The Kentucky High School Athlete, May 1971 Kentucky High School Athletic Association

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The Kentucky High School Athlete, May 1971 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Eastern Kentucky University Encompass The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association 5-1-1971 The Kentucky High School Athlete, May 1971 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Kentucky High School Athlete, May 1971" (1971). The Athlete. Book 169. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Athlete by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HiqhSchoolAthkte MALE HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL TEAM K.H.S.A.A. CHAMPION— 1971 (Left to Right) Kneeling in Front: Greg Simms, Bill Gordon, Clay Woodward, Charles Duncan, Robert Shackleford. Second Row: Ass't Coach Melvin Green, Lonnie McAfee, Wes Cox, Henry Huskey, Larry Haralson, Clarence Childers, Marvin Bowman, Greg Bedford, Coach Jim Huter. Official Organ of tiie KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION MAY. 1971 HIGHLANDS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS' SWIMMING TEAM KENTUCKY CLASS AA CHAMPION— 1971 rV^-fHp 's^r-fiiF ',11 (Left to Right) Front Row: Kevin McGee, Greg Neal, Dave Buchert, Greg Ruehl, Curt Dupont, John Meyer, Rick Schuh, Steve Steinman, Mark Ravenscrafl, Dave Harper, Doug Schulte. Second Row: Coach Faeth, Jeff Miller, Don Mettens, Ron Otto, Lance Dosch, Dick Rice, Randy Daley, Bob Haas, Dave Simpson, Matt Lukens, Chuck Reed, Steve Hassman, Keith Pryse. Third Row: Dan Farrell, Dick Dierig, Rusty Hallett, Chuck Heilman, Allen Harper, Steve Lunsford, Co-Capt. Scott Miller, Co-Capt. Mark Wilson, Paul King, Matt Mignerey, Mike Blades, Ken Pendery, Doug Crooks. BALLARD HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS' SWIMMING TEAM KENTUCKY CLASS AAA CHAMPION— 1971 (Left to Right) Front Row: Laura Schafer, Karen Watkins, Jan Scott, Lee Bethune, Gail Palmieri, Alice Nickens, Alice Semonin, Second Row: Sally Schmilt, Carolyn Regan, Debbie Hanson, Judy Morrison, Patty Gibson, Mary Troutman, Leslie Selden, Dawn Day. Third Row: Coach Bob Hartye, Jill Scott, Nancy Nesbitt, Patty Kalember, Judy Scott, Coe Cribbs, Anne Cook, Karen Mortberg, Patty McDonald, Terry Lewis, Beth Sprigg, Robin Wri ght. The Kentucky High School Athlete Official Organ of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association VOL. XXXIII—NO. 10 MAY, 1971 $1.00 Per Year Minutes of the Annual Meeting Bobby Green moved, seconded by Harry K. Hardin, that Proposal VI be adopted. The motion The fifty-fourth annual meeting of the Ken- failed to carry by a vote of 18-38. tucky High School Athletic Association was held John H. Branson moved, seconded by Paul E. at Convention Center, Louisville, on Thursday Kerrick, that Proposal VII, providing that the afternoon, April 15, 1971. visiting schools in football and basketball employ President Don Davis called the meeting to or- and pay the officials, be tabled. The motion was der at 3:00, and asked the Commissioner to fcall carried by a vote of 40-11. the roll. Fifty-six regularly elected delegates and Permission was given Secretary Joe Ohr of alternates answered the roll call. the Kentucky High School Coaches Association James A. PursifuU moved, seconded by Bow- to present a proposal providing that schools par- man Davenport, that the minutes of the 1970 ticipating in football be allowed to schedule meeting of the Assembly, which had been sent twenty-six basketball games. Keith P. Eiken previously to all member schools, be approved moved, seconded by Bowman Davenport, that the without being read. The motion was carried proposal be adopted. The vote in favor of the unanimously. motion was 26-23. but this was not the two- Commissioner Sanford then gave a report on thirds vote necessary to amend the by-laws, and the activities of the Association during the 1970- the proposal was declared lost. 71 school year. (The report of the Comjnissioner James O. Gatewood moved, seconded by Wil- appears elsewhere in this issue of the magazine). liam D. Bruce, Jr., that permission be given for President Davis announced the election to the consideration of a proposal to substitute "board- Board of Control of Prin. W. P. Wheeler (Daviess ing school" for "military school" in the second County H.S.) and William C. Doan (Harrison sentence of K.H.S.A.A. By-Law 36. The motion County H.S.), to represent respectively Sections for consideration of the proposal was favorable 2 and 5. Mr. Wheeler was present at the meeting, by a vote of 45-1. Dr. William T. Simpson, Pres- and was recognized. ident of K.M.I, was given permission to speak for President Davis stated that consideration of the proposal. James O. (ijatewood moved, sec- proposals was the next order of business. onded by Clyde T. Lassiter, that the proposal be John H. Branson moved, seconded by W. W. adopted. The motion was carried by a vote of Chumbler, that Proposal I, providing that the 50-0. Board of Control be increased in number to ten William D. Bruce, Jr. was given permission members, be tabled. The motion failed to carry to present a proposal, suggested by Director J. C. by a vote of 23-26. Cantrell to the Board of Control during a meet- Brother Kirby Boone moved, seconded by ing held on March 18, 1971, to the effect that the Byron H. Bell, that Proposal I be adopted. The Board of Control be composed of nine members, motion failed to carry by a vote of 10-35. one of whom shall be from Jefferson County. He Henry E. Resch moved, seconded by Paul E. moved, seconded by Keith P. Eiken, that the pro- Kerrick, that Proposal II, providing that each posal be adopted. The motion failed to carry bv delegate and alternate to the Delegate Assembly a vote of 10-39. must be a high school principal, be adopted. The John H. Branson moved, seconded by W. W. motion carried by a vote of 44-6. Chumbler, that the meeting be declared ad.iourn- Henry E. Resch moved, seconded by Paul E. ed. The motion was carried. Kerrick, that Proposal III, providing that only The dinner meeting of the Association was the principal of an accredited K.H.S.A.A. mem- held in the Ballroom of the Seelbach Hotel at ber school shall be eligible for membership on 6:00 P.M., with some 400 school administrators the Board of Control, be adopted. The motion and coaches present. carried by a vote of 43-8. Recipient of the Game Guy Award was Rick Richard A. Williams moved, seconded by Clyde Smith of the Ludlow High School. Presentation T. Lassiter, that Proposal IV, making certain of the award was made by Board President Don changes in eligibility requirements for pupils of Davis. private and parochial schools, be tabled. The The address of the evening was given by motion carried by a vote of 51-1. Executive Secretary Bernie Saggau of the Iowa Clyde T. Lassiter moved, seconded by James High School Athletic Association. Mr. Saggau A. PursifuU, that Proposal V, setting up certain spoke on the impact that good high school ath- requirements for official timers and scorers be letic programs may make on our times if they are tabled. The motion failed to carry by a vote of well administered and directed by dedicated ad- 13-43. ministrators and coaches. His address was well Joe Ohr moved, seconded by Andrew J. Fultz, received. that Proposal V be adopted. By a vote of 31-15 the proposal was amended to provide that the 1970-71 ANNUAL REPORT qualifications for timers and scorers apply only (Presented to the Delegate Assembly) to officials used in varsity athletic contests. The Three hundred forty-eight schools have joined vote was then taken on the amended proposal. the Association during the 1970-71 school year. The proposal failed to carry by a vote of 15-36. This number compares with 358 members last W. W. Chumbler moved, seconded by Joe Ohr, .year. that Proposal VI. providing for the reclassifica- Financial reports filed by the sixteen regional tion of registered officials under certain condi- basketball tournament managers show total re- tions, be tabled. The motion failed to carry by ceipts of $245,765.85. District receipts were $311,- a vote of 14-27. (Continued on Page Four) Page Two THE KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE FOR MAY, 1971 VOL. XXXIII—NO. 10 MAY, 1971 however, that receipts had held up well, total ticket sales for 1971 being $241,507.50. He stated Published monthly, except June and July, by the that tournament expenses were greater, one of Kentucky High School Athletic Association the items being greater due to the lodging ar- Office of Publication, Le.xlngton, Ky. 40501 rangements made for the teams. He further stated Second class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky that the new lodging plan keeping the teams in THEO. A. SANFORD Editor lodging places found favor Ajslstant Editor - J. B. MANSFIELD several different had pos- Aisislant Editor - - — BILLY V. WISE with the school representatives, and would Assistant Editor JEAN BATSEL sibly be continued in the future with Board ap- Lexington. Ky. proval. BOARD OF CONTROL The Commissioner reported the need for bas- President Don Davis (1967-1971), Fort Thomas ketball redistricting in three areas. After a dis- VlceJ>resident W. H. Crowdus (1968.1971), Franklin cussion concerning redistricting requests, Rich- Directors—J. C. CantreU (1970-1974), VaUey Station; Morton Combs (1968-1972), Carr Creek; James T. Dotson ard 'Vincent moved, seconded by 'W. H. Crowdus, (1968-1972), Pikeville; Lee T. Mills (1969-1973), Frankfort; that the Board for 1971-72 redistrict as follows: (1969-1973), Morganfleld; Roy L.
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