Nixon Denounces College Extremists! Today's News

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Nixon Denounces College Extremists! Today's News IGH TIDE 6-4-69 LOw TIDt. 5 8 at 0724 f>-4-F" 3 9 at 2"12 1 5 at 0054 -.tOURGlJ.\SS 1 3 at 1412 J ... ,,', I .. '~!" ... ~ ... ....... '" --~~-------------------------------------------------------------~ \ VOL 9, No 8412 KHAJALEIN, MARS'lALL IS'ANDS Tuesday, June 3, 1969 Nixon Denounces College Extremists! Today's News Counterattack Against North Viets Successful Urges Nation to Heed Honest Youth &FNEPAL BEADLE conECE __ SAIGO~ (UPI)-- Air and ground opera­ MADISON, S D (UPI) -- Presldent Nlxon today denounced "the selJ-rlg]-,teous" tlons agalnst elements of a division moral arrogance of college extremlsts but urged the natlon to heed t ,e de­ of 10,000 troops threatenlng the Alll­ ed fortress at Dak To have kliled 259 mands of the young for honesty ln Amerlcan life SAIGON -- More grou~d and a~r NOlth Vletnamese regulars, military In a pronouncement balanced between condemnatlon and concllialLon, the pre­ operahons, e3pecna" Zy at Dak 1'0 sldent warned youthful radlcals that their disregard for the rlgrts of others spokesmen reported today Most fell under counterattack by U S warplanes was endangering thelr own llberties GARY - (Jas p~ZOS&Oy& l'&p th~s and artLllery "The student who invades an administratlon bUllding, roughs up the dean, Ind~ai7u c"-td todall At 'east Pught Dak To, 780 mlles northeast of Sal­ rifles the flIes and issues "non-ne­ are 1 YiJ ul'ed, Iwus",~ derfl0 7&shf_d gotlable demands" may have some of gon, sits astrlde the Highlands A spokesman for the South V~etnamese hlS demands met by a permlss1ve uni­ Poher Determined WASdINGTON -- Some bus~no~smc" now mliltary command sald the 259 Commun- verslty admlnistratlon, " Nlxon told favor u'age-pr~ce cuntl'o? s to ]UI'b 1st bodles were counted in a sweep of about 75Lu persons at General Beadle To Remain in Runoff ~nflat Oil College PARIS (UPI) -- Actlng-Pres1dent Alain an drea el~ht mlles southwest of Dak To "But the greater hlS vlctory, the Poher sald deflantly t~day that he was PARIS -- Ala~n Poher ~ot l~tum&dnted Officlals sald North Vletnamese for- more he 101111 have underffi1ned the se­ determlned to remaln ln the June 15 run by Co~es' uctcon yeste~day curlty of hlS own rlghts In a free off agalnst Gauillst G"DYg_~ Pompido1l ces l111tlated the Dal Tok To area ac­ tlon beginnlng at 6 am Saturday wlth soclety, the rights of none are se­ the heavy first round W1Ylner, aespJte POLICEMAJ! -- rookv cop u'f£Ztl'ates the bulk of the ground flghting hand­ cure unless the rlghts of all are strong pressure on him to pullout of the SDS &"n FlQr&da, tells aU respected " the race led by South Vletnamese troops South Vletnamese Commanders called "I speak not of the physical chal­ "It has never entered my head tc WASHTNCT01, Postmas f _1 General asks ln U S Jet f1ghter-bombers and artll­ lenge the force and threats of w~thdraw," the mlddle-of-the-roao c~n­ for h&s Job to be aboZ">hed force that have wracked our clties didate deLlared less than 04 hours df- lery U S B52 stratofortresses drop­ ped 300 tons of bombs Sunday, ln the and now our colleges," he sald ter the Communlsts ordered thell forces BIAFRA -- Dpath decrees by th&s area "Force can be contalned We have to abstaln ln the runoff vote -a move governme~t have set up a flurry af Meanwhile, U S m1l1tary sources the power to strlke back if need be, wldely Interpret d as hand1ng the pr£s­ appeals for clemency and we can preval1 The nation bas idency to Pompidou sald the n S has lost more than 150 In the "secret war" over Laos survived other attempts at insurrec­ "If I did so, that would Trean a head­ I..--------------------..Jalrcraft tl0n We can survive thlS one " on clash between Gaull1sm and Comnunl­ Slnce Nov 1, 1968, when the bomb1ng of North Vlet Nam was halted However, the Presldent told hlS sm," Poher addf'd "I have d mlS~lO'1 to Some Businessmen favor The sources sald the losses lncluded audlence that the process of freedom carryon a campaign for t~e runoff would be less threatened In Amerlca "I shall C01'iuLt it vlgorouslj, w1th­ Wage-Price Controls Jet flghter-bombers, propeller drlven ''If we pay more heed to one of the out ever glvlng It a personal charac­ WASHING10N (UPI) -- A "growIng 'Il1110!"lLY" planes and hell copters great cries of the young today" He ter " of businessmen is lettlng the Nlxon Adml­ Such reports are usually not made because of politlcal impllcatlons ment10ned thelr demands for Intel­ Poher spoke tu a new~ cO'1ference pven nistratlon know they favor wage-prlcP lectual, personal and public honesty. as the Bank ot France dlsclosed that controls as an alternatlve to contlnued The occasion of the presldent1al the dwindling french gold and forelgn big wage settlements and the threat of KUNMING • address was the ded1cat10n of the exchange stockpile had taker a ne'" further 1nflatlon Karl E Mundt llbrary Mundt the plunge of $131 8 ~11]io1' ~ \ ~a} The Admlnlstratlon lS cold to such pro­ Vietnam state's longtlme sen10r Republlcan The drop meant that Fr~lcn, ln a vear posals or grounds that such a~tion would CHI"'A ROUNDUP senator served wlth Nixon in the had los t near -'- \ ralf J f tlie::;6 In lllon be unacceptable polltlcally ,n~ ~cono­ late 1940's 1n the House of RLfre­ carefully hoarded dunng the reglme of mLcally sentat1ves Both werp members of former Pr£bLdent D,G_JIIL Thelr thlnklng lS that Congr~ss, the NANNING• the House Commlttee on Un-Amerlcan Poher, who WdS Se~'1te Pre'ndent untll public and most buslnessmen would see lt Activites and played lnstrumental he took over as lnterlm presldent of as further eVldence of the "heavy hand of roles in the Hiss-Chambers case To­ France April 28 unt~l d successor for governrr,prt gether they authored the orlg1nal lJeGaulle 1S chosen, met ne\~smt r in thi' OfftCldl also are confldent that the Senate bU1ldlng, the LUAemboulg Palace OPERATION lAMAR Internal Security Act Admlnist -tlon 1S applying the rlght com­ PLAIN UNDERWAY Standing under an almost cloudless Poher was cheered by a declsion by bination of monetary and f18cal pressures TO FOIL ENEMY S sky, In front of the modernlstic the radlcal 50clS11StS once France's agalnsL lnf1ation and that llvlng costs, THREAT ON NORTH ,,;===1 COAST-MORE THAN vertlcally cantilevered 11brary sur­ blggest politleal party, but now only WhlCh rose 1 8 per cent ln Presldent ~ 3000 Gis IN THE COUNTEROffENSIVE rounded by spreading elms, the Pre­ a small mlddle-of-the-road group, to Nlxon's flr8 t three months, soon ,nIl be­ sident spoke to a crowd that was support him ln the runoff gin Lo le,el off overwhelmingly frlendly and steeped The French Soclallst Party announced But they see the attltude ot thlS "gro­ ln the old-fashloned virtue of pa- today it would also ba~k hlm wing minorlty" of buslnessmen dS eVldence triotism of how serlouslv the busllless communlty When he arrived, hundreds waved Bialra Asked to Spare considers the current 10und of '''age In­ small Amerlcan flags at the request creases. Some top Adll'llllstrdtlOI\ offlrl­ of master of ceremonles, Fred C Men Sentenced 10 Death als at least, are known to share thlS Christopherson, who urged them, to (UPI) -- Representatlves of two African concern show hIm he's among ppople proud to nations have flown to Blafra to appeal The Admlnlstratlon IS dlscouraged that wave the Amerlcan flag " its death decrees agalnst 18 forelgn all lts anti-inflation POllCy hdS 110t pro­ The Pres1dent wa~ on the f1rst leg workers, an Itallan spokeo'Ilsn sa~d today duced faster results But offlclals re­ US BATTALION of a cross-country tour leadlng hlm 111 Rome West Germany s'1d Pope Paul VI cogn1ze the problem ln two parts flrst, OUT GUERRILLAS to summlt talks on Mldway Island also asked Biafra to sparL the men convlnclng the publlC It means business GUERRILLAS IN 2 DAY MEKONG He criticlzed those who bully auth­ The condemned m~H -14 I:a1ja1's, three and then carrylng out pOllC~2S whlch wlll DELTA OPERATION KILLING 430 AND orlties to meet their demands a~ well West Germans and onr I'~rlleSe--wel~ sen­ ?ull down prlces WOUNDING 2 18S as "apologists" who Yleld In the name tenced to deatn lor allegedly helpLng The hope was that the 1nflat10n psycho- of progress federal Nlgerian troops, accor, ~ng tc a logy would be dampened when Nlxon too~- Biafran Information Offlce announcement o~flce The Italian spokesman baid Ivory Coast Rookie Policeman President Felix Houphuet-Bolgny, whose Explosions in Gary, Indiana Cause government ha~ recognized Blafra, has Infiltrates SOS sent his Defens_ ~lnlster to ask Biafran Leader Col Odumpgwu uJ 'Awu to spare the Evacuation of 56-Square-Block Area A rook1e police off1cer who infll­ men GARY, INDIANA (UPI) -- A gas maln exploded In an hour-long serles of blasts on trated a Students for a Democratic Offlclals of th~ Hlafran Inforl1'ation Gary's South Slde late today, demolishing four homes. setting at least 15 others Society meeting told a House commit­ Office and the International Red Cross afire and forclng the evacuatlon of a 56-square-block area tee today an 8DS leader declared --­ both said ln Geneva touay they ~re s·l~l There was no lmmediate report of deaths, but at least eight persons were In- "It's time for the students to take waitlng for word from t,La ra rn the Cl~~ jured, aulhorities sald over and form a truly communistic men ,l~] Gary fire ~quipment along with unIts from Hammond and East Chicago, IndIana society " The Red Cross, whlch lnslructed ltS wLrec rushed to the scene ('iVll Defense rescue units were mobil:l.zed Bradshaw Mallard, who Joined the delegates ln Owerrl to contact Biafran A newsman at the scene described
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