Bounty Land for John Shottler B.L.Wt.904-100 Moses Hazen’s Regiment, Continental. This file is scanty but does include a discharge signed by in June 1783. War Department Bounty Land Office Feby 3d 1830 The Hon’l P.J. Borst. Sir In answer to the inquiries submitted in yours of yesterday, I have to acquaint you that the name of John Sattler or Suttle does not appear on the Records of Hazen’s Regt (1) on file in this office, among those returned at the close of the war as entitled to Bounty Land of the U. States. It appeared however, that the name of John Shottler is returned as a private in Hazen’s Regt (2) and was entitled to said Bounty Land Warrant no 904 having issued on the 21st April 1820 in the name of Jno W. Taylor assigne of the said John Shottler—notwithstanding the variation in the spelling of the name, there is scarcely a doubt but the person who was entitled to the warrant is the same to whom your letter has reference and it will be only necessary for you to establish the identity in order to obtain for him the benefit of the provision of the Act of 15th May 1828. For further information on the subject I beg leave to refer you to the treasury department. I have the honor & Wm. Gordon

I Benjn Mooers (3) do hereby certify that I was a Lieut and Adjutant in a Regiment commanded by Moses Hazen (4) Esqr in the service of the in the Revolutionary War and that I signed the discharge of John Shottler a soldier in said Regiment dated the 21st June 1783 & which is annexed. Benjamin Mooers, March 31st 1820.

Albany SS Benjamin Mooers has sworn before me to the facts set forth in the above certificate this 31st day of march 1820. Henry Yates Junr, Major of Schenectady

For value received I john Shottler in the annexed discharge named do assign sell and release to John W. Taylor Esquire member of Congress All my right and Title to the Bounty Lands which I may Claim by virtue of ;my revolutionary service in the American Army.—And I do hereby empower him his heirs and assigns to receive a Land Warrant and Patent for the same as well as for such pension or pay as may be due to me aforesaid to my on and to do All Acts anything in the premises as fully and effectually as I might or could do were I personally present—In witness whereof I have hereunto set my land and seal this thirty first day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty. (Signed with his mark) John Shottler Sealed and Delivered in presence of Jacob Shottler, G[arret] Y. Lansing.

End Notes—B.L.Wt.904-100—John Shottler 1. Mmoses Hazen commanded the Second Canadian Continental Regiment also called “Congresses Own Regiment”. 2. John enlisted as a private for during war on May 29, 1782 and he was discharged on June 21, 1783. 3. Benjamin Mooers was appointed ensign on March 20, 1778 in Colonel Hazen’s Regiment Mooers was appointed lieutenant and adjutant in March of 1780 in the same regiment. 4. Hazen was appointed Colonel on January 22, 1776, of the Second Canadian. Hazen was appointed to brevet brigadier general on June 29, 1781.