Unit 2 Yummy Foods

二Yummy Foods Unit 2 Unit2 Yummy Foods Learning Objectives

In this unit,students are expected to: 1 get to know Peking ducks and the Chinese spirit of perseverance behind it. 2 be able to order and respond in English in a restaurant. 3 understand the two reading passages, practice reading skills,and master important words and expressions in the passages. 4 be able to talk about Chinese traditional festival,the moon festival,and its symbolic meaning of the strong bond among family members. 5 be able to write an Email in English.

S 新 经 典 高职英语综合教程 1 教师用书

I. Teaching Objectives

Upon completion of this unit,Teacher is expected to have enabled students (Ss) to: have a thorough understanding of the texts both in content and in language. develop Ss’ ability to talk about foods in standard English. work out the project of discussing the food tour Ss had and filling in the table. guide Ss how to write an email. grasp the following key words,expressions and know how to use them properly in context.

delicious,spicy,cuisine,seasoning,inspire,blend,spice,ingredient,essential,dipping sauce, Key words delicacy,overcome,rundown,craving,salty,regulate,release,appetite,involve,mild,blame be likely to,go for sth,go away,come down with,used to do,burn up,send a message to,be tied Expressions to,have a hankering for

II. Teaching process

This unit is designed for 10 periods of classroom instruction. In each of the period,certain tasks are to be completed. The following is a suggested teaching process.

2 Periods 6 Periods 2 Periods Part I: Lead-in Part III: Reading (Intensive & Part IV: Culture, Value and Thoughts Part II: Listening and Speaking Extensive Reading) Part V: Group Work Part VI: Applied Writing

Part I and Part II are the warm-up for the whole unit. By practising the topic-related listening and speaking,Ss can get familiar with relevant words,expressions,and English culture. Ss are asked to preview the texts as well as the new words and expressions of the texts for the next class.

Text A of Part III is the learning focus of the unit. New words and expressions of both texts are recommended to be introduced to Ss first. In the 1st and 2nd period,Ss are expected to complete pre-reading activities,grasp the content of the text step by step,from the general idea to detailed information. The 3rd period may cover important language points in the text. The 4th period will deal with text-related exercises in class. The 5th and 6th period may be used to cover Text B. Ss are supposed to understand the main idea and find out some detailed information about Text B. The exercises related to Text B can be completed after class. 39 Part IV and Part V can be some teacher facilitated in-class discussion and activities. Ss are given time to watch the video,read aloud and practice,discuss with peers and then give class presentations about the topic. Teacher gives help and feedback. Students are encouraged to be prepared before the class. One separate period may be devoted to Part VI. Ss are required to complete a writing based on the instruction and the guidance from the teacher.

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III. Background information

The history of

The origins of hot pot can be traced to Mongolian horsemen who traveled into China. Weary and hungry,the men supposedly cooked soups in their helmets over open fires and added various meats to the broth. While the practice produces ridiculously warming,tasty results,especially in the winter months,it also naturally encourages hours of eating,drinking,and conversing. In short,hot pot can usually be equated to good times.

Hot pot has long been popular in China. More than 1,400 years ago,there were written records. In the seventeenth century,hot pot food became the Qing Dynasty winter food. On the Qing Palace’s menu,“ Hare Hot Pot” and“ Meat Slice Hot Pot” were listed as the first food. During the Jiaqing period,the Qing Palace swayed the“ Millennium Banquet” ( 千叟宴 ),and the number of hot pots used was as many as 1,500. During the Qianlong period,the hot pot flourished in the north and south. Beijing’s clam meat hot pot pattern has been continuously refurbished,and there have been“ Assorted Pots” ( 什锦锅 ),“ White Meat Pots” ,“ Chrysanthemum Fish Pots” ,“ Republican Hot Pots” and so on.

The hot pot developed gradually,adapting to historical introduction of vessels,social demands and ingredients,just like China’s dietary development. For instance,it was impossible to have spicy hot pot before huajiao (pricklyash peel) and chili peppers were introduced to China. During the Three Kingdoms period,Emperor Wendi of Wei noted the“ Five-Section Vessel” which could be used to cook different foods at the same time. This vessel is similar to today’s“ 2 in 1 Hot Pot”. In the Southern and Northern Dynasties,bronze was the most common vessel,which gradually evolved into today’s hot pot.

This cooking way makes you eat various dishes at the one meal. The nutritious broth used in the pot ensures you can eat nutrition as well as the delicious food at the same time.It is a good way to warm up in the winter season. If you choose to drink a cup of wine during this meal time,you may have a good sleep at night.

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Part I Lead-in

I Watch the video and circle the verbs you hear. Then,try to repeat the cooking process of Peking ducks according to the verbs circled.

The first step is to separate the skin from the fat. This is very important so the skin can inflate . Therefore, during roasting,the skin can roast separately in this layer of air while the fat melts and keeps the meat moist. That’s the secret of Peking duck. The traditional way to inflate ducks is by blowing into them.

With the entrails removed ,boiling water and sugar syrup are poured over the duck to tighten the skin. It’s hung up to dry for 4 hours and then it’s ready to roast. After an hour of roasting,our duck is ready to eat .

The chef’s personal experience embodies the Chinese spirit of looking forward rather than complaining.

separate be hung up roast

• inflate • removed • be ready • blowing • poured to eat

II Talking.

Group work. Tell your friends something about your favorite food. You might use the following hints.

My favorite food is ... / I like ... best / ... is my favorite.

It’s a 地名 food/snack/dish/dessert ... / It’s popular in 地名/ The origin of ... is 地名 .

It is crunchy ( 脆的). / ... ( 肉类) is tender ( 软嫩). / ... is chewy ( 有嚼劲的 ). / ... is juicy ( 多汁的 ).

It’s delicious/tasty/nasty/tasteless.

... is sweet/sour/spicy/bitter/salty/bland.

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Part I IV. Teaching Guide and Reference Answers Lead-in Part I Lead-in I Watch the video and circle the verbs you hear. Then,try to repeat the cooking process of Peking ducks according to the verbs circled. Exercise I The video watching part is mainly to arouse Ss’ interest and lead them to think about the topic. The exercises in this separate inflate , The first step is to the skin from the fat. This is very important so the skin can . Therefore part are intended for Ss to grasp the main idea of the video and catch some detailed information. during roasting,the skin can roast separately in this layer of air while the fat melts and keeps the meat Before playing the video,go through the scripts with Ss. Ask Ss to circle the verbs they recognize. Then have Ss moist. That’s the secret of Peking duck. The traditional way to inflate ducks is by blowing into them. predict the main idea of the video based on their understanding of pictures and sentences. Play the video and check Ss ’ answers. If Ss can’t catch up with the video,Teacher can show them some screenshots. removed , poured tighten ’ With the entrails boiling water and sugar syrup are over the duck to the skin. It s Encourage Ss to talk about the cooking procedures of other dishes. hung up to dry for 4 hours and then it’s ready to roast. After an hour of roasting,our duck is ready to eat . Video scripts

Beneath the modern face of the capital,there are small pockets of the city,where it seems little has changed for The chef’s personal experience embodies the Chinese spirit of looking forward rather than complaining. centuries,and there is still a strong sense of tradition.

To see how traditional cooking is being kept alive,Ching and I are headed to a backstreet restaurant in one of the hutong districts,old neighbourhoods that survived the city’s often brutal modernization.

’ separate be hung up roast Man: This looks quite dodgy. Are you sure it s here?

• • removed • be ready inflate We are meeting a chef who returned to the capital after the reforms. He’s been responsible for preserving what,I • blowing • poured to eat think,is Beijing’s greatest culinary tradition,Peking duck.

Man: Ching,I think in my lifetime I’ve cooked,perhaps,10,000 ducks. II Talking.

Woman: 10,000! Group work. Tell your friends something about your favorite food. You might use the following hints. Man: Yes,I’d like to see how they make them,traditionally.

My favorite food is ... / I like ... best / ... is my favorite. Woman: In here?

It’s a 地名 food/snack/dish/dessert ... / It’s popular in 地名/ Man: Yes. The origin of ... is 地名 . Chef Li Chin has turned his family home of 50 years into this restaurant,which he runs with his daughter. Peking It is crunchy ( 脆的). / ... ( 肉类) is tender ( 软嫩). / ... is duck is to the Chinese what champagne is to France,and Beijing is its birthplace. It dates back to the Yuan Dynasty chewy ( 有嚼劲的 ). / ... is juicy ( 多汁的 ). of the 13th century when it was reserved exclusively for the Emperor’s table.

It’s delicious/tasty/nasty/tasteless. Man: Well,the secret of Peking duck is it has to be crispy skin,no fat and moist meat. And if you don’t have that,it’s not Peking duck. ... is sweet/sour/spicy/bitter/salty/bland. Chef Li Chin has studied the 700-year-old techniques of the Imperial Court kitchen.

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Chef: When customers eat my ducks and say it’s delicious,I feel really happy.

Man: The first step is most important,to separate the skin from the fat. It can inflate,so that when it roasts,the skin can roast separately in this layer of air while the fat melts.

Woman: And renders.

Man: And renders and keeps the meat moist. That’s the secret of Peking duck.

Woman: And how I do it is use a bicycle pump. It’s really easy to do and it does it instantly. It’s quite a cool thing.

But Chef Li Chin is a firm believer that the old ways are best.

Woman: Oh,he does it by...blowing into it. Wow,I’ve never seen that done before by a mouth.

Man: The Peking duck,it’s a type of Mallard duck with white feathers. The species is important because of the skin. This is why the skin is very important. You can’t use any type of duck. It has to be this type of duck that works. It can inflate better and it’s the amount of fat that it has in it.

But in a new health-conscious China,there’s a growing demand for a less fatty bird. Now over half of the ducks consumed are reared from a super lean breed of Peking chick imported from England. With the entrails removed, boiling water and sugar syrup are poured over the duck to tighten the skin. It’s hung up to dry for four hours and then it’s ready to roast. It feels like parchment paper. It’s essential that it’s that dry.

Woman: Duck over the flame. That is beautiful. Beautiful,isn’t it?

Man: It is so beautiful.

Woman: I suppose it gives it,like,a... It’s got a lovely fruit flavour.

Man: When I came to Beijing in the ’80s,I had Peking duck. I was very disappointed. And I went into the kitchen, and there were a lot of young chefs who did not have his expertise and knowledge. This man is passionate.

Chef: Thank you.

After an hour of roasting,our duck is ready to eat.

Woman: Wow,I can smell. It smells lovely and smoky.

Man: Can you see all the steam coming out? Slice it the middle.

Woman: Look at that skin!

Man: Oh,my mouth is watering like crazy.

The ritual is familiar to people all over the world. A dab of sweet bean sauce,a couple of slice of duck,spring onion and cucumber,all wrapped in a wafer-thin pancake.

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Woman: That is delicious. It’s aromatic,it’s juicy,the skin is crispy.

Man: I’ve eaten so many Peking ducks all over the world,but this is the mothership.

Chef: Thank you.

Man: It’s like a human epic.

Woman: It is.

Man: He’s gone through all this hardship to arrive here. And this is our story. I think he embodies very much what China is about. It’s not about complaining. It’s about looking forward. Don’t look back.

Exercise II Ask Ss to share about their favourite foods. T can show the useful hints to Ss first. Then invite some Ss to present their speeches to the whole class.

Reference Answers

My favorite food is Fried Rice with Egg. It is a very homely dish in China and Asian area.

You can use various ingredients into it according to your own taste. The common non-rice ingredients are vegetable, meat,sausage and seafood,etc. Egg is the most common non-rice ingredient.

With so many different ingredients together,the dish is not only delicious but also good to your health. Above all, it’s easy to cook,even if you’re a kid.

It’s also a good way to deal with leftovers.

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Part II Listening and Speaking

Exercise I Ask Ss to go through the given script of the dialogue 1 and try to tell the part of speech of those missing words so that Ss can listen with a clear purpose. Play the recording and get Ss to fill in the blanks. Check their answers.

Reference Answers

Dialogue 1: Ordering breakfast in a restaurant A: Good morning. Can I help you? B: I want an American breakfast with fried eggs,sunny side up. A: What kind of juice do you prefer,sir? B: Grapefruit juice and please make my coffee very strong. A: Yes,sir. American breakfast with fried eggs,sunny side up,grapefruit juice and a black coffee. Am I correct,sir? B: Yes,that’s right. A: Is there anything else,sir? B: No,that’s all. Exercise II Tell Ss they are going to listen to a dialogue between a customer and a waitress. Ask Ss to go through the given script of the dialogue and try to tell the part of speech of those missing words so that Ss can listen with a clear purpose. Play the recording and get Ss to fill in the blanks. Check their answers.

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Part II Listening and Speaking

Dialogue 1: Ordering Breakfast in a Restaurant

I Listen to Dialogue 1 and finish the mind-map with the food you hear.

grapefruit juice

coffee breakfast



Dialogue 2: Giving Feedback

II Listen to Dialogue 2 and fill in the blanks.

Waitress:How is the (1) food ? Ben: (2) Great ! Thank you. Waitress:Are you (3) ready for your dessert? Ben:Yes,please. Waitress:Would you like (4) a cup of coffee or tea with your cake? Ben:A cup of tea sounds good. I’d like to have a cup of (5) black tea ,please. Waitress:Certainly.

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III Read the above conversation,then work in pairs to make up your own conversation according to the following situation. The following sentences are for your reference.


You and a friend have come to eat in a restaurant. You have just taken your seats when a waiter comes up. Now make up a conversation.

May I take your order? / Can I get you anything to start? / What can I do for you?

I’d like a diet Coke. / I’d like to have a glass of orange juice,please. / May I have a medium fries with ketchup,please?

I see,sir. / Certainly,sir. / Just a moment,please. / Sure,I’ll get that for you right away.

What’s today’s special? / What is your suggestion? / What’s good today?

Today’s special is a club sandwich with mushroom soup for $9.99. / I recommend pasta for $8. / We have French fries,potato wedges,mashed potatoes and sweet potato fries. We also have coleslaw and steamed vegetables.

Anything else you want? / Will that be all? / Is there anything else (that) you’d like?

That’s all for me. / No,thank you,that’s all. / That would be all. / No,that’s enough,thank you.

IV Listen and repeat.

delicious region essential release origin ingredient overcome survival cuisine equipment specific Mongolia inspire electric stomach Mongolian

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Exercise III This exercise is more difficult because a set scenario is not given,which needs students to make up a conversation based on some reference sentence patterns. Explain the reference sentence patterns below one by one to Ss. Provide Ss more expressions concerning how to order and respond in a restaurant: » Are you ready to order? » Would you like to see the menu? » Could I have the menu,please? » Can I just have...? » What would you recommend? I prefer something light. » Could I have a few more minutes? » I will have... I will be on diet tomorrow. » I will be back in a few minutes with your drink. Ss pick their roles and create a conversation. Invite some pairs to present their conversations to the whole class.

Reference Answers

A: Are you ready to order now,gentlemen? B: No,we are still looking at the menu. Maybe you should recommend something for the main course? A: Certainly. The T-bone steak is very good. I would suggest that you try this. B: That’s a good idea. I love beef steak,I’ll have the T-bone steak. A: How would you like it cooked? B: Medium well. A: And what will your vegetables be? B: Mushrooms and Carrots. A: And what would you like for your appetizer? B: I’ll have the baked salmon. A: Thank you,sir. What about you,sir? C: I’ll start with the salmon too. A: What would you like to follow? C: What is this Noisettes Milanese exactly? A: It’s lamb cooked with herbs and served with spaghetti. C: That sounds very interesting,I’ll try that. A: Mashed,boiled or baked potato? C: Mashed. A: And what will your vegetables be? C: Some spinach,please. A: Thank you. Exercise IV Play the recording and ask Ss to read aloud the words in the table with the recording. Teacher helps Ss to correct their pronunciation. Show Ss the phonetic symbols if necessary.

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Reference Answers

[dˈliəs] [ˈr:dən] [ˈsenl] [rˈl:s] [ˈɔridʒin] [iˈɡr:dənt] [əuvˈkʌm] [ˈvaɪvl] [kwˈz:n] [ˈkwipənt] [sˈsifɪk] [mɒˈulɪ] [ɪˈspaɪ(r)] [ɪˈlektrɪk] [ˈstʌk] [mɒˈulɪn]

Exercise V Pronouncing every word correctly leads to poor pronunciation! Good pronunciation comes from stressing the right words — this is because English is a time-stressed language.

English pronunciation focuses on specific stressed words while quickly gliding over the other non-stressed words.

Stressed words are considered content words,Nouns,most principal verbs,Adjectives,Adverbs.

Non-stressed words are considered function words,Determiners,Auxiliary verbs,Prepositions,Conjunctions, Pronouns. Ask Ss to focus on the words on which the speakers put their stress and try to read them aloud by imitating. Teacher can help Ss to read more naturally. Remind Ss not to focus on pronouncing each word completely. Exercise VI This video watching part is designed to inspire Ss’ learning interest in Chinese traditional culture. Teacher can begin this part by asking Ss whether they know any stories about Chinese zodiac. If they know,share with the rest of the class. Play the video,ask Ss to do the match.

Video scripts

What’s your sign?

In Western astrology,it’s a constellation determined by when your birthday falls in the calendar. But according to the Chinese zodiac,or shēngxiào,it’s your shǔxiàng,meaning the animal assigned to your birth year.

And of the many myths explaining these animal signs and their arrangement,the most enduring one is that of the Great Race. As the story goes,Yù Dì,or Jade Emperor,Ruler of the Heavens,wanted to devise a way to measure time,so he organized a race. The first twelve animals to make it across the river would earn a spot on the zodiac calendar in the order they arrived. The rat rose with the sun to get an early start,but on the way to the river,he met the horse,the tiger,and the ox. Because the rat was small and couldn’t swim very well,he asked the bigger animals for help. While the tiger and horse refused,the kind-hearted ox agreed to carry the rat across. Yet,just as they were about to reach the other side,the rat jumped off the ox's head and secured first place. The ox came in second,with the powerful tiger right behind him. The rabbit,too small to battle the current,nimbly hopped across stones and logs to come in fourth. Next came the dragon,who could have flown directly across,but stopped to help some creatures she had encountered on the way. After her came the horse,galloping across the river. But just as she got across,the snake slithered by. The startled horse reared back,letting the snake sneak into sixth place.

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V Listen and pay attention to how the speakers stress the underlined words.

A:How do you like the food? B:It tastes really great. Did you cook it? A: Yes. I made it this afternoon. Would you like some more? B:OK,just a little though. I’m really full. A:Oh. Would you like some soup instead? B:What kind is it? A:Tomato and rice. Have you had that before? B:No. This is my first time. How does it taste? A:It’s good,try it. What do you think? B:Wow. It is good.

VI Watch the video about the Chinese zodiac and match the animals to the events that happened to them.

B 1st rat A hopped across stones and logs E 2nd ox B jumped off the ox’s head D 3rd tiger C galloping across the river but startled A 4th rabbit D not mentioned F 5th dragon E helped rats G 6th snake F helped some creatures C 7th horse G slithering the horse H 8th sheep H atop a raft,the most comforting and harmonious L 9th monkey I atop a raft with the monkey I 10th rooster J got hungry and stopped to eat and nap K 11th dog K great swimmer but frolicked in the water for too long J 12th pig L atop a raft,working together with the sheep

S 43 新 经 典 高职英语综合教程 1 教师用书

Part III Reading

中国素有“ 烹饪王国”的美誉,风味各异的美食遍布神州大地。你了解自己喜欢吃的美食吗?你知道“嘴 馋”和“饥饿”有什么关系吗?本单元中的两篇文章将为你揭晓答案。Text A 介绍了“火锅”这一火遍大 江南北的美食;Text B 解释了你的嘴为什么一直停不下来。


Text A Intensive Reading

Pre-reading 1 With the help of following hints,guess what food we are going to talk about in the text. (1) You can eat many different things within this one food. (2) It can be eaten in either a big container or a small one. (3) The cooking time is rather short. (4) It can never be cold. 2 Work in groups to discuss the following questions. (1) Can you cook? What’s your signature dish? (2) How do you learn to cook a new dish,from your mom,an APP,or recipe books? Why?

A Dish that Never Gets Cold

Hot pot is always a Chinese favorite no matter the time of year. It is a delicious Chinese folk dish enjoyed by friends and family together. It’s enjoyed across the country from north to south and is one of the best ways to relax.

Origins of hot pot Hot pot has more than 1,000 years of history. It first appeared in Mongolia and then became popular in the southern part of China during the Tang Dynasty. Today,the hot pot capital of China is . Spicy hot pot is a quite unique type of . The taste and flavor,including many seasonings,is inspired by Sichuan cuisine,but they are not the same as in other common Sichuan dishes.

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The Jade Emperor looked out at the river and spotted the sheep,the monkey,and the rooster all atop a raft,working together to push it through the weeds. When they made it across,the trio agreed to give eighth place to the sheep, who had been the most comforting and harmonious of them,followed by the monkey and the rooster. Next came the dog,scrambling onto the shore. He was a great swimmer,but frolicked in the water for so long that he only managed to come in eleventh. The final spot was claimed by the pig,who had gotten hungry and stopped to eat and nap before finally waddling across the finish line.

And so,each year is associated with one of the animals in this order,with the cycle starting over every 60 years.

Part III Reading

Intensive Reading The Pre-reading consisting of two exercises is the warm-up for Text A. The first exercise is easy for Ss to complete, which helps to arouse Ss’ interest in text learning. The second exercise is two open-ended questions. Teacher gives Ss 5 minutes to do the first exercise. Asks Ss to guess what food they are going to talk about in the text based on the hints given. Ask Ss to read“ New words and Phrases & Expressions” of Text A with the audio. Explain the meaning of some difficult words. (Consult“ Language points”)

Ask Ss to skim the text to get the general idea of what Text A is about and require Ss to do Exercise I. Ask Ss to find details in Text A to support their answers and correct the false statements. Play the audio of Text A again and ask Ss to underline any sentences they find difficult to understand. Teacher explains the meaning of difficult sentences and points out some important language points. (Consult“ Language points”)

Ask Ss to do Exercise II and III. Check Ss’ answers and make sure that Ss understand important words and phrases.

Ask Ss to go through the text again and do Exercise IV. Check Ss’ answers.

Reference Answers

1 Hot pot. 2 (1) Can you cook? What’s your signature dish? Yes ,I can. I can cook many dishes. Among the dishes,I can cook Sweet and Sour Spareribs best ( 糖醋排骨 ). It is a popular dish in China and even may be found all over the world. The dish consists of fried pork in bite-sized pieces and the subsequently stir-fried in a more customized version of sweet and sour sauce that made of sugar, ketchup,white vinegar,and soy sauce. The additional ingredients include pineapple dices,green pepper and onion pieces. (2) How do you learn to cook a new dish,from your mom,APP or recipe books? Why? I used to learn from my mom. But now I can find more cooking videos from many different APPs. They are more convenient and you have so many choices there.

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Text A 参考译文


火锅是中国人一年四季的最爱。家人朋友经常围坐在一起享用这道民间美食。大江南北的人们都乐此不疲, 认为吃火锅是最佳的放松方式之一。

火锅的起源 火锅有着上千年的历史。它最早出现在蒙古,随后在唐朝的南部流行起来。如今,火锅之都在重庆。麻辣火 锅是四川菜中的一枝独秀。其味道包括佐料都受了到川菜的影响,但又与其它普通川菜不同。

中国火锅的种类 最有名的火锅当属重庆或四川火锅。它的锅底是由草药和香药混制而成。

另一种有名的火锅是来自中国东北的全球闻名的蒙古锅。在中国北方,以北京的涮羊肉火锅闻名。在南方, 如广东,人们倾向于吃海鲜锅和香港牛肉锅。

最近又有些新的火锅种类火了起来。杭州见证了三鲜锅如火如荼的蓬勃发展,上海人则爱上了新式的混合 锅。还有一种备受欢迎的火锅非干锅莫属了。做干锅时,起初是不放锅底的,但在吃完肉以后,如果想加锅 底也是可以的。虾、排骨、鸡肉、鱼排,这些都是干锅的绝佳食材,但也可以只用蔬菜做干锅。

在家如何做火锅 煤气火锅或者电火锅是最基本的设备。汤勺和长柄杓也是必备的。要做火锅,还有三样必不可少的东西:锅 底,主料还有蘸料。

好吃的火锅离不开锅底。调制锅底的第一步就是备好一份肉汤,里面加上辣椒,豆瓣酱以及四川干胡椒等其 它的调味品。


吃火锅时,有数百种蘸料供你选择。常用的有酱油,麻油,辣椒油,豆腐乳,沙茶酱,醋,海鲜酱,花生酱,花生 碎还有小葱。

火锅不只是美味。它还蕴含着人与人之间炙热的情谊。正如那句话所说,“ 没有什么是一顿火锅解决不了的, 如果有,那就是两顿!”

T 34 二Yummy Foods Unit 2

Different types of hot pot in China The most famous type of hot pot is known as Chongqing or Sichuan hot pot. Its soup base has a unique blend of herbs and spices. Another famous type is the worldwide popular Mongolian hot pot from the northeastern region of China. Northern China is known for the famous Beijing lamb hot pot known as mutton hot pot. In southern China in cities like Guangdong,people are more likely to have seafood hot pot and Hong Kong beef hot pot.

New varieties of hot pot have become popular recently. Hangzhou has seen san xian pot grow in popularity and Shanghainese people love the new mixed hot pot. Another especially popular type is dry pot. For dry pot, no soup base is added at the very beginning but can be added after eating the meat,if desired. Shrimp,ribs, chicken,and fish ribs are excellent ingredients for dry pot,but it can also be made with only vegetables.

How to make hot pot at home? The basic equipment is a gas powered or electric hot pot. Soup and slotted ladles are also required. To make the hot pot,there are three essential parts:a soup base,main ingredients and dips.

Soup base is quite important for a successful hot pot. The first step is to make a clear broth,which will have other spices added like chili pepper,,and Sichuan peppercorn,etc. For the main ingredients,you can try anything you like.

There are hundreds of dipping sauces enjoyed while eating hot pot. Some favorites are soy sauce,sesame oil, chili oil,pickled tofu,sa cha sauce,vinegar,hoisin sauce,peanut butter,smashed peanuts,and green onion.

Hot pot is more than a delicacy. It is a sign of pure friendship among people. As the saying goes,“ There is nothing to worry about when having a hot pot. If you are still worried,then go for it twice!”

S 45 新 经 典 高职英语综合教程 1 教师用书

Cultural Background Information

Origins of hot pot 火锅作为今日最受欢迎的美食之一,已在中国这片广袤的大地上流传了上千年。 火锅,古称“古董羹”,因食物投入沸水时发出的“咕咚”声而得名,是中国独有 的美食之一。今日火锅的容器、制法和调味等,虽然已经历了上千年的演变,但 有一个共同点未变,就是用火烧锅,以水(汤)导热,煮(涮)食物。

这种烹调方法早在商周时期就已经出现,《 韩诗外传》中记载,古代祭祀或庆典,要“击钟列鼎”而 食,这就是火锅的雏形。真正的火锅起源,可追溯至东汉。在出土的东汉文物中,有一类名为“斗” 的器具,斗在古时一般用于军旅煮饭、传警,后来随着发展,人们也用其温酒、加热汤粥等,而“涮 火锅”的前身,也是其功能之一。

到了三国时期,火锅就基本成型了,在《魏书》中就曾记载魏文帝 使用了“五熟釜”。 它不仅是火锅,而且还是分了几格的“鸳鸯

锅” —— 在每一格中可以烹饪不同的食物,可以说魏文帝是很会 享受了。历史上还有许多帝王也喜欢吃火锅,如元太祖忽必烈、 清代的乾隆皇帝等,都是火锅的爱好者。


1 Hot pot is always a Chinese favorite no maer the time of year. (Para. 1) no maer the time of year 是 no maer what time of the year 的缩写。no maer 后面常加疑问词 who, what,where,when,how,if,whether 等,引导让步状语从句,意为“无论,不管”。 火锅是中国人一 年四季的最爱。

2 Hangzhou has seen san xian pot grow in popularity and Shanghainese people love the new mixed hot pot. (Para. 4) see 经常可以用来表示“目睹”“ 见证”,这时它的主语除了是人和物以外,还经常可以是时间或 是地点,表示该时或该地发生什么事。杭州见证了三鲜锅的蓬勃发展,上海人喜欢这种新的混合 火锅。

3 e rst step is to make a clear broth,which will have other spices added like chili pepper,doubangjiang,and Sichuan peppercorn,etc. (Para. 6) which 引导的非限定性定语从句,修饰先行词 broth,which 本身在从句中做主语。调制锅底的第 一步就是备好一份肉汤,里面加上辣椒,豆瓣酱以及花椒等其他的调味品。

S 46 二Yummy Foods Unit 2

Video scripts of Cultural background information

For the Chinese eating is not only necessity but also a culture. As one of the most popular delicacies in today ’s China,Hot Pot has existed in this old and vast land for thousands of years.

The ancient Chinese called the Hot Pot Gudong Geng,a name coming from the sound of foods in the boiling water. Hot Pot is one of China’s most famous delicacies. People put a pot full of soup above the burner. When the soup is boiling,they put foods in it. It will not take very long before they start to pick up the foods from the simmering pot.

The Hot Pot soup base can be spicy or non-spicy depending on personal preference. People can also have a sectioned bowl with differently flavored broths in each section.

Served with various kinds of dipping sauces,the Hot Pot is fragrant but not oily. That is why the Hot Pot is enormously popular among the people of different age groups.

As recorded by some historical materials,bronze-made Hot Pot first appeared in China during the Three Kingdoms Period. However it was not very popular at first. In the North Song Dynasty,diners in Bian Jing (today’s Kaifeng city) served the hot pot in the winter season. During the Qing Dynasty,instant-boiled mutton was not only a delicacy popular among the ordinary people but also a must-have dish for the royal family in the winter season. There was a dish called Quarry Hot Pot on the royal menu of Qing Dynasty which had ingredients of such hunted animals like the pheasant. In the late Qing Dynasty the royal family was enthusiastic about the Chrysanthemum Hot Pot. Tender mutton served with fragrant chrysanthemum made an extraordinary delicacy.

In China,custom varies across different regions. So are the features of Hot Pot. Different places have very different styles of Hot Pot. Today the most prestigious Hot Pots in China are Beijing Charcoal Hot Pot and the Chongqing Hot Pot.

Beijing Charcoal Hot Pot has a long history. Today it still sticks to the tradition of serving meat first followed by vegetables. Seasoned by Chinese onion and mushroom,its non-spicy soup base can help keep the maximum freshness of the mutton and beef. Beijing Charcoal Hot Pot is often served with a dipping sauce which includes sesame,red fermented bean curd,yellowish leek,peanut crumb and sliced Chinese onion. Tender meat served with the fragrant sauce makes every bite lingering on in your mouth.

Chongqing Hot Pot is“ notorious” for its spiciness. Beef omasum, duck intestine and Mao Xue Wang are the most common ingredients for Chongqing Hot Pot. A typical Omasum Hot Pot is especially heavy-flavored and oily. Its traditional soup base has such ingredients like Pixian fermented bean paste,yongzhou fermented black soybean, Ganzi beef lard and Hanyuan flower pepper mingled with a couple of dozens of spices. Many people will never forget the fragrance freshness,hotness and spiciness of the Chongqing Hot Pot.

There are also other styles of Hot Pot with distinctive local flavors in China,like Yunnan Hot Pot,Basheng Hot Pot of Zhejiang and the Mutton Soup Hot Pot of Shandong.

Hot Pot is more than a delicacy,it witnesses the pure friendship among the people. Families,friends and guests sit around a simmering Hot Pot,boil the food,eat and talk. What a happy moment in life.

T 35 新 经 典 高职英语综合教程 1 教师用书

Key words of Text A 1 delicious a. extremely pleasing to the sense of taste 美味的 e.g. Traditional Spanish food is delicious and its specialties are worth searching out. 传统的西班牙食品美味可口,其特色菜肴值得寻访。 The pizza tastes delicious without any cheese at all. 不加奶酪的比萨饼很好吃。 2 folk a. originating or traditional with the common people of a country or region and typically reflecting their lifestyle 民间的 n. [C]people generally 人们 e.g. He loves Irish folk music. 他很喜欢爱尔兰民间音乐。 Country folk can tell you that there are certain places which animals avoid. 老乡会告诉你有些地方动物是不会去的。 3 origin n. the place where something begins,where it springs into being 起源;出身 e.g. If it’s possible,track the rumor back to its origin. 如果可能,应追查谣言的源头。 I’m a Chinese by origin. 我是中国血统 . 4 appear v. come into sight or view 出现,显现 seem to be true,probable,or apparent 似乎 e.g. The children watched,fascinated,as the picture began to appear. 电影开始以后孩子们入迷地观看着。 The opposition appear to have chosen the path of cooperation rather than confrontation. 反对派似乎已经选 择了合作而不是对抗的路线。 5 capital n. [C] the city or town where its government or parliament meets 首都 [U] a large sum of money which you use to start a business,or which you invest in order to make more money 资本 [C] one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis 大写字母 e.g. An earthquake hit the capital,causing panic among the population. 首都发生了地震,引发民众恐慌。 This permitted Western manufacturers to play their strong cards: capital and technology. 这让西方制造商得以亮出他们的王牌:资金和技术。 6 spicy a. having a piquant burning taste of spices or peppers 辛辣的 e.g. The spicy flavors in these dishes call for reds rather than whites. 这些菜的味道辛辣,应该配红酒而不是白葡萄酒。 Balance spicy dishes with mild ones. 做到辛辣菜和清淡菜比重相当。 7 unique a. radically distinctive and without equal 独特的 the single one of its kind 唯一的,仅有的 e.g. The examples are unique to this dictionary. 这些例证是这部词典独有的。

T 36 二Yummy Foods Unit 2

New Words delicious [dɪˈlɪSEs] a. 美味的 folk [fEʊk] a. 民间的 n. 人们,家属 origin [ˈɒrɪdZɪn] n. 起源;出身 appear [EˈpɪE] v. 出现,显现;似乎 Mongolia [mɒNˈgEʊlɪE] n. 蒙古 dynasty [ˈdaɪnEstɪ] n. 王朝,朝代 capital [ˈkQpɪtl] n. 首都;资本;大写字母 spicy [ˈspaɪsɪ] a. 辛辣的 unique [juˈniːk] a. 唯一的,仅有的,独特的 cuisine [kwɪˈziːn] n. 烹饪;菜肴 taste [teɪst] n. 味道;品味 v. 吃 v. 品尝 flavor [ˈFleɪvE] n. 味道 seasoning [ˈsiːzEnɪN] n. 调味品,佐料 inspire [ɪnˈspaɪE] v. 启迪;赋予灵感;鼓舞 blend [blend] n. 混合物 v. 混合 herb [ɜːb] n. 药草;草本植物 spice [spaɪs] n. 香料,调味品 Mongolian [mɒNˈgEulɪEn] a. 蒙古的,蒙古族(语)的 region [ˈriːdZEn] n. 地域;行政区 lamb [LQm] n. 羔羊;羔羊肉 mutton [ˈmVtn] n. 羊肉 shrimp [Srɪmp] n. 虾 rib [rɪb] n. 肋骨 ingredient [ɪnˈgriːdɪEnt] n. (烹调的)原料;( 混合物的)组成部分。 (构成)要素 equipment [ɪˈkwɪpmEnt] n. 设备;器材;素养 electric [ɪˈlektrɪk] a. 电的;导电的;电动的 essential [ɪˈsenSEl] a. 必要的;基本的;本质的 n. 必需品 dip [dɪp] n. 蘸酱 v. 浸 sesame [ˈsesEmɪ] n. 芝麻

S 47 新 经 典 高职英语综合教程 1 教师用书

vinegar [ˈvɪnɪgE] n. 醋 delicacy [ˈdelɪkEsɪ] n. 美味佳肴;精美

Phrases & Expressions

no matter 不管;不论 more than 不只是;超过 be likely to 倾向于;可能 be important for 对……很重要 hundreds of 数百,成百 dipping sauce 蘸酱 soy sauce 酱油 green onion 大葱 go for sth. 去做……;努力争取……


I Reading and understanding.

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 1 Which statement about hot pot is false based on the first paragraph? C A You can have it in any seasons you like. B It’s a good way to relax with your friends. C It can never get cold. D It is yummy. 2 Spicy hot pot is inspired by C cuisine. A Mongolian B Tang C Sichuan D Chinese 3 How many different hot pots are mentioned in the text? B A 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. 4 Soup base is quite important for many hot pots. But which of the following hot pots does not have a soup base? D A Seafood hot pot. B Beef hot pot. C Mutton hot pot. D Dry pot. 5 There are three essential parts of a hot pot EXCEPT A . A a beautiful hot pot B ingredients C soup base D dips

S 48 二Yummy Foods Unit 2 vinegar [ˈvɪnɪgE] n. 醋 Kauffman was a woman of unique talent and determination. delicacy [ˈdelɪkEsɪ] n. 美味佳肴;精美 考夫曼是一个有着超群才智和决断力的女子。 8 taste n. [C] the sensation that results when taste buds in the tongue and throat convey information about the Phrases & Expressions chemical composition of a soluble stimulus 味道;品味 v. eat or drink a small amount of it in order to try its flavor 吃;尝味 no matter 不管;不论 e.g. The taste of blood in her throat made her want to vomit. 不只是;超过 more than 她嗓子里的血腥味让她直恶心。 be likely to 倾向于;可能 Before proceeding any further,cut off a small bit of the meat and taste it. be important for 对……很重要 在进行下一步之前,先切一小块肉尝尝。 hundreds of 数百,成百 9 inspire v. fill with revolutionary ideas 启迪 dipping sauce 蘸酱 supply the inspiration for 赋予灵感 urge on or encourage 鼓舞 soy sauce 酱油 e.g. History and culture inspire his works. green onion 大葱 他的作品得益于历史和文化的启示。 go for sth. 去做……;努力争取…… Our challenge is to motivate those voters and inspire them to join our cause. 我们面临的挑战是如何调动那些选民的积极性并鼓励他们加入我们的事业。 Exercises 10 ingredient n. food that is a component of a mixture in cooking(烹调的)原料 a component of a mixture or compound(混合物的)组成部分 I Reading and understanding. an abstract part of something(构成)要素 e.g. Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 椰子是多种咖喱菜的基本成分。 1 Which statement about hot pot is false based on the first paragraph? Speed is the essential ingredient of all athletics. 速度是所有田径运动项目的关键要素。 C 11 essential a. absolutely necessary; vitally necessary 必要的 A You can have it in any seasons you like. basic and fundamental 基本的;本质的 B It’s a good way to relax with your friends. n. [C]anything indispensable 必需品 C It can never get cold. e.g. It was absolutely essential to separate crops from the areas that animals used as pasture. 将庄稼和放牧区分开绝对必要。 D It is yummy. The flat contained the basic essentials for bachelor life. 2 Spicy hot pot is inspired by C cuisine. 那套公寓配有单身生活的基本必需品。 A Mongolian B Tang Phrases and expressions of Text A C Sichuan D Chinese 1 no matter in spite of everything; without regard to drawbacks 不管;不论 3 How many different hot pots are mentioned in the text? B e.g. No matter how bad you feel,keep trying. A 6. B 7. 不管你感觉多么糟糕,继续努力。 C 8. D 9. Any dog bite,no matter how small,needs immediate medical attention. 被狗咬后,不管伤口多小,都必须立即就医。 4 Soup base is quite important for many hot pots. But which of the following hot pots does not have a soup 2 more than comparing quantity or quality 不只是;超过 base? D e.g. The agent spied for East Germany for more than twenty years. A Seafood hot pot. B Beef hot pot. C Mutton hot pot. D Dry pot. 该特工人员为东德做了 20 多年的间谍。 5 There are three essential parts of a hot pot EXCEPT A . For more than 400 years,we were a colonized people. 我们经受过 400 多年的殖民统治。 A a beautiful hot pot B ingredients C soup base D dips 3 go for sth. 去做……;努力争取……

T 37 新 经 典 高职英语综合教程 1 教师用书

e.g. I tend to go for large dark men. 我非常喜欢身材魁梧、肤色偏黑的男人。 Let’s go for a paddle. 咱们去玩水吧。

T 38 二Yummy Foods Unit 2

II Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

region ingredients delicious fresh hot Sichuan folk feast warm relax Do you know what dish is the most popular in the cold winter in China? It’s hot pot. Hot pot is a Chinese (1) delicious (2) folk dish. No matter in the north or in the south,people like hot pot very much and every (3) region has its local features. For example, (4) Sichuan hot pot is famous for being spicy while Guangdong hot pot is famous for its (5) fresh ingredients. Usually,there is a metal hot pot in the middle of table. When the soup in the pot is simmering,dishes are put into the pot. Beef,mutton,fish and vegetables are the (6) ingredients . It is extremely popular in winter because it can keep the dishes (7) warm all the time. And the atmosphere is (8) hot ,too. Friends or relatives sit down together to have a (9) feast . It’s a good way to (10) relax .

III Fill in the blanks with the phrasal verbs in the box.

are likely to no matter more than go for is important for 1 Any dog bite, no matter how small,needs immediate medical attention. 2 If you like cheese, go for the ones with the least fat. 3 The fires are likely to permanently deforest the land. 4 It is becoming increasingly important for students to be self-disciplined. 5 Despite his unconventional methods,he has inspired pupils more than anyone else.

IV Choose the best Chinese translation for the following English sentences.

1 The taste and flavor,including many seasonings,is inspired by Sichuan cuisine,but they are not the same as in other common Sichuan dishes. B A 品尝起来,它的味道包括许多调料,都受到川菜的影响,但又与其他普通川菜不一样。 B 其味道包括调料都受到川菜的影响,但又与其他普通川菜不一样。 C 包括许多调料在内的它的品味和风味都受川菜影响,但又与其他普通川菜不一样。 2 Another famous type is the worldwide popular Mongolian hot pot from the northeastern region of China. A

A 另一种有名的火锅是来自中国东北的全球闻名的蒙古锅。 B 另一种类型是全球闻名的东北火锅,也称为蒙古锅。 C 另一种全球闻名的火锅则是中国东北的蒙古锅。 3 There are hundreds of dipping sauces enjoyed while eating hot pot. A A 吃火锅时,有数百种蘸料供你选择。 B 在吃火锅的时候,有数百种酱料可享受。 C 有数百种调料可供你在吃火锅时选择。

S 49 新 经 典 高职英语综合教程 1 教师用书

Text B Extensive Reading

Reading Skills:略读(Skimming)

“略读”又称“浏览”,是指跳过细节,跳过不重要的描述与例子,进行快速阅读以求抓住文章的大意和 主题思想的阅读方法。阅读时速度要快,精力必须十分集中,不要去记忆细节,遇到个别生词或难懂的 词句均可略过,以求对全文总体意思的了解。


者文章中每一段的段首句和结尾句,这样可以帮助我们很快找到文章的主旨大意。此外,当出现 rst, second 这类归纳总结的地方,或 because,as a result 这样的因果关系词,又或是 but,however 的语意转折处, 都要格外留心。

略读可以帮助我们迅速地把握文章主旨,掌握文章结构,提炼段落内部层次,快速找到关键信息的对应 位置,从而提炼出所需要的信息。

Food Cravings:They’re All in Your Brain

We have all been there. It’s 3 o’clock and you’ve been hard at work. As you sit at your desk,a strong desire for chocolate overcomes you. You try to busy yourself to make it go away. But it doesn’t. In fact,the more you try NOT to think about it,the more you want it. You can even smell it!

Here is another case. Perhaps you are not feeling well. You’re coming down with a cold and feel rundown. The only thing you want to eat is a big bowl of chicken soup,like your mom used to make when you were sick as a child.

A food craving is a strong desire for a specific type of food. And they are normal. Most people have them even though what we crave might be different. One person might crave sweet chocolate,while another might crave salty potato chips. Sometimes we crave unhealthy foods full of fat and sugar. Other times we may crave something healthy but very specific,such as Japanese sushi or Korean kimchi.

But where do food cravings come from? And how are they different from hunger?

Scientists at the website How Stuff Works explained the difference between the two. Hunger is a fairly simple connection between the stomach and the brain. They call it simply“ stomach hunger”. The website explains

S 50 二Yummy Foods Unit 2

Extensive Reading Introduce the reading skill to Ss — Skimming. Skimming is to read something quickly without the details. Skimming is used to get the gist of a page of a textbook to decide whether it is useful and should therefore be read more slowly and in more detail.

How to Skim: » Read the title,subtitles and subheading to find out what the text is about. » Look at the illustrations to give you further information about the topic. » Read the first and last sentence of each paragraph. » Don’t read every word or every sentence. Let your eyes skim over the text,taking in key words. » Continue to think about the meaning of the text. Ask Ss to read“ New words and Phrases & Expressions” of Text B with the audio. Explain the meaning of some difficult words. (Consult“ Language points”)

Ask Ss to skim the text to get the general idea of what Text B is about and get Ss to do Exercise I. Ask Ss to use scanning to get the details in Text B to support their answers and correct the false statements.

Ask Ss to go through the text again and do Exercise II and III. Check Ss’ answers and ask Ss more questions,such as, 1. Are food cravings the same with hunger? Why or why not? 2. What do you want to have when you are rundown? 3. How will you deal with food cravings if you are on a diet? Text B 参考译文


我们都遇到过这种情况。已经 3 点钟了,你一直在努力工作。坐在办公桌前,你突然产生了强烈地想吃巧克 力的欲望。你试着让自己忙碌起来忘掉它。但是没用。事实上,你越努力不想它,你就越想它。你甚至还能 闻到它的气味 !

再以其他的场景为例。你可能感觉身体不适。你感冒了,浑身乏力。你只想喝一大碗热乎的鸡汤,就像小时 候生病时妈妈做的那种鸡汤。

嘴馋是对某种特定食物的强烈欲望。这种欲望很正常。大多数人都会产生这种欲望,只是渴望的食物不同罢 了。有人可能想吃甜巧克力,而有人却想吃咸薯片。有时,我们嘴馋的食物是高脂高糖的不健康食品。有时 我们又会想吃一些健康且极具特色的食物,如日本寿司或韩国泡菜。


科学家们在《原来如此》( How Stuff Works)网站将饥饿与嘴馋进行了对比。饥饿是胃和大脑之间一种简单 的联系。他们直接将其称为“肚子饿”。 该网站解释称,当胃消化完吃下的所有食物时,一种激素会向大脑的 某个区域传递信息来获取更多食物。该区域调节人体最基本的身体机能,如口渴、饥饿和睡眠。然后大脑会 释放一种化学物质来唤醒食欲 。之后你就想吃东西了。

T 39 新 经 典 高职英语综合教程 1 教师用书

嘴馋更加复杂。它涉及大脑的数个区域。这些区域构成了大脑的奖赏中枢。嘴馋还与人们的精神状态和记 忆有关。因此,有科学家将嘴馋称为“精神饥饿”。 科学家还指出,饥饿是一种生存功能,而嘴馋则不然。比 如,人们经常想吃的是高脂高糖类食物而不是我们赖以生存的食物。高脂或高糖类食物会在大脑中释放化学 物质。这些化学物质给人体带来愉悦感,甚至是些许兴奋 —— 就像毒品一样。

所以,下次当你怀念童年时的美味或渴望某种特定食物时,你要知道,真正“作祟”的不是你的胃而是你的大 脑。

Key words of Text B 1 overcome v. overwhelm 被熏(压)倒,使受不了 get on top of; deal with successfully 克服 e.g. Find a way to overcome your difficulties. 找出办法战胜困难。 The residents were trying to escape from the fire but were overcome by smoke. 居民试图逃离火场,却被浓烟熏倒了。 2 rundown a. exhausted 疲惫不堪的 not as prosperous as some business used to be 萧条的 e.g. Are there any times when you are feeling tired and rundown? 你有没有感觉疲惫不堪的时候? He bought a run-down television station. 他买下了一个不景气的电视台。 3 craving n. [C] an intense desire for some particular thing 渴望,渴求 e.g. This can help you satisfy the craving without setting up problems later on. 这可以帮你满足欲望,而且事后又不会惹出问题。 She skipped normal meals to satisfy her craving for chocolate and crisps. 她不吃正餐,以便满足自己吃巧克力和炸薯片的渴望。 4 specific a. precise and exact 明确的,确切的 connected with a particular thing only 特种的,特有的 e.g. I asked him to be more specific. 我要求他说得更具体些。 Send your resume with a cover letter that is specific to that particular job. 寄出你的简历并附上一份针对那个特定工作岗位的附函。 5 normal a. ordinary 正常的 conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm 标准的 e.g. It has been pouring in Delhi almost non stop for the past three days,disrupting normal life. 德里市在过去的 3 天里一直下着倾盆大雨,几乎没有停过,扰乱了人们的正常生活。 The games lasted only half the normal time. 比赛只持续了通常时间的一半。 6 crave v. have a craving,appetite,or great desire for 渴望,热望 e.g. There may be certain times of day when smokers crave their cigarette. 吸烟者可能会在一天中的某些时刻特别想吸烟。 People crave foods which are high in both sugar and fat.

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that when our stomachs burn up all of the food we have eaten,a hormone sends a message to a certain part of the brain for more food. This part regulates our most basic body functions such as thirst,hunger,and sleep. The brain then releases a chemical to start the appetite. And you eat.

A craving is more complicated. It involves several areas of the brain. These areas make up the reward center of the brain. A craving can also be tied to our mental state and memory. So,some scientists call food cravings “mind hunger”. Scientists add that while hunger is a function of survival,cravings are not. People often crave foods that are high in fat and sugar and not foods that can keep them alive. Foods that are high in fat or high in sugar release chemicals in the brain. These chemicals give us feelings of pleasure and even mild excitement — much like a drug.

So,the next time you crave food from your childhood or have a hankering for something very specific,know that your brain may be more to blame than your stomach.

New Words

overcome [EʊvERˈkVm] v. 被熏(压)倒,使受不了;克服 rundown [ˈrVndaʊn] a. 疲惫不堪的;萧条的 craving [ˈKReɪvɪN] n. 渴望,渴求 specific [spɪˈsɪfɪk] a. 明确的;特种的 normal [ˈnOːML] a. 正常的;标准的 crave [kreɪv] v. 渴望,热望 salty [ˈsOːltɪ] a. 咸的,含盐的 stomach [ˈstVmEk] n. 胃;腹部 brain [breɪn] n. 脑;智慧 hormone [ˈHOːMEʊn] n. 荷尔蒙;激素 regulate [ˈregjʊleɪt] v. 调节 thirst [Tɜːst] n. (口)渴 release [rɪˈliːs] v. 释放;发布 appetite [ˈQpɪ;taɪt] n. 食欲;胃口;欲望 complicated [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd] a. 复杂的;难处理的 involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] v. 包含;涉及;使卷入 reward [rɪˈwOːd] n. 奖励,奖赏 survival [sEˈvaɪvl] n. 生存,幸存 mild [maɪld] a. 轻微的;温和的 blame [bleɪm] v. 责怪;归咎于 n. 责备

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人们喜欢吃糖和脂肪含量高的食物。 7 salty a. containing salt 含盐的 one of the four basic taste sensations; like the taste of sea water 咸的 e.g. Shanghai food is rather oily,and Beijing food is salty and spicy. 沪帮的菜肴油水较重,而京菜味咸调料多。 It should be salty enough so that the fish float to the top. 溶液中的含盐量应当足以使鱼浮在表面。 8 stomach n. [C] the principal organ of digestion 胃 e.g. She dropped out after 20 kilometers with stomach trouble. 20 公里后她因胃痛而退出了比赛。 Her stomach rumbled. She hadn't eaten any breakfast. 她没有吃早餐,肚子咕噜作响。 9 brain n. [C] that part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within the skull; continuous with the spinal cord 脑 [C] mental ability 智慧 e.g. A lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development in the unborn child. 缺氧可能阻碍胎儿的大脑发育。 He was witty,amusing and gifted with a sharp business brain. 他机智诙谐,具有敏锐的商业头脑。 10 hormone n.[C] the secretion of an endocrine gland that is transmitted by the blood to the tissue on which it has a specific effect 荷尔蒙,激素 e.g. Hormone replacement therapy is very important and should be instituted early. 激素替代治疗非常重要,应该及早开始。 Hormone implants are used as growth boosters. 激素植入物被用作生长辅助剂。 11 regulate v. to regulate an activity or process means to control it,especially by means of rules. 调节 e.g. As we get older the temperature-regulating mechanisms in the body tend to become a little less efficient. 随着年龄的增长,人体体温调节机制的功能往往会有所弱化。 Can you regulate this watch so that it keeps time accurately? 你能不能调一下这块表,让它走得准一些 ? 12 thirst n. [U] the feeling that you need to drink something ( 口 ) 渴 e.g. Order me a pot of tea,I'm dying of thirst. 给我来一壶茶,我快要渴死了。 Instead of tea or coffee,drink water to quench your thirst. 渴了喝水,别喝茶或咖啡。 13 release v. grant freedom to 释放 make sth available 发布 e.g. He is expected to be released from hospital today. 他有望今天出院。 He is releasing an album of love songs. 他即将推出一张情歌专辑。 14 appetite n. [C] a feeling of craving something 食欲;胃口;欲望

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e.g. Symptoms are a slight fever,headache and loss of appetite. 症状包括低烧、头痛和食欲不振。 I love reading: I have an insatiable appetite for vicarious experience. 我喜欢读书,对这种间接体验我有一种不能满足的渴求。 15 complicated a. difficult to analyze or understand 复杂的 e.g. The instructions were rather complicated. 这些说明相当复杂。 The text is approachable,coping well with quite complicated subjects. 这篇课文把相当复杂的主题阐述得深入浅出、通俗易懂。 16 reward n. [C] something that you are given,for example because you have behaved well,worked hard,or provided a service to the community. 奖励,奖赏 e.g. Current employment laws will be changed to reward effort and punish laziness. 现行雇佣法要变,要奖勤罚懒。 He was given the job as a reward for running a successful leadership bid. 因为成功组织了领导职位竞选活动,他得到了这份工作。

T 42 新 经 典 高职英语综合教程 1 教师用书

Phrases & Expressions

go away (症状)消失;离开 come down with 染上,得了(病) a bowl of 一碗 used to do 过去常常做某事 even though 即使 full of 充满 be different from 与……不同 burn up 消耗;烧光 send a message to 给……发信号 make up 组成,构成;( 给……)化妆 be tied to 束缚于,捆绑于 have a hankering for 渴望……


I Practice with new words.

Match the English words or expressions on the left with their Chinese translations on the right.

1 a part of a 感到疲乏的

2 feel rundown b ……的一部分

3 food cravings c 大脑的中心

4 the center of the brain d 精神饥饿

5 mind hunger e 嘴馋

II Reading comprehension.

1 What is the function of the first two paragraphs? C A To remind readers of their favorite food. B To deepen the understanding of hunger. C To lead to the topic of the whole passage. D To show readers that eating is nothing but our nature.

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Phrases and expressions of Text B 1 go away to stop existing or happening; to end(症状)消失 move away from a place into another direction 离开 e.g. She was on antibiotics for an eye infection that wouldn't go away. 由于眼睛感染一直不见好,她在服用抗生素。 We put the dog in kennels when we go away. 我们外出时把狗寄养在养狗场。 2 come down with to begin to have or suffer from (an illness) 染上,得了(病) e.g. The girl has come down with pneumonia. 女孩已患肺炎。 We come down with illnesses more easily when under stress. 在有压力的情况下,我们更容易生病。 3 burn up use up (energy) 消耗 burn completely; be consumed or destroyed by fire 烧光 e.g. Aerobic exercise gets the heart pumping and helps you to burn up the fat. 有氧运动加速心脏跳动,有助于消耗更多脂肪。 Let's burn up all this waste paper. 咱们把这些废纸烧掉吧。 4 make up form or compose 组成,构成 apply make-up or cosmetics to one's face to appear prettier(给……)化妆 e.g. Women officers make up 13 per cent of the police force. 女警占警力的 13%。 It didn't take her long to make up. 她很快就化妆好了。 5 have a hankering for be eager for 渴望 e.g. From time to time we all have a hankering for something a little different. 我们每个人偶尔都会渴望有点变化。 It’s normal to have a hankering for a wealthy lifestyle. 渴望过富裕生活是很正常的。

T 43 新 经 典 高职英语综合教程 1 教师用书

T 44 二Yummy Foods Unit 2

2 When do you have food cravings? D A When you’re ill. B When you’re tired. C When you try to force yourself not to think about the food you want to eat. D All of the above. 3 Where do food cravings come from? A A When your mind is“ hungry”, you’ll have food cravings. B When you are hungry,you’ll have food cravings. C A food craving is a strong desire for a specific type of food. D When you miss your mom. 4 What does the passage mainly discuss? C A The functions of brain areas. B What is hunger all about. C The findings of food cravings. D The difference between food cravings and hunger. 5 What is a food craving? A A A strong desire for some certain foods. B Stomach hunger. C Mind hunger. D Not mentioned.

III Choose the true statement according to the passage.

1 When you are tired,it’s easy to forget your favorite foods. F 2 For most people,it’s abnormal to have a strong desire for a specific type of food. F 3 Food cravings usually refer to the desire for unhealthy foods. F 4 A craving is more complicated than hunger. T 5 If you have been putting on weight recently,your brain is to blame rather than your stomach. T

S 53 新 经 典 高职英语综合教程 1 教师用书

Part IV Culture, Value and Thoughts

Thanksgiving is an important American holiday. Every year, people prepare a big traditional dinner and invite both family and friends. Turkey, potatoes, corn and cranberries are all common at Thanksgiving because they were the“ new world” foods that according to tradition were part of the first Thanksgiving prepared and enjoyed by the European settlers and Native Americans. Thanksgiving is also a time for family reunion. On August 15th of the Chinese calendar, Chinese people celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival, all family members will get together, sit at the table, eating moon cakes, admiring festive lanterns, and enjoying each other’s company. The following video is an introduction of the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival and the origin of“ Moon cakes”. Enjoy the video and appreciate the deep-rooted and far-reaching Chinese culture. 1 Watch the video, then read aloud the script below. Try to memorize it.

n August 15th of the Chinese calendar, the moon will be full and splendid. is day marks the middle Oof autumn, therefore it is called the Mid-Autumn Festival.

When the moon rises on the Mid-Autumn Festival, all family members will sit at the table, eating moon cakes, admiring festive lanterns, and enjoying each other’s company. If there are absent family members, they will keep a piece of the cake for them to symbolize family reunion.

is expresses people’s wish to reunite with their family during the Mid-Autumn Festival. is is why the festival is also called the Reunion Festival and why the moon is a symbol of family reunion.

2 Discussion:Chinese culture stresses the importance of family bonds, love, and values. As President Xi discussed in his speeches in recent years, family reunions are important to fulfill the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. President Xi urged the people to integrate their personal and family dreams with the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. Now discuss with your classmates. (1) Why are most moon cakes made into the shape of circle? (2) How do you understand the word“ family” in terms of today’s Chinese Dream?

S 54 二Yummy Foods Unit 2

Part IV Culture, Value and Thoughts

Exercise 1 Play the video of the imitation part sentence by sentence. Ask Ss to pay attention to the speaker ’s way of speaking,accent or intonation. Invite some Ss to present their imitations to the whole class. Exercise 2 Teachers can ask Ss to think about the questions on the Student’s Book. Divide the class into small groups. Walk around the classroom to monitor and assist where necessary. Ensure that all members of each group are participating in the discussion.

Reference Answers

1 As with every Chinese festival,the Mid-Autumn Festival has its own special food – moon cake. Shaped like the surface of the moon,moon cakes are generally round. On the other hand,it is round as the Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for family reunion,and“ round” has a similar pronunciation with“ reunion” in Chinese. The Mid- Autumn Festival celebration nowadays is not complete without eating the round-shaped moon cakes, conveying people’s desires for luck,happiness,and family reunion.

2 Family is the basic cell of society and the first school of our life. No matter how time has changed,the family value,family education and family building must be stressed so that the millions of families become important points for national development,ethnical progress and social harmony.

When members of a family get together,we feel that reunion is happiness and unity is strength. We should nurture and practice core socialist values,foster the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and love both family and the country. We should integrate our love for the family with our love for the nation.

We can also integrate our own personal and family dreams with the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. Only by realizing the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation can the dreams of families come true.

Video scripts

The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on August 15th of the traditional Chinese calendar. To celebrate ,Chinese will appreciate the full moon while eating moon cakes and admiring festive lanterns.

Chinese often say,“ food is the first thing for people.” The special food Chinese people have on traditional holidays is a perfect example of this. Like dumplings during the Spring Festival,Tangyuan at the Lantern Festival and Zongzi for the Dragon Boat Festival,moon cakes are the symbolic delicacies of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The Mid-Autumn Festival celebrates the ancient Chinese worship of the moon. Emperors in ancient China are said to have obeyed the ritual of offering sacrifices to the sun in spring and to the moon in autumn. On August 15th of the

T 45 新 经 典 高职英语综合教程 1 教师用书

Chinese calendar,the moon will be full and splendid. This day marks the middle of the autumn,therefore it is called “mid-autumn.” The day has been a holiday since the Tang Dynasty.

Moon cakes used to be the offerings to the goddess of the moon on the Mid-Autumn Festival. It used to be called Hubing,or Hu cake,but was changed to Yuebing,or moon cake during the Tang Dynasty. Legend has it that on one Mid-Autumn Festival,Emperor Xuanzong of Tang and his favourite consort Yang Yuhuan were appreciating the moon and eating the cake,when Yang,touched by the bright,splendid moon,decided to change the name of the cake to moon cake. Later on,ordinary Chinese began to worship and appreciate the moon on that day as well.

When the moon rises on the Mid-Autumn Festival,all family members will sit at the table,eating moon cakes and enjoying each other’s company. If there are absent family members,they will keep a piece of the cake for them to symbolize family reunion.

Su Shi,a famous poet in the Song Dynasty wrote that,May we all be blessed with longevity. Though thousands of miles apart,we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together. This expressed the people’s wish to be reunited with their family on the Mid-Autumn Festival. This is why the festival is also called the Reunion Festival and why the moon is a symbol of family reunion.

Moon cakes come in a variety of types. They can be classified according to place of origin,including Suzhou moon cakes,Cantonese moon cakes and Beijing moon cakes. They differ in taste,including sweet ones and salty ones. The shapes of moon cakes are also different. Apart from the traditional round ones which symbolize reunion,there are also square ones,octagonal ones and triangular ones. When it comes to the fillings of the moon cake,there are rock candy,sweet bean paste,five types of nuts,usually walnuts,pumpkin seeds,watermelon seeds,peanuts,sesame seeds. There are also jujube paste,ham,egg yolk and so on. Over time,ingredients such as ice cream,chocolate, fruit and others have also been added to give a modern twist to the cake.

In addition to Chinese moon cakes,there are also special moon cakes produced by foreign companies. Moon cakes are expanding to the overseas market and gaining popularity.

Holidays are the epitome of a country’s culture. Though the shapes and tastes of moon cakes keep changing,their essence remains constant: moon cakes not only embody Chinese people’s love for family and hometown,but also the inheritance and passing down of the deep-rooted,far-reaching Chinese culture.

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T 47 新 经 典 高职英语综合教程 1 教师用书

Part V Group Work

Exercise 1 Teacher can ask Ss to think about the questions on the Student’s Book. Divide the class into small groups. Walk around the classroom to monitor and assist where necessary. Ensure that all members of each group are participating in the discussion. Ask each group to share their answers with the whole class. Exercise 2 Ask Ss to prepare a presentation after class and present it in the next class.

Reference Answers

One summer holiday,I went to Huang shan with my parents. The beautiful scenery there is incredible. But what impressed me most is the local food called“ mildewed tofu”. It’s a kind of fermented bean curd,with the signature hairy fungi growing on its surface.

At first,I didn’t want to try it because of the white hair. But when I saw so many people enjoy it,I began to doubt myself. Finally,I decided to have a try. Thanks for my decision,I had the chance to taste such a yummy food. It was served with a little bit of chilly sauce and tasted incredible. It was so tender that you couldn’t match it with the way it was cooked. I was told it was the hair that brought amazing taste to it. I really loved it.

Time Place Local delicacy Highlight the strong contrast between its ugly hairy One summer holiday Huang shan Mildewed tofu surface and its yummy taste.

T 48 二Yummy Foods Unit 2

Part V Group Work

Chinese food has countless fantastic dishes. People from different areas have different cuisine types. For foodies, a food tour is the best way of discovering culture, heritage and the regional food that appeal to both locals and visitors.

Work in groups to discuss the places you’ve been to, the regional delicacies you’ve had and the exciting experiences you’ve had. After discussion, fill in the chart with the places and the foods you’ve talked about. Then present your experience to the class. You may find the phrases below helpful for your presentation.

A I’ve been to ... in ... B The ... there is incredible. C It tastes ... D The people there are ... E What impressed me most is ...

Time Place Local Delicacy Highlight

S 55 新 经 典 高职英语综合教程 1 教师用书

Part VI Applied Writing


电子邮件,简称电邮,是一种用电子手段提供信息交换的通信方式,是互联网中应用最广的服务。与传 统信件相比,电子邮件有其特定的格式,主要由表头、正文和签名三部分构成。正文和签名部分的要求 与常规信件基本相同。


From: (发件人邮箱地址) To: (收件人邮箱地址) Date: (月 日 年) Subject: (主题。尽量要单词、短语,不要句子) Dear ... , (正文) Sincerely yours,/ Yours sincerely, (署名)

Useful Expressions

Thank you for your email of May 16th. / I’m pleased to receive your email of July 29th. I’m extremely happy to know that ... I’m writing to (do) ... Enclosed please find my resume. I’ll keep in touch with you. Best wishes. Your early reply will be well appreciated.

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Part VI Applied Writing

How to write an email

An email is messages that are sent electronically from one computer to another. A good email is one that can clearly and effectively deliver your intention,meaning,background or reason.

Requirements: 5 C principles Correctness Conciseness Completeness Clearness Courtesy

Format of an Email: 1 From (sender’s email address) 2 To (recipient’s email address) 3 Date 4 A brief,clear subject line 5 Body 6 Signature Introduce to Ss the format of an email (Consult the sample email in the Student’s Book). Give Ss the sample scenario and ask them to brainstorm what should be included in the email. Remind Ss the format of the email. Ask Ss to write an email in class or leave it at homework.

T 49 新 经 典 高职英语综合教程 1 教师用书

Reference Answers

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Date: December 23th, 2019

Subject: Homesickness

Dear Wu bin,

I have been in America for one month. The life here is interesting but I can’t adapt to the American’s eating habits forever, I’m afraid. I miss everything in Beijing.

How’s your life going? And how about other classmates?

Please send e-mails to me, telling me something about our school.

Looking forward!

Yours truly,

Li Ning

T 50 二Yummy Foods Unit 2


From: [email protected]

To: doe [email protected]

Date: September 18th, 2019

Subject: Invitation to the Trade Show

Dear Mr. Doe,

The 20th annual Trade Show will be held in Shenyang next month. You are invited to attend this most exciting event of the year.

Date:October 7th-10th, 2019

Time:10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Place:Liaoning Industrial Exhibition Hall

We will have the latest products from our line on display,and our expert staff will be available to provide you with all the information you need and to answer any questions you may have. Free drinks and snacks will also be provided. You are welcome to bring along your friends.

We look forward to seeing you at the Trade Show.

Yours sincerely, Wang Yue

Writing Task

假设你是刚刚出国的留学生李宁,给学校的同学(吴斌)写一封电子邮件以解思乡之愁。李宁的电子 邮箱为 [email protected],吴斌的电子邮箱为 [email protected]。日期自拟。内容包括以下四点: 1 刚到美国一个月。 2 生活虽然有趣,但无法适应当地的饮食习惯。 3 想念北京,想念同学。 4 想了解以前学校的情况。

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