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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE June 26, 1997 June 26, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H4651 served 7 years as a gunner in World H. RES. 176 Our Nation could have lost control of War II, he went to work for Lorene's Resolved, That upon the adoption of this its destiny, but this Congress took ac- father, where they first met. resolution it shall be in order, any rule of tion to save Medicare, pass a balanced After they wed, they lived on a small the House to the contrary notwithstanding, budget and provide massive tax relief farm in Harrisonville, GA, and every to consider a concurrent resolution provid- for our families. These are truly his- day Grover commuted to Hapeville, ing for adjournment of the House and Senate toric accomplishments. for the Independence Day district work Independence Day is a time to cele- GA, to work for Ford Motor Co. During period. this time, Lorene worked at Callaway brate the birth of this Nation and the Mills until she decided to quit in order The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. perseverance of the Founding Fathers to raise their three children. In 1975, UPTON). The gentleman from Georgia who fought the heavy hand of govern- Grover and Lorene sold the farm and (Mr. LINDER) is recognized for 1 hour. ment and oppressive taxes. The budget went to work for Milliken Mills until Mr. LINDER. Mr. Speaker, for the passed by this Congress reduces the op- their retirement in the late 1980's. purpose of debate only, I yield the cus- pressive taxes on American families In addition to working hard and rais- tomary 30 minutes to the gentleman and balances the budget. ing a great family, the Hobbses helped from Massachusetts (Mr. MOAKLEY), Mr. Speaker, this resolution simply to found the Harrisonville Baptist pending which I yield myself such time allows us to go home to our friends and Church in which, as a church service, as I may consume. During consider- neighbors to listen to what our con- they regularly visit the local nursing ation of this resolution, all time yield- stituents have to say about issues that home. ed is for the purpose of debate only. are important to their lives. As we cel- It is extremely heart warming, Mr. Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 176 ebrate the birth of our Nation with Speaker, to see two people so devoted provides for the consideration in the them, I believe they will be very to church, their family, and of course House of a concurrent resolution pro- pleased to celebrate the triumph of to each other. Their commitment truly viding for the adjournment of the lower taxes, less Government and more personifies what marriage ought to be. House and Senate for the Independence freedom. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of I would like to extend the warmest of Day district work period. All points of my time. congratulations to Grover and Lorene order are waived against the resolution and its consideration. Mr. MOAKLEY. Mr. Speaker, I thank Hobbs for years past and years to come the gentleman from Georgia [Mr. of a happy and healthy marriage on As Members are aware, section 309 of LINDER] for yielding me the customary their 50th wedding anniversary. the Budget Act states that the House cannot adjourn for more than 3 cal- half hour, and I yield myself such time f endar days in July if it has not com- as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, this resolution is one REPUBLICAN TAX BILL OFFERS pleted actions on all appropriations bills. In addition, section 310 requires more way for the Republican leader- BONANZA FOR AFFLUENT, ship to go on vacation before their CRUMBS FOR WORKING CLASS that reconciliation legislation if di- rected by the budget resolution, be work is done. It is one more way for  (Ms. VELAZQUEZ asked and was completed before such an adjournment. my Republican colleagues to get out of given permission to address the House Ordinarily, these two potential their responsibilities to the people of for 1 minute.) points of order against an adjournment this country, and I think it is a bad  Ms. VELAZQUEZ. Mr. Speaker, the resolution for the Fourth of July Dis- idea. Normally adjournment resolu- Republicans will stand here today and trict Work Period are waived by unani- tions are privileged, but in the rare say that they are bringing tax relief to mous consent. In fact, we attempted to cases when Congress fails to get its the middle class. They complain that work with the minority to reach an ac- work done, the Budget Act kicks in the Democrats are being less than hon- ceptable unanimous consent agree- and exposes these adjournment resolu- est about the Republicans' attack on ment. When we were in the minority, tions to points of order. According to the Budget Act, Mr. working families. Well, Mr. Speaker, we consistently allowed these unani- Speaker, the House cannot adjourn for even the Wall Street Journal, no friend mous consent agreements. This year, more than 3 days unless it passes all its of the Democrats, agreed with us. however, the minority rejected our re- appropriations bills and unless the rec- Here it is in the Wall Street Journal. quest. The Republican bill is, and I quote, ``a onciliation bill has been signed into It is true that the Congress has not law. Mr. Speaker, we all know the ap- bonanza for the affluent, crumbs for completed its work on the appropria- the working class.'' It ``shamefully propriations bills are nowhere near fin- tions bills and the reconciliation legis- ished. short changes the working poor.'' The lation, and I guess I can understand the Wall Street Journal says that under The first part of the reconciliation despondency of the minority. The past bill passed the House only last night the Republican plan, Bill Gates will get few days have not been enjoyable for a $4,000 tax break for education ex- and the second part of the reconcili- those who support high taxes and big ation bill will be considered for the penses, while a new police officer mak- government solutions. first time later today. The Senate has ing $23,000 will be denied a tax credit However, these are extraordinary just started debating the reconciliation for his kids. times for those of us who support the bill and the conference committee has Mr. Speaker, if the Republicans are axiom that the Government is too big not even met yet. In other words, Mr. not listening to the American people and spends too much. In fact, I would Speaker, if you are waiting for these and they are not listening to the Wall say that this Congress, more than any spending bills to be finished, please do Street Journal, it seems obvious who other, has led the way in exhibiting fis- not hold your breath. they are listening to, to their cam- cal sanity. Mr. Speaker, the American people paign contributors. No, the appropriations bills and the sent us to Congress to act responsibly f reconciliation legislation are not yet and the Congressional Budget Act gives complete. However, balancing the us some very specific responsibilities. PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION budget is more difficult than the prac- Section 300 requires that Congress OF CONCURRENT RESOLUTION tice of past Congresses, which simply complete action on reconciliation leg- PROVIDING FOR ADJOURNMENT passed irresponsible debt on to our islation by June 15 and pass all 13 ap- OF HOUSE AND SENATE FOR grandchildren. propriations bills by June 30. Mr. INDEPENDENCE DAY DISTRICT America was headed for a future in Speaker, this Congress has not even WORK PERIOD which interest on the debt would sur- come close. The appropriations bills Mr. LINDER. Mr. Speaker, by direc- pass spending on the defense of our Na- may not seem urgent now, but unless tion of the Committee on Rules, I call tion, a future in which Medicare would the House does its work and unless the up House Resolution 176 and ask for its go bankrupt by 2002, and a future which House gives the Senate enough time to immediate consideration. had taxpayers giving more and more of do its work, we will be approaching an- The Clerk read the resolution, as their hard-earned money to support a other September 30 without all appro- follows: bloated Washington bureaucracy. priations bills being signed. If we fail H4652 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE June 26, 1997 to finish the appropriations bills and b 1030 the Senate, are now giving the Amer- they are not signed into law, the Amer- And we should have finished our ican people one of the biggest tax cuts ican people could very well see their work a long time ago. in American history, and we are doing Government shut down for the third Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of it way ahead of that August 10 date. So time under the Republican leadership's my time. boy, we are on line. watch. All because the Republican Mr. LINDER. Mr. Speaker, I yield So let us just talk for a minute about leadership has not done their work. myself 1 minute to respond to the gen- not having the work done. As my col- That is not the worst of it, Mr. tleman from Massachusetts who is so leagues know, we have just passed the Speaker. What the Republican leader- concerned that we have not completed largest spending cut bill in centuries ship has done is even worse than what our work. here; OK. Seven hundred billion dollars they have not done. This week the Re- The same argument came up 1 year in entitlement controls; come over publican leadership unveiled their tax ago on this same issue because the here and read them.
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