Chief Duffy Names New Gay Liaison
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Chief Duffy names LOCAL AND STATE new gay liaison Inner Loop Skate-a- Sgt, Cheryl Franks qf RPD reaches out thon to benefit CHN By Susan Jordan versity, just last month two indi Knock AIDS for a loop at the sec Newly swom-in Chief Robert Duflfy viduals from the GAGV speakers ond annual In-line Skate-a-thon to of che Rochester Police Depart- bureau talked to the group- They be held in the Inner Loop on May ment has appointed Sergeant Cheryl do a very good job — they show a 17. Franks as the new liaison to the gay video and have activities to get the The event will take place be and lesbian community. class involved. Then they go into tween 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Registra Duffy told the Emptf Ooset* *The perceptions on Iiow to better deal tion begins at 9 a.m., at a booth set reason is that I want to reaffirm the v^th individuals, like in cases of Leslie Nuchow performs at Out & Equal's entertainment event on up on l^lowell St across the Loop importance of the liaison position, same-sex domestic violence.** April 18, which starred comic Kate Clinton. For coverage of thc from thc Strong Museum. Slaters and I want atl community liaisons to Sgt Franks also plans to have a evening, see Pag« Bl. should ask ^mily and friends to be in my office and associated with series of meetings with individuals sponsor them, pledging at least $5 my ofRce. Cheryi has a realty strong from the gay community. **!*d like for tfie loop (about 3.5 miles). The desire to be the gay liaison. My to have ascertainment meetings — minimum p>ledge from each skater dedsion is not based on any prob meedngs with individuals from var* Is $ 10. Proceeds go to the Commu lems wld^i (past liaison Capt.) Ray ied backgrounds to ascertain who nity Health Network, and all dona Mosher. But I want to malce the they are and where they're coming tions are tax deductible. Free partdng will b« avdiable &t liaison tx>le more proactive-" from and then to bring them to the the Wmshlngcon Square Oarage and Sgt. Franks sai<t "I'm excited, table—If they vxant poltce support, a^oinii^lots, and beverages will be excited, excited. Tm hopefiiHy go- or to parddpate In upcoming meet pro>4ded along the route. Prizes JMtg^re^ out to the community. ings, or )ust to say what they tNnk will lie awarded after the race, and . i'almii^^ introduce myself first. of the police department.** a party is planned. This Is v<iry close to my heart, The phone numbers to reach Sgt. For more lnformatk>n call the tiec^Aise I deal with issues of divcr- Franks are her office number, 428- CHN development office, 244- slty-alf t;Ae time.** 7033, and her pager, 529-0416. 9000. •; SgL Franks, who is atso co-liaison Gay men. iesbians, bisexuals or Or^pvMzar Jeffrey Barhite, an HIV i. _ ,^widi tb^ Deaf community. sakJ that transgender people who have ex posidve man who is on the board of 'V.. she hopes to write i regular ques- perienced gay-bashing incidents \ dkectors of CHN and also on its ^^'^jkBY and answer column for the should of course call the nearest patient advisory committee, says. Jf^'Cmp^ GoMt which would answer officer for help, but if there are "Thence of HfV/AIDSchanges daily; y questionvposed by readers as well problems with polke officers' re advances in technokigy and medi as offering crime prevention dps sponse* the Haison is the person to dne may even take this disease to a and deaUng with issues involving call. Sgc Franks sakl that she can manageable chronk illness Instead the pdke and the gay communtty. help, "if servkes aren't rendered ofa death sentence. CHN has kept The fintt column vt^ appear in the appropriately, or at all; if peopte me alive and healthy for nine years June issue* and Sgt. Franks pro proactively need open dialogue and and I want to give something back." poses a contest to find a rmme for communication, I can help with it. that Hosiers gay brother Franks said. ^Tve already worked "t*m iooking fbrvrtuxl to this," Daniel O'Donneli with the Gay Alliance ior severd Sgt Franks said. *Thls is going to be years. I put together a pro-am for a wonderful reladonship. I enfoy tries fbr NYS Senate the police depertmenton diversif, thlssortofvMork, and I enioy people. Rosie O'DonneU's openly gay and cwo or diree years afo I started I don't tike categories. I'm inter brodier is one of abouc half a doxen a teaching block for the PoHce Acad ested in what people are like and Democrats conskiering a run for emy on sensitivity training and di what they bring to the table." the vacant state Senate seat of re- drins Sen. Franx Lekhter (D*Man- haccan). Pataki declares suppott for hate crinies legislation Daniel O'Donnett. 37, is aformer publk defender. He hts formed a Governor George Puikl told a those who enfitaln vfolembehav- nor hadseld that a polldcai party thacH is the Republican Party in the campaipi committee and said thac meedng of the Log CUbIn Republi k>r i^dnst any ipwtp and partku- whkh values IndMdual rights and Senace who are holdk^ Up the hata he wM "begin actively reaching out cans In late March that he finds it iariy ipioups because of dieir sexual responslbMdes shoukl noc "regu crimes biN." to the vocers of the 30th Senate "incredible'' dot the RepubUcan orientation. And I can tell you that late the bedroofn." Log Cabin Foreman added disc he hopes Dlscrict to shire with them my Party b Uockkig a hate crimes bM we are going to f^ as hard as we nordieasc regional dMreccor Michael Pataki vvffl abo talk abouc supporc- history of community acdvism and because it indudes protection fer can this year to try and convince Aronowkt said. 1 don't d)ink con- Ingthe^y cM rigNi bM. whkh htf nty vWon for the future of our bias crimes based on sexual onen the legMacura that now is the time servaclvei will change che been kepcfrom a vote by the m* to psss the bM." govemor's position^, he Is very pubfkan f^vty for thepestlS years, tation. Rosie saM that she is ready to Hie hete crimes bM has been 'tiy dteappoinamenc is diac die cM ^tikl, wlmpiupusedlime crtmei nasslofiaite about the ReDubMcan help In any way Lean." She saM, t^fshdon himself in l997,S8ldtiMt passed by die Asaembly every year #ar«if bding an IndMive party*" righca Mi wasnt addreaaed." Fore tie to reai^ one of the mosc self the hSkara to pest the bM hes been since 1989, buc die Senate Repub* Mace Foremen* execuchfa direo* man tidd, iMwause It is on the top less and dedkated people I know. I oneofhlsbjggastdhappolntments. Mean caucus has noc aNpiwed a Sen aor of the Empire Scsca Pride of everyone in the community s have no doubc chac he wM make a It's simply, to me affdn. incred ace voce on the bM. Agandi, said. 1 apfredMe diat die aganda, regardfoss off their poMcal fcntasck legblator" ible that our pany* whkh believes Log Cabin Republican chaltper^ govertim saidhempporcschepes* ameraons. Sea Franz Leichtar commented Inatoui^approachtDyfelenccrime. son Stephen Scherock said thac he aige of die hace crimes bM* Aiid I •Chrisdne Dinsmore, The Htm wM not have tou^tar sanctions for was''bowled over** thac the gover dM appredata diac he recogntaed TofK fiJode nWWS Local news continuod on p. 3 TJIilW"^, •••••w.Ht>''.i. vami. - **>•-» otr-«Mf««am Out A Equal continued from p. I nor}< LEmns to tY« eorroRz pMK ^^^^ rate vlc« president of human resources The OpMOMt of COllHVMltflQl, IMlltKN'ld Wlll^ the r^ttjidltlbr ipac* i Hector Motroni on Friday evening. Allaire tnt wid other conciibiidng wrtaKS art wM print tnonytnous iMton If dM nimt affirmed die Xerox commitmem to diver their cwn tnd do not MCCHEWHX itllea md phone number are provMid to the iht collecdve stdtud* ofdw Gty AHiance Editor, conftdanddt^ wM be rtipactad. sity. Induding sexual orientation, and con Perspectives of tht GnnMai Vriky or tha Empty Ootet gratulated GALAXe and Out & Equal for Submtekions sra due by the ISth ofthe We wtfl prfnt lettmatth* editor's dlKre- month at: the excensive work they are doki^ to pro tlon and on a ipacexyalbWe ba«to.We vrM Thoflbn^ty Cloeet l79AdMMIcAm mote discrknkudon-free work environ viewpoints that matter not print personal attida on tndMduds. RodMmrNYI4S07-t25S ments. Later In the evenlog, conference attendees were entertained by famous New York drag entertainer, Hedda Lettuce. Saturday and Sunday of the conference > LOCAL AND STATE NEWS From Our Readers focused on LGBT employees in the work Brita M. Ulius place cmdy Mardn, President Global Cus 25 years ago this monthe.e Ancient values Thanks again :o the GAGV and to Amanda tomer Support at Eastman Kodak, started 1927- i 998 Appreciating GAGV and Lisa and all the couples in the group. the weekend on a high note by sharing Brita M. Ulius died on April 2 after a two- From the Empty Closet, May 1973 partners woricshop Dadene X^ Ruts^ wonderfoE Kodak moments with the audi year struggle with ovarian cancer. She is ence. PFLAG was again In attendance to survived by her loving partner of 24 years, Two Buffelo bars were cfosed in May 1973 by To the Editor: discuss the foy and cost of self-acceptance.