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Officer Cleared in Shooting

Officer Cleared in Shooting

Celebrating 164 years of service! Vol. 164, No. 08 • 50¢ SINCE 1855 August 2 -August 8, 2018 TODAY’S GAS Officer Cleared In Shooting PRICE $2.91 per gallon Montgomery County police officer won’t be prosecuted for shooting unarmed man Last Week African-American man after an af- tion between Badgujar and White Badgujar fell, he discharged his $2.93 per gallon By Neal Earley @neal_earley ternoon confrontation in a parking began when Badgujar approached weapon. At this point, White also A month ago lot. White near the 9200 block of fell, got up, stood over Badgujar $2.93 per gallon The Howard County State’s “After reviewing all of the Three Oaks Drive in Silver Spring. and began to assault him. Badgu- Attorney’s Office this week pertinent evidence and after a After Badgujar approached White, jar then fired multiple shots at A year ago cleared Montgomery County po- thorough review of the law, by White charged and attempted to White, killing him. $2.33 per gallon lice officer Anand Badgujar of any myself and the members of our Se- hit Badgujar, but White’s punch Public information officers wrongdoing in the June 11th nior Staff, we have, unanimously, did not land. That led to Badgu- from Montgomery County Police AVERAGE PRICE PER GALLON OF UNLEADED REGULAR GAS IN shooting that killed an unarmed concluded that Officer Badgujar’s jar’s attempt to pepper spray said that the body-camera footage MARYLAND/D.C. METRO AREA ACCORDING TO AAA Silver Spring man, 41-year-old actions were justified under the White, but he missed. According from Badgujar, along with body- Robert Lawrence White. circumstances. As a result, no fur- to police, the situation escalated camera footage from another offi- INSIDE In a letter to Montgomery ther action will be taken by this of- from there, as Badgujar requested cer and video from a bystander County Police, Howard County fice,” Broccolino wrote to Mont- backup, and went to turn off the who witnessed some of the con- State’s Attorney Dario Broccolino gomery County Police Chief Tom ignition to his police cruiser. said that his office will not press Manger. While Badgujar was going to turn charges against Badgujar, 32, who According to a source close to off the ignition, White then ran at See “Police,” Editor’s shot and killed White, an unarmed the investigation, the confronta- Badgujar, knocking him down. As page 8 Notebook by Brian J. Karem Cardinal McCarrick resigns after allegations him, for a life of prayer and “He was the type of priest that By Kathleen Stubbs @kathleenstubbs3 penance until the accusations made you would want to talk to,” the against him are examined in a regu- woman said, later adding, “He was- You’ve got Pope Francis on Saturday ac- lar canonical trial,” the Vatican n’t a standoffish type of priest, not to be kidding cepted a cardinal’s letter of resigna- press office said Saturday. the kind that would make you feel tion from the College of Cardinals McCarrick, a retired Catholic like ‘Don’t bother me because I’m following a child sexual-abuse alle- cardinal, said in a letter that he better than you’ type of thing.” This is what happens gation. heard from Archbishop Timothy The woman, age 75, said she when a fan of the President It is unclear at press time as Dolan of the Archdiocese of New did not want to give her name. She gets you on the phone. towhether or not the Cardinal will York that there were allegations of said she was sad to hear about the Page 4 face criminal charges. McCarrick sexually abusing a mi- allegations. The pope suspended Archdio- nor while he was a priest in New “I felt terrible,” she said, later cese of Washington Cardinal Emer- COURTESY PHOTO York. adding, “What you thought you itus Theodore McCarrick from min- Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. A Montgomery County resi- knew, was just wrong.” istering in public and ordered him has ordered his suspension from the dent who is a former parishioner of The Rev. John Beal, a Canon to pray and do penance until his exercise of any public ministry, to- the Archdiocese of Newark said she law professor at Catholic Universi- canonical trial is completed. gether with the obligation to remain remembers McCarrick as a wel- “Pope Francis accepted his res- in a house yet to be indicated to coming and friendly man. ignation from the cardinalate and See “Cardinal,” page 8 Man dies after being shot by Montgomery County police officer lice say Natera-Perez was approxi- girlfriend and her boyfriend fled the they could hear the screams of the Shared Title By Neal Earley mately 30 years old. home, Natera-Perez remained inside child, along with the sounds of @neal_earley According to Montgomery the Silver Spring home with his son smoke alarms going off, causing the The Big Train and the The man that police said threat- County Police, officers responded to when police arrived. tactical team to enter the home in or- Redbirds share the Cal Ripken ened his estranged girlfriend and a 911 call from 2800 block of According to police, Natera- der to protect the welfare of the three-year-old son died last week af- Mozart Drive in Silver Spring, Perez barricaded himself inside the child. League Title. ter a Montgomery County Police of- where a woman was screaming over home, using furniture to block the After police entered the home, page 20 ficer shot him in a Silver Spring the phone, and a man in the back- doors and windows to the home. At an officer shot Natera-Perez, and home. ground could be heard saying “I will about 8:08 p.m., police called in the found a knife with blood on it. The According to police, John Car- kill you,” before the call was discon- Emergency Response Team, to the child was unharmed according to los Natera-Perez, also known as nected. scene, as officers attempted to nego- police. “Jean Perez,” threatened his es- Police arrived at the scene at tiate with Natera-Perez in both Police have identified Edward tranged girlfriend with a knife and about 7:57 p.m. on Monday, with Spanish and English for more than Cochran as the officer who shot Nat- barricaded himself inside a Silver Natera-Perez, his estranged girl- an hour. era-Perez. Cochran is an eight-year Spring home, before police entered friend, their three-year-old son and Then Natera-Perez started to veteran of Montgomery County Po- and shot him. Paramedics transport- the woman’s current boyfriend, who light clothes on fire and throw them lice and has been placed on adminis- ed Natera-Perez to a nearby trauma police did not identify, inside the out of the second-story window trative leave, per the usual protocol, center, where he was in critical con- residence. from the room where they believed as investigation of the shooting takes dition until his death hours later. Po- While Natera-Perez’s estranged the boy was. In addition, police said place

See “M 2THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL AUGUST 2, 2018 EFLECTIONS oThe Montgomery County Sentinel, published weekly by Berlyn Inc. Publish- R ing, is a community newspaper covering Montgomery County, Maryland. Our of- fices are located at 22 W. Jefferson February 27, 1986 Street, Suite 309, Rockville, MD 20850. Founded in 1855 by Matthew Fields. All mail to: P.O. Box 1272, Rockville, MD 20849-1272. Subscription Rates for The Breast cancer deaths rise in Montgomery County Montgomery County Sentinel – Weekly by mail: $40.00 per year & $26.50 for Se- Each week the Sentinel visits a year die from breast cancer here John Horm, one of the two authors has spread from the breast the sur- nior Citizens. (USPS) 361-100. memorable story from its archives. than if the mortality rate was at the of the study. vival rate is 88 percent,” she said. national average. For example, 116 The Montgomery unit of the Horm said one of the reasons Bernard Kapiloff PUBLISHER E MERITUS White females in Montgomery women died from breast cancer in American Cancer Society said the affluent women are in a higher risk County have more than a 25 per- the county in 1983. However, only higher county rate is not reason to group for breast cancer may be that Lynn G. Kapiloff cent greater chance of dying from 84 women died in the average U.S. panic because if women give their diets are high in animal pro- CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER/ PUBLISHER breast cancer than the national av- country of the same size as Mont- themselves monthly self breast ex- tein and fat, one of the suspected [email protected] erage, according to a study of can- gomery County. The study exam- aminations, the chance of develop- culprits of encouraging the devel- cer deaths in Maryland conducted ined 1976 through 1980. ing breast cancer and eventually opment of breast cancer. Mark Kapiloff ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER by the National Cancer Institute Science does not have an an- dying from it decrease dramatical- Also, Jewish and Italian [email protected] (NCI) in Bethesda. swer as to why a greater number of ly. women tend to be high risk groups Two of the NIC’s cancer sta- Montgomery County women die “It’s important to realize that for breast cancer possibly because EDITORIAL tisticians studied a five-year period of breast cancer each year than any women should not be afraid to ex- of their diets also, Horm said. Brian J. Karem and found that for every 100,000 other county in Maryland. All the amine themselves and have their Dr. Vincent DeVita, the NCI’s EXECUTIVE EDITOR white femals in the country, an av- experts can do is make educated doctor check into anything unusu- director, believes that cancer could [email protected] erage 36.1 die of breast cancer each guesses. al,” said Sandy Walker, who teach- be a preventable disease if Ameri- Brandy L. Simms year. The national average mortali- “This is only a guess, but the es and organizes classes for the cans would, among other steps, SPORTS EDITOR ty rate from breast cancer is 28.2 population in Montgomery County Cancer Society on breast self-ex- stop smoking and improve their di- [email protected] deaths per 100,000 white females. is affluent, and white women of a amination. ets. It is the NCI’s goal to reduce MARK ROBINSON What these numbers mean is high socio-economic status are at a “Most lumps are benign and if the number of cancer cases by 50 [email protected] that, on average, 24 more women a higher risk for breast cancer,” said a cancer is detected early before it percent by the year 2000. CITY EDITOR BARBARA TRAININ BLANK COPY EDITOR


Maryland awarded opioid assistance grant George Smith PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Secretary Kelly M. Schulz, Mary- Larry Hogan (R) has also declared a Write us By Neal Earley TAZEEN AHMAD @neal_earley land Department of Labor, Licens- state of emergency over the opioid CALENDAR EDITOR ing and Regulation in a statement. crisis. In June Hogan’s administra- The Montgomery County Sentinel [email protected] In hopes of easing the impacts While the Workforce Innova- tion announced $40 million in fund- of the opioid crisis in the state, the welcomes letters. CALL 301-838-0788 tion and Opportunity Act, which ing for prevention, treatment and FAX 301- 838 - 3458 U.S. Department of Labor awarded trains and educates people to help law enforcement. All letters must be original, NEWSROOM AND LEGAL ADVERTISING Maryland $1,975,085 grant fund to them reenter the workforce began But while Hogan has said the help former addicts find employ- under the Obama administration, the opioid crisis is a top priority for his signed by the author ADVERTISING Lonnie Johnson ment. program is now being used as part of administration, overdose deaths are and must include the author’s daytime Maryland, along with six other the Trump administration’s attempt continuing to increase. According to ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE states, is receiving a combined $22 to tackle the opioid crisis. Last year, a report released by the Maryland telephone number 301-306-9500 million in grant money, as part of the EMAIL: [email protected] President Donald J. Trump declared Department of Health and Mental for verification. federal government plan to help the opioid crisis to be a national Hygiene, opioid deaths continued to lessen the effects of the opioid crisis. emergency and promised to dedicate increase in 2017 with 2,009 opioid Send letters to: Sherry Sanderson The funding will help people more federal resources to dealing overdose deaths in Maryland com- LEGAL ADVERTISING MANAGER affected by the opioid crisis, with the issue. pared to the 1856 overdose death in The Montgomery County Sentinel CALL 301-838-0788 through addiction or a close relative “President Trump is fully com- 2016. 22 W. Jefferson St. Suite 309 FAX 301-838-3458 that has become addicted, find em- mitted to fighting the opioid epi- Hogan’s political opponents [email protected] Rockville, MD 20850 ployment through training and edu- demic, which has devastated lives, used the reports data showing in- PRODUCTION cation and help match prospective families, and communities across creased overdose deaths as evidence Fax: 301-838-3458 employees to employers. the nation,” U.S. Secretary of Labor that the governor’s policies related Lonnie Johnson “Maryland is one of six states PRODUCTION MANAGER Alexander Acosta said in a state- to addiction treatment are not work- Email: [email protected] [email protected] that received funding to develop ment. “A family-sustaining job is a ing. programs within the state to directly critical step toward long-term re- “The opioid epidemic is one of Peter Lui address the opioid epidemic. Skills covery and healing from opioid mis- the most challenging public health GRAPHIC PRODUCTION STAFF training for peer recovery specialists use and abuse. These grants will crises of our time and it is clear that CIRCULATION is critical to the ongoing care neces- provide services to help Americans Larry Hogan’s incremental steps are THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY [email protected] sary for a full recovery, as well as impacted by opioids rejoin the not getting the job done,” said SENTINEL (USPS 361-100) is reemployment efforts for those look- workforce.” Maryland Democratic Party published every Thursday by CALL 301-306-9500 ing to reenter the workforce,” said Like President Trump, Gov. spokesperson Fabion Seaton. Montgomery Sentinel Publishing, FAX 301-306-0134 Inc., 22 W. Jefferson St., Suite ACCOUNTING 309, Rockville, MD 20850. Subscriptions by mail are $40.00 Deidra Darsa per year; by mail (out of MD, VA, CREDIT / COLLECTIONS/RECEPTIONIST & D.C.) additional $ 5.25; on newsstands 50 cents. Periodicals Call 301-306-9500 postage paid at Rockville, MD THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL IS A 20849-1272. WOMAN OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE IN to Advertise... MONTGOMERY COUNTY AND POSTMASTER: Send address IN THE STATE OF MARYLAND. changes to THE MONTGOMERY Montgomery County Publishing, Inc. and let your business soar! COUNTY was absobed into Berlyn Inc. on SENTINEL, P.O. BOX 1272 January 1, 2015 Rockville, MD 20849-1272 AUGUST 2, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 3 NEWS Elrich and Ficker begin fall campaign for Exec Silver Spring. In addition, Ficker’s Ficker’s map shows that Elrich paign the fact that he believes voters could split the Democratic vote,” El- By Neal Earley @neal_earley opponent for County Executive, and County Council President Hans are tired with Elrich and Floreen. rich said of Floreen. Council member Marc Elrich (D-at Riemer live in Takoma Park, while *** While Floreen said in a state- Democratic and Republican large), lives in Takoma Park. Council at-large candidates Evan Elrich spent Saturday cam- ment that the race for County Execu- nominees for Montgomery County Ficker has used the fact that a Glass and Will Jawando both live in paigning with Democratic nominee tive could use an alternative voice Executive, as well as a potential in- select group of politicians lives in Silver Spring; Gabe Albornoz lives for governor Ben Jealous, along after a low voter turnout Democratic dependent candidate have begun portion of the County as part of his in Kensington; and Floreen lives in with other Democrats, touring Primary, Elrich said his and Flo- campaigning for November’s Gen- messaging, as Ficker turns his cam- Garrett Park. The dots of their Downtown Silver Spring and talking reen’s record on the County Council eral Election. paign toward the general election. homes on a map of the County are to business owners. For Elrich, it is is mostly the same, except on one is- Republican candidate Robin “There needs to be some fair- then connected with lines, making the beginning of a general election sue – development. Ficker, an attorney and political ac- ness in representation in Mont- the shape of a trapezoid, proof that campaign push after winning a con- While Floreen has pushed for tivist from Boyds, has begun a social gomery County, and the way things one portion of the County has too tentious primary election by 79 more development on the County media push that takes aim at bring- are set up there now, all the power is much power, Ficker said. votes. Council, Elrich has run his cam- ing awareness to something he calls going to be in the Takoma Park “That's why I need to be in the While previous Democratic paign on promising to make devel- the “Takoma Park Trapezoid.” trapezoid,” Ficker said. County Executive's office, to give nominees for Montgomery County opers pay more to finance schools Ficker, who was born in Tako- Ficker is using Facebook and some fair representation outside the Executive have won handedly in the and roads. Elrich said his campaign ma Park and grew up in Silver Twitter posts to promote a map his Takoma Park trapezoid,” Ficker general election in the past, with the is working against big money inter- Spring, said that the southeastern campaign made, showing the loca- said. potential entry of Floreen into the ests, which includes developers, portion of the County, which in- tions of where the four at-large De- Ficker has labeled both Elrich race as an independent candidate, which have corrupted local politics. cludes Takoma Park and Silver mocratic nominees live and his two and Floreen as “tax-increase special- Elrich said that Floreen’s entry into “I believe there's too much in- Spring has too much influence, cit- opponents for County Executive – ist,” who the voters have already re- the race changes the dynamics, and fluence of big money in politics, and ing that three of the four Democratic Elrich and prospective independent jected through a 2016 term-limit ref- he is not assuming his election as politics has become too much of a nominees for County Council at- candidate and at-large Council erendum campaign that Ficker led. County Executive is secured. game of what you can buy and what large are from either Takoma Park or member Nancy Floreen. County co Ficker said he is banking his cam- “It’s definitely possible she you can influence,” Elrich said. Takoma approves junction Ashman backs a second term for Hogan Council voted down two amend- Trump, Mitch McConnell or Paul people like Hogan, who have reject- By Nickolai Sukharev By Peter Rouleau @Nickolaiss ments by Council members Jarrett @PeterSRouleau Ryan.” ed these polices, shows that there’s Smith (Ward 5) and Peter Kovar Ashman said his decision to en- public support for Republicans who TAKOMA PARK — After near- (Ward 1). GAITHERSBURG — Mayor dorse Hogan was based on the gov- declare their independence.” ly four years of debate, the Takoma Smith, who cast the sole vote for Jud Ashman has endorsed Governor ernor’s efforts to promote economic In early 2016, Ashman and the Park City Council approved the his own amendment in a 6-1 vote, Larry Hogan in his bid for reelection growth and his moderate stance on City Council clashed with the Takoma Junction site plan in a 5-2 called for the Council to delay the this fall. social issues. Hogan administration after the latter vote in the early hours of Thursday vote until a mediation process re- While Gaithersburg, like many “Governor Hogan has done a scaled back construction funding morning. solves delivery-accommodation is- other Maryland municipalities, has lot to tackle what I think is the most for the I-270 Interchange, a project “The vote last Wednesday on sues between the co-op and NDC. nonpartisan elections, Ashman is a important issue facing our state, city officials feel is essential to the the resolution allows the draft site to Kovar’s amendment, which was de- registered Democrat. which is making Maryland a better economic growth of upper Mont- move forward to the county planning feated 5-2, with Smith being the oth- Formerly a Republican, Ash- place to do business,” said Ashman, gomery County. Ashman said that board as well as the [State Highway er supporting vote, called for in- man switched his party affiliation in who is himself a small-business this episode did not play a role in his Administration] for review,” said creased public space in the site plan. the mid-2000s. owner. “He has embraced policies decision. Takoma Park Mayor Kate Stewart. Byrne Kelly, a Ward 3 resident “I was disenchanted by the poli- that are close to my heart, such as “That ended well, and we got “We're looking forward to working who opposes the site plan, called the cies of the George W. Bush adminis- being pro-choice, pro-marriage the full interchange,” Ashman said. on this project and [with] residents vote a “somewhat callous act of de- tration,” Ashman said. “I started vot- equality, and supporting sensible Ashman also said he thought he across the city to ensure that this pro- nial of majority rule” and a “travesty ing Democratic, even before I gun laws. He has made an effort to and the city would be able to work ject is one that reflects Takoma of democracy.” changed my registration. I believe distance himself from Trump and the with Democratic nominee Ben Jeal- Park.” “All we were asking for was to the last Republican I voted for was national GOP and groups like the ous if he were to defeat Hogan in In a meeting that adjourned at postpone the vote until after the me- [former Representative] Connie National Rifle Association.” November. 1:20 a.m. after over three hours of diation between the Co-op and Morella. Whether I’ve been regis- Ashman said he felt that elect- “I don’t know Ben Jealous very public comments, Council members [NDC] came through,” he added. tered as a Republican or a Democrat, ing moderate Republicans at the well, though I have met him,” Ash- Jarrett Smith (Ward 5) and Peter Ko- Kelly, who works as a licensed I’ve always been a centrist.” state level could help counteract the man said. “I have sat down and var (Ward 1) cast the only votes site planner and presented alternative Ashman said he is appalled by national party’s policies. talked with his running mate, Susan against the site plan, which now plans of his own outside council the policies of President Donald J. “I completely understand why Turnbull, whom I like very much. I moves to the County for approval. chambers, said the vote provides Trump. some people might feel, given the have nothing bad to say about Ben The site plan, drafted by Neigh- more momentum to his effort to re- “The national Republican Party train wreck of the Trump administra- Jealous. I’m supporting Governor borhood Development Company call Mayor Kate Stewart and six of and the Trump administration are tion, that they couldn’t stomach vot- Hogan because he has a proven (NDC), a Washington, D.C.-based the Council members. absolutely abhorrent,” Ashman said. ing for any Republican at any level,” record of working on issues that are architectural firm that received the Carter Dougherty, a Ward 1 res- “I have nothing good to say about Ashman said. “But I think electing important to me.” RFP for the project in 2014, involves ident who supports the site plan, said redeveloping a city-owned parking he was “pretty happy that we … have lot located at the intersections of this vote behind us.” Grant, Philadelphia, and Ethan Allen “…we can start doing the pro- Takoma Park cop injured in D.C. shooting Avenues between the Takoma Park gressive things that city officials gun and fired at Hoetzel and the offi- did not know whether Carroll had Silver Spring Co-op and Healey Sur- have built into this project: interest- By Justin Fitzgerald @jfitzgerald52 cer fired back, hitting Carroll. The been released. Hoetzel is a 10-year geons into a two-story building for ing tenants, smarter traffic flow, chase began in Maryland and the of- veteran of the force and was named office and retail space with an under- nicer facade, and, of course, getting Takoma Park police Sgt. ficer pursued Carroll into Washing- Supervisor of the Year by the Tako- ground garage. rid of an ugly surface parking lot,” he Charles Hoetzel is on administrative ton DC, where he was arrested and ma Park Police Department last year. During the meeting, the City added. leave after being injured in a charged with assault on a police offi- He was named department police of- shootout that also left a suspect in- cer while armed and carrying a pistol ficer of the year in 2008 and 2009. jured. without a license. Both Carroll and Carroll was previously arrested The shooting occurred in Wash- the officer were taken to the hospital on Sept. 28 for multiple drug and gun See news? ington D.C. after Hoetzel began for treatment of non-life-threatening related charges, including possession Tell us about it! chasing 19-year-old Kenneth Carroll injuries. of marijuana and possession of a of northeast D.C on July 25th around Hoetzel has been released from firearm. He was indicted on those Call us at (301) 306-9500 or e-mail us at seven p.m. the hospital, but Takoma Park police charges on Dec. 19 and is currently [email protected] Police say Carroll pulled out a department spokesperson Ron Hardy awaiting trial. 4THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL AUGUST 2, 2018 OPINIONS &VIEWS You’ve got to be kidding “Are you telling me that asking questions is rude?” I asked. Editor’s Notebook “See. That’s rude. You’re in- sulting me. That’s not a question. by Brian J. Karem That’s a statement.” “How is that a statement?” I asked. “You’re doing it again.” Somewhere Hunter Thompson “Forgive me, but how is asking and Bill Hicks are laughing over a a question making a statement and tab of LSD and wondering if our re- why is that being rude?” ality is their drug-induced night- “That’s why people call you the mare. fake media. You are the enemy of Or something like that. the people. The president is right.” The phone call was hilarious, if “How does that make me the not touched. enemy of the people? Which peo- “Your entire problem is that ple? All people?” you are a hack Democrat who does- “Real Americans.” He said. n’t understand how great the presi- “Can you define real Ameri- dent is,” I was told. cans?” “Your problem,” I responded, “Your kind probably wouldn’t “Is that you think I care what you even know,” I was told. think.” “What is my kind?” I asked. “Just like a liberal.” “Reporters?” “For the record, I am an equal “How do you spell your last opportunity offender and I firmly name?” He asked. believe the only way to look at a “What? Why do you ask?” politician is down.” “See you don’t like it when the “Prove it,” I was told. shoe’s on the other foot. Answer the “Read what I write,” I respond- question.” He hissed. ed. “Okay. Karem is a last name.” “Fine,” the caller said and I was “What kind of last name?” He happy to sign him up for a subscrip- shouted. tion. Afterward he asked me where I “The kind that comes after my was during the Clinton administra- first name. Why are you asking?” tion. “Covering crime for America’s “Is that some kind of racial Most Wanted,” I explained. taunt you’re making at me?” He After that I pointed him to a asked. couple of online places to purchase “No sir. Just asking a ques- America’s Most Wanted para phre- tion,” I replied. nalia. “No you’re not. Now you’re After we arranged that I heard a calling me stupid.” long-winded explanation of how “Never crossed my mind. Why I’m a communist, and a horrible hu- would you say that?” I asked. man being who probably endorses “You think I don’t know what a killing babies in the womb. last name is? You think you’re the I was told the problem with the only one who is so high and mighty press is we don’t listen to people. to figure that out?” And as I listened to him continue his I sighed. Now I was getting rant, I confess I became more and bored. I sold the guy a subscription, more amused. told him how he could find Ameri- The caller again threatened me ca’s Most Wanted memorabilia and and told me I would “Go to Hell,” all he really wanted to do was rant for my intolerence to his particular and rave against someone he didn’t mindset - whatever that was. like. “I firmly believe that you may “You think the president is stu- disagree with people and still get pid and that’s why you ask all those along with them,” I explained. “You questions,” he finally said. know, I disagree with what you say, And there it was. Finally. but defend to death your right to say So for those who think that and it,” I explained. many more who believe it: Who are “That’s just bullshit,” I was you kidding? told. “You don’t believe that. You I ask questions because it is my won’t even listen.” job. I seek answers because I’m cu- “I’m listening now,” I ex- rious and I have no idea, really, if plained. the president is stupid. “No. You’re not.” He said. I know he has lied to me. I “What would you like to say know he doesn’t care if he lies to me that I haven’t listened to, please let and I know -as a country - we’re me know.” better off knowing what our presi- “You are not listening. The dent is doing and thinking on our President is draining the swamp. He behalf. cares for us and all you do is point If I have to ask loudly - then I out when he makes one little mis- will. If I have to put up with threats I take.” will. But for the love of all that is “How do I do that?” I asked. holy, please spare me the sanctimo- “You ask him questions. You’re ny and the long telephone calls. rude and don’t listen.” Unless you’re funny. I always AUGUST 2, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 5 LETTERS Checking in with the credibility expert What man in the sky do you mean? administered medication that the statute that says that “a person To the editor; THE roused him to consciousness. The who seeks, provides or assists The Mayflower pilgrims in Heaven, would be astonished, at Ameri- OURT Defendant later told police that he with the provision of medical as- can’s present-day attitude towards God, the Word of God, and his pre- C had taken several Percocet. sistance” to a person who is over- cious Son Jesus. REPORT Noble had previously pled dosing may not be sanctioned, so Their strong beliefs in God and Christianity were expressed in the guilty to possession pled guilty to that the law would only protect Mayflower Compact. In that Compact, they said they did it, “for the glo- conspiracy to possess narcotics some like a girlfriend who called ry of God and advancement of the Christian Faith,” and signed “in the with intent to distribute, had re- for Assistance. presence of God.” by Tom Ryan ceived a suspended jail sentence However, the Court held that Over half of those pilgrims who landed on the western side of Cape and was placed on probation. the law also means a person who Cod Bay in mid-December, 1620, died that winter, because of poor nu- One of the conditions of pro- reasonably believes that the per- trition and harsh living conditions. Because of their faith in God and Je- Maryland’s Criminal Proce- dure statutes provides for immu- bation was that he not possess or son is experiencing a medical sus they went to Heaven. use any illegal substance or en- emergency from drugs is immune But Hell is where most present-day Americans are headed, because nity from arrest or criminal sanc- tion when a call is made for med- gage in abusive use of an pre- from sanction if the evidence was of their gross disobedience of God, and their unbelief. scription drug. obtained from that person receiv- Almost daily, we see elected officials and other well-known individ- ical assistance because of a suspected drug overdose. Based on the 911 call, Defen- ing assistance. uals, show their defiance towards’ God, when they proudly defend the dant’s probation agent filed for vi- In reversing the finding of a indefensible. They seem to have no idea that there is a righteous God Whether that immunity ex- olation of his probation. Defense probation violation, the Court who created them, and that He set rules and Laws by which they are to tends to a person who has over- live by. dosed when someone else calls counsel asserted that Noble could held “to hold that a person is not Mankind will be judged by those laws and by the Word of God. 911 was explored in a reported not be violated, because evidence entitled to the protection of the America erred greatly when it started its separation from God. His opinion last week from Mary- arose from the call about his over- statute because someone else commandment to teach the children diligently all about him, including land’s intermediate appellate dose, but the trial judge disagreed, called for medical assistance after to keep his commandments, statutes, and judgments, was forgotten by Court in a case called Christopher found him in violation and im- the person overdoses is inconsis- the Supreme Court and the other branches of government. Noble v. State of Maryland. posed jail time arising from the tent with the General Assembly’s We took God out of America, so we should not be surprised when The opinion indicates that original conviction. state goal of saving lives by en- there seems to be more hate than love in America. paramedics responded to a 911 The appellate Court dis- couraging people to call for help.” Foolish America has said, there is no God, has become morally cor- call from the Defendant’s girl- cussed this history of this immu- rupt, doing abominable things, and most do bad things instead of good. friend for “an unresponsive per- nity provision, noting that in its In Jesus name stop the baby killing. son thought to be in cardiac ar- original form it was designed to Manuel Ybarra rest.” They found the Defendant encourage people to call for help lying on the floor of the bathroom when they suspected an overdose Thomas Patrick Ryan is a part- editor’s note: I have no idea what you’re on about. But the evangel- unconscious with shallow breath- in response to the opioid epidem- ner in the Rockville law firm of Mc- icals seem to love Trump if that helps you. ing, concluded that he was suffer- ic. Carthy Wilson, which specializes in The State relied on the part of civil litigation. And another country heard from ing from an opiate overdose and To the editor; Your so-called communist columnist Paul Schwartz shows his dis- respect for Governor Larry Hogan every time he writes his swill. Suffering from “buyer fatigue” is a real thing Hogan is the best governor we’ve ever had. He’s a red Republican leading a Blue State. ly). Year-to-date sales are also below As home sales decline, many He isn’t Donald Trump. He’s a real politician. Ben Jealous is dan- last year’s transactions for the same contribute home buyer fatigue to in- gerous and can’t even get Ike Leggett’s support because he wants to time period. creasing home prices and mortgage abuse us in Montgomery County. EAL NAR chief economist Lawrence interest rates. A few have already be- When will Paul Schwartz write about that? I’m thinking never. R Yun observed in the press release, gun to ring the warning bells of bub- Gerald Schoen ESTATE “There continues to be a mismatch ble popping home price deflation cit- SOLUTIONS since the spring between the growing ing Seattle and San Francisco’s hous- level of homebuyer demand in most ing woes. However, those exhibiting Not on our watch I suppose of the country in relation to the actual housing derangement syndrome To the editor; By Dan Krell pace of home sales, which are declin- need to take a deep breath and look at Will you ever stop making fun of President Trump. Mark Robinson ing.” the facts. is a traitor to free speech by constantly making fun of our president who Although home prices remain However, his explanation for Most of the country’s home val- only wants to Make America Great Again. strong, the volume of home sales has the home sales retreat sounds like ues are increasing at a sustainable Thomas Clifton dropped off during June. This is home buyer fatigue, “The root cause rate. Additionally, contrary to re- causing some in the media to exhibit is without a doubt the severe housing ports of inventory surpluses, home editor’s note: You can’t be a traitor to free speech by exercising it. “housing derangement syndrome” shortage that is not releasing its grip sale inventory continues to be low in Just saying . . . by reporting a pending housing col- on the nation’s housing market. What most of the country (Montgomery lapse. However, there is a more sen- is for sale in most areas is going un- County single-family and condo list- sible answer and that may be “home der contract very fast and in many ings are below last year’s level by - Mom, come on give me a break . . . buyer fatigue.” Buyer fatigue is not cases, has multiple offers. This dy- 9.3 and -12.8 percent respectively). namic is keeping home price growth It’s also important to look deep- To the editor; solely used in real estate, rather it’s a This newspaper doesn’t care anything about the facts. The commu- term to describe consumers who do elevated, pricing out would-be buy- er into what may be driving those nists who’ve run this abomination have been systematically destroying not engage in a market sector for a ers and ultimately slowing sales.” overheated housing markets to expe- Maryland and turning it into a socialist state since the early 60s when I short duration for various reasons. Although national home prices rience the sharp price spikes and re- first started reading the paper. Home buyer fatigue has occurred are increasing, the gains remain cent sale declines. I am a subscriber and I read it today and vomit. Your editor Mr. Bri- multiple times since 2013 after a pe- steady. The latest S&P CoreLogic For example, Seattle’s housing an Karem is a well known communist sympathizer who only makes fun riod of sustained home price increas- Case-Shiller U.S. National Home juggernaut may be tied to Amazon’s of people he can’t possibly hold a candle to. es. Price NSA Index reported on July nine years of a seemingly hiring fren- The President is a good man. Your editor is jealous of him because Let’s look at the facts. The Na- 31st (spice-indices.com) indicated a zy. According to reporting by Matt he could never be Donald Trump. tional Association Realtors (nar.real- 6.4 percent annual gain during May, Day for The Seattle Times (Ama- The Kapiloffs will never be Donald Trump. tor) reported in a July 23rd press re- which is the same as the previous zon’s employee count declines for The Sentinel newspapers will never be Mar A Lago. lease that the total existing home month. However, the 20 City Index first time since 2009; Just grow up and get with the program. sales for June decreased 0.6 percent, showed a slight decline to 6.5 per- seattletimes.com; April 26, 2018), cent (from 6.7 percent). Seattle, Las Amazon begun corporate layoffs, as Jay Schneider and is down 2.2 percent from the same time last year. Home sales in Vegas and San Francisco continue to well as a possible hiring freeze, earli- editor’s note: I’m glad to see you’re a subscriber. Please keep read- Montgomery County have also been lead the nation with double digit er this year. ing. I have no intention of holding a candle to Mr. Trump or holding any- retreating. The Greater Capital Area gains (13.6, 12.6 and 10.9 percent re- spectively). The Washington DC re- thing else to him. I promise you. No one I know wants to be Trump. Association of Realtors (gcaar.com) Dan Krell is a Realtor® with The Sentinel will never be Mar A Lago. That’s true. That’s because reported sales declines for single- gion, however, showed a modest an- RE/MAX Success in Potomac, MD. The Sentinel is a newspaper and not a real estate property. family and condos during June (-3.4 nual home price growth of 3.06 per- You can access more information at percent and -13.9 percent respective- cent. DanKrell.com 6 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL AUGUST 2, 2018 NEWS ANALYSIS Place your The basic lessons need to be remembered Display and information outing him as a pe- candidates, the Republicans came up Classified Ads on dophile. with the “swift boat” controversy to Paul’s View How, then, did Doug Jones de- tarnish Kerry's war record by ques- the exciting New feat Roy Moore, considering these tioning details of Kerry's military By numbers? It was the turnout of the service and the awarding of his many Sentinel website black vote which accounted for 30 combat medals. Although complete- Paul Schwartz percent of the vote. In that 30 per- ly discredited by all of his former cent, black men account for 12 per- crewmates, the distraction created by cent of the overall vote and 92 per- this concocted controversy did serve Call Lonnie at Despite the best efforts of Con- cent voted for Doug Jones. Black the Republican cause well and negat- gressional Republicans to call for an women accounted for 18 percent of ed the comparison of both candi- 301-306-9500 investigation into the “Hillary Clin- the overall Alabama vote and 97 per- dates’ war records. ton Administration,” the reality is cent of them voted for Doug Jones. Now jump to 2016 and the De- that there is no Hillary Clinton Ad- What did not occur in America in the mocrats, once again, allowed the Re- www.thesentinel.com ministration. 2016 presidential election, occurred publicans to seize control of the nar- Hillary Clinton was not elected in Alabama on December 12, 2017 rative. This time around it was all president on November 8, 2016. and the result was of historic propor- about email management. Hillary Clinton, to the detriment of tions. Lesson re-learned. Why Democrats weren't better America and its ideals, lost the elec- Another lesson that needed to be prepared to counter Republican ef- tion and Donald J. Trump sits in the re-learned from the results of the forts to focus on email management Oval Office of the White House. I am 2016 election was a lesson learned and, thereby, take the spotlight off all made eminently aware of this sad during the 1992 and 2000 elections. of the enumerable Trump controver- fact every time I attend the daily Voting for third-party candidates, sies, too numerous to list here, in- White House press briefings and, at while they have no chance of being cluding the Russian influence in the times, witness Trump attempting to elected, do impact the results of the outcome of our presidential election, read from the teleprompters at a election. is mind-boggling. ridiculously embarrassing third- Just as the candidacies of Ross Yet, this is one lesson that better grade reading level. Perot in 1992 and Ralph Nader in be learned, or re-learned, prior to His reading level, though, is the 2000 had direct impact on the elec- 2020 if not 2018 because that tactic least important of all of the embar- tions of Bill Clinton and George W. will be used no matter who the De- rassments he brings to the presiden- Bush, so, too, did the votes that went mocratic candidate turns out to be. cy. Our descent from the world stage to Jill Stein and Gary Johnson in When no longer held accountable for and the loss of status as the leader of 2016. truth, there are no longer any rules. the free world along with the loss of Even though Hillary Clinton Lesson re-learned. respect by our allies is quite a bit won the popular vote by some three How to address the constant glut higher on the embarrassment list. million votes, it was, once again, the of Trump daily lies? So how do we fix this catastro- narrow margin of victory of less than How about a daily fact-check- phe? How do we learn, or rather re- 80,000 votes by Trump in Wisconsin, ing press briefing on the floor of learn, the lessons of the 2016 presi- Michigan and Pennsylvania that Congress at a specified time each day dential election as we approach the turned the election. for a Democrat to counter/fact-check 2018 midterm elections and the 2020 The votes that went to Johnson the Trump lies from the previous presidential election? and Stein very well could have and day? Let's start with something we more than likely would have kept a This does not have to be only learned in the two elections of totally unfit president out of the Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi but Barack Obama as president of the White House. “Believe me, believe could be any Congressional Democ- United States: “If all minorities band me!” Hear that, Nancy Floreen? Les- rat as long as the session is held at the together and vote, they become the son re-learned. same time and place daily. majority.” Controlling the narrative is an- Relying on cable news, alone, to That, of course, did not happen in other very important lesson that we perform the fact-checking is not the 2016 presidential election. Hillary seemed to have forgotten during the enough since not all voters are CNN Clinton was consistently portrayed as 2016 election. or MSNBC addicts. If voters hear representing a “third term of Obama,” That lesson should have been lies over and over again the yet the black vote did not come out in well learned during the 2004 election y become credible even if not sufficient numbers, especially in Mil- when Democratic candidate John true. Each and every lie from Trump waukee, Detroit and Philadelphia, re- Kerry allowed Republicans to con- must be exposed on a daily basis just sulting in Clinton's loss of three key trol the narrative by creating the to keep track of all the incessant lies battleground states, Wisconsin, “swift boat” controversy. coming from the Trump administra- Michigan and Pennsylvania. John Kerry was a war hero who tion. Since the vast number of lies is This turned out to be the differ- served honorably in Vietnam. Upon so immense, capturing the daily lies ence of the less than 80,000 votes his return he testified before Con- in a database for use during the up- that turned the election to Trump. gress about what he perceived was an coming campaigns will be invalu- This dynamic was the key to unjustified war. You can agree or dis- able. that somewhat historic vote in Alaba- agree with his position, but I, person- Moreover, it will expose the lies ma and the election of Democrat ally, found anti-war sentiment a great before they become too entrenched Doug Jones as senator. Yes, Alabama deal more credible coming from in the minds of voters. (Fox News derailed the Trump train, but it wasn't someone who served in Vietnam viewers will just have to be written all Alabama voters; it was the black than from someone who did not. off as too brainwashed to be saved vote in Alabama that changed the George W. Bush, his Republi- from themselves.) course of politics in that reddest of can candidate and the incumbent, Final lesson to be learned: elec- red states. you may recall, served during Viet- tions have consequences. Voters must In that state white men account nam in the Georgia National Guard take those consequences seriously to for 35 percent of voters and 74 per- even though he was a resident of prevent placing another unfit individ- cent of that vote went to Republican Texas. Ah, the benefit of daddy's in- ual in the highest office in the land. Roy Moore. White women account fluence. I, fortunately, had a high Votes matter and turnout determines for 30 percent of voters in that state draft number and didn't have to ask elections. A 77 vote victory by Marc and 65 percent of their vote also went Bush senior for any help. Elrich in the Democratic primary for to Republican Roy Moore despite all To minimize the glaring differ- Montgomery County Executive is of the credible (make that incredible) ences between the service of the two clear evidence of that fact. VOTE! AUGUST 2, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 7

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© Pepco, 2018 8THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL AUGUST 2, 2018 COVER STORY Police officer not charged in shooting unarmed man “Officer, ” lice officer. that Howard County prosecutors trespassing case. The court found wide phenomenon of police From page one “It remains unclear why the made when they investigated the “good cause to believe the defen- killings, in which an officer shot officer stopped a man out for a shooting. For some residents, the dant may be incompetent to stand and killed an unarmed African- walk in his own neighborhood shooting was especially egre- trial” per an evaluation by the American man. frontation, confirms their ac- and how a situation materialized gious, as many believed White to pretrial supervision unit. “Black people like Mr. White counts of the events. While police in which the officer chose to be suffering from some sort of While Badgujar will not be are more likely to be stopped, have not released any of the shoot Mr. White instead of engag- mental illness. charged with a crime, he could frisked, and arrested in this coun- body-camera footage, the police ing in de-escalation actions that While White’s neighbors said still face disciplinary action from try, and they are more likely to body-camera videos from the would have brought about a that White had a mental illness or Montgomery County Police, as face violence at the hands of po- event will likely be made publicly peaceful resolution,” said Sue psychological disorder, they an internal review of the incident lice officers than white people. available sometime this week, ac- Udry, from the a coalition of so- could not confirm the type. In begins. As per the police depart- Black people who have disabili- cording to police. cial justice advocacy groups that November 2015, a Montgomery ment’s policy, internal affairs in- ties face a double jeopardy,” Udry The shooting stirred contro- have met with Manger about the County District Court judge com- vestigations can start only after a said. “Montgomery County is not versy among many county resi- shooting. Udry said she is de- mitted White to the Department criminal investigation into the of- an exception to this troubling pat- dents, who see White’s death as manding the police release all ev- of Health and Mental Hygiene for ficer's actions is over. tern. The residents of our county another killing of an unarmed idence and information related to “examination as to competency to For Udry and other activists, and Mr. White’s family deserve African-American male by a po- the shooting, including the report stand trial” in a misdemeanor the shooting is part of a nation- better.” Cardinal McCarrick resigns following sex crime allegations “Cardinal, ” priest for it, if the Congregation children is a terrible tragedy, and ity to prevent child abuse and iden- the Archdiocese of Washington determines the priest is guilty. the Church, even as we offer pro- tify and heal those who have been 2001 to 2006, Archdiocese of From page one Pope Francis would decide what found apologies, can never express abused,” the Board reported in Washington spokesperson Chieko punishments McCarrick would re- enough our deep sorrow and con- 2004. Noguchi confirmed. The Rev. ty of America, said resignation ceive if the Congregation were to trition.” Starting in 2004, the board Pope John Paul II made McCarrick from the College of Cardinals find him guilty. Wuerl encouraged any other published an annual report to in- cardinal of the archdiocese in Feb- means McCarrick is automatically In June, Cardinal Donald survivors of abuse to come for- form Catholics in the Archdiocese ruary 2001. returned to his previous title, arch- Wuerl of the Archdiocese of Wash- ward, so the Archdiocese can pro- about child protection activities, Beal said if the Congregation bishop, and is no longer a cardinal. ington confirmed that the Archdio- vide spiritual and pastoral support including trainings and training for the Doctrine of the Faith deter- McCarrick is still a priest, al- cese of New York investigated the to bring healing and peace. material distribution and counts of mines McCarrick is guilty, he will though he may not practice min- claim against McCarrick and de- McCarrick created a Child allegations of priests abusing chil- likely face one of two conse- istry publicly for the present. termined the claim was credible. Protection Advisory Board within dren. The report also included alle- quences. The alleged crime is a sin Investigation by the Archdiocese his first few years as cardinal, part gations of child abuse against “One is that he could be dis- against the Sixth Commandment, of New York is the church equiva- of a commitment he made in July church staff and Catholic school missed from the clergy, cease to be “whose prosecution is reserved to lent of a grand jury, Beal said. 2002 to enhance child protection staff and volunteers. able to present himself as a the Congregation for the Doctrine “We must now wait for a final measures and amend the policy. Montgomery County Police Catholic clergyperson,” Beall said. of the Faith,” Beal said, later determination of this case to be The board would review and assist Chief Thomas Manger has been a “Or, if they think because of his adding, “Only the Pope can judge a made in Rome,” Wuerl said last with child protection efforts in the member of the Child Protection age and his health” they could or- bishop, although he normally dele- month. “In matters such as this, archdiocese of Washington. Advisory Board for about 10 der him to live in a monastery or a gates to the Congregation for the our first priority as a Church is to One change to the Child Pro- years. Although the board was not secluded location and pray and do Doctrine of the Faith.” continue to offer spiritual and pas- tection Policy was additional ac- involved in investigating the New penance. A violation of the Sixth Com- toral support for the survivors of countability measures, to “restore York allegation against McCar- A penance may consist of mandment could include penetra- abuse and their families, and to the trust and confidence of victims, rick, Manger said members met “fasting, prayer, doing other things tion or masturbation, Beal said. provide assistance to help them parishioners, all Catholics and the since Wuerl sent his June letter. to atone for his offenses,” Beal The Catholic Church can punish a heal and find peace. The abuse of public at large in the Church’s abil- McCarrick was Archbishop of said. Man sentenced to life for murder of two high school students graduate the next day. Montgomery Canales-Yanez, a grand jury has in- Montgomery Village with .40 cal- murder was retaliation for the rob- By Neal Earley @neal_earley County Circuit Court Judge David dicted Roger Garcia, Edgar Garcia- iber shell casings around the vehi- bery. A. Boynton sentenced Canales- Gaona and Rony Alexander Galicia cle. Najjar and Ziberov died on the According to McCarthy, ROCKVILLE — A Mont- Yanez to the maximum sentence un- on murder charges for Najjar and scene before emergency service Ziberov just happened to be in the gomery County Circuit Court judge der Maryland law – two separate Ziberov’s deaths. personnel could transport them to a car at the time of the planned sentenced Jose Canales-Yanez life sentences without parole for According to police, on June 5, hospital. A few days later the chief killing, and was not a target by Tuesday to life in prison without the each murder charge. Najjar and Ziberov planned to meet medical examiner ruled Najjar and Canales-Yanez or any of his co-de- possibility of parole on Monday for “This was a designed conspira- Roger Garcia to sell him a ticket to Ziberov’s deaths as homicides. fendants. the first degree murder of two cy to kill Shadi,” said State’s Attor- Northwest High School’s gradua- According to police, a witness “The setup that brought these Northwest High School students. ney for Montgomery County John tion, which was to take place the told them that Najjar was rumored boys to this isolated neighborhood In January, a jury found McCarthy. next day. to have committed a drug-related was a scam,” McCarthy said. Canales-Yanez guilty on two counts Najjar and Ziberov were mur- Later that night police found robbery in December or January. Adi Najjar, father of Shadi Naj- of first-degree murder in the deaths dered in June 2017, a day before Najjar and Ziberov suffering from Manger said Najjar allegedly jar, said his family was satisfied of Shadi Adi Najjar, 17, and Artem graduation in what Montgomery multiple gunshot wounds inside a robbed Kara Yanez, the then-girl- with Boynton’s sentence. Ziberov, 18, both students at North- County Police called a setup re- blue Honda Civic parked in the friend and now wife of Jose Ovilson “We are happy for the judge’s west High School who were set to venge killing. In addition to 8200 block of Gallery Court in Canales-Yanez, and that Najjar’s decision,” Adi Najjar said.

ADVERTISE in Call Lonnie Johnson at 301-306-9500 or e-mail [email protected]

Man dies,” page 8 AUGUST 2, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 9 NEWS The Sentinel website Benefit raises 10K for Capital Gazette survivors Family Fund. Shenton’s replacement in her By Suzanne Pollak and Abby “I had to do something,” she former job as a sales assistant was is here. Cruz said. “It’s my hometown. It’s people Rebecca Smith, one of the victims. @SuzannePollak @Abbbbeeeyyy I know.” Shenton wanted people to know The music was upbeat, but the The shooting didn’t have to she appreciated how the community Much more news and cause was anything but at a Sunday happen, she said. “The most heart- came together. “Obviously it’s a fundraiser for the family members of breaking thing is that it wasn’t a sur- tragedy, and it’s terrible, but hope- information from and about the survivors of the Capital Gazette prise. The President of the United fully some good can come for it,” shooting that cut short the lives of States is calling us the enemy.” she said. your community. five newspaper employees. People “are just waiting. I think Darlene Szczepanik, 42, volun- Supporters contributed in ex- the whole country is just waiting” teered to help with the silent auction. cess of $10,000 at the event at Fado for the next mass shooting, she said. “Hopefully there’s a lot of people Irish Pub in Annapolis. Besides Many of the people attending who turn out to support the cause but money collected from the entrance the event worked at a Maryland more than that, hopefully this will fee and silent auction, the money newspaper and continue to process raise awareness of what needs to be raised included a $2,500 contribu- how Jarrod Ramos, of Laurel, was done to avoid this from happening in tion from Anthony Scaramucci, for- able to blast his way through the the future,” she said. mer White House communications newsroom. Earlier this week, he en- The Baltimore resident said she director. tered a not guilty plea to five counts personally feels like better health Denisa Protami, reader rewards of first-degree murder. care could avoid another mass manager for the Baltimore Sun, put “Things are kind of tough for shooting. the event together. me. There is a huge hole in my heart. “It takes a truly troubled mind “When this happened,” she said We are family,” said Paul Gillespie, to commit an act that’s so heinous of the shooting, “it was hard for a photographer at the Capital and so graphic and so harmful,” said everybody. We own the Capital Gazette. Szczepanik “It was shocking that Gazette. We work with them all. “I love that everyone is coming something had happened so close to They are family.” out to support us,” said Gillespie, home,” she added. Rather than sit back, Protami who wore a Press On T-shirt. The “Especially where this hap- did what she knows best. She began Gazette presses are still rolling, he pened, it struck not only the families contacting the people she knew said. of the people that were murdered, through her work with the reader re- Megan Shenton, 29, a former but the community as a whole. They wards program and put together a Gazette employee, attended the feel not safe anymore,” said silent auction with 30 items. She event to support both the newspaper Szczepanik. found a few bands to perform, and and her former employer. Before Sentinel Editor Brian then asked the owners of Fados if “It was devastating,” said Shen- Karem sang with his band, the she could hold the fundraiser at their ton. “It was honestly one of the hard- Rhythm Bandits, he told the crowd, restaurant and bar. They agreed and est things I’ve dealt with in recent “Remember one thing as you go for- donated 20 percent of their day’s years just because I didn’t know ward. We are not the enemy of the proceeds to the Capital Gazette how, so it was heartbreaking.” people. We are the people.” Metro continues plan to subway car safety ries train” announcements to advise not going to take any action requir- by Kathleen Stubbs @kathleenstubbs3 blind passengers, WMATA wrote. ing taking the 7000-series trains out Buchanan ordered Metro Gen- of the fleet because the 7000-series Chief safety officer reported to eral Manager Paul Wiedefeld in cars are essential to WMATA’s op- the federal transit administration June to ensure all between-car bar- erations,” Goldman said Wednes- that the railcar barriers between the riers of the 7000-series trains are day. new 7000 series railcar will be in- the same as those of the previous Goldman said other transit sys- stalled on all 7000 series trains by series by Dec. 31. If he does not tems in the U.S., like WMATA, May 2019. comply, the Federal Transit Admin- have more than one type of be- In May this year, a woman istration may withhold funding, tween-car barriers, yet WMATA is with vision impairment used her Buchanan has written. Also, the only public transit system or cane to search for the doorway on a Wiedefeld must remove the 7000- commuter rail system which FTA train that was a 7000 series, but series trains from service to protect has given an immediate action for mistook the space between the rail- vision impaired riders and FTA may replacement. cars for the doorway and fell onto withhold Metro funding until Metro in its updated plan to fix the tracks. Instead of chains be- Wiedefeld has the between-car bar- the problem requested for an exten- tween the railcars, which FTA and riers replaced. sion to the FTA’s deadline. Metro call between- car barriers, “If WMATA fails to comply Chief safety officer Pat Lavin the 7000 series railcars have rubber with the required actions stated had said removing the 7000 series panels attached to the ends railcars herein, FTA has the authority under railcars from service would require alternating with the chains. FTA Federal public transportation safety Metro to have more minutes be- Acting Administrator Henrika law to, among other possible re- tween trains during rush hour. Buchanan wrote in June the sponses withhold up to 25 percent Buchanan wrote that the alter- woman’s fall indicated the alternate of WMATA's Section 5307 Urban- nate form of barriers between the between-car-barriers are unsafe for ized Area Formula funds until the railcars was 9 inches farther away riders with vision impairments and requirements have been met,” from riders standing on the plat- ordered their replacement with the Buchanan wrote. form and therefore harder for blind chain-like barriers. Metro Board member Michael and low vision riders to find it. www.thesentinel.com It was after Buchanan’s letter Goldman, who represents Mont- Last month, riders began to to WMATA – which included other gomery County, said he does not hear announcement s in all stations requirements, such as demonstrat- believe the FTA will require Metro advising riders with vision impair- ing how WMATA is informing the to floor the 7000-series portion of ments to “find the floor,” make sure public about the hazard – that the fleet. there is floor in front of them before Metro added its “this is a 7000-se- “I’m still confident [FTA] is they step off the platform 10 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL AUGUST 2, 2018 NEWS “My Erectile Dysfunction problems are GONE…”

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PHOTO BY SUZANNE POLLAK The Ellsworth Place Mall in Silver Spring. Ask about our Developer buys Ellsworth Place Mall in S.S. NEW Wave Therapy Solutions! 1992 as City Place Mall. the Sun Belt and Mid-Atlantic,” (301) 368-8511 By Suzanne Pollak @SuzannePollak Cambridge, Massachusetts- Scott Porter, managing director, based Equity Resource Investments Capital Holdings, GBT Realty, A commercial development and Chilean investor Avante Finan- wrote. and investment company in Ten- cial Group partnered with GBT Re- “GBT was particularly attract- nessee recently purchased alty to buy the 350,000 square-foot ed to this property, due to its dense, Ellsworth Place in downtown Silver center from former owners Petrie urban setting that drives significant Spring for $92 million. Richardson Ventures and Rock- traffic to the center as well as the www.thesentinel.com GBT Realty Corporation ac- wood Capital. exceptionally high barriers to entry- quired the five-story mall, which is A spokesperson for Rockwood, limiting opportunity for new com- located at Fenton Street, Ellworth which owned the property for six petitive development. Historically, The Sentinel website is here Drive and Colesville Road. years, acknowledged the sale but re- retail vacancy tracks low and con- Ellsworth Place is across from Re- fused further comment except to say tinues to do so, as space of any size gal Majestic Stadium movie theater the company did not lose money. is in high demand and leases quick- Much more news and information and the Silver Spring Civic Center. In a press release, Petrie ly.” from and about your community Besides the retail center, which Richardson Ventures noted that new Fraser Schaufele, director of features such stores at Burlington stores continue to sign leases and leasing, GBT Realty, wrote that, Coat Factory, Dave and Busters, that Auntie Anne’s, Bump ‘n Grind “This acquisition affords GBT with as close as your fingertips Ross Dress for Less, Guitar Center, and Twin Fashions will be opening a tremendous opportunity to ex- Michaels, Ben & Jerry’s and many stores in the mall soon. pand within this thriving downtown low-end retailers, the sale also in- During the next 20 years, market.” cluded air rights to potentially build Ellsworth Place is projected to gen- He continued: “Not only does 250,000 square feet of office space erate $38.4 million in tax revenues the available space enable us to atop the stores. for the County and to support 807 bring additional popular brands and Caroline Peek, of BouncePath full-time jobs, according to the amenities to the center and the sub- Marketing, which represents GBT press release. market, but we expect to create as- Realty, said Ellsworth Place was de- “The strength of the Silver set value as rents are renegotiated to sirable, as residents in the Silver Spring market, along with the current market levels as leases ex- Spring area have “significant buy- prominence of Ellsworth Place, sig- pire.” ing power.” Also, she noted, there is nificantly increases the overall With Ellsworth Plaza, Capital abundant parking nearby and easy strength of our Capital Holdings Holdings now boasts a portfolio of access to public transportation. portfolio of value-add and core- more than $160 million, according Ellsworth Place first opened in plus commercial properties across to its press release. AUGUST 2, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 11 ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Highwood’s latest show spoofs a theater production run amok for – and later puts on – a comedy, Company. play) wants to make a speech, that and have great ideas. It’s really By Barbara Trainin Blank @trainable disaster follows. Disaster audiences This past year she taught a too is cause for humor. cool.” can laugh at. homeschool class as well as after- One of the challenges of direct- All of which fits into the under- If there’s anything tougher than “Play On!” found inspiration in school classes at Highwood. “Play ing her cast of 10 is that many times, lying lesson behind the shenanigans comedy, it’s pulling together the pro- Michael Frayn’s classic farce “Nois- On!” marks her directorial debut. different parts in the play vs. the play of “Play On!” duction of a comedy in two weeks. es Off,” which satirizes life in the The theater chose its produc- within a play go wrong, and the stu- “It’s about what the troupe Especially one that involves a theater. tions, including this one, but Bissell dents have to figure out what needs learns – how important it is to make lot of physical, as well as verbal, “‘Play On!’ also ties in with our is independently fond of “Play On!” to be consistent and what needs to a team,” said Bissell. comedy. theme for the season which is ‘Off “It is a love letter to theater, and es- change,” Bissell said. There can be, even in physical That’s the task that fell to the Your Rocker,’ and is really a fantas- pecially, community theater,” she “I also help them find the dif- comedy, too much of a good thing. young performers, in grades 7-12, in tic piece,” said Nicola. said. ferences between their characters of In addition to Bissell’s hands- Highwood Theatre’s Summer Active Pulling together all the humor Because of the age of the actors, the play within the play and their on direction, Nicola is giving the Intensive program. They’re present- of the play and the play-within-the- Highwood reconceived the play to real characters, so it’s clear to the student-actors a workshop on mas- ing Rick Abbot’s “Play On!” High- play falls on the shoulders of direc- involve a high-school troupe in the audience who’s who,” she added. tering physical comedy, “to make wod’s final production of the season tor Jennie Bissell, who said she has same predicament. “But the kids have been great at sure the excesses are authentic.” and the only non-musical play the been doing theater her “whole life.” With a high-school troupe, Bis- picking this up. A lot have great Comedy, he explained, espe- theater is producing this summer. “When I was three, I asked my sell said, you not only have the comic timing.” cially this kind of comedy of “the Rick Abbot is one of several mom to sign me up for drama strong personalities theater tends to Another challenge is to prevent worst day in the theater,” needs a pen names for prolific playwright lessons,” she laughed. “Then, at attract but also “people from very eager actors (aren’t they all?) from different skill set. Jack Sharkey (1931-1992), who New York University, I studied mu- different cliques. There are tapes cutting into other actors’ lines. The production of “Play On!” published 83 plays under his own sical theater.” playing at the wrong time, an arro- On the other hand, even early takes place August 3-4 at Highwood name and four others. Since then, Bissell has obtained gant playwright constantly rewriting in the rehearsal process, Jennie said Theatre, 914 Silver Spring Avenue, The conceit of “Play On!” said a Master of Fine Arts degree in clas- lines, props falling apart, and actors she was gaining satisfaction from Suite 102, Silver Spring. For more artistic director Matthew Nicola, is sical acting from George Washing- forgetting their lines.” “how close everyone is. The kids information, visit the theater’s web- that while a theater troupe rehearses ton University/Shakespeare Theatre When the author (within the are really supportive of each other site at www.thehighwoodtheatre.org. ‘Grandmother of Hip Hop’ reflects on ban of her book ‘Nappy Hair’ ple who say ‘everyone wants to tion, racism, acceptance of Latinos tween the classics and hip-hop. At brought illustrations, we brought By Matt Hooke @matth255 change their hair’ … have no idea in particular,” said Herron. “I moved one such event, Queen Latifah and a epics, we brought everything to a what black woman go through when here as a teenager in 1961; I thought graduate student shared a stage, cesspool-level event. It was great to Takoma Park resident Carolivia it comes to their hair,” said Herron. it was its own free state of accep- with Latifah rapping, while the stu- see and know it could be done,” said Herron, clad all in purple, carefully “It’s hours of time, lots of money, tance in a very racist world.” dent recited Greek poetry. Herron Henderson about Epic Centering the leans into the microphone at Takoma and, for many people, self-esteem A big theme of her show is the would critique artists as well. When National Mall. Radio. One moment the 71-year-old troubles. They don’t believe they intersection between epic literature she invited legendary rap group Henderson’s work with Herron Howard University professor prais- can get a job if their hair is in a nat- and different kinds of art. During Public Enemy to Harvard, Herron proved to be a formative experi- es the 17th-century writer John Mil- ural state.” the 1980s when she worked as a confronted rapper Chuck D, asking ence. Henderson, who currently ton; at another, she laments the loss Illustrator Joe Cepeda said that professor at Harvard University, him “What have Jews done to you?” works for a non-profit called 100 two years earlier to gun violence of much of the discussion around the Herron fell in love with hip-hop. and “Won’t you get a better re- Fathers, which helps mentor and young local rapper Douglas Brooks, book’s visuals have been based on The new genre reminded her of an- sponse if you talk about a specific train fathers to be more present in known by his stage name “Swipey.” presumptions. According to Herron, cient oral poetry, like “The Iliad” problem instead of blaming a whole their children’s lives, said his work Unfortunately, this year is a du- printing presses in the United States and “The Odyssey,” which she had people for something?” with Herron marked the first time he bious one for Herron, as it marks the have been unable to print dark faces studied. “It was a wonderful conversa- had the ability to express himself in 20th anniversary of her children’s in detail, leading to the characters’ “I was saying to myself as a tion, and he said, ‘I agree with you.’ the work environment. book “Nappy Hair” being banned by taking on a flat, ugly look. When the graduate student in the early ‘80s, if And if you follow his career, it (anti- “I just feel like there’s so much New York City Public Schools. book became a subject of controver- only I could be there when a new Semitism) dropped out after that,” division between people with age … The ban occurred in 1998, after sy, Cepeda said he never received form of communication is coming,” Herron said. we would always talk about a lot of a white teacher taught the book to any interview requests, even though said Herron. “Then the computer, Herron is still deeply involved different things – getting older peo- her third-grade class. Although the he designed and created all the visu- internet, and hip-hop all occurred in the rap scene, according to Cardo ple hip to the younger people stuff students enjoyed the book, protests als himself without much input from around the same time. I could see it Lotto Henderson, who co-hosted and younger people hip to the older broke out, as some considered the Herron. coming. I told everybody that this Epic City for a year. According to people stuff,” said Henderson. book racially insensitive. According “I think people make judgments was going to be a big thing, and no Henderson, Herron continued her “Everything I ever did with Caro- to Herron, the majority of parents without knowing or reading what the one believed me.” work in connecting Ancient Greek livia got me opportunity; engineer- who complained about the book did story is about,” said Cepeda. “Caro- As a professor, Herron taught a Epic Poetry and modern hip-hop, ing for Carolivia got me my own not have children in the class. livia wrote a great manuscript about class on hip-hop. The course proved reaching out to artists in the D.C. show DMV underground.” “They felt a white teacher had being proud of who you are. It was to be a nurturing environment for area. She planned to create a version Despite her age and her many no business teaching about black so funny and well-written that as a people who would later become of the epic play “The Fall of projects, Herron is still fighting for hair,” said Herron, “because the creator, I wanted to illustrate it.” tastemakers and trend-setters in hip- Phaeton” with the late D.C. rapper the children’s book she wrote 21 word ‘nappy’ in ‘Nappy Hair’ is Now a major project of Her- hop culture. Swipey as the star. Swipey had years ago. written entirely in call-and-response ron’s is her radio show, “Epic City,” “The first issue of ‘The worked with Herron’s project Epic- “(‘Nappy Hair’) is still banned form,” – giving the book a unique on WOWD-LP Takoma Park. “Epic Source,’ the number one hip-hop Centering the National Mall before in New York City,” said Herron. rhythm and paying tribute to City” airs on Tuesdays from 4-5 magazine, was handed to me as a he was shot and killed in 2016 at the “This is the 20th year of it being African-American traditions. p.m., and features conversations three-page paper in my class,” said age of 18. banned. Someone needs to write “It’s an important issue for with local artists and writers. Herron. “It was more than just music; it about it; this should be a big deal. black girls and women that many “[Takoma Park] takes a for- Herron hosted several concerts was every type of art together. We Someone needs to take on New other people don’t understand. Peo- ward-looking stance toward integra- and lectures bridging the gap be- brought poetry, we brought rap, we York City Public Schools.”

ADVERTISE in Call Lonnie Johnson at 301-306-9500 or e-mail [email protected] 12 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL AUGUST 2, 2018 ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Miracles on display at Gaithersburg Arts Barn and Mansion who exhibited playful brass reliefs of By Matt Hooke @matth255 dogs, to painter Roberta Staat, whose “Three Graces” poked fun at the GAITHERSBURG — A forgot- original concept, of three beautiful ten black-and-white photo intended Greek gods, by displaying three for the landfill was transformed into cows grazing on grass in all their a timeless work of beauty at Thurs- splendor. day’s reception for “Natural Won- “For my master’s, I worked on a ders” and “17 Summers” at the farm for three years, painting and Gaithersburg Arts Barn and the drawing; when I got out of grad Kentlands Mansion. school I painted this,” said Staat. The two exhibits featured 120 “My grandfather had a dairy farm in different pieces by 31 artists. “Natur- Wisconsin, and I spent a lot of time at al Wonders” showcased the work of the farm on holidays. The whole the fall 2018 Arts Barn teaching fac- three years I worked on that farm ulty while “17 Summers” brought in was a very personal interaction with artists from Gallery 322 in Frederick. the subject matter. I would be paint- Michael Douglass Jones from ing what I saw, in the barn or [on] the Gallery 322 takes forgotten scraps field. It conjured up memories.” COURTESY PHOTO and makes them shine. His 3D works Natalya B. Parris, an artist Elenilson Ayala (second, left) and members rehearse for ‘The Melting Pot.’ resemble letters and postage that teaching classes at the Barn, featured make them look like an old family her unique “Emotional Counter- heirloom or a part of an old collec- point” style. Her technique is based tion, with a timeless vintage quality. on creating works out of layers of Century-old play resonates with Jones began as a painter but devel- round dots. Her paintings make oped his unique style due to the sto- heavy use of vibrant bright colors, rytelling elements of the medium. layered on top of each other to create His art resembles everyday objects images and designs. “Dayglow today’s immigration issues used by real people; they become Flower” and “Passages of their met by “The Melting Pot.” years of work,’” he recalled telling more relatable to the viewer, and the Lives” show two different ways to By Barbara Trainin Blank viewer creates a backstory behind use the technique. The first painting @traininblank “It was a big Broadway hit, Fialkoff, laughing. “It took a while, and the longest-running play on but now the cast members are more them. is of a flower, where the dots make Sometimes a play written Broadway up to that time,” he comfortable; I’m in touch with my “I rely on the viewer to do a lot the flower appear three-dimensional, decades ago seems contemporary. pointed out. “But it doesn’t get per- old self, old voice. I hope the audi- of the work for me,” said Jones.” I while the latter picture is more ab- That’s the case with “The formed now.” ence will accept it and get it.” can make all the art that I want, but if stract, with the dots functioning as Melting Pot,” a play British author When Fialkoff’s wife came Aside from a shift in accents, no one completes the story, there’s no symbols for human lives. Israel Zangwill wrote in 1908 upon a copy of the play in a used Ayala said he connected with the point.” “This is the story of how people about anti-Semitism and the hatred bookstore, he was “amazed” to find character – not only because of “First Pages,” one of Jones’s on the roads of their lives cross and of immigrants. the parallels between it and today’s their shared immigrant status. works, had at its centerpiece an old then go in a different direction. We It’s the inaugural production immigrant and refugee situation. “David is very cultural; he’s black-and-white photograph of a girl are all traveling with our own mis- of a new performing organization, Fialkoff, who is also directing the sponge of the family,” he said. that Jones received from a friend sions, and, at some stations, we can the Jewish Community Theater of “The Melting Pot,” made a bold “Also, he battles with family mem- who planned to throw it away. He meet, we can create,” said Parris. Montgomery County, along with move that underscored the paral- bers who haven’t done the used the photo for an alphabet and “We make a circle of friends and the Temple Beth Ami Players. lels, by casting the role of David crossover [to acculturation]. The numbers workbook, complete with live, spread us all around like my “There’s been no dedicated Quixano very “nontraditionally.” grandmother only speaks Yiddish, brown rust fitting to the aged print. dots. They are very colorful and Jewish theater in the County for There are other non-Jews in and his aunt stays only in the Jew- “Even a little thing of rusted unique cause people are very inter- like 30 years,” said David Fialkoff, the cast, but for the lead role Fi- ish community.” metal, if you look at it, can be as esting and different. Life is not just director. “And the County has such alkoff chose Elenilson Ayala, who From the perspective of how beautiful as a flower. I can’t go out- one color.” a large Jewish population.” came to the United States 10 years the immigrants are accepted – or side my door in the morning without Jaree Donelly, the arts educa- Edlavitch Jewish Community ago from El Salvador. not, the actor said he was seeing a miracle,” said Jones. “Most tion coordinator at the Arts Barn, Center’s Theater J, a professional Ayala started acting formally “shocked” at first about how histo- people have blinders on and don’t showcased her own work. Donelly Jewish theater, is in Washington, in middle school, but before that, ry was repeating itself. “First it was see anything ‘cause they’re in a hur- proved herself to be a “triple threat,” D.C. had borrowed a uniform from the the Irish, the Poles, the Jews. Peo- ry. It takes me a long time get any- with watercolor miniatures of every- “The Melting Pot” concerns a post office to put one-person show. ple are still afraid of differences be- where because I’ll see a warped card day objects, painted under a magni- family of Sephardic Jews in Rus- In the States, he attended the tween people, of the unknown. on the ground and I’ll have to pick it fying glass, framed next to her metal sia. After all the members of his Steuben Center for Visual and Per- “It’s all very old with a new up and look at it. There are miracles works and massive 48x60 paintings. immediate family are killed in a forming Arts and is now graduating twist. It’s a different variety of peo- everywhere.” “I think as an artist you go pogrom, the protagonist, David from the National Conservatory for ple telling the story,” Ayala contin- His other pieces resembled through phases. I’m not going to say Quixano, immigrates to the United Dramatic Arts. ued. “There are lines in the play postcards with a bright, vibrant qual- every artist does, but an awful lot of States – where he faces the chal- Ayala had some pause about that refer to immigrants as ‘insects’ ity, in comparison to the weathered us do. We go through periods where lenge of starting a new life. Fialkoff’s direction – which was to who are taking our jobs. It’s a hun- rundown look of a children’s book. we want to explore something. Fialkoff, who was also a speak with a Latino accent as a dred years later, and it’s really The postage displayed vibrantly-col- Something new, something differ- founding member of Temple Beth Russian Jew. sad.” ored birds, like a naturalist’s work- ent,” said Donelly, explaining why Ami Players, approached the the- It has “always been a chal- “The Melting Pot” has two per- book sketches. she began painting miniatures. ater organization for permission to lenge” for Ayala to “bely” his El formances, Saturday, Aug. 11 at 8 Gallery 322 is an artist-owned “Natural Wonders” and “17 use its space for the “Melting Pot” Salvadoran accent and “speak nat- p.m., and Sunday, Aug. 12 at 2 p.m., co-op in downtown Frederick. The Summers” continue until September production. urally” like the characters he was at Temple Beth Ami, 14330 Travilah nine artists from the gallery focused 10 and 14, respectively. Both are “Our goal is to promote Jewish portraying, he said. Now, suddenly, Road, Rockville. For more informa- in their exhibits on scenes from na- open to the public, but the latter ex- culture and Jewish people, and sec- he’s had to “go back and sound tion, call 301-340-6818 or visit ture, and the summers that people ex- hibit requires an appointment with ondarily, social justice,” said Fi- Latino.” https://www.facebook.com/JCTM- perience in their youth. Artists the mansion, due to frequent rentals alkoff, who believes both goals are “‛You want me to undo 15-plus Ctheater. ranged from sculptor Homer Yost, of the space for private events. AUGUST 2, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 13 TRAVEL The continuing search for the 1000-year-old Buddha Temple Caves

friends went looking for the sacred, by a shadowy, crooked art dealer 1000-year-old cave. They used local named Thada who was in cahoots guides, including a child and some with corrupt police officers. The D- hunters. For a time Jim and his com- G even created a public spectacle, in panions got lost on the mountain -- which “crowds of police invaded” perhaps a foreshadowing of Thomp- Thompson’s house/museum to seize son’s disappearing five years later in the heads, along with a “pack of local the mountains of Malaysia. But then news reporters and photographers.” his letters say that, “onward and up- This incident so angered Jim ward we went” and the guides that he sold off most of his remaining “shouted ‘There it is!’ – A great Thai Buddha art collection, focused opening in the cliff – and there was on collecting other items, and never the body of the great Buddha – but returned to the Si Thep area. Jim was minus its head & hands.” also angered that the Jim found “six figures in this was not helping him, so he changed cave.” He sketched the cave and his will and left all his holdings to his documented the stalagmite in the nephew in America, instead of to the middle, from which the largest Bud- Society. Travel Tales dha figure was carved. Jim learned Fortunately, after Jim’s mysteri- from local villagers that members of ous disappearance in 1967, his By the Thai police and army had recent- nephew and others created the Jim ly come to the cave and, incredibly, Thompson Foundation, which now Llewellyn Toulmin had dynamited the opening to make administers the house-mu- it easier to loot. The police and army seum and retains its many art objects Recently I told you how Jim then brutally cut off the heads and and antiques. It is one of the top Thompson, the “Silk King of Thai- hands of the Buddhas, to sell in tourist attractions in Bangkok. Per- land,” headed up-country in Thai- Bangkok. Jim now knew where haps one day the second cave will be land, looking for a lost city. Accord- most of his Buddha heads came found, and it too will become a top ing to his unpublished letters, on from. tourist attraction. April 12, 1958, Jim drove a jeep with But in examining the desecrat- his friend Joe Huffman, north to ed, decapitated bodies and recalling Lew Toulmin grew up in Thai- “Petchaboon” province, and at “kilo- his Buddha heads, Jim felt that at land from 1959 to 1965. He has lec- meter 113” they turned east “into the least three were different. These tured on the Jim Thompson case be- jungle.” three were in “almost full relief,” not fore the Siam Society, the Foreign After crossing a small river, flat, and “must have come from an- Correspondents Club of , paddy fields and plowing through other cave.” and the International Spy Museum. virgin jungle, they thought they had Jim then asked their 12-year-old been “hoaxed” by their local guides. boy guide “if there was another cave But “finally the remains of laterite on the mountain, and he answered city walls appeared.” They found an ‘yes,’ but a giant naga [cobra] lived artificial lake, a huge brick tower, a in it and it had been sealed up. At large Vishnu figure, and a large first he and the hunters said they Khmer “Golden Mount” – all in the would take us to it…” but then the ruined city of Si Thep. An old man guides led the foreigners down the there said that Thompson’s jeep “was mountain instead. Jim did not find the first vehicle ever to come in” to the second cave. the area since another foreigner came During 1962, Jim was awarded decades before “in an ox cart.” This the prestigious Order of the White was evidently Quaritch Wales, the Elephant by the King of Thailand, in original discoverer of the lost city in recognition of his tremendous work 1937. in creating the Thai silk industry, Local villagers also told Jim which was employing thousands of about “wonderful caves…full of workers. Jim was a national hero. It beautiful sculpture” on top of the was the high point of his life. But nearby Khao Amon Rat mountain. within a few months things started to Thompson wanted to visit the cave, go wrong. but was prevented by dense jungle In October 1962 the Director- and heavy rains. General of the Thai Fine Arts Depart- Two years passed. In 1960 and ment, a division of the Royal Thai ‘61, Jim acquired five beautiful Bud- Government, suddenly accused Jim dha heads from an art dealer in Thompson of “looting the patrimony Bangkok. He paid $2500 for the five of the country.” heads, but later told a reporter that Thompson responded that he PHOTOS COURTESY OF LEW TOULMIN they were really worth $25,000, a was buying the best of the available fabulous sum. Jim made discreet in- art and antiques, holding those items, quiries about the origin of the heads, and was leaving them in his will to and learned that they likely came the royal-sponsored Siam Society, from a cave near Si Thep. Jim re- and thus to the people of Thailand. read Quaritch Wales’ accounts of the This was different from many cor- At top: The entrance to the Tha Morat cave, dynamited by Thai police and city, and realized that the legendary rupt dealers who were illegally army personnel, to gain easy access for looting, according to letters of Jim “mountain cave of the two hermits, smuggling ancient Thai art out of the Thompson. Fire-Eye and Ox-Eye” was the same country. cave he had heard about in 1958. He But the Director-General insist- Directly above: Part of a 1962 unpublished letter from Jim Thompson gives also realized that no other explorer ed on seizing the Buddha limestone a sketch plan of the sacred, 1000-year-old Buddha temple cave. had ever found this important cave. heads that Thompson owned. Per- He knew what to do next. haps the D-G was peeved by Jim’s At left: Jim Thompson, the “Silk King of Thailand,” later in life. He built the In February 1962 Jim and two recent royal award, or was prodded Jim Thompson Thai Silk company and the entire silk industry of Thailand. 14 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL AUGUST 2, 2018 CALENDAR What’s happening this week in Montgomery County August 2, 2018 – August 8, 2018 BLACKROCK CENTER FOR THE ARTS paddle boats and Union Jack's! Address: RIO ONGOING Washingtonian Center, 209 Boardwalk Place, • AMP: HEY FRASE! A LIVE PODCAST TAP- Gaithersburg, MD 20878. ART EXHIBIT: TRANSIENT IDENTITY: ING FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 2018, 8:00 PM | AMP FIGURE & FORM Through Aug. 11. Curated by University of • LIVE FROM THE LAWN: ERIN & THE AUG 4 Maryland art students, under the direction of Profes- WILDFIRE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2018, sor Jason Kuo, in collaboration with the Brentwood FREE BEER TASTING 7:00 PM | GUDELSKY GAZEBO Arts Exchange, this exhibition features the work of Aug. 4. 5:00 – 7:00 P.M. Stop in and sample Lorenzo Cardim, Victor Ekpuk, and Wilfredo Val- some favorite local beers. Saturdays through De- • AMP COMEDY: JASON WEEMS & MELIS- ladares. These artists, drawing upon their own com- cember 29, 2018. Where: Dawson's Market, 225 N SA DOUTY THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 2018, 8:00 plex cultural identities, create works that challenge Washington St, Rockville, MD 20850. PM |AMP our perception of identity as singular and unchang- ing. Where: Brentwood Arts Exchange, 3901 Rhode FOOD ADDICTS ANONYMOUS • DIANA ROSS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, Island Ave., Brentwood, MD 20722. For more in- Aug. 04. 9:30 – 10:30 A.M. Food Addicts & WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 8:00 PM | formation call 301-277-2863 or go to Anonymous meets every Saturday at the Unitarian THE MUSIC CENTER arts.pgparks.com. Universalist Church, 100 Welsh Park Drive, Build- ing #4, Rockville, MD 20850. We welcome new THE FILLMORE ATOMIC DOG AND CONSEQUENTIAL members. For questions, please visitwww.foodad- CAT ART EXHIBIT AT VCA ALEXANDRIA dictsanonymous.org or call Valerie @ 240-543-309 • STRANGELOVE - THE DEPECHE MODE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 0. EXPERIENCE WITH CALIGULA BLUSHED Through Sep. 30. Del Ray Artisans and VCA WALTZ DANCE SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 2018, 8:00 M Alexandria Animal Hospital present a Gallery With- Aug. 04. Join us for a Waltz Dance in the Span- out Walls Exhibit, “Atomic Dog and Consequential ish Ballroom at Glen Echo Park on Sunday, August • INCUBUS WITH SPIRIT ANIMAL SUN- Cat”, inspired by our furry friends. This show fea- 5, 2018 featuring the ensemble Green Light Karma. DAY, AUGUST 8, 2018, 8:00 PM tures a selection of artwork by Del Ray Artisans This versatile band will provide a lively mix of folk members. The show can be viewed during regular waltzes with a few other couple dances, including WOLF TRAP COURTESY PHOTO business hours at the VCA Alexandria Animal Hos- Hambo, Schottische, Swing, Tango, and Polka. pital (2660 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314) The 45-minute dance lesson begins at 2:45 p.m. Grammy-winning artist Bryan Adams is the main attraction at the • BRYAN ADAMS SUNDAY, AUGUST 05, now through September 30. Details: www.DelRa- with a half-hour introductory Waltz workshop and a Filene Center at Wolf Trap on Sunday, August 5 at 8:00 pm. 2018, 8:00 PM | FILENE CENTER yArtisans.org/event/dog-and-cat/ more advanced move presented the last 15 minutes. painting, henna art and many family-friendly activities. Social dancing follows until 6 pm. Admission is • LYLE LOVETT & HIS LARGE BAND FRI- NEW COUNTY PROGRAM SEEKS $13. No partner required.For more information, call DAY, AUGUST 10, 2018, 8:00 PM | FILENE CEN- SKILLED VOLUNTEERS 50+ Joan Koury at 202-238-0230 or Glen Echo Park at TER The Montgomery County Volunteer Center's 301-634-2222, go to www.WaltzTimeDances.org or more information PARK AFTER DARK AT THE C&O new 50+ Volunteer Network connects skilled volun- e-mail [email protected]. The Glen Echo • MARY CHAPIN CARPENTER SATURDAY, CANAL teers with nonprofit and government agencies that National Park is located at 7300 MacArthur Blvd., AUGUST 11, 2018, 7:30 PM | FILENE CENTER TOUCH, CARING & CANCER Sep. 15. 6:00 – 10:00 P.M. Celebrate the C&O need assistance. This unique program is perfect for Glen Echo, MD 20812. Aug. 13. 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. Massuage Associates Canal at Park After Dark! Park After Dark is the those who are age 50+ and want to make a signifi- • GLADYS KNIGHT & THE O'JAYS will empower family and friends to be C&O Canal Trust’s annual gala fundraiser, held un- cant contribution of time and talent to the communi- WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15 AT 8:00 PM | FI- active participants in a loved one’s care, enjoy der the stars at Historic Great Falls Tavern. This ty, while still retaining flexibility. Through personal LENE CENTER AUG 8 new satisfaction in caregiving, and achieve a year, guests will enjoy great food, libations, a camp- consultations, trained advisors help find volunteer SQUARE DANCE LESSONS AND DANC- deepened sense of connection. Participants will fire, unique auction items, music and dancing with opportunities that match particular areas of interests, ING have the opportunity to practice simple The 19th Street Band, and more …all to benefit the skills, and availability. Options may include ongoing AUG 3 – 4 Aug. 08. Square dance lessons and dancing at massage techniques for relaxation and stress re- C&O Canal National Historical Park! This year, we program management and support, short-term con- North Chevy Chase Christian Church, 8814 Kens- lief. Held at Hope Connections for Cancer will be holding a paddle raise to raise money to help sulting projects using professional skills, and direct UNUM, OR “OUT OF MANY, ONE”. ington Parkway (in Parish House). Wednesdays: Support, Beaumont House at FASEB, 9650 resurface the towpath. After years of use and heavy services to clients. For more information, email Opening: Friday, August 3, 7-9pm. Exhibit at 7:30 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. $7 per person. Contact phone Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD. RSVP at 301-634- flood waters this spring, the towpath needs our help! [email protected] or visit Del Ray Artisans Gallery, 2704 Mount Vernon Av- number: 301-598-2574. 7500. Tickets are $250 per person. All but $50 of the ticket www.montgomeryserves.org. enue, Alexandria. Details: http://www.gerrymanders.info/ price is a tax-deductible donation to the C&O Canal www.DelRayArtisans.org/event/ancestry/ LYMPHEDEMA Trust. This event has sold out in previous years so VIDEO PRODUCTION CLASSES FOR HS SHADY GROVE FARMERS MARKET Aug. 14. 6:30 – 8 P.M. Marcella Bassora from order your tickets now at www.ParkAfterDark.org. STUDENTS (FREE)-GANDHI BRIGADE TRAVELING PLAYERS PERFORMS A Aug. 08. 11:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. Farmers, food GWU Hospital Outpatient Rehabilitation Please contact Director of Development Patricia Mondays. 3:30 P.M. High school students will FESTIVAL OF SHAKESPEARE AND trucks and more! Shady Grove Farmers' Market, na- will provide information on what lymphedema Barber, at (301)745-8880, for information about be- learn fundamentals of video production and work MYTHOLOGY tionally recognized as one of the 100 Best Markets is, how to prevent it and available treatment coming a sponsor of Park After Dark. Address: together to create short films about topics of their Aug. 3. After weeks of learning classical theatre, in America by the Daily Meal. Featuring weekly options. Held at Hope Connections for Cancer 11710 MacArthur Blvd, Potomac, MD 20854 choosing...and earn SSL hours! This program starts practicing movement and vocalizing, and roasting farmers, food trucks, artisans and local spirit every Support, 8401 Corporate Drive, Suite 100, January 24th and classes are held from 3:30 to 5:30 s'mores over the fire, Traveling Players' youth en- Wednesday through September 12. Where: Johns Landover, MD. RSVP at 240-714-4744. 9TH ANNUAL MONTGOMERY COUNTY pm. Must be a high school student. Registration is sembles will present a festival of three plays. The Hopkins University Key West Ave and Broschart VISIONWALK required at bit.ly/mocovideoclass. For more infor- schedule for the full day is: 4:30 - 6:15 Ariadne's Rd, Rockville, MD 20850 ASK THE NUTRITIONIST Sep. 23. 9:00 A.M. Registration. 10:00 A.M. mation, please call the Gandhi Brigade at 301-592- Thread & The Monkey King; 6:15 - 7:00 Break for Aug. 15. 2:00 – 3:30 P.M. Ask nutritionist Leslie Walk. Come out and join the fight against blindness 1900. Visit www.gandhibrigade.org for more infor- Dinner (picnicking is welcome); 7:00 - 9:30 Merry SKIN-CARE FOR WOMEN Jefferson from Giant Foods at the Foundation Fighting Blindness' 9th Annual mation. Where: Marilyn J. Praisner Library, 14910 Wives of Windsor. The performances will be held in Aug. 8. 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. A breast cancer sur- questions about nutrition to help you on your Montgomery County VisionWalk! This fundraiser Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring. Madeira's Chapel Auditorium. vivor, Carol Ranney will share with other journey. Held at Hope Connections for Cancer 5k will take you around Rockville Town Square as women that what we put ON our body is just as Support, MetroPlex I, 8401 Corporate Drive, you walk in support of the visually impaired com- CANCER SUPPORT GROUPS BINGO AT AMERICAN LEGION POST 86 important as what we put in our body! Held at Suite 100, Landover, MD. RSVP at 240-714-4744. munity in Montgomery County. This event has no Hope Connections offers weekly groups for peo- Aug. 3. 6:00 – 10:00 P.M. Support the local Hope Connections for Cancer Support, Beau- entry fee - simply bring an open heart and your ple with all types of cancer, caregivers, people with American Legion and have a chance to win a $500 mont House at FASEB, 9650 Rockville Pike, WALTZ DANCE walking shoes! And, bring your friends and your advanced cancer and a bereavement group. Support JACKPOT!! Early bird games begin at 7 pm and Bethesda, MD. RSVP at 301-634-7500. Aug. 19. Join us for a Waltz Dance in the Span- family too! Light refreshments will be provided groups are held at both of Hope Connections for start at just $1.50 for 3 cards. Regular and special ish Ballroom at Glen Echo Park on Sunday, August throughout the day. Location: Rockville Town Cancer Support’s two locations: Beaumont games to follow include 50/50 and Winner Take All. 19, 2018 featuring the ensemble Waverly Station Square Plaza (30 Maryland Avenue, Rockville) House at FASEB, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Pull tab games will also be played throughout the UPCOMING Trio. This versatile band will provide a lively mix of MD and 8401 Corporate Drive, Suite 100, Lan- night. folk waltzes with a few other couple dances, includ- EVENINGS IN OLDE TOWNE dover, MD. Orientation sessions are held every COMMUNITY DRUM CIRCLE WITH KATY Bring cash to play. All BINGO supplies avail- ing Hambo, Schottische, Swing, Tango, and Polka. Sep. 6. 6:00 P.M. Wind down the workday with Monday at 11 a.m. at the Beaumont House in GAUGHAN able for sale (variety of games, dabbers, etc). The The 45-minute dance lesson begins at 2:45 p.m. great music in a casual, outdoor setting at the City Rockville, and every Wednesday at 11 a.m. in Lan- Aug. 10. 1:30 – 2:30 P.M. Katy will get every- American Legion also offers plate dinners on Friday with a half-hour introductory Waltz workshop and a Hall Concert Pavilion. Grab some local carryout to dover. Additional orientation sessions are held on one drumming and making music together. No ex- nights and a full bar, although alcohol is not allowed more advanced move presented the last 15 minutes. enjoy during the concert or enjoy the music before the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. in perience necessary. Family Fun! Drums provided or in the BINGO area. Every Friday through Septem- Social dancing follows until 6 pm. Admission is dining in Olde Towne afterwards. All concerts begin Bethesda. Orientations are Free - RSVP required at bring your own. Registration required. Register on- ber 14, 2018. Where: American Legion Post 86 $13. No partner required. The Glen Echo National at 6 p.m. Bring a blanket or low-back chair for lawn 301-634-7500 line at www.montgomerycountymd.gov/library. 2013 Veirs Mill Rd, Rockville, MD 20851 Park is located at 7300 MacArthur Blvd., Glen seating. Additional dates: September 6, 13, 20, 27, Click Branches, select Quince Orchard Library, then Echo, MD 20812. 2018. Where: City of Gaithersburg Concert Pavilion Upcoming Events. Open to all ages. Attendance RIO SUMMER CONCERTS 31 S Summit Ave, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877. Aug. 3 - 4. 6:00 – 9:00 P.M. Live music every is limited. Address: 15831 Quince Orchard Road / Friday and Saturday night on RIO Patio near the Gaithersburg. Call the library at 240-777-0200 for 16Continued on page 15 AUGUST 2, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 15 C ALENDAR8 What’s happening this week in Montgomery County August 2, 2018 – August 8, 2018 Continued from page 14 Bethesda Ave. and Wisconsin Ave. Open Wednes- while you meet other parents. Children will explore, days, Fridays, and Saturdays 7:00am-4:00pm. Our learn and socialize in a calm, nurturing classroom GUIDED TOUR OF WOODLAWN MANOR historic Market Building (circa 1932) is open year- community with our Preschool faculty. Activities HOUSE AND GROUNDS round (Jan – Dec). include playtime, snack time and an art project. All Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays. 11:00 – 11:30 A.M. sessions take place on Fridays in the Preschool or 2:00 – 2:30 P.M. Take a guided tour of Wood- THE WIDOWED PERSONS SERVICE OF House from 9:00-10:00am. There is NO COST, but lawn Manor, a 19th-century Federal-style manor MONTGOMERY COUNTY space is limited. Contact Janet Gerber (301-424- house, and learn about Dr. William Palmer, his fam- Weekly support groups for newly widowed per- 8702 or [email protected]) for more infor- ily and other residents. Tour will include interior and sons at three locations: at Margaret Schweinhaut mation. exterior spaces, including some that are not ADA- Center 1000 Forest Glen Rd. Silver Spring on Mon- accessible. www.woodlawnmanor.org or call 301- days, at Holiday park Senior Center, 3950 Ferrara VISARTS COCKTAILS AND CANVAS 563-7519. $3 fee Drive, Wheaton, on Thursdays and at Jane Lawton CLASS (Leland) Center, 4301 Willow Lane, Chevy Chase Canvas Class in the VisArts Painting and Draw- WOODLAWN MUSEUM on Thursdays. These support groups are open, free ing Studio. 155 Gibbs Street, Rockville. Price $40. Fridays & Saturdays 10:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M and of charge, to all widowed persons who have suf- Visit www.visartsatrockville.org/cocktails-and-can- Sundays 12:00 – 4:00 P.M. The Woodlawn Muse- fered a loss within the past two years. Those prefer- vas for more information. um featuring multimedia exhibits throughout the ring an evening group are encouraged to call the 19th century stone barn. Interactive exhibits high- WPS office. The groups are facilitated by trained SENIOR FIT light the area’s agricultural landscape, the Under- volunteers. For more information or to register, Mondays & Wednesdays, 9:15 A.M. & 2:15 ground Railroad, local free black communities and please call: 301-949-7398 to register. The Widowed P.M. This 45-minute, multi-component exercise the Quaker experience in Montgomery County, re- Persons Service is a non-profit volunteer organiza- program is for people age 55+. Ongoing classes are vealed through the lives of the Woodlawn’s resi- tion sponsored by AARP, the Montgomery County offered at 23 locations in partnership with Kaiser dents and enslaved laborers. www.woodlawn- Mental Health Association, and other community Permanente. Call 301-754-8800 to request a physi- manor.org. Adults $5 Children (6-17) $4. Through organizations. cian's consent form to register and for a class sched- November 2018. ule. Where: Holy Cross Hospital Senior Source, FOX HILL WEEKLY OPEN HOUSE 8580 Second Avenue, Silver Spring. For more infor- Wednesdays, 2:00 – 4:00 P.M. The public is in- mation call 301-754-8800. Cost: Free. GUIDED HIKE UNDERGROUND RAIL- COURTESY PHOTO vited every Wednesday for refreshments and tours at ROAD EXPERIENCE TRAIL Renowned singer, , and performer Mary Chapin Car- (April – November | Saturdays 10 am (July & Fox Hill Retirement Community in Bethesda. A free CHESS CLUB Tuesdays. 6:30 P.M. Join us every Tuesday year penter returns to Wolf Trap for a special performance on Satur- around to practice and improve your game. All lev- day, August 11th. Over the years, Carpenter has won five Gram- els are invited. Ages 6 and up. my Awards and is a 2012 Nashville Hall of Fame in- ductee. AFTERNOON GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Tuesdays 1:30 – 3:00 P.M. For anyone grieving the death of a love one. Registration required at (301) 921-4400. North Bethesda United Methodist Top 40 and your favorite songs. Make sure you Church, 10100 Old Georgetown Rd., Bethesda, MD PARENT LOSS SUPPORT GROUP check out their great drink specials before you show 20814. Thursdays 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. For adults who have us what you got! The Barking Dog, Elm Street experienced the death of one or both parents. Regis- Bethesda, MD 20814. Free admission. SALSA NIGHT tration required at (301) 921-4400. Mt. Calvary Tuesdays 7:30 – 12:30 P.M. Come to the Bark- Baptist church, 608 North Horner’s Lane, SUNDAY NIGHT WINE SPECIALS ing Dog every Tuesday night for their sizzling Salsa Rockville, chrisMD 20850. Join Us For A Selection of Wines, Chosen From Night. Take lessons with salsa instructor Michelle Our Unique List & Cellar. A great opportunity to try Reyes from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. for only $10. Learn THURSDAY MORNING BOOK DSICUS- that wine you've had your eye on, or one that you to shake those hips, and then show off your new SION would not normally sample. Priced Half Off. Visit skills to the music of a live salsa band during the Thursdays. 10:30 P.M. Join us every fourth http://www.blacksbarandkitchen.com or call (301) open dance after class. Visit salsawild.com or call Thursday of the month as we discuss notable books. 652-5525. Black’s Bar and Kitchen, 7750 Wood- (301) 654-0022 for more information. 4723 Elm This month's book is The Snow Child by Eowyn mont Ave., Bethesda, MD 20814. St., Bethesda, MD 20814. Ivey. Where: Marilyn J. Praisner Library, 14910 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring. LAUGH RIOT AT THE HYATT LOSS OF A CHILD SUPPORT GROUP Saturdays 8:00 – 10:00 P.M. Check out a live Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. For parents griev- OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS MEETING standup comedy show by local standup comics ing the death of a child of any age. Registration re- Thursdays, 7:15 – 8:30 P.M. Overeaters Anony- every weekend at the Positano Italian Restaurant, quired at (301) 921-4400. Montgomery Hospice, mous meeting at the Rockville Church of Christ, Bethesda. There's a $25 cash prize joke contest for 1355 Piccard Dr., Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20850. 1450 Montgomery Ave., Rockville (in Parish non-comedian audience members after the show. House). For further information, http://www.oa- Check it out every Saturday night! Comedians can COURTESY PHOTO dcmetro.org/ or Linda S at 301-641-9508. sign up to perform by emailing Alt-metal band Incubus bring their unique sound to the Fillmore PRESCHOOL STORYTIME (AGES 3-5) [email protected]. Cost: $10 at the Silver Spring stage on Sunday, August 8. Show also features Wednesdays. 10:30 A.M. Join us for stories, songs, rhymes, stretches and flannel board stories. ZUMBA GOLD DROP IN CLASS door. Visit http://www.StandupComedyToGo.com Spirit Animal. Where: Marilyn J. Praisner Library, 14910 Old Co- Thursdays. 12:00 – 1:00 P.M. Have fun every or ePositano.com for more information. Address: lumbia Pike, Silver Spring. Thursday and get a great workout at the same time. Positano Italian restaurant located at 4948 Fairmont Where: Long Branch Senior Center, 8700 Piney Ave. Bethesda, MD 20814. No Show June 23. CORPORATE BARTENDING FOR CHARI- Branch Road, Silver Spring, MD 20901. August 9:30 am) | 1st Sunday of month 10 am to the public open house will be held on a weekly TY SPAGNVOLA CHOCOLOATE FACTORY https://www.montgomeryparks.org/parks-and- basis. Visitors are welcome to see the one, two and Wednesdays 4:00 – 7:00 P.M. Send your CEO or COUNTRY THURSDAYS TOUR trails/woodlawn-manor-cultural-park/underground- three-bedroom model condominiums with a wide VP to Tommy Joe's to bartend for charity! Can't bar- Thursdays, 9:00 P.M. Union Jack's traditionally Saturdays and Sundays: 2:00 – 6:00 P.M. Meet railroad-experience-trail-hikes /Call 301-563-7519. range of floorplans offered in a maintenance-free, tend? No problem, the on-staff bartenders are there British pub in Bethesda heads to the South for their the owners, learn about the origin of chocolate, and $8 fee (7 and up). cosmopolitan environment. Reservations for the to help for a good cause (no experience necessary). all new Country Night every Thursday. Live coun- see how it is grown and processed. Experience how Open House events can be made at foxhillresi- Represent your company during happy hour, and a try/rock bands, free cowboy hats for the cowgirls, chocolate is made from the actual cacao seed to the dences.com/rsvp or at 301-968-1850; walk-ins are portion of the proceeds will go to the charity of your bandanas for the cowboys, drink specials, including final chocolate during this "sweet" educational tour, BETHESDA FARMERS MARKET welcome as well. Fox Hill is located at 8300 Bur- choice. Maybe you can even pull off some flair be- $2 PBR cans, $2 Budweiser bottles, $4 Jack Daniels from chocolate bars to truffles to bonbons. Each tour Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. 7:00 A.M. dette Road, Bethesda, MD; 20817. For more infor- hind the bar and make Tom Cruise proud. Visit tom- drinks, food specials including 50 cent hot wings. also includes a FREE chocolate tasting! 360 Main – 4:00 P.M. The Farm Women’s Market is a unique, mation, call Julie Sabag at 301-968-1850 or visit myjoes.com or call (301) 654-3801 for more infor- Best of all, there's no cover to get in! And be sure to Street Suite 101 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878. intimate, quirky and festive shopping experience in www.foxhillresidences.com. mation. 4714 Montgomery Ln., Bethesda, MD get there early for Union Jack's famous Beat. 4915 Visit http://www.spagnvola.com or call (240) 654- Downtown Bethesda. The Market features great 20814. Saint Elmo Ave., Bethesda, MD 20814. 6972. food, drink and music with artisans, crafts and bou- ONE-ON-ONE FRIDAY FUN tique businesses from around the Mid-Atlantic re- Fridays. 9:00 – 10:00 A.M. Christ Episcopal EVENING GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP HEY MR. DJ FOOD ADDICTS ANONYMOUS gion. Local vineyards and breweries provide tast- School welcomes you and your 1-year-old to our Thursdays 6:30 – 8:00 P.M. For anyone grieving Fridays 9:00 – 2:00 A.M. It’s time to dance! Saturdays. 9:30 – 10:30 A.M. Food Addicts ings and food trucks offer a quick meal. We are a One-on-One Friday Fun. Our monthly playgroups the death of a loved one. Registration required at Grab your friends and come to The Barking Dog for ten-minute walk south on Wisconsin Ave from the are the perfect way for your child to have a first (301) 921-4400. Hughes United Methodist Church, a good time on the dance floor. Every Friday and Bethesda Metro Station at the intersection of school experience in a warm, toddler friendly setting 10700 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20918. Saturday night the Dog brings in a DJ to play the 6Continued on page 16 16 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL AUGUST 2, 2018

Continued from page 15 Compiled by Tazeen Ahmad

Anonymous meets at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 100 Welsh Park Drive, Building #4, Some Fun Rockville, MD 20850. We welcome new members. For questions, please visit www.foodaddictsanony- mous.org or call Valerie @ 240-543-3090. WORLD SERIES OF POKER Every Tuesday and Sunday night Flanagan's The Montgomery hosts Poker in the rear from 8-10 p.m. it's Bethesda's own version of The World Series of poker. Call (301) 951-0115 for more. Flanagan's Harp and Fid- dle, 4844 Cordell Ave., Bethesda, MD 20814. County Sentinel

NEED A SITTER? IT’S LEGO TIME AT VISARTS! Saturdays, 12:00 – 5:00 P.M. Go on a date, get regrets to inform some shopping done, or just relax for a few hours while your kids get to play with more than 15 pounds of LEGO bricks! Children can play on our LEGO race track, build a car, a tall tower, a city or organizations that only free build. They can even take part in a LEGO craft project! Our top-notch staff are LEGO enthusiasts and ready to entertain your kids while you get some "me" time. Register at [email protected]. Montgomery County At VisArts in Rockville. GAITHERSBURG ROTARY CLUB WEEK- LY MEETING Every Tuesday, 12:15 – 1:15 P.M. Hilton Hotel, groups or events located 620 Perry Parkway, Gaithersburg. For more infor- mation, please visit www.gaithersburgrotary.org.

DROP-IN YOGA IN BETHESDA within the county will be Fridays, 6:00 – 7:00 P.M. Community classes are mixed level, one-hour asana classes taught by a ro- tating selection of Unity Woods teachers. Just drop in – no registration required! Unity Woods Yoga published on a space- Center, 4853 Cordell Ave. Bethesda. Ages 18+. Cost: $8. Cash Only. For more information, call 301-656-8992. available basis. TEEN SK8 AT WHEATON ICE Most Friday evenings 8:00 – 10:00 P.M. The Wheaton Ice Arena is the place to be on Friday nights! Play along with our theme to get the 'Cheap- skate' rate of $6.50 for admission and skates. Send news of your Wheaton Regional Park, 11717 Orebaugh Ave in Wheaton, MD. For more information, call: 301- 905-3000 or visit: montgomeryparks.org. group’s event AT LEAST

Your two weeks in advance to:

community. The Montgomery County Sentinel

Your world. 22 W Jefferson St. Suite 309

At your Rockville, MD. 20850

fingertips or email


[email protected]

or call 301.838.0788


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SENTINEL SENTINEL Homes from low $100’s. No Small to large. Free est. MIKE Haul unwanted cars 25 yrs of honest hauling. CIVIL ENGINEER DONATE VEHICLE HOA Fees. Brochures Available SUSSAN 410-294-8404. Match Any Price!!!!! The Sentinel! The Sentinel! 1-866-629-0770 or www.cool- Same Day. Aim to satisfy. 443-250-6703 Call Mike: 410-446-1163. branch.com. The Sentinel Classifieds work for you! Call 301-317-1946 AUUST 2, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 19 August 2, 2018 The Montgomery County Sentinel 20 Big Train shares Ripken League title with Redbirds Rain causes final game to be canceled in best of three series - leaving both teams sharing league title One. I wish we could’ve played By Harry Lichtman @hslichtman Game Three. It would’ve been a dogfight. Would’ve been fun, but it BETHESDA — After the is what it is. Just take it how it is.” Bethesda Big Train’s victory of In Game One, Burleson went Game One of the Cal Ripken Colle- 4-for-5 at the plate. One of those giate Baseball League Champi- four hits was the go-ahead RBI sin- onship Series on Saturday, and the gle in the bottom of the eighth to lift Baltimore Redbirds won Game the Big Train to a 9-8 victory. Two on Sunday, Game Three be- Burleson finished this season tween the two teams was to be with a .400 batting average in the played at Shirley Povich Field LCS. In the regular season, he bat- Monday night to determine the win- ted .383 and hit 44 RBIs, 10 home ners of the League Championship runs, and 12 doubles. Series. “It was fun doing it,” Burleson Unfortunately, Mother Nature said. “I did it for my teammates. had other plans, as rain forced They helped me relax and just go Game Three to be canceled, and the up to the plate. Knowing that they Redbirds and Big Train were named could do it when I was off, that just 2018 LCS co-champions. helped me a lot throughout the sea- It’s the first time since the son.” league’s inaugural season in 2005 “His ability on the field speaks where two teams have been named for itself,” Colangelo said, “and co-champions, the same two teams most importantly comes from a who have met in the Championship great university, he comes from a Series 10 years in a row. great family, and he’s a great kid. “They played for the champi- You put all those things together, onship,” said Bethesda manager Sal equals success.” Colangelo on his opponents. “They Meanwhile, Gindl came deserve it as much as we deserve it. through for the Redbirds with a They’re a quality organization. bases-clearing triple in the second They play hard.” inning of Game Two, which turned The Big Train won the last two out to be the difference in the LCS titles in 2016 and 2017, but Colan- considering Game Three had to be gelo doesn’t think of it as “two-and- canceled. a-half” consecutive titles. “This team has been just a “What matters is these kids got blast to be around,” Gindl said. better on both teams,” he said. “The guys have been great. I’ll re- “What matters is that they met member this for the rest of my friends and friendships that are go- life.” ing to last forever, and that’s really First-year manager Tom Eller PHOTOS BY GEORGE SMITH the most important thing.” led the Redbirds to yet another At top Jacob Westerman swings Bethesda’s Alec Burleson and LCS, but also wishes the winner- and misses while Redbird catcher Baltimore’s Carl Gindl settled the take-all game had been played. Wil Harless lets one get away. LCS Most Valuable Player award “I would’ve rather played a Directly above, Carlos Lomeli with a little game of Rock-Paper- good game and lost, than be a co- pitches for the Big Train. Scissors, which Burleson won and champ,” he said. “But it gives cred- was awarded the 2018 MVP trophy. it where credit’s due. The players Big Train catcher Ben Martz “Just put a little fun into it,” played a great season, a great se- chases down a loose ball later in Burleson chuckled. “Had one good ries. Bethesda had a great year as the game. game to help the team win in Game well, obviously. It’s bittersweet.” AUGUST 2, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 21 SPORTS Redbirds force third game by beating Big Train Only once again, Fleming With two outs and the bases loaded “The guy made a good throw,” Fleming scattered 10 hits By Justin Fitzgerald @jfitzgerald52 avoided the jam, this time with in the bottom of the second, Carl Morris said. “It’s early in the ball across seven innings of work, and some help from his defense. The Gindl’s slapped a hard-hit ground- game you just have to take those Bethesda pitcher Carlos Lomeli had TOWSON — After suffering Big Train’s Tyler Villaroman fouled ball was just out of the reach of first chances. That’s baseball.” a similar performance allowing sev- defeat Saturday in Game One of the off a 2-2 pitch to the right of first baseman Alec Burleson. The ball Defense like that as well as en hits over six innings with seven Cal Ripken Collegiate Baseball base, causing Redbirds first base- skidded down the right-field line, good pitches in high-leverage situa- strikeouts. However, Fleming al- League Championship Series, the man Joe Zirolli to drift further and and all three runs scored before tions allowed Fleming to pitch out lowed all singles, while Lomeli al- Baltimore Redbirds bounced back further into foul territory. Zirolli Gindl dove headfirst into third with of jams, which meant missed oppor- lowed the triple in the second that in Game Two Sunday at Calvert made an over-the-shoulder catch, a triple. tunities for the Big Train. Bethesda proved to be the difference. Hall College High School to beat and Semones decided to tag up and It was one of Gindl’s game- recorded 11 hits and left 11 runners “The big thing is he threw the Bethesda Big Train 3-1, setting try to advance to third. Zirolli fired a high four hits, but the leftfielder on base. The Big Train had one last strikes,” Redbirds head coach Tom up a winner-take-all Game Three on strike to third base, throwing out Se- made a contribution just as impor- chance at a rally in the top of the Eller said of Fleming. “I think a lot Monday at Shirley Povich Field in mones to preserve the lead. tant with his arm. In the top of the ninth after a one-out double by Lee, of guys kind of nip the corners, but Bethesda. “We know there’s no quit in fourth inning, the Big Train scored but the following two batters could- he just went right at them.” For most of the game, Balti- those guys, they’re going to fight their first run of the game on a Jacob n’t capitalize with the tying run at With a win tomorrow, the Big more Redbirds pitcher William until the last out,” Big Train assis- Westerman sacrifice fly and had the plate. Train would win their third straight Fleming had kept the Bethesda Big tant coach Galvin Morris said of runners on first and second with two “Our approach is fine, we’re Ripken League title and seventh Train’s offense at bay. With his pitch Baltimore. “Tomorrow is all for the outs. Bethesda shortstop AJ Lee hit not going to change anything there,” overall, while the Redbirds would count climbing and Fox Semones marbles.” a single into shallow left field, and Morris said about his team’s hitting. win their fifth Ripken League title stealing second after a leadoff single While the two teams combined Justin Wylie was rounding third and “These guys are seeing it well. We with the same result. in the top of the seventh inning, the for 39 runs in the previous two heading home as Gindl stepped into just have to clean up a few things as “It’s going to be a roller coaster Big Train had another golden games, the Redbirds needed just one his throw, a laser from leftfield that far as on the base paths, being a little of emotions, but it’s going to be chance to rally from a 3-1 deficit. hit to get all the offense they needed. beat Wylie by a step. over aggressive.” fun,” Lomeli said. Big Train takes first game of finals against Redbirds 9-8 Big Train put up two more runs in second baseman Michael Richard- Bethesda batters on base. This led to save for Bethesda. By Harry Lichtman @hslichtman the third and fourth innings thanks son. Villaroman hitting a sacrifice “It is what it is,” said Redbirds to an RBI double from third base- However, Bethesda once again groundout that sent home Martz and manager Tom Eller. “It’s not that big BETHESDA — For the ninth man Carson Taylor and a sacrifice showed their resilience in the bot- cut the deficit to 8-7. Love was then of a deal. We haven’t lost that many straight year in the Cal Ripken Col- double play from outfielder Jacob tom of the seventh. Burleson, the taken out in favor of Aaron McGe- games this year.” legiate Baseball League, the Cham- Westerman that sent home first best player in the Ripken League, orge. Burleson continued to play like pionship Series features the same baseman Alec Burleson. At that hit an RBI double that drove in It didn’t get any better for the an MVP as he went an impressive 4- two opponents: the Bethesda Big point, the Big Train led 4-1. shortstop AJ Lee. Then Baltimore Redbirds, though, because Taylor for-5 at the plate with an RBI and a Train and Baltimore Redbirds. Sat- But the Redbirds didn’t back pitcher Austin Love walked Big gave the Big Train another sacrifice run. He also felt confident about urday night’s Game One at Shirley down, because in the top of the fifth, Train designated hitter Jacob South- groundout that drove in Lee as the Game Two in Baltimore. Povich Field showed this to be a Elko hit an RBI single to left field ern with the bases loaded and out- game-tying run. “We won’t need Game Three,” true championship rivalry, as the that drove in outfielder Carl Gindl. fielder Tyler Villaroman scored to Then, the next at-bat came, as Burleson said. “But it’ll be awe- Big Train came from behind in the Then Hlinka tied it up at 4-4 with a tie the game at 6-6. Burleson came through with an RBI some when we win tomorrow. eighth to beat the Redbirds 9-8. two-RBI double that scored Elko But the Redbirds responded in single that drove in second baseman We’ve earned it. We know we’re the The first score came from Bal- and first baseman Joe Zirolli. the top of the eighth with back-to- Fox Semones for the 9-8 lead. better team.” timore in the top of the second when The next inning, shortstop An- back homers from Servideo and out- “We worked hard for this mo- This game was very similar to designated hitter Christian Hlinka thony Servideo gave the Redbirds fielder Alex Tappen. It looked like ment,” Burleson said. “We worked the regular season meeting between hit an RBI single to drive in third their first lead at 5-4 with a home they would come into Bethesda and hard all summer, we deserve it, and the two on July 7, where Bethesda baseman Tim Elko for a 1-0 lead. run to deep right field. Catcher Will take Game One. I’m glad that I was the guy in the sit- also came from behind in the eighth However, in the next frame, Harless extended Baltimore’s lead Or so they thought. uation, and we needed to get the hit to beat the Redbirds. Bethesda responded with a two-RBI to 6-4 one inning later when he sin- In the bottom half of the eighth and I’m glad I’d be the guy to do it.” “It’s just another game,” said single from catcher Ben Martz. The gled to right field and sent home inning, Love had allowed three Gavin Hinchcliffe secured the Big Train manager Sal Colangelo. Big Train advances to Ripken League finals with 14-8 victory pionship round. Silver Spring’s Devon Jeffreys tical categories. for sticking through and playing By Brandy L. Simms @bls1969 Bethesda took a 2-0 lead early and Raven Beeman scored runs be- Burleson, who leads the Big hard,” Thunderbolts head coach in the game thanks to Fox Semones, fore Nicholas Atkinson belted a Train in RBI’s, home runs and slug- Doug Remer told the team in the BETHESDA — The Bethesda Villaroman and Alec Burleson. grand slam homerun that enabled ging percentage, was satisfied with huddle afterward. “You made me Big Train advanced to the Cal Rip- Semones and Villaroman both Hunter Pearre, Rosier and Schroeder his team’s performance against the look good.” ken League championship series last scored in the top of the first inning. to cross the plate. Thunderbolts, especially going into The Thunderbolts were led this week by virtue of their 14-8 victory Semones doubled on the game’s first Justin Wylie’s homerun in the the ninth inning. season by Hunter Pearre, a over the Silver Spring-Takoma pitch and Villaroman doubled on the top of the sixth inning enabled “As hitters it’s always nice to Poolesville native, and Corey Thunderbolts at Shirley Povich game’s second pitch, allowing Se- Burleson to score and cut the Thun- put up 14 and for the pitchers,” said Rosier along with Turner Davis who Field. mones to cross the plate, giving the derbolts lead to 7-6. Burleson. “Me being a pitcher as belted a team-high three home runs. Bethesda outfielders Tyler Vil- Big Train a 1-0 lead. Villaroman lat- The Big Train added three runs well it’s always nice to have a – Ace Felder, a standout from laroman and Jacob Westerman er scored on Burleson’s sacrifice fly. in the eighth inning courtesy of AJ what we have a seven-run lead go- Grambling State University, also helped the Big Train’s cause by post- However, the Thunderbolts got Lee who scored off a hit from Vil- ing into that inning so it’s always contributed to the Thunderbolts’ ing some gaudy statistics. on the board in the bottom of the in- laroman. Taylor later smashed a sin- nice.” cause during the season. Villaroman went 3-for-5 and ning when Corey Rosier scored off gle that enabled both Semones and Meanwhile, the Thunderbolts “He learned a lot this summer,” scored three runs and registered four Jack Schroeder’s hit. Villaroman to score. finished the 2018 campaign with an said Remer. “He got injured which RBI’s while Westerman batted 3- The Big Train added two runs in “We hit in the sixth, we got overall 18-22 record, good enough is why he couldn’t play towards the for-3 with an RBI and scored a run. the second inning as John Glenn and within one and then in the eighth we for a third-place tie with the end. He’s got more fire than any- Big Train catcher Carson Taylor Jacob Southern both scored but the came back and scored three and that Rockville Express in the North Di- body else so he’s a kid that, he added two hits and four RBI’s to Thunderbolts scored six runs in the was huge,” said Burleson, who vision. should be getting picked up after the help Bethesda move into the cham- fifth inning to take a 7-4 lead. leads the Big Train in several statis- “I’m very proud of you guys year. I’d be surprised if he didn’t.” 22 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL AUGUST 2, 2018 SPORTS R.M. defeats Good Counsel for championship took it over. It was all as one team.” ahead layup to give the Rockets the made one of two free throws. DeMatha High School. By Harry Lichtman @hslichtman There wasn’t much scoring in 30-28 lead. Despite the loss, Mbeng was “Both leagues are a little bit this game. After all, the final score “I was freaking out, honestly,” the Falcons’ leading scorer with 14 different,” Guy said. “DeMatha’s a NORTH BETHESDA — The was only 31-29. Both teams failed Cornish said. “I needed to be more points. little bit more athletic and fast- 2018 Maryland Elite Summer Bas- to score within the first minute. in control in that tough situation, but “I thought the guys worked paced, but then you come here and ketball League season came to a Missed shots and turnovers were luckily I got it to fall. I just felt like hard,” said Good Counsel head it’s a lot more set-oriented. It’s been close Wednesday night as the No. 3- key in the championship game. it was a place to steal the inbounds coach Anthony Guy. “We got some a great experience, all-around for seeded Richard Montgomery Rock- Nonetheless, the game was still play, and it actually worked, and tough calls down the stretch. Obvi- us.” ets came through when Ryan Cor- close throughout, as RM led 16-14 then I went up right for the layup, ously we weren’t as sharp as we According to Guy, Mbeng and nish made a key steal and hit the at halftime behind eight points from and luckily it went in.” need to be in crunch time. Those are Waters will also be participating in game-winning layup to help the Cornish. He added five more points The Falcons then drove down growing pains. They come along 25-plus AAU games in Atlantic City Rockets beat the No. 5-seeded Good in the second half to finish with 13. the court and tried to take back the with being young.” to close out the summer. Counsel Falcons 31-29 and win the With Good Counsel leading lead, but an offensive foul was Not only did the Falcons partic- “The boys have gotten plenty championship. 29-28 with under 15 seconds to go, called on Bez Mbeng, which result- ipate in the Maryland Elite Summer of games,” Guy said. “We’ve got “As a team, we did it all togeth- Cornish stole a pass from GC’s ed in RM’s possession. Cornish was League, they also participated in the plenty of game experience. It’s been er,” Cornish said. “Not one of us Daysjuan Waters and hit the go- fouled with six seconds left, and Capitol Hoops Summer League at a learning experience.” Churchill lacrosse team sets record for college recruits have no doubt in my mind that they varsity and moved up to varsity be- Taylor, 18, spent all four sea- al Title wins, and for three of the By Harry Lichtman @hslichtman will be successful in life,” Fritz ginning in the 2015 postseason. sons on varsity, and will take his past four, got a taste of the 4A State said. “They were great leaders Leonard, 18, moved up to var- talents to Brown University, Championship Game. For the past decade, Winston both on and off the field, in the sity behind future University of alongside Moshyedi, his teammate Though they were able to Churchill High School in Potomac classroom, and in the community!” Maryland champion Louis Dubick. and friend. reach the finals, they were unsuc- has had a remarkable boys lacrosse Altobello, 18, will play at “It was a good chance to de- “It’s awesome,” Taylor said, cessful in claiming the title, losing program filled with many college Christopher Newport University in velop,” Leonard said. “Playing “just because we were already to Howard in 2015, and Severna commits and regional titles. This Newport News, . One of with my bros I’ve been friends with good friends, and the lacrosse part Park in 2017 and 2018, and Fritz year was no different. his goals is winning a conference since third grade. Getting to see just added to it.” has also been through it all. This past year, Churchill’s championship. how everyone was doing along the Reed is yet another commit “It was an absolute honor boys lacrosse program saw five of “My whole life I’ve been way and getting closer each year.” with older brothers with Churchill working with this senior class of its seniors commit to playing in playing lacrosse,” Brady said, Ryan will continue lacrosse at lacrosse experience, as Matt, a ’18,” Fritz said. “I’m just sorry we college: Brady Altobello, Ryan “and it’s basically everything I Towson University, where his old- Class of ’14 grad, and Cameron, a were unable to win a state champi- Leonard, Jack Taylor, Reed know.” er brother Matt, a Churchill class Class of ’12 grad, both played un- onship for them. They deserved it!” Moshyedi, and Jimmy Rubino. Brady is the younger brother of 2013 graduate, also played. der Coach Fritz as well. Taylor described the champi- According to head coach Jeff of twins Derek and Michael, who Ryan hopes to win a national Finally, Rubino has had a onship runs as a growth experi- Fritz, they are the most recruits graduated from Churchill in 2015 championship with the Towson number of accomplishments, in- ence. “They did so much to pre- Churchill has had in one season, as and also played for the program, Tigers one day. cluding playing in the Epoch IL pare us,” he said. “Even though we no other public Montgomery though Brady only tried to emulate “He was able to set an exam- Committed Academy in 2017. He didn’t win, we put up a hell of a County school has ever had more one of them. ple for me,” said Ryan on his older will spend his college lacrosse fight. The amount of brotherhood than two Division I recruits in a “Mostly Derek because I tried brother. “I kept the game of tenure at the Naval Academy. we built as a team with the coaches single year. to beat his stats,” Brady explained. lacrosse for Churchill in the fami- For the past four seasons, all and with each other, that kind of “These five were great gentle- Altobello was one of these re- ly, and was able to keep that name five of these men were part of the experience makes it all worth it. men both on and off the field and I cent graduates who started at junior on the board.” team’s Maryland 4A West Region- It’s great to stick with each other.” AUGUST 2, 2018 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL 23 SPORTS 2018 All-Sentinel boys basketball team named

Coach of the Year – Ryan Es- Second Team kow, Georgetown Prep Ike Nweke, Georgetown Eskow guided the Little Hoyas Prep, Sr. to the 2018 IAC Tournament cham- Richard Dudley, pionship. “This group is so special,” Paint Branch, Jr. he said. “I can’t even describe how Nendeh Tarke, Bullis, Jr. special this group is.” Heru Bligen, St. Andrew’s, Jr. Jimmy Sorunke, Rockville, Fr. Co-Player of the Year – Jared Bynum, Georgetown Prep, Sr. The St. Joseph’s recruit led the Third Team Little Hoyas to a 20-5 record, aver- Mezie Offurum, aging a team-high 17.8 points per Georgetown Prep, Sr. game. Lincoln Yeutter, Bullis, Sr. Justin Nwosu, St. Andrew’s, Sr. Co-Player of the Year – Mikey Mazae Blake, Seneca Valley, So. Parker, Sandy Spring Friends Elijah Wood, Bethesda- School, Sr. Chevy Chase, So. Parker, the school’s all-time leading scorer, averaged 21.8 points, 4.4 assists, 2.8 rebounds and 1.8 Fourth Team steals per game and was named the Stephen Armstrong, Potomac Valley Athletic Confer- Clarksburg, Sr. ence’s regular season and champi- Kevin Neal, Gaithersburg, Sr. onship game MVP. Alex Sanson, Whitman, Sr. Kamari Williams, First Team St. Andrew’s, Jr. Matthew Balanc, Jordan Hawkins, Springbrook, Sr. Gaithersburg, Fr. Vado Morse, Bullis, Sr. Jared Bynum, Georgetown Prep, Sr. Honorable Mention: Triston Mikey Parker, Sandy Price, Seneca Valley, Sr.; Norval Spring Friends School, Sr. Black, Northwest, Sr. True Johnson, Cam Rucker, Springbrook, Sr. Wootton, Jr.; Anthony Bailey, Daryn Alexander, Rockville, Sr.; Xavier Reaves, Paint Richard Montgomery, Sr. Branch, Sr.; Markel Grant, Watkins Davis Long, Sherwood, Sr. Mill, Sr.; Mason Green, Damascus, Gordon Gibson, Sr.; Daniel Dorsey, Quince Orchard, Bethesda-Chevy Chase, Sr. Sr.; Jack Faraone, Quince Orchard, Miles English, Sr.; Nick Johnson, Kennedy, Sr.; Bethesda-Chevy Chase, Sr. Damion Remoe-Doherty, Einstein, COURTESY PHOTO Jao Ituka, Gaithersburg, Fr. Sr.; Camren Ashby, Einstein, Jr. Jared Bynum.

Wootton’s Lewis hopes to follow in his father’s NFL footsteps year-old. “It’s just great.” Diggs, who once played leave. He wants to work.” player to appear in a major league Ralin Lewis, a defensive youth football for the Mont- Diggs, a fifth-round selection All-Star Game. The back, spent the past week and a gomery Village Sports Associa- by the Vikings in the 2015 NFL half in Boca Raton, Florida train- tion, has inked a deal that will Draft, became the fastest Viking *** Sporting View ing for the upcoming season with keep him in Minnesota through player to register 200 receptions, Former Montrose Christian by his father “in the sand just running the 2023 campaign. surpassing a mark set by Percy standout Justin Anderson has been every day and [working out in] the The new deal is valued at $72 Harvin who recorded 218 recep- traded from the Philadelphia 76ers Brandy L. Simms weight room.” million plus an additional $9 mil- tions from 2009-11. to the Atlanta Hawks. Anderson, a “It was very intense,” said lion in incentives according to a It took Harvin 42 games to 6-foot-6 swingman, was part of a Ralin Lewis. “It wasn’t easy at source. Diggs, who won an ESPY reach 200 receptions but Diggs three-team trade that also involved Former Baltimore Ravens all.” Award for his role in the “Min- has amassed that total in just 40 the Oklahoma City Thunder. An- linebacker Ray Lewis is scheduled Ralin said he will join his five neapolis Miracle,” is scheduled to regular season contests. derson, who was selected 21st to be enshrined in the Pro Football siblings including brothers Ray, make $1.9 million this season and *** overall by the Dallas Mavericks in Hall of Fame this weekend. Rahsaan and Rayshad along with received a $15 million signing The Minnesota Twins have the 2015 NBA Draft, will join a Lewis, a Florida native, spent sisters Diamond and Raven at the bonus. traded former Bethesda Big Train Hawks franchise that’s on the rise. 17 years in the NFL and the fruits ceremony in Canton. Diggs, a former University of shortstop Brian Dozier to the Los “I think it will give Justin a of his labor will be rewarded on “It’s just going to be great,” Maryland wide receiver, is now Angeles Dodgers. really nice opportunity to play Saturday with the ultimate prize. he said. “We always have a great one of the NFL’s Top 10 highest- Dozier, a Mississippi native, with a team that’s young and re- Ralin Lewis, a rising Wootton time together. There’s never really paid players at his position. was swapped in exchange for Lo- building,” said former Montrose High School senior, is among a down moment. We always have “What I most like is he loves gan Forsythe and two minor lea- Christian head coach Stu Vetter. “I those who plan to be in attendance fun.” football and loves to come and guers. In 2006, Dozier batted .258 think Justin will look forward to it at his father’s induction ceremony *** work,” said new Vikings signal- with 31 hits in 33 games as a and have that opportunity to be in Canton, Ohio. Former Good Counsel stand- caller Kirk Cousins, “because as a shortstop for the Big Train. He part of a young and athletic team.” “I’m proud to see that my fa- out Stefon Diggs has signed a quarterback it can be miserable if made his major league debut with ther finally made it after all his five-year extension with the Min- you’re out here with someone who the Twins in 2012 and three years You can contact Brandy at: blss- years of hard work,” said the 17- nesota Vikings. is here to just get a paycheck and later became the first Big Train [email protected]. 24 THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY SENTINEL AUGUST 2,2018 SPORTS

PHOTOS BY GEORGE SMITH Springbrook’s Timitrius Hawkins looks down the rim after a dunk, at left. At right Nate Lacey dribbles upcourt, and at right, below, the all-star team. Ituka scores game-high 25 in Summer League All Star Game white shirts. to Kalabu finished with 17 points the black team ahead, 79-78. Einstein, who finished 11-10 By Brandy L. Simms @bls1969 “It was fun,” said Ituka. “It was and Springbrook’s Timitrius “He was good, he just needs to last season, could be a force to be a good game. Good competition. Hawkins added 10 points for the pass the ball more” Ituka joked reckoned with during the upcoming ROCKVILLE — The stars Everybody here is pretty good and white squad. about Orcev, shouting in his direc- campaign. came out to shine Tuesday in the I’m happy I was able to be part of the Ituka scored in a variety of tion. “It’s okay, Richard Mont- The Titans are optimistic head- Maryland Elite Basketball All-Star Maryland Elite All-Star Game.” ways and helped Team 495 rally gomery’s going to get it this year.” ing into the 2018-19 season with Game at Jewish Day School. Sorunke, who guided Rockville from a late deficit en route to the The second half was highlight- Ashby leading the way along with Team 495, wearing black shirts, to a 14-10 record last season includ- win. ed by Einstein guard Camren Ashby his senior classmates. featured Gaithersburg’s Jao Ituka ing an appearance in the region final, In the second half, Gally rocked who made a move that wowed the Ashby finished last season as and Jordan Hawkins, Richard Mont- scored 11 points for the victors. with the rim to give Team 270 a 67- crowd; he juked a defender and Einstein’s second-leading scorer at gomery’s Djordje Orcev and Miles Hawkins, Orcev and Magruder 61 advantage, but the black squad scored a layup that tied the game at 11.3 points per game but will be Gally along with Rockville big man rising senior Ebby Asamoah each began to mount a comeback led by 80-80 with 3:47 remaining in the looked upon to provide senior lead- Jimmy Sorunke. finished with 10 points for Team Ituka. contest. ership this season. Ituka, a highly-regarded Divi- 495. Orcev found Ituka underneath “It was great playing with him,” “I’m looking forward to the sion I prospect, scored a game-high Meanwhile, Sherwood’s Nate the basket and fed the 6-foot-1, 195- said Ituka. “He’s a very good player. regular season,” said Ashby. “I can’t 25 points to lead Team 495 to a 92- Lacy scored a team-high 24 points to pound guard, who outmuscled a de- He’s funny. He’s cool. I like playing wait until the basketball season 89 victory over Team 270, who wore lead Team 270. Watkins Mill’s Papi- fender and scored with ease to put with him.” comes.”