ARCHAEOLOGICAL DESK BASED ASSESSMENT Land at 62 Hatcham Road and 134-140 Ilderton Road South Bermondsey London SE15 1TW v.2 February 2018 Local Planning Authority: London Borough of Southwark Site centred at: TQ 35188 77929 Author: Manca Petric MA ACIfA Approved by: Matthew Smith BSc MCIfA Report Status: Final Issue Date: September 2017 Update: February 2018 CgMs Ref: MP/MS/23429 © CgMs Limited No part of this report is to be copied in any way without prior written consent. Every effort is made to provide detailed and accurate information, however, CgMs Limited cannot be held responsible for errors or inaccuracies within this report. © Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the sanction of the controller of HM Stationery Office. Licence No: AL 100014723 Archaeological Desk Based Assessment Land at 62 Hatcham Road and 134-140 Ilderton Road, South Bermondsey, London SE15 1TW CONTENTS Executive Summary 1.0 Introduction and Scope of Study 2.0 Planning Background and Development Plan Framework 3.0 Geology and Topography 4.0 Archaeological/Historical Background and Assessment of Significance 5.0 Site Conditions, the Proposed Development and Impact on Heritage Assets 6.0 Summary and Conclusions Sources Consulted LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 1 Site Location Fig. 2 HER Data Plot (data from Greater London HER) Fig. 3 1729 Senex Map Fig. 4 1766 Rocque Map of London Fig. 5 1797 Stockdale Map Fig. 6 1822 Cary Map Fig. 7 1842 St Giles Camberwell Tithe Map Fig. 8 1848 Wyld Map Fig. 9 1861-62 Weller Map Fig. 10 1877 Stanford Map Fig. 11 1916 Ordnance Survey Map Fig. 12 1937 Ordnance Survey Map Fig. 13 1945 Bomb Damage Map Fig. 14 1952 Ordnance Survey Map Fig. 15 1962 Ordnance Survey Map Fig. 16 1983-87 Landmark Historical Map Fig. 17 2016 Google Earth Image Fig. 18 Proposed Development: Ground Floor CgMs Heritage (part of RPS) 1 MP/MS/23429 Archaeological Desk Based Assessment Land at 62 Hatcham Road and 134-140 Ilderton Road, South Bermondsey, London SE15 1TW PLATES Plate 1: Entrance to study site from north. Plate 2: Entrance to study site from east. Plate 3: North-facing photograph taken from the central area of site. Plate 4: East-facing photograph taken from the central area of site. Plate 5: Waste piled up within the study site. Plate 6: Waste piled up within the study site. APPENDICES Appendix 1: Exploratory hole locations (Jomas Associates Ltd 2017) CgMs Heritage (part of RPS) 2 MP/MS/23429 Archaeological Desk Based Assessment Land at 62 Hatcham Road and 134-140 Ilderton Road, South Bermondsey, London SE15 1TW EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Land at 62 Hatcham Road and 134-140 Ilderton Road, South Bermondsey, SE15 1TW, London Borough of Southwark, has been reviewed for its archaeological potential. • Redevelopment proposals currently comprise the construction of a block of residential flats with commercial space. No basements are proposed. • In accordance with central and local government planning policy and guidance, a desk based assessment has been undertaken to clarify the archaeological potential of the study area. • The study site is located within the Bermondsey Lake Archaeological Priority Zone as defined by the Southwark Borough Council. • The study site is considered to have a medium to high potential for the existence of peat and consequently palaeo-environmental remains to be present on site, a low to medium potential for remains of Prehistoric human activity and for the Roman period and a low potential for the Medieval and the Post Medieval periods. • Modern activity at the study site is likely to have severely truncated any archaeological deposits that may have been present. • In view of the study site’s archaeological potential, combined with the past depositional impacts, the redevelopment proposals are considered unlikely to have a significant or widespread negative archaeological impact. If archaeological remains are present at the site, the available information indicates that they would be of local significance. • It is therefore considered that any archaeological interest on the site can be secured by an appropriately worded planning condition attached to the granting of consent. It is recommended that a geo-archaeological borehole survey is undertaken at the study site to determine the presence, extent and significance of archaeological deposits at the study site. CgMs Heritage (part of RPS) 3 MP/MS/23429 Archaeological Desk Based Assessment Land at 62 Hatcham Road and 134-140 Ilderton Road, South Bermondsey, London SE15 1TW 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE OF STUDY 1.0 This archaeological desk-based assessment has been prepared by Manca Petric and edited by Matthew Smith of CgMs Heritage (part of RPS) on behalf of Hatcham Road Ltd & 134-140 Ilderton Road LLP. 1.1 The assessment considers land at 62 Hatcham Road and 134-140 Ilderton Road, South Bermondsey, SE15 1TW, London Borough of Southwark. The site, also referred to as the study site, is approximately 1800m² in area and comprises industrial units. The site is bounded by Record Street to the north, Hatcham Road to the west, Ilderton Road to the east and industrial buildings to the south. The site is centred at National Grid Reference at TQ 35188 77929 (Fig. 1). 1.2 Hatcham Road Ltd & 134-140 Ilderton Road LLP have commissioned CgMs Heritage (part of RPS) to establish the archaeological potential of the site, and to provide guidance on ways to accommodate any archaeological constraints identified. 1.3 In line with national and local policy and guidance, this desk-based assessment comprises an examination of evidence on the Greater London Historic Environment Record (GLHER) and other sources. The report also includes the results of a comprehensive map regression exercise. 1.4 Additionally, in accordance with the ‘Standard and Guidance for Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessments’ (Chartered Institute for Archaeologists 2014), the assessment includes an examination of published and unpublished material and charts historic land-use through a map regression exercise. 1.5 As a result, the assessment enables relevant parties to assess the significance of archaeological assets on and close to the site, assesses the potential for hitherto undiscovered archaeological assets and thus enables potential impacts on assets to be identified along with the need for design, civil engineering or archaeological solutions. CgMs Heritage (part of RPS) 4 MP/MS/23429 Archaeological Desk Based Assessment Land at 62 Hatcham Road and 134-140 Ilderton Road, South Bermondsey, London SE15 1TW 2.0 PLANNING BACKGROUND AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN FRAMEWORK 2.1 Legislation regarding archaeology, including scheduled ancient monuments, is contained in the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979, amended by the National Heritage Act 1983 and 2002. 2.2 In March 2012, the government published the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). NPPF Planning Practice Guidance was published online 6th March 2014 (http://planningguidance.planningportal.gov.uk). 2.3 Section 12 of the NPPF, entitled Conserving and Enhancing the Historic Environment provides guidance for planning authorities, property owners, developers and others on the conservation and investigation of heritage assets. Overall, the objectives of Section 12 of the NPPF can be summarised as seeking the: • Delivery of sustainable development • Understanding the wider social, cultural, economic and environmental benefits brought by the conservation of the historic environment • Conservation of England's heritage assets in a manner appropriate to their significance, and • Recognition of the contribution that heritage assets make to our understanding of the past. 2.4 Section 12 of the NPPF recognises that intelligently managed change may sometimes be necessary if heritage assets are to be maintained for the long term. Paragraph 128 states that planning decisions should be based on the significance of the heritage asset, and that level of detail supplied by an applicant should be proportionate to the importance of the asset and should be no more than sufficient to review the potential impact of the proposal upon the significance of that asset. 2.5 Heritage Assets are defined in Annex 2 of the NPPF as: a building, monument, site, place, area or landscape positively identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions. They include designated heritage assets (as defined in the NPPF) and assets identified by the local planning authority during the process of decision-making or through the plan-making process. 2.6 Annex 2 also defines Archaeological Interest as a heritage asset which holds, or potentially could hold, evidence of past human activity worthy of expert investigation at some point. Heritage assets with archaeological interest are the primary source of CgMs Heritage (part of RPS) 5 MP/MS/23429 Archaeological Desk Based Assessment Land at 62 Hatcham Road and 134-140 Ilderton Road, South Bermondsey, London SE15 1TW evidence about the substance and evolution of places, and of the people and cultures that made them. 2.7 A Designated Heritage Asset comprises a: World Heritage Site, Scheduled Monument, Listed Building, Protected Wreck Site, Registered Park and Garden, Registered Battlefield or Conservation Area. 2.8 Significance is defined as: The value of a heritage asset to this and future generations because of its heritage interest. This interest may be archaeological, architectural, artistic or historic. Significance derives not only from a heritage asset’s physical presence, but also from its setting. 2.9 Setting
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