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1956 Alumni Magazine 1956 Whitworth University

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Recommended Citation Whitworth University , "Alumni Magazine August 1956" Whitworth University (1956). Whitworth Alumni Magazine. Paper 230. https://digitalcommons.whitworth.edu/alumnimagazine/230

This Text is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Whitworth University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Whitworth Alumni Magazine by an authorized administrator of Whitworth University. COWLES MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM - is proving to be all that its donors have hoped. Besides serving regular College functions, it has been a comfortable meeting place for select ell-campus groups and for conference groups meeting on the campus during the summer. Beautiful landscaping has already tied the auditorium appropriately to the surrounding buildings.

STASSEN SPARKS COMMENCEMENT - A great states- man, a true Christian gentleman, the Honorable Harold E. Stassen, special assistant to President Eisenhower in disarm- ament, brought great depth and breadth to the 66th annual commencement services when he spoke to the crowd which filled the new Cowles Memorial Auditorium. 145 students received their degrees this year.

NEW CLASSROOM BUILDING - represents the new- est of building projects now under wayan the campus. Other buildings under construction, about to begin, or in the blueprint stage awaiting loan approvals are the bell tower (referred to elsewhere in this issue), Hard- wick Union Building, and the new men's dormitory.

ALUMNI BOLSTER SYNOD - These Whitworth Alumni, faithful ministers of the gospel, serving in the Synod of Washington, Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., were among the 500 plus who met on campus recently for the annual convening of Synod, Synodical, and Youth Synod. The Reverend William P. McCormick, minister at The Little Church on the Prairie, Tacoma, was elected Moderator of Synod for the coming year. RELAXED SUMMER STUDY - Over 225 SUMMER CONFERENCES - Increasing- students are making use of the summer ses- numbers of groups each year arc finding sions to further their education. Of this the campus a most delightful place to hold number, approximately 70 arc nursing can- summer conferences. Scheduled for meet- didates taking their pre-nursing experience. ings this year are the Luther League dis- Of the remainder, the majority arc tcacbers trict conference, of the American Lutheran working toward further certification and Church. State Music Teachers Convention, toward advanced degrees. Lutheran Men's Croup, High School Foot- ball Clinic, District 7 Workshop for Amal- gamated Meatcuuers and Butcher Work- men of North America, AFL-CIo.

MEMORIAL CAMPA- NILLE - A generous gift of the architect who has designed most of the re- cent campus buildings, the new bell tower will be lo- cated on the loop between the administration build- ing and the library and will give forth the rich tones of the newly-ac- qui red Carillon bells.

REGISTRAR TAKES LEAVE - Aft" twenty-five years of loyal service to the NEW FACULTY - Mr. Robert Cleath College, Miss Estella Baldwin has been comes from special graduate work at granted a year's leave of absence to teach U.C.L.A. to join Professor Loyd Waltz in in the Tripoli Girls' School in Lebanon. the speech department at Whitworth. Other She is the third faculty member in as faculty appointments will be announced in many years to be called to serve one of the the next issue of the Bulletin. mission schools of the Presbyterian Church. r

NEW CHURCH ADDS - to the beauty of the campus. Construction of a new sanc- tuary at the entrance 10 the campus is a constant reminder of the close relationship be- tween the College and the Church. 1


Department No. Course Title Days Room Hrs. Instructor

PERIOD 1 18:10-9:001

Advertising 50 Copywriung II MW F L 3 3 Sprague An 21 Introduction to Painting (Lab.") MW We I 2 Keys Art 36 Introduction to Crafts (Lab. *) MW We 2 2 Larson An 41 Commercial (Lab. *) T Th We 2 2 Larson Art 51 Creative Painting (Lab. *) MW We I 2 Keys Art 71 Advanced Commercial (Lab. *) T Th We 2 2 Larson Art 82 Advanced Crafts (Lab. *) MW We I 2 Larson Art 91 Advanced Composition (Lab. *) MW We I 2 Keys Bible 2 Life of Jesus - Mark (Sec. 1) T Th M3 2 Smith Bible 12 Introduction to the New Test. (Sec. 1) WF A 105 2 Dilworth Bible 43 Acts and Prison Epistles MWF M3 3 Smith Biology 1 General Bontany (Lab.", Sec. 1) T 5H 200 Henefer Biology 4 General Biology for Elem. Teach. (Lab. -, Sec. I) Th SH 204 Thomson Biology 20 Human Anatomy (Lab."', Sec. I) Th 5H 200 Alder Biology 52 Vertebrate Embryology (Lect.) MWF SH 206 4 Alder Biology 52 Vertebrate Embryology (Lab. **) T 5H 204 Alder Chemistry 1- General (Lecture) MWF SH 216 5n Brathovde Chemistry I General (Lab.**, Section 1) T Th SH 100 Bruthovde Chemistry 8 Nursing Chern. (Lab.*, Sec. 1 M; 2 W; 3 F) M WF SH 100 Gray, N. Chemistry II Qualitative Analysis (Lab. * *) T Th SH 108 Brathovde Christian Ed. 15 Introduction to Christian Education T Th M2 2 Jenkins Economics IA Principles (Sec. 1) MWF e 219 3 Evans Education 76 Teach. Arith. in Elem. Schools T Th MI 2 Johnson English B Reading (Sec. I) WF MI I Whitten English I Composition (Sec. 1) T Th F e 116 3 Athey English 33 Literature of the Western World MWF e 119 3 Simpson History 31 American History to 1865 MWF el22 3 Cunningham Home Economics 19 Nutrition for Nurses (Lect.) T L I 2 Boppell Home Economics 31 Food Preparation (Lecr.) F F 15 3 Boppell Home Economics 31 Food Preparation (Lab. *) MW H. Ec. Boppel! Mathematics 55- Differentia! and Int. Calculus and Analytic Geometry M T W TH F e 12 511 Carlson Music SOD Fund. Techniques (Woodwind Class) T Th F 16 I Carlsen Nursing Ed. 25 Nursing Arts II (Lect., Sec. 1) Th S I 2 Wall Nursing Ed. 25 Nursing Arts II (Lab. *, Sec. I) F Gr. 1 Wall Nursing Ed. 99 Methods of Clinical Instruction MWF S I 3 Corona Physical Ed. II Team Sports (men-sectioned) MW Gym I Hintz Physical Ed. 12 Dual Sports (men-sectioned) T Th Gym I Hintz Physical Ed. 30 Physical Ed. Techniques (men) MW GI 2 Merkel Physical Ed. 61 Teaching Football T Th GI 2 Lounsberry Physical Ed. 76 Org. and Adm. Intra-mural Sports (1 Hr. Lab. to be arranged) F GI I Merkel Psychology 40 Applied Psychology MWF M2 3 MacDonald Sociology 61 Rural Sociology T Th e 114 2 Schlauch Speech & Drama 35 Fundamentals of Radio T Th A 101 2 Cleath

PERIOD 2 19:10·10:001

Advertising 70 Advertising Production MWF L 3 3 Sprague .; Bible 47 Gospel of Luke T Th M3 2 Dilworth Bible 86 Minor Prophets MWF M3 3 Jenkins Biology I General Botany (Lect.) MWF SH 216 4 Henefer Biology/Educ. 4 Gen. BioI. for Elem. Teachers (Lect.) MWF SH 215 4 Thomson Economics 56 Money and Banking M T W Th e 219 4 Bibb Education/Psych, 32 Developmental Psychology (Sectioned) MWF e 122 3 LaCoste Education/Psych. 68 Theory of Counsel and Guid. (Sec. l) T Th C liS 2 MacDonald English I Composition (Sec. 2, T and Th.") (for Stud. who rank high in test) (Class on Th. carries through two pertods.) T Th' e 116 3 Simpson English I Composition (Sec. 3) M WF M2 3 La Matt English 31 Survey of English Literature MWF e 119 3 Whitten English 63 Beginnings of the Novel M WF MJ 3 Arksey Engllsh/Ed. 94 Methods of Teaching English T Th e 116 2 Whitten German 1- Elementary MTWF e 216 4 Pope Greek 31 New Testament T W Th F e 221 4 Yates History 55 History of England T Th e 122 2 Duvall Home Economics 19 Nutrition for Nurses (Lab.", Sec. I) T H. Ec. Boppell Home Economics 19 Nutrition for Nurses (Lab. ", Sec. 2) Th H. Ec. Boppell Journalism 15 Introduction to Journalism Th L 2 I Gray Journalism 40 Reporting and Correspondence MWF L 2 3 Gray Mathematics 7 Elementary Mathematics MWF e 12 3 Carlson Music I Appreciation MWF F II 3 Heritage Music 7 Theory I M T W Th F F 16 3 Anders Physical Ed. II Team Sports (Women, Sec. 1) T Th GyIn I Marks Physical Ed. II Team Sports (Women, Sec. 2) WF Gym 1 Marks Physical Ed. 27A Health Education (Women, 1st 9 Wks.) T Th S 1 I Wall Physical Ed. 27B Health Education (Men, 2nd 9 Wks.) T Th S 1 I Wall (Continued on next page) 11------

Instructor Room Hrs. Course Title Days Department No. PERIOD 2 19:10·10:00) Continued GI 2 Lounsberry T Th Matters History and Principle:; M W F Gl 3 Physical Ed. 35 2 Bruce 55 Spec, Meth. and Mat. Tech. P. Ed. M Gym Physical Ed. Coaching (Women, Lab. to be arranged) SH 114 4 Wilson 71 MWF Quall Physical Ed. Advanced Heat (Leet.) C 215 3 Physics 77 MWF Evans General (Sec. 1) C 7 3 Psychology 21 MWF Schlauch Advanced Shorthand C ll4 2 Sec. Science 7 T Th Henning Principles of Social Work C 214 2 Sociology 71 T Th Cleath Survey of Spanish Literature T Th A 101 2 Spanish 51 2 Waltz 1 Fundamentals (Sec. 1) T Th A 102 Speech Introd. to Reli ious Drama S eech & Drama 30 PERIOD 3 110:10·11 :001 Auditorium Staff MWF Larson Chapel (Attendance Required) T Th We 2 2 CHAPEL Poster Design (Lab. to be arranged) M3 2 Dilworth 26 T Th Thomson Art Life of Jesus - Mark (Sec. 2) SH 200 2 Bible 2 Th Evans 61 Histology (Lecture) T C 7 3 Biology Accounting (Lect., Lab: at 12:45 T Th) C 219 2 Matters Economics 30 T Th Johnson Introduction (Sec. 1) L 3 2 Education 25 T Th Whitten 64 Using Audio Visual Aids (Sectio)led) T Th C 221 4 Education English For Spec. and For. Students Enp;lish 5 Gray (Class is continued at 11:10 M W F) L 2 2 T Th Carlson Editorial Writing C 12 2n Journalism 60 T Th Fundamentals (Hyphenated course) F 16 2 Carlsen Mathematics 1- T Th Marks Elementary School Music Gym 1 Music/Educ. 59 T Th Bruce Body Mechanics (Sec. 1, Nurses) G. Stage 1 Physical Ed. 16 T Th Hintz Self Testing (Sectioned) G 1 2 Physical Ed. 14 T Th Merkel Teaching Basketball Ml 2 Physical Ed. 62 T Th Cleath Introduction A 101 2 Recreation 33 T Th Waltz Fundamentals (Sec. 2) A 102 2 Speech 1 T Th Stage Craft S eech & Drama 10 111 :10·12:001 PERIOD 4 3 Sprague MWF L 3 Keys Copywriting I We I 2 Advertising 45 MW Dilworth 25 Lettering (Add. Lab. Per. to be arranged) MW M3 2 Art Life of Jesus - Mark (Sec. 3) SH 200 Thomson Bible 2 I, Nurses) MW Schlauch 7A Anatomy and Phys. (Lab., Sec. MWF C ll5 3 Biology 3 Bibb Ec./Ed./Psy'/Soc. 50 Statistics M WF C 219 World Resources (Econ. Geog.) C 7 2 Thomson, M. Economics 34 MW Business English (Sectioned) C 116 3 Simpson Econ.z'Engl. 36 MWF La Mott Composition (Sec. 4) M2 3 English 1 MWF Whitten 1 Composition (Sec. 5) MWF C 221 English Eng\. for Spec. and For. Students - (sec 10:10) C 119 3 Arksey English 5 MWF Pope Age of Reason C 215 4n English 57 MWF Boppell Intermediate F 15 1 German 3 M Yates, Introduction F 15 2 T· Home Economics 1 WF Gray Clothing' Selection L2 3 Home Economics 14 MWF Carlson History and Influence C 12 3 Journalism 63 MWF Heritage Differential Equations F. Aud. 1 Mathematics 91 MW Martin Women's Chorus F 16 1 Music llA MW Yates Men's Chorus C 121 3 Music lIB MWF Marks 31 Introduction MW Gym 1 Philosophy Dual Sports (Women-Sectioned) 1 Marks 12 to be arranged) F Gym Physical Ed. Methods of Officiating (Women - Lab. SH 114 5 Wilson Physical Ed. 60 MWF Hennin General (Lect.) C 214 3 Physics 11 MWF Intermediate Spanish 3 12:00.12:45 FREE PERIOD FOR LUNCH - NO CLASSES II

PERIOD 5 112:45·1:351 Thomson F SH 200 Anatomy and Phys. (Combined Lab. Nurses) SH 200 Thomson Biology 7A MW Anatomy and Phys. (Lab., Sec. 2, Nurses) SH 204 Thomson Biology 7A T Histology (Lab. "") SH 216 3 Alder Biology 61 MWF Evans Genetics C7 Biology 63 T Th Accounting (Lab."') C 219 2 MacDonald Economics 30 T Th Theory of Counsel. and Guid. (Sec. 2) C 119 I Whitten Ed./Psych. 68 WF Whitten Reading (Sec. 2) C 116 1 English B T Th Arksey Reading (Sec. 3) C 116 3 English B M W F Composition (Sec. 6) C 115 3 Wallace English 1 M WF Johnson I Composition (Sec. 7) T Th C 122 2 English Wash. State Hist. and Govt. C 12 3 Carlson History 85 MWF Plane Trigonometry C 12 Carlson Mathematics \3 T Th 2" College Algebra (hyphenated) F. Aud. I Carlsen Mathematics 14- MW Carlsen Concert Band F. Aud. 1 Music 21 T Th F Martin Concert Orchestra F 16 1 Music 25 MW Wall SOB Fundamental Tech. (Voice Class) Th Gr. 1 Music Nursing Arts 11 (Lect., Sec. 2) Gym I Hintz Nursing Ed. 25 WF Marks 12C Dual Sports (Coed, Sec. 1) T Th Gym 1 Physical Ed. Body Mechanics (Nurses, Sec. 2) I Merkel Physical Ed. 16 T Th G I Athletic Training 5 Wilson Physical Ed. 59 MTWF SH 114 Survey of Phys. Science (Lect.) C 114 2 Cunningham Physics 3 T Th Political Parties and Elections 3 Cunningham Pol. Science 42 MWF C 122 International Relations M3 3 MacDonald Pol. Science 51 M WF Evans 55 Psychology of Adjustment Wf C 8 2 Psychology Business Machines (Lab. to be arranged) Sectioned Secretarial se. 63 -,

Department No. Course Title Days Room Hrs. Instructor

PERIOD 5 112:45·1 :351 Continued Sociology II Introduction MWF C 114 3 Schlauch Spanish 1- Elementary M T W Th C 214 4n Henning Speech 1 Fundamentals (Sec. 3) T Th A 101 2 Cleath Speech 3 Literarv Interpretation MWF A 102 3 Waltz PERIOD 6 II :45·2:]5) An I Beginning Drawing (Lab.") MW We 1 2 Keys An 5 Basic Draw. and Design (Lab, *) M T W Th We 4 2 Keys-Larson Art 7 Beginning Design (Lab. *) T Th We2 2 Larson Bible 55 The Corinthian Epistles WF M3 2 Dilworth Biology 20 Human Anatomy (Lect.) MWF SH 216 4 Alder Biology 20 Human Anatomy (Lab.", Sec. 2) T SH 200 Alder Biology 78 Anatomy and Phys. (Nurses, Lab., Sec. 3) WF SH 200 Thomson Chemistry 8 Nursing Chemistry T Th SH 216 3 Gray, N. Chemistry 11 Qualitative Analysis (Lect.) M SH 214 3 Brathovde Chemistry 13 Quantitative Analysis (Lect.) T Th SH 215 5 Brathovde Chemistry 13 (luantitative Analysis (Lab." ") WF SH 214 Brathovde Chemistry 53- Organic (Lecr.) M W Th F SH 215 5 Gray, N. Christian Ed. 41 Christian Ed. of Child. and Youth M WThF M2 4 Smith Economics 65 History of Economic Doctrine M T Th F C 219 4 Bibb Education 72 Curricular Materials and Methods MWF C 115 3 LaCoste Engineering 6 Engineering Problems MWF SH 114 3 Wilson English I Composition (Sec. 8) MWF C 116 3 La Molt French 1- Elementary French M T W Th C 214 4'1 Henning Greek 53 Mark MWF C 221 3 Yates History I History of Civilization (Designed for Freshmen) MWF C 122 3 Duvall History 69 Modern Europe MWF C 119 3 Cunningham History 75 The American Colonies T Th C 122 2 Cunningham Home Econom lcs 15 Textiles and Clothing (Lecr.) T F 15 4 Boppell Home Economics 60 Nutrition MWF L 3 3 Yates, J. Journalism 52 Editing MW F L2 3 Gray Music 35 Theory III MTWThF F 16 4 Anders Music 77 Survey of Hymnology MW Fll 2 Martin Physical Ed. IIC Varsity Basketball (Women, Lab.") F Gym 1 Bruce Physical Ed. 13 Individual Sports (Men - Sectioned) T Th Gym 1 Hintz Physical Ed. 13B Weight Lifting (Men - Sectioned) T Th Stage. 1 Hintz Physical Ed. 17 Folk Games (Coed - Sectioned) MW Gym l Bruce Physics 8 Elementary Photography (Lab.**-Sectioned) Th SH 114 Wilson Physics 8 Elementary Photography (Lect.) T SH 114 2 Wilson Psychology 52 Experimental Psychology MWF Ml 3 Staff Recreation 69 Adm. of Play and Recreation T Th G 1 2 Matters Secretarial Sc, 3 Advanced Typing (Sectioned) MTWThF C 9 2 Qual!, Mrs. Speech & Drama 21 Introduction to Acting MWF A 101 3 Waltz Speech & Dr. 53 or 54 Adv. Literary Interpretation T Th A 101 2 Waltz PERIOD 7 12:45·3:351 Advertising 48 Principles of Advertising MWF L3 3 Sprague Bible 12 Introd. to the NT. (Sec. 2) T Th M3 2 Dilworth Biology 1 General Botany (Lab. ", Sec. 2) T SH 206 Henefer Biology 7A Anatomy and Phys. (Nurses, Lect.) MWF SH 216 4 Thomson Chemistry 1 General (Lab. *"', Sec. 2) MW SH 100 Brathovde Chemistry I General (Lab."", Sec. 3, for Pre-Med and Pre-Eng. Students) T Th SH 100 Brathovdc Chemistry 53- Organic (Lab. **) T Th SH 104 Gray, N. Economics lA Principles (Sec. 2) M W F C 219 3 Bibb Education 25 Introduction (Sec. 2) T Th C 219 2 Matters Education 71 Curricular Mat. and Methods M WF C 122 3 LaCoste Education 80 Curr. Mat. and Mcth. El. and Set. (by approval only) MWF C 122 3 LaCoste Education 94 Wash. State Manual (4 Wks. only) MTWThF C 221 I Johnson 'I Engineering 3 Engineering Draw. (Lab. **) MW C 13 2 Carlson Engineering 4 Advanced Engin. Draw. (Lab."*) T Th C 13 2 Carlson English 1 Composition (Sec. 9) MWF C 215 3 Arksey English 7 English Communications (This course includes Compo and Speech Fund. and must be carried through the full year for credit) Sectioned M TW Th C 116 4 Whitten English 41 Survey of American Literature MWF C 119 3 Simpson French 3 Intermediate MWF C 214 3 Henning History 55 The Ancient World T Th C 122 2 Cunningham Home Economics 15 Textiles and Clothing (Lab ." ) MWF F 15 Boppell Home Economics 19 Nutrition for Nurses (Lab.", Sec. 3) T H. £C. Boppell Home Economics 19 Nutrition for Nurses (Lab.", Sec. 4) Th H. Ec. Boppell Music SOC Fund. Techniques (Strings) T Th F 16 I Carlsen Music 56 Instrumentation and EI. Scoring MWF F 16 3 Carlsen Physical Ed. IZC Dual Sports (Coed - Section 2) T Th Cym I Hintz Physical Ed. 21 Skill Fundamentals (Majors and Mln.) MW Gym 1 Bruce Physical Ed. 78 Tests and Measurements T Th F MI 3 Bruce Physics 3 Survey Phys. Science (Lab.", Sec. 1) F SH 114 Wilson Physics 3 Survey of Phy. Science (Lab.", Sec. 2) T SH 114 Wilson Physics 11 General (Lab." ") MW SH 114 Wilson Psychology 21 General (Sec. 2) MWF C 121 3 QuaIl Secretarial Sc, 1 Elementary Typing (Sectioned) MTWThF C 9 2 QuaIl, Mr~. Sociology 33 Youth and Marriage MF C 114 2 Schlauch Sociology/Psych. 41 Social Psychology MWF C us 3 LaCoste Speech 1 Fundamentals (Sec. 4) WF A 101 2 Cleath Speech 4 Literary Interpretation T Th A 101 2 Waltz Speech 7 Argumentation and Debate MW A 102 2 Cleath Speech 40 Advanced Debate MW A 102 2 Cleath

~ Department No. Course Title Days Room Hrs. Instructor PERIOD 8 13:45·4,35) Art/Educ. 53 Art Education Methods (Lab. *) T Th We2 2 Larson Biology 4 General BioI. for EL Tch. (Lab.", See. 2) M SH 216 Thomson Christian Ed. 80 Field Problems (Lab. to be arranged) MW M2 3 Smith Education 69 Elementary Reading MW MI 2 Education 70 General Science for E1. and Jr. High MW SH 215 2 Education 77 Social Studies in Elem. School T Th M2 2 Education 92 Individual Research (4 weeks) MTWThF A 105 I Tiffany English B Reading (Sec. 4) T Th C 119 I Whitten English I Composition (Sec. 10) MWF C 116 3 Wallace English 45 Creative Writing T Th C 221 2 Arksey English 50 Chaucer and His Time MWF C 119 3 Simpson Muslc/Educ. 4 Schoolroom Music MWF F 16 3 Torbenson Music 57 Conducting T Th l' 16 2 Anders Nursing Ed. 25 Nursing Arts II (Lab.", Sec. 2 M; Sec. 3 W; Sec. -I. F) MWF Gr. I Wall Philosophy 56 History of Modern Philosophy MWF C 121 3 Yates Physical Ed. 5 Varsity football M T W Th F Field I Lounsberry Physical Ed. 6 Varsity Basketball MTWThF Gym 1 Hintz Political Sc. SI International Relations MWF C 122 3 Cunningham Recreation 36 Elern. Games for Recreutlon M W F GI 3 Bruce Religion/Hist. 84 Hist. of the Christian Church T Th M3 ~ Duvall Secretarial Sc. 5- Elementary Shorthand M T W Th F C 7 41'1 Evans Speech I Fundamentals (Sec. 5) T Th A 101 2 Cleath Speech & Drama 13 Make Up and Costume (Lab. as arranged) M A 102 2 Waltz NOTE: Any Lob. Starting With Period 8 Should Be Concluded at 5:25 PERIOD 9 14:00·6:00) (Graduate Courses except Ed. 95) Education 95 Teaching and Observation (Lab. as arranged) Th C 11-1 6-14 Tiffany Education 102 Advanced Principles of Education T M2 3 Bibh Education 130 Adv. Ed. Psych. Th M2 3 Schlauch Education 175 Trends in (Curriculum Bldg.) M M2 3 LaCoste Education 101 Adv. Techniques of Counseling and Guidance W M2 3 QuaIl Education 190-191 Research Seminar 2-4 QuaIl-Stall Education 200-201 Thesis 3-3 Quall-c-Staff PERIOD 10 15:35·6:25) Music 16A A Cappella Choir (by audition only) M T W Th F F. Aud. Anders PERIOD 11 17:00-9:00 P.M.) Physical Ed. 19A Aquatics (Beg. SWimming, Men) M NCBS Merkel Physical Ed. 19B Aquatics (Int. Swimming Men) M NCHS Merkel Physical Ed. 19C Aquatics (Adv. Swimming Men) M NCHS Merkel Physical Ed. 19D Aquatics (Senior Life Saving Men) M NCHS Merkel (All Swimming Classes are sectioned) COURSES TO BE ARRANGED FOLLOWING FALL REGISTRATION Advertising 75-85-86 Practical Experience 4-8 Gray Advertising 90 Advertising Seminar (Seniors by approval) 2 Sprague Biology 98 Advanced Biological Problems (by approval) 2 Alder Biology 99 Thesis (by approval only) 2 Alder Chemistry 91 Physical (on demand only) 4 Brathovde Economics 93 Market Research (Seniors by approval) 2 Bibb Education 90 Research (by approval only) 2-3 LaCoste Education 95 Directed Teach. and Observ. (by approval only) 6-14 Tiffany French 71 Modern F rench Novel 2 Henning Greek 90 Selected Readings (by approval only) I Yates Journalism 45A Applied (Whitworthian) 1 Gray Journalism 45B Applied (Natsihi) . 1 Gray Music 71-72 Jr. or Sr. Redial (by approval only) 1-3 Music Faculty Music 79 Field Laboratory in Choral Mus. (by approval only) 1 Martin Music 73 Chamber Music I Carlsen Music APPLIED: Private lesson in Organ, Mrs. Carrel; . Piano, Mrs. Carrel, Mrs. Waltz; Voice, Miss Heritage, Mr. Martin; Orchestral Instruments, Mr. Carlsen, Mr. Baker, Mr. Hosch, Mrs. Melvin, Mr. Huttenbach (State preference of Music Instructor when possible) 1-2 Music Faculty Physical Ed. 90-91 Research Seminar (Seniors by approval only) 1-2 Matters Physics 77 Advanced lIeat (Lab. to be arranged, Lect. 9: 10 M W F) Wilson Physics 96 Modern Physics 2 Wilson Physics 99 Special Problems in Physics 1·3 Wilson Philosophy 90 Dir. Read. and Research (Seniors by approval) 1-3 Yates Psychology 33 Child Psychology (at Hospital, Thursdays) 2 MacDonald Psychology 90 Research (Seniors by approval only) 1 MacDonald Recreation 80 Seminar (Seniors by approval only) 2-4 Matters Sociology 1 Sociology for Nurses (at Hospital, ll:OO Th; 3-5 Wed.) 2 Schlauch Sociology 59 Supervised Group Work (by approval only) 2 Schlauch Sociology 91 Individual Research (Seniors by approval only) 2-4 Schlauch Speech & Drama 90 Projects in Speech and Drama (by approval only) 1~2 Waltz NOTE: The college reserves the right to cancel any class in which there is Insufl'lciern registration to warrant its continuance. Courses numbered from 1-29 are intended for freshmen, 30-49 for sophomores, and 50-99 for juniors and seniors. Courses numbered over 100 are graduate courses. Lower division students cannot take upper division work without special permission from the Dean or the Registrar and the Professor in whose class the student is registering. • Indicates class carries through one additional period. U Indicates class carries through two additional periods. n No credit until second half of hyphenated course is completed. WHITWORTH COLLEGE BULLETIN, Spokane, Wash. - Vol. XXIII, August 1956, No. 12 - entered as second class matter, , [930, at the Post Office, Spokane, Washington, under the act of , 1912. Published in January, March, April, May, July, September and November by Whitworth College, Spokane, Wash.