Jan Neruda's Use of Shakespeare in His Journalism
SBORNfK PRACf FILOZOFICKE FAKULTY BRNENSKE UNIVERZITY STUDIA MINORA FACULTATIS PHILOSOPHICAE UNIVERSITATIS BRUNENSIS K 7 (1985) - BRNO STUDIES IN ENGLISH 16 JAN NERUDA'S USE OF SHAKESPEARE IN HIS JOURNALISM Lidmila Pantuckovd Every reader, lover and critic of Jan Neruda (1834—1891), the greatest perso nality of Czech literature in the second half of the 19th century, is familiar with the fact that this brilliant prose writer, journalist and poet, penetrating literary, dramatic and art critic, himself a substantially successful dramatist, was a profound admirer of William Shakespeare. Indeed, this admiration cannot pass unnoticed, for it is many times explicitly expressed. When writing about or referring to Shakespeare, Neruda more often than not makes use of this opportunity for paying tribute to him as the greatest dramatist of world literature and the most original and versatile poet of enormous creative power, or, to paraphrase his words, a spir itual giant who entirely fills the whole space between earth and the canopy of heaven. He ranks him among those titans who "elevated the human spirit and irradiated the human heart",1 and — typically for Neruda's progressive world outlook, the fruit of his proletarian origin — among those great men who were no strangers to poverty and yet served mankind most excellently.2 Neruda's relationship to Shakespeare is not, of course, limited to these explicit expressions — it permeates his whole work and all his activities. As feuilletonist dealing with Czech political, social, cultural and everyday life, and also as a critic of literature, music and the fine arts, Neruda used Shakespeare's works as a rich quarry for quotations, paraphrases and references to illustrate his own views and make them thus more emphatic and attractive (in the same way he used, of course, the works of many other writers of almost all nationalities).
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