Thomas Bed Does' Contributions to the Monthly Review, 1793-1801
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APPENDIX I THOMAS BED DOES' CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE MONTHLY REVIEW, 1793-1801 The material given in this Appendix is based on the work of Benjamin C. Nangle and his original scholarship is here gratefully acknowledged. His two Indexes to the Contributors and Articles in the Monthly Review a together give a history of the Review and biographical accounts of the contributors. In them, the main reviews are listed in alphabetical order of the name of the author of the book reviewed. The Indexes to the Foreign Supplement, which appeared three times a year numbered independently, give only the number of the review article. To show more clearly the significance of Beddoes' work as a reviewer and its relation to his other work, his writings are here placed in chronological order. It can be seen that once the Pneumatic Institute was in being, Beddoes no longer contributed main articles; his reviewing came to an end when he was busy with Hygeia and his attentions turned to Preventive Medicine. Main Reviews 1793 Vol. 11 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Anonymous. p.419. Vol. 12 John Abernethy. Surgical and Phy~iological Essays. p. 48. Thomas Reide. View of Diseases of the Army. p. 89. Medical Facts and Observations, Anonymous. p. 94. 1794 Vol. 13 Experiments and Observations Relative to Animal Electricity. Richard Fowler. p. 297. Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. Anonymous. pp.385-388. Alexander Philip Wilson. Inquiry into Urinary Gravel. p. 166. Memoirs of the literary and Philosophical Society of Man chester. pp. 65 and 182. a Nangle, B. C.: 1934, Monthly Review, First Series. Indexes of Contributors and Articles (to 1790). Nangle, B. C.: 1955, Monthly Review, Second Series. Index of Contributors and Articles (1790-1815). 254 APPENDIX I 255 Vol. 14 Matthew Carey. On Malignant Fever. p. 187. Medical Facts and Observations. Anonymous. p. 25. E. Valli. Experiments on Animal Electricity. p. 40. A Translation of the Table of Chemical Nomenclature. Proposed by de Guyton, formerly de Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthollet, and de Fourcroy: with additions and alterations: to wttich are prefIxed an Explanation of the Terms and some Observations on the new system of Chemistry. p. 317. [Dr George Pearson named as author in the review.] Vol. 15 John Abernethy. Surgical and PhYSiological Essays. p. 299. Benjamin Rush. An Account of the Yellow Fever as it appeared in Philadelphia. p. 161. 1795 Vol. 16 William Crump. An Inquiry into Opium. p. 68. John Ewart. History of Two Cases of Ulcerated Cancer. p. 308. George Fordyce. Dissertation on Simple Fever. p. 279. James Hutton. Dissertation on Natural Philosophy. p. 246. James Peacock. A Short Account of Filtration. p. 178. Vol. 17 John Dalton. Meteorological. Observations. p. 178. Michael Ryan. History and Cure of Asthma. p. 417. John Hunter, FRS. Treatise on Blood with a memoir by E. Home. p. 261. Alexander Gordon, M.D., PhYSician to the Aberdeen Dis pensary. A Treatise on the Epidemic of puerperal fever of Aberdeen. p. 316. John Hunter. On Blood. p. 75. Continuation of his previous article. Memoirs of the Medical School of London. Anonymous. p.193. Rev. Joseph Townsend, Rector of Pewsey. Guide to Health. p.99. 1796 Vol. 19 Colin Chisholm. An Essay on Fevers. p. 62. Samuel Ferris. General View of the Establishment of Physic as a Science. p. 320. E. Peart. The Antiphlogistic Doctrine of Monsieur Lavoisier Critically Examined and Demonstratively Confuted. p . .194. Benjamin Rush. Medical Inquiries and Observations Part 2. p.408. James Russell. A Practical Essay on Certain Diseases of the Bones. p. 69. 256 APPENDIX I Vol. 20 Joseph Adams. On Morbid Poisons. p. 57. Mrs Fulhame. An Essay on Combustion, with a view to a new Art of Dyeing and Painting. Wherein the Phlogistic and Antiphlogistic Hypotheses are proved erroneous. p. 30l. Memoirs of the literary and Philosophical Society of Man chester. Beddoes. From p. 416 to the end. James Carmichael Smyth. Descriptions of Jail Distemper. Minutes of the Society for Philosophical Conversations. p.284. 1797 Vol. 23 John Crisp. Observations on the Nature and Theory of Vision. p.64. E. Peart. On the CompOSition and Qualities of Water with remarks on the opinions of different reviewers on the author's preceding tract entitled 'The Antiphlogistic Doctrine of Monsieur Lavoisier Critically Examined'. p. 139. Vol. 24 John Abernethy. Surgical and Physiological Essays. p. 47. Rev. Joseph Townsend. A Guide to Health Vol. 2. p. 19. Robert Townson. Travels in Hungary. p. 169. Continued in the next month. J. G. Schmeisser. System of Mineralogy, formed chiefly on the plan of Cronstedt. p. 26. 1798 Vol. 25 Dr John Rollo, Surgeon General to the Royal Artillery. Two Cases of Diabetes. With William Cruickshank, Chemist to the Ordnance and Surgeon of Artillery. Trials of Various Acids. p. 58. Foreign Supplement The page number is the page on which the Supplement begins. Vol. XII Page 481 1793 Article 7. Journal der Physik, i.e., A Journal of Natural Philosophy. F. A. C. Gren, Professor at Halle. 9. La Medecine eclairee par les sciences physiques. A. F. Fourcroy. Vol. XIV Page 481 1794 Article 7. Chemische Annalen. Lorenz von Crell. APPENDIX I 257 10. Journal of Nat. Philos. F. A. C. Gren. Cont. from Vol. XII. 11. Experiments on Substances capable of extinguishing Fire. Assessor Aken, Stockholm 1793, and Nils Nystrom, Norrkoeping 1793. Vol. XVI Page 481 1795 Article 9. Transactions of the College of Physicians, Philadelphia. VoL XVIII Page 481 1795 Article 16. Philosophie Chimique. A. F. Fourcroy. 17. Les Revolutions de France et Geneve. d'Ivernois. Vol. XX Page 481 1796 Article 1. Origine de tollS les cultes. M. Dupuis. 2. Zum ewigen frieden, Le., To Perpetual Peace. Emmanuel Kant, Koenigsburg 1795. 3. An inaugural Dissertation on the Chemical and Medical History of Septen, Azote, or Nitrogen. Winthrop Salton stall, Connecticut. 4. Account of the Epidemic Yellow Fever as it appeared in New York in 1795. Val. Seaman M. D. 5. Physiological Observations on Amphibious Animals. Part I on Respiration. Part II on Respiration with a fragment on Absorption. Robert Townson, Gottingen. 29. de Morbis Vasarum Absorbentium. S. T. Soemerring, Frankfort. A prize Dissertation. 30. de Corporis Hurnani Fabrica. S. T. Soemerring, Frankfurt on Main. Vol. XXI Page 481 1796 Article 9. De generis Humani Varietati Nativa, i.e., On the Native Varieties of the Human Species. 3rd Edition by J. F. Blumenbach F. R. S. To which is prefIxed an Epistle to Sir J. Banks, Gottingen. 10. On the Origin, Causes and Early Practicable Extirpation of the Small-pox and Contagious Disorders. Now fIrst proposed to Ferdinand N King of both Sicilies and demonstrated by F. M. Scuderi. F. M. Scuderi, Naples. 258 APPENDIX I 11. Danish Translation of John Brown's work. Pfaff, Copenhagen. 12. Ideas on the Production of diseases. C. W. Hufeland, Jena. 13. On the Vital Principle. J. D. Brandis, Jena. 14. Archives of Physiology. J. C. Rei!, Halle. 15. Insanity general and particular, with a century of cases. V. Chiarugi, Florence. 16. Experiments on the Shining of Phosphorus in Azotic Gas. A. H. Scherer M. D. and C. C. F. Jager M. D. with remarks on M. Goettling's Tract. Weimar. 22. Physical and Political Travels thro' Dacia and Sarmatia. Dr Hacquet, Nuremberg. 23. Anatomy of the Nerves of the Heart. A. Scarpa, Pavia. 26. 'The Hours'. A periodical to which Schiller contributed. Ttibingen. 27. The Luciniad or the Art of Midwifery. Sacombe, Paris. 28. Apparatus Medicaminium: Minerals. Prof. Gamelin. G6ttingen. Continuation of the late Dr Murray's Materia Medica. 29. Compilation of Dissections, J. C. F. Schlegel, Gotha. Vol. XXIII Page 481 1797 Article 2. Memoir concerning the fascinating faculty which has been ascribed to the rattlesnake. Benjamin Smith Barton, Pennsylvania. 10. Memoire de Physique et d'histoire Naturelle. J. B. Lamarck. 11. Theorie de la Terre. J. C. Delametherie. 12. Inaugural Dissertation on Dysentery. W. Bay. Reviewed with W. W. Taylor 3. The Art of Prolonging Human Life. C. W. Hufeland, Jena. 4. Works of General Dumouriez, Vol. I. Portugal. Vol. XXIV Page 481 1797 Article 2. Experiments on the Irradiated Nervous and Muscular Fibre. F. A. von Humboldt. Posen & Berlin. 8. Annales de Chimie. Paris. 20. Handbuch der Pathology. K. Spreugel. 22. Theorie de la Terre. J. C. Delametherie (cont.) APPENDIX I 259 31. Manuel de Philo sophie Pratique. Lausanne. (Includes translations of extracts of 'Poor Richard' by Franklin and of extracts from Evenings at Home.) VoL XXV Page 481 1798 Article 7. Letters on Switzerland and Italy. G. A. Jacobi. Translated from German. 8. History of the Yellow Fever in New York. Alexander Hosack, Philadelphia. 9. Case of the Manufacturers of Soap and Candles in the City of New York. Published by Association of Tallow Chandlers and Soap Makers, N. York. 21. Contributions to the Chemical Knowledge of Mineral Bodies. Prof. Klaproth, Berlin. 22. Intelligence concerning French Military Hospitals. G. Wedekind. Physician to the Army of the Rhine. Leipzig. 28. Plan of a Natural History of the Human Species. C. F. Ludwig, Leipzig. 29. The Present State of Medical Learning in the City of New York. Vol. XXVI Page 481 1798 Article 6. An account of the Disease and Death of General Hoche by M. Poussielgue, surgeon, Paris. 8. Inaugural Dissertation - in what manner pestilent Vapours acquire their acid qualities ... with letter from Dr Mitchell. A. C. Lent, New York. 12. A foundation for a future zoonomia. Anon., Jena. 17. Carolia Unne system and vegetabilium. Ed. C. H. Pearsoon, Gottingen. 18. On the effect of Mineral Waters. J. E. Wickman, Hanover. 19. Outlines of Physical Sciences. F. C. A. Gren, Halle. 20. Observations on Gastric Juices. F.