Philo of Alexandria, emperors Tiberius, Claudius, Vespasian and Titus, Masada, the first blood libel in ancient Alexandria, Hadrian, Constantine, The Council of Nicaea… Truly Too Many Murderers and Murderous Events to List

Cliff Keller © Cliff Would not all Jews be wise at Purim to remain mindful, no matter how painful, that Persia’s ancient ambition to rid the world of our people is not unique? Because that Top: Qassam Soleimani; Top Right, Lower Left ambition has been part of perhaps history’s most common theme, it seems only and Lower Right: Celebrating Purim in Israel © Cliff Keller proper that every Jew pause during our annual revel, in line with perhaps Purim’s greatest contradiction, to also offer up sober thanks to his or her Creator for our divine protection. If the end of Soleimani is the beginning of a more muscular U.S. policy toward Although Assyria and Babylon are only memories, the once splendid Persian Tehran, it’s good news for Latin America.” royal palace at Shushan lies in ruin and, more recently, Adolph Hitler’s racist Although not a gangster (and more likely only mildly disappointed than deeply tirades and Qasem Soleimani’s rallying cry of Death to Israel have taken their place saddened), New York Times columnist Thomas L. Freidman minimized the impact among the endless echoes of failed hate, it behooves us to remember that Purim, of Soleimani’s death (and thus took a shot at the U.S. president) in an Op-Ed piece described by Chabad, one of the world's best-known Hasidic Jewish movements, entitled, Trump Kills Iran’s Most Overrated Warrior. In his column, Freidman tagged as “the most fun-filled, action-packed day of the Jewish year,” is also a time for all Soleimani as “possibly the dumbest man in Iran and the most overrated strategist in Jews to give thanks that we remain “an ever-dying people that never died.” the Middle East.” Credit an apparent overabundance of self-regard (and a home address some 6,000 miles away from the action) for enabling Freidman to authoritatively and casually minimize as “dumb” and “overrated” a man who, until his death, had directed some 125,000 well-armed and well-supplied militant, Jew-hating soldiers firmly committed to their continual chants of Death to Israel. Though Thomas L. Every summer Ariel Freidman, according to Thomas L. Freidman, is gifted with insights into the Middle 2020 Ministries welcomes East clearly superior to all others, author and journalist Sam Dagher dared to differ people of all ages and in opinion. Dagher, the only Western journalist to have been based in Damascus at SHOSHANAH nationalities to join us the start of the Syrian conflict, according to The Atlantic, described Soleimani’s death for the Messianic as “a monumental blow to the country’s regional ambitions,” in his January article Program of Messianic discipleship program for The Atlantic, “Iran’s Response to Soleimani’s Killing Is Coming.” Jewish Studies held at the But at least Freidman declined to eulogize Iran’s terrorist prince, as did Shoshanah Campus. Australian journalist Holly Williams reporting for CBS News. “There are fears that July 4 - August 28 The program centers the killing of Soleimani,” Williams reported during a newscast, “a revered figure on establishing and in Iran and some other places in the Middle East, could see simmering tensions growing believers in between the U.S. and Iran turn explosive.” [Emphasis added.] Yeshua through Overcoming Reality in-depth study of the We can be thankful, to date, that Some Other Places have declined to attack the Scriptures from a U.S. as Williams feared. As for Iran, its most impactful retaliatory response tragically Messianic Jewish took the lives of over 176 civilians, including 51 Iranian citizens, when the Iranian perspective. Learning military, possibly in cooperation with Some Other Places, accidentally downed modules are taught in Ukrainian Airlines Flight 752 after taking off from Tehran Airport. 1, 2, and 3 week Despite Freidman’s indifference toward Soleimani’s death, and Williams’ awe formats with plenty of and trepidation, most Jews worldwide breathed a collective sigh of relief at the free time included in monster’s passing, as did many Iranians. the schedule. “Soleimani was different things to different people,” according to Abbas Milani, Whether you come for an Iranian-American historian, author and director of the Iranian Studies program at only 1 week or for the Stanford University. “To [Iranian] regime zealots, he embodied dogmatic dedication entire 8 week to Shiism and to fighting the U.S. and Israel. To regime critics, he was a pillar of program, the oppression at home and threats and attacks on dissidents abroad. Shoshanah Campus, “To many who lost loved ones in peaceful demonstrations [in Iran] two months, beautifully nestled in two years and 10 years ago he was a blunt instrument of oppression. To a final the scenic Adirondack group he was that rare IRGC commander not tainted with financial corruption.” mountains, will “Purim is a powerful holiday,” Hartman’s paper continues, “for it teaches how provide the perfect to live with the dream of a redeemed world while knowing full well that you live in environment for a fun an unredeemed world. In order to develop the Jew’s ability to persevere in reality, and relaxing spiritual Purim teaches how to overcome reality, how to look beyond the narrow possibilities retreat for the whole of the given. Purim uses ecstasy as a tool to strengthen the faculties of humor and family. imagination. Humor can distance reality and thus enable a person to persevere despite the presence of evil.”

Find out more at March / April 2020 www.campshoshanah.comThe Messianic Times 7 by Yaniv Romanowski

hen your children ask you, “What is the meaning of this festival?” according to tradition and scripture you shall say, “It is the commemoration of the sacrifice of the L-rd’s Passover, for he passed over theW houses of the people of Israel in Egypt, when he struck the Egyptians but Continued from Page 6 spared our houses.” Since it is our obligation as parents to teach our children their recounted times of watching and listening as Frydland read from Hebrew and Greek Jewish history and culture how can we keep our young children engaged in this texts, translating into English for his audience as he read. very long festive meal known as the Seder which many families celebrate On the MLO website, Frydland describes some of his experiences this way; more than one day? This article will hopefully present some creative “September 1, 1939, was a beautiful day in Warsaw, Poland. I was walking along ideas for a Passover that is meaningful for children and will inspire Nowolipki Street, heading toward the Jewish business district, when the big rooftop them to anticipate the holiday each year. sirens began to wail. ‘Another air raid test,’ I thought. A half block farther on, I Passover requires the most extensive preparations heard the drone of airplane engines and then the heart-stopping roar of exploding of all the Jewish holy days and is possibly the most bombs. Warsaw was under attack by German bombers. World War II had begun.” stressful of holidays due to the planning which He continued, “I progressed rapidly in my religious studies with the village teachers, sometimes begins months before the holiday itself. so my proud father sent me, his only son, to a Jewish yeshiva in Chelm. I was nine The process includes cleaning and koshering years old when I entered. For four years I studied for the best part of the day and the kitchen, the utensils, utilizing the was well prepared when time came for my bar mitzvah. My father soon decided distinctive Passover dinnerware and that I was ready for Rabbinical School, and off I went to Warsaw, the capital. As I studied, perturbing questions began to creep into my thinking. Like small barriers at cookware that is used only once a year. first, they began to loom larger. Were the Gentiles as terrible as my teachers said? Children need to be included in the pre- Why did Christians follow the teachings of our Jewish prophets? Must the school parations by introducing to them Passover-themed discipline be so strict and unfeeling?” activities at the same time parents are arranging the holiday. As noted, Frydland left that yeshiva. For a time, he lived with a Jewish family There are countless children's books about Passover. Taking a trip to the in Warsaw. He accompanied them to a meeting in which Gentile Christians were library to check out Passover stories is a perfect way to create a positive holiday sharing with Jews about Jesus. The family asked him to go to help them counter the atmosphere. Reading Passover stories during the day or before bed is a productive claims. Eventually, after reading a Hebrew New Testament, he came to faith. Two way to begin conversation about the holiday. Family movie night that includes years later, the war broke out in full force. He went into hiding,but was still able to viewing “The Prince of Egypt” or other classic Passover movies such as “Shalom rejoice as his sister and parents came to faith. Sesame Passover” episodes add fun and excitement to the holiday for children. Frydland’s book, When Being Jewish Was A Crime, is his autobiography and Playing holiday music in the home creates a festive atmosphere. As children hear brings to mind the Exodus, a time in which the Israelites were persecuted, enslaved, the Passover songs in the car or at home, the more familiar they will become with and killed. Throughout history, Jews have been targeted not only in the Exodus and the Seder as they sing along to such songs like “Dayenu,” or “Ha Lachma Anya.” Holocaust, but also in the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, and others. Frydland’s The four questions, “Ma Nishtanah” is a great song to learn, especially since the story is a personal one that on a larger level, is the story of the Jewish people as youngest child will be singing and leading the four questions at the Seder. Hands- they journeyed from enslavement to freedom, and as Messianic believers, from on activities implemented a month or two before Passover include planting parsley spiritual darkness to the light of Messiah. Frydland sought to share his journey and seeds in the garden or a pot. The parsley is tended to by the kids and when harvest the living light of Messiah with everyone whom he came into contact. He was a time arrives they may use their own home grown parsley on their Seder plate. prolific author, writing over 50 tracts and other books includingWhy I Believe, A Make sure to announce to your guests that the kids grew the parsley themselves. Hebrew Christian Looks at Israel, and more. His book What the know About Another great idea is to help the kids create their own Haggadah. During the Seder The Messiah is also available for use as a Bible study with a Teacher’s Manual you can allow the kids to talk about their Haggadah creations, showing off their authored by Klayman and Randy Cuenot. artistic talents, even calling on the children during the Seder. Adler was asked about Frydland’s legacy to which he replied, “First, there was As Passover approaches cleaning the home can be a real challenge. When his character. He was a self-deprecating and humble example of servanthood.” Adler young children help with cleaning they mean well. Parents need to generate continued, “His legacy includes his willingness to expend whatever price was required cleaning tasks that produce a small risk factor in creating a greater mess. Tasks such for truth.” His life illustrates that through his time during the Holocaust, loss of his first as vacuuming can be an exciting challenge for kids. Moreover, obtain scrubbers and wife, and more. Adler added, “Third, encourage the kids to wipe the base boards, or grab some soapy water, rags and he was a scholar. He knew scripture, table chairs and let them relish in a messy cleaning which will remain memorable Talmud, and the Midrash. He was a and will produce a sense of involvement in the festival. brilliant man who added scholarly The search for Chametz or “Bedikat Chametz” is another exciting opportunity integrity and truth to all that he for children in searching for the last bits of leaven which an adult has hidden away wrote, said, and did.” Klayman in little bags or paper and occurs as the last of the cleaning chores. The children added that, "Frydland was one "of search with their father, armed with a wooden spoon, feather, and a candle as the whom this world was not worthy.” search light. Once all chametz is found it is then ceremonially burned outside. A As we gather around the Seder very nontraditional idea for the kids is to purchase some non-arial neon colored table this Passover, as we share the matzah and drink the cup, we will smoke grenades and sneak them into your burn bin along with the last bits of remember the ancient Israelites chametz. It’s a sure fire way to amaze the children as the last of the chametz goes and their flight to freedom. Let us up in flames with bright neon colored smoke. also remember the much more Finally, the first day of Passover arrives. As Jewish families are aware, the Seder can last until the late hours of the evening. The question arises every year, ‘what do we now do with the kids to keep them focused for several hours?’ Children are a very important part of the Seder, and are actually required to participate in a handful of roles during the Seder. Most importantly it is a mitzvah and an obligation to relate the story of the exodus to them. Dressing up for Passover is very traditional. Often parents choose what their kids will wear, but this year why not allow your kids to come up with their own fancy outfit for the Seder (within reason). Giving them the opportunity and time to style their hair, put on some jewelry or cuff links and pick out some fancy clothing can make them feel that they have an important role in the Seder, which they do. Occasionally, Seders may continue all night, but usually they are three or four hours long. Many kids are not going to stay up that late, but beginning the Seder too early can also be modern heroes of people, of our a problem as the freedom, and of our faith. Let us actual day of remember people such as Rachmiel Passover begins at Frydland. When we reach the sundown. An conclusion of our service and say, afternoon nap for “Next year in Jerusalem,” may we kids can often be the also proclaim to honor our G-d, our solution for a late Messiah, and learn the legacies left night Seder. Kids to us by people like Frydland. Let us usually don’t have a keep this feast with joy in our lives problem with an and thanksgiving in our hearts. afternoon nap

8 The Messianic Times Build Your Own “Plagues” Photo and Idea March / April 2020 © Archie McPhee by Yaniv Romanowski A Passover Seder to Remember! By Donna Diorio

knowing that they will be allowed to stay up late for all the festivities. It can be- t was April, 2005, when he attended his first Messianic Passover Seder and just come that one magical night of the year filled with excitement where kids can three Shabbat services later, Jimmy Kaufman was ready to give his heart to experience a type of freedom from their usual early bedtime routine, thus “making IYeshua. “My cousin, Marla, and my sister, Sherry, saw Rabbi David Schiller in the this night different from all other nights.” parking lot behind the Eitz Chaim Messianic Congregation in Richardson, Texas, and An important element of the Seder is the singing of songs, joyfully lifting our struck up a conversation with him,” Kaufman recalls. This was just weeks before voices along with our children to give praise and thanks to G-d for His great miracles Passover, so Marla called to invite him to be her guest at the Seder soon to be held He wrought for us. there. “It was a divine appointment to meet in that joint parking lot,” adds Rabbi The hiding of the Afikomen is one of the highlights of the Seder for children. Schiller. “They told me they were not used to fellow Jews being so friendly and Make sure you are prepared with gifts and prizes for the search team and the decided to check out our services. Marla was already a believer and about a month winner. Some kids have a hard time not being the winner, so giving gifts to all the after they started attending service, Sherry became a believer too.” He explains, “It kids is important, but make sure to give the child who finds the Afikomen was one of our first large, public Seders at a hotel. We were a relatively new something extra. congregation. We were reaching out to the community, trying to attract Jewish Distributing goodie bags to the kids throughout the Seder can engage and people to show them Messiah in the Passover Seder; to show that He is the distract them from boredom. Provide them with some kosher for Passover candy or fulfillment of all the imagery, the symbolism in the Torah in general and in the Passover friendly toys as they engage in the Haggadah. Another fun idea is to give Passover Seder, particularly.” the kids a mask to use when the story of the ten plagues are read. Each person with “When Marla invited me to a Messianic Seder, it came at a very good time a mask may act out their plague in whatever fashion they want. because I was not in a good state, mentally. I was financially broke and a little bit Since it will still be some time before depressed,” admits Kaufman. “I was 55 years old and I believe, at that time, I was the meal begins, it would living with my sister, Sherry. Things weren’t good,” he said. “I had been divorced for be wise to put many years and, although I’ve always been a top sales person and an entrepreneur who had been pretty successful at times, I was down on my luck and wasn’t earning aside some carrots, celery, and a consistent living.” lots of kosher for Passover dips. Kids enjoy He continues, “So I was open to accepting Yeshua, but I had some reservations dipping and since they will have been dipping parsley in because you just have those about Jesus when you are raised Jewish. The town that salt water at the beginning of the Seder, why not keep the kids I came from was Shreveport, Louisiana, which had about 2,000 Jews living there. I dipping healthy snacks throughout the night until the main meal is served. was a bar mitzvah at thirteen in a conservative shul; you know, where we carry the Some unique ideas to present during the night would be to ask the Torah. Shreveport had one temple and one shul,” he said. “Even the Jews from the grandparents or elderly who are present to share moving stories about freedom to temple and the shul were separate from each other. They didn’t necessarily get the children. This is a great opportunity for elders to impart into the lives of future along.” Rabbi Schiller pipes up, “The temple was what Reform Judaism calls the generations life lessons, traditions and stories that produce holiday magic for the synagogue. Religious Jews would never call their place of worship a temple because kids. A hoax that sometimes succeeds with older kids is when greeting Elijah at the there is only one Temple, and it is in Jerusalem. front door. An adult slips out of the room before the door is opened order to slip on Kaufman continues, “The shul where my family went was not religious like the an Elijah costume with beard and wait outside. When the door is opened the ultra-Orthodox where they wear hats and walk to the Shabbos services.” We didn’t children are usually surprised and excited. On the second night of Passover tradition Continued on Page 10 is to start counting the Omer. This would be a good time to give a treat to all the kids who count the Omer and remind them that every night that you count there is a treat waiting. We need to remember the purpose of these nights of Passover which is for the adults to discuss and pass on the Exodus story at length to our children, so that they Love. Duty. Fear. Courage. will pass the stories on to their children as well. If you can roll up your sleeves and meet the kids where they are before and during the Seder, you and your children In the court of the king, which will prevail? will experience Passovers that you and your families will never forget.

“A must-read for every biblical fiction fan.” —MESU ANDREWS, Christy Award–winning author of Isaiah’s Daughter Top: Build your Own “Plagues”

Left: Passover Fun—Death of the First Born Masks (©) Scott Robbin n Available Wherever Books and eBooks Are Sold

March / April 2020 The Messianic Times 9 “After that Passover, “Kaufman continues, “I accepted Yeshua in just three weeks! I was going to Eitz Chaim and liking it a lot! I was feeling very comfortable. As a matter of fact, because I was so broke, Glasser told me, “Go in there and get a gift card Continued from Page 9 and go to Whole Foods.” “We used to have a basket come from a religious background, but we were conservative Jews. Both my father we put out with free gift cards and whoever had a and mother were Jewish,” he explains. “They didn’t do the DNA testing back in need would be anonymously permitted to take a those days, but as far as they could know, both sides were all Jews.” So, we had card,” Schiller reiterates. It was an a traditional Jewish background, but we weren’t particularly religious. We lit the encouragement to Kaufman that Shabbos candles, we had Passover Seder, we were traditionally proud to be Jewish— the Messianic people (whether we just weren’t religious about it.” Jewish or non-Jewish “Messianic Kaufman initially accepted his cousin’s invitation and went to the Messianic believers”) were the ones that Seder, but he said, “I was a little concerned before I went that every other word reached out and helped him. “It would be ’Yeshua’ or ’Jesus’ because when you come from my particular background, encouraged me to continue along hearing that name interrupts your mental pattern, so to speak. You are not expecting the path,” he said. it. However, that night it didn’t bother me when Yeshua’s name was mentioned.” Kaufman, now 70 years old Kaufman goes on to say, “I saw some things that comforted me because I heard and married, declares, “We have Left: David Schiller. Diane and Jimmy Kaufman some of the service that I already knew in Hebrew. I met Jewish guys like Ron Rand, been blessed in so many ways. one of the Eitz Chaim elders, Rob Glasser, Eitz Chaim’s cantor, and, of course, Rabbi When I became a believer, it was a wonderful blessing to me to start accepting Schiller. I was comforted with meeting Jewish guys who had accepted Yeshua. I saw Christians as my brothers and sisters and not look at them as goyim… Like my Israeli dance—that consoled me. I saw people that were really warm and friendly. I wife!” “One in Messiah,” said Kaufman’s quiet and beautiful bride since December needed people to be accepting of me because, at that time, I was down on my luck. of 2008. Diane is a Christian who also belonged to a couple of Messianic I was finding love and acceptance there. We all need it. We all need the nurturing. congregations in Dallas years before meeting her husband. Now, she partners with We all need encouragement and love, and we need relationships.” him in their Medicare insurance agency, one of the top producing independent As Kaufman participated through the evening, He became very relaxed. What agencies in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. “It’s all been little bit of apprehension he thought he might have didn’t come to fruition after all. good. Getting me into a better life,” said Kaufman. “What He was heartened that the Passover Seder was conducted with all the traditional saddens me is that far too few Jews—maybe more now elements that he knew as a young man, but, he notes, “When my uncle used to than before, but still far too few—are coming to Yeshua. …when you conduct our Seders, he didn’t go through the meaning as Rabbi Schiller did. He I’m saddened to see that the veil is still over the eyes of would just do the davening and prayers.” As Schiller describes it,“The elements of most Jews." come from my the Passover are like a photocopy of Yeshua.” The Passover Seder is a picture that G-d gave to “We were trying to show all the symbolism of the Seder,” Schiller expounds. Israel with a purpose that He intends to fulfill. “Seders background, “Also, the faith of Yeshua Himself—how Jewish it is! There is nothing more Jewish are wonderful opportunities for outreach,” Rabbi Schiller you can do than believe in the Jewish Messiah. He is the fulfillment of all the Jewish stated. “There is a reason G-d commanded Israel every hearing that prophecies in the Jewish scriptures!” He went on to say, “In the Seder, the blood of year to observe the Seder, and to teach your children the lamb is ultimately talking about the blood of Yeshua who is the Lamb of G-d. because He set this up as a picture of what it is all about. name [Jesus] As the lamb in Egypt needed to be killed, Yeshua also needed to be killed. As the It is about the Messiah and so the Jews can recognize blood needed to be applied to the doorposts, so the blood of Yeshua needs to be Him.” With Passover 2020 just around the corner, allow interrupts your applied to the doorposts of our hearts. The Israelites needed to take shelter under this testimony to encourage all to believe G-d for many the blood and not leave the house that night because they would die, and, in the more Jews to have an eye-opening experience at Seders mental pattern… same way, we need to take shelter under the wings of Yeshua and be found in Him.” around the world. As he observed Dan showing many Yeshua-connections in the seder, skeptic Rubin turned to Dr. Einspruch, and challenged, “Do you really believe all this stuff!?!” The answer he heard changed his life: “Yes, and the longer I am a believer, the more convinced I am.” Barry Rubin Leading a “Christ in the Passover” for Jews for Jesus By Lisa Rubin Now, he had heard this from younger Jewish believers, but none had the gravitas itting next to distinguished scholar, Dr. Henry Einspruch, founder of The of Dr. Einspruch. Here was an older Jewish Lederer Foundation (now Messianic Jewish Publishers and Resources) at a scholar, clearly not an ignorant Jew, who had Messianic Passover seder in 1973, was all it took to convince Barry Rubin that Sfollowing Yeshua as Messiah was the most Jewish thing he could do. Like so many young men in the early 70s, Barry had been on a search for spiritual truth which had led him to Transcendental Meditation (TM). Although TM purported to transcend all religions and bring about world peace, and was immensely popular among Jews, there was something about it that just trusted that Yeshua was the didn’t feel right to Rubin—it just wasn’t Jewish; it was Hinduism in disguise. So, he Messiah and devoted his life to kept searching for an answer. publishing literature for An ad in a local paper for a Hebrew-Christian Rosh Hashanah service in Washington, D.C., drew him. Perhaps this was something that could bridge the “inquiring Jews.” gap between Jews and Christians, he had hoped, having been engaged to a That night, in the quiet of “Christian” woman. his apartment, he confessed his The service was conducted by a missionary sins and put his trust in Yeshua, with the American Board of Missions to the Jews the Messiah of Israel and savior (ABMJ, now Chosen People Ministries), Dan of the world. That Passover Rigney (Alav Hashalom). Clearly, Dan was not seder, filled with Messianic Jewish even though he sported a rabbinic-like truths, showed Barry Rubin the truth he had been searching for…and that it was beard and dressed in High Holiday garb. But he fully Jewish. was wearing cowboy boots under his kittle—not Soon after, he began serving with Jews for Jesus and later Chosen People exactly rabbinic attire! Ministries. In 1988, Dr. Einspruch’s widow, Marie, asked Rubin to take over The When Rubin accused him of being a fraud, Lederer Foundation, which he hesitantly did. He knew nothing about publishing! he received a shocking reply: “No, I’m not This organization had published many books for Jewish seekers of truth, Jewish, but I love the Jewish people because of including the acclaimed Yiddish New Testament. Rubin, on his way to becoming a Jesus.” Not an answer he was expecting but it CPA, knew accepting this position would be a major change. But he believed that . Dr Henry Einspruch attracted him to a weekly bible study that Dan was teaching. this was G-d’s calling on his life. About six months later, Rubin was almost killed when a large piece of steel fell Because of how clearly Yeshua was foreshadowed in the elements of Passover, from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge as he sailed under it, missing him by just inches. the first book he wanted to publish was The Messianic Passover Haggadah, which Wondering if this was a sign from G-d or an attempt of the Adversary trying to has become the most widely read such haggadah in the world. destroy him, he drove to The Lederer Foundation building that night for a Passover After publishing over 100 more titles, Rubin says that it’s all because of that seder conducted by Rigney. Messianic Passover seder in 1973 led by the “rabbi” in cowboy boots.

March / April 2020 The Messianic Times 11 Passover Starts April 9th.

Is your Messianic Seder listed yet?

Wesley Chapel Long Island/Plainview US Shoresh David Messianic Synagogue of Wesley Chapel Shuvah Yisrael Messianic Synagogue • Seder Location 88 Southern Parkway alifornia C Seder Location 7107 Boyette Rd Date and Time Saturday, April 11th–11am Agoura Hills Date and Time Saturday, April 11th–11am Call (516) 939-2277 or visit Beth Emunah Messianic Synagogue • Call (813) 831-5663 or Email [email protected] Seder Location Los Robles Golf Course, —Reservation required. North Canton 299 South Moorpark Rd, Thousand Oaks The STAR in the East • Date and Time Saturday, April 11th–6pm Illinois Seder Location The North Canton Civic Center, 845 W Maple St Call (818) 597-9700 or Email [email protected] Prospect Heights Date and Time Wednesday, April 8th–6pm Email [email protected] Anaheim Olive Tree Congregation • Seder Location European Crystal Banquets, 519 W Algonquin Rd, Ben David Messianic Jewish Congregation • hio Arlington Heights O Seder Location Embassy Suites Anaheim South, Cleveland 11767 Harbor Blvd, Garden Grove Date and Time Tuesday, April 14th–6pm Email [email protected] or visit Tikvat Yisrael Messianic Congregation • Date and Time Saturday, April 11th–4pm Seder Location Embassy Suites by Hilton Cleveland Rockside, Email [email protected] Indiana 5800 Rockside Woods Blvd. N, Independence Fresno Indianapolis Date and Time April 11th–10am Beit Tefillah Messianic Fellowship Congregation Shaarey Yeshua • Call (216) 297-9939 or Email [email protected] Seder Location Ritz Charles, 12156 N Meridian St, Carmel http// ennsylvania Seder Location 525 East Clinton Ave Date and Time Saturday, April 11th–5:30pm P Date and Time Wednesday, April 8th–6:13pm Call (317) 202-0789 or Email [email protected] Allentown Call (559) 906-6297—Minimum Donation Required. —Tickets required. Beth Simcha • Seder Location Kingdom Life Family Center, 4333 Lime Kiln Rd, Fullerton Kansas Orefield Temple Aviv Judea • Overland Park Date and Time Friday, April 10th–6pm Seder Location Westbridge Golf Club, 1400 S La Habra Hills Dr, Or HaOlam Messianic Synagogue • Visit to purchase tickets. La Habra Seder Location 9898 W 95th St Media Date and Time Thursday, April 9th–6:30pm Date and Time Friday, April 10th–6pm Congregation Beth Yeshua • Email [email protected] Email Mike Boatright2003@yahoo. Seder Location Springfield Country Club, 400 Sproul Rd, La Mesa Kentucky Springfield Tree of Life Messianic Jewish Congregation • Date and Time Saturday, April 11th–1:30pm Louisville Seder Location 11330 Campo Rd (in the gymnasium) Call (215) 477-2706—Reservations required. Adat HaTikvah Messianic Jewish Congregation Date and Time Wednesday, April 8th–5:30pm Email [email protected] Yardley Seder Location 3726 Bardstown Rd Congregation Ari Yehudah • Long Beach Date Saturday, April 11th Seder Location Yardley Community Center, 64 S Main St Beit David Messianic Fellowship • Email [email protected] Date and Time Saturday, April 11th–4pm Seder Location Long Beach Marriott, 4700 Airport Plaza Dr Call (215) 493-4460—Reservations required. Date and Time Saturday, April 11th–11am Maryland Call (562) 653-6443 or Email [email protected] Edgewood South Carolina Ain M’Chitzah Messianic Congregation Greenville San Diego Seder Location 1812G Pulaski Highway Adon Olam Messianic Congregation • Kehilat Ariel Messianic Synagogue • Date and Time Thursday, April 9th–5:30pm Seder Location Embassy Suites Hotel, 670 Verdae Blvd. Seder Location Four Points Sheraton Hotel, 5185 Acuna St Call (410) 687-1631 or Email [email protected] Date and Time Friday, April 10th–6:30pm Date and Time Thursday, April 9th–6:30pm Call Maye Galloway (864) 979-4481 Call (858) 430-6433 or Email [email protected] Derwood Son of David Congregation • Texas West Hills Seder Location Norbeck Country Club, 17200 Cashell Rd, Rockville Houston Adat Yeshua Ha Adon Messianic Jewish Congregation Date and Time Saturday, April 11th–1pm Congregation Beth Messiah • Email [email protected] —Registration required by April 1st Seder Location Airtel Plaza Hotel, 7277 Valjean Ave, Van Nuys Seder Location Hilton Americas Houston, 1600 Lamar St Date and Time Saturday, April 11th–6pm Missouri Date and Time Friday, April 10th–6:30pm Email [email protected] or visit Call (818) 222-0200 or visit St. Louis —Registration required Beit Chesed Messianic Congregation • Seder Location 2501 Rockford Ave Colorado San Antonio Date and Time Saturday, April 11th–5pm Denver Congregation Teshuvah • Call (314) 504-8539 or mail check to Beit Chesed at address Congregation Roeh Israel • Seder Location 47 Vienna above—Tickets required. Seder Location 8556 E Warren Ave Date and Time Friday, April 10th–6pm Date and Time Thursday, April 9th–6pm Nebraska Call (210) 401-7007 or Email [email protected] Call (303) 337-6254 or Email [email protected] Omaha Virginia Adat Hatikvat Tzion • Greenwood Village Leesburg Seder Location Omaha Hilton Hotel, 10th & Capital 222 Congregation Yeshuat Tsion • Kehilat Sar Shalom • (N 10th St) Seder Location Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, 7801 E Orchard Rd Seder Location 1757 Golf Club, 45120 Waxpool Rd, Dulles Date and Time Saturday, April 11th–5pm Date and Time Sunday, April 12th–5pm Date and Time Wednesday, April 15th–6pm Call (402) 592-2404 or Email [email protected] Call (303) 740-5413 or visit Email [email protected] —Reservations are required two weeks prior to event. Florida Washington Brandon New Jersey Newcastle Shoresh David Messianic Synagogue of Brandon Jackson/Central Jersey Beit Tikvah • Beth Zion Messianic Synagogue • Seder Location Renton Pavilion, 233 Burnett Ave S, Renton Seder Location 445 Lithia Pinecrest Rd Plantation Seder Location Our House Restaurant, 420 Aldelphia Rd, Date and Time Thursday, April 9th–6:30pm Date and Time Saturday, April 11th–4pm Farmingdale Call (425) 793-3000 or visit Call (813) 699-4155 or Email [email protected] Date and Time Saturday, April 11th–2pm Email [email protected] or visit Fort Lauderdale —Reservations required. Temple Aron HaKodesh • Canada Seder Location Jacaranda Country Club, 9200 W Broward Blvd, Mount Laurel Alberta Plantation Hope of Israel Messianic Congregation • Date and Time Thursday, April 9th–6:30pm Seder Location Vitarelli’s Restaurant, 1250 North Kings Highway, Calgary Email [email protected] for tickets Cherry Hill Beth Shechinah • Dates Saturday, April 11th Seder Locations 2635 32nd St SW St. Petersburg Call (856) 473-8874—Reservations required. Dates and Times Friday, April 10th–5pm and Sunday, April 12th–5pm Shoresh David Messianic Synagogue of St. Petersburg Call (403) 256-3478 Williamstown Seder Location 6000 38th Ave N Beth Machaseh Messianic Congregation • British Columbia Date and Time Friday, April 10th–7pm Seder Location 217 Prosser Ave Vancouver Call (813) 831-5663 or Email [email protected] Date and Time Wednesday, April 8th–6pm Kehillath Tsion Messianic Jewish Congregation • —Registration required Call (856) 513-6869 or Email [email protected] Date Thursday, April 9th Call (604) 800-3663 or Email Tampa New York [email protected] for ticket prices, time and location. Shoresh David Messianic Synagogue of Tampa Amherst Congregation Brith Hadoshah • Ontario Seder Location Embassy Suites by Hilton Tampa Airport Westshore, Seder Location Classics V Banquet Hall, 2425 Niagara Falls Blvd Ottawa 555 N Westshore Blvd Date and Time Saturday, April 11th–5pm Ottawa Messianic Fellowship • Date and Time Sunday, April 12th–4pm Call (716) 873-8986 or Email [email protected] Seder Location 1265 Walkley Rd Call (813) 831-5663 or Email [email protected] —Tickets required by April 4th. Date and Time Friday, April 10th–5:30pm —Reservation required. Call (613) 736-9480 or Email [email protected]

12 The Messianic Times March / April 2020 Messianic MinistriesWorldwide PERFECT WORD MINISTRIES TM

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San Diego St. Petersburg United States Kehilat Ariel (UMJC) Rabbi Barney Kasdan • Meets: 5185 Acuna St 92117 Shoresh David Messianic Synagogue (IAMCS) Meets: Service: Sat 10:30am • Children’s program Youth & Yeshiva class 6000 38th Ave N • Service: Fri 7pm • (727) 456-9200 Arizona Tues 7pm • (858) 430-6433 • Flagstaff San Diego Tampa Beth Yeshua Messianic Congregation Rabbi Steve Kaplan Tree of Life Messianic Congregation (IAMCS) ConecTzion (Hispanic) Messianic Synagogue (IAMCS) Meets: Meets: First Missionary Baptist Church, 219 S Elden St Rabbi Joel Liberman • Meets: 11330 Campo Rd (Hwy 94 at Jamacha Shoresh David Messianic Synagogue • 4320 W Bay to Bay Blvd Service: Sat 10:30am • (928) 527-6818 • Blvd) La Mesa • Service: Sat 10am • (619) 656-1168 Service: Sat 6pm • (813) 967-0671 • [email protected] • [email protected] Tampa Prescott Tustin Shoresh David Messianic Synagogue (IAMCS) Sr. Rabbi Steve Weiler Ahava B’Shem Yeshua (IAMCS) Leader Al Rodriguez • Meets: Alliance Adat Messianic Congregation (IAMCS) Meets: 4320 Bay-to-Bay Blvd • Service: Fri 7:30pm & Sat 11am Bible Church 2601 W. Iron Springs Rd • Service: Sat 10:30am Congregational Leader John Siu • Meets: 600 W. 6th St • Service: (813) 831-L-rd (5673) • followed by Oneg • (928) 443-5988 • Sat 10:30am • (714) 630-6703 • [email protected] Wesley Chapel [email protected] Shoresh David Messianic Synagogue (IAMCS) Rabbi Ed Marvin Tucson West Covina Meets: 7107 Boyette Rd • Service: Sat 11am • (813) 760-3269 Congregation Beth Sar Shalom Elder/VP of Board of Directors: Simchat Yeshua • Meets: 1100 E. Cameron Ave • Room #10 www. • [email protected] Weston Jones • Meets: 5455 S Westover Ave • (520) 326-2020 Service: Sat 11am worship prayer schmooze • nosh. Bible study 2pm • [email protected] (626) 290-0234 • • [email protected] West Palm Beach L’Chaim Messianic Congregation (C&MA) Congregational Leader West Hills (LA Area) California Bruce Elman • Meets: 1900 S Congress Ave • Service: Adat Y’shua Ha Adon Michael H. Brown • Meets: 7475 Fallbrook Ave Agoura Hills (LA Area) Sat. 10:30am • (561) 350-6964 • Service: Fri 7:30pm & Sat 11am • (818) 222-0200 Beth Emunah Messianic Synagogue (UMJC) Rabbi Joshua Brumbach • [email protected] Meets: 5312 Derry Ave Ste N • Service: Sat 11am, followed by oneg, Georgia dancing • (818) 597-9700 • Colorado Roswell [email protected] Congregation Beth Hallel (IAMCS) Rabbi Kevin Solomon • Meets: Denver 950 Pine Grove Rd • Service: Fri 8pm Sat 11am & Tues 7pm (770) Anaheim Congregation Roeh Israel Pastor/Rabbi Burt Yellin 641-3000 • Ben David Messianic Jewish Congregation (AMC) Meets: 8556 E. Warren Ave • (303) 337-6254 • Messianic Rabbi Doug Friedman • Meets: 270 E Palais Rd [email protected] Savannah Service: Sat 10:30am Shabbat School & Hebrew Instruction Keren Ohr Messianic Synagogue (IAMCS) Greenwood Village (949) 551-2659 • • [email protected] Messianic Rabbi Larry Greenhaus • Meets: 109 Hwy 80 Congregation Yeshuat Tsion Rabbi Chaim Urbach, Rabbi David Katz Bloomingdale • Service: Sat 10am • (912) 308-8563 Crestline/Calimesa Meets: 5600 E. Greenwood Plaza Blvd, Suite 115 • [email protected] Shiloh Messianic Congregation Pastor Bruce Dowell Service: Sat 10am • (303) 740-5413 • Service: Fri 7pm & Sun 10am-Crestline; Sat 10am & Tues 7pm Thomasville Calimesa • (909) 338-4846 • Connecticut Beit Shalom Messianic Synagogue (IAMCS) Rabbi Robert Ackerman [email protected] West Haven Meets: 1425 ABC E. Jackson St • Service: Sat 11am (229) 228-5004 • • [email protected] Fresno Congregation Simchat Yisrael (UMJC) Rabbi Tony Eaton • Meets: 870 First Ave 06516 • Service: Bible Study 9:30am; Worship 10:45am. Beth David Messianic Congregation (IAMCS) • Meets: 4147 E. Dakota Hawaii & Cedar • Service: Sat 9am Torah Study 10am • (559) 435-0106 Oneg & Talmud following. Children & Youth Programs • Hebrew Honolulu • [email protected] School • (203) 932-9929 • [email protected] Tikvat Yisrael Rabbi Daniel Klutstein—We are Torah observant. • Meets: Fresno 277 Ohua Ave Waikiki • Service: Sat 10:30am-4pm • Wed 6-8pm Bible Beit Tefillah Messianic Fellowship (UMJA) Rabbi Adam J. Bernay • Florida & Hebrew studies • (808) 351-6364 • Meets: 525 E. Clinton Ave • Call for Service dates & times Brandon (559) 906-6297 Shoresh David Messianic Synagogue of Brandon • Inc. (AMCS) Illinois Fullerton Rabbi Don Goldstein • Meets: 445 Lithia Pinecrest Rd Prospect Heights Temple Aviv Judea Rabbi Corey Sylvester • Meets: 704 E. Service: Fri 7:30pm • (813) 699-4155 • Olive Tree Congregation Leader Dan Strull • Meets: 400 N. Elmhurst Commonwealth Ave • Service: Sat 10am Children’s Shabbat School [email protected] Rd Prospect Hts • Service: Sat 10am; Shabbat School 11:45am (847) 222-1230 • • [email protected] (714) 748-4504 • Clearwater Irvine Ohr Chadash (UMJC) Rabbi Dr John Fischer • Meets: 3190 Gulf-To-Bay Indiana Blvd • Service: Fri 8pm. Come for tradition that’s vital, warm & Shuvah Yisrael (IAMCS) Messianic Rabbi Larry Feldman Indianapolis caring! • (727) 726-1472 • Meets: 5000 Barranca Pkwy • Service: Sat 10am Shabbat School Congregation Shaarey Yeshua Rabbi Jeffrey A. Adler • Meets: Dayspring Delray Beach & Nursery • (949) 679-1261 • Assembly of G-d • 2415 E. 72nd St • Service: Fri 7:30pm • (317) Shuvah Yisrael of the Palm Beaches (IAMCS) 202-0789 • • [email protected] Long Beach Rabbi Dr Charles I. Kluge Meets: (Please call for service location Beit David Messianic Fellowship details.) • (561) 704-9710 • Meets: 1240 E. Carson St • Service: Sat 10am with Oneg & fellowship Kansas following • • [email protected] Fort Lauderdale Overland Park Temple Aron HaKodesh (IAMCS) Rabbi Joseph Vitkus • Meets: Or HaOlam Messianic Congregation (IAMCS) Rabbi Shmuel Wolkenfeld Palm Springs 4751 NW 24th Ct • Service: Fri 7:30pm & Sat 11am Weekly small Meets: 9898 W. 95th St • Service: Sat 10am • Oneg Light lunch noon Ohav Shalom (IAMCS) Rabbi Paul Liberman • Meets: 5005 Calle San groups • (954) 485-8491 • • Classes 1:30pm • (913) 383-8448 • Raphael (near Dinah Shore & Gene Autry Intersection) Service: Sat 10am • (760) 668-5966 • Lakeland Kentucky [email protected] Etz Chayim Messianic Synagogue (IAMCS) Rabbi Yosi Laster • Meets: Trinity Christian Center 4416 E. County Rd 540-A • Service: Sat 11am Louisville Tues 6:30pm • (863) 274-6141 • Adat HaTikvah Messianic Jewish Congregation (IAMCS) Messianic Rabbi Aaron Bortz • Meets: 3726 Bardstown Rd Ocala Service: Sat 11am • (502) 364-1948 Mishkan Messianic Congregation (IAMCS) Congregational Leader [email protected] Gene Bigio • Meets: 6675 SE Maricamp Rd • Service: Sat 11am (352) 687-4434 • • [email protected] Louisiana Port St. Lucie/Fort Pierce Mandeville Kerem El Messianic Synagogue (IAMCS) Congregation Beth Hallel (IAMCS) Rabbi David Schiff Contact us at: (772) 621-7812 • Meets: 1905 Highway 59 • Service: Fri 7pm • (985) 277-3109 • [email protected] South Bay / Riverview Shoresh David Synagogue of South Bay (IAMCS) Rabbi Ed Marvin Meets: 13498 US 301 S 33579 • (813) 831-5673 • [email protected]

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14 The Messianic Times March / April 2020

Messianic Congregational Directory Messianic Congregational Directory

Maine Nevada Oklahoma South Portland Las Vegas Oklahoma City Kehilah Portland (IAMCS) Leader Stephen Luft • Meets: 1338 Broadway Ave Lev HaShem Rabbi Jered Hundley • Meets: 3646 N. Rancho Dr Rosh Pinah Messianic Jewish Congregation (IAMCS) • [email protected] Service: Fri 7:30pm & Sat 10:30am (702) 869-8983 Messianic Rabbi Michael Weygant • Meets: 2600 NW 55 Place • [email protected] Service: Sat 10:40am Lunch/Dance/Hebrew • Tues Bible Study Maryland 7:30pm • (405) 842-1967 • • [email protected] /Owings Mills New Jersey Tulsa Rosh Pina (UMJC/Tikkun) • Meets: 3408 Walnut Ave • Service: Sat Fairview Holiness to the L-rd Congregation Pastors Gary & Gloria VandeKamp Beth Goyim (CTOMC) Rabbi Andrew Dinnerman • Meets: 20-26 10:30am • (410) 363-4954 • [email protected] Meets: 8600 S. Lewis Ave • Service: Sat 3pm Hebrew Roots Teaching; Bel Air/Edgewood Industrial Ave 2nd Floor (elevator available) Service: Messianic Worship & Dance • (918) 408-6689 Ain M’Chitzah-(MJAA) Rabbi Jim Meysenburg • Meets: 1812G Pulaski Hwy Sat 11am Bible study Tues 7pm • (973) 338-7800 • Live Internet • [email protected] Service: Sat 10:30am Torah • Tues 10am Prayer & Scripture Study Tues, Thurs & Shabbat • WBGMC Internet Radio (410) 687-1631 • [email protected] • [email protected] Pennsylvania Clarksville/Columbia Jackson/Central Jersey Allentown Emmanuel Messianic Jewish Congregation (UMJC) Rabbi Barry Rubin Beth Zion (IAMCS) Rabbi Jan & Marlene Rosenberg • Meets: 68 Beit Simcha Messianic Fellowship (IAMCS) Leader Rabbi Glenn Blank s: 5042 Schantz Rd • Service: Every Shabat 10am, followed by Meets: 6120 Day Long Lane Clarksville • Service: Sat 10am Bennetts Mills Rd Jackson • Service: Sat 10:45am (732) 928-7700 Meet (410) 531-2093 • • [email protected] oneg & classes. (610) 289-2011 • Derwood Livingston Lancaster/Lititz Son of David Congregation Leader Dennis Karp • Meets: Beth Messiah Congregation Rabbi Irving Salzman • Meets: 15 N. The Seed Of Abraham Lloyd Elias Scalyer • Meets: “The Mill’’ 813 19100 Muncaster Rd • Service: Shabbat service 10:30am Livingston Ave • Service: Sat 10:30am • (973) 994-4431 Rothsville Rd • Service: Sat 10:15am • (717) 687-8913 (301) 963-5092 • • [email protected] • [email protected] Owings Mills Mount Laurel Media Hope of Israel Messianic Congregation Pastor Scott Affrime Congregation Beth Yeshua (IAMCS) Sr Messianic Rabbi David Chernoff Am Yeshua Congregation Leader David Finkelstein • Meets: Meets: 395 North Kings Hwy Cherry Hill • Service: Sat 10:30am Meets: Fri 7:30pm at 28 S New Middletown Rd; Sat 10:30am at Upper Room Northminster Church • 705 Main St Reisterstown (609) 479-1105 • • [email protected] Springton Lake Middle School1900 N Providence Rd • (215) 477-2706 Service: Sat 10:30am • (443) 465-8857 • • [email protected] [email protected] Williamstown Rockville/Gaithersburg/DC Beth Machaseh Messianic Congregation Rabbi Emmanuel Tarohocker Philadelphia Beth Messiah Congregation (UMJC) Leadership Team • Meets: Meets: 217 Prosser Ave • Service: Fri 8pm Sat 11:30am Torah Service Congregation Beth Emanuel (IAMCS) Rabbi David Vazquez • Meets: (856) 513-6869 • • [email protected] Northgate Community Church • 20300 Pleasant Ridge Dr, 10150 Bustleton Ave 19116 • Service: Fri Erev Shabbat 8pm; Bible Montgomery Village • Service: Shabbat 10:30am • (240) 292-9262 Study 11am 2nd & 4th Sat of the month; Prayer Tues 7pm; Spanish • [email protected] New York Shabbat Sat 3pm • (215) 969-4569 • Amherst [email protected] Missouri Congregation Brith Hadoshah (IAMCS) Rabbi Frank Lowinger Pittsburgh Branson Meets: 50 Alberta Dr • Service: Sat 9-10am • (Shabbat school) Maoz Tzur-Rock of Ages Messianic Jewish Congregation The Tabernacle- IAMCS Rabbi Jeremy Storch • Meets: 256 Church Rd Shabbat Service 10:30am • (716) 873-8986 • Abraham E. Sandler II • Meets: Lincoln Place Church of the Service: Fri 7:30pm & Sat 11am • (417) 334-7373 Long Island/Plainview Nazarene • 5804 Interboro Ave • Service Sat ea month 9:30am Shuvah Yisrael (IAMCS/UMJC) Refreshments • 10:30am Shabbat Service • (412) 609-1117 St. Louis Rabbi David & Rebbitzen Helene Rosenberg • M.Div. • Meets: Beit Chesed Messianic Congregation Leader Jake Rosen • Meets: 2501 88 Southern Parkway • Service: Sat 11am live streamed Yardley Rockford Ave • Service: 2nd & 4th Sat. ea. month 10:00am (516) 939-2277 • Kehilat Ari Yehudah/Congregation Lion of Judah (IAMCS) refreshments • 10:30 Service • (314) 504-8539 • Manhattan/Upper Westside Congregational Leader Peggy Michalchuk • Meets: Yardley Cmty Ctr [email protected] Kehilath HaDerekh Synagogue THE WAY Shul (MYJM/WMI) 64 S. Main St • Service: Sat 10am • (215) 493-4460 • St. Louis Rabbi Ben, Rebbetzin Erika • Meets: 236 W. 72nd St New York Beit Tefilah (IAMCS) Rabbi Lynn Fineberg • Meets: 9801 Olive Blvd at Service: Sat 10:30am • (917) 670-8989 South Carolina Warson • Service: Sat 11am • (314) 994-9884 • [email protected] Charleston [email protected] Manhattan/Upper Westside Beth Shiloh Messianic Synagogue (IAMCS/MJAA) Rabbi Andy Congregation Sha’ar Adonai (CPM/UMJC) Meyerson • Meets: 1285 Ashley Hall Rd • Service: Sat 10am (844) Montana Meets: 2 West 64th St • Service: Sat 11am • (212) 223-6751 493-7482 • • [email protected] Florence • [email protected] Goose Creek Beth Tephila Messianic Jewish Congregation (UMJC) Adat Netzer Matai (UMJC) Congregational Leader Ray Hillyer • Meets: Lolo Community Congregation Leader Louis Levinson North Carolina Meets: Hanahan • SC • Serv: Sat 10am. Call (843) 475-5786 for info Church 11897 Lewis & Clark Dr • Lolo • Service: Shabbat 10am www. Asheville [email protected] • [email protected] Beth Shiloh Messianic Synagogue (IAMCS/MJAA) Greenville Nebraska Rabbi Andy Meyerson • Meets: 1554 Brevard Rd 28806 • Service: Adon Olam Messianic Congregation (IAMCS/MJAA) Every Sat 10am & 1st Fri of each month Erev Shabbat 6:13pm Cong Leader Todd Lesser • Meets: 259 Pine Dr Piedmont 29673 Omaha (844) 493-7482 • • [email protected] Adat Hatikvat Tzion (IAMCS) Nate Seitelbach • Meets: SW Church of Service: Fri 7:30pm • (864) 322-9144 • the Nazarene 14808 Q St PO Box 564 • Service: Sat 10am Cary [email protected] (402) 592-2404 • Congregation Sha’arei Shalom (UMJC) • Meets: 700 Old Apex Rd Moore (Spartanburg) Service: Sat 10am • (919) 388-3678 • Beth Shiloh Messianic Synagogue (IAMCS/MJAA) Rabbi Andy [email protected] Meyerson • Meets: 5762 Reidville Rd • Service: Sat 10am (844) Drexel (Morgantown) 493-7482 • • [email protected] Beth Shiloh Messianic Synagogue (IAMCS/MJAA) North Augusta Rabbi Andy Meyerson • Meets: 403 N. Main St • Service: Congregation Beth Shalom (IAMCS) Messianic Pastor Austin Nesbitt Every Sat 10am • (844) 493-7482 Meets: 10580 Atomic Rd • Service: Sat 11am [email protected] Mail: PO Box 7748 29861 • (803) 510-4143 • Ohio Tennessee Bath Bristol Rosh Pinah Messianic Congregation Rabbi Michael Humphrey Ari Yehudah Congregation (IAMCS) Rabbi Joseph Bell • Meets: s: 3891 Ira Rd • Service: Sat 10:30am, Yeshiva Wed 7pm (330) Meet 1128 New Hampshire Ave VA • Service: Sat 10:30am (276) 644-1678 • 668-6840 • • [email protected] • [email protected] Cincinnati Nashville Beth Messiah Synagogue Rabbi Michael Wolf • Meets: 9054 Columbia Kol Dodi Messianic Congregation (IAMCS) Rabbi Ken Alpren • Meets: Rd, Loveland • Service: Fri 8pm & Sat 11am • (513) 683-8817 1710 Woodmount Blvd (Green Hills Area) • Service: Shabbat 11am Fax: (513) 683-8917 • Offering Shabbat School • Yeshiva Classes Cleveland (615) 973-6933 • Tikvat Yisrael Messianic Synagogue (IAMCS) Rabbi Eric David Lakatos Meets: 9319 Mayfield Rd 44026 • Service: Sat 10:30am (216) 297-9929 • • [email protected] Columbus Beth Messiah Congregation (UMJC) Messianic Rabbi Howard Silverman Meets: 4950 Morse Rd 43230 • Service: Sat 10:30am • [email protected] ntereste in nternshi oortunities N Canton The S.I.T.E. Rabbi Michael J. Oyler • Meets: 4120 Martindale Rd NE o i ro serve nd in sis in 44705 • Service: Sat 10am Shabbat celebration Wed 6pm • Davidic/ Israeli Dance • (330) 491-7827 • vrios inistry ntions to rere yo [email protected] or ietie o servie or ore ino on ho to y or or internshi ese e-i offi[email protected]

Contact us: [email protected]

March / April 2020 The Messianic Times 15 Messianic Congregational Directory

Texas British Columbia North Carolina Arlington Greater Vancouver/Fraser Valley Asheville Sukkat Shalom-A Torah-Observant Congregation • Meets: Eunice Shabbat Shel Shalom Messianic Fellowship Lead Pastors Rev Murray Sunnyside Missionary Church Pastor Neal Adams Activity Center • 100 Eunice St • Service: Sat 12 noon Dairy Oneg & Marta Archibald-Fisher • Meets: Columbia Bible College 2940 (Secretary-Treasurer) • [email protected] follows. Hebrew & Bar/Bat Mitzvah programs for adults & children • Clearbook Rd Abbotsford Service: Sat 2:30pm • (604) 996-8722 (972) 623-2863 • (817) 917-7587 • • [email protected] Dallas Vancouver Sioux Falls Adat Shalom Messianic Congregation Leader Robin D. Rose • Meets: Kehillath Tsion Leader Daniel Nessim • Meets: 3833 Boundary Rd Christ Community Ministries Contact: Bernie Schock • (605) 371-1889 Park Central Baptist Church 7777 LBJ Freeway • Service: Fri 7:30pm V5R 2M4 • Service: Sat 10:30am • (604) 800-3663 • Educational Classes Wed 7pm • (972) 271-4976 [email protected] Texas • [email protected] Brownsville Nova Scotia Free Lutheran Fellowship Church Pastor Joseph O’Bell Dallas Meets: Motel 6 North Conference Center • Serv: Sun 10am Baruch HaShem Synagogue Rabbi Marty Waldman • Meets: 6304 Belt Halifax/Dartmouth Congregation Ner Tamid (CTOMC) Rabbi Avner Solomon (956) 546-7374 Line Rd • Service: Sat 10:40am • (972) 386-0121 Service: Sat 10:45am Call for directions • (902) 479-7479 • [email protected] Cleveland • [email protected] King of Saints Messianic Fellowship Associate Pastor Dr. Stephen Dallas A. Missick • Meets: 2228 FM 1725 77328 • Service: Sun 10am Bible Shalom • Shalom Messianic Congregation Leader Dr. Todd Baker Study, 11am Worship Service, 6pm Havdalah; Wed 7pm Prayer Meets: Northwest Bible Church 8505 Douglas Ave (Christian Life Ontario (281) 592-4104 • Center Room 302-303) • Service: Fri 7pm • (214) 356-2583 Radio Ottawa El Paso shows: • [email protected] Ottawa Messianic Congregation • Meets: 2285 St Laurent Unit 7A Freedom Fellowship Pastor Victor Franco • Meets: 1404 N. Zaragosa Service: Fri 7:30pm. Bible Study • Sat 1pm followed by Oneg & free Duncanville 79936 • (915) 355-7046 • Hebrew lessons • (613) 736-9480 • Bat Zion Messianic Congregation Leader Steven Jaslow • Meets: 730 N. [email protected] Cedar Ridge Rd • Service: Sat 10:40am • (972) 709-8761 Thornhill El Paso • [email protected] City of David (IAMCS) Rabbi Jeffrey Forman • Meets: Gates of Zion Grace Christian Center Pastor Bobby Garcia • Meets: 820 N. Raynor Centre 7775 Yonge St • Service: Fri 7:45pm & Sat 11am Houston 79903 • Serv: Sun 10am English. 12pm Spanish; Wed 7pm; Fri 7pm (905) 761-8118 • Congregation Beth Messiah (MJAA) Senior Rabbi Richard Freeman, Prayer • (915) 544-7400 • Assoc. Rabbi Philip Lanning • Meets: 9001 W. Airport Blvd. [email protected] Service: 10am • (713) 271-5757 • Israel Southlake Katy Gateway Church Jewish Ministry Pastor Greg Stone Be’er Sheva Tree of Life Messianic Congregation (IAMCS) Rabbi Steve Sheek Meets: Meets: 700 Blessed Way 76092 • Serv: 1st Fri each month. Kehilat Nachalat Yeshua • 20775 Kingsland Blvd 77450 • (713) 206-2680 For more information • visit • [email protected] Eilat Kehilat Eilat • Ph: +972 (8) 637-2859 Midland Beit HaDerekh Messianic Congregation (IAMCS) Leader Ben Burton Gedara Meets: 13370 Hwy 191 79707 • Service: Sat 10:30am • (432) 268-3438 Grace & Truth Christian Congregation • [email protected] Haifa Kehilat HaCarmel • [email protected] San Antonio Congregation Teshuvah Head Rabbi Michael Schwab Haifa Returning People’s Hearts to God • (210) 401-7007 Kehilat Kerem El • [email protected] a Miaic ai • [email protected] Haifa Return to Zion • • [email protected] Richardson Eitz Chaim-MJAA Rabbi David Schiller • Meets: 1651 E. Campbell Rd Jaffa Tucson, AZ Service: Sat 10:30am 1pm Oneg (Meal) • (972) 231-3884 Kehilat Beit Immanuel • • [email protected] Jerusalem Jerusalem Assembly House of Redemption • +972 (2) 583-4949 Virginia Kehilat El Roii • [email protected] Reply to Weston Jones: Leesburg Kehilat Even Yisrael • Ph. +972 (2) 651-1536 Kehilat Sar Shalom Rabbi Neal Surasky • Meets: 908 Trailview Blvd, Kehilat Kol BaMidbar • [email protected] Ste 200 • Service: Sat 10:30am Shabbat School • Worship Dance Narkis Street Congregation • [email protected] (443) 253-0982 • Shemen Sasson • [email protected] Karmiel Newport News Kehilat HaDerech • [email protected] Congregation Zion’s Sake (IAMCS) Rabbi Eric Carlson • Meets: 1233 Rivers of Living Water • [email protected] Shields Rd 23608 • (757) 874-3303 • Kfar Saba [email protected] Kehilat Ha Ma’ayan • Kiryat Yam Washington Ohalei Rachamim • [email protected] Centralia/Chehalis Modi’in Chesed v’Shalom Ministries Rabbi James Pace • Meets: 1209 N. Kehilat Modi’in • [email protected] Scheuber Rd Centralia • Service: Sat 11am Oneg lunch following Netanya service. (360) 508-8437 • Beit Asaph • Newcastle Poriya Illit Beit Tikvah (IAMCS/Foursquare) Rabbi Hylan Slobodkin Kehilat Poriya • [email protected][email protected] Meets: 7935-136th Ave SE • Service: Sat 10:30am • (425) 793-3000 Tel-Aviv • [email protected] Adonai Roi • Port Orchard Brit Olam Fellowship • [email protected] Beth El Messianic Congregation Elder Darrell Estep • Meets: 2095 SE Kehilat Simchat Yeshua • Ph: +972 (2) 563-2005 Cedar Rd 98366 • (360) 876-5581 • Service: Sat 11am Torah study & Tiferet Yeshua • P&W service • Tiberias [email protected] Kehilat Peniel • [email protected] Vancouver Rehoboth Messianic Congregation Rabbi David Sumner • Meets: 3504 NE 49th St • Service: Fri 7pm • Sat 10:30am & 2pm; International Wed Torah Study 7pm • (360) 695-2900 • [email protected] Australia New South Wales, Sydney Wisconsin ha’Derech l’Moshiheinu (MJAA) Eved Ivrei (Leaders) David & Milwaukee Elishe va Morris • Meets: Kent Rd North Ryde 2113 • Service Sat 12pm Beth Messiah-Milwaukee (IAMCS) Rabbi Frank Susler Ph: +61 408426944 • Meets: 9900 W. Capitol Dr • Service: Sat 10am • (414) 464-9782 [email protected] Mexico Canada Huixquilucan Bet Shalom (IAMCS) Main Leader Dr Moises Reznick • Meets: Fuentes Alberta De La Joya 28, Locas De Las Palmas • Ph: 011-52-52900956 Calgary • [email protected] Beth Shechinah • Meets: 2635-32nd St SW • Service: Sat 10:30am (403) 256-3478 • or (403) 685-4170 • New Zealand [email protected] Auckland & Hawkes Bay Talmidei Yeshua Messianic Ministry of New Zealand Lethbridge Nasi (Pres.) Graeme Purdie • Meets: Weekly Shabbat Services, Beit Tefillah Sameach (Joyful House of Prayer) 10:30am, Auckland & Hawkes Bay • Ph: Ph: 011-64-277101157 Congregational Leaders Sidney & Linda Speakman • [email protected] Meets: 336 13th St N • Service: Sat 11am • (403) 634-8200 [email protected] Churches who Love Israel UNITED STATES New Hampshire Nashua “Like” us on on facebook! Gate City Church Pastor Paul R Berube • Meets: 43 Main St Serv: Sun 8:30 & 10:30am • Slavic: 1pm; Brazillian: 5pm; (Search for “messianic times”) Tent of Meeting Tues 6:30pm • Erev Shabbat, 7pm 3rd Fri of the months of Sept-May • (603) 883-8273 • [email protected]

16 The Messianic Times March / April 2020 HAPPY PURIM!

Shariat wrestled with this thought for months. In my prayers, I told God, “I love this job, I am ministering, Muslims are getting saved, and the church is growing.” But I had this thought in my heart: ‘I’m not calling you to be a pastor but I am going to do a great work in Iran and am giving you the honor to have a part in it.” Shariat continued to plant churches in California (Sacramento, Walnut Creek, and Fresno) and then after September 2001, on December 1, he bought one hour a week Bringing Iranian Muslims to Faith of air time on a secular channel on satellite TV that broadcast into Iran. “From day one the phone started ringing and at all hours, even 3 a.m. here is afternoon in Iran.” by Susan Silver Shariat now broadcasts 24/7. He says, “Many are responding as there’s an amazing revival going on—Iran has the fastest evangelistic population in the world because millions of Iranians are done with Islam and are spiritually open.” He says, t the time of Purim we naturally think of the ancient town of Shushan, “Messianic author Joel Rosenberg calls me the ‘Billy Graham of Iran,’ but anybody which is located just outside the modern western Iranian city of Shush. could be because Iran is so open now—all you need to do is just share the Gospel.” According to Dr. Hormoz Shariat, Shush contains what both Jews and Muslims believe to be the tomb of the biblical Daniel, whom both accept as A their prophet. When Shariat lived in Iran growing up with his family as a Muslim, he visited the tomb, which he notes is a place where sick people would come to be healed. Today, Shariat is no longer a Muslim living in Iran; he’s now a Christian evangelist who works in the Greater Dallas area of the U.S. through Iran Alive Ministries, which he founded in 2000. More than 36,000 Muslims have come to faith as a result of these ministries.

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Top Left: The Traditional Tomb of Daniel, in Suza. Top Right: Watching Shariat’s Channel in Iran. Right—Satellite Dishes are popular in Iran and the Middle East.

Shariat’s Unusual Career Path G-d has clearly shaped Shariat’s life in unpredictable ways. He came to the U.S. after the Islamic Revolution of 1979 and was attending the University of Southern California (USC) as a graduate student in computer engineering when he came to faith. A devout Muslim in his early years growing up in Tehran but much less religious as a teen, he found himself at USC comparing Islam and Christianity. After several months of investigation, he visited the Church of the Open Door (which was Robust Ministries Focused on Iranians then located in downtown Los Angeles) where he “heard the gospel and re- Satellite broadcasts (in Farsi), which reach six million daily viewers in Iran, and sponded.” His life changed dramatically as he saw his wife come to faith and his some Internet are important tools and Shariat says that “media is a starting point” marriage saved, too. but a vital one; more than 21 million downloads a year have resulted. TV partners He earned his PhD in computer engineering in 1986 and worked on artificial enable that the gospel is broadcast 24/7. Media also serves as a global, virtual intelligence (AI) research for a total of 11 years, but at the same time, he church that provides fellowship and discipleship to an estimated two million recognized the power and simplicity of the gospel. believers living within Iran’s borders. The 24/7 broadcast also reaches far beyond Shariat says, “The gospel is a simple message a child can understand. Iran to a potential of 130 million Farsi-speaking viewers in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Philosophers, scientists and engineers make simple things complicated but this and other Middle Eastern nations. simple message can save lives and save nations.” Extending the impact of media are a call center, underground church planting, In the 1980s he shared the gospel with Muslims in Southern California, but they and the “412 School.” Based on Ephesians 4:12, the latter is a training program that accused him of betraying Islam and only a few came to faith. Then he found a “equips all Christians for the work of the ministry.” Shariat says, “The number one “dream job” in Sunnyvale, California (Silicon Valley) in AI but he also realized that request in Iran is ‘teach us the Bible, show us how to serve.’” He says there’s a he really wanted to serve G-d. “supernatural zeal and hunger for the word of God and to do something for God.” “One by one Muslims came to Christ,” says Shariat, who had a ministry in his home that eventually turned into a church in San Jose, An Ambitious Vision which then hired a pastor. Although 82 million people in Iran are captives to Islam, Iran Alive Ministries’ stated Then one day in 1991, he joyfully walked into his vision on the website is to “Transform Iran into a Christian Nation, in this AI office, sat in front of the computer and had these Generation,” according to Jeremiah 49:38: “‘I will set my throne in Elam’…declares thoughts: “I have a great job, I decide my own the L-RD.” Elam was an ancient country in what is now southern Iran, whose people schedule, I am paid a big salary to do research were believed to be the Semitic offspring of Elam, the son of Shem. which is like playing a game for me.” Then he heard this prompting from what he believed Continued on Page 18 was the Holy Spirit, “So you want to be paid to play games the rest of your life?”

March / April 2020 The Messianic Times 17 HAPPY PURIM! Says Shariat, “We believe that this is more than a lofty goal—it is a promise Continued from Page 17 from the L-rd, that He will establish His throne in Elam—and this can happen in one generation if we Christians work together.” Iran has one of the fastest growing Evangelical populations in the world. More Iranians have come to faith in the 33 years since the Islamic revolution of 1979 than in the 1,400 prior years combined. The majority of these believers have come in the last 10 years, since the launch of Iran Alive Ministries satellite TV broadcast. Shariat concludes, “The L-rd is doing something unique and special during this time in Iran.” Shariat believes Islam is experiencing its greatest defeat in history in Iran today. He points out that Iran is full of hopelessness and despair. Drug use is the highest it’s ever been; Iran is number two in the world in per capita drug use after Afghanistan. Suicide rates are skyrocketing, especially among women; Iran is the only country in the world where the suicide rate among women is higher than men owing in large measure to the Qur’an, which gives men permission to abuse and oppress women. The culture is pervasively corrupt—politically, religiously, and socially. Shariat reports that Iranians living in Iran are saying they are living in a prison—that Iran is a living coffin. “At the same time,” affirms Shariat, “we are seeing the Islamic nation of Iran turning away from Islam and embracing Christ- ianity.” Iranian Muslims are “being set free from the dark and enslaving spirit of Islam and are coming into the light of the gospel.” Shariat believes today Christianity has more respect and credibility than Islam even among Muslims. In fact, it is common in Iran that when one family member comes to Christ, the rest of the family will follow. Shariat observes that although Iran is the greatest threat politically and militarily to world peace and security, but with the greatest threat comes even greater opportunity. “We are finding that the biblical model for transforming a nation is from the bottom up but we also know firsthand that some government officials have converted to Christianity, albeit secretly.” Shariat’s new book, Iran’s Great Awakening: How God is Using a Muslim Convert to Spark Revival, which is out in April, details Iran’s revival as well as his own testimony.

A Strong Connection with the Jewish People and Israel Shariat believes that both he and the people of Iran have vital Jewish ties. Personally, he has worked with Dr. Mitch Glaser and spoken at Chosen People Ministries conferences where Shariat has taught that while the government of Iran shouts “death to America!” and threatens to wipe Israel off the map, there is a gap between the government and the people. Muslims are questioning why they should hate Israel. They increasingly don’t trust the government. “There’s a change Shariat of heart among Muslims on the street who see that Israel hasn’t done anything to them but the government has hurt them. “The U.S. is Dr. Hormoz not our enemy—you are” reads one slogan and other similar ones on the street. “Among Muslim-background believers there’s a movement of loving and serving the Jews,” says Shariat. There’s a church in Jerusalem led by a Muslim- background Iranian Christian. Many Iranian Christians go to Israel regularly to pray for Israel. A former Iranian Revolutionary Guard member, who’s now in Germany, travels to Jerusalem often to share the gospel with Jewish people, saying they don’t need weapons to protect them if they have Jesus who can turn enemies like him into a believer. The history of Jews in Persia goes back to the Bible, which tells how they were exiled to Persia and then, through an edict by Persian King Cyrus (Ezra 1:1-2), they were allowed to return to Jerusalem, where they were financed by Cyrus to rebuild the Temple. Shariat makes two points concerning Persian Jews in the Tanakh and first-century Persian believers and their connection to Jerusalem. First, only a remnant of Jews under Cyrus chose to return to Jerusalem; the majority stayed in Persia. Consequently, Persia was full of Jewish people for centuries (although in recent years most have emigrated, many to the U.S.). Second, in the early first century, Persians (including the Elamites) participated in the Temple festival of Shavuot (Acts 2:9) in Jerusalem and heard the gospel proclaimed in their native language. Shariat states, “Persians have been and are an integral part of God’s redemptive story and were among those 3,000 who were baptized and returned home to share the glorious Good News they had heard—there has been a Christian presence in Persia/Iran ever since.” At this time of Purim when we think of the Esther and Mordechai (whose tombs are located in Hamadan, Iran), some have compared Shariat to a modern Mordechai. When asked about parallels between him and Mordechai in the Book of Esther, Shariat responds: “The only parallel is the heart and passion I have for women in leadership in the revival in Iran. What’s happening in Iran is being led by courageous women who are fighting the Islamic government. Mordechai raised up an Esther and I believe that godly women can have a major role in the salvation of Iran.”

Traditions of Puim by Barr y Rosenfeld hroughout Jewish communities around the world and of course, in Israel, everyone is preparing to celebrate Purim Kids! Purim, a grand celebration for Jewish children and adults alike. Not only is this the one day that the young are allowed to make plenty of noise in the synagogue—even during services—it is also an exciting time when Teveryone in the congregation and Jewish communities dress up in elaborate costumes. Less than a generation ago, in the synagogue, congregants would normally clothe themselves as the main characters from the Megillah, (the sacred scroll that recounts the story of Purim (meaning ‘lots’) also known as the book of Esther in the scriptures) which is recited in the synagogue on Erev Purim. The costumes traditionally represented Queen Esther, the Jewish orphan who was crowned Queen of Persia; Mordechai, her Jewish cousin that raised her; King Achashverosh (Ahasuerus) the King of Persia; the evil Haman who plotted to destroy all of the Jewish people throughout the fifth century, BCE in the Persian kingdom, which at that time included much of the civilized world. Today during Purim within synagogues and Jewish communities, one is more likely to see costumes such as Jedi warriors bearing lightsabers, Donald Trumps or even a Dunkin’ Donut, a cup of coffee or a Crayola crayon. In cities throughout Israel during Purim, school children and adults dressed in their distinct costumes can be seen in parades marching through the city streets. One can also find the young and old, while celebrating, consuming a tasty pastry that originated among European Jews which is associated with the holiday. In Israel this pastry is referred to as oznei or “Haman’s Ears.” The word Hamantashen is Yiddish for Haman Pockets, being symbolic of the money that Haman offered to King Achashverosh in exchange for permission to destroy the Jews. The pastry is recognizable for its triangular shape and is associated with Purim and the villain Haman. And what else besides the children’s voices creates all the noise in the synagogue? It is the grogger that is given to every child in the synagogue while the Megillah is being read. According to ancient tradition whenever Haman’s name is read during the reading, the congregation (especially the children) spin their groggers while stamping their feet and shouting, making as much noise as possible to blot out the sound of Haman’s name. This performance causes such a ruckus that it is amazing that the reader manages to finish the entire reading of the Megillah. Groggers are believed to have originated in thirteenth century France and Germany, when the rabbis interpreted the commandment to wipe out the memory of the Amalekites to mean, “Even from wood and stones.” They consequently began the custom of writing the name of Haman, a descendent of Amalek on two stones and knocked and rubbed them together until the name was blotted out. Ultimately this created the tradition of making noise by knocking the stones together. So what exactly is this “Megillah” that inspires children (and adults) to dress up, eat hamantaschen and twirl groggers? The recorded account of Queen Esther, her cousin, Mordechai and the fifth century plot against the Jewish people is believed to be an accurate retelling of events—actually written and recorded from ancient times by the biblical personalities themselves, Esther and Mordechai. It is believed that the events were Continued on Page 18

March / April 2020 The Messianic Times 18 HAPPY PURIM! Continued from Page 17 a feast along with Haman. At that feast she asks the king to attend another feast the following evening. Meanwhile, Haman, who has again been offended by Mordechai, has gallows built to hang him. That evening King Achashverosh has difficulty included in the Tanach, (the twenty-four books of the Jewish Bible) because of the sleeping and orders that the court records be read to him. He is reminded of when special request that Esther made to the Jewish rabbinical leaders of her time, the Mordechai saved his life and is reminded that Mordechai was never rewarded. Sanhedrin which were the supreme Jewish legislative and judicial court of Haman then appears to the king to ask permission to hang Mordechai and when the rabbinical heads that met in Jerusalem and decided which books would be included king asks him what should be done for the man that the king wishes to honor in the Jewish bible, known as the biblical canon. thinking that he is referring to himself, Haman says “dress the man in the king’s In the first chapter, the Persian king, Achashverosh, who is giving an extended royal robe and place his crown on his head and lead him through the streets on the feast over several days, calls for his wife Vashti to present herself to the guests king’s horse with a herald calling out ‘See how the king honors a man he wishes to wearing her crown. When she refuses, he has her removed from her position so as reward!’” To Haman’s horror, the king instructs him to do this for Mordechai. not to embolden other women to disobey their husbands. A decree is then sent out At the second banquet, the king promises Esther that he will honor any that every man should be the ruler of their own home. This leads to a search for a request. Esther then reveals to him that she is Jewish and that Haman intends to kill new queen throughout his vast realm which results in Esther, the cousin of the all of her people including herself. Overcome with rage, Achashverosh leaves the Torah sage Mordechai, being taken to the palace. She does not identify herself as room as Haman pleads with Esther for his life. As Achashverosh returns, he sees being Jewish. She finds favor with the King and is crowned the new queen. Haman falling upon her and thinking that he is assaulting the queen he orders that Because Mordechai refuses to bow down to the king’s evil advisor Haman who Haman be hanged on the gallows he prepared for Mordechai. had been appointed viceroy by the king, Haman, discovering that Mordechai had Since he cannot cancel his own decree, Achashverosh adds to it, allowing the refused to bow because of his Jewish faith, convinces the king by payment of ten Jews to join together and destroy any that seek to oppress them. In total, 75,000 thousand talents of silver to allow him to have all of the Jews throughout the people are slaughtered by the Jews and Esther and Mordechai send out letters Persian Empire (including Mordechai) executed on the same day. Lots (purim) were instituting a yearly commemoration of the Jewish people’s redemption instituting a cast to choose the date on which to do this, which was Adar 13. A royal decree is holiday called Purim. issued throughout the kingdom allowing for the killing of all Jews on that date. In The heroine in the Megillah, Esther, saves her people from the evil scheme of the twelfth year of Achashverosh's reign, Haman planned to exterminate the Jewish Haman, the prime minister of the Persian Empire. According Jewish tradition, community. The Book of Esther tells us in chapter 4 that from the time Esther was Haman is believed to be a descendent of Amalek, the nation that attacked the taken from her home, her cousin Mordechai guided her. Mordechai convinced Esther Hebrew children when they left Egypt. Jewish rabbinic tradition records that Moses to conceal her true nationality during this time period as queen. failed to wipe out the Amalekim to the last man, thus allowing their descendants to When Mordechai hears of the plan to exterminate the Jewish people he asks attack the Jewish people in future generations with the intent of destroying them. Esther to intercede for the nation. She is afraid to approach the king uninvited, an Even in today’s modern world there are still pockets of “Hamans” and “Amaleks” offense punishable by death. Esther appeals to Mordechai to tell all the Jews to fast whenever Antisemitism raises its ugly head. While it will take more than groggers, for three days for her. On the third day she appears to King Achashverosh who hamantashen and costumes to defeat antisemitism, as long as there are people stretches out his scepter to her, indicating that she fighting for Israel carrying the same spirit as Esther and Mordechai, Purim will is not to be punished. Esther invites the king to continue to be celebrated until the coming of the Messiah and the final deliverance of the Jewish nation.

Left: Wikimedia, photo by Yoninah • Right: © Elijah “the Ivory House,” an entertaining and historically accurate novel by Cliff Keller.

...brings the life and times of Elijah alive, Preview with the tension, the life, the spirituality, and even the humor, of every day people. “Faithless Heart” made me go back to my Bible at

a thoroughly enjoyable read...narrated by Yashar...whose life was forever changed by the prophet Elijah. Yashar and his widowed mother lived in Zarephath and provided for Elijah during the three years of drought before Elijah’s showdown with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel.

You’ll never be the same. A favorite Bible character. The evil Jezebel won’t be forgotten. Elijah, the miracle-worker.

From verified-purchase reviews at A Home for Israel’s Aging Part 1 Dvora Elisheva

Recognizing the health benefit of this hobby, Heather prepares special embroidery kits and gives them to the nurses, so that as one project is completed, Ruby can seamlessly start a new one, therefore keeping her medications to a minimum. Despite her lack of mental clarity, Ruby is quite alert, spiritually. Heather overheard a conversation one day between her and another volunteer;“Sometimes I just don’t understand the L-ord,” the volunteer said, to which Ruby replied as she embroidered, “I always understand the L-rd, He loves me and He takes care of me.” Heather explains that each person’s spiritual habits are maintained and encouraged in Ebenezer Home. “These things are understood, encouraged, and appreciated—whereas in a regular home, the residents wouldn’t have that freedom or understanding.” Where Faith in Yeshua is Central It is this “understanding” that makes Ebenezer Home different; its ithin the body of Messiah in Israel there is a greatly under- members were once active in believing congregations throughout estimated group of people—yet their impact is great—greater Israel. From the moment one enters, there is a special, almost palpable than their seemingly insurmountable need. They are the feeling about the home which is commented on by everyone—staff, elderly among us who, at a cost only their L-rd fully knows, friends and families of residents (irrespective of faith), government have remained faithful against incredible odds. They are aging officials, and more. Wand have reached a point where living alone is no longer an option, and only Katelyn, one of this year’s six volunteers, has been at the home for one facility in Israel is able to meet their needs. seven months. Initially, she was assigned to work as a nurse’s aide. Then her musical gifts were discovered.“They saw I had gifts and Thus Far the L-rd Has Helped Us decided to work them into being a blessing for the home,” she shares. The vision for this facility is rooted in a long history of ministry to believers in “I feel like I’ve gotten spiritual refreshment here, with the Bible studies Haifa, many of whom are Holocaust survivors. As they aged and faced and prayer times for volunteers, and praying with the residents.” tremendous physical and spiritual challenges, believing organizations in the Faith Goldberg, the residential doctor, prays for and with her Land recognized the need for a home to serve elderly Jewish believers, as patients. For her, and all of the staff, spiritual care is an integral part of well as Arab and other non-Jewish members of local congregations. physical care. Katelyn was quick to point out that daily morning Appropriately named after Samuel’s stone, a reminder of the help given devotions reflect how everyone is seeking G-d’s will, wanting to “stay by the L-rd (1 Samuel 7:12), Ebenezer Home first opened its doors in 1976. on the right path.” This is also seen in the relationships between Thirteen years in the making and funded solely by donors, it is currently the residents and staff Dr. Goldberg and Katelyn both agree that in spite of only assisted living senior citizen’s home in Israel run by believers, for the multinational, multilingual atmosphere, everyone still get’s along believers, with mostly believing employees, and supported almost entirely because of Yeshua.” by donations from overseas. Not My Will but Yours Be Done Israel’s Messianic Senior Citizen’s Home Even though it is operated by believers, moving into Ebenezer Home Although licensed for 48 residents, it is not large enough to accommodate is not always one’s first choice. that many. In addition, certain areas are designated as special government- Esther has been there since 2010. She didn’t want to move in at approved nursing beds so that the residents can spend their last days at first, however, the needs of her husband, Hans, made it clear—she “home,” surrounded by people who love and care for them. A staff of 35 really had no people and up to six volunteers handle everything from the office work to other choice. cooking, cleaning, special activities, and medical care. Recently, the home During a brief was approved to accept believers in Yeshua who are doing their National holiday rest at Service (instead of regular army duty). Ebenezer, Hans A typical day begins at 7:30 a.m. with devotions for the residents, suffered a followed by morning prayer and mid-morning devotions for the staff. Meals serious heart are served in the dining room. The Jewish Feasts are always festive with attack which special meals in the outside garden along with other activities. Music lessons, made re- concerts, pet therapy, crafts, and resident-led prayer meetings and Bible turning to studies are held throughout the week. Some tenants serve as volunteers their fourth- outside of Ebenezer, and one even holds a job. floor home (83 steps) “I Always Understand the L-rd—He Loves Me” not an option.

Juan, originally from South America, lacks feeling in his hands and feet. Over Continued the past three years, he has flourished, returning to activities he thought he’d on Page 21 never do again, such as drawing and playing a keyboard. He once shared with Heather Vaknin, the home’s activity director, that never in his life had he experienced such freedom in Yeshua as he does at Ebenezer Home. When Juan wanted to draw, Heather arranged for a unique drawing easel so that he could draw standing up. Juan is thankful he can to contribute to Ebenezer in a unique way by signing over the rights to his artwork to help support the home. Volunteers also visit the home and teach painting, basket-weaving, and more to the residents. If someone needs help with a craft, Heather is quick to help, even preparing materials that can be utilized when she is not there. Ruby (not her real name), has benefitted spiritually and physically from Heather’s attention. At 97, she has experienced mental deterioration and its accompanying restlessness, which is usually treated with strong medications. There is only one other thing calms Ruby and that’s—embroidery.

March / April 2020 The Messianic Times 20 team; dietician, nursing staff, physical therapy, house mother, and social A Home for Israel’s Aging Continued from Page 20 worker, including the manager,” Faith explains. “We make every effort to treat residents at Ebenezer, and not to have them hospitalized unless Fortunately, Hans was familiar with the people who built the home and absolutely necessary.” However, it isn’t always possible if a person needs many of the residents there. He knew it was a safe place for him and his intravenous medication or treatments possible only on a legally authorized wife and fortunately, there was room for them. nursing unit. Dr. Goldberg points out that hospital- Antoinette is originally from Switzerland. After serving the L-rd in Togo, izations can be very hard on the patients. She West Africa, for 20 years, she and a friend came to Israel to pray and serve explains, “They can get very confused and we want for another 28 years—miraculously receiving citizenship because of their to protect them from the insecurity of being cared volunteer work among the disabled. When her friend died, Antoinette found for by unfamiliar people, and, of course, it difficult to manage everything by herself. She entered a facility in from infection.” Jerusalem,; but the atmosphere was oppressive and the workers didn’t As already mentioned, Ebenezer Home is only hesitate to express their hatred of Yeshua. Antoinette learned about Ebenezer licensed for independent living. Johnny Khoury, the Home from a friend. “Moving to Haifa was difficult,” she shares, “But a friend home’s manager, points out that at any given helped me, and when the door opened, I understood that Jesus lives here, time, only 10% of the residents can receive nursing and He wanted me here.” care there, and each must receive a special Hailing from the United States, Natalie and Sharonna are full of smiles. governmental exemption. “It really limits whom They love to pray together and view life in the home as a new ministry, we can accept. We need an approved bringing encouragement to others who live there. However, entering a nursing ward so we can accept people “senior citizen’s home” was not the "dream" either of them had anticipated. who already need a lot more help, and For Natalie, health issues made it more difficult to manage on her own. keep those people in the home who Sharonna had been residing with a family, she thought permanently, but become dependent,” Dr. Goldberg adds. their situation changed and suddenly she had no place else to go. So yes, Ebenezer Home is meeting a great need for the body of Messiah in Israel, but Meeting Only One Part of a Need what about those who need nursing care? For these and many others, Ebenezer Home was the only viable option for What can be done for them? them in Israel where they could be assured of quality care of body, mind, and soul. Dr. Goldberg explains that when she worked in secular positions, Find out in The Truth About Aging in far too many elderly patients in secular facilities suffered from mal-nutrition, Israel—Part 2, in the next issue of poor hygiene, and obvious signs of neglect. “We work as a multi-disciplinary The Messianic Times.

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And More! By Chana B.

agical and mysterious is an ideal description of the Galilee and Golan Church fathers such as St. Epiphanius designated these Jewish Christians regions of Northern Israel, areas steeped in history and tradition. as “heretics” because they still practiced circumcision and ritual immersion. Intriguing structures, several crowned with blue domes that sprinkle the St. Iraneus labeled the Ebionites, the most well-known group of Jewish Mland. Research has determined that the mysterious structures are the Christians, as heretics. Noticeably, as the gospel reached further out to pagan final resting places for many very famous rabbis, Jewish scholars and various nations, the number of Jewish believers either dwindled or were absorbed Jewish sects of old. This mystery allured one well known Israeli scholar and into the greater church body. By the beginning of the sixth century, there is Jewish historian, Eldad Keynan. Keynan’s wealth of knowledge throughout his no further mention of Messianic Jews who held onto their Jewish practices. years of research reveals and clarifies mysteries within the burial sites of As Keynan explored these ancient burial places he also discovered that ancient Israel. there was a marked difference between the strictly Jewish burial sites and Born on an Israeli the early Messianic ones, most notably, these early Jewish-Christians had lost Kibbutz, Keynan moved as a their taboo of the strict Levitical rules of corpse defilement. Inside the ancient child to Kiryat Shemona, on Jewish burial caves that formed natural “rooms” and in the above-ground, the Lebanese Border. He man-made structures, there were square rooms with low niches carved into witnessed the 1967 war as a the rock walls. The tombs were designed to prevent desecration of the body young teenager and joined and contamination to the living. Immediately after death, the corpse would the Israel Defense Forces in be washed, shrouded and placed inside these low niches. The niches were 1971. In 1982 Keynan served always at ground level and perpendicular to the stone wall so that the body as a reserve soldier. In the could be shoved in and the opening could be completely blocked by a large early 1990s, he pursued a rock. This practice would prevent any defilement. After one year, the bones degree in Jewish History at would be collected and placed in a small sarcophagus “coffin” with little, if Haifa University followed by any adornment. Each family had its own niches which could be used for a Master’s degree, special- generations as the dry bones were removed, placed in an ossuary or a bone izing in the second Temple pit, and a new body placed inside. It was customary to have a bone pit in the center of the burial cave which would contain the sacs of older bones when Eldad Keynan Exploring a Tomb the ossuaries were reused. During his frequent visits to these sites, Keynan began noticing some- thing illuminating. Inside the caves, alongside the traditional Jewish niches, era through the Talmudical were some niches that were carved out parallel to the wall and elevated era. Tombs and ancient Jewish above the floor level. Some had arches so the tomb could not be blocked and burial practices became his was completely open for a shrouded body or sarcophagus to fit inside. This expertise. Being a native of arch was introduced to Israel in the first century by the Romans. There must the Galilee region, these have been a change in Jewish religious concepts to allow for an elevated scattered ancient burial sites niche with an arch at the top. There were no bone pits at the base of these have long intrigued Keynan, tombs. Also, there were some intriguing symbols carved into the rock in especially within the Buriel Vault, 1st–3rd century CE. some of the caves. Many of Israel’s leading archaeologists declined to explain these notable differences. However, it fascinated Keynan. Keynan profusely combed through the Talmud and historical documents distinct Jewish sects, and notably for any mention of Yeshua or his Jewish followers. Keynan’s findings are quite the Messianic communities of the remarkable. His conclusions are that in the early first and second centuries, in ancient past. During his research the Galilee, were Jewish people who believed that Yeshua was the true Keynan began noticing marked Messiah and lived together alongside their Jewish brethren. According to changes in interment practices Keynan’s theories the lay Jews were more accepting of this difference than within the same family burial the Rabbis. Many of the Rabbis and Talmudists saw these Messianics as caves beginning in the first heretics, and not “real” Jews. The Talmud states that a way to identify the century. Keynan concluded Jewish Yeshua-believer was that he wore round, not square “tefillin,” through his research that these implying they worshipped together in the same synagogue where the in the Galil Classic Jewish Tomb changes were made by Jewish phylactery boxes would be used. Also in the Talmud (Brachot 5:3, 9c), there is people who believed in Yeshua a discussion as to whether a min can be a cantor in the synagogue. Just as as their Messiah. They were still Torah-observant Continued on Page 23 Jews, and were considered as such, because they were buried beside their brethren, and even near some of the noted rabbis of the day. Close Up and Enhanced View of Carvings in the Lintel in Katzrin Following the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans in 70 A.D., more than a few rabbis, Torah scholars, and devout Jews headed for the hidden regions in the mountains of the Galilee. Famous giants of Judaism were buried there. Intriguingly, there are Biblical prophets who have tombs in the area, several which are located inside mountain caverns. Most of the tombs were raided over the centuries by tomb robbers looking for treasure. While researching, some burial customs appeared strange to Keynan so he investigated the ancient Jewish customs, studying halacha, the Talmud and Mishna as well as the New Testament and the development of early Christianity of the first centuries. Throughout the epistles of the New Testament, Keynan discovered that Paul spoke to and about these Jewish believers. Keynan also found that even as late as the fourth century they were mentioned in the writings of the early church fathers.

Modern-Day Sakhnin, Israel, in the Galil

March / April 2020 The Messianic Times 22 Continued from Page 21 there were different sects of Jew such as Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, etc., many of the Messianics lived together in communities of mixed company. Within the first century according to Keynan, there occurred a radical change of previously held beliefs regarding death and burial for some of these Jewish believers. Because Yeshua resurrected from the dead, there was no corpse in the tomb, therefore, there was no corpse defilement. Yeshua had The Story of Jacob the Heretic defeated death itself by His resurrection, and permanently altered the way these Jewish believers There is an awesome, poignant understood death. How could an impure body, defiled with the stain of death and decomposition, bring purification to others? Unless Yeshua conquered death and the stain of sin, how could He promise historicity available to us who look a remission of sin and bodily resurrection and eternal life in heaven to others? Therefore, the burial little closer at the “stones” and living customs changed to reflect the preservation of the body as these Messianic Jews awaited a future history that Israel offers. bodily resurrection from their open niched tombs. According to Keynan’s discoveries, this early sect of Messianic Jews were buried in the same In several places in the Talmud, we see keverim as their relatives, but with significant differences. Keynan describes that at the top and sides now-faded glimpses of an intersection- of these elevated tombs parallel to the wall were interesting carvings and symbols such as fish ality between followers on one Jewish symbols, cups and grape clusters. Next to some of these niches are menorahs. In the large burial caves sect, HaDerech (The Way) versus other at Bet Shearim in the Lower Galilee, there are traditional low and perpendicular Jewish niches. Further sects, for instance, the P’rushim (“The inside the cavern are the elevated, parallel niches with carvings of menorahs, lions, eagles, bulls and Pharisees”). A man named Ya’akov winged human forms. These symbols are some of the first and best representations of the gospel dared to heal in the name of Yeshua authors including fish and Star of David inscriptions in the stone wall. At a burial site in the Upper (“Yeshu”). He hailed from a village Golan, marked on the lintel of the tomb are both seven and five branched menorahs. Keynan investigated several tombs in Jerusalem, where Cohenim, the priestly class were buried. “The Cohenim called K’far Sekaniah in the Galil, and lived in a state of complete purity. Cohenim would be the last to apply these kinds of symbols in their thanks to toponymics and Arab place- tombs. Markings of fish are the markings of early Jewish-Christians,” states Keynan. One of Keynan’s names it is possible to literally see the favorite examples of this kind of burial place is found in the present Arab village of Sakhnin. It is the place of this interaction that most likely tomb labeled “Yaakov haMin,” Jacob the Heretic who was an early Jewish believer that never denied took place in the 2nd Century, CE. his Jewish heritage. At his burial site, inscriptions of the menorah and Star of David are found along with several fish symbols. The photo at the bottom of page 22 Through his years of fascinating discoveries Keynan is extracting history from the Talmud and is the modern village of what is now . סחנין / ”countless Jewish and historical sources leading to discoveries of early Jewish Christian life and death in called “Sakhnin Israel. Keynan’s dream is to “bring Jews and Christians closer together.” He states, “to see Christianity as another branch of Judaism, not to convert, but to pass on the understanding that we are all brothers. It once happened to Ben Dama the son of R. This Yeshua prepared the world to accept the Jewish people and the teachings of Judaism.” Ishmael's sister that he was bitten by a serpent and Jacob, a native of Kefar Sekaniah, 4 came to heal him but R. Ishmael did not let him; whereupon Ben Dama said, 'My brother R. Ishmael, let him, so that I may be healed by him: I will even cite a verse from the Torah that he is to be permitted'; but he did not manage to complete his saying, when his soul departed and he died. 5 Whereupon R. Ishmael exclaimed, “Happy art thou Ben Dama for thou wert pure in body and thy soul likewise left thee in purity; nor hast thou transgressed the words of thy colleagues, who said, He who breaketh through a fence, a serpent shall bite him'? 6 — It is different with the teaching of Minim, for it draws, and one [having dealings with them] may be drawn after them. —Talmud Bavli Abodah Zarah 27b What happened above? What we would now call a “Messianic”—the Min— offered to heal the man (Ben Dama) who was willing to be prayed over as his life was at stake. The conversation shows even then, the seriousness with which all sides took the commands of G-d. To the Parush, Yeshu meant a deceiver. To Ya’acov Yeshua was the Maschiach and a giver of life. Note that this took place in a historical context where there was still authentic dialogue—even if strained—between Jew and Jew. If only Ya’acov knew his is dialogue would impact us for centuries.

Out Exploring! Some Symbols are timeless.

March / April 2020 The Messianic Times 23 Paul Rogers was Beth Messiah’s worship team leader and pianist since before I arrived in the city to fill the role of rabbi. My wife led worship for decades with Paul accompanying her on piano. She talks about how easy he made it to sing, and how he knew just how to make a singer perform at his or her best. He even could quickly cover a singer’s mistakes, she reports. Singing became much harder, she says, when Paul could no longer play. Paul was not from a Jewish background, but spent his whole adult life committed to the vision of the Messianic Jewish movement. He was not only committed in his heart, he put all of his talents and efforts into blessing the movement with his skilled playing, locally and at conferences, and with his many beautiful songs. When I arrived at Beth Messiah in 1977, he would regularly sing new songs at services on the old out-of-tune piano—songs that have since become classics around the world— Praise Awaits You in Zion, I’ll Sing Yeshua, A New Song, and many others. I remember staying up with him and his roommates all hours of the night at what we called “The Guys House,” playing cards and Atari video games. I learned how incredibly kind, gentle, and loyal he was as a friend—and how intuitive he was spiritually. Paul heard from G-d and knew the Tanakh and Brit Chadasha back and forth. He loved prayer and worship, Paul was not singing and playing for hours if needed, at every service as well as special events. He loved all of us and gave us from a Jewish We Remember Paul Rogers the gift of his dear friendship the whole time. by Ra bbi Michl ae Wolf When he ceased to be able to walk or use his hands background, with dexterity several years ago, I and some others accompanied him through those difficult times. I generally visited him every week. Paul and I went to the but spent his ost of you who knew Paul Rogers probably remember Nephrologist together, and he faced that period with whole adult life Mhim as an extremely gifted and well-trained musician, courage. He remained as active as he could with all his pianist and songwriter. And indeed he was! In addition to friends at Beth Messiah. I noted beautiful spiritual growth being able to produce music on the piano that sounded like a and development in his inner life as his outer body grew committed to whole orchestra, he was probably the finest accompanist I weaker. He also thought often about the Jewish have ever known. Yet I want to emphasize his personal side Community Center, where he had worked under Marlene the vision of as well. Schmalo writing music and playing piano for the children’s I remember when I initially met Paul in Philadelphia after plays, at the Musical Arts Center in O’Brianville, and he the Messianic the Messiah conference in July of 1977. That’s when I first en- blessed each extended care facility where he resided. countered his joyous smile and infectious laugh. Then, within He left his mark on all of us—the mark of joy Jewish movement. six months, I moved to Cincinnati to lead Beth Messiah, and and commitment. I will always hold Paul deeply in we quickly grew close. my heart.

Bob’s family moved to Philadelphia in 2006 and became a part of the administrative staff of Congregation Beth Yeshua, heading up the greeters, A Tribute to Robert Cohen ushers and the discipleship programs. Many people credit Bob as their reason By Rox anne Cohen for joining Beth Yeshua. In 2017, Bob and his family moved to Palm Harbor, Florida and became obert Cohen, a pioneer in the Messianic movement, went to be with the involved in Temple New Jerusalem with Rabbi Michael Stepakoff and taught a RLord on February 3, 2020 in Tarpon Springs, Florida. He was two days short men’s Bible study. of his 69th birthday. He resided in Palm Harbor, Florida with his wife of 36 Titles that Bob held were the following: years, Roxanne Cohen, his daughter, Liora Katherine Cohen, 24 years old and • MJAA Executive Committee member from 1983 to 1987 and from his son, Daniel Mark Cohen, 23 years old. 1989 to 1990; Bob was raised in Cincinnati, Ohio by Dana and Babette Cohen, along President of the MJAA from 1991 to 1995; with his older surviving brother, Dana Cohen. Bob was involved in radical • IAMCS Steering Committee member from 1987 to 1989; and political movements in the 1960s and early 1970s actually participating in • the take-down of the administration building on the campus of the University • Chairman of the IAMCS from 1999 to 2003. of Cincinnati while attending there, majoring in political science. He continued to have an active interest in politics and stayed on top of all Unfortunately, Bob suffered from many serious medical conditions, current events. After his salvation, he was often asked to teach at the particularly during the last two years of his life, including diabetes, four- Messianic Jewish Alliance Conferences about what his analysis was on current vessel bypass procedure, sustained two major fractures to his femur and political situations at the time because of his expertise in this area. pelvis, two bouts of pneumonia and renal failure, requiring dialysis three Bob received the Lord in 1974 through the prayers of Yohanna and David times a week for over three years. Through it all, he never complained, never Chernoff. He became elder and later Assistant Rabbi of Beth Messiah in gave up and stayed positive. Cincinnati, working with the Chernoff’s and then with Rabbi Michael Wolf. Bob will be missed by his family, his friends, and many, many people He did outreach on the campus of the University of Cincinnati with Messianic whom he made a significant impact upon. Judaism on Campus, later named Kesher Ministries. During his time in Cincinnati, Bob also worked as a representative for Messianic Ministries Midwest, reaching churches in the tri-state area with teachings about Israel and the Jewish holidays. At the 1981 MJAA conference, Bob met Roxanne Hefter, they fell in love, and eventually married in 1983 officiated by Martin Chernoff in Valley Forge, PA. Bob brought Roxanne back to Cincinnati to continue to work alongside Michael Wolf and Beth Messiah. In 1987, Robert was called to become the full-time Rabbi of Beth Jacob Messianic Congregation in Jacksonville, Florida. The congregation eventually grew from 20 to approximately 150 congregants. Bob was a “people” person. He deeply loved his family, his congregants, and just about everyone he made acquaintances with. People just loved Bob. In 1998, the Lord used Bob to form a reconciliation movement among pastors and denominations because of his ability to connect people of diverse backgrounds. This led to a Holy Spirit-led event in which many pastors ended up confessing deep-seated feelings of antisemitism. He was an extremely generous man, almost never refusing requests for financial assistance from just about anyone who would have contacted the congregation.

24 The Messianic Times March / April 2020 © All Photos Courtesy of Netflix

Al-Masih is not just a nameAl-Masih for the is Messiahnot just Scoundrel, Savior, Meshugennah, or a namein Arabic. for theIt’s Messiahactually in Arpartabic. of It’s the actually name forpart how of the the Daijal name, (anti-Messiah),for how the Daijal will, (anti-Messiah),reveal himself. will reveal himself. A Look at Netflix’s Messiah By Joe Miterko hat will the end of days really look like? Who will rise, who will fall, who amongst the will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and who will be taken to everlasting congregants, judgement? It is easy for us to say that we are living in the end times, but trusting that what does that really mean? What are the implications? Al-Masih W has a better These questions were swirling through my mind as a friend suggested I view the new Netflix series entitled “Messiah.” Without viewing the series trailer, my first plan. This chaotic deception leads to a national campaign that becomes a massive thought was, “Wow, a cool story about Yeshua. I am down.” I was wrong, and yes, pilgrimage to Washington DC. spoilers are included in this passionate synopsis. By this time, anyone viewing the program who understands and believes The storyline of this 10-episode series recounts a figure, a Syrian man wearing Scripture, can determine that there is a major flaw, from a Biblical worldview, in the Levis, t-shirts, and a wide variety of hoodies, who claims to be the Messiah. This series—which is its incongruence with the Biblical texts. In Scripture, John recounts man refers to himself as Al-Masih, which is Arabic for “The Messiah.” We learn later in his vision of Yeshua, “Look, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye shall on in the series that his real name is Payam Golshiri, a man with a mental disorder. see Him, even those who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth shall mourn The character studied at Williams College in Boston, Massachusetts, and was raised because of Him.” (Revelation‬ 1:7‬). Of course, the whole world did not physically by his grandparents. Character Golshiri studied under Professor Oscar Wallace, a see Al-Masih. The media covered the event in Washington, D.C., but it was not an cyber terrorist responsible for a hack of Wall Street in 2009, was influenced by urgent and immediate occurrence and there was no universal recognition that the him and even dedicated a book in his honor. These facts, and many more, were Messiah had arrived, including the absence of mourning over Al-Masih, instead, uncovered by curious CIA agent Eva Geller. The story becomes a wild goose chase there became a cult like following he acquired. Al-Masih travelled everywhere between CIA agent Geller and Al-Masih, as she closely monitors his every move. performing signs and wonders. People many times decide to follow their own Masih or “Golshiri” performs signs and wonders in pivotal parts of the world. He hearts, so there is no surprise that the series portrays a revolution taking place. leads refugees out of war torn areas, escapes from jail amidst a major hunt by the Yeshua said, “For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will Israeli Mossad, rescues a girl and a church from a major tornado in the small Texas lead many astray. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not town of Dilly, walks on water at the National Mall, calls for torrential rain in Florida, alarmed, for this must happen but it is not yet the end.” (Matthew ‬24:5-6‬ ).‬‬ and considerably more. In the final episode, Masih or “Golshiri” survives a deadly ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬Another monumental problem with the show is regarding the Israeli- helicopter crash and even resurrects several who are dead in a bed of flowers. In the Palestinian conflict. When Al-Masih leads a band of Syrians to the border of Israel midst of this extreme drama, the world is smoldering with political chaos and rage. at the beginning of the series, the border police will not let them in initially. These A frightening aspect of the series is the religion that Al-Masih advocates. He refugees are left on their own and set up camp in the desert. They do not have quotes notable passages from Moses and the Prophets, the New Covenant, and food or water. A young boy named Jibril, one of Al-Mahsi’s followers, convinces the Koran various times to diverse people. Al-Masih does not preach “sermons” the border patrol to let them in through a silent revolution. In all of this, Israel is in the traditional sense, rather, he employs short vignettes quite often. Al-Masih portrayed as an aggressor and hardwired against the Arab people. It also displays communicates that he wants to “do the will of his father” numerous times, inferring Arabs very poorly as there are portrayed countless stereotypes of each group. the Biblical words of Yeshua. In addition, the character of Al-Masih is multilingual, An important note to remember is that “Al-Masih” is not just a name for the always understanding what is occurring in the world even without being involved, Messiah in Arabic. It’s actually part of the name for how the Daijal, or anti-Messiah, and seems to know everyone and every detail of their lives. Al-Masih also will reveal himself. Islam, like Christianity and Judaism, has its own eschatology and mysteriously travels around the world, one moment in Jordan, another moment in plan for the end days. Muslims believe that there will be great signs performed by Israel, and then magically in Texas. deceivers, similar to what Yeshua teaches to his followers. The Daijal is considered While the series is suitable for binge watching and exciting in my opinion, there among Muslims to be the great deceiver. Therefore, the series leaves us with are astounding flaws and many precautions for viewers to take. Firstly, the series questions, is Al-Masih the Messiah or madman? portrays the body of Messiah in a negative light. A Baptist minister characterized For the mature and seasoned believer, the show is a must-watch. It is important in the show named Felix Iguerro from Texas befriends Al-Masih after his daughter, that we are sensitive to the times and seasons that we are living in. It is comfortable Rebecca, is miraculously rescued from a deadly tornado. The rest of the city named to think that we can live in a Messianic bubble and develop relationships through Dilly, Texas, impacted by the tornado is in shambles with the exception of Felix’s our own communities, but the show sparks an urgency that we live in a dying world. church which is still standing after the storm. Slowly, he begins to believe that It impresses us to reach out and share the truth, the Good News with all people. Al-Masih is the true Messiah, with references of him as “The Savior.” While it was Additionally, the political tension and climate in which we live in is intense, and will impressive that Felix’s own daughter was restored and his church wasn’t decimated, only become worse as time continues. The urgency of the words of Shimon Kefa the minister didn’t perceive the destruction of the world around him. He did not see becomes clearer, “So brace your minds for action. Keep your balance. And set your the delusion that Al-Masih was presenting to him. Because good things happened hope completely on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation to Felix in a timely matter, he trusted Al-Masih. However, Felix did not lead his of Yeshua the Messiah.” (1 Peter‬ 1:13‬). “Always be ready to give an congregation with discernment. Once the congregation came to believe that Al- answer to anyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you.” Masih was a con artist, they began uprising against Felix. Felix stopped the chaos ( 1 P e t e r‬ 3 : 1 5‬) . ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ © All Photos Courtesy of Netflix of Courtesy © All Photos

March / April 2020 The Messianic Times 25 have been three anti-Jewish policies: conversion, expulsion, and annihilation. The second appeared as an alternative to the first, and the third emerged as an alternative to the second.” That statement of Hilberg could easily summarize the plight of the Jews from the early Church Fathers to the Holocaust. Another way to look at it would be to pronounce a progressively restrictive curse on our people, “You have no right to live as Jews among us” followed by “you have no right to live as Jews” and finally, “You have no right to live.” A similar process seemed to have befallen the global Jewish community in the post-Holocaust era. It could be argued that right after the Second World War—most likely out of collective guilt—Jewish people were first tolerated and somewhat ignored. Eventually as they continued to settle in Eretz Yisrael, they became slowly resented. Resentment led to demonization. Today, we can say with certainty that the loop has been closed again. Parts of the world look at Israel and proclaim, either boldly or between the lines, “You have no right to live.” What is a Jewish life worth nowadays? If we look at the crime that took place in France in 2017, it isn’t worth much. A Jewish woman, Sarah Halimi, was beaten and defenestrated from her 3rd-floor apartment in Paris by Kobili Traore shouting about

Courtesy of Wikimedia of Courtesy Allah and calling Halimi a “dirty Jew.” At first, this was not seen as an Antisemitic murder. Mr. Traore was found under the influence of marijuana and clearly ended Mrs Halimi’s life. Yet, he was not charged for murder and was released for drug rehab. This creates a very scary precedent. Does this mean that Jews can now be killed at will and people can simply use “I was high” or “I was drunk” as an excuse to be exonerated from all responsibility? If this is true, we have to excuse all deaths resulting from drunk drivers. This is ludicrous! But something has definitely gone awry and authorities are scratching their heads about it. This new wave of Antisemitism seems to be gaining momentum and it seems to be coming from various fronts. There is no logic to it. It can come from radical Islam. It can come from both sides of the political spectrum, although it is predominantly coming from the Left, and it can come from African Americans German Anti-Jewish Propaganda Poster, circa 1943 (not painting with broad strokes here) as we have witnessed recently during Hanukkah 2019 in New York. It can come from some denominations of the evangelical church as seen in the support of the BDS movement. It can come from Hollywood as many celebrities choose to boycott Israel. How are all these factions getting along since they are ideologically often on two extreme ends of the same spectrum? They are simply getting along based on their common enemy… Israel! This is highly irrational; yet, all the enemies of the Jewish people are holding hands with the same goal in mind. They are making the motto “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” truer than ever. Remembering that Satan is at the core of the problem, it is easier for believers to understand that the ruler of this world (John 12:31-33) is after the Jews whom God sees as “the apple of my eye.” (Zechariah 8:2b.) Only Satan can make the irrational look rational and logical. This is the main By Olivier Melnik reason why Antisemitism has gained so much momentum globally in the last decade. If we are indeed in the last chapter of God’s narrative about mankind—and I t took me the better part of two decades to convince Christians that Antisemitism believe that we are—realizing that it continues to include Israel and the Jewish had morphed into a new beast and was coming back full-force. I started seeing a people who have not been replaced by the Church. We should not be surprised by Idangerous trend at the turn of the 21st century around the time of the second this renewed wave of Jew hatred. Intifada (Palestinian uprising.) Satan knows the Bible extremely well and he knows that when Israel calls Back then, not many people spoke of a “new Antisemitism” and those who did upon Yeshua (Zechariah 12:10) and cries out Baruch haba b’shem Adonai, (Matthew were received with a certain amount of skepticism. But things have gotten bad. 23:37-39), Yeshua will return to fight the final campaign against all the enemies of In Europe where it continues to get worse, Jews of many European countries have Israel and establish His Kingdom on earth. At that time, Satan’s career will be over been forced—France leading the way—to make Aliyah in large numbers over the and he does not care for where he will spend his retirement. Satan is passionate last decade. about hurting those who God loves, to hurt God whom he hates, and to stop Yeshua The need to wake people up about the return of Antisemitism not only from returning. remains, but is now in the daily news! Antisemitism is here to stay, and that will be So, things are going to get worse before they get better. But this is not until the return of Yeshua the Messiah and the establishment of the Messianic necessarily a bad thing if today’s Christians are proactive and fight Antisemitism by millennial Kingdom. In fact, I am convinced that the growth of Antisemitism will be educating, speaking-up, exposing and also by going out of their way to help Jewish exponential and global on a scale never seen before. It has gone pandemic! people wherever they might be. Many opportunities were missed to help Jews in Antisemitism (being the creation of Satan) is controlled by him and regularly the 1930s and 1940s. We are starting to experience a repeat of that era, with repackaged to be redistributed by a new group of people. The Anti-Judaism of modern technology and social networks. It could become “the 1930s and 1940s the early Church slowly became the demonization of the Jews of Europe. It led to on steroids!” the ostracism of entire Jewish communities as well as the racial brand of the A bystander who looks the other way for whatever reason only facilitates the oldest hatred that helped decimate six million defenseless Jewish victims during work of a perpetrator. None of us would consider that we are perpetrators but let us the Holocaust. make sure that we do not become bystanders either. Then we saw a short respite for a couple of decades in the post-Holocaust era; however, we can clearly see today that it was the calm before the storm. Racial Antisemitism had become taboo after the Holocaust. Except for a few neo-Nazis on the fringe of society, nobody dared speak of the Jews as subhuman anymore. After the birth of modern Israel in 1948, racial Antisemitism made room for national Antisemitism and gave birth to phrases like “anti-Israel” or “anti-Zionism.” Around the time of the coming of Yasir Arafat on the Middle East scene, the “Palestinian displaced people” false narrative began to be promoted. First, people were divided, unsure of its validity politically, historically and even theologically. But like in the case of all propaganda, patience and repetition paid off. Now sixty years later the Palestinian narrative is no longer questioned. It is blindly accepted and the Jews have become the “New Nazis of the Middle East going after Palestinian to kill them and colonize more of the territories.” The formula becomes pretty simple. If the Jews are indeed responsible for so much and controlling so many areas of our lives, we must put an end to that by putting an end to them and to Israel! It was Raul Hilberg in his seminal work The Destruction of European Jews who said, “Since the fourth century after Christ, there

26 The Messianic Times March / April 2020 Spend a year reaching Jewish Students at NYU!

The House of Living Waters University Outreach

and Mentoring Project is offering four young men or women—who

have recently completed a BA or graduate degree—the opportunity

to serve and be mentored by Chosen People Ministries’ staff

in New York City. This internship requires a full 12 month

commitment. Housing and stipend provided.

The program begins September 1, 2020.

For more information and to apply visit us at

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