Congressional Record—House
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January 7, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H29 A motion to reconsider was laid on ceremonies the House stands adjourned until Indiana, has been unable from illness to ap- the table. noon on Tuesday, January 21, 1997. pear in person to be sworn as a Member of the House, and there being no contest or f The resolution was agreed to. A motion to reconsider was laid on question as to her election: Now, therefore, be it PROVIDING FOR CONTINUATION OF the table. JOINT COMMITTEE TO MAKE IN- Resolved, That the Speaker, or deputy f named by him, is hereby authorized to ad- AUGURATION ARRANGEMENTS minister the oath of office to the Honorable The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- HOUR OF MEETING OF THE HOUSE Julia Carson at Indianapolis, Indiana, and fore the House the following privileged OF REPRESENTATIVES that such oath be accepted and received by Senate concurrent resolution (S. Con. Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, I offer a the House as the oath of office of the Honor- Res. 2) to extend the life of the Joint privileged resolution (H. Res. 9) and able Julia Carson. Congressional Committee on Inaugural ask for its immediate consideration. The resolution was agreed to. Ceremonies and the provisions of Sen- The clerk read the resolution, as fol- A motion to reconsider was laid on ate Concurrent Resolution 48 and ask lows: the table. for its immediate consideration. H. RES. 9 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ant to the provisions of House Resolu- The Clerk read the Senate concur- Resolved, that unless otherwise ordered, be- rent resolution, as follows: fore Monday, May 12, 1997, the daily meet- tion 11, 105th Congress, the Chair an- nounces the Speaker's appointment of S. CON. RES. 2 ings of the House shall be at 2 p.m. on Mon- days; at 11 a.m. on Tuesdays and Wednes- the Honorable S. Hugh Dillon, Federal Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- days; and at 10 a.m. on all other days of the District Court Judge, to administer the resentatives concurring), That effective from week; and that from Monday, May 12, 1997, January 3, 1997, the joint committee created oath of office to the Honorable JULIA until the end of the first session, the daily by Senate Concurrent Resolution 47 of the CARSON. meeting of the House shall be at noon on One Hundred Fourth Congress, to make the f Mondays; at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays, Wednes- necessary arrangements for the inaugura- days and Thursdays; and at 9 a.m. on all tion, is hereby continued with the same ELECTION OF MAJORITY MEM- other days of the week. power and authority. BERS TO CERTAIN STANDING SEC. 2. That effective from January 3, 1997, The resolution was agreed to. COMMITTEES OF THE HOUSE the provisions of Senate Concurrent Resolu- A motion to reconsider was laid on Mr. BOEHNER. Mr. Speaker, by di- tion 48 of the One Hundred Fourth Congress, the table. rection of the Republican Conference, I to authorize the rotunda of the United f States Capitol to be used in connection with offer a privileged resolution (H. Res. 12) the proceedings and ceremonies for the inau- AUTHORIZING THE SPEAKER OR and ask for its immediate consider- guration of the President-elect and the Vice HIS DEPUTY TO ADMINISTER ation. President of the United States, and for other THE OATH OF OFFICE TO THE The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- purposes, are hereby continued with the HONORABLE FRANK TEJEDA lows: same power and authority. H. RES. 12 Mr. GEPHARDT. Mr. Speaker, I offer The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Resolved, That the following named Mem- objection, the Senate concurrent reso- a privileged resolution (H. Res. 10) and bers be, and they are hereby, elected to the lution is concurred in. ask for its immediate consideration. following standing committees: There was no objection. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Committee on Agriculture: Mr. Smith of A motion to reconsider was laid on lows: Oregon, Chairman; Mr. Combest; Mr. Barrett the table. H. RES. 10 of Nebraska; Mr. Boehner; Mr. Ewing; Mr. Doolittle; Mr. Goodlatte; Mr. Pombo; Mr. Whereas, Frank Tejeda, a Representative- f Canady; Mr. Smith of Michigan; Mr. Everett; elect from the 28th District of the State of Mr. Lucas; Mr. Lewis of Kentucky; Mrs. Texas, has been unable from illness to appear APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS OF Chenoweth; Mr. Hostettler; Mr. Bryant; Mr. in person to be sworn as a Member of the JOINT COMMITTEE TO MAKE Foley; Mr. Chambliss; Mr. LaHood; Mrs. Em- House, and there being no contest or ques- NECESSARY ARRANGEMENTS erson; Mr. Moran of Kansas; Mr. Blunt; Mr. tion as to his election; Now, therefore, be it FOR THE INAUGURATION ON Pickering; Mr. Bob Schaffer of Colorado; Mr. Resolved, That the Speaker, or deputy Thune; Mr. Jenkins; and Mr. Cooksey. JANUARY 20, 1997 named by him, is hereby authorized to ad- Committee on Appropriations: Mr. Living- minister the oath of office to the Honorable The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ston, Chairman; Mr. McDade; Mr. Young of Frank Tejeda at San Antonio, Texas, and ant to the provisions of Senate Concur- Florida; Mr. Regula; Mr. Lewis of California; that such oath be accepted and received by rent Resolution 2, 105th Congress, the Mr. Porter; Mr. Rogers; Mr. Skeen; Mr. Wolf; the House as the oath of office of the Honor- Chair announces the Speaker's ap- Mr. DeLay; Mr. Kolbe; Mr. Packard; Mr. Cal- able Frank Tejeda. pointment as members of the joint lahan; Mr. Walsh; Mr. Taylor of North Caro- committee to make the necessary ar- The resolution was agreed to. lina; Mr. Hobson; Mr. Istook; Mr. Bonilla; rangements for the inauguration of the A motion to reconsider was laid on Mr. Knollenberg; Mr. Miller of Florida; Mr. President-elect and the Vice President- the table. Dickey; Mr. Kingston; Mr. Parker; Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Frelinghuysen; Mr. Wicker; Mr. Forbes; Mr. elect of the United States on the 20th Nethercutt; Mr. Neumann; Mr. Cunningham; day of January 1997, the following ant to the provisions of House Resolu- tion 10, 105th Congress, the Chair an- Mr. Tiahrt; Mr. Wamp; Mr. Latham; Mrs. Members of the House: Mr. GEPHARDT Northup; and Mr. Aderholt. of Missouri, Mr. GINGRICH of Georgia, nounces the Speaker's appointment of Committee on Banking and Financial and Mr. ARMEY of Texas. the Honorable Orlando Garcia, Federal Services: Mr. Leach, Chairman; Mr. McCol- District Court Judge, to administer the f lum; Mrs. Roukema; Mr. Bereuter; Mr. oath of office to the Honorable FRANK Baker; Mr. Lazio; Mr. Bachus; Mr. Castle; PROVIDING FOR ATTENDANCE AT TEJEDA. Mr. King; Mr. Campbell; Mr. Royce; Mr. INAUGURAL CEREMONIES ON f Lucas; Mr. Metcalf; Mr. Ney; Mr. Ehrlich; JANUARY 20, 1997 Mr. Barr of Georgia; Mr. Fox; Mr. LoBiondo; AUTHORIZING THE SPEAKER OR Mr. Watts of Oklahoma; Mrs. Kelly; Mr. Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, I offer a HIS DEPUTY TO ADMINISTER Paul; Mr. Weldon of Florida; Mr. Ryun; Mr. privileged resolution (H. Res. 8) and THE OATH OF OFFICE TO THE Cook; Mr. Snowbarger; Mr. Riley; Mr. Hill; ask for its immediate consideration. HONORABLE JULIA CARSON and Mr. Sessions. The Clerk read the resolution as fol- Committee on the Budget: Mr. Kasich, lows: Mr. GEPHARDT. Mr. Speaker, I offer Chairman; Mr. Hobson; Mr. Shays; Mr. a privileged resolution (H. Res. 11) and Herger; Mr. Bunning; Mr. Smith of Texas; H. RES. 8 ask for its immediate consideration. Mr. Miller of Florida; Mr. Franks of New Jer- Resolved, That at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- sey; Mr. Smith of Michigan; Mr. Inglis of January 20, 1997, the House shall proceed to lows: South Carolina; Ms. Molinari; Mr. Nussle; the West Front of the Capitol for the purpose Mr. Hoekstra; Mr. Shadegg; Mr. Radanovich; of attending the inaugural ceremonies of the H. RES. 11 Mr. Bass; Mr. Neumann; Mr. Parker; Mr. President and Vice President of the United Whereas, Julia Carson, a Representative- Ehrlich; Mr. Gutknecht; Mr. Hilleary; Ms. States; and that upon the conclusion of the elect from the Tenth District of the State of Granger; Mr. Sununu; and Mr. Pitts. H30 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE January 7, 1997 Committee on Commerce: Mr. Bliley, Ney; Mr. Metcalf; Mrs. Emerson; Mr. Pease; New York; Maxine Waters, California; Caro- Chairman; Mr. Tauzin; Mr. Oxley; Mr. Bili- Mr. Blunt; Mr. Pitts; Mr. Hutchinson; Mr. lyn Maloney, New York; Luis Gutierrez, New rakis; Mr. Dan Schaefer of Colorado; Mr. Cook; Mr. Cooksey; Mr. Thune; Mr. Picker- York; Lucille Roybal-Allard, California; Barton of Texas; Mr. Hastert; Mr. Upton; Mr. ing; and Ms. Granger. Thomas Barrett, Wisconsin; Nydia Stearns; Mr. Paxon; Mr. Gillmor; Mr. Klug; Committee on Ways and Means: Mr. Ar- Velazquez, New York; Melvin Watt, North Mr. Greenwood; Mr. Crapo; Mr. Cox; Mr. Deal cher, Chairman; Mr. Crane; Mr. Thomas; Mr. Carolina; Maurice Hinchey, New York; Gary of Georgia; Mr. Largent; Mr. Burr of North Shaw; Mrs. Johnson of Connecticut; Mr. Ackerman, New York; Ken Bentsen, Texas; Carolina; Mr. Bilbray; Mr. Whitfield; Mr. Bunning; Mr. Houghton; Mr. Herger; Mr. Jesse Jackson, Illinois; Cynthia McKinney, Ganske; Mr. Norwood; Mr. White; Mr. McCrery; Mr. Camp; Mr. Ramstad; Mr. Georgia; Carolyn Kilpatrick, Michigan; Jim Coburn; Mr. Lazio; Mrs. Cubin; Mr. Rogan; Nussle; Mr. Sam Johnson of Texas; Ms. Maloney, Connecticut; Darlene Hooley, Or- and Mr. Shimkus. Dunn; Mr. Collins; Mr. Portman; Mr. English egon; Julia Carson, Indiana (When Sworn). Committee on Education and the Work- of Pennsylvania; Mr. Ensign; Mr. COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET place: Mr. Goodling, Chairman; Mr. Petri; Christensen; Mr.