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Liij M DELVENE DELANEY SEMPER FLOREIT Tuesday, 21st April, 1970 Registered in Australia for Transmission by Post as a Periodical Twenty cents Volume 40. No.5 nn n 0 LiiJ m DELVENE DELANEY '•-••.:'SM^i-- Photographer: JOHN SHEA MY EDITOIUAL IS SEMPER ITSELF, " SEMPER FLOREAT Vol. 40, No.5 Plough inn Hotel SC Bottle Shoppe EDITOR: bruce f. dickson GRAPHICS: bruce dickson 285 Stanley Street, South Brisbane Phones: 4-2983 4-636t BUSINESS MANAGER: john saunders Beer ~ all brands froin $4 a doz. If you are planning a Scotch — from $3.80 (713138) Rum - from $2.75 drink-in, Brandy — from $2.60 Kegs for parties, taps arKi glasses SECRETARY: di cripps think Plough Inn Wines — from 60 cents supplied free TYPESET: press etching pty ltd Delivery Service uniserv typesetting PRINTER: mirror newspapers Come in and browse around our self-service Bottle Shoppe and select from the widest range of beers, wines and spirits. SIGHT AND SOUND HAS ARRIVED k To Teach" You To Touch-Type > ' After Twelve Hourly Lessons - THE SIGHT AND SOgND method was tievelopeci in EncjInncI and is now used in 20 countriesaround the world. •• " THIS IS THE AUTHENTIC WORLD-WIDE AUDIO VISUAL APPROACH TO TOUCH TYPE KEYBOARD TRAINING. 25% STUDENT DISCOUNT Ctimu 1(1 the FREE COLOUR FILM ,s!inw ;iy;it 1-15 p.m. in Ihc SIGHT A\:0 SOUWD CE.\iTRE. '*"fn>sli(M Oufi ,1", for A;t;(Hi!ili":| .Vc'rtii'u.'s. SIGHT AND SOUND EDUCATION (QLD) • 8tb Floor, Jorohe Building, p^ /^t< r- 04 /^"T it/I Cnr. Queen and Edward Streets," rHOlNb Cl 0 / 4 O 2 SEMPER Tuesday, 21if April, 1970 FLOREAT THE CONTINUING STORY OF TWO FACES OF COMMUNISM ^WB ARE ALL COMRADES IN V-:-> iM:;'rHe DAYS THAT FOLLOWGD,OUR L£TI^ CELL G«|\V THIS GREAT FISHT. Wff ARF '" ••- ".S-lSbMSER.THROUGH THE PROFFSSORS INDOCTRINATION SOINS TO TRANSPORM THE '''•r'.',.;ANO.C>lSCIPt.iNARy TRAINING. WORLD. JUST THINK... A WORLD SO puae, .SO Ff?EE n?OM OSPRAVlT'jr. OF COURSE OUR. 9ISGEST ENEMY IS CAPITALISM.' IT CAPITALISM IS THE CANC£R THAT CONTAMINATES MANKINP/AND, WE ARE IT'S CAPTIVE CREATURES. NO PROTEST against Craig Campus Boots! Jjeft and Right both agree ... you're 'in' when you're wearing the Craig Campus-boot, Getover Rave comfort. Bold, rugged, he-man styling. Fashion-right studs, seams and saddle stitching. And so flexible you can bend 'em so the peak periods toe touches Make the scene your kicks in CRAIG with CAMPUS-BOOTS ^^VereLLi :TI-TREE OR HONEY only $9.99 lor every office skill, available from: ) Kelly Girl252 Swann Road, Taringa, 7s 5997. MATHER'S • MORRIS SHOES Kelly Girls of Australia. *lv AND AT ALL SWINGIN' MEN'S SHOE STORES Tuesday, 21st April, 1970 SEMPER 3 FLOREAT :?I!WAT NIGHT I PEQAN TO "rtHlNK OF HOME; MY >lbll«;i;^:: OUR LOVE OUR ©OOP TIMBS,,. SOMEHOVV THE-THOUSHT-^" OF AU. THIS .... BUT, I JUST COULDN'T BREAK WITH ^'' MY CPMR.... BR, BUDDIES, YET. -"•:•..-. MAN AS AN tNDtVIDUAL. IS NOT IMPORTANT.'' THERE IS NO SPECIAL. VALUE ASSOCIATED WITH HUMAN LIFE, IT IS THE HUMAN RACE AS A WHOLE THAT COUNTS. THE WEAK LINKS MUST BE gpp}^ ELIMINATED/ *^ yvEja OEvaop A "^fc «M7£ry''0Ev6iP :Of^.'*f»Ot/Sf^MT/fOrS.* -THE^fAifff TALE* OF HEAVEN OR HELL AFTER DEATHrtSPAase. -REUSION 15 THE OPfAtE OF THE PEOPLE. COMMUNlSrA WILL BRING ABOUT''PeACE ON EARTH, SOOP WILL TO MEN IN WHOM THE PARTY IS WELL PLEASED." ', ^ ^^^^^^ ^^f^-^r?^ ELIMINATES ALL RAUSE CONCEPTB" OF FREEDOM ANP JUSTICE AND THOUGHT NO INDIVIDUAL WILL 8E ^ MY SINCERE BELIEF IN SOD COULP NOT SE'CHANGHP 8YALL-mV ^MIS©UIPEP BELIEFS 1 HAD Sreif^p^^ ' ^^iSP^^i?.^^ ^'^^ HIS OWN THOUGHTS GEE, I CAN SEE A OR CHARACTER.THF COMA^UmST 1 I-....• • •_ ..-••.— •.- .,• - .. »" • •- "''•'••'•''' i-^.^\i^j^p^gfy^ '"• STATiF WILL (SUiDE us,... PURIFIED AND REALLY BEAUTIFUL WORLD TO LJl/fi IN. I CAN HARPLy WAIT TO GET UUST THINK we STARTED,' , CAN Tti^^fSf^OfiM THE WORLD INTO ^ A PAfiA^fSe FOR EVERYONE / NOT IF I ?1 .V>*-'>*j-, V-"^'-< . HMB ANYTHING TO DO WITH iT/ '^O^^EO^^'%0^.'^^'^1''Z^'^^^^^'^~^^'=''^ "'S POSITION TO HTM^AI «R MY^S^I^PS ^^ SPECULATE v^S TO WHAT HAPPENED •^ WITHOUT THE PROCESSOR'S !SAP"^^^'^I^° tWENT HOME WITH A tROUBLED INFLUENCE, IT WASN'T LONG HEFQBE THEy FOUNp OTHER HEART.. .AND My PAP NOTICED IT, >.. • .. OUTLETS FOR THEIR ENERGIES. SOM.SOMPTHING .., , .^^, , TOPAy THEy ARE EOTH 90THERifj<3 YOU. ' } NOTH 6UCCESSFUI. BUSINESS WANT TO TELI- " " f-'^EN ' Tuesday, 21st April, 1970 ISKILHI^S THE NEXT EXCITING FLOREAT EPISODE IN SEMPER ISSUE NO. 6 "/i I VIETNAM MORATORIUM MORATORIUM MORATORIUM AND THE UNIVERSITY VIETNAM MORATORIUM The strategy of active students ii.r-''- i in the Moratorium Campaign has been premised by the realization that the official structures, ethos and VIETNAM MORATORIUM teaching function of the university is indirectly linked to the present war- against the Vietnamese people. There is little evidence at the moment that the university is directly involving VIETNAM MORATORIUM itself in research for the U. S. or Australian military establishment al­ though evidence seems to have been recently uncovered that Sydney MORATORIUM university has some involvement in VIETNAM such research. Indirectly however the university transmits the established cultural, political and social norms of the soc­ VIETNAM MORATORIUM iety. It avoids immediate social issues with an aptitude that amounts to criminal delinquency. The uninterr­ upted "efficient" production of a wide variety of social and technical eng­ VIETNAM MORATORIUM ineers for the status quo and the Ren- eral view that the business as usual mentality should pervade over any questioning of the role, effects and function of the univenity, amounts VIETNAM MORATORIUM to Uttle more than a systematic, structural stultification of worthwhile debate in the whole university. It is with this in mind that it has become an integral part of the Mor­ atorium committee's strategy to foster debate on Vietnam in the classrooms in an attempt to relate academic disciplines - their content and funct­ ioning to the problems of the Vietnam­ ese people and hopefully also to the national liberation fronts all over the world in their fight against colonialism, economic exploitat­ ion and total material degradatioa THEREFORE ON WEDNESDAY MAY 6TH (and beforehand if poss­ ible) WE ASK ALL STUDENTS TO DISCUSS VIETNAM AND-RELATED ISSUES IN THE CLASSROOMS, On May 1th we are asking staff, students and workers of the university to take off the day to participate in a tea chin on Vietnam MORATORIUM and conscription. VIETNAM STRIKE ON MAY ITH On Friday May 8th we are asking workers and students in all educational VIETNAM MORATORIUM institutions to join in a demonstration from university into the city to express our opposition to the Vietnam war either as pacifists, liberals or as revolut­ VIETNAM MORATORIUM ionaries expressing solidarity with socialist revolution against U. S, imperialism. VIETNAM MORATORIUM MARCH MAY 8TH Over the final week of the Moratorium we are setting up on campus MORATORIUM the structures and machinery ro make the VIETNAM university the centre of the Moratorium activity. The building of a Peoples' Park (in the area known by the reactionary bourgeoisie as the Great Court) will VIETNAM MORATORIUM mamfest our view that the university and its facilities belong to the staff- students and workers to be used by them for activities that are obviously of great social importance. Join students VIETNAM MORATORIUM and workers in soEdarity and sympathy with the Vietnamese people - join the Moratorium activities. VIETNAM MORATORIUM - Jim Prentice VIETNAM MORATORIUM The Campus Moratorium Committee includes groups of all political and philosophical tendencies who are opposed to Australian involvement in Vietnam and the existence MORATORIUM of forced military conscription. The off­ VIETNAM icial slogans of the Campus Moratorium Committee are withdrawal of Australian troops immediately and immediate repeal of die National Service Act. VIETNAM MORATORIUM Groups of all political outlooks are and will DC involved. VIETNAM MORATORIUM Tuesday, 21st April, 1970 FLOREAT MORATORIUM 1 Jim Prentice The Invasion of Czechoslavakia 100 million who suffer endemic obvious that the Americans cou}d represer\ts the culmination of a diseases in this continent {') Less hardly accept him as a potential concerted effort by the Russian than 1 % of Latin Americans own leader of Cuba. American strategy Communist Party hierarchy to pro­ 71 % of farm lands yet over half of in Cuba fortunately was thwarted tect itself from the counter- Latin America's population are but she has had "successes" in ideologies which threaten to under­ involved in some form of land culti­ other areas such as Guatemala. mine the present national and inter­ vation. Despite the huge problems Guatemala is another South national strength of Russian status of finding surplus capita! to start American country which faces huge quo, The invasions of Hungary and developing this potentially rich con­ problems of malnutrition, poverty Czechoslavakia were not isolated tinent Americans exploit the and illiteracy. Life expectancy is mistakes, they fit into a prevailing country to the fullest extent. about 42 .C*) America had supported world view of the Russian ruling Between 1950 and 1955 America Ubico until he was overthrown by elites. This caste asserts its "social­ invested 2 billion dollars, made 3^- revolution in 1944. Juan Jose ist" mission as fighting to maintain biHion and took Ii billion out of Arevalo was elected in relatively its political, social and economic the country. (-) fair elections after the revolution hegemony in Eastern Europe to "In 1961 we (America) took out and his legal successor Arbenz protect it from any "revisionist of Latin America about H times began a movement towards limited doctrines" that emerged in Czecho­ what we shipped home from Europe, social change in the country.
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