Briefly Loring Moose on the Loose
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One Nation Under God Your Community, Your News E-mail: [email protected] July 23, 2014 Vol. 93 No. 21 Crazy Days Mustang in Malta on Loring Moose on the loose Foundation to Saturday host annual Watermelon eating contest at 11 a.m. fund-raiser How fast can you eat a slice of wa- termelon? One of the highlights for this Shortly after the school burned Saturday’s Crazy Days in Malta will down in Malta in 1996, The Mus- be a watermelon eating contest with tang Foundation was put together to D JUDQG ¿QDOH RI DQ DOO DJH FRQWHVW LQ provide money for teachers and fac- which the winner will win a television ulty with items that needed replacing from Albertsons. after the devastation. Since then, the There are going to be several age foundation has offered scholarships categories for the watermelon eating to graduating seniors giving out over contest – in which prizes will be deter- LQMXVWWKHODVW\HDU PLQHG±ZLWKWKH79FRQWHVWWREHWKH “That is basically what we do now,” exclamation point. said Mustang Foundation Secretary “Come down and enter yourself, en- Melissa Dunbar. “It is a great resource ter you kids, enter everyone you know,” for these students as they start their said Albertsons Store Director Cheryl lives after high school and seek higher 9RHJHO education. “ 9RHJHODGGHGWKDWHDFKHQWUDQWLQWKH To help fund the scholarship pro- contest would most likely be given a gram, the Mustang Foundation has door prize just for participating. been holding a fund-raiser and this The day will also include kid’s games \HDU¶VHYHQWLVWKHWK$QQXDO)XQG – see the Find the Dinosaur entry form raiser for the Mustang Foundation. on page 3B of this week’s PCN – and screaming deals from area merchants The event will be held at the Stock- – see just about any ad in this week’s man Terrace on Saturday, August 16 paper. at 6 p.m. “This Saturday is going to be a lot of A highlight of this year’s fund-rais- fun in Malta,” said Juli Snedigar, Ex- HULVDUDIÀHLQZKLFKWKHOXFN\WLFNHW ecutive Director of the Malta Chamber holder will win a bronze statue created of Commerce. by world renowned Western sculptor 7KHNLG¶VJDPHVZLOOEHKHOGDW9HW- A “stranger “ visited the Loring Colony last week according to Joe Hofer. This buck and a doe visited for Jay Contway. Contway, a Malta High eran’s Memorial Park downtown – awhile before pushing off to greener pastures last Tuesday. Picture courtesy of Joe Hofer. Note to Joe, see School Alum, donated his talents to aside from the Find the Dinosaur which more of your photographs next week in the PCN. the Mustang Foundation following will be at local merchant’s shops. The WKHVFKRRO¿UHLQZLWKKLVVWDW- winner of the Dino Find game will be ue entitled “Mustang,” his rendition DZDUGHG LQ 'LQR 'ROODUV ZKLFK of the school’s logo. After Contway can be redeemed at participating busi- Gaylord LaFond has seen it all in his 93 years made the statues for the foundation, nesses. The festivities start at 10 a.m. he broke the mold, literally. on Saturday and run until 3 p.m. Gaylord LaFond can “We cut the back off. “This is a huge statue,” said Dun- “This is a day for the merchants to say something that many I remember my dad had EDU³+HRULJLQDOO\PDGHRIWKHP give back to the community with good residents of Phillips never drove one before and all but 10 have been sold. We only deals, promotions and door prizes,” County cannot. He is a and we went down the old have nine left. It’s is a really beautiful said Snedigar. Malta native born and gravel road and he said piece of artwork. The only ones left There will also be games hosted by raised and he has been ‘What side of the road do local groups including the Cattlewom- are the few he has and the ones that en and Walleye’s Unlimited. around for 98 years, since we drive on? Is it the right the foundation has. ” If you would like to be a vendor at May 14, 1916. When side or the left side?,’” Each of the Mustang statues are Crazy Days, or would like to volunteer asked if LaFond was a LaFond reminisced. “Dad numbers, the Mustang Foundation your time to run games, please contact candidate for the PCN’s didn’t drive very much.” owning busts one through 10. -XOLDW Senior Spotlight, we at Like the debacle of his Tickets for the event, which include WKH QHZV RI¿FH ZDQWHG IDWKHU ¿QGLQJ WKH ULJKW WKH0XVWDQJUDIÀHDUHSHUFRX- Dodson AMX to hear anything LaFond side of the road, LaFond SOHIRUDFRXSOHZKLFKLQFOXGHVD felt like telling. has had many stories that membership to the Mustang Founda- and Speedway For one thing LaFond involved him facing dan- tion for one year. has not only seen Malta ger and overcoming it. Besides the bronze mustang, the revved for Sunday built building by build- One incident happened see MustangSDJH$ ing, as it turns out, La- in Chinook, while LaFond The Dodson Speedway and AMX is Fond probably helped went to the mines in Chi- revving motors and preparing for ac- produce many of the nook, with a friend. tion at the upcoming Dodson Fair. The sidewalks we walk on It turns out that a few AMX races will be held Sunday, August and buildings you step cables hooked up to a 3 following the tractor pull. The event will be at the grandstand/arena and ev- into on a daily basis. truck were in a bind. eryone is encouraged to come support When asked about his “This guy and I decided local AMX race enthusiasts. memory of Malta when to go down into the mine The Fair Board approved the reduc- he was younger, LaFond and we couldn’t see day- tion in registration for early registration responded. “There were light, it was plum black,” and at this time there are quite a few quite a few log cabins.” he said. “You could hear commitments from local car owners as He went on to say that the guys pecking the coal the streets were all gravel on the sides.” well as from those out of town. Photo by Pierre Bibbs As with all AMX events, if there are and many residents had They continued their trek any vehicles still running a Powder Puff horses and buggies. Gaylord LaFond is the founding owner of Malta’s Ready Mix and has down the mine and heard race will be held and there are three “My mother and I used lived in Phillips County since his birth on May 14, 1916. someone running a line. ORFDO ZRPHQ ZKR DUH WRVVLQJ WKHLU to peddle whistles,” he He felt the line moving registration fee in at this point, with the said. “We lived out in a to get the cows and walk around the under his leg but couldn’t possibility of a driver from North Da- IDUP¿YHPLOHVRXW´ hills, but I wouldn’t want to ride a see it, due to the darkness. kota as well. Though his family used a single horse.” “I said ‘STOP THAT TRUCK!” Pre-entry fees will be $40 and can horse with a wagon, LaFond, did not It may be needless to say, but La- LaFond said. be paid to Millie Kindle, Treasurer or like riding horses. Fond was much happier when his But they couldn’t hear his shouts. Kari Hould, Secretary. We hope to see “I never did like horses,” he said. IDPLO\ SXUFKDVHG WKHLU ¿UVW DXWRPR- So LaFond did want anyone else your faces in the seats at the grandstand “My sisters used to ride them all the bile. would, he ran. That was a good plan One of the these “Mustang” sculp- when the rubber and dust meet with time but I’d rather walk a half mile +LV IDPLO\¶V ¿UVW FDU ZDV D WXUHVWREHUDIÀHGE\WKH0XVWDQJ speed and old friends. Ford Model T. He was around 16. see LaFond, page 3A Foundation in August. Due to the clinic being so busy, and the need Library will start on Wednesday, September 10 es followed up by the presentation of awards. for our student athletes to have sports physicals, Please join us this Saturday and see what the Briefly we are going to offer three evening clinics, like Malta Trails youth have accomplished. we have done in the past. These clinics will be 6DWXUGD\ -XO\ $0 :KLWFRP Senior Dinner Meals VSHFL¿FDOO\IRUVSRUWVSK\VLFDOV1RVFRXWVRU Hike - the hike will start from Camp Creek road Malta Trails other physicals will be done. at Buff’s Picnic Area to Whitcom House! This 6XQGD\ -XO\ $0 0LOH 7KXUVGD\-XO\WK6ZHHW 6RXU&KLFNHQ The evening clinics will be from 6-8:30 on LVDOHYHO,WLVPLOHVXSDQGPLOHVEDFN Camp Creek Hike - Meet at Buff’s Day Picnic )ULGD\-XO\WK7XUNH\ %LVFXLWV WKHIROORZLQJGDWHV7XHVGD\-XO\QG0RQ- Wear good hiking shoes, bring hat, sunscreen, $UHD/HYHO9HU\VFHQLFDQGVXSHUVWDUWHU 7XHVGD\-XO\WK6SDJKHWWL GD\-XO\WKDQG7KXUVGD\$XJXVWWK water and wieners! hike too! Please remind your athlete to wear loose clothing and bring their eye glasses or contact Grace Fellowship Church lenses. Also, do not wait until the last minute 4-H Horse Show Library Ice Cream Party Grace Fellowship Church has changed to the to get these done as it may result in not having 7KH3KLOOLSV&RXQW\++RUVHVKRZZLOO ,FH&UHDP6XQGDH3DUW\IRUWKHHQGRIWKH Summer Church Schedule. Please note: 10 a.m. your physical in time for sports practices. If you EHKHOGWKLV6DWXUGD\-XO\DWWKH0DOWD3DYLO- Summer Reading Program will be on Tuesday, &KXUFK 6HUYLFH RQO\ 6 UG 6W ( have any questions, please call the clinic. ion. Youth will begin demonstration what they -XO\DWSPLQWKH/LEUDU\%DVHPHQW have learned throughout the year beginning at 9:00 a.m.