Thermodynamic Analysis of a Small Scale Combined Cycle for Energy
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Available online at Available online at Available online at Available onlineScienceDirect at AvailableAvailable online onlineScienceDirect at at EnergyScienceDirect Procedia 00 (2017) 000– 000 EnergyScienceDirect Procedia 00 (2017) 000– 000 Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000 Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000 ScienceDirectEnergy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000 ScienceDirectEnergy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000 EnergyEnergy Procedia Procedia 12900 (20(2017)17) 000891–898–000 IV International Seminar on ORC Power Systems, ORC2017 IV International13-15 Semina Septemberr on ORC 2017, Power Milano, Systems, Italy ORC2017 IV International Seminar on ORC Power Systems, ORC2017 IV International13-15 Semina Septemberr on ORC 2017, Power Milano, Systems, Italy ORC2017 IV International13-15 Semina Septemberr on ORC 2017, Power Milano, Systems, Italy ORC2017 Thermodynamic analysis13-15 of September a small 2017, scale Milano, combined Italy cycle for energy Thermodynamic analysis of a small scale combined cycle for energy Thermodynamicgeneration analysis fromof a s carbonmall scale neutral combined biomass cycle for energy ThermodynamicThe 15thgeneration Internationalanalysis fromof Symposium a s carbonmall scale on neutral District combined Heatingbiomass cycleand Cooling for energy R. Amirantegenerationa, P. De Palma froma, E. Distaso carbona, A neutral. M. Pantaleo biomassb, P. Tamburrano a* generationa froma carbona neutral biomassb a* aDepartmentR. Amirante of Mechanics,a, P. Mathematics De Palma anda Management, E. Distaso, Polytechnica, A. U Mniversity. Pantaleo of Bari, Viab, OrabonaP. Tamburrano 4, 70100 Bari, Italya* AssessingR. Amiranteb Departme thenta, ofP Agro. Defeasibility-anvironmental Palmaa, sciences, E. Distasoof University usinga, of A Bari,. Mthe Via. Pantaleo Amendola heat 165/A, bdemand, P 70125. Tamburrano Bari, italy- outdoora* aDepartmentR. Amirante of Mechanics,, P. Mathematics De Palma and Management, E. Distaso, Polytechnic, A. U Mniversity. Pantaleo of Bari, Via, OrabonaP. Tamburrano 4, 70100 Bari, Italy a temperatureDepartmentb Departme of Mechanics,functionnt of Agro Mathematics-anvironmental for and aManagement sciences, long University, Polytechnic-term of Bari, U niversitydistrict Via Amendola of Bari , 165/A, Viaheat Orabona 70125 demand Bari,4, 70100 italy Bari, Italy forecast aDepartmentb Departme of Mechanics,nt of Agro Mathematics-anvironmental and Management sciences, University, Polytechnic of Bari, University Via Amendola of Bari ,165/A, Via Orabona 70125 Bari,4, 70100 italy Bari, Italy Abstract b Department of Agro-anvironmental sciences, University of Bari, Via Amendola 165/A, 70125 Bari, italy a,b,c a a b c c AbstractI. Andrić *, A. Pina , P. Ferrão , J. Fournier ., B. Lacarrière , O. Le Corre AbstractThe aim of this paper is to investigate the thermodynamic performance of a novel small-scale power plant that employs a combined Abstractcyclea for the energy generation from carbon-neutral biomass, such as pruning residues. The combined cycle is composed of an TheIN+ aim Center of this for paperInnovation, is to investigate Technology the and thermodynamic Policy Research performance - Instituto Superiorof a novel Técnico small,-scaleAv. Rovisco power Paisplant 1, that 1049 employs-001 Lisbon a combined, Portugal externally fired Joule Braytonb cycle followed by a bottoming steam cycle. The topping cycle has the unique particularity of being cycleThe aim for of the this energy paper generationis to Veoliainvestigate from Recherche thecarbon thermodynamic &-neutral Innovati biomass,on ,performance291 Avenuesuch as Dreyfousof pruning a novel Daniel,residues. small -78520scale The power Limaycombined ,plant France cyclethat employs is composed a combined of an Thecomposed aim ofc of this a cost paper-effective is to investigate turbocharger the takenthermodynamic from the automotive performance industry, of a novel in place small of -ascale more power expensive plant commercial that employs micro a combined-turbine. extcycleernally for theDépartementfired energy Joule generationBrayton Systèmes cycle fromÉnergétiques followed carbon - neutralbyet Environnementa bottoming biomass, steam such- IMT Atlantique pruning The toppingresidues., 4 rue Alfredcycle The hasKastler,combined the unique44300 cycle Nantes,particularity is composed France of beinof ang cycleThe turbocharger for the energy can generation be either fromdirectly carbon connected-neutral biomass,to the electric such asgenerator pruning (afterresidues. a fewThe modifications)combined cycle or is coupled composed (without of an composedexternally offired a cost Joule-effective Brayton turbocharger cycle followed taken by from a bottoming the automotive steam industry, cycle. The in place topping of a cyclemore hasexpensive the unique commercial particularity micro of-turbi beinne.g extmodifications)ernally fired with Joule a powerBrayton turbine cycle movingfollowed the by generator. a bottoming The steamuse of cycle.solid biomassThe topping in the cycle proposed has the plant unique is allowed particularity by the profese beinnceg Thecomposed turbocharger of a cost -caneffective be either turbocharger directly taken connected from the to automotivethe electric industry, generator in place (after of a morefew expensivemodifications) commercial or coupled micro (without-turbine. composedof an external of a combustor cost-effective and turbochargera gas-to-gas heattaken exchanger. from the automotive The warm flueindustry, gases in exhausted place of a by more the toppingexpensive cycle commercial are used inmicro a bottoming-turbine. modifications)The turbocharger with can a power be either turbine directly moving connected the generator. to the The electric use of solidgenerator biomass (after in thea fewproposed modifications) plant is allowed or coupled by the pr(withoutesence Thecycle turbocharger to produce steam, can bewhich either can directlypower a steamconnected expander. to the electric generator (after a few modifications) or coupled (without Abstractmodifications)of an external combustor with a power and turbinea gas-to moving-gas heat the exchanger. generator. The The warm use of flue solid gases biomass exhausted in the by proposed the topping plant cycle is allowed are used by in the a bottoming presence modifications)This paper thermodynamically with a power turbine assesses moving the novel the generator.combined cycThele use in theof solidconfiguration biomass infor the the proposed topping cycle plant that is allowed employs by a turbochargerthe presence cycleof an externalto produce combustor steam, which and a cangas -powerto-gas aheat steam exchanger. expander. The warm flue gases exhausted by the topping cycle are used in a bottoming ofcoupled an external with a combustor power turbine and acapable gas-to- ofgas generating heat exchanger. 30 kW The of electrical warm flue power gases. Furthermore,exhausted by the comparisontopping cycle between are used the in performance a bottoming Thiscycle paper to produce thermodynamically steam, which assessescan power the a novelsteam combined expander. cyc le in the configuration for the topping cycle that employs a turbocharger Districtcycleobtained toheating produce using networksthe steam, bottoming which are water cancommonly power Rankine a steamaddressed cycle expander. and ain bottoming the literature Organic as Rankine one of Cycle the mostis provided. effective solutions for decreasing the coupledThis paper with thermodynamically a power turbine capable assesses of the generating novel combined 30 kW of cyc electricalle in the configurationpower. Furthermore, for the toppingthe comparison cycle that between employs the a turbochargerperformance greenhouse©This 201 paper7 The gas thermodynamically Authors. emissions Published from assesses theby Elsevier building the novel Ltd sector.. combined These cyc systemsle in the configurationrequire high for investments the topping cyclewhich that are employs returned a turbocharger through the heat obtainedcoupled with using a powerthe bottoming turbine capablewater Rankine of generating cycle and 30 kWa bottoming of electrical Organic power Rankine. Furthermore, Cycle is the provided. comparison between the performance salesPeercoupled. Due-review withto under thea power changed responsibility turbine climate capable of the ofconditions scientific generating committee and 30 kW building of of electrical the renovationIV International power. Furthermore,policies, Seminar heat onthe ORC comparisondemand Power in Systemsbetween the future. the performance could decrease, ©obtained 2017 The using Authors. the bottoming Published water by ElsevierRankine Ltdcycle. and a bottoming Organic Rankine Cycle is provided. prolongingobtained usingthe investment the bottoming return water period. Rankine cycle and a bottoming Organic Rankine Cycle is provided. Peer©© 2012017-review7 The The underAuthors. Authors. responsibility Published Published by of Elseviertheby scientificElsevier Ltd. committeeLtd. of the IV International Seminar on ORC Power Systems. ThePeer©Keywords:Peer-review main 201-review7 scopeThe combined underAuthors. underof this responsibilitycycle; responsibility Publishedpaper biomass;