RED-76-118 History and Status of the East Street Valley Expressway
REPORT OF THE TROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES History ) The East Street Valley Expressway has been plagued with problems. However, most of the problems, including the route design, prepara- tion, and submission of an environmental impact statement, have been resolved. Final Federal approval is expected by the end of July 1976. If this occurs, property acquisi- tion is scheduled to be completed in 2 years and construction is scheduled to be com- pleted by 1982. The total cost of this section of i-279 is estimated to be $82 million. RED-761 18 COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASH1NGTON. D.C. ZOW D-164497(3) The Honorable William S. Moorhead .Y i House of Representatives ,.-: I 1 The Honorable H, John Heinz, III ‘I, (c .; House of Representatives A Pursuant to your separate requests of February 11, 1976, and March 2, 1976, respectively, we reviewed the East Street Valley Expressway project, a section of proposed Interstate * -Highway 279 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and the history and current status of the project are set forth in the appendixes. We made our review at the headquarters offices of the Department of Transportation/and the Federal Highway Adminis- tration,/ Washington, DC.; at the Federal Highway Administra- tion’s division office in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; at the headquarters office of the Pennsylvania Department of Trans- portation in Harrisburg; and at the State’s district office in Pittsburgh. We discussed the report contents with Federal and State officials and considered their views in preparing this report. The report discusses the Expressway’s history, which dates back 25 years to the first planning study, and covers the project’s design plans, right-of-way activities, and environmental impact statement.
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