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Southern Accent - 1956

Southern Missionary College

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Recommended Citation Southern Missionary College, "Southern Accent September 1955 - " (1955). Southern Accent - Student Newspaper. 31.

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e- %//#)' Registration Rusli Confuses Collegians, But Tliey Swm%

inlj lo sec a speeding figure

THE i^

460 Enrolled in Classes; Thurber, Crook, Schoen Head Classes; Number Tops '54 - '55 Figures Elections Held First Week of School

Fiosli Choose Officers Oetolier 17

ic class elections liiild on Septcr

lyea^fer-tfrnrmeHrtrrhf ^iwtlon-oHrs-olfirervTioc t among .he freshmen .ha. ,he, did no. know the

II enooBi, ,0 .o.e

Elder Rebok Acts '''-"1"""- ^'l'"' As \,.a(lcmic D.a.1 SOUTHERN ACCENT

Tobiasse„;sTI,esi, The Editorial "We" Farewell Reception Wrights Honors "i!,!,,"' tow„

compjaini among freshmen ihat they do not know (he candidates wdl ennugh in vow on them. This has been true because the nominations and elec- tions have been held during and imniediatcfy following registration week. This waiting period of one month will enable the class to become better acquainted with itself.

It is possible that some groups promoted this postponement for reasons other


ve to postpone was a coi

c the possibility of tbi

theit of- -^'^''"'•°" '<> '.^c c.ty of '^^ collegians' voting more inieiligently on ^= ^^^ l. ^XHnd "or-X? O^Sn't '-("^f I;?^]''^"ZdLT'lhl^Sr„"'1 "°S''" ^ot), if (liey ^^'ith them for hou« K-iding b«. wishts "^,'"""« ^y^^'' ficers after ha^i^g been associated nude fdbw siid to anofh.r. ^llc gTtl ^^ c.v"r'lh ",. tfn.i''

tit), of

^tlCaCited mcmbtts of the facultj' Achievements at SMC S[H-jk,nK of thjnj^«, our kiithcnttlL- h^ put on j ^c,^ '"" After thin rs of faithful service to Collcge StOI*e JoinS '''''' """^^i^''"''^ ^/°^'^ ^^'^'^.^l^"^. "^^^jjl ^^'in|'cd'?\,J!'''-n" jn^ri Kenneth ioUegc, Ptofcssor oVnTin^ F"id"<"f tfi^'sE" SavillgS Chain, InC. 0>th\^^ <^Tn\l p^Zd t\^,'e\l\ l^Z^.^^Tn^^^^^ A. Wright has retired from the presidency. Re- Asx outstanding achieve- "" ;"""; fleaing on his tenure, many ^"'j"-- the 0\:l,c Saving Stores, j co- ':i^':";. """I Inc., mml have been (oo busy to c-jt"iup™'t'Sund3revcn"^''h right and his colleagues '^"" "' o™r 3"" "<"" >" "US': Monday morninfi ihc ran^ iLi: ^^^ ^.^^ ^^^.^^ ^^^ grown^ diTnog °l«"''"i: rising Lll a("f oi ;ould be cited. There were the installing o

'"'"'^' expansive '^"'"''' "' *^'"''' "^^ senioi college status for SMC, and the '^"^ ""= ^^»"^!^en\^'''" |^^"'''^pj^i,'j ''j'^^^^^''i;^||S, ^^JJ; S '

Sulirie's Sage

istly more important than anything ^


Don't Miss An Issue! OP THE SOUTHERN ACCENT' Simply fill out ihc handy subscription blank btlow " aod st ion" •Managct, SOUTHERN j CoUteedalt, Ten i.ptio °"'^ Enclosed ^;utV ^I'lur tt^JS y^'- is S2.I



'Tfamec Tfta^fivii (^&ao^^ (?tiiteen

Dean Rebok Talks

About Common "^ 126 Academy Pupils ,*"""!,!°™ Elder Heinrich "r, h Speaks in Sign for Classes i.,„, j™ s™ ., Academy People l"c™, "L

126sludLnls in Col- ."i.^'f .,.. ^rm"| ^elo|'nKnt, ; ApproKiauttly m'. Wcck of Prayer 'The Lurd needs conuiinn pc^c In

Mnsic and Games r.-S Miss Hambleton oV'.«tr°T""d"e, Welcome Acadettes si"!;;' Becomes Registrar, yeji m ihe hismrv o

'"f"^:'," Teaches Spanish INTRAMUBALS 7i^^ to (^tn in""*, ''SSd°ie"'A"ad™7''s"; Additional

ficd, hiving bIen'Te^ii'lrar*'for'^''fivc RcCreatioUal '*"*'"' Activities K™ M''X:"';ti!i'."'''

'^ "^ d for Ssni djy nifihl, Scpleni- ANNEXING and Peru and spcjks Spinish fluently. " Ha"!(h'"and^ RKrtTl"^

., nijU oiled „„.nd, and Regina Reporig I.a'r" M';fH"r.blcro" td"s"p"fli "fc^lre?" Sl'V^ogr r„f""!',i,'; Antics in Abode marked b). new gjma ind more ,e h" I'l'S "is S«rlmn,!rfby Coll"scd"le'A d' "sTb"! &h'*'l reation^l opportunities or ail. W B, J SSnmUlTnVjack t bslf I'eaje

k; Biin school sUKing we really been F80SH CHOOSE OFFICERS E£Et:H '!n.'h.?o'rm ,m,adBcllylo»,d (C«„/,-,W/r™ ;,„£.!) TZZ. Smo'^ronhrg-I'u. "Cc "e toL*^ HB£3vi3n.•;™^<™

girls, also, eighl college girls are il high in pop rmlq 8'

' |tsl Tlicy also Vjrd pli) Glow Po. Ihe jirls vho ^MM out of Ihingj, sn mno REGISTRATION RUSH CONFUSES ;", down Id slodyir^i; again, some funn \ 1 M '."ir."" SrUds' ?f MsT" oL'Ti: lighls were oul one night. Judy Kirk of a girl,- ,o IcybjII league. The CO lege n^ill be another regullit fellow '):::'iBx te iL" pk"


though ihe, reall, a soui;:::..: ;.;;.i;u;::i;Y cgll[2E i THE


To Clidtldiiooga '

Student Speakers '\ j,j Vh^'Td' ,T asulu^ m dSe ram. 1 '"!" ^''' """"'•*"•• "' Featured Weekly "„"'i°dL"",' c"mp"td .i'lh'K Simus Vaeh'd. itarl h, been some triiicism. On [hii Polling several put d, stand need! lo be laken.

Can T^piiT^jhr, not derive much benefir. WHEWS does WEARY WATCHMAN . . Cation . ot cr- m^^ ^^""^^^'jJ-^j^'J^^^^.^^iJ^'^^^jy^u ^^^'^^'^'>'^^^l^' student, leader or Wefliv. taking a sleepy urge rhat each ^9^^'*" midnight st.oll to t We ,„ ^^uilly go to is hid j - of hts J, ^.^ ln-'."™ndrmn"urndiinfi It fountain Satur/ay mght. delegates to answer any ^9"'""^ did not notire t tvisc, expect his °'^^^^^^^^%^^ ^ j«i. TTiis T haTn^^olccjic ot>"f

Lyceum vs. Budget discus Recently there has bettn quite a bit of progtams. Every. sion about out Sarurda, night ;;„yl'Ts"u';rr:'MLio-"-- -'^^^^^

CIbss " Gift Deserves b;;!l'™'1or'»e°)»"s" i"mrp7e!en.Ss°'l's °'*"An°jdd'iiionilS150-S200 conies in through Highest HouOrS have P|°^ dotissions. We "«l»«_Jf™ Some cte, el« .re unused, some SOUTHEB^

^^^ 7a»lU

. . Collegedale Academy ^",, . *

has had its own week of prayer separate Old, Studcnls I (imc Collegedale Academy NcW college. Before, all studen.s a.tended the san.e evening I Urn the Enter AcadeniV college speaker. -' 'meetings in the Tabernacle, listening to the They Duckv Coogin speaker for afternoon chapels. liad their own academy I " "^" """ '"' ^ """" Elder O. L. Heinrich broughr ns inspiring and practical me reverence and the preset „es in the Fine Arts Chapel. An air of prevailed. believe rhar in such smaller meetings it I God We possible to get t apar

1 needs, but should not

ety year will be a year of p An ciri v "I Like Everyone cide to have a whole life of prayer. When to live mote abundantly. ,er we will be able And Their '^l' 'i

Friendliness" Iv^diinJs ACADEMY ,'*.'""'"' IcUkoil. «i'l>nr>l COLLEGEDALE '(^',j,)°c,'Z.Ht'"L,"tm'ihl t w'^ijIT™ 'S™t'irjJJij°™°r' I School ",'"»"', "_ Sabbath accent -511,,.;., Tro.i apioi .r the T- ''™""'''"?li'"'- w.,id. c«.^ ri.,id.. g«i ej,., -. a-..™- • Anj,'s I Offices Filled ,>..j™ 1* i,^,. k, Mi, ^. i!«. „ b,'. m,J,,

nh Chosen Ircturcs here 3 Counselors Amoils"ther Mnplo, recre^tfon! of Wjdb CalT^e '^ ftTcViM '"''"""'^J"^^^,^^ J^"^^,l^. 'Jj' W^U M„.W.Il,r, D.riddoaf,„.s,,k,t.„„g„dr'- •---" u„J ,..•..-..,„-. ,.t,ttLH°°rH.a,bl«oa.nd By StndcntS IN I \I I TCiid 7fJeit "Jftatii: \ SPhVI MM REDSKINS "MASSACRED;" PICNIC SUCCESS

Inns («.cb.ll Ijlcj. B


d, S.pcmb.2 .k^,,.,,pp.i.^ '"';*;,f'i';;'^'^^^^^^^^^^ 1-^ -, 0,hc„ .ho r™,]!. i,;,;. k „ , -J» ? JK** ^Odif; THE '''•'''-'''''^^^^nuimu,Hm i^

^.omte^ "Wee^ P<^^ O^ Widely Known Songsters Present Courtesy Pays-Make Youc Character Rich' was the slogan Night LvCeUItl PrOgraiTl SotUrdaV"^ October 17-20. as announced in chapel Courtesy Week. _ ^ _ „.35cn for . _ __.... Ann Schimek. chairman of the Social Educatii I Monday by Jo clecrs will blend in vocal concert for the pleasure of the students of SMC. After a few introductory remarks explaining the objec Known for their high quality of performance, the quartet prides itself in its combination of four fine solo entertainers. William

o'.t t'soh irg"m."modcra,o'r"na Beavcn Prcscnts Diard leads with top tenor billing. Comic Richard Wright holds

selected ID answer aueslioni rp k npn i I I (he cinel J ^^^ CoJcming etiqudt. Ihut arc afr.n 1 Op Al^ AWafO ' Ihc studcnls at SMC. m ^^* .-iskcd among Qnmr^ fii . Followinfi the pand. diicu^io. eight lo SiVIt UiaptCr

liiii'uli>N M:\Vi- Sixth Collegiate Dibut rnm.)ii-..« Eickid Si>v tht- WhKl-SpiriliLi] Workshop Resolves T-£1TI\...... Disclosed Citation Received By SMC Yearbook ionii "The Omnipolence," by Fran

Schubert; -'l Will Lift Up My Ey«,' tions. College social life, Col- lege faculties and regulations— SA Clubs Organize these and many other subjects 1955. Two Tcnnesire colleges wci Ss£^}zsz Satiiite Socials SSSr were discussed by the delegates CAMERA CLUB Workshop of Eastern S.D.A. Colleges held on the campus of ""Ssriii!"'

.J.i.mj -The ,, E. J. MeMu.rh,

h.ghligh^ of the ['oMowinL; .irc the m p,, l„ Ik, .uBUndios ,,(^m Gov't Committee srM CLUB

Has Three Sliidenl '''\' :'::.;;: ."'Izr'm.iEj" ""^-^iiiS's 'PPiii ti.%uw.)lLedilomll,. Killen,


The Editorial "We"

IT'S L$ Courtesy «eek is in progi type signs arc admonishing us

It is seemingly the honest com the attitude of others that being a Chi matically makes one a courteous, cor dividual. We fee! rhat this is true only in the

and one the desire and intent to be thoughtful courteous to others. However, conversion dotis not and obviate the necessity of carefully studying

for We said civili/ed community" by design, frequently acts of courtesy arc absent complete- smoothly. At this ly and life then ceases to flow

neces ary to become guide b«amc outicGibly strains hai he 1 cks the foundation ;'7^LSSal'c"^h build this foundation. I mu^t sta'ttM col- in the elementary scho 1. At the platform, cge leve it should be a really sol d cry disillusioned atomic scientist talk- Knut- « ng to an other said "1 hear that P ofessor * * Ichasd scoveted the link betwee civilized man POETRY, TOO md ihc ape—it's us.- Let's hope '""'*"'''"' the others as Tt^my' we have so studiously decried. THE SOUTHERN ACCENT

.njoyadjhBsefirit DelCgatlOU RcpOFt Tluinderbirds Take First Place: Two Games Scheduled For Today



II "lCil.m''.'''LloId"°ho«:" m^* Sf3--

P^ul Ed Btd Kilgore avo.itc dwiencr >5 Paul Kilgorc, SEND VOUR My 'm c)« of' I1.C Ncgco shine U^gl oT't in theology and SUB TODAY rifhict in propoilion u he becomes Tbc di-.n of Ws ^imilijr Kith th(^ hither monl ideils ^^^^'^ i-SWiJrili/ COLLCSE LKflASr THE i^

SA Presents I Student Devotional Week "Martin Luther" Tomorrow Night Conducted by Elder Lucas I ''Keepin g Faith" ra!,1S'Jwi'll b! pre. Fickl Day Venture; Theme of Week in ,hc ColloE»

of Priym toiai8h.a.7t45in Che

Tliii iimounl pushes the Injaihering Tabetnadc. be

ihermomelee up (o S5.H5. "Espmiully .he Parcliments" tol- "'' lowing the t!leme. Keeping f ailh V ^v e"*'"!? 'd'si ''2J^''^''d uwft d. with Chi.irch. Elder G R Ni'hs car svss nmncr-up my Go my >.,|h S:77 (,) The »p ludreiduil ,|s. wilh Myielj "" »""" ""'"' "" College, Eld- l^d^lrhV^ titanud Mi!! ionary 7l'L"'n^t^^rJ^°i ^c Taylor Elected "ACCENT" SOLICITS ,.„ b,,. Mm p,od.t=d i. ,9!3. COC President STUDENT OPINION 'wp,««»".il"."i„"ptad w.,n. T.,1., „„ ,™.i, .kad ON HONOR SYSTEM

Adai,->.^ sMCitrs

Family Piano - Violin - Cello Trio Performs Here Next Saturday Night The Reisraan Trio, scheduled lo reappear by popular de in [he Collegedale auditorium November 12 at 8:00 p.m., only professionally conceriizing piano-violin-cello rrio in Ar I ihat is genuinely a family affair. IE SOUTHERN ACCE

IgCTM 11 " The Editorial "We" LETTCCS

Ih.nk f , ( 1,

YOU . WE DARE ^ ( .1 1.V G.l encroaching S'ecdily on BOOKS have slipped igr referred list of Americar

teres[s-fo..„ -.-„. - - ^ , . ""d)- ot chi ually [he one who sandwiches the

and sincere you will enjoy ^'l oughly. If you are ,^^. ;,";,," ,^„,„d ^urse. The Ira. ,'LTn. l^^ri^^'lT >hy;-< 2TMetj{'Z"ZZc,''l°[lZ^M^^^^^ apprcciflie this medium too. j,,,^^,, ,^^„i„J course usually re- I'^-'^J^^'^-l t.'T.?u'-kJ Z'ull"" .-f .-pon he., decided one everJng in despe.atlo,,' that^U

WHEN SPOKEN TO .JollLm. XVXch Uu- stu- . . . ONLY Z^h ^f;,j"nr

a not lintilo (hose of thousand, of nIKor displayed by its graduates. It is ' ' "^ victim, of .mdd knowledge ^ "ih,:""'p7ofIL^r 'n\t\.!i.n.U runn^'linlTttoT^ Coi^ 'JJ'" J„',u,c Learn it in your four yeaH at^ simple siory. ,„J^^- ,..^Z<^\^^c\, ,t^dJ to .ak. f...... >. p-u.i, b,...J=' cm. I^^",'^, ^,,^°f,,^^^^^^^ o nZbl^onrtl^nt 7eHo

thoughrle , Ehat some


Mrs. Gina Plunguian's paint- ings and sculpiutc which were jshibited at Plum Nelly on Sig-

nal Mountain recently will be

icen in the show windows of bur alone thai will solve it. Bui before we Gilman's Paine Store ji 2f-ii and banish ihem to a land .^ these students up ^^ eggplant '^^^ ^^^ ^^- November 16 2^ filled with poets that eat only fried ^^^j. cntd?

are at ou no- behavior in class. Perha s you ihcon is monopolizing the class our popularity and fellow ludcnts a 17 ask yourself these quesii I abc ut to say ng 1 das^. Is what am

my question really ncccss. ry> Is it iriipot nough to gain the aticnt on of all d break the teacher's inten ded chain ol iho ugbt

SOUTHl^]^ ACCENT '" """' *"- """""' THE SOUTHET

ACCENT ON ... I hIs,""''

. . Collegedale Academy Band Members

I Near-Aecident Seniors Organize; I Leaves Student Announce Officers I Scared, Thankful

H Sanborn, spocui "'Accent" Spnnsui-s Sidewalk Contest; i'^mi'rtm'Kl: Main Campus Walks Will Be Identified Chsiwnooiia .ind vi- Laying long and nameless, [he sidewalks of SMC have been mer-

be hdd m Mcmorul you have a name (hat will become tradition with our college. The

SA Entertains al Autinnn Outing

the Administration building on luno for our wilLs. Pidi, 3i Saturday night, Octobst 28, an roughi out by Dr. Ejttb, oihct ticipating an enjoyable evening. "laiii After the party wai complete, ill!) the KHiup '•t^'tcd for the Stu- kiu P.ul. T^M. nacklinji bon-

" On" pMr vtaim of J prankster iv.u TalgC McU luvite often I ^adicS To RcCCplion ^^"'^' """tied roomZ'c lool^'^hij tmvcnnd

Forum Officers Take Positions


INTRAMLIRALS Dr. Esteb Visits SMC For higatliering Royal Lancers Cain Fiist Place; Sabers Doomed For Cellar Finish Tlif El DoraJos contjnueJ iheir victory siting Sunday with a 19 £' to G win over the luckless Sabers. The El Dorados threw up a prac- fo'l/E'y'pH.ti 'IZ lically impenetrable defense until die last play of the game when Mracek raced twenty yards dirough the entire team for the only

the slowed c!0D.n only by (re^ucnt pcnJ- ly 15 Sftonds left (o pby. mAinp

ndin mceliin; the Monkliirj. Toi m cjriy MOdng punch and jumped

also ipokc a. Trrdaj- evcnmB v«pir. pusa Jnd un the irm of Jansen. (he Boyjl Fadden siiJ£gme Co^ein mf: Panic Stricken Students 1Dust Books; the pjiadc for the El's wilh (ifM h.ilf jrd Ihc lead proved (oo Koring they 24 poin.s. Culp and Campbell had 6 mu,l. t... rhc l-hi>nd«bird* *hcn Bone For Terrifying Test Week

B, B«f,,N W,L THE i^ SENIORS SPONSOR SMORGASBORD Give-aivay Program Follows

The '56 ScnioB of SMC wil csen, the rsl stu tlcnt-spon- sored Srao gliboid in th ad •Audiiotii. nonS nday eve-

iravian lype '" Smorgasbo ned buJci

St Ic and" horsd

WSMC Radio Z hftaMrta bdpinea a. Ulc Staticii Broadcasts Jtlbi^bui w,lib.,i,t,

Music. News "u/u^t'o Z£"El ll?"a'„'',°" ^" ^^ ^'^'^> '''^ *""'= nt loicc he Smotfiisbord id a ivii con L by D„to 'fo"S.«« ta.,lt»,' ;s °'£i twd ^HE" b, ^a w«hr ptoiL,, 1 hoi?!"? dj °".X"'.'™ more'ltbo"

ii.»; b™ du.lL's" "dt 'pI'SlJ n' SbE,° .".jiis by station art rcbyins WGKA FM w-a pia„tb li supcr-siii.

Weti St^^ ^ete^ifM. Itgcdik Tl '."fh'. 7<*^ S2,500 Raised For vir;:;: £I^H ™i;,' 'lb :he men of Upsilon Delia Phi piesented their annual icccp- SMC ConCCrt Band of Dasowakita Sunday evening, ind banquet to the women ^^ improved SMC bind will pro Thanksgiving being only a few days away, it was mber 20. ^,,.„ f^^hci as a result of ihi A phn i p,-, and a this tradition- harvest time contributed to the setting of ,j^jn, mertine. In . four min ."rtii; p°4"nj^tt ; [hat ^^^ pi"™*.' .'S

'''" '"^ '""^"^ '^ »»".' v„„» nets may After the guests had entered the Tabernacle through ever- ei''";"'= ^T^"*" " as'ofiri aJJlm" d L,nn J,n greens sprinkled with fallen le

^ed under the din

: and l(£umcs.

.s pl.ycd by Jin

^ I'^J^for' Ihc ^ridrKhool, Tcid^'^ Eight ScllOols G P ^j^^^^ j_^^ lhe"di2 ^!''aid"so'^"odii/r '"'lii^menrC^e

needslhc ne«' will with n«™ion by Mr. Shiffer teotiil symphtnic bind, gj' Kkm, TtcJ Ebc.hjtt, nooga_atea be represented IE SOUTHEH

to '^'"= ofTtt our congraiulanons and apprccia on [ Mc- "^^ Murphy. We bdicve [hat this GOOD which does not nL-cessarily coimoie class!

This addiiion of WGKA's services alo gwith Z tcgulat local news broadcasts, and student programs will provide a balanced schedi j:'z , has long been needed. We should not foffi'^t for however the patient and unrecognized I bor of ,co past radio managers and personnel m b

This marks another mileposi of prog ress in hu SA history. It » only by recognzing an d saiis- Eying student interest that our student jpport. When we cease to serve, decease to fun jj.

"souTHE®Nf ACCENT ="3 »s^^"'.it;r;i*l;\S^X;5*™ ;°;'^3LZi?'Esr'rHE ?{''?: SSdli'ff ACCENT ON... I

. Collegedale Academy

pay- ISC human nature! Perhaps you didn'i know it, buc you arc vacation. Isn't glad ig [uition just the same during it odd how class would e are to get out of a or an assignment? One think rather than paying, c were being paid to go to school ByStandcr Ul)M dc.°'?oCmSar?r'om ^ion^o^" dme'h^'ten putTnt^^^^^ charge of five dollars per day or any pare there- I It is as follows: a ClieiTlistry Lab Students Favor Stump Speeche


far, this one approached most closely to unanimity. No concribu- mc fiiisi luoinfi smucr.:.. -ju ovc. iMi.- ^^^^ favored mud-sMnging. All thought in terms of a positive campaign. '^'^,'''J^^'"i'^°"?i!'''"r^'!f'il"^"''.;bending , . ^ ^. . not s«m to learn the 3rt of g.^, /„^m/h—Senior, religion. Free discussion is very essential '''''"^' "'" on ^ ' '" ^"y organization or society. It gives a person soracthmg p f rh h' a candi- ^'^'''^'^ '" formulate his opinions in regard to an issue or lib inlimction K^^lld meiKkiiicTihat

better acquaint the majority of students ^mplc" i"^hJd!Mhlon''c'"'li.r' He his weakness, and would " 1 by pu«ing "

niois Elect ^ciL^etici. /46ae(i sponsors, Offit

'««—Senior, ""i^^^^'^" Studcut RcCOg.

-C5S what he thiiil;i he on DlviuC DclivCr

'''''^:/i.1^Z^:fi':''tffl Returns to Studi*

P Subject io Ihat Ihc sludent ""= Cuba. Is Almo Quintana. Alma wonfs upon i , HonH/aticnIf !,frh witn!,.!,,-L. inis(hi. year,ve», Renatov whether his qualifi- ^^ bocoms a iBCretary. Sfie =ays her bod)- nuy know -.^ l /^^" „,:„ -,^„^^A •' <"''i'^'>h ^°"' specifications. Alio ANKSGIVING CHAPEL pal pbqvq" is American Hlstor/. ficitions meet their ^,T^^J'^^^ ^^ ^j ,^c next di Px ^ rlishedtc the peo- .'EN -° "'^d ^^ don't blame her; we've heard by listening to i min sp<«k BY EORUM ^itb-I to^bTa la^ng^nago \l'JC<. ^ QrlLX ho'pitil Xre"*.! brair ACCENT Decembe THE SOUTHERN r 2. if,

Quist's Foreign MARRIED COUPLES' FOOD FEST Legion Answers PROVIDES EVENING S DIVERSION o^' Challenge "^ Mission ^. '°„tnL"'pi''^reJJru^SutThr "^ ""'' ^°' B, H. S, LuNEKjirisT social held recencly drifc their way. " churtli is mca- Tht condiiion of J The tale is thar they had the most Vli*'/'^^ delicious assortment of sen au arge ong oi H conlinuw 10 ^,^ ^,^ ,„,.,;„„ what good cooks some of those wives havi "' " ' "-. fo' a large niiniber of the mem

^ J^MfCfHgeM 'Xcd^'^tl """^ tXty Ad«nli"ro"«^ o! itL t'd W^ M it foil' our o.i?cr collc^, ^« (9««f '"11,^^.^"':;^.^""^'™^^^^^


Royal Lancers Capture League Title; (he c

Fing Pong Tournament Scheduled y..^y'a

li^ld o In the first game of the doubleheadet on November 4. the Royal Lancers stormed lo a 39-26 win over the speedy Montclaics. ""^°' " Si'i^lc. Also. .h.OU£h . man scoring over one T.D. Ward and Court had 7 points while "^ McClure tacked up each, with Travis Kt^el. Addison, Jan.scn, and 6 ^^^^| Honor Roll

.(y the,caiinfi pici:

|[Qe •hen Ihai opportunity offerj. .«! nuhl i-nd McC fc ten t time h has been stirioned >n Fort

;:iS. ^gi^Sjt^'ia ,]'Jork'/Lnfi finild noTonly ^.^^^' ;Er'!i!!,J'i:9C I ^ "lb

;ii m from a world perishing in I'l'ilulToi ,h ™™ U Ibt/lo 'rtt^''i"thfrcD^'[^^« bm e ]ib„ry

dp .nJ Mcr.JJ,, „ .nd Ikei, b.b, bo, ..d .b, d'V" "o^lh "''"""O"""'- "' L

SMtites Learn Much From 24,000 Books », j»,. b.„.«

™i,ib« o bi. kn».Wje i„ .„;. .ill lb, djlm., '1^"" ' W lrp„ „I ,rf„. Tb" bSkT 'ribrradms ,. ^- "^ ''^ ^XT, '--J i ."u iJt- '^'- EsSSr:: SHSr-sE?^HiJ "^EfrtiTI! ^ fe' ^^'^ THE OUTHl^ff ACCENT

""ord Foundation Grants Christmas Saluted by "Messiah" unds to S.M. C. Faculty Presentation Tomorrow Night imelv Gift n- • o j .

_,, , Donates Sto\ e , Walteis

W^^^r^^ fJH ri He iHki' v^^=^ ^ ^^^Bfl - 9 9 y^^ —- -^ 1 m. '

n. Di„. .,... ,i„i „., „.„.,.j I. ,i„. ,. Ih. >... ..„.». .,.J..... Ai«™ T.vioii

Meistei's Call Collect!

Class demonsirated the first of the mo types of not for peopli Bauer's Bluff sihool ipiriL This is the kind of school spirit There is a ch

to ^ pan el ichool life. The other type of school iliT" mind

ur Student Park, This is the kind of school

[ that we need more of, but which is seldom cciated or applauded on our campus, chool spirit now has a partner—the Chi" '


Kiiisey Accepts ACCENT ON... Gavel Fioni Club

. . . Collegedale Academy S.'ijS-rEs'HifS '_ SA K=„„J „,™bl,. Kl„>t, .rapW

tile risttt- Such ihings wil .0 .mpl.n,cn. j the real theme of Chrii p

All-Stiideiit Men's Chorus Organizes: Christinas Party c^rh^.hcrihc'7v,Vi"J.Tni''l Fi"*st Appearance on DeceniliJJ- 17 '^'''""' "' Woximateiy voices will giv^ i,s ' llnde Planned by Fornni r™"^"''^"!^!'.^!!^^.'"^ 24^ i„i,Ji" 'J}^""'

' Talgt

'^*'*' chorus ^ITvi, f'tom L\ouTof ^:3oTm' "h: edges tep(«cn( ihfTOmmiii™). chose ihcir officers rcccnily to adminiscer the func- .:— -r .l _r_..._ .^.. unlil 7:30 P.M. Ai ,5 antiUAil,- Kivcr,' K-Knted bfthc foltowin :kc. V'« idem; Jim Mc- Clubs ICC presid Llll, ^ 'bTo^'d GROUPS MEET FOR ^ci ind jncs libri- INSTRUCTION AND FUN

Tip. the iccornp:.n.s'1 and D«n lypmg «^ ,hown fo Ibc

Club j[ lis monthly meeting, Mondjy, ujh ,1 h- p°hlw'^ nuny Iiclpful hints on Hie torrcct pro. t in j^.


Scniof SmOFgasbord SuCCCSsfllllj inIdi^^lVQ'trtiheXrm"o""w« "'D"rilrihe''s^ond ^r.odlhc .oph. sToTbrnerTvom

' '" '' vlS*!nd1h^d4^^''q"BMl'iB ""c^' " Promotcs Much School Spirit f,"u,T'n!^s''ciL,

^'"^^ """" """' ANNUAL DUMMY READY n?r''''ur.Jc"td':^!'mTr' f"^l^°.'"' "!^'K°L?mChTh\>r3tcTnrollld' W '!"J ^^J^' TOT

"''./ ' ^is finished DKcmber (1, tepg.ts "' nKk-.udi

lielpcd in drawing the students Jiid Southcm AcCCnt SMC Schedules ^e. Williams, Joya and Kenny Lyi SWe Aptitude Tests ^g, ^(^ Babcock Merit First Places

This ytars second SA-sponsoied boneSt took placo in the

,0 piogram ^,s distinc- '" *> D=lphm.. .nd Put, •n,.,lK, ^,,'^^" ^""^, , '"^,)"'°''TT',J'n,,Il:mcUirjl rest, UCIODCC fS.'Z.tois.^um i^Sn jn: LrX""*uuiiifc n A K..^,^,U -.„ „;„!,. _fn^, r"" Icll.rliih

Talent eontesianis included studetit tepieseniatives ftoi

•i..rfbj«,cEdac.tioo,,lT.iln,eW jdl.tic cintpaj™. . rol B.clncr oflhe To,o.d», School, ll.Tuo'i' Army Muster .. High J, lX"of '"''''""'''-.''" '"- I"''!- J>;' B.W C.rta,, i. employed « .c- Hicks oflhe Cjclonei and Jc, ,, „, n,.Td .„, L,.jj.. :. ....,.^.. ... :.:.

Social-Business Clubs Merge , li:!''X\,TZ,t!^' fa° S/0 St^eawUttci. ^attititutuM. THE iOUTH^rl ACCENT

Bureau o£ Musicians List studciit Spiritual Wcck Feotures Student Talent for Services ,,^. .. - . ,, „ ,. "Give Me Thine Heart SiiuthLrn Missionat) CallLgc, Acadcill} \> ^^^^^. at Meetings Separate :;fnlatuiri.rd"lc?opcd'^. \niiiial Huiiier Preaches Bureau of Musiuans Thirc n ill bt sLparait Jnnuals Sermon at 7:45 The Bureau presents a listing for [Hl college and atadeni) it The Student of student talent available on was announced in chapel Mon Week of P trd-i tonight with the campus of Southern Mis da> b) Editor Paul Kilgort Bj LaDu this id v.iH ipcik on il sionary College The organ 12a- rcvolutionarj act ion this I lions sened b> The Bureau of year the academy has had iMusiciansmdudethe following annual for the first time

i» mcc''™°" ="• . op^akcc U .. ''^2. '\Z'u'"lTl'M'.'i,1.'"'

Lyc -urn L.

r„. nigl,,. Tan' I

Br , Harecll a nai ve of California, mil Iiuiraie h.s lalk 'S

,H M.u,lh h) Bus lUSS IlUlTl ^

(,.ll §;1:

pl,n „

,:':.""::,:'.::." !^;r::si::i}Tzrt »,.i,».hip.

Dai id Bluer thcoiog) imiot Iron ur«»K

rfcc bmiao, *p.,.l

bwrn uigig"! fuMhcrmfi ipprec,,! '" The dormiloo »|x^cts n Mju 1 ^nl 's"!.d"nt','''whi-rro %p,OTl«, 1916 ''^.fi^jorsidiir""'"'^"" S ?ih"Bi£ sZ"T. Colporteur Rally Reports One Million

siitnlilic k

P'ogrnm. ll-FiroucQ'. Bonoli SA BENEFIT NETS S2'f0 Connie Vaughn, utotiate; Ann Shroj 23-Chapcl. Clo« M ;;3 .1. ,2Tt '.'opn,.'S;;„; pZ'^d Vin»nt"L'dl'l"St"wri'ier'De '•'-•" ".-•.•-"'"• Sjtucday nifiht is the third SA benefit ^I^''i(e'""^d D^ltiyH^itlin^smn The Editorial "We" Statf Oca d^ ^uU ny years MC has had the ccpuiation of bdrg . s nindcd college. If we can fol- e siudent-sponsotcd week of devo.ion

1( is V a .oek of jnphasis unless wc make good devices oiovided foi daily devotion. cchd." nd the Pr

for there is to be no conversation of any type in tidcnUlly, liw :irc ndinilously pl< that room. If each of us would spend a few mrn- ful in Talgc H..1I.) lives uies in the Prayer Chapel comcm placing out Cat. You Rsad? and thinking how we can impj the good done for the individi

c has been a change in the type done. Sel- dom do «'e hea any s udent compla n that his courses ren't tcaching him anj-thing. ly apph ast years, %Z « admSfstta".! n by the Faculty, ly speak n^g^SMC is defi itely looking u

and with

IV^ Steuf. €Utd Stud^ 7

Likely, financial problems li wonder whether this business of cducai on should think analytically and wisely

Why should I my i tional level has ini

\ difficuli

d a suitable>b. Second, it is an investment tease your productivity and earning pow

ird, if properly pursued a college education ^ol

II teach you how to think. Fourth, at college Joj

:omc more tolerant toward your fellow Bc^fore you pack, consult your coui ink of the importance of an intelligent d<


Kabool Revealed Military Honor ACCENT ON... Oiitslanding Union Given to Ex-SMCite I

SUHlrlll (:an%asser a fo™« SMC student w^. «l.c,ed

, . Collegedale Academy .

We who have been brought up in the atmosphere of gotlly parents need to realize our responsibility to those who have not been exposed to such an upbringing. There are many fields, such as social, moral, and religious,

in which we can set examples of high standatds. J Many of our young people seem to think school rules are ;nforced for the sole purpose of aggravation to the students. Deep down we know it is for our protection from ourselves. I

any school we should abide by the rules and regulations if _^ ^„j [,[„ LcRqi G Pommcr of Mi. for no oTher reason than that they are the rules! I Honda We often think that the moral and social standards sec up ace ictly stuffy," bur if we would take lime to read even worldly

•"•^^ l&tm "Pti^m Se


new officers foe the Aadtmy iho tilchan. She <. icampered ou s, which is directed by Ptofes- and


riety with our fnmily o

rake . look con-plded hiilory oom.'' -n-e by some r^re per. SOUTHERN ACCE^


Travel in 4 Stales s, s* p,„id.„, d.„ k»s=v

Kor Sal>lialli MmIs -n,.

Whales Dominate First Round of Pla m,Z,I:^°!mw!t^Z »,r'r.p^,'",MTS,d°r"i JL!lf'j7ZZ"lVZtZ Cyelones, Typlioons, Tornadoes Stir i

RENEW YOUR SUB B." iDd sMi' A' 10 play «,« rocnJ Suds Colyo Hid «r=. Tic Kcond reund tegin. J.r,- ovh &indlt Dorh.m'. Iff

Please enter my subsciipiion to The Southern i^ for one year. Enclosed is $2.00.

only fiame from the h.plesi Jdly-fi - and eight)' 2'M6. and ihcyih v

. for Dolphiru and THE i^

Bowling Green j ^ COC Clubs Plan Parties, Suppers, Clioii- Appears Here appearance of Bowlin, Swim Outing For Tomorrow Night

^^hTc'^for^'ltnsnpiriwiis'iiidiijjht- Tobiasseii Says "Seniors Must I °l\^\TLd^J.^'^^-,^i^^''^Z d>|>'t)- tneyd m int=tsw.L- .omm. thol'"iSo hS tvcrrritS'i Think" At Presentation Ceremonies

s. they were presented as prospeaive graduates of the class of 195G appieniictship. It it cisy to see I

nih innivorsat)- of the choif, . "You must supply to the Advent movement bolder leadership, ditions will hive an idvaniage, touring, I Over the list ten yei is o "1 jjgg^er direction and more imaginative planning and execution," his opinion, Mr. Fleming said. mmbeis of the dioni ""''j S""P' Professor Leif Kr. admonished the class at the Presen- a iimple dirduclion thit if Ubor ,i I Tobiassen '° 'h'rtJ' P=r «"' "tlon Service. "The Advent church needs mote thinkers and ">S "P 'f" f the RKkies including Tonn chirges six ind hilf per ccni deeper thinking The thitst for knowledge, the passion for intel- j Ouni-'sie Hall. Kansjs Cm\ ind ""dent Ihjt works any will be fut •<- l>^'--,uj\ Jls lI. ipnitni curiosity developed by the rial Hnll, SeveMn" HjII and the mental

«' Claude Frank Plays pc'".'':f'"ht''^nH''scmt'e7 pLlng'f .!ir^o''"h''a";b!.tg". JhflppI'd - .. . ' ' - - ih, jnii initi Piano Recital Here p"^

Reveals Desire for

' "i''m"w^LL'."uiLVi'hii'"'i6 o( New Church

iliis weefs opinion poll . results of I, ,„ am.plfled jII ihcir college Tlic

'C Z^^'i!!^'^J^^<^S!^^ i''^w^J'''S"'bulidinJTo"yu" Ncw Sciiators Elected For Semester IE SOUTHERN ACC

The Editorial "We" jfe dr<:-anis—ihe riddance of the unwanted liiieibugs. Ac [he beginning of the first semester we noticed

,undrcls in J^^" T^,^' Under the ^^ ;'"' ' ""^^ '"' scrutiny of our critiral ejes ivc have inspeaed the ^) regularly since [hat uneventful day. Our campus ,^^^ j^

have found the green waste cans. The addition pYrtl'p'

ously along the sidewalks provides the reason for lion ihc

'^ " .1,. wdl- the lobby To help fill the place cf the (ourlea„ gid. . . Th. |«n,p onJ «..mony of plnns a-c- .0 inrnsfarm hrfie ^ho mow

have a desperate need for the most hallowed of ; halls—a church. Perhaps ihe thought was crcati as a result of a collision with a post in the gyi hilc playing basketball and then di covering .hat a similar

SHort WaVC Station ^«- ''^^ "iTrs w'StVhirnewtjdlderLrLwer Snt ,.Tt.e?if4'«yrt'>?^£ Ibc't" We ^.^thw^o^'bu, te.^lt ^'C I "'-''" ... ConiCS Back - he learns that ground was broken for a new FizzlcS? Somticm Missioniry CoKefic jgain church years ago. It never materialized. The Siu- be published 'h^ thTntKI llirw isTues , Qumfna h^^ denes of SMC arc still longing for a sannuary: of the Southibn Accent. '^^ ]^^j|;°""*^''''^fj^^j^||"''°||j having a church Of course, the reasons for not g. j,,^,^ couipmcnl ii lociiled in the Physics - are very real ones. First and fore cost a minimum of $400,000 to build an appropri- ate and adequate one. We simply do not have the money. Secondly, on actount of our accredi- propcr—churches do not count. Our immediate

or a gymnas 0 long before the church om

entirely for the worship of God. 5nnr., -.--' ,. ^ccra Tough .nd Dig Shols," «v«kd Icmpt w.s made and lh« time the were W.H -. Rnrrie Rodgen, In view of the fearful facts, and fully realizing ihdr admiration for the h«o» .nd mi„d.i„gc proceeded to the point pr< D.V HJ,cn ., vice p.e.ideni. be alias Wynr -. .r. -,.^,.,0,: the dilhculties the construcrion of the church en- villi.m of Amciicai. movies. reveling KN4HBJ to . _

tails; neverihi-less, we feel thai we must state that ' J^^ Amerinn"!.«i^ir*for ^"^"m ''ir'lh="m?ddk'of'''lhc subsequent Van Mcr ' ' '.'"Z ro'r^'l'hrpdiii a we strongly favor, yes urge, the erection of diamond stones, icbra or allrgJior skin senicnte, there was i h^rsh a.cing oii^,. church soon at SMC. We also tealine that when bags, ebony or [vory cartings, o. a noiie, followed by the .jui Up.ilgn the right people have the will, there will be "fuHltiBlt'' dagger, write lo Rockcy' of some insulation and the B

=^ Tiuijn-A-Agbas, Bok 7.12, Acaa'-Gold KNMHBJ, 'Whal happen SOUTHfflMl^Nf ACCENT "Sat. lU^iu" Soaiti 0^ tit "^eait

4—Club nigM.

8—All CollBgo Rocreadon. (Co«h Richard Forreiler in c argo)

^3-U.™. T.™p„..„ 0,..o,i„l p,.„.»,.

[ the

24— Spring Rcccil.

7— Lvcoum, Alyne Dumas Loo, Soprano ConocH AHiit.

'"' gram. °°"'' "" ' ° "'''" '" !8!Icrub''ni,'hl.''*' "

lfcE"?.--Aj'Z.r. S.,i.,-"S..,I, ,. 5i„.a Lan by

;i=ir.i!;i 1 Religions Liberty Male Chorus and Band Tour Today ACCENT ON <:lia|)ler Conducts King's Men Sing Next Week in Mobile Fdur-iliolVll \N'eek '^^'^ ^^'^^'^ chorus and the College Band leave ihis afierno

' ' ', . . . Collegedale Academy -:^u':^^J^;tS:::'^:^^:SJ^^

udysmiih, Stoneburner and ?]^'h',' [ Hefferlin Sick fSiS''' !. ,.. Crane Places First I ACADEMY WELCOMES Contest I In CA ATS £,qht new students

H,ll ihapcl a,d «., .neoded I ^,, t.II. taown, Ji.,,4.,,.. 1

en,c,ed ,he mam. Foer ,«de.,, ,,.„ Anni.len, Al.h.™, T«.a (A, p_„,.„,„_ S

Ande.ioa, Indijai. BorrOWetl ...

progressive PARn- . • - Personalitie PROVES PROFITABLE By Patsv Scott

' : ,..o,apl,.h.d h,

H,d. md Jure


,:aald ianil Bfchi„-l .id. we

it. d.j aighl. 1 tcilly eajaycd THE SOUTHERN ACCEf

intramurals Ne.v Officers Slated For Club Positions Dolpliins Upset Whales 18-38; Volley-ball League Starts Soo THE liOlLLUL LlulWlif i^

READER S DIGEST FEATURE S SMC |T;,mble.^,Teams Piersoti Launches Prayer Week Feb. 24 T^'Fil'm'ar'ui^L in Festival I Star ., a • n. s„rf„. Dig,,,. „.„„„.i /-u c /-> /- i „ x ^^. Tomorrow Night ^ Christ tor Our Crossroads Is Theme I rfli^itVcopSttrrJ^' ^^^=^^=^^=^-^ tute Southern Missionary Col- I Toniorrov.- night*; istWki^ MOHR, WILHELM, Itaute the lnt,.m„r.l Festiv.l Liberty Ellipliasis ASSIST IN WEEK Underliill Elected S','n"l!,"Sidet°,S'^Tt lAudtotiom "egl^netTm' Wcck Ends Feb. 18 Academic Dean ,.i[,l^,;/,„iri7vorn',!' S*\'™e 'le"'m"/°*

e devoted to spot- , JL^^ chi^7by'"MitVKaLJrc"rl «'ih a message entitled, lighting the intramural progra for Our Croistoads! The theme of the week, Feb- be,. ^ S^^ok .vh- «m rcs.m, "'TTieGirrs-AII-SlarbMketbilllMnB fsrec""r"f'' 'hPcrtsiroa7s\vil'hl:hrhL ^- u"fV,''Vobmr^^^^^ /""'"*' ' he^m the evening with tip-off limi: Af"' s-jJ-atinf from Elder , SJC. ihewccfc lomorroiv .n church by slrn.- ^ji'^onfjj^nl

'*' I f«tut« iingic and rloubic prng pong ' '^"'"t^-''^'"' Con- d'itrtncT/Tdiyio'iJ'hS^r'i^.'''"'"^ — i -^. ho^^ffMi'^^V ih"'=nd''of'tiJ

;s" 'Ssf'tSdS' mZ„ H S^i-'?^""''i^=^^^ «^g Ato^hfiicror"',;!;',!;; ^}';!:;:,^, , ;,, ;;

,bl,„E fot ("Er ™ SM(, Board Assembles il, S™". ,tt:r«::z"i ! ^.or"'"^'™" Orlando for Meet 17-Vo.po™. Hotoco R. B=ckn... PcophL Tj^irSbS;;",;";;™:;; ium ii\S;JX>°!.

!r1^ff°w""'''""""*" 3 - lis he Holy Spirit," !i'^'llrir,,,"':Ta,*,.i''°'''"

.ille.;c Days Set For April 8, 9; Ivll Union Hi-School Seniors linilcd

hfMi S^W\j%£ .1

I,, .all, R,J,r,' D,jn; »»

s..j.°5isU",b°'c3'k change- fo r [his capability, uppcrclassmcn sho h" "'^r oddic p estigc to and recognition of attainm nts i^ assman standmg.

'V' kec, b. gianted uppctclassmen. We main ,h

'° leaching student that he has sonic responsibi ity.

gtaduatio by ents, but is it not a part of educatio A fM U "In Memoi i d to suffer ihe consequences or reap benefits. S P"

setiousj t them give real study to present m Z %

ceptable leaders, then part of the I ult n the system. Young people are o niv " what thei superiors, todays parents and lead make the


They or We? better iponsfrunsHp. The«:'bil'iTjm« tiiiltntly rt/er (o (lio SA by climinilc some of (he comphints of

iK?i ON ACCENJ Honoi S> Mem Issue StcUmt Mi

resentalioil Shows ^, s^ p,„jdcnt presented one Pupils of ihc muMc /aculi will conccriiie in a 1 ccum pro ram oe\t Saturda n* h h TT.enei. SA radio p.os«m fejiured TalMrrnatle-Auditorium, 25. voralisrs. I Crane President February Included among rhe performers are pianists on nvo rf the lenior „" " and four pianos, and instrumenralisis. Hrnentaion » pS^r'their e™ T hiek"my chjpel. Don was die''system''Tn offset 7heX"iou?'"d! lar program presenrcd in chapel last year.

?'A"''u'3r'°.L»dl'thevl ^^']'^f^\'^'^'^°tSf^^^ SVn'r«p^t'4tS/i'°«K: Boymon Speaks. SA Park Project™ the el.., and ,i,e eortle, Shie.ed iS 7e,M .""nee -Stth t 2' fc? "f "wTViS ShoWS PictureS PlanS PrOgreSS h« nJTtojiSld*'. ^Tt' eribhing if sSh onSike™e.« icarL ]„ CFL Tonlgllt °i5'ar'Teri'nr'i°edrfoll, ESr« ,he'''s"°£it'°pl* To°eT''Z;d '"'' ""''"' "'' "*" ^Ide, Paul Boynlon, who momenton, this week a, the Path Com- Sd'Bro«n''«ho'hi°UnVcol: S.e'.'i'eto"''" f,.nt'id"pn dmi's'sim or°im£re^- C hu |,eE«IJe A^dimyh, ta.,^,™.^.oo, '^. ClTmSlt'mlt;,'!., ^j>J»™^ mL'",s"led"Like'w',"' Sf tono,''",;™ fs'^ntS'to ptSm .S"how"et"r» otTehij. ~'fhi"'

'" the'tirofXTe'senSortr?;!*' Fel.. 19-26 IVaimd Brollurliood Week; ™t*f tlTs'id tSSML^'th" ' ""* p£»'fc.5,?wS,e';"''.::" smc Broiii<.i-ii.)od-f:on»cioiis am Y.-ar iate'lS J,' aS',:,':

"e^itenoid^Zto "ende.or" °'"' ^^^^i^^"^ t^^^^^ Gager, Damron Seminar Speakers lan'd?"S^uth'li"Ve'Bi^tX^ "The d'ai'k ^j Anils'' tTcha'r'Tordinl"- sm-iec halt, darker skin, and ,iccented English ,,s'1^eM''as"dceorft^om, p^ns*^ to have 'What Do We Mean hy Faith >


English 111, and bays' physit

.eiinre ™i,,e,i,^ tau'io'» n," .i'lUn^jht eoio!, 30 Pre - NiirseB Visit Flopida San; ^ 1 S I' • -i^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^^ C'i"',;'i'';'' ei.a„„n: ia„ ,'n,a, Lre*« Chh,"" la'n'u,„, 1 p'e'stl'efcminj'E Bi'sli* SJ,'£f ."^^l^'.^," J*, Sem'a CrOlip FxpO|-|od tO RetUWl Mottday

ibif'^'idi'"^ INTRAMURALS VSMC Radio Offers VIRGINIA i Barracudas Sweep Tourney, Take Title; New SA Program Dairy Bar Hostess SMC's Food Q„cen Wliales Down Dolphins in "B" Final ^

"" Activities ""^^ "* S°iim I'Tnat'^'nd'sibb.'ii. Report

• The Upsiron Ddu Ph. mm arc HOME EC SMC rcm=mb«s her ."c

IS (hey learned- wife (formetly t7^„»w /r„

';;";;;,:"t,':;;;2 Church Elects MV Leader Feh. 18 SE "rAlS'SeS-'S ™™>'l."."i

pbjtd, followed by I

5 '

SO«T, ^uim iovirc THE

\DR SUHRIE dies ('"iparteur Leaders Chinese Molif Gives Mystical Charm ' ' Instruct, . ' Inform, n l •> c D l i ' F„„™i s„vk« wc„ hdd fo. Dr. Ambro.. L suhtic ., ' lo UasowaKita rorum s KegalemeHt Colleged.le on Sunday, Febiuary 26, following his death m Pasa- KeCrUlt MudentS . „ '''''"* '''^" Collogcdalc chuich, wiih the assistance of " " im's annual reception lot the men of Upsilon B. Becknor of ihc SDA iJlj" IreLni w£" " "^ " " " Eldci E. A. Ctane, Dr. T. W. Walteis, Bidet D. B. Rebok and M Icharles Fleming, Ji. Special ttibut e to this beloved educa o who -""oiSlE" ladies and theit

Iby ProfcMOf Kenntth A. Wright, Married CoiipIcS "' '^" Mi°sionao' coiicgt (in ib- Fcast aud Enjoy

A I \ I L_l The Editorial "We'

".»-". - — respect and improvedimprovca ouour respect nor oniy i«r ^ e- - . ,^^^.,;^^ £^^.|^ j, ^^^ ,„„^— Amt"^^ ^^.n^^i ^ CarJ ' MVdd;V o hi I for tlie .deals he stood for. He respected him, bur - gl^s"- ^^'^'">- Climbing upon a har,dy d.e«or ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ "Z.\o.n rimmcd Co" wXg I

PROMOTED STUDENT PARTICIPATION ^^.^ alight on her baforo sho could smash ^j^^^, ^^ ^^^^ ^^l 1^^, ^^^ ,|,u,(^ ;t. So down (rom I Unwillingly tTitrince hor perch lo safer rsgionishs fled. Cloarly, It was natural thai he should promote student ^lonc *ith tht corpw. 1 look my tha problem I

''>' = *''*;"S Wliat Oiieslions v"oI''"hii TSd Sr akZ eI'. ford."! wotk, often »- fi by listening only. He put us to „,i.h ,, ,„. n,h„ ,;„, th,n Ji.rm,. arad ; " tandacd was perfection. But he People Do Ask than almost anyon "

J .„ ^an of this college 3 joys and problems. He had die ^ = humilit}' it takes to appreciate the studen rulyag

.,„.. awfully the' students of Southern M sionary College today follow him to his rest. Ea eriy and confidently we students look foriva

Master Chef The SA budgi W rif;lit Lifliii" the SA coffers S

(1 needed, s the sale successful? lOO^c partic jughf, but only a meager 12% ('^^ dcnly dkd down°"o' a respectful si- of 392) participai \f^^^^^^^ ^^^^l' \Va\ Ut\7\t. he^fsnihy: Ate ^r m V^^^^\^ The SA is thought of as primarily a colle^ enterprise. Maybe ihis idea needsneetl careful

praisal, because W/, ofF all acaden.,a. ._. .-.-. seniednied of the total Coul ««plc of girl: ^ , 43% /ery good, but wh rollcge

"southern' ACCENT S

When wiil (he honor roll be rcjdy? in Jgrctment to some of ihe sUlemenh few who Ihoughl (ho). had dates buf were "^"^^^^^^^^^ j|[!™'' "'^^ ^"'"'''' 1'"^= «e>c"fc™r/lo live afk^^ GeorgB MoV^-'a (bu^ddT'^Tpl'O"'"' *''= ^''K j^'^j l^'^^'MtClH' 'n T^*"" ^"'^'"''r""^''')'

buddy???) sfatlo.

crusty accopfat THE SOUTHERN ACCE ACCENT Tabernacle's pa System too Collegians Net $^t4 in Broom Sale improves; Z. ! Sound Kegulated to suit All Hearers

' Coal; The T.bc,„.ckTabernacle paPA ,y™ms is con,i„„diy M Lye S-iles Exceed p,„g„^^^^^ :; ~7Zrr:i, :he direction of Dr, Ray Heirerlin. One phase of f - p _ _ - - jound.proof room, ihc only conracr wiih rhe onrsidc rrC Vu^n g way window through which lo see and some amplifier ^ I igj ^^j *" program. The assignnrcnt is so he"sA of SIH was " ^^' lo regulate the somrf I


THE i^

Academy and High School Seniors GULP ELECTED '56-'57 SA PRESIDENT

Briefly Observe College Life WURL, LARSON, RODGERS WIN

'ra'. Sred \vhi;aker\«emiy"cc' Gyiniiastic Team ^°ll wivc-d letters of acccp,nnce from ^"' Id^: EntCrtaiuS Apiul 14 College of Medical^ Evange- I grouf J by the

lice of Dean Walter E, Macphcr- Situtdiy nighl. Aptil I'l. Tlie ll-man held I

^ '" scu- of a class of 96 prospective ,vof); „ parallel bars, ipccialliei on ITi

Loma Linda cam- lepor °m" 1 school on the jmsd,, ii,t; (lying tinfii, and smnls on pus in September. the high vertical bars, ^i^lica

-V A. iL The Editorial "We" Welcome College L C T T E 13 $ ^.ttorious Day Guests

working logethei as they now do under SCholarS at SML bcnefic of ;'.,^,^,';;[:,„^ ^j",7';;„^,"''^h"''|,7;*i^^ tuoted in falga, but acwdZ tr-Phi" p"eiideni '"" ''' "' EdllCate for Llfc i,£'° ""orcraiirrhereTrrman, oihn items .hat ''"''Bl'HEti'' S "rl" ^,1^,"'*^ l^i !,°.£*.i'

organizing accrue ciaiite To ''°" "'"' °' "^' Yes. we feet, finidly, that by we , ,.^ *" ^ ^^^^ e'Tfirst^'^nT'fotanost a Ird^s ^Tt^^^Xl^LlTuU^^

student though he may be. is recog- individual, illii'h'^Xm'o.'t'lndt ro°St^oT s"Il°i"sm3'enB"'Sib' i'lth"n"c?ii! roon^?r\kt'mor,Vao^=Sl°'T!L'''l* °™im^l'.' thinking, capable being. niaed as an intelligent, ^^^ ^^ ^ unrtasonable domineer- rooms, Isboratories, shidy. recitation, war activated by the insfaliolion of'ping pong, vc vital, yes esserttial, and living and is We believe these things to be injj woman, bat once she becomes your socially together ate all a now being clothed wilh such finery or pa,"

of these iii a Christian cdurational The paramount shift though, is that the old out SA alive and progressive. herself gives perfection in her work one

"southeIt^ ACCENT ;:?.l£'"fiv±?ni*",ro";.;; ;;"roi€d™.i{™;'i"' fr,m';;r.;;•'„rb.^•ottL"ro:|i:lt.'t "'"" ''' ""' ""oolhly because of lion of o.ct 50 tiuiliJitd Idchers. ion for orovision will pressnMlself in the form al a l ., ,-,,„hyth.:M"Jtni.i ™" In .I'll:" In that letter will envelope to be u' «rclHsnc« or neglect to apply the . ''-v. ^_-.. i diiJe. nunj- be a itamped j„,l :it]: I., ih,: So..infRN rAccENTON The Academy 7 ACADEMIES" REPORT SENIOR ACTIVITIES

COLLEGEDALE I Academy Day Will Be April 30 I

^ h? '*' """'"

llolh=ini.ilafcclhis™'k. Edi.o, McMurpIiyS AcCCpt "".nl.'Sm,' 1„. TO'".','cn,i

° iVpiid "iT lo join iht Atiliy .1 QUARTET ON LOOKOUT vi

I TOT Members jta» ai™. m.,., ,„ tei, h,™.. ,ac. n„™ K,o£„.d, ,h. pi.H *.

Dunng Ihc course or his iray hce mental music LcBjtd, who '^> I Commissioned Robed Mr. McMu.phy has liughl Bible ind p|i,ed (he bsritone horn, is » iopho- ^"^

l^mslormed the COLLEGE HONOR ROLL lilliei ^.


ourifi 18-11 win ovM the Jcl ;B;; CllorallstS Sing In ^^bt''numbcri-

^ht^ edited Ihc "B" -niunder- FuiC NcW UniforillS ihc ChoralSi'pf«"nled'some of their thtK-tjijartec length ^h.^

BENCH tvithin the o/Einiution the MOURNERS- InVned fr™ thei. "tSn'dTonr of the leidj n,«,i(eited in the blending of hi.ins U^.n^StjI'S jji Wutl. B, \V»LT!« yeii. Frid»,.Mjreh31, *™ « "inot in phyticl ^^iS IheOTlj'n'ThTtSn TO SiSill'StlS'SiS ""o'd' mSs THE i^

Choralists and Adelphian VINSON BUSHNELL TO EDIT 1957 YEARBOOK;

I'^^'fl''.!".^"''.!''^*'^''^'^''^ WSMC OFFICIALS; SEVEN CHAIRMEN ELECTED and McChiie Choralists . eaturc the under the r. . i [jreccion of Prof. F. R. Cossen- Accent BiValuated Managers incll will edit the

ing. Saturday night, May 5. The Associated I be spotlighted in the con- Press evaluated th will be Dick Wuttfcc, bari- South |iooe and president of both the rarinn lelphian

"" " TWO SUMMER SESSIONS SCHEDULED; ;7 ' SIX WEEK TERM BEGINS JUNE 10 Jr'liB^lHi'iiEi Southern Missionary College announces the Suramer Session ^'id^j.^l'/ s",o00 l^on)xZl ipite^^l broomwinder currently whichwillbeginon June 10, 195G. The nine-week session is divided F" Job;: is

Pf"'J=in of iho Married Coup I is . into two terms. The .first term is six _weeks long beginning June ^'

beginning July 22 and ending , Tlie new Dean of Southern Missionary Colli The Editorial "We"

^iutf&t^MA and Sh€^\


w hurt a bii. And indeed i[ would, only one day. How, Sprini June, and b( ilcases her benumbing grip, college is nother year. That's what makes Spring so sneaky.

The homogenicy of nature is quite tematkable. ^';;'j" J'" i'" j^-j^tTA'ble^^^ REBUTTAL , sap rises in the trees. In the In [he Spring the ,hisyL-jr have yielded considEtjble pro- q.^^ ^AWm: the of "' Spring the saps also succumb to wooing u,^ tut we should ncvcf rat on past "n delighted me lo find om ihJl at let commencement day sneak up liutds. This unfortunate «per,ment of jomcone is liking notice of the balmy days and |„, „, final ^^'^ on them. There are just 21 days left before [^*^;'j"^,^'|'°^'' ^"°^j^'„ j";^''^;';'' ''^"'l- '" " ^' „„ '^'3J°,'J' Xjid """ '' becomes your friend. ^' """ long, and ihcn Spring oiCw^' whik .em""ine "Xr/c ol |,"rv!j'ijr''' " jl...,, ^ _

Mixed p4'Be Sc^oem ^^^^f^^,:::^^^ c^o^.^HrEHfii^Hii SEVsitrnH^^'H^^^^

Washington Missionary College, the "Iniiuirer' and lulnolic lo his S mentioned that the college is experimenting with ^"""=''' '-°'" a mixed alphabetical system of chapel seating. 'j S.P.A. and B considerable loss of point contacted for the opinion poll agreed una- Those ''"^'"if'Ih'^'sA^lio '* nimously thai II was an improvement over the con- Authentic Questions ^J^^^ ^tha^wiia°y°Ke' 'bulge'''' it^^o having the sexes on opposite ventional system of Asked of Registrar oller solved) by «orioLis dieli and ^edudr sides. This mixed system is used by several other SDA colleges and we believe that if the arrange- (ACP) - More proc and respect for the speakers and dimiobb the in- frti/sydntTVjH now. In planning for next years academic pro- gram, we suggest that the College Administration 1 Ahvin Tayiob 'Hf.iu'!i!^">l''eJ™m pliwlion )'<:L for and the Student Association study the fcasibiltv and consider adopting it as an experi- News Nose of the plan — "she j ment for 1956-1957. J Cold Adam's Al. Nocturnal Aiiliis '?n^te^9tudie '"„lS'Sn'ira 'uMci;. J»;i^.,Ul^j Evidently some patrons of WSMC are dis- ^

IcEc'bly'ta'l h in the last month vandab of the lowest caliber have tampered with receiving facilities on the young college people tL'.ttMiir hill cjusinj; undue headache and repair. le^ioiIl'Sntiilgl"'^ fS

u.d i..r . J.n W hv should the majority, who ap- any olher segment of

P . P P P fi B coolly and tlcaily writ

"^ouTHiTOf ACCENT iHif";l'^£'S sr'^LsxsH'H i!iii'!§'!'s'lW™E3trtt:x|

„i °oll'r(T, cjll) !: ^E SOUTHERN ACC

""'"' '"'''''*' Beaveii 'fHaU e&mM cutd "y^uUHfiit 7»*> Pe-Uo^ at A(~(^FNT ONN^l->l |/-\N^N^1-1'' 1 . . . Speaks in City e^'uUiM 1(,uct/i T^Mf

. . Collegedale Academy Nai,.,aiists . Spend sr;H£l:'c!r:^l l^'ldrl'^'' Kcond''" .' '"jnnt/t.r'Lhe Week End at Canyon "'} '' 'J^SraiiJCft'cons.m Academy "Lamp Post" Distributed;

Dedicated to Elderr Paul BoyntouBoynton »» of Alcohol,™ from W„hington. '^"'''"' laiv, of fhi flralfflif" fht' o'mr«i I "'S; eta""""

for ColliTcdale Acdcmys hmoty «pi- fh'5 wjs (he firsl countj-nide m«t. '^"j^"' ^'^''" ^PP"rJocc rhii I Picnic Seniors n^^n^^cifdi°^jjjon*'«ircioudlrnd ^"'

holism, oonvcned hcie '™'. ^c-u disttibutod to tht studem? -rai From Alone.'' .i Method- ^^'^^ Tuoday night. [ Held at Cumberland [hr!innu!"sprmc^ou^ng*l^f"hrSMC

CFL Next Year 'f'""'^'" S"™ r""!'??! "I; ,..,„,:.„:., 'H§°™i;" '

.ho ,..ll,- «n,ed to rensh "^^ ti, .locpine p,„phe,o.ll.. ™,

= Gordon Hyde 1957 KNOW YOUR SENIORS ACADEMY VISITORS Speecli Teacher PARTICIPATE IN FULL Class Officers Spotlighted CLASS SCHEDULES Today

E McMurphy. Todiy Colkgedilc Aadimy wel- '"^ J who jc _ ^ Senior iliTs "cs'dcotlohn Thnrbcr thrint n"lion7Ljtlo /cuh Preii ^ Aspiring Physicists '"''' from^Ke^w.' Nov^Hjmp^'tlrrc' "J""„'^'| ''fo"^e',ultr'd«t"otir'in Jcnt TMheTntur'e 'auMncs " U-jde'ri '^Hyde 'I'yr'r'loJte'^f EMC. rs nork

Anyone in the Annex tvho happen- "['o^^j^o the ninth jnd ^Pj^'i'^^^^of ^°^^^ ;'o,rrha,"S^"indis^ns"ble'"7n "^'"^ " ' '""^" °f '^e Art l-oret

Sitzi»^ ?«.

n=ll, someone eome, in

I'd fte Tmo'eVt"-?;™"'

;n UEion. , " PAINTINGS S ""''' .. r.WnBA"?h.'d™,""„"r,K^^

plty, t.-o » »

;thern accent

Talge-itcs Cainnai";n ^ j,A A A ^ , *r> l^€iu ^^C^atCeae

Times' Bradley in j" i

Chapel Speaker 'm «ni •. The Srudent Association took Chapter ConduCtS HJImUl t j i I McCallie Chapel ki' frl'rtoT "Zo"m w^J "''I?;:Ifrn^l,, [^ ,"I

''l '" Chi'"n^K|;. «ii condudcd "mn Uo«c/er, bui ^btnancc of ^1 ^°^!^IT\ ^^t,J^^^i,X K^t^ Yarn :

ihiiolkgLs annual Siudine Da) '^' ' l\\h^'^Lr u'j«"a mTT'tt," {"'(^'"".ni W ft uJwjII ^'^r^'n

labfil P«l hi£hl

.hifelc) s spcich w

sunt b) J-dj ' Mf

t CU. b) 1 r.igc Hill

^i* iim,f'tt^itL^\. 'ov^' ^o"?wdrnt SfrUtt^ (^wed

tlic furnilurc thij iiinmief- Dr. Wjllcrs dcmo'^ra'tingTrir abjli^y'^o ^um" ^* ^.^^ 5;^6«ftM

B) D«-.iin NfclNTOsH dairies ind busincsi of Ihe wulh lo '"No'J^a'n'Hndley.MccudVc editor of ^ ^^ 1^^' "'- ''i^>.. bmst f,jrlb help w,th rhe cvimpiign. ihc CballMooga Timt, Slid in d»p

" ,' ,'" cvetydar life and aiiiwdej . '/ Mciiiphis State Baiid ; ,l^' ^r'"!;'uinniLr . Some of Ihc guides Budlcy empha- . 1

Si™JtLE:,b.°'rSJrpS f'S^i : i.i.j Plays for SMC-itcs

^p^"™ Dei.a n F^"— '« S°S3i:";i.t3i°5 w;^;s^^"t.;:'^s,!C .i..uM!,inu,inFir.,;

Uhcrei|uiied amount in i V[.[!oft Ked'eatlOll Lpillf

Migm. fiom 1,'s just euod 't

^u^ rr.-t„(Jntuf ll'R-Da>..wJ:,t"f'ldi, llu "lid uniun pjuh liut ^CLU^il'rn.m ^': ' h Tlllllk YouVc i^'"'''''' '"'t^ "s'^ti"' 'h'"*' M working Too Hard? '^•: !i^H'??';H';E''E?':;!£.:i:: i:':£;If''l"h"t'';:5H';iH j^i^jitliSE''''"'"""'

'"'"' Don Wil.on. A,. S,nd„, .n, " "" °" '"' '" b"M:h.n r,n inlo , ,ijW piKh„,-°d«: :,'l',S S°loSs,°»Doi""'' ' I Sponsors Supper c,„t".?",r'ftTsXL j;' , ;""" MV iM^niirtl fc°; ^c'StiS.^ li? Tr;,in,„^ ACCENT coKHECtlc i-^-VrTf "'-i??' And liuod Z^SSZXTiSX/'Z:^, :3!-JJ'°" ^^ ' K™ nf Sicit SENIORS RALLY lol^Sd mimon ivhidiTtavJd^ niil. win over Ihe Sabt-t^ ind ont j'^d' is'toronhcMcr'p"'''"" A I.

""!" "'21 ' '°"in°l.'n° million who »re D.„ l|-i/„„'''I'|?.' p,„,„d, "'i ^'^^p"^; ^'^j}' , Jo,""to "nM "liT rf" |„,|, "^'J^f, 'J'

' " '" ,,;'::':;,' ;'";;' ,cpo,Kd '.":',;':',"' / ' ,'.,n,nd"'!io,S,pi«.,°'n,"jnrh».. soumnK accmt

nnJ.Vm'g™"™™^^^^^ > .1: ;..',., .„,:,.. . . „ ,' l'mp°"B"l. ' '" V... ,,,., ^p.l hn'tm. THE i^

Kinsey States SA's Finances Stable in Final Message Today

Siilirie Memorial Student-Faculty To Be Finished Directory Voted Eailv Next Year ^ident Dean Kinsey By '56-'57 Senate st^te of. ihe-Smden. ?Z£u on speech today in Student-Faculty pictun

jh the SA operated £F. adically new budget. Photographer Hall Features budget ha b^n'w"c!d^wit"so^ Hawaii Tomorrow Night Scenic ,,S7(^"Acc;r:nl°;=t:rci:

:r the auspices of the Natio '56-'57 >ciety, has taken hin of the Uj Lynn Voted Accent Editor, )f the provinces of Cans rom boyhood on," Hall i e found the study Second Girl Editor in History



. . . Collegedale Academy

Senior Class Officers Portrayed Oh, Il's Speedo Please Sign Mine

Parullx Fntri t mis 1956 Seniors In Delightful Fete


sen handy jusi imt "ir. C?uli T^aiK. TSoot Seer ^(oati gommiui

''" ^t;,,,^

H<». 1,,,. .1 ,. Seni US I'lcmi BALLEN6ER, TAYLOR, McCLINTOCK, E;r£I:3:^i kinsey, tran, jensen featured

biscd on the Olym pbn/w«em.dcvo


Promptly it l:Ou the joftbJI stniMic icjumcd. Spurred on hy Ihc

fffi^WfS "Wand Seiutt

- oppoitj

Chapel and Church Evolution Traced from Yellow House to Now

The busiling crowd has dispersed. A silence has fallen

r bell beckoning rhe siudenrs to rhe chi ' Coggin To Head Club Council LeBard and Godwin His Assistants

Ingrain, DeVri< Shigley Win

n, BENNV Bl.«KI L,en ha. ..rived. Sum ., o(,l,eG,mCleb.S Mr,L,nn/ i"n .r'he'upilZ I



Seven Presidents Taken History Majors or Minor:

Columbia Coed to Mix Archaeology and Teaching; He Goes by Gomer, Mac, Wild Indian, Peon

, Jordan,


Formula for Failure Explained

,el( ta^aen.l, ho»

„ad,. .,, » lamp THE i^

44 Take Part in 40th Graduation Exercises I "Plus" In Student Association The Sditorial "We" %itli Ixadorsliip Training Plan

your "^A^cJZ. of on'rdilSrtharwiira«omp.ny colkfic will need To keep a respt-crablc grade point average, you prepared Study faiih- to apply yourself diligently. Come to

We as Advcmisis need to guard against materialism. We ate obviously living in an age of abundant prosperity. We havf mote than we have -ever had before, and we also believe ih^r -177 l--: mOR tfiJ-i ne have ever wanted. Do we

.H ' wl- v. • durii 1-. ni>i of this world? If we do, then sptiiJmL; fot iltms ihal have only snob appwl ^\

worry :ib..ut -kcfping up vv'ith the Joneses.'' (\ -- .:. wanr- lo keep up—the iriek is lO^t'i ahead.) Tbc,^ ..>.i J,,

W'hi. makes such obvious admonitions necessary.' We re- rcmembor that "the love of money is the root of all evil."'

Pre-occupa- sess monuy to fall into the trap of materialism. tion with thoughts of money—cither having ii or not having

1 detriment to the

ScCcfttC^ Steal /iu^et^ef

.any I. .aluahlc

and learned, and ihc ACI' First Class award, we believe [hat the ACCENT has emerged through 1955-56 successfully. Wt- have had a lot of fun bringing you the campus news. Judged from appearances, we looked considerably busier

Accent stacked around, the comfortably cluttered du.sks. the worn-looking old chairs, and an impressive library of

pression of business-like sincerity. We arc not leally that iriousness was rampant. To publish the ArxENT naturally there ate many who tontribuie greatly. We sincerely thank the persons who co-operated with us this year.

inheriting this position, we would also pass on to Joya Lynn [he ncwsaches, sleepless nighis. and joys of seeing a new


Social Program Art Depaplrrtent ACCENT ON Varied, Satisfy Clarence Chiun Has Exliihitinn :it Students Assistant Tessor Collegedale Academy ^ Oilman's Gal I. TN

Academy Awards Forty Diplomas

^eaii a( Scliaat U ed CO Collcgcdal Aeadem) rsday, May J 7Ha^ S3 2-i, 3t StOO p.m.. vhcn Elder Paul C. Boynton, mcnc speaker anc

ishcd [hem lo "K

climbinj; diily (owjrd your fio.i1 a

;, ' !?iiS3t^Sr ';; ^sSl , ;;,

SSiirsiipij "hl-^h'scTc^' S[g|;;Z'S ^^jS " s;:"-Jd'"p,s«i,ri; . Xki.i '

M.V«'L''aJh"enio?p"«snlidlit 5iKis££'t3£ c:,,,;;:;;',::;'":-

,.„,., ,l». ,nJEId„P,dD.,.»„. ""Al%9S«^,,.d. ing c\^ ,s

KNOW VOUR SENIORS 'i^c"!' and*" j'l 7U«e t^taduaCen ^^ataetetijed ., ,. 1»,, Onn girt. n Ihc fi.Dur «d ill of his isiiH^u^iiSsS »S"°-'V , Hi^^ s:rl;^E=;fK StSeI,

r..iB. Ksnnolh Vance "h^" hobby- IS flymf jr.a 1.


' — Ensbni). Ht aritndL-il Carhjys High ";v';;':!

""" H.S,' r™,*""!!'"'''"''"''?


'^'"Zl ^n.of Colic ;^::.l*v:7p,;r,r"*» yi:'a':z'.T£-L:% ^n \^'oik in Pimtiial I Summer School With Recreation, Air- .''^" ' Condition, Seminar Chapcb .,, Enjoyable Pr,|K Till- I

Kennedy Directs Summer Session; Other Professors Tecch, Study, Recruit Sat-t^ S.'?H.^. Sc4.&aCo^ 'Ptop^eU

, John Chriit'cnsen,

" ayde G. Buihncll wUI ipaid the

=Bss^: V. H i Miiil Sliidy hHi§Sf rilMlSMC

--ivaid hit Majtct'i dcgire a_t Ihc

Mllc.nDKtetics^ l"'FDi'''"H£w ^ Do* will ,nvm 1. & u.o^mThc"*,^Lr,c'dr",'i^"nt^af ' '" '°'L

Ihc, Wllllim, .Ml 11- western University it Chicago, 111.


Michigan. sgrcc »t Michigan Sute

Icich during Ihc iKona

Mrs. Undcchill and I have had the oppoccunity of work ing with such students for fouttcen yeats. During these ye^ir we have fottned many fticndships which we iteasutc. For m. ^ears we had the opportunity of serving in Texas where "i ''°"'° "1 Found true -Southern Hospitality," We found a moit friend!' people and conscientious students. We ace now looking ftir summer and fall. I BA ^: lis l)t-i ces May Be Earned in 20 Fields ird to meeting each one of you this <. ill indeed be a pleasure to make your ac(|uaini3nce and incroduu Pr('-l*ri(U'ssioiial,Two-Year Courses Offered Id you to our list of friends. Please feel free to yourselv, ' .ore pleasa, - If ther my way in ,vliich 1 ipecial help thi isk. I'feel conndent that w St pleasant one and that

nicdy wd fine opporlu


a perfectly, po^. If you leave a white post a grey always be painting n THE SQUTHalN^§^ ACCENT

14 SUMMER SENIORS PARTICIPATE IN ^Onn nnn p|„,. h«r*..*.«i. r^ii^^^j^i^ SUMMER COMMENCEMENT AUGUST 14^200,000 Blazc Desfroys Collegedale Wood Products Factory; Near Total Loss

ling States Plant Insured For 8175,000


Chapel Completely Renovated to Accommodate Over 600 Collegians

Lynn Wood Hall chapel is being complcccly redcrcoraied ,nd enlarged this summer, The seating capacity will be in- teased to accommodate apptosimately 600 by the extension if both the from and back of the room. A new Model 10 Baldwin organ will lake the place of -— -^ _, the old pipe organ. audit< Electronic Orgai To Be Installed lant cmplujera who immcdiitely In New Chapel

Il.era,o«a„pl,nliiaaeofloa, b.s,n«,e, apanled b, College In.

'? SMc"pi/,S'Jd aoae ""he lap paper ™r,'ni.'jro.iy'°o"'4i"s ^anelofai tile do< ights recessed into [he ceiling W-- led by rheostat. The 23-foot w be dccotarcd with a grey cyclo- Air.Conditioning at SMC Makes School More Enjoyable The public address system 'da, CollegeHi * Clui[icU Promise Fidel ity Sold "ZUteUn^l Sfrea&i ^tademiccM^ Colleiic High Fidclity hi Toltr Illln-.-tilli- .d by ."oo" gmjtor. ProfKioi 1 R. Cos.

' mlion "ssM'm 5i°„; E: wctUy .sstmbly horn hiv Thcic paghl ti> bt

iB eifiht .mS a, Colleg High Fidelity

pl.«Vr" allege, "'.'"i ploym irL '56.'57SAWiII t"n,""a'' .""afta ^'iT* e high Make Debut In

lined Ih nagh Ih, ellarls of^Mr. New Giapel

SMC a. "'""' JISJ" ai.c in hdpinB I

cp»* o f"''";'io z:i tul^

>'displmrb, I ;™~ ^r"" fri'n"" Zg'^ 1 is the Division of Nursing ditccii^ by ho has so ably developed che collegi "^4° norsing ptngram at Union College. We will open this fall ^sE "lis;;

""coogmoV" ^iblc the people of Saa'i

of the Pctiodate'Oxidation of Simple St College It, ten -ats." Professor Wattous will defend his dot ;:,£ nonth: wc feci certain that by the time yt HrS R^^V S

WSMC's Sixth Year T«f BOOK MARK Editorial "We" ^V RO^.AVNE GODWIN The Plans Revealed ^^^ Raincoat !^ ^ A# 7Ve deofut T'^^f*^ Z>9iH<^ wZcZ^HsLt., si^i%£i'iH'''i''™s; Naivete, educational methods ate many and varied. Experience Jibe Today ideas of ,'hVOT"m°lbiS!l!''lb.5^S^' l^t^^ "old voice of Collcseili'c' Owned and Existing are concepts all the way from the traditional, progres- school", schoolmaster idea to a modern democratic "^ 'beSot sive type of education. ^h'Ts "lloriX^^el^fion ",°'',""if'eondal1!t The reasoning of those who employ the first method is

' ' "" '' '' '' 1" M3ude daughlers, Tlie other girls nwraci- But the lattet lends to believe that the best way to ^' wcr quite envious of those democratic student-teacher cooperative five. wain is through a /( ictvli!! W t^h. "t""he'^ ilud^li! ^e sysLcm. :..!i'"hoI This will be ottied tcge. Swayze Inl SMC DEMOCRATIC Sitnph^i Ace, of .'exeol K- lio-c (h.. 'bnn£s'ou*!°Ehe Jennie'p^.M' ia"i? tessiooi. Kit and noblest in human beings. " (his campus the opinion prevails that the college exists foil. Evcf^ihing within iW power 'On Ihei'r new iil'i« w'housewif' welfare and training of its students, and thai ptimatily for the I wish them much happiness. IJ .heSJoMl^££'' iearn by doing.'" The SMC student "learns by doing" Every ^tor.dly students z'^z'^'dHf'H'^i evening most „ n two general areas: his work program and his Student oor 'summer libiuy stiff? They arc working and nol going lo school. Association participation. J.le Aoshrtm.o, Barbara Shirle, Beans. Bro,o. and (of eoorse) now for the second semcslcr, but an informal worship. Choruses Although the work at SMC is primarily to provide the 195'i"-l'9S6, vtr)^"riou/ jnd im' Job, at student with a way to defray some of his expenses, he may, KpiTbi^n'tSMi" these worship periods very much aside from this mercenary goal, benefit from putting in prac- ''Sf'i'S'iSaTChs !? EL4?^ii2;^"e'"5'''£''. tice the lessons he has learned in theory, such as printing. Belle flyrd. We arc glad that they science, mechanics. taking .e^"' T^ey have been Dr. secretarial science, library and Iht^/hTht^Iicl^of'lhc SA and who arc ''f7'">"T Lauritzen, Dr

Sp«ih Depanmenl; however, ihcie ' SA EDUCATES D«/ jehnny. by GUdfs Hist,' Or- bumer'.'^^fhr Kopi^e h w ^ki'n Mr. Chace, M"""piungian, Mr. To rail. Ifs the story of an eight-year-

year. old boy j'^'''°«.P";„"j"^"^,,'^'|;^^' isn't it just an unnecessary burden that keeps (o accomplish some of it next iy.> Jn reality and cordially Invited to^rew"""^ lim from getting the most from his class-room studies?" are ome of the questions we face concerning the Student Assoda- Ito'his parents reali« iust"how itici, and programs to the extent on We answer that to learn through doing is a basic prin- hottest day weVe had with her rain where the liitening audience will be Morning, Mill that believes this will not vwfc is "Good 27 Year Teacher J^^^"^?|.M^yheMr.S.«iercoutd ciple of true education. The school fully utiified. TTiis, however, b Doi-tf; the slory of a lady who is thrust its students out on the world with "nothing but a stufi- the typical, storj'book "old maid Oilando. Florida, is' the person in cd calibte of theories in search of the practice of a practical

Record Hour It is vital to an educational program that it give opportu- ?f;r-D;:e''tl,v»'le"b.!S;i" h«"taushrfm'"ttenTse«n"ye!n o^rs Tn cdlege"for"h*e"fiTtC' Shortly before bringinj; lo a close everyone was 'locked. II w^ quae we ate nity for originally expressed leadership. "There must be pro- Mrs. Wanda Aldridge and Mrs! enjoying our associatlDn to vided a means whereby students may mature their minds through a free method of intelligent planning and organized pleasant vacation until Scptcmbc execution of worthwhile projects. Instead of being expected (0 inititule a new progHm on (he merely to carry out rhe ideas imposed upon them by their lo^u 'Thin': "Joil^or!-" file ^F^ttj! some ot the most liked records, Ii this i< ^ I""!; IK.U ivill r,,nvc.l lov.. rcedom in developing their own individual tlieories." It is -"' ^^^^ '-'' ' J* WAYNE TAYLOR ! '' his practical experience that the SMC SA piovides for the ' ' ^ wi^'^thTheTp j^'d'^cMptrXn of all''.'.'

**"'' this carrying of responsibility while taking elasswork weVl'ikerpri^'a^VxT'jw' ^t'

politicians, the students who among the student-body, we discov- 11 an unthinking group of Word for \ Skeptics tamed the SA constitution realized the possibility of serious ''"'"'''"' ^jSim p.rticiplio^proE

£auaUe. £ocal Jladtf-JlaH.imaAk " of the "SOUTHERN ACCENr fn:;'.:d'!brdbi";;-"':'''Amrg q''ui?K^" wTT^'''aU 'S" £ikei. Jl^e, PeOfde, 2>o^ ship will be deepened by his sue "i. , \,. z.,':^]!;^^ rectly. We wish Ivan the best o raising subs this year, so there is no advantage in wait- A Chac^cteh Skctch By C. B. Hom-e ing for a letter from n student before subscribing— DO Lei me tell you aboul a lovable hear the gracious words of thu iiu'lM,, L...I .f..i ihiutJ,i^y'lu^ia« Bye Billy

privilege Of knowing since coming Southern Musioniry College. or^'lheTeairof '"eie'^m"' bteth" and stepped out into the abyss of Ule"!"' with lu li![unL' Manage.'! feUTVlWN TcCENT.^'collcgcdaK TeTn. !o of'L^"u'!i^^r'as"his'

re^VriiJ ^nVwi^h'^cl^-lik" '"she'h^TchieTed he"r g^'in life Ill^leThTwilfbil'^the di^tSe IZTLihel'JalmoflhTremarbblc have chistled out man Name through the years She has given her sixty-seconds September. However, Billy is a nurried

of"fame!°and"e'f" of"ihe found amon. h« S" onf noT w lulfor^'duti^"" so' pr«finc Speaking of old and new faces he WIS no longer to be Street or P.O. Box „ ^. and ihc exact- as in The erosion of time be worthy of mention. Dean J L, sented both in worship and Edwards has already left us and Is after the simdmidc^or^^a polished can/laugh hf^atlily at a humorous taking up work in the Carolina 1 "°'^-, 1 . . f j[| .^^ 'f """""^ "" Tn he; i'ron'gtay harand"etched furniture has somtt' side Tf" life, served'ably in the position ihTsu;^ skeptics. Our new

An and dcfinemeni are plainly Upchurch, bis already arrived and d'i«'^.ll^''yol'K^^^^^ ™SOUTH^Ni' ACCENT studtnl's) and also dogs. And is togcod rich experience of study wid te>^. Upcburd. and hope he will enjoy any'cootiibullon will be put g^^ -n^^ .„„.„b,-i«..i. proverbial altitude, but has opened his arms and taken her in. Spain, our rooms i^^" sTl^lt"'; A.M- ,, l^ :!,.',.,.. .n^^'lTff'TTl^,^ globe such as Mexico. France, One night this summer Jack Stur. when the appointments In ' »>•*''"»' gilE was awakened by the sound of •i^u^^ SS".'; £i™ ri,„;™, cji;„ ^r'T'jJiitinj uii^-^^rj^it- tragi ' hiZ- oTfat'rHe['d«imL" ra!'t'e'anrcom°o«"wd"m'lke'"TalE Hall the show place of the ampus with''th=' complications of a broken hip and of ifraii^comZn'^t rtst bui"hr«uld''n'St7i^iei''ti'o'r'ri"' We pull our heads down out 11; 3iSE's;SS''^S'l™BA'SiVC?''H5',l clouds though, but still senouil

,»r. «. M,. ,..i..!.;,p,', „„.'•" ' ' "»•"-> Jn"S,T'^MS^m^SZti No"£c^|h«'she'^us7go''bui in%Vati-'"^h;'';rem'i'^He futt«^l''^'td?urVll!seotfuJ could find nothing. He didn't even tunning along aeiier. PubUthM see the small wire i who miy be ducoungcd at (he characteristic of her life, and is SUMMED STAFF CME Accepts Namihas for Medicine

infectious smile: and (he knows Appears on TV's "Strike It Rich" how to "dangle the arrols" before Cdlumni.u LinJj Ronurnt God.b. ^X'.^^« T.ylu Ivjn Namihas who was leccnlly which he will use at Loina """ ''"" " "'""' ,. m them .nd still no. lose '' '" Jh.u cZas^sinK 1 .. SZ"'- Tir"iii°',h 1 Me'jici^e w« o^nThe Nc^°°York rir'and^hatTen arolini. )ini.t V;nu»i Bu>hnEli. ShifltT CcdT. Aidonni MuDus. Lpin Siuli jremi lo unljtij ' Strike it Rich" TV program Spartanburg, South

^''^"'''" before he t* , list »'«''-'" addition to the HBO then with L,^_E. . y^,,!. n.""^.^'„f t n. , L. J^^'^^"' Hamilton p^;in.i.l AJ.^« TV Mi,T riiii inswering a number of questions They arc reWrning to raVe"'"™'' -. Florida.> AJ^iiCf H, c Mi.tll 1' he received a S500 micioscopc home in Orlando, UNDERHILL SPEAKS ACADEMICALLY

[ions will be in order. Elder BanI