Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1973-74 The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 10-18-1973 The thI acan, 1973-10-18 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1973-74 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1973-10-18" (1973). The Ithacan, 1973-74. 7. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1973-74/7 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1973-74 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. __ ,.. ---·::.-- - ·-.:' '· ' \ Published Fo1', And By, _!:C. ~-·=-J i~haca college, ithaca, n.y. o~(ober'l8, 1973 volume 47/ no. 7 jf Students to o·et Hearing Dat~ ·set·j;;=-~--==~ il'heir Money Back Mieczkowski Appeal : By Andy Friedman those three weeks were not By Judi Constantin being refunded.- Because we felt All students who withdrew we were ·being inconsistent, Economics professor Bogdan from Ithaca College during the refunds are being granted to Mieczkowski will be granted a first twenty one days of the students who withdrew during hearing Nov. 5 to determine semester will have their room that time," he said. whether or not his professorship money almost totally refunded. Those students who withdrew at IC will be restored. Walter $20.00 for each week or part of any time after the three week Wiggins, the · College's attorney each week that they remained in period are apparently out of and Mr. Buyoucos, attorney for their rooms will be deducted, luck. After twenty one days, the Mr. Mieczkowski, have reached but the remainder will be overcrowding was relieved an impasse as to the constitution returned. enough that Housing could offer of the Hearing Committee's The college catalog states on tripled students the option of having only one roommate. That panel. · page· 13, "Following_registr!ltion, The Hearing Committee has meant IC was not overenrolled no refunds will be ·granted for to have the president of the local and regular college policy had to any ~eason on room _charges," chiipter of the American Bogctan Mieczkowski -MALLORY ~ Association of University Professors on it. There is Burgevin and Mr. Gunning O'J&r nominated from Corn.ell, Mr: presently no 101:al chapter of the the two other candidates. No Wiggins describes the men he · AAUP. Due to this, the College reasons were given for their selected as being well-suited for h~s been looking for past rejection. Mr. Baizer, otle of the the panel because of their • presidents of the AAUP who are two rejected possiblities, is the integrity, obJectivity and still in the area. senior faculty member on intelligence. Mr. Baizer was campus. extremely upset over Mr. There are five: Dr. David Integrity ~~ggi~s decision, feeling his own , Adorno, Director, Business Along with three other men continued on page 2 ij Administration division, Ashur . J~aj~~r, __ _p_r,Q(es~or __ 9f __ English,. George Driscoll, professor of Congress··· De·nie-s and. ; Provost Frank Darrow be adhered to. Music, Jules Burgevin, Associate expla!ins the reason for the - The normal college policy professor of Sociology, and John Varsity Club exce~tion this year. with regard to refunds is: no Gunning, an associate professor "The school was overcrowded refund on room charges after of Drama. By Barbara Sheldon any student can be a trainer or for about the first three weeks registration • and tuition and Dr. David Adorno was man~ger of a team, and thereby of the semester. During that board are pro-rated. College rejected because he 1s now The Activities Committee, of earn a letter which would grant time, the College urged policy has not been altered as a serving on the administration of the I.C. Student Congress said him membership in the club. upperclassmen to move off ' result of the decision to refund this college and therefore can no last week to the I.C. Varsity cainpus to relieve the situation, some money this year. The not make an unbaised decision Club. PE Opposition offering full refunds (minus the policy stays the same; the concerning a faculty member. A week ago Tuesday night at $20. stipulation) to those who refunds are being given this year Mr. Wiggins has submitted the Student Congress, the Club was Guy Van ben Schoten, •. - complied." names for the panel he denied recognition. This means representative for the Varsity only. "But the students who apparently feels would be that the Club will recieve no Club and the Association of voluntarily withdrew during continued on page 11 impartial. He has suggested Mr. funding, rooms, or vote on Physical Education Majors, Student Congress. vociferously opposed the L,oJ>by Name ~hange. The Varsity Club, which decision of the Activities exists to honor all athletes on Committee, but m the final vote campus, is asking Congress for in Congress, voted against 17 .Colleges Attend I.C. Conference $400. They already receive a recognition because so did most funding of $400 from the of the members of Congress. By Marc Shaeffer consider that we've really gotten that and generate constructive Joe Marzano, former somewhere." Physical Education Department enthusiasm ·on the part of and a few hundred dollars in Chairman of the Activities Last Friday and Saturday the Fioramonti Spealts college students. donations. The main function of Committee, did consider New York Student Lobby held The conference began slightly J?uring a question-answer the Club is to hold a banquet for reviewing the decision, and its statewide conference at I.C. contacted Jim Stahl, President after 8:00 pm Friday in T 102 _ penod that followed_ later, a its members. At this time, the As a result; the name· was Frank Fioramonti, legislative delegate as~ed Mr. F1~ramonti Club does not charge its 358 of the Varsity Club. But it seems changed from the New York counsel to the New York branch _to explarn the difference members dues, w.hich could that a misunderstanding arose Student Lobby to Association, of_ NORML criticized current between legalization and cover Uie money being requested concerning the status of the their charter was drawn up and stu?.ent apathy · concerning decriminilization. from Congress. Varsity Club and its college enthusiasm for the project . manJuana and the, ·new drug Decrimini!ization, according During the discussion last community activities when The increased. The projection for laws. He complained, "When to the speaker, is the elimination week, the representatives Co mm unity Council met representation was between 50 your out trying to legalize of ·criminal penal ties for decided that the Varsity Club's Thursday afternoon. an·~ 75 ·s.chools. Only 17 schools. hashish, let me know ... then I'll possession of small amounts of restrictive member.ship were Dean William Koch, the '. were. represented, but Andy jump on your bandwagon!" He marijuana. Legalization is the grounds for non-recognition. On HPER representative to Telsey; one of the three I.C. is hopeful that this New York the other hand, it was argued the continued on page 11 student coordinators, says: "We Student Association well change Z'<!71 tinued on· page 6 club is not restrictive because Fite l)est(Ops IJe/tfJ KfJJ)/JfJ Lodge By Tom Threlkeld but could° - not keep the fraternity were held there, and it "Smokey·' Robinso!l feels that one-room retreat from burning was lent to other fraternities and even though the fraternity is still to the . ground. The fire is sororities for the same purposes. "mopmg" about their loss, it is The Ithaca College chapter c;,f thought to have been kindled by Delta- Kappa was the only Greek good that it happened in that it the Delta Kappa fraternity lost inadequately doused charcoals organization to own such a is bringing the present brothers,. its most valued possession left in a trash can, wherrthe last: facility. Although they plan to alumni, and all frats and Saturday morning when -their brothers departed that morning · rebuild the lodge, its Joss was sororities on campus together. $15,000 lodge and retrea,t went' at 10:30 am. · immeasurable to the brothers. He said all LC. greeks had up in smoke. The-lodge, located off Durphy "Short of having a brother offered their help in t!ie After a late Fri(!ay night party Hill Road, in Danby, was the die, it was probably the worst re.:onstruction effort, as well as at the lodge, Mike Stanton ~nd brothers replacement for their thing that could happen," said one Cornell fraternity. The Peter Mills, two·· fraternity two houses which wete· sold -Bill Pucko, a senior TV-R major, College itself has been lending brothers, ariiv'ed back the ·at · when IC. moved up on South "It was like losing a iife." · aid to DK in the form of dump lodge at I 2 :39 pm Saturday_ to Hill.· All social · activities and · ·Unity· trucks ~nd tools to clean up the · ilnd, the building a6Jaze,.· The·, 'pa_rt_ies sponsored'"'. ' _by C the pelta Kappa President Neil area. Da,nby .Fire Co~pany w__as '.called, . continued on page 5 ,·, t.• ,,,; .. ,. ·-r., ~·,, .,\,,,\·... ~. -,-""\:-""''~ ~ .. ,1 .. , The Ithacan, October 18~ '1973 Page 2 ANOTHER_ V.P .. .. \ around the nation New Post in .College RelatiOn~ Washington. Cont 1rmat1on hearings Jre to begm later th1, month for Vice Pres1dent-de~1gnate By Andy Friedman · ,espons1ble for doing. was asked after the meeting, (;crald Rudolph Ford. Ford. a Republican Job "Defined" who is doing all the work now Rcpre~entat1ve from M1ch1gan had heen the House The crealion of the office of He will be involved in involved in that is outlined for this new mmonty leader Ford was nominated hy President Vice - President for College three major areas: Resource position .
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