HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, April 17, 1989
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6760 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE April 17, 1989 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, April 17, 1989 The House met at 12 noon and was H.R. 1750. An act to implement the bipar- Mr. Speaker, let us be fair, not parti- called to order by the Speaker pro tisan accord on Central America of March san, mean spirited, or hysterical. tempore [Mr. FOLEY]. 24, 1989. COMMUNICATION FROM THE INTRODUCTION OF RESOLUTION DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO CLERK OF THE HOUSE TO ALLOW A NATIONAL PLEBI TEMPORE SCITE IN CUBA The SPEAKER pro tempore laid The SPEAKER pro tempore laid <Mr. DOUGLAS asked and was given before the House the following com- before the House the following com permission to address the House for 1 munication from the Speaker: munication from the Clerk of the House of Representatives: minute and to revise and extend his WASHINGTON, DC, WASHINGTON, DC, remarks.) April 17, 1989. April 14, 1989. Mr. DOUGLAS. Mr. Speaker, in Jan I hereby designate the Honorable THOMAS Hon. JIM WRIGHT, uary, Cuban dictator Fidel Castro S. FOLEY to act as Speaker pro tempore on marked his 30th year in power. At no today. The Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. time have the Cuban people ever been JIM WRIGHT, DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per Speaker of the House of Representatives. allowed to express their will through a mission granted in clause 5 of rule III of the free and open vote. With the recent Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives, overthrow of General Stroessner of the Clerk received at 9:54 a.m. on Friday, PRAYER April 14, 1989 the following message from Paraguay, Castro is now the longest The Chaplain, Rev. James David the Secretary of the Senate: That the reigning dictator in the Western Hem Ford, D.D., offered the following Senate passed without amendment, H.R. isphere. prayer: 1750. Recently Senator MACK and I intro With great respect, I am, duced a resolution to allow a national Our hearts are raised, 0 God, in Sincerely yours, thanksgiving and praise for all Your plebiscite, by a secret yes/no ballot, of DONNALD K. ANDERSON, the people's approval or rejection of good deeds to us, for Your abundant Clerk, House of Representatives. grace and for the everlasting gifts of Castro's rule. The resolution includes faith and hope and love. In response specific protections and conditions, to Your gifts, gracious God, may we be HOOSIERS SUPPORT SPEAKER such as legalizing opposition groups good stewards of Your whole creation WRIGHT and allowing freedom of the press, doing the works of justice, being am (Mr. McCLOSKEY asked and was that must be met before a truly free bassadors of peace, and being recon given permission to address the House vote can be held. ciled to each person in forgiveness and for 1 minute and to revise and extend As you know, Chile recently had a respect. In Your name, we pray. Amen. his remarks.) si/no vote-now it is time for Cuba to Mr. McCLOSKEY. Mr. Speaker, do so too. I am pleased to be joined by people at town meetings in southern over 50 House cosponsors of both par THE JOURNAL Indiana this week again expressed sup ties in introducing this resolution, and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The port for Speaker WRIGHT in his hour we look forward to favorable action in Chair has examined the Journal of of crisis. both the House and Senate. the last day's proceedings and an Hoosiers have not succumbed to the nounces to the House his approval hysteria that has many asserting that PERSONAL EXPLANATION thereof. Speaker WRIGHT is doomed. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the One Republican said, "JIM WRIGHT Mr. ANNUNZIO. Mr. Speaker, as Journal stands approved. is a good man and he has done a lot of chairman of the Subcommittee on Fi good. You people should deal in that nancial Institutions I was presiding context." over the markup of the Financial In PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Others wondered aloud if the system stitutions Reform, Recovery and En The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will has gone crazy. They urged that we forcement Act, and unavoidably the gentleman from Pennsylvania get back to truly pressing national pri missed rollcall No. 27, the vote on final [Mr. GAYDOS] lead us in the Pledge of orities. passage of H.R. 1750, a bill to imple Allegiance? The entire country is in the Speak ment the bipartisan accord on Central Mr. GAYDOS led the Pledge of Alle er's debt. He took bold chances for America, which occurred on Thursday, giance as fallows: peace in Central America. He has April 13. Had I been present, I would have I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the always fought for the average Ameri United States of America, and to the Repub can. voted "yea" on final passage of this lic for which it stands, one nation under Allegations against him pale in con legislation. God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for trast to still current headlines alleging all. pervasive deceit on Central America by Ronald Reagan, George Bush, SERIOUS MISTAKES BY COMMIS George Shultz, Ollie North, and many SION ON BASE CLOSURE AND ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE others. REALIGNMENT SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Where are the outcries as to Ronald <Mr. SAXTON asked and was given The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Reagan's $2.5 million home acquired permission to address the House for 1 Chair desires to announce that pursu with a little bit of help from his minute and to revise and extend his ant to clause 4 of rule I, the Speaker friends? And some who most vocifer remarks.) signed the following enrolled bill on ously smear the Speaker have prob Mr. SAXTON. Mr. Speaker, this Friday, April 14, 1989: lematic dealings of their own. House may be about to become a party 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. April 17, 1989 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 6761 to a mistake, but there is still time to GAO ANALYSIS PROVES ERRO grams authorized by the Indoor correct that mistake. NEOUS FORT SHERIDAN DECI Radon Abatement Act. I also plan to The Commission on Base Closure SION introduce legislation to test radon and Realignment has recommended <Mr. PORTER asked and was given levels in schools in all States. And I the closure or the realignment of a permission to address the House for 1 am reintroducing legislation to provide number of bases. Fort Dix in New minute and to revise and extend his a medical care tax deduction for Jersey is one of those. We have been remarks.) homeowners who reduce radon levels told that the decision was based on Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, GAO in their homes. many factors that were factored into a analysis proves that the Base Closing We have two choices: Spend money formula to determine military readi Commission grossly underestimated now on radon testing and mitigation, ness. costs and exaggerated the savings or spend it later on costly cancer treat Recently the GAO released the re from closing Fort Sheridan. ments. I hope you share my belief in sults of a survey of a report that they The Commission said new construc the value of an ounce of prevention. have done. That report showed that tion for the 4th Army and the Recruit Fort Dix, NJ, is the No. 1 military ing Command to be moved to Fort training base in the country in terms Benjamin Harrison would be $28.6 mil LEGISLATION TO ELIMINATE of that formula. The Commission on lion. PORK BARREL IN PROGRAMS Base Realignment and Closure rated it Five weeks later, Bob Stone, the <Mr. GUNDERSON asked and was next to last. It is an obvious mistake Deputy Under Secretary of Defense given permission to address the House that the Commission has made. The for Installations and Housing, testified for 1 minute and to revise and extend GAO has pointed out that that mis that the cost would be more like $82 his remarks.) take has been made. million. Now, GAO says the figure Mr. GUNDERSON. Mr. Speaker, the This House has an opportunity not should have been $85.3 million. American citizens have about 11 hours to become a party to that mistake, but The Commission also estimated relo and 45 minutes remaining to file those to correct it. cation costs at $11.4 million. GAO says all-important, all-familiar annual tax they were wrong; the cost will be at returns before midnight tonight, and least $25 million. The Commission said perhaps then today is a good day to re THE SAVE AMERICA ACT OF 1989 746 positions would be eliminated. GAO now says it may only be 172. flect upon the fact that every Ameri <Mr. TAUZIN asked and was given What will be the final cost? Some can, I think, is willing to pay their permission to address the House for 1 say $120 million, which may mean taxes to their Federal Government if minute and to revise and extend his that Fort Sheridan would not meet they know that those tax dollars are remarks.) the law's 6-year payback. used wisely and efficiently. Mr. TAUZIN. Mr. Speaker, today is But we will not know the true an Mr. Speaker, there is nothing more April 17, tax day in America, and swers until after we vote tomorrow on frustrating to the American citizen today I rise to announce the introduc the joint resolution of disapproval and than to know that their tax dollars are tion of legislation to address a couple shamelessly wash our hands of the going to be used for either inefficient, festering problems facing the Nation's issue.