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10-18-1973 The thI acan, 1973-10-18 The thI acan

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Published Fo1', And By, _!:C. ~-·=-J i~haca college, ithaca, n.y. o~(ober'l8, 1973 volume 47/ no. 7 jf Students to o·et Hearing Dat~ ·set·j;;=-~--==~ il'heir Money Back Mieczkowski Appeal : By Andy Friedman those three weeks were not By Judi Constantin being refunded.- Because we felt All students who withdrew we were ·being inconsistent, Economics professor Bogdan from Ithaca College during the refunds are being granted to Mieczkowski will be granted a first twenty one days of the students who withdrew during hearing Nov. 5 to determine semester will have their room that time," he said. whether or not his professorship money almost totally refunded. Those students who withdrew at IC will be restored. Walter $20.00 for each week or part of any time after the three week Wiggins, the · College's attorney each week that they remained in period are apparently out of and Mr. Buyoucos, attorney for their rooms will be deducted, luck. After twenty one days, the Mr. Mieczkowski, have reached but the remainder will be overcrowding was relieved an impasse as to the constitution returned. enough that Housing could offer of the Hearing Committee's The college catalog states on tripled students the option of having only one roommate. That panel. · page· 13, "Following_registr!ltion, The Hearing Committee has meant IC was not overenrolled no refunds will be ·granted for to have the president of the local and regular college policy had to any ~eason on room _charges," chiipter of the American Bogctan Mieczkowski -MALLORY ~ Association of University Professors on it. There is Burgevin and Mr. Gunning O'J&r nominated from Corn.ell, Mr: presently no 101:al chapter of the the two other candidates. No Wiggins describes the men he · AAUP. Due to this, the College reasons were given for their selected as being well-suited for h~s been looking for past rejection. Mr. Baizer, otle of the the panel because of their • presidents of the AAUP who are two rejected possiblities, is the integrity, obJectivity and still in the area. senior faculty member on intelligence. Mr. Baizer was campus. extremely upset over Mr. There are five: Dr. David Integrity ~~ggi~s decision, feeling his own , Adorno, Director, Business Along with three other men continued on page 2 ij Administration division, Ashur . J~aj~~r, __ _p_r,Q(es~or __ 9f __ English,. George Driscoll, professor of Congress··· De·nie-s and. ; Provost Frank Darrow be adhered to. Music, Jules Burgevin, Associate expla!ins the reason for the - The normal college policy professor of Sociology, and John Varsity Club exce~tion this year. with regard to refunds is: no Gunning, an associate professor "The school was overcrowded refund on room charges after of Drama. By Barbara Sheldon any student can be a trainer or for about the first three weeks registration • and tuition and Dr. David Adorno was man~ger of a team, and thereby of the semester. During that board are pro-rated. College rejected because he 1s now The Activities Committee, of earn a letter which would grant time, the College urged policy has not been altered as a serving on the administration of the I.C. Student Congress said him membership in the club. upperclassmen to move off ' result of the decision to refund this college and therefore can no last week to the I.C. Varsity cainpus to relieve the situation, some money this year. The not make an unbaised decision Club. PE Opposition offering full refunds (minus the policy stays the same; the concerning a faculty member. A week ago Tuesday night at $20. stipulation) to those who refunds are being given this year Mr. Wiggins has submitted the Student Congress, the Club was Guy Van ben Schoten, •. - complied." names for the panel he denied recognition. This means representative for the Varsity only. "But the students who apparently feels would be that the Club will recieve no Club and the Association of voluntarily withdrew during continued on page 11 impartial. He has suggested Mr. funding, rooms, or vote on Physical Education Majors, Student Congress. vociferously opposed the L,oJ>by Name ~hange. The Varsity Club, which decision of the Activities exists to honor all athletes on Committee, but m the final vote campus, is asking Congress for in Congress, voted against 17 .Colleges Attend I.C. Conference $400. They already receive a recognition because so did most funding of $400 from the of the members of Congress. By Marc Shaeffer consider that we've really gotten that and generate constructive Joe Marzano, former somewhere." Physical Education Department enthusiasm ·on the part of and a few hundred dollars in Chairman of the Activities Last Friday and Saturday the Fioramonti Spealts college students. donations. The main function of Committee, did consider New York Student Lobby held The conference began slightly J?uring a question-answer the Club is to hold a banquet for reviewing the decision, and its statewide conference at I.C. contacted Jim Stahl, President after 8:00 pm Friday in T 102 _ penod that followed_ later, a its members. At this time, the As a result; the name· was Frank Fioramonti, legislative delegate as~ed Mr. F1~ramonti Club does not charge its 358 of the Varsity Club. But it seems changed from the New York counsel to the New York branch _to explarn the difference members dues, w.hich could that a misunderstanding arose Student Lobby to Association, of_ NORML criticized current between legalization and cover Uie money being requested concerning the status of the their charter was drawn up and stu?.ent apathy · concerning decriminilization. from Congress. Varsity Club and its college enthusiasm for the project . manJuana and the, ·new drug Decrimini!ization, according During the discussion last community activities when The increased. The projection for laws. He complained, "When to the speaker, is the elimination week, the representatives Co mm unity Council met representation was between 50 your out trying to legalize of ·criminal penal ties for decided that the Varsity Club's Thursday afternoon. an·~ 75 ·s.chools. Only 17 schools. hashish, let me know ... then I'll possession of small amounts of restrictive member.ship were Dean William Koch, the '. were. represented, but Andy jump on your bandwagon!" He marijuana. Legalization is the grounds for non-recognition. On HPER representative to Telsey; one of the three I.C. is hopeful that this New York the other hand, it was argued the continued on page 11 student coordinators, says: "We Student Association well change Z'

,·, t.• ,,,; .. ,. ·-r., ~·,, .,\,,,\·... ~. -,-""\:-""''~ ~ .. ,1 .. , The Ithacan, October 18~ '1973 Page 2

ANOTHER_ V.P .. .. \ around the nation New Post in .College RelatiOn~ Washington. Cont 1rmat1on hearings Jre to begm later th1, month for Vice Pres1dent-de~1gnate By Andy Friedman · ,espons1ble for doing. was asked after the meeting, (;crald Rudolph Ford. Ford. a Republican Job "Defined" who is doing all the work now Rcpre~entat1ve from M1ch1gan had heen the House The crealion of the office of He will be involved in involved in that is outlined for this new mmonty leader Ford was nominated hy President Vice - President for College three major areas: Resource position .. "We are," he said, '.'J1xon tor the office vacated hy the re~1gnat1on of Relations was the suggestion of Dev.elopment, Public Affairs and referring to himself and his la,t week. !laving ,erved for Alumni-keep-in-touch. staff. t wenty-t1ve year, m the House and not considered the Task Force, last Thursday night at the monthly meeting of The first of these· involves There are similariti~s between a prc,1lnct Judge catalogs-· that go out to high description he gave of the new faculty and staff salane,, 2) 1),1111011 I Kcllh,· rulmg that the (,ovcrnrnent mu'>l schools. Alumni-keep-in-touch job. · ,upport for many of the Ul'>clo"' 11 they u,ed hur[(lJry, or c,p1onage 111 requires the new. Vice-President Th·e College Relations programs now i:n · operation ob1,1111111g cv1,kncc J[(.11n,t the group to stay in constant contact with D!rector feels tbat the person which can not contrnue to alumni and seek. their assistance with the prospective title will as ,urvive without a,l'>[L'I .II Cd February I, 1974. funding for the college could bt: job encompassed many worlds oh ta In e I Vic·,· l'tl'side'lll I k s.11d Ill' pk.idnl 110 C(Jlltl'~t to dcarly _outlined. makmg the lllll' eJl.llL' lhL' C<>lllllrv ,1 proposal ,uhiL'd to kngthcnt:d By Marc Shaeffer warning. The judge. David Lee lt11lhL'I t1,111111.1l1c <'\!lL'rle'llcc· Ill'> tc'\l)!llal1;,11, controversy by· thL" Community Jr.·, le'sl1!1n· 1n th,· vagut:. not ddmmg ,pcc1f1cally Mieakowsk1 wa~ d1s1111~sed from as set forth in the faculty '- O I I fl I I ) lhl' ne\v V1ce-Pres1dc·nt, his post for d1sputcd reasons. handbook concerning both \\ 0111d______or would ...,. ...nol - he Mr. M1eczkowsk1 fought the letters of ,\1!,!e'll.1 !.,11\\,111 Sud.111. I t1t11'>1.1 ..ind reinstate him a!> a mcmber of thl' 011L· t.1c·ulty meml1L'r was 1 forward a bill ol particulars S.1ud1 ,\1,1h1.1 .ill clllllllllltllll,! 11,Hip, I ht· So\'IL'I Council.' Th i, decision ,lwcl..ed to learn tht' names ~upporting its charges" so he l'lll '",l'>'>ht Ill ,Ill\ \~.I\,. lhL' ·\1,lh could ~ceminglyonly have bcen ,uggL'sted hy Mr \V1gg111s Mr. could prepare the necessary lllI\ \k.111wl11k. lhl' [I\ h.1, hc'l!llll an t·llo1t Professor Bogdan M1eczkowsk1 is two ol the original thirteen mcn court is entitled to a l:1111 of 11 1 1t·,111 1 ph l,1.1,·I \\llh lll'c·,kd 1nil1I.11~ c•q111p111,·nt still regarded as a member of the who 'l)!lled the kttcr of particular~. Therl' 1s no reason I ltc' l '> ei.llllll'li 1h ,IL"(lllll \\,I'> Ill J'IL'\'L'lll ,1 Ithaca College faculty. c·o111plJ1nl, .1g.i1n~t Mr. why ~1r. Buyoucos should ever \l1ddk I .1,1 u11h.1l.111ll' du,· Ill th,· llc'.1\~ \ll\'le'I The rnotion to allow Professor \11L'L'ikow,k1. have had to request such a hill. ( llli)ll h,JLkllll-! M1eczko.wsk1 to attend and vote l'hl' 1r,,ny ol rcJL'c'tlllg hoth but he did . 111 writing," ()11 lh,· W.11 1,1111 l,1.1e·I 11,h 111.11e·h,·d Ill \\llh111 21) at Council meetmgs encountered lln~c:<111 .ind Ba11n 1s twotold. continues Mr. Terwilliger in a 1111k, lll lh,· S\'11.111 , ll.11n.1" lh In lite· \111.11 so much ,1)-!<> h.1, lfllle'(L'd ,could not be completed and a ('om1111ttc•c• thal lounr\,a~ ll1 lh-111) """'ll)!c't .1ml IL' 1>11, c·olk[!c' I-. W. ·1 erw11liger. a professor of Hearing Finally Obtained I hll h.1\e' he·,·n ,l\\,llL'lll"L' The Council voted to reinstate Curn·nt Feeling Mieczkowski shall be permitted I h,·\ \\Ill ,lt.11,· llte· \I~~_()()() 11\lllle'IJrv .1\\,11d to attenll1 kl! t..;1111d,1\ nlll hl' sLTVIJl[( 011 thL' lk.tring tee. ·. ·.·-·. ·: _·,:· · .. members. One will be dcs1gna tecl 1 llllihlf' t..;,111~ ,I I \l,lllllll,l',1!... the• pll,1!1011 that would naturally mcmbt:r_ or representative from Affair. agrees with Mr. 1e·,1,,r llf llt.1111111.1,.11 l 1111\c'1,1I~ wh,·1e· till' h1a, lhc•1r Lkc·1,1011 the Ar'!icr!can · Association o.f Terwillign .. "provi"ded the up11,tlll,!. t>li°l,!111:llt'd \\,I'> 11.1111,·d .1, !he· llL'W 1'1tllll' Un1vers1ty Professors, one "None of the charges brought d1s1111sseo1 le'd th.II (Wll ad m I 11 IS tr at Or a n d O rfe a)!atnst Prok,sor.. M1eokowsk1 IC> subnllt the matter to a 1-.t"\ .1d1111111,11.1t1H· k.1d,·1, ,>I the• ovnth1ow11 e c o n o m is t s 1 n· <;: e Mt:. Jrl' true::· tissl'rtt'd one sourcl', hearing·. cojn~1-/tte1(. ~1t1tin · :j_"•• )-!ll\L"llll1l1'1\( h.1d tkd th,· c'llllllll~ l·1c•ld l\la1~h.1ll : . ¥{eczkowsk.i i~ an e,conomic,;5. reaso·nahlnni1oiint of time after· h1111l...1d1"111 w.1, e'\l'<'cle'd I,> lie'<' ,h,11tly. \ lll'W "ant.I somt' of them ewn ria~e professor." ., wrong dates ,lltached." the charges· have been made." e1111,t111111,,11 1, 1,, l>c• dt.1\\11 ti ,hnrtl~ ,llld trt'e' Ms'. Shir(e-y Hockett:, No procl'lhlll .i, Pll"ihk c;hairman of the H & S Faculty: J1,m1ss1ng. -.of l'rof.essor M17czkows_ki has let a·rea~o11ilb1e:-:- ;: . amount· of. time go· by and··-. ·Council,: s,1id that the "general' Bella~t. \ d<''<'lt,·1 !1<>111 th<' H1111,h \rmy hJ, l>t'L'll l\11t't:t:kowsk1 .··were ll'>lllllllL'tlt llll the 111111dt'1, uf through tht' l'L'rsonnel ~as ,, llll,ltl l'.11hohc, \ll>,·11 B,1l..c·1. a!,!L' 22. <:.'omm1ttl'c' J'he Pt'tsonnl'l allo·wl'd to ret"urn to the Council. shoul~ be P_as~ed, but the facultt (Llltll'tl !he· l't()(e•,1.1111 p.11.11111111.11~ lll,tc'I l)~frn~c· Co1nm1t tel' 1s a funcr1011 crcat.:d What Mr. Wiggins termed was ~ot w1lhng ro make other-: ,\.,.,llc·1at lllll hl',·,1 the' h,· ne·e·ckd mntwy. not by . Ted l:lakn. Dean of unreasonable delay was the time concessions at this iime " <· k1H1w111i; that 11 w.h .1ct11.1lly .111 J'>'>J'>'>lllJtll>n Humanit1e, Jnd Sc:1L'nces. to i t· t o o k • f o r P r o f e s so~ Al~ ~t · the. _Oct~ber'.?1~~~ ,quad rc::vicw hiring and dismis~al of M1eezkowsk1 to take his letter of . meetI!1g, 1t was determined that>:­ ptofessors and administration dismissal · to court and try to­ there ~will be a roll-call vote on:: have it ru)eti as a . letter of every issue from now on. · Santiago, Chik. I Ill· l'h1l1J11 govc·rnmc·nt \1ondJy and to exen:1se fairness ll1 ihese 1 ordL'rL·d lhL' c·,pti1S1011 nt 10111 t,11t·1g11 n<·w,111c·n. practice~ . A :temporary member wai":: added;to !he Faculty Council fo(: •rnd hl'ld tw,1 "1lw1, to1 qut',t1<1111ng. 111 Jll effort The d1smi~al ·suggests that the rema!nder. of .the academi<::: Ill ~top ··c11,1rntc·d Ile'\\,.. I hc' mt111.1ry 1untJ. Innocence lo be proved .Mr. Mieczkowski take a leave of year. ;fh1s te~porary member.:: which ovc·rthrc•w th<' ~1.1r,1,1 g,>\'L'rtllllt'lll la~I absence to "seek medical represents :parH1me H & s~; month. ~J1d that 11 1, 1al...111g me·,1,urt· 1<1 ,top t'alst' II 1, fl'lt that ~he attention"'. Mr.- Mieczkowski has faculty. Next y~ar the _Council::·· ,tonc~ Jnd rumor, trom ~prt•,1d1,1g through the adnnnistrat1011 - is. rn effoct. no physical ailments, and it has will b~composed,6f 14 ~emberS:.: country saym[! to Professor- Miezkowsl-i hl'en noted that none of the -men as t-lie ' pa e positio~ Paul Stern t hat he's gmlty, . until p~ove~ who made suggestion. are innocent. psyc;_hjatri!its • .,;,._,.... --,·., , : . · _·• _.•. ·, , beco~s ~-n ._

---~·--- .t.,__ -·------!The It~~, Oct?ber 18, 1973 Page 3

I \ - Presidential Vice .. . . ~...... ~ - Candidate Under Review l -·

expected . however, that the Agnew had the ability to do, and really have aspirations for the By Mark Crames confirmation almost certain. Democratic leaders of Congre~ 'Administration should profit on many innumerable occasions, nations highest office. It's from Spiro Agnew's resignation obvious that he will now be in a On the evening of October 12, made it clear, that a strong did. Secon'dly· though, and far candidate for _the Presidency in amid such public shame and more important he will be a vital position to fullfill these l 9 7 3, . Gerald Ford was disgrace. - n om ina ted as fhe next 1976 would not be confirmed. liason with Congress, something ambitions if they exist. The lack While Mr. Ford __ may not be which Mr. Agnew never could, Vice-President of the · United This forced the President, who of Democratic opposition to the best of candidates, he is or prefered not to be. Mr. Ford States of America, under the had two lists of possible him, probably indicates that he certainly far from the worst, and has many friends in the capitol, procedures and rules ·of the 25th nominees, to r-efuse those who isn't considered a strong enough w_ill probably be a much more which should help an Amendment to the Constitution. he might rather have had, such candidate. helpful Vice-President than Administra'tion which is having While there is some speculation as John Connally. This is just Next week, a review of and Agnew was in his 5 years in great difficulty getting any on how these procedures will be one more obstacle, the Nixon some msight into, the career of office. Firstly, Mr. Ford will legislation passed. applied as Congress must find its administration must fight to Gerry Ford, most iikely the next probably not antagonize many Another question is, despite way through this previously function smo9thly in the next Vice-President of the United groups of people, such as Mr. Mr. Ford disclaimers, does he 'unmapped territory, the three years. It could not be States. nomination must go through the House Judiciary Committee, the Senate Rules Committee, and then passed by a majority vote .J.C. London ·Utilizes City for Classroom ., in both houses . At this point, these processes all seem a formality, as no one By Claire Allen, Foreign Studies Architecture by visiting In addition to foreign study in people interested in studying m has raised any objections to the Director Stonehenge, Rochester Castle London, Ithaca also offers its London for the Fall semester of nomination of Mr. Ford. It's The foreign study program of and Cathedral, Fishbpurne (a students the opportunity to 1974. conceivable that his nomination Ithaca College expanded to a Roman Villa), the British study in Heidelberg, Berlin, The schedule for future will pass both the House and new branch in London, England. Museum, the Tate Gallery, and Madrid, and Paris. Courses Foreign Study events: Senate unanimously. Signs of There, students are instructed by Oxford. Those students taking offered at these other centers are October 18,me~ting will be held this are the fact Mr. Ford was British professors who are Comparitive Government have taught both in English and the for students interested in recommend by House Speaker teaching their field of interest or the op port unity to visit native language. More studying in London. Slides will Carl Albert (Democrat) and by Parliament, and those studying information may be obtained be shown of the London Center comments from various Senators specialty. For example, courses are taught which can utilize the Comparative Education are able from the Foreign Study Office at this time. TIME: 7 p.m. and Representatives. Senator to attend classes in primary. and on these programs. Javits (R-New York) in a London setting and the great PLACE. FI08. diversity of the rest of the secondary schools in the city At the present time, there are statement released Monday, said, and country. The courses still openings for the Spring "Gerry Ford is a per(ectly country. Octoher 22 ... meetmg of all those The student enrolling in offered "are designed to involve semester, and applications will people who have already been appropriate candidate~· · wh~se the student in the British culture be accepted until November 30 candor, belief in our institutions, Studies in Shakespeare has the accepted to study in London. which surrounds them. Thirteen for the Spring semester, 1974. patriotism and. fine_.c;:h_aracter, opportunity to read the play and TIME: 7 p.m. PLACE: S!09. courses were offered this past Return your applications soon make him a refreshing 'choice for also witness it on stage. Another to _the Foreign Study Office the second highest office of this course, Art and Architecture of Fall semester, and it is hoped October 23.,.meetil)g of all those country." G~eat Brit2in, takes advantage of that eighteen or more course, located. ·.in Room 214 8 of the people who have already been It is this type' of pablum classroom experience and, m will be offered in the Spring. Mulle·r Faculty Center. accepted to study with Schiller · which makes Ford's addition, utilizes the British This depends upon enrollment. AP ~lications are also being College. TIME: 7 p.m. PLACE: received at this time for those Fl 03. Heard on the Hill: Taking Stock of the- Market BY Peter Burbank Alden Johnson, who is Vice-President of ··Massachusetts Financial Services, Inc. and advisor Sherman Christensen's adniittance that he made a The stock ·market dropped 10½ points in the to five funds with assets of $4 billion, claimed that substantial error in calculating that I.B.M. pay first half hour of trading on Monday, October 9, he has fully invested his portfolio in stocks, Mr. S352.5 million m damages to Telex Corp m an but rallied to close up 6.4 points. The early decline Johnson states, "we would rather be early and risk anti-trust suit. I.B.M. announced that its third resulted from reaction to new fighting between the being a little sorry, than be late and very quarter sales set periods for any quarter in its Arabs and the Israelies. This late spurt may have disappointed." Mutual Fund management feels history, with net income up nearly 28%. I.B.M. resulted from investors trying to take advantage of that the stock market is a·n excellent investment at should continue to rise in pnce followmg a early weakness, thus encouraging others to invest this time. "bullish" report hke this. I B.M. closed on Oct. 12 in the market. Also, Monday's investors may have As a result of the !,1ideast war, oil stocks with at 284, up 22 points for the week. regretted not investing in a sharply advancing reserves in the Mideast have shown sharp declines. The market held up under pressure from the market on the preceding Friday, which saw a Texaco dropped 2 5/8 points to 32 5/8 on Mideast, untII the Agnew bombshell exploded. 15.35 point increase in the Dow Jones Industrial On Wedne~day. Oct. 10 the market slipped 13.<,2 "' \ --;-., Monday, Oct. 8, because it was feared that our oII Averages. Some specialists theorize that a supp-ly from the Mideast may be cut off. However, pomts, the h1gge~t ~etback ~mcc August I "bullish" stock market on Friday will result in a oil companies with reserv'es outside the Mideast Even though analysts pred1..:tccl an uncertain "bullish" market on the following Monday. It is advanced. Superior oil advanced 15 ½ points to market on Wednesday, the market finished up · interesting to note that the market responded well close at 286 on Monday, Oct. 8. 15.5.0 points on Thursday and 2 56 pomts on on Monday despite news of fighting in the As predicted in an earlier article, 1.8.M. showed Friday. Performance like this, despite adverse news Mid-east. a strong advance in the week of Oct. 8-1 2. On to market displays an underlying strength. One reason for the recent performance of the Wednesdav Oct. JO. 1.8.M. advanced 12¼ points Investors appear to he Jumping at any opportumty market is Mutual Funds have heavily invested in . . the iuarket. In a recent Wall Street Journal, H. to close at 274. IJB.M.'s jump followed Judge to get hack into the market.

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,~ .. Editorial Just Who ·comes First1,.·· ::-': • .II

According to the Ithaca College Financial Report of 1971-72, this in line for the:-6Crvice? Just' ,who coiµes· first? institution was in debt to the tune of $25 million, which at the time Ithaca College already costs over a cool qve ~d per, which is was the largest deficit of any private institution in the country. The quite a burden to a great percentage of the I.C. community-the college's mortgage on the new campus complex will not be paid off middle-class undergrads. And yet they do not even get the courtesy until the year 2016. And in the immediate future, tuition and room of a clear and full explanation of.where their monies are going. The · fees for Ithaca College students will again be rising $210 the next $260 "General Fee" has Jong been explained away as payment for academic year. different student activities and services, when it is, as President So in accordance with these tell-tale tidbits, the Ithaca College Phillips has admitted, no more than anothl:r name (or tuition. The Task Force, headed by President Ellis L. Phillips, Jr., has somehow salaries of the I.C. faculty are kept private from any scrutiny for the seen fit to create a new post called '.'Vice President for College stated reason that it would not be wise that the J.C. professors know Relations". No matter that the college already has an Executive each others' salaries. Why? Are there some sort ·of inequities? Is DJTector for College Relations who claims that all the work outlined someone getting "more fair" treatment than others? Surely, the for the new VP, whoever that may be, is already being covered by members of the I.C. faculty are mature enough to understand fairly him. The Director could not seemingly see any new directives or distributed saiaries. The only fear should lie in the· fellr of unequal chores for the new man, just redefinition "in a ·broad way". What treatment. There is not supposedly that reason for keeping this ~se does "A broad way" mean? Enough to cover any possibilities of students'/college money secret. . · perhaps? It is ahm curious why the _Ithaca College Comptroller, who is Has the Administration become enamored of new titles recently, responsible for every penny tha·t comes in and out of th"e college's or 1s 1t a need for new jobs and fresh money for some kind of needy coffers, and is supposed to be on top of the college's finances, did poor?Not just College Relations, but the Provost's office and Safety not know, when questioned, how much Quarry dorm was sold for D1vis1on have newly created positions this year, of what can be and where those funds went? If he does know this information, why considered relatively important stature. It can be argued that these is. he being secreti:ve about it'! If. he does not know' whq does know., posts were necessary for the operation of this college, but it can-also· and why are they keeping it secret from him?Who really- is '.in' be asked who comes first in the Administrative mind when these · _comptroll and why are they doing these "terrible things" to-us? positions are created and filled--The students they serve or the men Something seems sneaky in the halls of Job.

The Landon Five

the technicals got misrepresented because of this. The Great Pumpkin Robbery Last Monday night a meeting The insertion uf the name wa~ called for all interested, .,J Tillie was a gross oversight 011 concerned, or otherwise the part of both the By Judi Constantin surrounded the dorm ano confiscated Rita Ripoff.·:: mis1nclined Ithaca College t:ntertainment and Copy Their . plans had call~a:. for returning Rita that:: students. The reason was simple "It was the night of October 6th, a Saturday Hditors. In havmg a knowledge night. - to form a nucleus of students night. The Landon Five were sitting around, being of the mother-daughter When Safety surrounded the building, paranoia : to devise a method of evaluating extremely bored (emphasis on bored). We had relationships, within the play,one set in. Everyone with a pumpkin wanted to get rid their faculty, thereby perhaps heard· about a pumpkin farm not too far from IC. might very easily have viewed of it. Safety was stationed on the male side of the 1mprov1ng the educational At approximately 11 :30 we wanted to strike at Beatrice as once having been a dorm waiting for a suspect to return. The process which they theoretically midnight, the witching hour - we got into the car Tillie. pumpkins were !o:ided into knapsacks, trunks, - take part in. and drove off," explained the leader of -the We can on/y--hope to change suitcases and shopping bags and casually spirited Bill Jaffe was there. He Landon Five. the opinion about Ithacan ' out the female side of the dorm. "There was a organized the meeting and They stole a carload - and transported them reviews being, "a few glib words signed statement from· someone in the dorm,. recieved authorization and signifying nothing." back to the dorm and to their rooms. They giving names and information and pointing the appropnation from Student decided to make a return trip for the scarecrow. • finger at us," explains the leader. "That's how Congress. An Ithacan reporter To the Editor: On their way to get the scarecrow, "we ran into Safety found out about the scarecrow." was there. Between the two of some little pumpkins who wanted to go with their Safety had enough information to warrant the them a splendid five minutes of · Let's start · with the basic "Iirothers- a:nci sisters·, ·so· we couldn't just leave them · arrest of the Five, but dfdn't, so the Five decided d 1s cuss 1on took p I ace. ques,tion: What is a Christia~?. there, and .took them ·along," the ringleader-·said. to turn themselves in.· : · · · · - · Remarkable IC, you do 1t every Through the ages there have They got the scarecrow on the second trip too, time. been many misconceptions as to because Rita Ripoff .(the scarecrow's nickname) Later that night, at the .eventful witching hour, Sincerely, the meaning of this te~m. Some wanted to see IC. the Landon Five found themselves at midnight Peter Korn people associate being a The scarecrow was hidden in the dorm in an conference with the Duffee family, in their home.' Christian with belonging to a To the Editor: out-of-the-way spot and the baby pumpkins were Mrs. Duffee wanted money for the pumpkins if church or denomination. Many As I was reading this week's reunited with their families. they had been sold, ·but if they were just given people believe that a Christian is issue The Ithacan I was During the next few days, the Landon Five away, she didn't object, the leader said. The a person who is generally a good delighted to find a review of the played it extremely cool. Until an''articlc appeared Duffees did not want the Landon Five to repair. person and for the most part production of The Effect of in _The Ithaca · Journal. They found that Mrs. the scarecrow and wanted it back the way it was, does good deeds trying to make Duffee; the farmer's wife, wanted the scarecrow Their sentence was to show up· at the J;)uffe~ Gamma Rays on the world a better place to live Man-in-the-Moon Marigold, that back. Mrs. Duffee hosts nursery schools from the farm Sunday, October 14th, and pick p_umpkins: m. A Chnstian should fit the surrounding areas and the scarecrow 1s popular They worked approximately three and a half hours·~: I d1rected. ro the best of my latter statement but he is not a with the under-kindergarten set. She did not care and picked almost 6 and· a half tons

- -·- . \' ...._ -~· ~ - ., -- - -· - ..'.·..'..·., .... - -·------.------,------~-- . 1 . : Tbe~fliiU!~ .{Mtdhetf18;'197S.'Pag~' 5 the lobby delegates and press sat in a semi-circle in the crossroads N•Y.:s.A. ·conferen~::- ~}~~-ti~~~df7:om pa~~--~--. and- faced Telsey arid :_Kenny , . . ; · ·: )4ay, i:c. Student Congress The .:::co7·:me came · · · · d ~ he~s~o;$;: ·:: · :- : · . President. when a delegate noted that the Classifieds state control '?ver sale _an ·Mr." Fioramonti said that 1( · ·They talked about the aims, state-supported schools could distribution of it. He o~tlu~ed the tobacco companies ...wanted goals and visions of the NYSA. not join the Student Lobby.· four plans for the legalization to legalize~m~uana, _(and s9me The delegates began to draw up Being a political organization, To Cheryl- The Happiest of Birthdays! aspect: . . companies 'have_ already bo!1~t the charter using the one that their Activity: Pund would be . Your rowdy friends, l .alchohol. mo_del.l~quor · land and are plan~gadvert1S1ng Telsey, May and Sean Bennett revoked from the state. As an Sixth floor-even Sid!' stores would apply 1or a hcense campaigns) they could. come in presented as a guide. \A,S!j()Ciation, lobbying can be c~~1- • to sell marijuana, legally· and buy the votes of the The charter determines voting \ised as a tactic and the name You thought I was dead, but I m 2.state model:the ~~ate WOUld legislators.• .it's been known to. pro c e d U res, membership, does not imply a political watching you from Cayuga Lake!!! buy and sell the manJ~~a. As~ happen before, he suggested. officers and meetings. It's o r g_ a •n i z a t i o n . T ·h e Your Faithful Gold-fish side comment, Mr. Fioramont: State Senator Jerimiah Bloom. pre a m bl e defines the state-supported schools can not The whole "Joint" wishes Cheryl a noted that NORML is i~.f~vorho also. expressed apat~y on the· Association: "The New York officially join, but their Happy B-day! an 18 year old age limit ~ at art of the youth. "The most Student Association _is an sympathetic Student Congress Dear Cheryl- would prohibit ~ny~>n_e u~de~ ~ffective vote in the state of organization comprised of presidents can contirbute to the Happy Birthday! Please try to find 1 a father soon. that age fro~ ~uy~ng \.~-e :e0 1 New York is the senior citizens, institutions of higher eduC?.tion organization with less likelihood Love, 11 i problems with JUmor _hi19, s~ not the youth " he stated, in the state of New York. The of state reprisal. Mom kids who tum on b~fore goi~g to · emphazing the n~gative. "When NYSA seeks to represt:nt as "I don't see how marijuana Dear Cheryl- iii.­ classes in the mor_mn!. d • the l 8 year olds got the vote, closely as possible· the views of Happy Birthday! B-1-T-E! Love 3 "laissez faire' mo e 1· no · · · f t N y k t t can be in line with a student ( \'; Penalties,.a but - no cont rol s, there. was . no,, upsurge o vo er all students in ew or s a e lobby since it's not solely a. 606 I student issue," remarked a ,. e1t. h er registration.• · d M t· g and to articulate those views as a Dear Grump- 4.arts and crafts model: the Crossroa 8 ee m lobby organization to the New delegate. This issue, explained . Like Wow! Far-out and Oh Booger \ 'f Telsey and May, would be to Shit! drug would be legalized and so1; · At 1 :00 Saturday afternoon, York State legislature." Love, f-,, test the effectiveness of the Laurie, Pncl< .. Association and to draw Glad you are here. I love you. " students together, since it is such Me an encompassing issue. Cheryl, Also discussed were repealing sorry I didn't give you a card. But, taxes on college textbooks, and coming from a card, you are a card. e . A card ... voter registration on campus. CLC Zo.,. C: 0 ... World CamDus Afloat: Join Us! ...... I • C: O ··Z f: ...... ::I · Sails each September & February. 7 ·- 0 This is the way you've always wanted Ii o· 7 I ca 0 I . 0 en to learn . . and should. Combine &• N accredited study with a fascinating 0 ·-c:a semester of travel to Africa, Austral­ ..... asia, the Orient, and the Americas . Over 8500 students from 450 colleges .. •0 have already participated Financial .... aid 1s available. Write now for free CD catalog: •:.a • I •0 WCA, Chapman College ...., .... Box 1000, Orang':!, CA_ 92666 •• - L - • ·' -· . ' . 111·• ... ,l. 'r · • ' . ' • •. , ii: I NEED A RUG? SALE NOW IN PROGRESS . I ·­ : \ ••9 I 0 \ a.. Rugs /Jy Rolfe I I ...... ( a.. 0 M 113 S. CAYUGA ST. I CD 0 :I HRS. Thurs. 10· -5 Sat. 10-9 -~ Fri. Eve. 6-9 c::r en ,, ftl - • 0 .o -.CD ·1· . I.· t ... a: 0 ftl fn...... 0 ·-E .... : -.... ··C:··- .-ca· 'tlO ·- w -- \Of d<~ +rorn .....,.,~-­ I •CD l\-\\ "BM L z L T\Jts s vX,-\- 2. .. K :I lJJeJ. CrearnA\e. I\'i ~ 0 0 I ~ ,\-wrs- '80.d. M \ .. •!·0·~'~ M e· .') N u,111

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.. , • ,. ('""','"' ( .. ,r - -~., .' ••,,...... - The Ithacan, Oct~he_r 18, -~?73 Page 6 continued/ DELTA KAPPA the brothers are still in ' the . new lodge, and, whe.n they do, it from page!. process · of -deciding -wlierr to_ · · :_ may -be matte, .of ciriderblocks ." SAGA MENU_ "Probably the most important · rebuild . the retreat, with -what'" instead of woo~ this time. "It -. thing is that in all bad there is materials, and. with what extra went up like matches," some good," said Robinson, features, such as plumbing and commented one Delta K brother MENU FOR WEEK I 0/18/73 THRU I 0/24/73 "and it is bringing our house, all heating, which they never had · ab out · the entirely-wood the brothers, doser together. before. Since winter will soon structure. Something like this always does set in, the frat may very .well tltat." wait until spring to construct the continued on page 13 Thursday,October 18

Lunch - I. Grilled Hot Dog On Bun 2. Baked Beans- 3. Sliced Turkey on Towers Roll 4. Hungarian Noodle Bake 5. Tossed Tuna Salad Plate 6. Sauerkraut

Dinner· I. Oven Baked Chicken with Country· Gravy' 2. Eggplant Parmesan 3. Cheese Omelet 4. Fruit Salad Plate

Lunch· 1. P1;rza 2. Chicken Rice Casserole 3. Meat Roll-up Salad Plate 4. Bacon Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich DRY GAS PEIi Dinner - 1. Pork Chops Anti-Freeze . 2. Meatball Sandw1c_h with Sauce 2sccan I _qt ...... · ·•9c ·Ill I 3. Curry Baked Fish s~0 ·99c 2for 1 1.. l,gallon ...... $1,19 SJturday, Octoher 20

Lunch - I. Pizza-Reno 2. Ham Omelet -· 3. Tuna Salad Sandwich EVERY. WINTER TIRE * COOPER WEATHER. MASTER P/IIMIUM ,._ .• Dinner - I. Charcoal Broiled Steak : .),,{' ·, COOPER M&S SPORTS, SEMPIRIT RADIAi. 2. BBQ Spare R1h~ IN STOCK I '. • ·.. & .BIAS PLY, DOI/GI.AS. RAD/Al 1011 3. Clam Stnps m Basket I \__.)- - ... AMERICAN CARS, COOPER ·suPER Sunday, October 21 PRICED FOR [+.. i. :::(,.~~ TRACTION TRUCK, RICAPS \.'\ ..: -'.((~ :n".. ~-- ,.... ,., ,'\::::{ .!,,._,, Dinner - 1. Veal Cutlet ,· . . Off Re,g Po,t,d Pr,c~ SAVINGS UP TO !,01r1, OFF 2. Rigatoni with Meat Sauce CLEARANCE !! 3. Scrambled Eggs

Monday, October 22 Every E-xide Battery Reduced Lunch - I. Corned BeL"r" and Cole Slaw on Rye CHOOSE FROM THE LARGEST SELECTION IN THIS AREA - 2. Eggs and Mushrooms in Cheddar Sauce over Toasted English Muffin Half EXTRA SPECIAL - EXIDE tlFETIME GUARANTEE 3. Grilled Hamburger~ GROUP 24 or 24F FOR MOST POPULiR CARS 4. Melon Fruit Plate

Dinner - I. Chopped Ste;,tk s499s list ..s.299!:ll ,:· ,,., 2. Turkey Pot Pie with Biscuits J. Meat Lasagne DRAWTITE VALLEY TOW RITE ALL TRUECRAFT REGULAR Tuesday, October 23 CUSTOM HITCHES HITCHES TOOLS REDUCED BOSCH PLUGS 59·9 EACII 'l'IHe ~-ltitNNH Wnlld S.1 Lunch - I Old Fashioned Beef Pie OFF 2 Saga Mountain Climber UPro40% ,.,... " $ 249 - 99, WN/ll TNEY UST! J. Fish Sandwich 4 J ullcnnc Sala ti Bowl

CHINl·SI- NIC;IrI £XFRA SPE~IJIL on_ r,,:~lr Lo,;il~I ~ooper's Fi~esl

1)111ner - I l:gg Drop Soup * LIFELINER- PR.EMIUM GLASSEL T -. 2 Chicken c;uy Ding , Beel with C111nc~c Vegetables }·, 4: Roast l'ork with Sweet and Sour Sauce .. 5. Shnmp Rolb EXAMPL!, ~h~! !~i!ual Ring :~.:,~~...... 4 FOR $ 0 0_ GLAS-IE LT CGHTIUCTIDI 7 9 COOPER WcdnesdJy. October 24 L1Fa1NER PREMIUM• 78 ' • , ~«--.<--:-.u-,.... - ...- ... -(-:::,.....:-:~-:-~;-=·,:- .. ~-=.-:...a---r-.,-,_- ..-'r- .....-~-. ~-~--:- .. ,.....:... =-l- ..-.1- ...._..:.,,=-.s_.:·"=-'" ..-.. -,__J Lunch - 1. l loag1e~ ' Macaroni ,111tl Cheese 3·. Stuffrd Tom.1to Salad Plate 4 llot Meat Loat with Mashed Potatoes ~ SALES AND SERWICE, INC. . Dinner - I. Roast Beet .. - RdCeoper Car11 llt~lt _You •ad _loir .F111QJ'1 h•.Tii't .Safety ~ 2. Pizza I IId ow St , at El m1r1 · , · OPIN Mon.-ht. I to a lt.M. . II MIii 3 Baked Chicken

\101'1 NIGIIT FOOTBALi. C:01_,0R TV. s 1.00 PITCIIERS. :;Ot·I~. SI\.IP & GO\ -\KEIJ TliES IIAPP'\ IIOllH 25t'ls. BEER (Bl l> & GE\\ l {:l~E:\ \I- .\q:) WEI> llt\PP'\ ll<)llR :!5 ds BEER (Bl I) & c;E\\ l ('.ltf.:.\ \J -\LE) Tlll!H l\lllG Cl.llB Hkls. BEER (Hl'U & GE \.\-l Clu:-.\ \J. \l,E) - FH I 11-\PPY IIOl I H :.?..5di,:. BEER SIJIO PITCIIERS (Hl I>~ GE~\l CRE\\J -\f.F) S \T 11-\PPY IIOllH 23.-ts. BEER s I.Oil PITCIIEHS ( BU> & GE\·\ l CREA \J· \U.i_ S l Ii\ 1•1( 0 G ,\:\JES SPECI A I. t:01.0K TV SI.OU Pl'l'CIIERS. ;iO,t·~s. SKIP & t;~> ,_.\KEO . FHI & S \T :\JOST i\llXEU IHllNh.S 50t"ts. m, u. GE!\:\, en E, \I \I.E. & 1. _\B \TTS o, IJIL\FT ,-'•- ·-, \ - . r:-· __ ':---____'.::--j \\ \ I< 11 111 I._, :-ii' \( I "II II S WI I I..: ·s :i(h:I~ SPl."l.:1.~,~s-. I OR I \IR\ \l'I ( I \I:-...... -. ·.~ I sotAEPtJ\c., ... -··"" i:. ELSE ·J...... t· SO 1\1 B RE RO VODKA and TONIC ~) ds. TAVERN s k i-p and.go naked ,..._,.. ~ :!II day ~ =· 108 N.AURORA ST.·

~ ., - ,. ~ ,.,_.' ';- ......

·... ~ ., ·.... •• /~: .• '· • ', '_,_,~·:· ''.1. :,;;,:.~:.\~--~.~-~i·. __ The Ithacan, ~ct~be.r}8, 1973 P~e 7 :Frye, Taylo·r, ·and Dart I ··,;, Earn ·Audience Approval cause to complain, however. They had been a '. By Bill Henk _perfect complement to a truly rare concert, at ~' ·Ithaca College no less. Well, I really don't know if it .;,;as just the new· I scliool year, the "kharma" of Fall Weekend,. or "But it sure smells like autumn in Mexico." Ably ~ w}iat, but S;iturday. night's Liv. Taylor/David· Frye . accompanied by Bill Elliott on piano arid Walter concert· had' :to·, be one of the most pleasimt · Robinson on bass, Liv played and played and concerts. rve attef!i:l.ed in ·quite some time. A : played, featuring material mostly from his first beaulifully warm and appreciative audience of and third lps. Some of the more well-known 1500 ·congregated in that little.. known Ithaca numbers included Carolina Day, Lost in The Love concert haven, the Ben Light Gyin, for the first of Yo·u, Six Days on the Road, Caroline, .With A major IC Bure;m- of _Concerts presentation .. The. ' Little H~lp From My . Friends-, and the title cut Poucette Dar't String Band was the first group 9n from his new album, Somewhere Over the the bill. Rainbow. Some of his lighter works included a I beautifuµy prefixed introduct10n to and singing o'f Poucette Dart is a Bosto_n based folk trio the Coca Cola commercial, and a number called Corn Bread and Buttermilk, which featured Liv on consisting of John Curtis on mandolin, banjo and banjo. guitar, John Troy o.n bass and John Poucette Da!t o~ guitat. ,Smiling:·· a\: adversity, the tno 1· .. I PHOTO BV RICHARD H. SHARP surmounted· the various difficulties with the. soun~ Liv too· had to ·overcome a certain amount of sy~tem · to· perform an ·outstandipg siit·_of original : sdunil ·:system. difficulties, and he did .so with relative ·ease .. During his'onelencore he surprised us mi,tt~riai," Capturing the· \Vell-eatned approval of a all by producing and ably proceding to perform on i ··-MEMORiAi-·- greatly appreciative audience. Poucette Dart the flute. Admitting after the concert that his two .. , though unsigned at the moment, have bee~ cohorts had been pumping hours of jazz into him, approached by Asylum Records and may have an we were obviously seeing and hearing some.of the album out fairly shortly. They did one'encore. A results. Liv finally departed offstage, leavi'ng a \ ro, ,h, ten minute intermission preceded Liv Taylor's musically welJ-?atisfied au_die_nce. :• Edwa,d ~e~~~~T w~kR!~~!d appearan~e. Jtha~a College Concel't Band will occasion by the Concert Band, ~ . Again there was··a sti~rt intermission and finally, dedicate their first concert of "In Memoriam for Band'" by Livingston Taylor. though barely twenty-one, is ·David Frye. Fry·e ls a short man, only 5'4" or so, Ithe season to the memory of W a I ter S. Hartley. Hartley, ... by'·mo:,v: a . well-seas01:ied . veteran of: tne college . ·b·u~ ·maybe. that's' what _m.akes him such a good Walter Beeler, Ithaca College's recipient of degrees from the ~ cirC).Jit. And, after a lengthy tpur ap~aring first on c;omedian. Tqe Pousette Dart String Band and Liv "Mr. Band." The public is Eastman School of Music, 1s i the-: bill with Jethro Tull; Liv- found' the IC ''faylor sat in the audience while Frye went invited to attend the chairman of theory and audience well to his liking. A warm and human through his coutine. Included, as was pretty much admission-free concert, which compostion at Fredonia State \ performer, Liv took control from the outset. "It expected, were s!i6r.L.stint· impersonations of such · given in-Walter Ford Hall University College. llis works, may be fall in upstate New Yo~k", he quipped, actors as Marlon Bra"ticfo, , Kirk I at 8:15 p.m. Friday, Oct. ll/. numbenng over 100, have been Mr. Beeler, who was performed by many ensembles, administration has taken crime out of the streets Douglas, .Richard· .Burton-· and George C. Scott. associated with Ithaca College among them the Nat10nal and put it into tht:: White House, where l can Then proceding- to politics, Frye rapidly went Symphony, Oklahoma City through such impersonations as Mayor Daly, f or 47 years as student, watch it ' teacher-administrator, was Symphony, Eastman Wind · Rockefeller, Buckley, Humphrey, Wallace and I·1· nationally known as a 'E n s e m b I c a n d Kissinge.r ("advisor to the president and master of Frye's set was not terribly long, despite the East man-Rochester Orchestra, the world"), finally spending most of his time on • conductor, clinician, inclusion of a somewhat c·o-nical well-edited film I composer-arranger and author. Ithaca High School Band and ! your friend and. mine, "Tricky Dicky" ("Crafty He served as the assistant dean Ithaca College Concert Band. of 'Nixon. He came back for on; encore, praising Richard, if you prefor). Much of his act was the. system that allows him •o make fun of the Mr. Beeler programmed several patentJY. adapted, from. }ljs four lps released to of the School of Music from Pre~dent and his policjes as h~ does, and finishing I 963 until his· retirement and compositions by Hargley and \ ...._ ... . . - "dare·. ·-or 'course/ ·due. to 'the times some new . commissioned and premiered wiCh solemn impersonations of Ted ~nnedy's materiainad also been added. MiQ1icing Nixon in a •I death last June.'He had directed one of his maJor works, the eulogy to his brother Bobby a:nd Martin Luther "Things·· ~e'd like to Hear", Frye quipped, "I • the Concert Band from I 936 to "C O n cert ante for A It 0 King's famous "l have a dream" speech. The don't feel that I've lost a Vice President, l feel that I 1971, when he was succeeded by Saxophone and Band'" ( 1966). audience was somewhat sµrprised, not having seen I've gained some time". And, recalling Nixon's law the present director. Edward A. Prof. Gobrecht will direct the this side of the comedian before. They had little .and order :campaigns, frye added: "My Gobrecht, Jr. Concert Band in Joseph Willcox · Featured on Friday's program Jenkins' "American Overture for ,I · is the first perfor11_1ance of a Band." This tune was recorded m 1959 by the band in a Golden Crest Laboratory Senes album, "Walter Beeler Conducts the Ithaca Symphomc Winds." The band will play l~BKE .. RIN Concertante for Wind Instruments by Norman Delio · 'N' th:ings Joio and Hanadens ( Dance of the Cocks) from Carl Nielsen's opera "Masquerade," arranged 273-9114 for band by Paul Ivan Moller i,fI, Completing the program 1s ·I Symphony tor Winds and Percussion by Thomas ~·· Beversdorf. Written m l l/53-4, \ the four-movement. tonal work !] 1s technically demanding and now..... regarded as one of the I mer pieces of serious band literature t/Jere~s a .tofl•cc~ st,op that offers available. The Ithaca College Concert -: -* -··cus1:0M.~BLENomc ::···· __· - ___ :.;,··-·:··· , -~ Band 1s an ensemble ot 66 students enrolled in the School of Music. The band ha~ played AR.T REPRODUCTIONS & PRINTS on tour, appeared on national radio and performed by request * * PIPE--REPAIRING at many national and state teacher conventions. CANDLES, ·puiztEs·, ADULT GAMES Conductor Gobrecht, a member of the music faculty for PIPES .by SA VI-NELLI, LARSEN, BEN WADE, over ten years, conducted the ) * * college's Symphonic Band and ~~CHARA:TAN,-,JOBE.Y, and·our own DON RAFAEL LINE. supervised practice teachers ~ . - before assuming direction of the Concert Band. As a performer, he played bassoon professionally .. ... ''· ''ii cilmplete tobacco experience" with the Baltimore and New Orleans Symphonies and m Philadelphia area ensembles. He has served frequently at CIGARS instrumental festivals I1,\1POR.TED throughtout the state as guest conductor, soloist, adjudicator and clinician. In addition to conducting, the CIG·ARETTE.PACK·S.·45c and soc inc. tax. Concert Band and teachmg bassoon, Gobrecht is a member of the Ithaca Woodwing Q1..1intet, -CIGARE T,TE- CARTONS $3.89 and :$3.99 inc .... tax. Baroque Ensemble and Trio *. - ~- - , "~ ···. ~.. - • • ' ... • JI c.:., •;,;, d'Anches .

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The Ithacan, October 18, 1973 Page 8 Home· I Style. Cooking: I at's I By MOM First Impressions of David Frye Halloween is fast approaching and with 1t comes sundry pilmpkm recipes, especially for pies. I'm FRYE: There's no explanation except that you by Fred Raker often ren11nded by my Peanuts comic ,trip fans hear the voice and you try to reproduce it. that the Great Pumpkin might not approve of his . 1TH: Is it the sensitivity of the ear more than Being one who enjoys watching impressionists, I friends being "p1e-ed" or potted, ~o I've got Just the ability in the throat to create another's voice? warted with great patience through John Pousette FRYE: I think it's perception. I-don't think it the recipe for something different One of my Dart and Livingston Taylor (both were very good) ,ea,onal tavonte, 1, Pumpkin 13read It'~ a zesty has anything to do with the inner ear itself; with m anticipation of seeing the live performance of .1dded attraction to any meal, posses,mg just the the hearing. I think it has to do .with the inner David Frye. Since I have never witnessed any brain perception. right amounts of ~ugar and ,p1ce to compliment profoss1onal impressionist in person before, a ,tny meal comh11wt1on 11·, a hatter bread, ITH: I rea

HICKEY' Open Friday Nights 'til 9 P.M. MUSIC STORE 9°,1an'1~oinrnet ·s ---~ 201.S.Tio~aSt. Altn1t1n &Green k'· I I h .H· a, N. Y. CfJ~a~d-JJameJewilers , -. .. ·Q!'- 272-B2.62 e LA veh~ g1~ted ~lo,1e. /44-8.S(o.tQ f::IAeet •u4CJ;!2-/ 8/0• Now- Tapes !Ibara, Now York Uf'" .·.MiSWlr:···-~--. IFHACA'SEXCtUSIVE and Records AUTHORIZBl ltEEPSAJ(/1 OIAlER .... Qalwt_ . -: · l,i.pert Watch-JeweJ.,y Repairing ...-: . Rent0untlng of, Dl•moncls

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The Ithacan, October 18, 1973 Page 9 Jf7itty Puppeteer ·To -Entertain relies on simplicity of design and By Leah Fockos lighting coupled with art1st1c use of the pause to give his style its Internat10nal Puppeteer Dick individuality. Myers, will be performing, here Myer has received the plaudits at Ithaca College, on Wednesday of many. Some of iiis October 24 at 8 p.m. In the distinguished awards include the Selling- the Messiah Arena ·Theatre of the D1llingham Woodstock Foundation A V.:ard ... -Center for the Performing Arts. and "The most consistent!; Myers is being brought here popular show of the entire by the J.C. c;oU;ncil on the Arts. festival" at the second British ~ ~f.7 ·._ ..'-·":'."" with flimsy material in some instances, but he • _,,..!, '•. :· By Steve Swartz concedes to the weaknesses in the script: he shows the pain Jesus feels at being betrayed by zooming Jesus Christ floats through the shimmering heat in to close-ups of his face, especially his eyes. Ted of the Sinai desert; Judas, Pontius Pilate, Herod, Neely's orbs, definately of the Paul Newman and the whole cast of Jesus Christ Superstar arrive School of Vision, are penetrating, but who needs in the desert by bus dressed in civvies and looking to see them in extreme close-up every time Jesus meaningful. -Jesus' creator, Norman Jewison, is has a gripe. Jcwison's vision of beautiful young hitting us in the face with every symbolic, people _is also a bit trying: he shows Mary absurdist device he can lay his hands on. Magdelame and other followers singing to Jesus · Norman Jewison has taken the Andrew Lloyd looking · like the Coca-Cola singers on that Webber-Tim Rice stage extravaganza and mountain in Italy. · proceeded to muddle up ,a work that is confusing There are some strong points to the film: the to begin with. The theme of su·perstar is simple . music is beautiful, and there are some strong and could have been, if intelligently handled, made ,. performances. Carl Anderson, as Judas, is effective into a strong, telling work. Presenting Jesus the as a black Heathcliffe of the desert. Who could ask man, versus the legend that had been propog;ited for anything moor?Yvonne Elliman, duplicating for so long, is refreshi!lg. But, in the context that her stage role as Mary Mag, wears the same forlorn Rice and Webber chose, that of the rock opera, the expression throughout the duration, but she has a development of the story is easily lost amidst the lovely voice, so we may overlook her lack of music and pomp. In the Jewison effort-the rock thespian ability. In a smaller hut pivotal role, opera film-the theme is not so much drowned out Barry Denned as Pilate is excellent. -Dennen excels -,A as lost in the desert. . as the spiteful, bitching Roman governor: J.C. Superstar strives to be timeless. We see whenever he appears he commands an authority Roman soldiers with sub-machine guns, Jesus' notably lacking in much of the rest of the cast. place of worship overrun with post card and Ted Neely, as Jesus, should be given another ammunition dealers, Judas being chased through chance. I think his bewilderment is attributable He is known in internat10nal International Puppl't Fl'st1val m the desert by tanks and Phantom Jets. What this more to Jewison's lack of imagination that to a puppet circle for his heartily Calwyn Bay. Ile has h~en all S. does to further our understanding o( the Jesus fatal flaw on the actor's part. Let us pray that 'his praised solo performances with rcprescnt1I ivc m many puppet Phenomena, I can't imagine. The visual images career has not been crucified. rod puppets, based on "tongue lestivals 1nclud1ng the almost- seem to be fighting the lyrics, the very idea Jesus Christ Superstar is playing at The Strand in cheek" versions of well Un1on-lntcrnat1011ale de la behind the play. Granted, Jewison ~ay be'lg Theater. known talcs. Directors of leading Marionette Fe~l1val al puppet theatres in the U.S. as Charlc-Mczu:r~. Fran CL' 111 l '17 '!.. THEATRE SERIES TO OPEN AT CORNELL well as abroad hold productions In an ef!orl lo prov1dt· a The Winter Season of theatre at Cornell opens this month with the by the Dick Myers Puppet I e a r n I n g - d e 111 o n ~ I r a t I o n first play in the Theatre Series- a play by the greatest exponent in Theatre Jtmosphere. Myers will perform the English-speaking world of the French and German-crea tcd Myers has studied drama at the last act of l11s ~lww w1lhoul Theatre of the Absurd -Harold Pinter. His OLD TIMES, called by the Goodman Theatre of the curtam that usu:illy hide~ Chicago's Art lnst1tute and fine . m<11)Y <;:ritics- ais. greatest. dramatic work, will open in the Willard 111m. Audience will gel ;i chance Straight The~tre on Thursday, October }5, with performance~ arts at Washington U and U. of to really see him 111 acl ion I le continuing, through Sunday, October 28, and Thursday through Cincinnat1. He is also a graduate ha~ abo agreed to dcmonstrate Saturday, Novemeber 1-3. All performances have an 8: 15 p.m. engineer. his cquipml'nt and .rnswer curtain. According to reviewers, Myers questions backstage, alter the Tickets will go on sale at the Theatre Box -Office, lower floor of has offered audiences a great performance. The pertormance Willard Straight on Wednesday, October 17, following a two day deal of enjoyment through h1~ will be presented tree to !he I.C. scrip exchange for subscribers. Selling hours are 12-3: OOp.m., wit, charm, and sens1t1v1ty. He commulllly. Monday through Friday. Telephone reservations arc accepted, reservations must be claimed or paid by 3:00 p.m. the day of ticket date. Saturday and Sunday reservations must be claimed or paid by ..... 3 :00 PM Friday. Call 2 56-5165 during box office hours. "\ Today, Tonight, & Now Tomorrow· ~Wt. Sleak f-l003e Cmttf>etih9"3 By Rick Bernstein movement. The first guest was Elizabeth Garrett, a · t1UU/ I. - 1 an fl A. member of the Children of God Snyder talked JttlC,e, 1.44' • • • • NBC, after having been tremendously with her for a few minutes, but she said nothrng I t successful, with both the early morning viewers hadn ·t heard a million times on the streets by '( 8 t " , ~ ~ ,.. e,. wlI I ()JE tJS ) with the Today Show, and again achieving other "Jesus Freaks". •. U OUJ. ~ ""'S 0,,,, 5 . overwhelming success with the late night viewers The most interesting part of the show was the ,t,,. ,:c· .,;.: · · · ~- with the Tonight Show has decided to go after the next guest, Ted Patrick. Patrick has been called a ··v/ 1?: ~ laotem,olrartoew-n.ight viewers with a new show called "Kidnapper for Christ". He -believes that all these ~}~_-f,:,·· ,-.. A 'b. T, r-r'T\O'D' ,,.:ro-~v SVB:.l~L. T people have been hypnotiled and turned rnlo ~Ji;, ._'11' IQ .!.N 1 ~ vv- "-\ The new show follows the Tonight Show at one "zombies". So Patrick does what he calls o'clock Mondays thru Thursdays. deprograms them. This consists of talking to the ~s1RLOIN~;f'7,/\ CWB STU,K Anyone who thinks that insomniacs will be the "zombie" until he realizes what a fool he's been ~:. ! _ only audience is very wrong. All the new CO]lcert and quits the movement. ~- • ----...,..._ shows have demonstrated' that an audience does At one point in the show Patrick claimed that 5A\Ad & Fr-ie:, l exist at this hour. th

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-MALLORY six months in N.Y.; then I went to college. I went: Tolstoy's Ivan lllych. The chapter -in the book is By Steve Swartz to Alfred .. .I had a real clever system for selecting on how, we understand the phenomenon of death: Jake Rvan came into the world the same year as colleg~s--a guy I 'w3;s in the service with went . Ivan is on his -deathbed and he says, "Now I finally The New· Deal. Although not conceived by FDR, there. I had no idea what I was doing in understand what all men· are mortal ·means." I Jake possesses much of the ex-president's warmth college---no one ·in my family had ever went. think· fiually it is yery, hard to touch with . and wit, and weJound our Fireside Chat with him Added to that, I had about a 71 average in the meaning of things like that: like aloneness. to be a very reward mg experience. commercial courses in high school. I just had the ITH: Are you happy now with what you're Ongmally from the Bronx ( he describes it as , G.I. Bill and nothing better to do ... l couldn't stand doing? Do you still feel it's good and important .. the non-descnpt central Bronx"), Jake's N.Y. and living at ·home any more: .. so I went to being a teacher? upbringing took place in a predominately lower college. J: To answer you frankly: yes and to. I wonder class. ethnically mixed neighborhood. He attended· : .. : I really liked jt, too, to my imtial surprise. I whether what I do is productive; whether or not parochial schools through high school at Cardinal liked it because l started to read ... and all the I'm a dilletante; whether I'm paid by society for I-I ayes ( "8 y.:ar~ with nuns left an indellible impact thmgs I was wondering about--wondering about what is basically unproductive labor .. .! wonder. on my cDnsc1ousness ... so heavy that when I go to myself, about my relationship with the world at often what the whole college gig is about. I'm still the zoo I have to avoid the penguin's cage. When I large, about the existence of God, the question of a doubter, and I doubt whether what-I do is worth see anything in black and white I feel the muscles· whether or not you can get eternal Hell for a hand doing .. .! wonder about students'·priorities-- what in my buttocks tensing.") job, those heavy _Catholic questions--1 really they want for themselves. Sometimes I feel as Our chat with Jake Ryan was at times thought I was all alone with those questions--now though I clutter up their lives with the academic h u mourous, at others serious: but always I began to see that they were legitimate and real demands that are made--which they see as so fascinating. We can honestly and thankfully say questions--of major importance to the literary peripheral to what they want for themselves, what that the man enlightened us. giants of the ages. So I got a whole lot of they want to learn. And I would like to give them 1TH: From Cardinal Hayes Boys High, was it affirmation and assurance that I wasn't a screwball understandings to those questions that are the straight into Fordham? for having doubts about conventions. I found a same as Ivan lllych's understanding what it is to be J: No, I went ,tra1ght into the Air Force. I spent mortal. 1 supportive community for my native 2\ 2 years as an air policeman---hke a military cyncism ... and I found. that this was the type of If I could do that kind of teaching, if I had the policeman--only I was in charge of air. Which community I'd like to be in--it was about the first creativity and imagination, that's what I'd like to meant for 2½ years I lived in chronic fear time I really felt comfortable. do. I don't feel as though I'm doing that 1TH: Where was this? J: College was a testing ground for me: what I now ... You see, I want to be able to impart more J: In Berlin. It was a great town for a young had really gone there for was to see if I could than an intellectual , concept. I could give any man to he in. think and write ... and accept new challenges. I did number of interesting and detailed lectures on the 1TH: D1d you met:t a lot of plump German well in college-it didn't overwhelm me--1 came-to ·.:concept. of lit,.erty, or and coer.cion·, ·and it . ·: . women: and did they feed you apple strcudel'! feel more confidence in myself. could be brilliantly done, and it could reflect all of J: A great many. And, in retrospect, I realize 1TH: Did you feel that, as your undergrad years existing scholarship, and the net outcome could · how women, particularly foreign ,-women, are came to a close, you didn't know quite where to be, and usually is, all too simplistic. The student objectified; and how I never considered any of turn? learns nothing of what the concept means on a ' those women to be human beings. For example, J: Absolutely: grad school was one way out of second level of meaning; and what students need over the course of 2½ years, I don't know how that dilemma. I went to grad school for a year. to learn is on that second level of meaning: to be many women I knew, but I never found out any One of the reasons why I went for only a year was able to translate the concept into a feeling. woman's last name. It really supnsed me, when I that I got engaged; and I think as many people do, ITH: What excites you most about your got in touch with that fact. that marriage finally lays the question of what to profession? 1TH: Was that because you were a foreigner--a do with your life at rest: You take on J: That reminds me of a Johnathan Winters member ot an occupying force? responsibilities and purpose; and that's an interview I heard a long time ago. The interviewer J: It's a double thing: it was the natural level of interesting trap. I think people are able to tread asks a prison warden why he chose his certain J my sexism and my confusion about what women water by themselves a lot better than in my day. calling ...and · the man responds, "Well, John, I were for and what they were like, and, on top of We were much less able to cope with what used to guess I just love people." It's pretty much the ., that, was the fact that they were foreign, and that be called lack of direction. same with me: I do like the human interaction I was part of the occupy mg army. That just 1TH: Are you still afraid of an uncertain future'! aspect of teaching. contributes further to the dehumanization of the J: Sure. I'm alone now in ways that I haven't ITH: Jake, you've been everything an people that you deal with ... there were been for quite some time. The resolution of the interviewer could ask for. The office could have dehumanized male (;ermans,. too, of course. I've condition I feel myself in .. .l don't think it's been a little tidier, but that's a trivial matter. Just recently got some perspective on this whole' resolved in human relationships alone; somehow or Could we come back some time and bug you period ot my hie other there has to be an internal resolution: The about Watergate and other things political? 1TH: Any special reason why you've been fact that one 1s alone, and tha-t all men and women J: Certainly. thinking about t111s particular episode'' are mortal. ITH: Thank you Jake ... and good-bye. J: I always thmk about my past: my sordid 1TH: That's a hard concept to deal with at J: Good-bye ... and I'll thank you to return my pen. past. times; when the immediacy of a terminal situation 1TH: Alter your cxpenen.:e in the air, what is staring you in the face. · , · · ITH: Logical enough mistake-could have then·> You got out after two years'! happened ~o anybo~y. J: Theo·8ore Rosczak quotes a passage- out of J: Atte1 4 years--111 1955. I worked for about 1 . 1"': ATTENTION STUDENT S-KIERS 418 Bddy St,r~ ;;... . . ·SAVE. ,, GREEK PEAK OFFERS . *Skinny~ bfi:1~~ . 1~._99~:tO'. $4~9' Handbags ,: · ·:... :· $1i_!99 ·to :$24.91, - ; ,_ *Custom Work·_.· ·;:- · •_T ~~~--· ·_,··r· suo_ p.1ia ..r ,.. SPECIAL STUDENT SEASON PASSES Come QI and tell us what vou need·. -~&.1111 ·~--1 ,> f\ . Qualify workmfbShip GUARANTE~D! . · . . ·-:; ;;.; · . HOURS: ti :OO-l:00 MON.SAT-. ,,.. COMBINATION DAY-NI.GHT- $14'·5··· :~, 'iiilIR!Md f RI. - 'tiU 9 :00 ,';.· \ ~ ..:_~.""'

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' . is concerned personlilly, 'he does children. As a result cf the ,. l•rsity_ t/11/J not regard--it as legitimate. He non-recognition decision, it -,'-' . r· ' says, "The Varisty Club is one of. seems that the Club will be ... continued fr~m page 1 . the older organizations on unable to do this because the · 1\ Fellowship is a campus activity, "Inside: Line" on WICB Radio will have Dave R~mick, Chuck Kroll, Community Council, was not campus, and that there is no ; present' at Thursday's meeti~g, valid reason .for. non-recognition. and must be handled by a group and Gary Joy from the I.C. Bombers as guests Thursday evening at . , recognized on campus. _ · 9:00. Host Nick Nickson discusses the team's strategy against Wilkes· - but was notified of the As far as I know there is no · Tuesday night of this week, at•. I College this Saturday' and invites. listeners to call_ in at 274-3217 or resolution that was to be ~arsity Club on any college or I Student Congress, discussion was · \ x217 ..WICB AM/FM will provide complete coverage of the game· discussed. As a result of university campus that is not recognized · by the Student reopened concerning the Varsity \,, Saturday starting'at l :45. Congress' non-recognition of the ,, Club, but after a short time, was I( . Also; listen for "Sports Rap" on Tuesday and Friday evenings at · Vasity Club, their student , Government thereof in this again closed leaving the Club not !, 9:00 on WICB AM/FM. Bill Pucko and Terry Brookins may agree or representative on ._the Athletic nation, or in the world." I recognized. disagree with your comments, but invite you to talk about your Policies . Committee had his Jim Stahl feels that this .~ favorite sport. legitimacy questioned. The decision by Student Congress Community Council voted that may mean letters to parents of . MONEY BACK "AFTER GRADUATION WHAT'!'" _the representative was legitimate the me~bers of the Club asking continued from page 1 even if the organization wa's not for their support ih seeking Dave Lord, director of The second of a series of informal lunches sponsored by the Office . recognized on campus. Dean recognition. "Members of the Housing, has confirmed the Club are entitled to Congress' • of the Dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences will be held in · Koch thoroughly understands relieved situation, stating he funds because they pay their l ,J... Egbert Union. The topic is "After Graduation, What?' and this time Student Congress' position, and knows of 6 or 7 rooms on i tuition and student fees from will focus on careers open to .humanities .and sciences students sees no reason to oppose it. campus now with a vacancy in \\ which Congress receives its majoring in politics. An informal panel discussion will be presented them. "By spring, there'll be funds." Besides the banquet, the by Professors Gail MacColl, J~hn Ryan, Harvey Fireside, and Stefan Butterfield Comments many empty beds." commented r Varsity Club now manages the Leader, of the Department of Politics on Thursday, October 25, at Dr. Darrow. 12:30 in the DeMotte Room. Meanwhile, Coach Butterfield, concession stands at football All the interested-students are invited to bring their trays from the advisor to the Varsity Club, and games, and hopefully basketball Dr. Darrow also said that the cafeteria line to the DeMotte Room to share,ideas and chat with the Jim Stahl, president of the' games. They are considering college - policy with regard to faculty. Any faculty member or ~dmin1strator interested in Varsity Club, do not seem to , sponsoring two boys abroad as refunds is at present time under attendingjs asked to contact Mrs. Jane 9awford, x3102. agree with Dean Koch, Joe , part of a Big Brother program. review by the President, two - Marzano, or Student Congress. But they would especially like to Vice-Provosts and himself. _He I declined to say whether the take over the Fellowship of Coach Butterfield believes the I policy would be changed l. Athletes, the Saturday morning I decision to .be "ridiculous" for liberally or not, but implied it ' Rumor Has It... whatever reaso~. and as far as he program for handicapped would not stay the same. their shirts on. It is a known fact By Mike Hunt that irnperson·ators may inadvertantly_ make ·TM: A Step ·in the Search for Happiness Rumor has it that one of the · ma them a ti cal connections By Carl Stone of the physiology this means a profound state ot all time great impersonation between their names and the rest, twice that of deep sleep (many independent schemes has been hatched here person's name of whom they are Recently, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I resea,rchers have verified this on an 6bjective level). at Ithaca College. So great is it, impersonating. Again, this proves, of Ethiopia granted an audience to Maharishi Experiencmg this state of restful alertness (which in fact, that it may be said that true.' · Lou Witham has ten Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Science of Creative scientists are now referring to as a 4th major state the proverbial wool has been letters in his first and last name. Intelligence. Maharishi spoke of the goals of the · of consciousness) twice a day for I S-20 minutes pulled over the eyes of J.C. Our When this is divided by two you Science of Creative Intelligence to be irnplimented has a profound influence on daily activity, as roaming rumor reporter was get five which just happens to- through the World Plan. The goals are- "to d_evelop people who practice TM will verify. roving when he tripped over this equal the number of letters in the- full potential of· the individual, improve On the Ithaca College campus there arc now ' dastardly· plot. It was of such Ellis. Phillips has eight letters - governmental achievements, realize the highest over 60 people who belong to the Students' magnitude and complexity that, and when five is divided in ten ideal of education, solve the problems of crime, International Meditation Society. In Ithaca over even this reporter, Mike Hunt, (as in Lou ·witham) you get two. drug abuse and all behavior that brings 600 people have learned TM and now in the U.S. I was shocked as well as Two added to eight equals ten unhappines to the family of man, maximize the over 400,000 people have begun the practice. In stimulated by it'. The plot which just happens to be the intelligent use of the environment, bring I 965 the organization had only trained 200 involves none other than our, number of letters in Lou · fulfillment to the economic aspirations of people. The reason for this wide spread growth is own Lou Withiam and Ellis Witham. Finally, you will notice individuals and society, and to achieve the spiritual due to the fact that the technique of Phillips or should we say Lou that Ellis Phillips is never seen · goals of mankind in this generation." Transcendental Meditation is not limited to any Phillips and' Ellis Withiam. The with Lou Witham at a fire drill ,Through the practical aspect of the Science of set group in that it is not a religion, cult, way of 1 above :.statement cr.efors to·: the·,· at· :-fiv'e · in :fue :morning,' nor do · · Creative -Intelligence·, Transcendental · Meditation life, nor does it involve any intellectual ana\asyse shocking discovery b·y · our you see Lou Witham with Ellis (TM), anyone can develop their full potential in a on the part of the practitioner. People, no matter reporter that for the last · year Phillips in a helicopter buzzing natural and spontaneous way. During TM the mind what their life style or area of interests, find Lou Withiam has - been. the campus. thus all we can is spontaneously drawn to the source of thoughts growing benefits in their daily lives due to thi s impersonating President Phillips. conclude in the face of such by its own natural tendency to experience greater technique of Transcendental Meditation which Our proof has been uncovered - overwhelming proof is that it is fields of happiness. Very effortlessly the activity _develop i;; the full potential of~=idual. only after a daring investigation true. of_ the m~pd settles, down, while correspondingly For more mformation cali,---- _cvy 564-3618. on the part of our reporter, who Although this scheme was has come up with undisputable undeniably hatched with good proof to back his thesis. When intentions .(so, the students see, carefully cross-examined, he or think they see, more of ..,_~ produced his evidence. We feel is President Phillips), we feel that J ' L so, uncontestable- that we will with the high level scandals. •••••••••••••• back it with our journalistic rocking · this country today it i( integrety and print. it just to would indeed be a good example * - ' prove it to you. the reader. if Ellis Phillips and Lou Withiam First ,of all Lou Withiam has a bared themselves ··a net came . Ill,<1' ·.r\,, the back of his right clean. We have but one question; * - i( should0:~ no one has ever seen President Phillips where, ~~~1(/TI, • i I either Lou Witham or Ellis (whoops we mean,), who the * Phillips come to work without heck are you . l ~ - : ...... ·* ~==::::\J i( ll TWENTYSEVENfH ANNUAL USED BOOK SALE * ,-. 1341)/.tatejffflllCQ, . i( By FRIENDS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY PUBUC LIBRARY ..'', * lthaat'~ newest ~t srot •

',/ i 1--=- *m,ntolbtn: 25¢ DRt+FTIJ iC ' >t 50¢ MIXED DRINK 5P£CII\L5 iC ,, , i *i~urn : 9-IOpm. FREE GENE5E[ CREAM l\LE i( October 18th to 27th • ->tfn 41ct: 3-.7pm. 95¢ PITCHER5 iC . ' _, . . - - . i",markles flats buildin~. corner of North -Plain and Court ?04 MIXED DRINK SP£Ql\l5 i( ::'3 * . ,.,., WEEKDAYS . 10-8 )t'fr, D!9kt: IRWtN ~2.QOCCMr) FREE BEE~

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. . >tSat bljht: CLOUD 5HIP $1.00 ccoveo i( Books __Qj All_ K~nds, Records, Sheet Music .. a~-P~Jessional Journals,, -:::::. ·- ·: :••...... • - .•... **4-5*~~******* .. ~, 'rfi"e'ii~~~~, '&ii>'t~J1!; iffll'lig~'i2 .· targu·m crossword II 42 City in southern 9 High pla~eaus orJ ' ACROSS France 10 SUffix: inflanmatory Sort of block­ 46 Give up disease Classifieds shaped 47 Part 9f a coat 11 Pronoun 9 "I wouldn't -­ 49 Senior: Fr. 12 Very old language for the world" 50 Soft drink 13 Derogatory remark Happy Birthday Dee DH and Gall! 15 Fancy flourish in 51 - vobiscum (the 14 Jf11111Y Hoffa, e.g. handwriting Lord be with you) 21 Sister Happy Birthday, Roomlel 16 Hydrocarbon found 53 Specific Dynamic 24 Abate Love, in natural gas Actf on (abbr. ) 26 Very large sue and the "fucking anlma1s" 17 Creator ·of 54 - Tin political region "Gargantua" 56 Household gods of 28 As said above Dear Casey- 18 Reddish-brown the ancient Hebrews 30 "I wouldn't -- What would I do without you? ·pigment 58 Native of ancient ft" Thank, so muc:h for the help, not 19 Pulpy fruit Roman province 32 tjever: Ger. only on studying, but other things as well. 20 California live 59 Using one's 33 -- casting Love ya, oaks imagination 34 Posters Your roomle Robyn 22 Total 60 Made of inferior 35 - reading Dear snowflak- 23 Swampy areas materials 36 That which builds a Glad to see you're one of us again. 25 Roman emperor 61 Combined with water case Welcome back. 26 -- out a living 37 Foliage :'(Our lovlng nelghbon 27 Founder of psycho­ 41 "I think, there­ DOWN l)ear Vlc:kl-:, -'. · analysis fore --" .' Now that tesu ucs dom, for me, we 29 Racer Gurney 1 Back of the neck 43 Poor stroke in many can pairtY, and •party ,ome more. ·1 30 -- offering 2 Tremble, said of sports missed It mucho, • 31 Deviser of famous the voice 44 Salad green Two doors down I .Q. test 3 Suave 45 Sewn together 33 Make fun of 4 Malt and hops 47 Boy's nickname Ray, 34 Expert at sleight 5. Anger 48 Enticed Why are you avoiding talking to of hand 6 "-- Get Started" 51 Past president of me. I'm not afraid of what you have to say. ( 38.Hebrew tribesman 7 Conrnitted hari kari Mexico .. 39 Nabisco cookies (colloq.) 52 West German state FOR SALE: Afford an expensive unit? For sate 40 Chemical prefix 8 Satchel Paige's 55 Spanfsh aunt Sears Solid State Stereo. removable 41 Chemical suffix specialty 57 School-organization speakers,. portable -excellent © Edward Julius, 1973 Targum CW73-36 Puzzle Answer on Page Nine, condition. Asking $75 or best offer. Call Janis, 277-5976. "PROBE" SUNDAY NIGHT In regards to the letter by Yvonne Petrotawlcz, she has ~e nerve to WICB's "Probe" focuses this week on Attica State Pnson and the complain about school spirit when I msurrcct1on of Stptembcr, 1971 Guest Rev. Dr. Elgius Rainer, Spiro Agnew's resignation from the office of Vice President know for a fact that she did not go to highlights "Sunday Night" this week on WICB radio. A complete three of the last five games. I also Prison Chaphn at Attica, talks about his role before, during, and know she Is not planning on going to after the pnson nots ol 1971. Reverend Rainer candidly discusses analysis will be offered explaining the events leading to the decision the next home game either. and the reaction following. Also this Sunday night at six, Bruce Yvonne, I am not complalnlng, but the problems and pleasurts ol pnson chaplaincy with "Probe" Host why don't you organize a group and Marty Nott, Sunday morning at I 0.30 on WICB AM/FM. Breslau will continue to offer travel tips on "Sunday Night Trav1s." add to Delta Kappa's cheers. Let's see an Improvement there and I'll Join you. Judy Schwarz Oh Yoh, • 1.S.H.G,T.Y.M.R. too. See that! Again I knew what you were thinking. Introducing·Mr. Boston Sombrero. Love Me 2858-We love you. We're moving in next week. S.A. The anfi.establishment coffee:bfeak. Charlie- Let's keep playing those gamei­ Guess Who? c- There's nothing nine to five about Sombrero. We'II remember our names and our shoes, you do the rest. Because Sombrero is anything but a doughnut's sidekick. Love 200 proof . ll's the incredibly deliciQ.µs,.:.cocktail.oL-rnilk..and~ . Snowflake- Even though you left up;·:frlencls coffee flavored brandy (fl'avored with no less··than four "' don't change. ' Love, varieties of imported coffee). Just ·pour Sombrero H.T.T.A.8. chilled and wake up your bored, neglected tastebuds. Yo hstuun forever together-what heartburn! Wake up your sense of humor. And tuck away the Dear Jerry- We wanted to be in here with you establishment ... at least until tomorrow. too. , Sombrero. Just one of the 128 fine liquors from The Three Heartburns Bobby- Old 1\lr. Boston. ts It a pajama party or a birthday party? -5 Jerry- I don't doubt your masculinity or anything else. Hearburn Number 1 Dear Chuck- · You make a great parfette, and you're bright too. Lo\le, Us

Slve- 1.S.A.G.Y.M.R. Forever. Me

TommY- E., S., E., S., E., S., E., S., All our love and the kitchen sink The cooks Granny- Thanks for all the tittle things. You always seem to know the answers. I think I'm finally getting It together. Love, The Pumpkin Seed Eater Mergatrold- lf you were male and single you'd be a real temptation. Oh well, I still dig you r.p.'s. Love, A fellow Space Cadette Ltsa- SorrY we missed your debut at the Pub, but we were 0 Passed Out." D.D. & Mad Susi- Our business has been booming since you made your early morning debut a few weeks ago. When are you going to make your next appearance? Love, Rosebud

Mad- I guess I've learned ~ lesson about lending corduroy pants. Oh well,_ ·maybe you 1:an catch me for a sweater sometime. Carol, · We're really sorry about the yogurt but you ·deserve It after walking out on us. But remember, your welcome

You'r favorite R.N.'1

uso AETA sllbwWea. 2 p.m. leavlng PA Building. .

- ~ ::i-~,-.. -~------. ~------.. ------· ------­ r - Th.'e.Ithacan, Octobn 18, 1973-Page .J.3

.MO~E PASSES FROM MUSIC 61 need,to- do is t~ liste!}. WICB-AM, MUSIC 61, is giving away Bette-.-Midler- _fr:~~ passes: goo4: f;:or-·. tw_o ~ople, to all Ithaca movie theatres. W~g is as ellS)! ~ list~IU:Dg to MUSIC 61. - .:· .. :. ';.. ' : . . continued from page 6 MUSIC OF THE SUPREMES Last S.A..B. Concert Fourty Five minutes· ·of solid Supreme music, plus more; Irene Perfect Location , Yellon's "One of a Kind" this Saturday evening at 10: 15 spotlites announced th::t at the upcoming By Barbara Sheldon "The Supremes'' music and background on ICB FM. election for The Board of All the brothers pointed the Trustees, a referrendum will be prime situation of the lodge WICB IN THE MORNING "There will be no more included asking for a reduction off-cami;ms where they could concerts on campus if the Bette of college costs. The "raise as much hell as (they) Each morning, WICB _RADIO wraps up popular music, news, sports, Midler concert to be held on referrendum demands that funds want", without disturbing and entertainment for you between 7:00 and 9:00. Join Bruce November 9th is not sold out," be re-directed toward further anyone. "It could be as rowdy as Breslau and Charlie Sivertsen during your morning cup of coffee for said Bob- Sherman, member of development of the college. you could want," Dave Swann, a total information and entertainment on WICB AM/FM. The Bureau of Concerts. Also, a motion was approved PT junior felt, "or as intimate". Tuesday evening's Student by acclamation that two new The location may have Congress meeting, Bob representative positions for contributed to its downfall as it announced that Saturday night's students be opened on The is difficult for fire companies to concert lost $3,000 for the Board of Trustees. traverse the Danby backroads. promoter. It seems doubtful that However, the fraternity had ClassilildsDear Steph- this promoter will choose to Kappa Benefit nothing but praise for the Danby Glad to see that you recovered Dear Ralldy- . bring more concerts to Ithaca Fire De part men t 's efforts, .qulcklY from Your sudden lllnes this Thanks a lot for trying to keep my past weekend. head on this past Saturday night. College. Lloyd Ecker and the brothers calling it a ''great job" by the Two doors down. Hope you were able to put up with For the Bette Midler concert, of the Delta Kappa fraternity are small town firemen. OearTom- me then. 400 seats will be added to the The lodge was fully insured The same goes for you to. Love ya­ planning a fund-raising dance. Love ya­ Robyn gym to increase capacity from The money collected at the door but the bite of inflation, plu; Robyn 3700 to 4100 students. Four will help to cover the losses of possible extras to be included in Pumpkin Paranoid, thousand tickets must be sold if furnishings 111 Saturday the rebuilding, necessita •es more Don't worry the great pumpkin Peggy, SAB is to continue to provide can only strike once. No one but Happy Birthday from the tall to morning's fire at the fraternity's funding than the approximately your guilty conscious knows for sure. the short. entertainment for Ithaca College lodge. fifteen grand policy covers. Luigi A Fellow Pumpkin Picker Students. Meanwhile, Joe Marzano Along with the bu!lding, $500 Dear Larry, The General, starring Buster Keatori, resigned his position as chairman worth of furniture, as well as a HOW was your date last night? and The Fatal Glass of Beer, starring Tuition Referrendum Kim of the Activities Committee. The $1 ,200 stereo were lost in the w.c. Fields will be shown In T102, committee is responsible for fir~. To help raise money, the Dear Ratflnk: Wed. Oct. 24, at 8:30, for $.50. The All-College Budget recognizing on-campus clubs in fraternity will sponsor a dance Help free the Landon Five Sponsored bY 'the Living-Learning Committee has decided to A Friend of Landon Center. di ff ere n 't capacities. Chris with a major New Jersey rock include. the general fee in tuition Childress, a junior, was band on the twenty-seventh of Smokey: costs. Chris Nelson, chairman of Winter's coming-please send the Dear Tex- nominated and appointed the this month, as well as other such I really lll

Peter loves Robin Uhuh!I

Dear-Robin,· THE ~OUNTllY I think you're pretty nic:e, even if you don't like me! COUPLE~,..._ Love, TIZIPI.IAMME.R ~PPIN~ ¢£NT£R • ITMA<;,1,, N~W VO~I(. Peter

Robbie, I love you!! Peda

Wob, You're O.K. •SUITS Peda Professional typing: manuscripts, papen, and what•not. Call Wendy at 272·1365. •SPORfCOATS Dear Robyn and Lu, Keep your own balls rollln'. Love, •SLACl

Dear Tex- You had better believe that you're the great ball in the sky. Nobody else would, except maybe ••••• Love ya anyways, · Candice inPLAI Dear Judy, You gotta make a Poop? (We. what Ride Wanted to Albany this ktlow weekend. Call Lynn x61 o. Hairy Pits- 9ou like,. an,l" Shave before the whole campus knows. JS & OS we!ve -'ot_ it !) •tV"'- Watch out for those crepes. OS & is jl Blue Eyes- Exam time has ended ••• Let"s get ' together and boogie. ·1 -Your History Prof. Peg, Thanks for being my nurse.

' Leah, Cut theeeeeee shit. ~, Guess Who? '•,;, Peg, Happy Birthday!!! Like, ..._ Beau I Dear Blondy, Don't put yourself down. We love you. Love; Slurp a. the Rest •••• Dear Pudge- There are many peop111 who think you're one of the greatest. I ncludlng me. Dear Pudge- • There are many people who think \ you're one of the greatest. Including me. (That should get you•know•who thinking about who wrote this ••• Ha, Hal)


0¥ - .·-::.,' ,•, ./ ,"""i; .- ~,: ... "'f • ~ • ·" ,r· : - ,,

'":'-._I end. ,.· -~.,'!.', ...... -- With .the,_score 21-9, Ithaca . ' . .tried to .. come back. Taking the·, ensuing Springfield kick-off,. they marched 75 yards to the. SPORTS Springfield five-yard line before· fumbling the ball on Ute next play. Early in the fourth quarter,· defensive halfback Gary Giroux· BOMBERS BOMB · intercepted a Levy pass at the Springfield 44 yard line. Ithaca then drove to the 17, but a Ithaca College lost a crucial quarter. motion penalty knocked them game last weekend to Springfield took the initiative back to the 22. Alan Howell Springfield. It was a game they in the secohd period, marching drive for eight yards on the next could have pulled out of more 70 yards in 14 plays with play, but another motion than once. Fullback Sol Rosemond bulling penalty put the ball back on the The final score was 2 1-9. over from the one for the go 20 making it 3rd and 8. Howell Soccer J' eam It was a long afternoon for ahead score. That · was all again for big yardage, but I.C. at 35: 1S of the second half with an assist by Peter Cherubini. I.C., losing the ball five times on Springfield needed. After an was called for delay of game. Splits.Pair of fumbles. Thirteen penalties for exchange of punts, Ithaca added Ithaca never made- the first GoaJie . Torn Blank posted his 97 yards didn't help the two points to its score as Right down, giving the ball up to Away Games third shutout of the season with situation either. Tackle Gary Joy caught Levy in Springfield once again. · 8 saves as opposed to Clarkson's The lthacan's struck first. his own end zone. The safety "We lo_st our __ poise and 11. Losing the toss, I.C. kicked off gave ltha_ca a chance to take the concentration and were not a By Helen Cheney The defeat and loss over this to the Chiefs, but two plays later lead on the next drive, but .the consolidated team," commented past weekend leaves the Ithaca I recovered a Springfield fumble lthacan's couldn't hold onto the coach Jim Butterfield in his Ithaca travelled to Northern College Record at 4-1-2. Ithaca on their 31 . On the second play ball, coughing it back up to analysis ·or the game. "We had New York this weekend for two will travel to Cortl~nd S~turd,ay. of the dnve, Quarterback Zolly Springfield to sit on its 14-9 breakdowns on 40% of our · away games against St. Lawrence University and Clarkson College. ·-' McDonald broke to his left lead. plays." Floor Hockey running 25 yards for the score. The bad luck followed Ithaca Butterfield was pleased, Ithaca suffered its first defeat at St. Lawrence Friday; partially Alan Howell booted the PAT, through the second half. They however with Ithaca's final drive The first MIAA Floor Hockey due to unfamiliar grounds, no making 1t 7-0 Ithaca. Springfield received the opening kick-off, in the closing minutes of play. season is scheduled to get under spectators, tired players, and an came right back in the closing but again coughed it up five Sophomore Quarterback Jerry way near the end of this month. over-all bad game. It did not minutes of the first quarter, plays later on their own 35. Boyes drove I.C. 80 yards to Rosters for this six team circuit prove to be one of Ithaca's driving 80 yards m I 5 plays, Spnngfield took advantage of Springfield's 5, completing six are available in th~IAA -office better played games and there with help from a pass the situation, driving to the l.C. passes en route. Boyes was hit up until 3:00 on the 24th (next seemed to be no question of 1n terference call on Ithaca. I 7 in three plays before from behind on the J)ext play, Wed.). There are no housing who was in control, IC's defense Quarterback Jack Levy tossed a Quarterback Levy dropped back and one final Ithaca fumble was restrictions on rosters. The couldn't seem to get it together J yard TD pass to Split End Phil to pass, alluded two would-be added to the stat sheet, ending organizational meeting is Ernst for 6 cap the drive. The Ithaca tacklers and fired a 17 an afternoon of total frustration against St. I.:awrence's excellent scheduled for Thurs. Oct: 25th conversion made it 7 all at the yard TD pass to his offensive for the Bombers. passing. St. Lawrence scored at in room P-5 of Hill Center. 18: 32 of the first and 12 :07 of Officials are badly needed for the second half for a final score this new league. Pay will be of 2-0. I.C.'s goalie Tom Blank $1.85 per game. had I 2 saves of Ithaca with St. Sticltsters Score Stunningly Winter Basketball Lawrence outshooting its opponents 23-13. Yes, basketball buffs, the After much rest, and being By A.J. winter season is about to begin. used to playing on unfamiliar def e nsi vel y and ex plosive Scatton in the first half on a Rosters are available in the turf, Ithaca ventured to Clarkson ·1 he Lady lthacans of the offensively. Ithaca's first team firing drive from the corner of MIAA office, and the Captain's College Saturday to defeat them hockey field showed their old­ was led to victory by sooior the field. This was an extremely meeting is set for Thurs. Oct. 25 3-0. form last week as they center forwrrrd Nancy Buttler tough game and Ithaca. College at 7 :00 in P-S. Officials are also Ithaca played an excellent devastated Brockpoi:t Stale, 6-0, who permeated the Brockport was well represented by a highly needed here. Sign up before Oct. X-0. The ladies broke into the defense with three goals. Wings game despite injuries to two of 25. All games will be on Mon. to skilled, fiercely competitive its starting players, Scott wm column with these games Sally Scatton and Colleen team. Although the game was an Thurs. nights. Pay is $1.85 per Murphy each tallied a score for Hamilton and Dave Kleinfelder. game. and anticipated another big win -CXtremely- . physical One, the I Hamilton was out as a result of as they travelled to Mohawk Ithaca on fine drives from· the Lady lthacans held their own, Friday's game and Kleinfelder Valley Community College for a edge of the striking circle. only to have Springfield score Women's lntramurals .was out for-a while in Saturday's Saturday afternoon game against Co-captain Sarah Montgomery the winning goal late in the Springfield College. in a highly added another goal for Ithaca on second half. game only to return for a Women's Volleyball a drive from the front of the victorious finale. Rolf competition starts Oct. 25. competitive, highly skilled game, The next home game for the Aurbbaken stepped in to fill the Games are scheduled every night the Lady lthacans came out on goal. Lady Hhacans is scheduled for Chosen Outstanding Offensive defensive void and it proved to at 6:30. the short end of the final 2-1 Wednesday, the 17th, at 3:00 I' layers by Coach Doris be an outstanding performance. score. P.M. agamst Colgi!te. In the Brockport game, Ithaca Kostrinsky were seniors Nancy Clarkson and Ithaca played to Football Standings stunned their opponents with Buttler and Janice Kirkpatrick • a tie at the end pf the first half 1 filly-three shots on goal 111 the and Junior Sally Scatton. Women's of 0-0. Linc Artz-scored Ithaca's Team first game and thirty-five m the Outstanding Defensive Players first goal assisted by Carl w L ;.econd, a;, compared to six and were haltbacks Liz Price and Volleyball Haggerty at 6: IO in the second Su perfecta 9 0 one for their opponents. Sarah Montgomery and goalie half. The victory was definately A.LS. 7 I Brockport was unable to muster MarJ Jones. The 1973 . Ithaca College decided when at 24:45 Andy DK 6 2 any kind of attack or create In the second game the Women's Volleyball Team began M_ason shot in the second goal Dem Bears 6 3 anything that even resembled a scor1 ng was led by l;lve their season in• fine style by with· an assist by Abbey Conrers 6 3 defense, as they watched the 1-lomburger and Sally Rodgers, winning. the recent Ithaca A!Muhailan. If there was any Pi La.mda Chi 5 4 forward Imes of Ithaca pass thru who scored three goals each. InvitatiOl,Jal-' Round Robin·· question as to -who was going to Good Guys 4 4 them, dribble around them. and Inners Mary Shull and-Margaret Volleyball Tournament. Other win, John Bleh clinched it when Talcott Tods 4 5 • schools represented were: flick over them. Ithaca was also Davis added one apiece for he put in the third and final goal Gutter Rats 2 6 ahle tn capllahLe on eighteen Ithaca in their 8-0 romp over Syracuse, Eisenhower, Herkimer· .,,..._...... ,.'!"11 ______,_.illllllll• Bombers I 7 '1ort corners in the first game arch nval Brockport. The entire . and Wells. Ithaca combined 111111111 strength, endurance, and an , J twenty-eight 111 the ~econd. s e co n d t cam was given and Ithaca, a best two ·out ot Brockport could do nothing Outstanding Offensive and unbelievable amount of three match had ·10 be played 3-on-3 Basketball Standings with their six short corners in Defensive honors by Miss enthusia~m to overpower between two of these teams. the first game and five 111 the Kostrinsky for their magnificent Syrl!cuse_ .. in the finals, Before Ithaca went., on to beat second. Ithaca goalies Marj Jones play. reacI:iing ·the finals, however, the···· Herkimer, I S-1 2, 12-1 S, and and Bonnie Burgdorf had On Saturda_y . atternoon the Lady ··1thacans beat Herkimer '. I S-9. These big wins entitled the Giant Skins s 0 4 relatively easy day~ as MarJ made Lady lthacans travelled to Utica I 5-11; Wells, I S-9; a'n-J' Lady Ithacans to a slot in the Spartans I Excitement Unlimited 3 I but five saves m the f1Tst game to avenge last year's 1-0 loss to Eisenhower, 15-9. Their only finals against Syracuse. ·Captain and Bonnie had no shots taken Springfield. lthaca 's lone goal loss of the afternoon was to Diane Alleva led her teammates · Gophers 3 2 at her goal m the second game. was scored by right wing Salty Syracuse, I S-12. Because of the in the I 5-Y, 15-1 2 victories Marc's Brothers 2 2 I Both teams were tight three . way tfo for first place against Syracuse for the Doctors s between He..!J.cimer, Syracuse, championship.

COOK-GAUNTLm Th_eCHAR-PIT /J11Scgte11t lfJOdi. -t·.: TRAVB.· Steaks, Pork '·chops _anci. Primt,._tibs;·

*INDIVIDUAL & GROUP TRAVEL so·, HURRY AND CALL FOR Youti -:·_:·: *EXCLUSIVE A_GENTS FOR S.0.F .A .... • *INTRA-EUROUEAN FLIGHTS & TOURS FAMILIES' Reservations for • 273-3073 Parents. Weekend- ·~- .-r •• 207 N. AURORA ST. ITHACA, N.Y. Ch a r~ Pit:· . Rd, · 206 ·EJmira' - . .,., .Itha.c:r4 . . IJ.. - ',.- \ . ,, ' ~· ... ·~-:·~·.-:: _J~.---·-·- ---.-n.'"'l'\ol~.-,1 _r,-,:•::- ·:.·..:."-- _.....,,_.., .~}·'• .i:,..-.----... ,_ • · •- • • •-rr,.,,,..,--..,r;-:-•- ..,.,:-r.-,-..... ~ ...... ,...,.....,_, __..__.~,...,,.;,.z-_.:.;,,.., .•• ...... ,.~:,,-r"--....------·- ,t,J .9114-Eit{J J ,8,. 1•;d<11'J(i 8.or.!>jd; ~ ua· ·1bel.tluican , ~ctober I , 1973 Page 15 -;-·_::-~ ''";,;;·,..,,._~· - -.._;'r -"' :. I·:• lady /f/JfJCfJRS Win·Two Peter Korn four downs produced no score By A.J. Zaffer, 6-3, 6-1. Senior Debbie solit. both Sue and Sally rose to and the ball was turned over. Grunwald devastated M. the occasion and won thelf Superfecta ·outscored ALS in Only one other offensive threat Last week the Lady lthacans Dekenthal, as evidenced by the matches with scores of 7-5. a rough, tightly contested battle was mustered in the half, with of the tennis courts upped their 6-1. 6-0 scores. Joan Reydel 7-6,and 7-5, 6-1. respectively. of the two undefeated MIAA ALS quarterback .. Hugo unblemished record to 6-0 by added Ithaca's third porn! by Joan Reydel whipped J. football teams Tuesday evening. Marion-Landis being stopped ten devastating both Brockport and · trouncing C. Smith 6-2, 6-0. Kedzcehva, as evidenced by the The final 13-0 score does not yards short of a score on the Cortland, as evidenced by the In the doubles competition. 6-1, 6-0 scores Cortland could tell the whole story. Heated line final play. respective scores of 6-1 and 5-2. the ever improving twin sister salvage only one smglt>s win as play was displayed .throughout Both teams came out fired The Lady lthacans have not team of Sally and Sue Williams Marna Holmes was defeated by the evening, with Su perfecta 's up for the second half, and been seriously challenged by any combined their numerous talents G. Dunwoody. 4-6. 6-7. Seniors supe,rior defensive rush midway through the period the teams they have played thus far and experience to blow M. Pam Haines and Dehb1t> eventually winning out. tide turned. An intercepted pass this season. They have Austin and A. Newman off the Grunwald carnt>d on the wmnmg MlAA did its best to add to and a single play were all magnificently combined court with scores of 6-0, 6-0 tradition by demolish mg K. the excitement of the evening, Superfecta needed to forge into experience, enthusiasm, sharp Seniors Karen Hornhostel and Herrick and C. McManu~. <,-2. supplying four referees and a 7-0 lead. Later, Superfecta skills, and superb strength to Barb Schlosser showed great 6-0. Another double~ team, yardsticks for a more quarterback Mere Morris, who remain the only undefeated strength by beating S. Banas and comp professional touch. And a played. a· super-b game , team of the fall season. Coach K. Klyn, 64, 7-5 Vicki Poorvu o~ed ot ~cnion, Barh healthy crowd withstood the througho~t. fired long to the Iris Carnell has good reason and Cheryl Lanz added :,ha-:a's S,·hlosser and Karen Hornbo~t,·I cold rain and oncoming darkness outcome obvious. indeed to-be proud of her team sixth and f111al pornt by overpowereJ B. Fagen Jnd B. to witness the event. A special note of recognition and their record. The Lady defeatmg M.L.Jenny and D Owens. <,-4. h-4. ( ·ortland's ALS took the ball to open the is due to the four referees, who lthacans possess a tremendous Raab. 6-1. 6-::!. second and t1nal pornt was game, but Su perfecta 's quick managed to keep the game in the· amount of tenms talent and have After coming off the l:i1g wm gamed JS Mary Beth Scavullo defensive lineman forced tltem proper perspe,ctive despite distributed 1t equally amongst of the previous afternoon. the and Cheryl Lant. were defeated to punt without having gained 11arrasment by both sides. both the doubles and singles Lady lthacans were v1s1ted by by W. 1-lenvard ,ind !\1 l·dward,. - any yardage. Superfecta did no teams. arch rival Cortland State on 3-6, 4-6. The two teams will probably better, however, and so it went neet again in the upcoming In the Brockport match last Wednesday. The Lady Red The Lady lthacans trJwl to for most of the first half. playoffs, and that promises_to be Tuesday. Brockport could Dragons were sent home with a Pnnceton for the l:aqern~ next An interception by Dave a real battle. Hopefully both manage but one lqne point. as 5-:! loss imposed on them by weekend to carry on their Washburn gave A LS · the ball teams will come ready to play senior Pam Haines fell to M. Ithaca. Once again Ithaca to rip up discuss the day's crucial issues. outfield sod leaving the field Maybe Spiro failed to appreciate reminiscent of a mine-filled the Irrefutable beauty of a battlefront'? Since when does a double reverse or the efficacy of pennant allow a Cincinnati Reds' the zone defense, He was too wife to be knocked down and concerned with down and outs. trampled on like a discarded Besides, Michigan has always had paper cup? Since when does a a better football team than ticket to the World Series allow Maryland. · patrons· to terrorize their team's Gerald Ford. Rah, Rah, Cis . opponents to the point of raising Boom Bah. . .,. . -~ -~ . ;.• • _'nae~ ' ,,) ,,~-- ~.-,.,~

...... , ...... ~- 0 Tuesday thru Saturday . 5 ~-~· to I a.m. FRI., NOVEMBER·9 AT 9PM Dlnnen'Served 6:004:30 Reservations~~--~7724 ITHACA COLLEGE TICKETS AVAILABLE 'AT EGBERT UNION HALL AT ITHACA COLLEGE, GIN~OU,.,=== . WILLARD STRAIGHT AT CORNELL, CORY UNION AT CORTLAND, · ,·' · · MAYER'S SMOKE SHOP IN DOWNTOWN ITHACA, MIDTOWN RECORDS ' ' . ,,...... -.. IN ITHACA. -Produced in association wt Ithaca College Bureau.otConcerts. ~ . .-----···-~~..-11· .... Eat and Drink Yourself tTnder the Table ALL FOR UNDER $ 7

------=:::::;:)-~ Q __ - (;_ . Elmirs Road, Ithaca, r.i ·:· . ·~·3.: 27 2-6484 : : .-1'.,. .. ; ... ,":,:~ ... t-.,,.,.,e ~ .•.• ._ ~ ... ~'"'.:'.-"'r-·"i.?... ·• ~ · -~~. - ...... - i-'4i:l'-..,·~~n ,.-kY~,!R!i&l!'S!II-