The Gallaher Estate in Cranbury Park

City of Norwalk,



The seal of the City of Norwalk was adopted in 1913 to represent the political entities that merged to form the new consolidation. The bridge symbolizes the end of the navigation of Wall St. in the old City of Norwalk, now known as the First Taxing District. The well stands for the former City of South Norwalk, which was called Old Well, a place where ships could replenish their water, and is now the Second Taxing District. The monument, which is dedicated to , is the emblem for , site of the original settlement now known as the Third Taxing District.





Elected and Appointed Officials and Staff City Organization Chart Introduction

I. Budget Message i

II. City Profile 1

III. Budget Overview 9

IV. Financial Summaries and Statistics 23

V. General Fund Revenue 31

VI. General Fund Expenditures 43

VII. General Government Mayor 49 Legislative 57 Corporation Counsel 59 City Clerk 63 Town Clerk 68 Information Technology 74 Personnel & Labor Relations 84 Human Relations & Fair Rent 89 Youth Services 96 Registrar of Voters 103

VIII. Finance Department 111

IX. Health and Welfare 147

X. Protection of Persons and Property Police 165 Fire 201 Planning and Zoning 228 Code Enforcement 240 Combined Dispatch 245

-- continued on next page PAGE

XI. Public Works 253

XII. Education 277

XIII. Recreation, Arts & Culture Parks & Recreation 283 Library 301 Historical Commission 311

XIV. Grants 315

XV. Operating Charges Debt Service 321 Organizational Membership 323 Employee Benefits 325 Pensions 327 Contingency 329

XVI. Capital Fund 331

XVII. Other Funds 335

XVIII. Appendix Glossary 341



Harry W. Rilling


John Kydes, Council President Nicholas Sacchinelli

John Igneri, Majority Leader Beth Siegelbaum

Douglas Hempstead, Minority Leader Travis Simms

Phaedrel Bowman Barbara Smyth

Greg D. Burnett Doug Stern

Michael Corsello George Tsirranides

Thomas Livingston Chris Yerindes

Eloisa Melendez


Ed Camacho, Chairman Troy Jellerette

James Feigenbaum Artie Kassimis

James Frayer James Page


Robert Barron, Director of Finance

Lunda Asmani, Director of Management & Budgets

Simona Maddox, Assistant Director of Management & Budgets

Lola Phillips, Executive Secretary

City of Norwalk Government Organization


Board of Registrar of Town Board of Treasurer Common Sheriff Constables Education Voters Council Mayor Clerk Selectmen


Maritime Aquarium Board of Housing Code Enforcement Building Board Western CT Council of Authority Ethics Authority Administration of Appeals Governments

Water Quality Housing Norwalk Advisory Commission Committee Partnership on Arts & Culture

Board of Alarm Tree Fair Housing Norwalk Facilities Oak Hills Harbor Mgmt. Board of Zoning Estimate & Appeals Advisory Advisory Contruction Park Commission Assessment Board of Taxation Board Committe Committee Commission Authority Appeals Appeals

Parking Board of Pension Land Use & Transit Fair Rent Planning Historical Shellfish Conservation Water Pollution Authority Health Board Building Mgmt District Commission Commission Commission Commission* Commission Control Authority

Corporation Public City Information Youth Finance Health Code Recreation & Personnel & Counsel* Works* Clerk Technology Services Director* Department Enforcement Parks Labor Relations*

Police Fire Human Relations and Library Zoning Redevelopment Combined Commission* Commission* Fair Rent Commissions Board Commission Agency Dispatch

Police Fire Director of Human Library Director of Planning Executive Chief Chief Relations & Fair Rent Director & Zoning Director

All Boards, Commissions and Department Heads are chosen by the Mayor and require Common Council approval unless otherwise noted * These Department Heads, Boards and Commissions are solely appointed by the Mayor INTRODUCTION

This 2018-19 Recommended Operating Budget presents the annual operating expenditures and revenues for the City of Norwalk. The book is divided into nine sections.

The Budget Message provides an overview of the 2018-19 operating budget. This section describes the major revenue and expenditure assumptions that guided the budget process; the important issues and priorities for the budget year; and key accomplishments over the course of the past fiscal year, as well as goals for the coming year.

City Profile gives readers basic information about the City, including a history and a summary of services the City provides to residents.

Budget Overview describes the budget process and the City’s financial structure and accounting system. Also contained in this section are general fund summary schedules and information about the City’s taxing districts, tax levy and mill rates for the upcoming fiscal year.

The Financial Summaries and Statistics Section contains data on revenues, expenditures, and personnel for all funds contained in this book.

The Operating Revenue Section explains each type of revenue source for the City as well as any significant revenue changes for the budget year.

The Operating Expenditures Section includes detailed expenditure information for the departments in the general fund. Each tab contains information on the mission, highlights, goals, performance measures and personnel for the City departments. This section is grouped into service categories – general government, finance, health & welfare, protection of persons & property, public works, education, recreational arts & culture, grants, and other operating charges.

The Capital Fund Section describes the capital budget process.

The Other Funds Section includes descriptions and financial information on the City’s two enterprise funds – the Water Pollution Control Authority and the Parking Authority, as well as the Fleet Services fund.

The Appendix includes a glossary of key terms, and a City and Board of Education fund summary sheet.

This budget was prepared by the City’s Office of Management and Budgets. If you need further information or have suggestions for improving this document please contact: City of Norwalk, Office of Management and Budgets, P.O. Box 5125, Norwalk, CT. 06856. The 2018-19 recommended budget as well as a listing of City Offices can be found on the City’s website: www.norwalkct.org

CITY OF NORWALK, CONNECTICUT Robert Barron, Director of Finance [email protected] www.norwalkct.org

P: 203 854-7870 F: 203 854-7817

125 East Avenue, PO BOX 5125 Norwalk, CT 06856-5125

February 12, 2018

Harry W. Rilling, Mayor Members of the Board of Estimate and Taxation Members of the Common Council, and

The Citizens of the City of Norwalk:

In accordance with Section 1-239 of the City Code, I am pleased to transmit the requested budget from each department of the city, together with my recommendations relative thereto.

The recommended FY 2018-19 budget has been developed as the nation and State of Connecticut continues a tentative economic recovery from a historic recession. In a January 31, 2018, press release, the Federal Reserve reported that the labor market has continued to strengthen and that economic activity has been growing at a solid rate. Also, that job gains remained solid and the unemployment rate stayed near its recent low. This trend is also reflected in Connecticut and Norwalk’s unemployment figures shown in the below Economic & Fiscal Environment section.

The Great Recession caused a myriad of financial difficulties for the city, but primarily a loss in the value of its grand list. The city’s 2017 grand list has yet to return to its pre-recession value of $12.7 billion in 2008, coming in at only $12.3 billion. This $12.3 billion does however represent a 0.5% growth over the previous year.

The uncertainty of funding from the State of Connecticut, which is dealing with its own budget challenges, places the majority of the increase of costs to run the city on the mill rate charged to its taxpayers. Therefore, I recommend that the city draw down $2.0 million of its fund balance to partially offset the mill rate increases caused by rising expenses. This draw on the fund balance is consistent with the city’s fund balance policy that allows for any excess reserve over the target established to be used for tax relief. The recommended draw of $2.0 million for next year’s budget will result in a 12.7% unreserved fund balance as a percentage of GAAP revenues.

The recommended budget represents a spending plan that limits overall spending to an increase of $5 million or 1.4% and an average mill rate increase of only 1.9%. Reducing expenditures to this level has been a major challenge given the fact that the city faces structural expenses which are rising in certain key areas: Wages and Salaries, Debt Service and Employee Benefits.


The Board of Education's recommended FY 2018-19 budget is a base recommendation equal to the current year appropriation. I recommend that the Common Council fund as much of the Board of Education’s request as it believes the taxpayers of the city can afford by increasing its cap over the recommended base budget. The city's Common Council can add to this base recommendation by increasing its cap over the base recommendation. An increased cap will create an opportunity for the Board of Estimate and Taxation to increase the Board of Education's appropriation over the Finance Director's base recommendation for the upcoming FY 2018-19. The current 2017-18 fiscal year's appropriation was the largest year over year percentage increase in nine years for the Board of Education’s operating budget and represents the city’s investment in the improvement of its Board of Education’s delivery of educational services.


The development of the city’s budget occurs within the larger context of the economic and fiscal climate. This climate affects both the revenues available to support the city budget, and the expenditure pressures faced by the city. The national economy is showing real signs of recovery, however, its positive impact on the city’s grand list is expected to take some time.

Connecticut’s economy is beginning to show signs of modest progress. The Connecticut Department of Labor, in its December 2017 release of Labor Force Data, reported that over 74,100 remain unemployed statewide at a rate of 3.9%, consistent with the 74,000 and 3.9% respectively for the same period a year ago, however, less than 93,000 and 5% respectively for the same period two years ago. The same report indicates 1,741 unemployed in Norwalk at a rate of 3.5% compared to 1,758 and 3.5% respectively for the same period a year ago and 2,226 and 4.4% respectively for the same period two years ago. The recession has also had a severe impact on taxes collected by the State of Connecticut. The state’s long-term budget challenges are resulting in net budget reductions to municipalities. Fortunately, Norwalk’s primary source of revenue—the property tax at 89.3% of total 2018-19 recommended revenue budget, is not as susceptible to fluctuation as state aid during a recession.


The budget process begins about nine months before the start of the fiscal year, when the Finance Department prepares a three-year forecast of revenues and expenditures and the resulting tax rates to continue current government operations. These “pro forma” financial projections are then reviewed with the Mayor to elicit the administration’s instructions and goals.

After incorporating the Mayor’s goals into the preliminary budget projections, the Finance Department sends detailed budget packages together with general assumptions and spending guidelines to the various departments and agencies. The departments spend approximately five to six weeks developing their budget submissions. The Finance Department compiles all the requests and then meets with and reviews each agency’s request.

The Finance Director is required under the City Code to submit the budget to the Board of Estimate and Taxation not later than the second Monday in February and to the Common Council by the second Tuesday of the month. The Finance Department meets with and assists the members of the Common Council who must set a budgetary spending cap by the fourth Tuesday in February. The Board of Estimate and Taxation conducts budget workshops with each department and agency to help develop its recommendations. The Board of Estimate and Taxation then holds a public hearing prior to submitting its recommendations to the Common Council on the first Monday in April. The Council reviews the Board’s recommendations and has until the third Tuesday of April to adjust the budget cap, if necessary. The tentative budget is advertised in the local newspaper and the final budget and tax levy is approved by the Board of Estimate and Taxation on the first Monday in May. ii


The Bottom Line: The recommended FY 2018-19 base budget is $348,135,491, representing an expenditure increase of $4,970,515 or 1.4%. The combination of the Tax Assessor’s 2017 grand list increase of 0.5% and proposed mill rate increase of 1.9% yields a total tax levy increase of $7,340,333 or 2.4%.

Estimated revenue derived from all sources other than current local taxes is expected to decrease by $1,311,591 or 3.1% from $42,739,170 to $41,427,579. This decrease is largely driven by a $1,815,320 decrease in intergovernmental revenue, and a $1,658,607 decrease in departmental receipts. These decreases are slightly offset by increases of $131,962 in miscellaneous revenues and $30,374 in interests and penalties along with a $2,000,000 transfer from the fund balance.

The recommended budget of $348,135,491 less non-current tax revenues of $41,427,579 plus tax adjustments of $9,332,670 (tax relief programs and reserve for uncollected taxes) leaves a balance of $316,040,582 to be levied in taxes. This represents an increase of $7,340,333 or 2.4% in the total tax levy compared to the current year. Net total tax revenues under the recommended budget, after accounting for changes in reserves for uncollected taxes, tax relief programs, back taxes, and supplemental autos, are increasing by the same amount.

By contrast, if the departmental requests totaling $359,469,331 were approved unaltered, it would require a $20.9 million or 6.8% increase in the tax levy. Mayor Rilling advised me that he could not support a tax levy increase of 6.8%. In formulating my recommendations, my objective has been to maintain essential services, and reduce the tax levy to a level that is affordable to Norwalk’s taxpayers.

The recommended budget consists of four elements that determine the amount of money that must be raised through taxation and are also used to calculate the tax rate: Appropriations (expenditures), Non-Levy Revenues, Tax Adjustments and the Net Taxable Grand List, plugged into the following formula: Appropriations $ 348,135,491 Less: Non-Levy Revenue ($ 41,427,579) Net Tax Collections $ 306,707,912 Plus: Tax Adjustments (Reserve for $ 9,332,670 Uncollected & Tax Relief Programs) Tax Levy $ 316,040,582 Divided by: Net Taxable Grand List $12,276,893,154 Equals: Average Mill Rate (per thousand) 25.743

The resulting average tax rate is based upon aggregate data and does not reflect the mill rate of any of the city districts. The actual district mill rates are determined by the level of municipal services each district receives and is presented later in this document. The 2017 net grand list of $12,276,893,154 is an increase of 0.5% over 2016’s net grand list total of $12,220,457,278.

The recommended tax collection rate is 98.2% of the levy for FY 2018-19. This is a decrease from the current fiscal year’s 98.5% due to the impact of the biennial tax sale that decreases tax collection of the year after the sale. The Tax Collector will conduct a tax sale in July 2018, Tax sales are conducted every other year so alternating year collection rate assumptions change from 98.5% to 98.2%.



1. Revenue assumptions in this recommended budget include:

 A $5 million revenue budget increase, driven by the following major categories of revenue:

Approved Recommended Year over Year Budget Budget $ % REVENUE SOURCE 2017-18 2018-19 Variance Variance Current Property Taxes $ 300,425,806 $ 306,707,912 $ 6,282,106 2.1% Use of Fund Balance $ - $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 100.0% Miscellaneous $ 2,967,141 $ 3,099,103 $ 131,962 4.4% Interest & Penalties $ 1,806,427 $ 1,836,801 $ 30,374 1.7% Supplemental Auto $ 2,100,000 $ 2,100,000 $ - 0.0% Back Tax Collections $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ - 0.0% Investment Income $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ - 0.0% Departmental Receipts $ 13,623,862 $ 11,965,255 $ (1,658,607) -12.2% Intergovernmental $ 19,241,740 $ 17,426,420 $ (1,815,320) -9.4% GRAND TOTAL $ 343,164,976 $ 348,135,491 $ 4,970,515 1.4%

 Current Local Taxes, net of a reserve for uncollectible taxes and tax relief programs, are growing by $6,282,106 or 2.1% due to the 1.9% increase in the recommended mill rate, a 0.5% increase in the city’s grand list, and a decrease of the tax collection rate from 98.5% to 98.2% due to the decrease in collections experienced in the year after a biennial tax sale.

 Transfers from the fund balance increase by $2,000,000 consistent with the city’s use of the fund balance.

 Miscellaneous Revenue is increasing by $131,962 or 4.4% due to an increase of $117,321 in Police reimbursements for the Tasers and Body Cameras, an increase of $81,600 in Tax Sale Fee Revenue; an increase of $19,558 in the Family and Children Aid Rental, offset by a decrease of $72,043 in the sale of merchandise at Calf Pasture Beach due to the closing of the operations. The remaining net decrease of $14,474 is spread across other miscellaneous accounts in several departments.

 Interest and Penalties are increasing by $30,374 or 1.7% based on recent years’ trend of these revenue items.

 Supplemental Auto, Back Tax Collections, and Investment Income revenues remains unchanged from the current fiscal year’s budget.

 Departmental Receipts are decreasing $1,658,607 or -12.2% due to a variety of departmental decreases, as follows:

o Code Enforcement, $1,519,549 due primarily to a decrease in building permit fees. o Recreation and Parks, $117,051 due primarily to a decrease in Park Usage Fees


o Public Works, $58,310 due primarily to a decrease in Solid Waste Registration fees and Bulky Waste license fees. o Other departments net increase of $36,303.

 Intergovernmental Revenue is decreasing by $1,815,320 or -9.4% due to a decrease of $4,896,511 in the Municipal Revenue Sharing grant, a decrease of $232,016 in Mashantucket Pequot grant, offset by an increase of $1,712,971 in the Municipal Stabilization grant, an increase of $1,180,200 for payments in lieu of taxes, an increase of $402,915 in Municipal Projects grants, and other miscellaneous net increases of $17,121.

2. Expenditure assumptions in this recommended budget include:

 A $5.0 million expenditure budget increase, driven by the following major categories of spending:

Approved Recommended Year over Year Budget Budget $ % DEPARTMENT 2017-18 2018-19 Variance Variance Protection of Persons & Property $ 43,429,964 $ 46,906,667 $ 3,476,703 8.0% Debt Service $ 25,948,865 $ 28,447,763 $ 2,498,898 9.6% Employee Benefits $ 31,994,473 $ 33,591,482 $ 1,597,009 5.0% Public Works $ 17,532,370 $ 18,665,018 $ 1,132,648 6.5% General Government $ 6,233,926 $ 6,730,411 $ 496,485 8.0% Recreation, Arts, Culture $ 8,454,300 $ 8,778,603 $ 324,303 3.8% Finance Department $ 3,625,445 $ 3,874,229 $ 248,784 6.9% Health Department $ 2,096,437 $ 2,244,083 $ 147,646 7.0% Grants $ 2,128,681 $ 2,243,471 $ 114,790 5.4% Education $ 184,084,348 $ 184,084,348 $ - 0.0% Contingency/Organizational Memberships $ 4,022,167 $ 1,575,392 $ (2,446,775) -60.8% Pension Contributions $ 13,614,000 $ 10,994,024 $ (2,619,976) -19.2% GRAND TOTAL $ 343,164,976 $ 348,135,491 $ 4,970,515 1.4%

 City recommended budget is increasing $5.0 million or 1.4% over the adopted FY 2017-18 budget. It is important to note that the city budget includes approximately $24 million of expenditures attributable to the Board of Education for debt service, risk management, pension, OPEB trust, and in-kind services. A summary of the year-over-year increases are listed below:

o Protection of Persons & Property increase of $3,476,403 or 8% due primarily to contractual wage and step increases.

o Debt Service increase of $2,498,898 or 9.6% for the principal and interest payments on all outstanding bond obligations in addition to the interest costs for the proposed capital plan for next FY 2018-19.

o Employee Benefit increase of $1,597,009 or 5.0% for city medical insurance and OPEB contributions along with General Liability insurance for both the city and Board of Education. v

o Public Works increase of $1,132,648 or 6.5% due primarily to contractual wage and step increases, contractual increases with Guardian and maintenance cost for the newly acquired South Norwalk Community Center building. o General Government increase of $496,485 or 8% primarily due to contractual wage and step increase. o Recreation, Arts, and Culture increase of $324,303 or 3.8% primarily due to contractual wage and step increase. o Finance department increase of $248,784 or 6.9% primarily due to contractual wage and step increase. o Health department increase of $147,646 or 7.0% primarily due to contractual wage step increase, additional part-time wages and increased budgeted amount for re-lodging for condemnation victims. o Grants agencies increase of $114,790 or 5.4% due to $94,790 increased funding to city agencies and $20,000 increased funding to outside agencies. o The Board of Education's recommended FY 2018-19 budget is a base recommendation equal to the current year appropriation. The city's Common Council can add to this base recommendation by increasing its cap over the Finance Director's recommendation. An increased cap will create an opportunity for the Board of Estimate and Taxation to increase the Board of Education's appropriation over the Finance Director's base recommendation for the upcoming FY 2018-19. The current 2017-18 fiscal year's appropriation was the largest year over year percentage increase in nine years for the Board of Education’s operating budget and represents the city’s investment in the improvement of its Board of Education’s delivery of educational services. o Contingency and Membership expense decrease of $2,446,775 or -60.8% due to the fact that the wage contracts were settled and the contingency reserve was allocated. o Pension Contribution decrease of $2,619,976 or -19.2% which includes Police, Fire, and City pension plans along with 401A matches for newer employees not enrolled in the defined benefit pension plan and small administrative costs. The city engaged its actuary to complete an experience study on its pensions which pointed to changes that notably lowered the liabilities and related ADEC calculation. Specifically, the pension funds' investment returns were significantly higher than the assumed rate and there were two years of changes in the mortality improvement scales that both moved in the direction of lowering liabilities. In addition, the plan experienced gains relative to the current salary scale and retirement rate assumptions.



The recommended budget is a balanced plan of operations designed to meet the city’s goals and objectives and to provide the essential funding that each department requires. As the budget season progresses, we stand ready to gather additional information that is helpful to the Common Council which will determine the spending cap and to the Board of Estimate and Taxation that will approve the final appropriations for the upcoming FY 2018-19 budget.

I would like to thank each department and agency head for their cooperation and assistance in the formulation of the recommended budget. I would also like to thank the budget staff: Lunda Asmani, Simona Maddox and Lola Phillips, for their excellent work and contributions to the development of the budget. And finally, I would like to thank the Mayor, members of the Board of Estimate and Taxation, and members of the Common Council for providing me with an opportunity to participate in the progress of this great city.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Barron Director of Finance




viii City Profile


In 1640 for the consideration of “eight fathoms of wampum, sixe coates, tenn hatchets, tenn hoes, tenn knifes, tenn scissors, tenn jewse-harps, tenn fathom tobackoe, three kettles of sixe hands about, and tenn looking glasses,” Roger Ludlow purchased Norwalke the Country butting on the sea.” In 1651 thirty spirited families permanently settled “Norwalke.” The settlement was located in the section known today as East Norwalk. Descendants of these indigenous settlers are still living in Norwalk and in the surrounding vicinity. Norwalk became a city in 1913, at which time it consolidated with South Norwalk and the East Norwalk Fire District.

Norwalk, a Connecticut seaport community on is rich in history and personality—a combination of New England tradition and sophistication. Norwalk is in the center of the region which Forbes Magazine rates the “15th smartest” in the nation. Our beaches are the best in Connecticut according to the New York Daily News. Our retail sector is the fifth largest in Connecticut, judged by generation of sales tax revenue. Our tourist sector is Connecticut’s second most successful, judged by numbers of visitors.

Economic diversity distinguishes Norwalk, especially in difficult economic times. Norwalk is home to approximately 3,376 companies providing 45,063 jobs. These companies fall into 19 major North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes plus government. The largest number of jobs are in the professional, scientific and technical services, retail trade, and the health care and social assistance sectors. The highest earners are in the finance and insurance and the management of companies and enterprises sectors.

The vast majority of Norwalk companies are small, agile and entrepreneurial. No single industry sector dominates the employment market or the real estate market which enables a community to be resilient in times of economic stress.

Among the more significant development and business news in recent years are the following.

- General Growth Properties, Inc., the second largest retail real estate investment trust in the United States with a portfolio comprised predominantly of class A regional mall and flagship urban retail properties, received approval of a Land Disposition Agreement and plans to develop a world class mixed use development on the 12 acre Reed Putnam 95/7 redevelopment parcel. Bloomingdale’s and Nordstrom announced intentions to anchor the SONO Collections.

- The “Waypointe District” by Belpointe Capital, LLC a multi-phased mixed use development on West Avenue is successfully leasing the 464 apartments and approximately 95,000 square feet of commercial space and 16,000 square feet of restaurant space. Sedona Tap House (STH), Chase Bank, JC Salons and Colony Grill have opened for business and the apartments have a 92% occupancy rate. Pinot’s Palette, Endurance House and the Barcelona restaurant have entered into leases and will occupy in 2016. The Container Store, iPic Theatre and Kings Bowling have entered into leases for the next phase to be developed.

- Two more mixed use developments are under construction at Waypointe. The Berkeley at Waypointe will include 127 residential units, about 5,000 SF retail, 6,700 SF medical office and requisite parking. Quincy Lofts at Waypointe includes 69 apartments and 87 parking spaces. Leasing at Quincy Lofts is underway.

- In SoNo, F.D. Rich Company is constructing The Pearl on Washington Street. The mixed use project includes 66 apartments, restaurant and office space and a parking garage. Nearby on South Main Street the Company plans to construct an extended stay hotel with 121 rooms.

- Also in SoNo, Spinnaker (developer of the Ironworks) has plans to construct the Maritime Village, a 68 unit mixed use development on Day Street.

City of Norwalk City Profile

- A newly constructed 135,000 square foot Lowe’s Home Improvement Center on Connecticut Avenue opened during the summer of 2015.

- The Davis Companies, based in Boston, owner of Class A office buildings at 200 Connecticut Avenue and 40 Richards Avenue, announced plans for renovations to 200 Connecticut Avenue. The renovations will include a redesigned lobby, upgrades to parking and improvements to the full service café.

- Frontier Communications renovated and occupied 84,504 square feet of office space at 401 Merritt 7.

- CBRE Group, Inc. the world’s largest commercial real estate services company headquartered in Los Angeles purchased RiverPark located at 800 CT Ave. CBRE announced plans for renovation and repositioning of the 412,231 square foot Class A office building where Priceline, Interpublic Group and Hitachi Capital America Corp’s American headquarters are located.

Offering more evidence of growth and development:

CyrusOne Inc. announced the acquisition of Cervalis Holdings, LLC who occupies the 168,000 square foot data center and work area recovery facility in Norwalk. The Norwalk facility offers world-class performance and amenities in a secure, redundant environment.

The Connecticut Technology Council “2015 Marcum Tech Top 40” list of the fastest growing technology companies in Connecticut included Priceline Group Inc. from Norwalk.

Datto Inc. completed its World Headquarters expansion at 101 Merritt 7 and opened an Australian headquarters in Sydney to help meet the increasing global demand for its services. Datto now occupies 131,000 square feet of space in Norwalk.

Demonstrating sustained evidence of development, the Norwalk Planning and Zoning Office issued 1,400 permits in 2017 surpassing the 24 year average of 1,188 total permits per year. The department issued 1,532 permits in 2016, 1,501 permits in 2015 and 1,491 permits in 2014.

2 City of Norwalk City Profile


The City provides a full range of municipal services, including education, public safety, public works, health and social services, planning and development, and recreational/cultural. Provided below is a brief description of the City’s services:

General Government The General Government group of departments includes the Mayor's Office, Corporation Counsel, City Clerk, Town Clerk, Personnel and Labor Relations, Human Relations and Fair Rent, Youth Services, and Registrar of Voters. This diverse group of departments provides a myriad of services, ranging from maintaining vital statistics (births, deaths, marriages) to conducting elections. A number of the departments within the General Government group, including Corporation Counsel and Personnel and Labor Relations, serve as internal support agencies for the City's departments.

Finance The Finance Department consists of the following divisions: Office of the Director, Tax Assessment, Tax Collection, Accounting and Treasury, Management & Budgets, Information Technology and Purchasing. The Department is responsible for overseeing the financial affairs of the City. Also included in the Finance Department is the City’s comprehensive program for managing all areas of risk, including health and life insurance for active and retired employees, workers compensation, heart and hypertension, property and casualty, general liability, professional liability, and other exposures such as theft, performance and surety.

Health The Health Department vision is “Excellence with Efficiency”. The mission is to prevent disease, assure a healthy environment and promote the highest quality of life within the community. Program areas include of health promotion, preventable diseases, environmental and laboratory services, and public health emergency preparedness. Among the many services provided are a voluntary healthy menu project with area food establishments, Fit Kids, a series of physical activity and nutrition education sessions with a variety of after school programs the provision of childhood and adult immunizations, WIC, HIV education and testing, treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and follow up on tuberculosis and other communicable diseases. Environmental services include inspection of all food establishments, review and approval of private sewage disposal systems, and enforcement of the city’s housing code.

Protection of Persons and Property

Police Department The City provides around-the-clock police protection to Norwalk's 88,438 residents with an authorized and funded force of 180 sworn officers and 40 civilians including those assigned to Combined Dispatch, utilizing 110 marked and unmarked police vehicles, 3 motorcycles and 3 marine vessels. The police department is accredited by both the Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) as well as the State of Connecticut Police Officers Standards and Training Council. POST- C). In addition to routine police patrol, the Department maintains specialized units in the following areas: Internal Affairs, Training and Recruitment, Planning and Research, Marine Division, Detective Bureau, Special Services (vice, gambling, narcotics), Identification & Crime Scene Unit, Emergency Services Unit as well as a Community Policing Unit, which works closely with residents within their target districts. The Community Services Unit provides a Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program for Norwalk school children in conjunction with the Norwalk Public Schools and supervises school crossing guards. The Special Victims Unit includes specially trained Detectives working in conjunction with the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force and maintains a School Resource officer program within the city’s high schools and middle schools in addition to investigating all crimes involving youth and special needs

City of Norwalk 3 City Profile

populations. The Department also operates a Community Services Program and Support Services, which encompass the following areas: animal control, crime prevention, traffic and safety, complaint bureau, property room and prisoner holding facility. The Police Department is also a first responder for medical emergencies.

Fire Department The City provides complete fire prevention and suppression services through its professional full-time Fire Department, which consists of 141 sworn fire personnel, supplemented by 6 civilian employees. The Department operates out of five fire stations strategically located throughout the community and maintains a rotating fire apparatus replacement schedule through their capital budget. In addition to fire suppression services the Department is a key resource for the Regional Hazardous Materials Response Team. The Department also collaborates with the Norwalk Police Department in Arson Investigations and with the Marine Division. The Fire Prevention Division is responsible for the enforcement of the State Life Safety and Fire Codes with a staff of 7 personnel. The Office of Emergency Management is a division within the Fire Department. This division is responsible for emergency preparedness planning as well as the operation and maintenance of an Emergency Operations Center for local and national emergencies. The Fire Department is also a first responder for medical emergencies.

Planning and Zoning and Code Enforcement These two City departments are responsible for planning and coordinating the physical and economic development of the City, as well as overseeing the adoption and enforcement of zoning, subdivision and building codes. The Planning and Zoning Department prepares, adopts and implements the City’s plan of development once every ten years. This department also oversees the operations of the Conservation Commission staff, which is responsible for protecting the City’s inland wetlands and water courses. Code Enforcement conducts required inspections of buildings and sites for code compliance, and issues all building and related trade permits.

Combined Dispatch This department is responsible for police and fire dispatch functions. The objective is to provide the highest quality of command, control and information services for public safety agencies.

Public Works This diverse department is responsible for the maintenance and repair of most of the physical facilities and infrastructure owned and operated by the City of Norwalk. The Department accomplishes street and highway maintenance; stormwater management; engineering; capital construction; solid waste collection and disposal; recycling; traffic management; wastewater collection and treatment; parking facilities and services; tree management and building management functions. Public Works is authorized 105 positions, including 2 Parking Enforcement officers, 4 Wastewater Systems personnel and 10 Fleet Services employees who are paid by the Parking Authority, Water Pollution Control Authority and Central Fleet, respectively, but are ultimately managed by Public Works to maintain the City's infrastructure, which includes 255 miles (625 lane miles) of streets, 18 bridges, 140 miles of sidewalk, 45 miles of footpath, nearly 300 miles of storm drainage, 182 miles of sanitary sewer lines, an 18 million gallons per day treatment plant, 22 sanitary sewer pump stations, 3 stormwater pump stations, 90 traffic signals, nearly 30,000 public trees and 3,829 municipal parking spaces including 386 on-street spaces and 3,443 off-street spaces encompassed in 3 parking structures and multiple surface lots.

In the late 1990s, the City purchased the land abutting the wastewater treatment plant and created the Public Works Center. This facility has enabled the City to consolidate the operations of Street Maintenance, Sanitation, Sewer Operation and Maintenance and Fleet Management. This location is also used for the storage of all winter road salt and provides a yard debris collection center for residents. The Department operates a transfer station located separately.

4 City of Norwalk City Profile

From 1983 through 2008, the City was party to a long-term contract with the Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority (CRRA) for operation of the transfer station and for transportation and disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW). That contract expired in December of 2008 and the City contracted with City Carting, Inc. for transfer station operation, transport and disposal of the City’s 30,000 tons of annual MSW. Under that contract, transfer station operation improved and the City saved on transportation and disposal of MSW. The City’s highly successful recycling collection and disposal service directs mixed paper, metal containers, glass, plastics #1 through #7, and corrugated cardboard to a recycling contractor who pays the City for the recyclable materials. The City implemented single-stream recycling on July 1, 2013; in its first month, curbside recycling increased by 65% and continues at a significantly improved separation rate. Leaf and yard waste are also collected and disposed by the City.

Through September 30, 2012, garbage collection was accomplished using City employees. Since October 1, 2012, garbage collection has been done by contract. This move has shifted the Worker Compensation risk (high among sanitation employees) away from the City, saved the City $1 million per year in direct costs and improved garbage collection service to residents. The City has since entered into 10-year contracts with City Carting; these contracts provide known and very competitive pricing.

In FY 2002-03 the City moved the operations of the wastewater and parking systems into enterprise funds and created the Water Pollution Control Authority and Parking Authority to oversee the use of these funds.

The City provides for building management services through an outside contractor. Under the supervision of a Buildings and Facilities Manager in the Department of Public Works the management firm oversees the operation and maintenance of all City buildings with the exception of schools and historic structures. The scope of services encompasses more than 780,000 square feet of building space among 13 City facilities. In addition to repairs and replacement, comprehensive preventive maintenance and energy efficiency programs have been implemented.

Education At Norwalk Public Schools, our mission is to create a student-focused culture that motivates, challenges and supports each individual student to his or her highest levels of achievement. Over 1,000 dedicated professionals work closely with more than 11,000 students in 19 schools.

The Norwalk Public Schools district is made up of 12 elementary schools, four middle schools, two high schools, and one alternative high school program. Norwalk offers two magnet schools at the elementary level, Columbus and Jefferson Science Magnet School, which was named a 2014 National Blue Ribbon School for its work in closing the achievement gap. Silvermine Elementary School is home to Mano-a-Mano, our dual language (English/Spanish) immersion program. Norwalk is also home to the Center for Global Studies, an inter-district high school magnet program housed at Brien McMahon High School, as well as Norwalk Early College Academy, the State’s first early college, P-TECH model program in partnership with IBM and the State of Connecticut.

Our district’s rich diversity is a key part of our strength. Norwalk students come from a variety of backgrounds, with more than 38% of students speaking a second language at home. The Norwalk Public School system delivers a learning experience that is rich in cultural diversity, as well as one that is reflective of the global society in which our graduates will work and live. Our vision is that all students will graduate prepared to reach their highest potential for college, career and life-long success in a globally competitive society. At Norwalk Public Schools, we believe that “The World Starts Here.”

Norwalk Public Schools provides comprehensive special education and bilingual education programs, full day , and expanded Pre-K opportunities. Before and after-school programs are available throughout the city for both elementary and secondary students. Students can also take advantage of a full

City of Norwalk 5 City Profile array of interscholastic athletics and extra-curricular activities that cover a full range of interests, from computers to chess to community service. Programs like the Center for Youth Leadership, and the Norwalk High School and Brien McMahon Marching Bands, have received national recognition. As of October 1, 2017, total enrollment in Norwalk Public Schools was 11,438 students.

Recreation, Arts and Culture The City's Recreation and Parks Division maintains over 1,050 acres of public park land, including two public beaches on Long Island Sound, 238 acres of open space at Cranbury Park, 70 acres of waterfront park land at Veteran's Park and Calf Pasture Beach, Mathews Park, Heritage Park and many neighborhood parks. The Department also maintains numerous athletic fields, tennis and basketball courts, and playgrounds located throughout the community, including all school properties. The Department's Recreation Division sponsors a full complement of active and passive recreational programs for all age groups. In addition, the City owns an 18- hole golf course located at Oak Hills Park, which is leased to the Oak Hills Park Authority who manages the operations. The City also funds the Historical Commission, which operates and maintains publicly owned historical buildings, including Lockwood-Mathews Mansion, the Norwalk Museum and Mill Hill Park Museum, and, the Norwalk Public Library System, which operates two branches within the City and features a collection of over 250,000 items for public circulation. These items include CDs, DVDs, EBooks, print books and magazines, as well as downloadable music, video, magazines, and audiobooks. The Norwalk Public Library System boasts of a Norwalk History Room, teen and children’s rooms that provide exceptional programs that are tailored to the Norwalk community, and adult departments with a variety of services for small businesses, job/career seekers, and technology novices. The system also offers special collections including foreign languages, in addition to interlibrary loan service that lends to and borrows books from other libraries, and 30 online databases which can be accessed through the library’s website with a Norwalk Public Library card.

Grants The City provides grants to outside agencies that offer various services to residents. These services include poverty relief through the Emergency Shelter and Family and Children’s Agency, senior activities through the Senior Center and Elderhouse, children and high school age support programs through Children’s Connection and School Based Health Centers, and urban renewal and community development through the Redevelopment and Housing Site Development Agencies.

6 City of Norwalk City Profile



Demographics (US Census Quickfacts, July 1, 2016) City of Norwalk (City) Population: 88,438 City per capita money income in the past 12 months (2016 dollars) $45,387

Connecticut Department of Labor (December 2017) City unemployment 3.5%

City Facts Area of City (including ): 36.3 square miles (13 are water surface) City Settled: September 11, 1651 Date of City and Town Consolidation: July 1913 City Motto: “Norwalk – On the Move”

Culture and Recreation Acres of Public Park Lands: 1,050 Municipal Golf Courses (18 Holes): 1 Public Beaches: 2 Senior Centers: 1 Boat Launching Areas: 2 Library Branches: 2 Municipal Marinas: 2 Library Volumes: 250,000+ Athletic Diamonds: 41 Public Museums (8 Buildings): 3 Local Newspapers: 3

Election Information Total Total Voter Registered Checked as Turnout Norwalk Voters Voting Percentage 2017 Municipal Election 50,694 14,502 28.61% 2016 Presidential Election 49,487 38,885 78.58% 2015 Municipal Election 44,346 13,413 30.25%

City of Norwalk 7 City Profile


The Norwalk labor force of 50,297 is 96.5% employed as of December 2017. Broad and diversified the market is not dominated by a single comparatively large company or business sector. Among Norwalk’s largest companies are the following:

8 City of Norwalk Budget Overview


The City’s annual budget is prepared for a July 1st through June 30th fiscal year. Below is the budget calendar with a description of the major steps in the budget preparation process under each box.


Pro Forma Budget Prepared The Management and Budgets Division begins collecting information for preliminary budget development. The Division prepares a “pro forma” financial projection, which consists of two-year forecast of revenues and expenditures and the resulting tax rate with the objective of maintaining current levels of service. This projection is reviewed with the Mayor to elicit the administration’s goals and objectives and the appropriate changes are made.


Submission and Review of Departmental Requests

Budget packages, containing general budget assumptions and spending guidelines are distributed to departments and agencies. All responses are submitted to the Management and Budgets Division within six weeks. These requests include line item details of revenues and expenditures accompanied by departmental goals and objectives for the next fiscal year. The Management and Budget Division’s staff meet with the departments and agencies to review requests and how they fit with their goals and objectives.


Requested Budget Presentation and Board of Estimate and Taxation Review

The Finance Director submits the Departments’ proposed budgets, along with any criticisms or recommendations he may deem appropriate, to the Board of Estimate and Taxation on the second Monday in February and to the Common Council on the immediately following Tuesday. The Management and Budgets Division publishes the proposed budget and tax levy in the local newspaper five days prior to the fourth Monday in February. On the fourth Monday in February the Board of Estimate and Taxation commences budget review. On the immediately following Tuesday in February the Common Council establishes a cap on total appropriations for the next fiscal year, after which time the Board of Estimate and Taxation conducts meetings with City departments and agencies to review the Proposed Budget.


Adoption of the Operating Budget

The Board of Estimate and Taxation completes its review of the budget and makes any necessary changes to the proposed budget. The proposed changes are forwarded to the Common Council on the first Monday in April. The Common Council has until the third Tuesday in April to amend the total cap on appropriations. The Board of Estimate and Taxation meets to adjust the budget in accordance with the Council’s cap. The tentative budget is published in the local newspaper three days before the fourth Wednesday in April. On the first Monday in May the Board of Estimate and Taxation adopts the final budget and tax rates.

City of Norwalk 9 Budget Overview


Once the Board of Estimate and Taxation adopts the budget, the Finance Director is empowered, by the Board, to approve transfers of up to $5,000 between line items. Transfers in excess of $5,000 require the approval of the Board of Estimate and Taxation. Additional appropriations, pursuant to the City Code, require the approval of the Board of Estimate and Taxation and the Common Council.



On/Before December 4th Finance Director receives requests

2nd Monday of February (2/12/18) Finance Director submits Department’s Proposed Budget together with his criticisms and recommendations to the Board of Estimate & Taxation

Immediately following Tuesday (2/13/18) Finance Director submits Department’s Proposed Budget together with his criticisms and recommendations to the Common Council

At least 5 days before 4th Monday Finance Director publishes the Proposed Budget in February (2/16/18) local newspaper

4th Monday of February (2/22/18) Board of Estimate & Taxation meets to start budget review.

4th Tuesday of February (2/23/18) Common Council adopts cap on appropriations.

1st Monday of April (4/2/18) Board of Estimate & Taxation completes review and forwards proposed budget to Council

No later than 3rd Tuesday of April (4/17/18) Common Council may amend cap on appropriations

Unspecified (logically between 4/20/18 Board of Estimate & Taxation meets to adjust and 4/27/18) budget based on new cap

Three days before the 4th Wednesday in April Board of Estimate & Taxation publishes tentative (no later than 4/20/18 ) budget

1st Monday of May (5/7/18) Board of Estimate & Taxation adopts final budget and tax rates

10 City of Norwalk Budget Overview


The City of Norwalk’s financial policies set forth the basic framework for the overall fiscal management of the City. These policies assist the decision-making process and provide the guidelines for evaluating both current activities and proposals for future programs.

Cash Management and Investment Policies

- Disbursement, collection and deposit of all funds are managed to insure maximum cash availability.

- The City strives to maximize the return on investments consistent with the primary goal of preserving capital in accordance with the State statutes and prudent investment practices.

- State statutes authorize the City to invest in the United States and any agency of the United States; any state of the United States or political subdivision, authority or agency thereof which is exempt from taxation and at the time of investment is rated within the top two rating categories of any nationally recognized rating service; and the State of Connecticut, any political subdivision, authority or agency thereof, which are rated within the top three rating categories of any nationally recognized rating service. In addition, the City is authorized to invest in demand deposits, time deposits, certificates of deposit, share accounts, term share accounts and share certificate accounts of any corporation or association receiving deposits, which has its main place of business in Connecticut.

- The City shall perform a cash flow analysis of all funds on a regular basis.

- The City’s investment policies include provisions for an investment authority, ethics and conflict of interest, authorized and suitable investments, diversification, maximum maturities, internal controls and performance standards.

Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting Policies

- An independent audit will be performed annually.

- The City produces annual and monthly financial reports in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) as outlined by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).

Budget Reserve Policies

- The City maintains a revenue reserve to pay for expenses caused by unforeseen emergencies or for shortfalls caused by revenue declines. Effective July 6, 2015, this reserve was revised to be no less than 7.5% of total revenues as shown in the Governmental Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance report of the City’s annual audit (GAAP revenues) and no greater than 15 percent.

- The City maintains a contingency expenditure account to provide for unanticipated expenditures of a nonrecurring nature, or to meet unexpected small increases in service delivery costs.

- Reserves in excess of these amounts in the General Fund shall be used for one-time only expenditures.

- Adequate levels of working capital shall be maintained in all proprietary funds.

City of Norwalk 11 Budget Overview

Capital Budget/Improvement Policies

- A five-year program for infrastructure capital improvements is updated annually. The plan identifies anticipated funding sources.

- The City confines long-term borrowing primarily to capital improvements and capital projects financed through the issuance of bonds that will be financed for a period not to exceed the useful “life” of the project.

- The City will coordinate the development of the capital budget with the development of the operating budget. Future operating costs associated with new capital projects will be forecast and included in operating budget forecasts.

- The City will preserve its assets at a level adequate to protect capital investment and minimize future maintenance and replacement costs.

- The City will establish an appropriate distribution of bonded debt and cash financing in the funding of capital projects.

Debt Policies

- The City confines long-term borrowing primarily to capital improvements.

- In anticipation of bonding, the City may use short-term debt.

- The City follows a policy of full disclosure on every financial report and bond prospectus.

- The City’s bonds are issued when practical from City enterprise authorities to reduce the amount of the City’s general obligation debt.

- The City maintains an aggressive retirement of existing debt.

- The City uses general obligation debt to fund general purpose public improvements that cannot be financed from current revenues.

- Maintain debt ratios within formally established parameters

o Debt as % of FMV – maintain at less than 2% o Debt Service as % of Expenditures – 10% or less o Per Capita Debt – no more than $3,500

Operating Budget Policies

- The City attempts to maintain its present service level for all priority and essential services within existing tax rates, as adjusted for normal growth in the tax base. No new services are added without offsetting expenditure reductions or increases in tax revenues.

- The City maintains a financial and budgetary control system to ensure adherence to the budget and an awareness of the financial environment, preparing monthly reports to compare actual revenues and expenditures to budgeted amounts, analyzing operating surplus of deficit conditions, and balance sheets on all operating and major funds.

- All funds are required to be balanced. As such, total anticipated revenues must equal the sum of budgeted expenditures for each fund.

- The City, in preparing the yearly operating budget, creates a three-year projection of revenues and expenditures

12 City of Norwalk Budget Overview

Revenue Policies

- The City directs efforts to maintaining a diversified and stable revenue system to shelter it from short run fluctuations in any one revenue source.

- The City attempts to obtain additional major revenue sources as a way of ensuring a balanced budget.

- The City follows an aggressive revenue collection policy.

- The City establishes all user charges and fees at a level related to the full cost (operating, direct, indirect, capital) of providing the service.

- The City reviews fees/charges annually and designs and modifies revenue systems to include provisions that automatically allow charges to grow at a rate that keeps pace with the cost of providing the service. The City considers market rates and charges levied by other public and private organizations for similar services in establishing tax rates, fees and charges.

Fund Balance Policies

- The City seeks to maintain a minimum unassigned fund balance of at least 7.5% of total revenues as shown in the Governmental Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance report of the City’s annual audit (GAAP revenues) to provide the financial resources necessary for cash flow purposes, and to provide a contingency that is available in the event the City suffers a catastrophic event (major hurricane, etc.) If the unassigned fund balance falls below this 7.5% of GAAP revenues level, the City will take affirmative steps to restore it to at least 7.5% as soon as practical.

- The City intends to limit its unassigned fund balance to no more than 15% of GAAP revenues. Amounts in excess of 15% will be considered available for appropriation, in accordance with the policies outlined below. The City's overall fund balance objective is to maintain its unassigned fund balance as a percentage of GAAP revenues at the median of other Aaa-rated municipalities in the State of Connecticut.

- In concert with the City's overall financial strategies, the City will seek to first use excess fund balance when possible to finance non- recurring expenditures and to finance capital expenditures.

- The City may use fund balance for tax relief purposes, when such use is part of an overall financial strategy that seeks to balance and smooth tax levy increases over a multi-year period; and when the City faces extraordinary operating budget expenses that are projected to level off in future years when fund balance draws will no longer be available to support the budget. The City recognizes that a fund balance draw to support operations is essentially a one- time source of funding, and seeks to prudently manage the drawdown of fund balance in a fiscally responsible manner.

Pension Funding Policy

- The City’s principal objectives are to ensure that the pension funds have sufficient assets on hand to pay all benefits due; minimize the annual volatility of budgeted contributions; provide for equity among different generations of taxpayers with respect to bearing the cost of the benefits; and ensure that all statutory funding requirements are satisfied.

City of Norwalk 13 Budget Overview

- In order to achieve the objectives, the Board of Estimate and Taxation will base its contributions to the plans on Actuarially Determined Employer Contributions (ADEC) prepared annually in compliance with all applicable Actuarial Standards of Practice.

- The ADEC will be determined using the following elements: 1) The entry age normal actuarial cost method will be used to determine the normal cost and the actuarial accrued liability. 2) In order to minimize the impact of the investment volatility on the ADEC, an actuarial asset valuation method will be used that recognizes market gains or losses over a 5-year period in equal installments. 3) The plans currently have an unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL). The goal of the amortization policy is to achieve 100% funding over a period of time that provides for intergenerational taxpayer equity while minimizing contribution volatility. The UAAL is being amortized over a 22-year closed period and the amortization payments will be calculated as a level percent of payroll. 4) In order that the City know the amount of the ADEC before the budget for a fiscal year has been finalized, the ADEC will be determined based on an actuarial valuation performed as of July 1st of the calendar year prior to the calendar year in which the fiscal year begins. The AEDC will include an interest adjustment to reflect the timing between the actuarial valuation date and the expected date on which the ADEC will be paid.

Accounting Policy

Reporting Entity - For financial reporting purposes the City includes financial statements for the government and its component units, boards and commissions that are controlled by or dependent on the City. Control or dependence is determined on the basis of oversight responsibility, budget adoption, taxing authority, funding and appointment of respective governing boards.

Basis of Accounting - Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statement. The accrual basis of accounting is used for all funds except the governmental fund types, expendable trust funds and agency funds, which use the modified accrual basis of accounting. Modifications in this method from the accrual basis are as follows: o Revenues are recognized when they become both measurable and available to finance expenditures of the current period. The City considers property taxes as available if they are collected within 60 days after year-end. A one-year availability period is used for revenue recognition for all other governmental fund revenues. o Disbursements for the purchases of capital assets providing future benefits are treated as expenditures. Appropriations for capital projects are carried forward until such time as the project is completed or terminated. o Interest on general long-term debt is not accrued, but is recorded as an expenditure on its due date.

Basis of Budgeting Annual Budgets are generally prepared on an accounting basis with certain exceptions. The City’s General Fund Budget, Special Revenue Fund Budgets and Capital Projects Fund Budgets are prepared on the Modified Accrual Basis.

The budgets for City’s Risk Management and Fleet Services Internal Service Funds are prepared on an accrual basis.

14 City of Norwalk Budget Overview

The budgets for the City’s Enterprise Funds (Water Pollution Control Authority and Parking Authority) are prepared on an accrual basis, with the following exceptions: depreciation expenses are not included, and principal repayments on related debt is included.


The City’s accounting system is organized and operated in separate funds in order to account for specific revenues and expenditures associated with certain activities. Each fund is a distinct self-balancing accounting entity comprised of assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues and expenditures as appropriate.

Governmental Funds: These funds are used to finance the majority of the City’s functions. The acquisition, use, and balances of the City’s expendable financial resources and the related liabilities are accounted for through governmental funds. The City utilizes the following governmental funds:

- General Fund – The General Fund is the general operating fund of the City government. All unrestricted sources except those required to be accounted for in another fund are accounted for in this fund. From this fund are paid general operating expenditures, fixed charges, principal and interest on long-term debt, and capital improvement costs of the City, which are not paid through a special fund.

- Special Revenue Funds – The Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that meet the qualifications of GASB 54.

- Capital Projects Fund – The Capital Projects Fund is used to account for resources used for the acquisition and construction of capital facilities, including those that are financed through special assessments. Included in the Capital Projects Fund are sewer assessments, which are levied in order to finance both the construction of new, and the improvement to existing, sewer systems.

Proprietary Funds: These funds are used to account for activities similar to those found in the private sector, where the determination of net income is necessary or useful to sound financial administration. Services from such activities can be provided to other funds within the City (Internal Service Fund). The City has established an Internal Service Fund to account for and finance its uninsured risks of loss. In 2002-03 the City also established two Enterprise Funds: the Water Pollution Control Authority to handle the City’s Wastewater Treatment Operations and the Parking Authority to administer the City’s parking facilities and operations. In 2005-06 the City established a Fleet Services Fund to track fuel usage and fleet maintenance for City vehicles.

Fiduciary Funds: These funds are used to account for assets held by the City as a trustee or agent for individuals, private organizations and other governmental units. Trust and Agency funds include expendable, non-expendable, pension trust and agency funds.

Since special revenue, proprietary, and fiduciary funds are not subject to appropriation, information on these funds are not included in this document, but are included in the City’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).


Recommended Median Single Family Residential Property Tax Bill in the 4th District is $6,591




Note: The above illustration refers to the amount of tax dollars allocated to each category. In several cases, departments generate their own revenue, which helps to offset the total tax dollars needed to finance their services. Thus, the amounts listed above do not reflect the total budget of each department. Rather they reflect the total amount of tax dollars used to finance the services of each department.

16 City of Norwalk Budget Overview


2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Requested Recommended Recommended DEPARTMENT Budget Budget Budget vs. Approved

GENERAL GOVERNMENT MAYOR 451,948 454,454 454,454 2,506 LEGISLATURE 15,550 15,550 15,550 - CORPORATION COUNSEL 1,222,296 1,301,775 1,301,775 79,479 CITY CLERK 382,024 395,136 395,136 13,112 TOWN CLERK 605,725 645,143 645,143 39,418 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1,872,121 1,980,573 1,980,573 108,452 PERSONNEL & LABOR RELATIONS 605,385 634,471 634,471 29,086 HUMAN RELATIONS & FAIR RENT 345,384 385,169 385,169 39,785 YOUTH SERVICES 331,505 370,997 370,997 39,492 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS 401,988 547,143 547,143 145,155 SUBTOTAL - GENERAL GOVERNMENT 6,233,926 6,730,411 6,730,411 496,485

FINANCE DEPARTMENT FINANCE DIRECTOR 213,985 218,175 218,175 4,190 TAX ASSESSOR 832,860 892,089 892,089 59,229 TAX COLLECTOR 964,381 949,851 949,851 (14,530) ACCOUNTING & TREASURY 887,520 1,166,791 1,052,819 165,299 MANAGEMENT & BUDGETS 323,570 337,477 337,477 13,907 PURCHASING 403,129 423,818 423,818 20,689 SUBTOTAL - FINANCE $3,625,445 $3,988,201 $3,874,229 $248,784

HEALTH & WELFARE ADMINISTRATION $307,160 $394,922 $324,216 $17,056 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 117,346 115,970 115,970 (1,376) ENVIRO HEALTH & HOUSING 845,555 917,953 917,953 72,398 LABORATORY 165,666 172,730 172,730 7,064 MEDICAL & EDUCATION SERVICES 92,377 98,815 98,815 6,438 PREVENTABLE DISEASES 379,769 446,478 421,314 41,545 SEALER WEIGHTS & MEASURES 68,014 72,489 72,489 4,475 SENIOR SVCS COORD COUNCIL 120,550 120,596 120,596 46 SUBTOTAL - HEALTH & WELFARE $2,096,437 $2,339,953 $2,244,083 $147,646


POLICE DEPARTMENT 21,336,032 23,238,942 22,930,342 1,594,310 FIRE DEPARTMENT 17,391,361 19,095,155 18,945,155 1,553,794 PLANNING AND ZONING 1,270,578 1,486,459 1,241,698 (28,880) CODE ENFORCEMENT 816,081 933,768 933,768 117,687 DISPATCH & EMERGENCY MGMT. PLANNING 2,615,912 2,855,704 2,855,704 239,792 SUBTOTAL - PROTECTION PERSONS $43,429,964 $47,610,028 $46,906,667 $3,476,703

City of Norwalk 17 Budget Overview


2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Requested Recommended Recommended DEPARTMENT Budget Budget Budget vs. Approved

PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDING MANAGEMENT$17,532,370 $18,665,018 $18,665,018 $1,132,648

EDUCATION $184,084,348 $194,015,575 $184,084,348 $0

RECREATION, ARTS & CULTURE RECREATION & PARKS 4,388,536 4,871,006 4,543,045 154,509 LIBRARY 3,833,090 3,978,024 3,978,024 144,934 HISTORICAL COMMISSION 232,674 257,534 257,534 24,860 SUBTOTAL - RECREATION, ARTS $8,454,300 $9,106,564 $8,778,603 $324,303


OUTSIDE AGENCIES 885,100 980,409 905,100 20,000 CITY AGENCIES 1,243,581 1,424,511 1,338,371 94,790 SUBTOTAL - GRANTS $2,128,681 $2,404,920 $2,243,471 $114,790

OPERATING CHARGES DEBT SERVICE $25,948,865 $28,447,763 $28,447,763 $2,498,898 ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS 100,357 105,014 105,014 4,657 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 31,994,473 33,591,482 33,591,482 1,597,009 PENSIONS 13,614,000 10,994,024 10,994,024 (2,619,976) CONTINGENCY 3,921,810 1,470,378 1,470,378 (2,451,432) SUBTOTAL - OPERATING CHARGES $75,579,505 $74,608,661 $74,608,661 ($970,844)

GRAND TOTAL $343,164,976 $359,469,331 $348,135,491 $4,970,515

18 City of Norwalk Budget Overview


The City of Norwalk is divided into several districts for taxing purposes. Four of these districts originated with the former independent municipal areas and retain a degree of autonomous government. These districts own certain properties and supply various services to households within, and in some instances, outside the district. By contrast, other taxing districts are merely taxing units designed to calculate taxes for specific services; they have no autonomous governmental powers.

The Autonomous Districts

The First and Second Districts are the former independent cities of Norwalk and South Norwalk respectively; the Third District is the former East Norwalk Fire District. The districts were consolidated into the City of Norwalk under the charter of 1913. The Charter created a federation form of government, whereby each district retained certain assets. To administer the assets, each District retains a degree of self-government. The Town of Rowayton was incorporated into the City of Norwalk in 1921 and thus became the Sixth Taxing District, and it, too, retained some of its own autonomous features. The Four Districts are self-governing within the areas of their responsibilities but the City of Norwalk, as provided by the Charter, is required to levy and collect taxes for each District from the District residents.

The First District owns and operates a water department, maintains street lights and a number of small parks. The Second District owns and operates a water department, an electric plant and distribution system, maintains street lights and numerous small public land areas. The Third District owns an electric distribution system, a library building, a graveyard, a firehouse, and as with other Districts, various parcels of land. The Sixth District of Rowayton has its own library, a beach, two parks for District residents, maintains the street lights, operates a volunteer fire department and collects garbage for those residing within the District.

The Service Districts

The creation of the City in 1913 included not only the City of Norwalk, South Norwalk and East Norwalk, but also the peripheral territory. As the population increased in the area, the City was obligated to provide residents with essential municipal services. To defray the cost, some taxing system had to be devised and thus, the Fourth District was created, enabling the existing Districts to maintain their distinctive identities. As the City grew and the demand of municipal services increased, an umbrella agency, the Fifth Taxing District, encompassing the entire City of Norwalk, was born. The Fourth District was relegated to those areas of Norwalk with sewers and concomitant garbage collection. This District expands periodically as sewers were extended. However, the incursion of sewers into parts of Rowayton, the Sixth District, in recent years created the need for yet another taxing arrangement in-as-much as the Fourth Taxing District would charge the sewered Sixth Taxing District for garbage collections which they already receive. As a result, the Seventh Taxing District was born.

In addition to the aforementioned Taxing Districts, there are separate tax levies for specific services. In 1970 the amended City Charter extended the jurisdiction of the Norwalk Fire District to the entire City, excluding Rowayton which still has its own fire house and volunteer fire company. Accordingly a separate mill rate is computed and applied to all other districts.

Street lights also receive special revenues. The Fourth District sewered main area, and the Fifth District outlying area each pay a special street lighting tax.

In 1981 two new districts were established. The Eighth District is that part of the Third District that is unsewered and receives no sewer service. The Ninth District is one street in the First District comprising five homes that do not receive sewer service.

In 1987 the Common Council adopted an ordinance establishing a uniform automobile tax rate.

City of Norwalk 19 Budget Overview



FIFTH DISTRICT 22.472 22.472 22.472 22.472 22.472 22.472

FIRE DISTRICT 2.957 2.957 2.957 2.957 2.957

FOURTH DIST - GARBAGE 0.732 0.732 0.732 0.732




RECOMMENDED 2018-19 26.161 26.161 26.161 26.218 25.486 23.825 30.000

APPROVED 2017-18 25.682 25.682 25.682 25.746 25.024 23.312 29.340

PERCENT INCR./DECR. 1.87% 1.87% 1.87% 1.83% 1.85% 2.20% 2.25%

20 City of Norwalk Budget Overview


APPROVED APPROVED RECOMMENDED 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 FIFTH TAXING DISTRICT TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 281,505,831 287,512,912 291,804,994 LESS ESTIMATED REVENUE 40,181,860 38,758,647 37,504,766 SUBTOTAL 241,323,971 248,754,266 254,300,228 ADJUSTMENT FOR TAX RELIEF PROGRAMS 3,194,758 3,237,291 3,242,283 RESERVE FOR UNCOLLECTED TAXES 3,610,764 2,863,729 3,721,516 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY 248,129,492 254,855,286 261,264,027 ESTIMATED NET GRAND LIST 11,471,040,535 11,579,372,564 11,626,008,346 TAX RATE-MILLS 21.631 22.009 22.472

FIRE TAXING DISTRICT TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 32,433,669 31,184,218 31,202,735 LESS ESTIMATED REVENUE 1,769,115 1,709,567 1,657,103 SUBTOTAL 30,664,554 29,474,652 29,545,632 ADJUSTMENT FOR TAX RELIEF PROGRAMS 368,084 351,123 346,698 RESERVE FOR UNCOLLECTED TAXES 458,253 338,952 431,947 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY 31,490,891 30,164,726 30,324,277 ESTIMATED NET GRAND LIST 10,142,958,799 10,222,696,698 10,254,683,422 TAX RATE-MILLS 3.105 2.951 2.957

FOURTH TAXING DISTRICT-GARBAGE COLLECTION TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 4,285,059 4,406,181 4,473,569 LESS ESTIMATED REVENUE 88,456 85,478 82,855 SUBTOTAL 4,196,603 4,320,702 4,390,714 ADJUSTMENT FOR TAX RELIEF PROGRAMS 48,630 49,612 49,706 RESERVE FOR UNCOLLECTED TAXES 62,689 49,666 64,165 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY 4,307,922 4,419,980 4,504,585 ESTIMATED NET GRAND LIST 6,079,962,468 6,121,582,655 6,155,577,000 TAX RATE-MILLS 0.709 0.722 0.732


City of Norwalk 21 Budget Overview


APPROVED APPROVED RECOMMENDED 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 475,762 525,277 472,749 LESS ESTIMATED REVENUE 88,456 85,478 82,855 SUBTOTAL 387,306 439,799 389,894 ADJUSTMENT FOR TAX RELIEF PROGRAMS 5,399 5,914 5,253 RESERVE FOR UNCOLLECTED TAXES 5,799 5,065 5,710 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY 398,505 450,778 400,857 ESTIMATED NET GRAND LIST 7,006,193,064 7,048,236,314 7,003,582,030 TAX RATE-MILLS 0.057 0.064 0.057

SIXTH TAXING DISTRICT TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 2,102,466 1,767,694 1,856,079 LESS ESTIMATED REVENUE 361,710 - - SUBTOTAL 1,740,756 1,767,694 1,856,079 ADJUSTMENT FOR TAX RELIEF PROGRAMS - - - RESERVE FOR UNCOLLECTED TAXES - - - AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY 1,740,756 1,767,694 1,856,079 ESTIMATED NET GRAND LIST 1,328,081,736 1,356,675,866 1,371,324,924 TAX RATE - MILLS 1.311 1.303 1.353

UNIFORM MOTOR VEHICLE TAXING DISTRICT TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 18,623,820 19,536,388 20,181,444 LESS SUPPLEMENTAL AUTOS 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 SUBTOTAL 16,523,820 17,436,388 18,081,444 RESERVE FOR UNCOLLECTED TAXES 1,301,229 1,373,092 1,444,953 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY 17,825,049 18,809,480 19,526,397 ESTIMATED NET GRAND LIST 616,627,075 641,084,714 650,884,808 TAX RATE - MILLS 28.907 29.340 30.000

22 City of Norwalk 2018-19 General Fund Revenue Sources and Expenditure Categories

$348,135,491 Revenue Sources

All Other Sources, $37,327,579 ; 10.7%

Local Taxes, $310,807,912 ; 89.3% All Other Sources: Interest & Penalties $ 1,806,427 Intergovernmental $19,241,740 Investment Income $ 1,000,000 Service Charges $13,623,862 Miscellaneous $ 2,967141 Total $ 38,639,170

Note: $348,135,491 In addition to the $184,084,348 for direct education Expenditure Categories expenditures, the total city budget also includes Education-Public, approximately $24 million in $184,084,348 ; 52.9% additional expenditures attributable to the Board of Education such as debt service, etc. Taking these adjustments into consideration, education expenditures represents 59.8% of the total budget.

General Government $6,233,926 ; 1.8%

Finance Department, $3,874,229 ; 1.1%

Health & Welfare, Other Operating $2,244,083 ; 0.6% Expenses, $74,608,661 ; 21.6

Protection of Persons Grants, $2,243,471 ; & Property, 0.6% $46,906,667 ; 13.5% Public Works & Recreation, Arts & Culture , Building Mgmt., $8,778,603 ;2.5% $18,665,018 ; 5.4%

City of Norwalk 23 Financial Summaries & Statistics

Below is a summary of revenues and expenditures for the 2018-19 recommended operating budget. This budget represents a 1.4% increase over FY 2017-18.


Actual % Approved % Requested % Recommended % Year over Year 2016-17 Total 2017-18 Total 2018-19 Total 2018-19 Total $ %

Local Taxes 299,774,420 89.4% 304,525,806 88.7% 324,141,752 90.2% 310,807,912 89.3% 6,282,106 2.1% All Other Sources 35,600,240 10.6% 38,639,170 11.3% 35,327,579 9.8% 37,327,579 10.7% (1,311,591) -3.4% TOTAL REVENUE $ 335,374,660 100.0% $ 343,164,976 100.0% $ 359,469,331 100.0% $ 348,135,491 100.0% $ 4,970,515 1.4%

All Other Sources: Interest & Penalties 1,643,728 0.5% 1,806,427 0.5% 1,836,801 0.5% 1,836,801 0.5% 30,374 1.7% Intergovernmental 18,701,743 5.6% 19,241,740 5.6% 17,426,420 4.8% 17,426,420 5.0% (1,815,320) -9.4% Departmental Receipts 12,481,341 3.7% 13,623,862 4.0% 11,965,255 3.3% 11,965,255 3.4% (1,658,607) -12.2% Miscellaneous 2,607,356 0.8% 2,967,141 0.9% 3,099,103 0.9% 3,099,103 0.9% 131,962 4.4% Investment Income 166,072 0.0% 1,000,000 0.3% 1,000,000 0.3% 1,000,000 0.3% - 0.0% Transfer from Fund Balance - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% 2,000,000 0.6% 2,000,000 0.0% Total All Other Sources $ 35,600,240 10.6% $ 38,639,170 11.3% $ 35,327,579 9.8% $ 37,327,579 10.7% $ (1,311,591) -3.4%


Actual % Approved % Requested % Recommended % Year over Year 2016-17 Total 2017-18 Total 2018-19 Total 2018-19 Total $ %

Education-Public 175,039,865 52.9% 184,084,348 53.6% 194,015,575 56.5% 184,084,348 52.9% - 0.0% All Other Categories 155,856,985 47.1% 159,080,628 46.4% 165,453,756 48.2% 164,051,143 47.1% 4,970,515 3.1% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 330,896,850 100.0% $ 343,164,976 100.0% $ 359,469,331 104.8% $ 348,135,491 100.0% $ 4,970,515 1.4%

All Other Categories: General Government 5,710,761 1.7% 6,233,926 1.8% 6,730,411 2.0% 6,730,411 1.9% 496,485 8.0% Finance Department 3,384,669 1.0% 3,625,445 1.1% 3,988,201 1.2% 3,874,229 1.1% 248,784 6.9% Health & Welfare 2,146,223 0.6% 2,096,437 0.6% 2,339,953 0.7% 2,244,083 0.6% 147,646 7.0% Protection of Persons & Prop. 42,693,572 12.9% 43,429,964 12.7% 47,610,028 13.9% 46,906,667 13.5% 3,476,703 8.0% Public Works & Bldg Mgmt. 16,389,087 5.0% 17,532,370 5.1% 18,665,018 5.4% 18,665,018 5.4% 1,132,648 6.5% Recreation, Arts & Culture 8,175,513 2.5% 8,454,300 2.5% 9,106,564 2.7% 8,778,603 2.5% 324,303 3.8% Grants 2,166,079 0.7% 2,128,681 0.6% 2,404,920 0.7% 2,243,471 0.6% 114,790 5.4% Other Operating Expenses 75,191,081 22.7% 75,579,505 22.0% 74,608,661 21.7% 74,608,661 21.4% (970,844) -1.3% Total All Other Categories $ 155,856,985 47.1% $ 159,080,628 46.4% $ 165,453,756 46.0% $ 164,051,143 47.1% $ 4,970,515 3.1%

24 City of Norwalk Financial Summaries & Statistics

This chart represents a history of Board of Education and City expenditures since FY 2009-10. For fiscal year 2009-10, total City expenditures were $127,471,316 and the total for the Board of Education was $151,183,303. The 2018-19 recommended City expenditures are $164,051,143 a 28.7% increase from FY 2009-10, while the Board of Education recommended budget represents a 21.8% over the same period to $184,084,348.

Board of Education and City Expenditure Trend






$100 BUDGETS FY $80 2007-08 ACT 2008-09 ACT $60 2009-10 ACT 2010-11 ACT 2011-12 ACT

EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE TOTALS (Millions) $40 2012-13 ACT 2013-14 ACT $20 2014-15 ACT 2015-16 ACT 2016-17 APP $0 2017-18 APP 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT APP APP REC 2018-19 REC FISCAL YEAR


City of Norwalk 25 Financial Summaries & Statistics


Audited Audited Approved Recommend Actual Actual Budget Budget 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 TOTAL FUND BALANCE - BEGINNING, GAAP basis $ 44,787,629 $ 51,093,601 $ 55,599,775 $ 55,599,775

Revenues TAXES, INTEREST AND LIEN FEES $ 298,453,609 $ 301,418,148 $ 306,332,233 $ 312,644,713 INTERGOVT REVENUES $ 16,939,705 $ 18,701,743 $ 19,241,740 $ 17,426,420 DEPT. FEES & CHGS $ 14,098,930 $ 15,088,697 $ 16,591,003 $ 15,064,358 INVESTMENT INCOME $ 1,845,255 $ 166,072 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 Total Revenues, budget basis $ 331,337,499 $ 335,374,660 $ 343,164,976 $ 346,135,491 GASB 54 - OTHER FUNDS REVENUE $ 509,838 $ 493,457 $ 493,457 $ 493,457 SPECIAL EDUCATION - EXCESS COST REVENUE $ 4,102,026 $ 4,729,867 $ 4,729,867 $ 4,729,867 REVENUES FROM OTHER FUNDS $ (528,352) $ (815,235) $ (815,235) $ (815,235) STATE ON BEHALF/WIC PAYMENTS $ 21,176,086 $ 35,741,701 $ 37,241,701 $ 38,741,701 Total Revenues, GAAP basis $ 356,597,097 $ 375,524,450 $ 384,814,766 $ 389,285,281

Expenditures GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 9,014,654 $ 9,095,430 $ 9,859,371 $ 10,604,640 EDUCATION: PUBLIC SCHOOLS $ 171,747,699 $ 175,039,865 $ 184,084,348 $ 184,084,348 PUBLIC SAFETY $ 45,338,708 $ 42,693,572 $ 43,429,964 $ 46,906,667 HEALTH AND WELFARE $ 2,103,556 $ 2,146,223 $ 2,096,437 $ 2,244,083 PUBLIC WORKS $ 17,793,845 $ 16,389,087 $ 17,532,370 $ 18,665,018 COMMUNITY GRANTS $ 2,247,917 $ 2,166,079 $ 2,128,681 $ 2,243,471 RECREATION, ARTS & CULTURE $ 8,324,662 $ 8,175,513 $ 8,454,300 $ 8,778,603 OPERATING CHARGES $ 69,148,661 $ 75,191,081 $ 75,579,505 $ 74,608,661 Total Expenditures, budgetary basis $ 325,719,702 $ 330,896,850 $ 343,164,976 $ 348,135,491 GASB 54 - OTHER FUNDS EXPENSE $ 440,577 $ 465,093 $ 493,457 $ 493,457 SPECIAL EDUCATION - EXCESS COST REVENUE $ 4,102,026 $ 4,729,867 $ 4,729,867 $ 4,729,867 REVENUES FROM OTHER FUNDS $ (528,352) $ (815,235) $ (815,235) $ (815,235) STATE ON BEHALF PAYMENTS $ 21,176,086 $ 35,741,701 $ 37,241,701 $ 38,741,701 ADD PRIOR YEAR ENCUMBRANCE $ 188,553 $ - $ - $ - SUBTRACT CURRENT YEAR ENCUMBRANCE $ (56,124) $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures, GAAP basis $ 351,042,468 $ 371,018,276 $ 384,814,766 $ 391,285,281

Revenues - Expenditures, budget basis $ 5,617,797 $ 4,477,810 $ - $ (2,000,000) REVENUES - EXPENDITURES, GAAP basis $ 5,554,629 $ 4,506,174 $ - $ (2,000,000)


TOTAL FUND BALANCE - ENDING, GAAP basis $ 51,093,601 $ 55,599,775 $ 55,599,775 $ 53,599,775 % of GAAP Revenues 14.3% 14.8% 14.4% 13.8%

Nonspendable Fund Balance $ (9,586) $ (102,576) $ (102,576) $ (102,576) Restricted Fund Balance $ - $ - $ - Committed Fund Balance $ (3,100,000) $ (1,326,011) $ (1,326,011) $ (1,326,011) Assigned Fund Balance $ (621,275) $ (2,922,441) $ (2,922,441) $ (2,922,441)

UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE, GAAP basis $ 47,362,740 $ 51,248,747 $ 51,248,747 $ 49,248,747 % of GAAP Revenues 13.3% 13.6% 13.3% 12.7%

Notes 1) The FY 2017-18 approved budget does not include the use of fund balance; however, in FY 2018-19 there is a $2,000,000 recommended use of fund balance

26 City of Norwalk Financial Summaries & Statistics


Req Rec YOY 10-YEAR 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 CHANGE CHANGE General Government 48 45 45 47 47 47 47 48 50 52 52 52 - 4 Finance 35 34 34 34 35 35 34 34 36 35 36 35 - - Health & Welfare 21 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 16 - (5) Police (Civilian) 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 - (1) Fire (Civilian) 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 - 1 Other Protection 45 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 44 45 45 1 - Public Works/Bldg. Mgmt. 107 100 100 100 88 88 87 88 88 89 89 89 - (18) Recreation, Arts & Culture 55 51 51 51 49 50 49 50 50 50 51 50 - (5) Subtotal City (Civilian) 333 310 310 312 298 299 297 300 305 308 312 309 1 (24) - - Police (Sworn) 182 182 182 181 181 181 181 181 181 180 180 180 - (2) Fire (Sworn) 141 140 141 141 141 143 142 142 141 141 141 141 - - Subtotal City (Sworn) 323 322 323 322 322 324 323 323 322 321 321 321 - (2) - - City Total 656 632 633 634 620 623 620 623 627 629 633 630 1 (26) Education Total * 1,343 1,331 1,329 1,310 1,236 1,259 1,289 1,255 1,166 1,209 1,209 1,209 - (134) General Fund Total 1,999 1,963 1,962 1,944 1,856 1,882 1,909 1,878 1,793 1,838 1,842 1,839 1 (160) - - Fleet Services Fund 11 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 - (1) Parking Authority 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - (2) WPCA 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 1 Subtotal Other Funds 18 14 14 14 14 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 - (2)

GRAND TOTAL 2,017 1,977 1,976 1,958 1,870 1,897 1,925 1,894 1,809 1,854 1,858 1,855 1 (162)

The chart below shows a 10-year history of changes to the budgeted full-time employees since 2008-09. For fiscal year 2018-19 total reccomended full-time general fund and other fund positions have increased by 1 from 2017-18. Over the ten-year period covered in the chart below the number of Board of Education positions have decreased by 134 or 10.0%, while City sworn personnel have decreased by two or 0.6%. City civilian personnel have decreased by 24 or 7.2%. *The 2018-19 recommneded Board of Education full-time personnel has not yet been updated.

50 40 30 20 10 - (10) (20) (30) (40) (50) (60) (70) (80) (90) (100) 09 09 Budgeted Positions

- (110) (120) (130) (140) (150) (160) (170) (180) Change from 2008 (190) (200) (210) (220)

City Civilian City Sworn Board of Education Other Funds Total

City of Norwalk 27 Financial Summaries & Statistics

PERSONNEL BY DEPARTMENT Req Rec DEPARTMENT 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-192018-19

Mayor's Office 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 Legal 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 City Clerk 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Town Clerk 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Information Technology 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 Personnel & Labor Relations 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Human Relations & Fair Rent 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 Youth Services 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 Registrar of Voters 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Finance Director 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tax Assessor 10 10 10 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 Tax Collector 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Accounting & Treasury 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 9 Management & Budgets 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 Purchasing 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 Health & Welfare 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 16 Police 198 198 197 197 196 196 196 196 196 196 196 Fire 145 146 146 145 147 147 147 147 147 147 147 Planning & Zoning 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 Code Enforcement 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Combined Dispatch 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Public Works 100 100 100 88 88 87 88 88 89 89 89 Parks & Recreation 22 22 22 22 23 22 23 23 23 24 23 Library 28 28 28 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 Historical Commission 1 1 1 ------

GRAND TOTAL 632 633 634 620 623 620 623 627 629 633 630

28 City of Norwalk Financial Summaries & Statistics

Ten Year Personnel History 660


640 634 632 633 629 630 630 627 623 623 620 620

FullTime Employees 620


600 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 Fiscal Year

City personnel belong to one of eight bargaining groups. Police and Fire unions account for most of the employees, as well as most of the salaries for 2017-18.



POLICE 181 28.7% $ 15,724,482 29.5%

LOCAL 2405 107 17.0% $ 7,382,849 13.9%

FIRE 141 22.4% $ 12,304,084 23.1%

NMEA 122 19.4% $ 8,814,365 16.6%

NASA 57 9.0% $ 6,753,248 12.7%

ORDINANCE 18 2.9% $ 1,929,504 3.6%

ELECTED 4 0.6% $ 348,250 0.7%

TOTAL 630 100% $ 53,256,782 100%

City of Norwalk 29 Financial Summaries & Statistics


Fiscal Grand List Grand List Grand List 4th District Adjusted Amount of Levy Collection Year Year Assessed Value % Change Mill Rate Levy Collected Rate

2008-2009 2007 10,672,872,432 - 22.55 236,583,751 232,474,059 98.26%

2009-2010 2008 12,656,343,495 18.6% 19.84 245,698,355 242,491,414 98.69%

2010-2011 2009 12,668,270,823 0.1% 20.58 256,900,612 253,070,482 98.51%

2011-2012 2010 12,786,879,070 0.9% 20.64 261,927,248 258,619,667 98.74%

2012-2013 2011 12,808,981,218 0.2% 21.38 270,616,024 266,442,259 98.46%

2013-2014 2012 12,805,517,547 0.0% 22.19 281,643,493 277,778,490 98.63%

2014-2015 2013 11,823,577,590 -7.7% 25.10 294,159,210 290,306,222 98.69%

2015-2016 2014 11,904,661,061 0.7% 25.43 297,607,889 294,363,210 98.91%

2016-2017 2015 12,087,667,610 1.5% 25.50 307,313,733 303,329,078 98.70%

2017-2018 2016 12,220,457,278 1.1% 25.75 98.50%

2018-2019 2017 12,276,893,154 0.5% 26.22 98.20%

TAX COLLECTION RATES FY 2008-09 TO FY 2018-19 100.00%









95.00% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 FISCAL YEAR END Fiscal Year End 2018 and 2019 show budgeted rates at 98.50% and 98.20%, respectively

30 City of Norwalk

General Fund Revenue

Fiscal Year 2018-19 General Fund Revenues

Audit Audit Approved Recommend YoY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-182018-19Change Local Taxes 296,704,428 299,774,420 304,525,806 310,807,912 6,282,106 Interest & Penalties 1,749,181 1,643,728 1,806,427 1,836,801 30,374 Intergovernmental Revenues16,939,705 18,701,743 19,241,740 17,426,420 (1,815,320) License & Fees 8,463,924 9,693,845 9,834,968 8,236,861 (1,598,107) Service Charges 3,166,487 2,992,734 3,788,894 3,728,394 (60,500) Investment Income 1,845,255 166,072 1,000,000 1,000,000 - Miscellaneous 2,468,519 2,402,118 2,967,141 3,099,103 131,962 Transfer from Fund Balance - - - 2,000,000 2,000,000 GENERAL FUND REVENUE $ 331,337,499 $ 335,374,660 $ 343,164,976 $ 348,135,491 $ 4,970,515

General Fund Revenue by Source

Interest & Penalties 0.5% Intergovernmental Revenues 5.0%

License & Fees 2.3%

Service Charges 1.1%

Investment Income 0.3%

Local Taxes Miscellaneous 89.3% 0.9%

Transfer from Fund Balance 0.6%

City of Norwalk 31 General Fund Revenue


Audit Audit Approved Recommend YoY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Change Ad Valorem Taxes 308,700,250 316,040,582 7,340,333 Less: Reserve for Uncollected (4,630,504) (5,688,730) (1,058,227) Taxes & Relief Programs (3,643,940) (3,643,940) - Subtotal: Current Taxes 300,425,806 306,707,912 6,282,106 Prior Years' Tax Collections 2,000,000 2,000,000 - New Auto Registrations 2,100,000 2,100,000 - NET LOCAL TAX REVENUE$ 292,805,514 $ 296,704,428 $ 304,525,806 $ 310,807,912 $ 6,282,106

The principal source of revenue for the City of Norwalk is the local property tax. Local taxes, which in FY 2018-19, provide 89.3% of the city’s revenue and are levied annually to cover the operating expenses of the city government. There are four main factors that determine the amount of local taxes that need to be raised each fiscal year.

Gross Expenditures – The size of the city’s operating budget is the primary determinant of the amount of money that must be raised through taxes each year. Since the city is required to operate with a balanced budget, when all other factors are equal, the greater the size of the operating budget, the more money that must be raised through taxation.

Other Revenue Sources – The City of Norwalk also receives non-tax revenue that helps to offset the amount of money that needs to be raised through local taxation. This revenue consists of interest and penalties, intergovernmental revenues, licenses and permits, service charges and investment income as well as other miscellaneous revenue. These other revenue sources are detailed in the following pages.

Grand List – The Grand List is the assessed value of all automobile, real and personal property. The Grand List provided by the Tax Assessor’s office for the FY 2018-19 is $12,276,893,154 and represents a 0.5% increase over the current fiscal year.

Tax Collection Rate – For several years Norwalk has had one of the highest tax collection rates of the 10 largest municipalities in the state. The FY 2018-19 recommended budget assumes a collection rate of 98.2%.

Local Tax Revenue

$315 310.8 $310 304.5 $305

$300 296.7

Millions $295 292.8



$280 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

32 City of Norwalk General Fund Revenue


Audit Audit Approved Recommend YoY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Change Interest 1,721,049 1,611,646 1,721,049 1,721,049 - Penalties 28,132 32,082 85,378 115,752 30,374 TOTAL INTEREST & PENALTIES$ 1,749,181 $ 1,643,728 $ 1,806,427 $ 1,836,801 30,374$

Interest and Penalties are assessments on delinquent taxes and constitute 0.5% of city revenues. Interest charges are set at the rate of 18% per annum and are mandated by state legislation. Penalty fees for late payment are also mandated by state legislation. Penalty charges include all lien fees, warrant fees, legal court fees and returned check fees.

Interest & Penalties – The purpose of charging interest and penalties is to place a financial incentive on taxpayers to make timely payments to allow the city to collect the revenue it needs to provide services to its citizens. In FY 2004-05, the city began charging a motor vehicle clearance fee in order to recover the cost imposed upon the city by the State of Connecticut for participation in the tax collection enforcement mechanism of denying motor vehicle registrations to taxpayers who have been reported as owing delinquent vehicle taxes to the city. In FY 2018-19 this fee is expected to bring in $71,400 in revenues.

Total Interest & Penalties 1,836.8 $2,000 1,749.2 1,806.4 1,643.7 $1,500

$1,000 Thousands $500

$- 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

City of Norwalk 33 General Fund Revenue


Audit Audit Approved Recommend YoY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-182018-19Change Education 10,427,576 10,124,108 10,095,656 10,095,656 - Public Works 891,306 894,294 894,294 898,333 4,039 Payment in lieu of Taxes (PILOT)3,428,033 2,130,596 996,841 2,207,015 1,210,174 Other 2,192,790 5,552,745 7,254,949 4,225,416 (3,029,533) TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL16,939,705$ $ 18,701,743 $ 19,241,740 $ 17,426,420 $ (1,815,320)

Intergovernmental revenues help to reduce the amount of money that must be raised by local taxes, and they constitute 5.0% of city revenues in the recommended budget. Total receipts are expected to decrease by $1,815,320 or -9.4% on a budget basis due to a reduction in Municipal Revenue Sharing grant.

Education – Education revenues, which comprise the bulk of intergovernmental revenues, are budgeted at the same amount as in FY 2017-18.

Public Works – The Department of Public Works State Highway grant revenue is relatively unchanged from the FY 2017-18’s budgeted amount.

Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOTs) – These payments represent a partial reimbursement for lost local property tax revenues due to state provided tax exemptions, specifically: state owned property, universities and hospitals, a state mandated program for tax relief for the elderly and veterans. The recommended amount reflects the State of Connecticut’s most recent published amount for the Norwalk.

Other – The City of Norwalk receives other types of revenues that help fund the operation of many programs and projects throughout the city. The recommended budget reflects the anticipated receipts from these revenue sources.

34 City of Norwalk General Fund Revenue

Total Intergovernmental Revenues 19.5 19.2 19.0 18.7 18.5 18.0 17.4 17.5

Millions 16.9 17.0 16.5 16.0 15.5 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

Intergovernmental Revenues by Source

Other 24.2%

Payment in lieu of Taxes (PILOT) 12.7%

Education 57.9%

Public Works 5.2%

City of Norwalk 35 General Fund Revenue


Audit Audit Approved Recommend YoY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-182018-19Change Town Clerk 4,221,527 4,270,998 4,235,757 4,235,757 - Health 402,347 413,435 408,375 405,875 (2,500) Code Enforcement3,423,909 4,639,504 4,603,999 3,084,450 (1,519,549) Public Works 173,641 99,198 222,080 163,770 (58,310) Other 242,500 270,710 364,757 347,009 (17,748) TOTAL LICENSE & FEES8,463,924$ $ 9,693,845 $ 9,834,968 $ 8,236,861 $ (1,598,107)

Licenses and fees revenues help to reduce the amount of money that must be raised by local taxes, and account for 2.3% of all city revenue in the recommended FY 2018-19 budget. Total licenses and fees revenues are budgeted to decrease by $1,598,107 or -16.2% from the FY 2017-18 budgeted amount.

Town Clerk – Revenue collected from the Town Clerk is primarily from the real estate conveyance tax The Town Clerk revenues are budgeted at the same amount as in FY 2017- 18.

Health – The Health Department issues certificates of occupancy to landlords and issues permits for septic sewage, rooming houses, restaurants and salons. Revenue is expected to decrease in FY 2018-19 due to a $2,500 decrease in Food License.

Code Enforcement – Revenue is derived from permits issued for building construction and zoning compliance. Revenue is expected to decrease by $1,519,549 in FY 2018-19 primarily driven by a $1,500,000 decrease in building permit revenue due to a decrease in economic development projects. Other miscellaneous Code Enforcement fees are anticipated to decrease by $19,549.

Public Works – The Department of Public Works issues licenses and permits for driveways and excavation as well as the disposal of bulky waste and the removal of solid waste. A $58,310 decrease is recommended due to a $46,300 decrease in Solid Waste Registration fees, a $10,610 decrease in Bulky Waste License fees and a $1,400 decrease in miscellaneous other accounts.

Other – This includes revenue collected by the City Clerk for vendors, auctioneers, and special event permits. The Police Department also collects revenue associated with bingo and gun permits, and the Planning and Zoning Department collects fees for zoning approvals, applications, conservation permits and outdoor dining permits. A $17,748 decrease is recommended due to small decreases in several fee and permit accounts.

36 City of Norwalk General Fund Revenue

License & Fees by Source Public Works Other 2.0% 4.2%

Code Enforcement 37.5

Town Clerk 51.4%

Health 4.9%

City of Norwalk 37 General Fund Revenue


Audit Audit Approved Recommend YoY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-182018-19Change Town Clerk 572,034 585,975 656,005 657,790 1,785 Health 241,822 204,617 241,900 215,698 (26,202) Police 514,642 452,314 580,355 722,840 142,485 Public Works 686,787 660,870 689,283 659,469 (29,814) Recreation & Parks 972,990 953,1281,458,353 1,341,302 (117,051) Other 178,212 135,830 162,998 131,295 (31,703) TOTAL SERVICE CHARGES3,166,487$ 2,992,734$ 3,788,894$ $ 3,728,394 (60,500)$

Service charges are individual fees charged specifically for the use of a particular city service or activity and constitute 1.1% of the city’s revenue sources. This category reflects a $60,500 or -1.6% decrease over the FY 2017-18 approved budget.

Town Clerk – Service charges associated with the Town Clerk’s office include recording fees for land records and copies for the public. FY 2018-19 recommended budget reflects an increase of $1,785 driven by an increase in the Credit Card Convenience fee.

Health – The revenue in this category is derived primarily from the travel and immunization clinic. The $26,202 decrease is driven primarily by a $24,852 decrease in Clinic Fees and a $1,350 decrease in Sealer Weights and Measures fees.

Police – This revenue includes service charges for police reports, dog pound fees, false alarms and Police services for special events. The recommended increase of $142,485 is driven primarily by a $155,718 increase in Extra Work Surcharges which is offset by a $13,233 net decrease in miscellaneous other accounts.

Public Works – The Department of Public Works provides revenue from solid waste disposal and various recycling fees. The majority of the $29,814 decrease in the recommended budget for FY 2018-19 is due to a decrease of $23,072 in Solid Waste Disposal fee, a $3,518 decrease in City Share Recycling Sales, and a $3,224 decrease in miscellaneous other accounts.

Recreation & Parks – Fees charged are largely for specific recreation programs such as soccer, softball and swimming. Other fees are derived from beach parking and special events such as the Norwalk Boat Show. Many budgeted revenue accounts were changed based on current trends, the largest decrease was $113,701 in Park Usage fees along with a $3,350 decrease in miscellaneous other accounts.

Other – Includes the sale of surplus equipment by the Purchasing department, Library fines, copy fees from the Tax Assessor’s office and Tax Collector research fees along with Public Safety recruiting fees. A total decrease of $31,703 is driven by a $30,300 decrease in Library Donations; a $12,000 decrease in Youth Services contracts with neighboring communities, offset by a $14,400 increase in Library Passport fees and a $3,803 net decrease in other miscellaneous services charges.

38 City of Norwalk General Fund Revenue

Total Service Charges 4,000 3,788.9 3,728.4 3,166.5 3,500 2,992.7 3,000 2,500 2,000

1,500 Thousands 1,000 500 0 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

Service Charges by Source

Other Town Clerk 3.5% 17.6%

Recreation & Parks Health 38.5% 5.8%

Police 19.4%

Public Works 18.2%

City of Norwalk 39 General Fund Revenue


Audit Audit Approved Recommend YoY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-182018-19Change Investment Income1,845,255 166,0721,000,000 1,000,000 - TOTAL 1,845,255$ 166,072$ 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ -$

Investment income constitutes 0.3% of all city revenue. Investment income estimates for next year are based upon current rates of return on the city’s investments. While it is difficult to predict the future course of interest during FY 2018-19, the city anticipates the above increase based on current interest rate trends.

Total Investment Income 2,000 1,845.3

1,500 1,000.0 1,000.0

1,000 Thousands 500 166.1 0 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

40 City of Norwalk General Fund Revenue


Audit Audit Approved Recommend YoY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-182018-19Change Miscellaneous Revenue2,468,519 2,402,118 2,967,141 3,099,103 131,962 TOTAL $ 2,468,519 $ 2,402,118 $ 2,967,141 $ 3,099,103 $ 131,962

Miscellaneous revenue constitutes 0.9% of all city revenue. Revenue from this category is derived from the rental of city property and miscellaneous reimbursements from various sources. The FY 2018-19 net increase of $131,962 or 4.4% is driven primarily by a $117,321 increase in Police reimbursements for the Tasers; an $81,600 increase in Tax Sale Fee Revenue; a $19,558 increase in the Family and Children Aid Rental, offset by a $72,043 decrease in the sale of merchandise at Calf Pasture Beach due to the closing of the operations; the remaining $14,474 of net decreases is spread across other miscellaneous accounts in several departments.

Total Miscellaneous Revenue $3,500 2,967.1 3,099.1 $3,000 2,468.5 2,402.1 $2,500 $2,000 $1,500

Thousands $1,000 $500 $- 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19


Audit Audit Approved Recommend YoY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Change Transfer from Fund Balance - - - 2,000,000 2,000,000 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000

The FY 2018-19 recommended budget includes a $2,000,000 or 0.6% or total revenues use of undesignated fund balance. This use of the fund balance is for tax relief purposes consistent with the city’s fund balance policy.

City of Norwalk 41 General Fund Revenue

Comparison of All Other Revenue Sources

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 AUDIT AUDIT BUDGET RECOMMENDED












10.0 Millions 9.0









0.0 Interest & Intergovernmental Licenses & Service Investment Miscellaneous Transfer from Fund Penalties Revenues Permits Charges Income Balance

42 City of Norwalk General Fund Expenditures

FISCAL YEAR 2018-19 General Fund Expenditures

Audit Audit Approved Recommended YoY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Change Education 171,747,699 175,039,865 184,084,348 184,084,348 - Protection of Persons & Property 45,338,708 42,693,572 43,429,964 46,906,667 3,476,703 Employee Benefits 30,218,397 36,502,100 31,994,473 33,591,482 1,597,009 Debt Service 27,181,010 26,441,276 25,948,865 28,447,763 2,498,898 Public Works 17,793,845 16,389,087 17,532,370 18,665,018 1,132,648 Pension Contributions 11,650,295 12,163,746 13,614,000 10,994,024 (2,619,976) Recreation, Arts, Culture 8,324,662 8,175,513 8,454,300 8,778,603 324,303 General Government 5,620,552 5,710,761 6,233,926 6,730,411 496,485 Finance Department 3,394,102 3,384,669 3,625,445 3,874,229 248,784 Other Operating 98,959 83,959 4,022,167 1,575,392 (2,446,775) Grants 2,247,917 2,166,079 2,128,681 2,243,471 114,790 Health Department 2,103,556 2,146,223 2,096,437 2,244,083 147,646 GENERAL FUND EXPENSE $ 325,719,702 $ 330,896,850 $ 343,164,976 $ 348,135,491 4,970,515

General Fund Expenditures

Employee Benefits Debt Service 9.7% 8.2% Public Works 5.4% Pension Contributions Protection of Persons & 3.2% Property 13.5% Recreation, Arts, Culture 2.5%

General Government 1.9%

Finance Department 1.0%

Other Operating 0.5% Grants 0.6%

Health Department 0.6%


52.9% 43

City of Norwalk 43 General Fund Expenditures

2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Approved Recommend YoY Department Actual Budget Budget Variance

General Government Mayor Mayor $214,483 $252,297 $253,733 $1,436 Grants Administrator 88,239 104,944 104,469 (475) Early Childhood Program 79,536 79,572 83,117 3,545 Arts Council 13,209 15,135 13,135 (2,000) Department Total 395,466 451,948 454,454 2,506 Legislature 13,008 15,550 15,550 - Corporation Counsel 1,115,264 1,222,296 1,301,775 79,479 City Clerk 374,303 382,024 395,136 13,112 Town Clerk 576,475 605,725 645,143 39,418 Information Technology 1,663,002 1,872,121 1,980,573 108,452 Personnel & Labor Relations 517,447 605,385 634,471 29,086 Human Relations & Fair Rent 333,052 345,384 385,169 39,785 Youth Services 296,661 331,505 370,997 39,492 Registrar Of Voters 426,083 401,988 547,143 145,155 Total - General Government $5,710,761 6,233,926 6,730,411 $496,485

Finance Department Finance Director $227,077 $213,985 $218,175 $4,190 Tax Assessor 734,365 832,860 892,089 59,229 Tax Collector 869,449 964,381 949,851 (14,530) Accounting & Treasury 838,183 887,520 1,052,819 165,299 Management & Budgets 366,798 323,570 337,477 13,907 Purchasing 348,797 403,129 423,818 20,689 Total - Finance $3,384,669 $3,625,445 $3,874,229 $248,784

Health & Welfare Administration $373,449 $307,160 $324,216 $17,056 Building Maintenance 112,043 117,346 115,970 (1,376) Enviro Health & Housing 843,804 845,555 917,953 72,398 Laboratory 158,420 165,666 172,730 7,064 Medical & Education Services 93,115 92,377 98,815 6,438 Preventable Diseases 380,086 379,769 421,314 41,545 Sealer Weights & Measures 64,905 68,014 72,489 4,475 Senior Svcs Coord Council 120,401 120,550 120,596 46 Total - Health & Welfare $2,146,223 $2,096,437 $2,244,083 $147,646

44 City of Norwalk General Fund Expenditures

2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Approved Recommend YoY Department Actual Budget Budget Variance

Protection of Persons & Property Police Department Administration $491,721 $473,833 $508,086 $34,253 Patrol Operations 12,049,295 11,435,080 12,574,000 1,138,920 Investigative Services 4,335,066 4,425,449 5,048,515 623,066 Professional Standards 1,220,547 1,132,887 1,190,520 57,633 Support Services 2,193,259 2,888,440 2,572,387 (316,053) Administrative Services 972,470 980,343 1,036,834 56,491 Department Total 21,262,358 21,336,032 22,930,342 1,594,310

Fire Department Administration 477,101 425,075 471,673 46,598 Firefighting 14,836,163 14,927,929 16,151,076 1,223,147 Prevention 530,970 655,317 922,761 267,444 Fire Training 280,510 275,721 294,555 18,834 Support Services 856,687 969,251 965,120 (4,131) Emergency Preparedness Planning 135,887 138,068 139,970 1,902 Department Total 17,117,318 17,391,361 18,945,155 1,553,794

Planning & Zoning Planning & Zoning 812,829 1,062,040 1,021,180 (40,860) Conservation 194,620 208,538 220,518 11,980 Department Total 1,007,449 1,270,578 1,241,698 (28,880)

Code Enforcement 819,757 816,081 933,768 117,687

Dispatch & Emergency Mgmt. Planning Administration 191,413 193,833 206,602 12,769 Communications/911 2,295,276 2,422,079 2,649,102 227,023 Department Total 2,486,689 2,615,912 2,855,704 239,792

Total - Protection Persons $42,693,570 $43,429,964 46,906,667 $3,476,703

Public Works and Building Management Public Works Department Administrative Services $1,043,965 $997,012 $1,036,333 $39,321 Operations 11,231,566 12,025,944 12,469,888 443,944 Engineering/Bldg. Mgmt. 3,951,720 4,330,535 4,962,854 632,319 Customer Service Center 161,836 178,879 195,943 17,064 Total - DPW & Bldg Mgt $16,389,087 $17,532,370 $18,665,018 $1,132,648

City of Norwalk 45 General Fund Expenditures

2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Approved Recommend YoY Department Actual Budget Budget Variance

Education $175,039,865 $184,084,348 $184,084,348 $0

Recreation, Arts & Culture Recreation & Parks Administration $701,222 $630,085 $663,665 $33,580 Recreation 491,340 622,705 662,224 39,519 Park Maintenance 2,982,690 2,976,555 3,060,936 84,381 Building Management 137,024 143,837 140,866 (2,971) Grants 15,352 15,354 15,354 - Department Total 4,327,627 4,388,536 4,543,045 154,509 Library Administration/Programs 3,317,676 3,464,341 3,648,192 183,851 Main Library Maintenance 244,972 276,401 241,255 (35,146) Sono Branch Maintenance 75,848 92,348 88,577 (3,771) Department Total 3,638,496 3,833,090 3,978,024 144,934 Historical Commission 209,390 232,674 257,534 24,860 Total - Recreation, Arts & Culture $8,175,514 $8,454,300 $8,778,603 $324,303

Grants Outside Agencies Senior Center $365,650 $377,000 $385,000 $8,000 Carver Foundation-Summer Camp 152,702 158,000 158,000 - Family & Children'S Agency 39,709 44,000 44,000 - Open Door Shelter 55,724 60,000 60,000 - Americares Free Clinic 32,440 36,000 36,000 - Carver Foundation-School Transition 32,500 36,000 36,000 - Mid Fairfield Child Guidance Ctr 25,000 28,000 28,000 - Person To Person 25,000 28,000 28,000 - School Based Health Centers 20,222 23,000 23,000 - Sexual Assault Crisis Center 17,489 20,000 20,000 - Children'S Connection 17,489 20,000 20,000 - Southwest Ct Mental Health 15,989 18,000 18,000 - Human Services Council 14,210 16,000 16,000 - Elderhouse 10,374 12,000 18,000 6,000 Connecticut Counseling Centers 2,186 3,000 3,000 - Norwalk Mentor Program - - 4,500 4,500 Domestic Violence Crisis Center 6,012 6,100 6,100 - Courage to Speak Foundation - - 1,500 1,500 Norwalk Housing Authority 10,224 - - - Total Outside Agencies 842,920 885,100 905,100 20,000

46 City of Norwalk General Fund Expenditures

2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Approved Recommend YoY Department Actual Budget Budget Variance

City Agencies Transit District $517,820 $517,820 $543,711 25,891 Probate Court 27,135 27,135 26,900 (235) Harbor Commission 9,134 9,134 9,134 - Redevelopment Agency 265,022 187,327 219,352 32,025 Neighborhood Improvement Cood. 108,104 102,272 103,601 1,329 Housing Site Dev. Agency 150,136 158,846 157,089 (1,757) Fair Housing Officer 150,808 146,047 183,584 37,537 Summer Youth Employment 95,000 95,000 95,000 - Total City Agencies 1,323,159 1,243,581 1,338,371 94,790

Total - Grants $2,166,079 $2,128,681 2,243,471 $114,790

Operating Charges Debt Service $26,441,276 $25,948,865 $28,447,763 $2,498,898 Organizational Memberships 83,959 100,357 105,014 4,657 Employee Benefits - Health Insurance 11,983,068 7,138,449 8,535,188 1,396,739 Social Security 2,470,955 2,566,191 2,643,177 76,986 Opeb Contribution 14,846,636 15,346,636 16,096,636 750,000 Board Of Education Benefits 2,901,723 3,425,923 1,885,489 (1,540,434) Unemployment Compensation 118,435 152,779 152,779 - Liability And Wc Insurance 4,181,283 3,364,495 4,278,213 913,718 Employee Benefits Total 36,502,100 31,994,473 33,591,482 1,597,009

Pensions Police 4,354,100 4,792,975 3,933,226 (859,749) Fire 2,628,693 2,903,735 1,888,053 (1,015,682) City 5,180,953 5,917,290 5,172,745 (744,545) Pensions Total 12,163,746 13,614,000 10,994,024 (2,619,976)

Contingency - 3,921,810 1,470,378 (2,451,432) Total - Operating Charges $75,191,081 $75,579,505 $74,608,661 ($970,844)

Grand Total $330,896,849 $343,164,976 $348,135,491 $4,970,515

City of Norwalk 47 CITY OF NORWALK


48 Department Summary - MAYOR MAYOR

Description of Service/Mission Statements: To provide leadership for the executive branch of city government and oversee the services provided to city residents. The Mayor’s Office is responsible for maintaining communications and coordination among department directors, boards and commissions; maintaining rapport with the Common Council; meeting with the public and providing them with information on matters of concern, and advocating for the city in regional, state and federal forums.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: • Lead, organize and advocate for Norwalk by engaging local, state and federal legislators around education, public safety, job creation and economic stability for families. • Continue to engage citizens, city departments, boards and commissions and local businesses around important initiatives and action items throughout the year, including issues related to the Connecticut Department of Transportation, the Walk-Bridge project. • Develop a master plan for bike and pedestrian safety. • Identify new employee health insurance solutions to ease burden on taxpayers. • Increase delivery of information to residents and the media about issues, initiatives and programs driven by the Mayor’s Office to engage communities and strengthen communication. • Fund the needed infrastructure improvements to Norwalk Public Schools. • Embark on a new Plan for Conservation and Development. • Complete a plan to address commuter, business and residential parking in Norwalk.

Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Constrain taxes to the lowest practical level for FY 2018-19, while maintaining all vital city services.

• Improve and enhance Norwalk's business and residential environment through the efforts of the SoNo Task Force and the Wall Street Task Force.

• Begin implementation of a Master Plan for Wall Street/Norwalk Center.

• Implement recommendations to promote Transit Oriented Development in the vicinity of the South Norwalk Train Station.

• Support the work of the Business Advisory Council. Examine the city's permit processing function with the objective of reducing unnecessary delays in the processing of city permits needed for new construction.

• Examine the feasibility of establishing a Tax Increment Financing District to promote development in Norwalk's urban core.

• Establish and support the work of a Mayor's Youth Advisory Council.

• Develop a master plan for bike and pedestrian safety.

• Establish and support the work of a Charter Revision Commission to update the City Charter.

• Provide opportunities for Norwalk citizens to engage with their city government through Mayor's Night Out events which will be held in various city neighborhoods on a monthly basis. Promote transparency in the operation of city government.

City of Norwalk 49 Department Summary - MAYOR

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Mayor's departmental recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net increase of $2,506 or 0.6% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense. Supplies and Materials increased $2,900; Personnel Expenses increased $2,288 due to annual wage adjustments and Contractual services decreased $2,682.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Mayor $142,540 $214,483 $252,297 $253,733 $253,733 $1,436 0.57 % Grants Administrator $103,546 $88,239 $104,944 $104,469 $104,469($475 ) (0.45 %) Early Childhood Program $49,983 $79,536 $79,572 $83,117 $83,117 $3,545 4.46 % Arts Commission $15,235 $13,209 $15,135 $13,135 $13,135 ($2,000) (13.21%)

Total $311,304 $395,466 $451,948 $454,454 $454,454 $2,506 0.55 %

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $274,553 $353,499 $406,241 $408,529 $408,529 $2,288 0.56 % Contractual Services $29,887 $39,989 $42,957 $40,275 $40,275 ($2,682) (6.24%) Supplies and Materials $2,507 $1,978 $2,750 $5,650 $5,650 $2,900 105.45 % Fixed Charges $4,357 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $311,304 $395,466 $451,948 $454,454 $454,454 $2,506 %0.55

NON-TAX REVENUE Miscellaneous $1,218 $1,090 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $0 0.00 % Total $1,218 $1,090 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $0 0.00 %

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $310,086 $394,376 $449,448 $451,954 $451,954 $2,506 %0.56

City of Norwalk 50 Department Summary - MAYOR

Summary by Division - Recommended FY 2018-19

Arts Early Childhood Program Commission $83,117 $13,135

Grants Administrator

$104,469 $253,733 Mayor

PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Ma yor Assistant to the Mayor 01$0 1 $100,1691 $100,169 $101,5671 $101,5670 $1,398 Mayor 11$114,524 1 $138,4681 $138,468 $138,4681 $138,468 0 $0 Total 1 $114,524 2 $238,637 2 $238,637 2 $240,035 2 $240,0350 $1,398 Grants Administrator Grants Coordinator 11$97,420 1 $99,3691 $101,357 $101,3571 $101,357 0 $0 Total 1 $97,420 1 $99,369 1 $101,357 1 $101,357 1 $101,3570 $0 Early Childhood Program NECC Coordinator 11$44,972 1 $65,7721 $65,772 $67,1371 $67,1370 $1,365 Total 1 $44,972 1 $65,772 1 $65,772 1 $67,137 1 $67,1370 $1,365

Department Total 3 $256,916 44$403,778 $405,766 4 $408,529 4 $408,529 0 $2,763

City of Norwalk 51 Department Summary - MAYOR


Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $126,981 $201,687 $238,637 $240,035 $240,035 $1,398 %0.59 Contractual Services $11,202 $12,796 $13,660 $13,698 $13,698 $38 %0.28 Fixed Charges $4,357 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $142,540 $214,483 $252,297 $253,733 $253,733 $1,436 0.57 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $142,540 $214,483 $252,297 $253,733 Employees 1 22 2 Outputs Conduct Monthly Department Head Meetings 12 12 12 12 Conduct Monthly Mayor's Night Out for Public 12 12 12 12 Prepare and Distribute Common Council Agendas24 24 24 24 Effectiveness Adhere to operating budget cap and departmental 100% 100% 100% 100% expenditure cap Attend all Board of Estimate & Taxation meetings100% 100% 100% 100% Distribute Common Council agendas by Friday 100% 100% 100% 100% deadline Meet all Charter requirements and deadlines with 100% 100% 100% 100% respect to operating and capital budgets Preside over all Common Council meetings 100% 100% 100% 100%

City of Norwalk 52 Department Summary - MAYOR

GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The Grants Coordinator is responsible for maintaining the records of Grant applications for the City of Norwalk; for researching and applying for all grants (not applied for by specific departments) that might benefit the City; for overseeing the Weed & Seed Initiative budget, application, and serving at the Mayor’s pleasure on both the Weed & Seed Steering Committee and the Executive Committee; for compiling quarterly updates on status of outstanding grants and requesting information from all departments on their grant activities. The Grants Coordinator is also responsible for encouraging collaborative activities both within city departments and between city departments and outside agencies; responsible for seeing opportunities for leveraging scarce resources and building the services and assets for the City’s quality of life for all citizens. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $102,264 $86,041 $101,832 $101,357 $101,357 ($475) (0.47%) Contractual Services $803 $1,588 $2,112 $2,112 $2,112 $0 %0.00 Supplies and Materials $479 $609 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 0.00 % Total $103,546 $88,239 $104,944 $104,469 $104,469 ($475) (0.45%)

EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES To support a comprehensive and coordinated approach to managing the City’s early childhood education efforts, the Coordinator of Early Childhood Programs works collaboratively with the Norwalk Early Childhood Council (NECC), the Norwalk Public Schools, and early childhood program providers to ensure appropriate oversight and governance of the City’s early childhood education efforts. Placing this function directly within the Mayor’s Office will provide the senior-level support for the work of the NECC, and serves to demonstrate the City’s strong commitment to a comprehensive birth-to-eight Early Childhood Program. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $45,308 $65,772 $65,772 $67,137 $67,137 $1,365 %2.08 Contractual Services $4,675 $13,764 $13,800 $15,980 $15,980 $2,180 %15.80 Total $49,983 $79,536 $79,572 $83,117 $83,117 $3,545 4.46 %

City of Norwalk 53 Department Summary - MAYOR

ARTS COMMISSION DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES A volunteer organization that produces and organizes events to foster an appreciation of the arts and showcase local artists, designers and musicians. Events have included pARTy in the Park, Sounds of SoNo and ArtsSpots networking events. The Commission has also been awarded grants from Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism to expand its activities. The results include a "Traffic Graphic" program developed with the Norwalk Library to decorate power terminals along City streets, an "Arts in the Windows" program and a variety of events throughout the City. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Contractual Services $13,207 $11,841 $13,385 $8,485 $8,485 ($4,900) %)(36.61 Supplies and Materials $2,028 $1,369 $1,750 $4,650 $4,650 $2,900 %165.71 Total $15,235 $13,209 $15,135 $13,135 $13,135 ($2,000) (13.21%)

City of Norwalk 54 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. MAYOR 010100 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $126,981 $201,687 $238,637$240,035 $240,035 $1,398

010100 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

010100 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $5,269 $5,269 $5,270$5,270 $5,270 $0 US Conference of Mayors annual dues 010100 5245 TELEPHONE $1,228 $1,800 $1,377$1,411 $1,411 $34 Office lines: $811 Mayor's cell phone @ $50/month = $600 010100 5247 OTHER UTILITY SERVICES $76 $106 $153 $157 $157 $4

010100 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

010100 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $4,630 $5,622 $5,660 $5,660 $5,660 $0 Cameo vending @ $10/month =$120 Travel and conference expenses $1,000 Misc. business expenses $4,540 010100 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $0 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $0 CCM yearly conference and any other relevant conferences 010100 5418 MAYOR INSURANCE PREMIUM $3,350 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

010100 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $1,007 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $142,540 $214,483 $252,297 $253,733 $253,733 $1,436 GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR 010150 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $99,802 $83,330 $101,357$101,357 $101,357 $0

010150 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $1,987 $2,236 $0$0 $0 $0

010150 5150 LONGEVITY $475 $475 $475$0 $0($475 )

010150 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $159 $1,062 $412$412 $412 $0 Fed-Ex charges to send out grants 010150 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $0 $400$400 $400 $0

010150 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $396 $456 $800$800 $800 $0 Foundation Center Online Grant Directory $185 Grants Alert for Cities & Towns $140 Chronicle on Philanthropy $75 The Hour and Advocate $400 and any other grant subscriptions 010150 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 Trips to Hartford, plus mileage for any other trips made 010150 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $247 $70 $500$500 $500 $0

010150 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $479 $609 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0

Division Total $103,546 $88,239 $104,944 $104,469 $104,469 ($475) EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAM 010160 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $45,308 $65,772 $65,772$67,137 $67,137 $1,365

010160 5225 TYPING SERVICES $390 $490 $700$980 $980 $280 Minutes for the Norwalk Early Childhood Council

City of Norwalk 55 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 010160 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $4,285 $12,159 $12,000$14,500 $14,500 $2,500 Payments to monitor school readiness program providers 010160 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $0 $1,115 $1,100$500 $500($600 )

Division Total $49,983 $79,536 $79,572 $83,117 $83,117 $3,545 ARTS COMMISSION 010170 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $850 $1,543 $1,750$1,085 $1,085($665 ) WPA and public art wayfinding resources - print $335 $750 for printing for Poet Laureate 010170 5225 TYPING SERVICES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

010170 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $463 $100 $50 $50 $50 $0 Membership Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County and Norwalk Chamber of Commerce 010170 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $11,894 $9,134 $9,785 $5,650 $5,650 ($4,135) Mayor's Gallery Curator - 3 installations @ $500 each-$1,500 WPA & Public Art Tour Coordinator $200/month x 12 months: $2,400

Engagement & stewardship services: public art inventory, gifts & donations, labels, curating, mobile app maintenance, communication/engagement, Norwalk Public Schools liaison 50 hours x $35 : $1,750 010170 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $0 $1,064 $1,800 $1,700 $1,700 ($100) Transportation (vans) for public art tours :$1,200

Mobile app - WPA, public art, cultural assets 60 points x $100 (cost share @$500 wit h other departments/commissions) $500 010170 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $2,028 $1,369 $1,750$4,650 $4,650 $2,900 Supplies for SLOW Art Day, student docent led tours, public art engagement activities:$1,500 Poet Laureate program supplies $750 Hanging supplies & digital signage - public art in City Hall corridors: $2,400 Division Total $15,235 $13,209 $15,135 $13,135 $13,135 ($2,000)

Department Total $311,304 $395,466 $451,948 $454,454 $454,454 $2,506

City of Norwalk 56 Department Summary - LEGISLATIVE LEGISLATIVE

Description of Service/Mission Statements: In accordance with Article IV of the Norwalk City Code, the Common Council shall have the power to make, alter, repeal and enforce ordinances; to pass and rescind resolutions, rules, votes and orders" for the following purposes:

• Financial Management - Authorize the Mayor to borrow on behalf of the city, regulate the city's Operating and Capital Budgets; approve matters relative to taxation and assessment.

• Public Safety & Welfare – Approve the functioning and regulation of the city's service departments.

• Licenses and Permits – Enact ordinances or bylaws governing the issuance of required licenses and permits.

• Government Organization – Maintain the power of creating and/or reorganizing city departments for the efficient management of government duties and responsibilities.

City of Norwalk 57 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. LEGISLATIVE 010200 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $161 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

010200 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $11,950 $11,413 $11,550$11,550 $11,550 $0 15 Council Members @50/mth. = $9,000 1 Treasurer @ $25/mth. = $300 Also includes $150 each stipend for Selectmen 3 Selectmen x $150 = $450 1 Recording Monitor @ 75/meeting x 24 = $1,800 010200 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

010200 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $2,741 $1,595 $4,000$4,000 $4,000 $0

Division Total $14,852 $13,007 $15,550 $15,550 $15,550 $0

Department Total $14,852 $13,007 $15,550 $15,550 $15,550 $0

City of Norwalk 58 Department Summary - CORPORATION COUNSEL


Description of Service/Mission Statements: The Corporation Counsel's office is the legal advisor and counsel for the City of Norwalk, its Departments, Boards, Commissions and employees. Its primary purpose is to provide legal services, support and advice in a prompt and professional manner. It represents the City in all manner of litigation or other legal proceedings, whether in the court system or before any or all other State or government agencies including matters before the Freedom of Information Commission or the State Labor Board. It supervises the preparation of all ordinances, regulations and other legal papers. It negotiates, prepares and approves contracts and other legal instruments to which the city is a party. The department gives written opinions on questions of law involving powers and duties of departments, commissions, or officials. The Corporation Counsel's office is organized along functional lines, with an attorney assigned to each department, commission or official of the city or to a particular area of law.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: • Reviewed and/or prepared ordinances, contracts, pleadings and other legal instruments and documents.

• Represented the city and its officials and employees in all manner of legal proceedings.

• Enforced ordinance and code regulations (Building, Zoning, Fire, etc.).

• Worked with departments and agencies to determine how best to use the Law Department and advised departments on how to avoid litigation, liability, exposure and contractual problems.

• Advised departments and officials on how to comply with the Freedom of Information Act.

Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Continue to provide legal services, representation and advice as needed, to city agencies, boards and commissions, and their agents, employees, the Mayor, and the Common Council.

• Continue to appear at and represent the city in all matters under the jurisdiction of the Workers’ Compensation Commission, Board of Mediation and Arbitration, Commission on Human Rights, etc.

• Continue to work with the Personnel Department and other departments to ensure maximum utilization of all personnel, and enforce work rules and disciplinary procedures.

• Represent the city's interest in the large number of tax appeals that have already been filed and in those that are anticipated.

City of Norwalk 59 Department Summary - CORPORATION COUNSEL

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Corporation Counsel's departmental recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net increase of $79,479 or 6.5% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget. Personnel Expenses accounted for $68,895 of the increase due to contractual step increases and the settlement of union contracts. Funds for contract settlement were held in contingency in FY 2017-18 and were not included in departmental budgets. Additionally, the increase of part time hour from 25 to 27.5 hours per week for the Corporation Counsel and Assistant Corporation Counsel also accounted for this increase in personnel expenses. Contractual Expenses increased $10,584 primarily for subscriptions and newly mandated training for attorneys practicing in the State of Connecticut.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Corporation Counsel $1,096,497 $1,115,265 $1,222,296 $1,301,775 $1,301,775 $79,479 6.50 %

Total $1,096,497 $1,115,265 $1,222,296 $1,301,775 $1,301,775 $79,479 6.50 %

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $850,983 $917,205 $982,452 $1,051,347 $1,051,347 $68,895 7.01 % Contractual Services $230,931 $194,300 $233,844 $244,428 $244,428 $10,584 4.53 % Supplies and Materials $4,070 $3,760 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $0 0.00 % Fixed Charges $10,514 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $1,096,497 $1,115,265 $1,222,296 $1,301,775 $1,301,775 $79,479 %6.50

NON-TAX REVENUE Miscellaneous $0 $29 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $0 $29 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 %

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $1,096,497 $1,115,237 $1,222,296 $1,301,775 $1,301,775 $79,479 %6.50

PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Cor poration Counsel Associate Corporation Counsel 01$0 0 $01 $79,772 $71,6731 $71,673 0 ($8,099) Corporation Counsel 11$88,025 1 $89,7861 $101,677 $114,4741 $114,4740 $12,797 Deputy Corporation Counsel 11$150,836 1 $153,1991 $156,263 $159,5361 $159,5360 $3,273 Assistant Corporation Counsel 33$342,784 3 $349,3143 $355,574 $386,5133 $386,5130 $30,939 Assistant Corporation Counsel P/T 11$73,996 1 $76,1761 $78,351 $94,4811 $94,4810 $16,130 Senior Legal Secretary 22$146,926 2 $146,9262 $146,926 $156,7142 $156,7140 $9,788 Assistant Legal Secretary 11$60,439 1 $60,4391 $60,439 $64,4661 $64,4660 $4,027 Total 9 $863,006 9 $875,840 10 $979,002 10 $1,047,857 10 $1,047,8570 $68,855

Department Total 9 $863,006 910$875,840 $979,002 10 $1,047,857 10 $1,047,857 0 $68,855

City of Norwalk 60 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. CORPORATION COUNSEL 010300 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $766,497 $847,281 $979,002$1,047,857 $1,047,857 $68,855 This increase will reflect the increase in the weekly hours of employment for both Mario F. Coppola, Corporation Counsel and Carolyn M. Colangelo, Assistant Corporation Counsel, from 25 hrs/wk to 27.5 hrs/wk. 010300 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $253 $190 $0$0 $0 $0

010300 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $6,794 $7,204 $0$0 $0 $0

010300 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $74,519 $59,121 $0$0 $0 $0

010300 5150 LONGEVITY $2,920 $3,410 $3,450$3,490 $3,490 $40

010300 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

010300 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $3,423 $750 $4,121$4,121 $4,121 $0

010300 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $241 $400 $500$500 $500 $0

010300 5225 TYPING SERVICES $2,620 $2,610 $2,800$2,800 $2,800 $0

010300 5234 SUBSCRIPTION-TAX,LAW $26,413 $27,003 $19,500$27,257 $27,257 $7,757 This increase is to fund the subscription that the Law Department has for the WestLaw legal research resource. This was approved by the Common Council on April 25, 2017. This represents an increase in the costs from the prior Fiscal Year and incorporates the annual 5% increase that is part of the subscription agreement. To make up a portion of this increase we have terminated our renewal of hard copies of the legal volumes (relying almost solely on our digital assets). 010300 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $684 $230 $1,500$1,500 $1,500 $0

010300 5237 ADVERTISING $1,759 $0 $0

010300 5245 TELEPHONE $2,361 $2,336 $1,600$1,640 $1,640 $40

010300 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $184,953 $149,528 $189,000$189,000 $189,000 $0

010300 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $0 $0$1,050 $1,050 $1,050 This is virtually a new account. It was created this year and funded with a transfer of funds ($525) from another account (#5258). We seek to have it directly funded outright to satisfy our contractual obligation to reimburse our staff for tuition expenses. These expenses have been approved by the Personnel Department. The amount is set for $1,050 this year to pay for two (2) semesters of education. 010300 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $3,890 $3,553 $4,060$4,060 $4,060 $0

010300 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $481 $740 $500$500 $500 $0

010300 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $3,340 $4,759 $4,263$6,000 $6,000 $1,737 This is to pay for the cost of our copies (Black & White and Color). The City has been involved in an ever increasing amount of complex litigation cases. In addition, since we try to keep most of our work ‘in house’ we are guaranteed to churn out a lot of copies. Color copies are most often used in our tax and land use appeals where photographs are often used in court and attached to briefs. 010300 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $764 $2,389 $6,000$6,000 $6,000 $0

City of Norwalk 61 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 010300 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $4,070 $3,760 $6,000$6,000 $6,000 $0

010300 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

010300 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $7,044 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

010300 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $3,470 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

010300 5742 IT SOFTWARE $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $1,096,497 $1,115,265 $1,222,296 $1,301,775 $1,301,775 $79,479

Department Total $1,096,497 $1,115,265 $1,222,296 $1,301,775 $1,301,775 $79,479

City of Norwalk 62 Department Summary - CITY CLERK CITY CLERK

Description of Service/Mission Statements: The City Clerk's office is responsible for maintaining minutes and processing actions by the Common Council and Board of Estimate and Taxation; recording and codifying all legislation enacted by the City of Norwalk; preparing the bi-monthly Council agenda packet; maintaining the Master Calendar of all Agency, Board and Commission meetings in compliance with the Freedom of Information laws; administering the use of the Norwalk Concert Hall; overseeing issuance of special event, film, and arcade permits, representing the Mayor wherever he chooses and receiving the written notification of claims and suits filed against the city.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: • Continued to maintain minutes and actions of the Common Council and Board of Estimate and Taxation in an organized and timely manner

• Continued to successfully utilized cash reporting and auditing procedures for City Clerk’s Office.

• Organized the Mayor’s Ball 2017 and increased profits for charities through additional fundraising sources.

o Worked with NPD and the ordinance committee to change the ordinance and develop better system for screening solicitor companies as well as required badges for individual solicitors as proof of their valid permit.

• Assisted all area agencies in their fundraising efforts.

• Streamlined room rentals and schedule posting and maintained the weekly calendar of meetings and events in City Hall:

o Updated special events contract with clarifying language. o Helped develop a communication plan with the emergency management team. o All staff trained in updated ADA protocol. o Notified vendors in the city of licensing procedures, managed compliance and collect licensing, increasing to over $ 9,000, o Collected fees exceeding $35,000 for use of Concert Hall and Community Room. o Worked with IT to develop and executed a system for updating appointees on Agencies, Boards and Commissions on City website. o Worked with IT to develop a new city website with improved navigation for all users. o Helped develop city Telephone Directory which is now available online for easy access. o Helped implement room booking requests through CivicPlus website, where users can view the City Hall conference room availability online, as well as request rooms and dates through a form on the website

• Worked with outside agencies to promote awareness of various programs.

• Updated and maintain NorwalkCT website listings, agendas, minutes and events.

• Oversaw contracts for companies filming in Norwalk for television and movies.

Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Continue efficient office operation (agendas, schedules, research, etc.) and improve public contact

• Attend CCM seminars for further improvements on efficiency and regulation, as well as any additional on-going training, as needed

• Monitor all vendors in the city in order to ensure that all the permits and insurance are current and all applicable fees have been paid

• Continue to be a reliable resource for the citizens of Norwalk.

• Maintain the city website with IT in order to ensure that information is updated and accurate.

• Post more forms and applications on city website for public access.

City of Norwalk 63 Department Summary - CITY CLERK

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The City Clerk's departmental recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net increase of $13,112 or 3.4% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget. This increase is driven by a $13,106 increase in Personnel Expenses due to contractual step increases and the settlement of union contracts. Funds for contract settlement were held in contingency in FY 2017-18 and were not included in departmental budgets. Contractual services increased $6.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Administration $384,349 $374,303 $382,024 $395,136 $395,136 $13,112 3.43 %

Total $384,349 $374,303 $382,024 $395,136 $395,136 $13,112 3.43 %

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $339,044 $341,585 $337,112 $350,218 $350,218 $13,106 3.89 % Contractual Services $35,447 $28,390 $39,912 $39,918 $39,918 $6 0.02 % Supplies and Materials $4,974 $4,327 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0 0.00 % Fixed Charges $4,884 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $384,349 $374,303 $382,024 $395,136 $395,136 $13,112 %3.43

NON-TAX REVENUE Licenses & Permits $9,715 $7,545 $9,715 $9,715 $9,715 $0 0.00 % Service Charges $1,088 $1,706 $1,088 $1,088 $1,088 $0 0.00 % Miscellaneous $41,580 $33,800 $47,773 $47,773 $47,773 $0 0.00 % Total $52,383 $43,050 $58,576 $58,576 $58,576 $0 0.00 %

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $331,966 $331,253 $323,448 $336,560 $336,560 $13,112 %4.05

PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Cit y Clerk Assistant City Clerk 11$66,112 1 $64,8161 $65,573 $67,1141 $67,1140 $1,541 City Clerk 11$77,493 1 $79,0431 $80,624 $82,5191 $82,5190 $1,895 Administrative Support II 11$57,550 1 $57,5501 $57,550 $61,3841 $61,3840 $3,834 Mayor's Executive Secretary 11$65,803 1 $67,1191 $68,462 $70,0711 $70,0710 $1,609 Administrative Secretary II 11$63,453 1 $63,4531 $63,453 $67,6801 $67,6800 $4,227 Total 5 $330,411 5 $331,981 5 $335,662 5 $348,768 5 $348,7680 $13,106

Department Total 5 $330,411 55$331,981 $335,662 5 $348,768 5 $348,768 0 $13,106

City of Norwalk 64 Department Summary - CITY CLERK PERFORMANCE INDICATORS

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $384,349$374,303 $382,024 $395,136 Employees 555 5 Outputs Administration # of Boards, Commissions & Committees 7575 75 75 # of hours spent preparing Common Council 15 per meeting15 per meeting 15 per meeting 15 per meeting meeting agendas # of Legal Notices 3535 35 35 # of special appropriations required 000 0 Communications/Outreach # of FOI requests 5040 40 40 # of insurance claims referred to Corporation 150120 120 120 Counsel’s Office City Hall Booking # of City Hall meetings or events booked 500 500 500 500 # of paid Concert Hall/Community Room Events 500 100 100 100 Scheduled Permits # of permit signing days 222 2 # of permits issued 400 125 125 125 Projects # of special projects initiated 20 10 10 10 Effectiveness Administration % of approved budget expended 99.9%98.6% 100% 100% Communications/Outreach % of FOI requests responded to/resolved in a 98%98% 98% 100% timely manner % of information requests answered/referred to the 100%100% 100% 100% appropriate department within a timely manner Permits % of permits issued within a timely manner 100%100% 100% 100% Projects % of special projects completed in a timely manner98%98% 98% 100%

City of Norwalk 65 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. ADMINISTRATION 010400 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $332,560 $335,789 $335,662$348,768 $348,768 $13,106

010400 5111 SALARY ADJUSTMENT $0 $0 $0

010400 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $0 $24 $0$0 $0 $0

010400 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $5,509 $4,797 $0$0 $0 $0

010400 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $0 $0 $0

010400 5150 LONGEVITY $975 $975 $1,450$1,450 $1,450 $0

010400 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

010400 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $3,025 $4,034 $3,194$3,194 $3,194 $0 Avg. $3,000 postage + $200-250 for Fed Ex 010400 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $8,281 $7,836 $8,500$8,500 $8,500 $0 Gen'l Code publishers. Also used to pay for letterhead, envelopes, office business cards, etc. Request increased to reflect actual. 010400 5225 TYPING SERVICES $4,030 $3,710 $4,000$4,000 $4,000 $0 Pay for minutes for Common Council meetings - based on hist. for 24 meetings 010400 5231 PUBL OF NOTICES & REPORT $6,203 $4,180 $14,000$14,000 $14,000 $0 Legal notices - based on history 010400 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $0 $0 $0

010400 5234 SUBSCRIPTION-TAX,LAW $1,195 $1,195 $1,195$1,195 $1,195 $0 General Code publisher online annual subscription has gone up by $1,195 010400 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $0 $220 $650$650 $650 $0 Notary Public dues ($60), Takes into account additional membership for new Chief of Staff, plus any other memberships/dues 010400 5245 TELEPHONE $240 $234 $250$256 $256 $6

010400 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $0 $340$340 $340 $0 General Code Publishers annual maintenance fee 010400 5263 FURNITUR,OFFICE MACH REP&MAINT $5,535 $0 $622$622 $622 $0

010400 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $0 $0

010400 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $0 $178 $51$51 $51 $0 Employee travel to regional and state Homeland Security and Education meetings. 010400 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $30 $0 $0

010400 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $6,910 $5,808 $5,910 $5,910 $5,910 $0

010400 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $995 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $0 Cover events, seminars and conferences the City Clerk staff may attend including new Chief of Staff 010400 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $4,974 $4,327 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0

City of Norwalk 66 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. $60-$80/replacement printer cartridges plus all expendable supplies for daily operations for the Mayor and City Clerk's offices. Based on history 010400 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $3,572 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

010400 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $1,312 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

010400 5711 DESKS,CHAIRS,ETC. $0 $0 $0

010400 5712 FILE CABINETS $0 $0 $0

010400 5714 OTHER OFFICE FURNITURE $0 $0 $0

010400 5725 PHOTOCOPIERS $0 $0 $0

010400 5741 IT HARDWARE $0 $0 $0

010400 5742 IT SOFTWARE $0 $0 $0

Division Total $384,349 $374,303 $382,024 $395,136 $395,136 $13,112 GRANTS 010410 5111 SALARY ADJUSTMENT $0 $0 $0

010410 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $0 $0 $0

010410 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $0 $0

010410 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0

Department Total $384,349 $374,303 $382,024 $395,136 $395,136 $13,112

City of Norwalk 67 Department Summary - TOWN CLERK TOWN CLERK

Description of Service/Mission Statements: Record and preserve all Land Records to State and City Ordinances. Record and preserve all Vital Records for the City of Norwalk in accordance with State Regulations. Administer and oversee the election process for all elections held in the City of Norwalk. Provide and assist the public with the following services: issue Hunting and Fishing Licenses within the city; register and compile all Trade Names within the city; issue all Dog Licenses; register Notary Publics and Justices of the Peace.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: • Conducted two elections in 2017: a District Primary Election in September, and a Municipal Election in November. Mayoral election four candidates ( Democrat, Republican and two petitioning Candidates)

• Continued training of staff in State Town Clerk procedures.(2)

• Received a $4,000 grant for records restoration.

• Continued to work with New Visions Systems for upgrading accounting and recording procedures, including subscription-based public search program.

State recording fee increased $7.00 in December 2017.

Worked with High School Community based worksite program to inventory maps.

Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Implement subscription based land records search program to include more public access.

• Procure state grants to continue restoration of records and maps.

• Begin a program of restoration and preservation of vital records from 1863 - 1901.

• Establish a customer survey to receive feedback from customers on services offered in the Town Clerk's office.

• Continue training programs for staff in areas of Vital and Land Records.

• Complete a reorganization of staff positions in Town Clerk office.

• Installation of more Land record shelving in our vault as we approach volume 8700.

City of Norwalk 68 Department Summary - TOWN CLERK

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Town Clerk's departmental recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net increase of $39,418 or 6.5% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget. This increase is driven by a $39,405 increase in Personnel Expenses due to contractual step increases and the settlement of union contracts. Funds for contract settlement were held in contingency in FY 2017-18 and were not included in departmental budgets. Contractual services increased $13.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Town Clerk $544,817 $576,475 $605,725 $645,143 $645,143 $39,418 6.51 %

Total $544,817 $576,475 $605,725 $645,143 $645,143 $39,418 6.51 %

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $434,956 $467,185 $494,243 $533,648 $533,648 $39,405 7.97 % Contractual Services $95,876 $103,027 $104,482 $104,495 $104,495 $13 0.01 % Supplies and Materials $5,823 $6,263 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $0 0.00 % Fixed Charges $8,162 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $544,817 $576,475 $605,725 $645,143 $645,143 $39,418 %6.51

NON-TAX REVENUE Interest and Penalties $20 $4 $20 $20 $20 $0 0.00 % Intergovernmental $35,300 $62,675 $35,300 $35,300 $35,300 $0 0.00 % Licenses & Permits $4,221,527 $4,270,998 $4,235,757 $4,235,757 $4,235,757 $0 0.00 % Service Charges $572,034 $585,975 $656,005 $657,790 $657,790 $1,785 0.27 % Miscellaneous $0 $222 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $4,828,881 $4,919,874 $4,927,082 $4,928,867 $4,928,867 $1,785 %0.04

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES ($4,284,064) )($4,343,399 )($4,321,357 )($4,283,724 ($4,283,724) $37,633 (0.87%)

PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Town Clerk Assistant Town Clerk 21$145,960 2 $147,9822 $150,014 $80,0011 $80,001 (1) ($70,013) Town Clerk 11$88,384 1 $88,3841 $91,121 $93,8581 $93,8580 $2,737 Administrative Support I 11$45,100 1 $42,9551 $45,100 $50,5071 $50,5070 $5,407 Administrative Support II 22$104,901 2 $107,2592 $109,760 $119,8452 $119,8450 $10,085 Land Records Analyst 11$63,453 1 $63,4531 $63,453 $67,6801 $67,6800 $4,227 Deputy Town Clerk 01$0 0 $0 0 $0 $86,0001 $86,0001 $86,000 Total 7 $447,798 7 $450,033 7 $459,448 7 $497,891 7 $497,8910 $38,443

Department Total 77$447,798 $450,033 7 $459,448 7 $497,891 7 $497,891 0 $38,443

City of Norwalk 69 Department Summary - TOWN CLERK PERFORMANCE INDICATORS

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $544,817$576,475 $605,725 $645,143 Employees 777 7 Outputs Administration # of contracts managed 444 4 # of state reports filed 6060 64 64 Land Records # of land records books printed 180210 210 187 # of land records books proofed 180210 175 187 # of land records indexed 13,60014,450 11,450 15,120 # of land records recorded 13,60014,450 14,450 15,120 # of land records returned 13,60013,600 13,600 15,120 # of land records scanned 13,60013,600 13,600 15,120 # of land records verified 13,60014,450 14,450 15,120 # of maps recorded 120100 100 92 # of state agency invoices billed Connecticut only70180 180 52 Vital Records # of confidential files processed/registered 7060 60 75 # of marriage licenses/civil unions issued 480630 630 595 # of military discharges processed 8095 95 43 # of vital records indexed 3,7003,500 3,500 3,352 # of vital records recorded 3,7003,500 3,500 3,352 # of vitals records issued Norwalk 18,50021,000 21,000 11,638 Licenses and Permits # of dog licenses issued 2,7102,800 2,800 2,617 # of game licenses issued 180225 225 193 # of liquor permits issued 190170 170 231 Elections # of absentee ballots issued 1,200700 700 3,075 # of absentee ballots received 950535 535 2,678 # of election ballots prepared 2,5002,500 2,500 3,500 # of legal notices issued 1012 12 7 Miscellaneous/Copies # of notaries registered 125 80 80 80 # of public computer terminals, printers, copiers 11 11 11 11 # of trade name certificates indexed 625 525 525 526 # of trade name certificates registered 525 480 480 526 Effectiveness Administration % of approved budget expended 99.5%96.6% 100% 100% % of confidential files processed within a timely 100%100% 100% 100% manner % of marriage licenses filed within a timely manner100%100% 100% 100% % of military discharges processed within a timely 100%100% 100% 100% manner % of vital records amended 2%1% 1% 1% % of vital records corrections made within a timely 99%99% 99% 100% manner

City of Norwalk 70 Department Summary - TOWN CLERK

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Licenses and Permits % of dog licenses processed in a timely manner99%100% 100% 100% % of game licenses processed within a timely 90%95% 95% 98% manner % of liquor permits processed within a timely 100%100% 100% 100% manner Elections % of absentee ballots which need to be resent.01%.01% .01% .01% % of election activities deadlines met 100%100% 100% 100% Miscellaneous/Copies % of time public terminals are fully functional 99%99% 99% 98% % of trade name certificates processed in a timely 100%100% 100% 100% manner Average wait time for copiers/to get a question 2-3 mins.2-3 mins. 2 - 3mins. 2-3 mins. answered

City of Norwalk 71 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. TOWN CLERK 010500 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $403,275 $436,937 $459,448$497,891 $497,891 $38,443

010500 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $3,452 $4,136 $4,500$4,797 $4,797 $297

010500 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $4,875$4,875 $4,875 $0

010500 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $26,854 $24,737 $23,945$24,610 $24,610 $665

010500 5150 LONGEVITY $1,375 $1,375 $1,475$1,475 $1,475 $0

010500 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $9,186 $7,600 $5,667$5,667 $5,667 $0 projected mailings for returning documents, election materials such as Absentee Ballots and dog licenses and renewal notices. 010500 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $3,508 $4,814 $5,000$5,000 $5,000 $0 The printing of all letterhead, certificates and forms that are required to be used in our office as well as copies of vital documents sent to other cities. Funds used for printing of most forms, certificates and business cards. Printing of absentee ballots. 010500 5231 PUBL OF NOTICES & REPORT $3,563 $843 $2,500$2,500 $2,500 $0

010500 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $200 $220 $200$200 $200 $0 State & national municipal clerk organizations. 010500 5245 TELEPHONE $912 $953 $500$513 $513 $13

010500 5255 IT SERVICES $70,546 $73,936 $79,210$79,210 $79,210 $0 Fees paid to outside contracted companies for land record indexing services, as well as verification and reproduction. Breakdown of annual costs for land record indexing system: Base System: $54,710 (as per lease agreement) Image to Film: $5,000 Compact Binders: $5,000 Paper for Books: $6,000 Verification Services: $8,500 010500 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $1,350 $2,756 $3,000$3,000 $3,000 $0 Third party verification of land records and legal opinions. 010500 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $0 $3,310 $500$500 $500 $0 Cost of repairs and maintenance of existing typewriters as well as maintenance to misc. office machinery & parts. 010500 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $554 $495 $600$600 $600 $0 Fees paid to outside companies to train and update staff on new and existing services as required by this office. Also for educational classes for town clerk staff to obtain certification. 010500 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $506 $516 $355$355 $355 $0 Fees paid for automobile expenses to travel to seminars and conferences. Increase to reflect actual 010500 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 Misc expenses incurred for accomodations at conferences. 010500 5293 RECORDING DOCUMENTS $474 $401 $500$500 $500 $0

City of Norwalk 72 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Fees other municipailties charge for copies of recorded vital statistics. 010500 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $3,140 $3,306 $3,250$3,250 $3,250 $0 Three copiers (two for public use, one for office use) Monthly Cost: HP Rental 150 x 12 = 1,800 CBS Copies 50 x 12 = 600 Marketing Data Solutions Coin Copier Towers = 850 Public use copiers collect $1.00 per copy 010500 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $375 $375 $400$400 $400 $0

010500 5297 STORAGE $1,562 $3,502 $2,800$2,800 $2,800 $0 Fees paid for microfilm storage at outside facility as required by law. 010500 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $5,823 $6,263 $7,000$7,000 $7,000 $0 This includes pens, pencils, envelopes, staples, post-it notes, paperclips, calendars, miscellaneous election supplies, stampers ink, adding machine tape, typewriter ribbons, correction tape, etc. 010500 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $6,211 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

010500 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $1,951 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $544,817 $576,475 $605,725 $645,143 $645,143 $39,418

Department Total $544,817 $576,475 $605,725 $645,143 $645,143 $39,418

City of Norwalk 73 Department Summary - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


Information Technology Services GIS

Description of Service/Mission Statements: The Department of Information Technology provides value to the City of Norwalk by: delivering high quality, effective, reliable, sustainable and secure information systems; providing effective and efficient technical services and support to city departments and staff; developing and promoting consistent technical standards; fostering innovation and leadership in e-government in support of citizens, staff, visitors, businesses, and other government agencies; and continual improvements to generate revenue, reduce operating costs, and promote efficiency.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: - Migrated Zoning department functionality onto same Permit and Inspection system as Code Enforcement. Provided tablets to Zoning field inspectors. Anticipated integrating DPW pavement and driveway permits in 2018. - Migrated the City's and Board of Education's financial system to the Cloud. - Upgraded the City's and Board of Education's IP telephone and voice mail systems. - Working with Risk Management, brought Cybersecurity training to City Employees. - Enhanced security at Norwalk Police by implementing two-factor authentication for computer systems access. - Enhanced the City's CyberSecurity internal and external systems. - Redesigned and scheduled to relaunch Norwalk's Tourism website. - Automated the manual sewer tax calculation and import process. - Replaced all 11-year-old analog cameras with digital cameras for high quality better picture and dependability throughout the entire Police Department - Promoted a Desktop Technician to a Senior Systems Engineer. First promotion in 14 years in the department. - Upgraded presentation and A/V capabilities in City Hall conference rooms. - Assisted with the design and installation of Assisted Listening capabilities in City Hall meeting rooms. - Completed the upgrade of Tax Collector Front Counter with new PCs, new Cash Drawers, and new Receipt Printers. This upgrade replaced old PCs with new, faster and more secure computers.

Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Continue to identify and implement improvements to processes and system to generate revenue, reduce operating costs, and promote efficiency.

• Identify and deliver mobile services and applications where applicable to provide the public, staff, businesses, visitors, and other government agencies with a fast, easy and convenient way to access city information and conduct transactions.

• Continue to enhance the reliability, effectiveness, and security of the city's information infrastructure, vital to its ability to successfully deliver services to the public.

• Re-engineer or automate at least one internal business process and cross-department workflow by using and extending the technology to reduce operating costs, capture revenue opportunities and enable teamwork and collaboration across city organizations in order to increase efficiency and improve service to the public.

• Continue to enhance the successful IT internship program.

City of Norwalk 74 Department Summary - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Information Technology's departmental recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net increase of $108,452 or 5.8% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget. This increase is driven by a $49,883 increase in Other Repairs & Maintenance for city-wide departmental software maintenance; Personnel Expenses accounted for $48,716 of the increase due to contractual step increases and the settlement of union contracts. Funds for contract settlement were held in contingency in FY 2017-18 and were not included in departmental budgets. Other miscellaneous expenses account for a net $9,853 increase.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Information Technology $1,642,882 $1,631,890 $1,826,424 $1,933,031 $1,933,031 $106,607 5.84 % GIS $25,064 $31,112 $45,697 $47,542 $47,542 $1,845 %4.04

Total $1,667,945 $1,663,002 $1,872,121 $1,980,573 $1,980,573 $108,452 %5.79

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $957,634 $960,806 $1,048,731 $1,097,447 $1,097,447 $48,716 4.65 % Contractual Services $680,349 $690,886 $805,640 $868,276 $868,276 $62,636 7.77 % Supplies and Materials $2,681 $2,008 $2,750 $2,350 $2,350 ($400) %)(14.55 Fixed Charges $14,299 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Capital Outlay $12,983 $9,302 $15,000 $12,500 $12,500 ($2,500) %)(16.67 Total $1,667,945 $1,663,002 $1,872,121 $1,980,573 $1,980,573 $108,452 %5.79


Miscellaneous $0 $7,439 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $0 $7,439 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 %

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $1,667,945 $1,655,564 $1,872,121 $1,980,573 $1,980,573 $108,452 %5.79

City of Norwalk 75 Department Summary - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

Summary by Division - Recommended FY 2018-19


$1,933,031Information Technology PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Information Technology Director of Information Technology 11$150,122 1 $150,1221 $150,122 $164,3411 $164,3410 $14,219 Sr. Systems Engineer - Public Safety 11$98,446 1 $98,4461 $98,446 $105,0041 $105,0040 $6,558 Network Engineer 11$98,446 1 $98,4461 $98,446 $105,0041 $105,0040 $6,558 Senior Systems Engineer 12$98,446 1 $98,4462 $179,436 $195,7082 $195,7080 $16,272 Database Administrator/Programmer 11$98,446 1 $98,4461 $98,446 $105,0041 $105,0040 $6,558 Manager, Citywide Applications 11$108,547 1 $108,5471 $108,547 $115,7801 $115,7800 $7,233 E-Government Coordinator 11$93,751 1 $93,7511 $93,751 $99,9971 $99,9970 $6,246 Desktop Support Technician 22$147,118 2 $150,6042 $154,282 $138,7752 $138,775 0 ($15,507) Total 9 $893,322 9 $896,808 10 $981,476 10 $1,029,613 10 $1,029,6130 $48,137

Department Total 9 $893,322 910$896,808 $981,476 10 $1,029,613 10 $1,029,613 0 $48,137

City of Norwalk 76 Department Summary - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $957,634 $960,806 $1,048,731 $1,097,447 $1,097,447 $48,716 %4.65 Contractual Services $655,285 $659,774 $759,943 $820,734 $820,734 $60,791 %8.00 Supplies and Materials $2,681 $2,008 $2,750 $2,350 $2,350 ($400) %)(14.55 Fixed Charges $14,299 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Capital Outlay $12,983 $9,302 $15,000 $12,500 $12,500 ($2,500) %)(16.67 Total $1,642,882 $1,631,890 $1,826,424 $1,933,031 $1,933,031 $106,607 5.84 %


Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Contractual Services $25,064 $31,112 $45,697 $47,542 $47,542 $1,845 %4.04 Total $25,064 $31,112 $45,697 $47,542 $47,542 $1,845 4.04 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $1,667,945$1,663,002 $1,872,121 $1,980,573 Employees 9109 10 Outputs Administration # of cash management transactions (payments 150~ 150 150+ 150+ processed/bills paid) # of contracts managed 50+50+ 50+ 55 # of special appropriations/BET transfers 211 2 Total dollars of contracts managed 500,000+$500,000+ $500,000+ $671,000 Information Infrastructure # of backups performed successfully as scheduled1,1201,120 1,120 1120 # of cyber attacks stopped at the permeter 100,000+ # of e-mail messages sent/received 6,000,000+6,000,000+ 6,000,000+ 6,300,000 # of hardware platforms supported 1010 10 10 # of pieces of equipment maintained 1,500+1,500+ 1,500+ 1500+ # of remote connections 20+20+ 20+ 20+ # of software licenses 1,000+1,000+ 1,000+ 1000+ # of spam/viruses/bulk messages filtered out150,000,000+150,000,000+ 150,000,000+ 150,000,000+ # of systems and critical metrics monitored 9591 91 90 # of virtual servers maintained 5456 56 78 % of time services available to users (uptime)90%92% 92% 95% Help Desk/technical support services # of desktops, tablets, and laptops older than 5 approx 15%approx 15% approx 20% approx 20% years # of desktops, tablets, smartphones and laptops in 700+750+ 750+ 800+ the City # of Help Desk calls or emails 15,500+12,600 12,600+ 12,600+ # of hours spent responding to Help Desk calls or 6,8006,200 6,750 6,500 emails # of printers & copiers supported 50+100+ 100+ 75 # of user training classes offered 211 2 Software Applications # of application systems supported 5858 58 59 # of custom applications or interfaces written 13 8 10 12 # of hours computer systems are down for 50 50 50 50 scheduled maintenance # of hours spent on computer maintenance 65% 60% 60% 60% # of new applications brought online 9112 26 # of software packages upgraded 15 9 9 8 E-government enterprise initiatives # of document and forms available on website 10,000+ 10,000+ 10,000+ 10,000+ # of hours website is fully functional 8,750/yr 8,700/hr 8,700/hr 8750/yr # of service requests processed through website over 700 over 700 over 700 800+ # of transactions on the website 12 servce areas 13 service areas 13 service areas 14 service areas # of visits to website 600,000+ 600,000 600,000+ 850,000+ Effectiveness Administration % of approved budget expended 98.5%97.9% 100% 100% Information Infrastructure

City of Norwalk 78 Department Summary - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd % of backups performed successfully as 96%96% 96% 95% scheduled % of systems and critical metrics proactively 95%96% 98% 98% monitored % of time services available to users (uptime) 96% 96% 96% 96.5% Help Desk/technical support services % of Help Desk calls closed within 5 days 80% 90% 90% 90% % of Help Desk calls responded to within 1 65% 76% 76% 78% business day % of Help Desk calls responded to within 2 days 72% 89% 89% 90% % of Help Desk calls responded to within 5 days 90% 90% 90% 95% % of total staff time spent on break/fix calls 75% 70% 70% 68% Help Desk calls answered by a staff member 72% 80% 88% 89% Software Applications % availability of applications and services 97% 97% 97% 97% % of time applications down for scheduled 5% 7% 7% 7% maintenance E-government enterprise initiatives % of all transactions available on the website 24% 30% 35% 36% % of time website available to the public 99% 99% 99% 99.5%

City of Norwalk 79 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 010600 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $896,860 $896,810 $981,476$1,029,613 $1,029,613 $48,137

010600 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $34,117 $37,450 $37,000$37,449 $37,449 $449 overtime due to - off hours maintenance work - increased demand by police and fire for off-hours support - need for additional, full time staff 2018/2019 request based on prior year actual 010600 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $75 $285 $150$150 $150 $0

010600 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $22,818 $22,466 $26,280$26,280 $26,280 $0 Assuming hiring a full time Systems Engineer additional headcount, keep number of interns requested at 3. 010600 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 No part time MUNIS support. Transitioned responsibilites to others in the department. 010600 5150 LONGEVITY $3,765 $3,795 $3,825$3,955 $3,955 $130

010600 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

010600 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $0 $50 $50$50 $50 $0

010600 5212 FREIGHT,EXPRESS,TRUCK $0 $0 $0

010600 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

010600 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $99 $150 $150$172 $172 $22 Subscription to the Hour weekdays is now $172.00 per year. 010600 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $0 $0 $0

010600 5237 ADVERTISING $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 Funds to advertise for additional full time position in July 2017. 010600 5241 ELECTRIC $0 $0 $0

010600 5245 TELEPHONE $138,724 $129,068 $132,686$135,447 $135,447 $2,761

City of Norwalk 80 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. The City wide telephone system which includes City Hall, the Health Dept., Public Works Campus, the Citywide voice mail system including the Board of Ed Central Office and a number of middle & high schools, and 24x7 level service for the Police Dept., 5 Fire Stations & Apparatus Maintenance.

Telephone & Voice Mail Maintenance: City = $28,000 (new system in early 2018 BoE = $28,000 *** NEVER INCLUDED IN TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED IN IT. ***** Total = $28,000

OTHER ITEMS IN THIS CATEGORY: City telephones = $900 IT Staff cellphones $50 *12 * 7 = $4,200 (add one more phone for new hire in July 2017) City Hall public common areas and conference rooms WIFI = $1,258.68 new in 2016. Internet Services ISP = $9,600 MAN network services = $56,688 upgraded in 2016 Email Spam filtering = $3,000 Domain Name Registrations = $200 City email system hosting = $0 Library full year website hosting = $3,930 City web site hosting services = $12,670 Additional internet connectivity for MUNIS cloud service = $6,000 Library: public internet access - no longer free CEN = $5,400 NEW IN 2018 Civic Commons Internet access = $3600 NEW PROGRAM IN 2018 WITH PARKS.

TOTAL FOR OTHER EXPENSES = $107,446.68 010600 5255 IT SERVICES $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

010600 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $773 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 E-rate consulting = $1,000 010600 5259 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $0 $0 $0


010600 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $512,953 $527,184 $621,247$671,130 $671,130 $49,883

City of Norwalk 81 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. City-Wide: Tally printers (retired in 2015) - $0 SAN and backup/restore system City - $7,088.00 SAN and backup/restore system BoE share - $7,088.00 SAN and backup/restore system PD - $2,000.00 Firewall, routers, modems (retired 2015) - $0 Neoteris support (retired 2015) - $0 Munis support/license CLOUD SUBSCRIBPTION in 2018 City share (54.5%) - $133,650 BOE share (41%) - $99,630 WPCA share (4.5%) - $9,720 Vmware - $14,700 GOOD Mobile Device Management System - $0 REPLACED IN 2016 Internet Filtering Subscription BLOXX(goes away 2016)- $0 REPLACED IN 2016 Malware subscription including PD (Malware Bytes 500 seats) - $9,103 Kasaya desktop management - $4,375 TanGent Email spam filter service - $2,500 (went to per seat model in 2016) Fire Data Center Environmental Maint - a/c, UPS - $11,314 NOTE batteries replaced in 2017. Due again in 2022 Mob Dev Mgt, Internet Filter, Firewall, Palo Alto - $20,000 (new in 2016) Traps End Point managed security all locations except BoE - $14,184 (new in 2017) EDMS document management - $16,000 (new in 2017) Total Citywide Software Maintenance IT costs = $351,352

DPW: AutoCad Civil/ Land Development - $5,500 Cityworks + workorder + CitySourced API (API added in 2014) - $19,925 Click and Request system (new in 2015) - $12,600 Citysourced for WPCA Desert Micro Weigh Station - $17,000 DPW & Fire: Fleet Mgr maint - $7,979 Traffic Synchro - $2,800 Fuel Management System - $2,465 DPW Smart Board - $0 Seamless.gov Pavement Permit online app - $2450 Municity (replaced TrackIt in 2017) - $5260 Total DPW = $75,979

Assessor: Patriot support (Assessor say doesn't need) - $0 Vision support - $10,130

Code & P&Z & Conservation MUNICITY - $18,699 (new in 2016)

Fire: TeleStaff & Webstaff (enterprise, contract+upgrade year) - $9,816 Firehouse (web version) - $4,500 Tablet remote access/NexGen - $1,940 Total Fire = $16,256

Library: Drive Shield Maintenance - $780 Pharos Software Maintenance - $2,960 Norton A/V 100 renewal contract (did 2yr deal for discount) - 0 REPLACED WITH MALWARE BYTES

City of Norwalk 82 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Innovative Interfaces maintenance contractual - $43,723 contract + added fines feature Minolta reader/printer X 2 - $1,950 Adobe Cloud - $1,500 Past Perfect history room catalog s/w - $1,000 (added virtual exhibit) Self Check Kiosk x 3 + Comprise Smart Pay - $6,736 Malware Bytes 160 seats - $2457 NEW IN 2017 Total Library = $61,106

Parks and Recreation: LPR system - $2,500 Vermont Systems - $9,580 INCL $3850 FOR UPGR Total Parks & Recreation = $12,080

Comptroller: NovaTime Keeping System (City, Police) - $16,120 Asset Works fixed assets system - $1,365 Board of Ed - NovaTime Keeping System - $39,075 Total Comptroller = $56,560

Combined Dispatch: Critical appl testing s/w - $700 Verint - $4,970 Priority Dispatch EMS - $4,794 Total Combined Dispatch = $10,464

Police: NetMotion - $3,000 NexGen (added eticket printers & IPads) - $25,004 Xtra work scanning software (will replace in 2015) - $0 2FA fob system security maintenance - $3500 NEW IN 2017 Total Police = $31,504

Health: Digital Health Garrison Environ - $12,000 Advanced Health Systems - $15,000 Total Health = $27,000 010600 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $2,975 $704 $2,500$10,300 $10,300 $7,800 $7,800 for user anti-exploit training (600 users). $2,500 for IT technical training across various disciplines. 010600 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $534 $740 $570$715 $715 $145 2019 REQUEST BASED ON 2018 ACTUAL Vehicle usage to travel to other City sites to perform maintenance & attend meetings in other municipalities. Increased travel with data center move to Fire HQ . Increased travel to/from the beach and Vet's Park for resident pass tablet maintenance in the summer months. 010600 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 Funding requested for travel/meal/etc for staff to attend professional conferences, regional conferences, vendor conferences like MUNIS, Microsoft, NexGen, and other systems widely used by the City. 010600 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $0 $1,106 $1,440$1,620 $1,620 $180 Funding for new color copier/scann/printer. With color, average is $135,00 PER MONTH BASED ON 2018 ACTUALS 010600 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $0 $300$300 $300 $0 GMIS meetings; other professional meetings. Encourage staff to participate in low cost seminars and online classes.

City of Norwalk 83 Department Summary - PERSONNEL & LABOR RELATIONS


Description of Service/Mission Statements: To provide personnel and labor relations services to all city departments; to assist departments in recruiting, selecting and training new employees; to administer the city compensation plans, maintain employee records, and conduct analysis of job classifications; to administer the city's employee benefit program; to conduct periodic employee training and safety programs; and to represent the city's interest in collective bargaining, grievance and arbitration matters.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: • The department successfully negotiated final settlements in collective bargaining with all six Unions representing city employees for a term of 7/1/16 through 6/30/20. These settlements are consistent with the financial plan established for collective bargaining and addressed all of the significant concerns of the various city departments.

• The department negotiated and successfully implemented the transition of our medical benefits programs for active and retired employees from the previous self-insured medical benefits program to a participating municipality in the Connecticut Partnership Plan 2.0 program effective 1/1/18. This transition maintained and slightly improved the level of medical benefits provided to active and retired employees, while also reducing the overall cost to the city and the out of pocket and premium contribution costs to the employees.

• The department reduced the number of backlogged grievances on file with the Union that had the most grievances filed.

• The department successfully completed the annual open enrollment for medical benefits and the FSA program.

• The department successfully recruited and filled all of the requested positions, including a new Health Director.

Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Reduce any remaining backlog of claims and grievances while improving the working relationships among all employees.

• Address and resolve any issues that arise regarding the conversion of the city’s medical benefits program.

• Review and revise, as needed, departmental and city policies and procedures that affect city employees and the recruitment and selection process.

City of Norwalk 84 Department Summary - PERSONNEL & LABOR RELATIONS

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Personnel & Labor Relations' departmental recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net increase of $29,086 or 4.8% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget. This increase is driven $28,924 increase in Personnel Expenses due to contractual step increases and the settlement of union contracts. Funds for contract settlement were held in contingency in FY 2017-18 and were not included in departmental budgets. Contractual services increased $162.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel & Labor Relations $559,681 $517,447 $605,385 $634,471 $634,471 $29,086 4.80 %

Total $559,681 $517,447 $605,385 $634,471 $634,471 $29,086 4.80 %

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $494,666 $416,585 $502,899 $531,823 $531,823 $28,924 5.75 % Contractual Services $55,622 $97,961 $99,486 $99,648 $99,648 $162 0.16 % Supplies and Materials $2,030 $791 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $0 0.00 % Fixed Charges $6,793 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Grants & Donations $570 $2,111 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $559,681 $517,447 $605,385 $634,471 $634,471 $29,086 %4.80

NON-TAX REVENUE Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 %

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $559,681 $517,447 $605,385 $634,471 $634,471 $29,086 %4.80

PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Personnel & Labor Relations Dir. Of Personnel & Labor Relations 11$127,583 1 $130,1341 $136,686 $136,6861 $136,686 0 $0 Personnel Administrator 11$84,089 1 $85,7711 $87,487 $89,5431 $89,5430 $2,056 Personnel Records & Benefit Tech II 10$80,990 0 $0 0 $0 0 0 HR Assistant 11$66,654 1 $66,6541 $66,654 $78,3571 $78,3570 $11,703 HR Project Coordinator 11$57,550 1 $60,4391 $63,453 $74,6391 $74,6390 $11,186 Benefits Manager 01$0 1 $84,0001 $86,083 $88,1061 $88,1060 $2,023 Executive Assistant 11$59,055 1 $60,2361 $61,411 $62,8851 $62,8850 $1,474 Total 6 $475,921 6 $487,234 6 $501,774 6 $530,216 6 $530,2160 $28,442

Department Total 66$475,921 $487,234 6 $501,774 6 $530,216 6 $530,216 0 $28,442


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $559,681$517,447 $605,385 $634,471 Employees 666 6 Outputs Recruitment & Selection # of advertisements for outside recruitment 13373 73 70 # of applications received reviewed 4,0445,147 5,147 5,000 # of interviews conducted 8092 92 90 # of promotions/bids 2215 15 13 Contracts/Collective Bargaining # of contract negotiations completed 166 0 # of contracts initiated 566 0 Grievances # of grievances filed 2320 20 17 # of grievances filed for arbitration with State 866 5 # of grievances resolved/disposed of 1312 12 10 Employee Benefits # of employee records maintained 2,0152,040 2,040 2,045 # of retirements 4543 43 50 # of severance pays issued 4542 42 40 Effectiveness Administration % of approved budget expended 92.7%83.3% 100% 100% Recruitment & Selection % of promotion/bids reviewed in a timely manner100%100% 100% 100% % of vacant positions filled in a timely manner 100% 100% 100% 100% Job Classifications/Reclassifications % of reclassifications requests reviewed in a timely 100% 100% 100% 100% manner Grievances % of grievances resolved before arbitration 50% 50% 50% 50% % of grievances responded to within deadlines 100% 100% 100% 100%

City of Norwalk 86 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. PERSONNEL & LABOR RELATIONS 010700 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $464,954 $396,931 $501,774$530,216 $530,216 $28,442

010700 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $26 $365 $100$107 $107 $7

010700 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $6,371 $4,389 $0$0 $0 $0

010700 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $22,290 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

010700 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $0 $13,875 $0$0 $0 $0

010700 5150 LONGEVITY $1,025 $1,025 $1,025$1,500 $1,500 $475

010700 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $802 $760 $800$800 $800 $0 Yearly mailing to all employees both active and retirees informing everyone of curent information regarding health and federal issues (Medicare "D", 125 account, etc.) 010700 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $360 $389 $1,275$1,275 $1,275 $0 Purchasing of stationery and envelopes which will be used for mailing of current and retirees correspondence. 010700 5225 TYPING SERVICES $870 $720 $750$750 $750 $0 Secretarial services (Telesco) for pension and personnel committee meetings held monthly. 010700 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $108 $296 $1,200$1,200 $1,200 $0 Subscription to Hour newspapers to check on information relating to retirees - purchasing of books and other materials relating to our department. 010700 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $1,291 $960 $1,400$1,400 $1,400 $0 Membership for Director and Assistant in various personnel organizations (ConnPELRA, IMPA-HR, etc) which will inform employees of updates in personnel issues. 010700 5237 ADVERTISING $830 $595 $0$0 $0 $0

010700 5245 TELEPHONE $1,024 $1,089 $1,080$1,107 $1,107 $27 cell phone and departmental phone charges. 010700 5247 OTHER UTILITY SERVICES $142 $197 $72$207 $207 $135 Monthly cable invoice for Personnel Conference Room and Ray Burney's office. $17.28 * 12 = $207.36 010700 5251 MEDICAL,DENTAL,VETERINAR $1,544 $3,191 $1,750$1,750 $1,750 $0 Pre-employment physicals for new employees. 010700 5255 IT SERVICES $8,000 $8,000 $8,000$8,000 $8,000 $0 NEOGOV applicant tracking system yearly cost to maintain open position applicantion information. 010700 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $21,790 $63,530 $50,000$50,000 $50,000 $0 Payment for consultants, statements for services rendered; i.e., contract negotiations and grievances - also any other outside facilities used by the personnel department to handle issues pertaining to our department. 010700 525J EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM $16,101 $16,101 $17,500$17,500 $17,500 $0

City of Norwalk 87 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Professional assistance given to employees relating to issues of a personal nature where that help is necessary. $26.50 per employee for 620 employees = $16,430 Assume 5% increase off discounted rate of $16,101.40 which is $805.07 Monthly newsletter from EAP $593 Total - $16,101.40 + $805.07 + $593 = $17,499.47 010700 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

010700 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $830 $0 $10,000$10,000 $10,000 $0 Develop employee training program to provide skill enhancements for supervisors and employees. 010700 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $93 $0 $609$609 $609 $0 Expenses incurred for traveling to attend business meetings. 010700 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $0 $0 $1,125$1,125 $1,125 $0 Attendance at business meetings 010700 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $1,406 $1,165 $1,300$1,300 $1,300 $0 Monthly copier cost Rental: 75 X 12 = $900 Copies: 33.33 x 12 = $399.96

Approved Update based on new copier contract 010700 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $320 $0 $1,125$1,125 $1,125 $0 Attendance at Express Scripts /ConnPELRA, etc. seminars 010700 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $111 $967 $1,500$1,500 $1,500 $0 Filing fees for arbitration & mediation issues dealing with grievances from each of the unions. 010700 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $2,030 $791 $3,000$3,000 $3,000 $0 Purchase of office supplies and materials to be used in our department. 010700 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $4,901 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

010700 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $1,892 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

010700 5634 EMPLOYEE WELLNESS AWARDS $570 $2,111 $0$0 $0 $0 Cover several new initiatives started in FY14-15 relating to wellness and employee morale. On the wellness side, the City is offering voluntary wellness challenges that have awards. The costs include administrative fees to Cigna, as well as the awards themselves. The second part of the initiative is an awards ceremony where the City provides quarterly awards with small gifts to those employees who win the award as well as money to cover the cost of employee appreciation programs. Division Total $559,681 $517,447 $605,385 $634,471 $634,471 $29,086

Department Total $559,681 $517,447 $605,385 $634,471 $634,471 $29,086

City of Norwalk 88 Department Summary - HUMAN RELATIONS & FAIR RENT DEPARTMENT


Description of Service/Mission Statements: To provide support to the Human Relations Commission and the Fair Rent Commission, receiving, investigating, and mediating complaints of discrimination with regard to housing, employment, public accommodations, and unfair or unconscionable rent or rental increases. To promote mutual understanding and respect, encourage equality of opportunity for all the people of Norwalk. To conduct programs of training, education, research and action that will contribute to carrying out the Department’s purpose. To cooperate with organizations and governmental agencies to facilitate the Department’s purpose. To develop and review affirmative action goals for the City of Norwalk. To coordinate the city’s efforts to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title II (including staffing of City's ADA Committee). To coordinate language access to municipal programs and services for people with limited English proficiency. To represent the City of Norwalk on Opening Doors of Fairfield County: a Regional Alliance to Prevent and End Homelessness, and to assist the youth of Norwalk in finding summer employment via the Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: • Represented the City and Mayor in Opening Doors of Fairfield County (“ODFC”) which is the implementation of our Ten Year Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness. Work included political leadership to bring agencies together to: o Create an innovative efficiency standard requiring all providers of permanent supportive housing to meet a maximum per-unit budget. The excess funding for projects over our maximum allowable per-unit cost amounted to $800,000 which was re-directed to new permanent supportive housing units and rapid rehousing funding. o Work with the Norwalk Housing Authority to create a preference for homeless in phase two of the Washington Village redevelopment plan which will house 17 homeless individuals/families from the ODFC prioritized waiting list. o Continue to keep all our chronically homeless individuals and families matched to a housing subsidy and support services within 90 days of being identified. o Maintain functional zero for veteran homelessness. • Managed ADA Capital projects including project selection, planning, application for funding, and coordination of construction with multiple departments with oversight from City’s ADA Committee. • Started work on completing operating budget projects from the City's ADA Compliance and Transition Plan. • Completed utilization analysis of city workforce and set goals as required by the City’s Affirmative Action Program. • Processed ADA accommodation and modification requests related to current employees. • Expanded number of in-house interpreters as part of the City's Language Access Program. • In process of implementing open captioning and Spanish captioning of Common Council videos. • Increased the visibility of the Commissions through continued use of free landlord/tenant seminars, outreach with new community leaders, collaboration with local schools on international human rights programs through, and regular attendance at and participation in Food, Fuel, and Shelter. • Conducted Commission meetings and hearings, and processed complaints in a timely manner. • Obtained five new of worksite partners for the Mayor’s Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP). • Conducted training for the Center for Youth Leadership on sexual harassment in the workforce.

Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Update forms provided to complainants and respondents before the Human Relations Commission. • Obtain funding for ADA capital projects and implement projects outlined in the ADA Compliance and Transition Plan as prioritized by the city’s ADA Committee. • In collaboration with Personnel Department, complete annual affirmative action utilization analysis and set goals. • Maintain “functional zero” for all veteran homelessness and chronic homelessness in greater Norwalk. • Increase funding and develop plan for ending Youth Homelessness in Fairfield County. • Monitor use of LanguageLine and compliance with the Language Access Plan. • Increase the visibility of the Human Relations and Fair Rent Commissions through continued outreach to community leaders, educational programs, and attendance at community meetings. • Collaborate with other city organizations to further educational initiatives related to civil rights, diversity, Americans with Disabilities Act, and landlord/tenant rights and responsibilities. • Conduct meetings and hearings and process complaints in a timely manner. • Increase financial contributions and number of SYEP worksites and participants. • Create and implement a social media plan to improve and streamline communication among SYEP worksite partners and youth participants.

City of Norwalk 89 Department Summary - HUMAN RELATIONS & FAIR RENT DEPARTMENT

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Human Relations & Fair Rent departmental recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net increase of $39,785 or 11.5% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget. This increase is driven $32,437 increase in Personnel Expenses due to contractual step increases and the settlement of union contracts. Funds for contract settlement were held in contingency in FY 2017-18 and were not included in departmental budgets. Contractual services increased $7,348.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Human Relations & Fair Rent $303,177 $333,051 $345,384 $385,169 $385,169 $39,785 %11.52

Total $303,177 $333,051 $345,384 $385,169 $385,169 $39,785 %11.52

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $278,380 $314,555 $314,344 $346,781 $346,781 $32,437 10.32 % Contractual Services $18,826 $16,517 $29,040 $36,388 $36,388 $7,348 25.30 % Supplies and Materials $1,920 $1,980 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 0.00 % Fixed Charges $4,051 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $303,177 $333,051 $345,384 $385,169 $385,169 $39,785 %11.52

NON-TAX REVENUE Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 %

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $303,177 $333,051 $345,384 $385,169 $385,169 $39,785 %11.52

PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Human Relations & Fair Rent Dir. of Human Relations & Fair Rent 11$109,825 1 $109,8251 $109,825 $120,3081 $120,3080 $10,483 Civil Rights/Fair Rent Investigator 11$73,463 1 $77,1411 $77,141 $90,7041 $90,7040 $13,563 Administrative Support II 11$57,550 1 $57,5501 $57,550 $61,3841 $61,3840 $3,834 Program Coordinator 11$15,000 1 $60,0001 $63,453 $67,6801 $67,6800 $4,227 Total 4 $255,838 4 $304,516 4 $307,969 4 $340,076 4 $340,0760 $32,107

Department Total 44$255,838 $304,516 4 $307,969 4 $340,076 4 $340,076 0 $32,107

HUMAN RELATIONS DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES To receive, investigate, and adjudicate complaints of discrimination with regard to housing, public accommodation and employment; to monitor the City's Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Program and the City's ADA Title II compliance; to educate the community on civil and human rights.

City of Norwalk 90 Department Summary - HUMAN RELATIONS & FAIR RENT DEPARTMENT

FAIR RENT DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES To investigate complaints from residents who feel that their rent is harsh and/or unconscionable; to conduct hearings and make decisions in a judicial capacity; to encourage compliance by landlords and tenants with statutes, acts, ordinances, and decisions of State and City agencies; to mediate disputes between landlords and tenants where practicable.


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $303,177$333,051 $345,384 385,169 Employees 344 4 Outputs # Homeless Veterans from PIT Count 625 1 Human Relations Commission # of HRC complaints settled w/o a hearing 2N/A1 1 # of HRC educational/awareness Programs 233 3 Conducted # of HRC formal written complaints filed 210 1 # of HRC intakes 85 44 65 60 Fair Rent Commission # of FRC complaints settled w/o a hearing 13 30 25 19 # of FRC educational/awareness seminars 322 3 conducted # of FRC follow-up contacts 2,968 2,111 3,200 3,000 # of FRC formal written complaints filed 15 31 26 20 # of FRC intakes 549 484 682 600 Americans With Disabilities Act # Capital projects completed to comply w/ ADA 15 22 17 6 plan # of ADA related intakes 24 4 18 15 # of educational programs ADA 011 0 # Steps completed towards AAP compliance 223 3 Greater Norwalk Opening Doors # Chronically Homeless Adults from PIT Count 38 31 18 10 Effectiveness # Chronically Homeless Adults from PIT Count 38 31 18 10 # Homeless Veterans from PIT Count 625 1 Human Relations Commission 50% 100% 100% % of HRC cases resulting in a formal complaint 2.4% 2.4% 1.5% 2.4% % of HRC complaints settled by mediation w/o a 100% 100% 100% 100% hearing Fair Rent Commission 86.7% 95% 90.1% % of FRC complaints settled w/o a hearing 87% 93% 97% 95% % of FRC intakes resulting in a formal complaint 2.7% 2.7% 4.2% 4.2% Greater Norwalk Opening Doors 11 32

City of Norwalk 91 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. HUMAN RELATIONS & FAIR RENT 011000 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $268,393 $307,850 $307,969$340,076 $340,076 $32,107 The Department has a broad and ever increasing list of responsibilties, including supporting the Human Relations Commission and Fair Rent Commission and serving as the City's Affirmative Action Officer, ADA Coordinator, Language Acess Coordinator, Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program, and Mayor's Representative to various anti-homelessness collaborations. Although we now have four full-time staff, we are still minimally staffed. 011000 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $6,063 $5,779 $5,000$5,330 $5,330 $330 Required overtime for Civil Rights/Fair Rent Investigator at Commission hearings and meetings and potentially urgent housing or ADA inspections. Required overtime for Bi-Lingual Secretary to attend Fairfield County Social Services Committee, Hispanic Women of Fairfield County Subcommittee and in rare instances to prepare for major events. Additional overtime for Program Coordinator to prepare for major events and Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program. 011000 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $1,686 $2 $0$0 $0 $0

011000 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

011000 5150 LONGEVITY $475 $925 $1,375$1,375 $1,375 $0

011000 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $1,763 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

011000 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $20 $172 $500$400 $400($100 ) Postage includes mailings to the commissioners of both Commissions, mailings in response to telephone inquiries, mailings for International Human Rights education events and Certified mailings related to Human Relations and Fair Rent complaints and notices of hearings and other proceedings. NOTE: We are requesting a REDUCED amount this year, again, from pro forma as greater reliance on electronic mailings has lowered our costs. 011000 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $411 $174 $784$500 $500($284 ) Includes publication of materials including brochures, informational handouts, letterhead and envelopes related to the Fair Rent Commission, Human Relations Commission, and ADA Committee and procedures. Many of these materials need to be updated from time to time and then reprinted for distribution. NOTE: Requsting a REDUCED amount from pro forma as use of the coy center and digitial letter head has reduced printing costs.

With the addition of the Summer Youth Employment Program we will need a slight increase this year. 011000 5225 TYPING SERVICES $7,088 $3,822 $6,180 $4,000 $4,000 ($2,180)

City of Norwalk 92 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. In addition to Telesco for meetings of the Fair Rent Commission, Human Relations Commission, and ADA Committee, we also use our Typing Services line item to cover costs of required verbatim transcript services for Fair Rent hearings and any possible Human Relations hearings,

Verbatim transcript services for hearings can cost between $800-$1,800 per hearing depending on the length of the hearing. We are required to use a court reporter to transcribe proceedings at hearings for either Commission. 011000 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $240 $240 $247$300 $300 $53 The Department subscribes to The Hour to track issues of interest to the Commissions including civil rights/race related matters and real estate developments.

NOTE: We expect a slight increase in the cost of The Hour this year. 011000 5234 SUBSCRIPTION-TAX,LAW $4,492 $4,970 $4,738$5,120 $5,120 $382 The Department subscribes to several legal reports on issues of relevance to the Commissions including updates on the American with Disabilities Act and employment discrimination law. The Department also receives updates on Connecticut Statutes governing landlord/tenant law and the State's anti-discrimination statutes. These update costs can be hard to predict. We also subscribe to Westlaw, an electronic database for legal research so that we can research questions of law that arise as part of our support of the Fair Rent and Human Relations Commission. We currently pay $179.48/month for Westlaw, but we have a contractual 3% increase in the subscription cost this year. 011000 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $35 $35 $100$100 $100 $0 Fair Housing Association; CT Housing Coalition; Human Services Council; CAHCEO (Connecticut Association of Housing Code Enforcement Officers). 011000 5237 ADVERTISING $1,236 $329 $319$690 $690 $371 Next year, as in years past, the money will go to advertise International Human Rights Day or seminars on landlord/tenant law. This past year we also had to post a legal notice which was a substantial cost.

We are asking for an increase to cover the increased cost of advertising and to cover additional advertising costs associate with the Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program. 011000 5245 TELEPHONE $494 $508 $650 $666 $666 $16 Follow up contacts are made following case intakes and during the investigation of fair rent and discrimination matters. Contact is made with tenants, landlords, employers, employees and witness who are involved with the various matters before our commissions. Calls are also made to colleagues in other municipalities to local agencies to consult and/or compare best practices.

NOTE: Requesting increased to account for additional staff whose current phone line does not seem to be billed to our department.

City of Norwalk 93 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 011000 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $810 $0 $400$2,900 $2,900 $2,500 For service of subpoenas and other professional services related to hearings not covered elsewhere in this request. Website Development for the Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program minor renovations to one room in office suite. 011000 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $888 $887 $850$2,000 $2,000 $1,150 Includes funds for ADA management training for City Hall managers and to facilitate our City Hall and School Based International Human Rights Day initiatives

NOTE: INCREASE due to change in format of International Human Rights Day event at City Hall from day event to evening event. 011000 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $784 $800 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 Employees in this department use their own vehicles to do property inspections, interview witnesses, attend meetings, and attend trainings. With a rise in fair rent complaints, we have a higher use of personal vehicles. Also, with two interns this year, both of whom have substantial out of office obligations, we are requesting a small increase. We hope these interns will be replaced with a part-time staff who will similarly need to work in the field including inspections of completed ADA projects and to review obstacles to ADA Compliance.

NOTE: Decrease from last year to reflect actual usage of new staff being less than expected. 011000 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $75 $393 $400$400 $400 $0 Employees attend meetings and/or trainings that may require the department to pay for meals or other incidentals. Also to pay for the incidentals of visiting professionals or colleagues working on Departmental projects. We also hope to expense staff attendance at Commission social functions as an incentive to attend these "optional" events without paying overtime. 011000 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $1,418 $1,686 $2,372$2,372 $2,372 $0 NOTE: Increase to pay for substantial higher costs associated with the new copier/fax/scanner. 011000 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $120 $355 $500$900 $900 $400 To cover the cost of attending conferences, such as the annual CT Housing Coalition conference, CHRO (Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities) conferences, CAHCEO (Connecticut Association of Housing Code Enforcment Officials) seminars, and various ADA trainings. Increased cost to cover costs of continuing legal education (CLE) for 2 departmental employees who are now required to take CLEs to maintain bar membership. 011000 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $715 $2,145 $10,000$15,040 $15,040 $5,040

City of Norwalk 94 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. For costs associated with the City's Language Access Plan including testing and training of current employees who serve as language interpreters and the costs for Language Line services for all City Hall employees. NOTE: Additional City employee interpreters are being added this year.

NOTE: We are in the process of hiring two individuals (private contractors) to add open captioning in English and Spanish to our Common Council videos and other videos found on the City's website as is required by the Americans with Disabilities Act and Language Access Program. 011000 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $1,920 $1,980 $2,000$2,000 $2,000 $0 Includes routine office supply needs as well as the cost of stationary for both Commissions, business cards, paper and toner for routine printing and copying of brochures and informational handouts and routine fax, printer, and copier use. The Department prints many informational flyers in-house on legal issues such as security deposit rights, lock-outs, utility problems between landlords and tenants, and disability resources. The Department also prints invitations, programs, and press releases related to International Human Rights Day and the Summer Youth Employment Program. 011000 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $3,054 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

011000 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $997 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $303,177 $333,051 $345,384 $385,169 $385,169 $39,785

Department Total $303,177 $333,051 $345,384 $385,169 $385,169 $39,785

City of Norwalk 95 Department Summary - YOUTH SERVICES


Administration Justice Assistance Grant

Description of Service/Mission Statements: To promote the healthy development of Norwalk’s children, youth, and families through collaboration, resource development, juvenile justice, prevention and early intervention. This is achieved through planning, evaluating, coordinating and implementing services for children, youth and families in Norwalk. The department provides adolescent services such as intervention and counseling; juvenile justice and related programs, such as youth development and anger management. The department is also a collaborator in its provision of services with the Norwalk Public Schools, Norwalk Police Department, and other local social services and agencies. Juvenile Justice services continue regionalization efforts via contracting with the Town of Westport for provision of Juvenile Justice services.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: • Continued provision of "Peer Outreach" program; a , activity based, youth development program offered after school each week.

• Continued provision of counseling services to adolescents and their families serving approximately130 families per year.

• Continued provision of Juvenile Justice Services. This entails the coordination of the local Juvenile Review Board, a Juvenile Court diversionary program. This program has also been renewed with the Town of Westport. Westport has agreed to adjust their contract with the City of Norwalk from $15,000 to $18,000 beginning July 1, 2018, to utilize the Norwalk JRB and related services for the upcoming fiscal year. The Norwalk JRB is expected to manage approximately 190 cases this year; it should be noted this number may be exceeded by the changes in the State of Connecticut's judicial system no longer handling school truancy cases with the expectation that all truancy cases will be routed through community JRBs. [Note: the State has currently not provided any additional funding for this activity.]

• Participated in various grant committees and task forces such as the Bryne Criminal Justice Initiative Safer Communities Planning Grant.

• Continued collaboration with Region 1 and Statewide CT Youth Services Assoc. (CYSA) entities relating to advocacy for issues that impact youth within our local community.

• Continued collaboration with the Juvenile Justice Task Force local interagency service team (LIST) to advocate for juvenile justice issues impacting youth within our local community.

City of Norwalk 96 Department Summary - YOUTH SERVICES Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Expand the regionalization of the Juvenile Review Board (JRB) and related services to the Town of Weston. Norwalk, Westport, and Weston all share the same Juvenile Court catchment area currently located in Bridgeport. Funds would be sought from the Town of Weston to support their inclusion in the Norwalk JRB. Discussion of this proposal is ongoing and there appears to be interest from the Town of Weston Police Department. [Note: Weston had indicated a plan to join the Norwalk JRB in fiscal year 2017-2018 but this plan was not followed through by the Weston Town Administrator). A new, permanent, Chief of Police hire has replaced the Acting Police of Chief in Weston and discussions are ongoing with him to actualize the plan for Weston to join the Norwalk JRB in the 2018-2019 fiscal year. An interest in approaching other communities within the next fiscal year such as New Canaan, to join the Norwalk JRB is also a goal.

• Continue to advocate and seek funding from Court Support Services Division (CSSD) to provide funding for Juvenile Justice related services. This service defers approximately 200 cases per year from the Juvenile Court to the local JRB without any current support from CSSD. This is an advocacy focus of Youth Service Bureaus (YSB) around the state as YSBs have been the designated coordinators of JRBs throughout the state.

• Continue to pursue current and increased funding level from the State Department of Education (SDE) that provides funding to the Norwalk Department of Youth Services as the designated local YSB. As of the date of this budget preparation, State funding via the YSB grant has yet to be determined but is expected to be approximately $50,000, a reduction from the previous fiscal year (from $53,485) due to cuts in the State budget.

• Continue to work with the City's Grants Manager to identify and procure additonal grants, state or federal, to support, subsidize, and augment the services the Norwalk YSB provides.

City of Norwalk 97 Department Summary - YOUTH SERVICES

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Youth Services' departmental recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net increase of $39,492 or 11.9% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget. This increase is driven $39,404 increase in Personnel Expenses due to contractual step increases and the settlement of union contracts. Funds for contract settlement were held in contingency in FY 2017-18 and were not included in departmental budgets. Contractual services increased $88.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Youth Services $282,630 $296,661 $331,505 $370,997 $370,997 $39,492 11.91 %

Total $282,630 $296,661 $331,505 $370,997 $370,997 $39,492 11.91 %

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $270,117 $289,151 $321,636 $361,040 $361,040 $39,404 12.25 % Contractual Services $5,592 $5,958 $7,368 $7,456 $7,456 $88 1.19 % Supplies and Materials $2,290 $1,552 $2,501 $2,501 $2,501 $0 0.00 % Fixed Charges $4,631 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $282,630 $296,661 $331,505 $370,997 $370,997 $39,492 %11.91

NON-TAX REVENUE Intergovernmental $61,287 $53,485 $66,887 $50,000 $50,000 ($16,887) (25.25%) Service Charges $15,000 $15,000 $30,000 $18,000 $18,000 ($12,000) (40.00%) Total $76,287 $68,485 $96,887 $68,000 $68,000 ($28,887) (29.82 %)

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $206,343 $228,176 $234,618 $302,997 $302,997 $68,379 %29.14

PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Y outh Services Director of Youth Services 11$106,851 1 $109,8251 $109,825 $117,1421 $117,1420 $7,317 Coordinator of Juvenile Justice and 11$66,654 11$66,654 $66,654 $78,3561 $78,3560 $11,702 Prevention Programs JRB Assistant Coordinator 01$0 1 $60,4391 $60,439 $71,0951 $71,0950 $10,656 Total 2 $173,505 3 $236,918 3 $236,918 3 $266,593 3 $266,5930 $29,675

Department Total 23$173,505 $236,918 3 $236,918 3 $266,593 3 $266,593 0 $29,675

City of Norwalk 98 Department Summary - YOUTH SERVICES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $282,630$296,661 $331,505 $370,997 Employees 233 3 Outputs General # of coalition efforts joined 333 3 # of grants received 222 2 # of grants written/applied for 333 2 # of Juvenile Review Board clients referred to the 720 0 100 court due to lack of capacity # of Juvenile Review Board clients referred to the 1623 23 25 court due to program failure # of Juvenile Review Board clients served 160232 232 232 # of social skills group participants 6060 60 60 # of social skills groups conducted 3939 39 39 # of special appropriations/BET transfers required000 0 # of State/Federal grant reports submitted 222 2 # of State/regional meetings attended 1820 20 20 # of youth/familes counseled 140140 140 140 Total dollar amount of contracts managed $16,800$16,800 $16,900 $19,900 Effectiveness General % of approved budget expended 99.9%90.9% 100% 100% % of grant reports submitted in a timely manner100%100% 100% 100% % of grants refunded 100%100% 100% 100% % of Juvenile Review Board Clients who 90%90% 85% 85% successfully complete their contracts. % of participants who would rate JRB service 90%90% 90% 98% valuable % of State reports submitted by due date 100%100% 100% 100%

City of Norwalk 99 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. YOUTH SERVICES 011100 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $174,272 $176,479 $236,918$266,593 $266,593 $29,675 Salaries for three (3) full time staff, Director, Coordinator of Juvenile Justice and Prevention Programs, and Assistant Juvenile Review Board (JRB) Coordinator. The full time Assistant JRB Coordinator position is currently vacant as the labor grade for this position is being negotiated with the City and the respective CBU. The part time staff previously working this position has temporarily been staffing this position until it can be filled full time. 011100 5111 SALARY ADJUSTMENT $0 $0 $0

011100 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $8,171 $7,899 $6,000$9,367 $9,367 $3,367 To cover the expenditure of full time staff operating an evening life/ social skills development program "Peer Outreach." The current amount of overtime funding has not been altered for some time and does not provide adequate funding to cover the full (school) year cost of the program. The requested amount is based on actuals in prior years and takes into account adjustments to hourly rate changes based on CBA contract. Amount is calculated as 4 hours of OT per week for Coordinator OT rate for 39 weeks of school calendar program. 011100 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $0

011100 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $87,069 $103,673 $77,618$83,980 $83,980 $6,362 The requested funding increase is to provide a salary adjustment for the Administrative assistant from $17.50 per hour to $19 per hour, AND to adjust the Administrative Assistant's hours from 19 hours per week to 25 hours per week. This is needed to manage the increased volume of work this position must perform and these hours have never previously been adjusted over the past 20 years. Also, the bi-lingual Administrative Assistant routinely aids in translation duties for all department staff (English-Spanish). The rates for Youth Counseling staff ARE NOT being adjusted this year. 011100 5150 LONGEVITY $575 $1,100 $1,100$1,100 $1,100 $0 Longevity payments per NMEA and NASA CBAs. 011100 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $30 $0 $0

011100 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $13 $164 $418$418 $418 $0 Mailing normal department correspondence, meeting and special event notices, and overnight delivery of large grant packages. 011100 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $240 $242 $300 $300 $300 $0 Printing of letterhead and envelopes, brochures, and business cards. 011100 5225 TYPING SERVICES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

011100 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $240 $240 $240 $320 $320 $80 Subscription to The Hour. Increase represents anticipated increase in subscription cost. 011100 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $523 $548 $605 $605 $605 $0

City of Norwalk 100 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Primarily Connecticut Youth Services Association; also Connecticut Clearinghouse. 011100 5237 ADVERTISING $359 $234 $700$700 $700 $0 Cost of advertising when positions become vacant. 011100 5245 TELEPHONE $365 $394 $305$313 $313 $8 Cost of local and long distance telephone service for employees to conduct department business. 011100 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $1,957 $1,957 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 Clinical consultation & Supervisory "back-up" from Family and Children's Agency $1,800 Background checks for new employees $200 011100 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $1,723 $1,928 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $0 Training for professional staff on administrative and clinical issues. Licensure reimbursements. 011100 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $120 $251 $600 $600 $600 $0 Local travel for all professional staff to meetings, site visits and to provide services. Statewide travel, primarily for the Director, to attend meetings of similar programs in other communities and to participate in training. 011100 5287 OTHER TRAVEL $0 $0 $0

011100 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $52 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Consolidated into 5258 011100 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $993 $557 $978 $978 $978 $0 A variety of office supplies (paper, pens, computer supplies file folders, etc.) needed to perform the functions of the Department. 011100 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $1,298 $995 $1,523 $1,523 $1,523 $0 Program supplies for implementing youth programs, such as craft materials, educational/therapeutic games, snacks, and other misc. operating expenses. 011100 5391 A-V EQUIPMENT $0 $0 $0

011100 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $3,556 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

011100 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $1,075 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

011100 5620 GRANTS&DONATIONS-INSTITU $0 $0 $0

011100 5661 SUNDRY $0 $0 $0

011100 5712 FILE CABINETS $0 $0 $0

011100 5731 CARS AND VANS $0 $0 $0

011100 5741 IT HARDWARE $0 $0 $0

011100 5751 SPORTING GOODS $0 $0 $0

011100 5753 OTHER RECREATION $0 $0 $0

Division Total $282,630 $296,661 $331,505 $370,997 $370,997 $39,492 YOUTH SERVICE-CADAC SUBSTANCE 011110 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $0 $0 $0

City of Norwalk 101 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 011130 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $0 $0 $0

011130 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

011130 5237 ADVERTISING $0 $0 $0

011130 5620 GRANTS&DONATIONS-INSTITU $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0 NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH CENTER FY00 011140 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $0 $0 $0

011140 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

011140 5237 ADVERTISING $0 $0 $0

011140 5620 GRANTS&DONATIONS-INSTITU $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0

Department Total $282,630 $296,661 $331,505 $370,997 $370,997 $39,492

City of Norwalk 102 Department Summary - REGISTRAR OF VOTERS


Administrator Democrat Republican

Description of Service/Mission Statements: To increase voter registration and participation. To conduct and monitor federal, state and local elections and primaries within the City of Norwalk. To maintain an accurate voter registry, fully implement the Federal HAVA Bill and fully implement Connecticut General Statutes.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: • Successfully completed processing of Primary Petitions and General Election Petitions from four city-wide and five in-district candidates. • Successfully completed District A Democratic Primary, September 12, 2017. • Successfully completed Close Vote Recount of District A Primary, Sept. 18, 2017 • Successfully completed Mayoral Election, November 7, 2017. • Successfully completed recount of District D Council race, November 13, 2017 • Successfully completed audit; one polling site (Fox Run) November 27, 2017. • Norwalk election used for testing of State Election Management System. • Improvements in training materials for election day poll workers. • Successfully designed, manufactured and acquired new or improved election equipment. • Hiring and training of approximately 180 poll workers for the Election Day. • Norwalk is a model for the State of Connecticut. • Maintained voter system for over 50,000 voters. • Training regarding of citizens with voter optical scanner system & ADA system. • Educated voters & poll workers with voting procedures. • Continued voter registration outreach. • Completed annual canvass of 50,000 active voters. • Purged and maintained voter files;in excess of 9,500 changes (additions, corrections and removals) to voter files first 11 months of 2017 (vs. 6,200 in first 11 months of 2015). • Continued presence on ROVAC and ROVAC Committees. • Fairfield County ROVAC training and meetings. • Continued review of proposed State legislation. • Successful implementing State General Statutes. • Successfully completed Election Day Registration (EDR). • Completion by both Registrars of Registrar Certification classes at UCONN and passing of required Secretary of the State's exam to become Certified Registrars.

City of Norwalk 103 Department Summary - REGISTRAR OF VOTERS Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Completion of Annual Mandated Canvass. • Purging of inactive to delete voters post-Election. • Purging of active to inactive voters post-Election • Voter file maintenance, over 50,000 active voters. • Continued presence on ROVAC. • Continued review of proposed State legislation. • Continued improvements of election day activities. • Continued education of voters and poll workers. • Maintain voter systems – single data entry in CVRS, integrate the local system. • Successful completion of State Elections and (almost certain) Primary. • Review absentee ballot system. • Test, repair and improve the election equipment. • Improving education on new election ADA equipment. • Review election day procedures with local moderators. • Working in conjunction with IT department to improve the city database. • Improve teaching materials. • Outreach to high school students and new residents. • Implement new state laws and new election equipment.

City of Norwalk 104 Department Summary - REGISTRAR OF VOTERS

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Registrar of Voter's departmental recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net increase of $145,155 or 36.1% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget. This increase is driven $115,890 increase in Part Time and Temporary Wages due to the increase in registered voters as a result of on line voter registration and DMV voter registrations. New voter laws also required mandated canvasing. Contractual services increased $32,395, these increases were offset by $3,130 decrease in other miscellaneous expenses.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Administration $455,296 $426,082 $401,988 $547,143 $547,143 $145,155 %36.11

Total $455,296 $426,082 $401,988 $547,143 $547,143 $145,155 %36.11

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $359,358 $354,997 $318,753 $440,333 $440,333 $121,580 38.14 % Contractual Services $60,879 $41,026 $57,815 $90,210 $90,210 $32,395 56.03 % Supplies and Materials $28,187 $26,354 $18,120 $15,000 $15,000 ($3,120) %)(17.22 Fixed Charges $6,873 $1,400 $800 $1,600 $1,600 $800 100.00 % Capital Outlay $0 $2,306 $6,500 $0 $0 ($6,500) %)(100.00 Total $455,296 $426,082 $401,988 $547,143 $547,143 $145,155 %36.11


Intergovernmental $5 $0 $5 $0 $0 ($5) (100.00%) Total $5 $0 $5 $0 $0 ($5) (100.00 %)

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $455,291 $426,082 $401,983 $547,143 $547,143 $145,160 %36.11

PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Re gistrar of Voters Registrar of Voters 22$106,062 2 $106,0622 $114,210 $115,9242 $115,9240 $1,714 Administrative Support II 11$57,550 1 $57,5501 $57,550 $61,3841 $61,3840 $3,834 Total 3 $163,612 3 $163,612 3 $171,760 3 $177,308 3 $177,3080 $5,548

Department Total 3 $163,612 33$163,612 $171,760 3 $177,308 3 $177,308 0 $5,548

City of Norwalk 105 Department Summary - REGISTRAR OF VOTERS


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $455,296 $426,082 $401,988 $547,143 Employees 3 33 3 Outputs Administration # of pieces mailed 7,500 10,000 10,000 12,500 # of special appropriations/BET transfers required 1 1 1 Voter Registration # of new voters registered 2,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 # of notification letters sent for yearly voter 4,000 4,000 4,000 5,000 canvass Election Day # of polling place notification cards sent to 45,000 45,000 45,000 51,000 registered voters # of registered voters 43,960 44,400 44,400 51,000 # of training sessions held 25 25 25 25 # of voting tabulator receiving scheduled 30 30 30 30 maintenance # of voting tabulators the City owns 30 30 30 30 # of workers hired and trained for Election Day 200 220 220 200 Effectiveness Administration % of approved budget expended 99.4% 100% 100% 100% Voter Registration % of new voter registration processed within one 100% 100% 100% 100% business day % of new voter registrations submitted to State 100% 100% 100% 100% within the statutory guidelines % of voters who have moved who are sent 100% 100% 100% 100% notification letters State Voter Registration Canvass Report 100% 100% 100% 100% Submitted on time/within statutory guidelines Election Day % of poll workers who have worked the polls 80% 80% 80% 80% before % of registered voters who voted in the primary Dem. 18.33% Dem. 15% Dem. 15% Dem. 7.75% Rep. 18.74% Rep. 20% Rep. 20% % of time voting machines need to be repaired on 0 00 0 Election Day

City of Norwalk 106 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. ADMINISTRATION 011210 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $164,239 $167,983 $171,760$177,308 $177,308 $5,548

011210 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $1,532 $1,742 $2,000$2,132 $2,132 $132 As necessary per Connecticut mandates for extended hours and pre-election 011210 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $0 $0 $0

011210 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $130,046 $116,752 $88,410$140,363 $140,363 $51,953 Poll workers and other election temporary workers are detailed in the temporary/seasonal positions personnel screen. Part-time office staff work on elections now included in part-time (#5140) except for excess hours over normal 19 hour weeks. (Only 12 polling places for State/Fed year vs. 13 for municipal year.)

Increse is due to increase in hourly rates and number of hours for election year activity. 011210 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $62,315 $66,810 $54,863$118,800 $118,800 $63,937 Four permanent part time office staff, used primarily for elections (summer-fall) and canvass (winter-spring) consolidated here. Number of New Registrations & Changes has increased significantly in the last two years due to on-line and DMV registrations. State/Federal Election has more changes than a Municipal year, but less than Presidential years. Norwalk has 15% more registered voters than it had just two years ago. We will be seeking an increase in pay for Part Time personel in early 2018. They are not paid a Fairfield County living wage, which would be $25 per hour -- the equivalent hourly rate of Administrative Support I (lowest step) adjusted for vacation and days off, but omitting all medical and other benfits. Previously part time for elections was in #5130. Now only the extra hours worked during elections remains in #5130. Amounts based on analysis of actual hours worked around elections vs. normal 19 hrs per week each. All year: Part-time staff enters new voters in the computer system and card-file and removes those who move out of town. This activity increases as voters tend to register more frequently as election approaches. 1. Part-time office staff during election season handles hundreds of election details. 2. Part-time office staff for Annual Canvass mandated by Federal HAVA Law & State Law, per SOTS Regulations Sending required letters to all voters identified as moving by National Change of Address (NCOA) system, plus Long- time non-voters, processing responses and returns and updating and purging card file. Part-time staff also maintains, sorts, packs, and programs election supplies, equipment, and computers.

Increase in Voter Registrations due to Motor Vehicle Department legal settlement with Department of Justice and Secretary of the State. DMV greatly increasing its effors under federal "Motor Voter" law. Hourly are reflects living wage for Fairfield County -- equivalent to Administrative Support I - (Not needed if full time positions approved)

City of Norwalk 107 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 011210 5150 LONGEVITY $1,225 $1,710 $1,720$1,730 $1,730 $10

011210 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

011210 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $8,191 $13,266 $20,000$20,000 $20,000 $0 Letters mailed to Registrations & Canvass (permanent increase over prior year, but less than presidential election year) $7,500 State/Federal "You Vote at" Postcard $12,500 - We will seek Common Council direction on this expenditure, as not required by state law Send each voter a post card with their new voting location information. Postal rates increase this year. 011210 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $6,964 $5,150 $12,309 $9,500 $9,500 ($2,809) Used for office stationary and canvass mailing - $8,250 Print "Where You Vote" Cards to Send to Voters - $1,750 - see postage account as well Address Post Cards to Voters - $3,500 - see postage account as well 011210 5227 MAP PRINTING $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

011210 5231 PUBL OF NOTICES & REPORT $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

011210 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

011210 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $171 $135 $350 $350 $350 $0 Registrar of Voters Association of Connecticut dues 011210 5237 ADVERTISING $0 $0 $0

011210 5245 TELEPHONE $8,155 $4,198 $3,500 $7,000 $7,000 $3,500 Phone lines to polling places required under state law. Direct line no longer required for Handicap Voting System. Trying to arrange use of School extension phones rather than installing phones. If this is possible, annual cost will decrease significantly. However, in first year, some set up and wiring will be required. Phone line installation may continue to be needed at , and at St. Mary Hall. Estimated at $3,500 Same requirements for Primary Election. Estimated at $3500 011210 5262 OTHER MACHINERY-EQUIP $14,536 $6,780 $10,300$36,000 $36,000 $25,700 Tabulator Memory Card Programming: for State/Federal Election $4,100 (2017 = $4,095) Maintainence of Tabulators 30 @$200 = $6,000 per contract Tabulator batteries and parts replaced during yearly maintainence = $250 Programming of IVS Handicap Voting tablets = $1,250 Ballot Printing: 35,000 @ $0.30 = $10,500 - Moved here from #532A Ballot Shipping and handling = $500 - Moved here from #532A Primary Election: Memory Card Programming = $4,100 Primary Election: Programming of IVS Handicap Voting tablets = $1,250 Primary Election: Ballot Printing: 25,000 @$0.30 = $7,500 Primary Election: Ballot Shipping and Handling = $450 Misc.100 Total : 36,000 011210 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $1,600 $0 $0

011210 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $823 $925 $900$900 $900 $0

City of Norwalk 108 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Account used to offset costs of using personal vehicle(s) for Election Day, City and State business, ROVAC meetings and some field work. 011210 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $1,640 $1,900 $2,000$2,000 $2,000 $0 Used for the Registrar of Voters/SOTS conference. Mandated 10 1/2 hours of training. This has increased due to conference increases. Both registrars will be attending. Also used to pay for any other conferences concerning the Registrar of voters that come up duirng the year 011210 5287 OTHER TRAVEL $0 $0 $0

011210 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $1,250 $1,172 $1,356 $1,560 $1,560 $204 Office Copier Rental: $80 x 12 = 960 Copies: $50 x 12 = 600 011210 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $1,070 $2,205 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 $0 ROVAC annual conferences and county meetings Any other conferences and meetings concerning the Registrar of Voters that come up during the year. = $1,000 UConn Courses for Deputies - Registrars are now certified. Deputies should take the courses now: Two deputies, 2 courses (out of 8) each @$200 Total Request: 1,800 011210 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $16,480 $5,295 $5,300 $11,100 $11,100 $5,800 Cost of delivering and picking up the voting machines for12 polling places = $5,500 NEW Shredding of old ballots = $100 Our department now needs to pay for any shredding that we must do. This was previously covered centrally. Each year we get rid of two- year old ballots. Primary Election, transportation and pick-up of voting equipment from polls = $5,500 011210 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $2,284 $2,101 $4,120 $6,000 $6,000 $1,880 General Office Supplies - State/Federal Election Increase needed to reflect permanent increase in registration activity due to DMV implementation of Motor Voter law. More card stock and toner, more stationary. 011210 5328 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

011210 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

011210 532A ELECTION SUPPLIES $25,903 $24,253 $14,000 $9,000 $9,000 ($5,000)

General Election Supplies & including tabulator supplies: $7,000 Additional Supplies for Primary Election: $2,000 011210 5342 SIGN PARTS AND SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

011210 5363 GUARD RAILS AND POSTS $0 $0 $0

011210 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $4,149 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

011210 5421 BUILDING&OFFICE RENTALS $1,400 $1,400 $800 $1,600 $1,600 $800 Rental of polling site at St. Mary Hall for Election: $800 Rental of polling site at St. Mary Hall for Primary: $800

City of Norwalk 109 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 011210 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $1,324 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

011210 5661 SUNDRY $0 $0 $0

011210 5711 DESKS,CHAIRS,ETC. $0 $0 $0

011210 5721 TYPEWRITERS $0 $0 $0

011210 5729 OTHER EQUIPMENT & MACHINERY $0 $2,306 $6,500$0 $0($6,500 )

011210 5741 IT HARDWARE $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 6 wide screen monitors for staff at $300 (est.) each 011210 5772 HEATING SYSTEMS $0 $0 $0

Division Total $455,296 $426,082 $401,988 $547,143 $547,143 $145,155 DEMOCRAT 011220 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $0 $0 $0

011220 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $0 $0 $0

011220 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $0 $0

011220 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $0 $0

011220 5524 FINES & PENALTIES $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0 REPUBLICAN 011221 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $0 $0 $0

011221 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $0 $0 $0

011221 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $0 $0

011221 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $0 $0

011221 5524 FINES & PENALTIES $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0

Department Total $455,296 $426,082 $401,988 $547,143 $547,143 $145,155

City of Norwalk 110 Department Summary - FINANCE DEPARTMENT


Tax Assessor Tax Collector Accounting Management Purchasing & Treasury & Budgets

Description of Service/Mission Statements: The Department of Finance is responsible for the administration of the fiscal policies of the city and for keeping the accounts and financial records of the city.This includes the assessment and collection of taxes and other revenues, the custody, investment, and disbursement of city funds, the control over expenditures, the purchase of services and materials, and the preparation of the city's operating and capital budgets.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: • Ended FY 2017 with positive financial results of operation. FY 2017 ended with a total fund balance of $55.6 million an increase of $4.5 million. Unassigned fund balance also increased by $3.9 million to $51.2 million.

• Maintained the City's Aaa/AAA bond rating from all three major rating agencies.

• Issued $35.0 million of general obligation bonds in July 2017 to finance the City's capital program and refunded an additional $25.7 million for interest rate savings.

• Received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers' Association.

• Developed an internal audit work plan and completed four (4) internal audits to date.

Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Maintain the city's strong financial condition by developing realistic budgets that result in balanced financial results of operation.

• Maintain the city's strong oversight over financial operations through regular revenue and expenditure forecasting. Prepare quarterly forecasts of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance for the general fund. Monitor and prepare quarterly forecasts of revenues and expenses and changes in net position for the insurance internal services fund.

• Prepare and update the city's three-year proforma operating budget projection in advance of the annual budget process, in order to assist the Mayor in formulating his budgetary priorities.

• Maintain the city's excellence in financial reporting by regularly producing timely and accurate financial reports.

111 City of Norwalk Department Summary - FINANCE DEPARTMENT

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Finance departmental recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net decrease of $248,784 or 6.9% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget.

This increase is driven $367,666 increase in Personnel Expenses due to contractual step increases and the settlement of union contracts. Funds for contract settlement were held in contingency in FY 2017-18 and were not included in departmental budgets. These increase was offset by a $74,000 decrease in Professional Services, since 2018-19 is not a tax sale year expenses related to the statutory required publishing are not necessary; IT Hardware decreased $35,100, this was a one- time expense in 2017-18 for new time clocks at various city buildings. Other miscellaneous expenses account for a net $9,782 decrease.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Office Of Director $264,733 $227,126 $213,985 $218,175 $218,175 $4,190 1.96 % Tax Assessor $731,034 $734,365 $832,860 $892,089 $892,089 $59,229 %7.11 Tax Collector $929,876 $869,449 $964,381 $949,851 $949,851 ($14,530) (1.51%) Accounting & Treasury $773,662 $838,183 $887,520 $1,166,791 $1,052,819 $165,299 18.62 % Management & Budgets $328,451 $366,799 $323,570 $337,477 $337,477 $13,907 %4.30 Purchasing Office $364,455 $348,748 $403,129 $423,818 $423,818 $20,689 5.13 %

Total $3,392,210 $3,384,670 $3,625,445 $3,988,201 $3,874,229 $248,784 6.86 %

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $2,769,122 $2,821,443 $2,903,567 $3,385,205 $3,271,233 $367,666 12.66 % Contractual Services $559,736 $529,768 $647,147 $563,998 $563,998 ($83,149) (12.85%) Supplies and Materials $20,200 $28,762 $35,225 $32,125 $32,125 ($3,100) (8.80%) Fixed Charges $43,101 $4,697 $4,406 $6,873 $6,873 $2,467 55.99 % Debt Service $52 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Capital Outlay $0 $0 $35,100 $0 $0 ($35,100) (100.00%) Total $3,392,210 $3,384,670 $3,625,445 $3,988,201 $3,874,229 $248,784 %6.86

NON-TAX REVENUE Interest and Penalties $1,806,407 $1,725,923 $1,806,407 $1,836,781 $1,836,781 $30,374 1.68 % Intergovernmental $4,790,317 $6,833,576 $7,790,584 $5,585,202 $5,585,202 ($2,205,382) (28.31%) Service Charges $14,517 $35,843 $28,523 $24,720 $24,720 ($3,803) (13.33%) Miscellaneous $336,015 $172,175 $336,116 $417,716 $417,716 $81,600 24.28 % Investment Income $1,845,255 $166,072 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 0.00 % Total $8,792,510 $8,933,590 $10,961,630 $8,864,419 $8,864,419 ($2,097,211) (19.13%)

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES ($5,400,300) )($5,548,920 )($7,336,185 )($4,876,218 ($4,990,190) $2,345,995 (31.98%)

112 City of Norwalk Department Summary - FINANCE DEPARTMENT

Summary by Division - Recommended FY 2018-19

Management & Budgets Purchasing Office $337,477 $423,818Tax Assessor $218,175 Office Of Director


Accounting & Treasury Tax Collector $949,851 $1,052,819

PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Finance Director Director of Finance 11$148,960 1 $154,9781 $158,078 $161,7931 $161,7930 $3,715 Total 1 $148,960 1 $154,978 1 $158,078 1 $161,793 1 $161,7930 $3,715 Tax Assessor Assistant Assessor 11$109,825 1 $109,8251 $109,825 $120,3081 $120,3080 $10,483 Assessor 11$132,723 1 $132,7231 $136,473 $149,4001 $149,4000 $12,927 Assessment Clerk 12$54,809 2 $109,6182 $109,618 $116,9222 $116,9220 $7,304 Assessment Analyst 33$210,379 2 $133,9023 $197,355 $224,0913 $224,0910 $26,736 Sr Assessment Analyst 00$0 1 $69,977 0 $0 0 0 Assessment Technician I 11$66,654 1 $66,6541 $66,654 $71,0951 $71,0950 $4,441 Administrative Assessment Technician 21$115,100 1 $57,5501 $57,550 $61,3841 $61,3840 $3,834 Assessment Data Technician 11$63,453 1 $63,4531 $63,453 $67,6801 $67,6800 $4,227 Total 10 $752,943 10 $743,702 10 $740,928 10 $810,880 10 $810,8800 $69,952 Tax Collector Tax Collector 11$124,056 1 $127,3161 $127,316 $141,5661 $141,5660 $14,250 Assistant Tax Collector 11$105,231 1 $105,2311 $105,231 $113,5761 $113,5760 $8,345 Delinquent Tax Collector 11$84,740 1 $84,7401 $84,740 $90,3861 $90,3860 $5,646 Supervisor of Data Records 11$63,453 1 $63,4531 $63,453 $67,6801 $67,6800 $4,227 Tax Administrative Aide I 22$104,901 2 $107,2592 $115,100 $122,7682 $122,7680 $7,668 Cashier/Clerk 11$52,210 1 $45,1001 $47,351 $53,0211 $53,0210 $5,670 Sr Cashier 11$63,453 1 $63,4531 $63,453 $67,6801 $67,6800 $4,227 Total 8 $598,044 8 $596,552 8 $606,644 8 $656,677 8 $656,6770 $50,033

113 City of Norwalk Department Summary - FINANCE DEPARTMENT

PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Accountin g & Treasury Principal Accountant 11$115,764 1 $115,7641 $115,764 $113,9721 $113,972 0 ($1,792) Comptroller (inc. severance) 11$150,122 1 $154,0761 $154,076 $156,3661 $156,3660 $2,290 Account Clerk II 33$184,331 3 $184,3313 $184,331 $203,0403 $203,0400 $18,709 Accountant 01$0 1 $63,4531 $66,654 $74,6391 $74,6390 $7,985 Budget Analyst/Accountant 11$89,295 1 $89,2951 $89,295 $95,2451 $95,2450 $5,950 Administrative Support II 11$47,351 1 $49,7091 $57,550 $61,3841 $61,3840 $3,834 Payroll & Accounts Payable Supervisor 11$73,463 1 $73,4631 $73,463 $78,3571 $78,3570 $4,894 Financial Systems Manager 01$0 0 $0 0 $0 $113,972 0 $0 0 $0 New Comptroller 00$0 0 $0 0 $0 $155,9120 $155,9120 $155,912 Total 8 $660,326 9 $730,091 9 $741,133 10 $1,052,887 9 $938,9150 $197,782 Management & Budgets Director of Management & Budgets 11$136,434 1 $126,6851 $130,612 $133,4261 $133,4260 $2,814 Budget Analyst/Internal Auditor 10$80,990 1 $85,039 0 $0 0 0 Assistant Dir. Management & Budgets 11$112,793 1 $112,7931 $103,886 $110,8071 $110,8070 $6,921 Executive Secretary 11$69,977 1 $69,9771 $69,977 $74,6391 $74,6390 $4,662 Total 4 $400,194 4 $394,494 3 $304,475 3 $318,872 3 $318,8720 $14,397 Purchasing Purchasing Agent 11$112,793 1 $106,8511 $109,825 $117,1421 $117,1420 $7,317 Purchasing Officer 11$86,969 1 $73,5831 $80,276 $86,8221 $86,8220 $6,546 Administrative Support I 01$0 1 $45,1001 $47,351 $55,6891 $55,6890 $8,338 Administrative Support II 10$47,351 0 $0 0 $0 0 0 Buyer 01$0 1 $54,8091 $57,550 $64,4661 $64,4660 $6,916 Total 3 $247,113 4 $280,343 4 $295,002 4 $324,119 4 $324,1190 $29,117 Department Total 34 $2,807,580 36$2,900,160 35 $2,846,260 36 $3,325,228 35 $3,211,256 0 $364,996

114 City of Norwalk Department Summary - FINANCE DEPARTMENT

OFFICE OF DIRECTOR DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES To carry out the financial policies set by the Mayor, Board of Estimate and Taxation, and Common Council; develop long-range financial plans for the City; advise the Mayor, Board of Estimate and Taxation and Common Council on fiscal matters. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $203,233 $162,835 $158,078 $162,268 $162,268 $4,190 %2.65 Contractual Services $58,470 $64,291 $55,907 $55,907 $55,907 $0 %0.00 Fixed Charges $3,030 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $264,733 $227,126 $213,985 $218,175 $218,175 $4,190 1.96 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $264,733 $227,126 $213,985 218,175 Employees 1 11 1 Outputs General # of bond financing transactions conducted 1 11 1 # of budget projection reports prepared 4 44 4 # of days after end of fiscal year required to close 75 75 75 75 books Dollar value of new bond financings $17.0M $22.0M $30.0M $30.0M Total City assets under management (millions) $1,275 $1,275 $1,302 $1,302 Effectiveness Variance between budgeted and actual General Fund Expenditures 98.9% 95.6% 100% 100% General Fund Revenues 101.84% 100% 100% 100% General # of Single Audit Findings reported by Outside 0 00 0 Auditors Cost of Financial Operations as % of total budget 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% Years Received GFOA CAFR Award 25 26 27 28 Years Received GFOA Distinguished Budget 15 16 17 18 Award

115 City of Norwalk Department Summary - FINANCE DEPARTMENT

TAX ASSESSOR DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Establish Fair Market Value at 70% Assessed Value on all taxable and non-taxable property and administer State exemption programs, culminating in the filing of the annual Grand List in accordance with the State statutes. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $677,608 $676,052 $753,371 $822,911 $822,911 $69,540 %9.23 Contractual Services $39,508 $52,433 $68,531 $58,760 $58,760 ($9,771) %)(14.26 Supplies and Materials $3,164 $2,774 $7,510 $5,510 $5,510 ($2,000) %)(26.63 Fixed Charges $10,754 $3,107 $3,448 $4,908 $4,908 $1,460 %42.34 Total $731,034 $734,365 $832,860 $892,089 $892,089 $59,229 7.11 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $731,034 $734,365 $832,860 $892,089 Employees 10 10 10 10 Outputs Administration # of boards, commissions & committees staff to1 11 1 # of elderly and disabled tax credit applications 1,425 1,229 1,109 1,230 received/entered # of FOI requests 65 68 47 42 # of hours processing personnel, requisition and 755 975 945 facility matters # of hours spent preparing meeting agendas 305 382 512 533 # of information requests/public inquiries 7,150 7,794 8,196 7,805 # of information sessions held 245 250 250 245 # of Personal Property Audit 20 62010 # of special appropriations/BET transfers required 3 35 4 # of staff training classes and workshops attended 22 21 18 16 # of State forms filed 16 16 16 16 Assessment Grand List Motor Vehicles - # of vehicles 70,500 71,397 73,114 73,736 Personal Property - # of accounts 3,555 3,545 3,596 3,576 Real Estate - # of properties 29,700 29,967 29,976 29,980 Suppl. MV’s - # of vehicles 14,855 14,968 16,733 16,668 Data Collection # of building permits, other inspections completed 1,942 1,845 1,642 1,560 # of personal property declarations processed 3,650 3,651 3,416 3,245 # of vehicles priced, added, deleted 14,225 14,367 17,855 16,792 Adjustments

116 City of Norwalk Department Summary - FINANCE DEPARTMENT

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd # of BAA appeals completed/processed 750 540 289 217 # of motor vehicle adjustments 2,600 2,834 2,692 2,422 completed/processed # of personal property adjustments 305 323 294 250 completed/processed # of real estate adjustments completed/processed699 703 668 577 Total dollar value of BAA appeals 760,000,000 447,200,000 239,334,815 167,534,370 Superior Court Appeals # of Court appeals completed/processed 105 68 47 21 Total dollar value of Court appeals 637,000,000 452,270,000 312,598,000 140,669,100 Effectiveness Administration # of personal property non-filers 250 350 525 250 % of approved budget expended 82.5% 88.6% 45.0% 90.0% % of information requests/inquiries answered in a 99% 99% 95% 99.0% timely manner % of State forms filed within statutory deadlines 100% 100% 100% 100% % of tax credit applications processed in a timely 99% 100% 99% 99.5% manner Data Collection % of permitted properties inspected & entered into 97% 96% 75% 80.0% the system/processed in a timely manner Real Estate % of C of O Prorate Certificate processed within 95% 91% 70% 95.0% 90 days of CO Data entry error rate 2% 2% 3% 2.0% Quality control of 5% of inspections – field review 2% 2% 3% 2.5% error rate Adjustments % of BAA appeals that result in property adj. 40% 45% 50% 55.0% % of Court appeals that result in property adj. 90% 92% 99% 85.0%

117 City of Norwalk Department Summary - FINANCE DEPARTMENT

TAX COLLECTOR DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Administration of all billing and collection activity for current and delinquent real estate, vehicle and personal property taxes, sewer use chageds, interest fees and other charges and special assessments, processing and deposit of all payments; and maintenance of all records in accordance with provisions of the Connecticut General Statutes. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $617,766 $628,208 $635,595 $692,402 $692,402 $56,807 %8.94 Contractual Services $299,309 $235,641 $323,986 $252,449 $252,449 ($71,537) (22.08%) Supplies and Materials $3,777 $5,600 $4,800 $5,000 $5,000 $200 %4.17 Fixed Charges $9,024 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $929,876 $869,449 $964,381 $949,851 $949,851 ($14,530) (1.51%)


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs

Direct Expenditures $929,876 $869,449 $964,381 $949,851 Employees 8 88 8 Effectiveness Collections Tax collection rates 98.9% 98.2% 98.5% 98.5

118 City of Norwalk Department Summary - FINANCE DEPARTMENT

ACCOUNTING & TREASURY DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Maintain and supervise the general accounting function for the City and manage the recording, deposit and investment of funds; record all financial transactions of the City and prepare the City's financial reports in a timely and accepted format; provide accounting and reporting functions for special revenue grant programs and ensure that grant funds are expended in accordance with grant agreements and program objects. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $676,252 $741,868 $754,771 $1,062,907 $948,935 $194,164 %25.72 Contractual Services $75,309 $78,506 $81,334 $85,769 $85,769 $4,435 %5.45 Supplies and Materials $13,896 $17,808 $16,315 $18,115 $18,115 $1,800 %11.03 Fixed Charges $8,152 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Debt Service $52 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Capital Outlay $0 $0 $35,100 $0 $0 ($35,100) (100.00%) Total $773,662 $838,183 $887,520 $1,166,791 $1,052,819 $165,299 18.62 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $773,662 $838,183 $887,520 1,0152,819 Employees 8 9910 Outputs Administration # of boards, commissions & committees staff to 3 33 3 Payroll # of 1099R’s prepared 1,194 1199 1,200 1,200 # of affordable care records prepared 2,868 2840 3,000 3,000 # of direct deposit checks 100,005 100726 100,000 100,000 # of payroll checks (City and Board of Education) 8,159 7326 8,500 7,400 # of W2’s prepared 3,589 3724 3,600 3,600 Accounts Payable/General Ledger # of 1099 interest prepared 16 18 20 20 # of 1099 misc. prepared 556 542 600 600 # of electronic payments (Accounts Payable) 6,244 5390 6,300 6,000 # of invoices 26,249 26939 27,000 27,000 # of journal entries 203,860 205228 204,000 204,000 # of vendor checks 25,367 25887 26,000 26,000 Investment Total basis points earned 167 14 80 90 Effectiveness % Accounts Payable for city processed in 30 days 80%

119 City of Norwalk Department Summary - FINANCE DEPARTMENT

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd % Accounts Payable processed in Accounting in 7 95% days Administration % of approved budget expended 99.8% 98.5% 99.9% 99.9% Awarded GFOA Certificate for Excellence in 5 GFOA 5 GFOA 5 GFOA 5 GFOA Financial Reporting Comments Comments Comments Comments Payroll % of 1099’s prepared within Federal & State 100% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% requirements % of direct deposit checks issued corr. and on 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% time % of payroll checks issued correctly and on time99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% % of W2’s prepared within Federal & State 100% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% requirements Accounts Payable/General Ledger % of time accounts payable is up to date 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% % of time financial system is up to date 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% % of vendor checks proc. within a timely manner99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9%

120 City of Norwalk Department Summary - FINANCE DEPARTMENT

MANAGEMENT & BUDGETS DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Prepare, execute, and evaluate the City's Operating and Capital Budgets; evaluate procedural systems of departments; conduct various types of financial program and performance audits to ensure compliance with City Code, State Statutes, and administrative policies. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $306,432 $346,404 $306,700 $320,598 $320,598 $13,898 %4.53 Contractual Services $14,423 $17,702 $14,870 $14,879 $14,879 $9 %0.06 Supplies and Materials $2,114 $2,692 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 %0.00 Fixed Charges $5,482 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $328,451 $366,799 $323,570 $337,477 $337,477 $13,907 4.30 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $328,451 $366,799 $323,570 $337,477 Employees 4 43 3 Outputs General # of audits and special projects completed 7 20 0 # of awards applied to for financial reporting 1 11 1 # of department/agency/authority operating 48 48 48 48 budget submittals reviewed & processed Effectiveness General % of approved budget expended 98.9% 87.5% 100% 100% % of audits and projects completed on time 100% 100% 100% 100% % of transfers processed in a timely manner 100% 100% 100% 100%

121 City of Norwalk Department Summary - FINANCE DEPARTMENT

PURCHASING OFFICE DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Provide the goods, materials, and services required by all City departments on a timely basis; to establish procurement procedures and standards and develop new sources of supply. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $287,830 $266,075 $295,052 $324,119 $324,119 $29,067 %9.85 Contractual Services $72,717 $81,194 $102,519 $96,234 $96,234 ($6,285) (6.13%) Supplies and Materials ($2,751) ($112) $4,600 $1,500 $1,500 ($3,100) %)(67.39 Fixed Charges $6,658 $1,591 $958 $1,965 $1,965 $1,007 %105.11 Total $364,455 $348,748 $403,129 $423,818 $423,818 $20,689 5.13 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $364,455 $348,748 $403,129 $423,818 Employees 3 44 4 Outputs Administration # of boards, commission & committee meetings 140 140 140 140 attended # of payments processed/bills paid 115 115 115 115 Purchase Orders # of Purchase Orders processed 970 970 970 840 Total Dollar Value of Purchase Orders processed 45,000,000 45,000,000 45,000,000 44,000,000 Requisitions # of requisitions received 1,000 1,000 1,000 870 Number of days to convert a requisition into a 14 14 14 14 Purchase Orders Bids # of bids processed 150 150 160 130 # of Council runs 26 26 26 26 # of locations serviced 33 33 33 33 # of pieces of mail delivered 106,000 106,000 106,000 100,000 Bid savings 9,500,000 9,500,000 9,500,000 11,300,000 Dollar value of bids 33,750,000 33,750,000 33,750,000 40,600,000 Mail Processing 106,000 106,000 106,000 100,000 Effectiveness Administration % of approved budget expended 100% 91.1% 100% 100% % of meetings attended 68% 68% 68% 68% % of payments sent to accounts payable within 16 78% 78% 78% 78% days of receipt 122 City of Norwalk Department Summary - FINANCE DEPARTMENT

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd

Requisitions % of requisitions over $10,0000 converted into a 79% 79% 79% 90% Purchase Order in less than 20 days. % of requisitions under $10,0000 converted into a 79% 79% 79% 95% Purchase Order in less than 20 days. Bids % of bids processed within 45 days of receipt 80% 80% 80% 90% Mail Processing % of mail processed within two days of receipt 94% 94% 94% 97%


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $264,733$227,126 $213,985 218,175 Employees 111 1 Outputs General # of bond financing transactions conducted 111 1 # of budget projection reports prepared 444 4 # of days after end of fiscal year required to close 7575 75 75 books Dollar value of new bond financings $17.0M$22.0M $30.0M $30.0M Total City assets under management (millions)$1,275$1,275 $1,302 $1,302 Effectiveness Variance between budgeted and actual General Fund Expenditures 98.9%95.6% 100% 100% General Fund Revenues 101.84%100% 100% 100% General # of Single Audit Findings reported by Outside 000 0 Auditors Cost of Financial Operations as % of total budget 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% Years Received GFOA CAFR Award 25 26 27 28 Years Received GFOA Distinguished Budget 1516 17 18 Award Inputs Direct Expenditures $731,034$734,365 $832,860 $892,089 Employees 1010 10 10 Outputs Administration # of boards, commissions & committees staff to111 1 # of elderly and disabled tax credit applications 1,4251,229 1,109 1,230 received/entered # of FOI requests 6568 47 42 # of hours processing personnel, requisition and 755975 945 facility matters # of hours spent preparing meeting agendas 305382 512 533 # of information requests/public inquiries 7,1507,794 8,196 7,805 # of information sessions held 245250 250 245 # of Personal Property Audit 206 20 10 # of special appropriations/BET transfers required353 4 # of staff training classes and workshops attended 22 21 18 16 # of State forms filed 16 16 16 16 Assessment Grand List Motor Vehicles - # of vehicles 70,500 71,397 73,114 73,736 Personal Property - # of accounts 3,555 3,545 3,596 3,576 Real Estate - # of properties 29,700 29,967 29,976 29,980 Suppl. MV’s - # of vehicles 14,855 14,968 16,733 16,668 Data Collection # of building permits, other inspections completed 1,942 1,845 1,642 1,560 # of personal property declarations processed 3,650 3,651 3,416 3,245 # of vehicles priced, added, deleted 14,225 14,367 17,855 16,792 Adjustments

124 City of Norwalk Department Summary - FINANCE DEPARTMENT

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd # of BAA appeals completed/processed 750540 289 217 # of motor vehicle adjustments 2,6002,834 2,692 2,422 completed/processed # of personal property adjustments 305323 294 250 completed/processed # of real estate adjustments completed/processed699703 668 577 Total dollar value of BAA appeals 760,000,000447,200,000 239,334,815 167,534,370 Superior Court Appeals # of Court appeals completed/processed 10568 47 21 Total dollar value of Court appeals 637,000,000452,270,000 312,598,000 140,669,100 Effectiveness Administration # of personal property non-filers 250350 525 250 % of approved budget expended 82.5%88.6% 45.0% 90.0% % of information requests/inquiries answered in a 99%99% 95% 99.0% timely manner % of State forms filed within statutory deadlines100%100% 100% 100% % of tax credit applications processed in a timely 99%100% 99% 99.5% manner Data Collection % of permitted properties inspected & entered into 97% 96% 75% 80.0% the system/processed in a timely manner Real Estate % of C of O Prorate Certificate processed within 95% 91% 70% 95.0% 90 days of CO Data entry error rate 2% 2% 3% 2.0% Quality control of 5% of inspections – field review 2% 2% 3% 2.5% error rate Adjustments % of BAA appeals that result in property adj. 40% 45% 50% 55.0% % of Court appeals that result in property adj. 90% 92% 99% 85.0% Inputs

Direct Expenditures $929,876$869,449 $964,381 $949,851 Employees 888 8 Effectiveness Collections Tax collection rates 98.9%98.2% 98.5% 98.5 Inputs Direct Expenditures $773,662$838,183 $887,520 1,0152,819 Employees 899 10 Outputs Administration # of boards, commissions & committees staff to333 3 Payroll # of 1099R’s prepared 1,1941199 1,200 1,200 # of affordable care records prepared 2,8682840 3,000 3,000 # of direct deposit checks 100,005100726 100,000 100,000 # of payroll checks (City and Board of Education)8,1597326 8,500 7,400 # of W2’s prepared 3,5893724 3,600 3,600 Accounts Payable/General Ledger

125 City of Norwalk Department Summary - FINANCE DEPARTMENT

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd # of 1099 interest prepared 1618 20 20 # of 1099 misc. prepared 556542 600 600 # of electronic payments (Accounts Payable)6,2445390 6,300 6,000 # of invoices 26,24926939 27,000 27,000 # of journal entries 203,860205228 204,000 204,000 # of vendor checks 25,36725887 26,000 26,000 Investment Total basis points earned 16714 80 90 Effectiveness % Accounts Payable for city processed in 30 days 80% % Accounts Payable processed in Accounting in 7 95% days Administration % of approved budget expended 99.8% 98.5% 99.9% 99.9% Awarded GFOA Certificate for Excellence in 5 GFOA 5 GFOA 5 GFOA 5 GFOA Financial Reporting Comments Comments Comments Comments Payroll % of 1099’s prepared within Federal & State 100%99.9% 99.9% 99.9% requirements % of direct deposit checks issued corr. and on 99.9%99.9% 99.9% 99.9% time % of payroll checks issued correctly and on time 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% % of W2’s prepared within Federal & State 100% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% requirements Accounts Payable/General Ledger % of time accounts payable is up to date 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% % of time financial system is up to date 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% % of vendor checks proc. within a timely manner 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% Inputs Direct Expenditures $328,451$366,799 $323,570 $337,477 Employees 434 3 Outputs General # of audits and special projects completed 702 0 # of awards applied to for financial reporting 111 1 # of department/agency/authority operating budget 4848 48 48 submittals reviewed & processed Effectiveness General % of approved budget expended 98.9%87.5% 100% 100% % of audits and projects completed on time 100%100% 100% 100% % of transfers processed in a timely manner 100%100% 100% 100% Inputs Direct Expenditures $364,455$348,748 $403,129 $423,818 Employees 344 4 Outputs Administration # of boards, commission & committee meetings 140140 140 140 attended # of payments processed/bills paid 115115 115 115 Purchase Orders

126 City of Norwalk Department Summary - FINANCE DEPARTMENT

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd # of Purchase Orders processed 970970 970 840 Total Dollar Value of Purchase Orders processed45,000,00045,000,000 45,000,000 44,000,000 Requisitions # of requisitions received 1,0001,000 1,000 870 Number of days to convert a requisition into a 1414 14 14 Purchase Orders Bids # of bids processed 150150 160 130 # of Council runs 2626 26 26 # of locations serviced 3333 33 33 # of pieces of mail delivered 106,000106,000 106,000 100,000 Bid savings 9,500,0009,500,000 9,500,000 11,300,000 Dollar value of bids 33,750,00033,750,000 33,750,000 40,600,000 Mail Processing 106,000106,000 106,000 100,000 Effectiveness Administration % of approved budget expended 100%91.1% 100% 100% % of meetings attended 68%68% 68% 68% % of payments sent to accounts payable within 16 78%78% 78% 78% days of receipt Requisitions % of requisitions over $10,0000 converted into a 79%79% 79% 90% Purchase Order in less than 20 days. % of requisitions under $10,0000 converted into a 79%79% 79% 95% Purchase Order in less than 20 days. Bids % of bids processed within 45 days of receipt80%80% 80% 90% Mail Processing % of mail processed within two days of receipt94%94% 94% 97%

127 City of Norwalk Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. OFFICE OF DIRECTOR 011310 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $203,233 $158,185 $158,078$161,793 $161,793 $3,715

011310 5111 SALARY ADJUSTMENT $0 $0 $0

011310 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $0 $4,650 $0$0 $0 $0

011310 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $0 $0$475 $475 $475

011310 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $3 $10 $0$0 $0 $0

011310 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $172 $195 $133$133 $133 $0 Based on PY history 011310 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $285 $220 $300 $300 $300 $0 Based on PY history 011310 5245 TELEPHONE $8 $20 $0

011310 5253 ACCOUNTING,AUDITING SERV $55,700 $63,300 $50,750 $50,750 $50,750 $0 Outside Auditors fees 011310 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $50 $0

011310 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $825 $89 $824 $824 $824 $0 Based on prior-years history 011310 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $908 $288 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $0 Based on PY history 011310 5287 OTHER TRAVEL $0 $0 $0

011310 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $570 $120 $2,400 $2,400 $2,400 $0 Based on PY history 011310 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $0 $0 $0

011310 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $2,438 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

011310 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $592 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

011310 5795 STORM SANDY $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $264,733 $227,126 $213,985 $218,175 $218,175 $4,190 TAX ASSESSOR 011320 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $644,678 $659,536 $740,928$810,880 $810,880 $69,952

011320 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $24,943 $11,102 $8,963$8,531 $8,531($432 ) Assessment Analyst: 30 hrs. @ $58.34 = $1,750 Assessment Data Tech.: 40 hrs. @ $50.39 = $2,016 Assessment Tech I: 30 hrs. @ $52.93 = $1,588 Assessment Clerk : 10hrs. @ $43.52 = $435 Admin.Assmt.Tech: 60 hrs. @ $45.70 = $2,742 Total = $8,531 011320 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $1,190 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

011320 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

011320 5150 LONGEVITY $2,985 $3,445 $3,480$3,500 $3,500 $20

011320 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

128 City of Norwalk Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. OFFICE OF DIRECTOR 011310 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $203,233 $158,185 $158,078$161,793 $161,793 $3,715

011310 5111 SALARY ADJUSTMENT $0 $0 $0

011310 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $0 $4,650 $0$0 $0 $0

011310 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $0 $0$475 $475 $475

011310 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $3 $10 $0$0 $0 $0

011310 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $172 $195 $133$133 $133 $0 Based on PY history 011310 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $285 $220 $300 $300 $300 $0 Based on PY history 011310 5245 TELEPHONE $8 $20 $0

011310 5253 ACCOUNTING,AUDITING SERV $55,700 $63,300 $50,750 $50,750 $50,750 $0 Outside Auditors fees 011310 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $50 $0

011310 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $825 $89 $824 $824 $824 $0 Based on prior-years history 011310 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $908 $288 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $0 Based on PY history 011310 5287 OTHER TRAVEL $0 $0 $0

011310 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $570 $120 $2,400 $2,400 $2,400 $0 Based on PY history 011310 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $0 $0 $0

011310 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $2,438 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

011310 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $592 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

011310 5795 STORM SANDY $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $264,733 $227,126 $213,985 $218,175 $218,175 $4,190 TAX ASSESSOR 011320 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $644,678 $659,536 $740,928$810,880 $810,880 $69,952

011320 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $24,943 $11,102 $8,963$8,531 $8,531($432 ) Assessment Analyst: 30 hrs. @ $58.34 = $1,750 Assessment Data Tech.: 40 hrs. @ $50.39 = $2,016 Assessment Tech I: 30 hrs. @ $52.93 = $1,588 Assessment Clerk : 10hrs. @ $43.52 = $435 Admin.Assmt.Tech: 60 hrs. @ $45.70 = $2,742 Total = $8,531 011320 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $1,190 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

011320 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

011320 5150 LONGEVITY $2,985 $3,445 $3,480$3,500 $3,500 $20

011320 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

129 City of Norwalk Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 011320 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $9,403 $6,069 $5,692$5,394 $5,394($298 ) Normal mailings - Notices, P.P. Declaration, Elderly & Vet. programs, sales inspection notices = $5,394 011320 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $7,227 $9,791 $11,575$10,545 $10,545($1,030 ) Printing Abstracts - RE, PP, Supp. & Annual MV: $4,500 Change Notices - RE & PP: $5,250 PP Declaration: $670 Business Cards: $125 Total = $10,545 011320 5225 TYPING SERVICES $0 $0 $0

011320 5231 PUBL OF NOTICES & REPORT $437 $1,770 $1,200$1,179 $1,179($21 ) Legal Notices for BAA & PP: 3 @ $393 = $1,179 011320 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $630 $1,204 $2,255$1,975 $1,975($280 ) Hour Newspaper: $215 MV Pricing Guides (NADA & Black Book): $870 Legal and Prof. Journals - $350 Info USA - City Directories - $ 290 Dept. of Motor Vehicles on-line access-$250 Total = $1,975 011320 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $2,335 $2,745 $2,910$2,920 $2,920 $10 IAAO: 3 @ $210 = $630 FCAAO: 10 (1 @ $25), (9 @ $20) = $205 CAAO: 10 @ $70 = $700 NRAAO 2 @ $ 40 = $ 80 Appraisal Institute 1 @ $1,305 = $1,305 TOTAL $2,920 011320 5237 ADVERTISING $538 $0 $525$0 $0($525 )

011320 5245 TELEPHONE $1,656 $1,617 $2,109$2,917 $2,917 $808 Land Phone - Avg. Monthly Charge: 12 mo. @ $105 = $1,260 Cell Phone - Avg. Monthly Charge: 12 mo. @ $35.95 = $431 I Phone - Avg. Monthly Charge: 12 mo. @ $102.14 = $1,226 Total = $2,917 011320 5253 ACCOUNTING,AUDITING SERV $10,000 $20,000 $20,000$10,000 $10,000($10,000 ) Personal Property Audits: 14 Accts. @ $550 = $7,700 2 Accts. @ $1,150 = $2,300 Total = $10,000 011320 5255 IT SERVICES $0 $0 $0

011320 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $933 $450 $9,375$11,250 $11,250 $1,875 Commercial real estate economic analysis and Income & Exp. Audits: I&E Audits - 10 @ $500 = $5,000 Comercial Capitalization Rate analysis; Comm. Expense factor analysis; Comm. Income factor analysis-25 Hrs. @ $250/Hrs=$6,250 Total = $11,250 011320 5261 REPAIR-MAINTENANCE VEHIC $0 $0 $0

011320 5263 FURNITUR,OFFICE MACH REP&MAINT $673 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 Maintenance contracts 4 printers, 1 copiers, 1 fax Total = $2,150 011320 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $3,061 $1,632 $2,725 $2,925 $2,925 $200

130 City of Norwalk Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. CAAO & IAAO COURSES CCMA 1A(1), 1B(1), IIA(1), IIB(0), III(1) & IV(1): 5 @ $495=$2,475 IAAO: 1 @ $450 = $450 Total = $2,925 011320 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $792 $357 $660$755 $755 $95 Assessor School, Conferences, Association Meetings, Court: Miles = 1,100 @ $.55 = $ 605 Parking = $150 Total = $755 011320 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $400 $0 $600$650 $650 $50 IAAO Conference - Five days @ $130/day =$650 011320 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $0 $2,902 $3,700$3,045 $3,045($655 ) Approved Replace old purchased copiers with new leased ones 011320 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $248 $97 $870$870 $870 $0 CAAO Fall Conference: 3@ $50 = $150 FCAA Summer & Winter Conferences: 4@ $50 = $200 FCAA Meetings & Presentations: 6 @ $20 = $120 CAAO Symposium: 2 @ $50 = $100 Appraisal Seminars/ Classes: 2 @ $150 = $300 Total $870 011320 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $3,164 $2,774 $5,150$3,150 $3,150($2,000 ) Miscellaneous office supplies - based on history Total $3,150 011320 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $6,684 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

011320 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $3,168 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

011320 5461 CENTRALIZED FUEL $442 $533 $355$433 $433 $78 Vacant position filled. 011320 5462 CENTRALIZED FLEET MAINTENANCE $461 $2,573 $3,093$4,475 $4,475 $1,382 Approved Update based on reduced fleet OT 011320 5743 RADIOS,MOBILE,WALKIE-TAL $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $726,046 $728,597 $826,165 $885,394 $885,394 $59,229 TAX ASSESSOR REVALUATION 011321 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $3,074 $1,719 $0$0 $0 $0

011321 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $738 $249 $0

011321 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $0 $0 $0

011321 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $1,175 $0 $1,410$1,410 $1,410 $0 3,000 I&E Forms @ .47 = $1,410 011321 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $0 $2,925 $2,925 $2,925 $0 Printing & stuffing 3,500 I&E Forms @ .55 = $1,925 GIS Maps - color 50 @ $20 =$1,000 011321 5253 ACCOUNTING,AUDITING SERV $0 $0 $0

011321 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $3,800 $0 $0 $0 $0

011321 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $0 $0 $2,360 $2,360 $2,360 $0

131 City of Norwalk Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. No. 10 Envelope w/Logo = $505 No. 9 Insert Env. = $550 Printer Cartridge 4 @ $175 = $680 Copier Toner 2 @ $180 = $360 Plain Paper 5 Cases @$53.00 = $265 Total = $2360 011321 5741 IT HARDWARE $0 $0 $0

Division Total $4,987 $5,768 $6,695 $6,695 $6,695 $0 TAX COLLECTOR 011330 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $584,882 $601,843 $606,644$656,677 $656,677 $50,033 The Tax Collector's Office is staffed by eight full time employees. This number is the same as it was fifteen years ago in spite of an increased levy, increased number of parcels and vehicles, and additional duties (including sewer use collections, IPP fee collections, etc.). We also have assumed increased responsibilities for in-house collection enforcement (policy change away from outsourcing collection to local attorneys for foreclosure and court action to, instead, tax sales, property seizures, use of state marshals, collection agencies, credit agency reporting, and other measures conducted in-house.) The staff includes: Tax Collector; Assistant Tax Collector; Delinquent Tax Collector; Senior Cashier (payment processing plus administrative and cash management functions); Supervisor of Data (administrative duties related to real estate taxation, and customer service); two Tax Administrative Aides (cashiers with additional administrative & customer service related duties); and a Cashier (payment processing and customer service). Two staff members are bi-lingual in English and in Spanish. In order to achieve efficiency, we rely on automated payment processing, online payments, ACH transactions, off site satellite collection locations for in-person transactions, efficient communication with third party payors such as escrow agents and attorneys, and provision of information via the city website, in order to augment our relatively small staff and achieve collection and customer service goals. 011330 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $17,959 $16,167 $12,471$17,000 $17,000 $4,529 Overtime is necessary during and immediately after peak collection periods to process payments and remain current in our work. Overtime pay is a contractual obligation to each of the five staff members who belong to the NMEA. Staff rotates lunch and break schedules in order to maintain window service to the public from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm daily without interruption. Absences sometimes require overtime in order to maintain uninterrupted coverage during normal business hours. Also, good customer service requires us to remain as up date as possible with payment processing, even during peak collection periods, and sometimes overtime is required to achieve that. 011330 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $10,856 $6,539 $12,780$14,910 $14,910 $2,130 Historically our office hires seasonal clerks during peak collection periods. Duties include: redirecting returned mail; posting and data entry; processing lockbox receipts, returning customers' lockbox receipts to them, and proving out lockbox batches; releasing tax liens; communicating with escrow agents; filing; maintaining bankruptcy paperwork; and updating records. We had been using only one temporary employee for many years due to budget cuts but recently added back the second clerk. 011330 5150 LONGEVITY $4,070 $3,660 $3,700$3,815 $3,815 $115

132 City of Norwalk Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Contractual obligation per collective bargaining. 011330 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

011330 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $75,188 $82,395 $86,986$86,986 $86,986 $0 Address correction service: first class mail is forwarded to new addresses by USPS, and the new addresses are then provided to us: $3,500 Demand (delinquent notices) September 2018: $9,750 Tax statement billing: second installment, send December 2018: $19,000 Demand (delinquent notice & lien notice) March 2019: $8,000 Annual PO Box rental: $1,500 Metered mail & certified mail sent directly from the Tax Collector's office: $11,236 Tax statement billing: first installment, due July 2019 billing (paid in June 2019): $34,000

Total = $ 86,986.00

Our mass mailings are done presorted first class mail in accordance with state law. That rate is typically not as heavily affected by postal service rate increases to the degree that regular first class mail is affected. We work throughout the year to maintain our address database and to keep addresses current so as not to waste postage and printing resources. We also transfer to suspense older motor vehicle accounts for which we have no valid address and which have already been through two registration cycles (more than four years past due) in order to conserve postage and printing resources.

Effective FYE 2017, I increased the postage expense for demand notices in the spring and fall slightly over prior years, in anticipation of problems related to the new DMV reporting system and possible increased delinquencies. 011330 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $87,277 $73,360 $65,440$65,440 $65,440 $0

133 City of Norwalk Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. September 2018 delinquent (demand) notices (approx. 23,400 qty): $ 7,500 Second installment tax billing: December 2018 (approx. 51,000 qty): $15,190 March 2019 delinquent (demand) notices & notices of intent to lien (18,500 - 22,000 qty): $5,700 - $6,900 First installment tax billing: June 2019 (approx. 86,600 qty): $27,000

Cost of 'printing' with regard to the notices above includes: data processing; CASS certification of our address database, which is needed to obtain a discounted first class postage rate; duplex laser printing of tax statements in black and blue ink; folding; inserting into envelopes, and mailing including consolidation / fulfillment; lockbox and automated processes testing; and the cost of the #10 mailing envelopes as well as the #9 insert business reply envelopes.

Effective FYE 2017, I increased the estimated #s of delinquent notices due to issues we are having with the new reporting system between the City and the DMV effective beginning in the fall of 2015. There are still some problems with the new system. This may increase our quantity of unpaid vehicle tax bills.

Rate Books - all required by state law: Laser printing, indexing, and binding of rate books in June: $3,700 x 2 = $7,400 Motor Vehicle Supplemental rate books in December: $700.00

Escrow bank bills, in both June & December (500 x 2): $750.00

We eliminated the cost of printing motor vehicle clearance slips on safety paper because the DMV eliminated use of these documents in November 2015.

Note: the cost of the sewer use billing is incorporated into the above figures (printing and postage). The cost of the IPP (Industrial Pretreatment Program) fee imposed by the WPCA beginning in FYE 2010 also was incorporated into the tax billing, and absorbed by the Tax Collector's Office.

Total = $ 65,440 011330 5231 PUBL OF NOTICES & REPORT $7,047 $9,603 $13,599$13,599 $13,599 $0 State law requires publication of three separate notices prior to and during each tax collection period. We utilize these notices to provide useful information to taxpayers and to more effectively communicate with them.

Note that this amount does not include costs of notices associated with a tax sale. Funding for tax sale notices is entirely recoverable from the delinquent taxpayers whose properties are included in the tax sale. Those notices are funded from a different account when applicable.

Effective FYE 2017 we expanded our "publication" to include an on-line news site / blog, as more taxpayers are getting their news from on line sources. However we are still required by state law to use printed publication. Municipal lobby groups attempt to get this legislation changed every year but so far have not been successful due to the lobbying efforts of newspapers that rely on municipal notices for income. 011330 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $300 $526 $300$300 $300 $0

134 City of Norwalk Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Membership in county, state & regional associations for tax collector and senior staff (3 members). These groups provide valuable information and a support network. The educational and professional development opportunities offered by these groups are significantly discounted for members. 011330 5237 ADVERTISING $174 $0 $0

011330 5245 TELEPHONE $808 $781 $950$974 $974 $24 We have ten telephone lines and one fax machine. The Tax Collector's Office has no city issued cellular telephones or other communication devices. Staff use their own personal cell phones to communicate with each other, and do not ask for reimbursement. 011330 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $45,594 $55,533 $69,000$69,000 $69,000 $0

135 City of Norwalk Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Lockbox services: TD Bank $27,000 /year. Use of a lockbox service for processing of mailed payments allows these payments to be deposited immediately at TD Bank and for transactions to be processed electronically. This provides the most efficient method of handling the large volume of mailed transactions that occur during the tax billing cycles. Payments are deposited the day they are received, and tax office records are updated either that afternoon, or the next business day. Our lockbox service also scans payments made at banks for faster processing of large batches, instead of requiring data entry by staff. Charges for lockbox will vary depending on the volume of processed payments. We are considering changing our lockbox provider at some point during the 2019 fiscal year, and have reached out to other providers to try to find comparable service at a less costly rate.

Third party collections at local bank branches: $4,000/year. Webster Bank, Patriot National Bank, TD Bank, Norwalk Bank and Trust, Bankwell, M & T Bank, and Fairfield County Bank particpate (13 branches). Taxpayers who prefer an in person transaction may pay at various bank branches throughout the city. It offers an option to taxpayers who prefer to pay where they live or work rather than coming to City Hall. No fee is charged to participating taxpayers. It is an important customer service initiative and is useful to taxpayers with mobility issues or who do not wish to navigate the parking experience at City Hall, but nonetheless are more comfortable with an in-person transaction. We added two new branches in FYE 2018 and hope to continue to expand the program.

Re-Trace address change service: Approx. $3,500. We outsource the "search & find" function on returned mail to an outside collection agency. They charge per piece and provide a new valid billing address primarily for taxpayers who have moved out of state (skip tracing). Using this service allows us to maintain a more accurate address database, thereby reducing the amount of undeliverable mail and saving postage and printing resources. This also allows us to be more efficient by more quickly reaching taxpayers at the proper addresses. Cost is $2.50/found address.

Armored car service: ****************************************** Approx. $900/month = $10,800/yr. Daily delivery of Comptroller's and Tax Collector's office cash deposits to bank. We absorb the full cost of the Comptroller's use of this service. We are receiving the state - negotiated contract rate for this service. $445 / month = $5,340 plus some surcharge for gas (at times) *****************************************************

Department of Motor Vehicles Data Access: Approx. $9,500 . Includes annual fee ($500) plus monthly usage costs (varies). Usage used to peak at about $300 / month, but since the DMV transitioned to a new system in the fall of 2015, we are on the system almost constantly now. This allows our office immediate access the DMV database to check registrations etc. We also use the system to submit required nightly reports to DMV to update their records on taxpayer compliance. Over the last several years the DMV has significantly reduced the amount of historical information it maintains on file for vehicle registrations resulting in our using this 'look up' service more frequently but sometimes with poor results because records were purged. We have been using this service with greater frequency to research taxpayers' dates of birth as a means of determining identity and responsibility for bill payment. Now we also use it to attempt to determine the DMV - assigned numbers that identify taxpayers

136 City of Norwalk Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. and vehicles on the DMV system. These numbers are needed so that we can either report taxpayers as delinquent or report them as having complied.

Collection agency fees: $7,000. Amount per month varies depending on how much they collect. Can range from a high of $700 + per month to a low of $150 in months with less activity. Amount due to the agency also will vary depending on how much suspense revenue is collected in any given year. Our collection agency charges a fee of 18%. However state law permits only 15% of collection agency costs to be passed onto the delinquent taxpayer. The city must absorb the other 3%. We have been using the same collection agency for a number of years and expect to work with our Purchasing Department to issue a request for proposals and see if cost savings and / or better service can be achieved through use of a different agency beginning in FYE 2019. It should be noted that the collection agency does not actually collect for us at all - all payments are made directly to / through the City of Norwalk, including the fees due to the collection agency, and then we channel and deliver their fees to them.

Marshal and other collection fees: approximately $1,500/year. Judiciously used for specific back tax collection purposes. If we are allowed, we would like to make greater use of the marshal for other collection programs such as booting vehicles. We may also need to make greater use of the marshal to collect delinquent motor vehicle taxes in order to compensate for weaknesses in the new DMV reporting system.

Booting Program: $5,700. To compensate for weaknesses and for lack of efficiency in the DMV reporting system.

Total: $69,000 011330 5259 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $74,042 $3,700 $80,000$6,000 $6,000($74,000 ) Expenses subsequent to tax sale, including statutory published notices and any required mailings and notifications after sold properties that are not redeemed are deeded over. All of these outlays are billed into the tax sale as our expense, and are recouped, provided the properties are sold. This line item is reduced but not completely eliminated in non tax sale years. The tax sale will be held in July 2018 and there will be some post- sale expenses between July 2018 and February 2019. 011330 5263 FURNITUR,OFFICE MACH REP&MAINT $0 $0 $0

011330 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $1,330 $438 $361$900 $900 $539 Certification courses for junior staff members who have not yet acheived certification , and for other courses (customer service, bankruptcy, or specialized topics) for other staff. Certification courses are $200 each; other courses range in cost from $25 to $150 depending on the sponsoring organization. $500 tuition reimbursement 011330 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $2,414 $2,332 $2,250$2,250 $2,250 $0 Mileage reimbursement for those attending seminars, meetings, and classes. Also mileage reimbursement for attending association board meetings and other meetings, and for picking up receipts at local bank branches during the tax collection periods. Please note that the Tax Collector's office does not have any City vehicles assigned. 011330 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $1,094 $1,921 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0

137 City of Norwalk Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Costs associated with attending meetings, seminars, and classes. No city vehicles have been assigned to the Tax Collector's office. Please note that Certification classes have recently been held only in Berlin, CT, which is 70 miles away. Students have to make seven or eight trips to Berlin to complete the class. 011330 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $843 $2,186 $900$2,800 $2,800 $1,900 We lease a photocopier. We pay on a per copy use basis. We do not pay for toner, parts or maintenance. In FYE 2017, we replaced a copier which had been in use for 16 years, and that one replaced one we had for more than 10 years. The newly acquired copier replaced an old fax machine and has features we did not previously have, such as the ability to scan documents and to staple. The true cost of operating this machine is not reflected in the FYE 2018 budget. Actual costs for this fiscal year are projected at $2,800 / yr . 011330 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $3,197 $2,867 $3,200$3,200 $3,200 $0 Continuing education is necessary for certified personnel to maintain state certification. We do our own enforcement and do not delegate it to third parties, so the entire staff requires as much training and education as possible. Staff attend state and county meetings and classes on a rotating basis. Five of our staff are state certified. There are also relatively new continuing legal education requirements for attorneys, and the tax collector is required to comply with these requirements to maintain her license in good standing.

The Connecticut Tax Collectors' Association holds an annual three day conference that three of our staff members (tax collector, assistant tax collector, and delinquent tax collector) usually attend. The Northeast Regional Tax Collectors & Treasurers Association holds an annual three day conference, usually attended by the tax collector and assistant.

State meetings of the CT Tax Collectors' and the county association, as well as other educational opportunities, are attended by staff on a rotating basis, depending on the topics being discussed and the duties of personnel within the office.

We have been grateful for the opportunity to continue with our education with supplemental funding from other accounts. Both the tax collector & assistant tax collector are board members of the state association, are recognized as authorities in the field, and are frequently asked to present workshops or classes at various county, state & regional events. We believe this is good for Norwalk, as it enhances our reputation as professionals and contributes to public confidence in our office and our work. 011330 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $3,777 $5,600 $4,800$5,000 $5,000 $200 Office supplies include: paper and envelopes; stationery; adding machine ribbons & rolls (tapes); cash register ribbons & impact paper (tapes); typewriter ribbons, laser printer cartridges, & fax cartridges; credit / debit card machine supplies; folders, binders, & storage boxes; Tro-dat stamps; ink pads and specialty ink; photography supplies (for tax sale properties); desk supplies & miscellaneous other office supplies; occasional courier costs (Fed Ex) 011330 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $6,510 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

011330 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $2,514 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $929,876 $869,449 $964,381 $949,851 $949,851 ($14,530)

138 City of Norwalk Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. ACCOUNTING & TREASURY 011340 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $663,234 $723,811 $741,133$1,052,887 $938,915 $197,782 Increase due to back fill of Comptroller position and new Financial Services Manager. 011340 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $9,141 $13,327 $8,788 $6,000 $6,000 ($2,788) 5% of annual salary for Principal Accountant per contract = $6,000 011340 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $0 $0 $0 $0 Estiamted severance for Fred Gilden (Comptroller) retirement. 011340 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $0

011340 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $0 $0 $0

011340 5150 LONGEVITY $3,785 $4,730 $4,850 $4,020 $4,020 ($830)

011340 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $92 $0 $0

011340 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $9,472 $10,272 $7,586 $7,210 $7,210 ($376) AP 10000 * $.47 $4,700 Pension checks 50 *$.47*12 months $282 1099R 1200*$.47 $564 1099MISC 700*$.47 $329 Federal Express (CAFR reports, misc ach VALIDATION) $700 affordable CARE 00 FORMS $188 Other $300 W-9 300 * $.49 $147 011340 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $0 $0

011340 5225 TYPING SERVICES $1,340 $1,750 $2,240$2,240 $2,240 $0 Finance Committee - 16 meetings @ $140 each = $2,240 011340 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

011340 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $340 $340 $380$380 $380 $0 2 CT GFOA = $130 1 National GFOA = $250 011340 5237 ADVERTISING $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

011340 5245 TELEPHONE $575 $489 $750$769 $769 $19

011340 5253 ACCOUNTING,AUDITING SERV $0 $0 $0

011340 5255 IT SERVICES $0 $0 $0

011340 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $57,318 $62,895 $63,558$67,558 $67,558 $4,000 CAFR Submittal Fee 725 maintenance on FORMAX folding & sealing machine 625 Novatime Hosting 62,208 PSST Consortium4,000 011340 5263 FURNITUR,OFFICE MACH REP&MAINT $0 $0 $0

011340 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $179 $437 $280$280 $280 $0 Mileage for GFOA, Pension, MUNIS 500 milies * $.56 per mile = $280 011340 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $0 $9 $0

011340 5287 OTHER TRAVEL $0 $0 $0

139 City of Norwalk Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 011340 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $2,734 $2,107 $2,832$2,832 $2,832 $0

copier per management & budget

2,832 011340 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $3,351 $207 $3,708$4,500 $4,500 $792 Conference & Training MUNIS, GFOA, other professional training 011340 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $0 $0 $0

011340 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $13,896 $17,808 $16,315 $18,115 $18,115 $1,800

AP Vouchers 12000 *$.08 960 Window Envelopes 0 * .03 0 Payroll Checks 30 units * $70 per thousand 2100 DD Checks 30 units * $70 per thousand 2100 AP Checks 10 units * $70 per thousand 600 Freight on checks and DD 400 Cash Receipt Transmittals 10000 * .15 each 1500 W2's 4 units * $120 per thousand 480 1099R's 1.5 units * $130 per 1000 195 1099 misc 3 unit * $110 per thousand 330 1099 tax program 250 Other Office Supplies (office,printing (micr toner). Acctg supplies) 3200 Novatime supplies 1000 badges 6000 011340 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $5,484 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

011340 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $2,668 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

011340 5522 INTEREST $52 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

011340 5741 IT HARDWARE $0 $0 $35,100 $0 $0 ($35,100)

011340 5742 IT SOFTWARE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $773,662 $838,183 $887,520 $1,166,791 $1,052,819 $165,299 MANAGEMENT & BUDGETS 011350 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $300,564 $345,122 $304,475$318,872 $318,872 $14,397

011350 5111 SALARY ADJUSTMENT $0 $0 $0

011350 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $1,184 $67 $1,000$1,066 $1,066 $66

011350 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $3,479 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

011350 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $0

011350 5150 LONGEVITY $1,205 $1,215 $1,225$660 $660($565 )

011350 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

011350 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $129 $442 $824$824 $824 $0 Equal to FY 2017-18 spending for postage meter and express service for Distinguished Budget and Rating Agency presentations 011350 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $3,084 $3,541 $1,300$1,300 $1,300 $0

140 City of Norwalk Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Printing of opertaing & capital budget books, rating agency presentation $1,200 Budget books $100 Rating Agency presentaion 011350 5225 TYPING SERVICES $1,740 $1,680 $1,625$1,625 $1,625 $0 13 meetings @ average of $125/meeting 011350 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $275 $325 $775$775 $775 $0 $65 CTGFOA $210 GFOA (1/3 share of $640 annual) $500- Estimated for ICMA membership. 011350 5237 ADVERTISING $619 $150 $0 $0 $0 $0

011350 5245 TELEPHONE $670 $622 $375 $384 $384 $9 Remains at 2017/18 levels. 011350 5253 ACCOUNTING,AUDITING SERV $0 $0 $0

011350 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $687 $694 $635 $635 $635 $0 Distinguished Budget Award Fee for municipalities with greater than $300M budgets 011350 5263 FURNITUR,OFFICE MACH REP&MAINT $0 $0 $0

011350 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $0 $0

011350 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $0 $256 $730 $730 $730 $0 Remains at 2017/18 levels. 011350 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $402 $3,929 $400 $400 $400 $0 Sandwiches for Grant and early BET meetings 011350 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $6,752 $4,429 $4,956 $4,956 $4,956 $0 TGI copier lease and copies Rental: 153 x 12 = 1,836 Copies (Color and Black & White): 260 x 12 = 3,120 011350 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $65 $1,634 $3,250 $3,250 $3,250 $0 New England GFOA conference National GFOA conference National GFOA Treasury & Investment Management Commitee meeting 011350 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $2,114 $2,692 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 Remains at 2017/18 levels. 011350 5394 OTHER MATERIALS $0 $0 $0

011350 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $3,888 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

011350 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $1,594 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

011350 5741 IT HARDWARE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

011350 5742 IT SOFTWARE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $328,451 $366,799 $323,570 $337,477 $337,477 $13,907 PURCHASING OFFICE 011361 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $274,974 $265,956 $295,002$324,119 $324,119 $29,117

141 City of Norwalk Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Based on the tables from the respective NASA and NMEA contracts, the 2018-2019 salaries for the employees in the purchasing office are as follows:

Benjamin Luce: $117,142 Sharon Conners: $86,822 Carleen Megaro: $64,466 Denese Thomson: $55,689 011361 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $267 $119 $50$0 $0($50 )

011361 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $8,200 $0 $0

011361 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $3,074 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

011361 5150 LONGEVITY $1,315 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

011361 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

011361 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $1,331 $1,575 $2,842$2,000 $2,000($842 ) Postage fees and the rental of the City Hall P.O. Box 5125 ($1,436 annually). Rate of box rental is expected to increase approximately 2%. However, anticipated mail volume is not expected to increase. In an effort to control our postage expenses, our Office will make attempts to minimize or eliminate unnecessary mailings via US Postal Service and, whenever possible, charge back fees to the end-user departments.

Additionally, Central Services has been utilizing a presort vendor to reduce postal charges. This account is utilized to pay the weekly pre-sort expenses and then on a monthly basis we chargeback those expenses to the individual end-user departments. The monthly costs associated with this service is approximately $405 for a total yearly cost of $4,860.

We anticipate reimbursement from depts. - approximately $2,860

Total request = $2,000, which is in line with the actual historical average of the past six years 011361 5234 SUBSCRIPTION-TAX,LAW $741 $785 $12,435$12,674 $12,674 $239 This account is utilized for subcription & software services. Such memberships include: Norwalk Hour Daily Newspaper ($160) and Periscope Holdings ($525), and Bonfire Sourcing Software ($11,989 ). 011361 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $270 $0 $330$330 $330 $0 This account is utilized for membership fees asociated with Procurement Organizations, specifically: The Public Purchasing Association of Connecticut ($60) National Institute of Governmentsl Purchasing ($270) 011361 5237 ADVERTISING $6,440 $8,356 $6,535$6,535 $6,535 $0

142 City of Norwalk Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. This account is utilized for the public advertising of Bids and RFP's in the local newspaper - Norwalk Hour. We anticipate that 84 advertisements will be posted in FY 2019, which is equal to the number of advertisments for FY 2018. Hearst Media has indicated that pricing should remain flat for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.

84 ads estimated ($77.80 per ad) $6,535.00

Advertising volume history: 07/01/2017 thru 06/30/2018 - 84 ads estimated ($77.80 per ad) $6,535.00 07/01/2016 thru 06/30/2017 - 84 ads estimated ($64.82 per Ad) $5,445.00 07/01/2015 thru 06/30/2016 - 84 ads estimated ($64.82 per Ad) $5,445.00 07/01/2014 thru 06/30/2015 - 84 ads Actual ($64.82 per Ad) $5,445.00 07/01/2013 thru 06/30/2014 - 83 ads Actual ($64.18 per Ad) $5,326.94 011361 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $221 $52 $0

011361 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $0 $100$100 $100 $0 This account is utilized for professional development and training, specifically in the public purchasing sector; and where necessary to sharpen or enhance a staff members' computer skills. 011361 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $0 $0 $30$30 $30 $0 This account is utilized to re-imburse staff for the use of their own vehicle for mileage expenses to & from various Purchasing Association meetings, when the use of a City car is not available or practical to use. In effort to control expenses within this account, our office will make efforts to reduce or eliminate the use of our vehicles & instead rely on the City pool vehilces for use on City business. 011361 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $0 $0 $0

011361 5287 OTHER TRAVEL $0 $0 $0

011361 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $408 $227 $500$500 $500 $0 This expense line is utilized for misc. day-to-day office supplies[pens, writing pads, tape, staples, etc...].

Average spend for the last four fiscal years is $420, and the budget request for FY 2019 is $500, which is in line with the FY 2018 budget request. 011361 5331 AUTOMOTIVE FUEL&FLUIDS $0 $0 $0

011361 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $4,414 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

011361 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $1,287 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

011361 5461 CENTRALIZED FUEL $924 $572 $428$500 $500 $72

143 City of Norwalk Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Central Services has three (3) vehicles. These pool vehicles are available for departments that do not have an assigned City vehicles. This account is utilized to pay for the fuel for these vehicles. [One (1) 2003 Ford Explorer and two (2) 2006 Ford Taurus']. City departments that utilize these pool vehicles has included: Information Technology, Purchasing, Recreation & Parks, Registrar of Voters, Tax Assessor and Youth Services. Project to use approximately 485 gallons of fuel in FY 2019 for all three (3) vehicles at an estiated cost per gallon of $1.90. This is a total request of $500, which is in line with the average of the past six fiscal years. 011361 5462 CENTRALIZED FLEET MAINTENANCE $34 $1,019 $530$1,465 $1,465 $935 Central Services has three (3) pool vehicles. These vehicles are available for departments that do not have an assigned vehicle. This account is utilized to fund the repair costs associated with those vehicles. [Two (2) 2006 Ford Taurus's and one replacement vehicle for a 2003 Ford Explorer that was retired in FY 2018]. The average repair costs for the previous four years is $1,131, but the average repair costs for the previous two years has been $2,193.93. The Fleet Services Manager indicatedthat a higher repair budget of is needed due to the aging fleet and items such as tire replacement and exhaust repairs. 011361 5741 IT HARDWARE $0 $0 $0

011361 5742 IT SOFTWARE $0 $0 $0

Division Total $303,899 $278,661 $318,782 $348,253 $348,253 $29,471 CENTRAL SERVICES 011362 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $0 $0 $0

011362 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $0 $0 $0

011362 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $0

011362 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $0 $0

011362 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

011362 5216 OTHER COMMUNICATION&TRAN $0 $0 $0

011362 5226 CENTRAL PRINTING SERVICE $938 $1,605 $1,250$1,250 $1,250 $0 This expense account is utilized for the costs associated with the printing of the necessary day-to-day forms required for the operations of the Purchasing Department and its Central Services' Operations. Expenses in this account include the printing of: bid documents; Purchase Order Forms; Change Order Forms; Record Retention Forms; Record Retention box labels; Mailing Envelopes; Business Cards; etc....

The average actual expense for this account for the previous three years is $1,260.00. The budget request for 2018-2019 is $1,250.00. 011362 5234 SUBSCRIPTION-TAX,LAW $0 $0 $0

011362 5242 WATER $0 $0 $0

011362 5245 TELEPHONE ($3,684) $289 $4,080$2,000 $2,000($2,080 )

144 City of Norwalk



145 City of Norwalk



146 City of Norwalk Department Summary - HEALTH & WELFARE


Health Director

Environmental Health Administration & Housing

Building Maintenance Housing Code Enforcement Sealer of Weights & Measures

Medical & Education Laboratory

Preventable Disease

Description of Service/Mission Statements: Under the direction of the Mayor, and with valuable guidance from its six-member Board of Health, the Norwalk Health Department provides a variety of services and programs to fulfill its mission: to prevent and control the spread of disease, promote a healthy environment, and protect the quality of life within its changing community. The vision of the Health Department is:“Excellence with Efficiency”. The Health Department achieved accreditation through the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) in June 2014, demonstrating that it meets or exceeds national public health standards and commits to continuously improve the quality of the services it delivers.

Value Statements: • We value our role in providing opportunities for all members of our diverse community to be healthy. • We value quality and consistency by incorporating public health standards and best practices into our operations. • We value ethical behavior, accountability, and integrity. • We value high levels of customer satisfaction. • We value the development and growth of our staff. • We value collaboration and partnerships to improve community health by sharing information, resources and ideas.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: The Health Department has continued to deliver mandated and core services efficiently and has focused on enhancing communications and information management systems.

Highlights include: • Completed 89% of state-mandated food establishment inspections, 154% of the target for housing inspections, and 100% of the salon, pool, tanning, and weights, and measures inspections. • Performed 338 beach water tests and advised the public on the safety of swimming. • Led the Healthy for Life Project and implementation of strategies to increase opportunities for physical activity and healthy eating, including the launch of the Eat Well Healthy Restaurant program, the expansion of the NorWalker community walking routes, and the development of the Move More in Schools Toolkit. • Utilized program data for decision-making and for improving operations. • Worked to enhance environmental and clinical software systems. • Applied for and received the Business Council of Fairfield County’s Best Places in Connecticut to Live, Work, and Play Car-Free – Transportation Innovation award for the city-wide implementation of the NorWALKer community walking routes program. • Presented on the redesign of the NorWALKer program and its community integration at the National Walking Summit in St. Paul, MN to 600+ attendees. • Organized neighborhood walking groups in five Norwalk neighborhoods to increase local opportunities for physical activity. • Continued to support the Norwalk Bike/Walk Taskforce and its transition to a City Commission.

Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Maintain core functions. • Maintain accreditation. • Track and evaluate developments in national and state public health practice and adapt to changes. • Continue to expand the staff understanding of the diverse programs and services delivered by the health department. • Develop and utilize a volunteer base. • Develop and implement a branding strategy. • Market and communicate the work of the department. • Increase customer satisfaction.

City of Norwalk 147 Department Summary - HEALTH & WELFARE

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Health department recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net increase of $147,646 or 7.0% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget. This increase is driven $115,783 increase in Personnel Expenses due to contractual step increases and the settlement of union contracts. Funds for contract settlement were held in contingency in FY 2017-18 and were not included in departmental budgets. Grants and Donations increased $25,000. These are funds used to provide temporary lodging and relocation payments for individuals who are made to remove as a result of condemnation of their place of residence. Other miscellaneous expenses account for a net $6,863 increase.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Administration $418,158 $485,492 $424,506 $510,892 $440,186 $15,680 3.69 % Enviro Health $906,728 $908,708 $913,569 $990,442 $990,442 $76,873 %8.41 Medical & Education Services $99,401 $93,115 $92,377 $98,815 $98,815 $6,438 6.97 % Laboratory $163,287 $158,420 $165,666 $172,730 $172,730 $7,064 4.26 % Grants $118,763 $120,401 $120,550 $120,596 $120,596 $46 %0.04 Preventable Diseases $402,217 $380,086 $379,769 $446,478 $421,314 $41,545 10.94 %

Total $2,108,554 $2,146,223 $2,096,437 $2,339,953 $2,244,083 $147,646 7.04 %

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $1,536,313 $1,585,575 $1,521,236 $1,732,889 $1,637,019 $115,783 7.61 % Contractual Services $302,019 $319,544 $335,806 $342,673 $342,673 $6,867 2.04 % Supplies and Materials $163,644 $180,734 $183,723 $183,719 $183,719 ($4) 0.00 % Fixed Charges $35,023 $2,159 $2,027 $2,027 $2,027 $0 0.00 % Debt Service $11,114 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Grants & Donations $60,442 $58,210 $53,645 $78,645 $78,645 $25,000 46.60 % Total $2,108,554 $2,146,223 $2,096,437 $2,339,953 $2,244,083 $147,646 %7.04

NON-TAX REVENUE Licenses & Permits $402,347 $413,435 $408,375 $405,875 $405,875 ($2,500) (0.61%) Service Charges $241,822 $204,617 $241,900 $215,698 $215,698 ($26,202) (10.83%) Miscellaneous $6,000 $0 $6,000 $0 $0 ($6,000) (100.00%) Total $650,169 $618,052 $656,275 $621,573 $621,573 ($34,702) (5.29 %)

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $1,458,385 $1,528,171 $1,440,162 $1,718,380 $1,622,510 $182,348 %12.66

City of Norwalk 148 Department Summary - HEALTH & WELFARE

Summary by Division - Recommended FY 2018-19

Preventable Diseases $421,314 $440,186 Administration Grants $120,596 Laboratory


Enviro Health

Medical & Education Services $98,815 $990,442

PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Administration Director of Health 11$123,381 1 $125,8481 $128,365 $128,3651 $128,365 0 $0 Administrative Support I 01$0 1 $45,1001 $47,351 $53,0211 $53,0210 $5,670 Administrative Support II 11$47,351 1 $57,5501 $57,550 $61,3841 $61,3840 $3,834 Receptionist Bilingual 10$54,809 0 $0 0 $0 0 0 Total 3 $225,541 3 $228,498 3 $233,266 3 $242,770 3 $242,7700 $9,504 Environmental Health Dir. of Environmental Health & Housing 11$115,764 1 $115,7641 $115,764 $123,4771 $123,4770 $7,713 Housing Inspector 33$240,055 3 $251,0683 $251,068 $267,7943 $267,7940 $16,726 Sanitarian 44$336,107 4 $340,1564 $340,156 $362,8164 $362,8160 $22,660 Sealer of Weights & Measures 11$54,809 1 $63,4531 $66,654 $71,0951 $71,0950 $4,441 Total 9 $746,735 9 $770,441 9 $773,642 9 $825,182 9 $825,1820 $51,540 Preventable Diseases - Education Services Health Educator 11$89,295 1 $89,2951 $89,295 $95,2431 $95,2430 $5,948 Total 1 $89,295 1 $89,295 1 $89,295 1 $95,243 1 $95,2430 $5,948 Laboratory Administrative Technician 11$89,295 1 $89,2951 $89,295 $95,2431 $95,2430 $5,948 Total 1 $89,295 1 $89,295 1 $89,295 1 $95,243 1 $95,2430 $5,948 Medical Services Supervisor of Clinical Services 11$112,793 1 $115,7641 $115,764 $123,4771 $123,4770 $7,713 Nurse Practitioner 10$103,378 1 $85,039 0 $0 0 0 Public Health Nurse 01$0 0 $01 $73,463 $82,2801 $82,2800 $8,817 Total 2 $216,171 2 $200,803 2 $189,227 2 $205,757 2 $205,7570 $16,530 Department Total 16 $1,367,037 16$1,378,332 16 $1,374,725 16 $1,464,195 16 $1,464,195 0 $89,470

City of Norwalk 149 Department Summary - HEALTH & WELFARE

ADMINISTRATION DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The goal of the Administration Division is to provide effective leadership and management support to the department in order to maximize performance and achieve department goals. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $235,350 $325,859 $253,021 $332,564 $261,858 $8,837 %3.49 Contractual Services $138,732 $154,498 $166,582 $173,425 $173,425 $6,843 %4.11 Supplies and Materials $4,990 $5,136 $4,903 $4,903 $4,903 $0 %0.00 Fixed Charges $27,973 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Debt Service $11,114 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $418,158 $485,492 $424,506 $510,892 $440,186 $15,680 3.69 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Input Direct Expenditures $418,158 $485,492 $424,506 $440,186 Employees 3 33 3 Output # of Board of Health meetings held 10 10 10 10 # of grant contracts managed 15 13 13 15 # of grant reports completed 51 51 51 53 Effectiveness % of grant reports completed within required 100% 91% 95% 100% timeframes % of monthly expenditure reports completed 100% 100% 100% 100%

City of Norwalk 150 Department Summary - HEALTH & WELFARE

ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & HOUSING CODE ENFORCEMENT DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The goal of the Environmental Health Division is to disseminate information and to provide a wide range of inspection services in order to insure a safe and healthy environment for residents and others who frequent the City. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $801,923 $807,964 $812,024 $863,903 $863,903 $51,879 %6.39 Contractual Services $35,433 $36,611 $41,301 $41,299 $41,299 ($2) 0.00 % Supplies and Materials $5,712 $5,924 $6,599 $6,595 $6,595 ($4) (0.06%) Fixed Charges $3,218 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Grants & Donations $60,442 $58,210 $53,645 $78,645 $78,645 $25,000 %46.60 Total $906,728 $908,708 $913,569 $990,442 $990,442 $76,873 8.41 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Input Direct Expenditures $906,728 $908,708 $913,569 $990,442 Employees 9 99 9 Output # Inspections Beauty Salons 155 155 140 140 Certificate of Apartment Occupancy 524 598 300 300 Food Establishments 1,644 1601 1,700 1700 Massage 12 12 10 10 Public Pools 72 72 72 72 Rooming House 56 56 50 50 Septic 122 122 100 100 Tanning 6 66 6 Weights & Measures 215 180 185 185 Wells 16 16 10 10 Enforcement # of housing inspections 1127 1388 1100 1100 # of housing orders issued 379 423 425 425 Effectiveness # of housing orders abated 293 280 290 290 % of comprehensive lead investigations 100% 100% 100% 100% completed for children with blood lead levels greater than fifteen micrograms per deciliter % of food establishment orders into code 100% 100% 100% 100% compliance within time frames % of foodborne outbreak investigations initiated 100% 100% 100% 100% within 48 business hours

City of Norwalk 151 Department Summary - HEALTH & WELFARE

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd % of mandated food establishment inspections 94% 95% 95% 90% completed % of mandated massage establishment 100% 100% 100% 100% inspections completed % of mandated pool inspections completed 110% 100% 100% 100% % of mandated salon inspections completed109% 100% 100% 100% % of mandated tanning establishment inspections 100% 100% 100% 100% completed

City of Norwalk 152 Department Summary - HEALTH & WELFARE

MEDICAL & EDUCATION SERVICES DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The goal of the Medical and Education Division is to coordinate and provide health promotion and early detection activities to ensure optimum health for the community. These services, previously grouped in Preventable Diseases, were put into a separate division in 2004-05. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $92,099 $90,622 $89,895 $96,333 $96,333 $6,438 %7.16 Contractual Services $5,943 $1,257 $1,472 $1,472 $1,472 $0 %0.00 Supplies and Materials $1,003 $1,236 $1,010 $1,010 $1,010 $0 %0.00 Fixed Charges $356 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $99,401 $93,115 $92,377 $98,815 $98,815 $6,438 6.97 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Input Direct Expenditures $99,401 $93,115 $92,377 $98,815 Employees 1 11 1 Output # of Growing Gardens, Growing Health cohorts Started tracking Started tracking 1 1 later years later years # of communications trainings held for staff 2 22Objective removed # of community flu clinics held and organized 3 33 3 # of Eat Well meetings 9 66 4 # of evidence-based chronic disease and/or falls Started tracking 22 2 prevention programs later years # of Facebook likes 245 290 325 500 # of general outreach opportunities or programs 15 22 25 25 # of Healthy for Life general meetings 5 44 4 # of Move More Toolkit meetings 5 55 4 # of NorWALKer maps distributed 5,000 6,000 8,500 5,000 # of NorWALKer meetings 11 10 10 4 # of press releases distributed 25 24 24 24 # of Twitter followers 196 250 300 450 Effectiveness % Fit Kids students who improve nutrition scores Started tracking Started tracking 60% 60% by at least 10% later years later years % of afterschool staff overall satisfied with Fit Kids Started tracking Started tracking 90% 90% later years later years % of communications trainings objective met 100% 100% 100% Objective removed % of community health improvement deliverables 75% 85% 90% 90% met

City of Norwalk 153 Department Summary - HEALTH & WELFARE

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd % of participants overall satisfied with Growing Started tracking Started tracking 95% 95% Gardens, Growing Health later years later years Average participant rating of Healthy for Life 4.57/5 4.6/5 4.6/5 4.6/5 project meeting effectiveness LABORATORY DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The goal of the Laboratory Division is to provide accurate and efficient laboratory testing of various biological and environmental samples and to maintain IT support for the Health Department building. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $136,315 $130,926 $136,389 $143,473 $143,473 $7,084 %5.19 Contractual Services $2,982 $3,923 $4,146 $4,126 $4,126 ($20) (0.48%) Supplies and Materials $23,449 $23,571 $25,131 $25,131 $25,131 $0 %0.00 Fixed Charges $540 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $163,287 $158,420 $165,666 $172,730 $172,730 $7,064 4.26 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Input Direct Expenditures $163,287 $158,420 $165,666 $172,730 Employees 1 11 1 Output Environmental # of beach water tests/analyses performed 318 338 315 315 # of potable water tests 5 14 10 10 Clinical # of GC/CT probe specimens 482 445 488 450 # of gram stain smears performed 116 89 122 90 # of HIV serology specimens processed 460 201 200 200 # of OSOM tests performed 56 35 45 40 # of syphilis serology tests performed 466 442 461 440 # of wet preps performed 56 36 45 40 Information Technology # of access points maintained for wireless internet 4 77 7 # of desktop and laptop computers managed 43 45 45 45 # of servers supported 2 22 2 # of smartboards supported 2 22 2 Effectiveness Proficiency score for clinical license 100% 100% 100% 100% Proficiency score for environmental license 100% 100% 100% 100%

City of Norwalk 154 Department Summary - HEALTH & WELFARE

GRANTS DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The mission of the Norwalk Health Department is to prevent disease, assure a healthy environment, and promote the highest quality of life within community. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Contractual Services $115,692 $117,862 $117,125 $117,171 $117,171 $46 %0.04 Supplies and Materials $1,202 $380 $1,398 $1,398 $1,398 $0 %0.00 Fixed Charges $1,870 $2,159 $2,027 $2,027 $2,027 $0 %0.00 Total $118,763 $120,401 $120,550 $120,596 $120,596 $46 0.04 %

City of Norwalk 155 Department Summary - HEALTH & WELFARE

PREVENTABLE DISEASES DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The goal of the Preventable Disease Division is to decrease the incidents of disease and promote high levels of health among Norwalk residents. These services, previously grouped in Preventable Diseases, were put into a separate division in 2004-05. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $270,625 $230,205 $229,907 $296,616 $271,452 $41,545 %18.07 Contractual Services $3,238 $5,393 $5,180 $5,180 $5,180 $0 %0.00 Supplies and Materials $127,288 $144,488 $144,682 $144,682 $144,682 $0 %0.00 Fixed Charges $1,066 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $402,217 $380,086 $379,769 $446,478 $421,314 $41,545 10.94 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Input Direct Expenditures $402,217 $380,086 $379,769 $421,314 Employees 2 22 2 Output Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Clinic # of STD patients 562 534 540 540 Immunizations # of childhood immunizations administered 209 286 211 210 # of flu vaccines administered 907 892 880 850 # of travel and adult vaccines administered 1,733 1,359 1100 1100 # of travel clinic patients 1,085 958 850 850 Tuberculosis (TB) Control # of active TB cases managed 3 74 4 # of individuals evaluated for latent TB infection 14 36 25 25 # of individuals treated for latent TB infection 7 27 17 17 # of tuberculin skin tests 91 56 60 60 Communicable Disease Control # of foodborne illness reports received and 53 42 45 45 followed-up on Effectiveness % contact investigations conducted for active 100% 100% 100% 100% tuberculosis cases % of active tuberculosis patients completing 100% 100% 100% 100% Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) % of STD patients completing treatment for 96% 99.5% 100% 100% diagnosis of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and/or syphilis

City of Norwalk 156 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. ADMINISTRATION 012011 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $213,308 $303,040 $233,266$313,476 $242,770 $9,504 $70,706 additional requested to fund Project Coordinator position. 012011 5111 SALARY ADJUSTMENT $0 $0 $0

012011 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $0 $86 $200$213 $213 $13

012011 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $2,517 $2,517 $0$0 $0 $0

012011 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $18,350 $18,350 $18,350$18,350 $18,350 $0 Part-time clerical person for office and front desk coverage 19 hrs/wk @ $18.50/hr for 52.2 wks. 012011 5150 LONGEVITY $1,175 $1,190 $1,205$525 $525($680 )

012011 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $675 $0

012011 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $9,907 $7,794 $10,038$10,038 $10,038 $0 Based on historical expenditures 012011 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $0 $0$3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 for Bike Walk Commisison printing & duplication budget 012011 5225 TYPING SERVICES $0 $0 $0

012011 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $0 $0 $250$250 $250 $0 Various magazine and newspaper subscriptions 012011 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $1,568 $1,575 $1,545$2,300 $2,300 $755 APHA $200 BIKE/WALK CT $250 CADH $1,000 CPHA $100 NACCHO $450 NALBOH $300 012011 5237 ADVERTISING $8,998 $1,942 $4,060$4,560 $4,560 $500 Based on historical expenditures Includes $500 for Bike Walk Commission advertizing budget 012011 5245 TELEPHONE $9,336 $10,328 $9,338$9,571 $9,571 $233 Based on historical expenditures All Health Dept telephone and cellular phone bills are paid from this account 012011 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $2,080 $3,036 $1,523$3,683 $3,683 $2,160 Consultant for Strategic Planning Includes $2,160 for Bike Walk Commission secretarial services)budget 012011 5262 OTHER MACHINERY-EQUIP $0 $108 $508$508 $508 $0


012011 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $2,621 $9,383 $9,290 $9,290 $9,290 $0 All training to be paid from this central account. Based on historical expenditures and anticipation of three tuition reimbursements per NMEA & NASA contracts (2 NMEA & 1 NASA) 012011 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $2,567 $2,361 $6,181 $6,181 $6,181 $0 Based on historical miles driven. Director on board of CADH and requires more frequent travel.

City of Norwalk 157 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 012011 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $0 $0 $0$1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Bike Walk Commission meeting & food expenses 012011 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $2,443 $2,468 $4,192$4,263 $4,263 $71 Photocopier rental - 3 machines Rental: 270 x 12 = 3,240 Copies: 85.25 x 12 = 1,023 012011 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $0 $0

012011 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $1,422 $3,460 $2,311 $2,311 $2,311 $0 Medical waste disposal ($134/mo. x 12) = $1,608 Misc. expenses based on historical expenditures $703 012011 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $4,906 $4,925 $4,700 $4,700 $4,700 $0 Based on historical expenditures 012011 5328 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES $84 $210 $203 $203 $203 $0

012011 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

012011 5330 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

012011 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $26,958 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

012011 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $1,015 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $309,254 $373,449 $307,160 $394,922 $324,216 $17,056 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 012012 5241 ELECTRIC $31,604 $32,606 $35,219$31,697 $31,697($3,522 )

012012 5242 WATER $611 $624 $800$820 $820 $20

012012 5244 GAS $552 $13,308 $11,713$12,006 $12,006 $293 Based on historical expenditures 012012 5266 BUILDINGS $49,597 $50,837 $52,362$54,195 $54,195 $1,833

012012 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $10,375 $8,640 $9,000$9,000 $9,000 $0 HVAC (roof) = $1,375 Elevator - (125/mo. x 12) = $1,500 Generator - $550 Various parts and repairs not covered by contracts =$ 5,575 012012 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $3,157 $2,171 $2,030$2,030 $2,030 $0 Based on historical expenditures 012012 5296 SECURITY SYSTEMS $1,894 $3,857 $6,222$6,222 $6,222 $0 Stanley Security ($1,213 per QTR) = $4,852 Tyco Annual Fire Alarm Inspection = $650 Annual Fire Extinguisher Service = $720 012012 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $0 $0 $0

012012 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $0 $0 $0

012012 5561 BUILDINGS/RENOVATIONS $11,114 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

012012 5772 HEATING SYSTEMS $0 $0 $0

Division Total $108,904 $112,043 $117,346 $115,970 $115,970 ($1,376) ENVIRO HEALTH & HOUSING

City of Norwalk 158 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 012020 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $690,427 $706,989 $706,988$754,087 $754,087 $47,099

012020 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $4,430 $2,893 $4,000$4,264 $4,264 $264

012020 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $27,014 $29,153 $29,113$29,113 $29,113 $0 Statutory required services - funding no longer available through CDBG grant $27.9936/hr x 20 wks x 52 wks 012020 5150 LONGEVITY $3,545 $4,180 $4,215 $4,250 $4,250 $35

012020 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

012020 5214 MESSENGER&DELIVERY SERV. $560 $760 $4,060 $4,060 $4,060 $0

012020 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $0 $0 $216 $216 $216 $0

012020 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $13,735 $13,577 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $0 Larvacide Program = historically $28,000 for two applications, this cost is for one. 012020 5262 OTHER MACHINERY-EQUIP $0 $1,000 $0

012020 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $0 $0

012020 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $21,063 $21,199 $22,923 $22,923 $22,923 $0 Based on historical miles driven 012020 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $3,387 $3,387 $3,553 $3,553 $3,553 $0 Based on historical expenditures 012020 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $2,250 $2,456 $2,842 $2,842 $2,842 $0 Based on historical expenditures 012020 5333 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT PART $0 $0 $0

012020 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $2,948 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

012020 5613 CONDEMNATION $3,782 $4,850 $10,000 $35,000 $35,000 $25,000 Condemnation related expenses ie: temporary lodging, relocation payments, etc. 012020 5617 OTHER GRANTS,CONTRIBUTIONS $56,660 $53,360 $43,645 $43,645 $43,645 $0 Evicition related expenses ie: moving & storage under contract with KD3J (Fitts Moving & Storage) - based on historical expenditures Division Total $829,801 $843,804 $845,555 $917,953 $917,953 $72,398 SEALER WEIGHTS & MEASURES 012023 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $51,280 $63,577 $66,654$71,095 $71,095 $4,441

012023 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $139 $0 $604$644 $644 $40 Misc. inspections for community events, etc. 012023 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $9,840 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

012023 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $14,798 $722 $0 $0 $0 $0

012023 5150 LONGEVITY $450 $450 $450 $450 $450 $0

012023 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $75 $75 $102 $100 $100 ($2) Annual membership $75, handbook $25

City of Norwalk 159 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 012023 5271 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS $0 $0 $0


012023 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $0 $0 $0

012023 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $0 $0

012023 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $102$100 $100($2 )

012023 5333 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT PART $75 $81 $102$100 $100($2 )

012023 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $270 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

012023 5731 CARS AND VANS $0 $0 $0

Division Total $76,927 $64,905 $68,014 $72,489 $72,489 $4,475 MEDICAL & EDUCATION SERVICES 012030 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $90,647 $89,476 $89,295$95,243 $95,243 $5,948

012030 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $1,452 $1,146 $600$640 $640 $40

012030 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $0 $0$450 $450 $450

012030 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $235 $485 $700$700 $700 $0 Membership dues: CPHA $50 SOPHE $210 APHA $200 Constant Contact 20 x 12 = 240 012030 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

012030 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $0 $0

012030 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $708 $772 $772 $772 $772 $0 Based on historical miles driven 012030 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $0 $0 $0

012030 5325 RECREATION SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

012030 5328 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES $1,003 $1,236 $1,010 $1,010 $1,010 $0 Based on historical expenditures 012030 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

012030 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $356 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $99,401 $93,115 $92,377 $98,815 $98,815 $6,438 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 012040 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $0 $0 $0

012040 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $0 $0

012040 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $0 $0 $0

012040 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $0 $0 $0

012040 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $0 $0 $0

012040 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $0 $0

City of Norwalk 160 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

Division Total $0 $0 $0 LABORATORY 012050 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $89,637 $84,825 $89,295$95,243 $95,243 $5,948

012050 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $547 $120 $800$853 $853 $53

012050 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $45,511 $45,351 $45,654$46,727 $46,727 $1,073 Lab Director $46.7265/hr x 20 hrs/wk x 50 wks. 012050 5150 LONGEVITY $620 $630 $640$650 $650 $10

012050 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $499 $1,299 $1,320$1,300 $1,300($20 ) State of CT (Env Lic) $1250 ASCP $50 012050 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $1,315 $1,573 $1,577$1,577 $1,577 $0 Proficiency testing materials and misc. contractual such as scale cleaning and calibration - based on historical exp. 012050 5262 OTHER MACHINERY-EQUIP $1,168 $1,051 $991$991 $991 $0 Based on historical expenditures 012050 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

012050 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $0 $0 $258$258 $258 $0 Based on miles driven 012050 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $2,112 $2,001 $2,091$2,091 $2,091 $0 Based on historical expenditures 012050 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $11,036 $11,438 $11,520$11,520 $11,520 $0 Based on historical expenditures 012050 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $10,302 $10,132 $11,520$11,520 $11,520 $0 Based on historical expenditures 012050 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $540 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $163,287 $158,420 $165,666 $172,730 $172,730 $7,064 FAMILY & CHILDREN'S AID 012061 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0 SENIOR SVCS COORD COUNCIL 012063 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $576 $175 $1,236$1,236 $1,236 $0 Based on historical expenditures. 012063 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $1,414 $1,313 $1,932 $1,932 $1,932 $0 Based on historical expenditures 012063 5245 TELEPHONE $924 $1,572 $1,852 $1,898 $1,898 $46 Based on historical expenditures 012063 5253 ACCOUNTING,AUDITING SERV $1,080 $420 $1,102 $1,102 $1,102 $0 Based on historical expenditures 012063 5263 FURNITUR,OFFICE MACH REP&MAINT $70 $293 $803 $803 $803 $0 Based on historical expenditures

City of Norwalk 161 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 012063 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $0 $1,085$1,085 $1,085 $0 Based on historical expenditures 012063 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $1,472 $1,494 $1,494$1,494 $1,494 $0 Based on historical expenditures 012063 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $110,155 $112,595 $107,621$107,621 $107,621 $0

012063 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $1,202 $380 $1,398$1,398 $1,398 $0 Based on historical expenditures 012063 5412 GENERAL LIABILITY $1,870 $2,159 $2,027$2,027 $2,027 $0

Division Total $118,763 $120,401 $120,550 $120,596 $120,596 $46 PREVENTABLE DISEASES 012070 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $228,361 $171,218 $189,227$205,757 $205,757 $16,530

012070 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $79 $107 $0$0 $0 $0

012070 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $41,085 $58,215 $40,000$90,164 $65,000 $25,000 This accounts funds the following positions: Medical Advisor • Stipend for coverage $12,000 • Hours worked in clinic $8,000 APRN • 19.5 hrs./wk.@ $65 hr.* 52 wks. $66,164 BSN • $50-$60 hr. as needed $4,000 012070 5150 LONGEVITY $1,100 $665 $680$695 $695 $15

012070 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

012070 5216 OTHER COMMUNICATION&TRAN $79 $351 $355$355 $355 $0 Phone interpretation-based on historical expenditures 012070 5237 ADVERTISING $0 $0 $0

012070 5251 MEDICAL,DENTAL,VETERINAR $1,458 $1,787 $2,300$2,300 $2,300 $0 NLI ShareFile: $1,325 Shoreland, Inc. Travel Consulting: $975 012070 5271 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS $0 $0 $0

012070 5273 OTHER $754 $849 $891$891 $891 $0 Based on historical expenditures 012070 5276 PURCHASE OF UNIFORMS/CLEANING $298 $435 $500$500 $500 $0 Based on historical expenditures 012070 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $650 $1,971 $1,134$1,134 $1,134 $0 Based on historical miles driven 012070 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $0 $0

012070 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $1,007 $1,598 $2,582$2,582 $2,582 $0 Based on historical expenditures 012070 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $126,281 $142,890 $142,100$142,100 $142,100 $0 Based on historical expenditures and increased pricing of vaccines taking effect 01/01/17

City of Norwalk 162 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 012070 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $1,066 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $402,217 $380,086 $379,769 $446,478 $421,314 $41,545 SENIOR HEALTH SVCS 1/1-9/30/95 012072 5273 OTHER $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0 WIC GRANT 10/96-9/97 012075 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0

Department Total $2,108,554 $2,146,223 $2,096,437 $2,339,953 $2,244,083 $147,646

City of Norwalk 163 CITY OF NORWALK


City of Norwalk 164 Department Summary - POLICE DEPARTMENT


Police Chief

Administration Patrol Operations Investigative Services Professional Standards Support Services Administrative Services

Chief's Office Patrol Administration Detective Bureau Testing & Recruiting Property & Evidence Administrative Deputy Chief's Office Uniform Patrol Special Services Training Fleet Support Purchasing & Marine Patrol Youth Bureau Internal Affairs Building Maintenance Bookeeping Information Systems K-9 Unit School Resource Planning/Research/ Court Officer Extra Work Officers Accreditation Emergency Services Animal Control Payroll Identification Bureau Community Policing Community Services Data Entry Desk & Holding Facility Traffic & Safety Public Records Complaint Bureau DARE Alarm Administration

Description of Service/Mission Statements: It is the policy of the Norwalk Police Department to provide for the protection of life and property of all persons regardless of their race, creed, color, sex, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age or disability. The constitutional rights of all people shall be the primary concern of all members of the department in the performance of their official duties. The Norwalk Police Department obtains its authority from the people and is charged with the responsibility to achieve and maintain public order through the powers granted by the legislative bodies of the Federal, State and Municipal Governments.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: • Completed transition to PowerDMS for entire department • Expanded community outreach and youth programs including The Justice and Youth Academy at Pathways and Coffee with a Cop program • Fully staffed Records and NIBRS coding is now within prescribed guidelines. • Body camera training was completed for all officers. Updated cameras purchased and camera program fully implemented. • Continued de-escalation training and 111 officers have now received the training. • Firearms simulation training was provided to all officers. • Fair and Impartial Policing Training completed for all officers. • Below 100 Officer Safety program initiated and continuing. • Firearms transition completed and new Glock weapons issued and in use.

Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Complete successful re-accreditation onsite (December 2017).

• Enhance use of Police Bike Unit.

• Enhance Traffic Safety and Traffic Enforcement activities.

• Enhance Walk and Talk program throughout Patrol.

• Coordinate enhanced National Night Out and host block party at Police HQ.

• Recruit a diverse applicant pool and conduct entry-level exam in the late summer 2017.

City of Norwalk 165 Department Summary - POLICE DEPARTMENT

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Police departmental recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net increase of $1,594,310 or 7.5% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget. This increase is driven by the following categories of expense:

Personnel Expenses $1,366,303 due to contractual step increases and the settlement of union contracts. Funds for contract settlement were held in contingency in FY 2017-18 and were not included in departmental budgets. This increase breaks down as follows: $ 1,154,115 increase in Regular Wages $ 237,214 increase in Overtime Wages $ 4,455 increase in Longevity Wages $ 24,000 decrease in Part Time Wages $ 4,183 decrease in salary adjustments $ 1,298 decrease in Premium Wages

Other Net Increases $228,007

$ 202,127 increase in Operating Supplies includes replacement of tasers and body cameras with a 5 year warranty contract $ 25,880 increase in other miscellaneous expenses


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Administration $939,494 $491,721 $473,833 $508,086 $508,086 $34,253 7.23 % Patrol Operations $12,330,274 $12,050,083 $11,794,868 $12,574,000 $12,574,000 $779,132 %6.61 Investigative Services $4,496,463 $4,335,066 $4,425,449 $5,048,515 $5,048,515 $623,066 14.08 % Professional Standards $1,081,349 $1,220,547 $1,132,887 $1,190,520 $1,190,520 $57,633 5.09 % Support Services $2,377,741 $2,193,259 $2,528,652 $2,880,987 $2,572,387 $43,735 %1.73 Administrative Services $977,302 $971,681 $980,343 $1,036,834 $1,036,834 $56,491 5.76 %

Total $22,202,623 $21,262,358 $21,336,032 $23,238,942 $22,930,342 $1,594,310 7.47 %

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $18,509,250 $18,986,888 $18,592,023 $19,958,326 $19,958,326 $1,366,303 7.35 % Contractual Services $1,083,206 $1,077,545 $1,192,119 $1,194,807 $1,194,807 $2,688 0.23 % Supplies and Materials $156,628 $189,535 $224,008 $453,839 $453,839 $229,831 102.60 % Fixed Charges $1,993,786 $535,235 $860,782 $923,970 $923,970 $63,188 7.34 % Grants & Donations $25,080 $25,266 $26,600 $34,100 $34,100 $7,500 28.20 % Capital Outlay $434,673 $447,888 $440,500 $673,900 $365,300 ($75,200) (17.07%) Total $22,202,623 $21,262,358 $21,336,032 $23,238,942 $22,930,342 $1,594,310 %7.47


City of Norwalk 166 Department Summary - POLICE DEPARTMENT

Intergovernmental $114,947 $21,222 $114,947 $114,947 $114,947 $0 0.00 % Licenses & Permits $37,685 $27,285 $37,685 $29,880 $29,880 ($7,805) (20.71%) Service Charges $514,642 $452,314 $580,355 $722,840 $722,840 $142,485 24.55 % Miscellaneous $228 $5,722 $228 $117,321 $117,321 $117,093 51,356.58 % Total $667,503 $506,543 $733,215 $984,988 $984,988 $251,773 %34.34

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $21,535,120 $20,755,815 $20,602,817 $22,253,954 $21,945,354 $1,342,537 %6.52

Summary by Division - Recommended FY 2018-19

Support Services Administrative Services $2,572,387 $1,036,834 Professional Standards $508,086 Administration Investigative$1,190,520 Services $5,048,515

Patrol Operations


PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Administration Chief of Police 11$137,268 1 $137,2681 $137,268 $148,1721 $148,1720 $10,904 Deputy Chief 22$248,932 2 $249,7322 $250,532 $270,4622 $270,4620 $19,930 Executive Secretary 11$69,977 1 $69,9771 $69,977 $74,6391 $74,6390 $4,662 Total 4 $456,177 4 $456,977 4 $457,777 4 $493,273 4 $493,2730 $35,496 Investigative Services Police Lieutenant 01$0 0 $0 0 $0 $107,1281 $107,1281 $107,128 Sergeant 02$0 0 $02 $183,076 $195,1222 $195,1220 $12,046 Police Officer 46$281,826 4 $293,5366 $454,420 $490,4816 $490,4810 $36,061 Total 4 $281,826 4 $293,536 8 $637,496 9 $792,731 9 $792,7311 $155,235 Patrol Operations Police Lieutenant 44$387,032 4 $403,6484 $403,648 $429,3124 $429,3120 $25,664 Sergeant 11$84,837 1 $84,8371 $84,837 $97,2111 $97,2110 $12,374 Sergeant 18 $1,647,98418 $1,644,48315 $1,382,76916 $1,565,77616 $1,565,7761 $183,007 Police Officer 96 $7,091,53299 $7,308,69297 $7,215,28097 $7,771,40597 $7,771,4050 $556,125 Total 119 $9,211,385 122 $9,441,660 117 $9,086,534 118 $9,863,704 118 $9,863,7041 $777,170

City of Norwalk 167 Department Summary - POLICE DEPARTMENT

PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Professional Standards Sergeant 01$0 0 $01 $91,138 $97,8111 $97,8110 $6,673 Police Officer 11$76,429 1 $76,4291 $76,429 $81,5211 $81,5210 $5,092 Total 1 $76,429 1 $76,429 2 $167,567 2 $179,332 2 $179,3320 $11,765 Investigative Services Police Lieutenant 33$291,049 3 $302,9113 $302,911 $323,5843 $323,5840 $20,673 Detective 16 $1,362,19216 $1,361,39216 $1,353,78416 $1,456,02416 $1,456,0240 $102,240 Sergeant 55$458,090 6 $549,2285 $458,090 $490,0555 $490,0550 $31,965 Detective 11$77,229 1 $77,2291 $77,229 $91,2891 $91,2890 $14,060 Police Officer 15 $1,142,78115 $1,134,76215 $1,161,24315 $1,229,01515 $1,229,0150 $67,772 Administrative Support II 11$57,550 1 $57,5501 $57,550 $61,3841 $61,3840 $3,834 Total 41 $3,388,891 42 $3,483,072 41 $3,410,807 41 $3,651,351 41 $3,651,3510 $240,544 Patrol Operations Sergeant 01$0 0 $01 $91,138 $97,2111 $97,2110 $6,073 Total 0$00 $0 1 $91,138 1 $97,211 1 $97,2110 $6,073 Professional Standards Police Lieutenant 33$290,249 3 $302,1113 $292,812 $323,2843 $323,2840 $30,472 Detective 1 $84,837 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Police Officer 11$76,429 1 $76,4291 $76,429 $81,5211 $81,5210 $5,092 Total 5 $451,515 4 $378,540 4 $369,241 4 $404,805 4 $404,8050 $35,564 Support Services Police Lieutenant 21$194,566 2 $201,6742 $201,674 $107,9281 $107,928 (1) ($93,746) Sergeant 1 $91,138 1 $91,1381 $91,938 0 $0 (1) ($91,938) Assistant Dog Warden 11$66,654 1 $66,6541 $66,654 $71,0951 $71,0950 $4,441 Dog Warden 11$69,977 1 $69,9771 $69,977 $74,6391 $74,6390 $4,662 Police Officer 52$369,668 2 $153,2082 $153,208 $163,0422 $163,0420 $9,834 Administrative Support II 11$57,550 1 $57,5501 $57,550 $61,3841 $61,3840 $3,834 Custodian 11$57,628 1 $57,6281 $57,628 $61,4671 $61,4670 $3,839 Kennel Keeper 11$57,628 1 $57,6281 $57,628 $61,4671 $61,4670 $3,839 Total 13 $964,809 10 $755,457 10 $756,257 8 $601,022 8 $601,022(2) ($155,235 ) Administrative Services Administrative Manager 11$99,833 1 $99,8331 $99,833 $109,3581 $109,3580 $9,525 Information Specialist 11$63,453 1 $63,4531 $63,453 $71,0951 $71,0950 $7,642 Administrative Support I 55$261,050 5 $256,1915 $258,549 $281,2175 $281,2170 $22,668 Administrative Support II 11$57,550 1 $57,5501 $57,550 $61,3841 $61,3840 $3,834 Payroll/Account Clerk 11$57,550 1 $57,5501 $57,550 $61,3841 $61,3840 $3,834 Total 9 $539,436 9 $534,577 9 $536,935 9 $584,438 9 $584,4380 $47,503

Department Total 196 $15,370,468 196$15,420,248 196 $15,513,752 196$16,667,867 196 $16,667,867 0 $1,154,115

City of Norwalk 168 Department Summary - POLICE DEPARTMENT

ADMINISTRATION DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES To manage the affairs of the Police Department in an efficient, orderly and professional manner, and ensure that the department operates in accordance with Federal, State and City laws. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $473,636 $467,348 $460,067 $494,473 $494,473 $34,406 %7.48 Contractual Services $13,540 $18,890 $12,816 $12,813 $12,813 ($3) (0.02%) Supplies and Materials $1,423 $5,483 $950 $800 $800 ($150) %)(15.79 Fixed Charges $447,487 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Capital Outlay $3,408 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $939,494 $491,721 $473,833 $508,086 $508,086 $34,253 7.23 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $491,721 $473,833 $508,086 $508,086 Employees 4 44 4 Outputs Administration # of boards, commissions & committees 24 19 12 10 # of general liability claims 12 67 6 # of grants applied for 7 54 4 # of grants received 7 54 4 # of special appropriations/BET transfers required 2 41 1 # of sworn officers trained in NIMS 179 177 177 179 # of sworn staff 179 177 177 179 # of worker’s compensation claims 15 18 30 20 Total Injury hours used 3,600 2,650 5,220 7,350 Total Sick hours used 13,600 14,100 17,280 13,960 Information Systems # of computers on data network 180 180 180 180 # of high speed modems replaced 30 30 30 30 # of MDTs replaced/installed 20 25 19 48 # of servers supported 22 24 23 30 # of workstations supported 184 182 186 186 Effectiveness Administration % of approved budget expended 100% 98% 98% 100% % of documented yearly compliance w/ CALEA 100% 100% 100% 100% stds.

City of Norwalk 169 Department Summary - POLICE DEPARTMENT

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd % of general liability claims processed in a timely 100% 100% 100% 100% manner % of meetings attended 100% 100% 100% 100% % of positions vacant 0% 1% 5% 0% % of sworn officers trained 100% 100% 100% 100% Overtime as a percent of regular salary cost 19% 22% 24% 20% Information Systems % of time network is down for repairs 1% 2% 2% 5% % of time repairing workstations 20% 25% 30% 50% % of vehicles equipped with MDTs 80% 80% 80% 90% % of workstations that are fully functional 100% 100% 100% 100%

City of Norwalk 170 Department Summary - POLICE DEPARTMENT

PATROL OPERATIONS DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES To coordinate and direct the operations of the field units: Uniform Patrol, Marine Patrol, K-9 Unit, Emergency Services, Community Policing, Desk & Holding Facility and Complaint Bureau, for the protection of life and property 24 hours a day, every day of the year. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $11,690,048 $11,952,341 $11,641,106 $12,191,101 $12,191,101 $549,995 %4.72 Contractual Services $47,235 $61,098 $82,143 $97,810 $97,810 $15,667 %19.07 Supplies and Materials $21,594 $36,644 $71,619 $282,589 $282,589 $210,970 %294.57 Fixed Charges $571,396 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Grants & Donations $0 $0 $0 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 %0.00 Total $12,330,274 $12,050,083 $11,794,868 $12,574,000 $12,574,000 $779,132 6.61 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $12,050,083 $11,794,868 $12,574,000 12,574,000 Employees 119 122 118 119 Outputs Uniform Patrol # of accidents with injury 480 430 502 498 # of calls for service 68,207 69,500 57,807 63,550 # of criminal arrests 3,500 3,520 1,995 1,901 # of medical emergencies responded to 9,000 8,200 9,100 2449 # of property damage only accidents 2,600 2,400 1,937 2,292 # of traffic citations issued 7,200 7,150 5,180 3,983 # of traffic fatalities 4 45 5 Marine Division # marine enforcement citations 187 170 182 35 # of marine assistance calls 342 290 270 555 Effectiveness Uniform Patrol Calls for service per officer 620 630 684 686 Criminal arrests or crimes per 1,000 population 42.00 45.00 38.00 35.5 Response time to 911 calls within X minutes 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 Traffic accidents per 1,000 population 40.00 37.00 34.00 33.00 Traffic fatalities per 1,000 population .02 .02 .01 .02 Marine Division % of marine enforcement citations cleared 100% 100% 100% 100%

City of Norwalk 171 Department Summary - POLICE DEPARTMENT

INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Units here include Detective Bureau, Special Services, Youth Bureau and Identification Bureau. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $4,238,370 $4,239,295 $4,330,830 $4,935,490 $4,935,490 $604,660 %13.96 Contractual Services $25,113 $49,548 $45,385 $51,730 $51,730 $6,345 %13.98 Supplies and Materials $16,956 $20,626 $23,234 $30,295 $30,295 $7,061 %30.39 Fixed Charges $188,252 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Grants & Donations $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $30,000 $30,000 $5,000 %20.00 Capital Outlay $2,772 $598 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 %0.00 Total $4,496,463 $4,335,066 $4,425,449 $5,048,515 $5,048,515 $623,066 14.08 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $4,496,463 $4,335,066 $4,425,449 5,048,515 Employees 45 46 49 50 Outputs Detective Bureau # of cases closed by arrest 140 175 180 200 # of cases investigated 580 650 650 670 Special Services # of inspections for alcohol and tobacco offenses 160 150 140 140 # of joint investigations with federal agencies 70 50 40 20 # of narcotics related investigations 525 525 500 500 # of prostitution related arrests 30 30 25 24 # of search/arrest warrants (narcotics) executed 225 200 200 225 Youth Bureau # of education seminars 75 65 45 50 # of investigations conducted 450 400 475 500 # of juvenile arrests 475 180 300 400 Identification Bureau # of crime scenes processed inc. evidence 250 250 155 150 # of criminal arrest records processed inc. 2,700 2,500 1,785 1190 erasures # of digital photo cases processed 1,100 1,200 1,072 1,200 # of evidentiary court presentations 30 35 3 3 # of fingerprints processed 1,800 1,800 1,398 1380 # of pistol permits processed 300 310 357 330 Effectiveness

City of Norwalk 172 Department Summary - POLICE DEPARTMENT

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd

Detective Bureau % of arrest warrants obtained vs. requested 98% 98% 98% 98% % of investigative cases cleared 80% 80% 80% 80% Investigative cases per police investigator 45 50 50 55 Special Services % of arrest warrants obtained vs. requested 98% 99% 98% 98% Value of narcotics seized & removed from the 900,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,800,000 street Youth Bureau % of arrest warrants obtained vs. requested 96% 95% 95% 95% Juvenile arrests as a percent of total arrests 32% 13% 35% 35% Identification Bureau % of arrest warrants obtained vs. requested 100% 100% 100% 100% % of criminal arrest records processed within a 100% 100% 100% 100% timely manner

City of Norwalk 173 Department Summary - POLICE DEPARTMENT

PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Units here include Testing and Recruiting, Training, Internal Affairs, and Planning and Research. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $880,740 $1,101,123 $972,205 $1,042,540 $1,042,540 $70,335 %7.23 Contractual Services $103,327 $60,169 $104,786 $77,084 $77,084 ($27,702) (26.44%) Supplies and Materials $51,192 $59,254 $55,896 $70,896 $70,896 $15,000 %26.84 Fixed Charges $46,090 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $1,081,349 $1,220,547 $1,132,887 $1,190,520 $1,190,520 $57,633 5.09 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $1,081,349 $1,220,547 $1,1190,520 1,190,520 Employees 6 56 6 Outputs

Testing & Recruiting # of candidates processed for entry level testing 353 No testing in FY 34 375 2016-17 # of minority candidates processed for entry level 143 No testing in FY 12 150 testing 2016-17 # of recruitment activities 27 15 12 35 Training # of officers re-certified 60 55 52 60 # of specialized training assignments 120 130 48 125 Internal Affairs # of investigations conducted 6 68 6 Effectiveness Testing & Recruiting % of candidates that pass entry level test 65% No testing in FY Testing will be 70% 2016-17 done later in the year % of minority candidates that pass entry level test 60% No testing in FY Testing will be 70% 2016-17 done later in the year Training % of officers to get specialized training 60% 65% 60% 65% assignments % of recruits that successfully complete training 100% 100% 100% 100% Internal Affairs % of investigations completed in a timely manner 100% 100% 100% 100%

City of Norwalk 174 Department Summary - POLICE DEPARTMENT

SUPPORT SERVICES DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES This division coordinates the services that support all other department divisions. Services include the property and evidence room, fleet support, building maintenance, the Court Officer, and the administration of the Dog Pound. The Community Services division and all activities associated with it, including the DARE program, school crossing guards, media relations and the development and evaluation of programs are designed to interface with varied and diverse segments of the community. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $661,455 $646,341 $611,955 $658,377 $658,377 $46,422 %7.59 Contractual Services $548,967 $540,269 $579,155 $587,530 $587,530 $8,375 %1.45 Supplies and Materials $26,260 $24,124 $37,260 $38,210 $38,210 $950 %2.55 Fixed Charges $712,566 $535,235 $860,782 $923,970 $923,970 $63,188 %7.34 Capital Outlay $428,493 $447,290 $439,500 $672,900 $364,300 ($75,200) (17.11%) Total $2,377,741 $2,193,259 $2,528,652 $2,880,987 $2,572,387 $43,735 1.73 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $2,377,741 $2,193,259 $2,528,652 $2,572,387 Employees 13 10 10 8 Outputs General # of (at fault) accidents involving police vehicles 5 47 5 # of animal complaints responded to 1,200 1,100 1,150 1080 # of citations issued for animal violations 100 120 115 105 # of crime prevention and traffic safety 250 275 275 230 presentations # of school crossing posts staffed 25 27 25 26 # of students attending DARE presentations 1,024 1,200 1,400 1170 Effectiveness General % of DARE students completing program 95% 96% 98% 97% % of time crossing posts fully staffed with civilians 100% 100% 99% 95% (not police OT)

City of Norwalk 175 Department Summary - POLICE DEPARTMENT

ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES To manage and administer the Department’s fiscal affairs, in the areas of payroll, purchasing, contracts, computerization and extra outside police work. Also included here are data entry, public records and the alarm administration. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $565,000 $580,440 $575,860 $636,345 $636,345 $60,485 %10.50 Contractual Services $345,023 $347,571 $367,834 $367,840 $367,840 $6 %0.00 Supplies and Materials $39,204 $43,404 $35,049 $31,049 $31,049 ($4,000) %)(11.41 Fixed Charges $27,995 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Grants & Donations $80 $266 $1,600 $1,600 $1,600 $0 0.00 % Total $977,302 $971,681 $980,343 $1,036,834 $1,036,834 $56,491 5.76 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $972,302 $971,681 $980,343 1,036,834 Employees 9 99 9 Outputs General # of cash management transactions 1,210 1,300 1,410 1,400 # of extra work assignments 16,500 17,000 18,000 18,500 # of FOI requests 230 220 308 255 # of new alarm registrations 270 250 351 390 # of procurement actions 30 32 50 40 # of records entered into records management 70,000 58,000 59,872 65,000 system Total false alarm revenue 52,000 55,000 50,000 50,000 Effectiveness General % of cash management transaction sent to 100% 100% 99% 100% accounts payable within a timely manner % of FOI requests processed in a timely manner 100% 100% 100% 100% % of records entered into the system in a timely 100% 100% 100% 100% manner False alarm collection rate 55% 60% 60% 70%

City of Norwalk 176 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. ADMINISTRATION 013010 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $469,971 $455,863 $457,777$493,273 $493,273 $35,496

013010 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $663 $523 $0$500 $500 $500

013010 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $500 $1,000 $1,600$0 $0($1,600 )

013010 5150 LONGEVITY $2,350 $680 $690$700 $700 $10

013010 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $152 $9,283 $0$0 $0 $0

013010 5225 TYPING SERVICES $970 $630 $675$960 $960 $285 Police Commission meetings, etc. - 12 meetings @ $80.00 each 013010 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $686 $1,466 $814 $700 $700 ($114) Subscriptions to local newspapers and some police periodicals. 013010 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $2,135 $2,600 $1,854 $2,200 $2,200 $346 For Chief and Deputy Chiefs including IACP and CPCA. 013010 5245 TELEPHONE $0 $0 $0

013010 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013010 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $2,553 $1,284 $1,500 $800 $800 ($700) For officers taking their own cars to training and meetings. 013010 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $2,327 $4,509 $1,545 $1,545 $1,545 $0 For food and business related expenses for on-site seminars, conference visits and oral boards. 013010 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $1,125 $1,702 $1,428 $1,608 $1,608 $180 Copier in Chief's office Rental - 112 x 12 = 1,344 Copies - 22 x 12 = 264 013010 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $3,744 $6,604 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0 Fees for seminars and conferences for executive personnel. 013010 5296 SECURITY SYSTEMS $0 $95 $0 $0 $0 $0

013010 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $1,423 $5,483 $950 $800 $800 ($150) Office supplies, computer accessories and packing material 013010 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

013010 5331 AUTOMOTIVE FUEL&FLUIDS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013010 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $424,909 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013010 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $22,578 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013010 5620 GRANTS&DONATIONS-INSTITU $0 $0 $0

013010 5741 IT HARDWARE $3,408 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013010 5795 STORM SANDY $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $939,494 $491,721 $473,833 $508,086 $508,086 $34,253 FIELD ADMINISTRATION 013020 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $0 $0

City of Norwalk 177 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Division Total $0 $0 $0 UNIFORM PATROL 013022 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $8,158,530 $8,397,827 $8,167,046$8,644,133 $8,644,133 $477,087

013022 5111 SALARY ADJUSTMENT $0 $0($62,802 ) ($66,985) )($66,985 ($4,183) Leave 1 Officer vacant 1 x 66,985 013022 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $1,609,045 $1,579,596 $1,486,676 $1,606,213 $1,606,213 $119,537 Average of Patrol Overtime usage for the previous 2 years (actual for 2016 & 2017) and the projected total of the year (2018) we are in. 013022 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $413,263 $430,627 $416,500 $416,500 $416,500 $0 Contractual shift coverage off-hour stipends $349,500 Certification Pay $55,000 Bilingual Pay $12,000 013022 5150 LONGEVITY $20,735 $20,440 $21,920 $25,190 $25,190 $3,270

013022 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $81 $600 $0 $0 $0 $0

013022 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $1,133 $535 $0

013022 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $364 $259 $225 $225 $225 $0 $225 yearly EZ Pass fee 013022 5292 BOARDING PRISONERS $12,838 $15,853 $16,068 $19,450 $19,450 $3,382 Cost of meals for prisoners, purchase of blankets, etc. 013022 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $4,208 $4,885 $4,820 $4,992 $4,992 $172 Report Writing area Rental - 53 x 12 = 636 Copies - 30 x 12 = 360

Patrol Office Rental - 75 x 12 = 900 Copies - 50 x 12 = 600

Front Desk Rental - 75 x 12 = 900 Copies - 50 x 12 = 600

Court Officer/HFO/Booking Rental - 53 x 12 = 636 Copies - 30 x 12 = 360 013022 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $2,012 $4,130 $34,600 $242,727 $242,727 $208,127 Misc. Equipment - $2,000 Flares - $1,100 First aid kits replenishment - $1,000 Stop sticks replenishment - 3 @ $500 = $1,500 40mm less lethal launchers for Patrol supervisor vehicles - 2 @ $1,750 = $3,500 Replacement cost for tasers and body cameras with accessories, for a 5 year replacement plan - $233,627 013022 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $495,626 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013022 5724 CAMERAS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013022 5743 RADIOS,MOBILE,WALKIE-TAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $10,717,835 $10,454,752 $10,085,053 $10,892,445 $10,892,445 $807,392

City of Norwalk 178 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. MARINE PATROL 013023 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $171,358 $174,171 $230,369$178,732 $178,732($51,637 )

013023 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $15,118 $12,723 $18,000$24,630 $24,630 $6,630 Overtime for shift coverage, emergencies and off-hour calls. 013023 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $3,783 $3,089 $3,800 $3,800 $3,800 $0 Contractual pay for off-hours scheduled shifts $2,800 Certification Pay $1,000 013023 5150 LONGEVITY $1,250 $1,280 $1,310 $1,340 $1,340 $30

013023 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013023 5241 ELECTRIC $2,152 $1,987 $4,747 $4,272 $4,272 ($475)

013023 5245 TELEPHONE $0 $0 $0

013023 5246 HEATING FUELS $726 $1,484 $1,500 $1,600 $1,600 $100 Cost of heating fuels for the Marine Division building 013023 5251 MEDICAL,DENTAL,VETERINAR $0 $525 $800 $900 $900 $100 Dive physicals 013023 5262 OTHER MACHINERY-EQUIP $0 $0 $0

013023 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $10,173 $13,994 $11,330 $13,000 $13,000 $1,670 Maintenance to vessels based on history of 3 boats. Increases in maintenance costs and parts require additional funding. Historical expenses average in excess of $4,000 per vessel. 013023 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013023 5297 STORAGE $9,519 $8,629 $10,800 $12,000 $12,000 $1,200 Projected costs of winter storage based on vessel size and storage rates for 3 boats. 013023 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $0 $0 $0

013023 5326 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS $118 $258 $750 $800 $800 $50 Required marine uniforms and equipment. 013023 5331 AUTOMOTIVE FUEL&FLUIDS $2,261 $2,450 $5,150 $6,000 $6,000 $850 We will be running three boats with 2 crews all season, including the 35 ft. Diesel Police Patrol boat. 013023 5332 MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS $0 $40 $0

013023 5333 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT PART $4,849 $5,673 $8,000 $9,000 $9,000 $1,000 Pre-season and Post-season maintenance on fleet. 013023 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $12,602 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $233,910 $226,304 $296,556 $256,074 $256,074 ($40,482) K-9 UNIT 013024 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $354,865 $324,914 $245,596$262,453 $262,453 $16,857

013024 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $1,039 $923 $2,000$2,000 $2,000 $0 Funds used for shift coverage and canine patrol emergencies

City of Norwalk 179 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013024 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $8,167 $9,577 $7,700$10,122 $10,122 $2,422 Contractual pay for off-hour shifts $8,122 Certification Pay $2,000 013024 5150 LONGEVITY $1,020 $840 $885$930 $930 $45

013024 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013024 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $0 $245 $412$520 $520 $108 K-9 Membership Dues - NPCA $280, CPWDA $105, NAPWDA $135 = $520 013024 5251 MEDICAL,DENTAL,VETERINAR $1,448 $2,227 $3,986$4,800 $4,800 $814 Slight increase in veterinary care, services and supplies for boarding of canines. 013024 5273 OTHER $4,320 $6,298 $4,320$5,400 $5,400 $1,080 Stipend for K-9 handlers. $112.50/mo x 4 handlers x 12 months 013024 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $0 $0 $0$2,500 $2,500 $2,500

013024 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $0 $0


013024 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $1,365 $826 $1,300$2,000 $2,000 $700 Dog handling materials (leashes, collars and maintenance items). 013024 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $16,367 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $388,591 $345,849 $266,199 $290,725 $290,725 $24,526 EMERGENCY SERVICE UNIT 013025 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $5,707 $35,652 $20,000$40,000 $40,000 $20,000 Cost Center (TRT) - Overtime for emergencies and special operations off-hours 013025 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $167 $1,381 $170 $500 $500 $330 Cost Center (TRT) - Contractual pay for off-hours work 013025 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013025 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $0 $0 $300 $600 $600 $300 Cost Center (TRT) - Annual New England Crisis Negotiators Association Dues (NECNA). 6 negotiators @ $50 each = $300 Cost Center (CNT) - Membership Dues - $300.00 013025 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013025 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $0 $0 $1,600 $1,600 $1,600 $0 Cost Center (SCUBA) Re-occurring maintenance testing for regulators. Tech testing. 013025 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $0 $2,470 $3,000 $5,000 $5,000 $2,000 Cost Center - (CNT) - NECNA Conference 013025 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $0 $0 $12,750 $7,000 $7,000 ($5,750) New replacement equipment - Cost Center (CNT) - $3,500 Cost Center (SCUBA) - $3,500 013025 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $0 $865 $1,840 $1,840 $975

City of Norwalk 180 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Cost Center (CNT) - Registration for annual New England Crisis Negotiators (NECNA) conference 6 @ $140 each = $840 Cost Center - (TRT) = $1,000 - TRT Seminar/Conference Fees 013025 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $0 $3,431 $2,500$2,500 $2,500 $0 Cost Center - (TRT) - Chemical and Gas Equipment 013025 5326 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS $3,795 $588 $2,700$2,700 $2,700 $0 This account covers expenses for uniform equipment and supplies for the entire ESU team. - $2,700 013025 5327 FIREARM SUPPLIES $2,244 $12,420 $7,200$7,200 $7,200 $0 Cost Center (TRT) - For simunition ammunition for duty, training, practice rounds and firearm supplies.-$2,200 Less Lethal Munition - $5,000 With the increased threat of protests against the police and government across the nation, the department needs to maintain a minimum supply of less lethal gas products and munitions to deal with the potential for unruly protests as well as barricaded subjects. Also include costs for training materials (inert gasses and training rounds). 013025 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $2,000$2,500 $2,500 $500 Standardized helmet mounted and portable lighting devices with batteries x 25, Single use multi-colored glow-sticks. 013025 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $130 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $12,043 $55,942 $53,085 $71,440 $71,440 $18,355 COMMUNITY POLICE SERVICES 013026 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $756,274 $783,917 $895,745$875,597 $875,597($20,148 )

013026 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $16,523 $21,357 $27,881$33,651 $33,651 $5,770 Increase due to increased requests for off hour and weekend events. Events include, but not limited to, City Open House, Bike Rodeo, Child Passenger Safety Clinics, Active Threat Safety, Children's Holiday Party, National Night Out and other crime prevention talks and other outreach events with our community partner organizations. Additionally, the traffic unit will be conducting targeted traffic enforcement to decrease motor vehicle accidents during specified times and days which, due to manpower, will require additional funding. 013026 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $14,898 $15,320 $15,550$13,100 $13,100($2,450 ) Contractual pay for off-hours work $7,800 Certification Pay $3,500 Bilingual Pay $1,800 013026 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $134,810 $134,115 $139,200$115,200 $115,200($24,000 ) 27 School crossing guards = $135,837 less sick time adjustment of $20,637 013026 5150 LONGEVITY $3,415 $3,205 $3,560 $3,995 $3,995 $435

013026 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013026 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $584 $600 $900 $900 $300

013026 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $0 $0 $0 $290 $290 $290 Maintain membership with National Night Out and IACP Public Information Officers Section.

City of Norwalk 181 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013026 5237 ADVERTISING $354 $0 $350$350 $350 $0 Allows us to promote our community outreach events throughout the year. 013026 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $0 $490 $3,000$3,000 $3,000 $0 Bicycle & Segway maintenance: $2,100 Radar Sign Maintenance: 3 signs @ $300 each to maintain - $900

Total = $3,000 013026 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $0 $0 $0

013026 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $0 $633 $670$7,571 $7,571 $6,901 Traffic Unit Officer Equipment: Stalker Radar Trailer - $6,576 (To replace non-working, twenty plus year old speed trailer) 2 Pairs of parade britches - $250 1 rain pant and coat - $365 3 outer work shirts - $255 5 baseball caps - $125 013026 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $0 $0 $0

013026 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $0 $292 $773$750 $750($23 ) Outreach and PR materials such as crime prevention books, sticker and plastic police badges, pens, pencils, coloring books and other community police materials. 013026 5326 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS $1,175 $170 $1,617$2,100 $2,100 $483 Expenses to outfit twenty-six school crossing guards and several part time personnel and special bike uniforms for CP personnel. 013026 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $3,657 $4,136 $2,075$0 $0($2,075 )

013026 5333 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT PART $118 $2,230 $2,954$4,312 $4,312 $1,358 (2) Stalker Dual head mounted motorcycle radar units. These units will allow our other two motorcycle officers to conduct both stationary and moving speed enforcement. 013026 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $46,671 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013026 5631 AWARDS-SPEC.SERV.RENDER $0 $0 $0$2,500 $2,500 $2,500 NPD Awards and NPD Police Memorial 013026 5764 OTHER $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $977,895 $966,448 $1,093,975 $1,063,316 $1,063,316 ($30,659) DESK & HOLDING FACILITIES 01302A 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $0 $647 $0$0 $0 $0

01302A 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $0 $142 $0$0 $0 $0

01302A 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

01302A 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

01302A 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

01302A 5292 BOARDING PRISONERS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

01302A 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

01302A 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

City of Norwalk 182 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

01302A 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $789 $0 $0 $0 $0 COMPLAINT BUREAU 01302B 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $0 $0 $0

01302B 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 DETECTIVE BUREAU 013030 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $1,567,758 $1,577,466 $1,565,569$1,756,628 $1,756,628 $191,059

013030 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $133,143 $151,274 $145,900$155,529 $155,529 $9,629 Overtime for off-hour emergencies, shift coverage for vacant positions. 013030 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $43,915 $45,932 $45,400 $45,400 $45,400 $0 Contractual pay for off-hours work $33,500 Certification Pay $9,500 Bilingual Pay $2,400 013030 5150 LONGEVITY $7,525 $5,995 $6,235 $8,210 $8,210 $1,975

013030 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013030 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $0 $0 $0

013030 5234 SUBSCRIPTION-TAX,LAW $5,716 $5,740 $4,120 $4,120 $4,120 $0 Subscription to online background check and research database 013030 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $3,370 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013030 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $0 $710 $0 $0 $0 $0

013030 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $9,448 $4,200 $5,000 $5,000 $800 Training Schools - The CT Post Academy continues to offer less and less training classes in the core basic subjects such as: Basic Crime Scene Processing, Basic Interview & Interrogation, Homicide Investigation, States Attorney Legal Training Program, Basic Photography, and Basic Fingerprint Processing. With less training classes and our Department getting less investigators into these classes, it has caused a hardship in the basic training for Detectives. The average experience in the Detective Bureau at this time is 3.25 years, the need to send Detectives to these classes is very important. As a result of the decline in classes at the CT Post Academy, we are forced to send Detectives to classes where the average price per course is $475. This cannot always be accomplished as the Department's Training Budget is allocated for other priorities. 013030 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $0 $0 $0

013030 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $1,126 $3,999 $3,140 $3,144 $3,144 $4 Detective Bureau Copier Rental - 162 x 12 = 1,944 Copies - 100 x 12 = 1,200 013030 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $2,494 $1,568 $1,689 $3,000 $3,000 $1,311 This is a re-occuring expense where we replece 1/3 of our chemical and gas munitions as it expires. Also, to purchase chemical and gas munitions for training purposes.

City of Norwalk 183 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013030 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $143 $377 $600$1,000 $1,000 $400 Past usage shows an increase in usage and price. 013030 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $81,729 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013030 5661 SUNDRY $5,000 $5,000 $5,000$5,000 $5,000 $0 Additional coverage of informant/buy money 013030 5711 DESKS,CHAIRS,ETC. $814 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013030 5741 IT HARDWARE $0 $0 $0

Division Total $1,852,732 $1,807,510 $1,781,853 $1,987,031 $1,987,031 $205,178 COMMUNTIY SVCS ADMIN 013031 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0 CRIME PREVENTION 013033 5333 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT PART $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0 SPECIAL SERVICES 013035 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $728,868 $722,468 $730,578$1,107,325 $1,107,325 $376,747

013035 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $228,437 $152,109 $161,500$172,159 $172,159 $10,659 Overtime funds needed for investigations, undercover work, and off-hours survelliance. 013035 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $25,609 $21,479 $26,300$26,300 $26,300 $0 Contractual pay for off-hours work $20,500 Certification Pay $4,000 Bilingual Pay $1,800 013035 5150 LONGEVITY $2,090 $2,415 $2,385$2,580 $2,580 $195

013035 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013035 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $510 $0 $0

013035 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $638 $1,080 $6,000$7,000 $7,000 $1,000 This account is utilized to repair and maintain our aging fleet of vehicles which we currently used for undercover vehicles and covert surveillance. Most of these vehicles have been seized as part of the asset forfeiture program and have high mileage. This fleet consists of 15 cars currently. There is an ongoing effort to reduce the number of cars in this fleet by purging older cars. 013035 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $0 $2,512 $2,300$2,300 $2,300 $0

013035 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $723 $1,958 $2,000$3,000 $3,000 $1,000 Narcotics testing kits and equipment utilized by the entire department. In past years, the testing equipment has grown more expensive with the discovery of new street drugs (Fentanyl, etc.) Cost last fiscal year $2,700 013035 5326 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS $0 $0 $0$2,000 $2,000 $2,000 These monies are used to replace aging RAID type shirts that are currently worn to be identified by S.S.D. officers. They are also used to purchase the shirts for the S.N.E.T. team members.

City of Norwalk 184 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013035 5327 FIREARM SUPPLIES $446 $660 $750$750 $750 $0 For specialized ammunition and firearms supplies and related equipment for special operations. 013035 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $2,521 $952 $1,000$3,000 $3,000 $2,000 This account is used to purchase surveillance type equipment currently used during undercover operations, and surveillance operations. We need to currently replace our KEL listening device monitoring equipment. The KEL is the device that is placed on undercover officers to monitor and track their locations via GPS. We need to purchase an Android based tablet which is compatible with our system. We need to replace old surveillance binoculars. I am requesting to purchase four pairs. Android Based I Pad type device with cellular capabilities to monitor KEL transmissions - $800 Four pairs of Bushness Binoculars @ $550 each = $2,200 013035 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $39,714 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013035 5661 SUNDRY $20,000 $20,000 $20,000$25,000 $25,000 $5,000 Based on projections as of Nov. 2017, the S.S.D. will utilize all of these available funds in investigation expenditures by the end of this fiscal year. (C/I payments and evidence purchases). 013035 5724 CAMERAS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $1,049,556 $925,634 $952,813 $1,351,414 $1,351,414 $398,601 SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT 013036 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $566,439 $631,896 $707,191$657,238 $657,238($49,953 )

013036 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $42,037 $32,235 $35,200$37,235 $37,235 $2,035 Accommodate for the full manpower and caseload. The Courts are now requiring exact transcription translations for all non-English recorded video interviews. This would be done by Norwalk Police Personnel, non SVU member. 013036 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $13,221 $13,039 $13,100$13,100 $13,100 $0 Contractual pay for off-hours work $8,400 Certification Pay $3,500 Bilingual Pay $1,200 013036 5150 LONGEVITY $1,020 $2,165 $3,190 $1,155 $1,155 ($2,035)

013036 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013036 5234 SUBSCRIPTION-TAX,LAW $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013036 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $0 $0 $180 $4,725 $4,725 $4,545 IT/ICAC Training & Professional Memberships (IACIS $100, HTCIA $75) Renewals for ICAC related licenses and software upgrades - $1,251 Cellebrite - $3,299 013036 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $3,299 $4,224 $1,950 $1,950 $1,950 $0 Internet Evidence Finder - $750 Xways - $1,200 013036 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $2,646 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0

City of Norwalk 185 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. NEW: IT and ICAC training - Throughout the year there are a number of training classes which are offered throughout the area with little notice in the various IT Topics. It is imparative that the departments computer forensics expert attends these classes to stay up to date with current investigative techniques and trends to better serve the department. 013036 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $0 $568 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0

013036 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $1,496 $2,514$2,514 $2,514 $0 ICAC Conference for two - $2,514 - The Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC) hosts an annual conference in Atlanta, GA. This conference provides vital training, updates, and hands-on training in all areas of Child Exploitation. 013036 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $0 $0 $0

013036 5328 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES $0 $0 $1,100 $1,100 $1,100 $0 Purchase of educational supplies. 013036 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $1,521 $3,469 $800 $800 $800 $0 Professional Memberships including several children's investigative organizations. - $800 013036 5391 A-V EQUIPMENT $0 $0 $0

013036 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $27,537 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013036 5711 DESKS,CHAIRS,ETC. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013036 5741 IT HARDWARE $432 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 Forensic Exam Consumable items (hard drives, thumb drives, SD cards etc.) - $1,000 Division Total $655,507 $691,737 $769,225 $723,817 $723,817 ($45,408) IDENTIFICATION BUREAU 013037 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $251,686 $255,432 $250,725$267,923 $267,923 $17,198

013037 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $2,118 $7,147 $2,400$10,000 $10,000 $7,600 Overtime required for crime scene investigation. Processing evidence collected by the ID Unit, DB, SVU, SS or Patrol or any expedited requests from Court. The Crime Scene Unit supports the DB, SVU and the Patrol Division. To cover the increased workload on the two man unit. 013037 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $1,449 $1,603 $1,450$1,450 $1,450 $0 Contractual pay for off-hours work $350 Certification Pay $500 Bilingual Pay $600 013037 5150 LONGEVITY $1,205 $1,630 $1,670$1,280 $1,280($390 )

013037 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013037 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $0 $0

013037 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013037 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $150 $0 $50 $50 $50 $0 $50 for dues 013037 5262 OTHER MACHINERY-EQUIP $0 $0 $75 $75 $75 $0

City of Norwalk 186 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013037 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013037 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $1,156 $856 $1,156$1,152 $1,152($4 ) ID Alcove Copier Rental - 84 x 12 = 1,008 Copies - 12 x 12 = 144 013037 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $150 $150 $300 $300 $300 $0 6 meetings per year @ $50 each = $300 013037 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $7,800 $10,700 $14,100 $14,100 $14,100 $0 LiveScan machine lease in holding facility: $605/mth. x 12 = $7,260 Portable LiveScan machine maintenance fee in Print Room: $320/mth. x 12 = $3,840 Fairfield County Computer Forensic Task Force - $3,000 013037 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $5,040 $6,445 $5,718 $6,068 $6,068 $350 Increase due to a 40% increase in scene and evidence processing from FY 2016/17 to FY 2017/18 and the increased consumption of sterile processing equipment. 013037 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $2,573 $3,107 $3,527 $3,527 $3,527 $0 Used to supply the Detective Bureau, Special Victims Unit, Special Services Unit and the Patrol Division with necessary evidence collection and packaging materials - $2,600 Replacement of memory cards, patrol cameras and USB storage for Cellebrite - $927 (previously paid out of various accounts) 013037 5392 BOOKS $0 $0 $0

013037 5393 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES $1,493 $1,795 $2,000$2,000 $2,000 $0 Used to fund Cold Case investigations with upgrading older 35mm scene photos and VHS tapes to DVD's and upgrade the technology in digital photography equipment and related equipment in evidence photography. 013037 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $12,356 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013037 5724 CAMERAS $1,526 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013037 5742 IT SOFTWARE $0 $598 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $288,702 $289,464 $283,171 $307,925 $307,925 $24,754 SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS 013038 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $607,118 $599,396 $615,432$654,968 $654,968 $39,536

013038 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $5,721 $4,812 $7,500$7,995 $7,995 $495 Overtime for special off-hours functions and events for 8 SRO's. 013038 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $8,218 $9,841 $8,100 $8,100 $8,100 $0 Contractual pay for off-hours work $3,500 Certification Pay $4,000 Bilingual Pay $600 013038 5150 LONGEVITY $795 $960 $1,005 $915 $915 ($90)

013038 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013038 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $50 $400 $800 $800 $800 $0

City of Norwalk 187 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Membership in National Association of School Resource Officers 013038 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $3,419 $0$0 $0 $0

013038 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $1,148 $1,600 $1,500$1,500 $1,500 $0 National leading experts from the field conduct seminars regarding the latest developments in school safety, threats and response to critical incidents on school grounds. 013038 5328 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES $0 $294 $1,600 $1,600 $1,600 $0 For educational supplies utilized by SRO's 013038 532B DARE SUPPLIES $0 $0 $2,450 $2,450 $2,450 $0 Supplies for the DARE program = $2,450 DARE 5th grade planners, graduation certificates & supplies (approximately 1,100 units) 013038 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $26,916 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $649,967 $620,722 $638,387 $678,328 $678,328 $39,941 TESTING & RECRUITING 013040 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $100,822 $102,887 $100,437$107,128 $107,128 $6,691

013040 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $20,882 $1,674 $13,500$14,391 $14,391 $891 OT needed to conduct background investigations, recruitment activities, as well as training for background investigators and recruiting officers. 013040 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $914 $580 $900$900 $900 $0 Contractual pay for off-hours work $400 Certification Pay $500 013040 5150 LONGEVITY $475 $490 $505 $520 $520 $15

013040 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013040 5237 ADVERTISING $40 $0 $670 $0 $0 ($670)

013040 5251 MEDICAL,DENTAL,VETERINAR $29,043 $15,501 $9,465 $5,679 $5,679 ($3,786) New Recruit Testing Physicals: 3 x 1,168 = 3,504 Psychological: 3 x 425 = 1,275 Polygraph: 3 x 300 = 900 Total = $5,679 013040 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013040 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

013040 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $5,338 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $157,513 $121,132 $125,477 $128,618 $128,618 $3,141 TRAINING 013042 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $144,093 $157,591 $153,658$163,042 $163,042 $9,384

013042 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $396,234 $505,912 $395,000$425,000 $425,000 $30,000

City of Norwalk 188 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Needed to cover additional training overtime expenses for required training as well as contractual increases in hourly wages. The Training Unit is responsible for providing POST mandated police officer certification training, which requires a minimum of sixty hours of review credit training every three years. The Training Unit recertifies approximately sixty officers per year, as well as required civilian employee training. Additionally, firearms training and qualifications, as well as Use of Force training is required for every officer yearly. The Training Unit conducts a four hour class for legal training on use of force issues and low-light shooting skills in the range for every officer. In order to reduce OT without cutting training hours, officers qualify with their duty pistols while on-duty, and only the firearms instructor is on OT. Additionally, approximately 45 officers that are assigned patrol rifles receive 8 hours of training and qualifications, split into two 4-hour sessions. I am requesting additional funding in order to increase patrol rifle training to 16 hours per year, split into two 8-hour sessions. This is necessary for officers to maintain their skills and proficiency with the weapons. The Emergency Services Unit requires 136 hours of training per year for the 25 member team (8 hours per month and 5 consecutive days per year). Emergency Medical Responder (First Responder training) recertification is a 20 hour course required every three years for all personnel. This is required by the State of CT for all municipality designated first responders (in Norwalk it's the Police Dept.). The Training unit contracts with the Norwalk Hospital to provide this training several times per year. Also, additional training is being conducted in areas mandated by CALEA accreditation and advanced specialty training for detectives and other officers assigned to specialized units. 013042 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $4,827 $8,354 $4,850$4,850 $4,850 $0 Contractual pay for off-hours work $3,250 Certification Pay $1,000 Bilingual Pay $600 013042 5150 LONGEVITY $815 $845 $875$400 $400($475 )

013042 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013042 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013042 5234 SUBSCRIPTION-TAX,LAW $0 $159 $1,800$1,800 $1,800 $0 Journals and Guides including license i.d. manuals, penal code materials and looseleaf publications. 013042 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $1,355 $880 $885$885 $885 $0 For training officers, including: FC Police Training Officers Assoc = $700 Int. Enf. Fire Inst. Assoc = $95 National Tactical Officers Assoc. = $90 013042 5237 ADVERTISING $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013042 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $0 $0 $1,100$4,000 $4,000 $2,900

City of Norwalk 189 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. This account is utilized for repairs and maintenance to the shooting range. Since it's opening in 2005, general maintenance and repairs on the equipment has been performed by Training Division officers. Several of the target track systems are in need of immediate repairs and are not operational. This increase includes an annual service contract with the shooting range manufacturer that would cover the cost of a company technician to travel to our facility once per year and conduct minor repairs and general cleaning and maintenance of the electronic and mechanical equipment (min. $2,500 annually). 013042 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $27,927 $22,340 $18,000$22,000 $22,000 $4,000 Fees and expenses paid to the CT Police Academy for new officer training ($2,000 ea.) and in-service training (up to $200 per course). Satellite academies such as Milford and Bridgeport are now charging fees for new recruits as well. We anticipate filling a minimum of 1-2 openings within the next fiscal year. I am also requesting in the account, $10,000 for professional development for police management. This would pay tuition and other fees for management and executive development courses for police managers, and $6,000 for up to six department Use of Force trainers to attend the annual Daigle Law Use of Force Summit, a 3-day use of force and legal update training seminar held yearly in Uncasville, CT. This account is also utilized for general tuition costs for specialty and advanced training courses at the CT police academy and other training institutions (for investigators and other specialized police units). Total request for 2018-19: $22,000. 013042 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $6,886 $1,988 $2,000$2,000 $2,000 $0 Expenses for training 013042 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $0 $997 $1,700$1,700 $1,700 $0 Office Machinery 013042 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013042 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $1,505 $2,672 $6,000$6,000 $6,000 $0 Fees for outside instructors to train officers. This includes fees to the Norwalk Hospital staff for Emergency Medical Responder training for all sworn personnel; fees to outside instructors that provide required "Police and the Law" and "Legal Updates" review credit training, as well as fees for review credit classes in various fields of expertise. 013042 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $0 $2,323 $900$900 $900 $0 Request is based on historical usage. 013042 5323 FOOD $1,153 $889 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 Refreshments for hosting of outside training programs, recruitment functions, promotion, award ceremonies and oral boards. 013042 5327 FIREARM SUPPLIES $45,282 $51,356 $50,000$65,000 $65,000 $15,000

City of Norwalk 190 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. $45,000 - ammunition $18,000 - Special weapons and parts (for training & on-duty use) $ 2,000 - Misc. (targets, cardboard, etc)

This account is utilized mainly for firearms ammunition and Taser electronic control device replacement cartridges, batteries and repairs. The cost of firearms ammunition has been increasing dramatically every year (15-20%) and additional funds are needed to cover the increase while maintaining the same amount of supply ordered. Also, with the increase in firearms training hours, additional ammunition will be required. Taser expenses are also a large portion of this account, approximately $20,000. Taser batteries, training cartridges, replacement duty cartridges, and device repair and replacement costs continue to increase. A large number of departments Tasers will need replacing as they are nearing the end of their lifespan and the warranties have expired. Other items this account is utilized to include range targets, cardboard target backers, firearms cleaning supplies, and miscellaneous parts for repairs and replacement. 013042 5328 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES $676 $828 $700$700 $700 $0 Educational supplies, phamplets, books and required manuals for training. 013042 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013042 5373 PLASTIC PRODUCTS & PIPE $0 $268 $0$0 $0 $0

013042 5392 BOOKS $4,080 $3,591 $3,296$3,296 $3,296 $0 For training purposes. Looseleaf law publications for whole department. 013042 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $26,537 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013042 5711 DESKS,CHAIRS,ETC. $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $661,370 $760,992 $641,764 $702,573 $702,573 $60,809 INTERNAL AFFAIRS 013048 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $100,822 $198,519 $191,575$108,228 $108,228($83,347 )

013048 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $6,121 $17,388 $7,727$10,000 $10,000 $2,273 Overtime required for investigations and interviews off-hours. Increase to keep up with current assignments and pay raises to the end of the 2018-2019 budget. 013048 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $828 $1,184 $300$300 $300 $0 Contractual pay for off-hours $300 013048 5150 LONGEVITY $580 $595 $0 $0 $0 $0

013048 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013048 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013048 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $0 $1,443 $0 $0 $0 $0

013048 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $1,335 $1,040 $1,920 $1,920 $1,920 $0 Copier Rental - 120 x 12 = 1,440 Copies - 40 x 12 = 480

City of Norwalk 191 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013048 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $5,176 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013048 5724 CAMERAS $0 $0 $0

Division Total $114,862 $220,168 $201,522 $120,448 $120,448 ($81,074) PLANNING/RESEARCH/ACCREDITATIO 013049 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $101,625 $103,704 $101,237$205,739 $205,739 $104,502

013049 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $0 $0 $701$747 $747 $46 This account will cover any cost associated with manpower coverage. With no onsite or mock this year, this account will be used for any emergency situation. 013049 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $1,023 $1,000 $525$525 $525 $0 Contractual pay for off-hours $25 Certification Pay $500 013049 5150 LONGEVITY $680 $400 $415 $770 $770 $355

013049 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013049 5234 SUBSCRIPTION-TAX,LAW $12,940 $6,470 $8,343 $8,500 $8,500 $157 Power DMS cloud subscription service - $5,100 Accreditation software access - $3,000 Unanticipated increase in fees - $400 013049 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $5,000 $5,000 $5,253 $5,600 $5,600 $347 CALEA membership dues CALEA $5,500 CONNPAC $100 013049 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $17,197 $0 $39,000 $11,000 $11,000 ($28,000) Promotional tests (Sergeant). May need special appropriation for unexpected circumstances or sudden absences that will require additional testing. 013049 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $100 $1,681 $5,150$3,000 $3,000($2,150 ) This account pays for the travel fees (flight, hotel, and per diem) for the CALEA conference and body camera training. 013049 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $0 $3,500$3,000 $3,000($500 ) This account will need to cover conference fees for two officers to attend training at one CALEA conference in 2019 and one officer to attend body camera training. 013049 5323 FOOD $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013049 5394 OTHER MATERIALS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013049 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $9,039 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $147,604 $118,255 $164,124 $238,881 $238,881 $74,757 PROPERTY & EVIDENCE 013050 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $134,492 $135,843 $133,979$142,905 $142,905 $8,926

013050 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $1,848 $775 $911$1,200 $1,200 $289

013050 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $511 $516 $510$510 $510 $0 Contractual pay for off-hours work $10 Certification Pay $500 013050 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $0 $775$265 $265($510 )

City of Norwalk 192 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013050 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013050 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $416 $751 $492$636 $636 $144 Property Copier Rental - 28 x 12 = 336 Copies - 25 x 12 = 300 013050 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $0 $604 $1,000 $1,200 $1,200 $200 Toner, copier paper, pens, etc. 013050 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $892 $1,093 $3,500 $4,250 $4,250 $750 For evidence bags, field drug kits, & storage supplies 013050 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $2,118 $703 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 Labels and storage boxes for property room, (historical) 013050 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $9,905 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013050 5741 IT HARDWARE $0 $0 $0

013050 5776 OTHER $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $150,182 $140,284 $142,167 $151,966 $151,966 $9,799 ADMIN SVCS.ADMINSTRATION 013051 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0 DATA ENTRY 013052 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $0 $0 $0

013052 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $0 $0 $0

013052 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $0 $0

013052 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

013052 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $0 $0

013052 5262 OTHER MACHINERY-EQUIP $0 $0 $0

013052 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $0 $0 $0

013052 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

013052 5393 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

013052 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 013053 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $101,625 $103,704 $101,237$107,928 $107,928 $6,691

013053 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $8,124 $12,643 $6,684$7,125 $7,125 $441

013053 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $713 $832 $700$700 $700 $0 Contractual pay for off-hours work $200 Certification Pay $500 013053 5150 LONGEVITY $430 $445 $460$475 $475 $15

City of Norwalk 193 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013053 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013053 5261 REPAIR-MAINTENANCE VEHIC $82 $2,973 $3,500$3,500 $3,500 $0 Motorcycle Maintenance Yearly service; tires; brakes; clutch; service adjustments; batteries; cleaning supplies for 3 motorcycles (2 assigned to the Traffic Unit, 1 assigned to the Motorcycle Unit Supervisor for the Patrol Division). 013053 5262 OTHER MACHINERY-EQUIP $0 $0 $0

013053 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $29,074 $25,110 $25,235 $25,235 $25,235 $0 WT/Laser Repair/Supplies - $5,000 Washing of police cars - $20,235 013053 5271 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS $0 $0 $0

013053 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $0 $0

013053 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $1,369 $9,509 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $0 Vehicle towing 013053 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $0 $0 $0

013053 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $3,268 $1,596 $11,000 $11,000 $11,000 $0 Funds for EMS, AED & Bloodbourne program, including medical supplies for patrol vehicles and holding facility, badges, name tags. includes software upgrades for the AED’s. Many are older and require an upgrade. 013053 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $0 $0 $0

013053 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $2,011 $2,303 $0 $0 $0 $0

013053 5331 AUTOMOTIVE FUEL&FLUIDS $0 $0 $0

013053 5332 MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS $3,130 $280 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0

013053 5333 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT PART $0 $0 $0

013053 5339 TIRE,TUBES,BATTERIES,ETC $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013053 5341 CONSUMABLE TOOLS & HARDW $0 $0 $0

013053 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $0 $0 $0

013053 5419 OTHER $13,250 $10,534 $9,000 $0 $0 ($9,000)

013053 5421 BUILDING&OFFICE RENTALS $6,384 $6,384 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $0 Lease fee for Yankee Doodle Garage - $6,000 To house confiscated vehicles that can no longer be stored in onsite police lot. 013053 5422 LAND RENTAL $0 $0 $0

013053 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $9,979 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013053 5461 CENTRALIZED FUEL $278,522 $194,234 $258,857 $288,153 $288,153 $29,296

013053 5462 CENTRALIZED FLEET MAINTENANCE $372,407 $324,083 $586,925 $629,817 $629,817 $42,892 Approved Update based on reduced fleet OT 013053 5727 GARAGE EQUIP & MACHINERY $0 $0 $0

City of Norwalk 194 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013053 5729 OTHER EQUIPMENT & MACHINERY $0 $0 $32,500$23,500 $23,500($9,000 ) Badges/Medals- $3,000; WT Lithium Batteries - $4,000 AED Upgrade - $10,000 Purchase 2 radar units - $6,500 013053 5731 CARS AND VANS $428,493 $447,290 $407,000$649,400 $340,800($66,200 ) Purchase and upfit 9 2019 Police Interceptors @ $47,000 each = $423,000 Purchase and upfit 6 2019 Ford Fusions @ $29,400 each = $176,400 Purchase 1 BMW Motorcycles @ $34,000 each = $34,000 Quad for CP/Beach - $16,000 013053 5790 OTHER $0 $0 $0

Division Total $1,258,861 $1,141,920 $1,452,598 $1,756,333 $1,447,733 ($4,865) BUILDING MAINTENANCE 013054 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0 NEW POLICE HEADQUARTERS 013055 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $59,608 $59,231 $57,628$61,467 $61,467 $3,839

013055 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $3,802 $3,965 $1,200$1,279 $1,279 $79

013055 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $0 $0 $0

013055 5150 LONGEVITY $655 $665 $665$685 $685 $20

013055 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013055 5241 ELECTRIC $185,965 $177,679 $184,161$165,745 $165,745($18,416 ) Electric charges for police headquarters based on current rates 013055 5242 WATER $3,372 $4,285 $3,555$3,644 $3,644 $89 Request based on historical usage and current rates 013055 5244 GAS $47,665 $51,247 $62,259$63,815 $63,815 $1,556 Request is based on current rates and historical usage 013055 5246 HEATING FUELS $438 $448 $1,020$1,046 $1,046 $26

013055 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $0 $0

013055 5262 OTHER MACHINERY-EQUIP $5,890 $5,460 $6,260$6,260 $6,260 $0 UPS Yearly Maintenance $3,000 Rotational UPS Battery Replacement $3,260 013055 5266 BUILDINGS $157,465 $161,402 $166,244$172,064 $172,064 $5,820

013055 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $32,355 $17,724 $28,894$28,894 $28,894 $0 Plumbing & Electrical Repairs & Maintenance $13,570 HVAC automation controls repairs & maintenance $7,974 HVAC Filters(regular) $3,100 Dehumidification Canisters IT Room $2,100 Belts $150 Boiler Cleaning & Burner Tuning $2,000 013055 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $14,608 $16,776 $16,800$16,800 $16,800 $0

City of Norwalk 195 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Building, door & hardware, holding cell repairs $3,180 Painting $0 Window Washing $0 Groundwell monitoring required by state $8,470 Gutter cleaning $5,150 013055 5276 PURCHASE OF UNIFORMS/CLEANING $700 $700 $700$700 $700 $0 Based Upon Historical Expenditures 013055 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $52,662 $46,536 $53,875 $71,875 $71,875 $18,000 Overhead Garage Doors $4,025 Entrance Gates Repairs & Maintenance $3,100 Boiler Water Treatment $2,320 Diesel Fuel Tank Testing $550 Pest Control $1,200 Landscaping $2,624 Trash Removal $3,000 Elevator Service & Inspections $1,600 Carpet Cleaning $3,240 Removable Mats for Entryways $1,500 Emergency Generator Service $2,000 Cameras & Control Repairs & Maintenance $2,680 Fire System Test, Inspect & Repairs $6,550 Parking Lot Repairs & Maintenance $2,000 Snow Plowing $15,586 Infrared Scanning of Electrical Equipment $1,500 Front Entrance Statue Refinishing $4,000 Quarterly Jail Cell Cleanng $14,000 Fire Extinguisher Test & Inspect $400 013055 5323 FOOD $165 $270 $0 $0 $0 $0

013055 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $4,061 $5,599 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 $0 Light Bulbs $1,500 Grainger Tools & Supplies $2,600 Home Depot Supplies $1,500 013055 5394 OTHER MATERIALS $7,187 $9,698 $11,100 $11,100 $11,100 $0 Lightbulb Recycling $1,000 Perimeter Fence Repairs $300 Gun Range Repairs & Maintenance $5,000 HEPA Filters for Gun Range HVAC System $4,800 013055 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $2,917 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013055 5711 DESKS,CHAIRS,ETC. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $579,514 $561,685 $599,961 $610,974 $610,974 $11,013 COURT OFFICER 013057 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $77,073 $78,650 $76,779$81,521 $81,521 $4,742

013057 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $40,604 $34,580 $19,503$27,500 $27,500 $7,997

013057 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $786 $730 $250$250 $250 $0 Contractual pay for off-hours work $250 013057 5150 LONGEVITY $640 $655 $670$685 $685 $15

013057 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013057 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $0 $0 $0

013057 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $0 $222 $300$300 $300 $0

City of Norwalk 196 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. For supplies for desktop copier: toner, etc. 013057 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $4,779 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $123,882 $114,837 $97,502 $110,256 $110,256 $12,754 ANIMAL CONTROL 013059 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $195,003 $192,651 $194,259$207,201 $207,201 $12,942

013059 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $18,458 $17,430 $12,740$13,581 $13,581 $841 Funds required for extra shifts, coverage and emergency canine maintenance 013059 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $1,203 $1,242 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $0 Contractual pay for off-hours work 013059 5150 LONGEVITY $1,765 $1,785 $1,805 $1,900 $1,900 $95

013059 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

013059 5214 MESSENGER&DELIVERY SERV. $1,453 $1,029 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 Courier service for animal testing 013059 5237 ADVERTISING $1,200 $884 $1,894 $1,894 $1,894 $0 Advertising for found animals in local newspapers. Based on historical expenditures. 013059 5242 WATER $143 $144 $124 $127 $127 $3 Based on Historical Expenditures 013059 5244 GAS $6,324 $8,003 $9,173 $9,402 $9,402 $229 Expense was formerly in heating fuels, reflects revised rates. 013059 5245 TELEPHONE $251 $304 $255 $261 $261 $6 Telephone charges for animal control division 013059 5246 HEATING FUELS $0 $1,066 $0

013059 5251 MEDICAL,DENTAL,VETERINAR $3,120 $3,119 $5,665 $6,240 $6,240 $575 Vet services for animals at Dog Pound. Based on historical expenditures. 013059 5266 BUILDINGS $0 $0 $0

013059 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $1,348 $1,870 $1,900 $1,540 $1,540 ($360) Boiler Repairs & Tuning $720 Boiler Inspection $240 Clean Drains $300 Back Flow Inspection & Repairs $280 013059 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $940 $1,037 $1,112 $1,515 $1,515 $403 Pest Control $703 Fire Extinguisher Inspection $52 Guillotine Doors Maintenance $400 Fire Alarm Test, Inspect & Monitor $360 013059 5276 PURCHASE OF UNIFORMS/CLEANING $1,104 $937 $1,137 $1,137 $1,137 $0 For Animal Control officers. 013059 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013059 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $1,023 $1,278 $1,400 $1,700 $1,700 $300 Pet burial services based on historical expenditures.

City of Norwalk 197 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013059 5323 FOOD $539 $250 $1,200$1,200 $1,200 $0 For dogs and cats held at the pound (historical) 013059 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $526 $769 $800$800 $800 $0 Cleaning supplies for Dog Pound (historical) 013059 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $180 $736 $760$760 $760 $0 Air Filters $285 Cleaning supplies - $475 013059 5334 PAINTING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

013059 5394 OTHER MATERIALS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013059 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $10,407 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $244,987 $234,533 $236,424 $251,458 $251,458 $15,034 DARE 01305C 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $13,611 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 All DARE accounts moved to 013038 01305C 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

01305C 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $504 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

01305C 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

01305C 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

01305C 5328 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES $2,184 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 DARE supplies moved to 013038-532B 01305C 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $4,016 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $20,315 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 013060 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $100,216 $99,833 $99,833$109,358 $109,358 $9,525

013060 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $0 $0$475 $475 $475

013060 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

013060 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $4,896 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $105,112 $99,833 $99,833 $109,833 $109,833 $10,000 PURCHASING & BOOKKEEPING 013061 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $57,770 $57,550 $57,550$61,384 $61,384 $3,834

013061 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $793 $540 $250$1,000 $1,000 $750

013061 5150 LONGEVITY $660 $670 $680$690 $690 $10

013061 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $8,480 $11,160 $8,410$8,410 $8,410 $0 Postage and PO Box rental for entire Dept. 013061 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $7,154 $5,696 $13,000$13,000 $13,000 $0 Forms, business cards, envelopes, etc. for Dept, based on historical expenses. 013061 5251 MEDICAL,DENTAL,VETERINAR $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

City of Norwalk 198 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

013061 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $400 $855 $600$600 $600 $0 Body bags removal from crime scenes 013061 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013061 5271 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS $281,221 $275,537 $289,250$289,250 $289,250 $0 Allowance = $1,625 178 officers x 1,625 = $289,250 013061 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $11,540 $13,803 $14,500 $14,500 $14,500 $0 Tuition reimbursement for officers per contract, based on historical expenditures. 013061 5276 PURCHASE OF UNIFORMS/CLEANING $33,160 $37,006 $38,400 $38,400 $38,400 $0 Initial hire uniform costs. 013061 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $0 $0 $0

013061 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $1,556 $2,060 $1,710 $1,716 $1,716 $6 Administrative Services Copier Rental - 93 x 12 = 1,116 Copies - 50 x 12 = 600 013061 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $0 $0

013061 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $35,744 $31,541 $28,489 $28,489 $28,489 $0 For entire Dept. including toner & supplies, based on historical exp. Pricing increase on high volume items such as toner. 013061 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $353 $281 $500 $500 $500 $0 Non-prescription medical supplies, (historical) 013061 5327 FIREARM SUPPLIES $0 $8,589 $4,000 $0 $0 ($4,000) Deletion of this line item/ request pending the approval of funds for the 5 year taser/body camera replacement plan in account 013049-5235 013061 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $3,106 $2,994 $2,060 $2,060 $2,060 $0 Misc. supplies and copy material, batteries for flashlights. 013061 5331 AUTOMOTIVE FUEL&FLUIDS $0 $0 $0

013061 5344 COMMUNICATIONS SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013061 5392 BOOKS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013061 5394 OTHER MATERIALS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013061 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $2,867 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013061 5631 AWARDS-SPEC.SERV.RENDER $80 $266 $1,600 $1,600 $1,600 $0 Plaques, trophies & nameplates for various ceremonial activities, based on historical expenditures. Division Total $444,886 $448,547 $460,999 $461,599 $461,599 $600 EXTRA WORK 013062 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $52,410 $52,210 $52,210$58,461 $58,461 $6,251

013062 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $15,350 $20,633 $12,000$20,000 $20,000 $8,000 Funds required for Extra Work Admin processing. 013062 5150 LONGEVITY $450 $450 $450 $450 $450 $0

City of Norwalk 199 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013062 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $3,073 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $71,283 $73,293 $64,660 $78,911 $78,911 $14,251 PAYROLL 013063 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $57,770 $57,550 $57,550$61,384 $61,384 $3,834

013063 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $454 $284 $0$0 $0 $0

013063 5150 LONGEVITY $525 $525 $525$525 $525 $0

013063 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $2,848 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $61,598 $58,359 $58,075 $61,909 $61,909 $3,834 DATA ENTRY 013064 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $69,842 $99,651 $101,919$111,378 $111,378 $9,459

013064 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $5,285 $2,364 $9,000$9,594 $9,594 $594 Funds required for coding work required by law 013064 5150 LONGEVITY $1,155 $1,165 $650$1,185 $1,185 $535

013064 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $0 $0

013064 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $5,468 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $81,750 $103,180 $111,569 $122,157 $122,157 $10,588 PUBLIC RECORDS 013065 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $104,970 $104,420 $104,420$111,378 $111,378 $6,958

013065 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $3,711 $2,551 $2,400$2,558 $2,558 $158 Funds required for absentee coverage and required coding work 013065 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $0

013065 5150 LONGEVITY $450 $450 $450$900 $900 $450

013065 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $1,511 $1,454 $1,464$1,464 $1,464 $0 Front Records Copier Rental - 84 x 12 = 1,008 Copies - 38 x 12 = 456 013065 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $5,265 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $115,906 $108,875 $108,734 $116,300 $116,300 $7,566 ALARM ADMINISTRATION 013066 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $63,696 $63,453 $63,453$71,095 $71,095 $7,642

013066 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $24,814 $11,541 $8,000$10,000 $10,000 $2,000 Funds required for emergency IT backup, special reporting, state mandated updating and off hours call-ins 013066 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $3,930 $3,840 $3,750 $3,750 $3,750 $0 Based on agreement in Union Contract for on-call pay. 013066 5150 LONGEVITY $750 $760 $770 $780 $780 $10

013066 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $0 $500 $500 $500 $0 Forms used for False Alarms.

City of Norwalk 200 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013066 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $3,578 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $96,768 $79,594 $76,473 $86,125 $86,125 $9,652

Department Total $22,202,623 $21,262,358 $21,336,032 $23,238,942 $22,930,342 $1,594,310

City of Norwalk 201 Department Summary - FIRE DEPARTMENT


Fire Chief

Administration Firefighting Prevention Fire Training Support Services Emergency Preparedness Planning Personnel & Budgets HAZMAT Unit Code Enforcement Certifications Stations & Buildings Strategic Planning Dive Team Housing Task Force Recruit Training Fleet Maintenance Pre Fire Planning Investigation Unit Training Grounds SCBA Maintenance Emergency Services Health & Safety Public Fire Eudcation Communications Unit Grants

Description of Service/Mission Statements: To save lives and protect property through the collective efforts of each and every member of the Norwalk Fire Department. The Norwalk Fire Department will apply its educational, suppression and prevention efforts towards that objective. We will make a daily commitment to each member that his or her safety in this very dangerous profession is the first concern of each officer of the department. All training and emergency scene operations will have firefighter safety as a key component.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: • Hired nine new firefighters. All nine firefighters completed recruit training at the Connecticut Fire Academy and have been assigned to shifts to fill vacancies as of December.

• Promoted 1 new Lieutenant.

• Hired new Assistant Fire Mechanic.

•Renovations of Stations 1 (90 New Canaan Ave.), Station 4 (180 Westport Ave), and Station 5 (23 Meadow St.) to begin this year.

Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Hire an additional four new firefighters and send them to Connecticut Fire Academy.

• Provide company level officers (Lieutenants and Captains) with specific first line supervisor professional development days.

• Award bid to renovate interior spaces of Station 1 (Broad River). Renovate common bathroom/shower /bunkroom areas of Station 4 (Westport Avenue) and Station 5 (Meadow Street) as budget permits to make those areas more gender-neutral.

• Replace approximately 50-60 sets of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) that are over ten-years-old through capital budget.

• Replace roof at 100 Fairfield Avenue through capital budget.

• Review procedures for calling for and using mutual aid to make process more efficient for Combined Dispatch and to provide for more mutual aid if needed.

• Provide training to allow EMR’s to upgrade to EMT level certification. This would allow us to provide EMT only level services such as epi-pens, etc.

City of Norwalk 202 Department Summary - FIRE DEPARTMENT

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Fire departmental recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net increase of $1,553,794 or 9.0% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget. This increase is driven by the following categories of expense:

Personnel Expenses $1,525,310 due to contractual step increases and the settlement of union contracts. Funds for contract settlement were held in contingency in FY 2017-18 and were not included in departmental budgets. This increase breaks down as follows: $924,008 increase in Regular Wages $547,850 increase in Overtime Wages $ 63,747 increase in Part Time Wages $ 10,000 increase in Premium Wages $ 3,750 increase in Part Time Wages $ 23,280 decrease in salary adjustments $ 765 decrease in Longevity Wages

Other Net Increases $28,484 $22,125 increase in water due to increase rental fees for fire hydrants $6,359 increase in miscellaneous other expenses


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Administration $639,073 $477,101 $425,075 $471,673 $471,673 $46,598 %10.96 Firefighting $15,906,028 $14,836,163 $14,927,929 $16,301,076 $16,151,076 $1,223,147 8.19 % Prevention $596,858 $530,970 $655,317 $922,761 $922,761 $267,444 40.81 % Fire Training $336,172 $280,510 $275,721 $294,555 $294,555 $18,834 %6.83 Stations & Buildings $966,688 $856,687 $969,251 $965,120 $965,120 ($4,131) (0.43%) Emergency Preparedness Plan $128,514 $135,887 $138,068 $139,970 $139,970 $1,902 1.38 %

Total $18,573,332 $17,117,318 $17,391,361 $19,095,155 $18,945,155 $1,553,794 8.93 %

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $15,618,190 $15,416,617 $15,661,476 $17,336,786 $17,186,786 $1,525,310 9.74 % Contractual Services $1,314,493 $1,366,437 $1,351,479 $1,362,111 $1,362,111 $10,632 0.79 % Supplies and Materials $285,855 $270,257 $315,805 $332,080 $332,080 $16,275 5.15 % Fixed Charges $1,336,689 $48,074 $48,081 $49,658 $49,658 $1,577 3.28 % Grants & Donations $2,245 $460 $400 $400 $400 $0 0.00 % Capital Outlay $15,861 $15,473 $14,120 $14,120 $14,120 $0 0.00 % Total $18,573,332 $17,117,318 $17,391,361 $19,095,155 $18,945,155 $1,553,794 %8.93


City of Norwalk 203 Department Summary - FIRE DEPARTMENT

Intergovernmental $0 $86,460 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 $0 0.00 % Licenses & Permits $40,925 $38,278 $40,925 $40,925 $40,925 $0 0.00 % Service Charges $55,700 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Miscellaneous $3,502 $4,728 $3,502 $3,502 $3,502 $0 0.00 % Total $100,127 $129,465 $84,427 $84,427 $84,427 $0 0.00 %

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $18,473,206 $16,987,853 $17,306,934 $19,010,728 $18,860,728 $1,553,794 %8.98

Summary by Division - Recommended FY 2018-19

Fire Training $294,555 Prevention $922,761 Stations & Building $965,120

Emergency Preparedeness Plan $139,970

$471,673 Administration



PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Administration Assistant Fire Chief 11$124,141 1 $124,4661 $124,466 $148,1781 $148,1780 $23,712

Fire Chief 11$136,123 1 $137,2681 $137,268 $148,1781 $148,1780 $10,910

Account Clerk II 11$60,439 1 $60,4391 $60,439 $67,6801 $67,6800 $7,241

Computer Specialist 11$60,439 1 $60,4391 $60,439 $64,4661 $64,4660 $4,027

Total 4 $381,142 4 $382,612 4 $382,612 4 $428,502 4 $428,5020 $45,890 Firefighting Deputy Fire Chief 44$439,344 4 $439,3444 $439,344 $468,6124 $468,6120 $29,268

Fire Captain 11 $1,102,11211 $1,102,11211 $1,102,11211 $1,175,54811 $1,175,5480 $73,436

Fire Captain 11$90,917 1 $90,9171 $90,917 $106,8681 $106,8680 $15,951 Fire Lieutenant 20 $1,818,34020 $1,818,34020 $1,818,34020 $1,939,50020 $1,939,5000 $121,160

Firefighter 95 $7,052,55695 $6,990,91395 $6,969,66795 $7,455,20195 $7,455,2010 $485,534 Inspector 11$58,265 1 $58,2651 $58,265 $101,8221 $101,8220 $43,557

Total 132 $10,561,534 132 $10,499,891 132 $10,478,645 132$11,247,551 132 $11,247,5510 $768,906

City of Norwalk 204 Department Summary - FIRE DEPARTMENT

PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Prevention Deputy Fire Marshal 11$100,192 1 $100,1921 $100,192 $106,8681 $106,8680 $6,676

Fire Marshal 11$109,836 1 $109,8361 $100,249 $117,1531 $117,1530 $16,904

Fire Inspector 44$363,668 4 $363,6684 $344,614 $407,2884 $407,2880 $62,674

Administrative Support II 11$57,550 1 $57,5501 $57,550 $61,3841 $61,3840 $3,834

Total 7 $631,246 7 $631,246 7 $602,605 7 $692,693 7 $692,6930 $90,088 Fire Training Deputy Fire Chief Training 11$120,821 1 $120,8211 $120,821 $128,8681 $128,8680 $8,047

Total 1 $120,821 1 $120,821 1 $120,821 1 $128,868 1 $128,8680 $8,047 Fire Equipment Fire Master Mechanic 01$0 1 $80,9421 $83,393 $91,5671 $91,5670 $8,174 Fire Mechanic 10$100,192 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0

Assistant Fire Mechanic 01$0 0 $01 $70,055 $71,0571 $71,0570 $1,002

Total 1 $100,192 1 $80,942 2 $153,448 2 $162,624 2 $162,6240 $9,176 Emergency Preparedness Planning Deputy Dir. Emergency Preparedness 11$77,75911 $79,314 $80,901 $82,803 1 $82,8030 $1,902 Planning Total 1 $77,759 1 $79,314 1 $80,901 1 $82,803 1 $82,8030 $1,902

Department Total 146 $11,872,694 146$11,794,826 147 $11,819,032 147$12,743,041 147 $12,743,041 0 $924,009

City of Norwalk 205 Department Summary - FIRE DEPARTMENT

ADMINISTRATION DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES To create an efficient and productive Fire Department by directing the Department's operations, coordinating with other departments for emergency and routine services, and managing the department's fiscal affairs and central records system. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $410,770 $443,619 $386,737 $431,948 $431,948 $45,211 %11.69 Contractual Services $22,411 $22,063 $22,437 $23,824 $23,824 $1,387 %6.18 Supplies and Materials $13,180 $11,419 $15,901 $15,901 $15,901 $0 %0.00 Fixed Charges $192,712 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $639,073 $477,101 $425,075 $471,673 $471,673 $46,598 10.96 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $639,073 $477,101 $425,075 $471,673 Employees 4 44 4 Outputs General # of grants applied for 3 34 4 # of grants received 2 24 3 # of injury days used 909 850 800 750 # of sick days used 1,226 1,198 1,100 1,000 # of workers compensation claims 33 40 35 33 Effectiveness General Increase/Decrease in Injury Leave +4% -6.49% -3% -6.25% Increase/Decrease in Sick Leave -1% -2.28% -3% -9.09% Increase/Decrease in workers compensation -2% -1% -1% claims Overtime as a percentage of total budget 29.28% 11.98% 22% 22.30%

City of Norwalk 206 Department Summary - FIRE DEPARTMENT

FIREFIGHTING DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES To coordinate and manage response units including; firefighting, EMS, marine and hazardous materials. The Firefighting division operates 24/7/365 with 132 firefighting positions operating out of five fire stations. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $14,230,821 $14,127,326 $14,218,739 $15,560,314 $15,410,314 $1,191,575 %8.38 Contractual Services $581,368 $641,175 $618,770 $642,067 $642,067 $23,297 %3.77 Supplies and Materials $57,129 $54,117 $76,900 $85,175 $85,175 $8,275 %10.76 Fixed Charges $1,021,340 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Grants & Donations $2,245 $460 $400 $400 $400 $0 0.00 % Capital Outlay $13,125 $13,085 $13,120 $13,120 $13,120 $0 %0.00 Total $15,906,028 $14,836,163 $14,927,929 $16,301,076 $16,151,076 $1,223,147 8.19 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $15,906,028 $14,836,163 $14,927,929 16,151,076 Employees 132 132 132 132 Outputs General # of buildings maintained 7 77 7 Total Calls for Service 6,546 6,159 6,463 6,262 Unit Responses 11,457 10,414 11,300 12,529 Fires # of other fires 142 104 124 100 # of structure fires 158 124 142 153 # of vehicle fires 35 46 37 24 Rescue/EMS # of EMS 3,908 3,583 3,854 3,632 # of extrications 10 32 17 35 # of motor vehicle accidents 433 373 420 374 # of water/ice related rescues 23 25 30 22 Other # of explosions 17 23 20 6 # of false alarms/false calls 1,075 1,113 1,104 1161 # of good intent calls 406 362 386 412 # of hazardous conditions 436 368 418 320 # of natural disaster/weather calls 17 10 11 2 # of service calls 370 422 363 374 # of special incidents 20 11 18 13

City of Norwalk 207 Department Summary - FIRE DEPARTMENT

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Effectiveness General Average response time 5:01 5:00 5:00 4.95

City of Norwalk 208 Department Summary - FIRE DEPARTMENT

PREVENTION DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The prevention division includes a Fire Marshal, Deputy Fire Marshal, four Inspectors and a Secretary. The division is responsible for fire/life safety inspection of all commercial buildings and residential buildings, except for one and two family dwellings. The division also creates and delivers public safety educational programs. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $540,017 $513,117 $640,460 $907,737 $907,737 $267,277 %41.73 Contractual Services $8,844 $10,257 $9,757 $9,924 $9,924 $167 %1.71 Supplies and Materials $4,192 $6,006 $5,100 $5,100 $5,100 $0 %0.00 Fixed Charges $42,924 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Capital Outlay $880 $1,590 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $596,858 $530,970 $655,317 $922,761 $922,761 $267,444 40.81 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $596,858 $530,970 $655,317 $922,761 Employees 7 77 7 Outputs Code Enforcement # of commercial properties in Norwalk Started tracking 2,039 2,039 2,400 later years # of residential properties in Norwalk that require Started tracking 27,025 2,500 1,000 inspection later years Inspections # of commercial inspections including C of O 865 425 425 425 # of multi-family dwellings requiring inspection Started tracking Started tracking 2,500 1,000 later years later years Plan Review # of building plans reviewed 216 551 551 551 Investigation # of fires investigated 106 160 160 160 Education # of resident fire prevention programs 74 149 149 149 # of residents educated about fire prevention Started tracking 60 60 100 later years # of school aged children educated about fire 7,000 7,000 7,200 7,200 prevention # of school fire prevention programs 130 91 91 91 Effectiveness Code Enforcement % of violations resolved/followed up on in a timely 100% 100% 100% 100% manner

City of Norwalk 209 Department Summary - FIRE DEPARTMENT

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd

Inspections % of inspections performed in a timely manner 100% 100% 100% 100% Plan Review % of building plans in accordance to standards 100% 100% 100% 100% and codes % of plans reviewed in a timely manner 100% 100% 100% 100% Investigation % of investigations completed in a timely manner 100% 100% 100% 100%

City of Norwalk 210 Department Summary - FIRE DEPARTMENT

FIRE TRAINING DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The Training division is staffed by a Training Director and coordinates all department training for all divisions. The position is also responsible for OSHA compliance, entry and promotional testing as well as department annual employee physicals. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $132,379 $129,540 $134,326 $142,660 $142,660 $8,334 %6.20 Contractual Services $185,149 $144,201 $132,020 $134,520 $134,520 $2,500 %1.89 Supplies and Materials $8,927 $6,769 $9,375 $17,375 $17,375 $8,000 %85.33 Fixed Charges $9,717 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $336,172 $280,510 $275,721 $294,555 $294,555 $18,834 6.83 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $336,172 $280,510 $275,721 $294,555 Employees 1 11 1 Outputs New Recruits # of new recruits 1-3 94 4 # of new recruits needing Firefighter I/II 1-3 94 4 certification # of training hours for new recruits 600-800 5,400 2,500 3,280 Continued Training # of firefighters with Paramedic certification 4 45 5 # of firefighters trained on a daily basis 33 33 33 33 # of firefighters with EMT certification 61 64 60 75 # of firefighters with Firefighter I certification 33 132 132 139 # of firefighters with MRT certification 64 65 61 46 # of training hours per year 26,400 30,240 30,240 33,000 Effectiveness New Recruits % of new recruits with Firefighter I/II certification 100% 100% 100% 100% Average number of training hours per new recruit820 820 820 820 Continued Training % of firefighters with EMT certification 44% 50% 45% 49% % of firefighters with Firefighter I certification 100% 100% 100% 100% % of firefighters with MRT certification 53% 51% 46% 48% % of firefighters with Paramedic certification 3% 3% 4% .5% Average number of training hours per firefighter 250 250 250 250

City of Norwalk 211 Department Summary - FIRE DEPARTMENT

SUPPORT SERVICES DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The maintenance division is responsible for maintenance of the department's apparatus fleet, motorized equipment and tools. This includes the self contained breathing apparatus. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $222,482 $119,800 $199,838 $210,849 $210,849 $11,011 %5.51 Contractual Services $478,598 $499,227 $520,803 $504,084 $504,084 ($16,719) (3.21%) Supplies and Materials $199,410 $188,789 $199,529 $199,529 $199,529 $0 %0.00 Fixed Charges $64,342 $48,074 $48,081 $49,658 $49,658 $1,577 %3.28 Capital Outlay $1,856 $798 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 %0.00 Total $966,688 $856,687 $969,251 $965,120 $965,120 ($4,131) (0.43%)


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $966,688 $856,687 $969,251 $965,120 Employees 1 22 2 Outputs General SCBA Bottles 5 55110 SCBA Paks 53 53 53 55

City of Norwalk 212 Department Summary - FIRE DEPARTMENT

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLANNING DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The Office of Emergency Management provides mitigation preparedness, response and recovery programs for the City in partnership with municipal department, the Board of Education, and public and non-profit entities. The office is lead in coordinating the City's response to major emergencies. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $81,721 $83,216 $81,376 $83,278 $83,278 $1,902 %2.34 Contractual Services $38,123 $49,514 $47,692 $47,692 $47,692 $0 %0.00 Supplies and Materials $3,016 $3,157 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $0 %0.00 Fixed Charges $5,654 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $128,514 $135,887 $138,068 $139,970 $139,970 $1,902 1.38 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $128,514 $135,887 $138,068 139,970 Employees 1 11 1 Outputs General # of families assisted thru fire victims 15 18 18 25 fund/referrals for services # of people reached through education 3,000 3,025 3,175 3,200 programs/workshops # Public Education programs/workshops 17 18 20 20 Effectiveness General % change in # of people reached 20% 8% 5% 5% % change in number of programs 20% 10% 10% 10%

City of Norwalk 213 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. ADMINISTRATION 013110 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $405,709 $439,604 $382,612$428,502 $428,502 $45,890

013110 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $1,274 $440 $1,000$1,066 $1,066 $66

013110 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $500 $1,000 $500$500 $500 $0 Certification pay 013110 5150 LONGEVITY $2,190 $2,575 $2,625$1,880 $1,880($745 )

013110 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $1,097 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013110 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $701 $138 $1,030$1,030 $1,030 $0 Postage stamps, shipping charges (Fedex,UPS, US Postal) Based on historical expenditures. 013110 5225 TYPING SERVICES $1,560 $1,080 $1,236$1,236 $1,236 $0 Secretarial Services, Board of Fire Commissioners Meetings Meetings run approx 3 hours/$40 per hour = $120 x 10 meetings=$1200

Keep at pro forma to pay for 10 Fire Commission Meetings. Requested: $1,236. 013110 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $587 $561 $600$600 $600 $0 Magazine and newspaper subscriptions Based on historical expenditures. 013110 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $175 $552 $552$552 $552 $0 Membership dues for Chief & Assistant Chief (CT Career Fire Chiefs association, I.S.F.S.I., International Assoc. of Fire Chiefs, etc...) Based on historical expenditures. 013110 5237 ADVERTISING $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013110 5245 TELEPHONE $10,278 $12,460 $10,000$10,250 $10,250 $250 Telephone bills for Frontier Communications, The Norwalk Fire Department maintains thru Verizon Wireless: 12 IPhones, 1 Wireless card with a monthly average of $833 Total request: $10,250 013110 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $1,966 $2,562 $2,000$3,000 $3,000 $1,000 Support for department sponsored meeting, conferences and travel. 013110 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $5,019 $3,346 $5,019$5,156 $5,156 $137 Administration Office: Lanier model MPC6004 copier & contract monthly cost $153.00 X 12 = $1,836 Plus copy overage approx. $75.00/mo X 12 = $900 Yearly cost:$2,736

Sta 1(90 New Canaan Avenue: Lanier MPC306SPF copier & contract monthly cost $37.00 X 12 = $440 Plus copy overage approx. $50moa X 12 = $600 Yearly cost: $1,040

Sta 2 Officers: Lanier MPC3004 copier & contract monthly cost $95.00 X 12 = $1,140 Plus copy overage approx. $20/mo X 12 - $240 Yearly cost: $1,380

Approx. yearly cost: $5,156)

City of Norwalk 214 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013110 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $2,125 $1,363 $2,000$2,000 $2,000 $0 Account provides for one conference each for the Chief and Assistant Chief 013110 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $12,788 $10,347 $14,605$14,605 $14,605 $0 Office & miscellaneous supplies for 5 fire stations, Apparatus Maintenance Division, Fire Prevention, Emergency Management and Administration Offices. Fax, printer & toner cartridges and replacement of machines as needed. Copy paper, letter head, envelopes, pens, pencils, pads, folders, etc. Small office furniture: filing cabinets, chairs, chair pads, etc.... Based on historical expenditures. 013110 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $393 $1,072 $1,296$1,296 $1,296 $0 To purchase promotional items, fire safety items that are distributed to school groups on station tours. There has been an increase in schools requesting station tours, which has increased the need for items purchased. The yearly FD Open House for Fire Prevention month has also been expanded. 013110 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $164,899 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013110 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $27,813 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013110 5620 GRANTS&DONATIONS-INSTITU $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $639,073 $477,101 $425,075 $471,673 $471,673 $46,598 FIREFIGHTING 013120 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $10,117,823 $9,664,115 $10,478,646$11,145,729 $11,145,729 $667,083

013120 5111 SALARY ADJUSTMENT $0 $0($349,590 ) ($372,870) )($372,870 )($23,280 Leave 6 Firefighters vacant - 6 x 58,265 013120 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $3,985,742 $4,337,196 $3,960,473 $4,644,495 $4,494,495 $534,022 The budget was developed to reflect projected expenditures in each of the overtime categories. This account includes overtime expenses for Vacation Leave, Sick, Holiday, Injury, Extra Hire, Educational Leave, Union Business Leave, Jury Duty, FLSA, 6 Vacancies. 013120 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $86,400 $87,800 $88,500 $98,500 $98,500 $10,000 Certification pay 013120 5150 LONGEVITY $40,855 $38,215 $40,710 $44,460 $44,460 $3,750

013120 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013120 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $3,294 $3,270 $3,502 $3,502 $3,502 $0 Mid Fairfield County Hazmat yearly dues: $3,000 Also membership & dues for the following: CT State Firefighters Association, CT Fire Dept. Instructors and any others deemed necessary during the year:$500 013120 5242 WATER $139,778 $165,564 $162,685 $184,810 $184,810 $22,125

City of Norwalk 215 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Fire Hydrant Rental: First taxing Distrcit District has increased their price per hydrant from $125 to $150 per hydrant increasing yearly cost by $22,125. I spoke with them on 12/12 and they set their budget in March so this price is also effective for FY19 which they were not aware of when I spoke with them while preparing that years budget. It is also possible that there will be another increase by the time this budget goes into effect. First Taxing District 885 hydrants @ $150 each = assumed cost: $132,750 SNEW: 590 hydrants $84 each = $49,560Continuation of hydrant painting project: $2,500

Total Request: $184,810 013120 5245 TELEPHONE $2,610 $5,713 $5,282$5,414 $5,414 $132 IPads for firetrucks:

10 Mobile Cellular Data Service = $440.11/mo

Request: $5,414 013120 5251 MEDICAL,DENTAL,VETERINAR $55,132 $76,750 $87,000 $87,000 $87,000 $0 OSHA yearly physicals for self contained breathing apparatus 132 funded staff 135 x 6000 = $79,200 New Hire Physicals 4 x 1000 = $4,000 Other Medical = $2,000 - based on historical expenditures Misc Increase: 1,800

The cost of physicals is with OHS and may change once new vendor is chosen.

Keep request at pro forma: 87,000. 013120 5262 OTHER MACHINERY-EQUIP $10,327 $12,478 $10,500 $10,500 $10,500 $0 Thermal Imaging Camera Maintenance and Support: $1,524 This includes batteries,super cells and charger replacement

Hazmat Meter Maintenance and Support: $8,000 Includes meter repalcement 4-Gas, Auto Rae Station, Photo Ionization Detectors, Single Gas Meters and Gas Leak Detectors. Oxygen, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Sulfide and LEL Sensors. Calibration of gas rae multi sensors and PID. Replacement batteries and chargers.

Misc repairs and replacement as needed: $976

Based on Historical expenditures.

Total Request $10,500 013120 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $38,813 $28,192 $33,951 $33,951 $33,951 $0 Testing & maintenance of SCBA cylinders, testing & maintenance of fire extinguishers, breathing masks, testing, repairs & maintenance of breathing air compressor. Repair and maintenance of fire equipment. Yearly Flow Testing ($15,000): $25,951

$8000 to cover cost of SCBA setups for new hires, Masks and Regulators.

Total Request: $ 33,951

City of Norwalk 216 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013120 5271 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS $206,325 $190,575 $211,050$211,050 $211,050 $0 Allowance = $1,575 Full Staff is 141 Less 6 that can't be filled and 1 position that will be vacant at the start of the year 134 x 1,575 = $211,050 013120 5276 PURCHASE OF UNIFORMS/CLEANING $125,090 $156,897 $104,800 $105,840 $105,840 $1,040 Repair/Replacement/Promotion = $12,000 (based on history) Assume4 during the year 4 x 5,960 = $23,840

Turnout Gear = $70,000 (based on history) NFPA recommends that all turnout gear used for interior firefighting be replaced after 10 years of front line service. All 2005 sets are still in service and need to be replaced between now and 2015 (give or take a year). This will allow us to stay in compliance and upgrade our turnout gear with design technology that was not available in 2005. Replacement of one platoon per year.

Total Request: $105,840 013120 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $0 $1,735 $0$0 $0 $0 Moved to 10-5294 This is an administrative function and should be paid out of an administrative account. 013120 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $15,784 $13,147 $19,000$19,000 $19,000 $0 Misc Medical Supplies: $3,500 Purchase of medical supplies, foam, oxygen,, bleach, disinfectant, AMBU bags (CPR), medical first aid kits blood bourne pathogen kits, etc. Based on historical expenditures

Defibrillator batteries: $2,400 10 per year @ $240 each

Latex Gloves: $3,000

Pediatric Defib pads: $1,800 15 @ $120 each Need to replace expired stock

Medical Bags: $2,000 8 @ $250 Current bags are 12 years old and need to be replaced

Oxygen: $1,000 already spent $800 in current FY

Replacement of two oldest AED's: 2 @ $2,200 = $4,400

Misc. Supplies $900 Based on historical expenditures.

Total Request: $19,000 013120 5331 AUTOMOTIVE FUEL&FLUIDS $33,146 $33,421 $51,000$52,275 $52,275 $1,275

City of Norwalk 217 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Diesel, natural gas, gasoline, oil for all FD apparatus/ vehicles. Includes fuel & fluids for boat. Based on historical expenditures.

Diesel fuel needed for Fire Boat MU-238 & gas for Fire Boat MU-224 = $8,000 013120 5336 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES $0 $0 $900$900 $900 $0 Batteries, hand lights, safety lights on helmets, electrical cords, misc electrical, etc. - based on historical exp. 013120 5341 CONSUMABLE TOOLS & HARDW $8,200 $7,550 $6,000$13,000 $13,000 $7,000 Tools, hardware, ropes, lost or broken tools replacement, etc. Based on historical expenditures.

Includes $7,000 Paratech Hydration Struts moved from capital budget 013120 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $1,021,340 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013120 5631 AWARDS-SPEC.SERV.RENDER $2,245 $460 $400$400 $400 $0 Special services. Firefighter recognition awards, ceremonies, etc. Based on historical expenditures. 013120 5743 RADIOS,MOBILE,WALKIE-TAL $8,829 $8,096 $8,120$8,120 $8,120 $0 Radio repairs, programming and replacement. Averaged $8,472 in the last 2 fiscal years.

Based on historical expenditures Total request: $8,120 013120 5764 OTHER $4,296 $4,989 $5,000$5,000 $5,000 $0 Hose Replacement Replacement of damaged hose placed out of service. Nozzles and misc hose parts. Based on historical expeditures Division Total $15,906,028 $14,836,163 $14,927,929 $16,301,076 $16,151,076 $1,223,147 PREVENTION 013130 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $497,818 $470,877 $602,605$794,515 $794,515 $191,910 Any Firefighter who is State of Connecticut certified as Fire Inspector and Public Safety Educator shall begin at the Step 05 of the wage scale. 013130 5111 SALARY ADJUSTMENT $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013130 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $29,290 $30,319 $25,000$36,650 $36,650 $11,650

013130 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $10,089 $9,821 $10,300$10,300 $10,300 $0 $7,800 for on call pay $2,500 certification pay 013130 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $0 $0 $0$63,232 $63,232 $63,232

013130 5150 LONGEVITY $2,820 $2,100 $2,555$3,040 $3,040 $485

013130 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013130 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $215 $353 $1,134$1,134 $1,134 $0 High volume mailings for violation notices. Based on historical expenditures. 013130 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $173 $630 $920$920 $920 $0

City of Norwalk 218 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Flyers for yearly Fire prevention Open House and other Fire Prevention programs = $320 Business card for Fire Marshal, Deputy Fire Marshal & 3 inspectors: $120 x 5 = $600

Total Request $920 013130 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $29 $1,450 $1,458$1,550 $1,550 $92 A 1-year subscription to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Fire Code all access electronic: $1,550

Total Request:$1,550 013130 5237 ADVERTISING $0 $85 $500$500 $500 $0 Advertising special Fire Prevention programs in newspaper.

Advertising for the Departments Yearly Open House. Sandwich boards, Hour newspaper ad, etc... Based on Historical Expenditures

Total request $500 013130 5245 TELEPHONE $2,713 $2,402 $2,983$3,058 $3,058 $75 Data plan for 6 IPads: 013130 5271 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS $4,725 $3,150 $0$0 $0 $0

013130 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $700 $1,875 $2,350$2,350 $2,350 $0 Required state certification training for all fire Inspectors. These are required continuous education classes.

Based on historical expenditures 013130 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $290 $312 $412$412 $412 $0 Lanier MP301SPF copier & contract monthly cost $27.00 X 12 = $324.00 plus additional copies 013130 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $0 $0 $0

013130 5328 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES $4,192 $3,726 $4,060$4,060 $4,060 $0 This account is used to pay for handouts of fire prevention & educational material (smoke detectors, pamphlets, rulers, hats, stickers, badges, etc.) given to adults & school children throughout the year at schools, senior citizen and day care centers and any other special events. Based in historical expenditures. 013130 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $2,280 $1,040$1,040 $1,040 $0 Operating budget expenditures for the following: NFPA manuals, reference guides (books, tapes, CDs), and fire investigaion tools.

Based on historical expenditures. 013130 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $42,924 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013130 5724 CAMERAS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013130 5741 IT HARDWARE $880 $1,590 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $596,858 $530,970 $655,317 $922,761 $922,761 $267,444 FIRE TRAINING

City of Norwalk 219 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013140 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $121,045 $120,821 $120,821$128,868 $128,868 $8,047

013140 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $10,125 $8,229 $12,000$12,792 $12,792 $792 Includes $7,000 for regular overtime and $5,000 for the Fire Cadet Program 013140 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $1,000 $0 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 Certification pay 013140 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $490 $505 $0 $0 ($505)

013140 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $210 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013140 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $48 $0 $100 $100 $100 $0 Training magazines & newspapers Based on historical expenditures 013140 5237 ADVERTISING $1,716 $85 $0 $0 $0 $0

013140 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $131,268 $13,934 $28,520 $31,020 $31,020 $2,500 Deputy Chiefs promotional Exam: per contract approximately $14,000

Annual Officer Training: There are 36 officers(supervisors) in the department with responsibilities of a single company, station, or an entire shift. Officer development that is more comprehensive than firefighter training is required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA) and the Insurance Servie Organization (ISO). The training program will consist of an online learning management system (LMS) that can be customized to the level of rank and years in position and a practical classroom session(s). Learning Management System (1 year 36 Officers): $6,500 Officer Developement Class: $10,000

New Hire Costs Background Checks: 4 X 130 = 520

Total Request: $31,020 013140 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $45,511 $115,242 $84,300 $84,300 $84,300 $0 Education/Training reimbursements(CFA classes) & misc expenses: $15,000 (based on history) New recruits to Fire Academy: 4 x 6,075 = $24,300 College Courses:$45,000 At this time we have several firefighters enrolled in college and working toward fire related degrees. This is a contractual obligation.

Total: $84,300 013140 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $0 $4,278 $2,400 $2,400 $2,400 $0 Meals for new recruits at the academy 4 x 600 = $2,400 013140 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $706 $150 $1,250 $1,250 $1,250 $0 To attend one training conference 013140 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $5,900 $10,513 $15,450 $15,450 $15,450 $0

City of Norwalk 220 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. EMS Refresher Training is an annual ongoing requirement. Request: $12,950 16 Members

Initial EMS Certification for new hires: $2,500

Request: $15,450 013140 5328 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES $8,055 $5,818 $8,375$16,375 $16,375 $8,000 Purchase misc educational supplies: $6,000

Public Safety Cadet program: Uniforms and supplies: $2,375 As part of the Department's youth services, we partnered with the Police Department to develop a Public Safety Cadet program in 2014. The program meets weekly throughout the year. At least one overtime employee will be hired on as program advisors. The program will be supported by on-duty staff and day personnel for evening meetings and events. The program will serve as a valuable recruiting tool for the department as well as a leadership and character development tool for Norwalk youth (ages 14-20).

Includes $8,000 Forcible Entry Door transfered from capital budget 013140 5392 BOOKS $872 $951 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 To purchase books for each of our Personnel to maintain certification as EMT/EMR. These are also required as in Line Item 40-5328, for EMS training. 013140 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $9,717 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $336,172 $280,510 $275,721 $294,555 $294,555 $18,834 FIRE EQUIPMENT 013152 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $167,453 $76,655 $153,448$162,624 $162,624 $9,176

013152 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $27,876 $17,155 $20,000$21,320 $21,320 $1,320

013152 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $500 $0 $500$500 $500 $0 Certification pay 013152 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013152 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $26,089 $25,989 $25,890$26,405 $26,405 $515

013152 5150 LONGEVITY $565 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013152 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013152 5212 FREIGHT,EXPRESS,TRUCK $106 $88 $250$250 $250 $0 To pay freight for all mechanical parts shipped by the Mechanics Division. Based on historical expenditures. 013152 5242 WATER $198 $0 $0

013152 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $29,508 $27,512 $25,560$25,560 $25,560 $0

City of Norwalk 221 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Professional services other than those performed by the Fire dept. Mechanics: $10,000 Includes upholstery, vehicle painting & lettering, towing & fleet maintenance. based on historical expenditures.

Yearly pumper testing: $3,800 Yearly ladder testing: $5,000 Yearly Hurst Tool maintenance/testing: $2,500

NAPA Tracs: $355 per month = $4,260 Online access for vehicle maintenance, trouble shooting and diagnostics for heavy and light duty vehicles.

Total Request: $25,560 013152 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $14,372 $11,106 $9,200$9,200 $9,200 $0 For repair work that is not performed in house by the Fire Dept. mechanics. Includes body work, maintenance of equipment, etc.: $2,200 Yearly maintenance of fireboats, haul, wash. block, paint bottom & launching. Misc parts, repairs & service: $7,000

Based on historical expenditures. 013152 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $110 $173 $750$750 $750 $0 Misc certification classes for Master Mechanic and Mechanic. 013152 5276 PURCHASE OF UNIFORMS/CLEANING $160 $137 $500$500 $500 $0 To pay for the purchase & maintenance of mechanics uniforms. Based on historical expenditures 013152 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $1,567 $2,439 $2,500$2,500 $2,500 $0 To pay for the purchase of chemical supplies for the mechanics division. Based on historical expenditures. 013152 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $4,696 $404 $665$665 $665 $0 To pay for welding supplies, shop equipment & other misc operating supplies. Based on historical expenditures. 013152 5332 MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS $114,776 $115,916 $111,709$111,709 $111,709 $0 This acccount is used to purchase motor vehicle parts which are used for preventive maintenance, repairs & supplies for approximately 50 vehicles.

Based on historical expenditures.

Total Request: $111,709 013152 5333 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT PART $1,488 $1,483 $1,500$1,500 $1,500 $0 This acccount is used for the purchase of specialized tools & equipment for repairs. Based on historical expenditures. 013152 5335 PLUMBING SUPPLIES $115 $138 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 This account is used to pay for the purchase of plumbing supplies to maintain all Fire Apparatus & Haz-mat equipment. Based on historical expenditures. 013152 5339 TIRE,TUBES,BATTERIES,ETC $39,149 $34,464 $45,675$45,675 $45,675 $0 This account is used for the purchase of batteries and tires for approximatly 50 vehicle/apparatus. 013152 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $15,531 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

City of Norwalk 222 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

013152 5461 CENTRALIZED FUEL $9,671 $7,760 $6,558 $6,889 $6,889 $331

Division Total $453,929 $321,420 $405,705 $417,047 $417,047 $11,342 STATIONS & BUILDINGS 013153 5241 ELECTRIC $94,655 $87,089 $92,969$83,672 $83,672($9,297 )

013153 5242 WATER $8,933 $9,220 $10,089$10,341 $10,341 $252

013153 5244 GAS $31,179 $34,183 $32,753$33,572 $33,572 $819

013153 5246 HEATING FUELS $12,397 $8,575 $20,910$21,433 $21,433 $523 Approved Reduce to reflect updated fuel pricing 013153 5247 OTHER UTILITY SERVICES $3,438 $4,042 $3,327 $4,012 $4,012 $685 Cablevision fees for Fire Administration Offices and Emergency Management Optimum for Business $68.95 per month Boxes/remotes 10 @ $10 each = $100.00 per month Additional outlet $9.95 per month Other charges $10.96 per month Total TV: $189.86 includes surchage & broadcast TV

Optimum Online $59.95 per month Modem fee: $9.99 per month Static IP fee: $30 per month Ultra 50: $19.95 per month Total Internet $119.89 per month

Taxes & fees $24.54 per month

Monthly total: $334.29 $334.29/mth. x 12 = $4,011.48 yearly due to cable increase.

Increase: $600 Total Request: $4012 013153 5254 ARCHITECTURAL,LANDSCAPIN $2,220 $2,295 $4,365 $4,365 $4,365 $0 Lawn service for 100 Fairfield Avenue approx. $450 per quarter for mowing: $1,800 Lawn/parking lot clean-ups approx. $700 yearly ABC Exterminating Service: $1,800 MIsc: $65 Total Request :$4,365 013153 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $5,951 $5,886 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $0 City Carting trash removal services Garbage removal at 3 stations approx $500/mth = $6,000 013153 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $23,308 $26,993 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $0 Generator maintenance: $3,000 Service costs for 6 emergency generators at each Fire dept. building. Basic maintenace is done by department mechanics. Larger repairs are handled by outside vendors.

Other Maintenance Costs: $22,000 The Department spends approximately $22,000 on various plumbing, heating & electrical repairs yearly for our 6 buildings. Based on historical expenditures

City of Norwalk 223 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013153 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $9,900 $13,691 $10,000$10,000 $10,000 $0 Repairs and maintenance at 6 buildings: $10,000 Including apparatus floor exhaust system repairs, lock repairs, appliance repair window replacement, door and door hardware replacement or repairs. Misc repairs to 27 overhead doors. 013153 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $153 $0$0 $0 $0

013153 5273 OTHER $1,500 $1,757 $2,000$2,000 $2,000 $0 Annual furniture allowance - Firefighters Fund This account is used to replace furniture, appliances, cookware, grills etc. for firefighters living areas. 013153 5275 LINEN SERVICE $4,641 $4,658 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 $0 Linen sevice for 6 buildings by Norwalk Linen To purchase linens for new recruits and replacement linens such as matress covers and sheets for stations.

Based on historical expenditures. 013153 5276 PURCHASE OF UNIFORMS/CLEANING $0 $0 $0

013153 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $0 $0 $0

013153 5296 SECURITY SYSTEMS $2,736 $3,149 $3,901$4,047 $4,047 $146 To pay SimplexGrinnell Security for security system at mechanics division on 100 Fairfiled Avenue. Based on historical expenditures.

Annual Contract: $1,686 Monitoring & maintenace fees/services: $393.36 x 6 = $2,360.16

Total request: $4047 due to increase in monthly cost 013153 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $20,326 $15,634 $18,200$18,200 $18,200 $0 Benmans Industires Blanket: $17,600 Used to purchase household supplies for 6 buildings (toilet paper, paper towel, cleaning supplies, etc)

Misc household purchases: $600 013153 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $4,095 $3,390 $4,150$4,150 $4,150 $0 Misc. operating supplies: $4,150 This account is used to pay for all department misc. operating supplies including purchases made from Walmart and local vendors. Various yard work & supplies. Based on historical expenditures 013153 5332 MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS $0 $600 $0$0 $0 $0

013153 5333 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT PART $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013153 5334 PAINTING SUPPLIES $376 $1,143 $1,200$1,200 $1,200 $0 To purchase painting supplies for 5 fire stations & 100 Fairfield Avenue. Based on historical expenditures 013153 5341 CONSUMABLE TOOLS & HARDW $5,757 $5,821 $4,000$4,000 $4,000 $0 To pay for tools, hardware, misc building supplies, etc.. Home depot account. Based on historical expenditures.

Past 3 FY actual has been approx. $4,000

City of Norwalk 224 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013153 5371 LUMBER & WOOD PRODUCTS $117 $0 $750$750 $750 $0 To purchase lumber & wood for building repairs, maintenance & updates. Based on historical expenditures. 013153 5421 BUILDING&OFFICE RENTALS $39,140 $40,314 $41,523$42,769 $42,769 $1,246 Rent for station #3, 56 Van zant Street. Third Taxing District

Yearly rent increased 3% to $42,769 013153 5790 OTHER $1,856 $798 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 MU-238: Misc. Equipment

Division Total $272,522 $269,392 $290,637 $285,011 $285,011 ($5,626) FIRE HEADQUARTERS 013154 5241 ELECTRIC $94,612 $102,260 $105,080$92,034 $92,034($13,046 )

013154 5242 WATER $3,935 $4,792 $4,872$4,912 $4,912 $40

013154 5244 GAS $6,732 $10,231 $10,585$10,487 $10,487($98 )

013154 5245 TELEPHONE $2,098 $2,702 $2,251$2,710 $2,710 $459 Monthly alarm monitoring lines as well as elevator phone line. 013154 5246 HEATING FUELS $0 $0 $1,632 $1,632 $1,632 $0 Diesel fuel for emergency generator $2,000 013154 5262 OTHER MACHINERY-EQUIP $0 $0 $0

013154 5265 GROUNDS&OUTDOOR COURTS $0 $2,735 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 Landscaping and grounds maintenance 013154 5266 BUILDINGS $79,758 $81,957 $84,416 $87,371 $87,371 $2,955

013154 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $11,840 $11,895 $11,895 $13,995 $13,995 $2,100 Plumbing, heating and electrical maitenance and repairs $6,785 HVAC automation/ controls maintenance and repairs $3,030 HVAC filters (regular) $1,000 Belts $120 Boiler cleaning and tuning $960 Cooling Tower Annual Maintenance $2,100 013154 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $1,615 $1,272 $1,700 $1,700 $1,700 $0 Building repairs, door and hardware repairs $1,700 013154 5296 SECURITY SYSTEMS $0 $458 $504 $504 $504 $0 Annual Alarm Monitoring 013154 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $32,697 $40,216 $40,794 $38,537 $38,537 ($2,257)

City of Norwalk 225 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Overhead garage door maintenance and repairs: $4,720 Window Washing - Interior & Exterior $7,450 UPS System Maintenance: $500 Vehicle Exhaust System Maintenance: $3,588 HVAC system water treatment: $4,243 Diesel Tank Testing 2 X's Per Year $550 Pest control: $900 Licenses, permits, inspections: $800 Trash removal/ recycling: $2,800 Elevator service and inspections: $1,600 Removable mats for entryways: $1,170 Emergency generator contract: $2,716 Fire system tests, inspections and repairs including hood and duct system: $2,100 Oil separator maintenance and oil disposal: $800 Fire extinguisher and emergency lighting test and inspect: $400 Infrared scanning of all electrical equipment: $800 Annual High Bay Cleaning: $3,400 013154 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $6,603 $6,766 $7,000$7,000 $7,000 $0 Janitorial cleaning, consumable paper and soap products 013154 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $346 $591 $1,180$1,180 $1,180 $0 Light bulbs $355 Grainger supplies $500 Home Depot misc. supplies $325 Division Total $240,236 $265,875 $272,909 $263,062 $263,062 ($9,847) EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN 013160 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $79,660 $80,956 $80,901$82,803 $82,803 $1,902

013160 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $1,586 $1,785 $0$0 $0 $0

013160 5150 LONGEVITY $475 $475 $475$475 $475 $0

013160 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $0 $6 $262$262 $262 $0 Postage stamps, shipping charges 013160 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $373 $365 $1,030 $1,030 $1,030 $0 Based on historical expenditures. 013160 5234 SUBSCRIPTION-TAX,LAW $0 $9,999 $0 $0 $0 $0

013160 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $250 $350 $350 $350 $350 $0 Annual costs for Chief and Deputy EMD for emergency management associations. 013160 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $37,500 $37,500 $46,050 $46,050 $46,050 $0 Yearly contract for reverse 911 increase for unlimited minutes plan $37,000

Warnable - Employee notification app: $8,550 (This is less than the initial cost since we don't have the added set up expenses - $5 per user).

Total Request : $46,050 013160 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013160 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $1,294 $0 $0 $0 $0

013160 5328 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES $3,016 $3,157 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0

City of Norwalk 226 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. This account is used to purchase materials needed to run programs & educational workshops for community groups & stakeholders to help create a prepared community. Materials needed to build & maintain disaster volunteer program. Based on historical expenditures.Previous years budget was augmented by grant money. No grant funds available this FY.

Total request: $5,000 013160 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $4,000$4,000 $4,000 $0 EOC Audio Visual Equipment - To cover routine maintenance check, replacement lamps for projector and one or two service/repair visits including small equiment upgrades.

Fiscal Year 17 expenses to date: - Replaced two lamps @ $484.79 each = $994.48 - EOC Control and Annotation upgrade includes materials, programmimg and on site testing: $5,067

request $4,000 013160 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $5,654 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $128,514 $135,887 $138,068 $139,970 $139,970 $1,902

Department Total $18,573,332 $17,117,318 $17,391,361 $19,095,155 $18,945,155 $1,553,794

City of Norwalk 227 Department Summary - PLANNING & ZONNING


Planning & Zoning Director

Planning & Conservation Zoning Commission

Description of Service/Mission Statements: The Planning & Zoning Department, which also consists of Conservation staff, is responsible for regulating the use of land within the city and carrying out the vision of the city as outlined within the Plan of Conservation of Development. We perform many regulatory tasks related to public safety and upholding property values as well as the protection and preservation of the natural and built environment. This also includes the conservation and protection of wetlands and watercourses, the city’s public drinking water, natural areas, the aesthetic character of our many residential neighborhoods as well as the development of the urban core and developed environs. To accomplish these tasks we are empowered by and required to enforce State Codes and Statutes as well as the City Charter, City Code and our local Regulations. In addition to providing guidance to citizens, their contractors and their consultants, our staff provides staffing and council to all the numerous land use agencies, including the Planning Commission, Zoning Commission, Conservation Commission, Aquifer Protection Agency, Zoning Board of Appeals and Harbor Management Commission, as well as requested by other town bodies. In our planning capacity, we guide future growth and development within the city in accordance with the POCD and other planning studies the city may undertake.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: • Reviewed and acted upon: three Zone Change requests; 16 Zoning Amendment requests; 20 Special Permit applications; 15 Site Plan Review applications; 25 Coastal Site Plan Review applications; five Subdivision applications and 45 Inland Wetland applications. • 75 Citation Hearings conducted. 125 new violation complaints received; 180 complaints resolved. • Began the process of updating the city-wide Mater Plan (POCD). • Worked with the Redevelopment Agency on updating three redevelopment plans for Wall Street, Washington Street, and West Avenue. • Initiated revisions to the zoning regulations to allow more independent review of outside applications. • Revised the bylaws of both the Planning and Zoning Commissions to comply with FOIA and streamline the application process. • Worked cooperatively with the Redevelopment Agency and the Parking Authority on the Norwalk Tomorrow initialize. • 1,400 zoning permits issued. • 263 documented inspections, investigated and acted upon, as well as many additional items inspected as drive-by visits. • 242 Violations addressed, including (Cease & Desists Orders, Notice of Violations, Inspection Requests, Citations Issued, and ‘Contact Letters’).

City of Norwalk 228 Department Summary - PLANNING & ZONNING Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Complete and implement the Plan of Conservation and Development (city-wide plan).

• Conduct more detailed studies on transit, certain neighborhoods, affordable housing and industrial lands.

• Work with the Redevelopment Agency on the preparation of the neighborhood plans underway and implementing the proposed TOD regulations.

• Work with Public Works on citywide drainage and erosion contrail issues.

• Work with the IT Department to provide significant applications online for public access.

• Continue to review and act upon applications and referrals within the required statutory time limits.

• Bring at least 50 zoning violations to resolution, either through full compliance, mediation through the fine process or to court.

• Inspect all construction sites at least three times per week.

• Hire a full-time administrative assistant.

• Implement structural reforms approved by both the Planning and Zoning Commissions.

City of Norwalk 229 Department Summary - PLANNING & ZONNING

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Planning and Zoning's departmental recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net decrease of $28,880 or 2.3% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget. This variance is driven by a $150,000 decrease in architectural and design which was a one-time expense for the development of the Plan of Conservation and Development. This decrease is offset by a 108,552 increase in Personnel Expenses due to contractual step increases and the settlement of union contracts. Funds for contract settlement were held in contingency in FY 2017-18 and were not included in departmental budgets. Additionally, an Administrative Assistant is being recommended for addition. Other Professional Services increased $12,000 as the department’s portion towards the Norwalk Tomorrow website and social media outreach and $568 increase in other miscellaneous accounts.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Planning & Zoning Commission $996,633 $812,829 $1,062,040 $1,265,941 $1,021,180($40,860 ) (3.85 %) Conservation Commission $205,742 $194,620 $208,538 $220,518 $220,518 $11,980 5.74 %

Total $1,202,374 $1,007,449 $1,270,578 $1,486,459 $1,241,698 ($28,880) (2.27%)

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $1,163,250 $978,065 $1,069,722 $1,188,035 $1,178,274 $108,552 10.15 % Contractual Services $20,642 $23,293 $191,442 $289,588 $54,588 ($136,854) (71.49%) Supplies and Materials $5,541 $3,679 $7,700 $6,200 $6,200 ($1,500) %)(19.48 Fixed Charges $12,941 $2,412 $1,714 $2,636 $2,636 $922 53.79 % Total $1,202,374 $1,007,449 $1,270,578 $1,486,459 $1,241,698 ($28,880) (2.27%)

NON-TAX REVENUE Licenses & Permits $154,175 $201,178 $276,432 $258,989 $258,989 ($17,443) (6.31%) Miscellaneous $2,530 $2,434 $2,898 $2,898 $2,898 $0 0.00 % Total $156,705 $203,612 $279,330 $261,887 $261,887 ($17,443) (6.24 %)

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $1,045,670 $803,837 $991,248 $1,224,572 $979,811 ($11,437) (1.15%)

City of Norwalk 230 Department Summary - PLANNING & ZONNING

Summary by Division - Recommended FY 2018-19


$1,021,180 Planning & Zoning PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Plannin g & Zoning Director of Planning & Zoning 11$154,076 1 $130,3631 $134,315 $147,4781 $147,4780 $13,163 Assistant Director of Planning & Zoning 11$127,316 1 $127,3161 $127,316 $149,4001 $149,4000 $22,084 Deputy Zoning Inspector 11$85,039 1 $77,1411 $73,463 $82,2801 $82,2800 $8,817 Zoning Inspector 11$89,295 1 $89,2951 $89,295 $105,0041 $95,2430 $5,948 Site Planner 11$98,446 1 $98,4461 $98,446 $105,0041 $105,0040 $6,558 Sr Planner 11$103,378 1 $103,3781 $103,378 $110,2651 $110,2650 $6,887 Compliance Inspector 11$80,990 1 $80,9901 $80,990 $74,6391 $74,639 0 ($6,351) Compliance Assistant 22$124,204 2 $127,0932 $121,003 $122,7682 $122,7680 $1,765 Administrative Assistant I 01$0 0 $0 0 $0 $48,4641 $48,4641 $48,464 Total 9 $862,744 9 $834,022 9 $828,206 10 $945,302 10 $935,5411 $107,335 Conservation Commission Senior Environmental Officer 11$102,527 1 $102,5271 $105,231 $112,2421 $112,2420 $7,011 Environmental Compliance Officer 11$73,463 1 $73,4631 $73,463 $78,3571 $78,3570 $4,894 Total 2 $175,990 2 $175,990 2 $178,694 2 $190,599 2 $190,5990 $11,905

Department Total 11 $1,038,734 11$1,010,012 11 $1,006,900 12 $1,135,901 12 $1,126,140 1 $119,240

City of Norwalk 231 Department Summary - PLANNING & ZONNING

PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES This division is made up of the Planning Commission, the Zoning Commission, and the Zoning Enforcement and Zoning Board of Appeals. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $967,680 $790,009 $872,083 $978,432 $968,671 $96,588 %11.08 Contractual Services $11,811 $17,527 $181,543 $279,673 $44,673 ($136,870) (75.39%) Supplies and Materials $4,971 $2,881 $6,700 $5,200 $5,200 ($1,500) %)(22.39 Fixed Charges $12,171 $2,412 $1,714 $2,636 $2,636 $922 %53.79 Total $996,633 $812,829 $1,062,040 $1,265,941 $1,021,180 ($40,860) (3.85%)


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $996,633 $812,829 $1,062,040 1,021,180 Employees 9 9910 Outputs New Item Administration # of questions regarding zoning 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Applications # of site plans & coastal site plans processed 40 40 35 40 # of site plans & coastal site plans received 40 40 35 40 # of special permits processed 20 20 10 20 # of special permits received 20 20 10 20 # of subdivisions processed 12 12 5 8 # of subdivisions received 12 12 5 8 # of variances processed 36 36 35 43 # of variances received 36 36 35 43 # of zoning applications/amendments /approved 20 25 25 125 # of zoning changes processed 20 20 10 4 # of zoning permits issued without appointments 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 Enforcement # of certificates of occupancy issued 1,200 1,200 850 1,200 # of construction sites inspected 100 100 1,200 780 # of violations prosecuted in court/hearing officer 50 50 0 20 # of violations received/inspected 300 300 425 350 Planning #of amendments to the Plan of Cons and Dev. 2 22 2 #of DEP/Army Corps applications comments 15 15 12 15

City of Norwalk 232 Department Summary - PLANNING & ZONNING

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd #of municipal improvements processed 15 15 15 15 Outreach & Education 40 10 10 # of information requests 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 # of informational pamphlets and presentations 1 1120 produced Effectiveness Administration % of meetings attended 100% 100% 100 100% Applications % of permit applications decided within statutory 100% 100% 100 100% timeline Enforcement % of activities assessed for permit need 100% 100% 80 100% Outreach & Education % of required changes made to regulations 100% 100% 100 100% % of required changes to map 100% 100% 100 100%

City of Norwalk 233 Department Summary - PLANNING & ZONNING

CONSERVATION COMMISSION DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES This division is responsible for administering the Inland Wetland and Watercourse Regulations (IWWR) and the Aquifer Protection Area Regulations (APAR) which provide protection of our natural water resources and our public drinking water supplies, respectively. This division also provides guidance to the City and its residents regarding the development, acquisition, conservation, supervision and regulation of natural resources within the City. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $195,570 $188,056 $197,639 $209,603 $209,603 $11,964 %6.05 Contractual Services $8,831 $5,766 $9,899 $9,915 $9,915 $16 %0.16 Supplies and Materials $571 $798 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 0.00 % Fixed Charges $770 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $205,742 $194,620 $208,538 $220,518 $220,518 $11,980 5.74 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $205,742 $194,620 $208,538 $220,518 Employees 2 22 2 Outputs Application # of Aquifer Protection (APA) registration or permit 31 33 2 applications decided w/in 65 days # of Inland Wetland (IWW) permit applications52 53 45 45 Enforcement & Regulatory Action # of activities receiving permit-need assessment 1,226 1,162 1,360 1,300 # of Aquifer Protection Area regulations violations 3 96 3 # of Aquifer Protection Area regulations violations 3 86 3 resolved w/in 30 days # of changes made to IWW regulations 1 01 1 # of facilities within APA registered and monitored 33 32 32 33 # of Inland Wetland violations noted 16 14 12 15 # of Inland Wetland violations resolved within 30 15 12 11 15 days # of required changes to IWW regulations 1 01 1 Outreach& Education # of changes made to Inland Wetland Map 53 42 40 38 # of changes/updates needed on Inland Wetland 53 42 40 38 Map # of information requests 1,550+ 1,550+ 1,550+ 1550+ # of informational pamphlets and presentations 1 46 3 produced/added to website Effectiveness Administration

City of Norwalk 234 Department Summary - PLANNING & ZONNING

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd % of meetings attended 100% 100% 100% 100% Applications % of permit applications decided within statutory 100% 100% 100% 100% timeline Enforcement # of Aquifer Protection Area regulations violations 86% 100% 100% 100% resolved within three months % of activities assessed for permit need 100% 100% 100% 100% % of APA registrations filed within statutory 100% 100% 98% 100% timelines % of Inland Wetland violations resolved within 91% 93% 96% 100% three months Outreach & Education % of required changes made to regulations 100% 100% 100% 100% % of required changes to map 100% 100% 100% 100% % of target audience receiving information each 90% 90% 90% 90% year

City of Norwalk 235 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION 013310 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $919,131 $759,782 $828,206$945,302 $935,541 $107,335 1. Proposed Full Time Administrative Assistant to serve the Planning and Zoning Department to address a significant deficiency within the department. Position would replace the existing Part Time Administrative Assistant. Presently, technical staff is dealing with administrative functions such as ordering supplies, preparing legal notices and agendas and moving boxes around the office. The need for additional office support was also pointed out by staff during last year’s budget submission. Person would also serve as the central hub for phone calls when staff is not available would alleviate that issue.

2. Proposed position upgrade for the Zoning Inspector since position requires personnel oversight and reporting duties.

A significant amount of the costs for the new position will be funded by deleting the existing Part Time Admin position as well as the realized fee increases.

While the revenue received from this department may never match the expense, I would argue that the role of Planning is to set the table for future development, with the end result being the fees collected by the Building Department. While we are 2 completely separate departments I believe that P&Z sets the stage for the eventual building that occurs.

For budgeting purposes I have included a placeholder salary, which will be adjusted as the discussion progresses. 013310 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $24,223 $13,651 $18,000$22,000 $22,000 $4,000 This amount is reflective of the required funds for additional staffing needs due to the large volume and often, complexity of the applications reviewed by the various commissions and boards. 013310 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $100 $0 $500$0 $0($500 ) No need for this fund if the full time Admin 1 position is funded. 013310 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $6,804 $0 $13,832$0 $0($13,832 ) $13,832 request is zero since a position is being requested. If position is not approved part time funds will be needsed. $13,832 is consistent with the hours worked by the present part-time admin. It is proposed for this position to become full time for fiscal year 2018/2019. 013310 5141 PART TIME TYPING SERVICES $13,102 $13,066 $8,000$8,000 $8,000 $0 This reflects the actual cost of secretary to provide minutes for evening meetings and appeals 013310 5150 LONGEVITY $4,320 $3,510 $3,545$3,130 $3,130($415 )

013310 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $130 $204 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $0 System doesn't allow the surplus funds for the morning mail to be used for the afternoon mail 013310 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $986 $2,693 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $0 Requested amount to cover copying printing costs of the zoning regulations and map, which are amendend several times and years, often requiring a complete reprint. Costs also include printing of the POCD which includes several drafts for steering committee, Planning Commission and staff review. 013310 5231 PUBL OF NOTICES & REPORT $6,944 $7,536 $8,628 $8,628 $8,628 $0

City of Norwalk 236 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Legal Notices are required for all Commision actions, both prior to the hearing and after the vote. Reflects actual use from past year 013310 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $240 $286 $223$223 $223 $0 Professional journals & newspapers to check legal notices 013310 5234 SUBSCRIPTION-TAX,LAW $0 $0 $800$0 $0($800 ) Zero out for this year. No purchase expected. 013310 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $0 $0 $1,500$1,500 $1,500 $0 Membership in professional organizations, such as the American Planning Association and CAZEO which are requisites for staff positions and also should be expected by the individual positions. To have a professional P&Z staff you must expect and require certification and training. AICP certification for P&Z Director, APA membership for Sr. Planner, CAZEO membership for 3-4 staff. 013310 5237 ADVERTISING $459 $0 $0

013310 5245 TELEPHONE $713 $1,391 $1,800$1,845 $1,845 $45 Additional data charges for the department for 2 new field tables and a new smart phone. 013310 5254 ARCHITECTURAL,LANDSCAPIN $373 $0 $150,000$235,000 $0($150,000 ) Additional monies absolutely required for PLANNING. Numerous study areas need attention and because of a lack of planning, reactionary decisions are being made affecting the future of the City. Further supporting details will be provided in the accompanying memo.

Priority studies are: 1. Industural properties assement and future needs report. Industrial areas under siege, needed for contractors and future business growth. No strategy in place with ad-hoc decisions being made, affecting the future of the entire city. Request is $100,000. 2. Citywide affordable housing plan. Critical element as areas develope and neighborhoods changed forever. Significicant socioeconomic policy decisions need to be made. Request is $100,000. 3. Springwood/Whistleville Form Based Code. Draft plan prepared as part of SONO TOD. Recomemend regulatory changes not athe best fit for the area. Hopefulyl city can work on grant to prepare regulations. Request is $35,000, which will be sought after in grant or possible match. 013310 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $0 $0 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 P&Z portion of the Norwalk Tomorrow web site and social media outreach. 013310 5263 FURNITUR,OFFICE MACH REP&MAINT $0 $0 $150$150 $150 $0 Misc repair / replace office equipment 013310 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $130 $296 $1,000$2,900 $2,900 $1,900 CAZEO training for 2 zoning front counter staff. 1 already has. City should expect proper education and requirements. CAZEO course is $1,200 per person + $250 application fee. 013310 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $251 $0 $1,015$1,000 $1,000($15 ) Reimbursement for use of personal vehicle when City vehicle is not available for field inspections or meetings out of town 013310 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $37 $39 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 Assorted expenses associated w/meetings and conferences such as parking, meals, fees, etc.

City of Norwalk 237 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

013310 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $1,469 $3,981 $4,427$4,427 $4,427 $0 Cost to lease copy machine plus copies during the year 013310 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $78 $1,103 $2,500$2,500 $2,500 $0 Cost for registration and attendance which are learning new practices and principles and providing best practices to the City. 013310 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $4,971 $2,881 $6,500$5,000 $5,000($1,500 )

013310 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $200$200 $200 $0 Small scale equipment / material for field work 013310 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $7,558 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013310 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $3,609 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013310 5461 CENTRALIZED FUEL $830 $1,107 $638$718 $718 $80

013310 5462 CENTRALIZED FLEET MAINTENANCE $175 $1,305 $1,076$1,918 $1,918 $842 Baed on projected need. 013310 5742 IT SOFTWARE $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $996,633 $812,829 $1,062,040 $1,265,941 $1,021,180 ($40,860)

CONSERVATION COMMISSION 013330 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $176,664 $176,093 $178,694$190,599 $190,599 $11,905

013330 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $732 $549 $900$959 $959 $59 For attendance by Enviro. Compliance Officer at approx. 5 evening meetings (out of 36 avg. total evening Agency meetings). 013330 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $14,837 $9,867 $14,820$14,820 $14,820 $0 One (1) administrative Conservation Assistant 19 hr/wk @ $15/hr 013330 5141 PART TIME TYPING SERVICES $2,863 $521 $2,200$2,200 $2,200 $0 Required to provide written minutes of meetings. Approximately 4 APA meeting/year @ $50 avg./meeting = $200; Approx. 22 Wetland meetings/year @ $91 avg./mtg. = $2,000; Total =$2,200 013330 5150 LONGEVITY $475 $1,025 $1,025$1,025 $1,025 $0

013330 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $720 $925 $942$942 $942 $0 Permits, registrations, and enforcement actions are required certified & return-reciept. Amounts based on historical. 013330 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $0 $950$950 $950 $0 Duplication costs of printing Wetland Regulations, Aquifer Regulations, letterhead, guidelines, information pamphlets, and other photocopying needs. 013330 5231 PUBL OF NOTICES & REPORT $7,484 $3,739 $5,764$5,764 $5,764 $0 Legal notices are required for all Inland Wetland & Aquifer Agency actions. One legal notice required for every permit decision - see revenue account 01 3330 4464 for recoup. Must also post 2 legal notices for every public hearing held. Increased to reflect more accurate cost based on historical amounts. 013330 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $240 $286 $240$240 $240 $0 Annual subscription to one newspaper; increased to reflect actual subscription cost. 013330 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $125 $155 $280$280 $280 $0

City of Norwalk 238 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Supports three professional memberships for Commissioners and staff. 013330 5245 TELEPHONE $182 $337 $655$671 $671 $16 Amount reflects historical and additional $300 to cover anticipated mobile data expense of $30/mo for mobile permitting and inspection software use 013330 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $52 $500$500 $500 $0 Covers cost of certified soil scientist or wetland scientist or other outside professional for disputed Wetland or APA disputes or appeals. Also covers O&M for the Silvermine River Restoration Project 013330 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $80 $237 $203$203 $203 $0 For use of personal car for inspection when City-owned car is not available. 013330 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $35 $365$365 $365 $0 Would allow staff and Commission members participation in annual training courses by CT DEEP. 013330 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $571 $798 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 Normal office operating costs, as based on historical expenditures. 013330 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $770 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $205,742 $194,620 $208,538 $220,518 $220,518 $11,980

Department Total $1,202,374 $1,007,449 $1,270,578 $1,486,459 $1,241,698 ($28,880)

City of Norwalk 239 Department Summary - CODE ENFORCEMENT


Description of Service/Mission Statements: The Building Department is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Connecticut State Building Code and the laws and regulations set forth by the Connecticut Department of Public Safety. It is the Building Department’s responsibility to review all applications and drawings for Building and Safety Code compliance; issue building and all related permits; conduct required inspections of building sites and buildings; issue Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Compliance after satisfactory completion of all permitted work.

The Chief Building Official is responsible for the Anti - Blight Ordinance enforcement.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: • Inspectors capability to take I-pads into the field during inspections.

• Created satellite office for new mall construction.

• Instituted the use of credit and debit cards as means of payment.

Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Creating a more efficient way to conduct plan reviews using the IBC and IRC method.

• Better education to the public and contractors updating the constant code changes.

• Create a more accurate means of tracking the time frame of violations and their compliance.

City of Norwalk 240 Department Summary - CODE ENFORCEMENT

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Code Enforcement's departmental recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net increase of $117,687 or 14.4% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget. This increase is driven $61,126 increase in Personnel Expenses due to contractual step increases and the settlement of union contracts. Funds for contract settlement were held in contingency in FY 2017-18 and were not included in departmental budgets. The recommended budget also includes a $50,000 increase in Capital Outlay for two vehicle replacements. Other miscellaneous expenses account for a net $6,561 increase.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Building Inspector $794,762 $819,757 $816,081 $933,768 $933,768 $117,687 14.42 %

Total $794,762 $819,757 $816,081 $933,768 $933,768 $117,687 14.42 %

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $761,545 $781,158 $785,298 $846,424 $846,424 $61,126 7.78 % Contractual Services $9,713 $19,675 $11,758 $12,699 $12,699 $941 8.00 % Supplies and Materials $3,572 $6,259 $6,900 $6,900 $6,900 $0 0.00 % Fixed Charges $19,931 $12,665 $12,125 $17,745 $17,745 $5,620 46.35 % Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 0.00 % Total $794,762 $819,757 $816,081 $933,768 $933,768 $117,687 %14.42


Licenses & Permits $3,423,909 $4,639,504 $4,603,999 $3,084,450 $3,084,450 ($1,519,549) (33.00%) Total $3,423,909 $4,639,504 $4,603,999 $3,084,450 $3,084,450 ($1,519,549) (33.00%)

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES ($2,629,148) )($3,819,747 )($3,787,918 )($2,150,682 ($2,150,682) $1,637,236 (43.22%)

PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Buildin g Inspection Chief Building Official 11$140,068 1 $140,0681 $140,068 $164,3411 $164,3410 $24,273 Assistant Building Official 22$178,590 2 $178,5902 $178,590 $190,4862 $190,4860 $11,896 Electrical Inspector 11$89,295 1 $89,2951 $89,295 $95,2431 $95,2430 $5,948 Mechanical Inspector 11$89,295 1 $89,2951 $89,295 $95,2431 $95,2430 $5,948 Technical Assistant 22$126,906 2 $126,9062 $126,906 $135,3602 $135,3600 $8,454 Technical Assistant 11$54,809 1 $57,5501 $60,439 $64,4661 $64,4660 $4,027 Total 8 $678,963 8 $681,704 8 $684,593 8 $745,139 8 $745,1390 $60,546

Department Total 8 $678,963 88$681,704 $684,593 8 $745,139 8 $745,139 0 $60,546

City of Norwalk 241 Department Summary - CODE ENFORCEMENT PERFORMANCE INDICATORS

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $794,762$819,757 $816,081 $933,768 Employees 888 8 Outputs Administration # of CEAC meetings 2426 24 24 # of FOI requests received 6,8008,200 8,200 8,500 ISO grade 444 4 Permits & Applications # of building permits issued 1,8002,000 2,000 1,850 # of demolition permits issued 70100 100 75 # of electrical permits issued 2,4002,600 2,600 2,550 # of HVAC permits issued 2,2002,200 2,00 2,175 # of plumbing permits issued 1,8501,550 1,500 1,575 # of pre-demolition applications received 5560 60 58 # of sewer permits issued 160240 240 180 # of sign permits issued 140150 150 158 # of temporary permits issued 22565 80 125 Licenses # of sign licenses issued 4540 42 45 Inspections # of inspections 17,50020,000 20,000 20,000 Violations # of violation notices issued 200400 400 366 + 166 Blight Information Technology # of records maintained on system 27,00040,000 40,000 48,000 Effectiveness Administration % of approved budget expended 99.8%100% 100% 100% % of FOI requests processed in a timely manner100%100% 100% 100% Favorable ISO grade received AverageAverage Average Average Permits & Applications % building permits issued in a timely manner 98%98% 98% 98% % demolition permits issued in a timely manner98%98% 98% 99% % electrical permits issued in a timely manner98%98% 98% 98% % HVAC permits issued in a timely manner 98%98% 98% 98% % plumbing permits issued in a timely manner98%98% 98% 98% % pre-demolition permits issued in a timely 99%99% 99% 99% manner % sewer permits issued in a timely manner 99%99% 99% 100% % sign permits issued in a timely manner 98%98% 98% 98% % temporary permits issued in a timely manner99%99% 99% 100%

City of Norwalk 242 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. BUILDING INSPECTOR 013410 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $684,064 $682,212 $684,593$745,139 $745,139 $60,546

013410 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $4,521 $3,385 $7,500$7,995 $7,995 $495 Increase to account for anticipated higher number of projects requiring inspections. 013410 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Consultant project manager to help office implement the new permit software system. 013410 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $69,000 $91,576 $88,720 $88,720 $88,720 $0

013410 5150 LONGEVITY $3,960 $3,985 $4,485 $4,570 $4,570 $85

013410 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $3,057 $3,726 $3,709 $3,709 $3,709 $0 Postage necessary for mailing certificates of occupancy and other legal documents. 013410 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $1,254 $522 $1,015 $1,500 $1,500 $485 Printing of necessary forms and documents used in the operation of the department. 013410 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $780 $175 $350 $500 $500 $150 Memberships for 5 Inspectors 013410 5245 TELEPHONE $1,709 $1,830 $2,244 $2,300 $2,300 $56

013410 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $210 $10,055 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 Contracted building plan review 013410 5263 FURNITUR,OFFICE MACH REP&MAINT $0 $127 $150 $150 $150 $0 Replacement of furniture and office machines as required by use and age. 013410 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $504 $553 $300 $300 $300 $0

013410 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $1,849 $2,326 $2,240 $2,240 $2,240 $0 Annual contract for copy machine 013410 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $350 $360 $750 $1,000 $1,000 $250 Building official's annual certification & required training 013410 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $2,041 $3,465 $4,200 $4,200 $4,200 $0 General office supplies such as pens, pencils, file folders, ring binders, note pads, fax machine film, copy machine paper. We process approximately 4,500 permits per year necessitating the use of various sized envelopes. Remote storage boxes are also necessary on an annual basis.The increase is being driven by the influx of permits ,FOI requests and the influx of major projects. 013410 5392 BOOKS $1,532 $2,794 $2,700 $2,700 $2,700 $0 Providing our inspectors with the necessary code and standards as required by the State. 013410 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $5,815 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013410 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $2,815 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013410 5461 CENTRALIZED FUEL $4,023 $4,278 $3,101 $3,423 $3,423 $322

City of Norwalk 243 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013410 5462 CENTRALIZED FLEET MAINTENANCE $7,279 $8,387 $9,024$14,322 $14,322 $5,298 Approved Update based on reduced fleet OT 013410 5731 CARS AND VANS $0 $0 $0$50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Requesting two Ford Escapes to replace aging fleet for inspectors Division Total $794,762 $819,757 $816,081 $933,768 $933,768 $117,687

Department Total $794,762 $819,757 $816,081 $933,768 $933,768 $117,687

City of Norwalk 244 Department Summary - COMBINED DISPATCH


Director of Combined Dispatch

Administration Communications/911

Description of Service/Mission Statements: As the first point of contact in an emergency, the department accepts the responsibility for the life, property and community placed in our care. We pledge to respond appropriately and aggressively to any call for aid. We will activate and coordinate the correct response and logistics in all situations that come to us. We will do this for all clients, civilian or uniformed, regardless of status. The department will, in conjunction with sister departments, local, State and Federal agencies, determine, plan and establish the appropriate response to situations that threaten our citizens and community. The department will maintain the appropriate liaisons, coordination and commitment in providing a response to any situation, even those that exceed the capabilities of Norwalk alone.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: • Nexgen Upgrades to the CAD system.

• New Next Generation 911 system replaced the legacy 911 system.

• Replaced desktop at Fire Console.

• In process of moving receivers from Manresa Power plant to BMHS High School to secure the radio system as well as enhance coverage in that area of town.

• The generator at West Rocks Middle School in the process of being completed.

• Upgraded date room to accept new switches for Next Gen 911 system.Continued improvements and the general maintenance of the Combined Dispatch Center.

Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Hire personnel to replace vacancies and shore up overtime expenditures.

• Upgrade Pro-QA to CAD system and train personnel.

• Upgrade monitors for desktops.

• Add new monitors in the room to monitor calls for administrative staff.

• Create a policy manual for Combined Dispatch.Reduce overtime expenditure by 5% from the previous year.

City of Norwalk 245 Department Summary - COMBINED DISPATCH

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Combined Dispatch's departmental recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net increase of $239,792 or 9.2% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget. This increase is driven $220,164 increase in Personnel Expenses due to contractual step increases and the settlement of union contracts. Funds for contract settlement were held in contingency in FY 2017-18 and were not included in departmental budgets. Other miscellaneous expenses account for a net $19,628 increase.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Administration $200,525 $191,413 $193,833 $206,602 $206,602 $12,769 %6.59 Communications/911 $2,364,672 $2,294,872 $2,421,625 $2,649,102 $2,649,102 $227,477 9.39 % Emergency Preparedness $408 $404 $454 $0 $0 ($454) (100.00%)

Total $2,565,605 $2,486,689 $2,615,912 $2,855,704 $2,855,704 $239,792 9.17 %

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $2,261,839 $2,208,536 $2,277,568 $2,497,732 $2,497,732 $220,164 9.67 % Contractual Services $171,431 $190,555 $241,388 $251,953 $251,953 $10,565 4.38 % Supplies and Materials $5,951 $1,720 $6,000 $7,500 $7,500 $1,500 25.00 % Fixed Charges $37,831 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Grants & Donations $83,584 $85,646 $90,956 $97,019 $97,019 $6,063 6.67 % Capital Outlay $4,970 $232 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 0.00 % Total $2,565,605 $2,486,689 $2,615,912 $2,855,704 $2,855,704 $239,792 %9.17


Intergovernmental $195,038 $195,858 $195,038 $195,038 $195,038 $0 0.00 % Total $195,038 $195,858 $195,038 $195,038 $195,038 $0 0.00 %

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $2,370,567 $2,290,830 $2,420,874 $2,660,666 $2,660,666 $239,792 %9.91

City of Norwalk 246 Department Summary - COMBINED DISPATCH

Summary by Division - Recommended FY 2018-19

$206,602 Administration



PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Administration Police Lieutenant 11$96,483 1 $100,4371 $100,437 $107,1281 $107,1280 $6,691 Total 1 $96,483 1 $100,437 1 $100,437 1 $107,128 1 $107,1280 $6,691 Communications/911 Dispatch Supervisor 66$501,747 6 $503,9786 $503,978 $556,5846 $556,5840 $52,606 Public Safety Telecommunicator II 12 $847,333 12 $856,61612 $862,66012 $926,91812 $926,9180 $64,258 Public Safety Telecommunicator I 66$359,460 6 $341,5556 $352,673 $392,6176 $392,6170 $39,944 Total 24 $1,708,540 24 $1,702,149 24 $1,719,311 24 $1,876,119 24 $1,876,1190 $156,808

Department Total 25 $1,805,02325 $1,802,58625 $1,819,748 25 $1,983,247 25 $1,983,247 0 $163,499


Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $103,770 $105,767 $101,957 $108,663 $108,663 $6,706 %6.58 Contractual Services $856 $0 $920 $920 $920 $0 0.00 % Fixed Charges $12,315 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Grants & Donations $83,584 $85,646 $90,956 $97,019 $97,019 $6,063 %6.67 Total $200,525 $191,413 $193,833 $206,602 $206,602 $12,769 6.59 %

City of Norwalk 247 Department Summary - COMBINED DISPATCH

COMMUNICATION/911 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES As a combined Police and Fire Dispatch Unit, the objective is to provide the highest quality of command, control and information services for public safety agencies to carry out their respective agenda. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $2,158,069 $2,102,769 $2,175,611 $2,389,069 $2,389,069 $213,458 %9.81 Contractual Services $170,166 $190,150 $240,014 $251,033 $251,033 $11,019 %4.59 Supplies and Materials $5,951 $1,720 $6,000 $7,500 $7,500 $1,500 %25.00 Fixed Charges $25,516 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Capital Outlay $4,970 $232 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 %0.00 Total $2,364,672 $2,294,872 $2,421,625 $2,649,102 $2,649,102 $227,477 9.39 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $2,364,672 $2,294,872 $2,421,625 2,649,102 Employees 24 24 24 24 Outputs Call Center # of emergency calls received 43,000 44,000 45,000 42,000 # of non-emergency calls received (est.) 146,000 147,000 154,000 156,000 Effectiveness Call Center % of calls to center logged with appropriate times99% 99% 99% 99% % of emergency calls given to the appropriate 98% 99% 97% 98% units within one minute and 30 seconds of receipt of call % of emergency calls sent to the dispatcher within 97% 98% 98% 98% one minute % of non-emergency calls given to the dispatcher 100% 100% 100% 100% within four minutes % of non-emergency calls stacked or dispatched 100% 100% 100% 100% within six minutes EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLANNING FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Contractual Services $408 $404 $454 $0 $0 ($454) %)(100.00 Total $408 $404 $454 $0 $0 ($454) (100.00%)

City of Norwalk 248 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. ADMINISTRATION 013610 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $100,649 $102,328 $100,437$107,128 $107,128 $6,691

013610 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013610 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $2,632 $2,934 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 Contractual pay for off-hours work $500 Certification Pay $500 013610 5150 LONGEVITY $490 $505 $520$535 $535 $15

013610 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013610 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $856 $0 $920$920 $920 $0 Includes $920 for APCO Group Membership 013610 5237 ADVERTISING $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013610 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013610 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $12,315 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013610 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013610 5620 GRANTS&DONATIONS-INSTITU $83,584 $85,646 $90,956$97,019 $97,019 $6,063 Southwestern Regional Communications Center (SWRCC/C-MED) Assessment (based on DPH population estimate): $119,330.41 Credit (designate SWRCC as CMED receipient): $24,421.41 Council (SWEMS) = $2,110 Total = 119,330.41+ 2,110 - 24,421.41 = $97,019 Southwest Connecticut Emergency Medical Services Division Total $200,525 $191,413 $193,833 $206,602 $206,602 $12,769 COMMUNICATIONS/911 013620 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $1,520,876 $1,586,292 $1,719,311$1,876,119 $1,876,119 $156,808

013620 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $603,449 $483,565 $425,000$480,500 $480,500 $55,500 Overtime request takes into consideration we have one dispatcher who left for another agency and one dispatcher position vacant and would like to fill both position in 2018. 013620 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $27,490 $26,097 $24,000$24,000 $24,000 $0 Contractual pay for off hours shifts Civilian ($19,000) Police ($5,000) 013620 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $0

013620 5150 LONGEVITY $6,255 $6,815 $7,300 $8,450 $8,450 $1,150

013620 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

013620 5216 OTHER COMMUNICATION&TRAN $0 $864 $11,022 $19,000 $19,000 $7,978 Regional maintenance costs for the UASI radio system will rise from 159K in 2015 to 185K in 2019. The region has adopted a base plus per capita formula for these sustainment costs. Norwalk's share expected to be approximately $11,022 in FY 2016/17 rising to approximately $19,000 in FY 2018/19. 013620 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $0 $0

City of Norwalk 249 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

013620 5225 TYPING SERVICES $0 $0 $0

013620 5237 ADVERTISING $174 $0 $418$500 $500 $82 For advertising Dispatch vacancies. 013620 5241 ELECTRIC $0 $0 $0

013620 5245 TELEPHONE $116,429 $124,163 $158,100$162,053 $162,053 $3,953 Phone service for entire Police Dept. ATT, cell phones, air cards, etc. 013620 5247 OTHER UTILITY SERVICES $5,656 $4,766 $7,800$7,980 $7,980 $180 Cablevision fees - 185/mth. x 12 = $2,220 Fiber optic - $480/mth. x 12 = $5,760 013620 5255 IT SERVICES $7,931 $4,993 $8,000$8,000 $8,000 $0 To reflect the increase in maintenance of software and other IT services. 013620 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013620 5262 OTHER MACHINERY-EQUIP $30,492 $38,110 $35,000$35,000 $35,000 $0 Maintenance and repair of the aging Communications system. 013620 5266 BUILDINGS $0 $269 $0$0 $0 $0

013620 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $1,558 $4,549 $5,974$6,000 $6,000 $26 Maintenance of cable services, office machinery, and related expenses as well as general repairs to equipment 013620 5271 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS $0 $0 $0

013620 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $7,146 $8,788 $10,000$10,000 $10,000 $0 Upcoming training in the new year. Now that we are staffed properly, I would like to send dispatchers to more classes to enhance their skills as well as sending dispatch supervisors for much needed supervision classes. 013620 5276 PURCHASE OF UNIFORMS/CLEANING $0 $0 $0

013620 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $0 $389 $0$1,000 $1,000 $1,000 To be used for dispatchers attending training not within travel distance and have to stay overnight at hotels and meal expenses. 013620 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $780 $3,260 $3,700$1,500 $1,500($2,200 ) Maintenance and supplies associated with the copier, fax and collect printer. 013620 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $0 $0 $0

013620 5296 SECURITY SYSTEMS $0 $0 $0

013620 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $286 $748 $1,000$1,500 $1,500 $500 Paper for dot matrix printer, pens, paper for fax machine and printer, sanitary wipes for desk, water, calenders, folders, office supplies, headphones, cabinets, etc. 013620 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $0 $0 $0

013620 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $4,679 $972 $5,000$5,000 $5,000 $0

013620 5391 A-V EQUIPMENT $986 $0 $0$1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Presentations for training materials

City of Norwalk 250 Dept Org Description 20187-88 20188-89 20189-90 20190-91 20190-91 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 013620 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $25,516 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

013620 5711 DESKS,CHAIRS,ETC. $4,529 $0 $0

013620 5741 IT HARDWARE $441 $29 $0$1,500 $1,500 $1,500

013620 5742 IT SOFTWARE $0 $203 $0$0 $0 $0

013620 5743 RADIOS,MOBILE,WALKIE-TAL $0 $0 $0

Division Total $2,364,672 $2,294,872 $2,421,625 $2,649,102 $2,649,102 $227,477 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 013630 5241 ELECTRIC $408 $404 $454$0 $0($454 )

Division Total $408 $404 $454 $0 $0 ($454)

Department Total $2,565,605 $2,486,689 $2,615,912 $2,855,704 $2,855,704 $239,792

City of Norwalk 251 CITY OF NORWALK


252 City of Norwalk Department Summary - PUBLIC WORKS


Public Works Director

Operations Engineering Administrative Services Customer Services Water Pollution Center Control

Streets & Highways Facilities & Building Financial Management Management Fleet Services Contract Administration Wastewater Systems Solid Waste Programs Traffic Management Parking Authority Waste Water Systems Bridge Repair & Budget Management Maintenance Risk Management Permitting Community Outreach Design & Construction Professional Development Management

Description of Service/Mission Statements: The mission statement for the Department of Public Works is to provide the safest and most effective operation for the City of Norwalk by delivering the most efficient maintenance, repair, and capital improvement of city infrastructure in the best courteous, professional, and citizen-responsive manner.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: • Focus on the maintenance and repair of critical infrastructure. • Paved 42 lane miles of roads. • Review, support, inspect all major City development projects. • Reviewed State DOT projects including the Walk Bridge. • Upgraded of the traffic signal system. • Continued our safety programs to reduce our risk management cost and strive for no accidents or injuries. • Initiated Capital Projects for drainage and bridge construction. • Continued to decrease our solid waste tonnage and increase the recycling tonnage. • Started the revamp of permitting system. • Implemented a street sweeping program for the city that will allow sweeping four nights a week.. • Certified as Tree City USA for 13th consecutive year.

Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Continue to focus on the maintenance and repair of critical building infrastructure. • Implement an “on call” bulk waste collection for residents. • Upgrade the software and maintenance of the traffic control system. • Implement a recycling educational program for the city residents and school system. • Continue to seek and acquire external funding for infrastructure repairs and improvements. • Continue a safety program that strives for zero accidents/incidents/injuries, meets OSHA requirements and reduces risk management costs. • Continue a pavement management program intended to steadily increase the average condition and extend the useful life of streets throughout the City. • Continue the traffic signal upgrade program. • Maintain certification as Tree City USA. • Continue to ensure building life safety through timely inspections.

City of Norwalk 253 Department Summary - PUBLIC WORKS

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Public Works department recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net increase of $1,132,648 or 6.5% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget. This increase is driven by the following categories of expense:

Personnel Expenses $551,482 due to contractual step increases and the settlement of union contracts. Funds for contract settlement were held in contingency in FY 2017-18 and were not included in departmental budgets. This increase breaks down as follows: $500,025 increase in Regular Wages $20,800 increase in Temporary Wages $ 20,110 increase in Overtime Wages $5,980 increase in Part Time Wages $4,567 increase in Longevity Wages

Other Net Increases $581,166 $450,756 increase in buildings due an increase in the building maintenance contract. This amount accounts for two years’ worth of increases. $77,142 increase for the solid waste and recycling contracts $50,000 increase for mast arm design and electrical consultants $3,268 increase in miscellaneous other expenses


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Administration $1,691,279 $1,043,965 $997,012 $1,036,333 $1,036,333 $39,321 3.94 % Operations $11,952,449 $11,231,566 $12,025,944 $12,469,888 $12,469,888 $443,944 3.69 % Engineering $3,947,592 $3,951,720 $4,330,535 $4,962,854 $4,962,854 $632,319 %14.60 Customer Service Center $206,552 $161,836 $178,879 $195,943 $195,943 $17,064 9.54 %

Total $17,797,872 $16,389,087 $17,532,370 $18,665,018 $18,665,018 $1,132,648 6.46 %

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $6,301,092 $6,507,064 $6,832,756 $7,384,238 $7,384,238 $551,482 8.07 % Contractual Services $8,041,361 $8,118,229 $8,511,688 $9,041,560 $9,041,560 $529,872 6.23 % Supplies and Materials $687,340 $670,903 $809,505 $821,505 $821,505 $12,000 1.48 % Fixed Charges $2,081,571 $619,900 $947,795 $987,089 $987,089 $39,294 4.15 % Debt Service $72,523 $39,579 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $0 0.00 % Grants & Donations $613,986 $433,412 $395,626 $395,626 $395,626 $0 0.00 % Total $17,797,872 $16,389,087 $17,532,370 $18,665,018 $18,665,018 $1,132,648 %6.46

NON-TAX REVENUE Intergovernmental $1,294,221 $1,297,209 $894,294 $1,301,248 $1,301,248 $406,954 45.51 % Licenses & Permits $173,641 $99,198 $222,080 $163,770 $163,770 ($58,310) (26.26%) Service Charges $686,787 $660,870 $689,283 $659,469 $659,469 ($29,814) (4.33%) Miscellaneous $650,295 $946,665 $1,045,395 $1,055,407 $1,055,407 $10,012 0.96 % Total $2,804,944 $3,003,942 $2,851,052 $3,179,894 $3,179,894 $328,842 %11.53

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $14,992,929 $13,385,145 $14,681,318 $15,485,124 $15,485,124 $803,806 %5.48

City of Norwalk 254 Department Summary - PUBLIC WORKS

Summary by Division - Recommended FY 2018-19

Customer Engineering Service $4,962,854 $195,943Center $1,036,333 Administration



PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Administration Director of Public Works 11$139,965 1 $132,5761 $134,786 $137,9541 $137,9540 $3,168 Administrative Services Manager 11$115,764 1 $115,7641 $115,764 $123,4771 $123,4770 $7,713 Public Works Administrative Assistant 11$66,654 1 $66,6541 $66,654 $74,6391 $74,6390 $7,985 Records Data Entry Clerk 11$60,518 1 $60,5181 $60,518 $64,5501 $64,5500 $4,032 Executive Secretary 11$69,977 1 $69,9771 $69,977 $74,6391 $74,6390 $4,662 Total 5 $452,878 5 $445,489 5 $447,699 5 $475,259 5 $475,2590 $27,560

Operations Superintendent of Operations 01$0 1 $114,2641 $117,264 $128,8381 $128,8380 $11,574 Waste Programs Manager 11$82,509 1 $82,5091 $82,509 $90,3861 $90,3860 $7,877 Signal System Technician 11$67,776 1 $67,7761 $71,165 $74,6111 $74,6110 $3,446 Traffic Signal Mechanic 11$81,104 1 $81,1041 $81,104 $86,5081 $86,5080 $5,404 Supervisor-Traffic Maintenance 11$73,583 1 $75,8481 $78,047 $85,6241 $85,6240 $7,577 Maintainer II (Truck Driver) 20 $1,210,36020 $1,176,97919 $1,110,53019 $1,205,26819 $1,205,2680 $94,738 Roads Supervisor 33$243,067 3 $245,2963 $251,985 $275,9133 $275,9130 $23,928 Maintainer III (Equipment Operator) 12 $791,073 12 $788,77613 $867,32113 $925,13213 $925,1320 $57,811 Maintainer III (Equipment Operator) 11$66,717 1 $66,7171 $66,717 $71,1641 $71,1640 $4,447 Mason I 33$231,711 3 $231,7113 $231,711 $247,1493 $247,1490 $15,438 Weighmaster 33$207,634 3 $220,6743 $220,674 $235,3773 $235,3770 $14,703 Maintainer I (Laborer) 14 $737,782 14 $724,46714 $718,99714 $779,74914 $779,7490 $60,752 Total 60 $3,793,316 61 $3,876,121 61 $3,898,024 61 $4,205,719 61 $4,205,7190 $307,695

City of Norwalk 255 Department Summary - PUBLIC WORKS

PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. En gineering GIS ANALYST 01$0 0 $01 $85,039 $90,7041 $90,7040 $5,665 Assistant Director of Transportation 01$0 1 $132,7231 $132,723 $135,7981 $135,7980 $3,075 Building & Facilities Manager 11$124,056 1 $124,0561 $124,056 $135,7981 $135,7980 $11,742 Traffic Engineer 11$90,753 1 $93,2071 $93,207 $102,0311 $102,0310 $8,824 Principal Civil Engineer 11$132,723 1 $136,4731 $136,473 $149,4001 $149,4000 $12,927 Assistant Principal Engineer 1 $124,056 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Senior Civil Engineer 23$231,528 3 $317,5913 $323,532 $354,0453 $354,0450 $30,513 Traffic Analyst 11$81,104 1 $81,1041 $81,104 $86,5081 $86,5080 $5,404 Junior Engineer 55$405,520 5 $387,9565 $376,746 $408,9685 $408,9680 $32,222 Assistant Civil Engineer 22$191,316 2 $183,9602 $181,506 $196,2162 $196,2160 $14,710 Permit Engineer 11$80,942 1 $80,9421 $83,393 $91,5671 $91,5670 $8,174 Engineering Aide III 11$81,104 1 $81,1041 $81,104 $86,5081 $86,5080 $5,404 Permit Inspector 11$81,104 1 $81,1041 $81,104 $86,5081 $86,5080 $5,404 Custodian 11$54,809 1 $54,8091 $54,809 $58,4611 $58,4610 $3,652 Total 18 $1,679,015 19 $1,755,029 20 $1,834,796 20 $1,982,512 20 $1,982,5120 $147,716

Customer Service Customer Service Representative 22$109,618 2 $102,1602 $97,060 $108,7102 $108,7100 $11,650 Customer Service Manager 11$81,104 1 $81,1041 $81,104 $86,5081 $86,5080 $5,404 Total 3 $190,722 3 $183,264 3 $178,164 3 $195,218 3 $195,2180 $17,054

Department Total 86 $6,115,931 88$6,259,903 89 $6,358,683 89 $6,858,708 89 $6,858,708 0 $500,025

City of Norwalk 256 Department Summary - PUBLIC WORKS

ADMINISTRATION DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The goal of the Administration Division is to provide effective leadership and management support to the department and provide development, construction, operations and maintenance of specified city properties in a safe and cost effective manner based on an approved and acceptable level of service for the maximization of resource performance and the achievement of department outcomes. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $482,775 $483,761 $471,129 $505,100 $505,100 $33,971 %7.21 Contractual Services $100,079 $99,227 $101,257 $106,607 $106,607 $5,350 %5.28 Supplies and Materials $27,998 $27,565 $29,000 $29,000 $29,000 $0 %0.00 Fixed Charges $466,441 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Grants & Donations $613,986 $433,412 $395,626 $395,626 $395,626 $0 %0.00 Total $1,691,279 $1,043,965 $997,012 $1,036,333 $1,036,333 $39,321 3.94 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Input Direct expenditures $1,691,279 $1,043,965 $997,012 $1,036,333 Employees 5 55 5 Outputs

Area managed (square miles) 36.3 36.3 36.3 36.3 Major service contracts managed 6 55 5 Number of budgets managed 8 66 6 Number of committees, authorities staff to 6 14 14 14 Number of employees managed Population serviced Effectiveness # Grievances filed/resolved per FY TBD TBD TBD TBD # Safety Incidents per FY TBD TBD TBD TBD % of approved operating budgets expended 96.7% 99.7% 100% 100% % of contracts that meet performance goals 100% 100% 100% 100%

City of Norwalk 257 Department Summary - PUBLIC WORKS

OPERATIONS DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The goal is to provide street maintenance and repair services to the citizens of Norwalk and the general public so that people and goods can move freely and safely throughout the city. Included in operations are the following activities: Solid Waste regulation; collection and disposal; the City’s contribution to the Water Pollution Control Authority; the cost of services provided for the Board of Education; and Centralized Fleet Services. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $4,033,569 $4,111,040 $4,261,604 $4,590,818 $4,590,818 $329,214 %7.73 Contractual Services $5,904,310 $5,951,269 $6,133,051 $6,206,487 $6,206,487 $73,436 %1.20 Supplies and Materials $572,329 $549,356 $683,494 $685,494 $685,494 $2,000 %0.29 Fixed Charges $1,442,242 $619,900 $947,795 $987,089 $987,089 $39,294 %4.15 Total $11,952,449 $11,231,566 $12,025,944 $12,469,888 $12,469,888 $443,944 3.69 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Input Direct expenditures $11,952,449 $11,231,566 $12,025,944 $12,469,888 Employees 60 61 61 61 Outputs

Fleet Preventive Maintenance to Corrective 13% 16% 12% 50% Maintenance %/FY Tons Recycled/FY (Tons) 8965 9038 9,000 9,200 Tons Solid Waste Collected/FY (Tons) 22,534 22,557 22,700 21,000 Effectiveness

% of operations OT (without snow) expended/FY82% 84% 81% 75% % Salt expended/FY TBD TBD TBD TBD

City of Norwalk 258 Department Summary - PUBLIC WORKS

ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The goal is to provide capital planning, survey, design and inspection services for the residents of Norwalk and the public to ensure the necessary infrastructure for safe travel, a healthy environment, and an acceptable quality of life. Also included in this division is building management, which oversees the operation and maintenance of most City buildings with the exception of City schools. Fiscal year 2004-05 was the first year that building management services are budgeted for in the Department of Public Works, prior to this these services were accounted for in a separate department. To see the history of this division, please see the Building Management section. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $1,595,836 $1,750,427 $1,921,144 $2,092,377 $2,092,377 $171,233 %8.91 Contractual Services $2,036,971 $2,067,733 $2,277,380 $2,728,466 $2,728,466 $451,086 %19.81 Supplies and Materials $87,014 $93,982 $97,011 $107,011 $107,011 $10,000 %10.31 Fixed Charges $155,247 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Debt Service $72,523 $39,579 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $0 %0.00 Total $3,947,592 $3,951,720 $4,330,535 $4,962,854 $4,962,854 $632,319 14.60 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Input Direct expenditures $3,947,592 $3,951,720 $4,330,535 $4,962,854 Employees 18 19 20 20 Outputs # of GIS Assets Added 4,683 5,159 4,699 5,000 # of Permit Inspections Conducted 4,792 2,232 1,300 1,500 # of Permits Issued 954 727 650 700 % of Permit Fees Collected 66% 88% 75% 90% Average PCI (Pavement Condition Index) 76 81 81 83 Engineering Service Requests 541 527 540 600 Lane-miles Road Paved 44.07 31.97 42.10 39.38 Number of Feet of Sanitary Sewer Pipe Cleaned 72,389 61,565 112,517 8,500 and Televised (cctv) Number of Manholes Inspected 190 107 305 200 Number of NPDES Permit Violations at WWTP 9 63 6 Number of Sewage Bypasses that occur within 15 18 16 16 the Collection System Effectiveness

% of Engineering Service Requests Completed85% 64% 100% 100%

City of Norwalk 259 Department Summary - PUBLIC WORKS

CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES To provide superior service to residents and the public by ensuring that all contacts are handled competently, courteously and efficiently. The Center will receive, record and track all service requests and complaints and forward service requests and complaints to the appropriate department for action. It will also follow through on all service requests that have not been resolved and respond to requests for general information on services. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $188,911 $161,836 $178,879 $195,943 $195,943 $17,064 %9.54 Fixed Charges $17,641 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $206,552 $161,836 $178,879 $195,943 $195,943 $17,064 9.54 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Input Direct expenditures $206,552 $161,836 $178,879 $195,943 Employees 3 33 3 Outputs

Drainage Service Requests 220 207 150 200 Landscaping Service Requests 721 557 640 700 Ordinance Enforcement Service Requests 295 361 240 300 Road Service Requests 903 727 600 800 Snow Service Requests 253 654 66 100 Solid Waste Service Requests 1867 1880 1600 1700 Traffic Service Requests 408 560 340 400 Effectiveness

% of Drainage Service Requests Completed98% 95% 100% 100% % of Landscaping Service Requests Completed98% 98% 100% 100% % of Ordinance Enforcement Service Requests 68% 52% 60% 100% Completed % of Road Service Requests Completed 97% 98% 100% 100% % of Snow Service Requests Completed 98% 95% 100% 100% % of Solid Waste Service Requests Completed100% 100% 100% 100% % of Traffic Service Requests Completed 98% 94% 100% 100%

City of Norwalk 260 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

ADMINISTRATION 014010 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $429,770 $447,079 $447,699$475,259 $475,259 $27,560

014010 5111 SALARY ADJUSTMENT $0 $0 $0

014010 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $9,485 $11,017 $6,000$6,396 $6,396 $396 5% in lieu of overtime per NASA union contract and overtime for adm staff on project requirements per NMEA union contract. 014010 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $3,314 $3,978 $0$0 $0 $0

014010 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $16,762 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

014010 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $20,490 $19,112 $14,820$20,800 $20,800 $5,980 Funding for the Ordinance Enforcement Officer position added during the 2010-11 fiscal year; Salary $20/hour, 19 hours/week. 014010 5150 LONGEVITY $2,540 $2,575 $2,610$2,645 $2,645 $35

014010 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $414 $0 $0

014010 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $5,353 $3,959 $5,357$5,357 $5,357 $0 Overnight mail deliveries, UPS and all departmental mailings for the Public Works Committee, Tree Alliance, Land Use, NFCC, Tree Advisory Committee, engineering construction projects and Customer Service Center. 014010 5216 OTHER COMMUNICATION&TRAN $0 $0 $0

014010 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $8,173 $4,703 $12,000$12,000 $12,000 $0 General Printing Requirements-All Public Works Divisions and staffed committees, alliances and commissions. 014010 5225 TYPING SERVICES $4,090 $3,600 $4,000$4,000 $4,000 $0 Professional Committee minutes based on $40/ hr. 3 hour minimum for the Public Works Committee, Tree Advisory Committee, Land Use, NFCC and Traffic Authority 014010 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $513 $550 $800$800 $800 $0 Employment and project/program advertising in local newspapers and industry publications 014010 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $5,212 $5,340 $5,000$5,000 $5,000 $0 Professional memberships department wide. 014010 5237 ADVERTISING $8,812 $6,066 $6,180$6,180 $6,180 $0 Advertising - all Public Works functions Advertising costs for hearings, position vacancies, customer service center projects, engineering project bids, committee and authority approvals, recycling, solid waste, snow plowing and any other public communications. Funding request reflects increase in departmentwide projects and actual expenses. 014010 5245 TELEPHONE $25,892 $26,066 $22,660$25,000 $25,000 $2,340 Funds necessary for telephone service for all DPW divisions. Funding request reflects full employee roster with no vacancies and actual expenses. 014010 5247 OTHER UTILITY SERVICES $152 $197 $400$410 $410 $10 Satellite/cable services for Customer Service Center.

City of Norwalk 261 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 014010 5251 MEDICAL,DENTAL,VETERINAR $5,192 $8,531 $5,000$7,000 $7,000 $2,000 Random Drug Testing in Accordance with Federal Law. Reflects Historical Expenditures and employee turnover activity 014010 5252 LEGAL SERVICES $0 $0 $0

014010 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $1,105 $815 $800$800 $800 $0 New employee candidates-background checks at approx. $50/background check and investigations. 014010 5263 FURNITUR,OFFICE MACH REP&MAINT $0 $0 $0

014010 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $15,619 $19,400 $19,500$19,500 $19,500 $0 Includes all DPW functions and Safety Training =$6,000 Engineering Autocad Training GIS Webseminars ASCATG Adminstration Customer Service Operations Confined space, snow courses, safety training. (2,000) Professional Development Hours Required to Maintain PE Licensure for PE employees = $5,500/yr Other Training = $1,000 Connecticut Road Scholar Program for 4; Connecticut Tree Warden for 4 Connecticut Tree Preservation for 4; Heavy Equipment Operator Training- $5,000 NEW: Additional training requested for GIS online training for Junior Engineers 014010 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $2,492 $1,983 $2,060$2,060 $2,060 $0 Auto allowance for the entire department in accordance with union contracts and federal rates. 014010 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $0 $0 $0

014010 5287 OTHER TRAVEL $0 $0 $0

014010 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $14,579 $14,083 $13,000$14,000 $14,000 $1,000 Includes all department copier leases located at: Lanier C4504 - Customer service Lanier MPC6004 - DPW main LanierC306- DPW Backup Lanier C4504- DPW Engineering Lanier MP4054- DPW Operations Lanier C4504-DPW Traffic 014010 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $2,895 $3,935 $4,500$4,500 $4,500 $0 APWA Conference (for 2 Supervisors) 014010 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $0 $0 $0

014010 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $27,998 $27,565 $29,000$29,000 $29,000 $0 Office supplies and equipment for the entire department and for the NFCC, Land Use, Tree Advisory & Bike Walk Task Force 014010 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $422,717 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

014010 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $43,724 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

014010 5623 SPECIAL EVENTS $4,579 $2,671 $2,000$2,000 $2,000 $0 Expenses related to the DPW Open House 014010 5650 TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS $609,407 $430,741 $393,626 $393,626 $393,626 $0 Sewer use charge city buildings 014010 5726 OTHER OFFICE EQUIPMENT $0 $0 $0

014010 5731 CARS AND VANS $0 $0 $0

014010 5741 IT HARDWARE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

City of Norwalk 262 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

014010 5742 IT SOFTWARE $0 $0 $0

014010 5795 STORM SANDY $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $1,691,279 $1,043,965 $997,012 $1,036,333 $1,036,333 $39,321


014020 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0

OPERATIONS-MAINT & REPAIR STS 014021 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $2,286,856 $2,247,977 $2,421,309$2,800,423 $2,800,423 $379,114

014021 5111 SALARY ADJUSTMENT $0 $0 $0

014021 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $96,843 $113,462 $109,240$116,450 $116,450 $7,210 Overall overtime for 021, 023, 024, 025, 029 allocations were changed based on personnel roster changes. Overtime in the same accounts is proforma. Includes $32,000 for 1X/week street sweeping program in business districts. 014021 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $16,619 $17,312 $25,000$25,000 $25,000 $0 Emergency Standby $150/pay period per employee, (3 employees) Includes Foreman, Driver and a Laborer 014021 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $0

014021 5150 LONGEVITY $19,455 $13,660 $11,565$18,045 $18,045 $6,480

014021 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

014021 5216 OTHER COMMUNICATION&TRAN $272 $0 $500$500 $500 $0 Covers radio communication maintenance for Public Works employees. Used in emergencies during storms. 014021 5237 ADVERTISING $0 $0 $0

014021 5241 ELECTRIC $613,578 $569,216 $525,277$472,749 $472,749($52,528 ) Finance provided 014021 5247 OTHER UTILITY SERVICES $0 $1,124 $1,160$3,500 $3,500 $2,340

Cable and Wi-fi service at the public works center 014021 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $0 $0 $0

014021 5268 ROADS AND STREETS $0 $0 $0

014021 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $24,032 $35,959 $32,000$35,000 $35,000 $3,000 GPS Monthly Operating Expenses 014021 5271 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

014021 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $0 $0

014021 5276 PURCHASE OF UNIFORMS/CLEANING $20,029 $2,448 $22,000$5,000 $5,000($17,000 ) Uniforms for new emplyees per CBA. 014021 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

014021 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $0 $0 $0

014021 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $0 $0 $0

City of Norwalk 263 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

014021 5323 FOOD $0 $15 $0$0 $0 $0

014021 5326 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS $13,609 $14,205 $14,000$16,000 $16,000 $2,000 PPE Equipment 014021 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

014021 5333 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT PART $8,734 $9,173 $9,600$9,600 $9,600 $0 Sweeper Maintenance Parts and Supplies. 014021 5334 PAINTING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

014021 5338 REPAIR PARTS-WATER,SEWER $0 $0 $0

014021 5341 CONSUMABLE TOOLS & HARDW $20,083 $18,480 $20,000$20,000 $20,000 $0 Includes request for hand and power tools etc. 014021 5345 ROAD MARKING MATERIALS $0 $0 $0

014021 5363 GUARD RAILS AND POSTS $0 $0 $0

014021 5371 LUMBER & WOOD PRODUCTS $0 $0 $0

014021 5381 ASPHALT & ASPHALT FILLER $126,507 $126,199 $140,000$140,000 $140,000 $0

014021 5394 OTHER MATERIALS $0 $0 $0

014021 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $407,014 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 Finance provided. 014021 5571 PAVING $0 $0 $0

014021 5573 GENERAL DRAINAGE $0 $0 $0

014021 5575 RETAINING WALL $0 $0 $0

014021 5623 SPECIAL EVENTS $0 $0 $0

014021 5729 OTHER EQUIPMENT & MACHINERY $0 $0 $0

014021 5734 MOWERS $0 $0 $0

014021 5741 IT HARDWARE $0 $0 $0

014021 5744 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS $0 $0 $0

014021 5920 OTHER BUDGET REQUESTS $0 $0 $0

Division Total $3,653,633 $3,169,229 $3,331,651 $3,662,267 $3,662,267 $330,616


014022 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $0 $0 $0

014022 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $0 $0 $0

014022 5333 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT PART $0 $0 $0

014022 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $182 $0

OPERATIONS-SIGNS & MARKINGS 014023 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $213,770 $192,731 $217,831$187,646 $187,646($30,185 ) Allocation.

City of Norwalk 264 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 014023 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $3,087 $2,670 $9,081$9,680 $9,680 $599

014023 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $0 $150 $0$0 $0 $0

014023 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

014023 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $425 $425$425 $425 $0

014023 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

014023 5266 BUILDINGS $0 $0 $0

014023 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $0 $0 $0

014023 5271 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS $0 $0 $0

014023 5341 CONSUMABLE TOOLS & HARDW $0 $359 $400$400 $400 $0 Misc. small hand tools. 014023 5342 SIGN PARTS AND SUPPLIES $37,270 $34,898 $44,000$44,000 $44,000 $0 Includes street and traffic signs, complete sign replacements with channel posts, sign faces replacements installations. Includes requests from other city departments, agencies and special events citywide. Conforms with manual of uniform traffic control. Includes reqests for trafic control devices. 014023 5345 ROAD MARKING MATERIALS $8,317 $10,934 $15,000$15,000 $15,000 $0 Traffic parts and glass beads in accordance with State mandate. Performing additional line striping. Paint machine parts and maintenance. 014023 5351 CEMENT & CONCRETE PROD'S $0 $0 $0

Division Total $262,444 $242,166 $286,737 $257,151 $257,151 ($29,586)

OPERATIONS-SIGNALIZATION 014024 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $149,436 $205,564 $230,316$246,743 $246,743 $16,427 Allocation. 014024 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $7,775 $9,505 $5,000$5,330 $5,330 $330

014024 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $4,950 $4,980 $4,800$4,800 $4,800 $0 On-call pay $150/pay period. 014024 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $13,058 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

014024 5150 LONGEVITY $535 $545 $555$565 $565 $10

014024 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

014024 5241 ELECTRIC $24,698 $24,480 $31,599$28,439 $28,439($3,160 ) Traffic signal elecrical costs (CL&P, SNEW, 3rd Taxing District) 014024 5264 TRAFFIC LIGHTS,RELATED $10,121 $6,107 $6,850$10,000 $10,000 $3,150 Includes parts and supplies to repair traffic cabinets due to mva accidents. 3 year lead time for reimbursements from insurance companies. 014024 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $7,689 $7,723 $8,000$8,000 $8,000 $0 Electrical maintenance service for historic street lights outside the 2nd district. Replace lights from knockdowns, accidents, and storms. Historic lights are located on Belden and West Avenue's. 014024 5296 SECURITY SYSTEMS $4,510 $4,090 $5,000$5,000 $5,000 $0

City of Norwalk 265 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Pay for extra duty police officers for traffic control during signal repairs and for accidents as well as for flagman when required. 014024 5336 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES $3,061 $2,744 $3,213$3,213 $3,213 $0 Maintenance and supplies. 014024 5341 CONSUMABLE TOOLS & HARDW $0 $524 $2,281$2,281 $2,281 $0 Misc. electrical equipment, small tools, etc. 014024 5351 CEMENT & CONCRETE PROD'S $0 $0 $0

Division Total $225,835 $266,262 $297,614 $314,371 $314,371 $16,757

OPERATIONS-SNOW/ICE REMOVAL 014025 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $95,959 $136,522 $0$0 $0 $0 Salaries in other accounts on personnel roster 014025 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $122,458 $175,859 $96,490$102,858 $102,858 $6,368 Allocation increase is based on a 5 year average 014025 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

014025 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

014025 5247 OTHER UTILITY SERVICES $1,876 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 Cable/weather related services

Approved Move to correct account 014021-5247 014025 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $804 $791 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 Includes requests for snow blower and snow reomoval equipment repairs. 014025 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

014025 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $272,132 $247,153 $325,000$325,000 $325,000 $0 Cargill- Treated Road Salt Morton- Rock Salt Innovative- Magnesium Choloride Bagged Calcium Chorlorde 014025 5323 FOOD $7,395 $11,705 $10,000$10,000 $10,000 $0 Meal Allowance for Snow removal Labor Forces per 2405 contract. $15/meal/employee varies depending on weather and usage. Increase is based on a 5 year average. 014025 5333 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT PART $34,997 $33,373 $35,000$35,000 $35,000 $0 Plow blades, chains and miscellaneous parts and repairs for snow related activities. 014025 5736 PLOWS,TRAILERS,ETC $0 $0 $0

Division Total $535,621 $605,404 $467,490 $473,858 $473,858 $6,368

STORM DRAINAGE 014027 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $406,958 $382,361 $463,555$423,281 $423,281($40,274 ) Based on roster 014027 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $6,856 $11,173 $15,856$16,902 $16,902 $1,046

014027 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $2,865 $2,214 $1,350$1,350 $1,350 $0

014027 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $1,375 $3,410$850 $850($2,560 )

City of Norwalk 266 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 014027 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

014027 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $0 $0

014027 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $497 $442 $497$497 $497 $0 Inspections for Perry Avenue Dike-Erosion Control. 014027 5333 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT PART $0 $0 $5,000$5,000 $5,000 $0 Includes request for MS4 permit. Includes request for camera truck parts and repairs. 014027 5351 CEMENT & CONCRETE PROD'S $24,728 $27,542 $40,000$40,000 $40,000 $0 Precast Concrete Catch Basin Tops, Manholes, Risers and Vaults. Includes request for road construciton material- block, brick, cement etc. 014027 5361 METAL PRODUCTS & SUPPLY $15,494 $11,974 $15,000$15,000 $15,000 $0 Frames and Grates 014027 5741 IT HARDWARE $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $457,399 $437,080 $544,668 $502,880 $502,880 ($41,788)

OPERATIONS-SOLID WASTE COLLECT 014028 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $127,867 $113,685 $82,509$90,386 $90,386 $7,877

014028 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $25,024 $21,578 $30,000$30,000 $30,000 $0 Overtime for Waste Programs Manager for Desert-Micro Issues and Household Hazardous Waste Day. Overtime cost for Bulky Waste Collection by Local 2405 and Road Supervisor based on spring 2017 actual numbers. Overtime for Local 2405 for Household Hazardous Waste Day. 014028 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $0 $0 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 Other Wages are for Pay Differential ($2/hr) for Bulky Item and Yard Waste Collection. 014028 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $0 $0 $850 $850 $850

014028 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

014028 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $1,049,163 $1,080,638 $1,113,057 $1,146,449 $1,146,449 $33,392 Contract Price for curbside collection of MSW by City Carting .

Division Total $1,202,054 $1,215,901 $1,226,566 $1,268,685 $1,268,685 $42,119

OPERATIONS-TREE MAINT/REMOVAL 014029 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $190,112 $227,705 $261,830$221,863 $221,863($39,967 )

014029 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $15,389 $12,212 $11,964$12,754 $12,754 $790

014029 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $7,220 $4,610 $6,000$6,000 $6,000 $0 CBA Obligation 014029 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $850 $1,425$500 $500($925 )

014029 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $48,506 $34,512 $60,000$60,000 $60,000 $0 Contracted tree work. This number has been greatly reduced over the years due to the increased capabilities of in-house staff. 014029 5333 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT PART $0 $80 $5,000$5,000 $5,000 $0 Chain saws, blades, pruning equipment, etc. Allocation increase in due to more in-house work being done. Division Total $261,227 $279,969 $346,219 $306,117 $306,117 ($40,102)

City of Norwalk 267 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

ENGINEERING 014030 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $1,436,785 $1,617,776 $1,779,987$1,924,051 $1,924,051 $144,064

014030 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $26,226 $19,730 $30,000$31,980 $31,980 $1,980 5% in lieu of overtime per NASA contract = $6,824 for Assistant Principal Engineer.. Overtime as needed for inspectors & other engineering staff depending on project requirements, work on certain holidays and in accordance with the 2405 union contract. 014030 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $3,165 $2,700 $2,550$2,550 $2,550 $0 Standby pay minimum $150/pay period 014030 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $61,311 $45,000 $45,000$65,800 $65,800 $20,800 As per Temporary Sesaonal Roster 014030 5150 LONGEVITY $7,520 $7,630 $7,198$7,855 $7,855 $657

014030 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $1,979 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

014030 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $0 $0

014030 5237 ADVERTISING $0 $0 $0

014030 5247 OTHER UTILITY SERVICES $3,804 $4,356 $4,080$4,182 $4,182 $102 MTA encroachment lease for sanitary sewer drainage and storm crossing. Monthly lease payment avg $100-$200 Funding requested to contract out the utility markings for force main, fiber and traffic signal facilites as required by the Call Before You Dig Program. 014030 5254 ARCHITECTURAL,LANDSCAPIN $0 $0 $0

014030 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $879 $3,200 $110,650$160,650 $160,650 $50,000 $100,000 Walk Bridge Consulting Services $50,000 Misc. Traffic mast arm design, electrical consultants and other needs that may occur within the FY. $10,650 Materials testing: Testing of materials used in construction to determine compliance with specs. Surveying:Preparation of easement maps, survey cross-sections, etc. Environmental Testing: Required for land acquisition, construction, stream dredging, etc. 014030 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $0 $0 $0

014030 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $0 $136 $0

014030 5341 CONSUMABLE TOOLS & HARDW $0 $0 $0

014030 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $155,247 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $1,696,916 $1,700,528 $1,979,465 $2,197,068 $2,197,068 $217,603


014031 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

014031 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $150 $0 $0

014031 5241 ELECTRIC $0 $0 $0

014031 5264 TRAFFIC LIGHTS,RELATED $0 $0 $0

014031 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $0 $0 $0

014031 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $1,260 $21,909 $25,000$25,000 $25,000 $0

City of Norwalk 268 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

014031 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $1,999 $0 $0 $0 $0

014031 5296 SECURITY SYSTEMS $0 $0 $0

014031 5336 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

014031 5341 CONSUMABLE TOOLS & HARDW $0 $0 $0

014031 5343 TRAFFIC SIGNAL SUPPLIES $44,597 $51,080 $50,000 $60,000 $60,000 $10,000 Ongoing improvements, upgrades and replacements of existing equipment for 90 traffic signal systems & numerous school crossing warning lights. With an average value of over $200,000 per signal system, this account maintains over $17,000,000 worth of city infrastructure. Division Total $46,007 $74,988 $75,000 $85,000 $85,000 $10,000


014032 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0


014033 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $0 $0 $0

014033 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $0 $0 $0

014033 5341 CONSUMABLE TOOLS & HARDW $0 $0 $0

014033 5342 SIGN PARTS AND SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

014033 5345 ROAD MARKING MATERIALS $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0

OPERATIONS-DISPOSAL 014042 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $215,831 $202,294 $220,674$235,377 $235,377 $14,703

014042 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $4,532 $8,213 $28,679$30,000 $30,000 $1,321 Overtime costs due to coverage on holidays with 3 Weighmasters Overtime cost of 40 Saturdays for the Weighmaster at the Public Works Center. Overtime coverage for vacation. 014042 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $113 $8 $0$0 $0 $0

014042 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $1,220 $1,740$1,740 $1,740 $0

014042 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

014042 5237 ADVERTISING $0 $0 $0

014042 5241 ELECTRIC $1,316 $1,030 $1,122$1,200 $1,200 $78 Electric service for light on outside of Transfer Station based on actual. 014042 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $34,677 $27,690 $36,000$36,000 $36,000 $0 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day (1 local Norwalk collection day & 7 regional collection days in surrounding towns)

City of Norwalk 269 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 014042 5262 OTHER MACHINERY-EQUIP $2,905 $3,015 $3,500$6,500 $6,500 $3,000 Cost of new scale readout and scale maintenance. 014042 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $2,690,431 $2,750,036 $2,855,000$2,898,750 $2,898,750 $43,750 Tranfer Station operation contract- $819,500.04 23,000 Tons of solid waste at $89/ton= $2,047,000 Tire disposal- $4,750 Battery Diposal- $4,500 Oil/Antifreeze disposal- $4,500 (price inc.) Propane tank disposal-$ 1,500 CFC disposal- $2,000 Freon disposal- $15,000 014042 5299 DISPOSAL SERVICES $350,741 $352,476 $350,000$375,000 $375,000 $25,000 Contract disposal of yardwaste Contract disposal of street sweepings and catch basin debris 014042 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $0 $0 $0

014042 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

014042 5741 IT HARDWARE $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $3,300,545 $3,345,983 $3,496,715 $3,584,567 $3,584,567 $87,852

OPERATIONS-RECYCLING 014043 5237 ADVERTISING $0 $472 $0$0 $0 $0

014043 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $1,018,465 $1,049,018 $1,080,489$1,112,903 $1,112,903 $32,414 Curbside recycling collection contract

Division Total $1,018,465 $1,049,490 $1,080,489 $1,112,903 $1,112,903 $32,414

CENTRALIZED FLEET MAINTENANCE 014045 5461 CENTRALIZED FUEL $250,843 $185,670 $116,668$136,261 $136,261 $19,593 Finance provided 014045 5462 CENTRALIZED FLEET MAINTENANCE $784,385 $434,230 $831,127$850,828 $850,828 $19,701 Request includes replacement of emissions catalyst due to federal emissions guidelines Division Total $1,035,228 $619,900 $947,795 $987,089 $987,089 $39,294


Division Total $0 $0 $0


Division Total $0 $0 $0

ENGINEERING-FACILITIES-ADMIN 014071 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $55,019 $54,809 $54,809$58,461 $58,461 $3,652

014071 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $2,033 $2,257 $300$320 $320 $20 Custodian O.T. for Set-ups, Call in Time and Half =$42.00 per hour 014071 5150 LONGEVITY $525 $525 $550$560 $560 $10

014071 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $3 $28 $52$52 $52 $0 Outgoing mail to contractors and consultants

City of Norwalk 270 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

014071 5216 OTHER COMMUNICATION&TRAN $0 $0 $0

014071 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $419 $153 $400$400 $400 $0 Outside printing services, Blue Print Copying 014071 5245 TELEPHONE $2,005 $1,898 $1,275$2,000 $2,000 $725 Expense for (3) Office Phones and Fax Machines 014071 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $414,751 $425,120 $437,874$534,829 $534,829 $96,955 negotiated rates w/Guardian 014071 5266 BUILDINGS $25,858 $27,551 $31,519$385,320 $385,320 $353,801 Overtime allowance for mechanical maintenance $33,520 South Norwalk Community Center $351,800 014071 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $8,062 $9,195 $9,548$9,548 $9,548 $0 Repair or replacement of aged pumps, motors and heating and air conditioning repairs. 014071 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $25,003 $24,757 $24,995$24,995 $24,995 $0 Grainger General Maintenance Supplies $18,995 Home Depot Supplies $5,000 McMaster Carr Supplies $1,000 014071 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $1,507 $1,188 $1,440$1,440 $1,440 $0 Copier Rental - 95 x 12 = 1,140 Copies - 25 x 12 = 300 014071 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $79 $0 $0

014071 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $9,452 $9,452 $9,452$9,452 $9,452 $0 Fan coil, Air Filters for HVAC $1,652 Light Bulbs, Recycling $800 Environmental-Air Quality Testing, Minor Asbestos Removal $7,000 Lead and Water Testing 014071 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $577 $751 $800$800 $800 $0 Pens, pencils & misc. office supplies $800 014071 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $34,036 $34,077 $34,036$34,036 $34,036 $0 Janitorial cleaning & sanitary supplies 014071 5334 PAINTING SUPPLIES $1,194 $1,379 $1,455$1,455 $1,455 $0 Building standard paints, waterproof paints, boiler room paints and non skid paint. Rollers brushes, etc. 014071 5335 PLUMBING SUPPLIES $1,933 $1,704 $1,940$1,940 $1,940 $0 Replacement of Valves $440 Backflow prevention $396 Faucets and Washers $220 Replacement of Flushometers $884 014071 5336 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES $1,689 $1,829 $1,700 $1,700 $1,700 $0 Light Fixtures and ballast replacement $960 Fluorescent bulb stock $440 New electrical wall outlets and circuits $300 014071 5561 BUILDINGS/RENOVATIONS $72,523 $39,579 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $0 $35,000 for Emergency and unplanned repairs to buildings and code compliance construction 014071 5741 IT HARDWARE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $656,667 $636,254 $647,145 $1,102,308 $1,102,308 $455,163

City of Norwalk 271 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

ENGINEERING-FACILITIES-N ELY 014072 5241 ELECTRIC $64,947 $58,168 $52,157$52,352 $52,352 $195

014072 5242 WATER $5,266 $5,188 $7,038$5,317 $5,317($1,721 )

014072 5244 GAS $35,243 $46,520 $47,998$47,682 $47,682($316 )

014072 5245 TELEPHONE $37 $1,784 $0$2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Alarm monitoring lines as well as elevator emergency phone line. 014072 5246 HEATING FUELS $0 $0 $0

014072 5266 BUILDINGS $27,721 $28,414 $29,266$30,291 $30,291 $1,025

014072 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $9,554 $9,173 $10,050$10,050 $10,050 $0 Belts $220 Chimney Cleaning $300 Boiler Cleaning & Tuning $2,190 Boiler Water Treatment $2,320 Annual State Boiler Inspection $200 Hot Water Heater Inspection $900 Boiler Discharge Testing $750 Inspect & Repair Leaks in Steam Pipe System $800 Clean Drains and Traps $1,340 Infrared Scanning of all Electrical Equip. $530 Back Flow Inspection & Repairs $500 014072 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $161 $1,101 $1,600$1,600 $1,600 $0 Air Quality Testing $400 Light Bulb Disposal $200 Window Repairs $1,000 014072 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $19,931 $19,826 $24,854$24,472 $24,472($382 )

014072 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $410$410 $410 $0 Air Filter Replacement 2 times per year $410

Division Total $162,862 $170,173 $173,373 $174,174 $174,174 $801

ENGINEERING-FACILITIES-ROSEVLT 014073 5241 ELECTRIC $35,804 $51,522 $39,763$46,370 $46,370 $6,607

014073 5242 WATER $1,993 $2,505 $3,452$2,568 $2,568($884 )

014073 5244 GAS $0 $0 $0

014073 5245 TELEPHONE $1,170 $1,355 $1,827 $1,400 $1,400 ($427) Boiler Room Alarm and Fire Alarm Monitoring lines 014073 5246 HEATING FUELS $21,632 $13,474 $33,246 $19,980 $19,980 ($13,266)

014073 5266 BUILDINGS $37,528 $38,466 $39,620 $41,007 $41,007 $1,387

014073 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $11,011 $7,273 $11,402 $9,495 $9,495 ($1,907) Boiler Cleaning & Tuning $1,980 Back Flow Inspection & Repairs $205 Mitsubishi Air Conditioning Units Repairs & Maintenance $2,425 Belts & Filter Replacements $850 Clean Roof Top Drains(4 times/yr.) $440 Boiler Water Treatment $2,320 Annual State Boiler Inspection $200 Infrared Scanning of all Electrical Equip. $525 Fuel Tank Testing 2 X's Per Year $550 014073 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $5,922 $6,514 $6,230 $6,230 $6,230 $0

City of Norwalk 272 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Septic Tank Cleaning 3 Tanks Totaling 15,500 gallons $6,230 014073 5296 SECURITY SYSTEMS $875 $718 $900$900 $900 $0 Alarm Monitoring $900 014073 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $80 $0 $800$800 $800 $0 Fire Extinguisher and Emergency Exit Light Annual Service $800 014073 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

Division Total $116,015 $121,827 $137,240 $128,750 $128,750 ($8,490)

ENGINEERING-FACILITIES-FRANKLN 014074 5241 ELECTRIC $53,391 $46,661 $44,377$41,995 $41,995($2,382 )

014074 5242 WATER $4,534 $3,413 $3,684$3,500 $3,500($184 ) City portion of annual water usage 014074 5244 GAS $18,319 $24,301 $23,014 $24,910 $24,910 $1,896

014074 5245 TELEPHONE $0 $806 $0 $1,650 $1,650 $1,650 Alarm monitoring lines as well as elevator emergency phone line 014074 5266 BUILDINGS $42,902 $43,974 $45,294 $46,880 $46,880 $1,586

014074 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $23,345 $9,715 $18,936 $18,936 $18,936 $0 Annual Chiller Start Up $1,800 Plumbing $3,000 Electrical $1,000 HVAC Automation & Controls $2,000 Boiler Cleaning and Burner Tuning $1,980 Boiler Water Treatment $2,320 State Boiler Inspection $300 Fan Coil Units Contract $3,836 Infrared Scanning of all Electrical Equipment $525 Belts, Filters, Motor & Pump Replacements $2,175 014074 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $25,281 $25,726 $19,240 $16,880 $16,880 ($2,360) Elevator Services $1,600 Pest Control $1,000 Roof Repairs $1,500 Gym Floor Maintenace $800 Bathroom & Corridor Repairs $680 Burglar Alarm Monitoring $1,000 Life Safety Repairs $2,000 Kitchen Hood Annual Inspection $850 Fire Extinguisher Annual Service $950 Snow Removal $1,000 Landscaping $3,000 Trash Removal $2,500 014074 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $600 $600 $600 $0 Lightbulbs for Gym Area $300 Air Filter Replacement 2 times per year $300 Division Total $167,773 $154,596 $155,145 $155,351 $155,351 $206

ENGINEERING-FACILITIES-C/HALL 014075 5241 ELECTRIC $237,142 $239,601 $228,048$215,640 $215,640($12,408 )

014075 5242 WATER $6,070 $6,807 $6,803$6,803 $6,803 $0

014075 5244 GAS $40,876 $42,427 $63,477$43,490 $43,490($19,987 ) Increase based on historical expenditures 014075 5245 TELEPHONE $0 $0 $0

City of Norwalk 273 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

014075 5246 HEATING FUELS $212 $41 $3,876 $3,876 $3,876 $0 Diesel for Emergency Generators $5,075 014075 5265 GROUNDS&OUTDOOR COURTS $0 $0 $0

014075 5266 BUILDINGS $459,860 $367,361 $378,976 $392,243 $392,243 $13,267 Guardian $379,896 014075 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $16,728 $19,765 $20,176 $22,248 $22,248 $2,072 Air Conditioning Chiller Service Agreement $3,400 Calibrate HVAC Controls $2,500 Chiller Refrigerant Monitoring System Inspection $920 Emergency Generator Contract $3,100 Boiler Water Treatment $4,743 Sand filter Maintenance $2,500 Back Flow Inspection & Repairs $230 Cooling Tower Gasket, Inspection & Repairs $1,355 Infrared Scanning of all Electrical Equipment $900 Parking Lot Light Inspection/ Repairs $1,500 Diesel Tank Testing 2 X's per Year $1,100 014075 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $23,119 $22,649 $20,175 $20,175 $20,175 $0 Keys & Lock Repairs $1,000 Exterminating $1,610 Community Room Repairs $450 Window & Glass Door Replacement $4,000 Roof Maintenance & Repairs $7,500 Annual Fire Extinguisher Service $350 Door Closer Replacements $2,765 Office/ Corridor Signage Replacement $2,500 014075 5296 SECURITY SYSTEMS $13,540 $107,169 $119,644 $119,644 $119,644 $0 Burglary & Fire Alarm $10,282 Annual fire alarm/sprinkler inspection $1,500 System repair & improvements $2,000 Security Guard Contract $86,502 Security guard overtime $19,360 014075 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $22,621 $22,761 $22,786 $22,786 $22,786 $0 Elevator Contract $5,665 Trash removal, recycling $4,880 Window washing (1 time) $5,211 HVAC automation controls repair & maintenance $7,030 014075 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

Division Total $820,168 $828,581 $863,961 $846,905 $846,905 ($17,056)

ENGINEERING-FACILITIES-FILLOW 014076 5265 GROUNDS&OUTDOOR COURTS $0 $0 $1,500$1,500 $1,500 $0 Spring, Summer and Fall cleanup of grounds at 127 Fillow Street 014076 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $0 $0 $2,500$2,500 $2,500 $0 Miscellaneous repairs and maintenance at 127 Fillow Street. 014076 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $0 $300 $800$800 $800 $0 Snow plowing for 127 Fillow Street.

Division Total $0 $300 $4,800 $4,800 $4,800 $0

ENGINEERING-FACILITIES-CONCERT 014077 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $1,124 $0 $750$800 $800 $50 Wages O.T. City Custodian-Event Cleanup

City of Norwalk 274 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 014077 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $2,459 $2,136 $2,500$2,500 $2,500 $0 Toilet and Piping repairs $750 Air Handler Motor & Control Repair $1,000 Circuit Repairs $525 Other Misc. Repairs $225 014077 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $4,000 $0 $4,000$4,000 $4,000 $0 Door, Wall & Window Repairs $1,100 Painting $1,575 Light Bulb Replacement $1,325 Division Total $7,583 $2,136 $7,250 $7,300 $7,300 $50

FACILITIES-LOCKWOOD HOUSE 014078 5241 ELECTRIC $13,113 $10,971 $7,914$9,874 $9,874 $1,960

014078 5242 WATER $139 $304 $688$600 $600($88 )

014078 5244 GAS $2,396 $2,914 $3,532$3,000 $3,000($532 )

014078 5245 TELEPHONE $1,985 $2,078 $2,000$2,000 $2,000 $0 Increase to reflect actual rates and usage. 014078 5266 BUILDINGS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

014078 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $3,157 $6,420 $3,525$4,325 $4,325 $800 Quarterly Water Treatment $4,325 014078 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $2,448 $2,500 $2,500$2,500 $2,500 $0 Pest Control $600 Gutter Cleaning $400 Replacement of deteriorated wood, painting & maintenance $1,200 Fire extinguisher test and service $300 014078 5296 SECURITY SYSTEMS $604 $604 $900$905 $905 $5 Annual burglar alarm monitoring, test and inspect $605 Fire Alarm Monitoring @ $25 per month $300 014078 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $150 $66 $150$150 $150 $0 Air filter cleaning or replacement $150 014078 5394 OTHER MATERIALS $67 $100 $100$100 $100 $0 Other maintenance supplies $100

Division Total $24,060 $25,958 $21,309 $23,454 $23,454 $2,145

ENGINEERING-FACILITIES-DPW CTR 014079 5241 ELECTRIC $73,971 $79,103 $74,467$71,193 $71,193($3,274 )

014079 5242 WATER $4,742 $6,367 $6,551$6,527 $6,527($24 )

014079 5246 HEATING FUELS $50,352 $29,085 $59,902$29,800 $29,800($30,102 )

014079 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $0 $0

014079 5266 BUILDINGS $91,368 $93,652 $96,462$99,839 $99,839 $3,377

014079 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $12,048 $9,965 $9,100$10,600 $10,600 $1,500

City of Norwalk 275 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Boiler cleaning and tuning $2,050 Annual Chiller Startup $1,500 General HVAC repairs $2,615 Misc plumbing supplies $550 Boiler Water Treatment $2,320 Backflow prevention tests $215 Infared Scanning of all Electrical Equip $525 Fuel Tank testing $825 014079 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $14,289 $15,349 $13,545$13,965 $13,965 $420 Life Safety Repairs & Maintenance $750 Fire System Monitoring & Inspection $5,000 Annual Fire Extinguisher Service $750 Annual Chairlift Maintenance Contract $660 Generator Maintenance $500 Overhead Garage Door Maintenance $6,305 014079 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $2,772 $2,859 $5,820$5,820 $5,820 $0 Based on Historical Expenditures

Division Total $249,542 $236,381 $265,847 $237,744 $237,744 ($28,103)

CUSTOMER SVC CTR 014080 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $187,287 $160,821 $178,164$195,218 $195,218 $17,054

014080 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $29 $310 $0$0 $0 $0

014080 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $0

014080 5150 LONGEVITY $1,595 $705 $715$725 $725 $10

014080 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

014080 5255 IT SERVICES $0 $0 $0

014080 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $0 $0 $0

014080 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $17,641 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $206,552 $161,836 $178,879 $195,943 $195,943 $17,064


Division Total $0 $0 $0

Department Total $17,797,872 $16,389,087 $17,532,370 $18,665,018 $18,665,018 $1,132,648

City of Norwalk 276 Department Summary - BOARD OF EDUCATION


Public Schools Special Non-Public Education Education

Description of Service/Mission Statements: At Norwalk Public Schools, our mission is to create a student-focused culture that motivates, challenges and supports each individual student to his or her highest levels of achievement. Over 1,000 dedicated professionals work closely with more than 11,000 students in 20 schools.

The Norwalk Public Schools district is made up of 12 elementary schools, four middle schools, two high schools, one alternative high school program and one inclusive pre-school program. Norwalk offers two magnet schools at the elementary level, Columbus Magnet School and Jefferson Science Magnet School, which was named a 2014 National Blue Ribbon School for its work in closing the achievement gap. Norwalk also offers the Mano-a-Mano magnet program at Silverrmine Elementary School, a dual language immersion program that evolve into a full magnet school. Norwalk is also home to the Center for Global Studies, an inter-district high school magnet program housed at Brien McMahon High School, as well as Norwalk Early College Academy, the State’s first early college, P-TECH model program in partnership with IBM, Norwalk Community College and the State of Connecticut. In September, 2016, the state-of-the art- Norwalk Early Childhood Center opened its doors to serve preschool families of both typical and special needs children.

Our district’s rich diversity is a key part of our strength. Norwalk students come from a variety of backgrounds, with more than 38% of students speaking a second language at home. The Norwalk Public School system delivers a learning experience that is rich in cultural diversity, as well as one that is reflective of the global society in which our graduates will work and live. Our vision is that Norwalk public Schools will be the most successful city school system in Connecticut. Norwalk Public Schools provides comprehensive special education and bilingual education programs, full day Kindergarten, and expanded Pre-K opportunities. Before and after-school programs are available throughout the city for both elementary and secondary students. Students can also take advantage of a full array of interscholastic athletics and extra-curricular activities that cover a full range of interests, from computers to chess to community service. Programs like the Center for Youth Leadership, and the Norwalk High School and Brien McMahon Marching Bands, have received national recognition.

City of Norwalk 277 Department Summary - BOARD OF EDUCATION Highlights For 2017- 2018: 2016-17 Highlights Norwalk Public Schools has a lot to celebrate! Thanks to the hard work of our teachers, staff, and administrators, and with the support of NPS families and the Norwalk community, 2016-17 was a year of great progress. We’re happy to report that implementation of the district’s three-year Strategic Operating Plan is on schedule, with more than one-third of the priorities either completed or in progress. Below are just some of the highlights from the 2016-17 school year:

Raising the Bar To improve the achievement of all students, ensuring students graduate and are college and career ready, Norwalk Public Schools: • Completed the rollout of the CK3LI elementary literacy initiative across, increasing the percentage of students reading on grade level and earning recognition in as the gold standard across Connecticut. • Launched Phase 1 of middle school redesign, with the implementation of block scheduling for increased instructional time, and structural supports for students who need it in math and reading. Results to date have proven that our lowest performing students are making progress with these supports. • Launched the Teach-to-One Math program at Middle School, becoming a national model for best implementation. Teach-to-One will roll out to all grades at Nathan Hale next year. • Piloted an “Encore” program at Roton Middle School that will deliver exploratory, hands-on experiences as an extension of the curriculum. • Established the “Edgenuity” blended learning classroom at Norwalk Pathways Academy, providing a path to graduation for over-age, under-credited students. • Developed and implemented a rigorous new reading/English Language Arts (ELA) and math curriculums in grades K-12. • Evolved the traditional science fair into a highly successful “STEM Expo.”

Closing the Gap To increase the achievement of Norwalk’s high needs students and reduce achievement gaps, NPS: • Implemented new math and reading supports at the elementary level, making huge strides in the assistance provided to students who need additional help to reach grade level. • Added more support (Read 180, Math 180, Systems 44) for middle school students who need it, resulting in unprecedented gains that have been recognized nationally. • After seeing the achievements from last summer, continued the expansion of school-based summer learning, with grade 4 to be added for summer 2017. • Created programs to better serve our special needs students right here in Norwalk, with creation of an autism classroom at Wolfpit and a therapeutic program at Norwalk High. • Developed systems and a manual on assistive technology to ensure accommodation for students with a “504 Plan.” • Revamped the Extended School Year summer program for special needs students, working with parent input. • Advanced plans to establish an in-district dyslexia clinic within Norwalk, which will give NPS the ability to diagnose and treat dyslexia.

Increasing Choice To create educationally robust choices for parents and students, this year Norwalk Public Schools: • Took the first step towards creating several K-8 options for families, with the addition of a Grade 6 classroom to Columbus Magnet School next year, and with the development of educational specifications for a K-8 campus at Ponus Ridge. • Began the transition of Silvermine Elementary into a full dual-language magnet school. • Expanded Norwalk Early College Academy (NECA) with additional grade levels. The program is on track to graduate its first class next year. Some 2018 graduates will earn both a high school diploma and a college degree at the same time. • Earned official authorization designating Brien McMahon as an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, Diploma Program, following years of preparation. Many students with IB diplomas enter college with credits already earned. • Expanded a Health Sciences Academy at Brien McMahon, in partnership with Norwalk Community College and Norwalk Hospital. • Initiated a New Media pathway at Norwalk High School in conjunction with Connecticut Public Television. • Began work on an updated music curriculum, designed to continue Norwalk’s statewide leadership in the participation of our students in the arts.

City of Norwalk 278 Department Summary - BOARD OF EDUCATION

Developing Teachers & Leaders To develop teaches and leaders so that positions can be filled from within, Norwalk Public Schools: • Reorganized Human Resources into a modern talent management function, revamping recruitment, bringing more services online, and providing more support for training and development. • Expanded the district’s leadership development programs, ensuring a pool of qualified internal candidates through residency programs, fellowships for aspiring principals and a program for emerging leaders. • Implemented a new onboarding protocol for new employees. • Developed a year-long induction program for new teachers. • Launched the first annual “Excellence in Education” awards in partnership with the Norwalk Education Foundation and Norwalk Federation of Teachers, honoring NPS educators who are making a difference.

Safe and Attractive Schools To ensure safe and attractive schools that support learning and provide a nurturing environment, NPS: • Opened the state-of-the art Norwalk Early Childhood Center, providing a high quality program that serves both special needs and typical children. • Finalized a comprehensive school building program, which was recommended by the Board of Education and approved by the City of Norwalk. This historic investment includes a new school in South Norwalk, a full renovation of the current Columbus building on Concord Street, and a new K-8 campus at Ponus Ridge. The plan includes priority repairs and maintenance projects for every school. • Approved a comprehensive new district Wellness Policy. • Conducted a foodservice review, the first step in working to improve lunch options and the food service system across all schools.

External Partnerships & Operating Systems To provide the partnerships and operating systems necessary to cost-effectively support strategic priorities, this year NPS: • Established School Governance Councils at all schools, giving more autonomy to schools for their own operations • Implemented Phase II of Student-Based Budgeting to address high school funding and intra-district magnet school support issues. • Continued to evolve use of major grants to better support high priority instructional purposes. • Launched a newsletter for families to provide timely information to parents about districtwide news, initiatives and accomplishments. • Implemented a new Residency Policy to identify and resolve questions about students who may not eligible to attend Norwalk schools.

City of Norwalk 279 Department Summary - BOARD OF EDUCATION

The Board of Education's recommended FY 2018-19 budget is a base recommendation equal to the current year appropriation. The city's Common Council can add to this base recommendation by increasing its cap over the Finance Director's recommendation. An increased cap will create an opportunity for the Board of Estimate and Taxation to increase the Board of Education's appropriation over the Finance Director's base recommendation for the upcoming FY 2018-19. The current 2017-18 fiscal year's appropriation was the largest year over year percentage increase in nine years for the Board of Education’s operating budget and represents the city’s investment in the improvement of its Board of Education’s delivery of educational services.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change

Education $171,871,105 $175,039,865 $184,084,348 $194,015,575 $184,084,348 $0 0.00 %

Total $171,871,105 $175,039,865 $184,084,348 $194,015,575 $184,084,348 $0 0.00%

Budget By Major Group

$108,628,874 $111,677,631 $116,642,702 $125,666,995 $0 0.00 % Personnel Services $116,642,702 $30,169,313 $28,717,319 $29,683,806 $30,520,348 $0 0.00 % Fixed Charges $29,683,806 $26,104,440 $27,178,310 $29,492,648 $28,697,690 $29,492,648 $0 0.00 % Contractual Services Supplies $6,014,688 $5,803,843 $6,819,735 $7,484,976 $6,819,735 $0 0.00 % and Materials Capital Outlay $842,296 $984,984 $1,247,263 $1,438,210 $0 0.00 % Grants & Donations $1,247,263 $111,493 $137,241 $198,194 $207,356 $207,356 $0 0.00 % Total $171,871,105 $175,039,865 $184,084,348 $194,015,575 $184,084,348 $0 0.00% NON-TAX REVENUE

Intergovernmental $10,427,576 $10,124,108 $10,095,656 $10,095,656 $10,095,656 $0 0.00 % Service Charges $0 $12,363 $12,487 $12,487 $12,487 $0 0.00 % Total $10,427,576 $10,136,471 $10,108,143 $10,108,143 $10,108,143 $0 0.00 %

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $161,443,529 $164,903,394 $173,976,205 $183,907,432 $173,976,205 $0 0.00%

City of Norwalk 280 Department Summary - BOARD OF EDUCATION


2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 VARIANCE OBJ DESCRIPTION ACTUAL APPROVED REQUESTED RECOMMENDED 18-19/17-18 ======EDUCATION OBJECT CODES 100 DEGREE LEVEL CHANGES $ - $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ - 101 LONG TERM SUBSTITUTES $ 859,583 $ 410,000 $ 410,000 $ 410,000 $ - 102 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT $ 16,673 $ 73,337 $ 87,437 $ 73,337 $ - 111 SUPERINTENDENT $ 243,667 $ 240,875 $ 269,123 $ 240,875 $ - 112 CENTRAL ADMIN SUP TEAM $ 1,131,698 $ 1,175,080 $ 1,251,428 $ 1,175,080 $ - 113 PRINCIPALS $ 5,600,221 $ 5,512,099 $ 5,995,696 $ 5,512,099 $ - 114 SUPERVISORS $ 624,287 $ 704,955 $ 1,088,048 $ 704,955 $ - 115 ASSISTANT SUPERVISORS $ 743,640 $ 693,046 $ 622,830 $ 693,046 $ - 117 TEACHERS (NON-RATIO) $ 70,020,060 $ 74,722,685 $ 77,701,585 $ 74,722,685 $ - 118 SUBSTITUTES $ 1,269,812 $ 818,880 $ 818,880 $ 818,880 $ - 119 OTHER CERTIFIED $ 7,859,672 $ 7,961,760 $ 9,141,750 $ 7,961,760 $ - 121 SECRETARY $ 2,667,333 $ 2,750,048 $ 2,940,964 $ 2,750,048 $ - 122 AIDE $ 7,644,800 $ 9,057,445 $ 8,812,485 $ 9,057,445 $ - 123 CLERKS $ 1,528,015 $ 1,588,545 $ 1,396,371 $ 1,588,545 $ - 124 CUSTODIANS $ 3,546,014 $ 3,725,628 $ 3,879,106 $ 3,725,628 $ - 125 MAINTENANCE $ 473,991 $ 521,688 $ 529,518 $ 521,688 $ - 126 NON-AFFILIATED $ 2,569,755 $ 2,791,429 $ 3,418,818 $ 2,791,429 $ - 127 OTHER NON-CERTIFIED $ 238,924 $ 886,995 $ 888,764 $ 886,995 $ - 128 SUBSTITUTES (NON-CERTIFIED) $ 370,703 $ 275,000 $ 275,000 $ 275,000 $ - 130 OVERTIME SALARIES $ 467,754 $ 461,805 $ 483,390 $ 461,805 $ - 131 CERTIFIED OVERTIME $ 28,175 $ 31,000 $ 31,000 $ 31,000 $ - 133 SALARIES-WORKSHOPS $ 29,656 $ 54,814 $ 119,714 $ 54,814 $ - 134 SALARIES-EXTRA $ 746,884 $ 714,034 $ 723,034 $ 714,034 $ - 135 SECURITY $ 102,111 $ 98,500 $ - $ 98,500 $ - 137 CERTIFIED HOURLY $ 754,422 $ 724,830 $ 897,772 $ 724,830 $ - 138 NON-CERTIFIED HOURLY $ 22,271 $ 17,500 $ 30,000 $ 17,500 $ - 139 EXTRA - CURRICULAR $ 157,176 $ 119,300 $ 518,194 $ 119,300 $ - 143 NURSES $ 1,388,972 $ 1,445,108 $ 1,540,009 $ 1,445,108 $ - 145 PHYSICAL THERAPIST $ 37,099 $ 44,936 $ 137,446 $ 44,936 $ - 150 COMMON CORE IMPLEMENTATION $ 74,502 $ (1,078,620) $ 1,558,633 $ (1,078,620) $ - 212 FRINGE BENEFITS $ 23,438,488 $ 24,060,796 $ 24,863,657 $ 24,060,796 $ - 230 RETIREMENT BENEFITS $ 1,398,606 $ 1,814,671 $ 1,860,671 $ 1,814,671 $ - 235 LONGEVITY $ 287,147 $ 293,525 $ 274,215 $ 293,525 $ - 240 SOCIAL SECURITY $ 3,424,554 $ 3,384,814 $ 3,391,805 $ 3,384,814 $ - 250 UNEMPLOYMENT $ 168,524 $ 125,000 $ 125,000 $ 125,000 $ - 300 PURCHASED PROF AND TECH $ 151,720 $ 245,599 $ 246,809 $ 245,599 $ - 301 ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS $ 65,083 $ 60,810 $ 65,560 $ 60,810 $ - 311 RECRUITMENT $ 6,308 $ 119,500 $ 119,500 $ 119,500 $ - 312 IN SERVICE $ 3,342 $ 850 $ - $ 850 $ - 322 INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM IMP. $ 500 $ 90,000 $ 900 $ 90,000 $ - 323 PUPIL SERV-NON-PAYROLL $ - $ - $ 90,000 $ - $ - 324 FIELD TRIPS $ 50,471 $ 2,635 $ 5,035 $ 2,635 $ - 329 MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT CREDIT $ (606,906) $ (600,000) $ (600,000) $ (600,000) $ - 330 OTHER PROF TECH $ 8,194,651 $ 7,032,735 $ 6,826,312 $ 7,032,735 $ - 331 SPECIAL ED LEGAL FEES $ 759,968 $ 483,000 $ 588,000 $ 483,000 $ - 400 PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVI $ 4,154 $ 4,000 $ 2,585,271 $ 4,000 $ - 410 UTILITY SERV $ 211,884 $ 210,680 $ 221,214 $ 210,680 $ - 412 BOILER REPAIRS $ 156,461 $ 175,000 $ 180,000 $ 175,000 $ - 414 BURNER SERVICE $ - $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ - 415 OTHER REPAIRS $ 7,184 $ 11,000 $ 11,000 $ 11,000 $ - 416 PNEUMATIC CONTROLS $ 16,474 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ - 417 CLOCKS & INTERCOMS $ 5,230 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ - 420 CLEANING SERVICES $ 18,308 $ 27,810 $ 27,810 $ 27,810 $ - 421 DISPOSAL SERVICES $ 118,880 $ 126,000 $ 130,000 $ 126,000 $ -

City of Norwalk City of Norwalk 281 Department Summary - BOARD OF EDUCATION


425 GLASS $ 13,823 $ 10,565 $ 11,093 $ 10,565 $ - 430 REPAIRS AND MAINT SERV $ 1,113,264 $ 1,333,082 $ 1,596,032 $ 1,333,082 $ - 431 ELEVATOR SERVICE $ 46,654 $ 45,000 $ 47,250 $ 45,000 $ - 432 ELECTRIC SERVICE $ 1,752 $ 20,500 $ 20,500 $ 20,500 $ - 433 ELECTRIC MOTORS $ 28,440 $ 15,500 $ 16,275 $ 15,500 $ - 434 FOLDING PARTITIONS $ 11,840 $ 10,300 $ 10,609 $ 10,300 $ - 440 RENTALS $ 49,151 $ 45,000 $ 48,595 $ 45,000 $ - 441 RENTAL OF LAND AND $ 24,000 $ 29,000 $ 29,000 $ 29,000 $ - 450 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES $ 173,521 $ 125,000 $ 125,000 $ 125,000 $ - 490 SECURITY SERVICES $ 19,811 $ 50,000 $ 30,000 $ 50,000 $ - 492 LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS $ 93,599 $ 105,525 $ 110,801 $ 105,525 $ - 494 PURCHASED SERVICE SWIMMING POOL $ 4,100 $ - $ - $ - $ - 500 OTHER PURCHASED $ 2,024,426 $ 2,997,707 $ 400,000 $ 2,997,707 $ - 510 STUDENT TRANS SERV $ 8,537,958 $ 7,748,644 $ 8,168,968 $ 7,748,644 $ - 511 STUDENT TRANS $ 272,738 $ 357,121 $ 288,354 $ 357,121 $ - 514 STUDENT TRANS REIMBURSEMENT $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 519 STUDENT TRANS IND ARTS $ 30,820 $ 22,150 $ 25,580 $ 22,150 $ - 521 LIABILITY INS (GEN) $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - 529 INTER ACTI INSUR PREM $ 127,937 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ - 530 COMMUNICATIONS $ 260,690 $ 271,200 $ 301,200 $ 271,200 $ - 540 ADVERTISING $ 8,145 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ - 562 TUIT TO OTHER LEA'S $ 1,692,788 $ 2,400,000 $ 1,874,077 $ 2,400,000 $ - 563 TUITION+STATE AGNCY $ 8,932,925 $ 8,580,000 $ 8,634,798 $ 8,580,000 $ - 564 OUT OF DIST. TUITION-EXCESS COST $ (4,729,867) $ (3,150,000) $ (4,100,000) $ (3,150,000) $ - 565 REGULAR ED. TUITION OTHER LEA'S $ 114,945 $ 124,000 $ 124,000 $ 124,000 $ - 566 REGULAR ED. OUT OF DIST. TUITION $ 30,120 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $ - 580 TRAVEL $ 128,838 $ 122,410 $ 197,322 $ 122,410 $ - 590 MISCELL PURCH SERV $ 2,480 $ 29,325 $ 29,825 $ 29,325 $ - 600 SUPPLIES $ 100,098 $ 289,430 $ 312,005 $ 289,430 $ - 610 GENERAL SUPPLIES $ 339,216 $ 366,090 $ 443,750 $ 366,090 $ - 611 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES $ 685,386 $ 823,735 $ 861,904 $ 823,735 $ - 612 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPLIES $ 1,567 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ - 613 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES $ 177,143 $ 175,000 $ 200,000 $ 175,000 $ - 614 POSTAGE $ 84,393 $ 111,500 $ 115,721 $ 111,500 $ - 616 TESTING $ 5,519 $ 58,000 $ 53,000 $ 58,000 $ - 622 ELECTRICITY $ 2,590,172 $ 2,558,906 $ 2,375,000 $ 2,558,906 $ - 623 PROPANE GAS $ 5,916 $ 9,000 $ 9,450 $ 9,000 $ - 624 OIL $ 431,966 $ 600,000 $ 660,000 $ 600,000 $ - 625 NATURAL GAS $ 647,359 $ 768,500 $ 847,000 $ 768,500 $ - 626 GASOLINE $ 193,206 $ 191,234 $ 167,442 $ 191,234 $ - 641 TEXTBOOKS $ 146,051 $ 288,480 $ 705,897 $ 288,480 $ - 642 LIBRARY BOOKS AND $ 8,101 $ 11,000 $ 11,000 $ 11,000 $ - 643 AUDIOVISUAL $ 34,781 $ 47,423 $ 47,423 $ 47,423 $ - 644 CONSUMABLES/WORKBOOKS $ 94,433 $ 205,039 $ 231,317 $ 205,039 $ - 645 TEXTBOOKS (SOFT COVER) $ 105,105 $ 26,899 $ 37,249 $ 26,899 $ - 646 BOOK BINDING $ 173 $ 4,400 $ 4,400 $ 4,400 $ - 689 RETENTION & ENGAGEMENT $ 1,948 $ 3,000 $ 17,500 $ 3,000 $ - 690 OTHER SUPPLIES AND MAT. $ 124,122 $ 248,199 $ 351,018 $ 248,199 $ - 692 GRADUATION EXPENSES $ 26,990 $ 31,000 $ 31,000 $ 31,000 $ - 693 ACCREDITATION $ 200 $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 $ - 730 INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT $ 199,338 $ 397,343 $ 549,543 $ 397,343 $ - 733 INSTRUCTIONAL SOFTWARE $ 374,184 $ 376,077 $ 473,781 $ 376,077 $ - 734 OTHER EQUIPMENT $ 9,935 $ - $ - $ - $ - 739 NON-INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT $ 26,166 $ 79,714 $ 79,886 $ 79,714 $ - 749 LEASE PAYMENTS $ 375,361 $ 394,129 $ 335,000 $ 394,129 $ - 810 DUES,FEES & MEMBERSHIPS $ 137,241 $ 198,194 $ 207,356 $ 198,194 $ - BOE TOTAL EXPENSES $ 175,039,865 $ 184,084,348 $ 194,015,575 $ 184,084,348 $ -

City of Norwalk 282 Department Summary - RECREATION & PARKS


Recreation & Parks Director

Administration Recreation Park Maintenance Building Maintenance

Administration Grounds/Facilities Parks Garage Social Programs Vehicles/Equipment Cranbury Park Cultural Programs Calf Pasture Beach Fodor Farm Sports Programs Veteran's Park Physical Fitness Shea Island Playgrounds Heritage/Matthew Park Special Events

Description of Service/Mission Statements: The Department of Recreation and Parks facilitates leisure experiences for the residents of Norwalk by operating and maintaining a system of parks (1,215 acres), open spaces and community facilities; preserving and protecting the city’s natural resources; promoting the arts in Norwalk and offering a wide variety of leisure opportunities that enhance physical, intellectual, social and cultural growth and development and ensuring they are accessible to all.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: • Installed new ADA showers and new interior plumbing at Veterans Park boaters bathrooms. • Installed new playground at Marvin Elementary School. • Continued renovation work at Fodor Caretaker House • Re-mulched playgrounds throughout the city. • Continued on schedule for re-occurring maintenance tasks, i.e. mowing, trimming, garbage pickup, field maintenance, field striping, leaf pickup and snow removal • Continued process of replacing tennis and basketball nets throughout the city as needed. • Continued our repair schedule to maintain our picnic tables and player benches throughout the City. • Installed new heaters at Veterans Park boaters bathroom. • Repaired various backstops throughout the City. • Continued process of maintaining city’s’ artificial turf fields, in house. • Installed new boiler system at Cranbury Mansion. • Staffed rental events at Cranbury Park, Bunkhouse, Beach and Fodor. • Installed new sidewalk at Fera park linking Butler Street with Mathews Park. • Began dock replacement project, Phase II at Veterans Park. • Painted the Fodor Farm homestead • • •

Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Purchase two new pickup trucks and tractor to continue to replace an aging fleet, therefore, decreasing fleet maintenance costs. • Hire a working foreman position in the parks department to aid in employee and department efficiency. • Continue our decrease of Workers Compensation claims through Cirma seminars and videos, and maintain our position as one of the lowest claim departments in the city. • Continue to properly maintain existing sports fields in order to decrease injury claims/chance of injury and future expensive renovation projects. • Continue to renovate playing fields to aid in proper drainage to save employee maintenance hours, and to increase the safety of users, and to lower the number of insurance claims and user complaints. • Continue a small equipment replacement program in order to decrease maintenance costs and to lessen the need of major bulk equipment replacement in the future. • Continue to establish and maintain realistic maintenance schedules to keep our parks and schools in a respectable and usable/safe condition. • Continue a standardized program for playground repair and maintenance to minimize injury and expensive future repairs and lawsuits. • Pursue the purchase of new and updated equipment to save man hours and to lessen repair costs of outdated equipment. • To increase facility rental use by 15% this season.

City of Norwalk 283 Department Summary - RECREATION & PARKS

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Recreation & Park's departmental recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net increase of $154,509 or 3.5% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget.

Personnel Expenses $165,994 due to contractual step increases and the settlement of union contracts. Funds for contract settlement were held in contingency in FY 2017-18 and were not included in departmental budgets. This increase breaks down as follows: $99,927 increase in Regular Wages $34,319 increase in Temporary Wages $ 31,518 increase in Overtime Wages $230 in Longevity Wages

Other net decreases $11,485


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Administration $831,275 $701,222 $630,085 $913,665 $663,665 $33,580 5.33 % Recreation $522,977 $491,340 $622,705 $662,224 $662,224 $39,519 %6.35 Park Maintenance $2,962,991 $2,982,690 $2,976,555 $3,138,897 $3,060,936 $84,381 2.83 % Building Maintenance $114,302 $137,024 $143,837 $140,866 $140,866 ($2,971) (2.07%) Grants $15,409 $15,352 $15,354 $15,354 $15,354 $0 %0.00

Total $4,446,954 $4,327,627 $4,388,536 $4,871,006 $4,543,045 $154,509 %3.52

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $2,800,078 $2,812,180 $2,707,815 $2,951,770 $2,873,809 $165,994 6.13 % Contractual Services $831,261 $784,456 $861,321 $1,129,330 $879,330 $18,009 2.09 % Supplies and Materials $286,515 $281,198 $298,510 $271,919 $271,919 ($26,591) (8.91%) Fixed Charges $452,296 $257,922 $387,372 $372,869 $372,869 ($14,503) (3.74%) Debt Service $74,971 $185,209 $105,000 $115,000 $115,000 $10,000 9.52 % Grants & Donations $0 $568 $11,368 $11,368 $11,368 $0 0.00 % Capital Outlay $1,833 $6,095 $17,150 $18,750 $18,750 $1,600 9.33 % Total $4,446,954 $4,327,627 $4,388,536 $4,871,006 $4,543,045 $154,509 %3.52

NON-TAX REVENUE Intergovernmental $6,055 $7,199 $6,055 $6,055 $6,055 $0 0.00 % Service Charges $972,990 $966,628 $1,458,353 $1,341,302 $1,341,302 ($117,051) (8.03%) Miscellaneous $233,732 $235,269 $239,582 $168,839 $168,839 ($70,743) (29.53%) Total $1,212,777 $1,209,096 $1,703,990 $1,516,196 $1,516,196 ($187,794) (11.02 %)

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $3,234,177 $3,118,532 $2,684,546 $3,354,810 $3,026,849 $342,303 %12.75

City of Norwalk 284 Department Summary - RECREATION & PARKS

Summary by Division - Recommended FY 2018-19

Building Maintenance Grants$140,866 $15,354

$663,665 Administration


Park Maintenance $3,060,936 $662,224

PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Administration Director of Recreation & Parks 11$134,210 1 $136,8941 $139,632 $139,6321 $139,632 0 $0 Administrative Support II 11$57,550 1 $57,5501 $57,550 $61,3841 $61,3840 $3,834 Secretary/Bookkeeper 11$63,453 1 $63,4531 $63,453 $67,6801 $67,6800 $4,227 Athletic Supervisor 11$73,463 1 $73,4631 $73,463 $78,3571 $78,3570 $4,894 Total 4 $328,676 4 $331,360 4 $334,098 4 $347,053 4 $347,0530 $12,955 Grounds/Facilities Superintendent of Park Maintenance 11$99,833 1 $99,8331 $99,833 $109,3581 $109,3580 $9,525 Carpenter 11$81,104 1 $81,1041 $81,104 $86,5081 $86,5080 $5,404 Carpenter Assistant 11$70,055 1 $70,0551 $70,055 $74,7221 $74,7220 $4,667 Maintenance Tradesworker 22$140,110 2 $140,1102 $140,110 $149,4072 $149,4070 $9,297 Park Maintainer III 22$133,434 2 $133,4342 $133,434 $142,3282 $142,3280 $8,894 Plumber/Pipefitter 11$77,237 1 $81,1041 $81,104 $86,5081 $86,5080 $5,404 Park Maintainer I 44$230,512 4 $230,5124 $230,512 $245,8684 $245,8680 $15,356 Park Maintainer II 77$415,916 7 $426,6487 $426,648 $455,0737 $455,0730 $28,425 Parks Supervisor 01$0 0 $0 0 $0 $77,961 0 $0 0 $0 Total 19 $1,248,201 19 $1,262,800 19 $1,262,800 20 $1,427,733 19 $1,349,7720 $86,972

Department Total 23 $1,576,877 23$1,594,160 23 $1,596,898 24 $1,774,786 23 $1,696,825 0 $99,927

City of Norwalk 285 Department Summary - RECREATION & PARKS

ADMINISTRATION DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The Administration division is responsible for all activities and operations of the Department of Recreation and Parks including all City sponsored recreational activities, parks and park maintenance. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $422,366 $451,884 $393,693 $426,652 $426,652 $32,959 %8.37 Contractual Services $238,075 $243,376 $230,392 $481,013 $231,013 $621 0.27 % Supplies and Materials $6,696 $5,963 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $0 %0.00 Fixed Charges $164,138 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $831,275 $701,222 $630,085 $913,665 $663,665 $33,580 5.33 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $831,275 $701,222 $630,085 $663,665 Employees 4 44 4 Outputs Administration # of contracts managed 25 27 17 15 # of grants received 2 12 1 # of revenue transactions 13,500 13,900 14,200 14,500 Total dollars collected 1,300,000 1,600,000 1,804,000 1,800,000 Total dollars of contracts managed 4,500,000 4,000,000 6,000 2,000,000 Customer Service/Outreach # of residents utilizing department programs65,000 68,000 71,000 75,000 Effectiveness Administration % of approved budget expended 99.7% 100% 100% 100% % of grants renewed 1 11 1 % of info. requests answered within a timely 100% 100% 100% 100% manner Customer Service/Outreach % of residents who participate in department 90% 90% 90.2% 90% activities due to advertisements/pamphlets % of residents who would rate services received 97.5% 98% 98.5% 99% as good/satisfied with services received

City of Norwalk 286 Department Summary - RECREATION & PARKS

RECREATION DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The Recreation Division provides a wide range of active and passive recreational programs for the citizens of Norwalk. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $321,303 $284,665 $375,602 $395,121 $395,121 $19,519 %5.20 Contractual Services $130,035 $144,237 $154,630 $174,630 $174,630 $20,000 %12.93 Supplies and Materials $43,958 $45,771 $49,105 $49,105 $49,105 $0 %0.00 Fixed Charges $27,681 $16,100 $32,000 $32,000 $32,000 $0 %0.00 Grants & Donations $0 $568 $11,368 $11,368 $11,368 $0 0.00 % Total $522,977 $491,340 $622,705 $662,224 $662,224 $39,519 6.35 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $522,977 $491,340 $622,705 $662,224 Outputs Special Events # of families participating at special events 16,000 50,000 60,000 60,000 # of special events offered/co-sponsored 90 110 125 125 Social Programs # of social programs offered 20 20 21 20 Total participants in social programs 1,600 1,800 1,750 1,700 . Physical Fitness Programs # of physical fitness programs offered 24 24 22 22 Total participants in physical fitness programs 5,000 5,500 5,000 5,000 Arts/Cultural Programs # of arts/cultural programs offered 25 26 26 26 Total partic. in arts/cultural programs Specialty 3,800 4,000 4,000 4,000 Camp Sports Programs # of sports programs offered 55 58 60 60 Total participants in sports programs - League 17,000 18,500 19,000 19,000 . Play & Learn Program (Youth) Total participants in program 860 760 770 770 . Aquatics # of aquatics programs offered 15 15 17 15 Total participants in aquatics programs 12,000 13,000 15,000 14,000 Scheduling

City of Norwalk 287 Department Summary - RECREATION & PARKS

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd # of facilities and fields available for use 162 164 164 165 # of facilities and fields used 151 164 164 165 . Effectiveness Special Events % change in number of participants 10.6% 32% 20% 20% % change in number of Special Events offered 16.6% 8.1% 13.6% 15% % of participants satisfied with Special Events 95% 95% 95% 98% Social Programs % change in number of participants 10.6% 0% 9.8% 10% % change in number of Social Programs offered 60% 8.8% 5% 5% % of participants satisfied with Social programs 95% 95% 95% 98% Physical Fitness Programs % change in number of physical fitness programs 66.6% 0% -8.3% 0% offered % of participants satisfied with physical fitness 95% 96% 97% 98% programs Arts/Cultural Programs % change in number of arts/cultural programs 0% 1% 0% 0% offered % change in number of participants 0% 9.5% 0% 0% % of participants satisfied with arts/cultural 99% 99% 99% 99% programs Sports Programs % change in field and facility usage 0% 9.2% 3.4% 5% Play & Learn Program % change in number of events offered 0% 0% 0% 0% % change in participation 0% -12.6% 1.3% 1% Aquatics % change in number of aquatics programs offered 0% 8% 13.3% 10% % change in number of participants +10% 9.2% 15.3 12% % of participants satisfied with aquatics programs 98% 98% 99% 99% Scheduling % change in number of participants 0% 0% 0% 0%

City of Norwalk 288 Department Summary - RECREATION & PARKS

PARK MAINTENANCE DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The Park Maintenance Division maintains 1,215 acres of grounds and property throughout Norwalk. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $2,033,882 $2,024,834 $1,904,746 $2,096,223 $2,018,262 $113,516 %5.96 Contractual Services $361,859 $298,959 $356,412 $356,771 $356,771 $359 0.10 % Supplies and Materials $230,317 $225,771 $237,875 $211,284 $211,284 ($26,591) (11.18%) Fixed Charges $260,130 $241,822 $355,372 $340,869 $340,869 ($14,503) (4.08%) Debt Service $74,971 $185,209 $105,000 $115,000 $115,000 $10,000 %9.52 Capital Outlay $1,833 $6,095 $17,150 $18,750 $18,750 $1,600 %9.33 Total $2,962,991 $2,982,690 $2,976,555 $3,138,897 $3,060,936 $84,381 2.83 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $2,962,991 $2,982,690 $2,976,555 $3,138,897 Employees 19 19 19 19 Outputs Park Maintenance & Repair # of acres/areas plowed 50 51 51 51 . # of parks maintained 58 58 58 60 # of parks receiving scheduled maintenance 58 58 58 60 Turf Management # of acres managed 1,240 1,240 1,240 1,300 # of acres receiving scheduled maintenance 625 625 625 665 # of irrigation systems controlled 19 20 21 22 # of irrigation systems receiving scheduled 19 20 21 21 mntnce. Facilities/Building Maintenance & Repair # of facilities maintained 22 23 25 25 # of facilities receiving scheduled 22 23 25 25 maintenance/repair Tree Maintenance # of trees and shrubs planted/replaced 250 210 185 170 Beautification/Landscape Design # of landscape beds, perennials, annuals 90 92 95 95 maintained # of landscape beds, perennials, annuals 20 50 50 50 planted/rep. Special Projects & Events

City of Norwalk 289 Department Summary - RECREATION & PARKS

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd # of special events planned 300 300 280 275 . # of special projects suggested 4 45 6 . Athletics # of athletic activities practiced at City venues 7,500 8,000 8,100 8,000 # of athletic contests played at City venues 34,000 35,000 37,000 38,000 Vehicle Maintenance # of pieces receiving scheduled maintenance 56 58 60 62 . pieces of equipment maintained 260 264 266 268 Effectiveness Park Maintenance & Repair % of acres/areas that are plowed during daylight 50 miles, 4 acres 50 miles, 4 acres 50 miles, 4 50 miles, 4 acres hrs. . @ Cranbury @ Cranbury acres@ @ Cranbury Cranbury % of parks maintained satisfactorily 100% 100% 100% 99% . % of parks that are available for use 100% 100% 100% 100% % of parks that are not able to be used due to 0% 0% 0% 0% lack of regularly scheduled maintenance Turf Management % of acres that are not available due to lack of 0% 0% 0% 0% maintenance % of acres/irrigation systems maintained on 100% 100% 100% 100% schedule % of irrigation systems that are fully functional 100% 100% 100% 100% Facilities/Building Maintenance & Repair % of buildings maintained on schedule 100% 100% 100% 100% % of facilities not available due to lack of mntnce. 0% 0% 0% 0% Tree Maintenance % of trees/shrubs replaced on schedule 95% 90% 93% 80% Beautification/Landscape Design % of landscape beds, perennials, annuals 90% 95% 95% 95% replaced on schedule Special Projects & Events % of special events executed/completed 110% 100% 100% 100% % of special projects executed/completed 100% 100% 100% 100% Athletics % change in athletic contests/activities played or .98% 9.0% 5.4% 5% practiced at City venues Vehicle Maintenance % of acres not maintained due to lack of vehicles 0% 0% 0% 1% % of vehicles out of service due to 0% 3% 2% 2% non-replacement

City of Norwalk 290 Department Summary - RECREATION & PARKS

BUILDING MAINTENANCE DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The Building Maintenance Division provides maintenance services to the property throughout Norwalk. FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $22,527 $50,798 $33,774 $33,774 $33,774 $0 %0.00 Contractual Services $89,165 $85,028 $107,033 $104,062 $104,062 ($2,971) (2.78%) Supplies and Materials $2,263 $1,198 $3,030 $3,030 $3,030 $0 %0.00 Fixed Charges $347 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Total $114,302 $137,024 $143,837 $140,866 $140,866 ($2,971) (2.07%)


Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Contractual Services $12,128 $12,856 $12,854 $12,854 $12,854 $0 %0.00 Supplies and Materials $3,281 $2,495 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $0 %0.00 Total $15,409 $15,352 $15,354 $15,354 $15,354 $0 0.00 %

City of Norwalk 291 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. ADMINISTRATION 016010 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $312,658 $334,192 $334,098$347,053 $347,053 $12,955

016010 5111 SALARY ADJUSTMENT $0 $0 $0

016010 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $33,479 $38,729 $19,000$39,254 $39,254 $20,254

016010 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $3,422 $3,423 $0$0 $0 $0

016010 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $49,357 $52,069 $38,790$38,790 $38,790 $0

016010 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $21,695 $21,690 $0$0 $0 $0

016010 5150 LONGEVITY $1,755 $1,780 $1,805$1,555 $1,555($250 )

016010 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $30 $626 $1,078$1,078 $1,078 $0 Department brochures, home mailings, general information 2,200 x .49 = $1,078 016010 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $5,304 $2,634 $2,500$2,500 $2,500 $0 Launch ramp stickers $1,000 Park tickets, Veterans Park tickets launch ramp visitors docks tickets $500 Department brochures cranbury park $1,000 016010 5225 TYPING SERVICES $1,320 $1,530 $1,820$1,950 $1,950 $130 Monthly meetings secretary approx. $150 x 13= $1,950

Increased secretarial fees. 016010 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $0 $0 $0

016010 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $790 $790 $765$765 $765 $0 National Recreation and Parks Assoc. Dues. (Dir) $400 Connecticut Recreation & Parks Assoc. Dues (3 staff) $260 CT Tree Program Dues $55 CT Parks Assoc. Dues $25 New England Parks Assoc. Dues $25 016010 5237 ADVERTISING $6,227 $3,144 $7,000$4,000 $4,000($3,000 ) Project Advertisement $750 Seasonal staffing $750 Local Press: 1/4 pg. ad @ $400/event (current pricing) Special events, activities, registration $1,000 Concerts $750 Advertisements of events $750 016010 5245 TELEPHONE $6,865 $7,619 $7,416$7,601 $7,601 $185 Office phones $4,000 Alarm phones for Ben Franklin, Veterans Park center building, Blue ph Oyster Shell Park, Parks Garage. $5,200.00 016010 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $6,071 $5,639 $7,000$259,869 $9,869 $2,869 Background checks for full-time and part-time employees, including coaches and referees 250 x $20 = $5,000 Administration cost in processing credit cards from on-line registrations $987.00 Drug testing 1,013.00 Master Plan of Parks & Open Spaces $250,000 Increased $2869.00 for required Web-Trac upgrade split with IT 016010 5263 FURNITUR,OFFICE MACH REP&MAINT $0 $0 $0

016010 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $420 $495 $900 $900 $900 $0

City of Norwalk 292 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Seminars, Continuing education sessions to maintain certification $40 - $70 per session per person , plumbers license as well as chemical applicators license. 016010 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $0 $0 $0

016010 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $1,870 $1,715 $1,800$1,800 $1,800 $0 Lunches for workshops, seminars, concert functions for visiting bands. Flowers and flags for dedications. 016010 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $2,763 $2,325 $2,763$3,200 $3,200 $437 Rental of copier in Recreation office 1,800.00 Rental of copier in Parks office 1,400.00 016010 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $615 $605 $1,350$1,350 $1,350 $0 State Conf. & local seminars, CEU sessions CEU sessions: $450 State Conf.: 2 people @ $450 each = $900 016010 5296 SECURITY SYSTEMS $205,800 $216,254 $196,000$196,000 $196,000 $0 Veterans Park: 540 hours x $80 = $43,200 Calf Pasture Beach: 1,550 hours x $80 = $124,000 Fireworks: 30 officers x 8 hours x $70 = $16,800 Cranbury Park: 150 hours x $80 = $12,000 016010 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016010 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $6,465 $5,196 $6,000$6,000 $6,000 $0 Bottled water, City Hall Office, Boating Center, Calf Pasture Beach, Parks Garage $3,000 Paper products, pens clipboards, paper for copier $2,000 Summer program play and learn Bulletin Boards, Boating Center, small office equipment (e.g. date books, calenders, receipt books, tide calenders) $1,000 016010 5321 AGRICULTURE SUPPLIES $0 $563 $0$0 $0 $0

016010 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $0 $0 $0

016010 5325 RECREATION SUPPLIES $231 $204 $0

016010 5327 FIREARM SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

016010 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016010 5393 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016010 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $153,332 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016010 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $10,806 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016010 5724 CAMERAS $0 $0 $0

016010 5741 IT HARDWARE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

016010 5742 IT SOFTWARE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

016010 5795 STORM SANDY $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $831,275 $701,222 $630,085 $913,665 $663,665 $33,580 SOCIAL PROGRAMS 016021 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $4,850 $4,648 $10,080$29,599 $29,599 $19,519

016021 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $6,974 $5,004 $4,900$4,900 $4,900 $0

City of Norwalk 293 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 016021 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $1,116 $1,500$1,500 $1,500 $0 Printing for programs This needs to be budgeted separately to account for program costs. 016021 5237 ADVERTISING $2,743 $4,000 $6,000$5,000 $5,000($1,000 ) Flyers, Tickets, special events, rental marketing $3,500 Brochures, printing of materials, Cranbury Park trail maps and brochure, disc golf score cards $1,500 016021 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $40,404 $45,560 $50,000 $70,000 $70,000 $20,000 Contracts for concerts, sound systems and movie rights. Concerts 15 bands @ approx. $800-$3,000.00 ea. = $18,000 Sound systems = $21,000 N.I.C.E. Festival sound system, bands, tents, rentals $31,000.00 Increased to reflect actual costs of NICE festival. 016021 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $46,957 $47,150 $47,200 $47,200 $47,200 $0 Fireworks and Barge $43,500 July 4th activities $3,000 Musicians for Christmas concert with Community Chorale $700 016021 5325 RECREATION SUPPLIES $830 $1,083 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 Special needs supplies, mats, adaptive equipment $800 Special events supplies (Music for Community chorale) $1,200 016021 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

016021 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $416 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

016021 5620 GRANTS&DONATIONS-INSTITU $0 $0 $0

Division Total $103,174 $108,560 $121,680 $160,199 $160,199 $38,519 CULTURE PROGRAMS 016022 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $25,565 $18,184 $25,200$25,200 $25,200 $0

016022 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $475 $354 $0$0 $0 $0

016022 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $2,349 $2,500$2,500 $2,500 $0 Special events: Contractual vendors at various locations, estimate 5 @ $500 each = $2,500 016022 5325 RECREATION SUPPLIES $0 $972 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 Program supplies, paint, arts & crafts material $1,000 016022 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $700 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $26,740 $21,858 $28,700 $28,700 $28,700 $0 SPORTS PROGRAMS 016023 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $0 $11 $0$0 $0 $0

016023 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $81,071 $89,575 $100,000$100,000 $100,000 $0

016023 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $86,781 $84,540 $97,612$97,612 $97,612 $0

016023 5216 OTHER COMMUNICATION&TRAN $0 $0 $0

016023 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $2,010 $2,040 $2,500$2,500 $2,500 $0 ASA and NSA dues for various programs and memberships 016023 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $2,300 $2,833 $3,300$3,300 $3,300 $0 Softball supervisor Umpire assignments

City of Norwalk 294 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

016023 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $3,451 $4,603 $5,000$6,000 $6,000 $1,000 Lighting repair and bulbs for courts and fields $4,000 Re-striping turf fields $2,000

Increase due to age of lighting fixtures/bulbs 016023 5325 RECREATION SUPPLIES $30,885 $31,404 $30,750$30,750 $30,750 $0 Athletic supplies and equipment (volleyballs, basketballs, basketball n footballs, jersey's, stop watches, scorebooks tennis nets) $24,750 Trophies, plaques $6,000 016023 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016023 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $5,488 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $211,986 $215,006 $239,162 $240,162 $240,162 $1,000 PHYSICAL FITNESS 016024 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016024 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $24,654 $11,548 $31,180$31,180 $31,180 $0

016024 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $87,294 $67,541 $101,320$101,320 $101,320 $0

016024 5325 RECREATION SUPPLIES $2,412 $839 $3,105$3,105 $3,105 $0 First aid supplies, training materials, kickboards, life jackets, lane lines, certificates, coaches' supplies (whistles, uniforms for staff, suits). 016024 5341 CONSUMABLE TOOLS & HARDW $0 $0 $0

016024 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $3,680 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016024 5451 POOL RENTAL $17,250 $16,100 $32,000$32,000 $32,000 $0

Division Total $135,290 $96,028 $167,605 $167,605 $167,605 $0 PLAYGROUNDS 016025 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $0 $0 $0

016025 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016025 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $0 $63 $0

016025 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $70 $530$530 $530 $0 First Aid and CPR training for staff. Special workshops w/guest speakers 016025 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

016025 5293 RECORDING DOCUMENTS $0 $0 $0

016025 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $25,780 $28,731 $29,000 $29,000 $29,000 $0 Bus Transportation for special trips $160 per bus x 5 trips per day x 5 days per week = 4,000 X 6 weeks=24,000 Contractual summer artist program $5,000.00 016025 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $1,173 $900 $1,250 $1,250 $1,250 $0 First Aid supplies, First Aid kits, bee and wasp spray, safety items, antimicrobacterial soap, masks, eye protection. medication containers 016025 5325 RECREATION SUPPLIES $6,640 $7,037 $7,000$7,000 $7,000 $0 Arts and Craft supplies $4,500 Games, sports equipment, prizes special events $2,500

City of Norwalk 295 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

016025 5333 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT PART $2,017 $3,536 $4,000$4,000 $4,000 $0 Swings, misc. playground parts around the City, vandalism repair 016025 5393 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016025 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $0 $0 $0

016025 5650 TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS $0 $568 $11,368$11,368 $11,368 $0 Moved from 5120 & 5130 Contribution to Play & Learn program tuition Division Total $35,610 $40,905 $53,148 $53,148 $53,148 $0 BOAT SHOW 016027 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $3,639 $3,198 $5,310$5,310 $5,310 $0

016027 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $470 $550 $600$600 $600 $0 Tickets printed for boat show parking, parking passes no parking signs, admission price signs. 016027 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $5,920 $5,235 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 $0 Contractual agreement with Exchange Club for parking $5,000 Water, sandwiches, coffee, tent for staff $1,500 016027 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $147 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Division Total $10,176 $8,983 $12,410 $12,410 $12,410 $0 GROUNDS/FACILITIES 016031 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $1,258,107 $1,252,572 $1,262,800 $1,427,733 $1,349,772 $86,972

016031 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $123,402 $134,744 $115,000 $125,967 $125,967 $10,967 Increased 3% to reflect contractural increases 016031 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

016031 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $161,114 $147,191 $113,760 $113,760 $113,760 $0

016031 5150 LONGEVITY $9,060 $9,085 $10,275 $10,755 $10,755 $480

016031 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

016031 5237 ADVERTISING $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

016031 5241 ELECTRIC $23,693 $23,871 $22,678 $20,410 $20,410 ($2,268)

016031 5242 WATER $9,932 $8,637 $9,709 $9,952 $9,952 $243

016031 5244 GAS $0 $329 $0 $0 $0 $0

016031 5245 TELEPHONE $0 $1 $0 $0 $0 $0

016031 5262 OTHER MACHINERY-EQUIP $267 $701 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 Specialty rental equipment, fence mending, tennis court rehabilitation, playgrtound repairs, irrigation winterization. 016031 5265 GROUNDS&OUTDOOR COURTS $10,991 $6,219 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $0 Porto-Johns for various locations (Nathan Hale Sports Complex) disposal of various waste, rat and rodent control parks garage and Rowayton Pond 016031 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $27,534 $17,929 $23,091 $23,091 $23,091 $0 Contractual services for maintenance and troubleshooting on all electrical, plumbing, and heating systems.

City of Norwalk 296 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

016031 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $23,325 $16,899 $18,120$18,120 $18,120 $0 Contractual services for welder for various park purposes $10,000 Mason services, other contractual vendors, awning company dugout covers, backstop tarps $2,000 NEW - GPS costs per vehicle per month: 17 vehicles X $30/mth X 12 = $6,120 016031 5271 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS $4,275 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 Needs to be changed to $150 per employee per new 2405 contract. 016031 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $0 $0

016031 5276 PURCHASE OF UNIFORMS/CLEANING $8,748 $7,305 $8,000$8,000 $8,000 $0 Full-time contractual uniforms, shirts,sweat shirt $7,500 Part-time seasonal clothing, hats, T-shirts, rain coats $500 016031 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $4,060 $2,661 $5,000$5,000 $5,000 $0 Compressors for irrigation, filling of Mechanic tanks at garage, large eqipment for in-house projects. 016031 5297 STORAGE $0 $761 $0$0 $0 $0

016031 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $47,269 $49,870 $44,660$54,660 $54,660 $10,000 Tree removal, pruning, trimming

Increased due to increased need for tree removal to lessen Citys liabil 016031 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $563 $719 $600$600 $600 $0 Ink for printer, Paper, desk products 016031 5321 AGRICULTURE SUPPLIES $33,904 $29,981 $30,450$30,450 $30,450 $0 Plantings and Weed Control $3,950 Top soil (175 yds x $40/yd.) $7,000 Seed Pellets $8,000 Fertilizer (400 bags @ $25/bag) $10,000 Lime $1,500 016031 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $2,845 $3,636 $4,120$4,120 $4,120 $0 First-Aid safety items, cleaning supplies, gloves & chemical for parks. 016031 5323 FOOD $555 $1,170 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 Contractual obligations for food during emergencies Consistent with past spending. 016031 5325 RECREATION SUPPLIES ($392) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

016031 5326 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS $1,438 $6,437 $2,060 $2,060 $2,060 $0 Clothing T-shirts and hats for part-time staff to identify themselves with the public. 016031 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $32,728 $32,722 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $0 Field marking paint (500 pails @ $20/pail) $10,000 Sand and gravel $5,000 keys and Locks $4,500 Paper products, toilet paper, paper towels $5,500 Quick Dry for fields $2,000 Signage $3,000 016031 5331 AUTOMOTIVE FUEL&FLUIDS $7,762 $7,944 $5,150 $8,879 $8,879 $3,729 Mixed gas for the mowers and small equipment.

Increased to reflect actual. 016031 5333 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT PART $1,182 $0 $0

City of Norwalk 297 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 016031 5334 PAINTING SUPPLIES $13,314 $10,910 $11,000$11,000 $11,000 $0 Paint and stain for various signs and benches for park facilities, interior and exterior. 016031 5335 PLUMBING SUPPLIES $22,297 $24,468 $32,297$32,297 $32,297 $0 All irrigation systems, sprinkler heads, restroom facilities, plumbing, heating and cooling. 016031 5336 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES $9,403 $4,815 $7,000$7,000 $7,000 $0 All lighting systems including those for safety, security, and athletic fields (Calf Pasture & Vets Park), irrigation systems, boating center, docks, street lights in parks. 016031 5341 CONSUMABLE TOOLS & HARDW $16,132 $14,709 $15,700 $15,700 $15,700 $0 Gloves, eye protectors, rakes, shovels, picers, shears, hardware, nuts, bolts, painting suupplies, chains for saws, string and blades for weedwackers, safety equipment. 016031 5351 CEMENT & CONCRETE PROD'S $3,897 $3,965 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $0 Foundation work, concrete for sign bases, in-house repair to concrete sidewalk, fountains, park benches. 016031 5371 LUMBER & WOOD PRODUCTS $14,106 $13,609 $15,450$15,450 $15,450 $0 Picnic table frames, replacement decking and fencing, carpentry replacement for buildings. Major repair on buildings 016031 5375 CLAY &BALLFIELD PRODUCTS $8,714 $9,184 $11,000$11,000 $11,000 $0 Ballfield clay (275 tons @ $40/ton) 016031 5394 OTHER MATERIALS $5,118 $4,045 $5,000$5,000 $5,000 $0 Disposal of waste found around City & from in-house projects 016031 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $40,339 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016031 5461 CENTRALIZED FUEL $61,568 $85,219 $36,834$41,043 $41,043 $4,209

016031 5462 CENTRALIZED FLEET MAINTENANCE $147,379 $156,603 $318,538$299,826 $299,826($18,712 )

016031 5585 PARK IMPROVEMENTS $74,971 $185,209 $105,000$115,000 $115,000 $10,000 $25,000 Park beautification, new concrete table tops and concrete bench repair $15,000 Playground repair $10,000 Replacement of current vaults in parks that house water meters completed two last year last one for this year. $20,000 Misc. repairs (lighting, athletic fields, track) $5,000 Parking lot striping $35,000 Geese control year round $5,000 New rental chairs and umbrellas all parks

Increased to reflect increased material costs and increased numbers o maintained properties (Oyster Shell/Fillow Street) 016031 5715 PICNIC TABLES $0 $49 $5,150$5,150 $5,150 $0 Need new tables to replace broken frames. 016031 5732 TRUCKS $0 $0 $0

016031 5735 MAINTENANCE VEHICLES $0 $0 $0

016031 5775 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE $1,833 $6,046 $12,000$13,600 $13,600 $1,600 Carriage for cutoff saw $2,200.00 Debris blower for Bobcat $6,500.00 2 back pack blowers $1,000.00 3 Saber push mowers $2,400.00 3 weed trimmers $1,500.00

City of Norwalk 298 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Division Total $2,211,434 $2,280,213 $2,293,442 $2,478,623 $2,400,662 $107,220 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT 016032 5262 OTHER MACHINERY-EQUIP $0 $0 $0

016032 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0 CALF BEACH OPERATIONS 016033 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $0 $0 $3,500$3,731 $3,731 $231

016033 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $393,963 $398,260 $289,131$289,131 $289,131 $0

016033 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $0 $441 $0$0 $0 $0

016033 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $2,000 $1,954 $2,091$2,091 $2,091 $0 Printing brochures for the beach, walking trails, activities, highlighted programs, special events. 016033 5241 ELECTRIC $36,259 $34,772 $35,682 $32,144 $32,144 ($3,538)

016033 5242 WATER $27,140 $26,974 $30,640 $31,406 $31,406 $766 Splash Pad additional cost. $10,000 016033 5244 GAS $0 $381 $1,530 $1,568 $1,568 $38 Gas for early and late opening of the bathhouses. 016033 5245 TELEPHONE $869 $760 $1,100 $1,128 $1,128 $28

016033 5247 OTHER UTILITY SERVICES $1,855 $1,517 $2,104 $2,157 $2,157 $53 Cablevision services, wi-fi for beach area 016033 5254 ARCHITECTURAL,LANDSCAPIN $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

016033 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $5,877 $3,632 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $0 Lighting for safety purposes, contractual services, repair light fixtures damaged by vandalism. 016033 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $5,953 $3,213 $3,045 $3,045 $3,045 $0 Sidewalks, sprinker system, timers, curbing, signage 016033 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $1,007 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 Lifeguard and staff safety training programs Staff training in blood borne pathogens, first aid, CPR AED machine. 016033 5321 AGRICULTURE SUPPLIES $0 $319 $0 $0 $0 $0

016033 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $0 $721 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 Medical First-Aid supplies, oxygen for tank, beach operations, tweezers, replacement maniquins, lungs for training, AED machine updates. 016033 5323 FOOD $0 $950 $0 $0 $0 $0

016033 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $2,344 $3,808 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0 Facilitating all comfort stations, paper products, toilet paper, hand towels, soap fixtures, restroom deoderizers Based on historical expenditures. 016033 5325 RECREATION SUPPLIES $51,230 $47,179 $45,320 $15,000 $15,000 ($30,320)

City of Norwalk 299 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. New rescue boards, marker buoys, umbrellas, radios, lifelines, repair and maintenance of accessible wheel chairs.

Decreased due to new vendor running Calfe Mu 016033 5326 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS $826 $1,058 $2,000$2,000 $2,000 $0 Lifeguard uniforms, shorts, womens suits, sweatshirts, hats. Based on previous year expenditures. 016033 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $2,000 $1,527 $2,000$2,000 $2,000 $0 Specific cleaning supplies, graffiti remover, hand soaps, cleaners, oars, rescue kayak. Fiberglass for rescue board repair. 016033 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $7,781 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $539,105 $527,464 $429,143 $396,401 $396,401 ($32,742) VETERAN PARK MAINTENANCE 016034 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $0 $0 $1,000$1,066 $1,066 $66

016034 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $76,904 $71,298 $68,450$68,450 $68,450 $0

016034 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $600 $593 $618$618 $618 $0 Tickets for launch ramps, visitors docks, island camping, rules, regulations, infraction signage. 016034 5241 ELECTRIC $39,704 $33,818 $41,778$37,600 $37,600($4,178 )

016034 5242 WATER $22,974 $11,696 $21,440$21,976 $21,976 $536

016034 5245 TELEPHONE $1,978 $1,941 $2,030$2,081 $2,081 $51

016034 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $0 $380 $500$500 $500 $0 Cleaning supplies for restrooms on islands, Vets Park, mops, brooms for the docks, cleats, bumpers & signage for ramps. 016034 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $100$100 $100 $0 Hoses, replacement of flourescent lighting in boating center comfort stations, floor cleaners. 016034 5335 PLUMBING SUPPLIES $113 $926 $1,030$1,030 $1,030 $0 Pump out station on visitors docks, water pipes on docks. New water lines on visitors docks for extended stays, washer and dryer repair, showers. 016034 5336 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES $71 $159 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 Lighting, security and safety, pump station. Electrical units on visitors docks for extended stays. 016034 5341 CONSUMABLE TOOLS & HARDW $0 $416 $500$500 $500 $0 Pickers, rakes, shovels, trimmers, boating center needs, locks, window replacement. 016034 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $1,929 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $144,272 $121,227 $138,446 $134,921 $134,921 ($3,525) SHEA ISLAND MAINTENANCE 016035 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $0 $0 $0

016035 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 Restroom sanitary cleaners, boating equipment (new lines), repair of signage, pump out comfort stations.

City of Norwalk 300 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Division Total $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 HERITAGE/MATHEWS PKS 016036 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $11,331 $11,244 $30,000$44,800 $44,800 $14,800

016036 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $0 $0 $10,830$10,830 $10,830 $0

016036 5241 ELECTRIC $13,569 $13,582 $13,962$12,566 $12,566($1,396 )

016036 5242 WATER $7,755 $1,609 $11,182$11,462 $11,462 $280

016036 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $1,171 $2,520 $4,000$4,000 $4,000 $0 Repair park lighting, sprinkler systems, Devon's new water play parts and upkeep. 016036 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $2,879 $794 $8,000$8,000 $8,000 $0 Excessive vandalism due to the parks failure to be completed. Repair wooden rails, bridges, replacement light poles, concrete surfaces, kiosks, playground repairs, Devon's Place, Mathews and Heritage Park repairs. Repair both Trellis' that have been vandalized. 016036 5322 CHEMICAL,LAB,MEDICAL SUP $0 $0 $518$518 $518 $0 First-Aid medical supplies for Heritage/Mathews Park 016036 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $0 $14 $1,050$1,050 $1,050 $0 Comfort station at Mathews Park supplies. 016036 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $1,134 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $37,840 $29,763 $79,542 $93,226 $93,226 $13,684 RECREATION&PARKS-FODOR FARM 016037 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $0

016037 5241 ELECTRIC $6,283 $8,401 $5,503$4,953 $4,953($550 )

016037 5242 WATER $2,473 $2,143 $3,060$3,137 $3,137 $77

016037 5244 GAS $3,382 $6,244 $5,893$6,040 $6,040 $147 The main house and barn will be serviced by natural gas for heating. 016037 5247 OTHER UTILITY SERVICES $1,198 $1,396 $2,800 $2,870 $2,870 $70 Cable and phone services 016037 5266 BUILDINGS $1,358 $5,079 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 $0 Cleaning services for the Main House and Barn/commercial kitchen. 016037 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $10,575 $279 $7,105 $7,105 $7,105 $0 Repairs to systems, main house, green house, barn, and pavilion 016037 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $4,731 $481 $2,091 $2,091 $2,091 $0 Repair to windows, outdoor fixtures, greenhouse skin, plastic. 016037 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $175 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 In-house projects additional scaffolding, jacks, compressor. 016037 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $165 $0 $1,030 $1,030 $1,030 $0 Restroom supplies 016037 5336 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

016037 5371 LUMBER & WOOD PRODUCTS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

City of Norwalk 300-A Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 016037 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $0 $0 $0

Division Total $30,340 $24,022 $34,982 $34,726 $34,726 ($256) GARAGE 016042 5241 ELECTRIC $12,999 $9,882 $8,648$7,783 $7,783($865 )

016042 5242 WATER $2,710 $3,062 $3,248$3,329 $3,329 $81

016042 5244 GAS $0 $10,325 $5,388$5,523 $5,523 $135

016042 5266 BUILDINGS $6,169 $4,852 $5,880$5,880 $5,880 $0 Cleaning of the Parks Garage restrooms for staff and public $120/week x 49 weeks = $5,880 016042 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $5,507 $2,357 $9,270 $9,270 $9,270 $0 Repairs to electrical fixtures, garage doors, repairs to heaters, bathroo repairs 016042 5296 SECURITY SYSTEMS $1,815 $840 $2,000$2,000 $2,000 $0 Security systems for the Parks Garage, and Ben Franklin Gym, Veteran's Park workshop 016042 5336 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES $0 $0 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 Replacement lighting interior as well as exterior. Problems w/ current systems Division Total $29,201 $31,318 $35,434 $34,785 $34,785 ($649) CRANBURY PARK 016048 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $0 $1,515 $0$0 $0 $0

016048 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $22,527 $49,283 $33,774$33,774 $33,774 $0

016048 5241 ELECTRIC $11,799 $13,368 $12,240$11,016 $11,016($1,224 )

016048 5242 WATER $3,382 $3,870 $3,570$3,659 $3,659 $89 Additional use at the bunkhouse 016048 5245 TELEPHONE $280 $0 $2,500 $2,563 $2,563 $63 Additional phone at the bunkhouse. 016048 5246 HEATING FUELS $12,952 $13,072 $26,389 $27,049 $27,049 $660 Additional heating for the bunkhouse. Building renovation complete. 016048 5247 OTHER UTILITY SERVICES $3,261 $4,694 $3,600 $3,690 $3,690 $90 Wi-Fi installed in to Gallaher Estate and grounds as well as the carriage house, as welll as the bunkhouse. Approximately $555 per month for cable services. 016048 5265 GROUNDS&OUTDOOR COURTS $6,038 $1,995 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 Dumpsters for park, repair of trails, stone, benches, fencing, additiona landscaped areas around the bunkhouse. 016048 5266 BUILDINGS $9,716 $5,490 $10,000$10,000 $10,000 $0 Cleaning facility after events: 40 events X $250/event = $10,000.00 016048 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $9,877 $10,320 $10,300$8,300 $8,300($2,000 ) Replacement and electrical upgrades to current systems. Includes the rental cottage, and the new bunkhouse. Decreased $2000 due to new boiler. 016048 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $1,760 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

City of Norwalk 300-B Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 016048 5296 SECURITY SYSTEMS $900 $900 $2,000$2,000 $2,000 $0 Alarm systems including the new bunkhouse. 016048 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $844 $901 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 Restroom sanitary items, garbage bags, pavilion, cleaning supplies for Mansion, including the bunkhouse. 016048 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $1,419 $297 $1,030$1,030 $1,030 $0 Repair of locks, windows, locks for gates, paint for interior and exterior facilities in the park. Bulbs for exterior lighting. LEDs. 016048 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $347 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016048 5724 CAMERAS $0 $0 $0

Division Total $85,101 $105,706 $108,403 $106,081 $106,081 ($2,322) CITY HALL 016058 5296 SECURITY SYSTEMS $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0 VETERAN'S COMMITTEE 016061 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $0 $66 $104$104 $104 $0 Post office rental, postage for events. 016061 5237 ADVERTISING $0 $750 $750 $750 $750 $0 Advertising, promotional materials, publicity for different events, parade, ceremonies, concerts. Website hosting fee. 016061 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $10,743 $10,222 $10,500 $10,500 $10,500 $0 Bands for performances, Veterans Day, Shea Magrath Memorial ceremony, Memorial Day parade, Governor's Footguard, special invita various vendors, web master. 016061 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $1,385 $1,819 $1,500$1,500 $1,500 $0 Travel, lodging, expenses, gifts for speakers, flowers for events and grave sites. 016061 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $0 $0 $0

016061 5325 RECREATION SUPPLIES $3,281 $2,495 $2,500$2,500 $2,500 $0 Flags around the City.

Division Total $15,409 $15,352 $15,354 $15,354 $15,354 $0 ARTS COUNCIL 016062 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $0 $0

016062 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $0 $0 $0

016062 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $0 $0 $0

016062 5325 RECREATION SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0 MARCH 2010 STORM 016063 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $0 $0 $0

016063 5341 CONSUMABLE TOOLS & HARDW $0 $0 $0

016063 5585 PARK IMPROVEMENTS/REPAIRS $0 $0 $0

City of Norwalk 300-B Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

016063 5775 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE $0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0

Department Total $4,446,954 $4,327,627 $4,388,536 $4,871,006 $4,543,045 $154,509

City of Norwalk 300-C Department Summary - LIBRARY LIBRARY

Description of Service/Mission Statements: Mission: The Norwalk Public Library (NPL), with our open access to diverse resources, is the information and cultural center for Norwalk’s citizens and businesses. NPL is comprised of the Main Library on Belden Avenue and the South Norwalk (SoNo) Branch Library on Washington Street. Serving a core population of over 88,000, NPL is well regarded in Norwalk and the Greater Norwalk area as a vital resource. Featuring over 250,000 items for circulation, our collection includes books, music CDs, DVDs, magazines, audio books, downloadable materials, WiFi hotspots, and interlibrary loan service. Our extensive collections include a wide variety of foreign language selections. NPL also houses Literacy Volunteers, the Norwalk History Room, two youth departments with exceptional programs including a city-wide summer reading program, adult departments with small business and job and career development services. Our library system offers free WiFi, 3D printers, 70 high-speed Internet accessible computers, technology training and online databases that are accessible remotely and in both libraries for NPL card holders.Both buildings are open seven days/week.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: Updated library website for mobile usability. Expanded Homework HELPers program at the South Norwalk (SoNo) branch library. Purchased PastPerfect's online software for the Norwalk History Room to enable web displays of historical materials. Revamped summer reading with Norwalk ACTS Team Summer to increase elementary age participants by 250. Debuted the 1000 Books before Kindergarten program. Hosted AuthorSpeak events with 32 local and nationally-known authors. Added WiFi hotspots for circulation to card holders. Launched US government passport service at both the main and branch libraries.

Goals For 2018 - 2019: Increase part-time pay for librarians and custodians to approach the Connecticut Library Association (CLA) minimum. Create an innovation center with a recording studio on the main library's lower level by consolidating staff office space. Re-purpose space on the main library's entry level to accommodate the need for more study space. Re-purpose space in the SoNo library's reading and computer rooms to accommodate the need for more study space. Increase the number of weekly Homework HELPers sessions at the SoNo library from one to two. Introduce a Mathematical Summer program at the SoNo library to reduce the summer slide in math. Partner with Norwalk Public Schools to insure that every kindergarten student has a Norwalk Public Library card. Reach 40,000 active library card holders by reaching out to students and occupants of new apartment complexes. Add both basic reading and formal citizenship classes to the Greater Norwalk Literacy Volunteers(GNLV) program. Continued participation in the Norwalk ACTS Team Summer, with increased outreach to students.

City of Norwalk 301 Department Summary - LIBRARY

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Library's departmental recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net increase of $144,934 or 3.8% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget. Personnel Expenses accounted for $187,412 of the increase due to contractual step increases and the settlement of union contracts. Funds for contract settlement were held in contingency in FY 2017-18 and were not included in departmental budgets. Heating fuel expenses decreased $28,158; Books expenses decreased $20,000 reflecting the evolution of libraries services away from checking out books to attendance of library programs and other miscellaneous expenses account for a net $5,680 increase.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Administration/Program $3,354,168 $3,317,676 $3,464,341 $3,648,192 $3,648,192 $183,851 5.31 % Main Library $240,400 $244,972 $276,401 $241,255 $241,255($35,146 ) (12.72 %) Sono Branch Library $66,654 $75,848 $92,348 $88,577 $88,577 ($3,771) (4.08%)

Total $3,661,222 $3,638,496 $3,833,090 $3,978,024 $3,978,024 $144,934 3.78 %

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $2,579,184 $2,530,282 $2,699,427 $2,886,839 $2,886,839 $187,412 6.94 % Contractual Services $699,458 $750,900 $796,856 $772,761 $772,761 ($24,095) (3.02%) Supplies and Materials $336,259 $349,413 $331,406 $311,406 $311,406 ($20,000) (6.03%) Fixed Charges $44,054 $1,025 $1,848 $1,465 $1,465 ($383) %)(20.73 Capital Outlay $2,267 $6,876 $3,553 $5,553 $5,553 $2,000 56.29 % Total $3,661,222 $3,638,496 $3,833,090 $3,978,024 $3,978,024 $144,934 %3.78

NON-TAX REVENUE Intergovernmental $2,974 $3,255 $2,974 $2,974 $2,974 $0 0.00 % Service Charges $91,907 $82,941 $90,900 $75,000 $75,000 ($15,900) (17.49%) Miscellaneous $4,118 $500 $4,300 $4,300 $4,300 $0 0.00 % Total $98,999 $86,697 $98,174 $82,274 $82,274 ($15,900) (16.20 %)

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $3,562,223 $3,551,800 $3,734,916 $3,895,750 $3,895,750 $160,834 %4.31

City of Norwalk 302 Department Summary - LIBRARY

Summary by Division - Recommended FY 2018-19

Main Library $241,255 Sono Branch Library$88,577

Administration/Program $3,648,192

PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Librar y Assistant Library Director 11$117,526 1 $120,7901 $120,790 $132,3211 $132,3210 $11,531 Director of Library Technology 11$112,793 1 $112,7931 $112,793 $123,4771 $123,4770 $10,684 Circulation Systems Manager 11$90,753 1 $90,7531 $90,753 $99,4161 $99,4160 $8,663 Library Director 11$132,723 1 $132,7231 $132,723 $145,5651 $145,5650 $12,842 Director of Library Information Services 11$89,039 1 $91,7401 $94,434 $103,6061 $103,6060 $9,172 Director of Children's Library Services 11$106,851 1 $109,8251 $109,825 $120,3081 $120,3080 $10,483 Librarian 11$77,141 1 $80,9901 $80,990 $86,3861 $86,3860 $5,396 Reference Librarian 45$323,960 5 $390,6145 $382,924 $412,1545 $412,1540 $29,230 Catalog Librarian 10$66,654 0 $0 0 $0 0 0 Accounts Clerk 11$57,550 1 $57,5501 $57,550 $64,4661 $64,4660 $6,916 Assistant Circulation Coordinator 10$60,439 0 $0 0 $0 0 0 Library Assistant 78$387,311 8 $437,2618 $436,877 $477,0148 $477,0140 $40,137 Library Clerk 33$156,630 3 $149,5203 $151,771 $164,3993 $164,3990 $12,628 Custodian 33$165,042 3 $167,5273 $170,145 $184,4013 $184,4010 $14,256 Total 27 $1,944,412 27 $1,942,086 27 $1,941,575 27 $2,113,513 27 $2,113,5130 $171,938

Department Total 27 $1,944,412 27$1,942,086 27 $1,941,575 27 $2,113,513 27 $2,113,513 0 $171,938

City of Norwalk 303 Department Summary - LIBRARY

Administration/Programs FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Personnel Services $2,579,184 $2,530,282 $2,699,427 $2,886,839 $2,886,839 $187,412 %6.94 Contractual Services $392,404 $430,080 $428,107 $442,929 $442,929 $14,822 %3.46 Supplies and Materials $336,259 $349,413 $331,406 $311,406 $311,406 ($20,000) (6.03%) Fixed Charges $44,054 $1,025 $1,848 $1,465 $1,465 ($383) %)(20.73 Capital Outlay $2,267 $6,876 $3,553 $5,553 $5,553 $2,000 %56.29 Total $3,354,168 $3,317,676 $3,464,341 $3,648,192 $3,648,192 $183,851 5.31 %


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $3,354,168 $3,317,676 3,464,341 $3,648,192 Employees 27 27 27 27 Outputs

# of adult program attendees 12,249 9960 13912 1,4000 # of adult programs 645 621 780 800 # of books given away offsite 22,031 20589 11700 12,000 # of children's program attendees 26621 24934 22956 2,5000 # of children's programs 1098 1250 1,168 1,200 # of history room visits 235 340 544 550 # of hours branch library open each week 51 55 55 55 # of hours main library open each week 60 64 64 64 # of information database uses 33,363 26150 23700 30,000 # of library material circulated 439,972 # of library materials circulated 405113 458,952 470,000 # of library materials downloaded 45,000 # of library visitors 666,530 628245 708,988 700,000 # of literacy volunteers office visits 3,140 2011 3,140 1,550 # of literacy volunteers students 497 368 350 360 # of makerspace uses 735 437 420 450 # of meeting rooms bookings 2,757 2757 2712 2,800 # of public computer uses 76,202 63709 62708 63,000 # of reference questions 51,304 45331 43,884 48,000 # of reference questions (non-English) 1,570 1,200 1,664 1,800 # of registered borrowers 33,579 37268 36,548 40,000 # of school visits 149 225 150 150 # of teen program attendees 934 1974 1528 1,500 # of teen programs 195 292 384 350

City of Norwalk 304 Department Summary - LIBRARY

FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd # of website views 513,084 422917 448720 450,000 # of WIFI uses 7901 139706 185036 200,000 Effectiveness Administration % change in # of visitors 5% 80% 80% 2% Customer Services % change in class visits 5% 0% 0% 0% Collections % of approved budget expended 98.6% 100% 100% 100% IT Services % change in circulation 2% 20% 20% 3% Membership % change in online database usage 25% 20% 20% 0% Main Library Maintenance FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Contractual Services $240,400 $244,972 $276,401 $241,255 $241,255 ($35,146) (12.72%) Total $240,400 $244,972 $276,401 $241,255 $241,255 ($35,146) (12.72%)

South Norwalk Branch Library Maintenance FUNDING SUMMARY

Budget By Major Group 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Contractual Services $66,654 $75,848 $92,348 $88,577 $88,577 ($3,771) (4.08%) Total $66,654 $75,848 $92,348 $88,577 $88,577 ($3,771) (4.08%)

City of Norwalk 305 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

LIBRARY 016200 5110 WAGES & SALARY-REGULAR $1,824,799 $1,758,802 $1,941,575$2,113,513 $2,113,513 $171,938 FT payroll remains the same as in 2017-18. 016200 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $36,802 $38,633 $55,000$58,630 $58,630 $3,630 Usual yearly overtime expenses = $10,000 plus Sunday over-time hours for full-time employees at time-and-a half at both libraries for 40 Sundays 016200 5121 WAGES & SALARY-PREMIUM $6,254 $6,087 $4,800$4,800 $4,800 $0

016200 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $0

016200 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $703,163 $719,770 $690,317$701,091 $701,091 $10,774 Part Time hours are updated to reflect a $1/hour increase for PT professional librarians. The CT Library Association's recommended minimum for librarians with an MLS is $27/hr. Our current pay is $25.27. We can't meet their minimum this year, but plan to make this a gradual process. We have added passport revenue to the library budget, which will offset this increase. 016200 5150 LONGEVITY $8,165 $6,990 $7,735$8,805 $8,805 $1,070

016200 5175 RETRO WAGE ADJUSTMENTS $0 $0 $0

016200 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $3,025 $5,344 $1,180$3,180 $3,180 $2,000 Increase in postage due to the cost of mailing passports. Cost is approximately $6.50/day for each of six days we offer passport service. 016200 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $10,544 $10,537 $10,540 $23,188 $23,188 $12,648 Increase is due to the addition of 2 library copiers to the city's budget. The Library Foundation has a contract to provide copiers for the library at a cost of $7,648/year. We spoke to purchasing about adding the library's copiers to the City of Norwalk's contract. We also increase the printing budget to accomodate library card packets for the new apartment complexes, as well as flyers, etc. for outreach and increased adult programs. 016200 5225 TYPING SERVICES $0 $0 $0

016200 5231 PUBL OF NOTICES & REPORT $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016200 5233 SUBSCRIPTION-NEWSPAPER $36,753 $29,575 $37,000$37,000 $37,000 $0 Newspaper and periodical subscriptions based on actual expenditures. 016200 5234 SUBSCRIPTION-TAX,LAW $131,640 $133,888 $133,533$127,533 $127,533($6,000 ) Standing order print and online database subscriptions. We reduced this line because we have eliminated databases that are not well used by the Norwalk public. 016200 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $13,442 $5,110 $13,556$6,500 $6,500($7,056 ) Reduction due to library no longer paying for parking. Reduction based on actual parking costs in FY 16-17 016200 5237 ADVERTISING $874 $1,083 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 Advertising open positions. 016200 5241 ELECTRIC $2,357 $19,307 $0$0 $0 $0

016200 5242 WATER $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016200 5245 TELEPHONE $47,842 $55,802 $48,960$50,184 $50,184 $1,224

016200 5246 HEATING FUELS $0 $912 $0$0 $0 $0

City of Norwalk 306 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 016200 5247 OTHER UTILITY SERVICES $451 $304 $240$246 $246 $6 Cablevision services $20/mth. x 12 = $240 plus $6 for misc increases Total Request:$246 016200 5255 IT SERVICES $0 $12,654 $0

016200 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $30,307 $34,706 $38,000$50,000 $50,000 $12,000 Attendance at library programs for adults was 9960 in FY 2017; for children and teenagers, it was 26,908. Although this was somewaht less than in FY 2016, adult programs especially are increasingly in dmand. Circulation of library materials, however, decreased by 8% in FY 2017. Therefore, we want to transfer $12,000 from books to programs. 016200 5261 REPAIR-MAINTENANCE VEHIC $0 $0 $0

016200 5263 FURNITUR,OFFICE MACH REP&MAINT $4,441 $5,468 $4,870$4,870 $4,870 $0 Based on historical expenditures for both buildings. 016200 5265 GROUNDS&OUTDOOR COURTS $6,958 $9,887 $7,525$7,525 $7,525 $0 Snowplowing $5,325 Tree Work $2,000 Dump Runs $200 016200 5266 BUILDINGS $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016200 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $124 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016200 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $2,291 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 Items moved to correct account (5265, 5334, 5324) 016200 5272 TRAINING AND EDUCATION $525 $700 $300$300 $300 $0

016200 5281 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $1,486 $2,267 $772$772 $772 $0 Based on historical expenditures 016200 5286 BUSINESS EXPENSE $3,103 $1,632 $1,421$1,421 $1,421 $0 Travel and other expenses associated with training and education programs for employees 016200 5287 OTHER TRAVEL $0 $0 $0

016200 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $14,847 $16,891 $19,560$19,560 $19,560 $0 Based on actual expenditures. Printers are $1130/month plus quarterly overages. 016200 5295 SEMINAR&CONFERENCE FEES $2,892 $1,963 $2,250$2,250 $2,250 $0

016200 5296 SECURITY SYSTEMS $75,249 $75,995 $101,250 $101,250 $101,250 $0 The main library is open 64 hours/week. The branch library is open 55 hours/week. Security guard coverage is at 75%. 016200 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $3,253 $6,054 $6,150 $6,150 $6,150 $0 Bed Bug Detection = $3,000 Pest Control = $3,150 016200 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $7,454 $10,449 $8,364 $8,364 $8,364 $0 Based on historical expenditures for supplies. 016200 5321 AGRICULTURE SUPPLIES $747 $938 $750 $750 $750 $0 Landscaping supplies 016200 5323 FOOD $7,632 $7,395 $5,643 $5,643 $5,643 $0 Food for Library programs and activities 016200 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $12,486 $12,977 $12,940 $12,940 $12,940 $0 Based on historical expenditures

City of Norwalk 307 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

016200 5326 CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS $646 $459 $750$750 $750 $0 Contractual expenditures for 2405 bargaining unit employees and PT custodians 016200 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $15,418 $14,684 $15,560$15,560 $15,560 $0 Program and book management supplies 016200 5332 MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS $0 $0 $0

016200 5334 PAINTING SUPPLIES $1,104 $1,160 $1,200$1,200 $1,200 $0 For interior painting touch ups as needed. 016200 5335 PLUMBING SUPPLIES $556 $207 $1,035$1,035 $1,035 $0 Based on historical expenditures 016200 5336 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES $2,723 $3,834 $4,944$4,944 $4,944 $0 Based on historical expenditures 016200 5341 CONSUMABLE TOOLS & HARDW $524 $1,377 $1,304$1,304 $1,304 $0 Based on historical expenditures 016200 5391 A-V EQUIPMENT $57,313 $64,079 $58,916$58,916 $58,916 $0 To maintain popular collection to meet customer needs for DVDs, CDs, downloadable audiobooks and music. 016200 5392 BOOKS $229,657 $231,854 $220,000$200,000 $200,000($20,000 ) This reduction in the book budget reflects the evolution of library service away from checking out books to attendance at library programs. 016200 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $31,449 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016200 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $10,647 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016200 5461 CENTRALIZED FUEL $798 $868 $582$651 $651 $69

016200 5462 CENTRALIZED FLEET MAINTENANCE $1,160 $157 $1,266$814 $814($452 ) Approved Update based on reduced fleet OT 016200 5572 SIDEWALK MAINTENANCE $0 $0 $0

016200 5729 OTHER EQUIPMENT & MACHINERY $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

016200 5741 IT HARDWARE $1,757 $6,138 $3,553 $5,553 $5,553 $2,000 This increase is to provide a MacBook Pro for public programs and for in-house use by patrons. 016200 5742 IT SOFTWARE $511 $738 $0 $0 $0 $0

016200 5772 HEATING SYSTEMS $0 $0 $0

016200 5774 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS $0 $0 $0

016200 5777 CONSTRUCTION $0 $0 $0

016200 5795 STORM SANDY $0 $0 $0

Division Total $3,354,168 $3,317,676 $3,464,341 $3,648,192 $3,648,192 $183,851

MAIN LIBRARY 016210 5241 ELECTRIC $114,230 $96,119 $114,665$86,507 $86,507($28,158 )

016210 5242 WATER $3,865 $4,205 $5,503$4,310 $4,310($1,193 )

016210 5244 GAS $0 $0 $0

City of Norwalk 308 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 016210 5246 HEATING FUELS $17,898 $11,331 $20,464$11,615 $11,615($8,849 )

016210 5266 BUILDINGS $76,948 $78,871 $81,238$84,082 $84,082 $2,844

016210 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $13,998 $13,997 $13,850$16,200 $16,200 $2,350 Plumbing, Heating & Electrical Repairs $6,850 Generator Repairs and Maintenance $400 Generator Fuel Oil Testing $350 Cooling Tower Repairs and Maintenance$2,010 Air Conditioining Systems Water Treatment $1,490 Heating System Water Treatment $5,100 016210 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $2,319 $30,258 $29,870$26,200 $26,200($3,670 ) Genereal Repairs and Maintenance $2,500 Fire Extinguisher Inspections $700 Window Washing $5,000 Painting $3,000 Refinishing of Terrazzo Floor Landings and Stairwells $7,500 Quarterly Carpet Cleaning $7,500 016210 5296 SECURITY SYSTEMS $6,945 $6,976 $7,261$7,261 $7,261 $0 Stanley Security Agreement $4,697 Integrated Technical Systems $2,000 TYCO Aggreement $564 016210 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $4,198 $3,215 $3,550$5,080 $5,080 $1,530 Sprinkler System Inspection & Maintenance $1,450 Elevator Maintenance $3,130 Light Bulb & Ballast Recycling $500 Division Total $240,400 $244,972 $276,401 $241,255 $241,255 ($35,146)

SONO BRANCH LIBRARY 016220 5241 ELECTRIC $25,069 $28,195 $30,481$25,375 $25,375($5,106 )

016220 5242 WATER $1,446 $832 $2,393$1,000 $1,000($1,393 )

016220 5244 GAS $0 $0 $0

016220 5246 HEATING FUELS $2,332 $1,889 $4,987$2,000 $2,000($2,987 )

016220 5266 BUILDINGS $20,454 $20,966 $21,594$22,349 $22,349 $755

016220 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $8,571 $7,864 $10,240$10,513 $10,513 $273 Plumbing, Heating & Electrical Repairs & Maintenance $6,850 Generator Repairs & Maintenance $400 Cooling Tower Repairs & Maintenance $1,500 Air Conditioning Systems Water Treatment $1,763 016220 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $1,863 $10,413 $13,689$18,290 $18,290 $4,601 General Repairs & Maintenance $5,000 Fire Extinguisher Inspections $450 Painting $1,200 Dump Runs $200 Home Depot Supplies $3,440 Quarterly Carpet Cleaning $8,000 016220 5296 SECURITY SYSTEMS $3,242 $3,413 $4,464$4,500 $4,500 $36 Stanley Security Service Agreement $2,252 Integrated Technical Systems $1,645 TYCO Alarm Monitoring $600 016220 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $3,676 $2,277 $4,500$4,550 $4,550 $50 Sprinkler System Inspection & Maintenance $2,900 Elevator Maintenance $1,650

City of Norwalk 309 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Division Total $66,654 $75,848 $92,348 $88,577 $88,577 ($3,771)

Department Total $3,661,222 $3,638,496 $3,833,090 $3,978,024 $3,978,024 $144,934

City of Norwalk 310 Department Summary - HISTORICAL COMMISSION


Description of Service/Mission Statements: The duties of the Historical Commission are: specify and manage repairs, maintenance, and improvements to city-owned historic properties under the purview of the commission; hold demolition delay hearings regarding private and public properties when appropriate according to city code chapter 55; Support and manage 501c. three tenant relationships (Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Lockwood Mathews Mansion Museum, Inc., Western CT Visitors Bureau, Fairfield County Cultural Alliance and the Norwalk Historical Society) to ensure there is adequate public access to our historical sites through the various programs they provide; and to manage the city’s museum collection.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: NHS Museum & City Collection: Continue to work with Historical Society to complete renovations to Lockwood House and installed two new exhibits; developed five new exhibits for Fodor Farm; Completed conservation of 14 paintings. Continue assessments for future conservation work. Completed bids for phase II ADA work.

Mathews Park: Completed phase IV of the Mansion roof leak repair project; completed recreation of the missing porch on the Gate Lodge. Bid and contract for exterior ADA work for the Mansion using state grant funds. Worked with CCP to renovate kitchen and entrance lobby of Carriage house. Painted exterior of Carriage house. Leased vacant portion of Gate Lodge to CRIS Radio, for recording local news for the visually impaired.

Mill Hill Historic Park: Installed new interpretive signage around the site. Completed installation of a new exhibit for Town House. Received $625,000 grant for ADA hardscape around Smith Street Barn and Jail. Completed reframing interior of Jail.

Cemeteries: Installed new interpretive signage at Pine Island Cemetery. Restored original roadway within Pine Island and relocated Valley Trail to the restored road.

Goals For 2018 - 2019: City Museum Collection: • Complete phase II exterior ADA alterations and phase III ADA elevator installation. • Complete and install the silver exhibit.

Mathews Park: • Complete phase V of the Mansion roof leak repair project; Complete exterior ADA project. • Develop specifications for restoring front entrance.

Mill Hill Historic Park: • Develop specifications for and repoint the Town House masonry. Replace broken HVAC systems in the Schoolhouse and the Fitch Law Office. • Complete interior renovations to the Fitch Law Office. • Install new interpretive exhibits in the Schoolhouse and Law Office. • Continue interior renovations to Jail. • Implement exterior hardscape and ADA improvements on Smith Street, coordinating with the HOH project.

Cemeteries: • Pine Island - Continue resetting and repairing broken tombstones at all city cemeteries.

WPA Murals: • Begin conservation work on WPA murals at Ben Franklin.

General • Apply for grant funds to continue the development of the local historic resource inventory.

City of Norwalk 311 Department Summary - HISTORICAL COMMISSION

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Historical Commission's department recommended FY 2018-19 budget's increases of $24,860 or 10.7% over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget. This increase is driven by a $25,000 increase due to a grant shortfall that has historically been provided by the Lockwood Mathews Mansion Museum and $140 in other expenses.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Historical Commission $216,485 $209,390 $232,674 $257,534 $257,534 $24,860 10.68 %

Total $216,485 $209,390 $232,674 $257,534 $257,534 $24,860 10.68 %

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $33,253 $9,333 $45,000 $0 $0 ($45,000) (100.00%) Contractual Services $6,524 $23,282 $10,774 $55,634 $55,634 $44,860 416.37 % Supplies and Materials $12,641 $7,775 $7,900 $7,900 $7,900 $0 0.00 % Fixed Charges $20,067 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Grants & Donations $144,000 $169,000 $169,000 $194,000 $194,000 $25,000 14.79 % Total $216,485 $209,390 $232,674 $257,534 $257,534 $24,860 %10.68

NON-TAX REVENUE Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 %

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $216,485 $209,390 $232,674 $257,534 $257,534 $24,860 %10.68

PERSONNEL SUMMARY There are no full time personnel in this department. Council Members are elected and serve the City on a part-time basis.


FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 FY2018-19 Actual Actual Projected Recom'd Inputs Direct Expenditures $216,485 $209,390 $232,674 $257,534

City of Norwalk 312 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.


016300 5120 WAGES & SALARY-OVERTIME $174 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016300 5130 WAGES & SALARY-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016300 5140 WAGES & SALARY-PART TIME $33,079 $9,333 $45,000$0 $0($45,000 )

016300 5150 LONGEVITY $0 $0 $0

016300 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $0 $0 $0

016300 5212 FREIGHT,EXPRESS,TRUCK $0 $0 $0

016300 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $0 $0

016300 5225 TYPING SERVICES $1,190 $950 $1,500$1,500 $1,500 $0 12 NHC meetings @ $112.50 = $1,350 plus special meetings & public hearings = $150 016300 5231 PUBL OF NOTICES & REPORT $0 $45 $300$300 $300 $0 Publication of notices for public hearings. approx. 6 per year @ $50 each = $300 016300 5235 MEMBERSHIPS & DUES $100 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016300 5237 ADVERTISING $0 $0 $0

016300 5241 ELECTRIC $1,318 $1,886 $1,563$1,407 $1,407($156 )

016300 5242 WATER $250 $143 $101 $104 $104 $3

016300 5244 GAS $367 $108 $510 $523 $523 $13

016300 5245 TELEPHONE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

016300 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $411 $14,787 $0 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 Contracted laborHandymen for repairs and maintenance $45,000 016300 5263 FURNITUR,OFFICE MACH REP&MAINT $0 $0 $0

016300 5265 GROUNDS&OUTDOOR COURTS $571 $165 $0

016300 5266 BUILDINGS $1,427 $3,740 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $0 General repair and maintenance to all fourteen properties. Increase due to defered maintenance at buildings and cemeteries that cannot be put off any longer 016300 5267 PLUMBING,HEAT,ELECT.SERV $98 $493 $0 $0 $0 $0

016300 5269 OTHER REPAIR-MAINTENANCE $741 $704 $800 $800 $800 $0

016300 5294 MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT RENT $0 $0 $0

016300 5296 SECURITY SYSTEMS $52 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

016300 5298 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $0 $260 $0 $0 $0 $0

016300 5311 OFFICE SUPPLIES & MAT'LS $0 $883 $250 $250 $250 $0 Color cartridges, special paper and routine office supplies. 016300 5324 HOUSEHOLD&JANITORIAL SUP $0 $0 $50 $50 $50 $0 Janitorial supplies for all fourteen historic properties 016300 5329 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $731 $470 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $0

City of Norwalk 313 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. 016300 5331 AUTOMOTIVE FUEL&FLUIDS $50 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016300 5333 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT PART $269 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016300 5334 PAINTING SUPPLIES $1,990 $129 $800$800 $800 $0 Painting supplies to maintain all fourteen historic properties 016300 5335 PLUMBING SUPPLIES $106 $0 $200$200 $200 $0 Plumbing supplies to maintain all fourteen historic properties 016300 5336 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES $1,752 $635 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 Electrical supplies to maintain all fourteen historic properties 016300 5341 CONSUMABLE TOOLS & HARDW $903 $861 $600$600 $600 $0 To maintain all fourteen historic properties 016300 5344 COMMUNICATIONS SUPPLIES $42 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016300 5371 LUMBER & WOOD PRODUCTS $4,310 $2,744 $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $0 To maintain all fourteen historic properties 016300 5392 BOOKS $0 $0 $0

016300 5394 OTHER MATERIALS $2,489 $2,053 $2,500$2,500 $2,500 $0 To maintain all fourteen historic properties. Increase due to defered maintenance at buildings and cemeteries that cannot be put off any longer. 016300 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $19,918 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016300 5442 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $149 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

016300 5455 FIRE-SMITH STREET JAIL $0 $0 $0

016300 5620 GRANTS&DONATIONS-INSTITU $144,000 $169,000 $169,000$194,000 $194,000 $25,000 Norwalk Historical Society $10,000 Lockwood Mathews Mansion Museum $100,000 Run Museum in a New Location $84,000 016300 5712 FILE CABINETS $0 $0 $0

016300 5741 IT HARDWARE $0 $0 $0

Division Total $216,485 $209,390 $232,674 $257,534 $257,534 $24,860

Department Total $216,485 $209,390 $232,674 $257,534 $257,534 $24,860

City of Norwalk 314 Department Summary - GRANTS GRANTS

Description of Service/Mission Statements: The grant agencies included in this requested budget represent a diverse collection of non-profit organizations throughout the city. In addition to supporting a number of non-profits, funding is also included for the Redevelopment Agency, Housing Site Development, Fair Housing and the . Listed below is a brief description (and purpose) for each of the grants.

• Americares Free Clinic Description: A free healthcare clinic available to residents of the Greater Norwalk area. Purpose: To proactively raise awareness through cancer screenings and various healthcare-related studies.

• Carver Center Foundation Description: An organization that provides community, educational, enrichment and recreational programs, as well as summer camp and college tours Purpose: To help low-income youth reach their greatest potential.

• Connecticut Counseling Centers Description: A drug treatment program for chronic opiate addicts in Norwalk. Purpose: To assist drug addicts and their families overcome and eliminate the debilitating aspects of addiction, enhance and/or improve stable relationships, increase employability and promote adherence to community morals, standards and values.

• Elderhouse Description: A non-profit organization providing adult day care services to in-need elderly citizens. Purpose: To provide assistance for elderly citizens through supervision, health maintenance, restoration needs, and respite to family members.

• Norwalk Housing Authority - Head Start Description: A comprehensive pre-school program operated by the Norwalk Housing Authority. Purpose: To provide early childhood education, nutrition, health and special education services to children and their families.

• Norwalk Senior Center Description: A non-profit organization serving older residents and their families. Purpose: To help older adults age with dignity and independence through outreach resources such as housing, medical insurance, prescription drug programs and health and fitness activities.

• Norwalk Transit District Description: A transit district operating a fixed route service throughout Norwalk and into Wilton and a door-to-door service for the disabled. Purpose: To provide a safe and efficient system of public transportation for all users.

• Redevelopment Agency Description: The city's marketing and development organization. Purpose: Oversee the city's urban renewal, revitalization and economic and community development programs.

• Housing Site Development Agency Description: An independent agency assisting in the identification and acquisition of housing for low and moderate income populations in the city. Purpose: To help meet the housing needs of low and moderate-income populations through land cost write-downs, administration of all loan fund management issues and cooperation with the Fair Housing Officer in pursuit of fair housing opportunities.

• Fair Housing Officer City of Norwalk 315 Department Summary - GRANTS Description: An administrative entity responsible for managing housing discrimination complaints in Norwalk. Purpose: To ensure fair, non-discriminatory housing throughout the City by monitoring practices for compatibility with fair housing objectives, assisting City government in developing, maintaining and implementing procedures, educating the public on fair lending issues, and lobbying for laws to protect fair housing.

• Harbor Commission Description: A city and state-mandated body charged with managing all aspects of the . Purpose: To ensure efficient operation of the harbor through conducting studies on harbor conditions, adopting rules and regulations for use of the harbor and coordination of events with public and private agencies.

• Mid-Fairfield Child Guidance Center Description: A non-profit corporation providing outpatient and emergency psychiatric services to children and their families. Purpose: To ensure the mental health of children and families through the operation of two facilities throughout Norwalk.

• Human Services Council Description: A non-profit agency responsible for coordinating programs and organizations involved with substance abuse problems in the City. Purpose: To ensure that a collaborative approach is maintained in an addressing substance abuse through the community, through collaborative efforts with other local coalitions and councils, maintaining public awareness programs on alcohol and drug abuse and holding bi-monthly meetings.

• Open Door Shelter Description: Norwalk's homeless shelter Purpose: To provide a full continuum of housing and services that will meet the needs of the homeless.

• Probate Court Description: A judicial body, serving the Norwalk-Wilton region, responsible for all matters of probate. Purpose: To facilitate such matters as settlements of estates of deceased persons, the appointment of guardians, conservators and administrators, and settlement of their accounts, the adjudication of the mentally ill, and such other jurisdiction as may be provided by law.

• Domestic Violence Crisis Center Description: The city's domestic violence crisis center. Purpose: To prevent and break the cycle of domestic violence through crisis intervention (24-hour hotline), individual and family counseling, advocacy, safe housing, education, and increased public awareness.

• Family and Children's Agency Description: A community organization serving the poor and homeless populations. Purpose: To provide a non-structured, half-day social and recreational opportunities for poor and homeless populations.

• SW Connecticut Regional Mental Health Board Description: A governing board representing the behavioral interests of Region I, including persons living and working in the City of Norwalk. Purpose: To serve as an advocating body for mental health consumers and providers.

• Neighborhood Improvement Coordinator Description: A non-profit agency, which serves to improve communication and establish a productive working relationship with neighborhood associations and provide leadership and direction to Anti-Litter Task Force. Purpose: To address and improve neighborhood quality of life issues. To enjoy a cleaner and more enjoyable Norwalk.

• School-Based Health Center Description: A non-profit agency which serves as the coordinating organization for the School-Based Health Centers at Brien McMahon High School and Norwalk High School.

City of Norwalk 316 Department Summary - GRANTS Purpose: To provide on-site medical health care, at no charge, to all students daily from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday through Friday while school is in session.

• Children’s Connection Description: An organization that responds to the needs of physically and sexually abused children and their families. Purpose: To coordinate and deliver counseling and supportive services to abused children and their families through the cooperation of local social service providers, schools, police departments, hospitals and state agencies. The agency also aims to help prevent child abuse by focusing on investigation and intervention into abusive situations.

• Sexual Assault Crisis and Education Center Description: Norwalk's 24-hour crisis center. Purpose: To provide free and confidential support services to victims of sexual assault and their families including a 24-hour a day hotline. The center also provides community and school education programs.

• Person to Person Description: A volunteer-driven, community-supported agency that seeks to improve the lives of individuals and families who lack basic necessities or resources. Purpose: To provide low-income families and individuals meet basic, essential needs, and support them on the path towards greater financial stability. This includes food, financial assistance for rent, security deposits and utility bills, college scholarships, furniture and baby supplies for mothers.

• Courage to Speak Foundation Description: The Courage to Speak Foundation provides several programs for schools, students, parents and communities to promote drug education and prevention. Purpose : To save lives by empowering youth to be drug-free and encouraging parents to communicate effectively with their children about the dangers of drugs.

• HSC Norwalk Mentoring Program Description: The Norwalk Mentoring Program coordinates a structured one-on-one relationship between a student and and an adult volunteer who who for one per week at school during the school day and engage in academic and/or social, academic growth. Purpose : To encourage young students to become great ambassadors and for them o have positive role models.

City of Norwalk 317 Department Summary - GRANTS

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Grants recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net increase of $114, 790 or 5.4%. This increase is driven by additional funding to various City and Outside Grant Agencies. Detailed Grant Agency recommended budgets are outlined in the Funding Summary section below.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change

Grants to Outside Agencies Americare Free Clinic $22,440 $32,440 $36,000 $36,000 $36,000 $0 0.00 % Grants-carver Foundation $152,702 $152,702 $158,000 $160,000 $158,000 $0 0.00 % Grants-carver Sch Transition $25,000 $32,500 $36,000 $36,000 $36,000 $0 0.00 % Elderhouse $10,374 $10,374 $12,000 $30,000 $18,000 $6,000 50.00 % Norwalk Senior Center $355,000 $365,650 $377,000 $398,050 $385,000 $8,000 2.12 % Norwalk Mentor Program $0 $0 $0 $13,703 $4,500 $4,500 0.00 % Sexual Assault Crisis Center $17,489 $17,489 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $0 0.00 % Conn. Counseling Center $2,186 $2,186 $3,000 $2,186 $3,000 $0 0.00 % Headstart Provider $255,361 $10,224 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 % Mid Fairfield Child Guidance $25,000 $25,000 $28,000 $25,000 $28,000 $0 0.00 % Human Services Council $14,210 $14,210 $16,000 $16,480 $16,000 $0 0.00 % Open Door Shelter $55,724 $55,724 $60,000 $100,000 $60,000 $0 0.00 % Domestic Violence Center $6,012 $6,012 $6,100 $6,100 $6,100 $0 0.00 % Family & Children's Aid $39,709 $39,709 $44,000 $44,000 $44,000 $0 0.00 % Sw Ct Mental Health Bd $15,989 $15,989 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $0 0.00 % School Based Health Center $20,222 $20,222 $23,000 $23,690 $23,000 $0 0.00 % Children's Connection $17,489 $17,489 $20,000 $20,200 $20,000 $0 0.00 % Person To Person $25,000 $25,000 $28,000 $26,000 $28,000 $0 0.00 % Courage To Speak $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $1,500 $1,500 0.00 % Total $1,059,907 $842,920 $885,100 $980,409 $905,100 $20,000 2.26% Grants to City Agencies Transit District $507,667 $517,820 $517,820 $543,711 $543,711 $25,891 5.00 % Probate Court $25,478 $27,135 $27,135 $26,900 $26,900 ($235) (0.87%) Harbor Commission $9,134 $9,134 $9,134 $9,134 $9,134 $0 0.00 % Redevelopment Agency $205,203 $265,022 $187,327 $219,352 $219,352 $32,025 17.10 % Grants-neighborhood Impv Coord $95,618 $108,104 $102,272 $103,601 $103,601 $1,329 1.30 % Housing Site Development $111,378 $150,136 $158,846 $157,089 $157,089 ($1,757) (1.11%) Fair Housing Officer $138,532 $150,808 $146,047 $269,724 $183,584 $37,537 25.70 % Grants-summer Yth Employment $95,000 $95,000 $95,000 $95,000 $95,000 $0 0.00 % Total $1,188,010 $1,323,159 $1,243,581 $1,424,511 $1,338,371 $94,790 7.62% Total $2,247,917 $2,166,079 $2,128,681 $2,404,920 $2,243,471 $114,790 %5.39

City of Norwalk 318 Department Summary - GRANTS

NON-TAX REVENUE Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 %

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $2,247,917 $2,166,079 $2,128,681 $2,404,920 $2,243,471 $114,790 %5.39

City of Norwalk 319 CITY OF NORWALK


City of Norwalk 320 Department Summary - DEBT SERVICE



Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Bonds $27,181,010 $26,441,276 $25,948,865 $28,447,763 $28,447,763 $2,498,898 %9.63

Total $27,181,010 $26,441,276 $25,948,865 $28,447,763 $28,447,763 $2,498,898 %9.63

Budget By Major Group

Debt Service $27,181,010 $26,441,276 $25,948,865 $28,447,763 $28,447,763 $2,498,898 9.63 % Total $27,181,010 $26,441,276 $25,948,865 $28,447,763 $28,447,763 $2,498,898 %9.63

NON-TAX REVENUE Miscellaneous $2,018,199 $1,181,821 $1,266,857 $1,266,857 $1,266,857 $0 0.00 % Total $2,018,199 $1,181,821 $1,266,857 $1,266,857 $1,266,857 $0 0.00 %

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $25,162,811 $25,259,455 $24,682,008 $27,180,906 $27,180,906 $2,498,898 %10.12

City of Norwalk 321 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

BONDS 018020 5521 PRINCIPAL $19,134,110 $18,646,708 $18,026,317$19,375,909 $19,375,909 $1,349,592

018020 5522 INTEREST $8,046,900 $7,794,568 $7,922,548$9,071,854 $9,071,854 $1,149,306

018020 5650 TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS $0 $0 $0

Division Total $27,181,010 $26,441,276 $25,948,865 $28,447,763 $28,447,763 $2,498,898

MARITIME GARAGE 018024 5521 PRINCIPAL & INTEREST $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0


Division Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Department Total $27,181,010 $26,441,276 $25,948,865 $28,447,763 $28,447,763 $2,498,898

City of Norwalk 322 Department Summary - ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS


SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Organizational Memberships recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net $4,657 or 4.6% increase over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget reflecting net increases in various citywide memberships and subscriptions.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Organizational Memberships $98,959 $83,959 $100,357 $105,014 $105,014 $4,657 4.64 %

Total $98,959 $83,959 $100,357 $105,014 $105,014 $4,657 4.64 %

Budget By Major Group

Contractual Services $98,959 $83,959 $100,357 $105,014 $105,014 $4,657 4.64 % Total $98,959 $83,959 $100,357 $105,014 $105,014 $4,657 %4.64

NON-TAX REVENUE Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 %

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $98,959 $83,959 $100,357 $105,014 $105,014 $4,657 %4.64

City of Norwalk 323 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS 018200 5235 MEMBERSHIP & DUES $98,959 $83,959 $100,357$105,014 $105,014 $4,657

'CCM 55,180 COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS/SWRPA 28,154 'CONNECTICUT COALITION FOR 15,000 'SOUTHWEST CONSERVATION DISTRICT 6,000 'SISTER CITIES INTERNATIONAL 680 Division Total $98,959 $83,959 $100,357 $105,014 $105,014 $4,657

Department Total $98,959 $83,959 $100,357 $105,014 $105,014 $4,657

City of Norwalk 324 Department Summary - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS


SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Employee Benefits recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a net $1,597,009 or 5.0% increase over the recommended FY 2017-18 expense budget. The City recently transitioned from a medical self- insured plan to a fully insured plan administered by the State of Connecticut.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Insurance $10,702,284 $11,983,068 $7,138,449 $8,535,188 $8,535,188 $1,396,739 %19.57 City Lap & Workers Comp $0 $4,181,283 $3,364,495 $4,278,213 $4,278,213 $913,718 27.16 % Social Security $2,438,267 $2,470,955 $2,566,191 $2,643,177 $2,643,177 $76,986 3.00 % Opeb Contribution $14,346,636 $14,846,636 $15,346,636 $16,096,636 $16,096,636 $750,000 %4.89 BOE Benefits $2,617,911 $2,901,723 $3,425,923 $1,885,489 $1,885,489 ($1,540,434) (44.96%) Unemployment $113,299 $118,435 $152,779 $152,779 $152,779 $0 0.00 %

Total $30,218,397 $36,502,100 $31,994,473 $33,591,482 $33,591,482 $1,597,009 4.99 %

Budget By Major Group

Contractual Services $800,900 $806,600 $835,754 $43,000 $43,000 ($792,754) (94.85%) Fixed Charges $29,417,497 $35,695,500 $31,158,719 $33,548,482 $33,548,482 $2,389,763 7.67 % Total $30,218,397 $36,502,100 $31,994,473 $33,591,482 $33,591,482 $1,597,009 %4.99

NON-TAX REVENUE Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 %

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $30,218,397 $36,502,100 $31,994,473 $33,591,482 $33,591,482 $1,597,009 %4.99

City of Norwalk 325 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

INSURANCE 019010 5258 HEALTH BENEFITS OTHER PROF $800,900 $806,600 $835,754$43,000 $43,000($792,754 )

019010 5418 HEALTH BENEFITS CLAIMS $9,901,384 $11,176,468 $6,302,695$8,492,188 $8,492,188 $2,189,493

Division Total $10,702,284 $11,983,068 $7,138,449 $8,535,188 $8,535,188 $1,396,739

CITY LAP & WORKERS COMP 019011 5418 CITY LAP $0 $1,345,633 $132,505$3,778,213 $3,778,213 $3,645,708

019011 5442 CITY WORKERS' COMP $0 $2,835,650 $3,231,990$500,000 $500,000($2,731,990 )

Division Total $0 $4,181,283 $3,364,495 $4,278,213 $4,278,213 $913,718

SOCIAL SECURITY 019020 5418 SOCIAL SECURITY $2,438,267 $2,470,955 $2,566,191$2,643,177 $2,643,177 $76,986

Division Total $2,438,267 $2,470,955 $2,566,191 $2,643,177 $2,643,177 $76,986

OPEB CONTRIBUTION 019023 5418 OPEB CONTRIBUTION $14,346,636 $14,846,636 $15,346,636$16,096,636 $16,096,636 $750,000

Division Total $14,346,636 $14,846,636 $15,346,636 $16,096,636 $16,096,636 $750,000


Division Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

BOE BENEFITS 019031 5418 BOE LAP $844,904 $826,709 $0$0 $0 $0

019031 5442 BOE WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE $1,773,007 $2,075,014 $3,425,923$1,885,489 $1,885,489($1,540,434 )

019031 5466 INSURANCE DEFICIT REPAYMENT $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $2,617,911 $2,901,723 $3,425,923 $1,885,489 $1,885,489 ($1,540,434)

UNEMPLOYMENT 019040 5418 UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS $113,299 $118,435 $152,779$152,779 $152,779 $0

Division Total $113,299 $118,435 $152,779 $152,779 $152,779 $0

Department Total $30,218,397 $36,502,100 $31,994,473 $33,591,482 $33,591,482 $1,597,009

City of Norwalk 326 Department Summary - PENSIONS PENSIONS

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The recommended FY 2018-19 budget is $2,619,976 less or a 19.24% decrease over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget for the City, Police and Fire department pension fund contributions. The city engaged its actuary to complete an experience study on its pensions which pointed to changes that notably lowered the liabilities and related ADEC calculation. Specifically, the pension funds' investment returns were significantly higher than the assumed rate and there were two years of changes in the mortality improvement scales that both moved in the direction of lowering liabilities. In addition, the plan experienced gains relative to the current salary scale and retirement rate assumptions.

The City Charter requires the city to contribute the amount necessary to maintain these funds on a sound actuarial basis, as determined by the city's independent actuary, as follows: the city's General Fund contribution to the City Employees’ Pension Fund (which covers both City employees and Board of Education non-certified staff) is $4,844,470; the contribution to the Police Pension Fund is $3,933,226; the contribution to the Fire Pension Fund is $1,888,053. There is also a $275,000 budget for the city's 401A match contribution for newer employees and a $53,275 of miscellaneous other administrative expenses in the approved budget.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Police $4,314,628 $4,354,100 $4,792,975 $3,933,226 $3,933,226 ($859,749) (17.94%) Fire $2,565,634 $2,628,693 $2,903,735 $1,888,053 $1,888,053 ($1,015,682) (34.98%) City $4,770,033 $5,180,953 $5,917,290 $5,172,745 $5,172,745 ($744,545) (12.58%)

Total $11,650,295 $12,163,746 $13,614,000 $10,994,024 $10,994,024 ($2,619,976) (19.24%)

Budget By Major Group

Contractual Services $8,264 $2,000 $52,375 $52,375 $52,375 $0 0.00 % Fixed Charges $11,642,031 $12,161,746 $13,561,625 $10,941,649 $10,941,649 ($2,619,976) (19.32%) Total $11,650,295 $12,163,746 $13,614,000 $10,994,024 $10,994,024 ($2,619,976) (19.24%)


Miscellaneous $11,990 $15,276 $11,990 $11,990 $11,990 $0 0.00 % Total $11,990 $15,276 $11,990 $11,990 $11,990 $0 0.00 %

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $11,638,305 $12,148,470 $13,602,010 $10,982,034 $10,982,034 ($2,619,976) (19.26%)

City of Norwalk 327 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

POLICE 019510 5430 POLICE PENSIONS $4,314,628 $4,354,100 $4,792,975$3,933,226 $3,933,226($859,749 )

Division Total $4,314,628 $4,354,100 $4,792,975 $3,933,226 $3,933,226 ($859,749)

FIRE 019520 5430 FIRE PENSIONS $2,565,634 $2,628,693 $2,903,735$1,888,053 $1,888,053($1,015,682 )

Division Total $2,565,634 $2,628,693 $2,903,735 $1,888,053 $1,888,053 ($1,015,682)

CITY 019530 5211 POSTAGE,BOX RENT,ETC. $0 $0 $106$106 $106 $0

019530 5221 PRINTING & DUPLICATION $0 $0 $758$758 $758 $0

019530 5258 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVS $8,264 $2,000 $51,511$51,511 $51,511 $0

019530 5430 MUNICIPAL PENSIONS $4,614,497 $4,946,910 $5,614,915$4,845,370 $4,845,370($769,545 )

019530 5465 401A PENSION MATCH $147,272 $232,043 $250,000 $275,000 $275,000 $25,000

Division Total $4,770,033 $5,180,953 $5,917,290 $5,172,745 $5,172,745 ($744,545)

SPECIAL 019540 5418 INSURANCE PREMIUM $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0

Division Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Department Total $11,650,295 $12,163,746 $13,614,000 $10,994,024 $10,994,024 ($2,619,976)

City of Norwalk 328 Department Summary - CONTINGENCY CONTINGENCY

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The Contingency recommended FY 2018-19 budget has a $2,451,432 or 62.5% decrease over the approved FY 2017-18 expense budget. This is largely due to the settlement of union contracts and the city no longer setting aside funding for estimated salary increase.


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Contingency $0 $0 $3,921,810 $1,470,378 $1,470,378 ($2,451,432) (62.51%)

Total $0 $0 $3,921,810 $1,470,378 $1,470,378 ($2,451,432) (62.51%)

Budget By Major Group

Others $0 $0 $3,921,810 $1,470,378 $1,470,378 )($2,451,432 (62.51%) Total $0 $0 $3,921,810 $1,470,378 $1,470,378 ($2,451,432) (62.51%)

NON-TAX REVENUE Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00 %

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES $0 $0 $3,921,810 $1,470,378 $1,470,378 ($2,451,432) (62.51%)

City of Norwalk 329 Dept Org Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Code Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec.

CONTINGENCY 019600 5900 CONTINGENCY $0 $0 $3,921,810$1,470,378 $1,470,378($2,451,432 )

Division Total $0 $0 $3,921,810 $1,470,378 $1,470,378 ($2,451,432)

Department Total $0 $0 $3,921,810 $1,470,378 $1,470,378 ($2,451,432)

City of Norwalk 330 Capital Fund – Capital Budget Process


The Capital Budget is the City’s plan of capital projects and the means of financing them for a given fiscal year. The Planning and Zoning Commission adopts the five-year program and the Common Council approves authorization for the first year of the program. Although Norwalk has a separate capital budget process, the following section contains a summary of the City’s capital budget. This section also contains information on debt policies and debt administration in the City.

Capital Projects

Section 30-4 of the Norwalk City Code defines a capital budget item as follows: All monies, other than for ordinary operating expenses, which shall be requested or expended for the acquisition of land or buildings and for the improvement, purchase, enlargement and development of properties of the City, including the construction or remodeling of schools, public buildings and structures of whatever nature, for highways, parks, sanitary sewers, sewage and garbage disposal plants, drainage systems, rehabilitation of blighted areas and for machinery and other facilities having a usable expectancy of at least ten (10) years, for which the credit of the City shall be pledged by the issuance of bonds, notes or other certificates of indebtedness, shall be deemed to be capital budget items.

Capital Budget Process

The following paragraphs outline the major steps and dates involved in preparing and processing the Capital Budget, as prescribed in the City Code.


Capital Requests Submitted

During the middle of October, the Management and Budgets Division distributes capital budget request packages to the departments. These requests are completed and returned to the Management and Budgets Division typically by late November.


Review of Departmental Requests and Presentation of Finance Department Recommendations

During the early part of January, the Finance and Planning and Zoning Departments hold preliminary meetings with the City Departments to review their requests. In addition, the Planning Commission meets later in the month with the Departments to review their submissions. The Finance Department compiles and transmits the requests together with its recommendations to the Board of Estimate and Taxation, the Common Council and the Planning Commission on or before February 1. Included in these recommendations is the estimated effect of such expenditures upon the current budget and the bonded indebtedness for the succeeding years.

City of Norwalk 331 Capital Fund – Capital Budget Process


Planning Commission Presents Recommendations

On or before February 15th, the Planning Commission shall hold hearings on the proposed Capital Projects Program. Following these hearings, the Commission makes its recommendations on the Capital Budget for the ensuing fiscal year.


Mayor Presents Recommendations and Board of Estimate and Taxation Reviews Funding Levels

On or before March 5th of each year, the Planning Commission shall transmit the Capital Budget to the Mayor for review and recommendations. During this stage the Mayor may reduce or eliminate any departmental requests. However, the Mayor may not add any new projects without submitting them to the Planning Commission. If the Planning Commission opposes the new project, the Mayor must note the Commission’s opposition when transmitting his recommendations to the Board of Estimate and Taxation and the Common Council. On or before March 15th the Mayor transmits his recommended Capital Budget to the Board of Estimate and Taxation. The Board then reviews the requests and transmits in writing its opinion as to the amount of funds the City should appropriate in the Capital Budget and the effect of such expenditures upon the City’s operating budget and credit rating. The Board of Estimate and Taxation may also transfer from the Capital Budget to the Operating Budget all or part of those capital items that may feasibly be included in the operating budget for the ensuing fiscal year.


Adoption of Capital Budget

Upon reviewing the recommendations of the Board of Estimate and Taxation, the Common Council may approve, reject or reduce any project through a majority vote of its members. The Common Council also has within its authority, the ability to reinstate any item that may have been previously disapproved. The Common Council approves the final Capital Budget by April 15th.


Financing Method Determined

On or before the first day of May, the Finance Director shall transmit to the Common Council and the Board of Estimate and Taxation recommendations with regards to the most feasible and economic method of financing the capital budget.

Any resolutions regarding the financing of such Capital Budget must also be approved by the Board of Estimate and Taxation and the Common Council.

332 City of Norwalk Capital Fund – Debt Administration

DEBT ADMINISTRATION A significant portion of the City’s expenditures represents purchases of goods and services that are consumed in a relatively short period of time, typically one year or less. These purchases are funded through the City’s Operating Budget, since they represent current operating expenses. Capital expenditures, however, may be financed either from current revenue or through the issuance of debt. Capital expenditures are defined in the Norwalk City Code as items that cost at least $10,000 and have a useful life of ten years or more. These expenditures are incorporated in a five-year capital improvement plan, which is updated annually. The City employs both pay-as-you-go and pay-as-you-use capital financing strategies. Approximately fifteen years ago the City developed a comprehensive debt management strategy, which has been refined in each of the succeeding years.

The core elements of this strategy are as follows:  Continue to fund necessary capital activities giving priority to projects that (a) protect public safety and welfare; (b) preserve the City’s investment in its infrastructure; and (c) enhance the City’s tax base and residential property values.  Transfer as many recurring capital items as possible to the operating budget.  Reduce long-term debt service costs by limiting financing for school building projects to twenty (20) year maturities or less, and all other financing to fifteen (15) year maturities or less; sizing issues to take advantage of bank qualified financing; and by carefully blending private use activities with public purpose projects in an effort to maximize the use of tax exempt financing.  Make conservative use of short-term financing to avoid interest rate risk.  Coordinate capital planning and financing to stabilize annual debt service.  Continually update long range planning and debt scheduling to provide for absorption of large projects anticipated in the future.

The purpose of the strategic debt management plan is to satisfy project requirements and strengthen the City’s long-term financial position. Various debt ratios are meaningful indicators of the City’s financial position and strength and are useful tools for municipal management, public evaluation of performance, and investment decision-making for those considering the purchase of the City’s bonds or notes.

CITY INDEBTEDNESS AND DEBT LIMITS Under Connecticut General Statutes, municipalities shall not incur indebtedness through the issuance of bonds that will cause aggregate indebtedness by class to exceed the following: - General Purposes – 2.25 times annual receipts from taxation - School Purposes – 4.5 times annual receipts from taxation - Sewer Purposes – 3.75 times annual receipts from taxation - Urban Renewal Purposes – 3.25 times annual receipts from taxation - Unfunded Past Pension – 3.0 times annual receipts from taxation In no case, however, shall the total indebtedness exceed seven times the base.

City of Norwalk 333 CITY OF NORWALK


334 City of Norwalk Department Summary - PARKING AUTHORITY


Description of Service/Mission Statements: The Norwalk Parking Authority are resident volunteers appointed by the Mayor, ratified by the Common Council and are responsible for the management, operation and maintenance of over 4,000 on and off-street parking spaces including the railroad stations. The Norwalk Parking Authority is an advocate for downtown development and commerce, providing economic development resources supporting mobility, sustainability, growth and improvement while creating easy to park and pay options through mobile platforms and wayfinding systems. The Norwalk Parking Authority is a financially self-sustaining agency of the City of Norwalk, established in 2002 by ordinance.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: The Parking Authority responded to the negative perception about parking including parking capacity, aggressive enforcement and investing in the community, by implementing a comprehensive outreach and community conversation initiative integrating parking as an integral part of economic development and mobility and connecting these concepts to increase customer activity in the downtown districts and sustain the business community.

1. Courtesy Card Parking Violation Program – Implemented July 1 and expanded October 1st, the courtesy card parking violation program involves offering an additional 20 minutes ‘free’ parking on random streets and days to those people who overstay their parking time. The result was immediately successful receiving numerous compliments directly and on social media. It is anticipated that by the end of the FY the estimated number of potential violation issuance will have decreased by about 7,000 tickets and with a potential violation revenue loss of about $200,000 and an overall reduction estimated at 25%.

2. Yankee Doodle Garage Placemaking and Facility Enhancements – A critical parking resource/asset serving a multitude of businesses, visitors and residents, installed safety measures including new elevators, LED lighting, stairwell door locks and lobby doors. Implemented wayfinding system by creating a place making installation, with a visually appealing façade through strategically placed LED lights that balances the aesthetics of the district while maintaining security and the integrity of the garage.

3. Norwalk Now Collaborative Business Marketing Program - Working with the business community and to improve economic development in the long term in the downtown business districts and to energize customer activity beyond Norwalk, invested $100,000 per year in a collaborative business marketing business startup branded ‘Norwalk Now.’ Norwalk Now has grown and is quickly becoming the goto marketing organization for the restaurant, retail, entertainment and hospitality businesses in the greater downtown districts and in all of Norwalk.

4. Parking Capacity and Strategic Plan – Anticipating a parking capacity issue as the city continues to grow, the Parking Authority contracted with Walker Parking Consultants to perform a citywide parking capacity and create a strategic plan to in the near and long term and recommend solutions that would include not only building or buying more parking but also other mobility solutions. It is expected to be completed by the end of CY 2018.

5. Norwalk Tomorrow Citywide Planning Platform - In collaboration with the POCD plan and the Neighborhood Redevelopment Update , created a central communication strategy to provide an easy-to-use, interactive website and mobile-based, responsive platform for innovation and engagement, to educate the public on citywide planning projects and to receive continuous input from a larger segment of the population through digital models including website, social media, blogging and surveys.

6. Investor/Partner/Advisor in citywide programs/projects/developments – The NPA is involved as a major player with critical citywide economic development projects including the main Library, Webster Parking Lot, East and South Norwalk Railroad Stations (TOD/mixed use developments), Parks/Recreation (beach parking efficiencies). The NPA has assisted with funding and expertise to collaborate and partner with many different groups and planning, development and operational initiatives.

7. Technology – Implemented a business intelligent dashboard integrating all data sources into one platform and a customer service system and mobile app to provide enhanced customer services and tracking.

8. Walk Bridge Project Contributor – Project team member assisting the business district(s) developing solutions related to parking access and wayfinding.

City of Norwalk 335 Department Summary - PARKING AUTHORITY Goals For 2018 - 2019: 1. Courtesy Card Parking Violation Program – continue to offer this program in the downtown areas.

2. Collaborative Business Marketing – continue to invest in the Norwalk Now Collaborative Business Marketing program in the long term with a goal of 40 participants and include marketing efforts by the Tourism Board and the Walk Bridge Marketing Team.

3. Parking Capacity Study – evaluate consultant recommendation and develop an implementation plan.

4. South Norwalk Railroad Station –Evaluate programs to increase weekend activity at the railroad station. Enhance customer service presence during peak commuting times.

5. Infrastructure and operational support to additional city parking assets – provide operational and infrastructure enhancements to the main Library and to Liberty Square parking facilities through revenue control systems.

6. Investor/Partner/Advisor – continue to collaborate with citywide economic development projects including TOD developments at the two railroad stations, the library, other infill citywide developments, Merritt 7 railroad station. Provide parking solutions and guidance for other city departments, agencies.

7. Circulator – Contributor to implement a citywide circulator for the downtown districts (park once concept) offering easy mobility to get around the downtown districts and help the business community.

8. Bike Share Program – Project team contributor for a citywide bike share program, providing one stop parking and parking areas the program.

9. Walk Bridge Project – continue to provide resources to assist the business community with parking access and wayfinding.

City of Norwalk 336 Department Summary - WATER POLLUTION CONTROL AUTHORITY


Description of Service/Mission Statements: The Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA), an enterprise fund, manages the city’s sanitary sewer collection system, pumping stations, and wastewater treatment facility in accordance with environmental standards and regulations in the most cost-effective and responsible manner. Since FY 2000-2001, the Authority has outsourced the operations and maintenance of the system.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: • Continued to implement Sanitary Sewer Collection System Master Plan and implement rehabilitation as needed.

• Completed design of rehabilitation of various sanitary sewer infrastructure improvements identified by OMI and CH2M within the City.

• Completed design of the Marvin Beach Pump Station and Force Main rehabilitation/replacement.

• Completed pump station asset management plan and long-term capital needs.

• Continue utilization of tablet technology in the field to increase data collection and update the city’s Geographic Information System (GIS).

• Completed replacement of the wastewater treatment plant’s main lift pump station and siphon sluice gates.

• Completed Basis of Design report of the wastewater treatment plant’s Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system upgrade improvements.

• Initiate wastewater treatment plant Outfall 002 wet weather treatment control plan.

• Continued Partnership with Harbor Watch Program of Earthplace.

• WPCA Staffing – New WPCA consultant contracted to assist staff with closure of existing Wastewater Service Agreement in 2020 and procurement of new contract.

Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Continue to implement Sanitary Sewer Collection System Master Plan and implement rehabilitation as needed.

• Initiate replacement/rehabilitation project of various sanitary sewer infrastructure locations identified by OMI and CH2M within the City.

• Construct/Rehabilitate/Startup the Marvin Beach Pump Station and Force Main.

• Continue utilization of tablet technology in the field to increase data collection and update the City’s Geographic Information System (GIS).

• Continue with design and upgrade improvements of the wastewater treatment plant’s SCADA system.

• Continue wastewater treatment plant Outfall 002 wet weather treatment control plan and improvements.

• Design/Replacement of the Siphon Sluice Gates at the wastewater treatment plant.

• Continue closure of existing Wastewater Service Agreement in 2020 and procurement of new contract.

• Continued Partnership with Harbor Watch Program of Earthplace

City of Norwalk 337 Department Summary - FLEET SERVICES


Description of Service/Mission Statements: Fleet Services, an internal service fund, provides vehicle and equipment maintenance services to all departments, except the Fire Department, in order for the City personnel to have safe, reliable and efficient vehicles. This division was moved to a separate fund in FY 2005-06.

Highlights For 2017- 2018: • Continued to bar code the parts inventory which makes tracking and accountability more accurate.

• Continued to train the Automotive Technicians to stay updated with the constantly changing technology with vehicle emissions as a focal point.

• Continued to improve the preventative maintenance program to accommodate all city departments with minimal interruptions when servicing or repairing their vehicles.

• Continued to work with all city departments to assess and evaluate their vehicles in order to maintain a viable replacement program.

• Continued to improve winter weather equipment calibrations to achieve accurate application rates for salt and pre-wetting chemicals.

Goals For 2018 - 2019: • Continue to work with the IT Dept. to transfer fleet Assetworks program for faster updating and servicing.

• Continue to work with the Police Department on vehicle replacement to help control maintenance costs and reduce downtime and repairs.

• Continue to train Fleet Maintenance Staff on the new diagnostic equipment to maintain our vehicles and stay current with the changes in the automotive industry.

• Continue to work on the overall shop safety and cleanliness.

• Work with the Building Management Department of new fuel storage tanks and dispensing units.

• Continue to work with the Purchasing Department on the asset disposal from an auction site.

City of Norwalk 338 Department Summary - FLEET SERVICES


Budget By Activity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance % Actual Actual Approved Req'd Rec. Change Centralized Fleet Maintenance $2,159,473 $2,042,796 $2,337,440 $2,399,242 $2,399,242 $61,802 2.64 %

Total $2,159,473 $2,042,796 $2,337,440 $2,399,242 $2,399,242 $61,802 2.64 %

Budget By Major Group

Personnel Services $699,798 $709,149 $781,833 $817,080 $817,080 $35,247 4.51 % Contractual Services $32,158 $34,038 $55,202 $55,202 $55,202 $0 0.00 % Supplies and Materials $1,128,420 $896,099 $1,045,639 $1,045,639 $1,045,639 $0 0.00 % Fixed Charges $299,098 $403,510 $435,307 $481,321 $481,321 $46,014 10.57 % Others $0 $0 $19,459 $0 $0 ($19,459) (100.00%) Total $2,159,473 $2,042,796 $2,337,440 $2,399,242 $2,399,242 $61,802 %2.64


City Department Charges $1,915,280 $1,394,867 $2,175,599 $2,281,534 $2,281,534 $105,935 4.87 % Board of Education $17,836 $16,652 $13,443 $15,628 $15,628 $2,185 16.25 % Outside Agencies $257,431 $160,624 $148,398 $102,080 $102,080 ($46,318) (31.21%) Investment Income $272 -$133 $0 0.00 % Total $2,190,819 $1,572,010 $2,337,440 $2,399,242 $2,399,242 $61,802 %2.64

AMT. SUPPORTED BY TAXES ($31,345) $470,785 $0 $0 $0 $0 %0.00

PERSONNEL SUMMARY 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2018-19 Variance Approved Approved Approved Req'd Rec. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Pers./Exp. Fleet Management Fleet Services Manager 11$91,156 1 $93,2071 $93,207 $102,0311 $102,0310 $8,824 Automotive Stores Clerk 11$59,186 1 $60,5181 $60,518 $64,4541 $64,4540 $3,936 Preventive Maintenance Mechanic 11$51,121 1 $52,2711 $54,889 $64,4541 $64,4540 $9,565 Class I Mechanic 66$461,844 6 $475,5756 $479,078 $496,3496 $496,3490 $17,271 Tool Mechanic/Stores Keeper 11$48,690 1 $66,7171 $66,717 $71,0571 $71,0570 $4,340 Total 10 $711,997 10 $748,288 10 $754,409 10 $798,345 10 $798,3450 $43,936

Department Total 10 $711,997 10$748,288 10 $754,409 10 $798,345 10 $798,345 0 $43,936

City of Norwalk 339 CITY OF NORWALK


City of Norwalk 340 Appendix – GLOSSARY


Accrual Basis of Accounting - The method of accounting in which transactions are recorded at the time they are earned or incurred, as opposed to when cash is received or spent.

Appropriation - An authorization made by the appropriating authority of a government which permits officials to incur obligations against and to make expenditures of governmental resources.

Board of Estimate & Taxation - A six member board appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council which is responsible for approving the annual operating budget, and setting the tax levy and tax rates. The Mayor serves as an ex-officio member of the Board of Estimate and Taxation.

Budget - A plan of operation embodying an estimate of proposed expenditures for a given period and the proposed means of financing them.

CAFR - (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) - A governmental unit's official annual report prepared and published as a matter of public record; contains general purpose financial statements, introductory material, schedules to demonstrate legal compliance and statistical information.

Capital Budget - A plan of proposed capital projects and the means of financing them for the current fiscal period.

Collective Bargaining Agreement - A contract between the City of Norwalk and the various employee bargaining groups which defines working conditions, salary and benefits, and job categories.

Common Council - The elected legislative body for the City of Norwalk. The Council consists of 15 members, 2 from each district and 5 at-large. The Common Council is responsible for enacting legislation, authorizing the Mayor to borrow on behalf of the City, and approving the Capital Budget.

Contingency - Monies set-aside in the operating budget to provide for unforeseen expenditures or for anticipated expenditures of uncertain amounts.

Contractual Employee - An individual who is hired to work on a specific project and is employed for the duration of that project. Contractual employees are employed via a contractual services agreement.

Credit Rating - A rating set by an independent agency which reflects an entity's ability to repay debt resulting from the sale of bonds. Moody's Investor Service, Standard and Poors Corp., and Fitch Investor Service are the three major rating agencies in the United States.

Debt Service - The amount of money needed to be placed in the annual operating budget to pay interest and principal on outstanding debt in full and on schedule.

Effectiveness - The relationship of planned goals and objectives to actual outputs or outcomes achieved.

Efficiency - The relationship of inputs to outputs usually expressed in terms of cost per unit or unit costs.

Encumbrance - Commitment of funds to be used for goods and services not yet delivered. Funds are usually reserved or set aside, and encumbered once a contractual obligation has been entered.

Enterprise Funds - These funds account for operations of the city to provide goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis that will be financed or recovered primarily through user charges.

City of Norwalk 341 Appendix – Glossary

Expenditure - A payment, or an incurred liability to make a payment, for an asset or an expense.

Finance Director - An individual appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council who is responsible for overseeing the daily financial activities of the City.

Fiscal Year - A twelve month period of time to which the annual budget applies and at the end of which a governmental unit determines its financial position and the results of its operations. Norwalk operates on a fiscal year of July 1 – June 30.

Full-Time Employee - An individual who works year round for more than 30 hours per week. These individuals are eligible for all City benefits.

Fund Accounting - An accounting practice which segregates assets and related liabilities and residual equities for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations, and which operates as a separate fiscal entity with a self- balancing set of accounts.

Fund Balance - The difference between assets and fund liabilities of governmental and similar trust funds.

GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) - Uniform minimum standards and guidelines for financial accounting and reporting.

General Fund - The general operating fund of the City. All unrestricted resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund and are accounted for in this fund.

General Obligation Bonds - Bonds for whose payment the full faith and credit of the issuing body are pledged. Commonly considered to be those bonds payable from taxes and other general revenues.

Goal - A general statement of purpose. A goal provides a framework within which the department can operate.

Grand List - A listing of total assessed value of the real estate, personal property and automobiles within the City boundaries.

Grant Agency - Any private, non-profit agency which receives funding from the City of Norwalk to provide services to residents of the City.

Input - Monetary and non-monetary resources such as operating and capital dollars, full-time equivalents, equipment, and direct labor hours.

Internal Service Fund - A type of proprietary fund where the financing of goods or services provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies is accounted for on a cost-reimbursement bases. Internal service funds use a full accrual basis of accounting.

Line Item - Also called an account. A specific expenditure or revenue category within a departmental budget, e.g., postage, electric, travel, or printing and duplication.

Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk - Aquarium/IMAX theater development in South Norwalk. This is a major tourist attraction for the City and was funded by bond issues which were backed by the City.

342 City of Norwalk Appendix – GLOSSARY

Mayor - The popularly elected chief executive for the City of Norwalk.

Mill Rate - The rate used in calculating taxes based on the valuation of property, expressed in mills per dollar of property value. A mill is equivalent to one one-thousandth of a dollar of assessed value.

Modified Accrual Accounting - A basis of accounting in which revenues are recorded when collected and expenditures are recorded when encumbered.

N.E.O.N. – (Norwalk Economic Opportunity Now, Inc.,) a Community Action agency which administers many anti-poverty programs in Norwalk. NEON receives funds from the Federal and State governments, City of Norwalk, and various private sources.

Objective - A statement of anticipated level of achievements, usually quantifiable and with a specified period of time.

Operating Budget - A plan of current expenditures and the proposed means of financing them. The annual operating budget is the primary means by which most of the financing, acquisition, spending, and service delivery activities of a government are controlled. The adoption of an annual operating budget is required by City Charter.

Output - The amount of services provided such as the number of lane miles resurfaced or the tons of refuse collected.

Part-Time Employee - An individual who works year round for no more than 19 hours per week. These individuals are not eligible for City benefits.

Pay-as-You-Go Basis - A term used to describe the financial policy of a governmental unit that finances all or a portion of its capital outlays from current revenues rather than by borrowing.

Performance Measurements - A set of quantitative data that gauges the overall effectiveness and efficiency of governmental programs.

Pro Forma - Financial projection prepared by Management and Budget Division, which consists of a two- year forecast of revenues, expenditures and the resulting tax rate with the objective of maintaining current levels of service. The Pro Forma projection is initially sent to departments at the start of the budget process.

Property Tax - An assessment against real property (i.e. buildings, equipment, and vehicles) based on the property's value multiplied by the mill rate.

Recommended Budget - A plan of financial operations submitted by the Finance Director to the Board of Estimate and Taxation and the Common Council.

Revenue - Income received from all sources appropriated for the payment of expenses.

Risk Management -. All the ways and means used to avoid accidental loss or to reduce its consequences if it does occur.

Self-Insurance - The retention of a risk of loss arising out of the ownership of property or from some other case, instead of transferring that risk to an independent third party through the purchase of an insurance policy.

City of Norwalk 343 Appendix – Glossary

Tax Collection Rate - The amount of taxes collected compared to the total taxes levied in a given fiscal year.

Tax Levy - The total amount of taxes imposed by a governmental unit.

Temporary Employee - Any individual who works more than 19 hours per week for less than 120 days per year. These individuals are not eligible for any City benefits.

User Charge - A charge levied against users of a service or purchasers of a product provided or sold by a governmental unit.

344 City of Norwalk