THE WEATHER FAIR TO-NIQHT AND TO-MORROW POSTSCRIPT Detailed Iteport, l'nite 8 Ok Star- litkjttttktii ESTABLISHED OKC. 4. IK7«. VOL. 77?NO. 17. HARRISBURG, PA., EVENING, 23, 1914?14 PAGES. PRICE, ONE CENT. BRITISH BOAT'S WIRELESS INDIAN CHARGED WITH CAMERON MILLIONS POT POLAND IS DISMANTLED BY ,D. S. IN SILL THE ICE ATTACK ON OLD WOMAN CROTCHES BRING IN HANDS OF TRUSTEES IKE IIS SEE CANAL ZONE TERRITORY Lewis Twinn, Graduate of Carlisle Former Senator, Who Is Now 81 Years School, Accused of Being One of Old, Places His Vast Property in PIES? 111 Pair Beat and Robbed Masked Who HOLIDAY CHEER Care of Committee to Hold for Chil- VICTORY Washington, Dec. 23.?Lieutenant m IH HE SCENE OF Mrs. and Grandchildren Crenshaw, naval radio officer, at the Lewis dren Panama Canal zone, cabled the Navy Christmas Dinners Pur- Little Paul Erb, to Cold Water Advocates Department to-day that the wireless (Special to the Star-Independent.) (Special to the Star-Independent.) of the British steamer Protesilaus, in chased To-day by Carlisle, Pa., Dec. 23.?Lewis Whom Skin Was Washington, Dec. 23.?James Donald Triumphantly Point BIG BATTLE Balboa harbor, was dismantled by Busy Housewives; Twinn, a graduate of the Carlisle In- Grafted, Cameron, former Secretary of War and to canafl zone police, Decem/ber 10, after dian school, and now connected with Will Use United States Senator from Pennsyl- Their Majority of it was found she had been sending Bake Ovens Hot the printing department of that insti- Day vania, now living on his farm at Done- Eight Them Christmas gal, Lancaster a miles out in the House code messages. tution, to-day was arrested by the po- county, few of Harrisburg, placed Germans and Russians The cruiser Tacoma is at Cristobal lice here charged lyith being one oi Pa., has all his property, real personal, in the to enforce neutrality and the Navy De- the two men who on night, and in hands of to during t)he life Now Grips on the partment has consideration HUNDREDS PLAN choked, sandbagged and robbed Mrs. LIES ON SIDE trustees hold SAY DEFEAT IS still under This the possibility of dispatching another Lydia Lewis, 60 years old, as she lay of his children and grandchildren. Banks of Several A BIG HOLIDAY action was ONLY TEMPORARY vessel to the canal zone. ill in her home on North Pitt street, FOR 6 made public here yesterday, Rivers A British statement recently to the two squares from the heart of the city. and it is said t'he trustees will have Navy Department said Governor Goe- Twinn denies all knowledge of the property valued at more than $3,500,- in Merry Shoppers Making Purchases The Opponents of National Prohibition thals had said a written communi- crime, but he was lodged iu jail and Sufferer, For Whom Iron Moulder Gave 000 to distribute. cation that he had been misinformed Markets and Also Are Streets Filled To-day the police are now searching for an- Up Many Inches of Cuticle, Is Be- It is believed that Mrs. Cameron, who Confident After Hobson when he charged that a British collier has lived abroad at different re- MOST DESPERATE as Yuletido Draws Near?Little With times, Resolution Fails to Receive the was using its radio outfit contrary to other man. Merchants iu the heart of ing Made Happy Many - her property, Hope of ceived one-third of the FIGHTING OF WAR neutrality. Officials here now assume Snow Carlisle's business section, and within tide Gifts From Friends which she is entitled to under the Penn- Necessary Two-Thirds Vote that the government had reference to a block of the Lewis home, informed sylvania laws, before the trusteeship ship which also in the another figured the police, the latter say, that Twinn was established. official) dispatches as having violated Clear, crisp weather, just the kind and a comrade were in their stores To effect the transfer Mr. Cameron Washington, Doc. 23. ?Opponents of Each Side Has Sustained Tremendous the canal rules by leaving Balboa with- The merriest of Christtnases is in for Christmas shopping, has given a first conveyed all his holdings to An- prohibition in wore out clearance papers and that that ves- shortly before 7.30 o 'clock Monday store for Paul Sidney Erb, 13 years Congress confidently Losses in Battle of the Rivers? great impetus to the pre-Christinas sea- drew C. Day, of Wilmington, Del. Mr. predicting to-day th;:t defeat by the sel has been confounded with the Pro- son evening, the hour Mrs. Lewis declares old, sou of Mrs. Lottie M. Erb, 236 in Harrisburg. Plans for the Day then reconvened the property to House of the Hobson resolution to sub- The Germans Claim to Have Forced testilaus. The unnamed collier had no (sharles (Vun- greatest holiday in ti