What Can the Printing Industry Do to Make It Easier?
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34IX05_Recyclingny 02-04-2008 14:46 Pagina 1 Recycling of printed products What can the printing industry do to make it easier? THE ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL OF THE SWEDISH PRINTING INDUSTRIES INTERGRAF MILGRAF AB TNO THE DUTCH INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY WITH SUPPORT FROM THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION REVISED BY INTERGRAF IN 2008 34IX05_Recyclingny 02-04-2008 14:46 Pagina 2 PUBLISHED BY The environmental council of the Swedish printing industries PROJECT MANAGEMENT Marie Silfverstolpe GRAPHIC DESIGN Anders Gustafson, Editor Publishing FIRST EDITION PRINTED IN SWEDEN, 2000 REVISED BY INTERGRAF AND PRINTED IN BELGIUM, 2008 34IX05_Recyclingny 02-04-2008 14:46 Pagina 1 FOREWORD THE ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL of the Swedish Printing Industry was the leading partner in the initial project carried out in the year 1999/2000. The Environmental Council of the Swedish Printing Industry is a joint body bringing together the Swedish Graphic Companies’ Federation, Swedish Newspaper Publishers’ Association, the Graphic Workers Union, the Union of Clerical and Technical employees, the Swedish Organisation for Managers, and the Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers. ADDITIONAL PARTNERS in the original project were: • Febelgra, the Belgian Federation of Graphic Industries • Intergraf, the International Confederation for Printing and Allied Industries • TNO, the Dutch Institute of Industrial Technology via its department for paper and board • Tryckeri AB Primo, a Swedish printing company • Milgraf AB. The original project enjoyed the support of the European Commission via the Leonardo Programme. It aims at stimulating cooperation and research on environmental, educational or indus- trial subjects among European partners. The Swedish paper industry, mainly SCA and their mill in Ortviken and Aylesford Newsprint, has supported the project with knowledge and information. Svenskt Papper AB has also support- ed the project. The project does not aim at reporting about the latest scientific developments in the field of paper recovery and recyclability. The findings of different scientific reports were taken into considera- tion. The purpose is to identify problem areas in the field of col- lected waste paper and to suggest solutions to reduce their impact on the paper recycling process. In 2008 Intergraf undertook to produce an updated version. INTERGRAF is also a partner of the “European Declaration on Paper Recycling”, jointly signed by several industry associations which promote the effective recycling of waste paper. The first edition of the European Declaration was signed in 2001 and the second one in 2006. 1 34IX05_Recyclingny 02-04-2008 14:46 Pagina 2 34IX05_Recyclingny 02-04-2008 14:46 Pagina 3 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS has The fact that paper is made from renew- acquired a strategic importance for able sources is the primary argument in European countries and the European favour of printed products, compared with Commission. So far the European other media. A further argument is that it Commission has refrained from introducing can be recycled. This document represents a legislation that would request the recycling contribution of the European printing of waste graphic products. A European industry towards increasing the recycling of legislation on packaging and packaging graphic products. It aims at answering key waste has however been worked out. The questions about the recycling process and European Commission is active in the field distributing knowledge about the recycla- of forest certification, competitiveness of bility of printed products to both the print- the recycling industries, “negotiated agree- ing industry and to its customers. ment” instruments, and standardisation issues. BACKGROUND At national level, most European coun- THE HUSBANDRY OF RECYCLED paper to tries have included waste management and produce new paper is important in an eco- recycling activities among their environ- logical society, because it leads to the effec- mental concerns. Among measures imple- tive utilisation of raw materials and a mented by European countries, print buyers reduction in landfill deposits. Paper recy- and producers of graphic products are cling reduces the costs of waste manage- requested to contribute to a high level of ment, since paper is a large proportion of waste paper collection and increasing recy- traditional waste. In terms of weight, paper cling rates. In some countries laws and reg- and board make up the largest part of solid ulations were adopted, while others rely on waste. voluntary agreements. Some countries levy Through recycling paper valuable land is higher taxes or fees if producers of printed conserved – about 3 square metres per ton material fail to take responsibility for waste of paper. The recycling of paper cannot be paper management. Finally, European citi- done an unlimited number of times, since zens also put pressure on actors in the certain deterioration occurs in the paper “paper communication chain” to place fibre and some fibres are destroyed in every products on the market with a low environ- recycling cycle. Dirty paper cannot be recy- mental impact. A significant part of the cled. Fresh fibres from the forest must solution towards a high recycling rate is the therefore be added to the system. Both production of products enabling an easy fresh and recycled fibres are needed if the recycling process. eco-cycle is to work. The rapid development of information It is not possible to recover all types of technology makes it possible to choose paper, for example hygienic paper cannot be between different media when sending a recovered, and cigarette paper is burned. message, publishing information literature, Some paper is intended for a more perma- or providing entertainment. This puts nent use, e.g. books, archives, artistic works increased commercial pressure on the or accounts, and the print buyer will burn printing industry, which must some. Others are simply non-recoverable demonstrate that environmental because they are bonded to other materials aspects are taken into consideration in their use, which are not recyclable, or throughout the life cycle of print- they are too contaminated. ed products. 3 34IX05_Recyclingny 02-04-2008 14:46 Pagina 4 The original motivation for paper recy- newsprint has increased significantly since cling was primarily economic. The inten- the 1980s. Further progress has been made in tion was to use collected waste paper in the the tissue sector. Growing amounts of print- manufacturing of paper. This was primarily ing and office paper are incorporated in recy- a concern in countries without indigenous cled paper. forests, which could ensure their production CEPI, the Confederation of European of newsprint and packaging material. Paper Industries is monitoring closely devel- Today environmental concerns are the main opments in quantities of recovered and recy- motivation. cled paper. CEPI contributed with several Recycled fibre has traditionally been used graphs from their 2006 Annual Statistical in the board industry, for packaging material Report. etc. However, its use in the production of 4 34IX05_Recyclingny 02-04-2008 14:46 Pagina 5 PAPER FROM PRINTING PLANTS consists primarily of make ready waste, paper trimmed from sheets and reels, paper left on reel cores There are several reasons why the use of and unwanted or damaged paper, which may recycled fibres has increased: be both printed or non-printed. This paper is • The price of recycled fibres is competitive usually of high quality and contains little for- compared to that of fresh fibres although it eign material. Paper collectors pay according fluctuates. to the quality of the paper, i.e. what type of The cost of transport and the environmen- paper it is and how well it is sorted. tal impact of transport are now taken into Paper collected from various points is consideration. Recycling plants, often sometimes sorted by hand on a conveyor belt. located close to large metropolitan areas, are This is often done on the premises of paper close to the source of the raw materials, collection companies. Wrapping paper, card- which improves the competitiveness of board and other unbleached products with recycled fibres. brown fibres are removed if the paper is to be • Increased initiatives in various parts of the used for manufacturing of magazines or world, as well as commitment to the envi- newsprint. ronment by organisations and citizens, influence the collection of paper positively. DIFFERENT CATEGORIES of waste paper have • The regional, national, and international been established based on criteria such as the importance of environmental questions cre- type of material, the amount of unwanted ates direct and indirect pressure for collec- material it contains, and how it is to be used tion in many countries. Landfill is not seen in the recycling process. More than 50 quali- as an acceptable alternative in many coun- ties are defined in the European standard list tries, while other countries are worried of recovered paper qualities. These categories about waste incineration. This has led to can be divided under four broad headings: increased pressure on collection, recycling, 1) High grades are top quality waste which and reuse of paper. requires little or no cleaning to make new • Some paper manufacturers want to project paper. Mills use them primarily to make an image of being leaders in the recycling of graphic or office paper. The high grades con- paper. sist of unprinted discarded paper, trimmings from printers and converters, sheets and COLLECTED PAPER comes mainly from two scraps. sources; households and printing plants. The 2) De-inking grades are those from which the collection of paper at offices has also become ink is removed before the recycling process. more common. Office waste is mainly used to make new Collection from households is mainly car- graphic paper and hygienic paper, while ried out by private companies or in some newspapers and magazines are used for countries non-profit organizations such as the newsprint. scouts or sport teams who then sell it and 3) Kraft grades come from unbleached pack- earn money. House owners can also put waste aging materials such as paper sacks.