Washington World
STUDENT PUBLICATION OF LAKE WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL - „ WASHINGTON WORLD VOLUME IX KIRKLAND, WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1949 NUMBER 11 Hendel, Sherwood, Hit Top for Glass of l49 ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ Salyer Reveals Lilacs In The Rain , or. Ball, May 7 Top Ten Seniors, M. Schneider, Loyalty Present: s ——- = Parish is Third "Douglas Hendel is valedic• Tom Wagner, 'Tulip Tea Time' torian and Wade Sherwood is To Seniors' Mothers salutatorian of the class of '49," "Mothers of all senior boys and announces Principal Rufus Sal• Co-Chairmen girls are requested to attend the yer. annual seniors' mothers' tea, Doug's grade average is 4.0, "Lilacs in the Rain," beautiful sponsored by the Loyalty Club, while Wade's is 3.89. and different decorations, soft on the afternoon of May 12," in• Nearing the top of the ladder, music by "The Dreamers", the vites Jac'y Crouse and Mildred in order, are: Bill Parish, Carole best in floor shows, gliding dan• Sandvick, co-chairmen for the Betzold, Phyllis Warneck, Mari• cers, and free refreshments. event. lyn Jamieson, Thelma Collins, These will all be memories In corresponding with the Marilyn Schneider, Beverly Muir soon that seniors will cherish theme "Tulip Tea Time" each and Howard Hulse. These stu• always. This will be the Senior mother upon entering will re• dents' grades are all above 3.3. Ball to be held May 7 in the ceive a small paper tulip with Besides having the highest high school gym at 8:30 p. m. her nameplate. The table center• grade-point average in his class, according to co-chairmen Mari• piece will be a bouquet of tulips Doug participates in many out• lyn Schneider and Tom Wagner.
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