6/6/06 These rodeo results are unofficial and this file is a temporary display of rodeos from May 29 – June 4 not yet posted on the web site. Please note, the official results will be posted shortly and will address errors and misspellings found in this document. Contact the PRCA at
[email protected] regarding discrepancies if they still persist after they have been officially posted on prorodeo.com. Thank you, Ann Bleiker PRCA Sr. Public Relations Coordinator Old Fort Days Rodeo Fort Smith, Ark., May 29-June 3 Bareback riding: 1. Will Lowe, 82 points on David Bailey Rodeo’s Cherokee Bill, $2,936; 2. (tie) Chris Harris, Billy Blissett, Wes Stevenson, Levi Dolch and Steven Dent, 81, $1,233 each; 7. (tie) Scotty Drennan, Tim Wilkinson, Beau Le Doux, Clayton Foltyn and Chad Mask, 80, $137 each. Steer wrestling: First round: 1. Garrett Nokes, 3.6 seconds, $1,617; 2. Jule Hazen, 4.3, $1,406; 3. Chet Woodall, 4.4, $1,195; 4. (tie) James Haire and Stockton Graves, 4.5, $879 each; 6. Joe Painter, 4.8, $562; 7. E.P. Luchsinger, 4.9, $352; 8. (tie) Darby Hunt and Dee Dee Curtis, 5.0, $70 each. Second round: 1. Ricky Riley, 3.9 seconds, $1,617; 2. (tie) Trey Picou III and Clint Shofner, 4.1, $1,301 each; 4. (tie) Stockton Graves, Matt Reeves and Ronnie Fields, 4.2, $773 each; 7. E.P. Luchsinger, 4.3, $352; 8. Clay Mindemann, 4.4, $141. Average: 1. Stockton Graves, 8.7 seconds on two head, $1,617; 2.