Biomedical Challenges Presented by the American Indian
INDEXED BIOMEDICAL CHALLENGES PRESENTED BY THE AMERICAN INDIAN PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION Pan American Sanitary Bureau, Regional Office of the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 1968 iNDEXED BIOMEDICAL CHALLENGES PRESENTED BY THE AMERICAN INDIAN Proceedings of the Special Session held during the Seventh Meeting of the PAHO Advisory Committee on Medical Research 25 June 1968 ,-, ,. Scientific Publication No. 165 September 1968 PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION Pan American Sanitary Bureau, Regional Office of the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 525 Twenty-third Street, N.W. Washington, D.C., 20037 NOTE At each meeting of the Pan American Health Organization Advisory Committee on Medical Research, a special one-day session is held on a topic chosen by the Committee as being of particular interest. At the Seventh Meeting, which convened in June 1968 in Washington, D.C., the session surveyed the origin, present distribution, and principal biological subdivisions of the American Indian and considered the specific scientific and medical issues calling for clarification, including the problems of newly contacted Indian groups and those of groups well along in transition. This volume records the papers presented and the ensuing discussions. '~, t PAHO ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL RESEARCH Dr. Hernán Alessandri Dr. Alberto Hurtado Ex-Decano, Facultad de Medicina Rector, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Universidad de Chile Lima, Perú Santiago, Chile Dr. Otto G. Bier Dr. Walsh McDermott Diretor, Departamento de Microbiologia e Imu- Chairman, Department of Public Health nologia Cornell University Medical College 4I Escola Paulista de Medicina New York, New York, U.S.A. Sao Paulo, Brasil Dr. Roberto Caldeyro-Barcia Dr. James V. Neel Jefe, Departamento de Fisiopatología Chairman, Department of Human Genetics Facultad de Medicina University of Michigan Medical School Universidad de la República Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.
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