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[email protected] July 23, 2014 Vol. 93 No. 21 Crazy Days Mustang in Malta on Loring Moose on the loose Foundation to Saturday host annual Watermelon eating contest at 11 a.m. fund-raiser How fast can you eat a slice of wa- termelon? One of the highlights for this Shortly after the school burned Saturday’s Crazy Days in Malta will down in Malta in 1996, The Mus- be a watermelon eating contest with tang Foundation was put together to D JUDQG ¿QDOH RI DQ DOO DJH FRQWHVW LQ provide money for teachers and fac- which the winner will win a television ulty with items that needed replacing from Albertsons. after the devastation. Since then, the There are going to be several age foundation has offered scholarships categories for the watermelon eating to graduating seniors giving out over contest – in which prizes will be deter- LQMXVWWKHODVW\HDU PLQHG±ZLWKWKH79FRQWHVWWREHWKH “That is basically what we do now,” exclamation point. said Mustang Foundation Secretary “Come down and enter yourself, en- Melissa Dunbar. “It is a great resource ter you kids, enter everyone you know,” for these students as they start their said Albertsons Store Director Cheryl lives after high school and seek higher 9RHJHO education. “ 9RHJHODGGHGWKDWHDFKHQWUDQWLQWKH To help fund the scholarship pro- contest would most likely be given a gram, the Mustang Foundation has door prize just for participating. been holding a fund-raiser and this The day will also include kid’s games \HDU¶VHYHQWLVWKHWK$QQXDO)XQG – see the Find the Dinosaur entry form raiser for the Mustang Foundation.