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ESTABLISHED 1800 An Enterprising Republican Journal, especially devoted to Local News and Interests. TWO DOLLARS A Y EAR VOLUME LXXXIX. NORWALK, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, ISAU. NUMBER 4H

1 Any one expecting to go to Washington Charles B. Wheeler, 70. a wealthy citi­ The best thanksgiving benediction for Rev. Fa her Slocuni is not a man to The GAZETTE has received from Secretary this winter, (and who does not want to zen of Roxbury, was found dead Friday you, dear reader, will be the sending of a hide his light under a bushel, yet he is Jones a copy of the pamphlet cotaining Norwalk Gazette. go?) should read the advertisement of with a contusion behind his head. He good fat turkey to some poor family to­ still concealing one of the prettiest new the proceedings of the late convention ef the State Firemen's Association. It was .Mrs Dr. Barbour in today's GAZKTTK. was in the habit of carrying money about TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. morrow. dwellings on West avenue, by not moving Two Dollars per year, in advance the old parsonage out from its front. printed by Mr. Jones at his Westporter Her residence, No. 1,008 I street, North in his pockets and foul play is suspected. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Kiasell go to Stam­ West, is centrally and very pleasantly He was a brother of the late Truman RATES FOR ADVERTISING AND JOB PRINTING office and is a creditable job. ford tomorrow to eat Thanksgiving dinner Ex-Postmaster-General Tyner, recom­ located, near all the department buildings, Wheeler, ex-secretary of state. His uncle Furnished on application at the Office. mends a radical change in the law con­ The transfer steamer Express, built for Ordinary and transient advs., I inch. 1 week, $1.00 with their daughter, Mis. LeGrand Lock- and easy of access by horse cars to the was the late Henry Wheeler, ex-state_ jfach subsequent insertion, up to 4 times, .50 cerning "obscene" news papers and pub­ the New England Terminal company, and wood, jr. Capitol and nil parts of the city. No more senator. Half incn. half of above rates. lications, so as to bring all filthy and in­ intended as a mate for the Cape Charles, One column, ordinary adv., one time, - is no comfortable home and at so moderate A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. One column, leading matter, one time, 2n.0o In Bridgeport, early Monday morning, decent publications found iu the mails is completed, and will at once commence Loc A 1.8 in reading matter columns, per line, .i0 a man attacked Otto Schulz with a sand- rates can be found iu the Capital city. George II. Allen on Saturday last, at their Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free. within the scope of the law. to ply between Wilson's Point and New Advertising of Funeral Notices, - - l-M bay, knocked him senseless and robbed York. She is 288 feet long,.64 feet wide, The executive committee of the State residence, number 4 Chestnut street. The Liberal terms to yearly and half-yearly advertis­ Prof. Charles C. Briggs, of the Union ers, and ten per cent, discount on all advs. pre­ him of $21. and can carry nineteen cars. Firemen's Association, met in New Haven notice of the above gratifying fact which paid for three months or over. Theological Seminary says iu the Christian The enterprising business man is already W dnesday. Those present were Chiefs was sent to this office was accompanied THE GAZETTE JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT is Union that the Westminster Confession Company F minstrel entertainment to with the further gratifying assurance that eouliiped with the best facilities for turning out planning for his holiday advertising, Hyatt, of Meriden ; Staub, of New Mil- First. Class Work of every description. All orners does not seem to him to "rise to the sub­ be given in the Opera House on Thursday rise to remark that the GAZETTE is still a foid ; v\ iley, of Middletown; Prowitt, of "Both are doing well," meaning, presum­ for Printing. Engraving and Book Binding, execu­ lime height, of the love of God and the evening of next week, (Dec. 5th,) is sure ably, George and the doctor. ted promptly, and will be as well ana reasonably Norwalk; Daniels', of Willimantic ; Eaton, desirable medium. to attract a full house, as the ticKets are done as anywhere. matchless treasures of His grace." of Hartford; Jones, of Westpo't; and Mrs. Mary Couthlier, of Biddeford, is in selling rapidly. The chart of the house The Hartford Pnoenix Life Insurance Will Taylor, brother of Fred. A. Taylor, Hendricks, of New Haven. Benefits of LOCAL ITEMS. excellent health at the age of 1P4 Miu will open on Monday morning at Hale's, company is to be reorganized under an of this place, was manied to a Danbury $550 each were voted to the widows of Fifty first Congress convenes Monday. was born in Coaticook, Province of Que­ Plaisted's and Handle's where seats may act of the last legislature. A meeting for young lady last week, and is already George S. Towne, of Norwich, and Lud- bec, December 25, 1785. be secured. The Wheeler and Wilson or­ that purpose is called at 10 o'clock, a. m., Where's our wandering turkey to-night ? deep iu the mysteries of housekeeping at wig Uppstrom, of Middletown. Mrs. on December 3d, and already, proxies are A meeting of the Veterinary chestra will furnish music and Jesse Hop- < George N. Ells of Waterbury, was in Danbury. He has many friends here who Uppstrom and her two children live in being solicited by a Hartford gentleman Medical association will be held in the son will direct the orchestra. town last week. will wish him happiuess and prosperity Sweden. The children, who are 4 and 7 from Norwalk parties insured in this com­ Mahackemo hotel, on Tuesday next. A without stint. There is some talk in favor of connect­ years old respectively, will receive $1.50 North Dakota elected one United States pany. As Gen. Charles Olmstead is going large attendance is expected. ing the Wilson and Merrill property, ou each week until they are 15 years of age. up to represent his own policy, and those Senator Monday. "iale defeated Harvard at football Sat­ the south side of the bridge, by building George D. V\ atrons, son of the late urday, at Springfield, after one of the an arch and erecting a building thereon.— of several others hereabouts, it would John Hoey has sent a fine fox-terrier to The following from the Ashtabula(Ohio) President Watrons, of the New York, cleanest, closest and most exciting games Record. seem to be the part of wisdom to delegate Mrs. President Harrison. Sentinel reads like a fairy tale: New Haven & Hartford road, has been ever played between these two universi- To arch over tide water at this point, him to look a^|r all Norwalk interests. Ex-Minister to Germany George H. ties. ix points were scored by the New would require an act of congress giving Editors who receive complimentary made an instructor in the Yale law school. tickets to country fairs and other places In the Church of the Holy Trinity in Pendleton died at Brussells, Monday. Haven collegians to nothing for the play­ permission. The difference between the Mrs. Charles VV. U hitlock presented are often looked upon as dead heads, but Middletown, Wednesday, occurred the in­ ers from Cambridge. north side and south side of the bridge is the managers of the Henry County fair, Clark H. Osborne has had his pension her husband this Sunday afternoon at half augural festival of the Choir Guild of the that the former is over and who had some experience in such matters, increased from $24 to $30 per month. past two, with a bouncing boy of twelve Rev. Col. Edward Anderson will occupy had the following printed upon the com­ Diocese of Connecticut. Five church the latter over . . choirs participated, those of St. Andrew's, Oscar Byington of South Norwalk re­ pounds. He says the Son shines. Both his old pulpit, (where he ministered so plimentary tickets they issued: "Ihis are doing well. mauy years so ably and acceptably,) at the The oldest horse in Maine died 'n Ban­ ticket, probably, has been paid for ten Stamford, 29 voices; Holy Trinity, Mid­ ceived his original pension last week. times over by the paper to which it is First Congregational church, next Sun­ gor, November 22d. 'I his was the mare dletown, 45 voic-s; Trinity, New Haven, Minot Kellogg, having returned from issued. It will be honored in the hands of Mrs. Leslie L. Sherwood and daughter day. This announcement will be received Kate, owned by J. L. Craig, and she 34 voices; Trinity, Bridgeport, 34 voices, his trip to Jerusalem and the Holy Land, any man, woman or child, white, black, Maud are visiting friends in Brooklyn. with joy unalloyed by his many friends lacked but a few months of beiug 42 years red or yel ow, who favors the association aud Christ Church, of Hiirtford, 34 voices. as was fitting and proper, made a visit to The front of every market in town is in and about Norwalk. old. Mie was never sick, and on the day by presenting it. It is good for entrance The exercises opened with a choral cele­ his brother, Captain Enos Kellogg, of before her death was doing her work as and grand stand, and the bearer, if driving, bration of the Holy Communion for the festooned with attractive strings of tur­ Mr. Horace S. Hatch, while assisting in will he entitled to pass a team free. The Norwalk, Monday usual, appearing as smart as a four year- guild by the choir of Trinity church, keys. unloading a car of yellow pine lumber at association recognizes the fact that its Lew Wallace's new novel is approach­ old. When they went to hi-ch her up on splendid success is owing, largely, if not Bridgeport. A rehersal of all the choirs Poughkeepsie shipped twenty! tons of South Norwalk, yesterday, had the mis­ ing completion, it is said, and a greater the following morning, however, she was wholly, t > the notices so freely given by was held in the afternoon from 2.30 to turkey «o Gotham for its Thanksgiving fortune to get his right leg caught under the press, and while we cannot render an portion of it is in the typewriter's hands. found dead in her stall. 3.;,»0. Following this a business meeting dinner. a tilting timber and breaking it short Off. equivalent we return our grateful The question naturally arises : "Will it be was held, a permanent organization was Mr. «T. F. Griffen, a tutor iu the Bridge­ He is as comfortable as could be expected Cf>J. Wm. H Stevenson, (the author of thanks." another "Ben Hur?" Beaijtiful Snow,) is a musical composer, effected and officers were elected. port business college, was in town on under his two-fold afflictions. HORSE*NOTES.—"Buck" Lockwood has Seven half finished buildings in Harlem and three of his compositions will Four of our expert whist players have Saturday. Th'! marriage of Miss Minnie Lock- bi" rendered by the Wheeler & Wilson just purchased a superb saddle horse from collapsed Thursday last. The only ex­ for several months past been playing a The Glover gas and water fitting shop wood, of Norwalk, and Mr. Eversley band at the ball and concei t of the Broth­ one cf the New York riding schools. planation given is a statement by the erhood of Locomotive Engineers, in New series of games for 500 points. The con­ on River street is being reconstructed for Childs, of Brooklyn, to be solemnized iu Mr. George Weed has purchased a very builder that the rainy weather prevented Haven. The first will be the grand march test was recently ended and the winners a dwelling house. valuable two-year-old throroughbred colt the Congregational church, on Wednes­ to be known as the Fourth Hegiment were Gen. Charles Olmstead and Judge the morter from hardening. inarch; the "Tip Top galop," dedicated to at the great Kell >gg sale, and has sent - No word has yet come from the"e!oping day evening of next week, promises to be A. J. Crofut, against Ed. O. Keeler and Louis Vcrliu's big prize hog, which a memroable society event. It is said Col. N. G. Osborne, of New Haven, and a him up to the Finch brothers to be win­ coup'e of Taylors. They are presumably waltz dedicated to ex-Gov. Waller, The Dr. Many. The prize for which the tour­ is to be guessed out of existence at 50 about 1,500 invitations have been issued. tered. Munson tloyt has bought a having a good time. Colonel is also the composer of a "Grand nament was fought was a 'possumrsupper cents a guess to morrow, was ou exhibi­ Bounce" dedicated to those railroaders beautiful 2 40 steppe^. Thos. S. Mori- "Billy" Banker is again at his post in Mrs. Julii M. Southmayd, wife of Davis for the quartette, with all the trimmings tion in town yesterday. t|e's a^bigger hog who can't keep good time.—Record. son has purchased of Frederick Lockwood Ed. Goldschmidt's glassware establish­ Hatch, Esq., died at her home ou West of New Canaan, one of the best bred colts and indispensables, to be paid for by the than ever cheated a printer. ^ ^ Tlin people of Chicago are going right ment on Water street. avenue on Thursday last, and was buried in this county. James E. Woodhull has losing couple. Accordingly a Col. Wm. ahead in their effort to have the world's The first soeiable of'lher' Rowayton at Riverside cemetery on Saturday. Mrs. picked up a 2.30 hustler of grand style Throckmorton, of Geoigia, a friend of " The engagement of Dr. W. H. Baldwin fair held in their city. They have estab­ social club will be held in Fairview Hatch was a woman of superior qualities and action. Dann's colt won first prize Judge Crofut, who devotes considerable and Miss Fannie Stanley, daughter of S. lished a world's fair headquarters and are House, Five Mile River on Thanksgiving as wife, mother, fiiend and neighbor, and against seven horses in the 2.45 class, and attention to the raising of 'possums, was K. Stanley, is announced. sending out circulars extolling their city night, and no pains are being spared that her departure will be felt as an irreparable "Buck" Lock wood's horse took first money notified some time ago to select a tender W. W. Converse, president of the as the best place in the country for such will contribute to its enjoyableness. loss to all who knew her. in the 2.40 class at the fair grounds Tues­ young 'possum and fatten it especially for Winchester Repeating Arms Co., of New an exposition. In one point all can agree this occasion. Last Saturday evening was John J. Clerldn, ex-clerk '.of the New day week. Haven, died Tuesday night. Mrs. Julia E. Baird and Mrs. George with their proposition and that is that the the time set for the feast and a telegram Haven board of selectmen, who made the Jennings, of South Norwalk, are visiting largest and best stock and agricultural The fair of St. Mary's Society, now be­ to Col. Throckmorton brought the 'pos­ Cards are out for the marriage on Dec. recent disclosures concerning the expen­ in Washington, and are guests with Mrs. fair could be held in that city. There is ing held in the Opera House, is bound to sum by express, a fine, fat specimen all 10th, of Miss Harriet Eloise Nash and Dr. diture of the town's money to prevent the Dr. Barbour. Mr. S. L. Barbour, of no doubt abou- that. Chicago is the center be as grand a success financially as it is dressed and carefully packed and it was Frank W. Olds, of New York. consolidation of the town and city govern­ Hertford, is also a guest at the same of the grandest agricultural region in the enjoyable and successful socially. The turned over to Landlord McPherson of ments in the recent Legislature, says he A H. Humes who was arrested in Bos­ place. world. interior of the Opera House is handsomely the Norwalk Hotel who prepared it for the has other charges to make, which he says ton on Thursday for bigamy has had five We are pained to learn that Rev. Dr. decorated with gay colored festoonery, feast. And right handsomely^was it pre­ will be mighty interesting. The Milton correspondent of the Water­ wives, four of whom are now living. and Mrs. Robert Anderson, of Waterbury, bury American says: and the display of articles of all descrip­ pared and garnished with, its tempting have been called to mourn the loss of In the undergrowth the turkey tions, for sale and to be awarded as prizes, decorations. It looked like a feast fit for Major J. C. Crowe, of South Norwalk, Now-a-days is seen to lurk, he O. L. Bassett, of Norwalk, who has who has been seriously ill with typhoid another child, their beautiful and accom­ Seeks this chance his life to save, he been here for two weeks, succeeded in is most attractive. Rev. Father Slocum, the gods. Dr. Many, in view of the fact plished daughter so recently led to the Eisewise will be m the gravy. bagging about 40 partridges and wood­ to whose indefatigable efforts the suc­ tiiat he is accustumed to scenes of torture, fever for some time past is improving. —Berkshire News. cocks. Birds are very plentiful in this altar a happy bride. cess of the fair will be largely due, is the was deputized to do the carving, aud took Lum Smith, the Philadelphia character, Roost he high or squat he low, he section. Stands no shadow of a show—see? largest contributor to the collection, and his place at the head of the table. Before has been sentenced to six months' impris­ German services will be held in the Besides bagging all these birds, Bassett Chapel of the South Norwalk Congrega­ Spite of brush, tree top or coop, he among his contributions are the following the festivities began, however, a letter onment lor libeling Anthony Comstock. W ill to-morrow in the soup be. al?o bagged a varied and select assortment tional church next Sunday at 2.45 p. m., of wild and exciting yarns of forest ad­ articles: Lounge, rocking chair, cherry was read from Col. Throckmorton, which was virtually a pedigree of the'possum Rev. C. E. Torrey will preach at the the Rev. F. B. Cunz officiating. A full —As the shoe, grocers and dry goods men venture, hair-breadth scrapes, chestnuts table, carpet, statuette "the broken doll," and a written guaranty that it was a real, union services of the churches, to-morrow attendance of Germans, and all others are giving Coupons to their customers in and fairy tales selected expressly for hol­ boy's velocipede, boy's wagon, and an hope-to-die 'pos3um, the Col. evidently at eleven o'clock, at the M. E. church. who desire, is invited. the interest of Crayon makers in other iday narration. He is going up again almost endless variety of articles in fancy having a small estimate of the ability of Brown's hat shop iu South Norwalk has towns, Photographer Readman is negoti­ next month and will take a reporter along work, silverware, vases, etc. A splendid The firemen of New Milford hold their the feasters to tell a 'possum from a wood- been purchased from parties in Danbury, ating with leading firms in New York, so to embalm his adventures in history. easy chair is contributed by George H. fair for one week beginning this evening. chuck. The letter went on to state that, and will be managed by a South Norwalk that people getting Photographs of him Raymond; elegant parlor set, Michael A number of Norwalk fire fighters will can get their dry goods, shoes and gro­ F. Gordon Mead, son of Fred Mead, is Ratchford ; large French mirror from the the beast had been born, bred, fattened attend before it closes. They will be sure ceries at wholesale prices. adding laurels to his wreath of fame as an Jesuits of Keyser's Island ; large cooking and butchered especially for this hnppy About twenty of the young friends of j of a glorious time, as New Milford cannot actor, of which his native town, as well occasion. At the conclusion of the read­ The West avenue Whist Club held its range, E. K. Lockwood & Co.; trunk, P. Howard Mackey gave him a surprise party j be outdone on hospitality. as his family, may well be proud. He is ing Dr. Many rose, grasped his savage first meeting Friday evening at the resi­ H.' Dwyer; large picture, elegantly at his home on West avenue, Friday eve- | traveling with a strong company through carving-knife determinedly in his right The entertainment given by the Y. M. dence of Cashier Curtis, where an un­ framed, Ilanlau Brothers; box of cigars, ning. | the South, in Elliot Barnes' play "Only a hand and his big fork in his left a>:d C. A. last Wednesday evening, was great­ usually delightful evening was passed by John Cabill; lady's bonnet, Mrs. Fawcett; The billiard tournament at the Norwalk j Farmer's Daughter," and takes the part of squared off for tke conflict. He plunged ly enjoyed by the large audience present. the shufflers of the paste-boards. The shoes, A. H. Hoyt & Son ; shoes, Glover Club has developed the fact that some j Sammy Green, the country boy. The the fork vigorously and firmly into the The last entertainment of the course is to first prize was won by Mrs. C. B.Coolidge & Olsen; silk dress, Boston store—and a players are not so good as some other j company appeared last week in Richmond juicy roast, inserted the knife between its be given next Wednesday evening, and and Fred. Stearns, and the second prize multiplicity of other things"too numerous players. j and Roanoke, Virginia, and young Meade ribs, and with a deft twist of the wrist m- will be the best of the series. by Miss^Brockwayfand Mr. Yogel. The to mention" contributed by friends of the The official recognition by the United j was the only one, besides the two leading enterprise. Fred. Mead has the refresh­ inflicted a cruel wound. The steam It is the hope of all New England and a next meeting is to be held at the house of I States of the new republic of Brazil is a i characters, who received especial mention ment and candy stand, and the ladies of arose in a cloud and with it the fumes good part of the rest of the country that Dr. Hitchcock, on Tuesday evening next. gracious act on the part of the greatest of j for excellence, in the local papers. the society have charge of a refreshment of the internal arrangements. Doc. at the close of the Congressional caucus, j republics. j Senator Pendleton, whose critical ill­ booth, and also a booth where articles of sniffed, turned up his little nose at Saturday, the Portland Congressman may The latest New York fad is the issuing ness is announced, was the father of the fancy work and bric-a-brac are for sale. an angle of 45 degrees, sniffed again, -Thanksgiving day will be a good time able to "Read his title clear to" the civil service law.—New Haven News. of business cards by City firms, on the be turned pale, looked at the other guests I to have your picture taken at Readman's This is an error. Gen. Joseph R. Haw- reyerse side of which is a printed request The fair opens each evening with an en­ Speakership of the next House. with an expression of terrified amazement, in the GAZETTE building. Least money ley, senator from Connecticut, is really the for the recipient to put thereon his name joyable literary and musical entertainment Mrs. Wm. Iv. James has contracted for sniffed some more and sank back into his land best work. father of the civil service law. As the and address, and keep it about the person and concludes with a dancc. Throughout the erection of five tenement cottages on chair in a fainting condition. The others Frank Foster, at Gloucester, Mass., at­ senate was democtatic and Mr. Pendleton to be used as the card quietly suggests, each session those energetic and irresist­ her property on Cross street. The frame by this time began to sniff, looked at one tempted to shut off an electric light with favorable to the bill, Gen. Hawley put it "in case of serious accident." In view of ible young ladies, with book and pencil, for the first bouse is already up and the another in horror, and involuntarily back­ |an iron gaff Monday night, and was killed into his hands, as the surest way of secur­ the "sand-bag" game now so much in make it pleasar.t for the visitor with cor­ others are to immediately follow. They dial invitations to take a chance on this or ed away from the table. Gen. Olmstead instantaneously. " ing its passage. vogue in that city, this is certainly a time­ are to have all the modern conveniences. ly suggestion, as it will save much delay that article, and from the success they finally mustered up courage to approach A sacred concert will be given in the A. The Norwalk fire department has re­ and trouble to be informed at once, where meet with it is safe to predict that all the the 'possum to demand an explanation. E. church, Sunday evening, Dec. 1st, Mrs. Elizabeth Clementine Kinnej', ceived an invitation to attend the second the body should be sent. "prizes" will bring their full value. It required but the slightest investigati on the choir, assisted by the members of mother of the poet. Edmund Clarence working exhibition of the Hayes aerial Father Duggan flits about among the to discover the cause of |;he sudden gloom Steadman, died Wednesday at Summit, The time has come in this country when Y. M. C. A. truck from the Stamford fire department. patrons, here, there and everywhere, that was cast over the company. The N. J., aged 79 years. She was the sister The Norwalk boys, who had the pleasure the current news of the day and a record The Pittsfield Sunday Call celebrated its of passing events, however full and accur­ looking after the comfort of the visitors 'possum was over-ripe. The long journey of William E. Dodge, of New York. Her of attending the first trial test, are loud m anniversary last Sunday. It is a ate, do not meet the popular needs, or and leading them from the temptation of from the South and the humid, unhealthy first husband was Col. E. B. Steadman, of their praise of the Stamford firemen's jming and healthy youngster, mighty supply thoughtful people with the knowl­ the book holders. Father Slocum has weather had had a mortifying effect ou Hartford. , - bountiful hospitality, and those who go edge and mental stimulant they desire. jrecocious for its age., his station near the stage, and has an eye the corpse,which the cooking had brought 1 The ladies of the First Congregational over on Thanksgiving day to the second We have come to the era of wide and F. W. Jaqui, the tin and stove dealer, deep thinking, and of profound examina­ on all that is going on. Thomas Cooney, to a climax, and Dr. Many's surgical church Will give at their chapel, the latter test may be sure of a hearty reception.- tion into specific subjects which vitaliy the veteran, who has been manager of St. operation had simply given it a vent sold out his business. The purchaser, part of next week, a "Rainbow supper," A paragraph is going the rounds of the concern the body politic. The air is filled Mary's fairs for the past dozen years, offi­ through which the pent-up effluvia effect- yho, we are informed, is a Brooklyn man, (with the viands as tempting and far more with movements which begin to agitate papers setting forth that a South Norwalk ciates in the same capacity this year in ivvly and unmistakably asserted itself. It not yet taken possession. substantial than the rainbow.) The pro­ church and state alike, as winds do the express clerk recently drew a prize of forest; and it is to the great magazines his usual efficient style, and to his assidu­ stunk. That is the only adequate term to ceeds are tQ be devoted to paying the It is a pity that John Roach were not $i,250 in the Louisana lottery. In this that the people must look for that full and ous endeavors will be due much credit for be applied to it. The board of health was church debt. iving to-day to see the flagship Chicago of connection the Ansonia Sentinel says:— satisfactory discussion of principles and the success of the enterprise. On Monday summoned and the carcass was speedily ^ institutions, parties and policies, demand­ construction leading the most unique Prof. Loisette's Memory System is'crea- "He keeps right on with his work, and evening the cash receipts were sufficient removed. The festive party, however' jt of war vessels in the world. ed by the exigencies of our conditions. ting greater interest than ever in all parts the only manifestation of his luck he has The Arena is a magazine recently estab­ to pay all the expense of the fair, and the was not to be thwarted by a little stinking Business is the name of a handsome and of the country, and persons wishing to made is to buy a new pair of plaid over­ lished in Boston for the purpose of giving receipts from that evening until the close episode like that, and luckily the ' table jle monthly publication just launched improve tlicir memory should send for alls. This satisfied him and also helped to the country the best thought of the day of the fair, next Monday nigli will be was freighted with an abundance of other on those subjects which are now com- good things,'so the feast was a success Norwich by Prof. A. R. Biichard, It his prospectus, free, as advertised in to brighten the dreary monototiy of South ntion of thpught- clear profit, and will be a handson.u sum r a welcomc"and valued exchange. another column. ' ' ^ 4t. Norwalk's scenery." „ ., r A; for the after all. " - "V - V -

' r ' ' -I i • U* " -


AN INCIDENT OF THE RAIL. aut ONLY A T.ELIC DIMM'D WITH TEARS. danger. Then 1 earned suddenly, feeling LIFE IN OTHER WORLDS. that so.^ie one was behind me. It I* All i ^Jiirv i: 11M Brave Act of an Engineer Wh« Be­ Aye, only a relic diram'd with tears. But I am a man of considerable nerve, and Ke t:i. rn oni bored His Own Little Girl. The winter day Is dying, I presently caino to my senses. I thought: THE TIMES AND SEASONS OF OUR We Wile.i !>r til! U'U •i con v en- Aad memories of youth's loving years "I have had an hallucination, that is all." Wo went winding up the mountains, our FELLOW PLANETS. iwices" wiu.oi.: i ally una. " mg what in Gotno with tbo night wind's sighiag. I had had an hallucination—that was an massive engine drawing us up the curving mean I tw i in- . il-i-ssioii I ,S iop call'.:! of A. token of love of bygone days, incontestable fact. But my naiad had re­ grades without an apparent effort. We had :• modern •i . • uinonccs are When lifo was bright, unshaded; two or tiiret- mained clear all the time, acting regularly Searching the Possibilities of Existence on crossed an iron bridge and made a curve, at uot though: oi U is a p .j ueui eur-k'i'. r.t, To The dreams of youth are hidden; those visions which lead tho simple to believe Stay Where Wo Are. the bills. Looking past it to a point just so much work to do. However, ii we take The relic is dimm'd with bitter tears— in miracles. There was a nervous affection beyond, which was visible from my side of the general conditions wliic.i apply to house­ Tho tears which come unbidden. of tho optical organs, nothing more. A slight I do not think that it is at all probable that the engine, I saw—and I excitedly exclaimed# But the world is6hort —time quickly flies— a man could exist even for five minutes on keeping m the Log cabin and the conveniences And heavy tears of sorrow congestion, perhaps "A child on the track!" which are attached thereto, ami apply th -ni I lit ni3,p candlo. I noticed, on bonding any other planet or any other body in the At the exclamation John sprang from his Will be forgotten 'neath the skies universe. We know that even within the to an eight or ten room houst, we find a Of that blest day—to-morrow. toward the fire, that I wa? trembling, and I seat. One glance down tho track and his face change The work of caring for this bouse is limits of our own earth each oue of us has to —Flavel Scott Mines in Harper's Bazar. raised myself with a start, as if soino one had became pallid. A child—:) years old. per­ slavish, llodern conveniences are the com­ be provided with a constitution appropriate touched me from behind. haps—stood midway between the rails and pensating details which are applied to a larger for a particular climate. An Esquimaux is Assuredly, I was far from tranquil. not 100 yards from the engine. I looked from house and which undertake to reduce the suitably placed in the Arctic regions, a negro WHY HE MARRIED. I walked about, I suoke aloud, I sang in a John to the child. It stood facing us, clap­ labor ol housekeeping to that which ap- on the equator, and were they to change subdued voice. ping its little hands as it was wont to do proache.- the work to lie done in a smaller Then I double locked my chamber door and places it is hard to say whether the heat from its mother's arms, perh&ps, at the pass­ house. But they do not accomplish this. You cannot understand it, my friend! And would not have killed tho Esquimaux oven felt somewhat reassured. At least, no one ing of the cars. In another instant I was Modern conveniences merely make it possible I can easily conceive that you cannofc. Yoa before the cold killed the negro. But such could enter. thrown forward—almost pitching through to live in a larger house and do the work con­ think that I am going mad? Perhaps I may an attempt at acclimatization would bo easy be, a little, but not for tho reasons that you I sat down and reflected over my adventure the glass window in front. At the same mo­ nected with it with an ordinary expenditure along time. Finally, I got into bed and put when compared with that which would be suppose. ment I heard a scream, a woman's voice, and of money and energy. Generally speaking out tho light. required before an inhabitant adapted to one with arms aloft and face paralyzed with ter­ the saving of money is accomplished. For Yes, I am about to marry. globe could accommodate himself to a resi­ "The Old Oaken Bucket, For a time all went well. I was lying ror the mother stood upon the steps of her the most part, however, little surplus energy Ami yot my ideas and convictions liavonot dence on another. Indeed, there seem to be The Iron-bound Bucket, changed. I consider tbo legal union an ab­ quietly on my back. Then I felt a desire to cottage. We were nearer the child—it was remains. The Moss-corered Bucket," look around tho room, and turned over on insuperable difficulties in supposing that not twenty yards from the engine, which, surdity. I am convinced that eight mar­ there can bo any residence for man or for any SB very likely the one that has convej-od poi­ my side under the pressure of tho air brake, was sons to your system from some okl well, riages in ten are failures. Less than ever do beings nearly resembling man elsewhere than I feel myself capable of faithfully loving ouo Tho fire had died down, only two or three bumping aud jelting furiously. I looked for whose waters have become contaminated red brands remaining, just brightening tho on his own earth. John, his seat was vacant; again ahead; the from sewers, vaults, or percolations l'rom the woman —I shall always love all tho others THE SUN IS TOO HOT. soil. To eradicate these poisons from the too well. feet of tho arm chair, and I thought I again pilot was within twenty feet of the child, the system and save yourself a spell of malarial, saw tho man sitting there! Let us begin with tho sun. I think wo train still in motion, too rapidly to be check­ typhoid or bilious fever, and to keep the I would have a thousand lips, a thousand need not give many reasons to show that a hver, kidneys and lungs in a healthy aud arms. Mint I might embraco at one© an array I hastily struck a match. I had deceived ed liefore rearhing it! I shut my eyes, my myself. I no longer saw anything. How­ man could uot lire thero long. Eve'y boy heart stood still. Again the mother's heart vigorous condition, use Dr. Pierce's TJoldon of tho charming creatures. knows how a burning glass can kindle a piece Medical Discovery. It arouses all tho ex­ And .yet I am about to marry. ever, I arose and concealed tho chair behind rending scream, and I opened my eyes to see cretory organs into activity, thereby cleans­ of paper by concentrating the sun's rays. ing and purifying tho system, freeing it from I may add that I have hut a slight ac­ tho bed. Thoa I again darkened tho room the child tossed several feet in the air. My and endeavored to sleep. Borne great burning glasses have been con­ head swam as I averted my eyes, and I fan­ all manner of blood-poisons, no matter from quaintance with my wife of to-morrow. I structed with which iron, steel and even what cause they have arisen. All diseases know that she is not displeasing to me, and I had not lo.-t consciousness for more than cied I heard the crushing of the little form originating from a torpid or deranged liver, fivo minutes before I saw, in a dream, and flints have actually melted by the sun's heat. by the now slowly revolving wheels, when in or from impure blood, yield to its wonderful that is snt'icient for my purpose. It can be proved that tho sun himself must, curative properties. It regulates the stom­ She is {>etite, blonde and plump. But next plainly as tho reality, the whole scene of the husky tones I heard a man's voice utter: VTEV7. ach and bowels, promotes the appetite and be hotter than any temperature that can be In the old house we had two fires; in the week 1 shall long for a woman who is tall, evening over again. I awoke in consterna­ "Thank God!" digestion, and cures Dyspepsia, "Liver Com­ tion, and, having made a light, remained sit­ produced in the focus of the most powerful I opened my eyes, and standing upon the large one we have five or six, unless we have plaint," and Ohronio Diarrhea. Salt-rheum, dark and thin. burning glass. Assuredly there can be no a furnace. Hence, the furnace is a modern Tetter. Eczema, Erysipelas, Scrofulous Sores She is not rich. She does not belong to a ting on tho bed without even daring to try to pilot was John Akers, holding in his arms and Swellings, Enlarged Glands and Tumorff life on tho sun. convenience, a labor saving device. In the family rank. She is one of those girls to bo sleep. the child, its face wreathed in smiles. The disappear under its use. The next celestial world to tho sun in im­ small house we had only to carry water to "Golden Medical Disooreir" is tho onljr found by the gross in the middle classes, gocd Twice, however, slumber overcame me in engine was now at a standstill. From the portance is, of course, tho moon. Could we the kitchen. A wash bowl and pitcher in a blood and liver medicine, sold by druggist^ girls to marry, with neithaft virtues ncr spite of myself, and twico again I saw the cottage the father came with blanched face under a positive guarantee of its bene­ samo thing. I thought I must be going mad. find here an eligible abode for mankind? The. and trembling steps. The child in merry bedroom was unusual. There was little wa­ fiting or curing in every case, or money paid faults. moon would, no doubt, provide the necessary ter to be carried. When ono had occasion to for it will be promptly returned. People say of her: "Miss So-and-Bo is very When tho day appeared I felt that I waa accent called out, "Want to ride, papa?" alternation from day to night, but tho day use the wash pan he was supposed to empty pretty," They will say of her to-morrov.*: cured, and slept soundly until noon. He took his baby from John Akers' extended Copyright, 1098, KY WOAWS DIS. MED. ASS'H. It was over—well over. I had had a fever, on tho moon would last for a fortnight, and hands, and, folding her in his arms, sank the water himself. In the large house, with­ "She is extremely pretty, that Mrs. Blank?" then there would be black night for another out the modern conveniences, there would be Why, then, do I marry, you ask? a nightmare, I know not what. I had been ill. down on the earth beside the track. But I considered that I had acted very fool­ fortnight. During the long day the moon John clambered back to his perch, and a wash bowl and pitcher and slop jar in each LIOHi. PLEaSANT, I scarcely dare avow to you tho strange would be terribly scorched, a circumstance of the bedrooms. Hence, a great deal of and incredible reason which impels mo to this ishly. sounded the whistle. The passengers looked .And agreojthie I was very gay all that day. I dined in a which would be hardly compensated for by out of the window, wondering what had oc­ water to be carried to and from these rooms. smoke fr«Mart to senseless act. the fact that even if we survived the scorch­ Plumbing apparatus with hot and cold water finis!', is our rMTTii-.DH 1 many that I may not bo alone. restaurant; I went to tho theatre. Finally I curred. A trembling hand drew the lever, ing we should certainly bo frozen to death supplied to the kitchen, one or more station­ cigar now kuofrn aa 1 know not how to say it, how to make my­ started for home; but on approaching the which started the engine, puffing and hissing houso a feeling of uneasiness took possession dnring the ensuing night. But there would until it was going at full speed again. I ary wash stands on the second fioor, a water self understood. You would pity mo and de­ bo other insuperable difficulties attending an closet and bath tub in bathroom will par­ spise r.t", so deplorablo i.; my state of mind. of me. I was afraid of seeing him again— looked toward John—his blue eyes were ou Sleeper's Eye not afraid of him, not afraid of his presence, attempt to make an abode on the moon. The tho track ahead, but they were dimmed. tially compensate for the added labor of \ d:> not want t.o ho a'one at night. I want absence of water is one of them, while a still housekeeping in a larger houso. me. each. A;1 den! in which I did not believe, but afraid of a re­ Tears were on his cheeks, as he perhaps ers. to feci a human being near me, beside me—a more immediate trouble would arise from the In the three room house tho kitchen, china being which can speak, say something, no newed trouble of my eyes, afraid of the hal­ thought of what would have been his feelings lucination. deficiency, if not total absence, of air suited if his own little girl had been the one on the closet, pantry, dining room, sitting room, matter what. for respiration. were all in one; not infrequently there Some one whom i can wakeu from slumber For moi-e than an hour I wandered aim­ track. Not a word did either of us speak lessly up and down the streets; then, ashamed It is almost impossible for us to conceive until at Christianburg, on the top of the no cellar. A parlor was not thought of in and question abruptly—any foolish question what an airless world would bo like. Fishes connection with that house. The require­ —only ':o hear a voice, to feel that my rooms of my weakness, finally entered the house. I Alleghanies, 2,000 feet above the level, the was breathing so hard that 1 could with diffi­ out of water would be not more uncomforta­ train stopped. As I started to leave the en­ ments of modern living call for a separate 'l'rmte-Y.ark. are inhabited, to feel a consciousness on the ble than we should find ourselves. apartment for each of the rooms named. In alert, a reason at work, t:> see on suddenly culty mount the stairs. 1 halted again on the gine, I turned and grasped John's hand. 8. S. rsi.EKPEK & < 0.. Factory. landing outside my door, for more than ten Let us now consider some of the more dis­ "You did a brave thing, John—a noble the matter of sweeping and dusting there lighting ray caulks a human form at my tant worlds and examine their claims to be can be no compromise. In tho kitchen wo side—bec'iujo—because—it is bard to ac­ minutes. Then, in a burst of courage, I un­ act." locked the door aud dashed forward, candle regarded as possible homes for beings in any have hot and cold water mora oonvenii nt knowledge it—b cause, alo-ne, I am afraid. " 'Twas the air brake," he modestly and in hand, pushed tho half open door with my degree resembling ourselves. There are many than in the smaller house; we have tables, Oh! you do not yet comprehend me. blushingly replied; " 'twas the air brake that foot and cast a startled glance toward the of these worlds with regard to which wo may did it!"—Philadelphia Item. sinks and drain boards; and while they af­ I am not afraid of danger. If a burglar at once decide in the negative. Could we, ford advantages in preparing the food, wash­ en'erxl my room, I would kill hi:n without a fireplace. I saw nothing. What a relief! What joy! What a deliv­ for instance, five on a planet like Neptune? j ing and caring for dishes and utensils, it is tremor, I am not afraid r.t ghosts. I do not Fiercer Than Beasts. erance ! I wont and came about the rooms It lies thirty times as far from the sun as we j true that these conveniences require a cer­ believe in the supernatural. I am not afraid do. Tho share of the light and heat from the No, we will not go squirrel hunting this tain amount of care to keep them clean. The of ?ho dead. I believe in the total annihila­ with a jaunty air. But I did not feel reas­ year. Wo have been reflecting on the mat­ sured. I turned with sudden starts; the sun which a Neptunian inhabitant would re­ closets of other rooms and the gas for light­ Dougle Wagons, tion of every being v.' ' disap^sar*. ter and have concluded that tho destruction ing in lieu of lamps and candles are conven­ shadow in the corners disquieted me. ceive could only bo tho nine-hundredth part of happy, innocent lives should not be re­ W'oJl, Lam afraid OL i.iyssAtl I am afraid of t-haH which is dispersed to every dweller iences which are supposed to make the la­ I slept ill, constantly wakened by imagin­ garded as sport. The little hearts that beat of fear, afraid of my warring intellect., afraid on this earth. This fact alone would seem to bor of living in a larger house measurably ary uoises. But I did ilot see him. No. It beneath the velvet coats of the gay and frisky of fchi-s horrible sensation of incomprehensible show an insuperable obstacle to the existence commensurate with that of the smaller one. Single Wagons, was ended! denizens of the forest are just as susceptible terror. Laugh, if you will. It is frightful, of any life on Nepfeune resembling those types / However, the added number of rooms, tlie Sinco that day I am afraid—alone at night. to joy and pain and terror as those that throb incurable. I am afraid of tho walls, of the of lifo with which we are familiar. The or­ larger amount of surface to be cared for in furniture. of tho familiar objects which be­ I feel it there, near me, about me—the vision. within our own breasts. They are all God's has never appeared to me again. And bit of Neptune is also so vast that the planet sweeping, dusting aud in other ways which Road Carts. come instinct for mo with a sort of animal It creatures, and have a right to life, liberty what does it matter, moreover, since I do not requires a period of 1§5 years in order to belong to the larger house cannot be com­ ]ii' >. I am afraid, above all, of the horrible and the pursuit of happiness. How few of believe in it, since I know that it is nothing? complete a single revolution. The changes pensated for by the addition of modern con­ agitation of my thoughts, of my senses, which us think of the tens of thousands of animals It harasses me, though, for I think of it of the Neptunian seasons, if indeed Neptune veniences so as to make the labor of house­ eseapo me in confusion, scattered by ray an­ that must die daily that man may live. Man, Horse Carts, unceasingly. A hand hanging down on the can be said to have any seasons at all, must keeping in the larger house compare with the arch devourer, the murderous and re­ guish, -mysterious and indefinable. right, tho head leaning to tho left, like that therefore be extremely protracted. A man that of the smaller one. While there is added T experience, first, a vague inquietude who was born at midwinter in Neptune would morseless tyrant. comfort aud luxury there is added work, even which penetrates to my very soul and causes of a man asleep. * * * Enough, in God's "The whole earth labors and is in violence name! I will think of it no longer! But have reached extreme old age if ho survived ; with compensating conditions of labor saving Coal, a shudder to run through me. I look aroifud because of his cruelties, and from the amphi­ what is the meaning of this obsession? Why until the next ensuing midsummer. | devices. m -. Nothing! And L dasiro that there theatre of sentiment nature there sounds in The plan which is here presented is of a one should he something. What? Something this persistency? JUPIT3R AND MARS. J fancy's ear the bleat of one wide and universal He haunts me—it is folly, but so it is. Who? The day and night on Jupiter are both ex- j story house. It is suited to the requirements comprehensible! For lam afraid solely be­ suffering—a dreadful homage to the power of Wood, . He! I know that ho does not exist; that is tremely short, for together they do not quite of a small family. There is a hall in the cen­ en M.-e I cannot comprehend my fear. nature's constituted lords." Man is pre-emi­ nothing! He exists only in my apprehension, amount to ten hours. Jupiter's year, how- j ter, a small library at ono side with a door nent among the fiercest animals of prey. I speak. I am afraid of my voice. I walk. ever, is almost twelve of our years. Although | closing it from the hall, a sitting room on the I am afraid of the unknown behind the door, in my fear, in my anguish! Not content with satisfying his luxurious Grain. But I may reason with myself, upbraid my­ right separated from the hall by turned spin­ a man on Jupiter would ouly receive one- ! appetite, this most ferocious, ingenious and behind the curtains, in the closet, under tho self, in vain. I can no longer remain at home twenty-fifth part of the heat of tho sun that dle work at one side of and above an opening, be'. And yet I know that there is nothing. implacable of the carnivora, who revels in alono, for he is there. I shall never see him all of which is backed up by portieres. There he would do on tho earth, yet it does not.seem flesh and blood with gluttonless glee, also I turn suddenly, afraid of what is behind again, I know. He will not show himself likely that there would be reason to appre- is a grate in the reception hall, library and m-—though there is nothing there, and J : makes a sport of tho destruction of life. hencl that Jupiter would be uninhabitable parlor. All of the rooms are heated by a kno-.v I grow agitated, I feel my terror again; that is ended. When he wants a day off—a day of pleasure But ho is there all the so me, in my thoughts. from cold. Quito the contrary is the case. furnace. The bathroom is accessible from ir.-nvr • \ and I lock myself in my chamber and recreation—he goes forth to the woods, Ho remains invisible; that does not prevent Indeed, it seems not unlikely that tho exces­ the hall and the principal chamber. Hay, r and, with the eager fierceness of the hyena, av/i .ilungeinto bed and hido under thecover- sive heat of Jupiter would be found intolera­ The kitchen is modern in its arrangements; crmg~. and, cowering there, rolled up like a his being there. He is behind the doors, in the closets, un­ ble by beings with nerves like ours. This heat , watches for his prey. i is provided with the usual equipment of b:nJ. i -lose my eyes in desperation, and re- The savage beasts of the jungle only de­ der tho bed, in every obscure corner, in every has, however, not come from the sun. It is i tables, sink and drainboard. There is a pan­ niu.i vims for an endless time, knowing that stroy life when hunger or fear drives them shadow. If I turn the doors, if I open the the internal heat of the planet itself, which . try and passage between kitchen and dining Straw my candle, ieffc burning on my night table, closets, if I throw the light under the bed, if to it, but man, the imago of his maker, kills room, with a place for refrigerator and ought ?-o bo put out—and T dare not do it. has not sufficiently cooled down from that j for sport—for the mero gratification it affords I illumine tho corners, the shadows, ho is no original fiery state in which every body of our dough board therein, and slide connections m x> Is it not.frightful to I v.) tlwis? him to take life. If animals have souls,.as longer there; but, then, I feel that ho is be­ system seems to hare had its origin. with the china closet and dining room. In Formerly, I experienced nothing cf all that. many good and wise men believe, what must hind me. I turn, certain, however, that I Jupiter certainly has an atmosphere, but the high part of roof the girl's room is pro­ I entered calmly. I went and cauio in my the departed spirits of the slaughtered hosts shall not see him, that I shall never see him we do not know from what gases that at­ vided. By a change in the china closet a com­ rev. D is, with nothing to disturb the serenity think of the proud princes of creation who Building Material, again. He is none tho loss behind me still. mosphere may bo constituted. It might con­ bination stairway could be arranged which of my mind. If any one had told me then It is foolish, but it is atrocious. What stalk rampant amid the blood and groans would afford passageway from the dining wlr.it a malady of fear—incredible, foolish sist of materials noxious, if not actually and agony of their fellow creatures.—Punxsu- would you? I can do nothing. poisonous; and in any case it is extremely room as well as from tho kitchen to an added u uC ^ and Jnrrible—would one day possess me, I But if thero were two of us, I feel, yes—I tawney (Pa.) Spirit. number of sleeping rooms above. It .would should have laughed heartily. I opened the unlikely that it should contain both the in­ feel certain that he would no longer b:« there. gredients aud the proportions suited for our j require some change in tho general stair ar­ door-; in the dark with assurance. I undressed For ho is there because I am alone—solely Cits of Wisdom. rangement, but altogether would be feasi­ slowly, without pushing tue boits, and I never respiration. becauso I am alono!—Translated for The Ar­ There is one body in our system whose Homely people make the best friends. ble. arose-in the.middle of tho night to make sure gonaut from the French of Guy de Maupas­ The moro wealth a man has the loader his that tho doors and windows were securely times and whose seasons accord so closely with fastened. sant by H. C. It. our own that it is impossible not to believe children talk. If. began last year in a singular manner. It that life of some kind may there be found. No girl likes to be seen carrying a corset- An Aristocratic Canine. was on a damp autumn night. Tho length of the day and tho night tpgether box on the street. It was dreary everywhere. The wet side­ "You mean dog collars," said a New York on Mars is 24 hours 37 minutes. That is prac­ A loafer has no right that a busy man is walks.glistened. A moist warmth, of thesort Press reporter to the omniscient society man. tically only about half an hour greater than j bound to respect. which froesrns you with sudden chills—an op­ "No, sir; I mean a dog ring. You see, tho corresponding period for our own globe. When a man sees a door marked "Private" pressive warmth of line, impalpable rain eu- fashionable people who love their pets tired The year of Mars is no doubt longer than he wants to open it. South Norwalk. vclojx- t tha &:ro':t «;«1 scorned to lessen and of gold and silver and studded colars, so, after ours, being about a year and eleven months. You can't realize how few dollars there are obscure iho flame of tho gas. I walked slow­ much laborious brain soarching, they hit upon The size of Mars is less than tho size of our in a $5 bill until you break it. When you see some children you at once ly, repeating to myself as I went: "I shall, tho idea of a jeweled ring." earth, and, therefore, the gravitation on begin to" doubt the good sense of their For Sale at a Sacrifics. find no one to talk to." "Isn't the ring liable to slip off the animal's Mai-s is not so great as we have here. I do For blocks and blocks I searched tho cafes. leg when in action?" not mean to say that it is the least likely that parents. Carry a dollar and a nickel in a pocket with The tired looking m sn sitting at tho tables "It isn't for the leg. It's for the tail." any man, woman or child transplanted from Will l><; .-old if ii|.j)lic(! for m>oh, "Don't you think their jewels will excite this earth to Mars could live and thrive there. a hole in ib and you will lose the dollar and appeared too listless to finish their repasts. , k, I lOttxiitr TEW ROOM COTTACE, I wandered about thus for some time, and the cupidity of the dog stealers?" The temperature might be endurable, and save the nickel. X 3 toward midnight started homsward. I was "Undoubtedly; but you must remember water appears to be not wanting, but I do The beauty of having children in the house within five minutes walk of the is that whenever you want small change you cairn but very tired. they will only be worn by animals who are not think we have any reason to expect that bridge, with never failing well of My concierge, .who rotires before 11 o'clock, well ablo to take care of themselves." the atmosphere would suit human beings can always find it in the children's bank. excellent water, and a cistern A woman believes that there is nothing 0|x;oed the door for tiro at once, contrary to "Don't you think that it would be au ex­ either in quantity or quality. Still the con­ holding three hundred hogs­ his usual habit. I thought: "Doubtless an­ cellent idea if society people provided their ditions on Mars are so nearly parallel to that tho Lord will forgive moro readily than other lodger has just gone up." dogs with eyeglasses and toothpicks?" those wo have that it seems reasonable to the sewing of a button on an angry husband's heads, for laundry purposes f "I nover gave tho subject any thought." •£tR-Hcn-— On going out I always double lock my door. think that the ruddy planet is a suitable shirt Sunday. all modern improvement? I fomi 1 it simply latched, a fact which struck "And with increasing civilization, culture home for some t.ypes of life. We feel sorry for a boy. To be a boy of isxi? me. 1 supposed letters had bacii sent up and refinement, oughtn't society cats to be Of the other planets, such as Vstnus, we 14 or 15 means to be the occupant of the conveniences, etc. Cost provided with bracelets?" worst old lumber room in the house. If there L_-«3noor** "MOT • during iho evening. I entered. Too fire was know too little to say anything with regard owner §8,000, and still burning and faintly illumined tho apart­ "Really now, don't ask mo such questions. to their times and seasons, while about the is any money spent on decoration it- is in the ment. I took a candle, intending to light it We men look after the dogs. The welfare countless worlds which depend upon those girl's room, because the girls are supposed to will be sold for and adornment of tho cats is a matter for like pretty things and boys are "rough." Tho at tho lire, when, turning my oyes in that other suns, the stars, we must be content not $5,000 with only direction, I saw socio one sitting in the arm the consideration of the ladies." to know anything whatever.—Robert S. Ball, average boy carries a feeling of neglect away At first tho reporter was inclined to believe down in his heart, and this feeling often re­ x choir, with feet to the fire and back toward F. R. S., Astronomer Royal for Ireland, in $1,500'down. that his informant, who sucked most of his sults in bad boys:—Atchison Globe. mo. Philadelphia Times. to satisfac­ I was not afraid. Oh, no, not tho-least in knowledge from the head of his walking stick, was lying with Munchauson-like aplomb. A Green Haired Men in Nevada. tory party. tho worl< i. Probably it was one of my friends A Cabin Boy \Tltli a History. who lvad called to see me. Tho concierge, in­ stroll up Fifth avenue, however, convinced There is a curious effect wrought on the FLOOR PLAN. formed by :no on my going out, had told him him that he had not been listening to an inno­ William F. Cody, a cabin boy on the oyster hair and beard of men engaged in the Martin If it were desirable tho library could be I woul'l return, and given him a pass key. cent fiction. Within a quarter of an hour half ship Water Lily, gaVe this story of his life in White mine at Ward. The ore is roasted, used as a chamber. There would still re­ Im33 Enquire at GAZETTE OFFICE. And instantly the circumstances of my re­ a dozen ringtailed bulldogs were encountered. a Now York court, after pleading guilty to but no disagreeable perfumes arise from the main the reception hall and sitting room for turn recurred to my mind—tho cord pulled Each of them waddled along with a proper a charge of theft: "I was christened by Buf­ heating process, yet there is some unknown general use. Again, the bathroom might be OB.TH. ITS without delay tho door on the latch. prido, and each of them was accompanied by falo Bill himself," he said, "and never knew substance that changes the hair, beard and placed on the second floor and a stairway ar­ -IN- My friend had fallen asleep while waiting ono or more of those vapid specimens of in­ who my father and mother were. I was with eyebrows as green as grass. The hair is not ranged in theplace now occupied by the bath­ the Cheyenne Indians in Wyoming until I for me. cipient manhood known as dudes. injured, but retains its softness and gloss. It room. and four or five bedrooms added to OIL, PASTEL OR CRAYON I saw him distinctly; au arm hanging was 4 yeareold,when Buffalo Bill Cody found is probable that fumes of the green tint of the second story by making it a full two Discouraging. me and brought me to New York. He put Elegant work, at lowest Prices, by down on the right, his feet crossed one orer copper contained in the ore change the hair story house. me in charge of a friend of his, Stafford tho other, his head leaning orer a little to "Is this tho road tp Camden?" asked a gen­ to that color.—Virginia City Chronicle. The elevation of this house shows it as a E. T. WHITNEY, ^ V/ i; Grafton, who made me act as page in the the left side of tho chair—unmistakable evi- tleman of a boy sitting on the doorstep of a ono story building with all of the walls cov­ Formerly of Norwalk. Leave orders at Art De- little house by the wayside. play of 'Monte Cristo,' of which he was man­ ered with stained shingles, though it may be partment of BOSTON STORE, 2d Floor, Nor- dsnce of slumber. ager. I traveled through England and A Gifted I«lar. ( "Wlio is it?" I asked myself. ' "What?" asked tho boy. > constructed of any material by making slight walK, Conn. M France with the company, and then came ' Stern Parent—So you lore my daughter? lb was impossible to see dearly in the dim A woman hastily appeared at the door and changes in the design. * • back to this country and joined the navy. Would-be Son-in-law—I love her better light. I reached out my hand to touch him ntid in a tone of sharp reproof: The cost of this house without plumbing, ' "There you go again with your 'what/ Ira! After two years' service I deserted, but went than my own life. ^ gas fixtures, mantels, furnace, fences, walks Large Office Room to Rent. ou tho shoulder? * * * I encountered the "That will do. You will not " get her. I wood of Uio chair I There was no longer anj Why didn't you say 'ma'am* to the gentle­ back into the navy after a few months. Not and sheds wonld be about $2,100. This con­ N GAZETTE Building, second floor front long afterward I was discharged for incom­ am w»«T»Athing of a liar myself, and one good formerly editorial rooms of the OAZBTTS ouo there. Tho seat was empty! * • * man, as I've told you to timo and ag'in? I templates hard wood finish for .the rooms on I petency, and then got a place on the Water liar in a family is enough. I don't care to Enquire of Merciful heaven, what a shock! * * * I novor can learn yon manners!"—Youth's the first floor. , , „ „ Louis H. GIBSON, CHAS.IOLMSTEAD, Norwatk. Companion. • " Lily,"—Philadelphia IJsdger. have any competition.—Texas Sittings, w "" ' 111 recoiled at first as if before some terrible kyV.fer

, .<• A Mm ) k w A L ii.

,n.t bore the following on its face: "This ticket Sit clown beside, me in this cushioned uest, " walls of sods rising up to the gables. The PECTORS IN A BLIZZARD. the surrendered piece where it belonged, se­ probably has been paid for ten times over b;» Warm with the brightuess ot our itigle glow. side and rear walls are composed of long Bear, thou art troubled. Let mt> ftlyr lot the paper to which it is issued. It will b? strips of turf, from twenty inches to two feet cured a healing "by first intention," and the Of shadow, as I shared thy si.:: - line lidnrs. subsequent restoration of the organ, plus an honored in the hands of any man, woman v i Caught 011 tli« Mat Tops in the Rocky in width, laid one upon the other to the height child, white, black, red or yellow who favo-s WHITE lam no child, though childin»»i. lit' hu-jjet, ugly scar. Lies close behind me witli i»t. -sails! liowers. BI-.suiituins iiixl Almost frozen—Tlie Sav­ of perhaps six or eight feet. Stones also are the association by presenting it. It is go\>d lam a woman, waked by hapi v i frequently used in connection with the turf, Less successful was tho replacing of a nose ing I-'ire stswtwcl by Sloans of a Stray by a young man of this city many years ago. for entrance and grtrai stand, and the Dearer, To keep home's sacred all•x!' il"<- niixiir. and not rarely the bones of sheep. Upon if driving, will ba entitled to pass a team Thou hast elected me to t-zjm.i • >>' HJI r.h When Hope Was Almost Gone. these walls rest the rafters, and on these, in While engaged in playfully "fencing" with a All others ia thine heart i < 1 tity companion, a reckless pass cleanly cut off the free. Tho association recognizes the fact that The most trivial circumstance sometime? turn, crossboards sufficient to support strips its splendid succTiSS is owing largely, if not Glycerine Dot wife alone, but mate and » i of sod. The front of the house may be con­ young fellow's nose. He had not studied I share thy roses. let me Hiiar.--1.:v r.u>' ohaujres the entire current of a man's life, physiology for nothing, and, acting upon this wholly, to the notices so freely given by the structed altogether of turf, or of turf and press, and while we cannot render an equiva­ Beautifies{he Complexion; Purifies, "Whit­ R!id oi;.e» tlie live of men are saved by the knowledge, grabbed the severed organ and Bitter? I know it. God n.c :i .an • it so. tr.'jre.st chance stones {this is rare), or of turf and boards, or lent in cash, wo return our grateful thanks." ens and Softens the Skin, eradicatiogall im­ But from bis hand shall w l— • • • • -''oi\e. clapped it on the bleeding surface it had just i ivu pen 1 it.- n this city know how true wholly of boards. This space is pierced with —Chicago Cor. Journalist. N perfections such as Freckles, Moth Patches, And evil never? Lot the >.v(.u i i'. ; i ; u- quitted. Then his nose was bound firmly on, this is, as <>:>«•• was saved frim a hor- one, two or more windows. The roof turf, of Blackheads, Pimples, etc., without In­ Life hath no loss whi h ...o.-te course, soou forms-one whole, verdant or aud nature was left to take her course. She Show me the new hard patii l!: • i 1, -ad. rible i • The ci:vi:!iistance, Interested People. jury, Cures Sunburn, Chapped and Chafed n^ lves. happened in the fol- withered, according to the conditions of tho did this admirably. When the bandages Skin, instantly* I shall noj faint or falter > '• as !•• • • !. were removed the two parts were found to be Advertising a patenl medicine in the And be there cloud or * lOV atmosphere, and very likely dotted with P 50 C grown together beautifully. Nothing could peculiar way in which the proprietor of SOLD AX DRUGGISTS* BICE, ENTS. I shall not fail Uuv lo ...... •;.••••• 1 <.iey concluded to devote the flowers. Kemp's Biilsam for roughs and colds docs But love me, love use. l::t h- • - lips* >i .;tuition to prospecting, and Similarly tho turf walls. A raven or a dog be nicer, except that the unfortunate young Cling closci* in our sorrow tjia i i-i . man had put his nose on upside down! The is indeed wonderful. He authorizes all star.en v. 1 a pack animals, for a section of perches! upon the end of the roof, and form­ druggists to give those vvh > cad b r it, a Ij Y' Let faith outshine our lor:. i • ing an animate ornamental addition thereto, nostrils stood as open to heaven as the flues And love deem vrealth a i - t .1 toy country in (rat-fle Id county that was at the sample bottle free, Ihiit ihev inav try it CATARRH tl.ne <-r;';>l"i:i:iv. considerable connncnt among is not an uncommon sight. The main en­ at the apex of a chimney. Joy made usglad, l.a sorr-i.n. tr-.e; The memories that come down through a before purchasing Tiie large bottli s are mini: aiei! Th>jy left tho city at the be- trance is usually through a structure stand­ ,A ream Ba'm Qod blessed our rosea, u.• * • 1 •< o..r rue. vista of thirty years, since this sad affair took 50c. and $1. c ccriainly wmi'd advise -u.i i ..." Vt'^r Round. giiim::- ..;:::;er, well equippeil with all ing midway in the group, often merely a CREAM bfw place, are a trifle misty and unreliable as to a trial. It may save you from consump­ Cleanses the the 11 eve-. ^ required by prospectors. The roofed passage. Stooping down you find the subsequent career of the man with the tion. Nasal Piiv-sivi sewne of a.ci i .• .V I.- reached without incident yourself in a broad unfloored space, lighted Josh Hillings' "hi'i • inverted nose. He is believed to be dead. worthy ol ; iv special mention, except, per- only from the low entrance. You grope for­ Just listen to the poet of the Wcllsbpro Allavs Pi in .ml Fust impresliui:s arc .- a . tje lasting, During his life, however, ho was known to ivaps, the lo» of one of their pack animals, ward, turn to one side, aud, after passing Advocvtfi. Me ought to be <0 'din the HAYFEVERI Itlfla nut in Enr.y r.ian who lu;z only i.ij l»i a hor- declare that, for purposes of snuff taking, ho which v.'a. io vned 011 the Grand river through an interim of darkness, a door opens old oaken bucket : '-Mow ilea' my net once will swear to tu;.v had the very finest nose in the world, but and you enter the chief room (guest room). heart is the old speckled r•oster which Heals the S -II S. The wil'isst way for most f< iio iz to do while !'• CMi. STARTING HOME. This is at times quite pleasantly furnished, that to be caught in a heavy shower, without fond recollections bring h ick to n y v ew, pijow who Res' 01 cs I he az the rest. do. Thaiv ain't I. Several ,L,rood prospects were struck and the though, of course, with exceeding simplicity an umbrella, was tantamount to drowning. with spurs long and pointed and « urving, kan navip-ato without a kc:i:!:a?': work done on thi m It was now tlie middle and rude ta^Lo, but usually it is almost en­ Those that are suddenly deprived of a nose he used ter go crowing around till he Senses < f T:;>-te Awman iz never ice,;; led lii vvhat should be careful to replace it with the per­ of October, and they concluded that it was tirely bare. Its furniture consists of a nar­ made the air blue : and when some a 1 s Sun !l. - onerailv iz. forations down. Human life is made up of he don't m!tiei .~L.i!ul, out. a rooi time to return home. The jae:" were packed, row bed occupying one corner of the room, strange rooster would come to do battle, Yun£ man, daii't griiul your scjtho all oa trifles, and some of these have power to en­ and they .started across couutry for home. often also a case of books, a table and per­ how quick the old chap would get up on HAY-FEVER TEY THE CME one side. haps a certain number of chairs and benches, gender discomfort, when it comes to an up­ The route that, tiiey laid out took them over his guard, he'd make the evebnl's of the A pxriicleis applied into each nosiri; aa«l iH I don't know ova more sicrht the fiat tops, as it was the nearest road to besides the painted wooden chests.—Serib- side down nose.—Pittsburg Bullet in. than an old rake. Even rcp^utanro looks like strange rooster rattle and scatter his . asreciiiile. I'riiu- 50 ceiita at. I»rnjr);l«i« ; mail, Leadville ner's. feathers all over (lie yard ; the old speck­ registered, f!0 i-.tH. KI.Y HUOVH K!:S, 5(5 Warren weakness in him. About Reading Newspapers. The third day out they saw that a storm led rooster, the mongrel-bred rooster, the Street, • ew York. Iy4i!URQ Flattery iz like ice kream, to relish it good with any disease of the kidneys? No. ii S3 i*RirrT.< i>S 14 : whirled hither and thither by the ever chang­ have a baseball club in the company and a ; tine and golden floor, so this great tree, the we want it a little at a time, a::d often. is dangerous ; and if you are so afflicted or mercury, they are dead^****e sirk nol ing w l. Morning at last dawned, and they glee club for singing on the cars." press, shaken every day, sheds down its white ly. Place your trust in#J°^Y° w itta The more yu prazeaman who don't deserve attend to yourself now. Do not wait, but SULPHUR BITTEItS, lult mls• started out in search of their animals in the "How do you get up your fresh jokes?" leaves upon the world—leaves of knowledge; ryou, U3e it the more 3-011 abur.e him. use Sulphur Bitters at once They cure- the purest and best/ face of the awful blizzard, determined to "Most of them are old ones revamped, but leaves of healing. You kairt llatter a truly wize man. He me whei' I was given up to die by several medicine ever made. %lplwr Bitters!| leave the country at all hazards. Their prog­ the best of our new ideas we get from the When I see a young minister who wisely knows just how mutch prazo i:: due hiin; that physicians.—JONATITAN ITAM, Boston. l3yoarTongne Coated^ - - ress was slow, as the snow ha I drifted heavi­ newspapers aud work them over. Of course, reads tho daily paper I am sure he is growing with a ycllowsticky^Don't wait until yon Bi he takes, and charges over ail the balance tew we are always on the lookout for fresh songs, in grace, at least 0:1 that spot where it is ly, and, when they came to where they had Miss Wollope—Pa, I'm engaged 1 Fa substance? Isyouro'are unable to walk, or the prout and loss ackouiit. and frequently wo obtain them, before they thought the average minister is sadly defi­ breath foul atidisfarc flat on your back, turned their horses loose the previous even­ ther Wollope—Yes; and you'll marrv an offensive? Your^rbut get some at once, it Once in a grate while fortune will ncktually are published, from the authors, who are glad cient.— CLi-gyman in Pittsburg Dispatch. ing, the animals had left. idiot, I suppose 1 Miss Wollope—Well, stomach is outffwill cure you. Sulphur liunt i'i.r a man, but generally those who are enough to have them advertised. There are of order. UsejwBitters is favored with her smiles hav tew woo them.— When tho storm started the stock started ma did. Why shouldn't I ? before it, and, by the time the prospectors men, too—many of them journalists—who Why the Go ;ils Are Covered. SU New York Weekly. M BITTERSJFCHE Invalid's Friend. reached where they should have been, the turn off comic verses by the yard, at an aver­ "Why under the canopy do storekeepers If you had taken two of Carter's Little -immediately^yThe young, the aged and tot-1 animals were some miles away. The men age price of $25 a set, and sell them to us at cover fruits and confectionery7 with wire Liver Pills before retiring you would no Is your Ur-Jftering arc soon made well by Do Von Kent Your Diamonds" about that rate. It is easy enough to put ine thick,#its use. Remember what yon kept on '.railing them, and, when evening cages?" said an honest, agriculturist to his have had that coated tongue or bad taste ropy, c!o-jrread here, it may save your Air the sako of this story just imagine for was approaching, they were nearly played some old tune to them. Most of these are city cousin, who keeps a store. "Are they in the mouth this morning. Keep a vk udy, orjJiife, it has saved hundreds.! a little while that you are a person on a small out, and made up their minds to camp. It never published at all"—Washington Star. afraid the apples will jump out of the basket, with you for occasional use. tr Jff Don't wait until to-morrow, salary- -of course, you're not, but admit it was a long and weary tramp, and when half or do they think the chestnuts will of their for a few moments—and that you receive an the distance was traveled they had to give it Tho Drawings of Daisy Rives. own accord find their way to a newspaper Do not be afraid to go near your ene­ Try a Bottle To-day- invitation to a swell banquet, a charity ball, up, aud made camp for tho night under a In my opinion, there is not another person office, so as to be on hand when the foreman my. The nearer you get to a kicking Are you low-spirited and weak, or ~a swell reception. sheltering pine tree. in America, with tho possible exception of horse, the less damage will result to your 5 ffov suffering from the excesses ofl howls for copy?" "If the goods were not pro­ S#youth? If so, SULPHUR BITTERS | Now what are you going to do to make A SOLITARY HATCH. Grey Parker, who can draw horses like her. tected the dealers would lose by petty thefts person. will euro you. yourself look as well dressed as the other fel­ One of the men was completely played out And Parker's horses seam much alike. They more than they make byehort -weight aud lows, who have more money than you? , Treat all men and women considerately and could not go a step further, and, al­ lack individuality and expression. They are heavy paper" was the answer. The man Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., It is admitted that you have a dress suit, pretty and correct, especially in their trap­ i and you will be surprised at the dividends though it was bitterly cold when the spot to from up south kept his eyes open for a short that wi 1 come to you daily and yearly. Boston, Mass., for best medical work published? but .how about diamond studs for your shirt camp was selected, he stretched himself out pings and the vehicles which they pull, but time while standing near a case of confec­ front or sparkling earrings for your wife? on the ground thoroughly exhausted and they lack character. It is here that Miss tionery which was unguarded. It seemed as You haven't any. Your means will not ad­ cared not whether he died or lived. His Daisy is strongest. The changing moods of if every boy aud girl who came into the store mit of your buying them. You don't have companion being stronger started to get the horse are to her an open book. Iu overs' was of opinion that the candy was designed .to. Just rent all the brilliants you want. some wood together, and encouraged his horse she ever delineated she put individual­ for free distribution, and a great many grown There's a big jewelry house on Wabash ave­ companion with cheering words. He knew ity (something better than mere physical for­ people helped themselves to a couple of cara­ t Makes You Hungry nue that makes a specialty of renting jewel­ that if he did not get a fire started pretty mation or beauty—a horse soul). His face, mels, a few nuts, or a chunk of molasses ry. You can't miss it, if you follow direc­ soon his partner would freeze to death. It his eye, his posture carried expressiveness. have used Paine's Celery Compound and it Spring medicine means more now-a-daysthan it candy while waiting for their evening papers has had a salutary tions and take elevator and get off at the sec­ did not take long to collect the firewood, cut Here is Pretty One watching Mrs. Ohanler or deciding what brand of cigarettes would did ten years ago. The winter of 1SS9-89 has left effect. It invigorat­ ond lloor. You drop a word into the ear of soma shavings and have everything in readi­ approach, with a lump of sugar or an apple best match their new ties. "When I know the nerves all fagged out. The nerves must he ed the system and I strengthened, the blood purified, liver and a young lady attendant, and a smiling young ness to start the fire. He put his hand in his in her hand. The smile of expectancy, of my customers," said the merchant, "I charge i \ ^ /j feci like a new howels regulated. Paine's Celery Compound— elerk appears. pocket, when to his horror the matchsafe eagerness, is as plain in Pretty One's face, them extra 011 what they purchase, and get <—•-1' •. t man. It improves the Sjiriiif/ mcdieinc of to-day—does all this, "We can rent you anything from a tiny was gone. and as natural as if Pretty One were a child. even that way. What the transients get - j tlie appetite and as not hing else can. Preacribed by Physicians, scarf pin to a four carai brilliant," says this Every pocket was searched, but not a match Here is Jackanapes in a rage. All the pic­ away with I charge up to profit and loss."— facilitates diges­ liaxua-.n ended by Dr uggists, Endorsed by Ministers, young fellow, talking volubly, its he leads the could he find. Ho rifled the pockets of his tures of angry horses I had ever seen had a Rochester Post-Express. way to the counter. "Yes," he adds, in re­ friend with the same result. The realization sameness about them—the flashing eye, the tion." «T.COPE- (JimrJo, not the slang phrase, but the bother­ Pain e s can get 'oni hero in 110 time. We don't keep himself. Once more he searched, and, to his recognizable. In short, the touch of genius. some little rodent. Rats are natives of Asia many stones set, because most everybody has joy. found one solitary match in his vest —Walter Wellman. and their raids westward belong to compara­ Spring Medicine. tively modern times. The little animal was Celery Compound different ideas about how thev want a setting pocket. The wind was still blowing and is a unique tonic ;ind appetizer. Pleasant to ' " In the spring of !CST I WAS all run down. I made, and we can mount a stone 011 a few- snow drifting. "Would he succeed in kind­ unknown in ancient Europe. The black rat the taste, quick in its action, and without any ' would getupin'the m. rnitig with so tired a Country of the Upper Nile. ! feeling-, ami was so weak t.lia11 could banlly get hours' notice. The renting of diamonds is a ling the fire ? was the question he asked him­ first came to Europe from Asia in the six­ injurious effect, it gives that rugged health For the first 500 or GOO miles of its course, teenth century, and about the beginning of which makes everything taste good. It cures ! around. I J'-ouglita bottle or Paine'8Celery Com- new feature in Chicago, but it is and has been self. from the Victoria Nyanza to a point some­ i pound, and before 1 had taken It a week 1 lelt quite an industry in New York. A great the seventeenth or the ending of the sixteenth dyspepsia and kindred disorders. Physicians ' very mm h Ix-aer. 1 can cliecfully lecomincmi Under a fallen log he found some dry, where north of Lado, the Nile is known to prescribe it $1.00. Six for *5.00. Druggists. i It to all v.-ho need a building upand strengthen- many wealthy people there rent diamonds withered grass and twigs, which he care­ century ho arrived in America. This black the Arabs as the Bahr-el-Gebel, the River of WELLS, RICITAUDSON & Co., Burlington, Vt. I ing medicine/' Mrs. 13. A. Dow, Burlington, vt. for special occasions, because they can have fully put in his hat; he whittled some more rat was the common house rat untilthe brown the Mountains. This is the most beautiful or gray rat made his appearance in 1775. The 'em set just as they like and at reasonable shavings, procured more small twigs, and, nlMUnun /lVfO Color anything any color. t MfiTJiYEn n Nourishes babies pfrfcc,tly, part of the river. The country is diversified gray rat came to Europe from India by way UlAmUnU U f CO jVeter Fail! Always sure! L ACTATEU FUUU rhevhytitian? favorite. rates. Although we haven't been in this line with a prayer on his iips, knelt down, lit the with mountains and forests, green hillsides long, it has already* proved a success.— Chi­ match, applied it to the grass, saw it sud­ ©f Russia, and is now known as the Norway and bright brooks. For stretches of many rat from a mistaken tradition that it canw cago News. denly blaze up and as suddenly go out; but miles the river is broad and slow. In other before it did one of the shavings had ignited, from Norway to England, and from the latter Amateur Pliotoijraiiliy. parts are wooded islands and foaming rapids. country to America.—St. Louis Republic. the Dame extended to the rest and to the About half way between the Victoria Ny­ BR I Some people have queer ideas about ama­ twigs. anza and Lado the Nile flows through the Spcakiug Pictures. teur photography. Occasionally some one When they blazed up he knew that they northern end of the Albert Nyanza. About says to me: "I believe I'll take a week off were saved. Logs were piled on, and the twenty-five miles above the Albert lake are The picture gallery of the future is likely and learn the business;" and another, "I've hardy prospector turned his attention to his the Murchison falls. Below the lake for more to be an apparatus for exhibiting a succession got §20 to invest in it, and I want you to friend, whom he lifted up and carried to the of instantaneous photographs as a moving HEADACHE-:-TROCHES than 100 miles, the stream is broad and placid, pick me up a first-class outfit." To the one I fire. The warmth soon revived him, and all picturo of tho person represented, this appa­ : r traversing a comparatively level country — —FOR- would sa3 , "You would be wasting your time," that dreary night tho two sat before the fire, and always navigable for vessels drawing ratus being so geared with the phonograph and to the other, "Better save your money." every now and again throwing a fresh log on, four or five feet. In this part of its course, that as the latter gives the individual's speech It takes months, aud for most people years, all-aid to sleep for fear of being frozen. When about forty miles below the Albert lake, it the former will reproduce his gestures and to become proficient enough in the practice morning came thestorm had passed, and they passes Wadelai.—Col. H. G. Prout in Scrib- facial expression. By such means an absent SICK HEADACHE, of photography to get any solid enjoyment started out after their stock, which, fortu­ ner. actor, for example, might be brought before -IN ITS- out of it. And as for cost, while it is not nately for them, they found not far from their an audience, or when present he might wit­ really an expensive pleasure as compared improvised cabin. On returning to their first Iiaugli and Grow Fat. ness the reproduction of his own acting. This fliervous, Billions or Congestive Forms. •with other as valuable accomplishments, as at- camp they enjoyed a substantial meal, and Fat people get plenty of suggestions as to combination of phonograph and photograph isfactory complete outfit for general work after bucking snow a whole afternoon they how they may reduce their flesh, but as there is a suggestion lately made to the French cannot be obtained for less than $100—many succeeded in getting off the flat tops. are moro thin people than fat in the world, a academy by M. G. Gueroult, but experiments This Remedy is the Prescription of one of the leading Physicians of Paris amateurs spend twice that amount before Their awful experience they never will for­ word of advice to them may not be out of with a similar arrangement were made aboui they get apparatus for the successful practice get, and they are firmly convinced that a place. According to exoellent authority, they a year and a half ago by M. A. Bandsept, ol France,and was used by him with unparalleled sxiccess for over thirty years, of both indoor and outdoor branches of the match saved their lives.—Leadville Herald must sleep all they can ; keep early hours foi Brussels.—Exchange. business.—Interview in St. Louis Globe-Dem­ Democrat. retiring; lie down in the middle of the day; and was first given to the Public as a Proprietary Medicine in 1878, and ocrat. New York Flat Life. drink a great deal of water; eat heartily, The Correct Use of A aud An. since that time it has found its way into almost every country on the face Cider for the Ladies. especially of farinaceous food; take plenty of Discriminate in the use of a and an. A The walls are so thin that you hear not only exercise, but in moderation. Be cheerful. of the Globe, and become a favorite remedy with thousands of the leading Cider is strongly recommended as a drink the pianos in rooms opening on the air shaft, should be used before words beginning with Sterne says that "every time a man laughs, an aspirated h, when the accent falls on the physicians. Medical societies have discussed its marvelous success at their for women. It is slightly alcoholic, quite but all the others as well, and when vigorous ho adds something to his life." And, accord­ stimulative, and the acids in it render it very operations on them are simultaneously com­ second syllable, and not an. Say "a histor­ annual conventions, and after their official chemist have analyzed it and ing to Solomon, "A merry heart doeth good ical novel,1' "a heroic act." The plea for this beneficial to the action of the liver. In this menced—as they generally are just after din­ like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth found that it contained no opiates, bromides, or other harmful ingredients respect it possesses great advantages ovt-r all ner—life becomes a burden to you. Then the usage among us, although it may not always the bones." be euphonious, is based on the fact that inalt preparations, which invariably have a floors are so weak that when the people over Follow the old adage, "Laugh anil grow quietly placed it among their standard remedies. you dance, the globes fall off your gas fix­ in America the h is properly aspirated, bilious and bloating tendency, (iider cup fat." makes a really pleasant dinner drink, and an tures. That the dumbwaiter is out of order while in England, where the h is often sup- excellent substitute for the light sour wines a good share oe the time, something wrong Solid Sulphuric Acid. pressed, an is generally employed. The arti­ TESTIMONIAL. cle should be repeated in such sentences as" so much used at table in foreign countries.— with the door bells and street door "pull," A German patent has been taken out for a L. Ii. BROWN, M. D., ) Exchange. and your letter box stuffed with waste paper "the knife had an elegant handle and rough . - 23 West Jersey St.. ;•» > process of transporting sulphuric aciil in a looking blade;" a rough looking blade; "it and dirt by mischievous street boys, are all solid state. Certain salts—such as alkaline ELIZABETH, N. J., June 28tli, 1889. ) Turtle Eggs. things to bo expected and philosophically en­ had a rough looking handle and elegant sulphates—give up their water of crystalliza­ blade;" ah elegant blade; "it was a rough This is to certifv that I have used for some months with much satisfaction, the combi The eggs of Pacific island turtles are laid dured.—New York Letter. tion when heated, and take it up again when in a pei'pendicular cavity about a yard and inelegant remark;" an inelegant remark. nation of remedies, for Headache, known as Briggs' Headache Troches._ The remedy cure cool, and such a salt is mixed in an anhydrous mere headaches, especially such as effect Nervons Women than anything I am acquaint* deep at the bottom of a great circular exca­ 'Manufacture of Tin Soldiers. condition with a calculated quantity of the with and if this certificate will be the means of bringing it to the favorable attention vation, which the female scrapes by whirling In Paris sardine and other tin boxes, of aoid. The mixture becomes granular, or may ' "Uncle Rtiinus." around like a fly with* its wings singed and Joel Chandler Harris, Uncle Ramus, says sufferers from that trouble, I shall feel that I have done them a service. which thousands are thrown away every be formed into cakes, and when heated the L. R. BROWN, M. D violently plying its flippers. There are usu­ month, form the basis for an industry which whole liquefies, and may be used as ordinary that it was purely an accident that he ever ally over 100 eggs in a litter.—Chicago Times. has reached vast proportions, and in which sulphuric acid, the presence of the bisulphate became a famous author. Born aud reared V \ •• . : ' the entire youth of the country are interested. of soda or like salt having no effect.—Ex­ in tho south, he received from plantation AS CENTS. * Not » Bit. These refuse cans are taken and stamped into change. uncles and aunties the myths and stories he ; Edith—Are you going to marry that old tin soldiers by suitable machines, and tiius has since made such good use of, but not until A Constant Struggle. darling? regiments, brigades and corps of tin soldier® he read in Lippincott'S an article on negro SOLD BY H. R. HALE, NORWALK. CONN. Do-ling—Yes. are formed, aud are sold so cheaply that the "Poverty is no disgrace," said Jinks. "In. folklore, did he become aware of the value of « Both—Why, it would be a summer and poorest children can possess aud enjoy tbera; many cases it is something to be proud of." the material which he had unconsciously ab­ -*rinte\ wedding1 > yet the manufacturer makes a fair profit, "Yes," replied Jenes. "It's a constant sorbed. Th^n he began writing the Uncle !' MEDICINE COMPANY Daring—Oh, nol My name is May and which he could not do if he used new mate­ Kruggla with me to keep my pride down."— Reftius articles', which became instantly popu­ his is AWust,—Pittsburg Bulletia. v " . rial.—New York Telegram. Merchant Traveler. lar.—Current Literature. M "y rx™ ' v •* ' '' - ,

V: :•, • ' • - /'" -;-W:

' -i ;. ^ , -

• ' " " • - r ' ' ' NORWALK GAZETTE, WED N ES D AY KOYE MB Eli 27, dS89. •:••••••• •> ' ' ^ "

j Harriet Beecher Stowe's Mind Gives Way. On Sunday night an iucendiary file An Order in Court. 1880. The follow ing pathetic story of the great destroyed property to the amount of The Hartford Times, 21st inst., says:— Norwalk * Gazette authoress' mental condition comes in a des­ $10,000 in C. A. Dorman's livery stable A wholesome sensation among the law­ Harper's Young People. MILLINER 1 :x>, 1SOO patch from Hartford, her present home. It and Wells & French's saddlcrv. Bridge­ yers of Hartford county, and to a less extent, An Illustrated Weekly. will be read with teariul interest by the port A man named William Murphy amon^ others concerned, was created to-day The Eleventh Volume oi Harper's Young We are offering a fine A. g.BYISSTOB.EflltBl. I. ROBEMEYER. Il.,Associate thousands who have been charmed by the was arrested on suspicion. by Judge Augustus 11. Fenn, of the Super­ People which begins with the number lor No­ ior Court, who executed an order which he vember 5thr 1889, present* an attractive pro­ genius of her pen Mrs. Harriet Beecher The remodeling of the old Sheffield gramme. It will offer to its readers at least Trimmed Hats; Thanksgiving. had announced, two weeks ago, that he four serials ot the usual length, aud others in Also a full line of MILLIKKllY TRIM MINUS. fcjtowe is mildly demented. The fires ot homestead at New Haven for the use of Frank Dempster Sherman contributes genius are dead, and the once brilliant mind would make. At that time Judge Fenn di­ two or three parts, namely, "The Red Mus­ \ full assortment of MOUIiKIXG CltAI'Kii, is choked with their ashes. ' he heart once the Sheffield scientific school of Yale col­ tang," by William < •. Stoddard, "Phil and the dressed i»y the chnver Patent Process tor whick < Ui the Independent tliis rhymed prayer- rected the clerk to serve printed notice on Baby," by Lucy C. Lillie; "Prince Tommy,"hi we have the Agency. Hats l»yed and . resseil in filled with liri^lu dreams and sunshine is lege has been completed. It has been the Latest shapes. Feathers bleached, Dyed and scrraon for Thanksgiving : — the attorney that he would call the entire John Russell Coryell; and "'•Mother's ~Way." now haunted by ghosts and shadows. She well equipped with the best instruments bv Margaret E. Sanuster; two short serials by Curled. A. cry troni tho crowded citv has become again a child, and day by day docket of all cases pending before January Hjalmar Hjourth Boyeseu. Two series of A full line of EHBKOIDKliY MATERIALS, (foes nn to tlieTjord above : for scientific work and will be called the UUCIIlSflS, «C. she wanders around under the bare boughs 18H8, 3nd that in each case, unless the attor­ Fairy Tales will attract the attention ol lovers t.ook down, 0 Lord, in thy pity, of the autumn trees gathering their dead Sheffield biological laboratory. ot the wonder world, namely, the quaint t .les neys could give a good reason why the case CORSETS Luul. down in thy boundless S< ve, ieav. s. Mie is quite harmless, and in lact told bv Howard Pyle, and so admirably illus­ • » The Rev. B. M. Wright was installed as trated bv him, and another series in a differ­ of all kinds. We have the Agency for the Mad­ OH tiie hungry poor who know so in>i .ious has been the approach oi the had remained so long in court, he would or­ f ent vein by Frank M. Bickncll. There will be ame Oris wold Corset A perfect tit guaranteed. pastor o the First Congregational church, der it to be stricken from the docket. lint, a world of want and woe, disease thai nut over two hundaed pe.-ple in short stories by W. D. Howells, Thomas Nel­ A fine assortment of IIAlIt GOODS. Combings A.nd the ragged children small- Hartford are aware of her condition. Two at K'ent, on Tuesday last. The installation Of this class of slumbering chronic cases son Pa«H, Mary E. Vt illdnB, Nora Perry, Har­ makeup. generations at;o she wrung tears from ^ the riett Prescott Spofford, David Ker, Hezekiah Do 'JBhou comfort one and all! ceremonies were interesting and impres­ there were, it seems, two or three hundred, Customers will flud our Prices Yery Low. eses of the civilized world with the magic of Butterworth. Sophie Swett, Richard Malcolm sive. The charge to the pastor was given Johnston, etc. C.ivo hope, O Lord, to thy people ; her pen and it was a healthy as well as vigorous act MISSES ST. JOHN, (jive work to the empty liaud ; Only last week she wandered oui onto the by Rev. Washington Choate, of Green­ on the part of the judge to clear the decks [om47] And loudly from spire, and steeple street alone, an old wlutehaireu woman, bent wich, and the charge to the people by of all useless old lumber. A subscription to Harper's Young People se. 33 Main St. King plenty to all the land- with the weight of} ear.s, hut simple and Itev. Dr. Eddy, of Canaan, Department cares a juvtuile library. There is useful Kno.vl I Tiierejwere in the whole, including the edge, a!uo plenty of amusement.—Boston Adver­ To the needy, sick and eold, harmless as a child. A shawl, which hung Chaplain of the G. A. R. i jury and court list,373jcases, the natural ac- tiser. - To the lame, biiwd and old ; from her slum ders, dragged on the groui.d Danciix Physical Ce tare, 1)6- Lot a glad, inspirinc ray ami her gray hair was in vlisoruwr. iihe Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage and his party | cumulation of business, as well as of years of •miled and tailed to herself as she totter d N Shine across their cheerless day. are in Greece. Dr. Talmage has secured | neglect (or something else") on the part of Subscription, (Postage Prepaid) )2 a Year. portme t anil TLIE GLIM. •• weaklv alone, and finally a crowd oi rou. k | the lawyers. Of these *373 cases, no fewer ' ,\<;ii unto they people living street boys were following her. Ihey a corner stone for lus new church in Vol. XI, begins November 5, 1889. Prof. IV.G. SEW ELL t'ri'Ui hunger and want apart, laugludarid jeered at the pitiful sight, not Brooklyn from Mars hill, where St- Paul ' than 254 were to-day swept out of existence, Sptcimen copy sen* on receipt of a two cent After an absence of four years will open an This clay of glad thanksgiving ^ knowing ;vho she was. preached to the Athenians. Dr. Talmage i at one fell swoop by Judge Fenn. Some of stamp, Academy for i>ancing, at Music Jail, South or- .-Vrsil Thou to each happy heart "Only a little way," she said, as she preached there Sunday to many people, these—old divorce cases, or cases of one walK, ou Friday, Nov. 22d, tssa 'lhe Ae.idemv reached the corner, irresolute as t.> which Single numbers, Five Cents eacn. will be open each Frid:iy from 10:30 A. M. until A. reniemhrance ot the poor taking as his text Acts xvii, 22: "Then kind and aim her which, though settled, the 10:30 P.M. Who are knocking at their door, way to turn. At this moment a gentleman ('lass for Young Ladies, Misses and Masters eiime along who had known her in happier Paul stood in the midst of Mars hill and attorneys had neglected to remove from Remittances should be made by Post-office will assemble at 4:3(» P. M. That their want-* he sanctified Money Order or Draft, to avoid ch.tnee of loss. years. Tears sprang to his eyes at thesi^ht said, 'Ye men of Athens, I perceive that court—had been on the docket for ten or a Adult Class, for Ladies an'I Gentlmen, 8:tl0 P. M. 15- tho blessings unde-ie-i t newspapers are not to copy this advertisement Is. B.—Private lessons given when not engaged He dispersed the hovs and with some ditfi- in all things ye are too superstitious.'" dozen years. with classes. — * culy and induced the aged woman to return without the express order of HAUPKK K 'JKOTUEK Respectfully, ^ Connecticut's State Debt. Thus stands the situation to day: Erased home. The foregoing was related hy an The bereaved old darkey, who berated Address, W. O. NEWELL. • The «cport of Slate Tmisurer Henry for in the court list, 239; erased in the jury list, HARPER A BROTHER, New York. Member of the American Society ot Professors of * eye-w tness the "fool doctiih" for not making a post­ Dancing, ^ewYorh. the year ending June 30th, is out. The Mrs. Stovve is provided with a nurse, but 15; making a total of 2o4; which leaves re­ Circulars giving terms and full particulars to be . mortem examination of his deceased wife had at the Academy, Music Book aud Drug net debt of the state stands at $3,209,828 is allowed freely to go about the house, maining on the jury list, 35; remaining on She is perfectly quiet and has no violent till after the old wom;iu was dead and it Stores. f3t4S reduction of $279,073 during the year. the court list, 84; total, 119. It is a wliole- N. Y. UMM, Wfl 1890. fancies. Her trouble seems to be a gradual was too late to do her any good, would The treasurer expects the state revenues somereform. wearing away of all the faculties She is have made a good client for young Rose, the corning year will pny all state expen­ fond of crooning the old church hymns ol the would-be but couldn't-be lawyer, late NEW FEATURES. Enjoy a Good Light! ses and make the usual levying of state fitly years ago, and is eontStai tly humming Holiday Goods. Better than Gas—Best Lamp in the World. "Kook of Aijes" and kindred ancient melo­ of Norwalk, who, when the body of a tnx on the towns unnecessary, 1hus saving The New York Evangelist gives one of dies. One of tier favorite hymns is, "Oh, drowned man wa-» recovered from the The "Rochester Lamp* about $350,000 lo the people. come angel band, come aud around me stand; our old Norwalk boys, who now is a lead haibor, a few years ago, remarked that A BRILLIANT YEAR AHEAD. IT IS PERFECTLY SAFE. Thn Hartford Courant truly says that bear ;.:ie away on your snowy wings to my ing business man in that city the follow­ th y ought to hold a "port mortise exam­ EASY TO WICK. the decision of State Treasurer Henry immortal home." And so the author of ing well-deserved editorial eudorsmeut: During the year 1890, the New York Tribune DOES NOT SMOKK. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" awaits thepeacetil ination" over him. ' 8IMPLY PERFECT. to relieve the towns of the suite tax next "The attractive displays in the shop wili be greatly improved in quality and made Every lamp warranted. quiet of death and final folding ot handa, more lively, fresh aud readable than evtr be­ Our trade mark, the "Bo- vf'ar means a great deal more than the The Bridge ort Post says that Col. W. wind ws are a vivid reminder of the ap­ fore in its history. Among the special con­ chester," is stamped on ev­ H. Stevenson frankly acknowledges that A Shams. proaching holidays; but such an embar­ tributors duriug 1890, will be: ery lamp. Be Bare you get people may thinu at first. It takes off a as a politician he never was a success and rassment ot riches greatly adds to the per­ the genuine article. ANDREW CARNEGIE, Principles ol Busi­ We make about 1,000 varie­ burden »£ over $360,000. Turn to last j The Norwich Bulletin rises to remark is therefore out of politics. Herein the plexities of the buyer. Who shall tell ness Success. ties of Chandeliers, Hang­ bright railroad man acts wisely and fol­ him where to begin or when- to leave off? ing Lamps, Piano Lamps, yvar's report on town indebtedness and that every senator aud representative in the GAIL HAMILTON, European Monarclis. Vase Lamps, Ac., &o. you will find that all the towns in the congress of the United States ought to be lows the advice the Sentinel gave him Among the many Broadway jewelers who TERENCE V. POWDtiKLY, Restriction of ELEGANT AND USEFUL when he WAS mentioned for office last sea­ stand ready to assist one in such a predic Immigration. for WEDDING shite together paid the sutn of $549, <19 compelled to take a trip t® Stonington—at and CHRISTMAS GIFTS. son. Col. S'evenson has been n screaming anient, is E Bennett, of 1294 Broadway, CHAUNCEY M. DEPEW. Senator JOHN y? interest on their deblfi. xio large town their own expense—and take a look «u Ool- success as a railroad manager and he near Thirty-fourth street, who offers a YOU would have nothing INtiALLS, Mrs. JOHN A. LOGAN, Rev. Dr but THE " ROCHESTER" cii'b's have becu incurred, but on the other ocuon L. Barlow in the po^rhouse, and there knows wher« his field is. We hope he splendid assortment of choice articles, se­ JOHN R. PAVTON aud others, topics not an­ if you would see the lampaa will always remain at his post as the head lected with superior taste and judgment. nounced. THEY ACTUALLY WORK. .'handsome towns have paid off indebted­ because of their inexcusable and contempti­ of a system of railroads which has not yet- In the twenty-five or thirty years that Mr. ALBERT GRIFFIN, Temperance Among Over500,000have been sold, ness and others refunded at large saving ble refusal to do a single easy act of justice. which speaks for itself. begun to reach its full growth—the same Bennett has been in this locality, he has Germans; a new view. Manufactured by }« interest. It is safe to estimate next Then they ought to be required to listen to genial, /enerous gentleman he always is.— established a reputation as a judge of JUDGE A. W. TOURGEE, The Colored Race EDWARD MILLER & CO., Vf.at 'a interest paid by all the towns at not a reading of a full list of similar cases which Anxonia Sentinel. , diamonds and other precious stones. His in America. 10 and 12 College Plare, New York. thorough practical knowledge, combined S. C. T. DODD, The Advantages of Trusts. If your dealer don't sell it, come to oar store. over $535,000 aud equally safe to estimate have occurred in other towns and in other The prayer meeting, usually held on with excellent taste, produces some of the JOSIAH ALLEN'S WIFE, The Small Sala­ Send for Circular. 1«C state tax the towns would have had States, before they are allowed to go back to Thursday evening, in the Methodist best artistic effects, from staple jewelry to ries ol Country cltrgyment. bi pay at $375,000. Assume that those the most expensive and elaborate pieces. their ©wn easy ckasrs at the Capitol. church, will be, this week, held to-night. SENATOR WM. M. STEWART, of Nevada, ft; j lUi: figures, then the towns, by telief Especially noticeable is a beautiful pin in Unlimited Silver Coinage. The Bulletin is entire'y right. A hund­ Theme : "Gratitude to God for the mer­ the form of a bird, composed of exquisite­ TURKEY! from tliis tax, will save 5-7 of their entire FRED S. TALL MADGE, on Men of the Rev­ red years ago t.he French government paid cies and blessings of the year gone." A ly tiutedjjearls and variegated gold. The olution. AND HOW TO ENJOY IT. invercsl paymi-nt. Tn other words abolish- this country in full all its claims for damages welcome for all. Song service of fifteen line of miniature pins aud brooches is one KATE FIELD, Mormon Question. bni the stale tax ren.-•>•••* them of the bur- af unusual be»uty, both as regards the Procure one of LEJI'S justly far famed done by French cruders to our commerce. minutes at its beginning. Thanksgivtug ERA.STUS WIMAN Success and Failure «i. o of 5-7 of their town debts. Careful tine paintings and unique mountings. Among Business Men. Over and over again attempt# have been services will bo held to-morrow (Thurs­ Personal attention is given to the selecting a-iv.iitvistrution of the treasury, aided by REV. EDWARD EVERETT HALE, The made by presidents, by secretaries, by indi­ day) at 11 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Torrey will of goods and the resetting of gems; but it Now England of To-Dav. Perfection Bating & Roasting Pans i -w laws, has practically lifted from the. vidual members of congress, to have the preach. All the churches unite. It is a is in the matching of fine stoned that Mr BISHOP HENRY C. POTTER. Rural Rein­ and gather about the most deli ious dinner, flank­ *..nvn.s of Connecticut all but 2-7 of their Bennett applied his peculiar skill as an forcement of City Population. ed by one of the linest roasts of beef or por k it money turned over to its rightful owners, heavy strain, even on ministerial grace, to was ever your good fortune to carve. No watch­ i-U'Ms. ( This does not refer to city debts, expert. Mr. Bennett's bigh ideal, carried GEO. W. CABLE, on Some Strange Legisla­ ing or baiting. the claimants whose ships were despoiled. work three or'four^days, and often a week; through the entire stock, renders it a tion in the South. Enquire Of II. G. HYATT, 154 Main Street. V,J<: U» TOWN rfobte.) NEW Haves will Report after repor has been made, and every ou a Thanksgiving discourse and then pleasure for novice or connoisseur to visit MARSHAL P. WILDER, Humor of England Or leave orders at Blascer's House Furnishing swe about $50,000, and Hartford about Store. [St461 one in favor of doing the right and honest have only a handful (small haud) present there." aud America. $43,500 1U!(1 other places in proportion. * * * Evils of Trusts. thing. But thai right and honest thing at its delivery. Let all the people come These points show the importance of the An attempt was made to burn the hand­ HENRY W. GRADY, ot the Atlanta Consti­ hasn't been done, though a century has out and hear a good sermon to morrow. tution, Chances for Capital in tUe New South. PitJte saie ef Real Estate. new move. It is wise and welcome and some high school building erected at elapsed since the claims were made. Tae dinner will be relished all the better. I. C. RUSsELL, United States Geological URSUANT to an order of the Court of Pro­ Bridgeport at a cost of $100,000, early jiv.e to be popular. It is astonishing that these just claims Survey. Highest Peaks of the United States. P bate for the District of >orwalk, the sub­ A Hartford inventor, William Gray, Friday morning, but the police saw the VV. M. GROSVENOR, Gold and Silver as scriber, administrator of the estate of WM. R. '"'Bursting of a Boom." cannon be justly dealt with. The matter i.s NASII, late of Norwalk, in said District, deceased flames in tims to prevent serious damage. Money. offers for sale all the interest which said deceas­ This "ocmi-tropical love story" of lie v. as scandalous and sad as some of th- per­ employed at Pratt & Whitney's, has, says It is the fifth attempt in fifteen months to L. E. QUIGG, What is Lett of Our Public ed had in the following real estate, viz.: V. E_{. San ford, just issued by the Lippin- formances of the English court of chancery. the Courant, added another to the clear Liuds. 'I he homestead situated at the head of Main burn school buildings in the city. street, consisting of dwelling house,and out build­ r*:if is, of Philadelphia, is wcrthy of more list of automatic devices where you drop EMILY HUNTINGTON, Household Science. ings in good lepair, with about two acres of land How a Congressman Lives. youi coin in the slot and get your money's EUNEST WHITNEY, Peculiarities of Amer­ attached, also, the premises adjoining, on the th-M» a passing notice. The book is so Wilton road, with good dwelling house n.cely ar­ George Ackerman, a Meriden grocery- ican Pronunciation. tiue to nature and the "probabilities of Gen. E. S. Osborne, Congressman from worth right away. This time its the tele­ ranged for two families. Both of these places, the twelfth Penesvlvania district, contri­ man, has an employee named Thomas PROF. WM. PEPPER, President of Univer­ contain borough water and are located on line of tU'' case." in its business, love and io- phone, of all things least likely, one would sity of Pennsylvania, A college education good horse railway. Also about ten acres of desirable Clancey, aged 15, whom he caused t® be land situate in the town of HidgetJeld, a short dis­ ii.tuice and is withal so redolent of the butes an article to a Wilkesbarre, Pa., Peri­ say, to yield to that sort of automatic per­ for all, what is best for those who cannot get it. arrested a few days ago for kissing his M. Y. BEACH, Slayer ol 430 Bears. tance from the railroad depot, suitable for farm o:ii>is of Southern California, its sunshine, odical, which says: suasion. The scheme is this : A trans­ or building purposes. "For a Congressman to live in the Capi­ mitter and other telephone outfit are set wife. The case came up in the police ayOther contributors will be announced For further particulars apply to fruiis and flowers, and so vivid in its hereafter. The articles will cost many thou­ OlIAS. OLMSTBAD. Administrator. ta!—that is, to make even a very mediocre court, where Clancy coufessed to six pir-tun 3 of the social life aud wild moun- up in any public place. John Smith, for sands of dollars aud appear in THK TKIBU.VK Norwalk, Conn., July '23d. 1SS9. § tigure in society -he must spend an amount instance, not a subscriber, comes along stolen kisses and was fined 50 cents for only. ! i and fertile valley scenery, that one is equal to at ieast twice his salary. I should SOLD1KRS' STOIUEs. think $15,000 a year would hardly go far in and wants to send a message to anyone each one. insensibly charmcd by the blending. The THE TBIBUXE will also print, in addition to School of Languages. s;;• v has ;ni added interest for the reason giving anything like a prestige. I mean, of who has a telephone. He goes to the its regular G. A. R. and S. of V. page, a num­ course, the average Congressmen, the person instrument, and calls up Central and asks Au eastern man advertises for "a boy ber ot entertainiug Stories of actual experience EV. F. B. (UINZ, formerly Professor of Ger­ ti?.i: it presents to the public an entirely R man in the Johnstown High School will who has neither brilliancy nor social stand­ for the arithmetical alias of his acquain­ to open oysters with a reference." Oysters in the War, not less than 25 in number each a give thorough instruction in the German, French nand unique phase of the half Ainet- ing to commend him. It is a fact, and a do not generally obtaiu references, but page of the TBIBUNE iu length, by privates and and Latin Languages. Those wishing to form tance. Central gels the party, and then, i< =:J and imif Spannish society found no- regretable one. that a Congressman is meas­ millions can tiuthfully testify to the officers of the Union, of a rank not higher than classes given special terms. 60 cents a lesson at before the conversation opens, tells Smith that ot captaiu. Veterans are invited to con­ pupil's residence. Please address Box 41, East where else outside of Southern California. ured by the money he spends, not by his miraculous power of Dr. Bull's Cough tribute to this series of stories. Every tale Norwalk, Cjnn , or call from G to 8 p. m.,at room ability or merit. Take the average Con­ to put his money in the slot—if to talk in Syrup. * accepted will be paid for at regular newspaper over llanford's Grocery Store, East Avenue, East The book is a dt light for an idle hour, Norwalk, (,'onn 4t48 gressman who endeavors to live within his Hartford, ten cents; if out of town, rates. Prizes ol $250, $150 and $75 will bo a! Pinneo's. modest salary and lie lives in a very unpre­ paid for tho best throe. Manuscripts must be tentious way. A cheap boarding house, jay twenty five ccnts. The coin goes down A CARD. enclosed to "THE TRIBUNE. New York," and Hillside. from $8 to $10 per week (a boarding house the slot and rings a bell by electricity at To the charitable ladies of Norwalk.-—The inscribed "Soldier's Department." CO., iss Callaway gaye another of her pleas- most pitiable case of destitution iu this town PAPERS O.V FARMING. MIDDLESEX BANKING equal to a cleric's boarding house in Phila­ the Central office—one ring for ten cents, is that of Mrs. Cliuton Beers with a younsr iu.i and instructive lectures at Mrs. Mead's j delphia), is his temporary home. His r linhv only two months old, and three little In addition to our regular and extremely OP MISDLETOWN, CONN. and a different ring for twent3 -five cents, able agricultural department (two pages a seUf.i)). on Friday evening last, subject, social life is a narrow one, as must necessar­ boys. They are destitute ot clothing and food. Chartered in 1872, Under tlie Banking i aw« of ily be the life of a Representative who hai so that the operator knows what has been Aiiy cast off clothing or provisions will be week) THE TIUBUSE will print a number of long and carefully prepared articles on Partic­ s •'•'Ethics of Oourtcsy." This accomplished no wealth to squander. He is a fit prey of put in. After getting that signal the con­ thankfully received at their home at 77 Harbor Connecticut. street. 3tf RS. L. 13. JOHNSON. ular Branches ot Farming, written by practical ln'iy is a friend of Mrs. Mead, and is the the lobbyist, an easy subject for shrewd job­ versation is allowed to go on. JI experts. Farmers who want to make money CASH CAPITAL, $600,000. SUBP^l'S, $25,000. bers, for he sees the others living in clover out. of their farms must read these special dis­ d.-i'sghter of Dr. Callaway, who had charge, 6 per cent. Investment 15onds at par and accrued and knows that, it is within his reach, and TtlEJ). cussions in THE TIUBCNK. o! !!JI' Isiigcut Union hospital in the south­ Wiltou is basking in the luxury of interest. At lhe last Ses-ion of th- Legislature the temptation is not always resisted. But MUNGEtt.-At Waterburv, (Joun., on Sunday, THE BEST TUIBIIVE EVER SEES these Honds were made a legal investment lor west dining the late war, and so over­ take it all in all, the Congressmen do not al­ another sensation, it appears from the Nov. 2'lth, Mary Kose Au Person, wife of Dr. will be supplied to readers during tho coming funds held by Executors, administrators and worked himself in that patriotic duty that ways live 'high,' not in the elesrant style evidence that one Carl Anderson, a Swede Carl E. Munqer and daughter of the Rev. year. Trustees. which newspaper correspondents delight in I>r. Joseph Anderson. Temporary burial in A large number oi desirable and largo pre­ IK* (iied in eonscqucncc. Ilis gifted who had for several months been employ­ Watorburv. miums are added to'our list, and they are of­ R. B. CRAUFU3D, Agt., diKighter is one of the bright scholars picturing them. Very few if any, oi them ed about the premises of Mrs. Turner, fered at terms which will enable our readers save any money out of their salary. It is to obtain them practically at wholesale rates. ROOM 2, MASONIC BUILDING, NORWALZ.: Olfiiin University lias given to the coun possible for a man to live, Dut. his standing widow of the late Dr. Joseph E. Turner, Send 2 cent stamp for 20 page catalogue. Ity. Her lectures werq worthy of a larger is impaired and his prospects damaged be­ got drunk on Sunday aud coming home A PLEASANT HOME VALUABLE PRIZES. Trustee's Sale. audience than could be gathered in a yond repair. There is no reason why a assaulted Mrs. Turner and then her ONE HUNDRED SPECIAL PRIZES will bo man could not live within his means beyond N a convenient. locality Is offered to persona HE stock in trade of J. P». Ells, lute Furni- , a-i (> -ol room. daughter, Miss Gertrude Turner, striking distributed on May 1,1890, among the club ture dealer, together with the fixtures, at that of social pleasure." I who would like to visit WastrinRton, D. O. agents who have, up to that date, sent in the T her with his fist. The young lady scream­ some time daring the winter or spriUK- Room the old stand of E Quintard & Sons, is offer­ It Will be a Big- Firm. and board, $2.00 per day. largest 100 clubs of Jocal Weekly and Semi- ed for sale If a purchaser for the entire stock Some Mew Books. ed, whereupon her friend Miss Emma MRS. J. E. BAKBOUlt, WeekJv subscribers. These prizes will include is not secured on or before the 15th day of No­ < 'ljtma! Tanner and Colonel \V. W. 1008 I Street, N. W. a $700 Piano, a $200 Cabinet Organ, a $150 Soli­ vember next, then the same will be disposed The latest work of Elizabeth Stewart Gregory, who happened to be present ran of in lots to suit purchasers. This is a rare Ih. Hey. li')th ex-commissioners of pensions, taire Diamond, a free trip to New York, with /.-•M Phelps, "The Struggle lor Immortality" to her assistance aud bravely confronted expense? there paid, etc., etc., being worth a opportunity to secure a good business at low .a?--: .'<> form a. co-partnership in the pension total of $2,440. figures. Address, will awaken a renewed interest in that the rum crazed man. She grabed him by TRUSTEE'S SALE OF CHARLES OLMSTEAD, Trustee, sr.; i oiaim.s hnsinesss It is authoritatively Prizes are fully described in our new 20 page Lock Box, 35, Norwalk, Conn the collar of his Coat and dragged him catalogue; send 2 cent stamp for a copy. si.jfed that General Alger did not, advise gifted author. tier "Gates Ajar" and away from Miss Turner when he turned Sample copies of THE TRIBUNE free. Mr. i'a nner not to resign iiis office as com- "Beyond the Gates," for originality of FURNITURE:. upon her aud beat her with his fist. A SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Weekly, ?1 a year. luiwionef of pensions and that he (General conception and consoling, comfortiug in­ /COMMENCING THURSDAY, the 21st inst., Semi-Weekly, $2. New subscribers receive the fluence on the minds of the multitudes boy was speedily despatched to Mr. Mid- VJ the undersigned will offer for sale, in lots to paper until January 1,1890, free. Daily, $10 a Ai.;-! i would look out for his business fu- suit purchasers, the stock In trade of J. B. Ells, year. Library of TKIBUXE Extras. 12 numbers whose religious experiences were unset­ dlebrook's, a short distance away for as­ late Furniture tealer, at the old stand of E. tr.i General Alger, however, lias inform­ Quintard & Sons, sale each day from 9 a. m. to a year, $2. sistance Mr. G. V. Lott, who boarded 2t THE TRIBUNE, New York. ed Mr. Tanner that lie is raady and willing tled and unsatisfying, filled a place in 5 p. m. As this sale will continue but for a few with Mrs. Turner, came in at this junc­ days, early comers will get the best bargains. !•> i-endtr him whatever financial aid he pious literature at once original and Prices below cost. ture and succeeded in inducing Anderson CIIAltLES OLMSTEAD, Trustee. FOB RENT. 'V':-; . ui.t)'require in establishing himself in his unique. This latest effort of hers is pro­ CONVENIENT LITTLE COTTAGE of Seven nounced by the book reviewers as one of to go to bed and the melee was over. At A ltooms, onSouth Union^venue. »e.« b'.isiness at Washington. Apply to CHARLES OLMSTEAl). her best, and is being welcomed by an the usual hour Mr. Lott retired apparently MR. C. F. DANIELS, in his usual health, but the next morning Republican Congressional Caucus. extraordinarily large sale. Houghton, IN8TKUCTOR UPON THE" J Prof. Loisette's si L. 10. McComas, the secretary of the Mifflin & Co., Boston, are the publishers, he failed to come down stairs to break­ m»;i>iie:tn caucus of the last congress, has or the work may be obtaiued at Pinneo's. fast and an investigation showed that he with the concurrence''•of all the candidates was dead in his bed, presumably a victim PIANO-FORTE AND OSGAN. Especial attention given to Harmony and Rhyth­ Jric ftjrt-ftker and with the consent of friends Walter Haynes, of Brimfield, to an overdose of chloroform, to the use of mical Studies. of; andidates for other offices, published the celebrated his 100th birthday November which he was addictbd. It is thought the 3m^7 Lock Box 114, Norwalk, Conn. •EMORY excitement incident to the Swede's insur­ DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD following call for a caucus: The republican 10th. He is in excellent health, and does ISTRICT OP NORWALK, SS. Probate Court wmrn rernc-.sentatives-felect to the Fifty-first con. not look to be over 75. As a carpenter rection BO worked upon the nerves of Mr. November 19th, A. D. 1889. $2.5 J French Donpla Kid Shoes DEstate of MUNSON STUBGGS,• late of Wilton, Lott that ho unintentionally took a larger Opera Toes, Opera Toes and Common Seiye gnvs are requested to meet in the hall of Mr. Haynes helped to build the first in said District, deceased. Heels. Also, the Common Sense style , representatives at noon Saturday, Novem. block erected in Syracuse, N. Y., and dose of chloroform than usual and went The Court of Probate for the District of Nor­ Made of very nice French Dongola, and>no walk, hath limited and allowed six months from of the Finest Fitting Shoes we ever hanf'aa her -JO, 1889, in caucus, to nominate candi- alone excavated a quarter section of into the sleep from which he could not the date hereof for the creditors of said Estate to at any price. From over 20.00". pair sqa by awake. He was about 65 years of age. exhibit, their claims for settlement. Those who the manufacturer, only one pair has 1 duu-s for speaker, clerk, sergeant-at-armes, twenty-sir rods of the Erie Canal. Ho neglect to present their accounts, properly attest- turned from any cause. LOOK AT T' Next morning the brute was paid off and eo: within said time. will be debarred a recovery. d-.voi keepe.', postmaster and chaplain, to be never used liquor or tobacco, and attri­ All persons indebted to said Estate are requested oh-eted at the commencement of the Fifty butes his longevity to "boiled Victuals permitted to depart on the promise that to nunc mm< diate payment to H. HOYT & SO] 3M7 NATHAN M. BELDEN, Administrator. 37 WALL ST., NORWALK. c/ ---v and johnny cake." he would never visit these parts again. ^ - " lir;,t. ("ingress. .

' - •v ' - • - •= f - , L --'v;'

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WESTPORT. er^Ji Our Bridgeport Letter. SO UTH-NOR WALK. Parity—Strength—Perfection. CALL AT Early last Thursday morning an attempt A quack who colors his mustache and The euquirics are made by all classes was made to burn the beautiful high talks sweetly, has been around town try­ here, "Why did the men who where al­ school building on Congress street. The ing to impress deaf people that by sniffing ready at the front, on the battle-5eld re- fire was discovered by Officer Otis, who from a bottle containing creosote and enlist? Was it only for the glory of a immediately aroused Chief Gerdinier, and amononia they can be cured. He has soldier's life, or for some extra compensa­ F. J. Curtis# Co. who, with Mr. Olis, wen*, to light the PILLS. won the approbation of several credulous tion, which was promised is they should flumes that had gained considerable head- women, whose devotion has led them to live to reach home ? None have a positive SUPERIOR AND SEE THE which costs not to l way. After a time they had the fire under pay $1 each for that answer, but if anything is due them, they control and, by prompt and persistent exceed 5 cents. One woman's enthusiasm should be promptly paid. efforts, saved the schoolfiom.destruction. wtnt on record in the sum of -$10. In the Mrs. C. D. Mathews and family of STOVES Office! Arnold, Professor Bartlev and meantime the hard of hearing fraternity "Elmworth are now settled for the winter Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles inci­ Superintendent Harrington are trying to dent to a bilious 3tate of the system, hucli as who have sniffed and snuffed declare they at their new house ou Mauison avenue. ITOR THE FALL TRADE. find clues to the perpetrators of the deed. -Dizziness, Nauso" Drowsiness, Distress after are as deaf as ever, and all of them :-ay New York eating. Pain in th 3i(le, &c. Whilo their most It was clearly a case of incendiarism. remarkable success lias been shown in curing they have lyid enough of the stuff. This The "Loyal American." A home wedding took place in Black is not a quack puff. A powerful Heater with complete Nickel and Tile Hock last Thursday evening Miss Lillian Powden decorations. To-morrow is Thanksgiving day, and Your reporters so seldom come this way Made of Pure Cream of Tartar. M. Gould was married at the residence of there will come from the metropolis and that the important events transpiring here Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills ara her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Gould, 'Ammonia, Alum, equally valuable in Constipation, curingand pre­ Brooklyn liundrcds of people who love to are not noticed. The village continues to DOES NOT Lime or other The "True American, venting this annoying complaint,while they also to Mr. Rodney L. Allen. The marriage CONTAIN •correct all disorders of thestomach,stimulate the eat dinner once a year at least under the flourish, but many of the origiual settlers Injurious Substance. with a double Heating or air circulating attach­ ceremony was performed by Rey. Henry ment, both plain and nickel with tile decoration. liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only old rafters surporting the roof of the home have passed away ami gone to their ever­ ' Wholesome .Bread, ear°.d C. Woodruff, pastor of the Black Rock to which they owe belonged. This com­ lasting rest. many of the old land ALWAYS MAKES Light, Flaky Biscuit, Congregational church. .Delicious Pastry. ing to Connecticut for^uch a purpose by maiks are being defaced and destroyed. The "Young American," Mr. J. W. Jenkins, of New Ycrk, has 'Chemically Pure, persons who have associations which they A few years since the school house was Ache they would be almost priceless to those who been elected president of the Bridgeport INGREDIENTS ARE Perfectly Combined, A medium priced stove, beautifully ornamented suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortu­ hope never to relinquish—and to asii burned, and now the "old fulling mill," so Made Public. nately theirgoodness does notend here,and those Steamboat Company. He will also assume -who once try them will find these little pills valu­ '•time to turn backward just for a day,' many years occupied by Mr. David Sel- Government Chemists, able in so many ways that they will not be wil­ the position of general manager and super­ REFER TO State Chemists, Astral and New American. ling to do without them. But after all sick head is the secret that clothes the New England leck, and later by his brother Isaac, for intendent, Captain John B. Hubbell has REPORTS OF Boards of Health, holiday with a charm. In all the churches the manufacture of woolen cloth, has been been superintendent of this company for , Eminent Scientists. there will b special services. There wi burned. It was here that Samuel Frost Manufactured by the past 25 years, and has been a faithful Stoves andlParlor Heaters. be lots of special dinners. Some unfortu­ and the late Capt. Win. Henry Ferris of C. N. Hoagland, ALBAST, N. Y. servant of the company and has made Ssthe bene of so many lives that here is where nates will, as is always the case, go hun­ South Norwalk learned the trade of card­ xre make oik great boast. Our pills cureit whilo many friends with the traveling public. CYLINDER & GLOBE STOVES. others do not. gry, but those who are truly charitable ing, fulling and coloriug wool, and dress­ Carter's Littlo Liver Pi'Is are very small and He will now take charge of their New very easy to take. Ono or two pills make a dose. and know how to exercise that viitue will ing cloth. They are striotly vegetable and do not gvipe or York business. A Few Good Second-Hand Stoves provide for their beneficiaries before the Messrs. William and Charles Mather pnrse. but by their gentle action please all who Rev. Dr. Hopper, who died last week, use them. In vials at 25 cents ; five for £1. Sold grand day comes. If all do this, all may have completed their building on the.old ESTABLISHED 1843" by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. was formerly pastor of the First Baptist tealize the significance of the occasion. school house site which is to be] occupied CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. church, on State street, and was very Duchess, Our Own, Uncle Nick, all with Duplex The pupils of Staples' High school are by the post office and astore. popular. He was located here from 1861 Orates. preparing a fair and entertainment to be Westshore, with Simplex Grate. to 1877. He was well-kn»wn and much held at Academy hall, Dec. 19. REDDING. RENOWNED FOR respected by other Christian denomina­ Rev. Norman H. Burnham of Norwiq^j, Hon. Thomas Sanford joined his fam­ TONE & DURABILITY tions. He leaves a wife to mourn his loss, preached morning and evening at Memor­ ily in New Haveu, last week Monday. MODERATE PEICES All kills Hon e FnmsMoi Ms. aud her many friends here deeply sympa­ EASY TEEMS, EXCHANGED. ial church, Sunday. Mr. Atthony Gilmartin, of Bethel, and thize with her in this, her hour of trouble. DSL1VBBEO FREE WITHIN 20 MILES OF NEW YORKCITY Temple lodge, No. 65, will hold their Miss Maggie, daughter of Mr. Patrick Phin and Decorated China. Two years ago Bridgeport was one of Catalogue UaiM on AppUoatioa. annual communication for the election of Qualey, of Redding, were married in the the few cities in the United States that Chandeliers, Hall. Library and Stand officers the day after Christmas. Roman Catholic church, by Father O'Con- 110 Fifth Ave., cor. 16th Street, did not possess an exchange for women's Lamps. The Knight of Wright Island, F. Allen, nell, of Bethel, last week Weduesday. NEW YORK CITY. work. The associated charities assisted Esq., who has set his fortress to defy uor'- the poor, but in this, as in every commu­ The workmen at the Putnam Camp Family Horse For Sale, westers, discounts Brother Greeley, of the F.J.C0RTI8&C0;, nity, are muny ladies living, perhaps, in Ground were discharged last Friday, the N Rxtra Large and Fine Family Ilorae for weather bureau, by predicting a winter comfortable homes but without personal work thereon beine adjourned till spring. A Bale. Suitable for Ladiea, children or an 23 MAIN ST. more severe than any since the 40s. An invalid to handle. Apply at GAZETTK OFFICE. incomes, aud are most uncomfortably de­ The next day Mr Bertram gave a dinner other chap on shore, also well fortified, pendant upon relatives for every cent of to a few friends at his office, near the O.&O.TEA has information from somewhere that spending money, aud little necessities, ground. things are going to be unusually mild till The Chricesu Tea Eve-* Offered, viz: car fare, postage and even charities. Thursday evening,at the Camp Ground, March and then—a second blizzard. Be­ Other women, more absolutely destitute, the emploj'ees, and a few other friends, PERFECTLY PURE. tween the two opinions the common herd are in reduced circumstances, and do not presented Mr. Bartram, the superintend­ A MOST DELICIOTj BEVERAGE. TRY IT. of guessers fall to the notion that, whether know how to help themselves. To fur­ ent, with ail elegant watch and chain. 7J., L't'd:, ing a box of clothing to send to th«- mis­ route to Robert Lynch, of Belden Hill, has (Bead Office, 35 Burling Slip, Vew Strk. the exchanges established during the past sionaries in the west Some people right removed to New Canajin, where he has For salo by ten years in various cities. In September, at home look as though a little tresh clo­ purchased a fine farm. H. Glover & Son, Nonvalk, Finnegan & 1887, the attention of several influential \re making extensive preparations for the approaching thing wouldn't hurt 'em Mr. Samuel Mitchell has exchanged his O'Rfillly, iVoiwalk, C. H. Valden, Noi. ladies in Bridgeport was called to this handsome residence, on Camp street, with Holidays, and in order to make still more room will offer -walk, P. B. Gregory, Norwalk, IS. S The rain of Wednesday prevented many matter, and so many became interested Mrs. Julia Gregory for the old Abijah .'Sipperly, Westpoi-t, \V. E.Osborn, W«8t from attending the supper and tableaux that within a short time an association was the following unprecedented bargains: Ii««» & Co., W«8lport, ly43 Belts farm in South Wilton, and each will offered by the ladies of Christ church in formed, officers elected, rooms obtained, take possession immediately. Mr. Mitchell's thei»- parlors. The crowd, though small, and active business commenced. The was a paying^one, and all got the worth of many friends in Wilton are arlad to wel­ ybu can certainly fund for current expenses, such as rent, come him back to town and hope that he their money. Credit for this splendid gas, stationery, etc., is secured by the may regain his health. little entertainment is due to all the.ladies, annual subscriptions of various amounts, Game is very scarce in Wilton, and and indirectly to some of the gentlemen, and on these subscriptions the work of there are about three hunters and five dogs who are supposed to have supplied some one or more consignors may be entered to everj bird. of the collateral, but especially for the throughout the year to be sold on a 10 per DRESS GOODS. Mr. William B. lloyt, formerly of Belden tableau ferture to Mr. and Mrs. John D. cent commission. This places the society Hill, was married in New York, on Wood and Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Marvin, upon a business footing and relieves the Nov, 7th to Mrs. Opdyke, of that city. whose labors were given sor the cause. workers or consignors from the disagree­ One case 54-inch Camels' Hair Cloth, were cheap at Mr. Jacob Millet's cider mill, witlr its These representations were taken from able sense of dependence. The Bridge­ new steam press, is doing a flourishing 60c, price, 25c. Dore's Bible, Illustrated, and by the aid of port exchange is by no means a purely busiuess, and will continue to run for some colored lights were very beautiful. They local affair. Subscriptions have come to A aother lot, 45-inch, also 25c. weeks longer. were Abraham, Hager and Ishmacl, Re- it from many other places, and work and bekah andEleazar, Naomi and Daughters, One lot Diagonal, 54-inch, at 37 l-2c. iffy to jiarts mo- purchasers also. Bread was sent to one A Woman's Discovery. Ruth and Boaz, Solomon and the Queen customer in New York, and cake, etc., to "Another wondeiful discovery has been One lot Drap d'Almas, 50c. of Sheba, the Infant Samuel, the Three another iti Brooklyn. It is "living made, and that too by a lady in this coun­ lasses orfiotuLyTo try. Disease fastened its clutches upon One lot Toska Suitings, 50c. Graces, and the Church Helpers. Ice within its means" and is quietly doing a her and for seven years she withstood its o r? q, ft a ft of cream by Horton, of New York, was good work in helping women to help severest tests, but her vital organs were Please observe that above lot of goods are offered at less than half price, served. The net receipts were ¥40. The themselves. The exchange in this city undermined and death seemed imminent. in order to make room for the Holidays. The long continued rainy and "Pe rryDaviV iff air is likely to ba repeated. originated with Mrs. L. B. Foote aud she, For three months she coughed iucessantly and could not sleep, ^he bought of us a warm weather has caused an accumulation of these most excellent goods, Mr. James Peffer has decided to remove with her sister, Mrs. Bullard, have de­ the historical academy, which he bought bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for which should have been sold at regnlar price in October. voted a great deal of time to this noble Consumption and was so much relieved of the Congregational church, to Greens aud practical work. The officers of this on taking first dose that she slept all night Farms and re-erect it there. Fifty years society are: Mrs. Alexander Hawley, and with one bottle has been miracuously Ask for the Bargain Counter. Other Bargains in cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lute " from now there will be pilgrim descend- president; Mrs. W. K. Jewett and Mrs. ents from afar visiting tliot building. Thus write VV. C. Ham rick & Co., of French Novelties of a High Grade to be sacrificed. C. Y. Beach, vice-presidents ; Mrs. Char­ Shelby, N. C.—Get a free trial bottle at Ilehry Burr is ready to open a meat lotte I. Hart, treasurer; Miss Elizabeth H. Ii. Hale's drug store. market in the store nex the",First National Bullard-, recording secretary; Airs. L B. Bank. Drunkenness.—Liquor Habit. Foote, superintendent and corresponding In all tlics world there is bnt one cure, Dr. Ladies interested in getting up an enter­ secretary. The executive board consists Haine's Golden Hpocific. It can be given in a tainment for the benefft of the village li­ enp of tea or coffee without tlio knowledge of We commence to-day a most wonderful sale of of the aforesaid six officers and Mrs the person taking it, efftcfing a upeedy aud brary, will meet to arrange, on Friday Edward W. Ilarrall, Mrs. E. P. Ilincks permanent cure, whether the patient is a mod­ IilCH BROCADES. evening in the library rooms. and Mrs. Mary Blachly. The annual erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thous­ ands ot (lrunk!!i ('l8 have been cured who have PKRSIAN STRIPES, The Board of Trade having decided to subscription is $2.00; for two persons, taker, the Golden Speeitic in their coffee with­ hold a fair four days, beginning January $3.00; for three persons, |5.00 The}' out their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking ol their own free will. No VELVE1 PANELS, 7th, invite the co-operation of everybody have about 200 subscribers and 175 con­ harmful effect results l'rom its administration. FIN 11 SA1IN and VELVET n the town, as the proceeds are to be used signors. They have subscribers in Nor- Cures guaranteed. Send lor circular and full particulars. Ad;i' ess, in coiuidence, Golden for public improvements. To systematize walk, South Norwalk, Westport, South- Sfkcifiu Co., 183 ltnce street, Cincinnati, O. COMBIN A1 IONS. A! N/(I iLE £ a,J,» ~P the work of preparation committees, of port aud Fairfield, and, no doubt, this will All elegant and desirable goods for Trimmings and parts of Dresses. Well's Hair Balsam. Jore ewa, ladi» s from the following churcces have interest a great many of your readers. Note the figures: Jkroat^i/t b1h If gray, gradually restores color; elegant been appointed : Christ church—Mrs. The second annual meeting of the tonic dressing. 50c", $1.00, Druggists, or $1.00 IfheumaUsBi.//ewrajiiq D. Wood, Mrs. F. II. Nash—Congrega­ Young People's Society of Christian En­ size prepaid by Express for #1.00. E.S. Wells, $3 and $4 Velvets and Satins, 75c. Jersey City. tional church—Mrs. H. P. Burr, Mrs. T. deavor, of the North Congregational $2 and $2.50 Rich Fabrics, 50c. E. King—Memorial church—Mrs. C. II. church, was held in the church last week. $1 and $1.50 Silk and Wool Goods, 25c. GENERAL BLACKSMITHIM, Taylor, Mrs. H. A. Ogden, Mrs. A. S The annual report was read by the presi­ Hurlbutt, MissFanuieGray—M. K. church dent, Dr. N. E. Wordin, and exceedingly No such bargains were ever offered. —Mrs. Charles Harris, Mrs. Uezekiah interesting addresses were delivered by Camp aii Wspii Bnilflioff anil Lyon. The price of admission will be 10 Rev. Charles Ray Palmer, D. 1)., pastor cents. Committees from Greens Farms of the church, and Rev. Mr. Brokaw, pas­ f church and the M. E. church at Saugn- tor of Hope church, Springfield, Mass. The ROYAL rowDM liriai, Pdiiifini, " £®solutei.V£SS tuck are yet to be appointed. singing was conducted by Prof. Baitley, AC., AC., AC. The remains of Gertrude, daughter of and some beautiful music was rendered HE subscriber having purchased the entire Rev. II. S. Still, have been removed to T establishment known as Rockwell's Shop, in by a male quaitette. Selections from I the rear of George S. Gregory's Livery Stable, Long Island. Gospel Hymnal No. o were sung by the will continue the business there of A fair in National Hall for the benefit of congregation, which added very much to To-morrow morning will commence a sale oi Travel I General Blacksmith Work, Wagon, Car­ Assumption church opened Monday eve­ the interest of the occasion. The society lei's Samples of Newmarkets, Jackets, Ulsters, Misses' riage, Sleigh, &c., building, repairing, ning and will continue through the week. has now about one hundred members, painting, trimming, &c., The condition of John W. Gault, who who are doing a great deal of Christian Cloaks, Children's Fine School Cloaks, Ladies' Raglans, |in addition to his established was injured by a .'all from a building two missionary work. Quite a number of all at the uniform price of HOUSE SHOEING weeks ago does not improve, and it is members have been added to the church feared that his reason may never be fully during the past year, and a great deal of |ituHineo^ at the oid stand. ' restored. ' •" J.'.". interest has been manifested in the weekly ©"Good Woek, Fair Prices, Pkompt- Ixess ajjd Fair Dealing Guaranteed, and It is reported lliat Rev. A. N. Lewis prayer meetings. The church was well a share of the public patronage respectful- and family will soon remove to New filled, uot only with the members of the llysolicted. Haven. . . • „ home societies, but also by representatives ' We are showing the finest stock ol Cloaks, Furs and |3m44. CHARLES E. MILLER. from societies out of town. After the v meeting was over they adjourned to the Sealskins ever shown in Bridgeport. ?. : = % Bucklen's Arnica Salve. v ! chapel where a social time whs enjoyed. POWDER /•> j;' - •- « A CARD. The best salve in the world for cuts, w. «. I,. '•y$i f RS. GKOBGE W. UKAoJ.ljY. (daughter o bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rlieura, fever Bridgeport, November 24, 1889. , / .Absolutely Pure. t»elate Wm. R. Nash) desires , , „ M ( sores, tetter, chapped liandt, chilblains, This Powder never varies. A marvel of puire corns and all skin eruptions, and posi­ Smart Weed and Belladonna combined strength and wliotesoiueneHs. More econoini- K'. PUPILS— tively cures piles, or no pay required. It with the other ingredients used in the best than the ordinary kinds, andc.innot he sold inconic W B. HALL & petition with the multitude of low test, short is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, porous plasters, make Carter's S. W. & B. weight, allum or phoBpliute powders. kin Instrumental Music. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per Backache Plasters the best in the market. fiuia only in Cans. % BMaii box. For sale by H. R. Hale. KoyalIUkino 1'owdek C'o.,lo6 War. St., N. V •For terns tpply to or address, 193 Main St. 3m3G Price 25 cents. ' Cor. Muin ttnd Bridgeport •••••••••• *&&&&


The Art of Cartography. BLACK EYE. HERMIT'S OATH. AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS^ ITie early maps used bj' Professor Horsford MONEY IN are partly French, and this, with tbe remark­ able display of maps at the Paris exposition, in tho Life of a Good Man. THE STORY OF THEIR BEGINNING HOW AN ARTIST IN CHICAGO SAYS Way back in tho early thirties there wa* and the great work undertaken by tbe AND EARLY PROGRESS. Frcncb bookseller, Hatchette, leads me to HE MAKES A LIVING. settled a little village not far from Atlanta, say a word about map making, or "cartogra­ which has since grown to be one of the most phy," as the French call it. The age of Louis prominent of Georgia's smaller cities. Among Painting Damaged Optics Instead of Land­ the tlrst families to make their home in the XIV, which produced so much else, gave nn lisl'^r — Journals Conducted by the impulse to map making, and early in the last scapes—A Remedy That Is Better Than new town were those of Mr. Herndon, who Fr<**klins—Suppressed by an Act of the , WILL century the great atlas of D'Auville, which Raw Beefsteak for the Fellows Who •wued a large rice plantation near Savannah, was forty years in making, was the first an­ and a Mr. Lyle, who moved from the blue Ijec'slatnre—Old Stylo of Printing. : * Uun Against Doors. grass regions of Kentucky. These families cestor of innumerable maps since published. To lienjamin Harris is due the credit of WE SEND BY MAIL Shebi» -OKNS Lav France also, under the Bourbons, made the "Beats your raw beefsteak all hollow}'" settled on neighboring lots, and from that, as said a man in a gruff voice and a loud neck­ well as the fact that they were all strangers having published the first American news first important topographical survey, under paper It was printed in Boston by Richart) 1 he lead of Casina de Fleury, who was en­ tie to his neighbor in a Lincoln avenue car. in a strange place, thqre grew up a strong "Well, will it make it possible for mete friendship between the two households. The Piercs, the first number being issued on Sept. gaged 011 it from 1744 to 1783, and his maps 25, 1GV0. It was the iutention of the pub­ were used by Napoleon and Wellington in run around in the street with this thing off" heads of the families often talked together 0 — pointing to a black bandage over his left and consulted over matters of business, while lisher to issue a monthly edition, but on ac­ ^"SMAaPACKSSO " POSTPAID^ W' their campaigns. count of some unfavorable criticisms it was- In our century, however, geographical eye—"and yet look respectable?" the children played and romped and sent up "Bet cherlife—I been there—know how it their merry shouts as they indulged in 1 heir almost immediately suppressed by tho author­ Sheridan's Condition Powder science and art under Humdoldt, who studied ities. But one copy is in existence, which is. in Paris, and Ritter have migrated to Ger­ feels myself." pleasant games. In the Herndon family there were five chil­ possessed in London. It bears the title Pub­ Worth its wetelU in gold when hens are moulting, and to keep them health5". Testimonials sent freo many with other branches of learning. Tne This last assertion did not seem to afford the iiv mail Its'your §rugfrist, croccr, general store, or feed dealer lor it. ^ If you can't get it, send at man with the black bulge over his eye any dren—three girls and two boys. The elder of licly Occurrences, Both Foreign and Domes- (inetj to* us. Take no other kind. We will send postpaid by mall as follows: —A new, en.arfted, great publisher, Porthes, at Gotha, employ­ tick. < nCC ^ US" gtrated^py of the •'FARMERS'POULTRY KAISINU OUlDK^tpHoe ,2» how ing men like Stieler, Sydow, Spruner and alarming amount of satisfaction. But he the boys was William Fletcher Herndon, a e legantly Illustrated copy bright, manly little fellow of about 12 years. The first newspaper that had any consid­ ' cans, express PeteruK.mi, and the rival Berlin publisher, took the address of an artist highly recom­ Boston, Mass. mended by the gruff voice, which sounded as Only two children had been given to Mr. erable existence was The Boston News Let­ Kiepert. have for fifty years held sway in ter. This was published and printed by John map making. Hachette, in the days of the | if it belonged to a professional bruiser, just the Lyle and his wife. Of these, one was a little Campbell, and appeared on April 24, 1704. It second Napoleon, undertook to break down same. It was the old story—hit his eye boy, while the other was a, beautiful 10-ycar- against the door in the dark, and couldn't get old girl, with chestnut gold hair, large brown was issued weekly and continued to appear the German monopoly in this art and to re­ until 1776. Next in order was The Boston store France to her former eminence iu it, anybody to believe him. So he finished his eyes and a beautifully rounded face, and on ride and got off the car as soon as it had her cheeks was the ruddy glow of color that Gazette, first published on Dec. 21, 1719. On and this Paris publisher employed Vivien de th»3 23d of December of the same year Tke St. Martin to edit his new atlas, which is emerged from the tunnel. He found the a happy life and plenty of good exercise will address furnished him without much trouble. impart to a child. She was a sunbeam <:f a American Weekly Morcurie appeared in Phil­ UI'IACQUAI-7TE7) WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE COUNTRY, WILL OBTAIN now coming out in monthly numbers, begin­ It was in a basement on Randolph street, girl, and no one bid fairor to make a prettier adelphia, the famous William Bradford be­ MUCK 7JLIiZTAULE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OP ning with 1887. A still larger atlas, begun in ing the editor. 1877, is waiting to follow. Vivien de St. almost within a ^tone's throw of the court woman than did Dora Lyle. It was 110 wonder, then, that, being thrown BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Martin died before much had been issued, house and next to a Chinese laundry. together as they were, there sprang up a and he had been succeeded by F. Scliracder. nOW HE BEGAN. The appearance of The New England Cou- The preparatory work is dote and the publica­ "Yes," said the black eye artist, very seri­ childish love on the part of William Herndon rant, a weekly newspaper published by James ously, "it is rather a queer trade to follow. for Dora, and, as the boy was handsome and Franklin,elder brother of Benjamin Franklin, Wjmt l/ciiE li.vui.s . tion will soon begin again. A single map will PxtJ: / "Sou see, I'm really a landscape painter by bright, there is nothing strange in the faet took place on Aug. 17, 1?21. The new journal R /h occupy an engraver a year or two. I11 the SSWwro smaller atlas. i::;:;)s of Switzerland, the Brit­ profession. But when I struck C'.icrigo a that the girl returned that love. at once attracted attention by the slashing Time went on. The one grew to beayoung *j *'$'3. O !l 1®C£.?£? ish Isles and the Ilussian empire are published year ago, cut of pocket and without anybody style of its editorials and criticisms, and the and appear to be better than the best former to say a good word for me, I found that there man of 30, good looking, clever and accom­ life of its editor was by no means an easy one. f&ftskt maps—those of Stieler, the German. Com­ wasn't much landscape to paint hero anyway, plished, but a farmer, good as anybody, but Franklin began by falling foul of the clergy KfKSBiitiL't!2HJ*3E pared with work like this, the new atlas of and for another thing I soon became aware a workingman, while the other merged into and became involved in a fierce controversy Middlesex county seems rather crude and in­ that what landscape there was had been col­ a young lady of 18, tho beauty of childhood with Increase Mather and other ministers, being brought out more clearly and distinct­ and was so liberal in his criticism of public InGvI accurate, but the maps are on a large scale, lared by other painters, who held a sort of and in the villages every mail's house is put first lien on it, so to speak. Anj-way, thero ly and made even more beautiful by the ma­ affairs that in 1T22 a resolution passed the turity of womanhood. The fancied love of down with the owner's name.—Springfield was nothing far me to do, and Isoon got Legislature forbidding James Franklin to down at the heel. One day, while in the the children grew in reality with these two; print or publish The New England Courant or JKFFCRS Republican. Sherman house, a fellovr raised a row and all the village knew of the affair, and it was any other pamphlet or paper of like nature, SrirsrtOB fgm VemcZay We think we cmii n.nl ease of gave the man who stood next to him a bat iu conceded that they would be married. But except it be first supervised by the secretary rinidaq backache quicker willi <>n«* "f Caitei's tbe eye. The man who got slugged, a re­ fate, had decreed otherwise. of the province. For some time Franklin Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache spectable fellow, apparently, neatly dressed, It was in the summer of '52 that a richly yielded obedience to this edict, but within a P'asteis, than by any "tic r application, felt awfully mortified at his black eye. dressed stranger made his appearance at the few months after it was issued his paper Fen Burt M |Albtiquerquij^l.i'S Mild after the ba< i cured, you can 'What in thunder shall I do? he said. 'I am home of the Lyles and sought board. There again appeared, with the name of Benjamin V> > "Lehigf^ still wear the plaster wil! ut discomfort a solicitor, and I have got to hustle around was a spare room in the house, and good mo­ Franklin, a boy of 16, and a compositor in the Wichita jioUs o tua for two or tliK-e w> eks or li'tiirer. This on the street and in the offices of business men ther Lyle, with her eye to business, agreed to office, at the head of the columns as the pro­ £ a combination of Snn.rl '• eed and Bella­ every day of my life. I can't show myself take the stranger in. There sprang up an in­ prietor. P Riaco cx&rftai XFt. Worth donna is ft great, hit, and it is hard to find , the way I am.' 'Come with me,' I said, '111 timacy between Dora Lyle and the stranger, New York could not boast the possession of GfipyrJgM.l'WS, by S. til. John CBSHL- any pain or ache thai will not. yield to it. soon fix you out all right.' but no one suspected a love affair, and time a newspaper until Oct. 16,1725, when William Price 2o cents, rSold bv dnisririsls every­ passed on until the day arrived when Will Bradford, founder of The Philadelphia Mer- p-f re s^g-fa "And I took him to the studio of an ac­ TKE 6II6M0, ROCK RftlLWSY where. quaintance over on State street, borrowed a Herndon and Dora were to be married. curie, published the New York Gazette. In little bit of sienna, some white lead and a drop It was a bright September day, when the 1738, Benjamin Franklin established The West of A man whose wife is not blessed with of cinnabar, mixed it to suit the man's sun had gone down in all the beauty and Pennsylvania Gazette, which appeared in an especially mild temper says he goes natural complexion, and then I put it on splendor of an autumnal sunset, and the Philadelphia. This journal continued in throiiijh his meals to the ttU'C of "»'aiegan Under Franklin's able management it be­ MISSOURI—Omaha, Fairbury, and Nelson, in NEBRAoK A—H ort on, ropeka. Nobody knows what, I srffer* ""re economical, The young folks stir the soup with long- opening of the present cautury. Within the WASHINGTON l». C., coating less than one cent a cup. It is coat of paint I'd have taken to something handled iron spoons, walking around the last half century the improvements have Located at the National Capital, adjaccnt to all the delicious, nourishing, strengthening, EA­ else long ago. But it generally takes two or SILY DIGESTED, and admirably adapted kettle as they stir. Now is the Time to Subscribe- Executive Departments, gives me superior three renewals before I get through with a been immense, and the difference between advantage in the prosecution of Claims for invalids as well as persons in health. "When a girl's spoon clicks against the the newspapers of 1S40 and the acme of mod­ against the United States. Sold by Grocers everywhere. patient, and that's how I get in my work and spoon of a young man he is bound to catch my dollars. You see, the average duration ern journalism is far greater than that be­ and kiss her. As you can imagine, thero are tween those of the time of President W. H. INCREASE YOUR PENSION. "V. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. of a black eye is almost ten days. With some a good many lively scrimmages around the Many pensioners borne on the rolls are entitled men it lasts over a fortnight, with some only Harrison and Franklin's hand printed sheet. SPECIAL TO FARMERS. lo a much higher rale of pension than they now kettle. When tho soup is done it is ladled Instant relief. Final cure in 10 a week. In any case I make from $1.50 to —Current Literature. receive. In a great majority of cases in which days and never returns. No out into plates and eaten, and is delicious. pension was granted for disease, the pensioner is §3 out of every black eye that's brought to gurge, no salve, no suppository, The custom is an old one, and I was unable Ilai-bera Generally Have Good Eyes. ectitled to an increase of rate, and in most cases ufferers will learn of a simple me." to find its origin. A company of Stonewall Tlie Record where it was granted for wounds or injuries the J remedy FREE by addressing , The Boss—Ever get shaved by a barber ; PILES.!TUTTLK & Co.,.70 Nassau Street, New York City- "How many is that a year?" Jackson's command was recruited round disability increases each year. As time passes the ALL JJUUGOISTS. ly44 who wore glasses? Just think over now and disability of all classes naturally increases. Many "Let's seel I never kept tab on them ex­ Shepherdstown, and it still keeps up the or­ see if you can remember any barber who PUBLISHES EVERY SATURDAY were at Urst rated too low, and it often occurs actly, but I can toll pretty nearly from my ganization. It has a reunion every year and i that pensioners are unjustly or erroneously re- ever wore glasses. I have been in the busi­ j duced by examining sm-geons. A pensioner is earnings. The last six months—i. e., since I celebrates the occasion with a grand 'soup.' ness twenty years and 1 would be more apt The New York Market Report entitled to increase on a disability not set forth in got my trade fairly established—I've taken in A 'soup' of that company, to be properly his original declaration. The pension laws are to see such barbers than you. I don't believe > • CHAS. H.VALDEN an average of $8 per day. That means six­ gotten up, should be madia of stolen chickens, that I ever saw more than three. A man. : CORRECTED UP TO DATE. tli 7 ! more liberal than formerly, and better rating c&u teen black eyes, at the rate of fifty cents each. i be had for many disabilities. I make a specialty but the veterans have hail to give up forag­ who can't see well has no business fooling ; 1 of Neglected and Rejected Claims, ami if you will — DEAT.EIi IX— It's funny, though, to listen to the explana­ ing since the war, and now make a compro­ around another man's face with a razor. I .. , present me with a brief statement, of your case, tions men make when they come in here. Of mise with necessity by going around in squads went into a recruiting office once, thinking I I stating by whom it was presented, I will obtain a course, it's all the same to me. A black eye t cnoice rehearing of your case, and, if it has merit, will and robbing' each other's hen roosts by a pre­ would enlist. They asked 1110 several ques- - ^ procure a favorable settlement Many claims is a black eye to me. It means money, and I arranged understanding."—Washington Post. tions, one of them being an inquiry about my stand rejected before the department, when it never stop to inquire into its antecedents." only requires a competent attorney to make them business. I said I was a barber. The re­ GROCERIES, —Chicago Herald. Advertisement Writers. good cases. Soldiers nujrcring with disabilities cruiting officer replied at once: "Then your > contracted in service, who have not applied for a There is a great deal of ingenuity and eyesight is all right." I don't think I ever : pension, should do so as it is their kight. - flat I^ife in Xew York. BUILDING LOTS brain power spent in the making «>t adver­ saw a cross-eyed barber in my life. As a ; • SOLDIERS OF THE MEXICAN WAR, FRESH KM MW. If you live in a flat in New York city you tisements. This is so much the easy that cer­ rule, the barber's eyesight is better than any Who were in that service sixty days, [or their soon get to knovr the days in which certain tain firms in New York and other cities agree class or business or profession which you . widows if not re-married] are eucitled toifS.OO per of your neighbors boil cabbage and others (ON INSTALLMENT PLAN.) month from January -29th. 1SS?7. tf'20 for a consideration to v, r,-e advertisements find.—Chicago Tribune. , - " T shall keep constantly on hand a frv onions and to execrate some one's pipe; for any firm that likes to employ them. They .'.v" you seem to have almost as much good of the For Sale or Ezchange. guarantee to write the e advertisements in a The Doctor's Yarn. OR SALE FULL LINE DF ALL GOODS garlic as tbv family to whose persistent use taking way, so that thoy will command at­ Dr. Ross Bryte, in a talk with a Pittsburg r mil E Homestead of,the late Abijah Betts, situ- of it knows 110 surcease; you may doubt tention, and if they succeed in doing this they Commercial Gazette reporter, told of some | JL ated at South Wilton, one mile from depot. usually found in a whether the whiff that reaches yt£, some­ certainly earn the money, *for the greatest peculiar people he had met in his professional £ Dwelline has eleven roams, good well of water, times is from Limburger cheese or not, but barn an t sheds, eighteen acres of land, abundance wealth producer in the world is advertising, capacity. One lady brought a four karat On Wilton Avenue of fruit. Will be sold at a bargain. Enquire of you can't doubt the rottenness of the whiff; persistently stuck to and intelligently accom­ diamond and asked to have it set in one of O. E. Wi/.son, 3 Gazette Building, Norwalk, or First- Class-:-Grocery-:-StoPB you realize how the arnica habit is growing to-JUL'A Gkegoey, Winnipank. Ccinn. tfi4 plished.—Detroit Free Press. ^ her front teeth. It was done as she directed, which I will sell at prices 011 the young man learning to ride a bicycle, but could not be fastened in securely. When and you wonder whether so much iodoform she learned this she had the tooth drawn and DEFYING HONEST COMPETITION is really aoing any good to whoever it is that Kate Field at For Sale Cheap. At her literary work Miss Field nowadays a false one made with the diamond set in the to beat. A share of the public patronage is solicit­ uses it so constantly. Now and then a quite center of it. One day she was playing with Sand Plot. SECOND-HAND Cast Iron Fence, with gate, new, original and unassignable stench per­ wears a bright red satin dress, reformed after A all in perfect order and as good as new, ed and every effort will be made to faithfully her own ideas, and touched up with frills and her pet poodle when her diamond tooth about. 120 feet in length. Will be sold at a sac ' serve our customers. Give us a call and vades the atmosphere of the house, and, re­ dropped out of her mouth. The dog swallowed AIM'I.y TO tice if applied for soar. Enquire at , let us assure you of our ability to membering that you have somewhere read shells of soft lace. She has tiny feat, which 30ft. GAZETTR OFFICK give satisfaction. she puts in the daintiest of slippers and the the gem, plate and all, and the lady was that smallpox has one peculiar smell ami sorely disturbed, both over the loss of her ISYINUTON, scarlet fever another, you would really be finest of spun silk hosiery, and which she has n a most coquettish way of crossing and un­ tooth and the danger in which her pet's life TYPE-WRITING. CHAS. H. VALDEN, pleased to know if that fragrance from the jen placed. The tooth was recovered, bottomless pit is like either of crossing while she reclines, working swiftly a \ :r: rn: offick. OPYING done with Type-writer. C.ood work and steadily all the time.—Philadelphia Press. however, and the dog is still living. C guaranteed and all orders executed prompt- 5 W21II st. Norwalk, Ct. so, which?—New York Letter. Apply at ofllee of the VOKWALE GAZETTE. 1J32 -.y - ' -• ..

, iv:;-

v -V;:": , >#V *" , « * ?

i? ^ V


Capron. He als® rescued by this lucky ar­ ACROSS THE ENEMY'S FRONT. PUSSY CAT, PUSSY CAT. HUNT'S BEMEDY. O. E. WILSON, rival Columbia and the railway bridge there. WILL CUKJC the Kidneys, REGULATE the Heart, and In one hour more, but for his intervention, Sehefield's Xtght March from Duok Hirer AI4KKS LIFE worth living Forrest would have been in possession of the to Franklin, Tenn., i» 1864. . FACTS AND FANCIES CONNECTED " YOB eitn't afford to be without It." General Insurance k Real Estate Agent Duok river crossing, and the Union army It is twenty-five years (Nov. 29, '1883) since WITH OUR FEUNE FRIENDS. would have been divided. Maj. Gen. John M. Schofield, with the Fourth Q-KO. WA.K.U SKIiIiXJCK, " Money to Loan. Stanley had also marched sinco 1 o'clock in and Twenty-third corps of the Union army, a the morning of Nov. 24, rousing his command Wheu ttie Cat First Became a Household HARDENBROOK'S BLOCK. WALL STREET. Marching Into Tennessee made his famous night march from Duck Stocks, Bonds &e., Bought and Bold, . in the cold and darksess to follow the miry Pet—Its Higli Place In Ancient Egypt. Quarter Century Ago. roads. By 9 o'clock he joined Cox before river to Franklin, Tenn., across the front of FAMILY GROCERIES, and Loans Negotiated at Lowest Kitty us -i Retriever—Her Place In Knrsery Columbia, and thus the only railway crossing Hood's Confederate army in line of battle. Rates of Interest. on Duck river was saved to Thomas. Schofield was at the Duck river crossings. Rhymes—Curious Superstitions. The position of Schofield and Stanley was Gen. Stanley, with three l>rigades, was at ROOM HO. 3 GAZETTE BUILDING MYSTERY OF SPRING- HILL. Common house cats seem to have first taken ATENTS t NOLTWAMC, CONN. still a dangerous one, however, and on the threatened with attack from itp their abode in human habitations so long- G. n. BTiwG^roir, night of Nov. 27 the whole force crossed to "Washington, D. C. Hood's army. He sent word of his peril to ago as to be almost beyond the calculation of "Geueral, Why in the Name of Gwd Hare the north bank of Duck river, burning the his commander at Duck river. Schofield left naturalists. Its first known domestication Guide to \m\m Mailed Fret railroad bridge and scuttling the pontoons. VV. II. MEEKER, You Not Attacked the Enemy and immediately for Spring Hill, taking with was in Egypt, about the beginning of thoP Forrest had with him at this time 10,000 new empire, 4,000 years ago; beyond that Taken Possession of That Pike?" Th# cavalry. Opposed to him at Columbia were him Ruger's division, which was nearest period we have no knowledge. Tabby occu­ H IS. I It A U FtJ K I>, Spring Hill, made a rapid march and ar­ ; Fatal Delay. only 8,500 mounted cavalry. In face of this pied at that ancient day the same comforta­ PluMl, Steam ani f as Fitting;, Forrest was able to cross to the north side of rived in person at Spring Hill at 7 o'clock, ble relations to the household as at present. Investments, Real Estate and Insnrance, The first day of September, 1889, was the Duck river Nov. 28. He drove the Union after dark. He left orders that Cox's divi­ The Egyptians brought the cat to a more use­ ROOM 2, MASONIC BUILDING. SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. tweutv-fifth anniversary of the day when cavalry back towards Spring Hill and Frank­ Gen. J. B. Hood evacuated Atlanta, which sion should march to Spring Hill, leaving ful state of domestication than any other lin. only a skirmish line at Duck river. The people, and the utilitarians were more numer­ Siiiibiry Plumbing, nnd Ventilation, and Sherman's army immediately occupied. Hood Soon after midnight, Nov. 29, Gen. Wilson Win. Lockwood, went to Lovejoy's Station, not far away. had information that Hood's army were skirmishers were to remain until midnight, ous throughout the past than at present. Low Pressure Steam Heating, a Specialty. Hood had sent Wheeler's cavalry to Ten­ unless driven off, and then follow the rc3t Pussy in Egypt occupied a diversity of posi­ about to cross to the north side of Duck river. Seal Estate, Insurance and Investment PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES. nessee, if possible to break the Union railroad At 3:80 orders toward Spring Hill. tions, ranging from the novel height of a ieity to the more humble occupation of ro- Securities. connections in the rear. Sherman thereupon came to Schofield The destination of the main army was not L'ipe and Kittiuif for Steam AND OIIN. triever for the poor Nile hunters. Egyptolo­ MONKY TO liOAIT. sent Gen. John Newton back to Chattanooga to fall back to Spring Hill, however, but Franklin, which gists have given us a rare collection of cat liiNHDtnce I'lueed in ('irxt-ClaNN Companies Agent fortlie Florida Low Pressure Boiler. with his division, and Gen. John H. Corse's Franklin at once. was only eighteen miles south of Nashville. division to Rome, Ga. Rousseau was at Nash­ But before the suu mummies, much resembling some curious Schofield managed the withdrawal of his cilice—Cor. MAIN A WALL STS., NORWALK Facilities Tor Cutting I'Ureading art! Sizes.oj; ville with his cavalry. Gen. James B. Steed- rose, Cheatham's bottles in shape, together with odd woodea army from Duck river to Franklin with a ly 13 l'ipe. 58tf - j, man was at Chattanooga. Gen. R. S. Gran­ corps, of the Con­ eat coffins with painted faces; they have de­ ger was at Decatur, Ga. These generals were federate army, was skill that commands admiration. ciphered inscriptions on monuments and | ^ __ __ There was no rest or pause that night. instructed to carefully protect the railroads crossing Duck river tombs, and brought to light many interesting ! Q £• 1b JL £ jj? TP HL Y I Ruger's division and one brigade of Kim­ paintings appertaining to and supposed to be j TO HORSE OWNERS! in tho rear. At length Wheeler was driveu at a ford five miles Everything in Itoutislry, and Everything out of Tennessee. east of Columbia. ball's were left at Spring Hill to re-enforce fair representations of cats during the days : We keep constantly on hand a good assortment of Stanley. The rest of the army marched Fully Warranted. Cleburne's division •f the Pharaohs. Thus we find them wor- j twenty-five miles that night to reach Frank­ HOOD MARCHES NORTHWARD. was in the lead. shiped in the Temple of Heliopolis, sacred to ; IV I I R A I I) \\ 1 Y I> D. Kentucky and Ohio Horses, lin. Swiftly and silently they passed Spring J Late in September Jeff Davis visited Hood's On learning that the sun, because the size of the pupils of tho , * " 9 Hill in the darkness on the west side of the selected witn great care in the western markets. army. He made a speech at Macon, in which the Confederate •afs eye is regulated by that orb, becoming j 68 Wall St., NorW£tlk» Ct. We have horses suitable for all purposes and n# town and went northward. he detailed bis plan that Hood should march gew. J. D. cox. army was crossing a vertical line at midday. one who wants i IH TTT Cats were the companions of kings, for oa : liI Li 11 t LI 11 We also "f every de cription. Sept. 21 Hood shifted bis whole army from Room No. 4, Up Stairs. [JAKNKSSKS, WU1I S,ROUES, BLANKETS Columbia. to Atlanta. These broke down by the hun­ •f the past that relate to our four-footed ; Lovejoy's westward to Palmetto Station, on Stanley moved at once. Kimball's divisio* NRAZKT'J'K HUTLDINU. NOKWALK, CONN. dred under the unaccustomed weight of their friends are those which inform us that kitty DANN'S LIVKKY STABLE, the West Point road. was ordered by Schofield to guard the cross­ knapsacks. The ground behind them was At the same time that Hood's army moved went into the water and retrieved wild game > ing at Rutherford Creek, while the rest of strewn with knapsacks, the straps of which ALEX. S. GIBSON, OFFICE 48 WALL ST., NORWALK from Lovejoy's, Forrest, with 7,000 cavalry, for its master, or pointed it on land as a set- the command moved on to Spring Hill. had been cut, by order of the commander, to Ol'l*. I». A S. K. U. DEPOT 35 suddenly left Mississippi Sept. 24, the raider ter or pointer dog of today would do. In the irganistof IHI Congregational Church, Waterbury, lighten the load. But the march was finished Teacher of appeared at Athens, Ala., and captured the ancient city of Bubastis stood a temple sacred BATTLE OF SPRING HILL, NOV. 29. in safety and not a straggler was lost. Union garrison there. Then he marched into to cats, in fact, the city itself was devoted to Twice was Spring Hill the scene of a battle About daybreak the main army reached this animal. The cats made their headquar­ Pianoforte, Organ and Musieal Geo. H. Raymondf middle Tennessee. between Union and Confederate, March 5, Franklin. Even then they could not re6t till The cavalry from Hood's own army mean­ ters in the temple, however. Here they were Composition, 1863, and Nov. 29,1864. a line of earth­ •arefully fed and attended, and so great was , time made a wide sweep around Sherman's Stanley reached Spring Hill at noon, Nov. Lock Box 89 J' O.. NOKWALK. CONN. army to the north, crossed the Chattahoochio works was thrown the veneration in which they were held bj ; 29. Shortly before entering the place a sol­ up. That done, the the Egyptians, that to kill, one was punish- ' Furniture Dealer. anil approached Powder Spring. dier met the head of the column and in­ wearied out men ahle by death. When the cats died, their . AV TUB OLD STAND, formed the general that Buford's division of f, Cumberland dropped upon the bodies were embalmed and carried with ; M Incorporated 1818. Charter I'erpnu Forrest's cavalry was approaching from the ground, just 88 they great pomp and ceremony outside the towa : 36 MAIN STREET. a east. Stanley thereupon double quicked his CAPITAL AND A8SKT8, $8,902,271.64. P Afesfcvil\ were, and went to to repose in the sepulchers. Large Stock of all kinds of Furniture Cheap ajt*nt wooi. command into tho little town. They were slet'p. In the eastern lands tho domestic cafe re­ for Cash. Also Frank I Insures against less and damage bjr Fire, on barely in time, for Buford's advance was al­ Here, too, is an­ served as great attention as elsewhere, for ia terms adopted to t he hazard and corsistent with ready on the edge of Spring Hill. other of the mys­ I2G0 A. D., El Da her Beybars, at his death, he law* mt compensation. COWLKS Je MERRILL, FURNISHING UNDERTAKER. Stanley drove off the Confederate advance teries of this ex­ established a cat's orchard called Gheyh-el- Sole Aleuts for Norwalk ami vicinity. guard, and drew up his brigades in line in the Quottah, near Cairo, for the support of home­ I am prepared to take charge day or night and traordinary cam­ is Kit D. KANIJALL, Architect and Super f jruish everything necessary for the inteineut of. form of a semicircle. Col. Emerson Opdycke paign. All the time less and needy cats. This orchard has intendent. tue dead. Telepnone Connection with residence. held the railroad north of the village. There t h a t Schofield's j changed hands often since then and has , MPlans and Specifications for all kinds of Build­ No. 3 Berkley Place. Iy5 were three brigades in the division—Brad­ army was making i fallen into great dilapidation, but to this ings. Pulaski. ley's, Opdycke's and Lane's—less than 4,009 Artistic designs for stairways, mantels, tide- this night inarch, j day, at an hour between noon und sunset, boards, etc. men altogether. part Spring Hill the Xadi has distributed here a quantity of Framing or working plans for all kinds of build­ The brigades had scarcely taken the posi­ AND Thompson's GEN. JAMES H. WILSON. butchers' refuse in sad disproportion to tho ings accurately made. flotence tions assigned them when they were furious­ Station, Hood had two corps in lino of large number of cats that tight over it. It Office, Cor Main and Wall sts., Norwalk. Open ly attacked. The force and precision of the battle, not half a mile away. The Union sol­ is said to bo a very interesting sight to behold ' Wednesday and Saturday evenings. attack showed it was not dismounted cavalry, diers saw the gleam of the Confederate camp hundrods of cats of all kinds and ages hasten­ Residence, Riverside are., . lyl but regular veteran fires, as they glided by in the darkness. An ing to tho orchard, jumping from house to IDBN1TDHEA Full Stock of Furnitureof all kinds* infantry that were army, with its lines drawn out long and thin, house across the narrow streets, sliding down Building1 Materials, &c. o«v the force at Spring marched all night past the enemy's front, walls or gliding in the court from all direc­ Hill which Stan­ tions. Similar customs exist in Italy and UILnING s rONK, ail qualities of sand, eel a j bedeoomsets which was in line of battle, and escaped. At B lars dug gardens and grounds renovated P ALOR N r ley's brigades had any hour during that march Hood apparent­ Switzerland. At Florenc;; tlyjre is a place, horses and carts for hire. I have somethoroughly a specialty. ^MBAMA. now to encounter. ly could have fallen upon Schofield in flank situated near the Church of St. Lorenzo, rotted and very flae manure for flower beds. J. W. EDMUNDS, In fact it was Cle­ and annihilated him. Why did Ifo not do itr which serves as a refuge for eats. Here No.6 South Uaion Avenue MAP OF HOOD'S INVASION. burne's andBrown's Hood says Cheatham did not obey his or­ homeless cats are fod an:l kin illy treated, and P. o. Box 654, Norwaltk DAVID STOW, Sept. 88, Sherman ordered Thomas back to divisions of Cheat­ ders, and that finally he himself could not any one desiring a cat may have his choice Stevenson, Ala., and Dechard, Tenn., "to look ham's corps that rouse his troops to action at the right time. from the collection. At. Geneva cats abound Main Street opp. Depot to Tenneeeee." were the attacking He says the morals of the Confederate army in great numbers. They aro respected by PLYMOUTH HOCK I('E. There was the greatest difficulty in obtain­ army, and the as­ had been injured by tho year of retreat from tho people, who at a certain hour each day ll AVE a large quantity ot Ice on haod. It was SOUTH NORWALK, CONN ing correct information of Hood's move­ sault was made Tunnel Hill to Atlanta, so that the men were feed them from their doorsteps. I frozen en pure water. It is clear, clean and solid ice. All ordi-rs promptly attended to. ments. In this respect at least he proved under tho eye of unwilling to fight outside of breastworks. In Greeco and Rome cata wero ill used. 'thanKing my customers (or past favors,! solicit himself a master. 44 He can turn and twist Gen. Hood himself. Hood says: "The best move in my career as They wore despised and not admitted into the a continuance of their patronage. like a fox," said Sherman, 44 and wear out Thompson's s t a- a soldier was thus destined to como to domestic circle. 19tf R 1,. ELLS. my army in pursuit." In reference to For­ t ion is three^- <***• D. s. STANLSY. naught." RHYMES AND SUPERSTITIONS. GENERAL MARKET THE rest and his cavalry, Sherman also tele­ miles north of Spring Hill, on the railroad. Of the remarkable night march of Gen. Iu traditions and nursery rhymes pussy Meat, Fish, Vegetables, &c. graphed Grant: 44 His cavalry will travel a While Cleburne's division was attacking Schofield's army across Hood's front, Van holds an exalted position. Prom the French, hundred miles where ours will ten." Spring Hill, Forrest's cavalry made a dash German, Norwegian and English sources a Norwalk Fire Insurance Co. Home, in his "History of the Army of the Has now completed Its By Oct. 1 Hood was on the north side of upon a wagon train at Thompson's station, Cumberland," speaks graphically. He said large collection of curious taiea have come LOCKWOOD & LOCKWOOD, the ^Chattahoochee with his infantry. There­ but did not capture the station or the rail­ the Confederates were so close to the road down, such as ;'Puss in Boots," "Master Peter 18th SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS YEAR after for nearly a month, now here, now way here. that when a column was not moving upon it, and His Cat," "Whittington and His Cat," And iia-, not outstanding a dollar of unpaid losses MAIN STREET. jrclaim.i for losses. JNo sound company insures there, he gave Sherman's army such a chase Spring Hill is like the hub of a wheel from it was difficult for a single harseman to pass. "Pussj' Cat, Pussy Cat, Where Have You ror less. All kinds of the best qualities of Meats, Fish, as it had never had before. which roads radiate in all directions. Along There was momentary expectation of at­ Been?' and many move. Such stories are W. C. STKKBT, Pres., Quo. H. ST. JOHN, Treas., Clams, Vegetables, etc., are kept constantly oa Oct. 26, Hood startled everybody by sud­ these roads the Confederates poured upon tack, but none was made. the first impressed on the infant mind, and GEO. it. COWI.KS Secretary. denly appearing at Decatur, Ala., on the Ten­ Wagner's single division in the center. During the,night, Hood says, a change they cling to tho memory, and to their influ­ hand, and will be sold by us as low as can be pro­ nessee river, only 133 miles south of Nash­ The cavalry skirmishing began about noon, came over the spirit of his men. and they be­ ence may lie attributed that fondness for cats Express. cured at any market in Norwalk. We intend to ville. Thenco on Thomas was to "take care at Spring Hill. About 3 p.m. Hood himself so often manifested by older people. Besides prove to our customers that we deserve their came roused to fight like devils when it was Patronize the old reliable of Hood." arrived with the advance of his army, and too late. In brief, thoy did not fight at being prominent in the nursery, kitty has be­ patronage by fair and generouB dealing. Stanley's command was at once ordered ordered a vigorous attack by Cheatham. The Spring Hill when they should have done so come involved in many superstitions, some of ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY. Iv40 LOCKWOOD & LOCKWOOD. northward to Thomas, reaching Pulaski, fighting lasted until dark, but the three bri­ which have proved both fortunate and most and the Union army was weakest, and thoy Low IUTES AND PROMPT DBI.IVKKT. Tenn., forty miles north of Decatur, Nov. 1. gades at tho center of the wheel were not dis­ did fight desperately, when they should not unfortunate. It- is a very common supersti­ After malring a slight demonstration against lodged, and the Confederates retired. have done so, next day at Franklin, when tion that cats are fond of sucking the breath Branch Ottlce, Norwalk. at S. K. Stanley'! F. W. JAQUI. JR., Decatur, Hood marched to Tuscumbia, forty- There is a question as to the battle of Spring of infants, while the child sleeps. There is Main Ottlce a*; Depot, South Norwalk. tf 12 their opponents were strong. L. HUNT, A Rent. live miles west of Decatur. Sherman sent Hill which has never been answered. It is, Cox's head of column reached Franklin certainly no greater fallacy than this. DBALBB IX northward to Thomas the whole Twenty- briefly, Why did not the Confederates defeat first. In crossing a narrow bridge near To Tab'oio's great misfortune, ignorant third-corps, under command of Gen. Scho­ Stanley? Their force outnumbered his quite Duck river the wagon train was lengthened people in the middle ages, as well as at pres­ G. A. FJIANKE, field. By Nov. 14 there were nearly 18,000 two to one. Forrest's cavalry, at Thompson's out till it was nearly five miles long. It was ent, associated her with the devil, partly be­ Stoves, Portableft BriGk-Set Banaes, Union troops at Pulaski. Station, was almost unopposed. There was sent immediately across the Haspeth river, cause of her nocturnal habits and partly be­ every reason why he should have taken the at Franklin, and headed towards Nashville. cause of lier large fixed eyes that glow so THE HAIRGUTTER, Furnaces and Steam Heaters, station and held the railway here. There is INVASION OF TENNESSEE. Wagner's command was the last to leave strangely in the dark. For this reason it was Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, Wooden, Glass Hood had expected to make a rapid and un­ every reason why the Confederates should Spring Hill, and Opdycke's brigade formed an aged custom in France on the festival of No. 1 Gazette Building. interrupted march northward from Tus­ have whipped Stanley at Spring Hill and the rear guard, skirmishing with Forrest's St. John to burn in some public place twenty- and Crockery Ware. cumbia. Forrest had been for some time held that, too. Then the Confederates would four cats, as thoy were regarded as emblems HOT AND COLD BATHS. eavalry all the way. Refrigerators and House Furnisiiing Goods. raiding through west Tennessee with 6,000 have had the railway to Nashville, and Scho­ The last of Schofield's army reached of the devil. You have often heard it said troopers. His raid was part of the plan to field would have been cut off from Thomas. Franklin at noon, Nov. 30. It was his inten­ that a cat has nine lives; this old saying is a Generally. A Full line of force Sherman to give up Georgia and go But neither of the stations was held. It tion to cross the Haspeth immediately. But great bugbear to our domestic pets, for it PENSIONS back to the defense of Tennessee. Hood's in­ was the lost opportunity of Hood's army. it was necessary to build a foot bridge and gives the small boy an excuse to knock one or Ami <«OVKItNi11KNT UHIMfS my sole busi- CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES. vasion of the state was the other part of the Hood says ho gave Cheatham peremptory repair the railroad bridge. This took time, two of them out of her. The tradition or­ oesF. Rejected and Increase claims a speciality. orders to seize Spring Hill, but it was not Don:t delay. Address or visit I'limiimig. Uas and Steam Fitting, and Hot Air plan. and before it was accomplished the Confeder­ iginated in Gray's fable, "The Old Woman Kngineering. Agent for the Jiichardson Ths fi&t serious drawback met Hood at done. The Confederates did not retreat. ates were down upon him. i and Her Cats," wherein the cat upbraids the GEN'. WM. NOBLE, Sc. Uoynton Go's. Tuscumbia. One corps of his army was sent Hood drew up two corps in line of battle half The Carter house was a story and a half I witch as follows: to the north side of the Tennessee at Flor­ a mile away. Hood says that became in per­ brick dwelling in the edge of Franklin. Fata I Tis infamy to serve a hag, No. STBATFOBD AVB. , BRIDGEPORT, CT. Furnaces and Ranges, ence. Bat with the rest Hood waited three son to within two miles and a half of Spring had destined it to t>e the center of a great i Cats are thought imps, her broom a nag; weeks at Tuscumbia for Forrest and for sup­ Hill about 3 p. m. Here he sat upon his battle. It was inhabited by a father and two I . And boys against our lives combine, Also agent for the Economy horse and saw in full view the Union wagon j Because 'tis said you cats have nine. HENRY HUSS, plies. Tfcomas did not have an army avail­ young lady daughters. Thoy had not left STEAM & WARM AIB COMBINATION HIITIC? able for battle till Dec. 1. trains and the troops moving at double quick their home, but had remained, all uncon­ | Of course every one knows it is bad lu^k to Not till Nov. 17 was Hood's whole army along the pike that led from Columbia to scious of the war cloud soon to break so ! kill a cat, while should a stray cat come to All kin with your corps, take possession and Hood followed Schofield in rapid pursuit, low. Haven and Hartford railroad. tf32 53 WALL STREET, hold that pike at or near Spring Hill. Ac­ ! In Russia the cat is not associated with Hie advance of Thomas' army was at this starting at daylight Nov, 30. Gen. S. D. NORWALK, CONN. time at Pulaski, a station on the railroad lead­ cept whatever comes, and turn those wagons Lee's corps was in reserve, with the wagon evil, as in other lauds, but it is held in high FOR KEEPING ing from Nashville to Decatur. Previous to over to our side of the house." trains. Stewart led the advance, followed esteem, while the dog is said to be tho imp of the crossing of the Tennessee by Hood, Union Then he said to Cleburne: ''General, you by Cheatham's corps. tho devil. cavalry under Croxton and Hatch had been have heard the orders just given. You have The Harpeth river, here flowing north­ The Russians accouut for that universal CIDEE SWEET Beef, Fish, Fruit near Florence. They retreated befor e the ad­ one of my best divisions. Go with Gen. ward, makes a sharp turn to the west! in hatred which exists between dogs and cats as USE vancing Confederates to Pulaski. Cheatham": assist him in every way you can, the angle formed by the northward and west­ follows: "When the dog was created he had ANTIFERMENTINE. Thomas wished to delay a general engage­ and do as he directs." neither fur nor hair. He lost patience, and ward bends Franklin is. ONLY 30 CENTS A PACKAGE. ment till the veteran command of A. J. Finally, Hood writes that he said to both Schofield was with the advance of his instead of waiting to be covered with the AT DALE'S DRUG STORE. and Vegetables. Smith, nearly 14,000 strong, which had been generals" as they left him: "Go and do this army, across the Harpeth, not expecting necessary nrticle he ran after the first passer ordered to re-enforce him from Missouri, at once. Stewart is near at hand, and I will battle so soon. Gen. Opdycke, in his story of by who called him. Now, the passer by was should arrive. For this reason he slowly have him doublequick his men to the front." the great fight, published in The New York the devil, ami lie made the animal his emis­ Sewing Machines. You can get any and all of tlie above mentione withdrew his command at the front before Hood then went and watched Cheatham Times of Sept. 10, 1882, says that Schofield sary, and, indeed, sometimfe; assumes its ap­ F every kind and make, repaired, cleaned articles at the advance of Hood, thus drawing the Con­ and Cleburne go by to battle, confident his was three miles away from the battle. pearance. The fur which was destined to the O and guaranteed. All ordcrB left at federates on towards Nashville. orders would be obeyed. Half an hour after­ On Gen. J. D. Cox, commander of the do* was give!i to the cat. This probably ex­ Spencer's Jewelry Store, Nov. 28 Schofield and Stanley left Pulaski ward he heard the skirmish fire. He sent a Twenty-third corps, fell the work of arrang­ plains the. antipathy which exists between and fell back to Columbia,where the railroad messenger back to Stewart and Johnson to ing the troops. Tho lines were formed so a:; the two ani::;alsi; the one believes that the Will receive prompt attention. F. W. SMITH'S MifilET, from Nashville to Pulaski crosses Duck river. make haste to the front, and another to Cheat­ to make TFith the course of tho river a square, other has stolen his property.—St. Louis Po.-.t- 4tpS6 C. J. GRUMAN. Schofield had gcfieral command of the forces ham to hurry and take the pike to Spring one column lying almost north and south, tli > Dispatcli. here; Cox held immediate command of the Hill. Then, listening attentively, he discov­ other following a general east and west di­ 55 MAIN STREET. Twenty-third corps. ered that the roar of musketry was not rection, with near itscenter an angb to wan b The Deacon Ma.de It. Korwalk~:« Gazette Thomas gradually massed his forces^ in heavy enough to indicate serious work. the southeast. Within this angle was tho Two very ingenious mechanics of the older EVERYTHING ^ front of Hood. The garrisons were with­ Again he dispatched a message to Cheatham, Carter house. generation wore Joseph Stuart, of Harrison, JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. urging him on. Ale., and Deacon Simeon Lovell, of Otisfield. drawn from Athens, Decatur and Huntsville. With Schofield were 7,000 men already WeddiDg Cards, Posters, Thomas was acting now on the defensive, Five messengers Hood says he sent, order­ across the Harpeth, leaving only 10,000 on tho Uncle Peter Nutting, of the last named town, NEW, FKESH, CLEAN.-- ing Cheatham to "take that pike" at once, was something of a wag, and was wont to Visiting Cards, Handbills, waiting for troops to join him. since he knew no great Union force could be south side. Both flanks of the battle lino Business Cards, Programmes, As fast as they arrived at Columbia from at Spring Hill. At dusk a messenger came rested against the river, Stanley on tho right., relate curious ''dreams" pertaining to tho Try ns. we can please you ty4s peculiarities of various citizens. Said Uncle Fancy Show Cards, Dodgers, Pulaski the Union troops began the familiar and told him that the pike was not vet taken. Cox with the Twenty-third corps on tho left Hall Cards, Billheads, •: task of throwing up intrenchments. They Soon afterwards Cheatham himself rode up Peter: '"I dreamod I was up to Jo Stuart's, and center. Stanley commanded the Fourth Statements, V. Circulars, reached Columbia none too soon. On the and Hood exclaimed: "General, why in the and found him in his shop working away at J. C. NEWK1BK, corps. Tag Cards, Receipts, morning of Nov. 24 Gen. Cox, with the Twen­ name of God have you not attacked the enemy The linns being formed, the soldiers em­ some kind of a fussy job. 'Jo,' says I, 'what and taken possession of that pike?" Town and Probate Records, Letter Headings, ty-third corps, heard firing on his left when ployed the moments while they waited for at­ in the world are you trying to do?' 'Why, Cheatham replied that the line looked a 1 Books and Pamphlets, Note Headings, within nina miles of Columbia. Hastening little too long for him, and that Stewart tack in throwing up breastworks of earth, I am making a lot of mosquitoes bills,' says DENTIST he. 'Well, well, bless me,' says I. 'But Hotel liegisUrs. Milk Tickets m that direction, he found a single brigade, should first form on his right. Stewartj was brush, rails, and whatever they could find. 1 >entistry performed in all branches. Ooid and* wbere'd you gel; your auger to bore 'em Printed in the Neatest Styles and at the Lowest - igider Col. Capron, engaged with Forrest's then ordered to form oh Cheatham's right. Every minute thus gained mount life and pro­ Prices. , „ • I'orcelain Crowns inserted. Gas administered- But it was too dark to fight. Near midnight with? says I. 'Ob,'saya Jo, 'Doacon Lovall for rhe painless extracting of teeth. yphole command and on the point of being tection. Then, after their thrilling night -> Call and get estimates. cut to pieces. Stewart's corps went into bivouac, "but not march, they waited for the enmity. mad* it.'"—Lewis;oa Journal. Office at residence, Liewis Street, near Con-1:; across the pike," says Hood. Kigrared Wedding (ardi a Special!?. ^ 'j gr'gallons! church. Norwalk i lytTp : n Owe speedily drove Forrest off and rescued mm

' ^ r .<- • '• 1 - ' >•>: .'r** wmm .'•• * >•• v "'i •• • •. v m: "ypr 'V**- X'-C NOR WALK GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEM BER 2 7 ^18 89. v,-: ......

~.'v Colonel Ingrersoll on Divorce. To Colonel Ingersoll, In North American HILLSIDE, NORWALK, CT; Review says:—The good home is the unit of ,c the good government. The hearthstone is Oi LUNU U jMJNFOlDED. MItS. MEAD'S HOME SCHOOL FOR the corner-stone of civilization. Society is GEO. R. BYIN6T0N not interested in the preservation of hateful OLD AGE POSTPONED OFFICE: •••AV. homes, of homes where husbands and wives GIRLS AND YOUNG LADIES TRADEMARK. Mi are selfish, cold and cruel. It is not to the AND YOUTH RENEWED. Cor. Louisiana Ave. and 7th St interest of society that good women should RE-OPENS OCT. 3, 1889. An illustrated pamphlet of 32 pages, showing be enslaved, that they should live in fear, or our fear aniete fuiui:iaiit> with me Rules of Practice Excellent for Pneumonia, Coughs, Cold?r violiated courts should have the power to The pictures are executed with great skill by an i lie Records, Models, Ac., Ac., Jkc., aud eminent artist Thsy tell a story that fixes itself •very detail of the office, and GIVES HIS PER­ Croup, Whooping Cough, Sore Throat, declare it null and void upon such conditions upon the memory for all time. SONAL ATTENTION to the interests of his Hoarsness, Asthma, Blood Spitting, Bron­ as may be just. As a rule, the woman dow­ ; CSend for ''Age and Youth Contrasted." Clients. Being on the ground, and visiting the chitis, Influenza, Pleurisy, and all diseases I'atent Office daily, he can serve Inventors m of the Pulmonary Organs. •V. ers the husband with her youth, her beauty, Address, sei-nring their l-et.ters Patentfar more advantage D. M. READ CO 1 ously than Solicitors who do not reside in Probably a large number of those who M A. .». WIIITK, her love—with all she has; and from this Washington. read this adveitisement will say "another contract certainly the husband should never ]y40 !(>s Duane Street, New York City. humbug, we will have nothing to do with br • '"ased, unless the wife has broken the, Searches .and Rejected it." But before you utterly «^S\ ons of that contract. Divorces should Applications CONDEMN ited publicly, precisely as the mar- A ( TH ~ *>E QUININE.) A Specialty. To all those wnose applications Let us appeal to your ri«.0o should be solemnized. Every mar­ have been rejected, he will make an examinatio riage should be known, and there should be and report on the same gratuitously. Prelimin­ REASON Brain forte ary examination of the Patent Office Records, witnesses, to the end that the character of prior to an application for a patent, wiil be made the contract entered into should be under­ for a very small charge, aud advice or informa­ Let us give you the history of this medicine. tion in regard to patents will be given in full It was originally a prescription of a country stood ; the record should be open and public, Dysteplics. detail in a circular which will be mailed free of charge to every applicant. He has special physician with a large practice, across the And the same is true of divorces. The con- facilities also for water. One of those men who get to know ditons should b(* determined, the property Chronic Mil SILK W RP AND certain things well, and he evidently knew should be devided bv a court of equity and Procuring Patents in Foreign COUGHS he custody of the children under regulations All Praise it. from their ABC. prescribed. Men and women are not virtu­ WOOL FABRICS Countries ous by law. Law does not of itself create LL A patient of his coining to this country He refers to any officer of the Patent Office, aop brought the prescription for family use, and virtue, nor is it the foundation or fountain to tile many Connecticut Inveutors for whom he Mo Narcotic, has done business and taken ont LKTTBRS PATENT it came to our attention. We found it good of love. Law should protect virtue, and law but knov\ ing how much money could be should protect the wife, if she has kept her A POWERFUL TONIC. FOR DRESSES AND GOWNS IN thrown away, unless it proved to be more contract, and the husband if he has fulfilled A SPECIFIC FOR MALAUU. RHEUMATISM, than JiEHYUL'S PROSTRATION. Jump-Seat Carriage his. THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL GOOD •• * BLOOD PURIFIER. Superior to quiuin? Special, One Way Excursions. Mrs. J. C. Scarboro, of ->elma, N. c.. wife of the For hale at a Bargain. we experimented with and tested it for over The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ex-Superintendent of Public Schools of that State, a year. We suffered from excessive nervous depression, ex­ Jump--eat Carriage, one of Stivers' best city- are now running semi-monthly Excursions haustion aud neuralgia, from malaria. She was A inake, made to order strong enough for GAVE through to Portland and San Francisco, via rapidly cured by Kaskine. She says: "I can now lour and l'ght enough for two. A neat and very Denver, for the exclusive benefit of holders go to sleep in my chdir." handy vehicle it away to everybody who would take it. "I was all run down with nervous depression, of Second Class Tickets who want first-class t We were more than convinced. Requests for which I had, by the advice of phvsicrk. 3t28d GAZETTE OFFICE. Eastern and Middle States, and in some lo­ Our Pullman Tourist sleepers (which ac­ silk and best Australian Wools, are the best of quality, calities in the West. company these Excursions) are all new and Some people think that because a medicine built on the general plan of ^irst-Class THE OLD AND RELIABLE weight, width and shade. is w hat they call Sleeping Cars, having double lower and up­ Geo. S. Gregory. per berths, The upper ones are closed dur­ PATENT ing the day and the lower converted into ALYS, VENETIANS, IJSDIA SEliGE, comfortable seats. The aisles are carpeted, DAILY FREIGHT LINE. Livery, Boarding, Sale, it cannot be good. and mattresses, sheets, blankets, piliows, C A CHEMIBE DE VS UDE, But is this not prejudice? Undoubtedly curtains and lunch tables provided, while ^eaci and Exchange there are poor remedies < :h<>a|»ly adver­ the toilet rooms have plenty of pure water, tised, but in most cases do not Proprietary towels soap, combs, brushes, etc. The only CORKSCREW, RAVENNA, Articles, spring from prescriptions which practical difference between them and the e S t a On and after Monday, ept. 23d, (antii fiirthe have been found First-Claws Sleepers, is the absence of up­ notice) THIS PROPUI^LElts MOHAIR SICILIAN. , M.lfflftW'n ^ holstering. A moderate charge is made for EFFICIENT these accommodations. Full information cai be obtained from Jno. Sebastian, Gen'l 20 ps. Merino Compure at 85c. in private.practice, and are they not com­ Ticket and Passenger Agent, Chicago, or pounded by bright men whose constant aim any Rock Island Ticket Agent. is to improve them? Black Lenox Broad Cloth, 56-in. 75c. If our remedy was not what we claim, He who steals my purse, steals trash, City of Norwalk .and Englu who would be the greater looser ? but he who wantonly purloins my bottle Will make daily trips. Sundays excepted, for of Salvation Oil steals something that freight between New ^ ork, Norwalk and South Brilliantines, 56-in. 75c. YOU enriches him indeed and leaves me bank­ Norwa1 k. Will leave Pier 23, foot of P>eekman St. rupt, a victim to aches ana pains, a sor­ New York, every evening, except Saturdays, at 5 10 ps. AII-Wool Serge, Black, 46-in., 50c. who only spend 25 cents, 50 cents or 75 o'clock, and on Saturdays at 2 p. m. cents for bottle, and then throw it away rowing, woeful citizen, until 1 can slowly Returning boat leaves Norwalk at k5 £p. m., and Mo. 14 X£.xil&2a.t St. creep to the nearest drug store. So Norwal - at 6:30 p. m. or Freight received from 7 a. m. to 5 p. m. (iQ rear of Ilorse Car Depot), WE Freight taken from and recelred for all points We imve mnde the prices on Colored Dress Goods Are free from all crude and irritating NORWALK, CONN. wiio pay matter. Concentrated medicine only. on the llanbury and Korwalk and SliepAu? Kail- that are of this season's production, and have just been Carnages furnished at all hours. Courteous at­ Cartel's Little Liver Pills. Very small; roads at Greatly lieduced Kates. tention and gentlemanly drivers, ADVERTISING BILI>S Upon application to .agents the City of Norwalk very easy to take no pain ; no griping ; and Eagle will be sent for special lots of freight received bv us. to read as follows: no purging. Try them. anywhere in New York or its vicinity. THE NOW FAMOUS that cost more than hundreds of bottles. — « + # All persons are forbid trusting any of the No, the ROUGH ON TOOTHACHE. 15c. At druggists. employees of the boats of this line on account of 14) p. F> itch Wh*p('" rd / »C. HOUGH ON PAIN PLASTER. Poronsed. 15c. the owners thereof. SECRET ROUGH ON COUGHS. Troches 10c. Liquid 25 NEW CANAAN ROUGH ON WORMS. Sale, Sure Cure. 25c. Surah 1 tr Ued. oG-ii*. $1. is, we know Ave have a good thing, come to- H0USAT0NIC RAILROAD. stay, and that if you try it, it will become a The Vesdict Unanimous. DattOuvy and Norwalk Division D id (J i h ft I Cords, $1. W. D. Suit, druggist, Bippus, Ind , tes­ STANDARD REMEDY CORRECTED TO NOV. 20TU, 1Si9. tifies : "I can recommend Electric Bitters .sic* flft'* BriVia" tine, 56-in. $1. as the very best remedy. Every bottle !'ASSi:.\(iKi: -Tit A INS in your home, and be recommended by yo» .sole' lias given relief in every case. One SOTTTK. to your neighbors. » ' man took six bottles, and was cured of Lv, Norwalk. Lv .So. Norwalk, Ar.Wiison Poin f wilh'd Ally* Cloth, wool, OOc. Our rheumatism of 10 years standing." Abra­ 0 02 a.m. C10 a. in. G, F. JOHNSON. C. T. RAYMOND 7 32 a. m. 7 fiC " 8 03 '• SUCCESS ham llare, drui^^ist, Bcllvijle, Ohin, af­ 5 17 " 8 27 " S 35 " JO ps. Mohairs, SOc, firms: "The best selling medicine I have 10 03 " 10 13 " 10 20 " will be in ~.i firmly established business, t-ver handled in my 20 years' experience, 12 50 p. ill. 1 00 p. HI. 1 07 p. m. JOHNSON & RAYMOND 4 33 " 4 46 " 4 53 " built up and founded on .. . » is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others 6 25 " Mixed 6 38 "Mxd. 6 46 " Mixed New Canaan, Conn. have added their testimony, so that the 5 04 " 5 09 " 817 ' MERIT. verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters 9 47 10 24 " 10 31 do cure ail diseases of the liver, kidneys WOKTH. We ask you then to lay aside all or blood. Only u half dollar it bottle at Lv. Wilson Point Lv.So. Norwalk Ar. Norwalk of Cam 11. R. Hale's drug store. a. m. a. m. . in. PREJUDICE 6 25 " c 35 " 041 " I IVII 8 45 " 9 18 " 9 23 •' Estimates and Drawings Furnished of any Look Young:'. 12 Hi " 12 13 " 12 IS " for your own good, and try it. Prevent tendency to wrinkles or ageing of 2 50 p. 111. 3 10 p. ill. 3 16 p. ill. Style of Carriage, Wagon or Truck. the skin by using Lcaurelle Oil. Preserves a 4 25 " 5 12 " 5 17 " Our remedy is compounded from sight vouthtul, plump, lresli condition ot the fea­ 7 15 " 6 20 " Main So., Fairfield Ave. & Cannon St distinct specifics and liprbs, is pleasant to< tures. Prevents withering ol the skin drvmg 6 05 " 7 25 " 0 33 the taste,quick in its action and is absolutely UD of the flash, develops tbe bust. Prevents 10 10 " 1017 " 10 24 SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO chapping, cracking, keeps skin sott, smooth. Limited Express. New York and PittsOeld, via. HARMLESS. $1.00. Druggists, or prepaid by Excess. D Ac N. Division, going South leave South Nor­ ONK BLOCK FHOM R. It. STATION, BEPAIBINQ. E. 8- WELLS, Jersey City, N. J., L. ». A. walk at 7:44 p. m. Going North leave South isor- wa!s at 4:15 p. m. First-Class Livery Attached, It does not check a cough merely for the- W. II. STEVENSON, Vice-I'res. aud Gen;l Manager time, but heals the lungs. Iiist of Patents. K. O. PAYNE, Superintendent. List of Patents issued irom the United States A. vV. PEKIUN, Geueral Passenger Agent. Follow the directions closely, using i» BRIDGEPORT. CARRIAGES CALLED FOR AND DELIYEltED Patent Office, for the week ending Nov. 19, moderate doses, as long as there is irritation '39 lor the State of Connecticut, furnished us FOR REPAIR AND PAINTING. and always keep it well corked when not in New York, New Haven & use. fcotn the office of EAET.E & SEYMOUB, Solicitor of Patents, New Havon, Oouii. Hartford Railroad. HENRY D. CORNELL, We wish to sav one word more about C. Baldwin, Willimanlic, wall pocket. House, Sign, Outside and Inside CONSUMPTION — W. A. Church, assignor to M. i£. Church, OCTOBER 6th, 1880. Waterburv, stove grate. W. JAQITI, JR., J Dennis, Newington, rack for drying brick We cannot cure it in its last stages, bnt E* Egge, Bridgeport, assignor to Beastey N K XV V O It lv n I V i s i <> x . AGENT FOR THE Painter and Decorator, we can Relieve it, and we can cure Supply'Co., indicator lock. O J Ebbits, assignor to CoJt'd Arms Co., Trams leave Souir Noiwaili as follows:— Would announce to liis friends and the publie Hartford, breech loading tire-arm. that he has a force of Superior; Workmen, and is INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION. J. M. lierrov, Morrow, hooked -or throated For New Vork.—Acconiniodat.ion trains at piepared to execute^ill orders of 0.55, s.3.1, a. 111., 1.20 2.45, 5.0S, and G.3S (to Stamford only) 8.11, 10.1S, p. in. Painting, Papering or Glazuig, It is prepared in three sizes, price 25c.r Palmer, assignor to E. M. Palmer aud Celebrated Perfect Ranges Express trains at .5.10 (except Mondays), 5.46, 50c. and 75c. per bottle. If the cold is A. Solmans, South Norwalk. hat iormiug nia- O.li.Oo'al), 7.23 (local), 7.50 (local) ,3.20 (locaty in the best style of the art, and at the shortest no­ 9.03 (Springfield local), 10.11, 11.37 a. in.: 12.59 The accompanying cut represents tice. As he works with his men himself and thus slight, in most cases the 25c. size will effect 1611 j"J Pcard, Hartford, counter rest for lathes (Springfield local),4.46, 5.20, 0.48, 7.51, (daily ex­ the NEW PATENT BROILINGA RRANGE­ a cure. But in more obstinate cases yoir F \V. Quitman, fc-outh Norwalk, assignor to cept sunday)p. in. MENT on all the Double Oven Rich will need the larger sizes. The 75c size is IJ B. Jvos & Co., window or door button. For New 11 liven smd llie Ksist.—Accommo­ dation trains at 6.31, 7.38. s.50. 10.40 a. m., 1.42, ardson & Boyriton Co.'s Ranges. It wili ever be used by him. the most economical as it contains twice H. V. Smith, assignor to 1('. B. Bradley. He is ready to contract for any and all work in the quantity of the 50c. bottle. 4.22, 5.13, 6.23and 7.2H, lo Bridgeport, S.41, 9.41, is economical and quick operating his line and guarantee satisfaction. Or he wili Liid^tpc -„ . B i t i Brass & Clock 11.07 p. ill. Express trains at 9.li;, a. in.; aag litil f() r s 0 12.15'., l".07 (local), 3.08,4.11 (llousaionic Express) and has the perfect revolving grate3, work by the day or hour, and at prices that defy We have placed the remedy on sale afe Co.„ Forcstville. wick raiser for lamps. 5.(19 (Snugatuck Express) 7.15, (Springfield local), over four thousand in daily use in H. C. Wa Iter, Bridgeport, machine lor thread­ Orders received by mail or at his residence,ovei F. H. Baxter'!s, Southbou Norwalk. " 12.43 a. in. (Boston express). New York City Mid vicinity. Taste­ Mrs. Fawcett's Millinery Stort. 34 ing pipe nipples. Kimduys.—Accommodation 7.3S, 9.12 a. m., fully nickled. It has more g:od I. M. Hoyt's, South Norwalk. ami (i.47 |). in. O. M. S1IEPAK1), Gen. Sup'. points than all the Ranges on he Advice to Mothers. (J. T. II KM INSTEAD. Gen. J'ass. Agt. market combined, we guarantee J. G. Gregory's, ] \re von disturbed at night and broken^ of every Range to be PERFECT in eveiy HENRY TILLY • H. R. Hale's, 'Norwalk. . .. vour rest iby a sick child suffering and crying way, and to furnish any piece of re J. A. Riggs', Norwalk. "with pain-of cutting teeth ? Ii so send at once For Sals Cheap. William A. Vogel, Norwalk. ; / and get a bottle ot Mis. Winslow'B Soothing pairs that may be required at any CARRIAGE MAKER, Svrup for Children Teething. lis value is SESECOND-HAND Cast. Iron Fence, with gate time. Can furnish repairs to any A all in perfect order and as good as newnew, Range or Furnace ever made by this . ^ , calculable, it ivill relieve the poor little s'.il- about. 120 teet in length, Will be sold at sacri- ierer immediately. Uepend upon it, mothers, tice if applied for soon Knqnire at company since 1849. Call and see SOUTH NORWALK, ' ^ - ther# is no mistake- about it. It cures dysen­ HO ft, i-iAZKT'l ii OKFICK it before purchasing any other, and PREPARED ONLY BY tery and diarrhiuea- regulates the stoni acli and see the many good points it contains. bowels, cures wind colic, sol't-ens the gums leduco# iuH;unrn;itui:i. aud given tone and For Sale or Ezcliange. onei-'v to tfirj whole .avtf'eui Mrs. Wiuslowjs niilE Homestead of the late Abijali Betts,situ- soothing S'Tiiii for Children Teething is X ated at South Wilton, one mile from depot. 53 WALL STREET Pleasant I'. Mio liistc. and is ili<> pri^ciiption ot Dwelline has eleven rooms, good \yell of water, Family Carriages, victorias, Buggies, k Horn rli<- old.-a* *•<•' best remain nursee barn an i sheds, eighteen acres of land, abundance NOR V ALK, COKW •in,| |ji,v-i.-!n-K in tii« Uti)J«

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