PAW Convention | Downtown Spokane Tour Map y y Start t q u t w r i End o e q Start | Double Tree Hotel t Spokane Tribal Gathering Place / City Hall o End | President’s Reception at w Park Tower Apartments y Riverfront Park / Spokane Falls the Saranac Public House e The Ridpath Apartments u The Big Red Wagon r The M i Main Ave Pilot Streetscape Improvements Planning & Development Services P: 509.625.6300 | E:
[email protected] PAW Conference | Downtown Spokane Tour Guide q Start | Double Tree Hotel u The Big Red Wagon The Tour will begin at 3:00 pm from the hotel lobby. You probably have never seen a red wagon this big. This art piece titled The Childhood Express was designed by Ken Spiering in 1989. This “larger than life” symbol of childhood w Park Tower Apartments is also an interactive sculpture. The handle doubles as a slide! Built in 1973, the Park Tower has 184 units for seniors and disabled residents, most of whom are able to afford rents in the building through federal housing assistance. i Main Ave Pilot Streetscape Improvements The new streetscape design aims to promote this vibrancy through flexible streetscape e The Ridpath Apartments elements that are both functional and provide creative community gathering The Ridpath once complete will include micro-apartments, studios and one- opportunities. Over $160,000 was invested on W Main Ave to implement a road diet bedroom apartments. The units are targeted towards individuals making between reducing the street from four to two one-way travel lanes.