Of Education, and Teacher Education. Projeci Listings Include
I DOCUMENT RE SUME ED 022 242 EA 001 590 By -Muliins, Elizabeth, Comp.; Miller, Richard I.. Ed. A DIRECTORY OF INDIVIDUALS, PROGRAMS, AND AGENCIES ENGAGED IN THE STUDY OFCHANGE, 1967 EDITION. National Inst. for the Study of Educational Change, E3loofungton, Ind. Pub Date 67 Note-120p. EDRS Price MF-$050 HC-$4.88 Descriptors- *AGENCIES, CHANGE AGENTS, *DIRECTORIES, *EDUCATIONAL CHANGE, EDUCATIONALRESEARCH, EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHERS, *PERSONNEL, *PROJECTS, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTCENTERS, SOCIAL CHANGE As a tool to assist in the implementation of constructive educational change, a national directory was prepared of people, programs. and projects deahng with some phase of the change process. The directory includes 367 listings in thethree general categories of people (196), agencies (104), and protects(67). People are further categorizedunderthefieldsofanthropology,education(subdividedunder associations, colleges. corporations,elementary and secondary specialties, foundations, federal government, and state government), international development, political science, psychology, rural sociology, and sociology. Agency listingsinclude administrationand leadership,basici esearch andgeneralstudiescurriculum development; development, demonstrailon, diffusion, group dynamics andhuman relations; higher education, international studies and deve!opment, state departments of education, and teacher education. Projecilistingsinclude administration and organization, curriculum development, deprived and disadvantagedyouth. information r_enters; research, theory.
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