ive months into the year, the members of the new administration's Africa team are almost aIl F in place. There are sorne signaIs that the period of continuity by default may be coming to an end, as Framework Bush holdovers and interim officiaIs move on and new appointees senle into their offices. On May 3 National Security Adviser Anthony Lake devoted bis first public address to African issues, telling African ambassadors at a Brookings Institution for Afriea luncheon that the White House knows "where Africa is" and wants to build a new relationship based on the rapid movement toward democracy on the continent. Two days later Under Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers proposed $14 million for debt Poliey reduction for the world's poorest countries, which he said would translate to $228 million in debt relief, mostly for Africa. Meeting with Archbishop Desmond Tutu on May 19, President Clinton announced the long-awaited D.S. New Administration, decision to recognize the government of Angola. Later that week Secretary of State Warren Christopher addressed the African American Institute's annual New Congress gathering of African and American leaders, reaffirming U.S. commitment to the continent. The long delay in recognizing Angola, while former statements signaled that Africa wouId not be over­ U.S. client Jonas Savimbi waged war to upset the looked, despite competition from high-priority domes­ verdict of last September's election in that country, had tic issues and other foreign crises. symbolized the failure of the new administration to But the political realities mean that keeping that break with former policies. Together with the lack of promise will be by no means automatic. Clinton's an effective response to the crisis in Zaire, that failure political priorities and decision-making style mean that had accentuated fears among Africa advocates that policy on particular issues will be the result of compro­ Africa would be relegated to bureaucratic neglect, mise among many different bureaucratic and political without high-Ievel concem to tum support for democ­ interests, and that Africa will only get continuing racy and development from rhetoric into action. attention if the Africa constituency is seen to be Administration officiaIs said the new high-Ievel actively mobilizing around a common agenda. With

Printed on Recycled Paper most Mrican issues virtually invisible to the media, there is opposed by environmental and development advocacy no automatic pressure for the White House to pay atten­ groups, inciuding the Washington Office on Africa, 'be­ tion. cause of his role as an apologist for orthodox structural Nor will there be any clear consensus on policy direc­ adjustment programs. tion., Everyone is likely to be in favor of democracy, In short, the need for outside advocacy will be undimin­ development and conflict resolution. But translating the ished. When there are tough decisions to be made regard­ rhetoric into specific policy decisions will reveal sharp ing allocating staff time, political capital or money to crises differences in practice on what democracy means, what around the world, Africa will only get -its share if voices are development poHcies are sustainable, or what approaches speaking out both in Congress and among the public. And to conflict resolution make sense. Washington's prevailing orthodoxies will not easily give The new administration has more high-Ievel officiaIs due weight to viewpoints sympathetic to African grass­ who are acquainted with African issues than under any roots interests. previous D.S. president. Anthony Lake at the National Writing recently in Social Policy magazine, activist Zach Security Council has a solid background in Mrican and Polett of the Association of Community Organizations for development issues, including service as an election Reform (ACORN) reflected on citzens' groups experiences monitor in Namibia. NSC staff director Nancy Soderberg with Clinton in Arkansas. His advice: "Clinton doesn't like dealt with African issues while on Senator Kennedy's staff. to go out on a limb; he won't act on a measure, even if he At lower levels in a variety of agencies, Africa advocates agrees with it, until it has clearly demonstrated popular will find people who know something about the continent. support." And: ((The first key to influence for progressive Many of them also have sorne sympathy ,and understanding citizen groups was to make enough noise to be recognized for an agenda oriented to grassroots development, democ­ as 'one side of the issue.'" racy and pro-active conflict resolution. But the background Experience on Angola, where Clinton's response came of many officiaIs reveals viewpoints often at odds with the only after the emergence of a solid public consensus on anti-apartheid movement and advocates of grass-roots recognition, seems to confirm Polett's analysis. Even with African causes. the new Clinton Africa team in place, Polett's advice is still At the State Department Deputy Secretary CHfton likely to apply. On any controversial issue-and that Wharton, one~(the most senior Af!:ic~n-Amet}c~.inl~e incl':ldes any issye that involves spending müney-the administration, dealt with African universities as a univer­ result will depend not only on the inside bureaucratic sity administrator. In that capacity, and as administrator of process but also on input (or the lack of it) from Congress the TIAA-CREF retirement fund, he opposed the anti­ and the public. apartheid moyement's demands for divestment of stock in This issue of Washington Notes on Africa is designed to companies involved in South Africa. Frank Wisner and supply Africa advocacy groups with key names and contact Charles Freeman, in high-Ievel positions at the Defense numbers in th~ administration and in relevant Congres­ Department, played prominent roles as State Department sional committees. In addition to the Mrica Subcommittees officiaIs in the Reagan and Bush 'constructive engagement' in both House and Senate, we have inciuded the Congres­ policies in southern Africa. The Pentagon's veteran Africa sional Black CauClis, now expanded to an unprecedented specialist, James Woods, is staying on, as the Defense 38 members in the House, plus one Senator. We have Department lobbies for a greater role in conflict resolution included the international subcommittees of the Appropria­ and democratization initiatives in Africa. tions committees, which deal with any subject requiring As chief economist at the World Bank, Treasury Depart­ appropriation of funds, and the international committees of ment appointee Lawrence Summers was intimately in­ the Banking committees, which have oversight over volved with African issues. His appointment was strongly international financial institutions and issues.

WASHINGTON NOTES ON AFRICA is pubIished three times a year by the WASHINGTON OFFICE ON AFRlCA, 110 Maryland Ave., N.E., Suite 112, Washington, D.C. 2COO2, (202) 546-7961. The Washington Office on Africa is a not-for-profit, church and labor union support.ed organization that works WÎth Congress on Airica-telated legislation. SPONSORS OF11IEWASHINGTON OFFICE ON AFRICA: African Methodist Episcopal O1urchj Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union; The American Committee

on Mticaj Christian Church (Disciples of ChrisOj Church of the Brethren; Episcopal OlurchJ Coalition for Human Needs and Public Affairs Office, Executive Council and the Washington Office; Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers; Missionaries ofAfrica; Presbyterian Church (USA); Progressive National Baptist Convention, Home Mission Board; The Reformed Church in America; Sacred Heart Pathers; Society for African Missions (S.MA Fathers)j United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers ofAmerica, UAW; United Church of Christ, Board for World Ministries, Office for Church in Society, and Commission for Racial Justice; United Methodist Church, Board ofGlobal Ministries Aftica Office and Women's Division; United Steelworkers of America. SUBSCRIPI10N RATE: We request a $30 annual contribution to receive this newsletterplus periodic legislative alerts on African issues. Additional copies of this issue are available for $3.00 each for 1~10; $2.75 each for Il-50, $250 each for more than 50. Add 15% for postage and handHng, aU orders must be paid in advance. PRODUCED DY: Imanl Countess (Executive Director), William Mintet, Kristen Lee, John Metzel, Janice Hoggs, James Taylor and Kathi Austin.

2 Washington Notes on Afrlca Ke. ministrati n Officiais for Africa Name Tille Address Phone Fax Anthony Lake National Security Advisor White House / 20500 456-2256 456-2883 Samuel Berger Deputy N.S.A. White House / 20500 456-2257 456-2883 Nancy Soderberg Staff Director, NSC White House / 20506 456-2224 456-2560; 395-3380 Jennifer Ward Senior Director for African Affairs, NSC White House /20506 395-3391 395-5673 Warren Christopher Secretary of State Dept. of State /20520 647-5298 647-6434 CUtton Wharton Dep. Secretary of State Dept. of State / 20520 647-9640 647-6047 Timothy Wirth Counselor, Department of State Dept. of State / 20520 647-6240 647-0753 Brian Attwood AID Administrator AID / 20523 647-0183 647-0148 Carol Lancaster Deputy Administrator (nominee) AID / 20523 pending Senate confirmation Dick McCali Ch ief of Staff AID / 20523 647-9622 647-1770 Madeleine Albright Amb. to the UN U.S. Mission to the UN 212-415-4404 212-415-4443 799 UN Plaza, NY, NY 10017 George E. Moose Asst. Sec. of State for African Affairs Dept. of State / 20520 647-4440 647-6301 Edward Brynn Dep. Asst. Sec. of State for African Affairs Dept. of State / 20520 647-4485 647-6301 ("Regional Affairs") Prudence Bushnell Dep. Asst. Sec. of State for African Affairs Dept. of State / 20520 647-2447 647-6301 ("Democracy & Human Rights Issues") To be appointed Dep. Asst. Sec. of State for African Affairs Dept. of State / 20520 647-6301 ("Economic Affairs") Les Aspin Secretary of Defense Dept. of Defense / 20301 703-695-5261 703-695-1219 Frank Wisner Undersec. of Defense for Policy Dept. of Defense / 20301 703-697-7200 703-697-8520 Morton Halperin Asst. Sec. for Democracy and Dept. of Defense / 20301 703-697-8101 703-697-9680 Human Rights Charles W. Freeman Asst. Sec. for Regional Security Dept. of Defense / 20301 703-697-5884 703-695-8404 James L. Woods Dep. Asst. Sec. for African Affalrs Dept. of Defense / 20301 703-697-2864 703-695-4620 Lloyd Bentsen Secretary of the Treasury Dept. of the Treasury / 20220 622-1100 622-0073 Lawrence Summers Undersec. for International Affairs Dept. of the Treasury / 20220 622-1080 622-0081

Mailing Addresses: The White House Department of State Department of Defense 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW 2201 CStreet, NW The Pentagon Washington, OC (zip code above) Washington, OC 20520 Washington, OC 20301 E-Mail: [email protected] Agency for International Development Department of the Treasury [email protected] 320 21 st Street, NW 1500 Pennsylvania Ave, NW [email protected] Washington, OC 20523 Washington, OC 20220

Washington Notes on Afrlca 3 ey C ngrasi nal Committea for frica

How to read these chans: % Black Percentage of Blacks in the population of ~e Member's district as of 1992 and do not reflect changes due to redistricting. CC Percentage ofrecorded votes in 1992 on which the Conservative Coalition appeared and on which a repiesentative voted AGAINST the Coalition's position. According to Congressional Quarterly, the Conservative Coalition is "a bloc consisting of a majority of Republicans and a majority of southem Democrats voting against a majority of northern Democrats."

APL-CIO = Votes tabulated by the APL-CIO which represent "votes for or against the interest of workers."

senate Foreign Relations African Affairs Subcommittee Foreign Relations.Commmittee Chair: Claibome Pell (D-RI) Subcommittee Chair: StaffDirector (Majority): Geryld Christianson Professional StaffMemberfor Africa: StaffDirector (Minority): James Nance Adwoa Dunn-Mouton Phone: 244-4651 SD-446 Dirksen SOB, Washington, DC 20510-6225, (202) 224-4651

% AFL- Phone Fax Religion Black CC CIO Address Key Staff Person "~--"'- ~F"'-~". __···~'~A>oq"'fl>:%-r'!:"~"s'-·~=-Y""<"1:·"'~_--'·--· ---'·'-

Paul Simon (D-Il) 224-2152 224-2223__---....lutheran ..._ArT..._A-_!!'»13 ...... _ 92...... _ _ '-78__-...462 Dirksen~__~~_Adwoa Ounn-Mouto Daniel Moynihan (D-NY) 224-4451 224-9293 Catholic 12 89 78 464 Russell Steve Rickard Russell Feingold (O-WI) 224 ...5323 224-2725 Jewish 5 502 Hart Robyn Lieber~an James Jeffords (R-Vf) 224-5141 224-8330 Congregationalist.3 46 44 513 Hart Laurie Heim " '(··Ci,'·;::: ,,' ,'·r;/:··.·,,· ., , ~>;·f>~../'>h" ,.)".,, fL'''::W'''''<''·~: .~:<&*-~~'%.~,,'" ~~"""",~ ;:~""~""''''''jOO~ Nancy Kassebaum (R-KS) 224- 774 224-3514 Episcopalian 5 16 22 302 Russell

Bouse Foreign Affairs Africa Subcommittee Foreign Affairs Committee Chair: Lee Hamilton (D-IN) Subcommittee Chair: HarryJohnston ChiefofStaff(Majority): Michael Van Dusen StaffDirector (Majority): Clifford Kupchan ChiefofStaff(Minority): Richard Garon Professionai StaffMember (Minority): Gil Kapen Phone: 225-5021 OtherStaffMembers: Ted Dagne, David Gordon, Anne Grlffin, andDeborah Hickey 709 O'Neill HûB, Washington, DC 20515, (202) 226-7807

% AFL- Phone Fax Black CC CIO Address Key Staff Person Harry Johnston (D-FL, 19) 225-3001 225-8791 4 69 83 204 Cannon Roger Berry Donald Payne (D-NJ, 10) 225-3436 225-4160 58 89 100 417 Cannon Frank Kiehne

.w Aleee Hastings (D-FL, 23) 225-1313 226-0690 Beverly Falby , . . Robert Torricelli (D-NJ, 9) 225-5061 225-0843 57 Alice Slayton (D-CA. 16) 225-6105 225-0350 Tonya Solomon Eliot Engel (D-NY, 17) 225-2464 225-5513 Jewish 80 1433 Longworth Karl Rhoads .. Dan Burton (R-IN, 6) 225·2276 225-0016 Protestant 2411 Rayburn Gil Kapen

~ .....- Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-FI.., 21) 225-4211 225-8576 Catholic 509 Cannon Stephen Vermillion s,t'~:·- t;;- >/f;Éd Royee (R-CA, 39) 225-4111 225-4111 1 Bruce Bordner

4 Washington .Notes on Afrlca senate Appropriations Committee Foreign Operations SUbcommittee Chair: Robert Byrd (D-WV) StaffClerk (Majority): Erie Newsom StaffDireetor (Majority): James English Projessional StaffMember (Majority): Tim Rieser StaffDireetor (Minority): Keith Kennedy StaffClerk (Minority): James Bond Phone: 224-3471 Projessional StaffMember (Minority): Juanita Rilling SD-137 Dirksen SOB, Washington, OC 20510, (202) 224-7209

% AFL- Phone Fax Religion Black CC CIO Address Key Staff Person Patrick Leahy (ONT) 224-4242 224-3595 Catholic .3 78 56 433 Russell Luke Albee Oaniellnouye (D-HI) 224-3934 224-6747 Methodist 3 38 89 722 Hart Eric Scheinkopf Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ) 224-4521 224-2302 Catholic 3 59 56 328 Hart Chip Walgren Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) 224-4744 224-9707 Jewish 11 92 78 506 Hart Sharon Waxman Tom Harkin (D-IA) 224-3254 224-7431 Catholic 2 92 78 531 Hart Jim Sweeney Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) 224-8858 224-8858 Catholic 25 81 75 320 Hart Wiley Pearson (D-CA) 224-3841 224-0656 Jewish 7 331 Hart Barbara Larkin Mitch McConnell (R-KY) 224-2541 224-2499 Baptist 7 5 33 120 Russell Robin Cleveland Alfonse D'Amato (R-NY) 224-6542 224-5871 Catholic 12 32 44 520 Hart Gregg Rickman Arien Speeter (R-PA) 224-4254 - Jewish 9 41 89 530 Hart Morrie Ruffin Don Nickles (R-OK) 224-5754 224-6008 Catholic 6 11 11 713 Hart Wendi Steele Connie Mack (R-FL) 224-5274 224-8938 Catholic 14 5 11 517 Hart Saul Singer Phil Gramm (R-TX) 224-2934 - Episcopalian 12 0 22 370 Russell Mike Champness

House Appropriations Committee Foreign Operations, Export Financing, Committee Chair: William Nateher (D-KY) and Re1ated Programs Subcommittee Clerk andStaffDireetor (Majority): Frederiek Mohrman Subeommittee Chair: David Obey StaffDireetor (Minority): James Kulikowski StaffDireetor: Terry R. Peel Phone: 225-2771 H-307 Capitol Bldg., Washington, DC 20515, (202) 225-2041

% AFL- Phone Fax Religion Black CC CIO Address Key Staff Person David Obey (D-WI, 7) 225-3365 225-0561 Catholic .1 83 91 2462 Rayburn Joseph Crapa Sidney Yates (D-IL, 9) 225-2111 225-3493 Jewish 10 89 92 2109 Rayburn Donald Fisher Char1es Wilson (0-TX, 2) 225-2401 225-1764 Methodist 16 26 83 2256 Rayburn Noel Holmes John Olver (D-MA, 1) 225-5335 226-1224 - 1 1323 Longworth Aaron Rosenbaum (D-CA, 8) 225-4965 225-8259 Catholic 11 96 92 240 Cannon Carotyn Bartholemew Esteban Torres (D-CA, 34) 225-5256 225-9711 Unaffiliated 2 78 100 1740 Longworth Nancy Alcalde Nita Lowey (D-NY, 18) 225-6506 225-0546 Jewish 16 81 100 1424 Longworth M. J. Rosenberg Jose Serrano (D-NY,16) 225-4361 225-6001 Catholic 44 90 100 336 Cannon Ellyn Toscano Bob Livingston (R-LA, 1) 225-3015 225-0739 Episcopalian 11 7 8 2368 Rayburn Dean Sackett John Porter (R-IL, 10) 225-4835 225-0157 Presbyterian 6 30 17 1026 Longworth Robert Gustafson Jim Lighttoot (R-IA, 3) 225-3806 225-6973 Catholic .3 2 0 2444 Rayburn Bill Deere Sonny Callahan (R-AL, 1) 225-4931 225-0562 Catholic 31 0 17 2418 Rayburn Nancy Tippins

Washington Notes on AfrlcaS senate Banking, Housing and urban Affairs Committeee International Finance and Chair: Donald Riegle, Jr. (D-MI) Monetary Policy Subcommittee StaffDirector (Majority): Steven Harris StaffDirector (Majority): Vacant StaffDirector (Minority): Howard Menell StaffMember (Minority): Saul Singer Phone: 224-7391 SD-534 Dirksen SOB, Washington, DC 20510-6075 Tel: (202) 224-7391, FAX: (202) 224-5137 % AFL- Phone Fax Religion Black CC CIO Address Key Staff Persan Jim Sasser (D-TE) 224-3344 224-8062 Methodist 16 59 78 363 Russell Craven Crowell Patty Murray (D-WA) 224-2621 224-0238 Catholic 3 302 Hart Pam Norick Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) 224-4524 224-1651 Greek Ortho 25 89 67 309 Hart Marvin Moss John Kerry (D-MA) 224-2742 224-8525 Catholic 5 86 89 421 Russell Bill Woodward (D-CA) 224-3553 - 7 112 Hart Ben Campbell (D-CO) 224-5852 224-3714 - 4 31 67 380 Russell Mark Engman Connie Mack (R-FL) 224-5274 224-8938 Catholic 14 5 11 517 Hart Saul Singer Phil Gramm (R-TX) 224-2934 - Episcopalian 12 0 22 370 Russell Mike Champness Robert Bennett (R-UT) 224-5444 - Mormon 1 241 Dirksen Greg Hopkins William Roth (R-DE) 224-2441 224-2805 "Episcopalian 17 24 33 104 Hart lan Butterfield Christopher Bond (R-MO) 224-5721 224-8149 Presbyterian 11 0 44 293 Russell Brent Franzel

House Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Committee International Development, Finance, Chair: Henry Gonzalez (D-1X) Trade & Monetary Policy Subcommittee Clerk and StaffDirector (Majority); Kelsay Meek Subcommittee Chair: Barney Frank StaffDirector (Minority): Tony Cole StaffDirector (Majority) : Sydney Key Phone: 225-4247 Counsel (Minority): Gary Parker Professional StaffMemberfor Africa: RayAlmeida B304 Rayburn HOB, Washington, De 20515, (202) 226-7515 % AFL· Phone Religion Black CC CIO Address Key Staff Persan Barney Frank (D-MA, 4) 225-5931 Jewish 1 85 100 2404 Rayburn Patrick Dober Stephen Neal (D-NC, 5) 225-2071 225-4060 4 19 9 2469 Rayburn John Hardage -----~-- John LaFalce (D-NY, 29) 225-3231 225-8693 8 61 67 231 0 Rayburn Susan Lubick Joseph Kennedy Il (D-MA, 8) 225-5111 225-9322 Catholic 5 80 92 1210 Longworth Jonathan Miller (D-CA, 35) 225-2201 225-7854 Christian 50 1207 Longworth Bill Zavarello Larry LaRocco (D-ID, 1) 225-6611 226-1213 Catholic .2 1117 Longworth Jan Shinpoch Bill Orton (D-UT, 3) 225-7751 225-1223 .2 1122 Longworth Scott Oison Jim Bacchus (D-FL, 15) 225-3671 225-9039 Presbyterian 8 432 Cannon Trish Haisten Henry Gonzalez (D-TX, 20) 225-3236 225-1915 9 78 100 2413 Rayburn Tod Wells Paul Kanjorski (D-PA, 11) 225·6511 225-9024 1 54 92 2429 Rayburn Mike Radway (D-IL, 1) 225·4372 226-0333 Baptist 1725 Longworth Bob Walsh ~--- Cleo Fields (D-LA, 4) 225-8490 225-8959 Baptist 32 513 Cannon Tiffany Clements Melvin Watt (D-NC, 12) 225-1510 225-1512 Presbyterian ------1232 Longworth Joyce Brayboy Eric Fingerhut (D-OH, 19) 225-5731 225-9114 Jewish 2 431 Cannon Sharon Gang

6 Washington Notes on Mica Bernard Sanders (I-VT, AL) 225-4115 225-6790 Jewish .2 213 Cannon Jeffrey Weaver Doug Bereuter (R-NE, 1) 225-4806 225-1148 Lutheran 1 13 0 2348 Rayburn Pam Johnson AI McCandless (R-CA, 44) 225-5330 225-1040 Protestant 4 2 8 2422 Rayburn Barbara Beyer Bill McCollum (R-FL, 8) 225-2176 225-0999 Episcopalian 16 9 8 2266 Rayburn Rachel Cacioppo Marge Roukema (R-NJ, 5) 225-4465 225-9048 Protestant 1 24 42 2244 Rayburn Steve Wilson Sam Johnson (R-TX, 3) 225-4201 225-1485 Methodist 3 1030 Longworth Kristan Mack Michael Huffington (R-CA, 22) 225-3601 226-1015 Episcopalian 2 113 Cannon Mark Procopio Peter King (R-NY, 3) 225-7896 226-2279 Catholic 3 118 Cannon Dan Michaelis Richard Baker (R-LA, 6) 225-3901 225-7313 Methodist 25 7 18 434 Cannon Duane Duncan Jim Nussle (R-IA, 2) 225-2911 225-9129 Lutheran 1 308 Cannon Rich Meade Michael Castle (R-DE, AL) 225-4165 225-2291 Catholic 16 1205 Longworth Paul Leonard

Congressional Black Caucus Chair: Kwetsi Mfume (D-MD) Executive Director: Amelia Parker 344 Ford HüB, Washington, OC 20515, (202) 226-7790

% AFL- Phone Fax Religion Black CC CIO Address Key Staff Persan Sanford Bishop (D-GA, 2) 225-3631 225-2203 Baptist 37 1632 Longworth Woody Vaughan Lucien Blackwell (D-PA, 2) 225-4001 225-7362 Baptist 80 410 Cannon Mike Gross - (D-FL, 3) 225-0123 225-2256 Baptist 27 1037 Longworth Andrea Martin William Clay (D-MO, 1) 225-2406 225-1725 Catholic 52 89 100 2306 Rayburn Michele Bogdanovich Eva Clayton (D-NC, 1) 225-3101 Presbyterian 35 222 Cannon Stephanie Collins James Clyburn (D-SC, 6) 225-3315 225-2302 Afr. Meth. Episc. 35 319 Cannon Yelberton Watkins Barbara-Rose Collins (D-MI, 15) 225-2261 225-6645 Pan-Afro Ortho Chr. 71 1108 Longworth Lisa Tomlinson (D-IL, 7) 225-5006 225-8396 Baptist 67 81 100 2308 Rayburn Gerri Houston John Conyers (D-MI, 14) 225-5126 225-0072 Baptist 71 85 100 2426 Rayburn Sarah Doll Ronald Dellums (D-CA, 9) 225-2661 225-9817 Protestant 27 96 100 2108 Rayburn Charles Stephenson (D-CA, 32) 225-7084 225-4091 Episcopalian 39 83 100 2400 Rayburn Gwen Brown Cleo Fields (D-LA, 4) 225-8490 225-8959 Baptist 32 513 Cannon Sandi Jackson Floyd Flake (D-NY, 6) 225-3461 226-4169 . Afr. Meth. Episc. 50 80 91 1035 Longworth Maureen Nagle Harold Ford (0-TN, 9) 225-3265 225-9215 Baptist 57 67 100 2211 Rayburn Mark Schuermann Gary Franks (R-CT, 5) 225-3822 225-5085 Baptist 4 435 Cannon Kevin Dayton (D-FL, 23) 225-1313 226-0690 Afr. Meth. Episc. 1039 Longworth Beverly Falby Earl Hilliard (D-AL, 7) 225-2665 - Baptist 33 1007 Longworth Theta Shipp William Jefferson (D-LA, 2) 225-6636 225-1239 Baptist 59 428 Cannon Weldon Rougeau Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX, 30) 225-8885 - Baptist 1721 Longworth Lee Nobles John Lewis (D-GA, 5) 225-3801 225-0351 Protestant 65 94 100 329 Cannon Linda Chastang Cynthia McKinney (D-GA,11) 225-1605 226-0691 Catholic 124 Cannon Mario Chatman

Washington Notes on Afrlca 7 (D-FL, 17) 225-4506 226-0777 Baptist 27 404 Cannon Adele Liskov Kweisi Mfume (D-MD, 7) 225-4741 225-3178 Baptist 73 91 92 2419 Rayburn Mark Clack Carol Moseley-Braun (D-Il) 224-2854 - SH-320 Hart SOB Michael Frazier Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) 225-8050 225-3002 Episcopalian 1415 longworth Kate Engustian Major Owens (D-NY, 11) 225-6231 226-0112 Baptist 80 93 100 2305 Rayburn Jacqueline Ellis Donald Payne (D-NJ. 10) 225-3436 225-4160 Baptist 58 89 100 417 Cannon Frank Kiehne Char1es Rangel (D-NY, 15) 225-4365 225-0816 Catholic 49 87 100 2252 Rayburn Frank Jasmine Mel Reynolds (D-Il, 2) 225-0773 - Baptist 70 514 Cannon Jim Schufreider Bobby Rush (D-Il, 1) 225-4372 226-0333 Baptist 92 1725 longworth Charisse Hodges Robert Scott (D-VA, 3) 225-8351 225-8354 Episcopalian 28 501 Cannon Tamara Copeland louis Stokes (D-OH, 11) 225·7032 225-1339 Methodist 62 89 100 2365 Rayburn Reginald Gilliam Edolphus Towns (D-NY, 10) 225-5936 225-1018 Baptist 47 93 100 2232 Rayburn Khalil Munir Walter Tucker (D-CA, 37) 225-7924 225-7926 Baptist 4 419 Cannon Bob Sakaniwa Craig Washington (0-TX, 18) 225-3816 225-6186 Episcopalian 41 80 100 1711 longworth Darlene Taylor Maxine Waters (D-CA, 35) 225-2201 225·7854 Christian 50 1207 longworth Jim Key Melvin Watt (D-NC, 12) 225-1510 225-1512 Presbyterian 1232 longworth Zach Silverstein Alan Wheat (D-MO, 5) 225-4535 225-5990 - 23 87 100 2334 Rayburn Darrek Porter Albert Wynn (D-MD, 4) 225-8699 225-8714 Baptist 21 423 Cannon Shawne Carter

... ~... .--

The Washington Office on Africa Nonprofit Org. 110 Maryland Avenue, NE, Suite 112 V.S. POSTAGE PAID Washington, OC 20002 Washington OC (202) 546-7961 Permit No. ~21 8986