CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1209 Billions of People Around the World

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1209 Billions of People Around the World June 27, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1209 billions of people around the world. We are af- Secretary Christopher are far reaching. They Americans need to send Congress the mes- fected by the actions of other countries that are the necessary mission for the United sage that their health is not for sale to special create ozone depleting substances, overfish States to carry forward. I rise in recognition interest groups. Mr. Speaker, I ask that the and dump low-level radioactive waste in the and with deep respect for what Secretary Texas Observer article ``It's the Environment, world's oceans, deplete our world's Christopher has set forth. It is environmental Stupid,'' be printed in the RECORD so Ameri- rainforests, and stress our Earth's ecosystem statecraft. cans know how important their response to through overpopulation. f this bill is to protect their environment and Secretary Christopher pointed out that the health. Thank you. needs of the American people are not well THE BARTON CLEAN AIR ACT [From the Texas Observer, June 14 1996] served if our foreign policy does not address AMENDMENTS IT'S THE ENVIRONMENT, STUPID these global concernsÐwe may be ``Ameri- (By Louis DuBose) cans,'' but we live on a planet that does not HON. ROSA L. DELAURO Phil Gramm got the message in January recognize geopolitical boundaries. OF CONNECTICUT when his pollster advised him that Repub- In his speech, Secretary Christopher pointed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lican voters don't trust their own party on out that environmental forces not only ``tran- environmental issues. Pollsters now trying Thursday, June 27, 1996 to determine what will drive November's scend borders and oceans to threaten directly Ms. DeLAURO. Mr. Speaker, on May 23, elections are discovering that environmental the health, prosperity and jobs of American H.R. 3519 was introduced to amend the Clean issues are a real public concern. Even Newt citizens,'' but that ``addressing natural re- Air Act. Its sponsor characterized his bill as Gingrich is beginning to get it. The Speaker source issues is frequently critical to achieving ``minor,'' saying it in no way changes compli- crossed the Potomac to salute environ- mental corps kid volunteers working on Roo- political and economic stability and to pursuing ance timetables or standards, but ``simply pro- our strategic goals around the world.'' He then sevelt Island, and traveled to New York to vides more flexibility in doing so.'' embrace a panic-stricken wild pig on the outlined a series of initiatives the State De- I disagree. In short, the bill repeals the most ``Tonight Show.'' All of this to convince the partment will undertake to advance America's fundamental aspect of Federal clean air stand- public that Republicans are not enemies of global environmental goals. ardsÐprotection of public health. This bill is a the environment. And in Congress, the party Through the State Department and Sec- polluter's dream. is backing away from its assault on environ- retary Christopher's leadership, the United The congressional majority's vision state- mental protectionsÐat least until after No- States is working to reform and strengthen the vember's elections. ment for the 104th Congress states that Re- But Congressman Joe BartonÐtwo years U.N.'s key environmental and sustainable de- publicans support air and water that is clean ago Phil Gramm's choice to replace Texas velopment programs. We have joined forces and safe. But if you read the fine print, the Republican Party Chair Fred Meyer, after with the World Bank to incorporate sound en- majority's agenda says that they support clean fundamentalist Christians declared Meyer vironmental policies in lending programs, and water and clean air as long as achieving it can unworthyÐis an exception. Barton recently to fund projects through the global environ- be accomplished cheaply. filed the ``Clean Air Act Amendments of mental facility that directly benefit our health Everyone supports the bill's emphasis on 1996,'' perhaps thinking that a bill filed so and prosperity. In addition, we are striving late in the session would not attract too the use of innovative technologies to achieve much attention. He got caught. Frank through the new World Trade Organization to clean air standards. The problem with H.R. O'Donnell of the Clean Air Trust got wind of reconcile the complex tensions between pro- 3519 is that it eliminates pollution monitoring Barton's bad air bill and began faxing it to moting trade and protecting the environment. and turns off pollution controls except when media outlets around the country. ``It is We can look forward to a cleaner and the air is at its dirtiest. very unlikely that the bill will get anywhere healthier global environment in 1997. The Under H.R. 3519, major sources of pollution this late in the session,'' O'Donnell said. He State Department has begun negotiating glob- would no longer be subject to regulation. The added that he suspects that Barton is stak- al agreements to make further cuts in green- ing out a position for 1997, when the law will Federal Government would no longer enforce be reauthorized. But even O'Donnell admits house gases, to address problems caused by healthy air requirements for States and local- he is surprised by Barton's timing, which migrating toxic chemicals, to promote sustain- ities. In addition, the bill would give polluters could create problems for Republicans in No- able management of our world's forests, to 10 years to clean up pollution that is causing vember. preserve biodiversity, and to safeguard ocean health hazards, including cancer, today. Perhaps Barton is determined, O'Donnell resources. The State Department is also tak- The fact is that this bill substantially repeals said, ``to complete the `Texas Toxic Trilogy.' ing steps to address scarce resource and key provisions of the 1990 Clean Air Act First congressman Tom DeLay proposed re- pealing the entire 1990 clean air law. Then overpopulation issues that are putting further Amendments signed by President Bush, and Congressman Steve Stockman tried to pre- stress on our environment and the environ- the fundamental principles of the original tend dirty air doesn't exist. And now Con- ment our children will inherit. Clean Air Act signed by President Nixon. gressman Barton wants to repeal the heart Through the State Department the United The American public believes that the air of the 1970 Clean Air Act.'' States is recognizing the importance of work- should be clean enough to breathe safely. The Barton's legislation is aimed right at the ing bilaterally with key private, government, American public also believes that the Govern- heart of the 1970 law, a milestone in environ- mental legislation that established clean air and nongovernment partners around the world ment has a responsibility to set clean air ``standards'' that states are required to to jointly address environmental concerns. In standard which guarantee health protection. meet. Barton's bill replaces specific stand- India, we are investing in environmental tech- And the American public does not believe that ards with vague ``goals''Ða small semantic nologies and controlling pesticides. In Brazil, the science of health should be compromised change that completely undermines the phi- we are working to improve the management of by cost alone. losophy of the country's most basic clean air forest resources. In Russia, we are promoting For 25 years, clean air health standards law. have been based solely on the best scientific But this is not merely an ideologue's philo- the safe operation of nuclear reactors and sophical assault on a law that passed with safe storage of nuclear waste. In fact, we are evidence available as to the impact of air pol- broad pubic and congressional consensusÐ even using satellite imagery once used to spot lution on the health of people. Congress has after protracted negotiations that included missiles and tanks to help clean up military provided that cost considerations are appro- environmentalists and representatives of in- bases and track ocean pollution. priate when determining how quickly those dustry. Barton has put together a technical As Secretary Christopher so eloquently stat- standards should be achieved. bill, loaded with the same minutiae lobbyists ed: But now H.R. 3519 says that the health of wrote into Tom DeLay's billsÐwhile they set people should no longer be the driving force up shop in his House office at the beginning Our strength as a nation has always been of this congressional session. to harness our democracy to meet new behind our clean air programs. If the air is Consider, for example, the following ver- threats to our security and prosperity. Our unhealthy but there is a cost of clean up, the biage: creed as a people has always been to make health standardsÐnot the pollution levelsÐ ``If, based on photochemical grid modeling tomorrow better for ourselves and for our should be modified. demonstrations of any other analytical children. For 25 years, no serious legislation pro- method determined by the Administrator to For the sake of future generations, we must posed compromised health science on the be as effective, the Administrator deter- meet the challenge of making global environ- basis of economics. For 25 years, no legisla- mines that the area is a down-wind non- attainment area receiving ozone or ozone mental issues a vital part of our foreign policy. tion proposed that basic scientific data on precursor transport from outside the area By advancing these environmental goals, we health effects be ignored. Yet this Congress is and control of ozone concentrations or be- have the opportunity to protect our Nation and likely to vote on a bill that changes the rules yond the ability of the area to control be- make it truly free.
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