The London Gazette, Octobeb 16, 1891. 5419 Akckd. Dunlop
THE LONDON GAZETTE, OCTOBEB 16, 1891. 5419 Partnership Act, 1890. (who died intestate on the 17th day of July, 1891, and of THE undersigned, Thomas BenfieldHarbottle, hereby „ whose estate and effects letters of administration were J give notice that the Partnership heretofore subsist- granted to Jane Ludlow, of 27, St. Thomas-road, Old ing between David George Evans Alsop, Robert Jackson, Kent-road, in the county of Surrey, Widow, on the,llth Francis Bligb, and .myself, at 110, Gannon-street, in the day^of September. 1891, by the Principal Registry of the city of London, under the firm of Bligh, Harbottle, and Prolate Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice), Co., and in Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, are hereby required to send in the particulars of their and Brisbane, in the Colony of Queensland, under the claims or demands to the undersigned, John Rexworthy, fflmof Harbottle, Alsop, and Co., and in Melbourne, in 57, Cheapside, London aforesaid, Solicitor for the said the Colony bf Victoria, under the firm of Bligh and Har- administratrix, on or before the 10th day of December, boitle, has been dissolved, so far as regards my share 1891; and notice is hereby also given, that after that a'n'd interest in the said firms respectively.—Dated this day the said administratrix will proceed to distribute 15tb day of October, 1891. the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled THOS. B. HABBOTTLE. thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice; and that she will not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof, so distributed, [Extract 'from the Edinburgh Gazette of October 13, to any person of whose debt or claim she shall not then 1891.] have had notice.—Dated this 10th day of October, 1891.
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