Department of HISTORY

Short Introduction with Brief History of the Department : The department of History is one of the richest department of J.K.College,in terms of students- teacher’s strength and cohesion. The department boasts of acquiring honours affiliation since 1965-66 (the oldest in the college). The department of History, consisting of both experienced and young faculties, who are involved in active research, is its greatest strength. All the sanctioned posts are filled up. The central Library has rich collection of reference books. The department has a well maintained seminar Library and students are lent books as needed. The department makes lesson plans available to students which help to complete syllabus in time. Faculty members arrange special classes for the needy students (if necessary). The faculty members of the Department have immense enthusiasm in conducting various educational activities e.g Educational tours and U. G .C Sponsored Seminars (One State Level Seminar in 2011 and One National Level Seminar in 2017). Because of these activities the students got the opportunity to interact with high profile personalities from various corners of India. Over the years the Department also organized one day lecture now and then. Department of History also issues an annual magazine named ‘Nalanda’ where the students get the golden opportunity to express their writing talents. Apart from this, the Departmental teachers are associated with various social welfare activities. Dr. Dipa De is the Chairperson of Local Complaint Committee (sexual harassment of women at workplace) for District.

 Forthcoming Events of the Department : 1. : PG 2. Seminar

 Running Courses : UG-Honours, UG-Programme

 List of Faculty Members : Sl. Name Designation Qualification Photo No. 1 Dr.(Smt.)Dipa De Associate Professor M.A, Ph.D 2 Dr.(Smt.) Kakoli Tah Associate Professor M.A, Ph.D 3 Sri Mantu Barai Assistant Professor M.A,B.Ed 4 Md Mirsaheb Ansary Assistant Professor M.A,B.Ed

 List of Part-time Faculty Members Sl. Name Designation Qualification Photo No. 1 Sri Sandip Mukhopadhyay Part time Lecturer M.A 2 Smt. Mousumi Roy Part time Lecturer M.A, B.Ed

 List of Guest Faculty Members Sl. No. Name Designation Qualification Photo 1 2

 University Topper List since 2014

Course Percentage Year of Name of the students Photo of Marks Passing B.A.,Part III Naresh Chandra Mahato 61.5% 2015 (Hons.) B.A.,Part III Astik Mahato 66% 2018 (Hons.)

 Honours Results of last five years

No of students University No of students in Final No of Year of Appeared in Rank Part III/Sem VI Examination first Passing Part-I/Sem-I Exam. Holders, if class Three years ago Appeared Qualified any 2014 65 26 22 nil Naresh Ch. 2015 74 50 42 2 Mahato 2016 84 49 35 3 2017 76 45 38 10 80 Astik 2018 45 26 04 Mahato

 List of Retired Faculty Members Sl. No. Name Designation Qualification Photo 1 Prof. Biresh Chandra Reader M.A, Bhattacharya 2 Prof. Ashim Kumar Reader M.A, Mukherjee 3 Prof. Abu Sufian Reader M.A, L.L.B, M.Phil

 List of Non-Teaching Staff Sl. No Name Designation Qualification Photo 1 2

 Completed/Ongoing Research Projects

Sl. Title of the Name Duration Funding Total Current No. of No. Project of P.I. Agency Amount Status Associated Sanctioned Scholars 1 The Bhumij in Dr 2 Years UGC 65,000 completed Bengal in the Dipa 19th &20th De Century: A Socio- Economic Transformatio- n 2 Nature of Dr. 2 Years UGC 2,45,000 completed trade in early Kakoli Medieval Tah eastern India(6th Century A.D - 12th Century A.D)

Seminars/ Conference/Workshop

Title of the Level Seminars/ Total Sl. (Local/State Funding No. of Conference Date Amount No. /National Agency participants /Workshop Sanctioned /International)

Human Rights and 09.09.11 1 Human State Level to UGC 1,00,000 350 Development 10.09.11 Popular uprisings 10.01.17 National 2 in the jungle Mahal to UGC 1,50,000 370 Level 19th & 20th Century 11.01.17

 List of Important Alumni Members (Students) Sl. Name Passed Position held Now Mobile No. Email No. out year 1 Ajay Mukhopadhay 1972 University Topper, 9932726640 Retired from Service

2 Dr. Chakradhar Das 1980 Associate Professor 9475058583 3 Niranjan Paramanik 1986 AssistantTeacher 9732149590 4 Debasis Boxi 1987 Associate Professor 8250414016 5 Dr. Jaladhar 1987 AssistantTeacher Karmakar 6 Abhijit Sarkar 1988 O.I.C, Govt Degree 94341125442 college, Manbazar, Purulia 7 Manohar Kumar 1989 Assistant Professor 9932842178 8 Bisakha Ganguly 1994 AssistantTeacher 9474999789 9 Sanjib Kumar 1996 Forest Officer 8900652325 Paramanik 10 Sk. Fakruddin 1997 AssistantTeacher 9932072377 11 Ajit Kumar Mahato 2002 AssistantTeacher 9932270210 12 Shankhadeep 2008 Part Time Teacher 8945847210 Ganguly Arsha College 13 Kalipada Mura 2009 Assistant Professor 9832818944 14 Jayanta Pandey 2011 Assistant Professor 9933087830 15 Partha Mandal 2011 AssistantTeacher 7585954622 16 Braja Mohan Samal 2012 NET, M.Phil 7384092873 Qualified 17 Biswajit Banerjee 2015 PG Gold Medalist, 8768345409 SKBU

 List of Important Alumni Members (Faculty) Sl. Name Left the College Position held Mobile No. Email No. in the year Now 1 Sandip 1996 Part time 9933965914 Mukhopadhyay Teacher 2 Mousumi Roy 2002 Part time 7384920125 Teacher

 Model Questions (Honours) : (attach separate Sheet) 1. CC1 – CC14 2. DSC1 -- DSC4 3. GE1 -- GE2 4. DSE1-DSE6 5. AECC 6. SEC Model Answer- for 1st Semester Course code - BHISCCHT101 Questions for 1 mark –

1 What is the first Historical Account of ancient India ?

2 Who wrote the book ‘An introduction to the study of Indian History ?

3 What is Vedanta ?

4 Who is the composer of the Hatigumpha Prasasti ?

5 Who discovered the Mehergarh Civilization ?

6 What do you mean by Pre- Historic Age ?

7 Who was the author of ‘Natural History’ ?

8 Where is Dholavira, the recently excavated site of Harrapan culture, situated ?

9 What is the importance of Kalibangan ?

10 What do you mean by the term ‘Gabisti’ ?

11What is ‘Varnashram’ ?

12 Whatdo you mean by ‘bi-patha’ referred in the Atharvaveda ?

13 How many Mahajanpadas were in India in the sixth century B.C. ?

14 Who was Dhanananda ? 15 Which Magadhan emperor was known as ‘Sarvakshatrantaka’ in ancient India ? Questions for 2 marks –

1 What is the importance of Puranas as a source of ancient Indian History ?

2 What do you mean by pro-history ?

3 Name two historians who accompanied Alexander in his Indian campaign ?

4 What is the opinion of Brandenstein about the original home of the Aryans ?

5 What do you know ‘Sabha’ and ‘Samity’ ?

6 What is ‘Sadadarsan ?

7 Mention two basic differences between Vedic and Harappan religion.

8 Name the most four important powers in age of Sixteen Mahajanpadas.

Questions for 5 marks –

1 Discuss the important of the indigenous literary sources of the History of Ancient India .

2 Discuss in brief the silent features of Harappan civilization.

3 Discuss the role of Bimbisara in the rise of Magadha imperialism. Questions for 10 marks –

1 To what extent were natural calamities responsible for the down fall of Harappan civilization. 2 Write a note on technological evoluation of pre- history and proto- history.

3 Discuss the consequence of the Greek invasions in India. Model Answer- for 3rd Semester Course code – BHISCCHT301

Questions for 1 mark – a.Who translated Ramayana in Assamese language? b.Who was the author of Chaitanya Bhagbat? c.Which religion took a leading role to spread Oriya language? d.During the reign of which sultan the Adina masjid built? e.In which languase the book Tahkik –Hind ,originally composed? f.Which was the book written by Raja Krishna Deb Roy? g.Under which sultan the greek medical science was introduced in India? h.The combination of which two languages gave birth to Urdu? i.What was the meaning of the name Jagannath? j.What do you mean by ‘ silsila? k.Who was called as Chirag-i-Delhi? l.Who was the preacher of Adaitaism? m.Who wrote the book padmabat? n.Who was the main contributor to develop Maithili language? o.Who built the Alai-Darwaja? Questions for 2marks – a.Mention the major technological changes in cotton industry in Sultani period? b.Mention two names of Sufi saint? c.Who pioneered the Bhakti Movement in Bengal? d.Who were Warkari? e.Who were the Lingayets in south India? Questions for 5 marks – a. Discuss the development of vaishnavite movement in eastern India? b. Briefly discuss about the teaching of Guru Nanak? c.Discuss the social impact of Sufism? Questions for 5 marks – a.Examine the development of regional literature during the Sultani period? b. Discuss the distinctive features of the Bhakti movement? c.Write a note on Hindu- Muslim cultural synthesis during the muslim period?