NO CALM BEFORE THE STORM A landward coastal defence alternative in the Westland as guide for new spatial developments Judit Bax Graduation thesis Urbanism, Delft Uni- versity of Technology in cooperation with the Rijkswaterstaat National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management /RWS RIKZ. June 2005 No calm before the storm | Judit Bax 1 2 No calm before the storm | Judit Bax NO CALM BEFORE THE STORM A landward coastal defence alternative in the Westland as guide for new spatial developments Judit Bax Graduation thesis Urbanism, Delft University of Technology In cooperation with the Rijkswaterstaat National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management /RWS RIKZ June 2005 supervisors ir. Inge Bobbink Landscape architecture prof. ir. Joost Schrijnen City and region ir. Willem Hermans Urban design drs. Moniek Löffler RWS RIKZ external examiner ir. Hein de Haan Urban management and renewal for more information about the author visit
[email protected] No calm before the storm | Judit Bax 3 4 No calm before the storm | Judit Bax Tussen wolken en aarde de tekens: Between clouds and earth the signs: dit waren wij, zijn wij. Kijk maar, this is who we were, who we are. Just look, wij graven land uit het water, we dig land from the water, stapelen stenen tot torens, stack stones to towers, onze blik laat geen ruimte met rust. our view leaves no space alone. Aan de rafelige rand van ons blikveld At the frayed edge of our horizon, raakt het oog nog vluchtig verleden: the eye catches the past still briefly: het scheve hek, de vergeten the leaning fence, the forgotten wan in de graanschuur, het muntgeld winnow in the granary, the coins met het scheepswrak mee opgegraven, dug up with the wrecked ship, de gebroken boog van de brug.