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55978 Finalsmallerversionworldt Acknowledgement TheWorldTsunamiMuseumConferenceissupportedbytheGovernmentofJapanthroughits financialcontributiontoUNISDRforWorldTsunamiAwarenessDay. Introduction Abouttheconference “WorldTsunamiAwarenessDay”wascreatedbyconsensusinDecember2015attheUnitedNationsGeneralAssembly byaresolutionjointlyproposedby142countries,includingJapan.Japantookaleadingroleinthecreationof“World TsunamiAwarenessDay”tobothraisepublicawarenessoftherisksposedbytsunamis,andtoimprovemitigation andpreparednessmeasures. ThedesignationofNovember5as“WorldTsunamiAwarenessDay”comesfromthefamous“InamuranoHi”story aboutGoryoHamaguchi,whosavedthelivesofvillageinhabitantsbysettingfiretohissheavesofrice,thusquickly disseminatinginformationaboutagianttsunamitriggeredbytheAnseiNankaiEarthquakeon5Novemberin1854. Thisledtotheevacuationofthevillage.Then,hemadeeffortsfortherecoveryandreconstructionofthevillage. Topreservethehistoryofdamagescausedbytsunamisandrecordtheexperiencesandmeasurestakenafterthe disaster,tsunamimuseumshavebeenestablishedaroundtheworld,suchasthePacificTsunamiMuseuminHawaii andtheAcehTsunamiMuseuminIndonesia.Itisimportanttopassontheserecordskeptintsunamimuseumstothe next generation, to share these experiences and lessons learned with people around the world, and to promote preparednessmeasuresforfuturetsunamis. ThefirstWorldTsunamiMuseumConferencewasheldinIshigakiCity,OkinawaPrefecture,Japan,whichsuffered significant casualties from the 1771 Great Meiwa Tsunami. Observing the World Tsunami Awareness Day on 5 November2017,theobjectiveofthisConferenceistopromotecooperationamongmuseumsascentersofdisaster riskreductioneducationbyinvitingrepresentativesfromtsunamimuseumsaroundtheworld.Inthisregard,the conference also aimed to enhance discussions on how these experiences and lessons learned from the damages causedbytsunamisandothernaturalhazardsmaybepasseddowntothefuturegenerations,sothattheycanreduce disasterrisksandprepareforfuturetsunamis. ThisconferencewastheresultofcollaborationbetweentheMinistryofForeignAffairsofJapan,JapanInternational CooperationAgency(JICA),andtheUNISDROfficeinJapan. 1 TableofContents Introduction 1. AbouttheConference 1 2. TableofContents 2 3. ParticipatingMuseumsandInstitutions 3 4. Program 4 5. BiographyofSpeakers 6 Part1: OpeningSession 1. OpeningRemarks 12 2. WelcomingRemarks 13 3. RemarksbyGuest 14 Part2: Sessions 1. Session1 Knowing:HowtheTerrorofTsunamishasbeenPassedDown 16 2. FeatureSession 3DDocumentaryMoviePresentation“TheGreatTsunamiinJapan” 22 3. Session2 Realizing:FieldMuseumsExistingNearby 24 4. Session3 Preserving:DatabaseforPassingtheRecordsdownfromGenerationtoGeneration 26 5. Session4 PassingOn:RoleofTsunamiMuseumsasCentersforKnowledgeTransmission 29 6. Session5 SpecialLecture 32 Part3: Closing 1. Conclusion36 2. ClosingRemarks 39 Part4: Annex 1. VoicesfromParticipatingMuseums42 2. Reporting for World Tsunami Museums Conference at High School Students Islands SummitonWorldTsunamiAwarenessDay 44 3. UNISDROnlineArticleforWorldTsunamiMuseumConference 46 4. ListofParticipatingOrganizations 47 2 ParticipatingMuseumsandInstitutions Aceh Tsunami Museum Museum of Lisbon BandaAceh,Indonesia Lisbon,Portugal Establishedin2009 Establishedin1909 Community Tsunami International Tsunami Education Centre Museum and Tsunami Museum Telwatta,SriLanka KhaoLak,Thailand Establishedin2007 Establishedin2006 Bursa Disaster Training Pacific Tsunami Museum Center Bursa,Turkey Hawaii,USA Establishedin2013 Establishedin1994 Inamura-no-Hi no Disaster Reduction and Yakata Human Renovation Institute Wakayama,Japan Hyogo,Japan Establishedin2007 Establishedin2002 National Office of Hiroshima City Emergency of Ebayama Museum of the Interior Ministry Meteorology (ONEMI) Hiroshima,Japan Chile Establishedin1992 3 Program 10:00 Opening Session Opening Remarks: Yuki Matsuoka, Head, UNISDR Office in Japan, on behalf of Kirsi Madi, Director,UnitedNationsOfficeforDisasterRiskReduction(UNISDR) WelcomingRemarks:Yoshitaka Nakayama,MayorofIshigakiCity RemarksbyGuests:Teru Fukui, MemberoftheHouseofRepresentatives,LiberalDemocratic PartyofJapan IntroductionofParticipants Moderator:Makiko Ohashi JapanInternationalCooperationAgency(JICA) 10:20 Session 1 “Knowing: How the Terror of Tsunamis has been Passed Down” Facilitator:Yuichi Ono,ProfessorofIRIDeS,TohokuUniversity Presentation of the Activities by Participating Museums USA PacificTsunamiMuseum Indonesia AcehTsunamiMuseum Thailand InternationalTsunamiMuseum SriLanka CommunityTsunamiEducationCentreandTsunamiMuseum Portugal MuseumofLisbon Turkey BursaDisasterTrainingCenter Japan InamuranoHinoYakata Japan DisasterReductionandHumanRenovationInstitution Japan HiroshimaCityEbayamaMuseumofMeteorology 11:40 3D Documentary Movie Presentation “The Great Tsunami in Japan” Speaker:Michihiro Chikata,VisitingProfessorofIRIDeS,TohokuUniversity 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Session 2 “Realizing: Field Museums Existing Nearby” Speaker: Kazuhisa Goto,AssociateProfessorofIRIDeS,TohokuUniversity Theme:“ThreatofLargeTsunamisInferredfromTsunamiBoulders” Speaker:Shuichi Kawashima,ProfessorofIRIDeS,TohokuUniversity Theme:“FolkloresAboutStonesComingUpfromtheSea” 4 14:20 Session 3 “Preserving: Database for Passing the Records down from Generation to Generation” Facilitator:Anawat Suppasri,AssociateProfessorofIRIDeS,TohokuUniversity Panelists: Ricardo Toro Tassara National Director, National Office of Emergency of the Interior Ministry(Chile) Paulo Almeida Fernandes Coordinator,MuseumofLisbon(Portugal) Muzailin Affan DirectorofInternationalOffice,SyiahKualaUniversity(Indonesia) Yoshinobu Fukasawa Research Fellow, Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution(Japan) Yasunori Yamamoto ChiefCurator,HiroshimaCityEbayamaMuseumofMeteorology (Japan) Akihiro Shibayama AssociateProfessorofIRIDeS,TohokuUniversity(Japan) 15:20 Coffee Break 15:30 Session 4 “Passing On: Role of Tsunami Museums as Centers for Knowledge Transmission” Facilitator:Natsuko Chubachi,AssistantProfessorofIRIDeS,TohokuUniversity Panelists: Marlene Murray Director,PacificTsunamiMuseum(USA) Pryanthi Pascuel Handi AssistantManager,CommunityTsunamiEducationCentreand TsunamiMuseum(SriLanka) Abdullah Yiit Director,BursaDisasterTrainingCenter(Turkey) Ratchaneekorn Thongthip Director,InternationalTsunamiMuseum(Thailand) Hiroyoshi Nishi DirectorEmeritus,InamuranoHinoYakata(Japan) 16:30 Session 5 Special Lecture Speaker:Muzailin Affan,DirectorofInternationalOffice,SyiahKualaUniversity Theme:“RecoveryfromaDisaster” Speaker:Masanao Ozaki,GovernorofKochiPrefecture Theme:“EffortsagainstTsunamisbytheLocalGovernment” 17:20 Closing Session Summary:Yuichi Ono, ProfessorofIRIDeS,TohokuUniversity Closing Remarks: Junji Wakui, Deputy Director General, and Group Director for Disaster Risk ReductionGroup,GlobalEnvironmentDepartment,JICA 5 BiographyofSpeakers TeruFukui Member,HouseofRepresentatives Japan Graduated from Tokyo University. Started his career in the Ministry of Construction. Elected for the first time as a member of the House of Representatives in 2000. Serves as DirectorGeneral, International Bureau, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). Held positions including State Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2012), Parliamentary ViceMember of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (2006), Director of Fisheries Division, and Director of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation Division,PolicyResearchCouncilofLDP. MasanaoOzaki GovernorofKochiPrefecture Japan GraduatedfromtheFacultyofEconomics,UniversityofTokyoinMarch1991. EnteredtheMinistryofFinanceinApril1991.HeldpositionsincludingFirst SecretaryattheIndonesianEmbassyoftheMinistryofForeignAffairs,Chief within the Budget Bureau, and Secretary to the Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary, Prime Minister’s Residence Office. Retired from the Ministry of FinanceinOctober2007.BecameGovernorofKochiPrefectureinDecember 2007(currentlythirdterm). YoshitakaNakayama MayorofIshigakiCity Japan GraduatedfromKindaiUniversity.JoinedNomuraSecuritiesCo.Ltdin1991. ElectedasMemberofIshigakiCityAssemblyinSeptember2006.InMarch 2010,electedas18thMayorofIshigakiCity,andwasreelectedinMarch 2014. 6 SpeakersfromMuseumsandInstitutions RicardoToroTassara NationalDirector,NationalOfficeof EmergencyoftheInteriorMinistry (ONEMI) Chile HeachievedtherankofGeneralintheChileanArmy(ret.).Duringhiscareer, hewasamilitaryobserverwiththeUnitedNationsintheMiddleEastand servedwithUnitedNationsStabilizationMissioninHaiti(MINUSTAH)asHead ofOperationsandlaterasDeputyCommander.On20December2012,he became National Director of ONEMI. In this role, he was in charge of coordinatingtheresponsetomultipleemergencies,includingearthquakes, massivemudflowsandwildfires.Duringhisadministration,thelaborofthe NationalSystemofCivilProtectionwasreinforced,alongwiththeworkof preventionandeducationtothecommunity.Besides,heparticipatedasa speakeratglobalandregionalplatformsfordisasterriskreductionin2016 and2017.InOctober2017hewasdesignatedasamemberoftheadvisory groupoftheCentralEmergencyResponseFund–CERF. MuzailinAffan Director,InternationalOffice,SyiahKuala University Advisor,AcehTsunamiMuseum Indonesia ReceivedM.Sc.fromUniversityofScience,Malaysiain2004,andPh.D.from TohokuUniversityin2015.WorkingasDirectorofInternationalOfficesince 2012.HasexperienceasFieldAdvisorandCoordinatorfornumerousprojects, includingwithJICAfortheAcehReconstructionProject. PauloAlmeidaFernandes Coordinator,MuseumofLisbon Portugal ReceivedPh.D.inHistoryofArtfromUniversityofCoimbra.
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