Biomedica 2019 ANGELO MOLINARO New insights into creatine deficiency transporter


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di transporter deficiency studi Identification of neuropathological degli and metabolic targets for treatment d o t t o r

università – t e s i press

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FIRENZE UNIVERSITYPRESS premio tesi di dottorato

ISSN 2612-8039 (PRINT) | ISSN 2612-8020 (ONLINE) – 81 – PREMIO TESI DI DOTTORATO Commissione giudicatrice, anno 2019

Vincenzo Varano, Presidente della Commissione

Tito Arecchi, Area Scientifica Aldo Bompani, Area delle Scienze Sociali Mario Caciagli, Area delle Scienze Sociali Franco Cambi, Area Umanistica Giancarlo Garfagnini, Area Umanistica Roberto Genesio, Area Tecnologica Flavio Moroni, Area Biomedica Adolfo Pazzagli, Area Biomedica Giuliano Pinto, Area Umanistica Vincenzo Schettino, Area Scientifica Maria Chiara Torricelli, Area Tecnologica Luca Uzielli, Area Tecnologica Graziella Vescovini, Area Umanistica

2 Angelo Molinaro

New insights into creatine transporter deficiency

Identification of neuropathological and metabolic targets for treatment

Firenze University Press 2020 New insights into creatine transporter deficiency : identification of neuropathological and metabolic targets for treatment / Angelo Molinaro. – Firenze : Firenze University Press, 2020. (Premio Tesi di Dottorato ; 81)

ISSN 2612-8039 (print) ISSN 2612-8020 (online) ISBN 978-88-5518-081-8 (print) ISBN 978-88-5518-082-5 (PDF) ISBN 978-88-5518-083-2 (XML) DOI 10.36253/978-88-5518-082-5 Graphic design: Alberto Pizarro Fernández, Lettera Meccanica SRLs

*** FUP Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (DOI 10.36253/fup_best_practice) All publications are submitted to an external refereeing process under the responsibility of the FUP Editorial Board and the Scientific Boards of the series. The works published are evaluated and approved by the Editorial Board of the publishing house, and must be compliant with the Peer review policy, the Open Access, Copyright and Licensing policy and the Publication Ethics and Complaint policy. Firenze University Press Editorial Board M. Garzaniti (Editor-in-Chief), M.E. Alberti, M. Boddi, A. Bucelli, R. Casalbuoni, F. Ciampi, A. Dolfi, R. Ferrise, P. Guarnieri, R. Lanfredini, P. Lo Nostro, G. Mari, A. Mariani, P.M. Mariano, S. Marinai, R. Minuti, P. Nanni, A. Orlandi, A. Perulli, G. Pratesi, O. Roselli.

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hsioog o creatine an its transporter 

reatine transporter eicienc 

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hsioog o creatine an its transporter 

reatine transporter eicienc 

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Angelo Molinaro, New insights into creatine transporter deficiency. Identification of neuropathological and metabolic targets for treatment, © 2020 Author(s), content CC BY 4.0 International, metadata CC0 1.0 Universal, published by Firenze University Press (www.fupress. com), ISSN 2612-8020 (online), ISBN 978-88-5518-082-5 (PDF), DOI7 10.36253/978-88-5518-082-5

istorica perspectie

In 1832 the French philosopher and scientist Michel Eugene Chevreul success- fully extracted creatine from meat (the muscles of mammalians) and named it “crea- tine” from the Greek word κρέας (kreas), meaning “meat”. After Chevreul’s discov- ery, ustus von Liebig, a German chemist, in 187 demonstrated that creatine concen- tration as higher in ild animals compared to domestic ones and he concluded that creatine concentration in muscular tissue as dependent upon the level of activity. In 1912, researchers at Harvard University shoed that ingestion of creatine could rise muscular creatine content and later studies demonstrated that creatine supplemen- tation induced nitrogen retention suggesting increasing protein content in muscle. This effect as reversible ith the ithdraal of creatine (Haffernan, 2015). In 1923 the content of creatine in human body as measured in about 100 grams, 95 of hich stored in muscle tissue. In the light of all these findings, Alfred Cha- nutin, in 1926, for the first time studied the effect of creatine in humans. He adminis- tered 10 g of creatine a day for a ee and found increased creatine content in mus- cles, proposing that creatine have anabolic effects (Chanutin, 1926). In 1990s the use of creatine as anabolic agent to increase athletes’ performance began and currently creatine is one of the most popular supplements in sport (Balsom, Sderlund and Eblom, 199). In 199, in a patient ith extrapyramidal movement disorder and lo creatinine concentration in serum and urine, by using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, a generalized depletion of creatine in the brain as described for the first time (Stcler et al., 199). hen the Authors tried to treat the patient ith arginine (a creatine precursor), they found that the metabolite guanidine acetate increased in the brain, not paralleled by an increase in creatine, indicating that the defect as in the second of the to enzymes responsible for creatine synthesis (see belo). In 2001 another patient presenting ith developmental delay and hypotonia as found to have lo brain creatine content: but in this case serum and urine creatine levels ere increased (Salomons et al., 2001). Genetic analysis revealed a nonsense mutation in gene coding for creatine transporter and lo uptae of creatine in fibro- blasts coming from the patient. This as the first description of the clinical syndrome due to genetic defects of the creatine transporter.

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istorica perspectie

In 1832 the French philosopher and scientist Michel Eugene Chevreul success- fully extracted creatine from meat (the muscles of mammalians) and named it “crea- tine” from the Greek word κρέας (kreas), meaning “meat”. After Chevreul’s discov- ery, ustus von Liebig, a German chemist, in 187 demonstrated that creatine concen- tration as higher in ild animals compared to domestic ones and he concluded that creatine concentration in muscular tissue as dependent upon the level of activity. In 1912, researchers at Harvard University shoed that ingestion of creatine could rise muscular creatine content and later studies demonstrated that creatine supplemen- tation induced nitrogen retention suggesting increasing protein content in muscle. This effect as reversible ith the ithdraal of creatine (Haffernan, 2015). In 1923 the content of creatine in human body as measured in about 100 grams, 95 of hich stored in muscle tissue. In the light of all these findings, Alfred Cha- nutin, in 1926, for the first time studied the effect of creatine in humans. He adminis- tered 10 g of creatine a day for a ee and found increased creatine content in mus- cles, proposing that creatine have anabolic effects (Chanutin, 1926). In 1990s the use of creatine as anabolic agent to increase athletes’ performance began and currently creatine is one of the most popular supplements in sport (Balsom, Sderlund and Eblom, 199). In 199, in a patient ith extrapyramidal movement disorder and lo creatinine concentration in serum and urine, by using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, a generalized depletion of creatine in the brain as described for the first time (Stcler et al., 199). hen the Authors tried to treat the patient ith arginine (a creatine precursor), they found that the metabolite guanidine acetate increased in the brain, not paralleled by an increase in creatine, indicating that the defect as in the second of the to enzymes responsible for creatine synthesis (see belo). In 2001 another patient presenting ith developmental delay and hypotonia as found to have lo brain creatine content: but in this case serum and urine creatine levels ere increased (Salomons et al., 2001). Genetic analysis revealed a nonsense mutation in gene coding for creatine transporter and lo uptae of creatine in fibro- blasts coming from the patient. This as the first description of the clinical syndrome due to genetic defects of the creatine transporter.

Angelo Molinaro, New insights into creatine transporter deficiency. Identification of neuropathological and metabolic targets for treatment, © 2020 Author(s), content CC BY 4.0 International, metadata CC0 1.0 Universal, published by Firenze University Press (www.fupress. com), ISSN 2612-8020 (online), ISBN 978-88-5518-082-5 (PDF), DOI9 10.36253/978-88-5518-082-5

hsioog o creatine an its transporter

reatine iocheistr

Creatine (Cr) is a nitrogenous organic acid found in vertebrates having many physiologic functions, some of hich have only recently been being investigated. The best-studied role of Cr is its function as transient intracellular storage of high-energy phosphate bonds, used to regenerate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) starting from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and from the phosphorylated form of Cr (phosphocre- atine, PCr) in the folloing reversible enzymatic reaction (Figure 1) catalyzed by the enzyme Cr inase (C):

Phosphocreatine ADP  creatine ATP.

Consistently ith this energetic role, tissues ith high metabolic rates have a large pool of PCr in order to regenerate ATP fast during intense use. The so called “creatine cycle” also acts as transport system for phosphate bonds beteen sites of production (mitochondria, glycolysis) and sites of consumption in- side the cell. The mitochondrial form of C phosphorylates Cr to PCr reducing the ATP/ADP ratio to a level that allo ATP synthase to continue oring. On the other side of the mitochondrial membranes, in the cytoplasm, PCr is used at sites of high metabolic reuirements to restore ATP starting from ADP. The Cr produced in the last reaction diffuses bac to mitochondria completing the Cr cycle. According to this vie, the transport of high-energy phosphates from production to consumption sites is ensured mainly by means of PCr-Cr cycle. Cr and PCr are molecules smaller and less negatively charged compared to ATP or ADP; these properties could allo reach- ing higher concentrations and then a more efficient flux of high-energy phosphates in cells strongly relying upon Cr cycle (yss and addurah-Daou, 2000). The maor share of Cr (and PCr) in human body is found in muscle, up to 30 mM. The brain, as expected by its high metabolic rate, contains a concentration of Cr of about 10 mM (yss and addurah-Daou, 2000). Many other functions of Cr have been described or hypothesized. It is an osmolyte and has anti-oxidant and anti-apoptotic effects (Andres et al., 2008). The release of Cr into the synaptic cleft as observed and a putative role as neuromodulator or even as true neurotransmitter has been envisaged (Almeida et al., 2006). Cr is no idely used as nutritional supplement, and its use in different neurological or psychiatric dis-

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hsioog o creatine an its transporter

reatine iocheistr

Creatine (Cr) is a nitrogenous organic acid found in vertebrates having many physiologic functions, some of hich have only recently been being investigated. The best-studied role of Cr is its function as transient intracellular storage of high-energy phosphate bonds, used to regenerate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) starting from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and from the phosphorylated form of Cr (phosphocre- atine, PCr) in the folloing reversible enzymatic reaction (Figure 1) catalyzed by the enzyme Cr inase (C):

Phosphocreatine ADP  creatine ATP.

Consistently ith this energetic role, tissues ith high metabolic rates have a large pool of PCr in order to regenerate ATP fast during intense use. The so called “creatine cycle” also acts as transport system for phosphate bonds beteen sites of production (mitochondria, glycolysis) and sites of consumption in- side the cell. The mitochondrial form of C phosphorylates Cr to PCr reducing the ATP/ADP ratio to a level that allo ATP synthase to continue oring. On the other side of the mitochondrial membranes, in the cytoplasm, PCr is used at sites of high metabolic reuirements to restore ATP starting from ADP. The Cr produced in the last reaction diffuses bac to mitochondria completing the Cr cycle. According to this vie, the transport of high-energy phosphates from production to consumption sites is ensured mainly by means of PCr-Cr cycle. Cr and PCr are molecules smaller and less negatively charged compared to ATP or ADP; these properties could allo reach- ing higher concentrations and then a more efficient flux of high-energy phosphates in cells strongly relying upon Cr cycle (yss and addurah-Daou, 2000). The maor share of Cr (and PCr) in human body is found in muscle, up to 30 mM. The brain, as expected by its high metabolic rate, contains a concentration of Cr of about 10 mM (yss and addurah-Daou, 2000). Many other functions of Cr have been described or hypothesized. It is an osmolyte and has anti-oxidant and anti-apoptotic effects (Andres et al., 2008). The release of Cr into the synaptic cleft as observed and a putative role as neuromodulator or even as true neurotransmitter has been envisaged (Almeida et al., 2006). Cr is no idely used as nutritional supplement, and its use in different neurological or psychiatric dis-

Angelo Molinaro, New insights into creatine transporter deficiency. Identification of neuropathological and metabolic targets for treatment, © 2020 Author(s), content CC BY 4.0 International, metadata CC0 1.0 Universal, published by Firenze University Press (www.fupress. com), ISSN 2612-8020 (online), ISBN 978-88-5518-082-5 (PDF), DOI11 10.36253/978-88-5518-082-5

New insights into creatine transporter deficiency orders lie mitochondrial encephalopathy, stroe, traumatic neurological inury, neu- Finally, Cr and PCr are non-enzymatically converted into creatinine, hich dif- rodegenerative and muscular disorders has been tested (Andres et al., 2008; fuses out of the cells and is excreted by the idneys into the urine. By this catabolic Evangeliou et al., 2009). pathay about 1.7 of the total Cr pool of the body is lost every day and needs to be replaced (yss and addurah-Daou, 2000).

reatine spp reatine transporter There are to ays by hich normal levels of Cr can be achieved and maintained in tissues in physiological conditions: (I) endogenous synthesis and (II) exogenous Cr can be taen up by ingested food and about one-half of the daily reuired Cr intae by food. Both contribute to the amount of this metabolite in normal tissues. amount is provided by this ay (Brosnan and Brosnan, 2007). For this purpose, a Cr The synthesis of Cr is a to-step reaction hich reuires the amino acids arginine transporter (CrT) exists that is responsible for a saturable Na- and Cl--dependent up- (Arg) and glycine (Gly) as initial reagents. The enzyme L-arginine:glycine amidi- tae into cells against a large concentration gradient. notransferase (AGAT) transfers the amidino group of Arg to Gly in order to produce The CrT is encoded by the SLC6A8 gene that in human is located on X28. It is L-ornithine and guanidinoacetic acid (GAA). In the second step the enzyme S-adeno- made up of 13 exons, ith a predicted protein of 635 amino acids and a molecular syl-L-methionine:N-guanidinoacetate methyltransferase methylates the amidino mass of 70.5 Da (Guimbal and ilimann, 1993). It is a member of the SLC6 family group of GAA to produce Cr (Figure 2). of Na- and Cl-- dependent plasma membrane transporters for neurotransmitters During evolution AGAT and GAMT have probably evolved ith lamprey and hich encompasses transporters for GABA, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, they are not detected in invertebrates hereas they are present in most, but not all, glycine, taurine, proline, and betaine (ristensen et al., 2011). Lie the other members vertebrates. Nevertheless, some invertebrates contain significant amount of Cr, of its of the SLC6 family, the CrT consists of 12 transmembrane domains, containing sites phosphorylated metabolite and of C, suggesting mechanisms for the uptae of Cr for N-glycosylation and several sites for phosphorylation. from environment or not yet detectable synthesis enzymes. Notably, from an evolu- In humans, CrT is expressed predominantly in muscle, idney and heart, and also tionary point of vie, in invertebrates lacing Cr the same function of energy storage in many other tissues including brain (Iyer et al., 1996). This pattern of expression is held, in an analogous reaction to the Cr cycle, by Arg, that is one of the precursors reflects the high levels of Cr in muscle and heart and the important role of idney in of Cr. Cr reuptae from urine (Guimbal and ilimann, 1993). Despite the seeming simplicity of the Cr cycle, the biochemical picture is compli- The CrT is expressed in idney in the apical membrane (the brush border) hereas cated by the fact that many tissues seem to lac one of the enzymes involved in the little or no expression is identifiable in the basolateral membrane (Garca-Delgado et synthesis of Cr or its precursors. al., 2001). That is, the Cr is transported from the tubular lumen into the cell and this Mammalian idney expresses high levels of AGAT but usually lo levels of mechanism reuires that a different and still unnon Cr transporter must be ex- GAMT. Liver, on the contrary, contains high amounts of GAMT and lo levels of pressed on the basolateral membrane domain in order for Cr to exit the cell into the AGAT in most species. Hoever, money and human also have high amounts of bloodstream. A very similar pattern of expression is observed also in small intestine AGAT in liver, hereas common laboratory mammals such as rats and mice seem to here Cr introduced ith food is absorbed (Nash et al., 199). be devoid of AGAT activity in this tissue (yss and addurah-Daou, 2000). This pattern of biosynthetic enzyme expression could relate to some differences noticeable in phenotype beteen humans and mice affected by Cr metabolism disorders. Based reatine transporter epression in rain on these findings, the folloing outline about Cr synthesis in mammals has been pro- posed: the idney ould be the main site of GAA production; this metabolite is then CrT is expressed in many structures of the brain, particularly in the olfactory bulb, transported through blood to liver here it is methylated to Cr. Finally, Cr is again cerebellum, hippocampus, cortex and several brainstem nuclei (Braissant et al., 2008). transported by blood to all tissues here it is taen up. Regarding the cell types, CrT expression is found in both neurons and glial cells. In contrast, other findings described a reduction of Cr synthesis in models ith Hoever, the CrT presence in glial cells is still debated. In some studies, CrT is ex- nephrectomy (Levillain, Marescau and Deyn, 1995), suggesting that, notithstanding pressed in oligodendrocytes but not in astrocytes (Braissant et al., 2005), hereas the possible expression of both enzymes in human liver, idney could nevertheless be other Authors found expression also in astrocytes (Carducci et al., 2012). The differ- reuired for Cr synthesis. Therefore, the biochemical pathays of Cr metabolism and ences observed could be explained by differences in materials and methods used. the exchange of Cr and its metabolites among many tissues or cell types seem more According to in vitro studies of rat hippocampal neurons, CrT is mainly expressed complex. Furthermore, differences in mammal species mae findings in one species in dendrites and in some axon terminals (Dodd et al., 2010); this localization can be difficult to apply to other ones, and particularly to human. explained by the high energy reuirements for re-establishing the ion electrochemical

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Angelo Molinaro orders lie mitochondrial encephalopathy, stroe, traumatic neurological inury, neu- Finally, Cr and PCr are non-enzymatically converted into creatinine, hich dif- rodegenerative and muscular disorders has been tested (Andres et al., 2008; fuses out of the cells and is excreted by the idneys into the urine. By this catabolic Evangeliou et al., 2009). pathay about 1.7 of the total Cr pool of the body is lost every day and needs to be replaced (yss and addurah-Daou, 2000).

reatine spp reatine transporter There are to ays by hich normal levels of Cr can be achieved and maintained in tissues in physiological conditions: (I) endogenous synthesis and (II) exogenous Cr can be taen up by ingested food and about one-half of the daily reuired Cr intae by food. Both contribute to the amount of this metabolite in normal tissues. amount is provided by this ay (Brosnan and Brosnan, 2007). For this purpose, a Cr The synthesis of Cr is a to-step reaction hich reuires the amino acids arginine transporter (CrT) exists that is responsible for a saturable Na- and Cl--dependent up- (Arg) and glycine (Gly) as initial reagents. The enzyme L-arginine:glycine amidi- tae into cells against a large concentration gradient. notransferase (AGAT) transfers the amidino group of Arg to Gly in order to produce The CrT is encoded by the SLC6A8 gene that in human is located on X28. It is L-ornithine and guanidinoacetic acid (GAA). In the second step the enzyme S-adeno- made up of 13 exons, ith a predicted protein of 635 amino acids and a molecular syl-L-methionine:N-guanidinoacetate methyltransferase methylates the amidino mass of 70.5 Da (Guimbal and ilimann, 1993). It is a member of the SLC6 family group of GAA to produce Cr (Figure 2). of Na- and Cl-- dependent plasma membrane transporters for neurotransmitters During evolution AGAT and GAMT have probably evolved ith lamprey and hich encompasses transporters for GABA, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, they are not detected in invertebrates hereas they are present in most, but not all, glycine, taurine, proline, and betaine (ristensen et al., 2011). Lie the other members vertebrates. Nevertheless, some invertebrates contain significant amount of Cr, of its of the SLC6 family, the CrT consists of 12 transmembrane domains, containing sites phosphorylated metabolite and of C, suggesting mechanisms for the uptae of Cr for N-glycosylation and several sites for phosphorylation. from environment or not yet detectable synthesis enzymes. Notably, from an evolu- In humans, CrT is expressed predominantly in muscle, idney and heart, and also tionary point of vie, in invertebrates lacing Cr the same function of energy storage in many other tissues including brain (Iyer et al., 1996). This pattern of expression is held, in an analogous reaction to the Cr cycle, by Arg, that is one of the precursors reflects the high levels of Cr in muscle and heart and the important role of idney in of Cr. Cr reuptae from urine (Guimbal and ilimann, 1993). Despite the seeming simplicity of the Cr cycle, the biochemical picture is compli- The CrT is expressed in idney in the apical membrane (the brush border) hereas cated by the fact that many tissues seem to lac one of the enzymes involved in the little or no expression is identifiable in the basolateral membrane (Garca-Delgado et synthesis of Cr or its precursors. al., 2001). That is, the Cr is transported from the tubular lumen into the cell and this Mammalian idney expresses high levels of AGAT but usually lo levels of mechanism reuires that a different and still unnon Cr transporter must be ex- GAMT. Liver, on the contrary, contains high amounts of GAMT and lo levels of pressed on the basolateral membrane domain in order for Cr to exit the cell into the AGAT in most species. Hoever, money and human also have high amounts of bloodstream. A very similar pattern of expression is observed also in small intestine AGAT in liver, hereas common laboratory mammals such as rats and mice seem to here Cr introduced ith food is absorbed (Nash et al., 199). be devoid of AGAT activity in this tissue (yss and addurah-Daou, 2000). This pattern of biosynthetic enzyme expression could relate to some differences noticeable in phenotype beteen humans and mice affected by Cr metabolism disorders. Based reatine transporter epression in rain on these findings, the folloing outline about Cr synthesis in mammals has been pro- posed: the idney ould be the main site of GAA production; this metabolite is then CrT is expressed in many structures of the brain, particularly in the olfactory bulb, transported through blood to liver here it is methylated to Cr. Finally, Cr is again cerebellum, hippocampus, cortex and several brainstem nuclei (Braissant et al., 2008). transported by blood to all tissues here it is taen up. Regarding the cell types, CrT expression is found in both neurons and glial cells. In contrast, other findings described a reduction of Cr synthesis in models ith Hoever, the CrT presence in glial cells is still debated. In some studies, CrT is ex- nephrectomy (Levillain, Marescau and Deyn, 1995), suggesting that, notithstanding pressed in oligodendrocytes but not in astrocytes (Braissant et al., 2005), hereas the possible expression of both enzymes in human liver, idney could nevertheless be other Authors found expression also in astrocytes (Carducci et al., 2012). The differ- reuired for Cr synthesis. Therefore, the biochemical pathays of Cr metabolism and ences observed could be explained by differences in materials and methods used. the exchange of Cr and its metabolites among many tissues or cell types seem more According to in vitro studies of rat hippocampal neurons, CrT is mainly expressed complex. Furthermore, differences in mammal species mae findings in one species in dendrites and in some axon terminals (Dodd et al., 2010); this localization can be difficult to apply to other ones, and particularly to human. explained by the high energy reuirements for re-establishing the ion electrochemical

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency gradients disrupted during neuronal signaling but also for its envisaged role as neuro- reatine transporter eicienc transmitter. Evidence as found of the presence of CrT in synaptosomal membrane, hich ould precisely be the expected place here CrT should be found if Cr ere secreted as neurotransmitter/neuromodulator (Peral, Vázuez-Carretero and Ilundain, 2010). A recent transcriptional analysis led to discovery that CrT is highly expressed in fast-spiing neurons parvalbumin-positive (PV) inhibitory interneurons (Saunders et al., 2018). This observation ell fits the hypothesis that higher Cr concentration can be reuired in fast-spiing neurons in order to meet the high energy needs of this cell type. tioog

reatine ptae regation Thans to proton magnetic-resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) it is possible to measure concentration of Cr, and other metabolites, in the brain. This techniue al- The uptae of Cr is strictly regulated by many factors, first of hich is Cr itself loed discovering Cr deficiency conditions as definite disorders of Cr metabolism. that decreases its on uptae (Loie et al., 1988). This control mechanism is im- Three cerebral Cr deficiency syndromes (CCDS) have so far been described, all of portant to avoid accumulation of high concentration of Cr and subseuent ATP deple- them characterized by severe intellectual disability. tion. GAMT-deficiency as the first CCDS to be described in 199 (Stcler et al., Among the other important factors, AMP activated protein inase (AMP), 199), folloed by the discovery of the other to conditions, AGAT and CrT defi- hich is involved in regulating energy homeostasis by donregulating energy con- ciency (CTD, also named CCDS1) (Item et al., 2001; van de amp, Mancini and Sa- suming pathays in favor of energy generating processes, inhibits CrT activity and lomons, 201). The to enzymatic disorders (AGAT and GAMT-deficiency) impair expression in the apical membrane of idney proximal tubule cells, possibly indirectly Cr synthesis and are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. The defect of the via inhibition of mTOR (Li et al., 2010), exemplifying the complex signaling netor transporter impairs Cr uptae by the cell and it is an X-lined disease. It as estimated responsible for Cr regulation, aimed at matching Cr concentration to current cell en- that CrT deficiency can be the etiology of about 2 of the cases of intellectual disa- ergy reuirements. bility in males (van de amp, Mancini, and Salomons 201).

inica eatres

The clinical picture of patients affected by Cr deficiency syndromes is dominated, in all the three genetic disorders, by intellectual disability, seizures and autistic-lie behavior. Patients ith GAMT defects can also sho aggressive and self-inurious behaviors (Mercime-Mahmutoglu et al., 2006). More specifically, CCDS1 is characterized by intellectual disability ith sever speech delay hich involves virtually the totality of patients; behavioral abnormalities and seizures are common. Moreover, the intellectual disability seems progressive (van de amp et al. 2013). Some patients have autistic-lie features, others sho hyperac- tivity. The motor system is less impaired: a delay in acuisition of independent al- ing can be observed, as ell as subtle extrapyramidal alterations in some patients, but a clear muscle eaness has only rarely been described in human (van de amp et al. 2013). MRS reveals the most characteristic feature of CrT deficiency: the severe deple- tion of Cr in the brain. Cr content in human muscle seems preserved in CrT defects hereas it is reduced in defects involving the to biosynthetic enzymes (deGrau et al., 2003; Edvardson et al., 2010).

141 15 gradients disrupted during neuronal signaling but also for its envisaged role as neuro- reatine transporter eicienc transmitter. Evidence as found of the presence of CrT in synaptosomal membrane, hich ould precisely be the expected place here CrT should be found if Cr ere secreted as neurotransmitter/neuromodulator (Peral, Vázuez-Carretero and Ilundain, 2010). A recent transcriptional analysis led to discovery that CrT is highly expressed in fast-spiing neurons parvalbumin-positive (PV) inhibitory interneurons (Saunders et al., 2018). This observation ell fits the hypothesis that higher Cr concentration can be reuired in fast-spiing neurons in order to meet the high energy needs of this cell type. tioog

reatine ptae regation Thans to proton magnetic-resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) it is possible to measure concentration of Cr, and other metabolites, in the brain. This techniue al- The uptae of Cr is strictly regulated by many factors, first of hich is Cr itself loed discovering Cr deficiency conditions as definite disorders of Cr metabolism. that decreases its on uptae (Loie et al., 1988). This control mechanism is im- Three cerebral Cr deficiency syndromes (CCDS) have so far been described, all of portant to avoid accumulation of high concentration of Cr and subseuent ATP deple- them characterized by severe intellectual disability. tion. GAMT-deficiency as the first CCDS to be described in 199 (Stcler et al., Among the other important factors, AMP activated protein inase (AMP), 199), folloed by the discovery of the other to conditions, AGAT and CrT defi- hich is involved in regulating energy homeostasis by donregulating energy con- ciency (CTD, also named CCDS1) (Item et al., 2001; van de amp, Mancini and Sa- suming pathays in favor of energy generating processes, inhibits CrT activity and lomons, 201). The to enzymatic disorders (AGAT and GAMT-deficiency) impair expression in the apical membrane of idney proximal tubule cells, possibly indirectly Cr synthesis and are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. The defect of the via inhibition of mTOR (Li et al., 2010), exemplifying the complex signaling netor transporter impairs Cr uptae by the cell and it is an X-lined disease. It as estimated responsible for Cr regulation, aimed at matching Cr concentration to current cell en- that CrT deficiency can be the etiology of about 2 of the cases of intellectual disa- ergy reuirements. bility in males (van de amp, Mancini, and Salomons 201).

inica eatres

The clinical picture of patients affected by Cr deficiency syndromes is dominated, in all the three genetic disorders, by intellectual disability, seizures and autistic-lie behavior. Patients ith GAMT defects can also sho aggressive and self-inurious behaviors (Mercime-Mahmutoglu et al., 2006). More specifically, CCDS1 is characterized by intellectual disability ith sever speech delay hich involves virtually the totality of patients; behavioral abnormalities and seizures are common. Moreover, the intellectual disability seems progressive (van de amp et al. 2013). Some patients have autistic-lie features, others sho hyperac- tivity. The motor system is less impaired: a delay in acuisition of independent al- ing can be observed, as ell as subtle extrapyramidal alterations in some patients, but a clear muscle eaness has only rarely been described in human (van de amp et al. 2013). MRS reveals the most characteristic feature of CrT deficiency: the severe deple- tion of Cr in the brain. Cr content in human muscle seems preserved in CrT defects hereas it is reduced in defects involving the to biosynthetic enzymes (deGrau et al., 2003; Edvardson et al., 2010).

Angelo Molinaro, New insights into creatine transporter deficiency. Identification of neuropathological and metabolic targets for treatment, © 2020 Author(s), content CC BY 4.0 International, metadata CC0 1.0 Universal, published by Firenze University Press (www.fupress. 1 com), ISSN 2612-8020 (online), ISBN 978-88-5518-082-5 (PDF), DOI15 10.36253/978-88-5518-082-5

New insights into creatine transporter deficiency Laboratory findings help clinicians to diagnose CrT disorders. The defect of CrT Notithstanding the expression of AGAT, GAMT and CrT is described in neu- is characterized by an increased urine Cr/creatinine ratio, probably due to the impair rons and glial cells, uptae of Cr in brain from blood seems limited (Perasso et al., in renal reabsorption of Cr. Cr plasma levels are normal hile Cr in cerebro-spinal 2003), as also indicated by the fact that in Cr synthesis defects the restoration of Cr fluid (CSF) are normal or increased, similar to hat happens in some other defects of levels in brain by exogenous supplementation is a process hich proceeds very sloly neurotransmitter transporters, lie serotonin transporter (van de amp et al. 2013). and reuires high Cr doses (Stcler, Hanefeld, and Frahm 1996; Leuzzi et al. 2000). Moreover, some patients affected by CrT defects sho biochemical marers pe- Moreover, some studies in cultured astrocytes measured lo expression levels of CrT culiar to mitochondrial encephalopathies (increased plasma lactate, urinary 3-methyl- in brain, but literature about this issue is conflicting. If CrT expression ere lo in glutaconic, tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates and secondary decreases of variable brain, as the above studies ould suggest, it ould be difficult to explain ho CrT respiratory chain complexes) (Hathaay et al., 2010). These findings are not surpris- deficiency leads to a severe impairment of brain Cr content and to a severe disorder. ing if the energetic role of Cr in cell and mitochondrial metabolism is considered. In order to reconcile these contrasting observations, different theories have been ad- vanced. The neuron-glial relationship hypothesis is based upon the preferential expression enetic an inheritance of GAMT in oligodendrocytes (Tachiaa et al., 200) and predicts that Cr is mainly produced in glial cells and then transferred to neurons by means of the CrT. Hoever, Many different types of genetic mutations affecting the SLC6A8 gene have been expression of both biosynthetic enzymes as described in neuron and glial cultures described: missense and nonsense mutations, splice error mutations (intronic or syn- in some studies (Carducci et al. 2012; Braissant et al. 2001), challenging this hypoth- onymous variants ith aberrant splicing), a translation initiation site mutation and esis. multi-exon deletions (LOVD database ( In some The dissociation hypothesis states that AGAT and GAMT are expressed in many cases, a missense mutation can result in a residual transporter function hich in turn different brain cell types but rarely co-expressed in the same cells and, thus, the inter- can, in some cases, be associated to a mild phenotype (Betsalel et al., 2012). Most of mediate metabolite GAA must be transported by means of the CrT from one cell to the genetic alterations observed are concentrated in the transmembrane domains 7 and another. Hoever, this ould lead to high levels of toxic metabolite GAA in CrT 8 of the protein (van de amp et al. 2015). defects (as observed in defects of GAMT) that are not observed (van de amp et al. Because the SLC6A8 gene is located on chromosome X, the disorder is an X- 2012). lined condition. About one third of the cases are due to de novo mutations (van de The observation that, in CrT defects, Cr concentration is normal or even high in amp et al. 2013). The disorder mainly affects male patients, but female patients can CSF, could be consistent ith the hypothesis that a mechanism of Cr reuptae is lac- sho a mild symptomatic phenotype (van de amp et al. 2011). In these cases, diag- ing in this disorder (van de amp et al. 2013). CrT is member of a family of neuro- nosis can be difficult because of the clinical pictures and a higher freuency of normal transmitter transporters responsible for the reuptae of serotonin and dopamine, and biochemical marers. Female phenotype variability is higher than observed in male, defects of these transporters cause a biochemical phenotype similar to hat observed due to the random inactivation of X chromosome. in CrT defects (lo intracellular metabolite concentration and high extracellular con- centration). In vitro data sho that hippocampal neurons release about 35 of their Cr content in 1-2 hours (Dodd et al., 2010). These observations, and further data re- athophsioog garding the restricted synthesis capability of Cr in neurons and glia (Carducci et al., 2012) suggest that one fundamental mechanism of Cr provision in brain cells is the As described, a biosynthetic pathay exists for Cr synthesis; nevertheless, the reuptae, maing the CrT a pivotal device in Cr metabolism and leading to the defect of the transporter gives rise to a severe disorder. This seems to suggest that the reuptae failure hypothesis as mechanism of Cr deficiency in CCDS1. biosynthetic pathay alone is not sufficient to provide the necessary amount of Cr or, It is ell possible that the biochemical picture is more complex and most of the as discussed above, not every tissue may be able to carry out the hole synthetic mechanisms described could be implicated in the pathophysiology. reaction. These tissues ould rely upon the CrT in order to exchange Cr or its metab- The defects of Cr synthesis can be treated ith variable success. Supplementation olites. of Cr ith ornithine, accompanied by arginine restriction in GAMT defects, proved On the other side, the observation that some tissues seem spared in CrT defects, useful in both AGAT and GAMT-defects, ith at least partial restoration of cerebral lie muscle in human patients, probably means that in these tissues the enzymatic Cr content and improvement of the clinical picture. In some cases, hen the therapy pathay is fully expressed and oring, and it is able to ensure the provision of Cr started very early, an almost normal development as observed (Edvardson et al., content in absence of any exogenous source. It is probable, therefore, that in most 2010; Ndia et al., 2012; Nouioua et al., 2013). tissues both mechanisms, uptae and synthesis, are active and reuired to maintain On the contrary, the defects of Cr transporter cannot be successfully treated by Cr normal Cr concentration. supplementation, as proven by many studies (Bizzi et al., 2002; Anselm et al., 2006;

16 17

Angelo Molinaro Laboratory findings help clinicians to diagnose CrT disorders. The defect of CrT Notithstanding the expression of AGAT, GAMT and CrT is described in neu- is characterized by an increased urine Cr/creatinine ratio, probably due to the impair rons and glial cells, uptae of Cr in brain from blood seems limited (Perasso et al., in renal reabsorption of Cr. Cr plasma levels are normal hile Cr in cerebro-spinal 2003), as also indicated by the fact that in Cr synthesis defects the restoration of Cr fluid (CSF) are normal or increased, similar to hat happens in some other defects of levels in brain by exogenous supplementation is a process hich proceeds very sloly neurotransmitter transporters, lie serotonin transporter (van de amp et al. 2013). and reuires high Cr doses (Stcler, Hanefeld, and Frahm 1996; Leuzzi et al. 2000). Moreover, some patients affected by CrT defects sho biochemical marers pe- Moreover, some studies in cultured astrocytes measured lo expression levels of CrT culiar to mitochondrial encephalopathies (increased plasma lactate, urinary 3-methyl- in brain, but literature about this issue is conflicting. If CrT expression ere lo in glutaconic, tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates and secondary decreases of variable brain, as the above studies ould suggest, it ould be difficult to explain ho CrT respiratory chain complexes) (Hathaay et al., 2010). These findings are not surpris- deficiency leads to a severe impairment of brain Cr content and to a severe disorder. ing if the energetic role of Cr in cell and mitochondrial metabolism is considered. In order to reconcile these contrasting observations, different theories have been ad- vanced. The neuron-glial relationship hypothesis is based upon the preferential expression enetic an inheritance of GAMT in oligodendrocytes (Tachiaa et al., 200) and predicts that Cr is mainly produced in glial cells and then transferred to neurons by means of the CrT. Hoever, Many different types of genetic mutations affecting the SLC6A8 gene have been expression of both biosynthetic enzymes as described in neuron and glial cultures described: missense and nonsense mutations, splice error mutations (intronic or syn- in some studies (Carducci et al. 2012; Braissant et al. 2001), challenging this hypoth- onymous variants ith aberrant splicing), a translation initiation site mutation and esis. multi-exon deletions (LOVD database ( In some The dissociation hypothesis states that AGAT and GAMT are expressed in many cases, a missense mutation can result in a residual transporter function hich in turn different brain cell types but rarely co-expressed in the same cells and, thus, the inter- can, in some cases, be associated to a mild phenotype (Betsalel et al., 2012). Most of mediate metabolite GAA must be transported by means of the CrT from one cell to the genetic alterations observed are concentrated in the transmembrane domains 7 and another. Hoever, this ould lead to high levels of toxic metabolite GAA in CrT 8 of the protein (van de amp et al. 2015). defects (as observed in defects of GAMT) that are not observed (van de amp et al. Because the SLC6A8 gene is located on chromosome X, the disorder is an X- 2012). lined condition. About one third of the cases are due to de novo mutations (van de The observation that, in CrT defects, Cr concentration is normal or even high in amp et al. 2013). The disorder mainly affects male patients, but female patients can CSF, could be consistent ith the hypothesis that a mechanism of Cr reuptae is lac- sho a mild symptomatic phenotype (van de amp et al. 2011). In these cases, diag- ing in this disorder (van de amp et al. 2013). CrT is member of a family of neuro- nosis can be difficult because of the clinical pictures and a higher freuency of normal transmitter transporters responsible for the reuptae of serotonin and dopamine, and biochemical marers. Female phenotype variability is higher than observed in male, defects of these transporters cause a biochemical phenotype similar to hat observed due to the random inactivation of X chromosome. in CrT defects (lo intracellular metabolite concentration and high extracellular con- centration). In vitro data sho that hippocampal neurons release about 35 of their Cr content in 1-2 hours (Dodd et al., 2010). These observations, and further data re- athophsioog garding the restricted synthesis capability of Cr in neurons and glia (Carducci et al., 2012) suggest that one fundamental mechanism of Cr provision in brain cells is the As described, a biosynthetic pathay exists for Cr synthesis; nevertheless, the reuptae, maing the CrT a pivotal device in Cr metabolism and leading to the defect of the transporter gives rise to a severe disorder. This seems to suggest that the reuptae failure hypothesis as mechanism of Cr deficiency in CCDS1. biosynthetic pathay alone is not sufficient to provide the necessary amount of Cr or, It is ell possible that the biochemical picture is more complex and most of the as discussed above, not every tissue may be able to carry out the hole synthetic mechanisms described could be implicated in the pathophysiology. reaction. These tissues ould rely upon the CrT in order to exchange Cr or its metab- The defects of Cr synthesis can be treated ith variable success. Supplementation olites. of Cr ith ornithine, accompanied by arginine restriction in GAMT defects, proved On the other side, the observation that some tissues seem spared in CrT defects, useful in both AGAT and GAMT-defects, ith at least partial restoration of cerebral lie muscle in human patients, probably means that in these tissues the enzymatic Cr content and improvement of the clinical picture. In some cases, hen the therapy pathay is fully expressed and oring, and it is able to ensure the provision of Cr started very early, an almost normal development as observed (Edvardson et al., content in absence of any exogenous source. It is probable, therefore, that in most 2010; Ndia et al., 2012; Nouioua et al., 2013). tissues both mechanisms, uptae and synthesis, are active and reuired to maintain On the contrary, the defects of Cr transporter cannot be successfully treated by Cr normal Cr concentration. supplementation, as proven by many studies (Bizzi et al., 2002; Anselm et al., 2006;

16 17

New insights into creatine transporter deficiency Po-Argelles et al., 2006). Arginine supplementation can increase, in vitro, the syn- ose oes o thesis of Cr (Leuzzi et al. 2008) but shoed only mild improved in some patients (Chilosi et al. 2008; Chilosi et al. 2012; Mercime-Mahmutoglu et al. 2010). A ay to bypass the blood brain barrier (BBB) could exploit lipophilic derivatives of Cr. Many molecules ere tested (creatine-benzyl-ester, phosphocreatine-Mg-com- plex acetate, creatine-ethyl-ester, dodecyl-creatine-ester) and some of them led to an increase in Cr levels in mouse or human brain cells cultures (Lunardi et al., 2006; Perasso et al., 2009; Fons et al., 2010). These compounds tend to be degraded very early and no effect as found hen tested in patients (Fons et al., 2010). Cyclocreatine (cycloCr) is a Cr analog less polar than Cr itself, hich shoed some improvement in mouse models and uptae in cell cultures after blocing the Cr In our laboratory to different mouse lines are available to study CCDS1 patho- transporter (urosaa et al., 2012; Enrico et al., 2013). The inetics of the phosphor- physiology and test putative treatment strategies. The first model is a ubiuitous ylation of cycloCr is different compared to Cr and this could limit its usefulness model carrying a loss-of-function deletion of exons 5 – 7 in the Slc68a gene. The (aler, 1979). Further studies are thus necessary to assess the efficacy of this deriv- second model is a conditional noc-out (O) in hich the expression of the CrT is ative. impaired only in cells derived by neuronal precursors (i.e. neurons and glia) by cross- CCDS1 is therefore a disorder for hich an effective treatment is still missing. ing a floxed CrT line ith a line expressing Cre-recombinase under the promoter of The etiology of the disease, the lac of a transporter, could represent an obstacle dif- the Nestin gene (see Meterials and Methods). ficult to circumvent ith simple replacement therapy and, therefore, more sophisti- Other lines are available in other laboratories. One is a ubiuitous O model gen- cated approaches could probably be reuired. erated by deletion of exons 2 – in the Slc6a8 gene. To other lines are conditional O: one using a Ca2/calmodulin-dependent protein inase II (CaMII) promoter to drive Cre-recombinase expression in order to achieve a CrT deletion only in postnatal forebrain excitatory neurons; another model has been created by crossing floxed Slc6a8 mice ith Nestin-cre mice (Udobi et al., 2018), similarly to our conditional model. The folloing sections ill report preliminary findings dran by the ubiuitous O model present in our facility (Baroncelli et al., 201) because it is the same adopted for the present or. These findings ere the state of noledge about the characterization of this model from hich the present study started. here differences have been found beteen the current model and the other ones, appropriate comments and interpretations ill be provided. The detailed description of the experiments from hich these findings are dran can be found in the Material and Methods section.

reatine concentrations an o weight

O mice had a reduced Cr concentration in the brain, in both cortex and hippo- campus, and in muscle, heart and idney compared to ild-type (T) littermates. The general appearance of O mice as normal except for reduced body groth: at post-natal day (P) 60 the eight of O as loer than T.

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Po-Argelles et al., 2006). Arginine supplementation can increase, in vitro, the syn- ose oes o thesis of Cr (Leuzzi et al. 2008) but shoed only mild improved in some patients (Chilosi et al. 2008; Chilosi et al. 2012; Mercime-Mahmutoglu et al. 2010). A ay to bypass the blood brain barrier (BBB) could exploit lipophilic derivatives of Cr. Many molecules ere tested (creatine-benzyl-ester, phosphocreatine-Mg-com- plex acetate, creatine-ethyl-ester, dodecyl-creatine-ester) and some of them led to an increase in Cr levels in mouse or human brain cells cultures (Lunardi et al., 2006; Perasso et al., 2009; Fons et al., 2010). These compounds tend to be degraded very early and no effect as found hen tested in patients (Fons et al., 2010). Cyclocreatine (cycloCr) is a Cr analog less polar than Cr itself, hich shoed some improvement in mouse models and uptae in cell cultures after blocing the Cr In our laboratory to different mouse lines are available to study CCDS1 patho- transporter (urosaa et al., 2012; Enrico et al., 2013). The inetics of the phosphor- physiology and test putative treatment strategies. The first model is a ubiuitous ylation of cycloCr is different compared to Cr and this could limit its usefulness model carrying a loss-of-function deletion of exons 5 – 7 in the Slc68a gene. The (aler, 1979). Further studies are thus necessary to assess the efficacy of this deriv- second model is a conditional noc-out (O) in hich the expression of the CrT is ative. impaired only in cells derived by neuronal precursors (i.e. neurons and glia) by cross- CCDS1 is therefore a disorder for hich an effective treatment is still missing. ing a floxed CrT line ith a line expressing Cre-recombinase under the promoter of The etiology of the disease, the lac of a transporter, could represent an obstacle dif- the Nestin gene (see Meterials and Methods). ficult to circumvent ith simple replacement therapy and, therefore, more sophisti- Other lines are available in other laboratories. One is a ubiuitous O model gen- cated approaches could probably be reuired. erated by deletion of exons 2 – in the Slc6a8 gene. To other lines are conditional O: one using a Ca2/calmodulin-dependent protein inase II (CaMII) promoter to drive Cre-recombinase expression in order to achieve a CrT deletion only in postnatal forebrain excitatory neurons; another model has been created by crossing floxed Slc6a8 mice ith Nestin-cre mice (Udobi et al., 2018), similarly to our conditional model. The folloing sections ill report preliminary findings dran by the ubiuitous O model present in our facility (Baroncelli et al., 201) because it is the same adopted for the present or. These findings ere the state of noledge about the characterization of this model from hich the present study started. here differences have been found beteen the current model and the other ones, appropriate comments and interpretations ill be provided. The detailed description of the experiments from hich these findings are dran can be found in the Material and Methods section.

reatine concentrations an o weight

O mice had a reduced Cr concentration in the brain, in both cortex and hippo- campus, and in muscle, heart and idney compared to ild-type (T) littermates. The general appearance of O mice as normal except for reduced body groth: at post-natal day (P) 60 the eight of O as loer than T.

Angelo Molinaro, New insights into creatine transporter deficiency. Identification of neuropathological and metabolic targets for treatment, © 2020 Author(s), content CC BY 4.0 International, metadata CC0 1.0 Universal, published by Firenze University Press (www.fupress. 18 com), ISSN 2612-8020 (online), ISBN 978-88-5518-082-5 (PDF), DOI19 10.36253/978-88-5518-082-5

New insights into creatine transporter deficiency ehaiora tests hold an important role in PV neurons physiology. Sparing CrT expression in inhib- itory neurons can thus lead to a huge bias in the results and conclusions obtained from To test general locomotor activity and anxiety-related behavior the open field this model. as used. Both T and O mice spent more time in peripheral regions avoid- To preserve muscular function, in order to recapitulate patients’ phenotype, con- ing the center. No difference as found in the amount of time spent in periphery, in ditional models in hich the CrT is selectively disrupted selectively in all CNS cells, motion speed and in total distance aled beteen the to genotypes. neurons and glia, can be very useful to dissect the many pathogen etic events of Declarative memory as assessed by using obect recognition test (ORT) hich CCDS1. evaluates the capacity of recognizing a familiar obect from a novel one. Both exper- imental groups explored the obects for the same amount of time during the sample phase, hereas during the test phase at 2 h, T shoed higher preference for the novel obect compared to O. Spatial oring memory as evaluated by measuring the rate of spontaneous al- ternation in the maze. Both groups explored all the three arms of the maze ithout any difference in the total number of entries and any bias for one of the arms, indicat- ing that general exploratory behavior as preserved in O. The alternation rate as at chance level for O, compared to the high alternation observed in the T, shoing a specific mnestic alteration. The Morris ater maze (MM) as used to assess spatial learning and memory. Loer simming speed as detected in O, and the performance as thus expressed in terms of distance sum to find the hidden platform. During the training phase, the distance covered to locate the platform as longer in O compared to T in the last three days. In order to evaluate the strength of learning and to discriminate beteen spatial and non-spatial strategies to find the platform, on the last day the platform as removed and the time spent in the uadrant here the platform had previously been located as measured. T mice spent more time in the target uadrant hereas O shoed no significant preference. General locomotor activity can also be assessed in a non-aversive environment (compared to the open filed arena hich has an aversive component) simply measur- ing home-cage locomotor activity. In this context O shoed decreased activity dur- ing night period compared to T. The day-time activity as normal. The O model used seems to recapitulate ell the genetic and neurochemical features of patients affected by CCDS1. A remarable difference compared to human is the finding of reduced Cr levels in O mice muscle hich is not observed in pa- tients. This finding is not an idiosyncrasy of the specific model because it is shared by the other ubiuitous model (Russell et al., 201), indicating that it is an intrinsic difference beteen mouse and human physiology. Consistent ith muscle Cr impair- ment, motor performances ere impaired in O mice, as described above. Because of the differences found in motor and muscle performances beteen mice and patients, another model of CrT defect is described in literature in hich the CrT has been noced-out only in forebrain excitatory neurons. Despite the fact that this model shos alterations consistent ith those observed in patients and ithout muscle involvement, this conditional model has an intrinsic strong limitation and can- not precisely recapitulate the pathophysiology of the brain involvement in CrT defect: CrT expression in inhibitory interneurons is preserved in this conditional model but, as already cited before, it is very high in at least a subclass of this cell type (namely, fast-spiing PV interneurons) in physiological conditions, meaning that CrT must

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Angelo Molinaro ehaiora tests hold an important role in PV neurons physiology. Sparing CrT expression in inhib- itory neurons can thus lead to a huge bias in the results and conclusions obtained from To test general locomotor activity and anxiety-related behavior the open field this model. arena as used. Both T and O mice spent more time in peripheral regions avoid- To preserve muscular function, in order to recapitulate patients’ phenotype, con- ing the center. No difference as found in the amount of time spent in periphery, in ditional models in hich the CrT is selectively disrupted selectively in all CNS cells, motion speed and in total distance aled beteen the to genotypes. neurons and glia, can be very useful to dissect the many pathogen etic events of Declarative memory as assessed by using obect recognition test (ORT) hich CCDS1. evaluates the capacity of recognizing a familiar obect from a novel one. Both exper- imental groups explored the obects for the same amount of time during the sample phase, hereas during the test phase at 2 h, T shoed higher preference for the novel obect compared to O. Spatial oring memory as evaluated by measuring the rate of spontaneous al- ternation in the maze. Both groups explored all the three arms of the maze ithout any difference in the total number of entries and any bias for one of the arms, indicat- ing that general exploratory behavior as preserved in O. The alternation rate as at chance level for O, compared to the high alternation observed in the T, shoing a specific mnestic alteration. The Morris ater maze (MM) as used to assess spatial learning and memory. Loer simming speed as detected in O, and the performance as thus expressed in terms of distance sum to find the hidden platform. During the training phase, the distance covered to locate the platform as longer in O compared to T in the last three days. In order to evaluate the strength of learning and to discriminate beteen spatial and non-spatial strategies to find the platform, on the last day the platform as removed and the time spent in the uadrant here the platform had previously been located as measured. T mice spent more time in the target uadrant hereas O shoed no significant preference. General locomotor activity can also be assessed in a non-aversive environment (compared to the open filed arena hich has an aversive component) simply measur- ing home-cage locomotor activity. In this context O shoed decreased activity dur- ing night period compared to T. The day-time activity as normal. The O model used seems to recapitulate ell the genetic and neurochemical features of patients affected by CCDS1. A remarable difference compared to human is the finding of reduced Cr levels in O mice muscle hich is not observed in pa- tients. This finding is not an idiosyncrasy of the specific model because it is shared by the other ubiuitous model (Russell et al., 201), indicating that it is an intrinsic difference beteen mouse and human physiology. Consistent ith muscle Cr impair- ment, motor performances ere impaired in O mice, as described above. Because of the differences found in motor and muscle performances beteen mice and patients, another model of CrT defect is described in literature in hich the CrT has been noced-out only in forebrain excitatory neurons. Despite the fact that this model shos alterations consistent ith those observed in patients and ithout muscle involvement, this conditional model has an intrinsic strong limitation and can- not precisely recapitulate the pathophysiology of the brain involvement in CrT defect: CrT expression in inhibitory interneurons is preserved in this conditional model but, as already cited before, it is very high in at least a subclass of this cell type (namely, fast-spiing PV interneurons) in physiological conditions, meaning that CrT must

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CCDS1 is a severe disorder ith no effective treatment currently available and ith high negative impact on life uality and expectancy of patients, as ell as their families’ life quality. Social impacts are great too, due to the requirement for long health assistance, ith huge economic burden. Valid therapeutic options can only come from a deep understanding of etiology and pathophysiology of this disorder. The little noledge about the mechanisms and the effects of Cr deficiency on neural circuits stems, to some extent, from the paucity of studies on animal models. To germline murine models of CCDS1 and one model of GAMT deficiency ere available hen the current proect started and they ere analyzed only in some behavioral domains and at neurochemical level, hile studies on AGAT deficient mice ere limited to metabolic effects of Cr deficiency (Choe et al., 2013). Learning and memory deficits, impaired motor activity and Cr depletion in the brain and muscles have been reported in GAMT and CrT models in the adult age (Torremans et al., 2005; Selton et al., 2011; Baroncelli et al., 201). Hoever, little is non about the presence of autistic-lie behavioral features and the onset and pro- gression of the phenotype. Furthermore, a groing number of studies shoed that extraneural dysfunctions could underlie behavioral deficits in other mouse models of neurodevelopmental dis- orders (Depino, 2013; Sherin, Dinan and Cryan, 2018). Hoever, no thorough as- sessment exists about this aspect in Cr deficiency disorders, causing a limited under- standing of the relative contributions of periphery in CCDS1 pathophysiology. In order to fill these gaps and to dissect the molecular mechanisms of the patho- physiology of CrT defects, e too advantages of to different transgenic mouse lines, a ubiuitous one in hich CrT is defective in all body cells, and a conditional one in hich CrT expression is only impaired in cells derived from neuronal and glial precursors, i.e. only in CNS cells. The latter model alloed us to recapitulate better the phenotype observed in human patients in hich muscle involvement is only a rare finding or at a limited extent, and it also proved invaluable in discriminating beteen neural and extraneural contributions to the pathophysiology of CCDS1.

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i o the st

CCDS1 is a severe disorder ith no effective treatment currently available and ith high negative impact on life uality and expectancy of patients, as ell as their families’ life quality. Social impacts are great too, due to the requirement for long health assistance, ith huge economic burden. Valid therapeutic options can only come from a deep understanding of etiology and pathophysiology of this disorder. The little noledge about the mechanisms and the effects of Cr deficiency on neural circuits stems, to some extent, from the paucity of studies on animal models. To germline murine models of CCDS1 and one model of GAMT deficiency ere available hen the current proect started and they ere analyzed only in some behavioral domains and at neurochemical level, hile studies on AGAT deficient mice ere limited to metabolic effects of Cr deficiency (Choe et al., 2013). Learning and memory deficits, impaired motor activity and Cr depletion in the brain and muscles have been reported in GAMT and CrT models in the adult age (Torremans et al., 2005; Selton et al., 2011; Baroncelli et al., 201). Hoever, little is non about the presence of autistic-lie behavioral features and the onset and pro- gression of the phenotype. Furthermore, a groing number of studies shoed that extraneural dysfunctions could underlie behavioral deficits in other mouse models of neurodevelopmental dis- orders (Depino, 2013; Sherin, Dinan and Cryan, 2018). Hoever, no thorough as- sessment exists about this aspect in Cr deficiency disorders, causing a limited under- standing of the relative contributions of periphery in CCDS1 pathophysiology. In order to fill these gaps and to dissect the molecular mechanisms of the patho- physiology of CrT defects, e too advantages of to different transgenic mouse lines, a ubiuitous one in hich CrT is defective in all body cells, and a conditional one in hich CrT expression is only impaired in cells derived from neuronal and glial precursors, i.e. only in CNS cells. The latter model alloed us to recapitulate better the phenotype observed in human patients in hich muscle involvement is only a rare finding or at a limited extent, and it also proved invaluable in discriminating beteen neural and extraneural contributions to the pathophysiology of CCDS1.

Angelo Molinaro, New insights into creatine transporter deficiency. Identification of neuropathological and metabolic targets for treatment, © 2020 Author(s), content CC BY 4.0 International, metadata CC0 1.0 Universal, published by Firenze University Press (www.fupress. com), ISSN 2612-8020 (online), ISBN 978-88-5518-082-5 (PDF), DOI23 10.36253/978-88-5518-082-5

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As CrT deficiency is an X-lined pathology, male mice ere selected for this study. CrT-/y and CrT/y mice on a C57BL/6 bacground ere generated as described previously (Baroncelli et al., 201). Animals ere maintained at 22 C under a 12-h light–dar cycle (average illumination levels of 1.2 cd/m2). Food (RF25 GLP Cer- tificate, Mucedola) and ater ere available ad libitum. To target CrT deletion to neuronal and glial cells of the central nervous system e used a mouse (Tronche et al., 1999) expressing Cre-recombinase under the Nestin promoter (Nestin:Cre). CrT/fl females ere crossed ith Nestin:Cre male mice to generate a mouse line carrying the floxed CrT and Nestin:Cre alleles. Mice ith three genotypes ere used as experimental animals: mice carrying the brain specific deletion of CrT (Nestin:Cre- CrT-/y, nes-CrT-/y), mice expressing the floxed allele but not Cre-recombinase (CrTfl/y), and mice expressing Cre-recombinase but not carrying the floxed allele (Nestin:Cre-CrT/y, nes-CrT/y). These genotypes ere obtained in the same litters. Since CrTfl/y mice did not display any difference in Cr levels ith respect to nes- CrT/y animals, e performed behavioral and anatomical investigation only in the other to experimental groups. All experiments ere carried out in accordance ith the European Communities Council Directive of 2 November 1986 (86/609/EEC) and ere approved by the Italian Ministry of Health (authorization number 259/2016- PR).

etection o tations

Genomic DNA as isolated from mouse tail using a it, and the protocol sug- gested by the manufacturer (DNeasy Blood Tissue it, iagen, USA). DNA as amplified for CrT mutant and ild-type alleles using a standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol ith the folloing primers: F:AGGTTTCCTCAGGTTATAGAGA; R:CCCTAGGTGTATCTAACATC; R1: TCGTGGTATCGTTATGCGCC. Primers for Cre recombinase expression ere: F: AACGCACTGATTTCGACC; R: CAACACCATTTTTTCTGACCC. For PCR am- plification, e used 300 ng of DNA in a 25 l reaction volume containing 0.2mM of each dNTP, 2 M of F primer, 1 M of R primer, 1 M of R1 primer and 0.5 U/l Red Ta DNA polymerase (Sigma-Aldrich, Italy).

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As CrT deficiency is an X-lined pathology, male mice ere selected for this study. CrT-/y and CrT/y mice on a C57BL/6 bacground ere generated as described previously (Baroncelli et al., 201). Animals ere maintained at 22 C under a 12-h light–dar cycle (average illumination levels of 1.2 cd/m2). Food (RF25 GLP Cer- tificate, Mucedola) and ater ere available ad libitum. To target CrT deletion to neuronal and glial cells of the central nervous system e used a mouse (Tronche et al., 1999) expressing Cre-recombinase under the Nestin promoter (Nestin:Cre). CrT/fl females ere crossed ith Nestin:Cre male mice to generate a mouse line carrying the floxed CrT and Nestin:Cre alleles. Mice ith three genotypes ere used as experimental animals: mice carrying the brain specific deletion of CrT (Nestin:Cre- CrT-/y, nes-CrT-/y), mice expressing the floxed allele but not Cre-recombinase (CrTfl/y), and mice expressing Cre-recombinase but not carrying the floxed allele (Nestin:Cre-CrT/y, nes-CrT/y). These genotypes ere obtained in the same litters. Since CrTfl/y mice did not display any difference in Cr levels ith respect to nes- CrT/y animals, e performed behavioral and anatomical investigation only in the other to experimental groups. All experiments ere carried out in accordance ith the European Communities Council Directive of 2 November 1986 (86/609/EEC) and ere approved by the Italian Ministry of Health (authorization number 259/2016- PR).

etection o tations

Genomic DNA as isolated from mouse tail using a it, and the protocol sug- gested by the manufacturer (DNeasy Blood Tissue it, iagen, USA). DNA as amplified for CrT mutant and ild-type alleles using a standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol ith the folloing primers: F:AGGTTTCCTCAGGTTATAGAGA; R:CCCTAGGTGTATCTAACATC; R1: TCGTGGTATCGTTATGCGCC. Primers for Cre recombinase expression ere: F: AACGCACTGATTTCGACC; R: CAACACCATTTTTTCTGACCC. For PCR am- plification, e used 300 ng of DNA in a 25 l reaction volume containing 0.2mM of each dNTP, 2 M of F primer, 1 M of R primer, 1 M of R1 primer and 0.5 U/l Red Ta DNA polymerase (Sigma-Aldrich, Italy).

Angelo Molinaro, New insights into creatine transporter deficiency. Identification of neuropathological and metabolic targets for treatment, © 2020 Author(s), content CC BY 4.0 International, metadata CC0 1.0 Universal, published by Firenze University Press (www.fupress. com), ISSN 2612-8020 (online), ISBN 978-88-5518-082-5 (PDF), DOI25 10.36253/978-88-5518-082-5

New insights into creatine transporter deficiency The PCR conditions ere as follos: 9 C for min folloed by 37 cycles at 9 position of the ne one ere randomized among animals. The amount of time spent C for 30 s, 58 C for 30 s, 72 C for 0 s and a final extension at 72 C for 7 min. exploring each obect (nose sniffing and orientation ithin 1.0 cm) as rec- Amplicons ere separated using 2 agarose gel and visualized under UV light after orded and evaluated by the experimenter blind to the mouse genotype. Arena and ob- staining ith Green Gel Plus (Fisher Molecular Biology, Rome, Italy). Amplicon ects ere cleaned ith 10 ethanol beteen trials to stop the build-up of olfactory sizes ere: T allele 62 bp; mutant allele 371 bp; Cre allele 310 bp. cues. Mice exploring the to obects for less than 10 s during the sample phase ere excluded from testing. A discrimination index as computed as DI (T ne – T old)/(T ne T old), here T ne is the time spent exploring the ne obect, and T ehaiora testing old is the time spent exploring the old one (Baroncelli et al., 201).

The testing order for behavioral assessment performed in the same animals con- sisted of: open field (1 day duration), ORT at 1h (1 day), ORT at 2h (3 days), maze ae spontaneos aternation (1 day), MM ith hidden platform (7 days), rotarod (1 day), three chamber social test (1 day) and self-grooming (1 day). The mice ere tested on one tas at a time e used a -shaped maze ith three symmetrical grey solid plastic arms at a 120- ith the next behavioral test starting at least 1 day after the completion of the previous degree angle (26 cm length, 10 cm idth and 15 cm height). Mice ere placed in the one. hile open field, ORT, maze, rotarod and self-grooming ere longitudinally center of the maze and alloed to freely explore the maze for 8 minutes. The apparatus administered to the same animals, MM as performed in separate groups of ani- as cleaned ith 10 ethanol beteen trials to avoid the build-up of odor traces. All mals at the different ages tested. maze has been also used to test cognitive functions sessions ere video-recorded (Noldus Ethovision XT) for offline blind analysis. The in uvenile animals (P28). arm entry as defined as all four limbs ithin the arm. A triad as defined as a set of Social behavior has been tested only in 6-month old animals. In order to reduce three arm entries, hen each entry as to a different arm of the maze. The number of the circadian effects, behavioral tests ere performed during the same time interval arm entries and the number of triads ere recorded in order to calculate the alternation each day (2:00 PM – 6:00 PM; light phase). All behavioral tests ere conducted in percentage, generated by dividing the number of triads by the number of possible al- blind ith respect to the genotype of animals. Animals not performing the tas re- ternations and then multiplying by 100 (Baroncelli et al., 201). uired ere excluded from the analysis. Mice ere eighed at the end of experiments.

orris water ae pen ie an oect recognition test Mice ere trained for four trials per day and for a total of 7 days (Baroncelli et The apparatus consisted of a suare arena (60 x 60 x 30 cm) constructed in poly- al., 201) in a circular ater tan, made from grey polypropylene (diameter: 120 cm; vinyl chloride ith blac alls and a hite floor. The mice received one session of height: 0 cm), filled to a depth of 25 cm ith ater (23 C) rendered opaue by the 10-min duration in the empty arena to habituate them to the apparatus and test room. addition of a non-toxic hite paint. Four positions around the edge of the tan ere Animal position as continuously recorded by a video tracing system (Noldus Etho- arbitrarily designated North (N), South (S), East (E) and est (), hich provided vision XT). In the recording softare an area corresponding to the center of the arena four alternative start positions and also defined the division of the tan into four uad- (a central suare 30 x 30 cm), and a peripheral region (corresponding to the remaining rants, i.e. NE, SE, S and N. A suare clear Perspex escape platform (11 x 11 cm) portion of the arena) ere defined. The total movement of the animal and the time as submerged 0.5 cm belo the ater surface and placed at the midpoint of one of spent in the center or in the periphery area ere automatically computed. Mouse ac- the four uadrants. The hidden platform remained in the same uadrant during train- tivity during this habituation session as analyzed for evaluating the behavior in the ing, hile the starting positions (N, S, E or ) ere randomized across trials. The open field arena. The ORT consisted of to phases: sample and testing phase. During pool as situated in a room containing extra-maze cues that provide specific visual the sample phase, to identical obects ere placed in diagonally opposite corners of reference points for locating the submerged platform. Mice ere alloed up to 60 s the arena, approximately 6 cm from the alls, and mice ere alloed 10 min to ex- to locate the escape platform, and their simming paths ere automatically recorded plore the obects, then they ere returned to their cage. The obects to be discriminated by the Noldus Ethovision system. If the mouse failed to reach the platform ithin 60 ere made of plastic, metal, or glass material and ere too heavy to be displaced by s, the trial as terminated and the mouse as guided onto the platform for 15 s. On the mice. The testing phase as performed either 1h or 2h after the sample phase. the last trial of the last training day, mice received a probe trial, during hich the One of the to familiar obects as replaced ith a ne one, hile the other obect escape platform as removed from the tan and the simming paths ere recorded as replaced by an identical copy. The obects ere placed in the same locations as over 60 s hile mice searched for the missing platform. The simming paths ere the previous ones. The mice ere alloed to explore obects for 5 min. To avoid pos- recorded and analyzed ith the Noldus Ethovision system. sible preferences for one of to obects, the choice of the ne and old obect and the

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Angelo Molinaro The PCR conditions ere as follos: 9 C for min folloed by 37 cycles at 9 position of the ne one ere randomized among animals. The amount of time spent C for 30 s, 58 C for 30 s, 72 C for 0 s and a final extension at 72 C for 7 min. exploring each obect (nose sniffing and head orientation ithin 1.0 cm) as rec- Amplicons ere separated using 2 agarose gel and visualized under UV light after orded and evaluated by the experimenter blind to the mouse genotype. Arena and ob- staining ith Green Gel Plus (Fisher Molecular Biology, Rome, Italy). Amplicon ects ere cleaned ith 10 ethanol beteen trials to stop the build-up of olfactory sizes ere: T allele 62 bp; mutant allele 371 bp; Cre allele 310 bp. cues. Mice exploring the to obects for less than 10 s during the sample phase ere excluded from testing. A discrimination index as computed as DI (T ne – T old)/(T ne T old), here T ne is the time spent exploring the ne obect, and T ehaiora testing old is the time spent exploring the old one (Baroncelli et al., 201).

The testing order for behavioral assessment performed in the same animals con- sisted of: open field (1 day duration), ORT at 1h (1 day), ORT at 2h (3 days), maze ae spontaneos aternation (1 day), MM ith hidden platform (7 days), rotarod (1 day), three chamber social test (1 day) and self-grooming (1 day). The mice ere tested on one tas at a time e used a -shaped maze ith three symmetrical grey solid plastic arms at a 120- ith the next behavioral test starting at least 1 day after the completion of the previous degree angle (26 cm length, 10 cm idth and 15 cm height). Mice ere placed in the one. hile open field, ORT, maze, rotarod and self-grooming ere longitudinally center of the maze and alloed to freely explore the maze for 8 minutes. The apparatus administered to the same animals, MM as performed in separate groups of ani- as cleaned ith 10 ethanol beteen trials to avoid the build-up of odor traces. All mals at the different ages tested. maze has been also used to test cognitive functions sessions ere video-recorded (Noldus Ethovision XT) for offline blind analysis. The in uvenile animals (P28). arm entry as defined as all four limbs ithin the arm. A triad as defined as a set of Social behavior has been tested only in 6-month old animals. In order to reduce three arm entries, hen each entry as to a different arm of the maze. The number of the circadian effects, behavioral tests ere performed during the same time interval arm entries and the number of triads ere recorded in order to calculate the alternation each day (2:00 PM – 6:00 PM; light phase). All behavioral tests ere conducted in percentage, generated by dividing the number of triads by the number of possible al- blind ith respect to the genotype of animals. Animals not performing the tas re- ternations and then multiplying by 100 (Baroncelli et al., 201). uired ere excluded from the analysis. Mice ere eighed at the end of experiments.

orris water ae pen ie an oect recognition test Mice ere trained for four trials per day and for a total of 7 days (Baroncelli et The apparatus consisted of a suare arena (60 x 60 x 30 cm) constructed in poly- al., 201) in a circular ater tan, made from grey polypropylene (diameter: 120 cm; vinyl chloride ith blac alls and a hite floor. The mice received one session of height: 0 cm), filled to a depth of 25 cm ith ater (23 C) rendered opaue by the 10-min duration in the empty arena to habituate them to the apparatus and test room. addition of a non-toxic hite paint. Four positions around the edge of the tan ere Animal position as continuously recorded by a video tracing system (Noldus Etho- arbitrarily designated North (N), South (S), East (E) and est (), hich provided vision XT). In the recording softare an area corresponding to the center of the arena four alternative start positions and also defined the division of the tan into four uad- (a central suare 30 x 30 cm), and a peripheral region (corresponding to the remaining rants, i.e. NE, SE, S and N. A suare clear Perspex escape platform (11 x 11 cm) portion of the arena) ere defined. The total movement of the animal and the time as submerged 0.5 cm belo the ater surface and placed at the midpoint of one of spent in the center or in the periphery area ere automatically computed. Mouse ac- the four uadrants. The hidden platform remained in the same uadrant during train- tivity during this habituation session as analyzed for evaluating the behavior in the ing, hile the starting positions (N, S, E or ) ere randomized across trials. The open field arena. The ORT consisted of to phases: sample and testing phase. During pool as situated in a room containing extra-maze cues that provide specific visual the sample phase, to identical obects ere placed in diagonally opposite corners of reference points for locating the submerged platform. Mice ere alloed up to 60 s the arena, approximately 6 cm from the alls, and mice ere alloed 10 min to ex- to locate the escape platform, and their simming paths ere automatically recorded plore the obects, then they ere returned to their cage. The obects to be discriminated by the Noldus Ethovision system. If the mouse failed to reach the platform ithin 60 ere made of plastic, metal, or glass material and ere too heavy to be displaced by s, the trial as terminated and the mouse as guided onto the platform for 15 s. On the mice. The testing phase as performed either 1h or 2h after the sample phase. the last trial of the last training day, mice received a probe trial, during hich the One of the to familiar obects as replaced ith a ne one, hile the other obect escape platform as removed from the tan and the simming paths ere recorded as replaced by an identical copy. The obects ere placed in the same locations as over 60 s hile mice searched for the missing platform. The simming paths ere the previous ones. The mice ere alloed to explore obects for 5 min. To avoid pos- recorded and analyzed ith the Noldus Ethovision system. sible preferences for one of to obects, the choice of the ne and old obect and the

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency otaro an grip strength right side of the box as randomized beteen trials. Arena and ire cups ere cleaned ith 10 ethanol beteen trials to prevent olfactory cue bias. Motor coordination and abilities ere assessed using the rotarod test as described by Lonetti and colleagues (Lonetti et al., 2010). Animals ere placed on a drum ith increasing rotation speed from to 0 rpm. The time spent on the drum as recorded egrooing by an automated unit, hich stops as the mouse fall. Motor abilities ere assessed by conducting the test for four consecutive times ith an interval of 5 min in the same Mice ere scored for spontaneous grooming behaviors as described earlier day. In the grip strength test a pea amplifier automatically measures the pea pull- (McFarlane et al., 2008). Each mouse as placed individually into a clean, empty, force achieved by animals’ forelimbs. standard mouse cage (27 cm length x 20 cm ide x 15 cm high) ithout bedding. Animal behaviors ere videotaped for 20 min. After a 10-min habituation period in the test cage, each mouse as scored ith a stopatch for 10 min for cumulative time hreechaer socia test spent grooming all body regions.

The three-chamber paradigm test has been successfully employed to study socia- bility and preference for social novelty in several mutant mouse lines. ‘Sociability’ is iocheica anasis defined as a propensity to spend time ith a conspecific, as compared to time spent alone in an identical but empty chamber; ‘preference for social novelty’ is defined as For Cr and GAA assay, mouse tissues, immediately frozen on dry ice and stored propensity to spend time ith a ne mouse rather than ith a familiar mouse (Moy at -80C until the analysis, ere homogenized in 0.7 ml PBS buffer (Sigma-Aldrich, et al., 200). e adapted the protocol reported by aidanovich-Beilin and colleagues Italy) at C using an ultrasonic disruptor (Microson Heat System, N, USA) for (aidanovich-Beilin et al., 2011). The apparatus consisted in a rectangular, three- brain or a glass manual homogenizer (VR, Italy) for idney, heart and muscle. After chamber box made from clear Plexiglas (72 cm ide x 50 cm length x 33 high). Each centrifugation (600 x g for 10 min at C) an aliuot of the homogenate (50 ml) as chamber is 2 x 50 cm and the dividing alls are made from clear Plexiglas, ith an assayed for protein content and the supernatant used for Cr assay as previously de- open middle section, hich allos free access to each chamber. To identical, ire scribed (Alessandrì et al., 2005). Briefly, 50 ml of saturated sodium hydrogen car- cup-lie containers ith removable lids ere placed inside the apparatus, one in each bonate and 50 ml of a mixture containing 2-phenylbutyric acid (I.S.) in toluene (6.09 side chamber. Each container as made of metal ires alloing for air exchange be- mmol/l; Sigma-Aldrich, Italy) ere added to 200 ml of homogenate or to 100 ml of teen the interior and exterior of the cup but small enough to prevent direct physical serum and urine, respectively. After adding 1ml of toluene and 50 ml of hexafluoro- interactions beteen the inside animal and the subect mouse. To classes of mouse 2,-pentanedione (Sigma-Aldrich, Italy) to form bistrifluoromethyl-pyrimidine deriv- ere used in this experiment, one acting as a control, nave animal, hile the other is atives, the mixture as stirred overnight at 80C. The organic layer as centrifuged, the test subect. The control mouse as a mouse of the same bacground, age, gender dried under nitrogen and 2 ml of the residue derivatized at room temperature ith 100 and eight, ithout any prior contact ith the subect mouse. To control mice ere ml of BSTFATMCS (Sigma-Aldrich, Italy) inected into the Gas Chromatog- reuired per experiment, one used for session I (Stranger 1) and another for session II raphy/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) instrument. GC analyses ere performed using (Stranger 2). The same control mice ere used beteen trials. Control mice ere an Agilent 6890N GC euipped ith an HP5MS capillary column (0.25 mm x 30 m, gradually habituated to ire-cup housing in the three-chamber box for days (30 min film thicness 0.25 mm) and an Agilent mass spectrometer 5973N (Agilent Technol- per day) before the starting of test session. After 10 min of habituation in the arena ogies, Italy). The mass spectrometer as set in EI-single ion monitoring mode (SIM). ith empty ire cups of the subect mouse, e placed Stranger 1 inside one of the The ions ith m/z of 192 for I.S., 258 for Cr and 225 for GAA ere used for calcula- ire cups. The subect mice ere alloed to explore each of the three chambers for tion of the metabolites, using standard curves ranging 5–90 mmol/l and 0.30–6 mmol/l 10 min (session I). Animal position as continuously recorded by a video tracing for Cr and GAA, respectively. Data ere processed by the G1701DA MSD Chem- system (Noldus Ethovision XT). The amount of time spent exploring each ire cup Station softare. All the aueous solutions ere prepared using ultrapure ater pro- as recorded and evaluated by the experimenter blind to the mouse genotype. A dis- duced by a Millipore system. crimination index as computed as DI (Tsoc – Tob) / (Tsoc Tob), here Tsoc is the time spent exploring the cup housing the Stranger 1, and Tob is the time spent exploring the other cup. In session II e placed Stranger 2 inside the ire cup in the nohistocheistr opposite side chamber. Duration of session II as 10 min and e calculated the same DI described above, differentiating the exploration time of the subect mouse beteen Mice ere perfused transcardially ith paraformaldehyde in phosphate Stranger 1 and Stranger 2. The placement of Stranger 1 and Stranger 2 in the left or buffer. Brains ere post-fixed and impregnated ith 30 sucrose in phosphate buff- ered saline (PBS). Coronal brain sections (0 mm thic) ere cut on a freezing mi-

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Angelo Molinaro otaro an grip strength right side of the box as randomized beteen trials. Arena and ire cups ere cleaned ith 10 ethanol beteen trials to prevent olfactory cue bias. Motor coordination and abilities ere assessed using the rotarod test as described by Lonetti and colleagues (Lonetti et al., 2010). Animals ere placed on a drum ith increasing rotation speed from to 0 rpm. The time spent on the drum as recorded egrooing by an automated unit, hich stops as the mouse fall. Motor abilities ere assessed by conducting the test for four consecutive times ith an interval of 5 min in the same Mice ere scored for spontaneous grooming behaviors as described earlier day. In the grip strength test a pea amplifier automatically measures the pea pull- (McFarlane et al., 2008). Each mouse as placed individually into a clean, empty, force achieved by animals’ forelimbs. standard mouse cage (27 cm length x 20 cm ide x 15 cm high) ithout bedding. Animal behaviors ere videotaped for 20 min. After a 10-min habituation period in the test cage, each mouse as scored ith a stopatch for 10 min for cumulative time hreechaer socia test spent grooming all body regions.

The three-chamber paradigm test has been successfully employed to study socia- bility and preference for social novelty in several mutant mouse lines. ‘Sociability’ is iocheica anasis defined as a propensity to spend time ith a conspecific, as compared to time spent alone in an identical but empty chamber; ‘preference for social novelty’ is defined as For Cr and GAA assay, mouse tissues, immediately frozen on dry ice and stored propensity to spend time ith a ne mouse rather than ith a familiar mouse (Moy at -80C until the analysis, ere homogenized in 0.7 ml PBS buffer (Sigma-Aldrich, et al., 200). e adapted the protocol reported by aidanovich-Beilin and colleagues Italy) at C using an ultrasonic disruptor (Microson Heat System, N, USA) for (aidanovich-Beilin et al., 2011). The apparatus consisted in a rectangular, three- brain or a glass manual homogenizer (VR, Italy) for idney, heart and muscle. After chamber box made from clear Plexiglas (72 cm ide x 50 cm length x 33 high). Each centrifugation (600 x g for 10 min at C) an aliuot of the homogenate (50 ml) as chamber is 2 x 50 cm and the dividing alls are made from clear Plexiglas, ith an assayed for protein content and the supernatant used for Cr assay as previously de- open middle section, hich allos free access to each chamber. To identical, ire scribed (Alessandrì et al., 2005). Briefly, 50 ml of saturated sodium hydrogen car- cup-lie containers ith removable lids ere placed inside the apparatus, one in each bonate and 50 ml of a mixture containing 2-phenylbutyric acid (I.S.) in toluene (6.09 side chamber. Each container as made of metal ires alloing for air exchange be- mmol/l; Sigma-Aldrich, Italy) ere added to 200 ml of homogenate or to 100 ml of teen the interior and exterior of the cup but small enough to prevent direct physical serum and urine, respectively. After adding 1ml of toluene and 50 ml of hexafluoro- interactions beteen the inside animal and the subect mouse. To classes of mouse 2,-pentanedione (Sigma-Aldrich, Italy) to form bistrifluoromethyl-pyrimidine deriv- ere used in this experiment, one acting as a control, nave animal, hile the other is atives, the mixture as stirred overnight at 80C. The organic layer as centrifuged, the test subect. The control mouse as a mouse of the same bacground, age, gender dried under nitrogen and 2 ml of the residue derivatized at room temperature ith 100 and eight, ithout any prior contact ith the subect mouse. To control mice ere ml of BSTFATMCS (Sigma-Aldrich, Italy) inected into the Gas Chromatog- reuired per experiment, one used for session I (Stranger 1) and another for session II raphy/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) instrument. GC analyses ere performed using (Stranger 2). The same control mice ere used beteen trials. Control mice ere an Agilent 6890N GC euipped ith an HP5MS capillary column (0.25 mm x 30 m, gradually habituated to ire-cup housing in the three-chamber box for days (30 min film thicness 0.25 mm) and an Agilent mass spectrometer 5973N (Agilent Technol- per day) before the starting of test session. After 10 min of habituation in the arena ogies, Italy). The mass spectrometer as set in EI-single ion monitoring mode (SIM). ith empty ire cups of the subect mouse, e placed Stranger 1 inside one of the The ions ith m/z of 192 for I.S., 258 for Cr and 225 for GAA ere used for calcula- ire cups. The subect mice ere alloed to explore each of the three chambers for tion of the metabolites, using standard curves ranging 5–90 mmol/l and 0.30–6 mmol/l 10 min (session I). Animal position as continuously recorded by a video tracing for Cr and GAA, respectively. Data ere processed by the G1701DA MSD Chem- system (Noldus Ethovision XT). The amount of time spent exploring each ire cup Station softare. All the aueous solutions ere prepared using ultrapure ater pro- as recorded and evaluated by the experimenter blind to the mouse genotype. A dis- duced by a Millipore system. crimination index as computed as DI (Tsoc – Tob) / (Tsoc Tob), here Tsoc is the time spent exploring the cup housing the Stranger 1, and Tob is the time spent exploring the other cup. In session II e placed Stranger 2 inside the ire cup in the nohistocheistr opposite side chamber. Duration of session II as 10 min and e calculated the same DI described above, differentiating the exploration time of the subect mouse beteen Mice ere perfused transcardially ith paraformaldehyde in phosphate Stranger 1 and Stranger 2. The placement of Stranger 1 and Stranger 2 in the left or buffer. Brains ere post-fixed and impregnated ith 30 sucrose in phosphate buff- ered saline (PBS). Coronal brain sections (0 mm thic) ere cut on a freezing mi-

28 29

New insights into creatine transporter deficiency crotome and collected in PBS before being processed for immunohistochemistry. Af- higher mean pixel intensity. These MIPs ere imported in Image and uantified us- ter a blocing step, free-floating slices ere incubated O/N at C in a solution of ing Puncta analyzer plugin (Ippolito and Eroglu, 2010). The number of positive puncta primary antibody (NeuN, Millipore, 1:500; i67, Abcam, 1:00; DCX, Abcam, as measured ithin the entire acuired area. 1:200; vGlut1, Synaptic System, 1:500; vGAT, Synaptic System, 1:1,000; Iba-1, ao, 1:00) and antigen-antibody interaction as revealed ith suitable Alexa Fluor-conugated secondary antibodies (1:00, Invitrogen). Immunostaining for i67 eterination o iposcin accation atoorescence involved an additional treatment ith sodium citrate for antigen retrieval. Sections ere then counterstained ith Hoechst dye (1:500, Sigma), mounted on microscope Coronal brain sections ere mounted on microscope slides and coverslipped us- slides and coverslipped using Vectashield mounting medium for fluorescence (Vector ing Vectashield mounting medium for fluorescence (Vector Laboratories Inc.). e Laboratories Inc.). imaged hippocampal DG on a eiss laser-scanning Apotome microscope using a 0x oil immersion obective. The parameters of acuisition ere optimized at the begin- ning of the experiment and then held constant. Lipofuscin level as measured as the age anasis presence of autofluorescence at 550 nm in the region of interest. For each section, e imaged serial optical sections at 0.5 m intervals for a total of at least 80 optical sec- NeuN and Iba1: to uantify the density of neuronal and microglial cells in the tions (0 m). From each animal e imaged 3 – sections. MIPs ere generated from cerebral cortex e used the StereoInvestigator softare (MicroBrightField) euipped the group of 5 consecutive sections yielding the higher mean pixel intensity. These ith motorized X– sensitive stage and video camera connected to a computerized MIPs ere imported in Image and uantified using Threshold plugin. The area of image analysis system. NeuN-positive cells ere counted using 20x magnification positive puncta and mean pixel intensity ere measured ithin the entire acuired and sampling boxes (250 x 250 x 0 m) located in both superficial and deep layers area. of PFC and ACC cortex. Iba1-positive cells ere counted using 0x magnification and sampling boxes (250 x 250 x 0 m) located in both superficial and deep layers of PFC cortex. Cell density as calculated by averaging values obtained from at least atch cap recoring 6-8 counting boxes per animal. i67 and DCX: examination of i67 and DCX-positively labelled cells as con- Mice (aged P30 - 0) ere deeply anesthetized ith isoflurane (Baxter) then fined to the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG), specifically to the granule cell layer quickly decapitated. The brain was rapidly removed, and coronal sections (225 μm (GCL) and the subgranular zone of the hippocampus defined as a to-cell body-ide thic) of the primary visual cortex (V1) ere obtained by cutting in a solution bubbled zone along the border beteen the GCL and hilus. uantification of i67 or DCX- ith 99 O2 and containing (in mM): 20 sucrose, 2.5 Cl, 1.2 MgCl2, 2. CaCl2, immunoreactive cells as conducted from 1-in-6 series of immunolabelled sections 1.2 NaH2PO, 15 NaHCO3, 10 HEPES and 5 Glucose, at pH 7., using a Leica using 20x magnification and spanning the rostrocaudal extent of DG. All im- VT1000S vibratome. Immediately after sectioning, slices ere transferred in record- munostained sections ere analyzed using the StereoInvestigator softare. The ref- ing artificial cerebro-spinal fluid (aCSF) bubbled ith 99 O2, containing (in mM): erence volume as determined as the sum of the traced areas multiplied by the dis- 126 NaCl, 2. sucrose, 2.5 Cl, 2. MgCl2, 1.2 CaCl2, 1.2 NaH2PO, 15 NaHCO3, tance beteen the sampled sections. Densities of immunopositive cells ere then cal- 10 HEPES and 5 Glucose, at pH 7., and maintained at 35C for 20 – 25 min then culated by dividing the number of positive cells by the reference volume. Numbers of transferred at room temperature (RT) for a further 1 h before recordings ere started. positively labelled neurons ere normalized as density per unit of volume (mm3). Somatic hole-cell recordings ere obtained from pyramidal-shaped neurons in layer vGlut1 and vGAT: to uantify the density of vGlut1- and vGAT-positive puncta, of V1. Intracellular solution for miniature inhibitory post-synaptic potential (mIP- the parameters of acuisition (laser intensity, gain, offset) ere optimized at the be- SCs) in current clamp recordings contained (in mM): 10 -Gluconate, 130 Cl, 10 ginning of the acuisition and then held constant throughout image acuisition. All Hepes, 1 EGTA, 0.3 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, MgATP, 0.3 NaGTP, 5 Phosphocreatine, at sections ere acuired in random order in a single session to minimize fluctuation in pH 7.3. Phosphocreatine as used only for the recordings of cells from T mice, laser output and degradation of fluorescence. e imaged superficial and deep layers hereas O cells ere recorded ithout phosphocreatine, in order to simulate better of PFC and ACC on a eiss laser-scanning Apotome microscope using a 63x oil im- the natural condition of Cr deficiency. The osmolarity of the intracellular solution as mersion obective. For each section, e imaged serial optical sections at 0.33 m in- adusted to 280 – 290 mOsm/l. For mIPSCs, cells ere voltage-clamped at -80 mV tervals for a total of at least 15 optical sections (5 m). From each animal e imaged by a Multiclamp 700A computer-controlled amplifier (Molecular Devices), sampled 6 sections (3 in superficial layers and 3 in deep layers). Maximum intensity proec- at 10 Hz and lo-pass filtered at 2 kHz. Synaptic transmission was blocked by 1 μM tions (MIPs) ere generated from the group of 5 consecutive sections yielding the tetrodotoxin (TTX), glutamate AMPA receptors ere bloced by 10 M 6,7-dinitro- uinoxaline-2,3-dione (DNX) and glutamate NMDA receptors ere bloced by 50 μM (2R)-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV). Glass pipette electrodes (2 to 4 MΩ

30 31

Angelo Molinaro crotome and collected in PBS before being processed for immunohistochemistry. Af- higher mean pixel intensity. These MIPs ere imported in Image and uantified us- ter a blocing step, free-floating slices ere incubated O/N at C in a solution of ing Puncta analyzer plugin (Ippolito and Eroglu, 2010). The number of positive puncta primary antibody (NeuN, Millipore, 1:500; i67, Abcam, 1:00; DCX, Abcam, as measured ithin the entire acuired area. 1:200; vGlut1, Synaptic System, 1:500; vGAT, Synaptic System, 1:1,000; Iba-1, ao, 1:00) and antigen-antibody interaction as revealed ith suitable Alexa Fluor-conugated secondary antibodies (1:00, Invitrogen). Immunostaining for i67 eterination o iposcin accation atoorescence involved an additional treatment ith sodium citrate for antigen retrieval. Sections ere then counterstained ith Hoechst dye (1:500, Sigma), mounted on microscope Coronal brain sections ere mounted on microscope slides and coverslipped us- slides and coverslipped using Vectashield mounting medium for fluorescence (Vector ing Vectashield mounting medium for fluorescence (Vector Laboratories Inc.). e Laboratories Inc.). imaged hippocampal DG on a eiss laser-scanning Apotome microscope using a 0x oil immersion obective. The parameters of acuisition ere optimized at the begin- ning of the experiment and then held constant. Lipofuscin level as measured as the age anasis presence of autofluorescence at 550 nm in the region of interest. For each section, e imaged serial optical sections at 0.5 m intervals for a total of at least 80 optical sec- NeuN and Iba1: to uantify the density of neuronal and microglial cells in the tions (0 m). From each animal e imaged 3 – sections. MIPs ere generated from cerebral cortex e used the StereoInvestigator softare (MicroBrightField) euipped the group of 5 consecutive sections yielding the higher mean pixel intensity. These ith motorized X– sensitive stage and video camera connected to a computerized MIPs ere imported in Image and uantified using Threshold plugin. The area of image analysis system. NeuN-positive cells ere counted using 20x magnification positive puncta and mean pixel intensity ere measured ithin the entire acuired and sampling boxes (250 x 250 x 0 m) located in both superficial and deep layers area. of PFC and ACC cortex. Iba1-positive cells ere counted using 0x magnification and sampling boxes (250 x 250 x 0 m) located in both superficial and deep layers of PFC cortex. Cell density as calculated by averaging values obtained from at least atch cap recoring 6-8 counting boxes per animal. i67 and DCX: examination of i67 and DCX-positively labelled cells as con- Mice (aged P30 - 0) ere deeply anesthetized ith isoflurane (Baxter) then fined to the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG), specifically to the granule cell layer quickly decapitated. The brain was rapidly removed, and coronal sections (225 μm (GCL) and the subgranular zone of the hippocampus defined as a to-cell body-ide thic) of the primary visual cortex (V1) ere obtained by cutting in a solution bubbled zone along the border beteen the GCL and hilus. uantification of i67 or DCX- ith 99 O2 and containing (in mM): 20 sucrose, 2.5 Cl, 1.2 MgCl2, 2. CaCl2, immunoreactive cells as conducted from 1-in-6 series of immunolabelled sections 1.2 NaH2PO, 15 NaHCO3, 10 HEPES and 5 Glucose, at pH 7., using a Leica using 20x magnification and spanning the rostrocaudal extent of DG. All im- VT1000S vibratome. Immediately after sectioning, slices ere transferred in record- munostained sections ere analyzed using the StereoInvestigator softare. The ref- ing artificial cerebro-spinal fluid (aCSF) bubbled ith 99 O2, containing (in mM): erence volume as determined as the sum of the traced areas multiplied by the dis- 126 NaCl, 2. sucrose, 2.5 Cl, 2. MgCl2, 1.2 CaCl2, 1.2 NaH2PO, 15 NaHCO3, tance beteen the sampled sections. Densities of immunopositive cells ere then cal- 10 HEPES and 5 Glucose, at pH 7., and maintained at 35C for 20 – 25 min then culated by dividing the number of positive cells by the reference volume. Numbers of transferred at room temperature (RT) for a further 1 h before recordings ere started. positively labelled neurons ere normalized as density per unit of volume (mm3). Somatic hole-cell recordings ere obtained from pyramidal-shaped neurons in layer vGlut1 and vGAT: to uantify the density of vGlut1- and vGAT-positive puncta, of V1. Intracellular solution for miniature inhibitory post-synaptic potential (mIP- the parameters of acuisition (laser intensity, gain, offset) ere optimized at the be- SCs) in current clamp recordings contained (in mM): 10 -Gluconate, 130 Cl, 10 ginning of the acuisition and then held constant throughout image acuisition. All Hepes, 1 EGTA, 0.3 CaCl2, 1 MgCl2, MgATP, 0.3 NaGTP, 5 Phosphocreatine, at sections ere acuired in random order in a single session to minimize fluctuation in pH 7.3. Phosphocreatine as used only for the recordings of cells from T mice, laser output and degradation of fluorescence. e imaged superficial and deep layers hereas O cells ere recorded ithout phosphocreatine, in order to simulate better of PFC and ACC on a eiss laser-scanning Apotome microscope using a 63x oil im- the natural condition of Cr deficiency. The osmolarity of the intracellular solution as mersion obective. For each section, e imaged serial optical sections at 0.33 m in- adusted to 280 – 290 mOsm/l. For mIPSCs, cells ere voltage-clamped at -80 mV tervals for a total of at least 15 optical sections (5 m). From each animal e imaged by a Multiclamp 700A computer-controlled amplifier (Molecular Devices), sampled 6 sections (3 in superficial layers and 3 in deep layers). Maximum intensity proec- at 10 Hz and lo-pass filtered at 2 kHz. Synaptic transmission was blocked by 1 μM tions (MIPs) ere generated from the group of 5 consecutive sections yielding the tetrodotoxin (TTX), glutamate AMPA receptors ere bloced by 10 M 6,7-dinitro- uinoxaline-2,3-dione (DNX) and glutamate NMDA receptors ere bloced by 50 μM (2R)-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV). Glass pipette electrodes (2 to 4 MΩ

30 31

New insights into creatine transporter deficiency resistance hen filled ith internal solutions) ere pulled from borosilicate capillar- of pellet, as added to resuspend mitochondrial fraction. Protein amounts ere car- ies (orld Precision Instruments) using a Sutter P97 Flame Bron Puller (Sutter In- ried out by Biorad-DC assay using BSA as a standard. Mitochondria fractions ere struments). Data acuisition and analysis as performed by using Clampex 8.2, stored at -80C until use. Clampfit 10.3 (Molecular Devices) and Mini Analysis Program (Synaptosoft Inc.). To dimensional electrophoresis: 2DE as performed as previously described Recordings in which access resistance (Ra) was higher than 50 MΩ or in which a (Ciregia et al., 2013). Briefly, 250 g of proteins ere filled up to 50 l in rehydra- variation of Ra 20 as observed beteen the beginning and the end of the record- tion solution, folloing the protocol of Rabilloud adusted for mitochondrial solubil- ing ere discarded. itazion. Immobiline Dry-Strips, 18 cm linear gradient pH 3 - 10 ere rehydrated over- night in the sample and then transferred to the Ettan IPGphor Cup Loading Manifold for isoelectrofocusing according to protocol previously described (Ciregia et al., roteoic anasis o itochonria 2013). Then Immobiline strips ere euilibrated and the second dimension (SDS- PAGE) as carried out by transferring proteins to 12 polyacrylamide, running over- Materials used: Iodoacetamide, dithiothreitol (DTT), 3-(3-cholamidopropyl) di- night at 16 mA per gel at 10C. At the end of run, the gels ere stained ith Ruthe- methylammonio-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS), urea, thiourea, glycerol, sodium do- nium II tris (bathophenantroline disulfonate) tetrasodium salt (RuBP). Imageuant decyl sulfate (SDS), tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED), ammonium persulfate LAS010 (GE Health Care) as used for the acuisition of images. The analysis of (APS), glycine and 30 acrylamide-N,N,N bisacrylamide ere acuired from Appli- images as performed using Same Spot (v.1, TotalLab; Necastle Upon Tyne, U) chem (Germany). IPGs pH 3–10 NL, IPG-buffer 3–10NL and dry stripcover fluid softare. The spot volume ratios beteen O and T ere calculated using the av- ere purchased from GE Health Care Europe (Uppsala, Seden). Enhanced chemi- erage spot normalized volume of the three biological replicates each performed in luminescence (ECL) detection system as purchased from PerinElmer (MA, USA). duplicate. The softare included statistical analysis calculations. The protein spots Anti-cofilin-1 (CFL1), anti-peptidyl-prolyl-cis-trans isomerase A (PPIA), anti-super- of interest ere cut out from the gel and identified by LC-MS analysis. oxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) and anti-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase Spot Digestion and Protein Identification: the gel pieces ere ashed tice ith (GAPDH) antibodies ere purchased from Cell Signaling Technology, Inc. (MA, the ash buffer (25 mM NHHCO3 in 50 acetonitrile (ACN)). Afterards, proteins USA). Anti-peroxiredoxin 6 (PRDX6) antibody and as purchased from Santa Cruz ere reduced ith 10 mM ditiothreitol (DTT) (5 min, 56C), and alylated ith 55 Biotechnologies (TX, USA). Anti-peroxiredoxin 5 (PRDX5) antibody as acuired mM iodoacetamide (IAA) (30 min, RT, in the dar). After to ashes ith the ash from RD Systems Biotechne (MN, USA) and anti-ubiuinol-cytochrome c reduc- buffer, spots ere completely dried in a centrivap vacuum centrifuge. The dried pieces tase binding protein (UCRB) antibody as purchased from GeneTex Inc.(CA, of gel ere rehydrated for 30 min at 4°C in 30 μL of trypsin porcine (Promega, Mad- USA) antibodies ere purchased from Thermo-Fisher Scientific Inc. (MA, USA). A ison, WI, USA) solution (3 ng/μL in 100 mM NH4HCO3) and then incubated at 37°C doney anti-rabbit secondary antibody horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conugated as overnight. The reaction as stopped by adding 10 trifluoroacetic acid (TFA). Sam- purchased from Stressgen (Belgium) hile a doney anti-goat secondary antibody ples ere analyzed by LC-MS using a shorter chromatographic gradient and in au- HRP-conugated and a goat anti-mouse secondary antibody HRP-conugated ere toMS mode. Each digested spot sample as analyzed by LC-MS/MS using a Proxeon acuired from Santa-Cruz Biotechnology (TX, USA). Ruthenium II tris (batho- EAS-nLCII (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Milan, Italy) chromatographic system cou- phenantroline disulfonate) tetrasodium salt stain as purchased from Cyanagen All pled to a Maxis HD UHR-TOF (Bruer Daltonics GmbH, Bremen, Germany) mass other reagents ere purchased from standard commercial sources and ere of the spectrometer. Peptides ere loaded on the EAS-Column TM C18 trapping column highest grade available. (2 cm L., 100 m I.D, 5 m ps, Thermo Fisher Scientific), and subseuently separated Enriched Mitochondria preparations: for proteomic studies CrT/y and CrT-/y P30 on an Acclaim PepMap100 C18 (75 m I.D., 25 cm L, 5 m ps, Thermo Fisher Sci- mice hole brains ere immediately removed and processed to obtain mitochondrial entific) nanoscale chromatographic column. The flo rate as set to 300 nL/min and enriched fractions. Briefly, hole brain as eighed, dissected on ice and homoge- the gradient as from 2 to 20 of B in 12 min folloed by 20 to 5 in 9 min and nized in 10 volumes (/V) isolation buffer (IB) (250 mM sucrose, 10 mM HEPES, 1 from 5 to 90 in 2 min (total run time 35 min). Mobile phase A as 0.1 formic mM EDTA, pH 7.5) using a Teflon-glass homogenizer (15 stroes). Sample as cen- acid in H2O and mobile phase B as 0.1 formic acid in acetonitrile. The mass spec- trifuged at 1000 g for 10 min at C and the resulting pellet, containing nuclei and trometer, typically providing a 60,000 full idth at half maximum (FMH) resolu- unbroen cell, as further homogenized in IB and centrifuged at 1000 g for 10 min at tion throughout the mass range, as euipped ith a nanoESI spray source. The mass C. The resulting to supernatants ere combined and centrifuged at 1000 g for 8 spectrometer as operated in Data Dependent Acuisition mode (DDA), using N2 as min at C to remove any nuclei and cellular debris. Then supernatant as centrifuged the collision gas for collision-induced dissociation (CID) fragmentation. Precursors at 10000 g for 10 min at C to obtain enriched mitochondrial fraction. Mitochondria in the range 00 to 2200 m/z (excluding 1220.0–122.5 m/z) ith a preferred charge ere resuspended in IB and ashed tice. Finally, a volume of IB, depending on size state 2 to 5 and absolute intensity above 706 counts ere selected for fragmenta- tion in a fixed cycle time of 3 s. After to spectra, the precursors ere actively ex-

32 33

Angelo Molinaro resistance hen filled ith internal solutions) ere pulled from borosilicate capillar- of pellet, as added to resuspend mitochondrial fraction. Protein amounts ere car- ies (orld Precision Instruments) using a Sutter P97 Flame Bron Puller (Sutter In- ried out by Biorad-DC assay using BSA as a standard. Mitochondria fractions ere struments). Data acuisition and analysis as performed by using Clampex 8.2, stored at -80C until use. Clampfit 10.3 (Molecular Devices) and Mini Analysis Program (Synaptosoft Inc.). To dimensional electrophoresis: 2DE as performed as previously described Recordings in which access resistance (Ra) was higher than 50 MΩ or in which a (Ciregia et al., 2013). Briefly, 250 g of proteins ere filled up to 50 l in rehydra- variation of Ra 20 as observed beteen the beginning and the end of the record- tion solution, folloing the protocol of Rabilloud adusted for mitochondrial solubil- ing ere discarded. itazion. Immobiline Dry-Strips, 18 cm linear gradient pH 3 - 10 ere rehydrated over- night in the sample and then transferred to the Ettan IPGphor Cup Loading Manifold for isoelectrofocusing according to protocol previously described (Ciregia et al., roteoic anasis o itochonria 2013). Then Immobiline strips ere euilibrated and the second dimension (SDS- PAGE) as carried out by transferring proteins to 12 polyacrylamide, running over- Materials used: Iodoacetamide, dithiothreitol (DTT), 3-(3-cholamidopropyl) di- night at 16 mA per gel at 10C. At the end of run, the gels ere stained ith Ruthe- methylammonio-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS), urea, thiourea, glycerol, sodium do- nium II tris (bathophenantroline disulfonate) tetrasodium salt (RuBP). Imageuant decyl sulfate (SDS), tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED), ammonium persulfate LAS010 (GE Health Care) as used for the acuisition of images. The analysis of (APS), glycine and 30 acrylamide-N,N,N bisacrylamide ere acuired from Appli- images as performed using Same Spot (v.1, TotalLab; Necastle Upon Tyne, U) chem (Germany). IPGs pH 3–10 NL, IPG-buffer 3–10NL and dry stripcover fluid softare. The spot volume ratios beteen O and T ere calculated using the av- ere purchased from GE Health Care Europe (Uppsala, Seden). Enhanced chemi- erage spot normalized volume of the three biological replicates each performed in luminescence (ECL) detection system as purchased from PerinElmer (MA, USA). duplicate. The softare included statistical analysis calculations. The protein spots Anti-cofilin-1 (CFL1), anti-peptidyl-prolyl-cis-trans isomerase A (PPIA), anti-super- of interest ere cut out from the gel and identified by LC-MS analysis. oxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) and anti-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase Spot Digestion and Protein Identification: the gel pieces ere ashed tice ith (GAPDH) antibodies ere purchased from Cell Signaling Technology, Inc. (MA, the ash buffer (25 mM NHHCO3 in 50 acetonitrile (ACN)). Afterards, proteins USA). Anti-peroxiredoxin 6 (PRDX6) antibody and as purchased from Santa Cruz ere reduced ith 10 mM ditiothreitol (DTT) (5 min, 56C), and alylated ith 55 Biotechnologies (TX, USA). Anti-peroxiredoxin 5 (PRDX5) antibody as acuired mM iodoacetamide (IAA) (30 min, RT, in the dar). After to ashes ith the ash from RD Systems Biotechne (MN, USA) and anti-ubiuinol-cytochrome c reduc- buffer, spots ere completely dried in a centrivap vacuum centrifuge. The dried pieces tase binding protein (UCRB) antibody as purchased from GeneTex Inc.(CA, of gel ere rehydrated for 30 min at 4°C in 30 μL of trypsin porcine (Promega, Mad- USA) antibodies ere purchased from Thermo-Fisher Scientific Inc. (MA, USA). A ison, WI, USA) solution (3 ng/μL in 100 mM NH4HCO3) and then incubated at 37°C doney anti-rabbit secondary antibody horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conugated as overnight. The reaction as stopped by adding 10 trifluoroacetic acid (TFA). Sam- purchased from Stressgen (Belgium) hile a doney anti-goat secondary antibody ples ere analyzed by LC-MS using a shorter chromatographic gradient and in au- HRP-conugated and a goat anti-mouse secondary antibody HRP-conugated ere toMS mode. Each digested spot sample as analyzed by LC-MS/MS using a Proxeon acuired from Santa-Cruz Biotechnology (TX, USA). Ruthenium II tris (batho- EAS-nLCII (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Milan, Italy) chromatographic system cou- phenantroline disulfonate) tetrasodium salt stain as purchased from Cyanagen All pled to a Maxis HD UHR-TOF (Bruer Daltonics GmbH, Bremen, Germany) mass other reagents ere purchased from standard commercial sources and ere of the spectrometer. Peptides ere loaded on the EAS-Column TM C18 trapping column highest grade available. (2 cm L., 100 m I.D, 5 m ps, Thermo Fisher Scientific), and subseuently separated Enriched Mitochondria preparations: for proteomic studies CrT/y and CrT-/y P30 on an Acclaim PepMap100 C18 (75 m I.D., 25 cm L, 5 m ps, Thermo Fisher Sci- mice hole brains ere immediately removed and processed to obtain mitochondrial entific) nanoscale chromatographic column. The flo rate as set to 300 nL/min and enriched fractions. Briefly, hole brain as eighed, dissected on ice and homoge- the gradient as from 2 to 20 of B in 12 min folloed by 20 to 5 in 9 min and nized in 10 volumes (/V) isolation buffer (IB) (250 mM sucrose, 10 mM HEPES, 1 from 5 to 90 in 2 min (total run time 35 min). Mobile phase A as 0.1 formic mM EDTA, pH 7.5) using a Teflon-glass homogenizer (15 stroes). Sample as cen- acid in H2O and mobile phase B as 0.1 formic acid in acetonitrile. The mass spec- trifuged at 1000 g for 10 min at C and the resulting pellet, containing nuclei and trometer, typically providing a 60,000 full idth at half maximum (FMH) resolu- unbroen cell, as further homogenized in IB and centrifuged at 1000 g for 10 min at tion throughout the mass range, as euipped ith a nanoESI spray source. The mass C. The resulting to supernatants ere combined and centrifuged at 1000 g for 8 spectrometer as operated in Data Dependent Acuisition mode (DDA), using N2 as min at C to remove any nuclei and cellular debris. Then supernatant as centrifuged the collision gas for collision-induced dissociation (CID) fragmentation. Precursors at 10000 g for 10 min at C to obtain enriched mitochondrial fraction. Mitochondria in the range 00 to 2200 m/z (excluding 1220.0–122.5 m/z) ith a preferred charge ere resuspended in IB and ashed tice. Finally, a volume of IB, depending on size state 2 to 5 and absolute intensity above 706 counts ere selected for fragmenta- tion in a fixed cycle time of 3 s. After to spectra, the precursors ere actively ex-

32 33 cluded from selection for 36 s. Isolation idth and collision energy for MS/MS frag- ests mentation ere set according to the mass and charge state of the precursor ions (from 2 to 5 and from 21 to 55 eV). In-source reference loc mass (1221.9906 m/z) as acuired online throughout runs. The ra data ere processed using PEAS Studio v7.5 softare (Bioinformatic Solutions Inc, Waterloo, ON, Canada) using the function “correct precursor only”. The mass lists ere searched against the nextprot database including isoforms (ver- sion as of une 2017; 2,151 entries) using 10 ppm and 0.05 Da as the highest error tolerances for parent and fragment ions, respectively. Carbamidomethylation of cys- teines as selected as fixed modification and oxidation of methionines and deami- dation of asparagine and glutamine as variable modifications alloing 2 missed cleav- ece o weight growth in r ice ages. estern blot analysis: proteins of all T and O samples ere separated by 1- A first clue indicating that CrT deficiency elicits age-related detrimental effects D gel electrophoresis and then transferred onto nitrocellulose membranes (0.2 mm) as emerged from the general appearance of mutant animals. Mice ere eighed at dif- previously described (Ciregia et al., 2013). PPIA, GAPDH and UCRB antibodies ferent ages and compared ith T littermates (Figure ). Even though no particular have been used at 1:1000 dilution hereas SOD1 and PRDX6 have been used at 1:200 problems of breeding ere observed and the face of CrT-/y mice as normal till P0, dilution. Finally PRDX5 has been used at concentration of 1 g/ml. HRP-goat anti- CrT-/y animals (n 12) shoed a significantly reduced body eight compared to rabbit and HRP-goat anti-mouse secondary antibodies ere used at 1:10000 dilution CrT/y animals at P60, P100 and P180 (n 13; To-ay ANOVA on ran trans- hereas HRP-anti-goat as used at 1:5000 dilution. Immunoblots ere developed formed data, p 0.001 effect of genotype, p 0.001 interaction beteen genotype using the enhanced chemiluminescence detection system (ECL). The chemilumines- and age; post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.092 at P0, p 0.001 in all other com- cent images ere acuired using LAS010. The immunoreactive specific bands ere parisons). uantified using Image uant-L softare. In order to normalize the optical density of immunoreactive bands the optical density of total proteins as calculated. There- fore, immediately after B, the membranes ere stained ith 1 mM RuBP (Ciregia gereate eterioration o cognitie nctions in r eicienc conitions et al., 2017). In a previous behavioral investigation performed at P0, it as highlighted that CrT-/y mice exhibit a general cognitive impairment across different learning and tatistica anasis memory tests (Baroncelli et al., 201). To understand hether a progressive deterio- ration of cognitive performance is present in CrT-/y mice, e studied four different All statistical analyses ere performed using SigmaStat Softare. Differences stages: I) during the early brain development (P28 at the beginning of testing); II) beteen to groups ere assessed ith a to-tailed t test. The significance of facto- during the late brain development (P0 at the beginning of testing); III) in the adult rial effects and differences among more than to groups ere evaluated ith age (P100 at the beginning of testing) and IV) in the middle age (P180 at the beginning ANOVA/RM ANOVA folloed by Holm-Sida test. Ran transformation as ex- of testing). Interestingly, a progressive orsening of cognitive symptoms as detect- ploited for data not normally distributed. Mann-hitney test as used to analyze the able in CrT-/y mutant mice, suggesting that age is a ey feature of Cr deficiency dis- distribution of freuency and amplitude of mIPSCs. For proteomic analysis of 2DE, ease. a comparison among the different treatments as performed. The significance of the differences of normalized volume for each spot as calculated by the softare Same Spot including ANOVA test. ae The level of significance as p 0.05. -/y e first analyzed the performance of CrT animals at P28 using the maze spontaneous alternation, hich is an optimal tas for probing memory in uveniles (Figure 5A). Animals of both groups eually explored all the three arms of the maze. Indeed, no effect of genotype as detected for either the number of entries in the single arms of the maze (designated A, B, C) or the total number of arm entries, indi- cating that the exploratory disposition of mutant animals (n 9) as not altered com- pared to T littermates (n 11; To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.506, p 0.91, p 0.276, p 0.391 respectively,

343 35 cluded from selection for 36 s. Isolation idth and collision energy for MS/MS frag- ests mentation ere set according to the mass and charge state of the precursor ions (from 2 to 5 and from 21 to 55 eV). In-source reference loc mass (1221.9906 m/z) as acuired online throughout runs. The ra data ere processed using PEAS Studio v7.5 softare (Bioinformatic Solutions Inc, Waterloo, ON, Canada) using the function “correct precursor only”. The mass lists ere searched against the nextprot database including isoforms (ver- sion as of une 2017; 2,151 entries) using 10 ppm and 0.05 Da as the highest error tolerances for parent and fragment ions, respectively. Carbamidomethylation of cys- teines as selected as fixed modification and oxidation of methionines and deami- dation of asparagine and glutamine as variable modifications alloing 2 missed cleav- ece o weight growth in r ice ages. estern blot analysis: proteins of all T and O samples ere separated by 1- A first clue indicating that CrT deficiency elicits age-related detrimental effects D gel electrophoresis and then transferred onto nitrocellulose membranes (0.2 mm) as emerged from the general appearance of mutant animals. Mice ere eighed at dif- previously described (Ciregia et al., 2013). PPIA, GAPDH and UCRB antibodies ferent ages and compared ith T littermates (Figure ). Even though no particular have been used at 1:1000 dilution hereas SOD1 and PRDX6 have been used at 1:200 problems of breeding ere observed and the face of CrT-/y mice as normal till P0, dilution. Finally PRDX5 has been used at concentration of 1 g/ml. HRP-goat anti- CrT-/y animals (n 12) shoed a significantly reduced body eight compared to rabbit and HRP-goat anti-mouse secondary antibodies ere used at 1:10000 dilution CrT/y animals at P60, P100 and P180 (n 13; To-ay ANOVA on ran trans- hereas HRP-anti-goat as used at 1:5000 dilution. Immunoblots ere developed formed data, p 0.001 effect of genotype, p 0.001 interaction beteen genotype using the enhanced chemiluminescence detection system (ECL). The chemilumines- and age; post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.092 at P0, p 0.001 in all other com- cent images ere acuired using LAS010. The immunoreactive specific bands ere parisons). uantified using Image uant-L softare. In order to normalize the optical density of immunoreactive bands the optical density of total proteins as calculated. There- fore, immediately after B, the membranes ere stained ith 1 mM RuBP (Ciregia gereate eterioration o cognitie nctions in r eicienc conitions et al., 2017). In a previous behavioral investigation performed at P0, it as highlighted that CrT-/y mice exhibit a general cognitive impairment across different learning and tatistica anasis memory tests (Baroncelli et al., 201). To understand hether a progressive deterio- ration of cognitive performance is present in CrT-/y mice, e studied four different All statistical analyses ere performed using SigmaStat Softare. Differences stages: I) during the early brain development (P28 at the beginning of testing); II) beteen to groups ere assessed ith a to-tailed t test. The significance of facto- during the late brain development (P0 at the beginning of testing); III) in the adult rial effects and differences among more than to groups ere evaluated ith age (P100 at the beginning of testing) and IV) in the middle age (P180 at the beginning ANOVA/RM ANOVA folloed by Holm-Sida test. Ran transformation as ex- of testing). Interestingly, a progressive orsening of cognitive symptoms as detect- ploited for data not normally distributed. Mann-hitney test as used to analyze the able in CrT-/y mutant mice, suggesting that age is a ey feature of Cr deficiency dis- distribution of freuency and amplitude of mIPSCs. For proteomic analysis of 2DE, ease. a comparison among the different treatments as performed. The significance of the differences of normalized volume for each spot as calculated by the softare Same Spot including ANOVA test. ae The level of significance as p 0.05. -/y e first analyzed the performance of CrT animals at P28 using the maze spontaneous alternation, hich is an optimal tas for probing memory in uveniles (Figure 5A). Animals of both groups eually explored all the three arms of the maze. Indeed, no effect of genotype as detected for either the number of entries in the single arms of the maze (designated A, B, C) or the total number of arm entries, indi- cating that the exploratory disposition of mutant animals (n 9) as not altered com- pared to T littermates (n 11; To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.506, p 0.91, p 0.276, p 0.391 respectively,

Angelo Molinaro, New insights into creatine transporter deficiency. Identification of neuropathological and metabolic targets for treatment, © 2020 Author(s), content CC BY 4.0 International, metadata CC0 1.0 Universal, published by Firenze University Press (www.fupress. 3 com), ISSN 2612-8020 (online), ISBN 978-88-5518-082-5 (PDF), DOI35 10.36253/978-88-5518-082-5

New insights into creatine transporter deficiency Figure 5A). Hoever, hile in young T mice alternation rate as about 60 of tas as ell as their age-matched T controls (n 10): although the mean distance total arm choices, in CrT-/y animals it dropped to the chance level (50; Figure 5B), to locate the submerged platform on the last three days of training as longer in mu- demonstrating that CrT disruption in the mouse model could reproduce the early tant mice compared to CrT/y littermates (t-test, p 0.05), they exhibited a progressive pathological phenotype of CCDS1 patients. The same impairment as detected at reduction of the path length similar to T littermates (To-ay RM ANOVA, p P0, P100 and P180 ith CrT-/y mice performing at chance level hereas T age- 0.08 effect of genotype) ith a significant difference beteen the to groups only matched controls shoed significant spontaneous alternation (t-test, p 0.01 for P0, at the day 5 of training (post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05; Figure 10). The same p 0.05 for P100 and P180, Figure 6). These data also indicated that the spontaneous as true in P100 animals (CrT-/y: n 8, CrT/y: n 7; To-ay RM ANOVA on alternation paradigm cannot reveal age-dependent cognitive decline in CrT mutants ran transformed data, p 0.132 effect of genotype, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p because of the ceiling effect in the arm alternation deficit masing the effect of the 0.05 at day 5; Figure 10). In contrast, CrT-/y mice (n 7) ere significantly sloer age variable. learners ith respect to age-matched T mice (n 9) at P180 so much so that the distance to locate the platform as different beteen the to groups at days 3, , 5 and 6 of training (To-ay RM ANOVA on ran transformed data, genotype, p ect recognition test 0.001, interaction beteen genotype and day p 0.001; post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05 for day 3 and 6, p 0.01 for day and 5; Figure 10C). e assessed declarative memory abilities in the ORT, a test based on the sponta- To further corroborate the hypothesis of a premature cognitive decline in CrT null neous tendency of rodents to spend more time exploring a novel obect than a familiar mice, e compared the performance in the MM of P180 CrT-/y animals and one- one. No difference in short-term recognition memory beteen P0 CrT-/y mice (n year old ild-type mice (n ). The mean distance to locate the platform on the last 9) and age-matched T animals (n 7) could be detected (t-test, p 0.285). In con- three days of training (t-test, p 0.968) and the probe test revealed a similar learning trast, the discrimination index at 2h as significantly loer in mutant mice, indicat- and memory impairment in these to experimental groups (To-ay RM ANOVA, ing that their capacity to recall the familiar obect as impaired (t-test, p 0.05; Fig- p 0.79; Figure 11). ure 7A). This memory deficit became more pronounced to months later (CrT-/y n 11, CrT/y n 10; P100, t-test, p 0.01 at 2h; Figure 7B), eventually affecting both short- and long-term memories at P180. Indeed, at P180 CrT-/y mice shoed a mared otiona phenotpe is not atere in r tant anias memory deficit both at 1- and 2-h interval beteen the sample and the test phase ith respect to CrT/y mice (CrT-/y n 10, CrT/y n 9; t-test, p 0.05 for both com- To rule out the possibility that significant differences in cognitive capacities re- parisons; Figure 7C), indicating that the longer the time during hich neural circuits flect changes in the ability to cope ith stress in challenging tas conditions, e ana- are forced to or ithout Cr energy buffer the orse the cognitive performance of lyzed the general activity and anxiety-related behavior of CrT-/y and CrT/y mice in CrT-/y animals. the open field arena at the different ages used for cognitive assessment. e found that the time spent by CrT-/y mutant mice (n 12 for P0 and P100, n 11 for P180) in both the central and peripheral portion of the apparatus as not different from that orris water ae recorded for T animals (n 13 for P0 and P100, n 11 for P180) at any of the time point tested (To-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.725 at e further assessed memory abilities in the MM, a cognitive paradigm that P0, p 0.508 at P100 and p 0.38 at P180), indicating that the vulnerability to allos testing spatial learning and memory. The probe test highlighted a spatial stress and anxiety responses are not sensitive to CrT deletion and excluding the hy- memory impairment in Cr deficient mice at all the different ages tested: T animals, pothesis that the progression of cognitive deficit might be related to altered emotion- indeed, spent significantly longer time in the uadrant here the platform as located ality (Figure 12). during the training days (NE*; To-ay RM ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05 for all comparisons), hile mutant mice did not remember the loca- tion of the hidden platform and eually explored the four uadrants of the maze (To- r ice ehiit increase repetitie an stereotpe ehaior ay RM ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method; Figure 8). The results obtained in the training phase of the MM test, hoever, shoed a Since the clinical picture of CCDS1 patients includes multiple traits lined to au- clear progression of cognitive deficits in CrT-/y mice. Since a main effect of genotype tism spectrum disorders (ASDs), e also examined social behavior in CrT null mice. as found on mean simming speed recorded all along the training phase at the dif- Although e used to different social interaction paradigms, e detected no abnor- ferent ages tested (t-test, p 0.05 (P0); Mann–hitney Ran Sum test, p 0.05 malities in CrT-/y mice at P180. In the social preference test, indeed, both CrT-/y (n (P100); t-test, p 0.01 (P180); Figure 9), e analyzed the length of path covered to 8) and CrT/y (n 6) animals spent significantly more time exploring the ire cup find the submerged platform. At P0 CrT-/y animals (n 12) ere able to learn the housing the conspecific subect (Mann–hitney Ran Sum test, p 0.662; Figure

36 37

Angelo Molinaro Figure 5A). Hoever, hile in young T mice alternation rate as about 60 of tas as ell as their age-matched T controls (n 10): although the mean distance total arm choices, in CrT-/y animals it dropped to the chance level (50; Figure 5B), to locate the submerged platform on the last three days of training as longer in mu- demonstrating that CrT disruption in the mouse model could reproduce the early tant mice compared to CrT/y littermates (t-test, p 0.05), they exhibited a progressive pathological phenotype of CCDS1 patients. The same impairment as detected at reduction of the path length similar to T littermates (To-ay RM ANOVA, p P0, P100 and P180 ith CrT-/y mice performing at chance level hereas T age- 0.08 effect of genotype) ith a significant difference beteen the to groups only matched controls shoed significant spontaneous alternation (t-test, p 0.01 for P0, at the day 5 of training (post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05; Figure 10). The same p 0.05 for P100 and P180, Figure 6). These data also indicated that the spontaneous as true in P100 animals (CrT-/y: n 8, CrT/y: n 7; To-ay RM ANOVA on alternation paradigm cannot reveal age-dependent cognitive decline in CrT mutants ran transformed data, p 0.132 effect of genotype, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p because of the ceiling effect in the arm alternation deficit masing the effect of the 0.05 at day 5; Figure 10). In contrast, CrT-/y mice (n 7) ere significantly sloer age variable. learners ith respect to age-matched T mice (n 9) at P180 so much so that the distance to locate the platform as different beteen the to groups at days 3, , 5 and 6 of training (To-ay RM ANOVA on ran transformed data, genotype, p ect recognition test 0.001, interaction beteen genotype and day p 0.001; post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05 for day 3 and 6, p 0.01 for day and 5; Figure 10C). e assessed declarative memory abilities in the ORT, a test based on the sponta- To further corroborate the hypothesis of a premature cognitive decline in CrT null neous tendency of rodents to spend more time exploring a novel obect than a familiar mice, e compared the performance in the MM of P180 CrT-/y animals and one- one. No difference in short-term recognition memory beteen P0 CrT-/y mice (n year old ild-type mice (n ). The mean distance to locate the platform on the last 9) and age-matched T animals (n 7) could be detected (t-test, p 0.285). In con- three days of training (t-test, p 0.968) and the probe test revealed a similar learning trast, the discrimination index at 2h as significantly loer in mutant mice, indicat- and memory impairment in these to experimental groups (To-ay RM ANOVA, ing that their capacity to recall the familiar obect as impaired (t-test, p 0.05; Fig- p 0.79; Figure 11). ure 7A). This memory deficit became more pronounced to months later (CrT-/y n 11, CrT/y n 10; P100, t-test, p 0.01 at 2h; Figure 7B), eventually affecting both short- and long-term memories at P180. Indeed, at P180 CrT-/y mice shoed a mared otiona phenotpe is not atere in r tant anias memory deficit both at 1- and 2-h interval beteen the sample and the test phase ith respect to CrT/y mice (CrT-/y n 10, CrT/y n 9; t-test, p 0.05 for both com- To rule out the possibility that significant differences in cognitive capacities re- parisons; Figure 7C), indicating that the longer the time during hich neural circuits flect changes in the ability to cope ith stress in challenging tas conditions, e ana- are forced to or ithout Cr energy buffer the orse the cognitive performance of lyzed the general activity and anxiety-related behavior of CrT-/y and CrT/y mice in CrT-/y animals. the open field arena at the different ages used for cognitive assessment. e found that the time spent by CrT-/y mutant mice (n 12 for P0 and P100, n 11 for P180) in both the central and peripheral portion of the apparatus as not different from that orris water ae recorded for T animals (n 13 for P0 and P100, n 11 for P180) at any of the time point tested (To-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.725 at e further assessed memory abilities in the MM, a cognitive paradigm that P0, p 0.508 at P100 and p 0.38 at P180), indicating that the vulnerability to allos testing spatial learning and memory. The probe test highlighted a spatial stress and anxiety responses are not sensitive to CrT deletion and excluding the hy- memory impairment in Cr deficient mice at all the different ages tested: T animals, pothesis that the progression of cognitive deficit might be related to altered emotion- indeed, spent significantly longer time in the uadrant here the platform as located ality (Figure 12). during the training days (NE*; To-ay RM ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05 for all comparisons), hile mutant mice did not remember the loca- tion of the hidden platform and eually explored the four uadrants of the maze (To- r ice ehiit increase repetitie an stereotpe ehaior ay RM ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method; Figure 8). The results obtained in the training phase of the MM test, hoever, shoed a Since the clinical picture of CCDS1 patients includes multiple traits lined to au- clear progression of cognitive deficits in CrT-/y mice. Since a main effect of genotype tism spectrum disorders (ASDs), e also examined social behavior in CrT null mice. as found on mean simming speed recorded all along the training phase at the dif- Although e used to different social interaction paradigms, e detected no abnor- ferent ages tested (t-test, p 0.05 (P0); Mann–hitney Ran Sum test, p 0.05 malities in CrT-/y mice at P180. In the social preference test, indeed, both CrT-/y (n (P100); t-test, p 0.01 (P180); Figure 9), e analyzed the length of path covered to 8) and CrT/y (n 6) animals spent significantly more time exploring the ire cup find the submerged platform. At P0 CrT-/y animals (n 12) ere able to learn the housing the conspecific subect (Mann–hitney Ran Sum test, p 0.662; Figure

36 37

New insights into creatine transporter deficiency 13A). Similarly, the index measured in the social novelty tas did not differ beteen orphoogica characteriation o nera circits in r ice mutant and T mice (t-test, p 0.78; Figure 13A). The second core ASD symptom domain includes repetitive and stereotyped move- The morpho-functional organization of neural circuits in mice carrying CrT mu- ments, routines and rituals (Etherton et al., 2009) and several mouse lines ith ASD- tations has never been studied so far. Thus, e have investigated hether the acceler- associated mutations exhibit enhanced learning on the accelerating rotarod, a tas that ated decline of learning and memory functions in CrT-deficient mice as accompa- reuires formation and consolidation of a repetitive motor routine (Rothell et al., nied by pathological changes in brain morphology. The cerebral cortex and the hip- 201). Thus, e tested rotarod abilities of CrT-/y (n 12 for P0, n 11 for P100 and pocampus ere analyzed because they are strictly involved in the symptoms caused n 9 for P180) and CrT/y (n 13 for P0 and P100, n 11 for P180) animals, ith by CrT deficiency in mice and in humans. In the same animals subected to behavioral the speed of rotation accelerating from to 0 rpm over 600 s. The performance of characterization, e first evaluated the neuroanatomical architecture of prefrontal CrT-/y mutant mice diverged from that of ild-type mice, ith a significant increase (PFC) and cingulate cortex (ACC) of P180 mice (n 6 for both groups). Cortical of fall latency from the drum at all ages tested (To-ay ANOVA, effect of genotype thicness and neuronal cell density ere estimated on NeuN stained sections. No dif- p 0.001, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.01 at P0 and P100, p 0.05 at P180; ference in the cortical thicness (t-test, p 0.785 for PFC and p 0.880 for ACC; Figure 13B). e next examined self-grooming, another stereotyped behavior in mice Figure 1) and neuronal density across cortical layers as observed in mutant animals (Fuccillo, 2016). hile no difference as present at P0 (CrT-/y, n 9; CrT/y, n 7; (To-ay ANOVA, p 0.683 for PFC; To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p data, p 0.16 for ACC; Figure 1). 0.912) CrT null mice spent about threefold as much time grooming themselves as littermate T mice at P180 (CrT-/y, n 7; CrT/y, n 11; p 0.01; Figure 13C). oss o ergic snapses in the cerera corte o r ice

r eetion eas to a wiesprea r rection in ong an at ice Since synaptic dysfunction is a feature commonly observed in normal aging and neurodegenerative disorders liely contributing to the pathology progression (Bano et To understand hether the progression of cognitive deficits in CrT-/y mice as al., 2011), e analyzed the synaptic punctate expression of vGlut1 and vGAT, respec- due to a gradual reduction of brain Cr content, e measured Cr levels in various tis- tively as synaptic marers of excitatory and inhibitory neurons, in the cerebral cortex sues in 1-month- and 6-month-old animals using GC/MS. At both ages, e observed of CrT-/y mice. hile excitatory synapses ere not affected by Cr deficiency (n 6 a significant reduction of Cr in the brain (both cerebral cortex and hippocampus; To- for both groups; Mann–hitney Ran Sum test, p 0.792 for PFC; t-test, p 0.30 ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.001), for ACC; Figure 15A), e detected a prominent loss of vGAT staining both in PFC muscle (p 0.001), heart (p 0.001) and idney (p 0.05) of CrT-/y mice ith respect and ACC, suggesting a specific contribution of GABAergic synaptic alterations to the to T littermates (n /tissue for each group; Table 1). Importantly, no difference neuropathological phenotype of CCDS1 (n 9 for CrT-/y group, n 8 CrT/y group; as detected in Cr levels measured in the different tissues beteen P30 and P180 CrT- t-test, p 0.05 for both comparisons; Figure 15B). Importantly, the loss of vGAT- /y mice, except for the muscle: a Three-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data anal- positive synapses overspread all the cortical layers. ysis revealed a significant interaction (p 0.001) beteen genotype and age only at level of muscular tissue ith a significant reduction of Cr levels in P180 CrT-/y mice (post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.001). A moderate change in GAA levels as icrogia ces sregation in r eicient rain observed in some tissues (Table 2) suggesting that Cr deficiency leads to a compen- satory attempt by upregulating Cr biosynthesis. Also, in this case GAA content meas- Since aberrant microglia activation is one of the main pathological hallmars of ured in P180 animals reproduced the levels reported in younger tissues: a Three-ay brain aging (von Bernhardi, Eugenn-von Bernhardi and Eugenn, 2015; Matt and ANOVA on ran transformed data revealed a significant interaction (p 0.001) be- ohnson, 2016) e have also evaluated Iba-1 expression as a marer of possible mor- teen genotype and age only at level of muscular tissue, but this analysis only stressed phological changes of microglia in the cerebral cortex (namely PFC) and the hippo- a significant reduction of GAA levels in P180 CrT-/y (post hoc Holm-Sida method, campus (HP) of mutant mice. p 0.05) and T mice (p 0.001). These results allo reecting the hypothesis that During aging microglia cells undergo morphological changes toards a reactive higher GAA toxicity could underlie the observed age-related decline of cognitive phenotype ith short, thicened and less ramified processes (Hefendehl et al., 201). functions in CrT-/y animals. e found a strong increase of activated microglial cells in the brain of CrT null ani- mals as compared to T controls (n 8 for both groups), ith a parallel reduction of resting cells (To-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.01 for PFC and p 0.05 for HP; Figure 16A and B), indicating that the metabolic deficit caused by

38 39

Angelo Molinaro 13A). Similarly, the index measured in the social novelty tas did not differ beteen orphoogica characteriation o nera circits in r ice mutant and T mice (t-test, p 0.78; Figure 13A). The second core ASD symptom domain includes repetitive and stereotyped move- The morpho-functional organization of neural circuits in mice carrying CrT mu- ments, routines and rituals (Etherton et al., 2009) and several mouse lines ith ASD- tations has never been studied so far. Thus, e have investigated hether the acceler- associated mutations exhibit enhanced learning on the accelerating rotarod, a tas that ated decline of learning and memory functions in CrT-deficient mice as accompa- reuires formation and consolidation of a repetitive motor routine (Rothell et al., nied by pathological changes in brain morphology. The cerebral cortex and the hip- 201). Thus, e tested rotarod abilities of CrT-/y (n 12 for P0, n 11 for P100 and pocampus ere analyzed because they are strictly involved in the symptoms caused n 9 for P180) and CrT/y (n 13 for P0 and P100, n 11 for P180) animals, ith by CrT deficiency in mice and in humans. In the same animals subected to behavioral the speed of rotation accelerating from to 0 rpm over 600 s. The performance of characterization, e first evaluated the neuroanatomical architecture of prefrontal CrT-/y mutant mice diverged from that of ild-type mice, ith a significant increase (PFC) and cingulate cortex (ACC) of P180 mice (n 6 for both groups). Cortical of fall latency from the drum at all ages tested (To-ay ANOVA, effect of genotype thicness and neuronal cell density ere estimated on NeuN stained sections. No dif- p 0.001, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.01 at P0 and P100, p 0.05 at P180; ference in the cortical thicness (t-test, p 0.785 for PFC and p 0.880 for ACC; Figure 13B). e next examined self-grooming, another stereotyped behavior in mice Figure 1) and neuronal density across cortical layers as observed in mutant animals (Fuccillo, 2016). hile no difference as present at P0 (CrT-/y, n 9; CrT/y, n 7; (To-ay ANOVA, p 0.683 for PFC; To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p data, p 0.16 for ACC; Figure 1). 0.912) CrT null mice spent about threefold as much time grooming themselves as littermate T mice at P180 (CrT-/y, n 7; CrT/y, n 11; p 0.01; Figure 13C). oss o ergic snapses in the cerera corte o r ice

r eetion eas to a wiesprea r rection in ong an at ice Since synaptic dysfunction is a feature commonly observed in normal aging and neurodegenerative disorders liely contributing to the pathology progression (Bano et To understand hether the progression of cognitive deficits in CrT-/y mice as al., 2011), e analyzed the synaptic punctate expression of vGlut1 and vGAT, respec- due to a gradual reduction of brain Cr content, e measured Cr levels in various tis- tively as synaptic marers of excitatory and inhibitory neurons, in the cerebral cortex sues in 1-month- and 6-month-old animals using GC/MS. At both ages, e observed of CrT-/y mice. hile excitatory synapses ere not affected by Cr deficiency (n 6 a significant reduction of Cr in the brain (both cerebral cortex and hippocampus; To- for both groups; Mann–hitney Ran Sum test, p 0.792 for PFC; t-test, p 0.30 ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.001), for ACC; Figure 15A), e detected a prominent loss of vGAT staining both in PFC muscle (p 0.001), heart (p 0.001) and idney (p 0.05) of CrT-/y mice ith respect and ACC, suggesting a specific contribution of GABAergic synaptic alterations to the to T littermates (n /tissue for each group; Table 1). Importantly, no difference neuropathological phenotype of CCDS1 (n 9 for CrT-/y group, n 8 CrT/y group; as detected in Cr levels measured in the different tissues beteen P30 and P180 CrT- t-test, p 0.05 for both comparisons; Figure 15B). Importantly, the loss of vGAT- /y mice, except for the muscle: a Three-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data anal- positive synapses overspread all the cortical layers. ysis revealed a significant interaction (p 0.001) beteen genotype and age only at level of muscular tissue ith a significant reduction of Cr levels in P180 CrT-/y mice (post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.001). A moderate change in GAA levels as icrogia ces sregation in r eicient rain observed in some tissues (Table 2) suggesting that Cr deficiency leads to a compen- satory attempt by upregulating Cr biosynthesis. Also, in this case GAA content meas- Since aberrant microglia activation is one of the main pathological hallmars of ured in P180 animals reproduced the levels reported in younger tissues: a Three-ay brain aging (von Bernhardi, Eugenn-von Bernhardi and Eugenn, 2015; Matt and ANOVA on ran transformed data revealed a significant interaction (p 0.001) be- ohnson, 2016) e have also evaluated Iba-1 expression as a marer of possible mor- teen genotype and age only at level of muscular tissue, but this analysis only stressed phological changes of microglia in the cerebral cortex (namely PFC) and the hippo- a significant reduction of GAA levels in P180 CrT-/y (post hoc Holm-Sida method, campus (HP) of mutant mice. p 0.05) and T mice (p 0.001). These results allo reecting the hypothesis that During aging microglia cells undergo morphological changes toards a reactive higher GAA toxicity could underlie the observed age-related decline of cognitive phenotype ith short, thicened and less ramified processes (Hefendehl et al., 201). functions in CrT-/y animals. e found a strong increase of activated microglial cells in the brain of CrT null ani- mals as compared to T controls (n 8 for both groups), ith a parallel reduction of resting cells (To-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.01 for PFC and p 0.05 for HP; Figure 16A and B), indicating that the metabolic deficit caused by

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency Cr deficiency leads to a dysfunction of brain-immune cells interactions and to a neu- 33/12; Figure 18C). e then recorded mIPSCs in voltage-clamp using patch-clamp roinflammatory state that can contribute to the cognitive decline reported in CrT-/y techniue, finding no difference in the distribution of the amplitude of mIPSCs be- mice. teen CrT-/y and CrT/y (Mann-hitney Ran Sum test: p 0.132; CrT/y: n cells/mice 35/15; CrT-/y: n cells/mice 3/12, Figure 19A), hereas e found a pronounced higher interevent interval in CrT-/y (Mann-hitney Ran Sum test: p ece nerogenesis an enhance iposcin accation in the hippoca 0.001; CrT/y: median 132. ms; n cells/mice 35/15; CrT-/y: median: 215.9 ms; n ps o r ice cells/mice 3/12, Figure 19B), indicating a reduced freuency of mIPSCs in cortical pyramidal neurons. It is ell non that the rate of neurogenesis declines dramatically ith age, and dysregulation of hippocampal neurogenesis is an important mechanism underlying the cognitive impairment associated ith normal aging (Lee, Clemenson and Gage, Neros sstespeciic r epetion eas to signiicant r rection in the 2012). In order to investigate hether CrT deficiency could affect hippocampal struc- cerera copartent ture and impinge on the neurogenesis process, e examined neuronal proliferation through i67 labelling in the dentate gyrus (DG) of ild type and CrT-/y mice (n 6 Since CrT-/y mice ith ubiuitous deletion of the CrT gene shoed a mared Cr for both groups). Stereological analysis first revealed that the hippocampal volume of depletion also in peripheral tissues, e analyzed the conditional nestin-O in hich mutant animals as maredly reduced ith respect to that measured in control mice CrT is deleted in post-mitotic neurons, glial cells and BBB endothelial cells by using (t-test, p 0.05; Figure 17A). The number of i67-positive cell as significantly the Nestin promoter to drive Cre-recombinase expression: nes-CrT mice (Tronche et loer in the DG of CrT-/y animal at P180, ith approximately 30 reduction (t-test, al., 1999). p 0.01; Figure 17B and D). e also evaluated the number of immature neurons in In order to determine the validity of our approach for tissue-specific CrT gene hippocampal DG using the neuroblast marer doublecortin (DCX). DCX-positive deletion, e measured Cr levels in various tissues in 1-month- and 6-month-old ani- cells ere also significantly reduced in CrT null mice DG (t-test, p 0.001; Figure mals using GC/MS. At both ages, e observed a specific reduction of Cr in the cere- 17C and E), demonstrating the impairment of adult hippocampal neurogenesis and bral cortex and the hippocampus of mutant mice (nes-CrT-/y) ith respect to ild-type suggesting another cellular substrate of the cognitive deficit present in the CrT null animals (CrT/y) and Cre-recombinase expressing littermates (nes-CrT/y), hile no model. Another characteristic neuropathological finding in CrT mice as the massive significant difference as detected beteen CrT/y and nes-CrT/y animals. Peripheral accumulation of autofluorescent material (lipofuscin). tissues including muscle, heart and idney ere not affected (n /tissue for each Lipofuscin is a lipopigment consisting of aggregated products of lysosomal deg- group; Figure 20; Table 3Table ). Only at P180, e detected a small difference of Cr radation, including oxidized and misfolded proteins, lipids, defective mitochondria content beteen nes-CrT-/y and CrT/y mice, hich is liely due to the scattered ex- and metal ions (Dunlop, Brun and Rodgers, 2009). e observed a mared accumu- pression of Nestin promoter in heart cells. At both ages, e observed that CrTfl/y lation of autofluorescent lipofuscin throughout the brain, but the most prominent au- animals not expressing Cre recombinase did not present a hypomorph phenotype, ith tofluorescent signal as seen in the DG hippocampal region. Lipofuscin deposition normal levels of Cr in all tissues (Figure 20). Importantly, no difference as detected and accumulation ithin the hippocampal neurons is a marer of cellular senescence in Cr levels measured in the different tissues beteen P30 and P180. (Terman and Brun, 2006; Assuno et al., 2011). Thus, e compared the area of lipofuscin granules in the brain cells of 6-month-old CrT-/y (n 6) mice and their CrT/y siblings (n 5). The accumulation of lipofuscin as significantly exacerbated ece o weight growth in nes ice in the hippocampal DG of CrT-/y animals at P180 (t-test, p 0.05, Figure 17F and G). Nes-CrT-/y animals (n 6) shoed a slightly reduced body eight compared to T animals (n 13) and nes-CrT/y littermates (n 9) at P100, P180 and P365, hile ectrophsioogica characteriation no difference as present at P0 and P60 (Figure 21). Despite an age-dependent pro- gressive increase of body mass in all experimental groups, the average decrease of e found no statistically significant difference in any of the electrical passive body eight in nes-CrT-/y animals as about 10. properties studied in neurons, beteen CrT-/y and CrT/y. In particular, e did not find difference in membrane resistance (t-test: p 0.27; CrT/y n cells/mice 2/15; CrT- /y: n cells/mice /12; Figure 18A) and in membrane capacitance (t-test: p 0.37; geepenent eterioration o cognitie nctions in rainspeciic tant CrT/y: n cells/mice 3/15; CrT-/y n cells/mice 3/12; Figure 18B). The membrane ice resting potential as only slightly but not significantly altered in CrT-/y mice com- pared to CrT/y (t- test: p 0.1; CrT/y: n cells/mice 2/15; CrT-/y: n cells/mice e then moved to assess the cognitive functioning of our model and to compare it ith the result already seen in the ubiuitous model and in patients. ith this aim

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Angelo Molinaro Cr deficiency leads to a dysfunction of brain-immune cells interactions and to a neu- 33/12; Figure 18C). e then recorded mIPSCs in voltage-clamp using patch-clamp roinflammatory state that can contribute to the cognitive decline reported in CrT-/y techniue, finding no difference in the distribution of the amplitude of mIPSCs be- mice. teen CrT-/y and CrT/y (Mann-hitney Ran Sum test: p 0.132; CrT/y: n cells/mice 35/15; CrT-/y: n cells/mice 3/12, Figure 19A), hereas e found a pronounced higher interevent interval in CrT-/y (Mann-hitney Ran Sum test: p ece nerogenesis an enhance iposcin accation in the hippoca 0.001; CrT/y: median 132. ms; n cells/mice 35/15; CrT-/y: median: 215.9 ms; n ps o r ice cells/mice 3/12, Figure 19B), indicating a reduced freuency of mIPSCs in cortical pyramidal neurons. It is ell non that the rate of neurogenesis declines dramatically ith age, and dysregulation of hippocampal neurogenesis is an important mechanism underlying the cognitive impairment associated ith normal aging (Lee, Clemenson and Gage, Neros sstespeciic r epetion eas to signiicant r rection in the 2012). In order to investigate hether CrT deficiency could affect hippocampal struc- cerera copartent ture and impinge on the neurogenesis process, e examined neuronal proliferation through i67 labelling in the dentate gyrus (DG) of ild type and CrT-/y mice (n 6 Since CrT-/y mice ith ubiuitous deletion of the CrT gene shoed a mared Cr for both groups). Stereological analysis first revealed that the hippocampal volume of depletion also in peripheral tissues, e analyzed the conditional nestin-O in hich mutant animals as maredly reduced ith respect to that measured in control mice CrT is deleted in post-mitotic neurons, glial cells and BBB endothelial cells by using (t-test, p 0.05; Figure 17A). The number of i67-positive cell as significantly the Nestin promoter to drive Cre-recombinase expression: nes-CrT mice (Tronche et loer in the DG of CrT-/y animal at P180, ith approximately 30 reduction (t-test, al., 1999). p 0.01; Figure 17B and D). e also evaluated the number of immature neurons in In order to determine the validity of our approach for tissue-specific CrT gene hippocampal DG using the neuroblast marer doublecortin (DCX). DCX-positive deletion, e measured Cr levels in various tissues in 1-month- and 6-month-old ani- cells ere also significantly reduced in CrT null mice DG (t-test, p 0.001; Figure mals using GC/MS. At both ages, e observed a specific reduction of Cr in the cere- 17C and E), demonstrating the impairment of adult hippocampal neurogenesis and bral cortex and the hippocampus of mutant mice (nes-CrT-/y) ith respect to ild-type suggesting another cellular substrate of the cognitive deficit present in the CrT null animals (CrT/y) and Cre-recombinase expressing littermates (nes-CrT/y), hile no model. Another characteristic neuropathological finding in CrT mice as the massive significant difference as detected beteen CrT/y and nes-CrT/y animals. Peripheral accumulation of autofluorescent material (lipofuscin). tissues including muscle, heart and idney ere not affected (n /tissue for each Lipofuscin is a lipopigment consisting of aggregated products of lysosomal deg- group; Figure 20; Table 3Table ). Only at P180, e detected a small difference of Cr radation, including oxidized and misfolded proteins, lipids, defective mitochondria content beteen nes-CrT-/y and CrT/y mice, hich is liely due to the scattered ex- and metal ions (Dunlop, Brun and Rodgers, 2009). e observed a mared accumu- pression of Nestin promoter in heart cells. At both ages, e observed that CrTfl/y lation of autofluorescent lipofuscin throughout the brain, but the most prominent au- animals not expressing Cre recombinase did not present a hypomorph phenotype, ith tofluorescent signal as seen in the DG hippocampal region. Lipofuscin deposition normal levels of Cr in all tissues (Figure 20). Importantly, no difference as detected and accumulation ithin the hippocampal neurons is a marer of cellular senescence in Cr levels measured in the different tissues beteen P30 and P180. (Terman and Brun, 2006; Assuno et al., 2011). Thus, e compared the area of lipofuscin granules in the brain cells of 6-month-old CrT-/y (n 6) mice and their CrT/y siblings (n 5). The accumulation of lipofuscin as significantly exacerbated ece o weight growth in nes ice in the hippocampal DG of CrT-/y animals at P180 (t-test, p 0.05, Figure 17F and G). Nes-CrT-/y animals (n 6) shoed a slightly reduced body eight compared to T animals (n 13) and nes-CrT/y littermates (n 9) at P100, P180 and P365, hile ectrophsioogica characteriation no difference as present at P0 and P60 (Figure 21). Despite an age-dependent pro- gressive increase of body mass in all experimental groups, the average decrease of e found no statistically significant difference in any of the electrical passive body eight in nes-CrT-/y animals as about 10. properties studied in neurons, beteen CrT-/y and CrT/y. In particular, e did not find difference in membrane resistance (t-test: p 0.27; CrT/y n cells/mice 2/15; CrT- /y: n cells/mice /12; Figure 18A) and in membrane capacitance (t-test: p 0.37; geepenent eterioration o cognitie nctions in rainspeciic tant CrT/y: n cells/mice 3/15; CrT-/y n cells/mice 3/12; Figure 18B). The membrane ice resting potential as only slightly but not significantly altered in CrT-/y mice com- pared to CrT/y (t- test: p 0.1; CrT/y: n cells/mice 2/15; CrT-/y: n cells/mice e then moved to assess the cognitive functioning of our model and to compare it ith the result already seen in the ubiuitous model and in patients. ith this aim

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency and also to understand hether a progressive deterioration of learning and memory phase ith respect to CrT/y and nes-CrT/y mice (CrT/y n 11, nes-CrT/y n 9, nes- functions is present in nes-CrT-/y mice, e studied four different stages: I) during the CrT-/y n 6; Fig. 23C). At both ages, total time of exploration as still comparable brain development (P0 at the beginning of testing), II) in the adult age (P100 at the among groups (Figure 23B, C). beginning of testing), III) in the middle age (P180 at the beginning of testing), and IV) in the early aging (P365 at the beginning of testing). Since mild secondary effects of Cre-recombinase transgene insertion or Cre activity on selected endophenotypes orris water ae in nesr have been previously suggested (Giusti et al., 201) e also analyzed the behavior of nes-CrT/y littermates at the same time points. e report a delayed onset of cognitive e further assessed memory abilities in the MM tas, a cognitive paradigm decline in nervous system-specific nes-CrT-/y mice ith respect to hole-body CrT-/y that allos testing spatial learning and memory. No difference as observed in the mutants, folloed by an age-dependent increase of cognitive frailty. No alterations of MM performance of CrT/y, nes-CrT/y and nes-CrT-/y mice at P0 (CrT/y: n 10, learning and memory, general exploratory activity, motor function and stereotypies nes-CrT/y: n 5, nes-CrT-/y: n 5), P100 (CrT/y: n 7, nes-CrT/y: n 5, nes-CrT- ere detected in the Nestin-cre mouse line. These results strengthen the concept that /y: n 5) and P180 (CrT/y: n 9, nes-CrT/y: n 6, nes-CrT-/y: n 5), ith mutant e already dran from our ubiuitous model, that age is a ey factor of mice carrying animals being able to learn the tas during the training phase and to remember the Cr deficiency. position of the platform in the probe trial as ell as their age-matched controls (Figure 2A - C). At 1-year of age, hoever, nes-CrT-/y mice (n 12) ere significantly poorer learners ith respect to age-matched CrT/y (n 12) and nes-CrT-/y animals (n ae in nesr 1) so much so that the distance to locate the platform as different beteen the three groups at days 5 and 6 of training (Figure 2D, left). The probe test confirmed e first analyzed the performance of nes-CrT-/y animals at P0 using the maze the presence of a spatial memory impairment in the conditional mutant mouse: ani- spontaneous alternation. Mutant nes-CrT-/y (n 6), nes-CrT/y littermates (n 9) and mals not carrying the floxed allele, indeed, spent significantly longer time in the uad- control ild-type animals (CrT/y, n 13) eually explored the three arms of the maze rant here the platform as located during the training days hile mutant mice did ith no bias toards a specific branch. Indeed, no effect of genotype as detected for not remember the location of the hidden platform and eually explored the four uad- the number of entries in the single arms of the maze (designated as A, B, C), despite rants of the maze (Figure 2C, right). As expected, no effect of genotype as found an increased total number of entries by nes-CrT-/y mice (Figure 22A). At this age, the on mean simming speed recorded all along the training phase at the different ages alternation rate as not different among CrT/y, nes-CrT/y and nes-CrT-/y and groups tested (Figure 25), demonstrating that motor functions are largely preserved in the (Fig. 22A). In contrast, an impairment as detected at P100 and P180, ith a signifi- brain-specific CrT murine model. cantly loer performance of nes-CrT-/y animals ith respect to CrT/y age-matched mice and nes-CrT/y littermates (Figure 22B,C). Also at these ages, the total number of entries by nes-CrT-/y mice is higher ith respect to the to control groups, but no niet ees an otor actiit are not atere in nesr ice bias as present in the exploration of the three arms (Figure 22B,C). To exclude the possibility that differences in cognitive tass reflect changes in anxiety levels and stress response, e evaluated general activity and anxiety-related ect recognition test in nesr behavior of CrT/y mice, nes-CrT/y and nes-CrT-/y in the open field arena folloing the same experimental schedule used for cognitive assessment (P0 and P100: CrT/y In the same animals, e assessed declarative memory abilities ith the ORT, a n 13, nes-CrT/y n 9, nes-CrT-/y n 6; P180: CrT/y n 11, nes-CrT/y n 8, nes- test based on the natural tendency of rodents to spend more time exploring a novel CrT-/y n 6). Although all animals tended to remain in the peripheral region of the obect than a familiar one. No difference in short- (1h) and long-term (2h) recogni- arena for a significantly longer time length, the time spent by nes-CrT-/y mutant mice tion memory as detected at P0 in nes-CrT-/y mice (n 6) ith respect to CrT/y (n in both the central and peripheral portion of the apparatus as not different from that 10) and nes-CrT/y animals (n 8; Figure 23A). recorded for CrT/y and nes-CrT/y animals at any of the time point tested (Figure 26). The total time of obect exploration during the test phase as also comparable No difference as detected either in motion speed or total distance moved at P0 and among the three experimental groups. A memory deficit became apparent to months P180, even if a decreased activity as observed in nes-CrT/y at P100 (Figure 26). later, hen the discrimination index at 2h as significantly loer in mutant mice, These data are in line ith the lac of alterations in this test previously observed in indicating a eaened capacity to recall a familiar obect (P100, CrT/y: n 10, nes- the ubiuitous CrT mutant. CrT/y: n 9, nes-CrT-/y: n 6; Figure 23B). This impairment eventually affected both To evaluate motor function in non-aversive environment, e also longitudinally short and long-term memories at P180. Indeed, at this age nes-CrT-/y mice shoed a investigated home-cage locomotor activity in this mouse model (P0 and P100: CrT/y mared memory deficit both at 1- and 2-h interval beteen the sample and the test n 13, nes-CrT/y n 9, nes-CrT-/y n 6; P180: CrT/y n 11, nes-CrT/y n 9, nes-

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Angelo Molinaro and also to understand hether a progressive deterioration of learning and memory phase ith respect to CrT/y and nes-CrT/y mice (CrT/y n 11, nes-CrT/y n 9, nes- functions is present in nes-CrT-/y mice, e studied four different stages: I) during the CrT-/y n 6; Fig. 23C). At both ages, total time of exploration as still comparable brain development (P0 at the beginning of testing), II) in the adult age (P100 at the among groups (Figure 23B, C). beginning of testing), III) in the middle age (P180 at the beginning of testing), and IV) in the early aging (P365 at the beginning of testing). Since mild secondary effects of Cre-recombinase transgene insertion or Cre activity on selected endophenotypes orris water ae in nesr have been previously suggested (Giusti et al., 201) e also analyzed the behavior of nes-CrT/y littermates at the same time points. e report a delayed onset of cognitive e further assessed memory abilities in the MM tas, a cognitive paradigm decline in nervous system-specific nes-CrT-/y mice ith respect to hole-body CrT-/y that allos testing spatial learning and memory. No difference as observed in the mutants, folloed by an age-dependent increase of cognitive frailty. No alterations of MM performance of CrT/y, nes-CrT/y and nes-CrT-/y mice at P0 (CrT/y: n 10, learning and memory, general exploratory activity, motor function and stereotypies nes-CrT/y: n 5, nes-CrT-/y: n 5), P100 (CrT/y: n 7, nes-CrT/y: n 5, nes-CrT- ere detected in the Nestin-cre mouse line. These results strengthen the concept that /y: n 5) and P180 (CrT/y: n 9, nes-CrT/y: n 6, nes-CrT-/y: n 5), ith mutant e already dran from our ubiuitous model, that age is a ey factor of mice carrying animals being able to learn the tas during the training phase and to remember the Cr deficiency. position of the platform in the probe trial as ell as their age-matched controls (Figure 2A - C). At 1-year of age, hoever, nes-CrT-/y mice (n 12) ere significantly poorer learners ith respect to age-matched CrT/y (n 12) and nes-CrT-/y animals (n ae in nesr 1) so much so that the distance to locate the platform as different beteen the three groups at days 5 and 6 of training (Figure 2D, left). The probe test confirmed e first analyzed the performance of nes-CrT-/y animals at P0 using the maze the presence of a spatial memory impairment in the conditional mutant mouse: ani- spontaneous alternation. Mutant nes-CrT-/y (n 6), nes-CrT/y littermates (n 9) and mals not carrying the floxed allele, indeed, spent significantly longer time in the uad- control ild-type animals (CrT/y, n 13) eually explored the three arms of the maze rant here the platform as located during the training days hile mutant mice did ith no bias toards a specific branch. Indeed, no effect of genotype as detected for not remember the location of the hidden platform and eually explored the four uad- the number of entries in the single arms of the maze (designated as A, B, C), despite rants of the maze (Figure 2C, right). As expected, no effect of genotype as found an increased total number of entries by nes-CrT-/y mice (Figure 22A). At this age, the on mean simming speed recorded all along the training phase at the different ages alternation rate as not different among CrT/y, nes-CrT/y and nes-CrT-/y and groups tested (Figure 25), demonstrating that motor functions are largely preserved in the (Fig. 22A). In contrast, an impairment as detected at P100 and P180, ith a signifi- brain-specific CrT murine model. cantly loer performance of nes-CrT-/y animals ith respect to CrT/y age-matched mice and nes-CrT/y littermates (Figure 22B,C). Also at these ages, the total number of entries by nes-CrT-/y mice is higher ith respect to the to control groups, but no niet ees an otor actiit are not atere in nesr ice bias as present in the exploration of the three arms (Figure 22B,C). To exclude the possibility that differences in cognitive tass reflect changes in anxiety levels and stress response, e evaluated general activity and anxiety-related ect recognition test in nesr behavior of CrT/y mice, nes-CrT/y and nes-CrT-/y in the open field arena folloing the same experimental schedule used for cognitive assessment (P0 and P100: CrT/y In the same animals, e assessed declarative memory abilities ith the ORT, a n 13, nes-CrT/y n 9, nes-CrT-/y n 6; P180: CrT/y n 11, nes-CrT/y n 8, nes- test based on the natural tendency of rodents to spend more time exploring a novel CrT-/y n 6). Although all animals tended to remain in the peripheral region of the obect than a familiar one. No difference in short- (1h) and long-term (2h) recogni- arena for a significantly longer time length, the time spent by nes-CrT-/y mutant mice tion memory as detected at P0 in nes-CrT-/y mice (n 6) ith respect to CrT/y (n in both the central and peripheral portion of the apparatus as not different from that 10) and nes-CrT/y animals (n 8; Figure 23A). recorded for CrT/y and nes-CrT/y animals at any of the time point tested (Figure 26). The total time of obect exploration during the test phase as also comparable No difference as detected either in motion speed or total distance moved at P0 and among the three experimental groups. A memory deficit became apparent to months P180, even if a decreased activity as observed in nes-CrT/y at P100 (Figure 26). later, hen the discrimination index at 2h as significantly loer in mutant mice, These data are in line ith the lac of alterations in this test previously observed in indicating a eaened capacity to recall a familiar obect (P100, CrT/y: n 10, nes- the ubiuitous CrT mutant. CrT/y: n 9, nes-CrT-/y: n 6; Figure 23B). This impairment eventually affected both To evaluate motor function in non-aversive environment, e also longitudinally short and long-term memories at P180. Indeed, at this age nes-CrT-/y mice shoed a investigated home-cage locomotor activity in this mouse model (P0 and P100: CrT/y mared memory deficit both at 1- and 2-h interval beteen the sample and the test n 13, nes-CrT/y n 9, nes-CrT-/y n 6; P180: CrT/y n 11, nes-CrT/y n 9, nes-

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency CrT-/y n 6). e found that nes-CrT-/y mice are significantly more active than the spots resulted differentially expressed in significant manner in CrT-/y ith respect to CrT/y and the nes-CrT/y group at P100. More specifically, nes-CrT-/y mice shoed CrT/y at 12 days-old (Table 6). increased horizontal activity during the night period (Figure 27). In agreement ith the data obtained ith the open field test, no effect of genotype as observed at P0 athwa an Networ nasis and P180 Figure 27). Finally, e performed a direct measurement of muscle function using the conventional grip strength test in adult animals (P180; CrT/y n 13, nes- For the O and T comparison, proteins found differentially expressed ere in- CrT/y n 11, nes-CrT-/y n 7). Nes-CrT-/y mice displayed a forelimb strength totally cluded in the Ingenuity Pathays Analysis (IPA) analysis to identify molecular and comparable to ild-type and nes-CrT/y animals (Figure 28). cellular functions and to investigate hether these proteins or together in specific netors. Therefore, the softare generated a main netor (score 60) (Figure 31) with associated biofunctions “Free radical scavenging, small molecules biochemistry, sence o pathoogica repetitie an stereotpe ehaior in nesr ice neurological diseases” (Figure 32) and focused on canonical pathways which showed the differentially expressed molecules to fall into functional categories such as mito- CCDS1 patients can sho traits lined to autism spectrum disorders. Moreover, chondrial dysfunction, glycolysis, sirtuin signaling, oxidative phosphorylation and as reported above, e found that ubiuitous CrT-/y mutant animals exhibit increased Nrf2-mediated oxidative stress response (Figure 33). All the proteins found to be up- repetitive and stereotyped behavior. Thus, e examined the performance of CrT/y and don-regulated may concur in an upstream regulator analysis to predict if tran- mice (n 13 for P0 and P100, n 11 for P180 and P365), nes-CrT/y (n 9 for P0, scription factors or genes could be activated or inactivated in agreement ith the z- P100 and P180, n 11 for P365) and nes-CrT-/y (n 6 for P0, P100 and P180, n 7 score value (z-score 2 and p 0.05). A list of activated and inhibited factors is for P365) in the rotarod test and the amount of self-grooming at P180 (CrT/y: n 11, shon in Table 5, and Figure 3 shos the interaction ith the overexpressed proteins nes-CrT/y: n 11, nes-CrT-/y: n 7) and P365 (CrT/y: n 6, nes-CrT/y: n 10, nes- found in CrT-/y mice. In particular Rictor, fragile mental retardation protein 1 (FMR1) CrT-/y: n 7; (Rothell et al., 201; Fuccillo, 2016). Nes-CrT-/y mutant mice did not and EGLN resulted inhibited hereas mTOR, NFE2L2, ESRRD and PPARGC1A differ from CrT/y and nes-CrT/y mice in the rotarod tas, ith a totally comparable resulted activated. Furthermore, a relationship beteen a top regulator, APP, and a fall latency from the drum at all ages tested (Figure 29A). The same as true for the molecular function, “metabolism of reactive oxygen species”, has been predicted in self-grooming: indeed, no difference as present in the time nes-CrT-/y, CrT/y and significant manner (Figure 35). nes-CrT/y spent grooming themselves (Figure 29B). These results suggest that the presence of autistic-lie traits in the mouse model are related to the lac of Cr in tis- estern ot aiation o proteoic rests sues other than the CNS, that is: it seems to have a peripheral pathogenesis. e selected 6 proteins to perform validation by immunoblot analysis. The results confirmed the significant different expression of six proteins in CrT-/y ith respect to roteoic anasis o itochonria in iitos T. For each tested protein the OD of specific immunoreactive band as determined and the resulting mean values ere compared (CrT-/y vs T). As shon in Figure 36, oparatie anasis it is confirmed significant the increase of expression for all proteins analyzed.

A comparative analysis beteen O and T 2DE proteomic maps as per- formed, at P12 and P30. Figure 30 illustrates a representative 2DE image of mito- chondrial protein extracts for T and O P30 samples, respectively. The uality of gels as assessed by the softare Same spot hich includes the SpotChec function. Overall an average of 1300 Spots as found ithin a nonlinear pH range from 3 to 10. Normalized spot volumes ere analyzed by the ANOVA test to detect the proteins hich ere significantly (p 0.05, value 0.05) differentially expressed beteen to classes. Fifty-five spots resulted differentially expressed in significant manner in CrT-/y ith respect to CrT/y at 30 days-old, in particular 1 spots shoed fold 2. All these spots ere increased in CrT-/y deficiency mice. Thirty-seven spots of interest ere selected and cut from the gel and identify by nano-LC-ESI-MS/MS. A list of identified proteins, ith molecular eight (M), isoelectric point (pI), score, and coverage values of MS/MS is shon in Table 5 (at the end of this section). Only four

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Angelo Molinaro CrT-/y n 6). e found that nes-CrT-/y mice are significantly more active than the spots resulted differentially expressed in significant manner in CrT-/y ith respect to CrT/y and the nes-CrT/y group at P100. More specifically, nes-CrT-/y mice shoed CrT/y at 12 days-old (Table 6). increased horizontal activity during the night period (Figure 27). In agreement ith the data obtained ith the open field test, no effect of genotype as observed at P0 athwa an Networ nasis and P180 Figure 27). Finally, e performed a direct measurement of muscle function using the conventional grip strength test in adult animals (P180; CrT/y n 13, nes- For the O and T comparison, proteins found differentially expressed ere in- CrT/y n 11, nes-CrT-/y n 7). Nes-CrT-/y mice displayed a forelimb strength totally cluded in the Ingenuity Pathays Analysis (IPA) analysis to identify molecular and comparable to ild-type and nes-CrT/y animals (Figure 28). cellular functions and to investigate hether these proteins or together in specific netors. Therefore, the softare generated a main netor (score 60) (Figure 31) with associated biofunctions “Free radical scavenging, small molecules biochemistry, sence o pathoogica repetitie an stereotpe ehaior in nesr ice neurological diseases” (Figure 32) and focused on canonical pathways which showed the differentially expressed molecules to fall into functional categories such as mito- CCDS1 patients can sho traits lined to autism spectrum disorders. Moreover, chondrial dysfunction, glycolysis, sirtuin signaling, oxidative phosphorylation and as reported above, e found that ubiuitous CrT-/y mutant animals exhibit increased Nrf2-mediated oxidative stress response (Figure 33). All the proteins found to be up- repetitive and stereotyped behavior. Thus, e examined the performance of CrT/y and don-regulated may concur in an upstream regulator analysis to predict if tran- mice (n 13 for P0 and P100, n 11 for P180 and P365), nes-CrT/y (n 9 for P0, scription factors or genes could be activated or inactivated in agreement ith the z- P100 and P180, n 11 for P365) and nes-CrT-/y (n 6 for P0, P100 and P180, n 7 score value (z-score 2 and p 0.05). A list of activated and inhibited factors is for P365) in the rotarod test and the amount of self-grooming at P180 (CrT/y: n 11, shon in Table 5, and Figure 3 shos the interaction ith the overexpressed proteins nes-CrT/y: n 11, nes-CrT-/y: n 7) and P365 (CrT/y: n 6, nes-CrT/y: n 10, nes- found in CrT-/y mice. In particular Rictor, fragile mental retardation protein 1 (FMR1) CrT-/y: n 7; (Rothell et al., 201; Fuccillo, 2016). Nes-CrT-/y mutant mice did not and EGLN resulted inhibited hereas mTOR, NFE2L2, ESRRD and PPARGC1A differ from CrT/y and nes-CrT/y mice in the rotarod tas, ith a totally comparable resulted activated. Furthermore, a relationship beteen a top regulator, APP, and a fall latency from the drum at all ages tested (Figure 29A). The same as true for the molecular function, “metabolism of reactive oxygen species”, has been predicted in self-grooming: indeed, no difference as present in the time nes-CrT-/y, CrT/y and significant manner (Figure 35). nes-CrT/y spent grooming themselves (Figure 29B). These results suggest that the presence of autistic-lie traits in the mouse model are related to the lac of Cr in tis- estern ot aiation o proteoic rests sues other than the CNS, that is: it seems to have a peripheral pathogenesis. e selected 6 proteins to perform validation by immunoblot analysis. The results confirmed the significant different expression of six proteins in CrT-/y ith respect to roteoic anasis o itochonria in iitos T. For each tested protein the OD of specific immunoreactive band as determined and the resulting mean values ere compared (CrT-/y vs T). As shon in Figure 36, oparatie anasis it is confirmed significant the increase of expression for all proteins analyzed.

A comparative analysis beteen O and T 2DE proteomic maps as per- formed, at P12 and P30. Figure 30 illustrates a representative 2DE image of mito- chondrial protein extracts for T and O P30 samples, respectively. The uality of gels as assessed by the softare Same spot hich includes the SpotChec function. Overall an average of 1300 Spots as found ithin a nonlinear pH range from 3 to 10. Normalized spot volumes ere analyzed by the ANOVA test to detect the proteins hich ere significantly (p 0.05, value 0.05) differentially expressed beteen to classes. Fifty-five spots resulted differentially expressed in significant manner in CrT-/y ith respect to CrT/y at 30 days-old, in particular 1 spots shoed fold 2. All these spots ere increased in CrT-/y deficiency mice. Thirty-seven spots of interest ere selected and cut from the gel and identify by nano-LC-ESI-MS/MS. A list of identified proteins, ith molecular eight (M), isoelectric point (pI), score, and coverage values of MS/MS is shon in Table 5 (at the end of this section). Only four



CCDS1 is non to cause brain Cr depletion and several neurological deficits, but nothing is non about the neurobiological bases of this disease. e performed the first thorough morphological, functional, behavioral and proteomic characteriza- tion of to CCDS1 mouse models, a ubiuitous O model and a brain-specific O. The latter is a novel conditional model in hich exons from 5 to 7 are deleted (Baron- celli et al., 201), compared ith a previous model in hich a deletion of exons 2 to is used (Selton et al., 2011). Hoever, in both models a dramatic reduction of brain Cr content is achieved, maing them suitable for targeting CrT specifically in brain cells. Cr deficiency as apparent in both the cerebral cortex and hippocampus (hich are to brain regions crucially involved in the patient cognitive defects) of both CrT- /y and nes-CrT-/y mice, and the reduction observed overlapped ith the levels of Cr that are found in the brain of CCDS1 patients (van de amp et al. 2013). Similarly, Cr levels ere completely preserved in the seletal muscle of nes-CrT-/y as observed in CCDS1 subects (deGrau et al., 2003; Pyne-Geithman et al., 200). In contrast, CrT-/y mice displayed a mared reduction of Cr in extraneural tissues, that does not match hat is described in human patients, here the main organ involved is the brain and the other tissues seem relatively spared (Puusepp et al., 2010; oncuel-Chevalier Curt et al., 2015). The longitudinal analysis revealed a progressive cognitive decline not paralleled by either a decrease of Cr levels in the brain tissue or a rise of GAA (hich is a toxic metabolite), strengthening the idea that the chronic deficit of Cr energy buffer is the main event triggering cellular and molecular compensatory mechanisms that bring about the progressive deterioration of brain function. The only tissue in hich e ere able to detect a significant reduction of Cr levels over time as the muscle, suggesting that compensatory upregulation of Cr in the muscle declines ith age. This finding raises the possibility that a muscular phenotype could also occur in patients later in life. The phenotype associated ith brain aging included progressive learning and memory deterioration, synaptic loss, microglial cell activation, neurogenesis impair- ment and lipofuscin deposition, and it already occurs in adult (i.e. not aged) animals. These significant differences in learning and memory performance of CrT-/y mice re- flected changes in cognitive abilities per se: indeed, the open field test revealed that mutant mice display anxiety levels in the range of normal values, indicating that their capacity to cope ith stressful conditions of behavioral tests is not altered.

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CCDS1 is non to cause brain Cr depletion and several neurological deficits, but nothing is non about the neurobiological bases of this disease. e performed the first thorough morphological, functional, behavioral and proteomic characteriza- tion of to CCDS1 mouse models, a ubiuitous O model and a brain-specific O. The latter is a novel conditional model in hich exons from 5 to 7 are deleted (Baron- celli et al., 201), compared ith a previous model in hich a deletion of exons 2 to is used (Selton et al., 2011). Hoever, in both models a dramatic reduction of brain Cr content is achieved, maing them suitable for targeting CrT specifically in brain cells. Cr deficiency as apparent in both the cerebral cortex and hippocampus (hich are to brain regions crucially involved in the patient cognitive defects) of both CrT- /y and nes-CrT-/y mice, and the reduction observed overlapped ith the levels of Cr that are found in the brain of CCDS1 patients (van de amp et al. 2013). Similarly, Cr levels ere completely preserved in the seletal muscle of nes-CrT-/y as observed in CCDS1 subects (deGrau et al., 2003; Pyne-Geithman et al., 200). In contrast, CrT-/y mice displayed a mared reduction of Cr in extraneural tissues, that does not match hat is described in human patients, here the main organ involved is the brain and the other tissues seem relatively spared (Puusepp et al., 2010; oncuel-Chevalier Curt et al., 2015). The longitudinal analysis revealed a progressive cognitive decline not paralleled by either a decrease of Cr levels in the brain tissue or a rise of GAA (hich is a toxic metabolite), strengthening the idea that the chronic deficit of Cr energy buffer is the main event triggering cellular and molecular compensatory mechanisms that bring about the progressive deterioration of brain function. The only tissue in hich e ere able to detect a significant reduction of Cr levels over time as the muscle, suggesting that compensatory upregulation of Cr in the muscle declines ith age. This finding raises the possibility that a muscular phenotype could also occur in patients later in life. The phenotype associated ith brain aging included progressive learning and memory deterioration, synaptic loss, microglial cell activation, neurogenesis impair- ment and lipofuscin deposition, and it already occurs in adult (i.e. not aged) animals. These significant differences in learning and memory performance of CrT-/y mice re- flected changes in cognitive abilities per se: indeed, the open field test revealed that mutant mice display anxiety levels in the range of normal values, indicating that their capacity to cope ith stressful conditions of behavioral tests is not altered.

Angelo Molinaro, New insights into creatine transporter deficiency. Identification of neuropathological and metabolic targets for treatment, © 2020 Author(s), content CC BY 4.0 International, metadata CC0 1.0 Universal, published by Firenze University Press (www.fupress. com), ISSN 2612-8020 (online), ISBN 978-88-5518-082-5 (PDF), DOI7 10.36253/978-88-5518-082-5

New insights into creatine transporter deficiency The cognitive decline as similar in both the ubiuitous and the conditional This could be associated ith a reduction of release probability or ith a decreased model, highlighting that a local CrT loss of function is sufficient to induce a dysreg- number of release sites. Morphological analysis revealed a reduction of presynaptic ulation of Cr levels in the brain. Hoever, the cognitive impairment observed in the inhibitory puncta as indicated by the significant loer expression of the vesicular nes-CrT-/y mice as delayed compared to ubiuitous O, and the conditional model GABA transporter in to brain regions fundamentally involved in the processing of lacs some traits usually lined to autism spectrum disorders, including repetitive and learning and memory tass such as the PFC and the ACC. The hole picture, lo stereotyped movements, routines and rituals, all of hich are present in CrT-/y. mIPSCs freuency and less vGAT-expressing puncta, could be accounted for by a Nevertheless, these results clearly indicate that brain Cr depletion is a pivotal reduction of the number of inhibitory presynaptic release sites. These observations fit cause of the CCDS1 pathological phenotype, in particular ith regard to the cognitive ith the findings of a recent paper (Saunders et al., 2018) shoing high expression of domain, but peripheral actors seem to play an important role. Future studies ill allo CrT in fast spiing PV inhibitory interneurons. These interneurons send axons to elucidating the possible participation of peripheral metabolic alterations, blood bio- pyramidal neurons and to other PV cells as ell, and because they can sustain high chemical milieu, immune abnormalities and intestinal microbiome in the etiology of freuency firing, it is foreseeable that their energy reuirement is very high. In turn CCDS1. this should reuire higher intracellular Cr levels and mae them more vulnerable to Unexpectedly, our data about the nes-CrT-/y are not consistent ith a very recent Cr deficiency. The conseuent dysfunction of inhibitory interneurons could explain or shoing that spatial learning and memory deficits are already present in young the presence of epileptic phenotype in CCDS1 patients (Leuzzi et al., 2013) and some (P60 - 90) brain-specific nocout mice (Udobi et al., 2018). e surmise that this electroencephalogram (EEG) alterations (Schiaffino et al., 2005). Furthermore, the discrepancy might be due to a lac of motivating force in the animals used in the cited reduction of inhibition could represent another lin to early aging, since many studies paper, as suggested by the altered performance in the cued version of the MM, in describe a loss of inhibitory neurons in the aged brain (Shetty and Turner, 1998; Vela hich spatial memory is not reuired. et al., 2003; Shi et al., 200). The extent of the early aging that e observed is dramatically exemplified by the Inflammation is increasingly being seen as a cardinal mechanism of aging (Fran- absence of difference in spatial learning performance hen 6 months CrT-/y mice ere ceschi et al., 2006), and e demonstrated that neuroinflammation plays a critical role compared to 12 months T mice. e have considered the possibility that this accel- in the progression of CrT disorder, enriching the frameor of aging due to Cr defi- erated decline in cognitive performance could be related to the documented neuropro- ciency. It is apparent that Cr depletion causes an aberrant activation of microglial cells tective (Matthes et al., 1999; Sullivan et al., 2000; Bender et al., 2008; Puusepp et in the brain of mature CrT-/y animals and activated microglia may release a number of al., 2010) and antiapoptotic effects of Cr (O’Gorman et al., 1997). However, when we cytoines and chemoines, hich in turn activate many proinflammatory signal trans- examined the neuronal density in the cerebral cortex, e did not detect any significant duction pathays. It is non that coactivation of proinflammatory and cytotoxic reduction in the number of NeuN-positive cells either in the PFC or in the ACC. In products during neuroinflammation process is detrimental to neurons and may alter contrast, e found a mared impairment of hippocampal neurogenesis in the brain of synaptic proteins (Rao et al., 2012). Recent evidence sho that neuroinflammation mature CrT-/y mice. This as assessed by observing significantly reduced numbers of also negatively affects hippocampal neurogenesis (Sierra et al., 201; Ryan and No- i67-positive proliferating cells along ith DCX-positive immature neurons in the lan, 2016). e could hypothesize that activated microglia-neuron crosstal has detri- hippocampal DG region. These results are consistent ith the notion that the creation mental effects on hippocampal neurogenesis and brain synaptic connectivity in CrT- of ne neurons is an energetically expensive process (empermann, 2015) and that /y animals. Thus, the dysregulation of microglial behavior appears to be a critical com- the hippocampus is particularly vulnerable to metabolic alterations (Bartsch and ponent of the negative progression of CrT deficiency pathology. ulff, 2015). Since adult hippocampal neurogenesis plays a vital role in maintaining A possible trigger of neuroinflammation is the increased concentration of dam- normal cognitive processing (Christian, Song and Ming, 201) an impairment of this aged macromolecules and protein aggregates as a result of an increase in oxidative process could conceivably compromise hippocampal function and represent a ey stress as ell as a result of mitochondrial dysfunction leading to excessive generation substrate of the cognitive defects seen in CrT-/y mice. Accordingly, most studies indi- of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative damage to lipids, proteins and DNA. cate a correlation beteen a compromised neurogenic niche and impaired perfor- The Cr/PCr system is strongly implicated in the cellular bioenergetic function and mance in hippocampus-dependent cognitive tass in aged mice (Lee, Clemenson and several studies have revealed a correlation beteen Cr levels and intracellular ROS Gage, 2012). inasmuch Cr exhibits antioxidant activity either through direct interactions ith oxi- In many neurodevelopmental disorders, an imbalance beteen excitation and in- dant species or through metabolic reactions conferring antioxidant protection (Laler hibition is described (Bories et al., 2013; Mcuail, Frazier and Bizon, 2015). In par- et al., 2002; Sestili et al., 2011). Accordingly, e found an enhanced accumulation of ticular, inhibition seems to play a pivotal role and the dysfunction of an important lipofuscin in the brain of CrT-/y mice that could be the result of increased oxidative class of inhibitory interneurons, namely PV-expressing (PV) cells, could be involved damage (Hhn and Grune, 2013). The presence of lipofuscin can also influence im- in autist-lie disorders (izhar et al., 2011). e, therefore, performed electrophysio- portant cellular processes, such as autophagy, by inhibiting the fusion beteen au- logical studies using patch clamp recording of mIPSCs from cortical principal neu- tophagosomes and lysosomes, thus further exacerbating the accumulation of degrada- rons. e found a reduced freuency of events, ith a normal amplitude distribution.

488 9

Angelo Molinaro The cognitive decline as similar in both the ubiuitous and the conditional This could be associated ith a reduction of release probability or ith a decreased model, highlighting that a local CrT loss of function is sufficient to induce a dysreg- number of release sites. Morphological analysis revealed a reduction of presynaptic ulation of Cr levels in the brain. Hoever, the cognitive impairment observed in the inhibitory puncta as indicated by the significant loer expression of the vesicular nes-CrT-/y mice as delayed compared to ubiuitous O, and the conditional model GABA transporter in to brain regions fundamentally involved in the processing of lacs some traits usually lined to autism spectrum disorders, including repetitive and learning and memory tass such as the PFC and the ACC. The hole picture, lo stereotyped movements, routines and rituals, all of hich are present in CrT-/y. mIPSCs freuency and less vGAT-expressing puncta, could be accounted for by a Nevertheless, these results clearly indicate that brain Cr depletion is a pivotal reduction of the number of inhibitory presynaptic release sites. These observations fit cause of the CCDS1 pathological phenotype, in particular ith regard to the cognitive ith the findings of a recent paper (Saunders et al., 2018) shoing high expression of domain, but peripheral actors seem to play an important role. Future studies ill allo CrT in fast spiing PV inhibitory interneurons. These interneurons send axons to elucidating the possible participation of peripheral metabolic alterations, blood bio- pyramidal neurons and to other PV cells as ell, and because they can sustain high chemical milieu, immune abnormalities and intestinal microbiome in the etiology of freuency firing, it is foreseeable that their energy reuirement is very high. In turn CCDS1. this should reuire higher intracellular Cr levels and mae them more vulnerable to Unexpectedly, our data about the nes-CrT-/y are not consistent ith a very recent Cr deficiency. The conseuent dysfunction of inhibitory interneurons could explain or shoing that spatial learning and memory deficits are already present in young the presence of epileptic phenotype in CCDS1 patients (Leuzzi et al., 2013) and some (P60 - 90) brain-specific nocout mice (Udobi et al., 2018). e surmise that this electroencephalogram (EEG) alterations (Schiaffino et al., 2005). Furthermore, the discrepancy might be due to a lac of motivating force in the animals used in the cited reduction of inhibition could represent another lin to early aging, since many studies paper, as suggested by the altered performance in the cued version of the MM, in describe a loss of inhibitory neurons in the aged brain (Shetty and Turner, 1998; Vela hich spatial memory is not reuired. et al., 2003; Shi et al., 200). The extent of the early aging that e observed is dramatically exemplified by the Inflammation is increasingly being seen as a cardinal mechanism of aging (Fran- absence of difference in spatial learning performance hen 6 months CrT-/y mice ere ceschi et al., 2006), and e demonstrated that neuroinflammation plays a critical role compared to 12 months T mice. e have considered the possibility that this accel- in the progression of CrT disorder, enriching the frameor of aging due to Cr defi- erated decline in cognitive performance could be related to the documented neuropro- ciency. It is apparent that Cr depletion causes an aberrant activation of microglial cells tective (Matthes et al., 1999; Sullivan et al., 2000; Bender et al., 2008; Puusepp et in the brain of mature CrT-/y animals and activated microglia may release a number of al., 2010) and antiapoptotic effects of Cr (O’Gorman et al., 1997). However, when we cytoines and chemoines, hich in turn activate many proinflammatory signal trans- examined the neuronal density in the cerebral cortex, e did not detect any significant duction pathays. It is non that coactivation of proinflammatory and cytotoxic reduction in the number of NeuN-positive cells either in the PFC or in the ACC. In products during neuroinflammation process is detrimental to neurons and may alter contrast, e found a mared impairment of hippocampal neurogenesis in the brain of synaptic proteins (Rao et al., 2012). Recent evidence sho that neuroinflammation mature CrT-/y mice. This as assessed by observing significantly reduced numbers of also negatively affects hippocampal neurogenesis (Sierra et al., 201; Ryan and No- i67-positive proliferating cells along ith DCX-positive immature neurons in the lan, 2016). e could hypothesize that activated microglia-neuron crosstal has detri- hippocampal DG region. These results are consistent ith the notion that the creation mental effects on hippocampal neurogenesis and brain synaptic connectivity in CrT- of ne neurons is an energetically expensive process (empermann, 2015) and that /y animals. Thus, the dysregulation of microglial behavior appears to be a critical com- the hippocampus is particularly vulnerable to metabolic alterations (Bartsch and ponent of the negative progression of CrT deficiency pathology. ulff, 2015). Since adult hippocampal neurogenesis plays a vital role in maintaining A possible trigger of neuroinflammation is the increased concentration of dam- normal cognitive processing (Christian, Song and Ming, 201) an impairment of this aged macromolecules and protein aggregates as a result of an increase in oxidative process could conceivably compromise hippocampal function and represent a ey stress as ell as a result of mitochondrial dysfunction leading to excessive generation substrate of the cognitive defects seen in CrT-/y mice. Accordingly, most studies indi- of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative damage to lipids, proteins and DNA. cate a correlation beteen a compromised neurogenic niche and impaired perfor- The Cr/PCr system is strongly implicated in the cellular bioenergetic function and mance in hippocampus-dependent cognitive tass in aged mice (Lee, Clemenson and several studies have revealed a correlation beteen Cr levels and intracellular ROS Gage, 2012). inasmuch Cr exhibits antioxidant activity either through direct interactions ith oxi- In many neurodevelopmental disorders, an imbalance beteen excitation and in- dant species or through metabolic reactions conferring antioxidant protection (Laler hibition is described (Bories et al., 2013; Mcuail, Frazier and Bizon, 2015). In par- et al., 2002; Sestili et al., 2011). Accordingly, e found an enhanced accumulation of ticular, inhibition seems to play a pivotal role and the dysfunction of an important lipofuscin in the brain of CrT-/y mice that could be the result of increased oxidative class of inhibitory interneurons, namely PV-expressing (PV) cells, could be involved damage (Hhn and Grune, 2013). The presence of lipofuscin can also influence im- in autist-lie disorders (izhar et al., 2011). e, therefore, performed electrophysio- portant cellular processes, such as autophagy, by inhibiting the fusion beteen au- logical studies using patch clamp recording of mIPSCs from cortical principal neu- tophagosomes and lysosomes, thus further exacerbating the accumulation of degrada- rons. e found a reduced freuency of events, ith a normal amplitude distribution.

8 499

New insights into creatine transporter deficiency tion products and cognitive impairment (Brandenstein et al., 2016). In addition, pa- 2017). Moreover, a possible lin beteen cofilin, and mitochondrial dynamics and tients ith Cr deficiency syndromes have increased oxidative stress and ROS-induced function has been proposed (Bec et al., 2012). Thus, neuronal dysregulation of co- apoptotic cell loss (Alcaide et al., 2011). filin might be involved in CCDS1 pathogenesis. A possible trigger of cofilin polymer- All these results strongly point toards a picture in hich the lac of Cr sets in ization is the increased concentration of damaged lipids, proteins and DNA as a result motion the precocious activation of detrimental cellular and molecular mechanisms of oxidative stress (Bamburg and Bernstein, 2016), a phenotype indeed observed in typical of brain aging leading to a progressive cognitive regression. Considering that our O model. the most important function of Cr is believed to be its energy-buffering property, and The excessive generation of ROS and dysfunctional mitochondria might also be that mitochondria are the sites in hich most of the cell energy is produced, the miss- involved in the overexpression of the mitogen-activated protein inase 1 ing lin beteen Cr lac and the subseuent cognitive decline could be represented (MAP1/ER2) signal transduction pathay (hu et al., 2002). Depending on the by mitochondria themselves and their role in energy metabolism. To investigate cellular context, MAP cascade plays a pivotal role in diverse biological functions deeper this aspect, e performed a proteomic analysis of mitochondria enriched sam- including cell groth, adhesion, survival, differentiation, synaptic plasticity and spine ples, hich shoed a mared alteration of the mitochondrial proteomic landscape in dynamics (Thomas and Huganir, 200; Ratto and Pizzorusso, 2006), but ER path- Cr deficient animals, ith a total of 37 upregulated (identified) peptides in the brain ay may bidirectionally affect brain function and plasticity. A groing number of of young (P30) CrT–/y mice. In contrast, pups carrying the same gene deletion at P12 recent studies connect ER inase to autism spectrum disorders and other syndromes did sho a significant change of expression only in proteins. Many of the differen- characterized by intellectual disability (alman, 2012), providing evidence that de- tially regulated peptides at P30 are enzymes and other proteins involved in the energy velopmental abnormalities in neurogenesis and cortical cytoarchitecture can be asso- metabolism chain, including glucose metabolism, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, oxida- ciated ith a paradoxical increase of ER signaling (Pucilosa et al., 2015; Grissom tive phosphorylation and fatty acid oxidation. Moreover, e observed an increased et al., 2018). Although e do not no hether the overexpression of ER1 corre- expression of multiple antioxidant enzymes. sponds to an actual hyperactivation, it is described in literature that ER1 activation Therefore, a general pattern emerges of enhanced energy-generating pathays at- is associated ith inhibition of ER2, and the latter seems to modulate positively tempting to compensate for the poer failure caused by Cr depletion. This forced long-term recognition memory (Silingardi et al., 2011); in agreement ith this picture, metabolic phenotype is liely to originate an overload of potentially harmful by-prod- both our O models, the ubiuitous and the conditional one, sho strong impairment ucts of cellular metabolism, hich in turn activates the antioxidant defense system. in recognition memory. These data raise the possibility that normalization of ER Considering the central role of Cr in energy regulation, it is not surprising that brain activity, by treatment ith ER inhibitor peptides (Papale et al., 2017; Pucilosa et Cr deficit, in the attempt to compensate for loss of efficiency in the cellular netor al., 2018), might rescue the CNS phenotype recorded in CrT-/y mice. of ATP distribution, resonates in abnormal cellular metabolism, eventually resulting Our data also suggest that neuroinflammation and aberrant activation of micro- in a shift of the critical balance beteen free radical generation and antioxidant pro- glial cells are crucial actors in the progression of CCDS1 disorder. It is non that tection. Accordingly, it has been shon that the seletal muscle of AGAT nocout activated microglia can release proinflammatory cytoines, such as peptidyl-prolyl animals exhibits a conspicuous increase in inorganic phosphate/ATP ratio and overall cis-trans isomerase A (PPIA), also non as Cyclophilin A (Nigro, Pompilio and mitochondrial content, paralleled by a significant reduction of ATP levels (Nabuurs Capogrossi, 2013), another protein that e found overexpressed in CrT-/y. Research et al., 2013). Cellular metabolism and mitochondrial respiration increased in muscle in animal models and humans provided compelling evidence supporting the critical fibers and brain of CrT-/y mice, ith a higher number of mitochondria in CrT deficient function of PPIA in acute and chronic inflammatory diseases (Hoffmann and Schiene- cells (Perna et al., 2016). Moreover, pleomorphic and enlarged mitochondria, altera- , 201). Interestingly, PPIA expression increases ith aging (Nigro, Pompilio tions of mitochondrial matrix and cristae appearance ere observed at the electron and Capogrossi, 2013). microscope, in rats treated ith an inhibitor of Cr uptae (Gori et al., 1988). Larger Finally, upregulation of pyridoxal inase (PL) expression may be involved in populations of motile mitochondria are present in cells ith energy deficiency (uiper alterations of netor excitability recurring in Cr deficiency syndromes (Leuzzi et al., et al., 2008), potentially facilitating the recycling and elimination of damaged mito- 2013). Excessive pyridoxal phosphate concentration induced by increased PL, in- chondria. In agreement ith this interpretation, e found an upregulation of several deed, may result in altered GABA levels (Ebadi and langalya, 1979; Gospe, Olin proteins pertaining to the lysosomal catabolic and the ubiuitin proteasome pathays. and een, 199) and/or the modification of specific residues on the GABA-A receptor IPA enrichment analysis unveiled further cellular processes and components, producing the degeneration of GABAergic neurotransmission (Ishioa et al., 1995). hich are impaired in CrT deficiency. The expression of cofilin-1 as 2-fold in- In addition, patients ith inborn errors of metabolism affecting vitamin B6 concen- creased in Cr deficient brain compared to T animals, suggesting that energy stress trations in the brain present early-onset epilepsy (ang and uo, 2007; di Salvo et condition leads to the accumulation of this protein. Cytoplasmic cofilin rods have been al., 2017). Therefore, the modulation of PL expression may regulate seizure suscep- demonstrated to disrupt dendritic transport, cause loss of dendritic spines and corrupt tibility in CCDS1 patients. synaptic function in other neurological disorders including Alzheimer disease, bipolar Despite the absence of a clear overlap in the neural proteomic milieu at P12 and disorders and autism (Chen and ang, 2015; oo et al., 2015; Sha and Bamburg, P30, IPA analysis indicates that antioxidative defense is precociously reinforced in

50 51

Angelo Molinaro tion products and cognitive impairment (Brandenstein et al., 2016). In addition, pa- 2017). Moreover, a possible lin beteen cofilin, and mitochondrial dynamics and tients ith Cr deficiency syndromes have increased oxidative stress and ROS-induced function has been proposed (Bec et al., 2012). Thus, neuronal dysregulation of co- apoptotic cell loss (Alcaide et al., 2011). filin might be involved in CCDS1 pathogenesis. A possible trigger of cofilin polymer- All these results strongly point toards a picture in hich the lac of Cr sets in ization is the increased concentration of damaged lipids, proteins and DNA as a result motion the precocious activation of detrimental cellular and molecular mechanisms of oxidative stress (Bamburg and Bernstein, 2016), a phenotype indeed observed in typical of brain aging leading to a progressive cognitive regression. Considering that our O model. the most important function of Cr is believed to be its energy-buffering property, and The excessive generation of ROS and dysfunctional mitochondria might also be that mitochondria are the sites in hich most of the cell energy is produced, the miss- involved in the overexpression of the mitogen-activated protein inase 1 ing lin beteen Cr lac and the subseuent cognitive decline could be represented (MAP1/ER2) signal transduction pathay (hu et al., 2002). Depending on the by mitochondria themselves and their role in energy metabolism. To investigate cellular context, MAP cascade plays a pivotal role in diverse biological functions deeper this aspect, e performed a proteomic analysis of mitochondria enriched sam- including cell groth, adhesion, survival, differentiation, synaptic plasticity and spine ples, hich shoed a mared alteration of the mitochondrial proteomic landscape in dynamics (Thomas and Huganir, 200; Ratto and Pizzorusso, 2006), but ER path- Cr deficient animals, ith a total of 37 upregulated (identified) peptides in the brain ay may bidirectionally affect brain function and plasticity. A groing number of of young (P30) CrT–/y mice. In contrast, pups carrying the same gene deletion at P12 recent studies connect ER inase to autism spectrum disorders and other syndromes did sho a significant change of expression only in proteins. Many of the differen- characterized by intellectual disability (alman, 2012), providing evidence that de- tially regulated peptides at P30 are enzymes and other proteins involved in the energy velopmental abnormalities in neurogenesis and cortical cytoarchitecture can be asso- metabolism chain, including glucose metabolism, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, oxida- ciated ith a paradoxical increase of ER signaling (Pucilosa et al., 2015; Grissom tive phosphorylation and fatty acid oxidation. Moreover, e observed an increased et al., 2018). Although e do not no hether the overexpression of ER1 corre- expression of multiple antioxidant enzymes. sponds to an actual hyperactivation, it is described in literature that ER1 activation Therefore, a general pattern emerges of enhanced energy-generating pathays at- is associated ith inhibition of ER2, and the latter seems to modulate positively tempting to compensate for the poer failure caused by Cr depletion. This forced long-term recognition memory (Silingardi et al., 2011); in agreement ith this picture, metabolic phenotype is liely to originate an overload of potentially harmful by-prod- both our O models, the ubiuitous and the conditional one, sho strong impairment ucts of cellular metabolism, hich in turn activates the antioxidant defense system. in recognition memory. These data raise the possibility that normalization of ER Considering the central role of Cr in energy regulation, it is not surprising that brain activity, by treatment ith ER inhibitor peptides (Papale et al., 2017; Pucilosa et Cr deficit, in the attempt to compensate for loss of efficiency in the cellular netor al., 2018), might rescue the CNS phenotype recorded in CrT-/y mice. of ATP distribution, resonates in abnormal cellular metabolism, eventually resulting Our data also suggest that neuroinflammation and aberrant activation of micro- in a shift of the critical balance beteen free radical generation and antioxidant pro- glial cells are crucial actors in the progression of CCDS1 disorder. It is non that tection. Accordingly, it has been shon that the seletal muscle of AGAT nocout activated microglia can release proinflammatory cytoines, such as peptidyl-prolyl animals exhibits a conspicuous increase in inorganic phosphate/ATP ratio and overall cis-trans isomerase A (PPIA), also non as Cyclophilin A (Nigro, Pompilio and mitochondrial content, paralleled by a significant reduction of ATP levels (Nabuurs Capogrossi, 2013), another protein that e found overexpressed in CrT-/y. Research et al., 2013). Cellular metabolism and mitochondrial respiration increased in muscle in animal models and humans provided compelling evidence supporting the critical fibers and brain of CrT-/y mice, ith a higher number of mitochondria in CrT deficient function of PPIA in acute and chronic inflammatory diseases (Hoffmann and Schiene- cells (Perna et al., 2016). Moreover, pleomorphic and enlarged mitochondria, altera- Fischer, 201). Interestingly, PPIA expression increases ith aging (Nigro, Pompilio tions of mitochondrial matrix and cristae appearance ere observed at the electron and Capogrossi, 2013). microscope, in rats treated ith an inhibitor of Cr uptae (Gori et al., 1988). Larger Finally, upregulation of pyridoxal inase (PL) expression may be involved in populations of motile mitochondria are present in cells ith energy deficiency (uiper alterations of netor excitability recurring in Cr deficiency syndromes (Leuzzi et al., et al., 2008), potentially facilitating the recycling and elimination of damaged mito- 2013). Excessive pyridoxal phosphate concentration induced by increased PL, in- chondria. In agreement ith this interpretation, e found an upregulation of several deed, may result in altered GABA levels (Ebadi and langalya, 1979; Gospe, Olin proteins pertaining to the lysosomal catabolic and the ubiuitin proteasome pathays. and een, 199) and/or the modification of specific residues on the GABA-A receptor IPA enrichment analysis unveiled further cellular processes and components, producing the degeneration of GABAergic neurotransmission (Ishioa et al., 1995). hich are impaired in CrT deficiency. The expression of cofilin-1 as 2-fold in- In addition, patients ith inborn errors of metabolism affecting vitamin B6 concen- creased in Cr deficient brain compared to T animals, suggesting that energy stress trations in the brain present early-onset epilepsy (ang and uo, 2007; di Salvo et condition leads to the accumulation of this protein. Cytoplasmic cofilin rods have been al., 2017). Therefore, the modulation of PL expression may regulate seizure suscep- demonstrated to disrupt dendritic transport, cause loss of dendritic spines and corrupt tibility in CCDS1 patients. synaptic function in other neurological disorders including Alzheimer disease, bipolar Despite the absence of a clear overlap in the neural proteomic milieu at P12 and disorders and autism (Chen and ang, 2015; oo et al., 2015; Sha and Bamburg, P30, IPA analysis indicates that antioxidative defense is precociously reinforced in

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency the brain of CrT-/y mice, suggesting early compensatory changes to preserve the bal- Slc6a8 mutations at the hole-body level, CrT deficiency is primarily characterized ance beteen ROS production and their detoxifying enzymes. It is orth noting that by Cr depletion in the brain and unraveling the molecular pathophysiology affecting e did not find a Cr-concentration dose-dependency for molecular changes detected the cerebral compartment in animal models of this disorder could be a goldmine for in the proteomic analysis, ith the progressive alteration of protein expression not the discovery of novel biomarers and druggable targets. In particular, e believe that being paralleled by either a decrease of Cr levels or a rise of GAA toxicity in the brain antioxidant drugs, inflammation inhibitors, and peptides modulating cofilin activity tissue. Indeed, Cr and GAA levels ere totally comparable in the cortex and the hip- and ER signaling might be valid therapeutic avenues for CTD cure. Given the com- pocampus of P30 CrT-/y mice ith respect to P12 genotype-matched animals. These plexity and high dynamic range of biological samples, hoever, future studies ill be results suggest that the prolonged and continued lac of Cr energy buffer might set in reuired to confirm that cognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms of CCDS1 disorder motion detrimental mitochondrial and molecular mechanisms leading to free radical are amenable to targeted drug therapy. e also bring to attention that our findings adverse reactions that accumulate ith age throughout the brain and cause the gradual corroborate the hypothesis that multiple disorders of impaired cognition and autistic- shutdon of its function. This hypothesis fits our findings of progressive deterioration lie behavioral disturbances converge onto a fe fundamental cellular processes, such of cognitive functions accompanied by a massive lipofuscin deposition in brain cells. as spine dynamics and the ER/MAP signaling cascade, affecting brain structural The changes in expression levels of the specific genes that e observed reuire and functional plasticity. that upstream modulators (e.g. transcription factors, co-activators, etc.) must be acti- In contrast to hat observed at P30, only fe proteins are differentially expressed vated or repressed. Interestingly, our model predicts that the activation of the amyloid at P12. This observation, if confirmed, can have translational relevance alloing to precursor protein (APP) ould account for the overexpression of a significant subset identify the exact time indo in hich many of the changes in the normal cell tran- of proteins, and this hole netor ould converge mainly toards the metabolism scription program happen and could theoretically permit, together ith early diagno- of ROS. APP is ell non for its role in neural development (Nicolas and Hassan, sis, treating patients ith drugs able to reverse these transcriptional alterations. 201) and in Alzheimer disease. These findings need to be validated ith further stud- All the findings described in this or indicate that a massive impairment of cell ies, but the prediction of APP activation in a picture dominated by a process of early metabolism follos the lac of Cr and that a long chain of events, only the first of aging is compelling, and, moreover, many studies have found a relation beteen APP hich involving Cr directly, is started. Each of these steps can become, after adeuate expression and severe autism (Ray et al., 2011; Lahiri et al., 2013) studies, a putative molecular target for therapeutic strategies. Among other up-stream regulators, some others are particularly orth mention- The current study presents many elements of novelty: I) identification of the ear- ing. TP53 is predicted to be activated. Its role in brain in development has been high- liest cognitive phenotype observed so far in CCDS1 mice; II) discovering of early lighted in many studies (Bryncza and Merric, 2008; Di Giovanni and Rathore, aging, inflammation and progressive neurodegeneration as fundamental aspects of 2012), and according to a recent gene expression analysis based on large database, the this disorder; III) description of molecular pathays altered in samples enriched ith gene coding for TP53 is lined to neurodegeneration and alterations in mitochondrial mitochondria; IV) first insights into alterations of inhibitory circuits. DNA and energy metabolism (Diaz-Beltran, Esteban and all, 2016). RICTOR is predicted to be inhibited and the inhibition of this protein has been associated to inflammatory tissue infiltration, enhanced production of ROS and regu- pact on patients lation of proliferation (Xu et al., 2018), alterations that e described in our models. mTOR is predicted to be activated: this protein is involved in many vital cell func- The present results have demonstrated that brain-specific and ubiuitous CrT mull tions lie regulation of energy metabolism and proliferation and it has been lined to mice undergo to an early onset of brain aging. One fundamental conclusion emerging autism, epilepsy and neurodegenerative disorders (Lipton and Sahin, 201). from this or is that CCDS1 is a metabolic disorder associated ith early brain aging FMR1, fragile X mental retardation 1 protein, is predicted inhibited. The defi- and that age should be a ey factor to deal ith in the clinical evaluation of patients. ciency of the protein leads to severe learning deficits and intellectual disability, char- It has been previously reported that, in patients, intellectual disability becomes more acteristic of the fragile X syndrome, another ell-non defect of neurodevelopment pronounced ith age (van de amp, Mancini, and Salomons 201), but longitudinal (Vanderlish and Edelman, 2002). Further analysis ith estern blot ill be reuired studies in human are totally lacing and little is non about the progression of the to confirm the alterations of all these proteins as predicted by our analysis. disease. This is the first proteomic analysis of brain samples in a CTD mouse model ex- In addition, our CrT mouse model alloed us to discover alterations of cellular ploring molecular mechanisms lining Cr deficit, energy metabolism alterations and and molecular mechanisms that play a pivotal role in the generation of the CCDS1 brain dysfunction. Previously, ervou et al., 2016 used a high-throughput approach to neurological phenotype. Mutant mice displayed alteration of GABAergic system, re- examine Cr-dependent changes in the myocardial proteome (ervou et al., 2016) and duction of hippocampal neurogenesis, mared activation of microglia, altered oxida- RNA seuencing of CrT deficient fibroblasts revealed a possible impairment of ex- tive metabolism and disruption of relevant molecular netors related to cell metab- tracellular matrix and cytoseleton, suggesting a role for Cr in structural regulation of olism, mitochondrial function and ROS, leading to a general cognitive deterioration cells (Nota et al., 201). Despite the great relevance of investigating the effects of

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Angelo Molinaro the brain of CrT-/y mice, suggesting early compensatory changes to preserve the bal- Slc6a8 mutations at the hole-body level, CrT deficiency is primarily characterized ance beteen ROS production and their detoxifying enzymes. It is orth noting that by Cr depletion in the brain and unraveling the molecular pathophysiology affecting e did not find a Cr-concentration dose-dependency for molecular changes detected the cerebral compartment in animal models of this disorder could be a goldmine for in the proteomic analysis, ith the progressive alteration of protein expression not the discovery of novel biomarers and druggable targets. In particular, e believe that being paralleled by either a decrease of Cr levels or a rise of GAA toxicity in the brain antioxidant drugs, inflammation inhibitors, and peptides modulating cofilin activity tissue. Indeed, Cr and GAA levels ere totally comparable in the cortex and the hip- and ER signaling might be valid therapeutic avenues for CTD cure. Given the com- pocampus of P30 CrT-/y mice ith respect to P12 genotype-matched animals. These plexity and high dynamic range of biological samples, hoever, future studies ill be results suggest that the prolonged and continued lac of Cr energy buffer might set in reuired to confirm that cognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms of CCDS1 disorder motion detrimental mitochondrial and molecular mechanisms leading to free radical are amenable to targeted drug therapy. e also bring to attention that our findings adverse reactions that accumulate ith age throughout the brain and cause the gradual corroborate the hypothesis that multiple disorders of impaired cognition and autistic- shutdon of its function. This hypothesis fits our findings of progressive deterioration lie behavioral disturbances converge onto a fe fundamental cellular processes, such of cognitive functions accompanied by a massive lipofuscin deposition in brain cells. as spine dynamics and the ER/MAP signaling cascade, affecting brain structural The changes in expression levels of the specific genes that e observed reuire and functional plasticity. that upstream modulators (e.g. transcription factors, co-activators, etc.) must be acti- In contrast to hat observed at P30, only fe proteins are differentially expressed vated or repressed. Interestingly, our model predicts that the activation of the amyloid at P12. This observation, if confirmed, can have translational relevance alloing to precursor protein (APP) ould account for the overexpression of a significant subset identify the exact time indo in hich many of the changes in the normal cell tran- of proteins, and this hole netor ould converge mainly toards the metabolism scription program happen and could theoretically permit, together ith early diagno- of ROS. APP is ell non for its role in neural development (Nicolas and Hassan, sis, treating patients ith drugs able to reverse these transcriptional alterations. 201) and in Alzheimer disease. These findings need to be validated ith further stud- All the findings described in this or indicate that a massive impairment of cell ies, but the prediction of APP activation in a picture dominated by a process of early metabolism follos the lac of Cr and that a long chain of events, only the first of aging is compelling, and, moreover, many studies have found a relation beteen APP hich involving Cr directly, is started. Each of these steps can become, after adeuate expression and severe autism (Ray et al., 2011; Lahiri et al., 2013) studies, a putative molecular target for therapeutic strategies. Among other up-stream regulators, some others are particularly orth mention- The current study presents many elements of novelty: I) identification of the ear- ing. TP53 is predicted to be activated. Its role in brain in development has been high- liest cognitive phenotype observed so far in CCDS1 mice; II) discovering of early lighted in many studies (Bryncza and Merric, 2008; Di Giovanni and Rathore, aging, inflammation and progressive neurodegeneration as fundamental aspects of 2012), and according to a recent gene expression analysis based on large database, the this disorder; III) description of molecular pathays altered in samples enriched ith gene coding for TP53 is lined to neurodegeneration and alterations in mitochondrial mitochondria; IV) first insights into alterations of inhibitory circuits. DNA and energy metabolism (Diaz-Beltran, Esteban and all, 2016). RICTOR is predicted to be inhibited and the inhibition of this protein has been associated to inflammatory tissue infiltration, enhanced production of ROS and regu- pact on patients lation of proliferation (Xu et al., 2018), alterations that e described in our models. mTOR is predicted to be activated: this protein is involved in many vital cell func- The present results have demonstrated that brain-specific and ubiuitous CrT mull tions lie regulation of energy metabolism and proliferation and it has been lined to mice undergo to an early onset of brain aging. One fundamental conclusion emerging autism, epilepsy and neurodegenerative disorders (Lipton and Sahin, 201). from this or is that CCDS1 is a metabolic disorder associated ith early brain aging FMR1, fragile X mental retardation 1 protein, is predicted inhibited. The defi- and that age should be a ey factor to deal ith in the clinical evaluation of patients. ciency of the protein leads to severe learning deficits and intellectual disability, char- It has been previously reported that, in patients, intellectual disability becomes more acteristic of the fragile X syndrome, another ell-non defect of neurodevelopment pronounced ith age (van de amp, Mancini, and Salomons 201), but longitudinal (Vanderlish and Edelman, 2002). Further analysis ith estern blot ill be reuired studies in human are totally lacing and little is non about the progression of the to confirm the alterations of all these proteins as predicted by our analysis. disease. This is the first proteomic analysis of brain samples in a CTD mouse model ex- In addition, our CrT mouse model alloed us to discover alterations of cellular ploring molecular mechanisms lining Cr deficit, energy metabolism alterations and and molecular mechanisms that play a pivotal role in the generation of the CCDS1 brain dysfunction. Previously, ervou et al., 2016 used a high-throughput approach to neurological phenotype. Mutant mice displayed alteration of GABAergic system, re- examine Cr-dependent changes in the myocardial proteome (ervou et al., 2016) and duction of hippocampal neurogenesis, mared activation of microglia, altered oxida- RNA seuencing of CrT deficient fibroblasts revealed a possible impairment of ex- tive metabolism and disruption of relevant molecular netors related to cell metab- tracellular matrix and cytoseleton, suggesting a role for Cr in structural regulation of olism, mitochondrial function and ROS, leading to a general cognitive deterioration cells (Nota et al., 201). Despite the great relevance of investigating the effects of

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency progressively orsening ith age. Moreover, the conditional O shoed that ex- oncsions traneural Cr loss might participate in the pathogenesis of the hole phenotype shoed by CrT mutants. This noledge opens the important possibility to design targeted drug interven- tion protocols aimed at overcoming brain alterations. If e could rescue brain altera- tions underlying CCDS1, indeed, both clinical and behavioral amelioration should be achieved. The use of non-invasive methods for behavioral assessment suitable for lon- gitudinal analysis and the morphological characterization of brain alterations in CrT- /y and nes-CrT-/y mice set a firm bacground for translational studies using this model, providing normative data and protocols necessary to validate potential treatment strat- egies prior to launching costly clinical trials. Our or identifies ne important features of CrT defects. In particular: Finally, our data also suggest that these mice models may be useful for exploring the mechanisms of age-related damage in the brain. The conditional mouse model I) CCDS1 is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder in hich, even if Cr con- lacs the early phenotype and the autistic-lie traits of CCDS1 patients, highlighting centration does not significantly change during the aging, a set of maladaptive that it does not represent a comprehensive tool for preclinical evaluation of potential compensatory mechanisms (many of hich are still to be identified) leads to a CCDS1 treatments. Hoever, e shoed that extraneural Cr loss might modulate the progressive damage of brain functions. phenotype of CrT mutants, maing the use of nervous system specific models lie nes-CrT mice important tools to understand the pathogenic mechanisms underlying II) Cell energy metabolism and mitochondria seem strongly involved in the path- neurological deficits induced by Cr deficiency. ogenesis of CCDS1 and they could represent useful potential targets for thera- A large number of neurodevelopmental and neurological disorders, including peutic interventions. Don syndrome, Batten disease, progranulin deficiency, brain iron dysregulation, have been associated ith early brain aging (opra et al., 200; Ahmed et al., 2010; III) Inflammation seems to play an important part in this progressive damage, and Maccarinelli et al., 2015; Head et al., 2016). Thus, a better understanding of factors this observation can pave the ay to treatment strategies, given the number of that accelerate age-related deterioration of cognitive performance is critical both for drugs already available to modulate the immune/inflammation response. improving the lielihood for successful aging and for revealing pathological changes of translational value. IV) Neural circuits disruption involving inhibitory systems could give a huge con- tribute to many of the clinical aspects observed in patients, as epilepsy and cognitive impairment, since the excitatory/inhibitory balance is fundamental for the normal function of neural circuits.

V) Factors outside the CNS are important in the pathogenesis of at least some as- pects of the disorder, since the conditional O model sho difference in the timing of onset of some cognitive defects and in the presence of stereotypies. This observation is in part foreseeable, because of the great importance that the “body” has to the development of the brain, but it also carries interesting ques- tions about ho and ho far periphery contributes to the normal neurodevel- opment and, therefore, to the pathogenesis of CCDS1.

545 55 progressively orsening ith age. Moreover, the conditional O shoed that ex- oncsions traneural Cr loss might participate in the pathogenesis of the hole phenotype shoed by CrT mutants. This noledge opens the important possibility to design targeted drug interven- tion protocols aimed at overcoming brain alterations. If e could rescue brain altera- tions underlying CCDS1, indeed, both clinical and behavioral amelioration should be achieved. The use of non-invasive methods for behavioral assessment suitable for lon- gitudinal analysis and the morphological characterization of brain alterations in CrT- /y and nes-CrT-/y mice set a firm bacground for translational studies using this model, providing normative data and protocols necessary to validate potential treatment strat- egies prior to launching costly clinical trials. Our or identifies ne important features of CrT defects. In particular: Finally, our data also suggest that these mice models may be useful for exploring the mechanisms of age-related damage in the brain. The conditional mouse model I) CCDS1 is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder in hich, even if Cr con- lacs the early phenotype and the autistic-lie traits of CCDS1 patients, highlighting centration does not significantly change during the aging, a set of maladaptive that it does not represent a comprehensive tool for preclinical evaluation of potential compensatory mechanisms (many of hich are still to be identified) leads to a CCDS1 treatments. Hoever, e shoed that extraneural Cr loss might modulate the progressive damage of brain functions. phenotype of CrT mutants, maing the use of nervous system specific models lie nes-CrT mice important tools to understand the pathogenic mechanisms underlying II) Cell energy metabolism and mitochondria seem strongly involved in the path- neurological deficits induced by Cr deficiency. ogenesis of CCDS1 and they could represent useful potential targets for thera- A large number of neurodevelopmental and neurological disorders, including peutic interventions. Don syndrome, Batten disease, progranulin deficiency, brain iron dysregulation, have been associated ith early brain aging (opra et al., 200; Ahmed et al., 2010; III) Inflammation seems to play an important part in this progressive damage, and Maccarinelli et al., 2015; Head et al., 2016). Thus, a better understanding of factors this observation can pave the ay to treatment strategies, given the number of that accelerate age-related deterioration of cognitive performance is critical both for drugs already available to modulate the immune/inflammation response. improving the lielihood for successful aging and for revealing pathological changes of translational value. IV) Neural circuits disruption involving inhibitory systems could give a huge con- tribute to many of the clinical aspects observed in patients, as epilepsy and cognitive impairment, since the excitatory/inhibitory balance is fundamental for the normal function of neural circuits.

V) Factors outside the CNS are important in the pathogenesis of at least some as- pects of the disorder, since the conditional O model sho difference in the timing of onset of some cognitive defects and in the presence of stereotypies. This observation is in part foreseeable, because of the great importance that the “body” has to the development of the brain, but it also carries interesting ques- tions about ho and ho far periphery contributes to the normal neurodevel- opment and, therefore, to the pathogenesis of CCDS1.

Angelo Molinaro, New insights into creatine transporter deficiency. Identification of neuropathological and metabolic targets for treatment, © 2020 Author(s), content CC BY 4.0 International, metadata CC0 1.0 Universal, published by Firenze University Press (www.fupress. 5 com), ISSN 2612-8020 (online), ISBN 978-88-5518-082-5 (PDF), DOI55 10.36253/978-88-5518-082-5


ACC: anterior cingulate cortex. aCSF: artificial cerebro-spinal fluid. AGAT: L-arginine:glycine amidinotransferase. ADP: adenosine diphosphate. Arg: arginine. ASD: autism spectrum disorder. ATP: adenosine 5’-triphosphate. BBB: blood brain barrier CaMII: Ca2/calmodulin-dependent protein inase II. CCDS1: cerebral creatine deficiency syndrome type 1. C: creatine inase. CNS: central nervous system. Cr: creatine. CrT: creatine transporter. CSF: cerebro-spinal fluid. CTD: creatine transporter deficiency. CycloCr: cyclocreatine. DG: dentate gyrus. DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid. GAA: guanidinoacetic acid. GAMT: guanidinoacetate methyltransferase. GCL: granule cell layer. GC/MS: gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Gly: glycine. HP: hippocampus 1H-MRS: proton magnetic-resonance spectroscopy. O: noc-out. MIP: maximum intensity proection. mIPSC: miniature inhibitory post-synaptic potential. MM: Morris ater maze. ORT: obect recognition test. PBS: phosphate buffered saline. PCr: phosphocreatine. PCR: polymerase chain reaction. PFC: prefrontal cortex. Pn: post-natal day n.

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ACC: anterior cingulate cortex. aCSF: artificial cerebro-spinal fluid. AGAT: L-arginine:glycine amidinotransferase. ADP: adenosine diphosphate. Arg: arginine. ASD: autism spectrum disorder. ATP: adenosine 5’-triphosphate. BBB: blood brain barrier CaMII: Ca2/calmodulin-dependent protein inase II. CCDS1: cerebral creatine deficiency syndrome type 1. C: creatine inase. CNS: central nervous system. Cr: creatine. CrT: creatine transporter. CSF: cerebro-spinal fluid. CTD: creatine transporter deficiency. CycloCr: cyclocreatine. DG: dentate gyrus. DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid. GAA: guanidinoacetic acid. GAMT: guanidinoacetate methyltransferase. GCL: granule cell layer. GC/MS: gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Gly: glycine. HP: hippocampus 1H-MRS: proton magnetic-resonance spectroscopy. O: noc-out. MIP: maximum intensity proection. mIPSC: miniature inhibitory post-synaptic potential. MM: Morris ater maze. ORT: obect recognition test. PBS: phosphate buffered saline. PCr: phosphocreatine. PCR: polymerase chain reaction. PFC: prefrontal cortex. Pn: post-natal day n.

Angelo Molinaro, New insights into creatine transporter deficiency. Identification of neuropathological and metabolic targets for treatment, © 2020 Author(s), content CC BY 4.0 International, metadata CC0 1.0 Universal, published by Firenze University Press (www.fupress. com), ISSN 2612-8020 (online), ISBN 978-88-5518-082-5 (PDF), DOI57 10.36253/978-88-5518-082-5

New insights into creatine transporter deficiency PV: parvalbumin. igres ROS: reactive oxygen species. RT: room temperature. SEM: standard error of mean. T: ild-type.

Figure 1. The creatine cycle.

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PV: parvalbumin. igres ROS: reactive oxygen species. RT: room temperature. SEM: standard error of mean. T: ild-type.

Figure 1. The creatine cycle.

Angelo Molinaro, New insights into creatine transporter deficiency. Identification of neuropathological and metabolic targets for treatment, © 2020 Author(s), content CC BY 4.0 International, metadata CC0 1.0 Universal, published by Firenze University Press (www.fupress. 58 com), ISSN 2612-8020 (online), ISBN 978-88-5518-082-5 (PDF), DOI59 10.36253/978-88-5518-082-5

New insights into creatine transporter deficiency

Figure 2. The synthesis of creatine. Figure 3. Hypothesized model of Cr synthesis in mammals (yss and addurah-Daou, 2000)

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Angelo Molinaro

Figure 2. The synthesis of creatine. Figure 3. Hypothesized model of Cr synthesis in mammals (yss and addurah-Daou, 2000)

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency

Figure 6. Impaired oring memory in CrT-/y mice. Alternation rate in the maze as signif- icantly loer in CrT-/y mice compared to that recorded for CrT/y littermates at P0 (CrT/y, n Figure . The eight of CrT-/y mice (n 12) as significantly reduced compared to CrT/y 13, CrT-/y, n 12; t-test, p 0.01, panel A), P100 (CrT/y, n 13, CrT-/y, n 12; t-test, p animals (n 13) at P60, P100 and P180 (To ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post 0.05, panel B) and P180 (CrT/y, n 9, CrT-/y, n 7; t-test, p 0.05, panel C). * p 0.05; ** p hoc Holm-Sida method). *** p 0.001. Error bars: SEM. 0.01. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 5. Early deficiency of oring memory in CrT-/y mice. (A) Schematic diagram of the -/y maze apparatus. The mean number of entries in the single arms of the maze (A, B, C) and the Figure 7. Progressive impairment of obect recognition memory in CrT mice. Top, a sche- total number of arm entries ere comparable for the different experimental groups (To-ay matic representation of the obect recognition tas. Histograms display obect discrimination /y -/y ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.506, p 0.91, p indexes of CrT and CrT during the testing phase performed after a delay of 1 and 2h since 0.276, p 0.391, respectively). (B) Alternation rate in the maze as significantly loer in the sample phase at different ages. (A) P0. hile both experimental groups can recognize the CrT-/y mice (n 9) compared to that recorded for CrT/y littermates (n 11; t test, p 0.05) at ne obect in the test at 1h (t-test, p 0.285), a significantly loer discrimination index as -/y /y P28. * p 0.05. Error bars: SEM. found in CrT mice (n 9) compared to CrT animals (n 7; t-test, p 0.05). (B) P100. Even if still not significant, the recall capacity of CrT-/y animals at 1h as reduced (t-test, p -/y 0.22). At 2h, a t-test revealed that the performance of CrT animals (n 11) as strongly impaired ith respect to controls (n 10; p 0.01). (C) P180. A significant deficit of both short (t-test, p 0.05) and long-term (t-test, p 0.05) memory as detected in mutant mice (n 10) compared to controls (n 9). * p 0.05; ** p 0.01. Error bars: SEM.

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Figure 6. Impaired oring memory in CrT-/y mice. Alternation rate in the maze as signif- icantly loer in CrT-/y mice compared to that recorded for CrT/y littermates at P0 (CrT/y, n Figure . The eight of CrT-/y mice (n 12) as significantly reduced compared to CrT/y 13, CrT-/y, n 12; t-test, p 0.01, panel A), P100 (CrT/y, n 13, CrT-/y, n 12; t-test, p animals (n 13) at P60, P100 and P180 (To ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post 0.05, panel B) and P180 (CrT/y, n 9, CrT-/y, n 7; t-test, p 0.05, panel C). * p 0.05; ** p hoc Holm-Sida method). *** p 0.001. Error bars: SEM. 0.01. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 5. Early deficiency of oring memory in CrT-/y mice. (A) Schematic diagram of the -/y maze apparatus. The mean number of entries in the single arms of the maze (A, B, C) and the Figure 7. Progressive impairment of obect recognition memory in CrT mice. Top, a sche- total number of arm entries ere comparable for the different experimental groups (To-ay matic representation of the obect recognition tas. Histograms display obect discrimination /y -/y ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.506, p 0.91, p indexes of CrT and CrT during the testing phase performed after a delay of 1 and 2h since 0.276, p 0.391, respectively). (B) Alternation rate in the maze as significantly loer in the sample phase at different ages. (A) P0. hile both experimental groups can recognize the CrT-/y mice (n 9) compared to that recorded for CrT/y littermates (n 11; t test, p 0.05) at ne obect in the test at 1h (t-test, p 0.285), a significantly loer discrimination index as -/y /y P28. * p 0.05. Error bars: SEM. found in CrT mice (n 9) compared to CrT animals (n 7; t-test, p 0.05). (B) P100. Even if still not significant, the recall capacity of CrT-/y animals at 1h as reduced (t-test, p -/y 0.22). At 2h, a t-test revealed that the performance of CrT animals (n 11) as strongly impaired ith respect to controls (n 10; p 0.01). (C) P180. A significant deficit of both short (t-test, p 0.05) and long-term (t-test, p 0.05) memory as detected in mutant mice (n 10) compared to controls (n 9). * p 0.05; ** p 0.01. Error bars: SEM.

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Figure 9. Sloer simming velocity in CrT-/y mice. Mean simming speed measured all along the training phase of the Morris ater maze for CrT/y and CrT-/y animals at P0 (CrT/y, n 10, CrT-/y, n 12; panel A), P100 (CrT/y, n 7, CrT-/y, n 8; panel B) and P180 (CrT/y, n 9, CrT-/y, n 7; panel C). At all ages tested mutant mice resulted to be sloer simmers ith respect to control littermates (t-test, p 0.05 at P0 and p 0.01 at P180; Mann-hitney Ran Sum test, p 0.05 at P100). * p 0.05; ** p 0.01. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 8. Spatial memory impairment in CrT-/y mice. A To-ay RM ANOVA folloed by Holm-Sida multiple comparison revealed that hile CrT/y spent significantly more time in the NE* uadrant than in the other ones, CrT-/y did not sho any preference for the target uadrant at P0 (CrT/y, n 10, CrT-/y, n 12; panel A), P100 (CrT/y, n 7, CrT-/y, n 8; panel B) and P180 (CrT/y, n 9, CrT-/y, n 7; To-ay RM ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, panel C). At all ages tested, the percentage of time spent in the target uadrant as shorter in CrT-/y mice than in the control group (To-ay RM ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05 at P0 and p 0.01 at P100 and P180). At P180, a significant difference as also detected in the percentage of time spent in the SO uadrant by CrT/y and CrT-/y mice (p 0.05). * p 0.05; ** p 0.01. Error bars: SEM.

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Figure 9. Sloer simming velocity in CrT-/y mice. Mean simming speed measured all along the training phase of the Morris ater maze for CrT/y and CrT-/y animals at P0 (CrT/y, n 10, CrT-/y, n 12; panel A), P100 (CrT/y, n 7, CrT-/y, n 8; panel B) and P180 (CrT/y, n 9, CrT-/y, n 7; panel C). At all ages tested mutant mice resulted to be sloer simmers ith respect to control littermates (t-test, p 0.05 at P0 and p 0.01 at P180; Mann-hitney Ran Sum test, p 0.05 at P100). * p 0.05; ** p 0.01. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 8. Spatial memory impairment in CrT-/y mice. A To-ay RM ANOVA folloed by Holm-Sida multiple comparison revealed that hile CrT/y spent significantly more time in the NE* uadrant than in the other ones, CrT-/y did not sho any preference for the target uadrant at P0 (CrT/y, n 10, CrT-/y, n 12; panel A), P100 (CrT/y, n 7, CrT-/y, n 8; panel B) and P180 (CrT/y, n 9, CrT-/y, n 7; To-ay RM ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, panel C). At all ages tested, the percentage of time spent in the target uadrant as shorter in CrT-/y mice than in the control group (To-ay RM ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05 at P0 and p 0.01 at P100 and P180). At P180, a significant difference as also detected in the percentage of time spent in the SO uadrant by CrT/y and CrT-/y mice (p 0.05). * p 0.05; ** p 0.01. Error bars: SEM.

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency difference beteen CrT/y and CrT-/y animals (p 0.01). Representative examples of simming path during the day 3 of the training phase for a CrT/y (top) and a CrT-/y mouse (bottom) are also depicted. * p 0.05; p 0.01. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 11. Premature cognitive decline in CrT null mice. (A) No difference as found in the mean simming path on the last three days of training beteen P365 CrT/y (n ) and P180 CrT-/y animals (n 7; t-test, p 0.968). (B) In the probe test, the percentage of time spent in the different to uadrants as totally comparable in P180 CrT-/y mice and six-month older CrT/y animals (To-ay RM ANOVA, p 0.79). Error bars: SEM.

Figure 10. CrT deletion progressively deteriorates spatial learning and memory in mutant mice. (A) Left, learning curves for CrT/y (n 10, hite) and CrT-/y mice (n 12, grey) at P0. A significant difference as detected at day 5 (To-ay RM ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05). Right, histograms shoing the mean simming path covered to locate the submerged platform on the last three days of training for the to groups. A significant differ- ence beteen CrT-/y and CrT/y animals as present (t-test, p 0.01). Representative examples of simming path during the day 3 of the training phase for a CrT/y (top) and a CrT-/y mouse (bottom) are also reported. (B) Left, learning curves for CrT/y (n 7, hite) and CrT-/y mice (n 8, grey) at P100. A significant difference as detected at day 5 (To-ay RM ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05). Right, histograms shoing the mean simming path on the last three training days for the to groups. A significant difference beteen CrT/y and CrT-/y animals as present (t-test, p 0.05). Representative examples of simming path during the day 3 of the training phase for a CrT/y (top) and a CrT-/y mouse (bottom) are also reported. (C) Left, learning curves for CrT/y (n 9, hite) and CrT-/y mice (n 7, grey) at P180: mutant mice ere poorer learners ith respect to control littermates and a significant difference as detected at day 3, , 5 and 6 (To-ay RM ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm- Sida method, p 0.05 for day 3 and 6, p 0.01 for day and 5). Right, histograms shoing the mean simming path on the last three days of training. A t-test analysis shoed a statistical

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Angelo Molinaro difference beteen CrT/y and CrT-/y animals (p 0.01). Representative examples of simming path during the day 3 of the training phase for a CrT/y (top) and a CrT-/y mouse (bottom) are also depicted. * p 0.05; p 0.01. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 11. Premature cognitive decline in CrT null mice. (A) No difference as found in the mean simming path on the last three days of training beteen P365 CrT/y (n ) and P180 CrT-/y animals (n 7; t-test, p 0.968). (B) In the probe test, the percentage of time spent in the different to uadrants as totally comparable in P180 CrT-/y mice and six-month older CrT/y animals (To-ay RM ANOVA, p 0.79). Error bars: SEM.

Figure 10. CrT deletion progressively deteriorates spatial learning and memory in mutant mice. (A) Left, learning curves for CrT/y (n 10, hite) and CrT-/y mice (n 12, grey) at P0. A significant difference as detected at day 5 (To-ay RM ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05). Right, histograms shoing the mean simming path covered to locate the submerged platform on the last three days of training for the to groups. A significant differ- ence beteen CrT-/y and CrT/y animals as present (t-test, p 0.01). Representative examples of simming path during the day 3 of the training phase for a CrT/y (top) and a CrT-/y mouse (bottom) are also reported. (B) Left, learning curves for CrT/y (n 7, hite) and CrT-/y mice (n 8, grey) at P100. A significant difference as detected at day 5 (To-ay RM ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05). Right, histograms shoing the mean simming path on the last three training days for the to groups. A significant difference beteen CrT/y and CrT-/y animals as present (t-test, p 0.05). Representative examples of simming path during the day 3 of the training phase for a CrT/y (top) and a CrT-/y mouse (bottom) are also reported. (C) Left, learning curves for CrT/y (n 9, hite) and CrT-/y mice (n 7, grey) at P180: mutant mice ere poorer learners ith respect to control littermates and a significant difference as detected at day 3, , 5 and 6 (To-ay RM ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm- Sida method, p 0.05 for day 3 and 6, p 0.01 for day and 5). Right, histograms shoing the mean simming path on the last three days of training. A t-test analysis shoed a statistical

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Figure 13. CrT mutation enhances repetitive and stereotyped behaviors. (A) Social interaction Figure 12. Normal behavior of CrT mutant mice in the open field arena. Left, CrT/y and CrT- behaviors in CrT-/y mice. Histograms display discrimination indexes of CrT/y (n 6) and CrT- /y mice spent a comparable amount of time in the center and in the peripheral region of the open /y (n 8) mice during the social preference (session I) and the social novelty phase (session II). field arena. A To-ay ANOVA analysis shos no significant effect of genotype at P0 No difference as detected beteen the to groups (Mann–hitney Ran Sum test, p 0.662 (CrT/y n 13, CrT–/y n 12; p 0.725; panel A), P100 (CrT/y, n 13, CrT-/y, n 12; p for session I; t-test, p 0.78 for session II). A schematic representation of the three-chamber 0.508; panel B) and P180 (CrT/y, n 11, CrT-/y, n 11; panel C; p 0.38). Right, total test is also depicted. (B) Performance of littermate T (n 11) and CrT-/y mice (n 9) on the distance moved did not differ beteen CrT mutants and ild-type animals at all ages tested (t- accelerating rotarod. Inset shos an illustration of the rotarod apparatus. A To-ay ANOVA test, p 0.363, p 0.52 and p 0.101, respectively). Representative examples of movement shoed a significant effect of genotype (p 0.001). Post hoc Holm-Sida test revealed that the path during the open field session for a CrT/y and a CrT-/y mouse are also reported. Error bars: fall latency of mutant animals as significantly different from that of ild-type mice at all ages SEM. tested (p 0.01 at P0 and P100, p 0.05 at P180). (C) Histograms display mean time spent self-grooming in CrT/y and CrT-/y animals at P0 and P180. hile no difference as detected at P0 (CrT/y, n 7; CrT-/y, n 9; To ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.912), CrT null mice exhibit increased grooming behavior at P180 (CrT/y, n 11; CrT-/y, n 7; p 0.01). A schematic representation of self-grooming behavior is reported. * p 0.05; p 0.01. Error bars: SEM.

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Figure 13. CrT mutation enhances repetitive and stereotyped behaviors. (A) Social interaction Figure 12. Normal behavior of CrT mutant mice in the open field arena. Left, CrT/y and CrT- behaviors in CrT-/y mice. Histograms display discrimination indexes of CrT/y (n 6) and CrT- /y mice spent a comparable amount of time in the center and in the peripheral region of the open /y (n 8) mice during the social preference (session I) and the social novelty phase (session II). field arena. A To-ay ANOVA analysis shos no significant effect of genotype at P0 No difference as detected beteen the to groups (Mann–hitney Ran Sum test, p 0.662 (CrT/y n 13, CrT–/y n 12; p 0.725; panel A), P100 (CrT/y, n 13, CrT-/y, n 12; p for session I; t-test, p 0.78 for session II). A schematic representation of the three-chamber 0.508; panel B) and P180 (CrT/y, n 11, CrT-/y, n 11; panel C; p 0.38). Right, total test is also depicted. (B) Performance of littermate T (n 11) and CrT-/y mice (n 9) on the distance moved did not differ beteen CrT mutants and ild-type animals at all ages tested (t- accelerating rotarod. Inset shos an illustration of the rotarod apparatus. A To-ay ANOVA test, p 0.363, p 0.52 and p 0.101, respectively). Representative examples of movement shoed a significant effect of genotype (p 0.001). Post hoc Holm-Sida test revealed that the path during the open field session for a CrT/y and a CrT-/y mouse are also reported. Error bars: fall latency of mutant animals as significantly different from that of ild-type mice at all ages SEM. tested (p 0.01 at P0 and P100, p 0.05 at P180). (C) Histograms display mean time spent self-grooming in CrT/y and CrT-/y animals at P0 and P180. hile no difference as detected at P0 (CrT/y, n 7; CrT-/y, n 9; To ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.912), CrT null mice exhibit increased grooming behavior at P180 (CrT/y, n 11; CrT-/y, n 7; p 0.01). A schematic representation of self-grooming behavior is reported. * p 0.05; p 0.01. Error bars: SEM.

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency to groups (To- ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.197, p 0.5, p 0.302 and p 0.262, respectively). Representative immunostainings for NeuN from PFC and ACC of a CrT/y and a CrT /y mouse are also reported. Calibration bars: 100 μm. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 15. Synaptic neurotransmission in CrT/y and CrT-/y animals at P180. (A) Left, repre- sentative immunostaining for vGlut1 from PFC and ACC of a CrT/y and a CrT-/y mouse. Right, no difference in vGlut1 staining as detected beteen the to experimental groups (n 6 for both groups) either in PFC (t-test, p 0.792) or ACC (t-test, p 0.30). (B) Left, representative immunostaining for vGAT from PFC and ACC of a CrT/y and a CrT-/y mouse. The number of vGAT-positive puncta as significantly reduced both in the PFC and the ACC of mutant ani- mals (n 9) ith respect to controls (n 8; t-test, p 0.05 for both comparisons). * p 0.05. Calibration bars: 25 m. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 1. Morphological characterization of cerebral cortex in CrT/y and CrT-/y animals at P180 (n 6 for both groups). (A) Left, cortical thicness of prefrontal cortex as comparable in the to groups of animals (t-test, p 0.838). Right, no difference in neuronal cell density measured in different layers (layer I/II/III, layer V, layer VI) and in the entire cortical thicness as detected beteen CrT/y and CrT-/y mice (To-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.1, p 0.670, p 0.526 and p 0.837, respectively). (B) Left, cortical thicness of cingulate cortex as similar in the to experimental groups (t-test, p 0.82). Neuronal cell density measured in different layers and in the entire cortical thicness as not different in the

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Angelo Molinaro to groups (To- ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.197, p 0.5, p 0.302 and p 0.262, respectively). Representative immunostainings for NeuN from PFC and ACC of a CrT/y and a CrT /y mouse are also reported. Calibration bars: 100 μm. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 15. Synaptic neurotransmission in CrT/y and CrT-/y animals at P180. (A) Left, repre- sentative immunostaining for vGlut1 from PFC and ACC of a CrT/y and a CrT-/y mouse. Right, no difference in vGlut1 staining as detected beteen the to experimental groups (n 6 for both groups) either in PFC (t-test, p 0.792) or ACC (t-test, p 0.30). (B) Left, representative immunostaining for vGAT from PFC and ACC of a CrT/y and a CrT-/y mouse. The number of vGAT-positive puncta as significantly reduced both in the PFC and the ACC of mutant ani- mals (n 9) ith respect to controls (n 8; t-test, p 0.05 for both comparisons). * p 0.05. Calibration bars: 25 m. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 1. Morphological characterization of cerebral cortex in CrT/y and CrT-/y animals at P180 (n 6 for both groups). (A) Left, cortical thicness of prefrontal cortex as comparable in the to groups of animals (t-test, p 0.838). Right, no difference in neuronal cell density measured in different layers (layer I/II/III, layer V, layer VI) and in the entire cortical thicness as detected beteen CrT/y and CrT-/y mice (To-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.1, p 0.670, p 0.526 and p 0.837, respectively). (B) Left, cortical thicness of cingulate cortex as similar in the to experimental groups (t-test, p 0.82). Neuronal cell density measured in different layers and in the entire cortical thicness as not different in the

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Figure 16. Pathological activation of microglial cells in CrT-/y animals (A) Left, representative immunostaining for Iba-1 from PFC of a CrT/y and a CrT-/y mouse. Right, a significant increase of the percentage of activated microglial cells, ith a parallel decrease of resting microglia, as detected in mutant mice ith respect to ild-type animals (n 8 for both groups; To ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.01). (B) Left, representative immunostain- ing for Iba-1 from the hippocampus (HP) of a CrT/y and a CrT-/y mouse. Right, the percentage of activated microglia as increased in mutant mice, hereas the relative number of resting cells as reduced compared to controls (n 8 for both groups; To-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05). * p 0.05; ** p 0.01. Calibration bar: 100 m. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 17. Neurogenesis impairment and enhanced lipofuscin accumulation in the hippocam- pus of CrT-/y animals at P180. (A) The hippocampal volume of CrT-/y mice as smaller com- pared to CrT/y mice (n 6 for both groups; t-test, p 0.05). (B) Stereological counting re- vealed that the density of i67-positive cells as significantly reduced in the DG of CrT-/y mice, ith approximately 30 reduction ith respect to T littermates (n 6 for both groups; t-test, p 0.01). (C) A significant decrease of the DCX-positive immature neurons as detected in the hippocampus of adult CrT-/y mice compared to controls (n 6 for both groups; t-test, p

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Figure 16. Pathological activation of microglial cells in CrT-/y animals (A) Left, representative immunostaining for Iba-1 from PFC of a CrT/y and a CrT-/y mouse. Right, a significant increase of the percentage of activated microglial cells, ith a parallel decrease of resting microglia, as detected in mutant mice ith respect to ild-type animals (n 8 for both groups; To ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.01). (B) Left, representative immunostain- ing for Iba-1 from the hippocampus (HP) of a CrT/y and a CrT-/y mouse. Right, the percentage of activated microglia as increased in mutant mice, hereas the relative number of resting cells as reduced compared to controls (n 8 for both groups; To-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05). * p 0.05; ** p 0.01. Calibration bar: 100 m. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 17. Neurogenesis impairment and enhanced lipofuscin accumulation in the hippocam- pus of CrT-/y animals at P180. (A) The hippocampal volume of CrT-/y mice as smaller com- pared to CrT/y mice (n 6 for both groups; t-test, p 0.05). (B) Stereological counting re- vealed that the density of i67-positive cells as significantly reduced in the DG of CrT-/y mice, ith approximately 30 reduction ith respect to T littermates (n 6 for both groups; t-test, p 0.01). (C) A significant decrease of the DCX-positive immature neurons as detected in the hippocampus of adult CrT-/y mice compared to controls (n 6 for both groups; t-test, p

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency 0.001). (D) Representative immunostaining for i-67, a nuclear protein reuired for cellular proliferation, from a CrT/y and a CrT-/y mouse. (E) Representative immunostaining for DCX, a microtubule-associated phosphoprotein expressed in early neuronal differentiation, from a CrT/y and a CrT-/y mouse. (F) Representative images for lipofuscin autofluorescence from a CrT/y and a CrT-/y mouse. (G) Six-month-old CrT-/y mice (n 6) sho extensive accumulation of autofluorescent material throughout the brain hen compared to the ild-type control (n 5). A significant increase of abnormal autofluorescent storage as mainly found in DG granu- lar and polymorph layer of CrT-/y mice (t-test, p 0.05). * p 0.05; ** p 0.01; p 0.001. Calibration bars: 50 m. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 19. Properties of mIPSCs recorded in pyramidal neurons in L of V1 cortex. (A) The Figure 18. Passive properties of pyramidal neurons in L of V1 cortex. (A) No difference as interevent interval as higher in CrT-/y mice compared to T (x-axis is Log; Mann-hitney observed in membrane resistance (in MΩ) between CrT-/y compared to control mice (t-test: p Ran Sum test: p 0.001; CrT/y: median 132. ms; n (cells/mice) 35/15; CrT-/y: median: 0.27; CrT/y n (cells/mice) 2/15; CrT-/y: n (cells/mice) /12). (B) No difference in 215.9 ms; n (cells/mice) 3/12). (B) Absolute amplitude of mIPSCs as similar in CrT-/y membrane capacitance as found beteen CrT-/y and CrT/y mice (t-test: p 0.37; CrT/y: n mice and in CrT/y (Mann-hitney Ran Sum test: p 0.132; CrT/y: n (cells/mice) 35/15; (cells/mice) 3/15; CrT-/y n (cells/mice) 3/12). (C) Membrane resting potential as only slightly reduced in CrT-/y ith respect to T in a statistically non-significant manner (t-test: p 0.1; CrT/y: n (cells/mice) = 42/15; CrT‑/y: n (cells/mice) = 33/12). Mean ± SEM.

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Angelo Molinaro 0.001). (D) Representative immunostaining for i-67, a nuclear protein reuired for cellular proliferation, from a CrT/y and a CrT-/y mouse. (E) Representative immunostaining for DCX, a microtubule-associated phosphoprotein expressed in early neuronal differentiation, from a CrT/y and a CrT-/y mouse. (F) Representative images for lipofuscin autofluorescence from a CrT/y and a CrT-/y mouse. (G) Six-month-old CrT-/y mice (n 6) sho extensive accumulation of autofluorescent material throughout the brain hen compared to the ild-type control (n 5). A significant increase of abnormal autofluorescent storage as mainly found in DG granu- lar and polymorph layer of CrT-/y mice (t-test, p 0.05). * p 0.05; ** p 0.01; p 0.001. Calibration bars: 50 m. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 19. Properties of mIPSCs recorded in pyramidal neurons in L of V1 cortex. (A) The Figure 18. Passive properties of pyramidal neurons in L of V1 cortex. (A) No difference as interevent interval as higher in CrT-/y mice compared to T (x-axis is Log; Mann-hitney observed in membrane resistance (in MΩ) between CrT-/y compared to control mice (t-test: p Ran Sum test: p 0.001; CrT/y: median 132. ms; n (cells/mice) 35/15; CrT-/y: median: 0.27; CrT/y n (cells/mice) 2/15; CrT-/y: n (cells/mice) /12). (B) No difference in 215.9 ms; n (cells/mice) 3/12). (B) Absolute amplitude of mIPSCs as similar in CrT-/y membrane capacitance as found beteen CrT-/y and CrT/y mice (t-test: p 0.37; CrT/y: n mice and in CrT/y (Mann-hitney Ran Sum test: p 0.132; CrT/y: n (cells/mice) 35/15; (cells/mice) 3/15; CrT-/y n (cells/mice) 3/12). (C) Membrane resting potential as only slightly reduced in CrT-/y ith respect to T in a statistically non-significant manner (t-test: p 0.1; CrT/y: n (cells/mice) = 42/15; CrT‑/y: n (cells/mice) = 33/12). Mean ± SEM.

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency CrT-/y: n (cells/mice) 3/12). Median interuartile range. the heart at P180 shoing slightly decreased Cr levels ith respect to CrT/y mice (p 0.05). In addition, a Three-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data analysis revealed no difference for the age factor (p 0.301). * p 0.05, p 0.01, p 0.001. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 21. The eight of nes-CrT–/y mice (n 6) as significantly reduced compared to CrT/y (n 13) and nes-CrT/y animals (n 9) at P100 (To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05 vs. CrT/y, p 0.01 vs. nes-CrT/y), P180 (p 0.05 vs. CrT/y, p 0.001 vs. nes-CrT/y) and P365 (p 0.05 for both comparisons). No difference as detected among the three groups at P0 (To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.57 vs. CrT/y, p 0.373 vs. nes-CrT/y) and P60 (p 0.192 vs. CrT/y, p 0.069 vs. nes-CrT/y), although the body eight of mutant animals is slightly loer even at these ages ith respect to the other to groups. It is orth noting that age-dependent groth of body mass as not compromised in nes-CrT-/y animals shoing a progressive in- crease of their eight (To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, p 0.001 effect of age, p 0.05 for all age comparisons ithin CrT/y, nes-CrT-/y and nes-CrT/y groups). * p 0.05, p 0.01, p 0.001. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 20. Histograms sho Cr levels in CrT/y, nes-CrT/y, nes-CrT-/y and CrTfl/y animals in brain and peripheral tissues at P30 and P180 (n per tissue for both groups). Cr levels have been measured by GC/MS. At both ages tested, a reduction of Cr content as evident in the cerebral cortex (To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method; P30: p 0.05 vs. CrT/y, p 0.001 vs. nes-CrT/y, p 0.01 vs. CrTfl/y; P180: p 0.001 vs. CrT/y, p 0.01 vs. nes-CrT/y, p 0.001 vs. CrTfl/y) and the hippocampus of nes-CrT-/y mice (p 0.001 for all comparisons at both ages). Muscle (To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method; P30: p 0.889 vs. CrT/y, p 0.965 vs. nes-CrT/y, p 0.880 vs. CrTfl/y; P180: p 0.985 vs. CrT/y, p 0.96 vs. nes-CrT/y, p 0.99 vs. CrTfl/y), heart (P30: p 0.25 vs. CrT/y, p 0.62 vs. nes-CrT/y, p 0.969 vs. CrTfl/y; P180: p 0.109 vs. nes-CrT/y, p 0.30 vs. CrTfl/y) and idney (P30: p 0.991 vs. CrT/y, p 0.971 vs. nes-CrT/y, p 0.937 vs. CrTfl/y; P180: p 0.213 vs. CrT/y, p 0.72 vs. nes-CrT/y, p 0.583 vs. CrTfl/y) of mutant animals ere preserved from Cr depletion, ith the exception of

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Angelo Molinaro CrT-/y: n (cells/mice) 3/12). Median interuartile range. the heart at P180 shoing slightly decreased Cr levels ith respect to CrT/y mice (p 0.05). In addition, a Three-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data analysis revealed no difference for the age factor (p 0.301). * p 0.05, p 0.01, p 0.001. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 21. The eight of nes-CrT–/y mice (n 6) as significantly reduced compared to CrT/y (n 13) and nes-CrT/y animals (n 9) at P100 (To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05 vs. CrT/y, p 0.01 vs. nes-CrT/y), P180 (p 0.05 vs. CrT/y, p 0.001 vs. nes-CrT/y) and P365 (p 0.05 for both comparisons). No difference as detected among the three groups at P0 (To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.57 vs. CrT/y, p 0.373 vs. nes-CrT/y) and P60 (p 0.192 vs. CrT/y, p 0.069 vs. nes-CrT/y), although the body eight of mutant animals is slightly loer even at these ages ith respect to the other to groups. It is orth noting that age-dependent groth of body mass as not compromised in nes-CrT-/y animals shoing a progressive in- crease of their eight (To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, p 0.001 effect of age, p 0.05 for all age comparisons ithin CrT/y, nes-CrT-/y and nes-CrT/y groups). * p 0.05, p 0.01, p 0.001. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 20. Histograms sho Cr levels in CrT/y, nes-CrT/y, nes-CrT-/y and CrTfl/y animals in brain and peripheral tissues at P30 and P180 (n per tissue for both groups). Cr levels have been measured by GC/MS. At both ages tested, a reduction of Cr content as evident in the cerebral cortex (To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method; P30: p 0.05 vs. CrT/y, p 0.001 vs. nes-CrT/y, p 0.01 vs. CrTfl/y; P180: p 0.001 vs. CrT/y, p 0.01 vs. nes-CrT/y, p 0.001 vs. CrTfl/y) and the hippocampus of nes-CrT-/y mice (p 0.001 for all comparisons at both ages). Muscle (To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method; P30: p 0.889 vs. CrT/y, p 0.965 vs. nes-CrT/y, p 0.880 vs. CrTfl/y; P180: p 0.985 vs. CrT/y, p 0.96 vs. nes-CrT/y, p 0.99 vs. CrTfl/y), heart (P30: p 0.25 vs. CrT/y, p 0.62 vs. nes-CrT/y, p 0.969 vs. CrTfl/y; P180: p 0.109 vs. nes-CrT/y, p 0.30 vs. CrTfl/y) and idney (P30: p 0.991 vs. CrT/y, p 0.971 vs. nes-CrT/y, p 0.937 vs. CrTfl/y; P180: p 0.213 vs. CrT/y, p 0.72 vs. nes-CrT/y, p 0.583 vs. CrTfl/y) of mutant animals ere preserved from Cr depletion, ith the exception of

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency an higher total number of entries ere scored for nes-CrT-/y mice (P0: p 0.001 vs. CrT/y, p 0.01 vs. nes-CrT/y; P100 and P180: p 0.001 for both comparisons; A, B, C left). No dif- ference in the maze performance as present among the three groups tested at P0 (CrT/y, n 12, nes-CrT/y, n 9, nes-CrT-/y, n 6; One-ay ANOVA, p 0.17, panel A right). In contrast, spontaneous alternation rate as significantly loer in nes-CrT-/y mice compared to that recorded for CrT/y animals and nes-CrT/y littermates at P100 (One-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05 vs. CrT/y, p 0.01 vs. nes-CrT/y; panel B right) and P180 (CrT/y, n 9, nes-CrT/y, n 9, nes-CrT-/y, n 6; One-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05 for both comparisons; panel C right). * p 0.05, p 0.01. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 22. At all ages tested, no effect of genotype as detected for the number of entries in the single arms of the maze (A, B, C; To-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method), hile

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Angelo Molinaro an higher total number of entries ere scored for nes-CrT-/y mice (P0: p 0.001 vs. CrT/y, p 0.01 vs. nes-CrT/y; P100 and P180: p 0.001 for both comparisons; A, B, C left). No dif- ference in the maze performance as present among the three groups tested at P0 (CrT/y, n 12, nes-CrT/y, n 9, nes-CrT-/y, n 6; One-ay ANOVA, p 0.17, panel A right). In contrast, spontaneous alternation rate as significantly loer in nes-CrT-/y mice compared to that recorded for CrT/y animals and nes-CrT/y littermates at P100 (One-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05 vs. CrT/y, p 0.01 vs. nes-CrT/y; panel B right) and P180 (CrT/y, n 9, nes-CrT/y, n 9, nes-CrT-/y, n 6; One-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05 for both comparisons; panel C right). * p 0.05, p 0.01. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 22. At all ages tested, no effect of genotype as detected for the number of entries in the single arms of the maze (A, B, C; To-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method), hile

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency long-term memory (One-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method p 0.05 for both com- parisons) as detected in mutant mice (n 6) compared to controls (CrT/y: n 11, nes-CrT/y: n 9). * p 0.05. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 23. Left, diagrams describe total time of obect exploration during the testing phase. (A, B, C) No difference as present among the different groups at all ages tested (One-ay ANOVA, P0: p 0.372 for 1h and p 0.686 for 2h; P100: p 0.309 for 1h and p 0.531 for 2h; P180: p 0.097 for 1h and p 0.526 for 2h). Right, histograms display obect dis- Figure 2. Left, learning curves for CrT/y (hite), nes-CrT/y mice (grey) and nes-CrT–/y crimination indexes of CrT/y, nes-CrT/y and nes-CrT-/y during the testing phase performed (blac) at P0 (A; CrT/y: n 10, nes-CrT/y: n 5, nes-CrT-/y: n 5), P100 (B; CrT/y: n 7, after a delay of 1 and 2h at different ages. (a) P0. The experimental groups (CrT/y: n 10, nes-CrT/y: n 5, nes-CrT-/y: n 5), P180 (C; CrT/y: n 9, nes-CrT/y: n 6, nes-CrT-/y: n nes-CrT/y: n 8 and nes-CrT-/y: n 6) can recognize the ne obect in the test both at 1h (One- 5) and P365 (D; CrT/y: n 12, nes-CrT/y: n 1, nes-CrT-/y: n 12). No significant difference ay ANOVA, p 0.916) and at 2h (p 0.183). (B) P100. hile the three experimental as detected along the training phase at P0 (To-ay RM ANOVA, effect of genotype p groups can recall the memory of the familiar obect in the test at 1h (One-ay ANOVA, p 0.11, interaction genotype x day p 0.999), P100 (effect of genotype p 0.976, interaction 0.671), a significantly loer discrimination index as found in nes-CrT–/y mice (n 6) com- genotype x day p 0.6) and P180 (To-ay RM ANOVA on ran transformed data, effect pared to CrT/y (n 10) and nes-CrT/y animals at 2h (n 9; One-ay ANOVA, post hoc of genotype p 0.091, interaction genotype x day p 0.78). In contrast, 1-year old nes-CrT- Holm-Sida method p 0.05 for both comparisons). (C) P180. A significant deficit of both /y animals ere poorer learners ith respect to control groups, ith a significant longer distance short (One-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method p 0.05 for both comparisons) and covered at day 5 and 6 of training (To-ay RM ANOVA, interaction genotype x day p

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Angelo Molinaro long-term memory (One-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method p 0.05 for both com- parisons) as detected in mutant mice (n 6) compared to controls (CrT/y: n 11, nes-CrT/y: n 9). * p 0.05. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 23. Left, diagrams describe total time of obect exploration during the testing phase. (A, B, C) No difference as present among the different groups at all ages tested (One-ay ANOVA, P0: p 0.372 for 1h and p 0.686 for 2h; P100: p 0.309 for 1h and p 0.531 for 2h; P180: p 0.097 for 1h and p 0.526 for 2h). Right, histograms display obect dis- Figure 2. Left, learning curves for CrT/y (hite), nes-CrT/y mice (grey) and nes-CrT–/y crimination indexes of CrT/y, nes-CrT/y and nes-CrT-/y during the testing phase performed (blac) at P0 (A; CrT/y: n 10, nes-CrT/y: n 5, nes-CrT-/y: n 5), P100 (B; CrT/y: n 7, after a delay of 1 and 2h at different ages. (a) P0. The experimental groups (CrT/y: n 10, nes-CrT/y: n 5, nes-CrT-/y: n 5), P180 (C; CrT/y: n 9, nes-CrT/y: n 6, nes-CrT-/y: n nes-CrT/y: n 8 and nes-CrT-/y: n 6) can recognize the ne obect in the test both at 1h (One- 5) and P365 (D; CrT/y: n 12, nes-CrT/y: n 1, nes-CrT-/y: n 12). No significant difference ay ANOVA, p 0.916) and at 2h (p 0.183). (B) P100. hile the three experimental as detected along the training phase at P0 (To-ay RM ANOVA, effect of genotype p groups can recall the memory of the familiar obect in the test at 1h (One-ay ANOVA, p 0.11, interaction genotype x day p 0.999), P100 (effect of genotype p 0.976, interaction 0.671), a significantly loer discrimination index as found in nes-CrT–/y mice (n 6) com- genotype x day p 0.6) and P180 (To-ay RM ANOVA on ran transformed data, effect pared to CrT/y (n 10) and nes-CrT/y animals at 2h (n 9; One-ay ANOVA, post hoc of genotype p 0.091, interaction genotype x day p 0.78). In contrast, 1-year old nes-CrT- Holm-Sida method p 0.05 for both comparisons). (C) P180. A significant deficit of both /y animals ere poorer learners ith respect to control groups, ith a significant longer distance short (One-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method p 0.05 for both comparisons) and covered at day 5 and 6 of training (To-ay RM ANOVA, interaction genotype x day p

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency 0.05, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05 for all comparisons at day 5, p 0.01 vs. CrT/y, p 0.05 vs. nes-CrT/y at day 6). Right, histograms shoing the mean time percentage spent in the four uadrants during the probe trial. No significant difference among the three groups as present at P0 (A; To-ay RM ANOVA, effect of genotype p 0.173, interaction gen- otype x uadrant p 0.985), P100 (B; effect of genotype p 0.111, interaction genotype x uadrant p 0.856) and P180 (C; effect of genotype p 0.133, interaction genotype x uadrant p 0.985). At all ages, CrT/y, nes-CrT/y, nes-CrT–/y spent significantly more time in the NE* target uadrant than in the other ones (To-ay RM ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05 for all comparisons). At P365 (D), a To-ay RM ANOVA folloed by Holm-Sida multiple comparison revealed that nes-CrT-/y did not sho any preference for the target uad- rant (p 0.296 NE* vs. SO, p 0.850 NE* vs SE, p 0.060 NE* vs. NO), hile CrT/y and nes-CrT/y spent significantly more time in the NE* target uadrant (p 0.01 for all compari- sons in CrT/y, p 0.001 for all comparisons in nes-CrT/y). The percentage of time spent in the target uadrant as shorter in nes-CrT-/y mice than in the other to control groups (p 0.05 for both comparisons). Representative examples of the simming path during the probe session for a CrT/y, a nes-CrT/y and a nes-CrT-/y mouse are also depicted. * p 0.05, p 0.01, p 0.001. Error bar: SEM.

Figure 25. Mean simming speed measured all along the training phase of the Morris ater maze for CrT/y, nes- CrT/y, and nes-CrT-/y animals at P0 (A; CrT/y: n 10, nes-CrT/y: n 5, nes-CrT /y: n 5), P100 (B; CrT/y: n 7, nes-CrT/y: n 5, nes-CrT-/y: n 5), P180 (C; CrT/y: n 9, nes-CrT/y: n 6, nes-CrT-/y: n 5) and P365 (D; CrT/y: n 12, nes-CrT/y: n 1, nes-CrT-/y: n 12). At all ages tested, mutant nes-CrT-/y mice resulted to be good simmers as ell as control animals (One-ay ANOVA, p 0.191 at P0, p 0.336 at P100, p 0.592 at P180, p 0.177 at P365). Error bars: SEM.

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Angelo Molinaro 0.05, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05 for all comparisons at day 5, p 0.01 vs. CrT/y, p 0.05 vs. nes-CrT/y at day 6). Right, histograms shoing the mean time percentage spent in the four uadrants during the probe trial. No significant difference among the three groups as present at P0 (A; To-ay RM ANOVA, effect of genotype p 0.173, interaction gen- otype x uadrant p 0.985), P100 (B; effect of genotype p 0.111, interaction genotype x uadrant p 0.856) and P180 (C; effect of genotype p 0.133, interaction genotype x uadrant p 0.985). At all ages, CrT/y, nes-CrT/y, nes-CrT–/y spent significantly more time in the NE* target uadrant than in the other ones (To-ay RM ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05 for all comparisons). At P365 (D), a To-ay RM ANOVA folloed by Holm-Sida multiple comparison revealed that nes-CrT-/y did not sho any preference for the target uad- rant (p 0.296 NE* vs. SO, p 0.850 NE* vs SE, p 0.060 NE* vs. NO), hile CrT/y and nes-CrT/y spent significantly more time in the NE* target uadrant (p 0.01 for all compari- sons in CrT/y, p 0.001 for all comparisons in nes-CrT/y). The percentage of time spent in the target uadrant as shorter in nes-CrT-/y mice than in the other to control groups (p 0.05 for both comparisons). Representative examples of the simming path during the probe session for a CrT/y, a nes-CrT/y and a nes-CrT-/y mouse are also depicted. * p 0.05, p 0.01, p 0.001. Error bar: SEM.

Figure 25. Mean simming speed measured all along the training phase of the Morris ater maze for CrT/y, nes- CrT/y, and nes-CrT-/y animals at P0 (A; CrT/y: n 10, nes-CrT/y: n 5, nes-CrT /y: n 5), P100 (B; CrT/y: n 7, nes-CrT/y: n 5, nes-CrT-/y: n 5), P180 (C; CrT/y: n 9, nes-CrT/y: n 6, nes-CrT-/y: n 5) and P365 (D; CrT/y: n 12, nes-CrT/y: n 1, nes-CrT-/y: n 12). At all ages tested, mutant nes-CrT-/y mice resulted to be good simmers as ell as control animals (One-ay ANOVA, p 0.191 at P0, p 0.336 at P100, p 0.592 at P180, p 0.177 at P365). Error bars: SEM.

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency

Figure 26. Left, CrT/y, nes-CrT/y and nes-CrT-/y and CrT/y mice spent a comparable amount of time in the center and in the peripheral region of the open field arena. A One-ay ANOVA on rans analysis shos no significant effect of genotype at P0 (CrT/y n 13, nes-CrT/y n

9, nes-CrT-/y n 6; p 0.38; panel A), P100 (CrT/y n 13, nes-CrT/y n 9, nes-CrT-/y n /y /y -/y 6; p 0.162; panel B) and P180 (CrT n 11, nes-CrT n 8, nes-CrT n 6; p 0.588; Figure 27. Left, Time course of horizontal activity of CrT/y (hite), nes-CrT/y (grey) and nes- panel C). Middle and right, total distance moved and velocity did not differ beteen CrT con- CrT /y (blac) animals during 2h at P0 (A), P100 (B) and P180 (C). Data are plotted as total ditional mutants and control animals at P0 and P180 (One-ay ANOVA, p 0.159, p /y number of beam crossings SEM in each time bloc of 60 min. Right, total horizontal distance 0.215, respectively), hile nes-CrT mice displayed a loer speed and, conseuently, a travelled throughout 2h (total), and over the dar (night) or light phase (day). No significant shorter path covered in the arena at P100 (One-ay ANOVA on rans, effect of genotype p difference as detected among the three experimental groups at P0 and P180 (To-ay 0.01, post hoc Dunn’s method p < 0.05 for both comparisons). * p < 0.05. Error bars: SEM. ANOVA on ran transformed data, p 0.38 and p 0.157, respectively), hile nes-CrT-/y

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Figure 26. Left, CrT/y, nes-CrT/y and nes-CrT-/y and CrT/y mice spent a comparable amount of time in the center and in the peripheral region of the open field arena. A One-ay ANOVA on rans analysis shos no significant effect of genotype at P0 (CrT/y n 13, nes-CrT/y n

9, nes-CrT-/y n 6; p 0.38; panel A), P100 (CrT/y n 13, nes-CrT/y n 9, nes-CrT-/y n /y /y -/y 6; p 0.162; panel B) and P180 (CrT n 11, nes-CrT n 8, nes-CrT n 6; p 0.588; Figure 27. Left, Time course of horizontal activity of CrT/y (hite), nes-CrT/y (grey) and nes- panel C). Middle and right, total distance moved and velocity did not differ beteen CrT con- CrT /y (blac) animals during 2h at P0 (A), P100 (B) and P180 (C). Data are plotted as total ditional mutants and control animals at P0 and P180 (One-ay ANOVA, p 0.159, p /y number of beam crossings SEM in each time bloc of 60 min. Right, total horizontal distance 0.215, respectively), hile nes-CrT mice displayed a loer speed and, conseuently, a travelled throughout 2h (total), and over the dar (night) or light phase (day). No significant shorter path covered in the arena at P100 (One-ay ANOVA on rans, effect of genotype p difference as detected among the three experimental groups at P0 and P180 (To-ay 0.01, post hoc Dunn’s method p < 0.05 for both comparisons). * p < 0.05. Error bars: SEM. ANOVA on ran transformed data, p 0.38 and p 0.157, respectively), hile nes-CrT-/y

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency mice had a significant increase in motor activity at P100 in comparison to control groups during on ran transformed data, effect of genotype p 0.56, interaction genotype x age p 0.131). the night period (To-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05 for both compar- Error bars: SEM. isons). * p 0.05. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 30. Comparison beteen CrT-/y and T proteomic gels. Figure 28. The performance of nes-CrT-/y mice (n 7) in the grip strength displayed no signif- icant difference ith respect to CrT/y (n 13) and nes-CrT/y (n 11) animals (One-ay ANOVA, p 0.191). Error bars: SEM.

Figure 29. (A) Longitudinal performance of CrT/y mice (n 13 for P0 and P100, n 11 for P180 and P365), nes-CrT/y (n 9 for P0, P100 and P180, n 11 for P365) and nes-CrT-/y (n 6 for P0, P100 and P180, n 7 for P365) on the accelerating rotarod. A To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data shoed no significant effect of genotype (p 0.06) and the lac of a statistically significant interaction beteen genotype and age (p 0.7). (B) Histograms dis- Figure 31. Main netor generated by Ingenuity Pathays Analysis (IPA) softare to sho play mean time spent self-grooming in CrT/y, nes-CrT/y and nes-CrT-/y at P180 (CrT/y: n the relation beteen the identified proteins and to recognize cellular and molecular functions 11, nes-CrT/y: n 11, nes-CrT-/y: n 7) and P365 (CrT/y: n 6, nes-CrT/y: n 10, nes-CrT- in hich these proteins could be involved. /y: n 7). No difference as detected in grooming behavior at both ages (To-ay ANOVA

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Angelo Molinaro mice had a significant increase in motor activity at P100 in comparison to control groups during on ran transformed data, effect of genotype p 0.56, interaction genotype x age p 0.131). the night period (To-ay ANOVA, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.05 for both compar- Error bars: SEM. isons). * p 0.05. Error bars: SEM.

Figure 30. Comparison beteen CrT-/y and T proteomic gels. Figure 28. The performance of nes-CrT-/y mice (n 7) in the grip strength displayed no signif- icant difference ith respect to CrT/y (n 13) and nes-CrT/y (n 11) animals (One-ay ANOVA, p 0.191). Error bars: SEM.

Figure 29. (A) Longitudinal performance of CrT/y mice (n 13 for P0 and P100, n 11 for P180 and P365), nes-CrT/y (n 9 for P0, P100 and P180, n 11 for P365) and nes-CrT-/y (n 6 for P0, P100 and P180, n 7 for P365) on the accelerating rotarod. A To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data shoed no significant effect of genotype (p 0.06) and the lac of a statistically significant interaction beteen genotype and age (p 0.7). (B) Histograms dis- Figure 31. Main netor generated by Ingenuity Pathays Analysis (IPA) softare to sho play mean time spent self-grooming in CrT/y, nes-CrT/y and nes-CrT-/y at P180 (CrT/y: n the relation beteen the identified proteins and to recognize cellular and molecular functions 11, nes-CrT/y: n 11, nes-CrT-/y: n 7) and P365 (CrT/y: n 6, nes-CrT/y: n 10, nes-CrT- in hich these proteins could be involved. /y: n 7). No difference as detected in grooming behavior at both ages (To-ay ANOVA

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency

Figure 32. Group of cellular functions or diseases to hich the differentially expressed proteins are associated. Figure 3. Interaction of the factors identified, ith the proteins differently regulated.

Figure 35. A main regulator, APP, interacts ith many proteins identified by proteomic anal- ysis, and a pathay emerges hich converges toards the regulation of the metabolism of reactive oxygen species. Figure 33. Main canonical pathays in hich the differentially expressed proteins could be involved.

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Figure 32. Group of cellular functions or diseases to hich the differentially expressed proteins are associated.

Figure 3. Interaction of the factors identified, ith the proteins differently regulated.

Figure 35. A main regulator, APP, interacts ith many proteins identified by proteomic anal- ysis, and a pathay emerges hich converges toards the regulation of the metabolism of reactive oxygen species. Figure 33. Main canonical pathays in hich the differentially expressed proteins could be involved.

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency aes

Table 1. Cr levels (mean SEM) in CrT/y and CrT-/y animals at P30 and P180 (n per tissue for both groups). Cr levels have been measured by GC/MS. A reduction of Cr content as evident in the brain, muscle, heart and idney of mutant animals at both P30 and P180 (To- ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method). * p 0.05; ** p 0.01; *** p 0.001.

Figure 36. estern Blot Validation of proteomic results. OD: optical density (normalized vol- ume). O: CrT-/y. Error bars: SEM.

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Angelo Molinaro aes

Table 1. Cr levels (mean SEM) in CrT/y and CrT-/y animals at P30 and P180 (n per tissue for both groups). Cr levels have been measured by GC/MS. A reduction of Cr content as evident in the brain, muscle, heart and idney of mutant animals at both P30 and P180 (To- ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method). * p 0.05; ** p 0.01; *** p 0.001.

Figure 36. estern Blot Validation of proteomic results. OD: optical density (normalized vol- ume). O: CrT-/y. Error bars: SEM.

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/y -/y Table 2. GAA levels (mean SEM) in CrT/y and CrT-/y animals at P30 and P180 (n per Table . GAA levels (mean SEM) in nes-CrT , nes-CrT and CrTfl/y animals at P180 (n tissue for both groups). At P30, a moderate increase of GAA content as evident in the brain per tissue for all groups). An increase of GAA content as evident in the brain of mutant and the muscle of mutant animals (To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc animals, hile peripheral tissues ere not affected (To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed Holm-Sida method, p 0.05), hereas GAA as decreased in the heart of CrT-/y animals (p data, post hoc Holm-Sida method). * p 0.05; *** p 0.001. 0.05) and no difference as detected in the idney tissue (p 0.359). At P180, GAA levels ere higher in the hippocampus and the muscle of mutant animals (To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.01), hereas no difference as detected in cortex, heart and idney (p 0.175, p 0.320 and p 0.920, respectively). ** p 0.01; *** p 0.001.

Table 3. Cr levels (mean SEM) in nes-CrT/y, nes-CrT-/y and CrTfl/y animals at P180 (n per tissue for all groups). A reduction of Cr content as evident in the brain of mutant animals, hile peripheral tissues ere not affected (To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method). *** p 0.001.

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/y -/y Table 2. GAA levels (mean SEM) in CrT/y and CrT-/y animals at P30 and P180 (n per Table . GAA levels (mean SEM) in nes-CrT , nes-CrT and CrTfl/y animals at P180 (n tissue for both groups). At P30, a moderate increase of GAA content as evident in the brain per tissue for all groups). An increase of GAA content as evident in the brain of mutant and the muscle of mutant animals (To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc animals, hile peripheral tissues ere not affected (To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed Holm-Sida method, p 0.05), hereas GAA as decreased in the heart of CrT-/y animals (p data, post hoc Holm-Sida method). * p 0.05; *** p 0.001. 0.05) and no difference as detected in the idney tissue (p 0.359). At P180, GAA levels ere higher in the hippocampus and the muscle of mutant animals (To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method, p 0.01), hereas no difference as detected in cortex, heart and idney (p 0.175, p 0.320 and p 0.920, respectively). ** p 0.01; *** p 0.001.

Table 3. Cr levels (mean SEM) in nes-CrT/y, nes-CrT-/y and CrTfl/y animals at P180 (n per tissue for all groups). A reduction of Cr content as evident in the brain of mutant animals, hile peripheral tissues ere not affected (To-ay ANOVA on ran transformed data, post hoc Holm-Sida method). *** p 0.001.

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continues… continues…

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continues… continues…

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Table 6. List of differentially expressed proteins at P12 identified by MS/MS spectrometry. ID: SissProt accession number, M (th): theorical molecular eight. Table 5. List of differentially expressed proteins at P30 identified by MS/MS spectrometry. ID: SissProt accession number, M (th): theorical molecular eight, pI (th): theorical isoe- lectric point (continuing to next pages).

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Table 6. List of differentially expressed proteins at P12 identified by MS/MS spectrometry. ID: SissProt accession number, M (th): theorical molecular eight. Table 5. List of differentially expressed proteins at P30 identified by MS/MS spectrometry. ID: SissProt accession number, M (th): theorical molecular eight, pI (th): theorical isoe- lectric point (continuing to next pages).

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Ahmed, ., Sheng, H., Xu, ., Lin, .-L., Innes, A. E., Gass, ., u, X., Hou, H., Chiba, S., amanouchi, ., Leissring, M., Petrucelli, L., Nishihara, M., Hutton, M. L., McGoan, E., Dickson, D. W., Lewis, J. and Lewis, J. (2010) ‘Accelerated Lipofuscinosis and Ubi- uitination in Granulin nocout Mice Suggest a Role for Progranulin in Successful Ag- ing’, The American Journal of Pathology, 177(1), pp. 311–32. doi: 10.2353/a- path.2010.090915. Alcaide, P., Merinero, B., Ruiz-Sala, P., Richard, E., Navarrete, R., Arias, ., Ribes, A., Artuch, R., Campistol, ., Ugarte, M. and Rodrguez-Pombo, P. (2011) ‘Defining the path- ogenicity of creatine deficiency syndrome’, Human Mutation. Wiley-Blacell, 32(3), pp. 282–291. doi: 10.1002/humu.2121. Alessandrì, M. G., Celati, L., Battini, R., Casarano, M. and Cioni, G. (2005) ‘Gas chromatog- raphy/mass spectrometry assay for arginine: Glycine-amidinotransferase deWciency’, ANALTICAL BIOCHEMISTR, 33, pp. 356–358. doi: 10.1016/.ab.2005.05.003. Almeida, L. S., Salomons, G. S., Hogenboom, F., aobs, C. and Schoffelmeer, A. N. M. (2006) ‘Exocytotic release of creatine in rat brain.’, Synapse (New York, N.Y.), 60(2), pp. 118–23. doi: 10.1002/syn.20280. Andres, R. H., Ducray, A. D., Schlattner, U., allimann, T. and idmer, H. R. (2008) ‘Func- tions and effects of creatine in the central nervous system.’, Brain research bulletin, 76(4), pp. 329–3. doi: 10.1016/.brainresbull.2008.02.035. Anselm, I. M., Aluraya, F. S., Salomons, G. S., aobs, C., Fulton, A. B., Mazumdar, M., Rivkin, M., Frye, R., Poussaint, T. Y., Marsden, D. and Marsden, D. (2006) ‘X-lined creatine transporter defect: A report on to unrelated boys ith a severe clinical pheno- type’, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 29(1), pp. 214–219. doi: 10.1007/s1055- 006-0123-. Assuno, M., Santos-Marues, M. ., Carvalho, F., Luoyanov, N. V. and Andrade, . P. (2011) ‘Chronic green tea consumption prevents age-related changes in rat hippocampal formation’, Neurobiology of Aging, 32(4), pp. 707–717. doi: 10.1016/.neurobiolag- ing.2009.03.016. Balsom, P. D., Söderlund, K. and Ekblom, B. (1994) ‘Creatine in humans with special refer- ence to creatine supplementation.’, Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 18(4), pp. 268–80. Table 7. List of the main putative upstream regulators and their interaction ith the overex- Available at: pressed proteins found in the CrT-/y mice. Bamburg, J. R. and Bernstein, B. W. (2016) ‘Actin dynamics and cofilin-actin rods in alz- heimer disease’, Cytoskeleton, 73(9), pp. 477–97. doi: 10.1002/cm.21282. Bano, D., Agostini, M., Melino, G. and Nicotera, P. (2011) ‘Ageing, Neuronal Connectivity and Brain Disorders: An Unsolved Ripple Effect’, Molecular Neurobiology, 43(2), pp. 12–130. doi: 10.1007/s12035-011-816-6. Baroncelli, L., Alessandrì, M. G., Tola, ., Putignano, E., Migliore, M., Amendola, E., Gross, C., Leuzzi, V., Cioni, G. and Pizzorusso, T. (2014) ‘A novel mouse model of creatine

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Ahmed, ., Sheng, H., Xu, ., Lin, .-L., Innes, A. E., Gass, ., u, X., Hou, H., Chiba, S., amanouchi, ., Leissring, M., Petrucelli, L., Nishihara, M., Hutton, M. L., McGoan, E., Dickson, D. W., Lewis, J. and Lewis, J. (2010) ‘Accelerated Lipofuscinosis and Ubi- uitination in Granulin nocout Mice Suggest a Role for Progranulin in Successful Ag- ing’, The American Journal of Pathology, 177(1), pp. 311–32. doi: 10.2353/a- path.2010.090915. Alcaide, P., Merinero, B., Ruiz-Sala, P., Richard, E., Navarrete, R., Arias, ., Ribes, A., Artuch, R., Campistol, ., Ugarte, M. and Rodrguez-Pombo, P. (2011) ‘Defining the path- ogenicity of creatine deficiency syndrome’, Human Mutation. Wiley-Blacell, 32(3), pp. 282–291. doi: 10.1002/humu.2121. Alessandrì, M. G., Celati, L., Battini, R., Casarano, M. and Cioni, G. (2005) ‘Gas chromatog- raphy/mass spectrometry assay for arginine: Glycine-amidinotransferase deWciency’, ANALTICAL BIOCHEMISTR, 33, pp. 356–358. doi: 10.1016/.ab.2005.05.003. Almeida, L. S., Salomons, G. S., Hogenboom, F., aobs, C. and Schoffelmeer, A. N. M. (2006) ‘Exocytotic release of creatine in rat brain.’, Synapse (New York, N.Y.), 60(2), pp. 118–23. doi: 10.1002/syn.20280. Andres, R. H., Ducray, A. D., Schlattner, U., allimann, T. and idmer, H. R. (2008) ‘Func- tions and effects of creatine in the central nervous system.’, Brain research bulletin, 76(4), pp. 329–3. doi: 10.1016/.brainresbull.2008.02.035. Anselm, I. M., Aluraya, F. S., Salomons, G. S., aobs, C., Fulton, A. B., Mazumdar, M., Rivkin, M., Frye, R., Poussaint, T. Y., Marsden, D. and Marsden, D. (2006) ‘X-lined creatine transporter defect: A report on to unrelated boys ith a severe clinical pheno- type’, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 29(1), pp. 214–219. doi: 10.1007/s1055- 006-0123-. Assuno, M., Santos-Marues, M. ., Carvalho, F., Luoyanov, N. V. and Andrade, . P. (2011) ‘Chronic green tea consumption prevents age-related changes in rat hippocampal formation’, Neurobiology of Aging, 32(4), pp. 707–717. doi: 10.1016/.neurobiolag- ing.2009.03.016. Balsom, P. D., Söderlund, K. and Ekblom, B. (1994) ‘Creatine in humans with special refer- ence to creatine supplementation.’, Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 18(4), pp. 268–80. Table 7. List of the main putative upstream regulators and their interaction ith the overex- Available at: pressed proteins found in the CrT-/y mice. Bamburg, J. R. and Bernstein, B. W. (2016) ‘Actin dynamics and cofilin-actin rods in alz- heimer disease’, Cytoskeleton, 73(9), pp. 477–97. doi: 10.1002/cm.21282. Bano, D., Agostini, M., Melino, G. and Nicotera, P. (2011) ‘Ageing, Neuronal Connectivity and Brain Disorders: An Unsolved Ripple Effect’, Molecular Neurobiology, 43(2), pp. 12–130. doi: 10.1007/s12035-011-816-6. Baroncelli, L., Alessandrì, M. G., Tola, ., Putignano, E., Migliore, M., Amendola, E., Gross, C., Leuzzi, V., Cioni, G. and Pizzorusso, T. (2014) ‘A novel mouse model of creatine

Angelo Molinaro, New insights into creatine transporter deficiency. Identification of neuropathological and metabolic targets for treatment, © 2020 Author(s), content CC BY 4.0 International, metadata CC0 1.0 Universal, published by Firenze University Press (www.fupress. 98 com), ISSN 2612-8020 (online), ISBN 978-88-5518-082-5 (PDF), DOI99 10.36253/978-88-5518-082-5

New insights into creatine transporter deficiency transporter deficiency.’, F1000Research, 3(0), p. 228. doi: 10.12688/f1000re- of uptae and synthesis of creatine and its precursors by cerebellar granule cells and astro- search.5369.1. cytes suggests some hypotheses on the physiopathology of the inherited disorders of cre- Bartsch, T. and Wulff, P. (2015) ‘The hippocampus in aging and disease: From plasticity to atine metabolism.’, BMC neuroscience. BioMed Central, 13, p. 41. doi: 10.1186/1471- vulnerability’, Neuroscience, 309, pp. 1–16. doi: 10.1016/.neuroscience.2015.07.08. 2202-13-1. Bec, H., Flynn, ., Lindenberg, . S., Scharz, H., Brade, F., Di Giovanni, S. and noll, Chanutin, A. (1926) ‘Tha fate of creatine when administered to man’, The Journal of biological B. (2012) ‘Serum Response Factor (SRF)-cofilin-actin signaling axis modulates mitochon- chemistry, (2). drial dynamics’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(38), pp. E2523– Chen, B. and Wang, Y. (2015) ‘Cofilin rod formation in neurons impairs neuronal structure E2532. doi: 10.1073/pnas.120811109. and function.’, CNS & neurological disorders drug targets, 14(4), pp. 554–60. Available Bender, A., Becers, ., Schneider, I., Hlter, S. M., Haac, T., Ruthsatz, T., Vogt-eisenhorn, at: D. M., Becer, L., Genius, ., Ruescu, D., Irmler, M., Mialsi, T., Mader, M., uintanilla- Chilosi, A., Casarano, M., Comparini, A., Battaglia, F., Mancardi, M., Schiaffino, C., Tosetti, Martinez, L., Fuchs, H., Gailus-Durner, V., de Angelis, M. H., urst, ., Schmidt, . and M., Leuzzi, V., Battini, R. and Cioni, G. (2012) ‘Neuropsychological profile and clinical Klopstock, T. (2008) ‘Creatine improves health and survival of mice’, Neurobiology of effects of arginine treatment in children with creatine transport deficiency’, Orphanet Jour- Aging, 29(9), pp. 10–111. doi: 10.1016/.neurobiolaging.2007.03.001. nal of Rare Diseases, 7(1), p. 3. doi: 10.1186/1750-1172-7-3. von Bernhardi, R., Eugenn-von Bernhardi, L. and Eugenín, J. (2015) ‘Microglial cell dysreg- Chilosi, A., Leuzzi, V., Battini, R., Tosetti, M., Ferretti, G., Comparini, A., Casarano, M., ulation in brain aging and neurodegeneration’, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 7, p. 124. Moretti, E., Alessandri, M. G., , M. C. and Cioni, G. (2008) ‘Treatment with L- doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2015.0012. arginine improves neuropsychological disorders in a child ith creatine transporter de- Betsalel, O. T., Pop, A., Rosenberg, E. H., Fernandez-Oeda, M., Creatine Transporter Re- fect.’, Neurocase, 14(2), pp. 151–61. doi: 10.1080/1355790802060821. search, Group, C., Jakobs, C. and Salomons, G. S. (2012) ‘Detection of variants in Choe, C., Nabuurs, C., Stocebrand, M. C., Neu, A., Nunes, P., Morellini, F., Sauter, ., Schil- SLC6A8 and functional analysis of unclassified missense variants.’, Molecular genetics lemeit, S., Hermans-Borgmeyer, I., Marescau, B., Heerschap, A. and Isbrandt, D. (2013) and metabolism, 105(), pp. 596–601. doi: 10.1016/.ymgme.2011.12.022. ‘l-arginine:glycine amidinotransferase deficiency protects from metabolic syndrome’, Hu- Bizzi, A., Bugiani, M., Salomons, G. S., Hunneman, D. H., Moroni, I., Estienne, M., Danesi, man Molecular Genetics. Oxford University Press, 22(1), pp. 110–123. doi: U., Jakobs, C. and Uziel, G. (2002) ‘X-lined creatine deficiency syndrome: A novel mu- 10.1093/hmg/dds07. tation in creatine transporter geneSLC6A8’, Annals of Neurology, 52(2), pp. 227–231. Christian, . M., Song, H. and Ming, G. (2014) ‘Functions and Dysfunctions of Adult Hippo- doi: 10.1002/ana.1026. campal Neurogenesis’, Annual Review of Neuroscience, 37(1), pp. 243–262. doi: Bories, C., Husson, Z., Guitton, M. J. and De Koninck, Y. (2013) ‘Differential balance of pre- 10.116/annurev-neuro-071013-0113. frontal synaptic activity in successful versus unsuccessful cognitive aging.’, The Journal Ciregia, F., Bugliani, M., Ronci, M., Giusti, L., Boldrini, C., Mazzoni, M. R., Mossuto, S., of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 33(4), pp. 1344–56. Grano, F., Cnop, M., Marselli, L., Giannaccini, G., Urbani, A., Lucacchini, A. and Mar- doi: 10.1523/NEUROSCI.3258-12.2013. chetti, P. (2017) ‘Palmitate-induced lipotoxicity alters acetylation of multiple proteins in Braissant, O., Cagnon, L., Monnet-Tschudi, F., Speer, O., allimann, T., Honegger, P. and clonal β cells and human pancreatic islets.’, Scientific reports, 7(1), p. 135. doi: Henry, H. (2008) ‘Ammonium alters creatine transport and synthesis in a 3D culture of 10.1038/s1598-017-13908-. developing brain cells, resulting in secondary cerebral creatine deficiency’, European Ciregia, F., Giusti, L., Da Valle, ., Donadio, E., Consensi, A., Giacomelli, C., Sernissi, F., ournal of Neuroscience, 27(7), pp. 1673–1685. doi: 10.1111/.160-9568.2008.06126.x. Scarpellini, P., Maggi, F., Lucacchini, A. and Bazzichi, L. (2013) ‘A multidisciplinary Braissant, O., Henry, H., Loup, M., Eilers, B. and Bachmann, C. (2001) ‘Endogenous synthesis approach to study a couple of monozygotic tins discordant for the chronic fatigue syn- and transport of creatine in the rat brain: an in situ hybridization study.’, Brain research. drome: a focus on potential salivary biomarkers’, Journal of Translational Medicine, 11(1), Molecular brain research, 86(1–2), pp. 193–201. p. 23. doi: 10.1186/179-5876-11-23. Braissant, O., Henry, H., Villard, A.-M., Speer, O., allimann, T. and Bachmann, C. (2005) deGrau, T. ., Cecil, . M., Byars, A. ., Salomons, G. S., Ball, . S. and aobs, C. (2003) ‘Creatine synthesis and transport during rat embryogenesis: spatiotemporal expression of ‘The clinical syndrome of creatine transporter deficiency.’, Molecular and cellular bio- AGAT, GAMT and CT1.’, BMC Developmental Biology, 5(1), p. 9. doi: 10.1186/1471- chemistry, 2(1–2), pp. 5–8. Available at: 213X-5-9. med/12701808. Brandenstein, L., Schweizer, M., Sedlacik, J., Fiehler, J. and Storch, S. (2016) ‘Lysosomal Depino, A. M. (2013) ‘Peripheral and central inflammation in autism spectrum disorders’, Mo- dysfunction and impaired autophagy in a novel mouse model deficient for the lysosomal lecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 53, pp. 69–76. doi: 10.1016/.mcn.2012.10.003. membrane protein Cln7’, Human Molecular Genetics, 25(4), pp. 777–791. doi: Diaz-Beltran, L., Esteban, F. J. and Wall, D. P. (2016) ‘A common molecular signature in ASD 10.1093/hmg/ddv615. gene expression: folloing Root 66 to autism’, Translational Psychiatry. Nature Publish- Brosnan, J. T. and Brosnan, M. E. (2007) ‘Creatine: Endogenous Metabolite, Dietary, and ing Group, 6(1), pp. e705–e705. doi: 10.1038/tp.2015.112. Therapeutic Supplement’, Annual Review of Nutrition, 27(1), pp. 241–261. doi: Dodd, J. R., Birch, N. P., Waldvogel, H. J. and Christie, D. L. (2010) ‘Functional and immuno- 10.116/annurev.nutr.27.06106.093621. cytochemical characterization of the creatine transporter in rat hippocampal neurons.’, Brynczka, C. and Merrick, B. A. (2008) ‘The p53 transcriptional target gene nt7b contributes ournal of neurochemistry, 115(3), pp. 68–93. doi: 10.1111/.171-159.2010.06957.x. to NGF-inducible neurite outgrowth in neuronal PC12 cells’, Differentiation, 76(7), pp. Dunlop, R. A., Brunk, U. T. and Rodgers, K. J. (2009) ‘Oxidized proteins: Mechanisms of 795–808. doi: 10.1111/.132-036.2007.00261.x. removal and conseuences of accumulation’, IUBMB Life, pp. 522–527. doi: Carducci, C., Carducci, C., Santagata, S., Adriano, E., Artiola, C., Thellung, S., Gatta, E., 10.1002/iub.189. Robello, M., Florio, T., Antonozzi, I., Leuzzi, V. and Balestrino, M. (2012) ‘In vitro study

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Angelo Molinaro transporter deficiency.’, F1000Research, 3(0), p. 228. doi: 10.12688/f1000re- of uptae and synthesis of creatine and its precursors by cerebellar granule cells and astro- search.5369.1. cytes suggests some hypotheses on the physiopathology of the inherited disorders of cre- Bartsch, T. and Wulff, P. (2015) ‘The hippocampus in aging and disease: From plasticity to atine metabolism.’, BMC neuroscience. BioMed Central, 13, p. 41. doi: 10.1186/1471- vulnerability’, Neuroscience, 309, pp. 1–16. doi: 10.1016/.neuroscience.2015.07.08. 2202-13-1. Bec, H., Flynn, ., Lindenberg, . S., Scharz, H., Brade, F., Di Giovanni, S. and noll, Chanutin, A. (1926) ‘Tha fate of creatine when administered to man’, The Journal of biological B. (2012) ‘Serum Response Factor (SRF)-cofilin-actin signaling axis modulates mitochon- chemistry, (2). drial dynamics’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(38), pp. E2523– Chen, B. and Wang, Y. (2015) ‘Cofilin rod formation in neurons impairs neuronal structure E2532. doi: 10.1073/pnas.120811109. and function.’, CNS & neurological disorders drug targets, 14(4), pp. 554–60. Available Bender, A., Becers, ., Schneider, I., Hlter, S. M., Haac, T., Ruthsatz, T., Vogt-eisenhorn, at: D. M., Becer, L., Genius, ., Ruescu, D., Irmler, M., Mialsi, T., Mader, M., uintanilla- Chilosi, A., Casarano, M., Comparini, A., Battaglia, F., Mancardi, M., Schiaffino, C., Tosetti, Martinez, L., Fuchs, H., Gailus-Durner, V., de Angelis, M. H., urst, ., Schmidt, . and M., Leuzzi, V., Battini, R. and Cioni, G. (2012) ‘Neuropsychological profile and clinical Klopstock, T. (2008) ‘Creatine improves health and survival of mice’, Neurobiology of effects of arginine treatment in children with creatine transport deficiency’, Orphanet Jour- Aging, 29(9), pp. 10–111. doi: 10.1016/.neurobiolaging.2007.03.001. nal of Rare Diseases, 7(1), p. 3. doi: 10.1186/1750-1172-7-3. von Bernhardi, R., Eugenn-von Bernhardi, L. and Eugenín, J. (2015) ‘Microglial cell dysreg- Chilosi, A., Leuzzi, V., Battini, R., Tosetti, M., Ferretti, G., Comparini, A., Casarano, M., ulation in brain aging and neurodegeneration’, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 7, p. 124. Moretti, E., Alessandri, M. G., Bianchi, M. C. and Cioni, G. (2008) ‘Treatment with L- doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2015.0012. arginine improves neuropsychological disorders in a child ith creatine transporter de- Betsalel, O. T., Pop, A., Rosenberg, E. H., Fernandez-Oeda, M., Creatine Transporter Re- fect.’, Neurocase, 14(2), pp. 151–61. doi: 10.1080/1355790802060821. search, Group, C., Jakobs, C. and Salomons, G. S. (2012) ‘Detection of variants in Choe, C., Nabuurs, C., Stocebrand, M. C., Neu, A., Nunes, P., Morellini, F., Sauter, ., Schil- SLC6A8 and functional analysis of unclassified missense variants.’, Molecular genetics lemeit, S., Hermans-Borgmeyer, I., Marescau, B., Heerschap, A. and Isbrandt, D. (2013) and metabolism, 105(), pp. 596–601. doi: 10.1016/.ymgme.2011.12.022. ‘l-arginine:glycine amidinotransferase deficiency protects from metabolic syndrome’, Hu- Bizzi, A., Bugiani, M., Salomons, G. S., Hunneman, D. H., Moroni, I., Estienne, M., Danesi, man Molecular Genetics. Oxford University Press, 22(1), pp. 110–123. doi: U., Jakobs, C. and Uziel, G. (2002) ‘X-lined creatine deficiency syndrome: A novel mu- 10.1093/hmg/dds07. tation in creatine transporter geneSLC6A8’, Annals of Neurology, 52(2), pp. 227–231. Christian, . M., Song, H. and Ming, G. (2014) ‘Functions and Dysfunctions of Adult Hippo- doi: 10.1002/ana.1026. campal Neurogenesis’, Annual Review of Neuroscience, 37(1), pp. 243–262. doi: Bories, C., Husson, Z., Guitton, M. J. and De Koninck, Y. (2013) ‘Differential balance of pre- 10.116/annurev-neuro-071013-0113. frontal synaptic activity in successful versus unsuccessful cognitive aging.’, The Journal Ciregia, F., Bugliani, M., Ronci, M., Giusti, L., Boldrini, C., Mazzoni, M. R., Mossuto, S., of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 33(4), pp. 1344–56. Grano, F., Cnop, M., Marselli, L., Giannaccini, G., Urbani, A., Lucacchini, A. and Mar- doi: 10.1523/NEUROSCI.3258-12.2013. chetti, P. (2017) ‘Palmitate-induced lipotoxicity alters acetylation of multiple proteins in Braissant, O., Cagnon, L., Monnet-Tschudi, F., Speer, O., allimann, T., Honegger, P. and clonal β cells and human pancreatic islets.’, Scientific reports, 7(1), p. 135. doi: Henry, H. (2008) ‘Ammonium alters creatine transport and synthesis in a 3D culture of 10.1038/s1598-017-13908-. developing brain cells, resulting in secondary cerebral creatine deficiency’, European Ciregia, F., Giusti, L., Da Valle, ., Donadio, E., Consensi, A., Giacomelli, C., Sernissi, F., ournal of Neuroscience, 27(7), pp. 1673–1685. doi: 10.1111/.160-9568.2008.06126.x. Scarpellini, P., Maggi, F., Lucacchini, A. and Bazzichi, L. (2013) ‘A multidisciplinary Braissant, O., Henry, H., Loup, M., Eilers, B. and Bachmann, C. (2001) ‘Endogenous synthesis approach to study a couple of monozygotic tins discordant for the chronic fatigue syn- and transport of creatine in the rat brain: an in situ hybridization study.’, Brain research. drome: a focus on potential salivary biomarkers’, Journal of Translational Medicine, 11(1), Molecular brain research, 86(1–2), pp. 193–201. p. 23. doi: 10.1186/179-5876-11-23. Braissant, O., Henry, H., Villard, A.-M., Speer, O., allimann, T. and Bachmann, C. (2005) deGrau, T. ., Cecil, . M., Byars, A. ., Salomons, G. S., Ball, . S. and aobs, C. (2003) ‘Creatine synthesis and transport during rat embryogenesis: spatiotemporal expression of ‘The clinical syndrome of creatine transporter deficiency.’, Molecular and cellular bio- AGAT, GAMT and CT1.’, BMC Developmental Biology, 5(1), p. 9. doi: 10.1186/1471- chemistry, 2(1–2), pp. 5–8. Available at: 213X-5-9. med/12701808. Brandenstein, L., Schweizer, M., Sedlacik, J., Fiehler, J. and Storch, S. (2016) ‘Lysosomal Depino, A. M. (2013) ‘Peripheral and central inflammation in autism spectrum disorders’, Mo- dysfunction and impaired autophagy in a novel mouse model deficient for the lysosomal lecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 53, pp. 69–76. doi: 10.1016/.mcn.2012.10.003. membrane protein Cln7’, Human Molecular Genetics, 25(4), pp. 777–791. doi: Diaz-Beltran, L., Esteban, F. J. and Wall, D. P. 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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency Ebadi, M. and Klangkalya, B. (1979) ‘On the mechanism of pyridoxal phosphate-related con- (2018) ‘Male-specific deficits in natural reard learning in a mouse model of neurodevel- vulsions as implicated in enhanced transport of GABA.’, Neuropharmacology, 18(3), pp. opmental disorders’, Molecular Psychiatry, 23(3), pp. 544–555. doi: 301–7. Available at: 10.1038/mp.2017.18. Edvardson, S., orman, S. H., Livne, A., Shaag, A., Saada, A., Nalbandian, R., Allouche- Guimbal, C. and Kilimann, M. W. (1993) ‘A Na(+)-dependent creatine transporter in rabbit Arnon, H., Gomori, . M. and atz-Brull, R. (2010) ‘l-arginine:glycine amidinotransferase brain, muscle, heart, and kidney. cDNA cloning and functional expression.’, The Journal (AGAT) deficiency: Clinical presentation and response to treatment in to patients ith of biological chemistry, 268(12), pp. 818–21. Available at: a novel mutation’, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 101(2–3), pp. 228–232. doi: 10.1016/.ymgme.2010.06.021. Haffernan, C. (2015) Creatine: a short history. Enrico, A., Patrizia, G., Luisa, P., Alessandro, P., Gianluigi, L., Carlo, G. and Maurizio, B. Hathaay, S. C., Friez, M., Limbo, ., Parer, C., Salomons, G. S., Vocley, ., ood, T. and (2013) ‘Electrophysiology and biochemical analysis of cyclocreatine uptake and effect in Abdul-Rahman, O. A. (2010) ‘X-Lined Creatine Transporter Deficiency Presenting as a hippocampal slices’, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 12(02), pp. 285–297. doi: Mitochondrial Disorder’, Journal of Child Neurology, 25(8), pp. 1009–1012. doi: 10.112/S0219635213500155. 10.1177/0883073809352109. Etherton, M. R., Blaiss, C. A., Poell, C. M. and Sudhof, T. C. (2009) ‘Mouse neurexin-1 Head, E., Lott, I. T., Wilcock, D. M. and Lemere, C. A. (2016) ‘Aging in Down Syndrome and deletion causes correlated electrophysiological and behavioral changes consistent ith the Development of Alzheimer’s Disease Neuropathology.’, Current Alzheimer research, cognitive impairments’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(42), pp. 13(1), pp. 18–29. Available at: 17998–18003. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0910297106. Hefendehl, . ., Neher, . ., Shs, R. B., ohsaa, S., Sodras, A. and ucer, M. (201) Evangeliou, A., Vasilaki, K., Karagianni, P. and Nikolaidis, N. (2009) ‘Clinical applications ‘Homeostatic and injury-induced microglia behavior in the aging brain’, Aging Cell. of creatine supplementation on paediatrics.’, Current pharmaceutical biotechnology, iley/Blacell (10.1111), 13(1), pp. 60–69. doi: 10.1111/acel.1219. 10(7), pp. 683–90. Available at: Hoffmann, H. and Schiene-Fischer, C. (2014) ‘Functional aspects of extracellular cyclophil- Fons, C., Arias, A., Sempere, A., Po, P., Pineda, M., Mas, A., Lpez-Sala, A., Garcia-Villoria, ins’, Biological Chemistry, 395(7–8), pp. 721–35. doi: 10.1515/hsz-201-0125. ., Vilaseca, M. A., Ozaez, L., Lluch, M., Artuch, R., Campistol, . and Ribes, A. (2010) Höhn, A. and Grune, T. (2013) ‘Lipofuscin: formation, effects and role of macroautophagy.’, ‘Response to creatine analogs in fibroblasts and patients with creatine transporter defi- Redox biology. Elsevier, 1(1), pp. 10–. doi: 10.1016/.redox.2013.01.006. ciency’, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 99(3), pp. 296–299. doi: Ippolito, D. M. and Eroglu, C. (2010) ‘Quantifying Synapses: an Immunocytochemistry-based 10.1016/.ymgme.2009.10.186. Assay to Quantify Synapse Number’, Journal of Visualized Experiments, (45). doi: Franceschi, C., Bonaf, M., Valensin, S., Olivieri, F., De Luca, M., Ottaviani, E. and De Ben- 10.3791/2270. edictis, G. (2006) ‘Inflamm-aging: An Evolutionary Perspective on Immunosenescence’, Ishioka, N., Sato, J., Nakamura, J., Ohkubo, T., Takeda, A. and Kurioka, S. (1995) ‘In vivo Annals of the Ne or Academy of Sciences. iley/Blacell (10.1111), 908(1), pp. modification of GABAA receptor ith a high dose of pyridoxal phosphate induces tonic- 2–25. doi: 10.1111/.179-6632.2000.tb06651.x. clonic convulsion in immature mice.’, Neurochemistry international, 26(4), pp. 369–73. Fuccillo, M. V. (2016) ‘Striatal Circuits as a Common Node for Autism Pathophysiology’, Available at: Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10, p. 27. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2016.00027. Item, C. B., Stcler-Ipsiroglu, S., Stromberger, C., Mhl, A., Alessandrì, M. G., Bianchi, M. Garca-Delgado, M., Peral, M. J., Cano, M., Calonge, M. L. and Ilundáin, A. A. (2001) ‘Crea- C., Tosetti, M., Fornai, F. and Cioni, G. (2001) ‘Arginine:Glycine Amidinotransferase De- tine transport in brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from rat kidney cortex.’, Journal ficiency: The Third Inborn Error of Creatine Metabolism in Humans’, The American Jour- of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN, 12(9), pp. 1819–25. Available at: nal of Human Genetics, 69(5), pp. 1127–1133. doi: 10.1086/323765. (Accessed: 16 September 2018). Iyer, G. S., rahe, R., Goodin, L. A., Doggett, N. A., Siciliano, M. ., Funanage, V. L. and Di Giovanni, S. and Rathore, K. (2012) ‘p53-dependent pathays in neurite outgroth and Proujansky, R. (1996) ‘Identification of a testis-expressed creatine transporter gene at axonal regeneration’, Cell and Tissue Research, 39(1), pp. 87–95. doi: 10.1007/s001- 16p11.2 and confirmation of the X-linked locus to Xq28.’, Genomics, 34(1), pp. 13–6. 011-1292-5. doi: 10.1006/geno.1996.025. Giusti, S. A., Vercelli, C. A., Vogl, A. M., olarz, A. ., Pino, N. S., Deussing, . M. and oncuel-Chevalier Curt, M., Voicu, P. M., Fontaine, M., Dessein, A. F., Porchet, N., Mention- Refojo, D. (2014) ‘Behavioral phenotyping of Nestin-Cre mice: Implications for genetic Mulliez, ., Dobbelaere, D., Soto-Ares, G., Cheillan, D. and Vamecq, J. (2015) ‘Creatine mouse models of psychiatric disorders’, Journal of Psychiatric Research, 55, pp. 87–95. biosynthesis and transport in health and disease’, Biochimie, 119, pp. 146–165. doi: doi: 10.1016/.psychires.201.0.002. 10.1016/.biochi.2015.10.022. Gori, Z., De Tata, V., Pollera, M. and Bergamini, E. (1988) ‘Mitochondrial myopathy in rats aidanovich-Beilin, O., Lipina, T., Vuobradovic, I., Roder, . and oodgett, . R. (2011) fed ith a diet containing beta-guanidine propionic acid, an inhibitor of creatine entry in ‘Assessment of Social Interaction Behaviors’, Journal of Visualized Experiments, (48). muscle cells.’, British journal of experimental pathology. Wiley-Blacell, 69(5), pp. doi: 10.3791/273. 639–50. Available at: Kalkman, H. O. (2012) ‘Potential opposite roles of the extracellular signal-regulated inase Gospe, S. M., Olin, K. L. and Keen, C. L. (1994) ‘Reduced GABA synthesis in pyridoxine- (ERK) pathway in autism spectrum and bipolar disorders’, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral dependent seizures.’, Lancet (London, England), 343(8906), pp. 1133–. Available at: Revies, 36(10), pp. 2206–2213. doi: 10.1016/.neubiorev.2012.07.008. van de Kamp, J. M., Jakobs, C., Gibson, K. M. and Salomons, G. S. (2013) ‘New insights into Grissom, N. M., McKee, S. E., Schoch, H., Bowman, N., Havekes, R., O’Brien, W. T., Mahrt, creatine transporter deficiency: the importance of recycling creatine in the brain’, Journal E., Siegel, S., Commons, ., Portfors, C., Nicl-ocschat, T., Reyes, T. M. and Abel, T. of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 36(1), pp. 155–156. doi: 10.1007/s1055-012-9537-3.

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Angelo Molinaro Ebadi, M. and Klangkalya, B. (1979) ‘On the mechanism of pyridoxal phosphate-related con- (2018) ‘Male-specific deficits in natural reard learning in a mouse model of neurodevel- vulsions as implicated in enhanced transport of GABA.’, Neuropharmacology, 18(3), pp. opmental disorders’, Molecular Psychiatry, 23(3), pp. 544–555. doi: 301–7. Available at: 10.1038/mp.2017.18. Edvardson, S., orman, S. H., Livne, A., Shaag, A., Saada, A., Nalbandian, R., Allouche- Guimbal, C. and Kilimann, M. W. (1993) ‘A Na(+)-dependent creatine transporter in rabbit Arnon, H., Gomori, . M. and atz-Brull, R. (2010) ‘l-arginine:glycine amidinotransferase brain, muscle, heart, and kidney. cDNA cloning and functional expression.’, The Journal (AGAT) deficiency: Clinical presentation and response to treatment in to patients ith of biological chemistry, 268(12), pp. 818–21. Available at: a novel mutation’, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 101(2–3), pp. 228–232. doi: 10.1016/.ymgme.2010.06.021. Haffernan, C. (2015) Creatine: a short history. Enrico, A., Patrizia, G., Luisa, P., Alessandro, P., Gianluigi, L., Carlo, G. and Maurizio, B. Hathaay, S. C., Friez, M., Limbo, ., Parer, C., Salomons, G. S., Vocley, ., ood, T. and (2013) ‘Electrophysiology and biochemical analysis of cyclocreatine uptake and effect in Abdul-Rahman, O. A. (2010) ‘X-Lined Creatine Transporter Deficiency Presenting as a hippocampal slices’, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 12(02), pp. 285–297. doi: Mitochondrial Disorder’, Journal of Child Neurology, 25(8), pp. 1009–1012. doi: 10.112/S0219635213500155. 10.1177/0883073809352109. Etherton, M. R., Blaiss, C. A., Poell, C. M. and Sudhof, T. C. (2009) ‘Mouse neurexin-1 Head, E., Lott, I. T., Wilcock, D. M. and Lemere, C. A. (2016) ‘Aging in Down Syndrome and deletion causes correlated electrophysiological and behavioral changes consistent ith the Development of Alzheimer’s Disease Neuropathology.’, Current Alzheimer research, cognitive impairments’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(42), pp. 13(1), pp. 18–29. Available at: 17998–18003. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0910297106. Hefendehl, . ., Neher, . ., Shs, R. B., ohsaa, S., Sodras, A. and ucer, M. (201) Evangeliou, A., Vasilaki, K., Karagianni, P. and Nikolaidis, N. (2009) ‘Clinical applications ‘Homeostatic and injury-induced microglia behavior in the aging brain’, Aging Cell. of creatine supplementation on paediatrics.’, Current pharmaceutical biotechnology, iley/Blacell (10.1111), 13(1), pp. 60–69. doi: 10.1111/acel.1219. 10(7), pp. 683–90. Available at: Hoffmann, H. and Schiene-Fischer, C. (2014) ‘Functional aspects of extracellular cyclophil- Fons, C., Arias, A., Sempere, A., Po, P., Pineda, M., Mas, A., Lpez-Sala, A., Garcia-Villoria, ins’, Biological Chemistry, 395(7–8), pp. 721–35. doi: 10.1515/hsz-201-0125. ., Vilaseca, M. A., Ozaez, L., Lluch, M., Artuch, R., Campistol, . and Ribes, A. (2010) Höhn, A. and Grune, T. (2013) ‘Lipofuscin: formation, effects and role of macroautophagy.’, ‘Response to creatine analogs in fibroblasts and patients with creatine transporter defi- Redox biology. Elsevier, 1(1), pp. 10–. doi: 10.1016/.redox.2013.01.006. ciency’, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 99(3), pp. 296–299. doi: Ippolito, D. M. and Eroglu, C. (2010) ‘Quantifying Synapses: an Immunocytochemistry-based 10.1016/.ymgme.2009.10.186. Assay to Quantify Synapse Number’, Journal of Visualized Experiments, (45). doi: Franceschi, C., Bonaf, M., Valensin, S., Olivieri, F., De Luca, M., Ottaviani, E. and De Ben- 10.3791/2270. edictis, G. (2006) ‘Inflamm-aging: An Evolutionary Perspective on Immunosenescence’, Ishioka, N., Sato, J., Nakamura, J., Ohkubo, T., Takeda, A. and Kurioka, S. (1995) ‘In vivo Annals of the Ne or Academy of Sciences. iley/Blacell (10.1111), 908(1), pp. modification of GABAA receptor ith a high dose of pyridoxal phosphate induces tonic- 2–25. doi: 10.1111/.179-6632.2000.tb06651.x. clonic convulsion in immature mice.’, Neurochemistry international, 26(4), pp. 369–73. Fuccillo, M. V. (2016) ‘Striatal Circuits as a Common Node for Autism Pathophysiology’, Available at: Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10, p. 27. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2016.00027. Item, C. B., Stcler-Ipsiroglu, S., Stromberger, C., Mhl, A., Alessandrì, M. G., Bianchi, M. Garca-Delgado, M., Peral, M. J., Cano, M., Calonge, M. L. and Ilundáin, A. A. (2001) ‘Crea- C., Tosetti, M., Fornai, F. and Cioni, G. (2001) ‘Arginine:Glycine Amidinotransferase De- tine transport in brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from rat kidney cortex.’, Journal ficiency: The Third Inborn Error of Creatine Metabolism in Humans’, The American Jour- of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN, 12(9), pp. 1819–25. Available at: nal of Human Genetics, 69(5), pp. 1127–1133. doi: 10.1086/323765. (Accessed: 16 September 2018). Iyer, G. S., rahe, R., Goodin, L. A., Doggett, N. A., Siciliano, M. ., Funanage, V. L. and Di Giovanni, S. and Rathore, K. (2012) ‘p53-dependent pathays in neurite outgroth and Proujansky, R. (1996) ‘Identification of a testis-expressed creatine transporter gene at axonal regeneration’, Cell and Tissue Research, 39(1), pp. 87–95. doi: 10.1007/s001- 16p11.2 and confirmation of the X-linked locus to Xq28.’, Genomics, 34(1), pp. 13–6. 011-1292-5. doi: 10.1006/geno.1996.025. Giusti, S. A., Vercelli, C. A., Vogl, A. M., olarz, A. ., Pino, N. S., Deussing, . M. and oncuel-Chevalier Curt, M., Voicu, P. M., Fontaine, M., Dessein, A. F., Porchet, N., Mention- Refojo, D. (2014) ‘Behavioral phenotyping of Nestin-Cre mice: Implications for genetic Mulliez, ., Dobbelaere, D., Soto-Ares, G., Cheillan, D. and Vamecq, J. (2015) ‘Creatine mouse models of psychiatric disorders’, Journal of Psychiatric Research, 55, pp. 87–95. biosynthesis and transport in health and disease’, Biochimie, 119, pp. 146–165. doi: doi: 10.1016/.psychires.201.0.002. 10.1016/.biochi.2015.10.022. Gori, Z., De Tata, V., Pollera, M. and Bergamini, E. (1988) ‘Mitochondrial myopathy in rats aidanovich-Beilin, O., Lipina, T., Vuobradovic, I., Roder, . and oodgett, . R. (2011) fed ith a diet containing beta-guanidine propionic acid, an inhibitor of creatine entry in ‘Assessment of Social Interaction Behaviors’, Journal of Visualized Experiments, (48). muscle cells.’, British journal of experimental pathology. Wiley-Blacell, 69(5), pp. doi: 10.3791/273. 639–50. Available at: Kalkman, H. O. (2012) ‘Potential opposite roles of the extracellular signal-regulated inase Gospe, S. M., Olin, K. L. and Keen, C. L. (1994) ‘Reduced GABA synthesis in pyridoxine- (ERK) pathway in autism spectrum and bipolar disorders’, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral dependent seizures.’, Lancet (London, England), 343(8906), pp. 1133–. Available at: Revies, 36(10), pp. 2206–2213. doi: 10.1016/.neubiorev.2012.07.008. van de Kamp, J. M., Jakobs, C., Gibson, K. M. and Salomons, G. S. (2013) ‘New insights into Grissom, N. M., McKee, S. E., Schoch, H., Bowman, N., Havekes, R., O’Brien, W. T., Mahrt, creatine transporter deficiency: the importance of recycling creatine in the brain’, Journal E., Siegel, S., Commons, ., Portfors, C., Nicl-ocschat, T., Reyes, T. M. and Abel, T. of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 36(1), pp. 155–156. doi: 10.1007/s1055-012-9537-3.

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(2006) ‘The creatine trans- Finnish variant late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, CLN5, reveals neuropathol- porter mediates the uptae of creatine by brain tissue, but not the uptae of to creatine- ogy associated with early aging’, Human Molecular Genetics, 13(23), pp. 2893–2906. doi: derived compounds’, Neuroscience, 142(4), pp. 991–997. doi: 10.1016/.neurosci- 10.1093/hmg/ddh312. ence.2006.06.058. ristensen, A. S., Andersen, ., rgensen, T. N., Srensen, L., Erisen, ., Loland, C. ., Strm- Maccarinelli, F., Pagani, A., Cozzi, A., Codazzi, F., Di Giacomo, G., Capoccia, S., Rapino, S., gaard, K. and Gether, U. (2011) ‘SLC6 neurotransmitter transporters: structure, function, Finazzi, D., Politi, L. S., Cirulli, F., Giorgio, M., Cremona, O., Grohovaz, F. and Levi, S. and regulation.’, Pharmacological reviews, 63(3), pp. 585–60. doi: (2015) ‘A novel neuroferritinopathy mouse model (FTL 498InsTC) shos progressive 10.112/pr.108.000869. brain iron dysregulation, morphological signs of early neurodegeneration and motor coor- uiper, . ., Oerlemans, F. T., Fransen, J. A. and Wieringa, B. (2008) ‘Creatine kinase B dination deficits’, Neurobiology of Disease, 81, pp. 119–133. doi: deficient neurons exhibit an increased fraction of motile mitochondria’, BMC Neurosci- 10.1016/.nbd.201.10.023. ence, 9(1), p. 73. doi: 10.1186/171-2202-9-73. Matt, S. M. and Johnson, R. W. (2016) ‘Neuro-immune dysfunction during brain aging: ne urosaa, ., DeGrau, T. ., Linduist, D. M., Blanco, V. M., Pyne-Geithman, G. ., Dai- insights in microglial cell regulation’, Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 26, pp. 96–101. koku, T., Chambers, J. B., Benoit, S. C. and Clark, J. F. (2012) ‘Cyclocreatine treatment doi: 10.1016/.coph.2015.10.009. improves cognition in mice with creatine transporter deficiency’, Journal of Clinical In- Matthes, R. T., Ferrante, R. ., livenyi, P., ang, L., lein, A. M., Mueller, G., addurah- vestigation, 122(8), pp. 2837–286. doi: 10.1172/CI59373. Daouk, R. and Beal, M. F. (1999) ‘Creatine and Cyclocreatine Attenuate MPTP Neuro- Lahiri, D. K., Sokol, D. K., Erickson, C., Ray, B., Ho, C. Y. and Maloney, B. (2013) ‘Autism toxicity’, Experimental Neurology, 157(1), pp. 142–19. doi: 10.1006/exnr.1999.709. as early neurodevelopmental disorder: evidence for an sAPPα-mediated anabolic path- way’, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 7. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2013.00094.

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Angelo Molinaro van de Kamp, J. M., Mancini, G. M. and Salomons, G. S. (2014) ‘X-lined creatine transporter Laler, J. M., Barnes, W. S., Wu, G., Song, W. and Demaree, S. (2002) ‘Direct Antioxidant deficiency: clinical aspects and pathophysiology’, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, Properties of Creatine’, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 290(1), 37(5), pp. 715–733. doi: 10.1007/s1055-01-9713-8. pp. 7–52. doi: 10.1006/bbrc.2001.616. van de amp, ., Betsalel, O. T., Mercime-Mahmutoglu, S., Abulhoul, L., Grneald, S., Lee, S. ., Clemenson, G. D. and Gage, F. H. (2012) ‘New neurons in an aged brain’, Behav- Anselm, I., Azzouz, H., Bratovic, D., de Brouer, A., Hamel, B., leefstra, T., ntema, ioural Brain Research, 227(2), pp. 97–507. doi: 10.1016/.bbr.2011.10.009. H., Campistol, J., Vilaseca, M. A., Cheillan, D., D’Hooghe, M., Diogo, L., Garcia, P., Leuzzi, V., Alessandrì, M. G., Casarano, M., Battini, R. and Cioni, G. 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Elsevier Inc., 8(2), iley/Blacell (10.1111), 79(3), pp. 26–272. doi: 10.1111/.1399-000.2010.0160.x. pp. 275–291. doi: 10.1016/.neuron.201.09.03. van de ap, . M., Pouels, P. . ., Aarsen, F. ., ten Hoopen, L. ., nol, D. L., de ler, Loike, J. D., Zalutsky, D. L., Kaback, E., Miranda, A. F. and Silverstein, S. C. (1988) ‘Extra- . B., de Coo, I. F., Huimans, . G. M., aobs, C., van der naap, M. S., Salomons, G. S. cellular creatine regulates creatine transport in rat and human muscle cells.’, Proceedings and Mancini, G. M. S. (2012) ‘Long-term follo-up and treatment in nine boys ith X- of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 85(3), pp. 807–11. linked creatine transporter defect.’, Journal of inherited metabolic disease. Springer, 35(1), Available at: pp. 11–9. doi: 10.1007/s1055-011-935-1. Lonetti, G., Angelucci, A., Morando, L., Boggio, E. M., Giustetto, M. and Pizzorusso, T. Kempermann, G. (2015) ‘Activity Dependency and Aging in the Regulation of Adult Neuro- (2010) ‘Early Environmental Enrichment Moderates the Behavioral and Synaptic Pheno- genesis’, Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, 7(11), p. a018929. doi: type of MeCP2 Null Mice’, Biological Psychiatry, 67(7), pp. 657–665. doi: 10.1016/.bi- 10.1101/cshperspect.a018929. opsych.2009.12.022. opra, O., Vesa, ., von Schantz, C., Manninen, T., Minye, H., Fabritius, A.-L., Rapola, ., Lunardi, G., Parodi, A., Perasso, L., Pohvozcheva, A. V., Scarrone, S., Adriano, E., Florio, T., Diggelen, O. P. van, Saarela, J., Jalanko, A. and Peltonen, L. (2004) ‘A mouse model for Gandolfo, C., Cupello, A., Burov, S. V. and Balestrino, M. (2006) ‘The creatine trans- Finnish variant late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, CLN5, reveals neuropathol- porter mediates the uptae of creatine by brain tissue, but not the uptae of to creatine- ogy associated with early aging’, Human Molecular Genetics, 13(23), pp. 2893–2906. doi: derived compounds’, Neuroscience, 142(4), pp. 991–997. doi: 10.1016/.neurosci- 10.1093/hmg/ddh312. ence.2006.06.058. ristensen, A. S., Andersen, ., rgensen, T. N., Srensen, L., Erisen, ., Loland, C. ., Strm- Maccarinelli, F., Pagani, A., Cozzi, A., Codazzi, F., Di Giacomo, G., Capoccia, S., Rapino, S., gaard, K. and Gether, U. (2011) ‘SLC6 neurotransmitter transporters: structure, function, Finazzi, D., Politi, L. S., Cirulli, F., Giorgio, M., Cremona, O., Grohovaz, F. and Levi, S. and regulation.’, Pharmacological reviews, 63(3), pp. 585–60. doi: (2015) ‘A novel neuroferritinopathy mouse model (FTL 498InsTC) shos progressive 10.112/pr.108.000869. brain iron dysregulation, morphological signs of early neurodegeneration and motor coor- uiper, . ., Oerlemans, F. T., Fransen, J. A. and Wieringa, B. (2008) ‘Creatine kinase B dination deficits’, Neurobiology of Disease, 81, pp. 119–133. doi: deficient neurons exhibit an increased fraction of motile mitochondria’, BMC Neurosci- 10.1016/.nbd.201.10.023. ence, 9(1), p. 73. doi: 10.1186/171-2202-9-73. Matt, S. M. and Johnson, R. W. (2016) ‘Neuro-immune dysfunction during brain aging: ne urosaa, ., DeGrau, T. ., Linduist, D. M., Blanco, V. M., Pyne-Geithman, G. ., Dai- insights in microglial cell regulation’, Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 26, pp. 96–101. koku, T., Chambers, J. B., Benoit, S. C. and Clark, J. F. (2012) ‘Cyclocreatine treatment doi: 10.1016/.coph.2015.10.009. improves cognition in mice with creatine transporter deficiency’, Journal of Clinical In- Matthes, R. T., Ferrante, R. ., livenyi, P., ang, L., lein, A. M., Mueller, G., addurah- vestigation, 122(8), pp. 2837–286. doi: 10.1172/CI59373. Daouk, R. and Beal, M. F. (1999) ‘Creatine and Cyclocreatine Attenuate MPTP Neuro- Lahiri, D. K., Sokol, D. K., Erickson, C., Ray, B., Ho, C. Y. and Maloney, B. (2013) ‘Autism toxicity’, Experimental Neurology, 157(1), pp. 142–19. doi: 10.1006/exnr.1999.709. as early neurodevelopmental disorder: evidence for an sAPPα-mediated anabolic path- way’, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 7. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2013.00094.

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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency McFarlane, H. G., use, G. ., ang, M., Phoenix, . L., Bolivar, V. . and Craley, . N. Papale, A., d’Isa, R., Menna, E., Cerovic, M., Solari, N., Hardingham, N., Cambiaghi, M., (2008) ‘Autism-like behavioral phenotypes in BTBR T+tf/J mice’, Genes, Brain and Be- Cursi, M., Barbacid, M., Leocani, L., Fasano, S., Matteoli, M. and Brambilla, R. (2017) havior, 7(2), pp. 152–163. doi: 10.1111/.1601-183X.2007.00330.x. ‘Severe Intellectual Disability and Enhanced Gamma-Aminobutyric Acidergic Synapto- McQuail, J. A., Frazier, C. J. and Bizon, J. L. (2015) ‘Molecular aspects of age-related cogni- genesis in a Novel Model of Rare RASopathies’, Biological Psychiatry, 81(3), pp. 179– tive decline: the role of GABA signaling’, Trends in Molecular Medicine, 21(7), pp. 450– 192. doi: 10.1016/.biopsych.2016.06.016. 60. doi: 10.1016/.molmed.2015.05.002. Peral, M. ., Vázuez-Carretero, M. D. and Ilundain, A. A. (2010) ‘Na+/Cl−/creatine trans- Mercime-Mahmutoglu, S., Connolly, M. B., Positt, . ., Horvath, G. A., Lory, N., Salo- porter activity and expression in rat brain synaptosomes’, Neuroscience, 165(1), pp. 53– mons, G. S., Casey, B., Sinclair, G., Davis, C., aobs, C. and Stocler-Ipsiroglu, S. (2010) 60. doi: 10.1016/.neuroscience.2009.10.001. ‘Treatment of intractable epilepsy in a female with SLC6A8 deficiency’, Molecular Ge- Perasso, L., Adriano, E., Ruggeri, P., Burov, S. V., Gandolfo, C. and Balestrino, M. (2009) ‘In netics and Metabolism, 101(), pp. 09–12. doi: 10.1016/.ymgme.2010.08.016. vivo neuroprotection by a creatine-derived compound: Phosphocreatine–Mg-complex ac- Mercime-Mahmutoglu, S., Stoecler-Ipsiroglu, S., Adami, A., Appleton, R., Arauo, H. C., etate’, Brain Research, 1285, pp. 158–163. doi: 10.1016/.brainres.2009.06.009. Duran, M., Ensenauer, R., Fernandez-Alvarez, E., Garcia, P., Groli, C., Item, C. B., Perasso, L., Cupello, A., Lunardi, G. L., Principato, C., Gandolfo, C. and Balestrino, M. (2003) Leuzzi, V., Maruardt, I., Muhl, A., Saele-ellermann, R. A., Salomons, G. S., Schulze, ‘Kinetics of creatine in blood and brain after intraperitoneal injection in the rat.’, Brain A., Surtees, R., van der naap, M. S., Vasconcelos, R., Verhoeven, N. M., Vilarinho, L., research, 97(1–2), pp. 37–2. Available at: Wilichowski, E. and Jakobs, C. (2006) ‘GAMT deficiency: Features, treatment, and out- med/1272622. come in an inborn error of creatine synthesis’, Neurology, 67(3), pp. 480–8. doi: Perna, M. ., oenge, A. N., Miles, . N., Udobi, . C., Clar, . F., Pyne-Geithman, G. ., 10.1212/ Khuchua, Z. and Skelton, M. R. (2016) ‘Creatine transporter deficiency leads to increased Moy, S. S., Nadler, . ., Perez, A., Barbaro, R. P., ohns, . M., Magnuson, T. R., Piven, . and whole body and cellular metabolism’, Amino Acids. Springer Vienna. doi: Crawley, J. N. 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Angelo Molinaro McFarlane, H. G., use, G. ., ang, M., Phoenix, . L., Bolivar, V. . and Craley, . N. Papale, A., d’Isa, R., Menna, E., Cerovic, M., Solari, N., Hardingham, N., Cambiaghi, M., (2008) ‘Autism-like behavioral phenotypes in BTBR T+tf/J mice’, Genes, Brain and Be- Cursi, M., Barbacid, M., Leocani, L., Fasano, S., Matteoli, M. and Brambilla, R. (2017) havior, 7(2), pp. 152–163. doi: 10.1111/.1601-183X.2007.00330.x. ‘Severe Intellectual Disability and Enhanced Gamma-Aminobutyric Acidergic Synapto- McQuail, J. A., Frazier, C. J. and Bizon, J. L. (2015) ‘Molecular aspects of age-related cogni- genesis in a Novel Model of Rare RASopathies’, Biological Psychiatry, 81(3), pp. 179– tive decline: the role of GABA signaling’, Trends in Molecular Medicine, 21(7), pp. 450– 192. doi: 10.1016/.biopsych.2016.06.016. 60. doi: 10.1016/.molmed.2015.05.002. Peral, M. ., Vázuez-Carretero, M. D. and Ilundain, A. A. (2010) ‘Na+/Cl−/creatine trans- Mercime-Mahmutoglu, S., Connolly, M. B., Positt, . ., Horvath, G. A., Lory, N., Salo- porter activity and expression in rat brain synaptosomes’, Neuroscience, 165(1), pp. 53– mons, G. S., Casey, B., Sinclair, G., Davis, C., aobs, C. and Stocler-Ipsiroglu, S. (2010) 60. doi: 10.1016/.neuroscience.2009.10.001. ‘Treatment of intractable epilepsy in a female with SLC6A8 deficiency’, Molecular Ge- Perasso, L., Adriano, E., Ruggeri, P., Burov, S. V., Gandolfo, C. and Balestrino, M. (2009) ‘In netics and Metabolism, 101(), pp. 09–12. doi: 10.1016/.ymgme.2010.08.016. vivo neuroprotection by a creatine-derived compound: Phosphocreatine–Mg-complex ac- Mercime-Mahmutoglu, S., Stoecler-Ipsiroglu, S., Adami, A., Appleton, R., Arauo, H. C., etate’, Brain Research, 1285, pp. 158–163. doi: 10.1016/.brainres.2009.06.009. Duran, M., Ensenauer, R., Fernandez-Alvarez, E., Garcia, P., Groli, C., Item, C. B., Perasso, L., Cupello, A., Lunardi, G. L., Principato, C., Gandolfo, C. and Balestrino, M. (2003) Leuzzi, V., Maruardt, I., Muhl, A., Saele-ellermann, R. A., Salomons, G. S., Schulze, ‘Kinetics of creatine in blood and brain after intraperitoneal injection in the rat.’, Brain A., Surtees, R., van der naap, M. S., Vasconcelos, R., Verhoeven, N. M., Vilarinho, L., research, 97(1–2), pp. 37–2. Available at: Wilichowski, E. and Jakobs, C. (2006) ‘GAMT deficiency: Features, treatment, and out- med/1272622. come in an inborn error of creatine synthesis’, Neurology, 67(3), pp. 480–8. doi: Perna, M. ., oenge, A. N., Miles, . N., Udobi, . C., Clar, . F., Pyne-Geithman, G. ., 10.1212/ Khuchua, Z. and Skelton, M. R. (2016) ‘Creatine transporter deficiency leads to increased Moy, S. S., Nadler, . ., Perez, A., Barbaro, R. P., ohns, . M., Magnuson, T. R., Piven, . and whole body and cellular metabolism’, Amino Acids. Springer Vienna. doi: Crawley, J. N. 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New insights into creatine transporter deficiency Rothell, P. E., Fuccillo, M. V., Maxeiner, S., Hayton, S. ., Goce, O., Lim, B. ., Foler, Silingardi, D., Angelucci, A., De Pasuale, R., Borsotti, M., Suitieri, G., Brambilla, R., S. C., Malenka, R. C. and Südhof, T. C. (2014) ‘Autism-Associated Neuroligin-3 Muta- Putignano, E., Pizzorusso, T. and Berardi, N. (2011) ‘ERK pathay activation bidirection- tions Commonly Impair Striatal Circuits to Boost Repetitive Behaviors’, Cell, 158(1), pp. ally affects visual recognition memory and synaptic plasticity in the perirhinal cortex.’, 198–212. doi: 10.1016/.cell.201.0.05. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience. Frontiers Media SA, 5, p. 8. doi: Russell, A. P., Ghobrial, L., right, C. R., Lamon, S., Bron, E. L., on, M., Selton, M. R. 10.3389/fnbeh.2011.0008. and Snow, R. J. (2014) ‘Creatine transporter (SLC6A8) knockout mice display an in- Selton, M. R., Schaefer, T. L., Graham, D. L., deGrau, T. ., Clar, . F., illiams, M. T. creased capacity for in vitro creatine biosynthesis in skeletal muscle’, Frontiers in Physi- and Vorhees, C. V. (2011) ‘Creatine Transporter (CrT; Slc6a8) Knockout Mice as a Model ology. Frontiers, 5, p. 31. doi: 10.3389/fphys.201.0031. of Human CrT Deficiency’, PLoS ONE. Edited by E. M. C. Skoulakis. Public Library of Ryan, S. M. and Nolan, Y. M. (2016) ‘Neuroinflammation negatively affects adult hippocam- Science, 6(1), p. e16187. doi: 10.1371/ournal.pone.0016187. pal neurogenesis and cognition: can exercise compensate?’, Neuroscience & Biobehav- Stöckler, S., Hanefeld, F. and Frahm, J. (1996) ‘Creatine replacement therapy in guanidinoace- ioral Revies, 61, pp. 121–131. doi: 10.1016/.neubiorev.2015.12.00. tate methyltransferase deficiency, a novel inborn error of metabolism.’, Lancet (London, Salomons, G. S., van Dooren, S. . M., Verhoeven, N. M., Cecil, . M., Ball, . S., Degrau, England), 38(9030), pp. 789–90. Available at: T. J. and Jakobs, C. (2001) ‘X-Lined Creatine-Transporter Gene (SLC6A8) Defect: A med/8813986. Ne Creatine-Deficiency Syndrome’, The American Journal of Human Genetics, 68(6), Stcler, S., Holzbach, U., Hanefeld, F., Maruardt, I., Helms, G., Reuart, M., Hnice, . pp. 197–1500. doi: 10.1086/320595. and Frahm, J. (1994) ‘Creatine deficiency in the brain: a new, treatable inborn error of di Salvo, M. L., Mastrangelo, M., Nogus, I., Tolve, M., Paiardini, A., Carducci, C., Mei, D., metabolism.’, Pediatric research, 36(3), pp. 09–13. doi: 10.1203/0000650-19909000- Montomoli, M., Tramonti, A., Guerrini, R., Contestabile, R. and Leuzzi, V. (2017) ‘Pyri- 00023. doxine-5’-phosphate oxidase (Pnpo) deficiency: Clinical and biochemical alterations as- Sullivan, P. G., Geiger, J. D., Mattson, M. P. and Scheff, S. W. (2000) ‘Dietary supplement sociated with the C.347g>A (P.·Arg116gln) mutation.’, Molecular genetics and metab- creatine protects against traumatic brain injury.’, Annals of neurology, 48(5), pp. 723–9. olism. Elsevier, 122(1–2), pp. 135–12. doi: 10.1016/.ymgme.2017.08.003. Available at: Saunders, A., Macoso, E., ysoer, A., Goldman, M., rienen, F., Bien, E., Baum, M., Tachikawa, M., Fukaya, M., Terasaki, T., Ohtsuki, S. and Watanabe, M. (2004) ‘Distinct cel- ang, S., Goeva, A., Nemesh, ., amitai, N., Brumbaugh, S., ulp, D. and McCarroll, lular expressions of creatine synthetic enzyme GAMT and creatine inases uC-Mi and S. A. (2018) ‘A Single-Cell Atlas of Cell Types, States, and Other Transcriptional Patterns C-B suggest a novel neuron-glial relationship for brain energy homeostasis’, European from Nine Regions of the Adult Mouse Brain’, bioRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, ournal of Neuroscience, 20(1), pp. 1–160. doi: 10.1111/.160-9568.200.0378.x. p. 299081. doi: 10.1101/299081. Terman, A. and Brunk, U. T. (2006) ‘Oxidative Stress, Accumulation of Biological “Garbage”, Schiaffino, M. C., Bellini, C., Costabello, L., Caruso, U., aobs, C., Salomons, G. S. and Bo- and Aging’, Antioxidants Redox Signaling, 8(1–2), pp. 197–20. doi: nioli, E. (2005) ‘X-lined creatine transporter deficiency’, Neurogenetics, 6(3), pp. 165– 10.1089/ars.2006.8.197. 168. doi: 10.1007/s1008-005-0002-. Thomas, G. M. and Huganir, R. L. (2004) ‘MAPK cascade signalling and synaptic plasticity’, Sestili, P., Martinelli, C., Colombo, E., Barbieri, E., Potenza, L., Sartini, S. and Fimognari, C. Nature Revies Neuroscience, 5(3), pp. 173–183. doi: 10.1038/nrn136. (2011) ‘Creatine as an antioxidant’, Amino Acids, 40(5), pp. 1385–1396. doi: Torremans, A., Marescau, B., Possemiers, I., Van Dam, D., D’Hooge, R., Isbrandt, D. and De 10.1007/s00726-011-0875-5. Deyn, P. P. (2005) ‘Biochemical and behavioural phenotyping of a mouse model for Shaw, A. E. and Bamburg, J. R. (2017) ‘Peptide regulation of cofilin activity in the CNS: A GAMT deficiency’, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 231(1–2), pp. 9–55. doi: novel therapeutic approach for treatment of multiple neurological disorders’, Pharmacol- 10.1016/.ns.200.12.01. ogy Therapeutics, 175, pp. 17–27. doi: 10.1016/.pharmthera.2017.02.031. Tronche, F., ellendon, C., retz, O., Gass, P., Anlag, ., Orban, P. C., Boc, R., lein, R. Sherwin, E., Dinan, T. G. and Cryan, J. F. (2018) ‘Recent developments in understanding the and Schütz, G. (1999) ‘Disruption of the glucocorticoid receptor gene in the nervous sys- role of the gut microbiota in brain health and disease’, Annals of the New York Academy tem results in reduced anxiety’, Nature Genetics, 23(1), pp. 99–103. doi: 10.1038/12703. of Sciences, 120(1), pp. 5–25. doi: 10.1111/nyas.1316. Udobi, . C., oenge, A. N., Hautman, E. R., Ullio, G., Coene, ., illiams, M. T., Vorhees, Shetty, A. K. and Turner, D. A. (1998) ‘Hippocampal interneurons expressing glutamic acid C. V., Mabondzo, A. and Skelton, M. R. (2018) ‘Cognitive deficits and increases in crea- decarboxylase and calcium-binding proteins decrease with aging in Fischer 344 rats.’, The tine precursors in a brain-specific nocout of the creatine transporter gene Slc6a8’, ournal of comparative neurology, 39(2), pp. 252–69. Available at: Genes, Brain and Behavior, 17(6), p. e1261. doi: 10.1111/gbb.1261. Vanderklish, P. W. and Edelman, G. M. (2002) ‘Dendritic spines elongate after stimulation of Shi, L., Argenta, A. E., insec, A. . and Brunso-Bechtold, J. K. (2004) ‘Stereological quan- group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors in cultured hippocampal neurons.’, Proceedings tification of GAD-67-immunoreactive neurons and boutons in the hippocampus of middle- of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. National Academy aged and old Fischer 3 Bron Noray rats’, Journal of Comparative Neurology, of Sciences, 99(3), pp. 1639–. doi: 10.1073/pnas.032681099. 78(3), pp. 282–291. doi: 10.1002/cne.20303. Vela, J., Gutierrez, A., Vitorica, J. and Ruano, D. (2003) ‘Rat hippocampal GABAergic mo- Sierra, A., Beccari, S., Diaz-Aparicio, I., Encinas, . M., Comeau, S. and Tremblay, M.-. lecular markers are differentially affected by ageing.’, Journal of neurochemistry, 85(2), (2014) ‘Surveillance, Phagocytosis, and Inflammation: How Never-Resting Microglia In- pp. 368–77. Available at: fluence Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis’, Neural Plasticity, 2014, pp. 1–15. doi: Walker, J. B. (1979) ‘Creatine: biosynthesis, regulation, and function.’, Advances in enzymol- 10.1155/201/61033. ogy and related areas of molecular biology, 50, pp. 177–22. Available at:

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Angelo Molinaro Rothell, P. E., Fuccillo, M. V., Maxeiner, S., Hayton, S. ., Goce, O., Lim, B. ., Foler, Silingardi, D., Angelucci, A., De Pasuale, R., Borsotti, M., Suitieri, G., Brambilla, R., S. C., Malenka, R. C. and Südhof, T. C. (2014) ‘Autism-Associated Neuroligin-3 Muta- Putignano, E., Pizzorusso, T. and Berardi, N. (2011) ‘ERK pathay activation bidirection- tions Commonly Impair Striatal Circuits to Boost Repetitive Behaviors’, Cell, 158(1), pp. ally affects visual recognition memory and synaptic plasticity in the perirhinal cortex.’, 198–212. doi: 10.1016/.cell.201.0.05. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience. Frontiers Media SA, 5, p. 8. doi: Russell, A. P., Ghobrial, L., right, C. R., Lamon, S., Bron, E. L., on, M., Selton, M. R. 10.3389/fnbeh.2011.0008. and Snow, R. J. (2014) ‘Creatine transporter (SLC6A8) knockout mice display an in- Selton, M. R., Schaefer, T. L., Graham, D. L., deGrau, T. ., Clar, . F., illiams, M. T. creased capacity for in vitro creatine biosynthesis in skeletal muscle’, Frontiers in Physi- and Vorhees, C. V. (2011) ‘Creatine Transporter (CrT; Slc6a8) Knockout Mice as a Model ology. Frontiers, 5, p. 31. doi: 10.3389/fphys.201.0031. of Human CrT Deficiency’, PLoS ONE. Edited by E. M. C. Skoulakis. Public Library of Ryan, S. M. and Nolan, Y. M. (2016) ‘Neuroinflammation negatively affects adult hippocam- Science, 6(1), p. e16187. doi: 10.1371/ournal.pone.0016187. pal neurogenesis and cognition: can exercise compensate?’, Neuroscience & Biobehav- Stöckler, S., Hanefeld, F. and Frahm, J. (1996) ‘Creatine replacement therapy in guanidinoace- ioral Revies, 61, pp. 121–131. doi: 10.1016/.neubiorev.2015.12.00. tate methyltransferase deficiency, a novel inborn error of metabolism.’, Lancet (London, Salomons, G. S., van Dooren, S. . M., Verhoeven, N. M., Cecil, . M., Ball, . S., Degrau, England), 38(9030), pp. 789–90. Available at: T. J. and Jakobs, C. (2001) ‘X-Lined Creatine-Transporter Gene (SLC6A8) Defect: A med/8813986. Ne Creatine-Deficiency Syndrome’, The American Journal of Human Genetics, 68(6), Stcler, S., Holzbach, U., Hanefeld, F., Maruardt, I., Helms, G., Reuart, M., Hnice, . pp. 197–1500. doi: 10.1086/320595. and Frahm, J. (1994) ‘Creatine deficiency in the brain: a new, treatable inborn error of di Salvo, M. L., Mastrangelo, M., Nogus, I., Tolve, M., Paiardini, A., Carducci, C., Mei, D., metabolism.’, Pediatric research, 36(3), pp. 09–13. doi: 10.1203/0000650-19909000- Montomoli, M., Tramonti, A., Guerrini, R., Contestabile, R. and Leuzzi, V. (2017) ‘Pyri- 00023. doxine-5’-phosphate oxidase (Pnpo) deficiency: Clinical and biochemical alterations as- Sullivan, P. G., Geiger, J. D., Mattson, M. P. and Scheff, S. W. (2000) ‘Dietary supplement sociated with the C.347g>A (P.·Arg116gln) mutation.’, Molecular genetics and metab- creatine protects against traumatic brain injury.’, Annals of neurology, 48(5), pp. 723–9. olism. Elsevier, 122(1–2), pp. 135–12. doi: 10.1016/.ymgme.2017.08.003. Available at: Saunders, A., Macoso, E., ysoer, A., Goldman, M., rienen, F., Bien, E., Baum, M., Tachikawa, M., Fukaya, M., Terasaki, T., Ohtsuki, S. and Watanabe, M. (2004) ‘Distinct cel- ang, S., Goeva, A., Nemesh, ., amitai, N., Brumbaugh, S., ulp, D. and McCarroll, lular expressions of creatine synthetic enzyme GAMT and creatine inases uC-Mi and S. A. (2018) ‘A Single-Cell Atlas of Cell Types, States, and Other Transcriptional Patterns C-B suggest a novel neuron-glial relationship for brain energy homeostasis’, European from Nine Regions of the Adult Mouse Brain’, bioRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, ournal of Neuroscience, 20(1), pp. 1–160. doi: 10.1111/.160-9568.200.0378.x. p. 299081. doi: 10.1101/299081. Terman, A. and Brunk, U. T. (2006) ‘Oxidative Stress, Accumulation of Biological “Garbage”, Schiaffino, M. C., Bellini, C., Costabello, L., Caruso, U., aobs, C., Salomons, G. S. and Bo- and Aging’, Antioxidants Redox Signaling, 8(1–2), pp. 197–20. doi: nioli, E. (2005) ‘X-lined creatine transporter deficiency’, Neurogenetics, 6(3), pp. 165– 10.1089/ars.2006.8.197. 168. doi: 10.1007/s1008-005-0002-. Thomas, G. M. and Huganir, R. L. (2004) ‘MAPK cascade signalling and synaptic plasticity’, Sestili, P., Martinelli, C., Colombo, E., Barbieri, E., Potenza, L., Sartini, S. and Fimognari, C. Nature Revies Neuroscience, 5(3), pp. 173–183. doi: 10.1038/nrn136. (2011) ‘Creatine as an antioxidant’, Amino Acids, 40(5), pp. 1385–1396. doi: Torremans, A., Marescau, B., Possemiers, I., Van Dam, D., D’Hooge, R., Isbrandt, D. and De 10.1007/s00726-011-0875-5. Deyn, P. P. (2005) ‘Biochemical and behavioural phenotyping of a mouse model for Shaw, A. E. and Bamburg, J. R. (2017) ‘Peptide regulation of cofilin activity in the CNS: A GAMT deficiency’, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 231(1–2), pp. 9–55. doi: novel therapeutic approach for treatment of multiple neurological disorders’, Pharmacol- 10.1016/.ns.200.12.01. ogy Therapeutics, 175, pp. 17–27. doi: 10.1016/.pharmthera.2017.02.031. Tronche, F., ellendon, C., retz, O., Gass, P., Anlag, ., Orban, P. C., Boc, R., lein, R. Sherwin, E., Dinan, T. G. and Cryan, J. F. (2018) ‘Recent developments in understanding the and Schütz, G. (1999) ‘Disruption of the glucocorticoid receptor gene in the nervous sys- role of the gut microbiota in brain health and disease’, Annals of the New York Academy tem results in reduced anxiety’, Nature Genetics, 23(1), pp. 99–103. doi: 10.1038/12703. of Sciences, 120(1), pp. 5–25. doi: 10.1111/nyas.1316. Udobi, . C., oenge, A. N., Hautman, E. R., Ullio, G., Coene, ., illiams, M. T., Vorhees, Shetty, A. K. and Turner, D. A. (1998) ‘Hippocampal interneurons expressing glutamic acid C. V., Mabondzo, A. and Skelton, M. R. (2018) ‘Cognitive deficits and increases in crea- decarboxylase and calcium-binding proteins decrease with aging in Fischer 344 rats.’, The tine precursors in a brain-specific nocout of the creatine transporter gene Slc6a8’, ournal of comparative neurology, 39(2), pp. 252–69. Available at: Genes, Brain and Behavior, 17(6), p. e1261. doi: 10.1111/gbb.1261. Vanderklish, P. W. and Edelman, G. M. (2002) ‘Dendritic spines elongate after stimulation of Shi, L., Argenta, A. E., insec, A. . and Brunso-Bechtold, J. K. (2004) ‘Stereological quan- group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors in cultured hippocampal neurons.’, Proceedings tification of GAD-67-immunoreactive neurons and boutons in the hippocampus of middle- of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. National Academy aged and old Fischer 3 Bron Noray rats’, Journal of Comparative Neurology, of Sciences, 99(3), pp. 1639–. doi: 10.1073/pnas.032681099. 78(3), pp. 282–291. doi: 10.1002/cne.20303. Vela, J., Gutierrez, A., Vitorica, J. and Ruano, D. (2003) ‘Rat hippocampal GABAergic mo- Sierra, A., Beccari, S., Diaz-Aparicio, I., Encinas, . M., Comeau, S. and Tremblay, M.-. lecular markers are differentially affected by ageing.’, Journal of neurochemistry, 85(2), (2014) ‘Surveillance, Phagocytosis, and Inflammation: How Never-Resting Microglia In- pp. 368–77. Available at: fluence Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis’, Neural Plasticity, 2014, pp. 1–15. doi: Walker, J. B. (1979) ‘Creatine: biosynthesis, regulation, and function.’, Advances in enzymol- 10.1155/201/61033. ogy and related areas of molecular biology, 50, pp. 177–22. Available at:

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Group, 77(7363), pp. 171–178. doi: 10.1038/nature10360. ervou, S., hittington, H. ., Russell, A. J. and Lygate, C. A. (2016) ‘Augmentation of Cre- atine in the Heart.’, Mini reviews in medicinal chemistry, 16(1), pp. 19–28. Available at: hu, X., Lee, H., Raina, A. ., Perry, G. and Smith, M. A. (2002) ‘The Role of Mitogen- Activated Protein Kinase Pathways in Alzheimer’s Disease’, Neurosignals, 11(5), pp. 270–281. doi: 10.1159/00006726.

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ang, H.-S. and uo, M.-F. (2007) ‘Vitamin B6 related epilepsy during childhood.’, Chang ingraiaenti Gung medical ournal, 30(5), pp. 396–01. Available at: oo, . A., hao, X., han, H., Penn, C., ang, X., oly-Amado, A., eeber, E., Morgan, D. and Kang, D. E. (2015) ‘Slingshot-Cofilin activation mediates mitochondrial and synaptic dysfunction via Aβ ligation to β1-integrin conformers’, Cell Death & Differentiation, 22(6), pp. 921–93. doi: 10.1038/cdd.2015.5. yss, M. and addurah-Daouk, R. (2000) ‘Creatine and Creatinine Metabolism’, Physiologi- cal revies, 80(3), pp. 1107–1213. doi: 10.1016/S1286-0115(06)7505-2. Xu, D., hu, ., eong, S., Li, D., Hua, X., Huang, L., hang, ., Luo, . and Xia, . (2018) ‘Rictor Deficiency Aggravates Hepatic Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Mice by Suppress- ing Autophagy and Regulating MAPK Signaling’, Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, Ringrazio il Prof. Tommaso Pizzorusso, la Dr.ssa Laura Baroncelli, il Prof. Gio- 5(6), pp. 2199–2212. doi: 10.1159/00088165. vanni Cioni, la Dr.ssa Elena Putignano, la Dr.ssa Laura Giusti, il Prof. Antonio Lu- Yizhar, O., Fenno, L. E., Prigge, M., Schneider, F., Davidson, T. J., O’Shea, D. J., Sohal, V. cacchini, la Prof.ssa Maria Concetta Morrone, e tutti i colleghi e amici dell’Istituto di S., Goshen, I., Finelstein, ., Paz, . T., Stehfest, ., Fudim, R., Ramarishnan, C., Hu- Neuroscienze del CNR di Pisa che mi hanno accompagnato in uesta bellissima espe- guenard, J. R., Hegemann, P. and Deisseroth, K. (2011) ‘Neocortical excitation/inhibition rienza. balance in information processing and social dysfunction’, Nature. Nature Publishing

Group, 77(7363), pp. 171–178. doi: 10.1038/nature10360. ervou, S., hittington, H. ., Russell, A. J. and Lygate, C. A. (2016) ‘Augmentation of Cre- atine in the Heart.’, Mini reviews in medicinal chemistry, 16(1), pp. 19–28. Available at: hu, X., Lee, H., Raina, A. ., Perry, G. and Smith, M. A. (2002) ‘The Role of Mitogen- Activated Protein Kinase Pathways in Alzheimer’s Disease’, Neurosignals, 11(5), pp. 270–281. doi: 10.1159/00006726.

Angelo Molinaro, New insights into creatine transporter deficiency. Identification of neuropathological and metabolic targets for treatment, © 2020 Author(s), content CC BY 4.0 International, metadata CC0 1.0 Universal, published by Firenze University Press (www.fupress. 110 com), ISSN 2612-8020 (online), ISBN 978-88-5518-082-5 (PDF), 111DOI 10.36253/978-88-5518-082-5

112 premio tesi di dottorato

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anno 2019 Molinaro A., New insights into creatine transporter deficiency. Identification of neuropathological and metabolic targets for treatment Romano M., Soldati e neuropsichiatria nell’Italia della Grande Guerra. Controllo militare e pratiche assistenziali a confronto (1915-1918) Venturi M.T., «Io vivo fra le cose e invento, come posso, il modo di nominarle». Pier Paolo Pasolini e la lingua della modernità Rossi F., Apparenza del diritto e rapporti di fatto nell’esperienza giuridica di Roma antica Turrini L., Development of optical methods for real-time whole-brain functional imaging of zebrafish neuronal activity Moschetti V., Camere Azzurre. Costruzione di un’antologia mediterranea. Da Palladio a Peter Märkli Talluri L., Micro turbo expander design for small scale ORC. Tesla turbine 116 ANGELO MOLINARO New insights into creatine transporter deficiency - - -

2019 2019 ISSN 2612-8039 (print) ISSN 2612-8020 (online) ISBN 978-88-5518-081-8 (print) ISBN 978-88-5518-082-5 (PDF) ISBN 978-88-5518-083-2 (XML) DOI 10.36253/978-88-5518-082-5 earned an MD at University of Pisa in 2009 laude) and (cum

ro a olin M ngelo A New insights into creatine transporter deficiency insights into creatine New Creatine transporter (Cr) very deficiencyis a (CCDS1) rare and severe condition due to impaired energetic metabolism. In this work showed we for the first time the following facts:this diseases isprogressive a neurodegenerative disorder inwhich a set of maladaptive compensatory mechanisms leads to progressive a damage of brain functions; cell energy metabolism and mitochondria seem strongly involved in the pathogenesis and they could represent useful potential targets for therapeutic interventions; inflammation seems to play an important part in this progressive damage,and this observationcan the pave way to treatmentstrategies; neural cir cuits disruption involving inhibitory systems could give a huge contribute to many of the clinical aspects observed in patients, as epilepsy and cognitive impairment, since the excitatory/inhibitory balance is fundamental for the normal function of neural circuits.Factors outside the CNS are important in the pathogenesis of leastat some aspects of since the the disorder, conditional model show difference KO in the tim ing of onset of some cognitive defects and in the presence of stereotypies. Premio Tesi Dottorato Dottorato Tesi Premio UniversityFirenze Press- Università degli Studi di Firenze subsequently the title of Specialist in Endocrinology and Metabolic disorders laude,(cum at University of Pisa). He was Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, with Prof. Jüppner studying the molecular genetics of rare endocrine diseases. He worked at the Free Univer sity of Bruxelles in the lab of the Prof. Sabine Costagliola studying the cellular and molecular embryology of early thyroid development. Subsequently, earned a PhD in Neuroscience (with distinction) at the University of Florence in the lab Pizzorussoof Prof. Tommaso (Institute of Neuroscience, CNR in Pisa) and in Paris at the Institute for Brain and Spinal Cord affiliated to Sorbonne Université with Prof. Alberto Bacci and Prof. Laurence Cathala.